#trust me i am considering it for a bit every time im faced with it ☝️
princessbrunette · 2 months
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you’d sent dbf!pope some… pictures.
not just any old pictures, and even when he saw the notifications stating you’d texted him ‘10 attachments’, he was more curious than he was nervous or apprehensive. he thought he’d developed that trust in you not to act a fool when he was in your house. with your father home.
you see, you’d gone shopping that day. feeling especially daring, you’d snapped some pictures. at first seemingly innocent— ones in the mirror wearing your little sundress, smiling through the screen. but quickly, clothes come off and soon you’re pushing your barely covered tits together like a pornstar or spreading your legs, showing off that very obvious wet spot in your panties. that spot pope knew all too well.
considering you could hear him downstairs with your father all evening, you’d expected him to leave you on read the way he did. he was your fathers best yet youngest researcher at his company, and as men do — your father not really having any real ‘friends’ before that, they’d gotten to be pretty close, your man of interest showing face at your house nearly every day now.
hours later, you finally heard the familiar footsteps coming up the stairs. at first they were quiet and careful, but became pretty thunderous the closer they got. as expected, you’re innocently waiting on the edge of the bed with your hands on your lap with a smile.
“no, okay. don’t look at me like that. are you crazy?” pope looks pissed, folding his arms after closing the door gently behind him. you tilt your head faux-innocently, and it’s pretty out of character. you were usually a very sweet girl, a tease — yes, he can admit. but not this mischievous. it unfortunately didnt take this kind of behaviour to get him naked the first time.
“you didn’t like the pictures?” you mewl and he purses his lips.
“you know i liked them. what i don’t like — okay, is you sending me this shit whilst i’m downstairs with your dad.” he whisper-yells the last part, storming right up to you with his phone in his hand.
“but im gonna guess he’s passed out with a beer in his hand right now… right?” there’s a twinkle in your eye. one that told him you really didn’t care about the scolding. he breathes heavily, staring down at where you sit. the eye contact is hot and heavy, and after a moment he gives in— grabbing your head to meet him halfway for a pissed off kiss.
he exhales out his nose like it’s relief to relieve that tension, pushing you to lie back on the bed with a little more force than he was used to— but today he felt you deserved it. you wanted to be a brat? he’d treat you like one.
“just so you know, i am so against this. this is so wrong.” he pants as he rips your skirt down, worried words contradicting his actions.
“mhm.” you dismiss, not really taking him in.
“no really. this is like, life ruining. do you understand?” he’s suddenly gripping your cheeks with one hand, getting you to stare into his eyes. he’s so pretty you go into a bit of a daze, but nod dumbly regardless. “good.” he lets go, before pushing up and beginning to hastily undo his belt. “i’d say it’s only fair you… pay for what you did, right? show me you’re sorry?” he raises his brows, lines in his forehead from the impending age.
“anything you want mr popey.” you’re totally game, giggling as you reposition yourself to be on your knees, ready to repent with your mouth. popes eyes flit over to the lingerie store bag on the ground in the corner, and being the kind of guy he is — his heart aches a little at the effort you put into impressing him. he couldn’t help it. he was a softie.
“hey, if we have time afterwards. you can show me the stuff you picked up today. deal?”
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srjlvr · 11 months
“once upon a time, two runaway royals found their peace and comfort in each other” — sim jake
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sim jake x fem!reader genre: strangers to lovers , fake relationship , he fell first but she fell harder , runaway royals , fluff , angst ! warnings: mentions of pregnancy(nothing serious i promise trust me) , mentions of food (not specifically, just meals). | NOT FULLY PROOFREAD!!
WORD-COUNT ; 6.9k+
NOTE. i admit, it took me a while to finish it and gosh im so disappointed in this one too omfg- its kinda awful at first but it gets a bit better towards the end(?) just hope y’all won’t be disappointed ! hints of sunghoon’s story are here as well<3
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“did someone ever told you how pretty you are?”
“yes, numerous times actually”
“we’d make a pretty couple together”
you rolled your eyes for the nth time this week. it’s your fifth date for this week so far, you’ve honestly had enough of your parents setting you up with disgusting princes who search for nothing but your beauty to show off.
“no, not with you sorry” you replied and quickly left the place back to your palace.
“i can’t believe you keep setting me up with some creeps!” you disturbed your parents’ dinner and barged into the dining room.
“sweetie you already know why we’re doing this,” your mother spoke, “you need to find someone to marry already! your older sister already did that”
“i don’t care about my older sister nor marriage, those filthy princes care nothing but my face”
“well that’s a good thing then! you’re very popular amongst the princes you know”
you groaned. your parents will never get you, will they?
every person you’ve met, every prince that you went on a date with, each one of them kept complimenting you and your beauty.
all princes are the same, you’re sure of that.
you’ve heard dozens of times the same sentences again and again.
“we’d make a pretty couple together” , “my future kingdom will be happy to have such a pretty queen like you” , “if i’ll marry you i won’t need to worry about having beautiful children” — yuck.
all you want is someone to notice you and care for you not because of your beauty, you want someone to love you because of your personality, not because of how pretty you look in their eyes.
what’s so special about you and your beauty anyway?
ever since you were born your parents showed off your beauty. even your older sister didn’t get much attention.
your beauty is clearly beyond compare and because of that you got pretty popular amongst the royals. every kingdom knows you as the most beautiful princess out there.
they made you some kind of trophy, that whoever gets you is a winner. it’s disgusting.
objecting you is disgusting and considering you as a trophy is sickening.
you can’t lie, you’d definitely date yourself if you could, but you believe that there’s a lot more beyond than your beauty only.
“the date didn’t work out?” your father asked you.
“obviously,” you rolled your eyes, “you should stop trying to set me up with princes”
“not going to happen until you find someone to marry” your mother glared at you, “we’ve set you a new date tomorrow, you should go sleep early today”
you sighed and went back to your room.
you have to stop this, until when are you going to suffer?
this is your only chance. run away now or never.
at night, you packed your stuff. you hate the fact that your closet is full with dresses. stupid princess’ dress code.
you packed only small amount of dresses, and a lot of money. tons of money.
you waited for the right time and when it was late enough, you sneaked out slowly and surely.
when the cold breeze hit your skin you shivered but smiled, you were finally free.
you ran away, far away from your palace and hometown.
you ran until you saw a tall building, probably a hostel where you could stay for the night.
“welcom— are you princess y/n or am i just blind” the one who sat behind the counter greeted you.
“um i think you got mistaken” you chuckled nervously.
“oh, okay. it must be late and i’m just tired” he said, “how can i help you?”
you ended up spending the night in the small hostel. it’s not something you’re used for, but luckily, you could easily adjust that kind of life.
you left early in the morning, not wanting to get noticed by anyone as you were still a bit close to you hometown and the citizens might still recognize you. you couldn’t take that risk of being caught.
a few hours passed and hybe’s kingdom was a chaos yet again.
this time, the queen was a bit angry since someone ditched her son.
“how can that princess just not show up!” she shout angrily.
“jake, i promise i’ll talk with her mother and sort this whole thing out” she added.
jake sighed. it was supposed to be his fifth date for this week and he’s been more than tired of his mother’s endless nagging about marriage.
out of all the seven brothers, she chose to bother jake the most, setting him up for loads and countless dates.
today, he was supposed to have a date with a princess named l/n y/n or something. he honestly couldn’t care less at this point.
he had never heard about that princess, but his mother couldn’t stop praising her for her beauty.
she can’t be that pretty, right?
it was later that day when your kingdom announced you as missing.
your parents woke up to nothing but anxious feeling around the palace as you were supposed to be awaken up earlier than usual but were nowhere to be found.
your mother cursed under her breath, not only that her daughter is missing, now she has to deal with the queen of hybe’s kingdom and her son.
how is she going to face them now?
she paid a visit in hybe’s kingdom a few hours later, speaking with the queen and trying to calm her down.
“she’s missing, nowhere to be found around the kingdom” your mother told the other queen.
“i understand, we’ll do our best to help you find her. it’s unbelievable that a princess is running away just like that”
jake, who heard the whole conversation grew some curiosity about you.
how dare a royal blood run away like that? is it that easy? how are you doing right now and how did you even manage to run away?
he jumped from his bed and walked to his older brother heeseung.
“hey!” he called heeseung who was busy daydreaming about something.
“hm? oh hey”
“what are you doing?” he sat next to his brother that laid on his bed.
“just thinking about something”
“something or someone?” jake teased.
“does that matter?” heeseung groaned and sat up next to jake, “what did you want to talk about?”
“have you ever thought about running away from this palace?”
after hours of walking from one city to the other, you arrived to a small village.
it looked too welcoming and warm outside, it definitely had you drawn to it.
as you entered you’ve met with some fellow villagers who worked on their beautiful green, full with flowers, fresh fruits and so much more garden.
it looked really disconnected to the royal life you know. life in this village seems so peaceful and quiet.
you asked the fellow villagers to meet the head of the village and maybe convince him into letting you get a house.
“we have a free house down this road, it’s a bit far from the center of this village but i’m sure you’ll get to meet everyone in this village as fast as possible” he said warmly and you gladly accepted the idea.
“are you sure i’ve never seen you before? you look very familiar” he added and you quickly shook your head, “you’re probably mistaken, a lot of people told me i look like the princess in the other kingdom there but it’s not the case at all”
“i see, let’s go! i’ll show you around” he smiled and lead the way.
“your house is free to live in, no need to pay for rent or buy this house, this house belongs to the village” he explained as soon as you entered your new house.
it’s small, but it looks so comfortable. your palace is huge, this little house is definitely not something you’re used to. but something about this house feels different, different than anything else you know.
“in return, you need to work for the village” he added, “every morning we wake up and each one of us volunteers, whether it’s in the garden, or the local stores around, you just need to sign in and start working!”
you nodded and your tour kept on going.
“running away? are you insane? do you even hear what you’re saying right now?” heeseung angrily remarked.
“i’m not saying i’ll do that, i was just asking if you ever thought about that” jake sighed.
“no, i haven’t,” heeseung shook his head, “royal life is not so bad, why would i even think about running away?”
“you’re falling in love with a commoner and now i’m the insane one” jake mumbled under his breath, “okay good talk! i was just asking”
jake left his older brother’s room and sighed.
is it that wrong to run away? then why did you, l/n y/n decided to leave your royal life and run away?
jake then knocked on his other brother’s room sunghoon.
sunghoon is quite literally jake’s best friend. they know everything about each other and always talk to each other when life gets too hard.
whenever jake wants to cheer up, he goes to sunghoon. whenever sunghoon needs a shoulder to lean on, jake gives him his.
“sunghoon” jake called his brother.
“hm? is everything okay?” sunghoon asked right away.
“what about you?”
“i honestly don’t know man, the girl i want doesn’t want me so i don’t really know what to do” sunghoon sighed, “but you haven’t answered my question and i asked first”
“everything is fine i just….” jake froze for a second.
how would sunghoon react? just like his older brother heeseung? no, no. sunghoon is definitely different than heeseung.
but should he ask him? what could possibly happen?
“just…?” sunghoon asked curiously.
“i was just wondering if you ever thought about running away” he finally let out.
sunghoon was quite for a few seconds, trying to process what he just heard.
it made jake nervous and anxious, will he get angry? no, he has no reason to. is there a possibility that sunghoon will go snitch on him to their parents? no, sunghoon’s not that kind of person.
or maybe yes? god, it’s making him go crazy.
“what made you think about running away?”
“huh?” jake was left confused. how did he know?
it’s as if sunghoon can read his brother’s mind because a second after he giggled, “you wouldn’t ask me that question if you yourself never thought about it”
jake chuckled, “answer me first i’ll answer you then”
“yes” sunghoon quiet down his giggles, “i thought about it, also thought about giving up on my crown multiple times”
“i was supposed to have a meeting with another princess today” jake finally spoke.
“mom just can’t rest about that, can she?” sunghoon rolled his eyes and jake shook his head.
“her name is l/n y/n—“ “no way! the most beautiful princess?”
sunghoon cut him mid-way through his sentence and jake shrugged.
“how come i’ve never heard about her?”
sunghoon then put his hand on jake’s shoulder and laughed, “jake” he sighed, “only pretty people know other pretty people”
jake rolled his eyes and shoved sunghoon playfully, “whatever you say”
“what about her though?”
“i was supposed to go on a date with her, but she didn’t show up”
“oooooh she ditched you”
“shut up”
“sorry man, it happens to the best of us”
“you can’t be saying all those stuff when the woman you want to marry doesn’t even love you”
“hey, we’re not talking about that” sunghoon pointed at jake seriously and jake could only sigh.
“sorry, i was about to say that she’s now missing, she ran away from her palace”
“no way!”
“yes way! her mother came here to explain the whole situation”
“this is serious” sunghoon gasped and jake nodded.
“that made me think about the possibilities of running away” he fiercely looked into sunghoon.
sunghoon nodded and laid his hand over jake’s shoulders, “if it thrills you and interests you, do it”
jake looked surprised into sunghoon’s eyes, “really? you don’t think it’s insane or crazy?”
“hey, you know what’s crazy?”
“yes i already know the woman you love doesn’t love you back! just go and apologize or something!”
“what makes you think i didn’t do that already?” sunghoon groaned.
“should i just run away now?”
“go for it”
“wait not really, you’re still not ready, take a few days and think about it throughly” sunghoon stopped his brother before he was going to do anything stupid.
“you’re right” jake nodded, “i’ll take a few days”
your first day volunteering in the local convenience store just started. you were greeted by most of the villagers with a wide smile and a lot of compliments.
“oh you’re so pretty! would you like to meet my son? he’s really really handsome i think you’d make a cute couple” one of them said with a smile.
you just shrugged her off, thanking her and laughing it away.
“are you sure i haven’t seen you before? you look like the—“ “princess from the other kingdom, i know” you smiled, “i heard that a lot”
“i have to meet your parents one day! how come they have such a pretty daughter and you’re still single?” she asked innocently.
the reminder of your parents made you stop everything you did.
what are they up to right now? do they even care about you being gone? are they going to search for you?
“are you okay y/n?” she waved her hand in front of your face, “yes, my parents are just really far away from here and i haven’t seen them in a while, we don’t talk a lot” you continued helping her and sent her off.
you like your work and new home. you can definitely see yourself spending the rest of your life in this peaceful place.
“boys, as you already know, princess y/n is missing,” the queen told her seven sons, “if any of you get to hear about her, please let us know”
the boys nodded. sunghoon glanced at his brother jake, who was busy thinking and daydreaming about something.
“jake,” sunghoon called, “is everything okay?”
all the eyes in the room looked at him now. “hm?” he asked, “oh yes don’t worry”
“are you sure jake? i know it’s not fun to be stood up” the queen pat his shoulder and his siblings all tried to hide their laughs.
“yes i’m fine”
sunghoon then dragged his brother into his room and forced him to sit on his bed.
“something is wrong” he said.
“guilty” jake sighed, he was trying his best to hide his feelings today, “i just haven’t slept, i’m tired, that’s all”
“okay” sunghoon nodded, “go sleep then”
“that didn’t work as well as i planned it to work” sunghoon mumbled under his breath.
“get up” he ordered.
“why?” jake tilt his head in confusion.
“we’re going to search for the princess”
“are you planning to sneak out right now? are you crazy?” jake’s eyes widened.
“no jake, we’ll just have a walk around the town”
they did end up having a walk with a few guards by their side.
sunghoon is was busy looking around while jake spent his time asking about the runaway princess. needless to say he doesn’t even know how she looks.
“have you seen princess y/n?” jake asked one of the civilians, “who?” the civilian asked back.
“princess y/n” jake repeated, “the most beautiful princess…” he hoped your nickname would be familiar to the civilian but it was no use.
“you’re not helping me here” jake rolled his eyes and shoved his brother.
“sorry, was just thinking about something”
“something as ways to get into your enemy’s heart?”
“she’s not my enemy”
“i’m pretty sure she’d tell me otherwise”
sunghoon groaned and pushed his brother playfully, “let’s just go back, we’re not getting closer to something anyway”
a few weeks passed and sunghoon managed to keep his brother and stop him from running away through manipulating him into doing other things to make him forget about the whole idea.
a few weeks passed ever since you were announced as the runaway princess.
a few weeks passed ever since the village you moved in, became your home.
life in the village was the best thing ever happened to you.
all the villagers welcomed you with open arms and also fell in love with your beauty.
they called you the village’s princess. ironic isn’t it?
you almost completely forgot about your royal life. you got used to their modern uniforms, apparently not only dresses were in fashion!
your own kingdom was almost long forgotten and so are your parents. everything you grew up to suddenly vanished from your new life in the village, you became one of them already.
a few weeks passed since jake asked his brothers about the whole running away idea, and he’s still thinking about it up until this day.
he hasn’t been sleeping well ever since he first thought about it. which is probably the reason to why he looks like a zombie walking around the palace.
his mother also stopped bothering him about dates. she thought he was too broken from being ditched. ouch.
another day full of adventures and sunghoon’s endless distractions passed, and after dozens of sleepless nights he decided to make his run away plan.
before he does that, he went to talk with the most responsible brother in his opinion, jungwon.
it was midnight already but jake couldn’t wait until sunrise, he has to let it all out.
luckily for him, jungwon was wide awake in his bed.
“jake? is everything okay? what makes you come here at midnight?”
“i have to tell you something” jake bit his lips, “it’s important, really”
“can’t it wait for the morning?” although jungwon was wide awake, he couldn’t really process anything as his mind was occupied by something else.
“i just wanted to say that i’ll be gone for a while. i don’t know for how long” jake sighed, “could be days, weeks, months or never”
“jake what are you talking about?”
“just please, don’t search for me and help me out on this one”
“do you even hear what you’re saying?”
“i’ll be fine, i promise” jake licked his lower lips out of anxiety, “i just really need a break from all of this life for a while”
jungwon tilt his head. he couldn’t understand his older brother at all.
“everything is just stressing me out, i just need some quiet” he continued.
as much as jake tried to hide it, his brothers could’ve seen he wasn’t being his best lately.
jake would usually be the first one to wake up in the morning and then would jump on each one’s bed to wake them up with a hug after then of course, but lately something has changed in jake.
he suddenly stopped hugging or jumping around, even started to wake up the last without even calling good morning.
it was obvious he needed some help.
“do you think it’d help you?” jungwon asked.
“do you think running away would help you find peace?” he repeated and jake nodded.
“so you do you” jungwon smiled, “i’ll miss you though”
jake smiled even wider than jungwon and hugged him, “thank you”
“i’ll just tell mom and dad you’ve went to pay a visit in your friends’ kingdom for a few months and explain the situation” jungwon blinked a few times, “please don’t disappear forever”
“i won’t, i promise” he held out his pinky and jungwon interlocked his pinky.
“i’ll kill you if you won’t come to my future wedding”
“i’ll probably marry before you and you’d be able to see my wedding in this palace” he chuckled, that was a sign for jungwon that jake is not going to be gone forever, and it made him smile to know that his brother won’t be a runaway prince for long.
a few hours later jake finally made his way out of the palace, leaving a note beside sunghoon’s bed telling him that he’ll be gone for a while.
he’s going to miss his brothers for sure.
the next morning you woke up earlier than usual, feeling a bit uneasy and something was bothering you.
you slowly got ready for the day and went out of your house to have a little walk alone around the village.
you were taking your time to take in the beauty of the village you’ve been living in for a few weeks already, closing your eyes and breathing slowly as you held your hands together.
you finally opened your eyes just to notice a small figure slowly making it’s way into the village.
that person looks so tired and overworked.
the person was wearing a big sweater with black pants, he also has a quite big bag on his bag as he takes slow steps.
you moved a bit closer to the person in hurry. calling the person so you’ll get noticed by him.
“hey! hello! do you perhaps need help?”
the person slowly looked at you and his eyes formed into a soft gaze, as if he was thankful that he finally saw another person.
you noticed he started to walk closer to you in hurry, and somehow you didn’t feel threatened or scared at all.
you finally reached to him with a smile and he looked at you.
“who are you?” you suspiciously asked. “i’m sorry madam, let me introduce myself, i’m sim jake, hybe’s-“
“hybe’s prince” you gasped, you heard about hybe kingdom a few times and you heard about sim jake, and to be honest, you can’t think of anyone who didn’t hear about them.
the kingdom is one of the famous kingdom out of all, you never would’ve imagine they have such a handsome son amongst the seven of them.
“and you are?” he shrugged off the fact that you just cut him in the middle of the sentence.
“i’m l/n y/n—“ “the runaway princess?”
“huh?” you tilt your head in confusion.
“are you l/n y/n the runaway princess?”
“was that a question?”
“no! i’m not the runaway princess”
“are you lying?” he raised a brow, clearly not believing you.
“was that a question again?”
“fine! here, you can take me away” you said, holding your hands together for him to handcuff you.
“i’m not really a runaway but whatever, let me take my clothes and things before i—“ “no wait wait—“ “i understand that my parents sent me but look, i’m having fun here i enjoy my time and—“
“y/n stop” he raised his tone a bit and put his hands on your shoulders to keep you in place, giving you a chance to take a look at his face.
both of you froze for a few seconds.
gosh he’s so pretty.
so the rumors about her beauty were so true.
you realized you were holding your breath for a long time now and finally pulled away.
he coughed, “i’m sorry, you kept panicking and i had to stop you”
“n-no it’s okay”
were you just stuttering?
you couldn’t help it, his voice is so soft, and his gaze just makes you lose your mind.
you usually hate looking at people’s visuals first time you see them but he’s so breathtaking.
“i just wanted to say i have no intention of taking you back to your parents, i’m a runaway too”
“i’m not a— you know what? you’re probably tired, let’s get you home” you took his hand and dragged him back to your house.
your house in the village is small, but enough to hold two people.
you have one bed, for two people. you’d have to share your bed with him or else one of you would have to sleep on the floor.
“this is my house, feel free to do whatever”
you don’t know why you trust this person so much, he could’ve lied to you about him being a prince, especially a hybe prince.
but you somehow found yourself putting a lot of trust in him.
“thank you y/n” he smiled at you.
you smiled softly at him back and poured him a glass of water, “rest for a bit, i have to work today so i’ll come back later, we’ll talk it out when i’ll be back”
you saw him setting his things away and giggling a bit when he noticed your bed, “are we going to share that bed?” he asked.
you chuckled, “go sleep for now, we’ll talk everything out”
you left your house and went to your workplace.
jake took his time to look around your house.
it’s a small house, not something that he’s used to, but he knows for sure that he feels so comfortable in this house.
anyone who called you astonishing was right. your beauty really is beyond compare.
he noticed a photo hanged on the wall besides your bed. you were in the middle, surrounded by a lot of people who held a big smile on their face.
the background looked like the village, could they be the villagers? why do you have a picture with the villagers instead of your family?
and why is your smile so heart stopping?
he shrugged off his thoughts and went to sleep after he wasn’t able to sleep the whole night.
the day passed by slowly, every minute felt like a year. you kept looking at the clock every five minutes and your coworkers noticed your weird behavior.
“y/n, you’re distracted today” the head of the village teased you.
you love the villagers, and they love you. they take care of you so well and make you feel at home. they know you too well to notice how you feel, and as of now, they know that you’re more than distracted.
“i just have some on my mind” you chuckled, “don’t worry about that”
“ay, are you having some boy problems?” another one said with a smile.
“you can say that” you giggled as they all gasped.
“y/n has a new guy?”
“no! i was counting on you and my son!”
you laughed at their cute comments and shook your head.
just a few more hours and you’ll be able to see him again.
you entered your house, expecting to see a sleeping jake on the bed, but he was actually searching for something to eat.
“uhm” you coughed and he jumped, “oh! hi”
“hey” you smiled and put your things away, “we got a lot to talk about, are you hungry? let me make some food”
he nodded shyly and you chuckled. he’s so cute.
“so,” you settled your food on the table and stared at him, “how and when did you run away?”
“straight to the point i see”
“you gotta be straightforward sometimes” you shrugged.
“i ran away yesterday night, i felt too suffocated in the palace and i had to take a break, i just sneaked out, like you did” he sighed, “we were supposed to have a date you know, on the day you ran away”
“yeah, then your mom came to our kingdom and announced you as missing,” he took a bite from the food, “you were some kind of my role model of running away”
“what do you mean?”
“i started thinking about the running away situation because of you, i’m so glad i finally met you”
he raised his head and shared an eye contact with you.
you stopped for a second to take another look on his face. how will you be able to stand him now?
“yeah,” you nodded, “i’m happy i finally met you too”
“it’s my turn now,” he smiled, “why did you run away?”
“same as you, royal life can be suffocating and annoying” you shrugged, “numerous of dates with disgusting princes, i hated that”
he nodded, understanding the way you feel. “i’m sorry to hear that” he put his hand on your shoulder and showed you a little and comforting smile.
you leaned in and hugged him, “thank you”
he was a bit taken aback, but hugged you back within five seconds.
you needed to feel some kind of affection so you hugged him, ignoring the fact that you met him less than 24 hours ago.
“you have to teach me the way of living here, my plan is to stay here for a long time, you know” he said, his chin on your shoulder and his hands holding you tightly, “is there another free house around? i can get out and search if you—“
you pulled away from the hug and shook your head, “we’d have to live together and sleep on the same bed, i believe we’d get used to it”
both of you giggled and continued eating.
you spent the rest of the night talking and updating each other.
you told him everything he needs to know about the life in this village, and told him you’ll take him to your workplace tomorrow, so you can work together.
he updated you about whatever happened after you ran away, and without even noticing it, it was already past midnight.
“we should go sleep,” you suddenly said, “we have a lot to do later today”
he nodded and got up from his seat, “you’d also have to teach me how to cook” you giggled and nodded.
the morning came and it was already time for you to go to work.
“y/n! you brought a man today!” one of your coworkers who, noticed jake that was standing next to you cheered.
“yeah, meet jake, he’s my—“ “boyfriend!” all of the villagers who were in the store cheered.
“no i—“ “y/nie we don’t need to hide it anymore” jake cut you off and held your hand.
your eyes widened and you froze, “huh?”
“oh y/n! i’m so happy for you!” the elders said and hugged you.
“i brought jake today because i thought he could join our work here, please accept him to this village” you asked the head of the village.
“of course! our princess’ village finally has a prince now!” jake’s soft eyes glanced at you as you smiled.
“thank you”
the day passed as fast as the light, you taught jake everything he needs to know and got hundreds of compliments about your new relationship.
“my boyfriend? really?” you asked as soon as you arrived back home together.
“what was i supposed to say?”
“cousin? childhood friend? family’s friend? i can list more”
“fine fine i’m sorry, i thought it’d be more easy to play in a relationship” he giggled and you sighed.
“i’ll make some food now you should go shower” you smiled and he nodded.
“please teach me how to make some food” he begged while you put your plates on the table.
“i learnt everything from the villagers” you giggled.
“do you have any plans of coming back to your palace?” he suddenly asked.
you were a bit taken aback, “i don’t know” you shook your head, “this village became my house, i love everyone here, they’re like my family and home i’ve never had”
jake nodded and listened carefully.
“i love my parents, but they were making me so anxious around them and here i suddenly forgot how does it feel to be anxious around someone. i must say i really do miss my royal life, who knows? i might come back in a few weeks”
jake moved closer to you and cupped your cheeks, “take your time, i’m staying here with you until you decide to go back”
it felt like time stopped. when he cupped your cheeks and looked at you with his soft eyes, you suddenly felt anxious, but not in any bad way.
butterflies went crazy in your stomach and your cheeks turned slight red, you could melt from his touch.
you were too focused on feeling anxious that you didn’t even notice how red jake’s face turned. he didn’t even realize what he was doing until half a minute after. he was awfully close to you and you somehow managed to make him go crazy inside his mind.
both of you pulled back and cleared your throat.
“we should—“ “yeah, let’s go sleep”
ever since that dinner, months passed by.
you and jake became super close to each other, you were so into the fake relationship that you got used to calling jake your boyfriend.
you and jake cuddled up in your bed, awfully close to each other and playing with each other’s fingers.
it became a usual thing for you two, every night you’d get ready to go to bed together and cuddle until you fall asleep in each other’s hands.
“y/n” jake suddenly called, “hm?” you hummed in response.
“how many dates have you been forced to go to?”
you giggled, “what kind of question is that?”
“did you fall in love with someone you went on a date with?” he asked.
“did you ever date someone?” he sounded serious, and asking those questions didn’t help either.
“no, i haven’t” you replied.
but i fell in love with you, you wanted to add.
you felt bad, you were slowly falling in love with jake. it was supposed to be a fake relationship and nothing more than that.
“good morning” jake got up and noticed you were cooking something for breakfast. he back-hugged you and kissed your cheek, “good morning” you replied.
“i thought about going on a walk today around the village! i also promised the head of the village to help him with some things” jake updated you about his plans for the day.
damn, it really feels like you’re in a relationship with him. how can you not fall in love with someone as sweet as him?
you nodded and sent him off.
you must do something about your stupid heart that fell in love with that perfect human being.
jake took the day off, so you were working alone today.
his absence was really present in work today, not only you missed him in work.
“hey y/n! where’s your boyfriend?” one of the customers asked and you chuckled, “he has a name you know”
“but he took the day off, he’s a bit unwell today”
on the other hand, jake was busy with the head of the village, going around with him and helping him with whatever.
“are you sure about that?” jake asked the head of the village.
“i’m more than sure! you can do it jake!” he pat his shoulder and jake grinned.
“you’ll see the results tomorrow,” he smiled, “don’t tell anyone until you do!”
jake ran back home and got ready to cook some dinner for you.
“jake! i’m home!” you called and he showed up, hugging you tightly and planting a kiss on your cheek.
“i missed you” he pout.
you’re still not used to feeling that much of affection, especially from him.
what’s wrong with your heart? why can’t it stop beating so fast around him?
you giggled and kissed his cheek back, “i’ve been away for only a few hours”
“that still doesn’t change the fact that i missed you, plus a few hours is like an eternity for me”
he guided you to the table that was full with food you guessed he made.
“you made all of that for me?” you asked and he nodded, “thank you!” you hugged him and he returned the hug.
“i have another surprise for you,” he pulled away from the hug and you looked at him confused.
he went down on one knee and took out a box while holding your hand with his free hand.
“y/n,” he called out, “it’s been a while since we’ve first met, and at first i thought you were some snobbish who threw everything away just like that. but soon you became my inspiration to run away from my boring and annoying life, and i think it was the best decision i’ve ever made.” he giggled,
“when i saw you i was shocked, mostly by your impossible-to-beat beauty, but also by your kindness. you took care of me as soon as you saw me, and taught me everything i need to know here, you made me forget about the fact that we’re in fact, royals”
“i felt alive around you, with each day that comes by i fall more and more deep in love with you and i can’t help but want to spend the rest of my life with you” he looked generous, as he really meant every word that just came out of his mouth.
“so l/n y/n” he cleared his throat and opened the box to show a beautiful yet small and shining ring, “will you make me the happiest person alive and marry me?”
“yes! a million times yes!” you helped him get up and hugged him tightly as the tears finally fell down from your eyes.
he pulled away a bit to look at you and wiped your tears, “i love you” he suddenly said and his lips crushed into yours.
you kissed his soft lips and put your hands around his neck to get closer to him.
as you pulled away due lack of air, you played with his hair and stared at his beautiful eyes, “i love you too jake”
“thank you! for making me feel like a part of your family, for accepting me no matter what and for always caring about me,” you cried out, “i’ll always be thankful for each and one of you”
you and jake decided to leave the village and return to your kingdoms. you have to get marry and get your own kingdom of course.
but that also meant that you need to leave the villagers, who became your second home in no time.
“we’re going to miss you too,” one of them said, “don’t come back unless you’re pregnant!”
all of you laughed and you kept hugging each of them.
all the villagers got so excited about you and jake, and even prepared their own presents for your marriage.
“they’ll definitely be invited to our wedding” you told jake and he instantly agreed.
finally, you arrived to your kingdom. you took some deep breaths and jake stood next to you, holding your hand and playing with the ring he put on your finger a few days ago.
“you’ll be fine, they missed you a lot” he reassured you and you smiled, “thank you”
both of you entered the palace and saw the queen and the king sitting in front of the door, as if they have been waiting for you to enter.
“y/n” your mother whispered, her eyes widened and her hands started to shake. “y/n!” your father shout and ran up to you to cage you in his arms.
the queen followed right after her husband and the three of you hugged until you felt like you couldn’t breath anymore.
“y/n our daughter! i missed you so much” your mother cupped your cheeks and looked at your glossy eyes who were filled with tears.
“i missed you too mom,” you dad coughed, “and i missed you too dad”
your mom then noticed jake who was standing next to you.
“jake! how did you—“
“i ask your permission to marry your daughter” jake bowed in front of your parents.
“i love her, more than anything else in this world, and i’m willing to do everything to protect her and keep her safe” he added.
your parents looked at you confused and you showed them your ring on your finger.
“yes, of course!” they cheered, “and you young lady, we have a lot to talk about” your parents pointed at you, “after the marriage of course!”
jake picked you up and spun you around, “we can finally rule our own kingdom and visit our favorite village” he whispered.
you nodded as he leaned his forehead against yours, “thank you, jake” you pecked his lips, “i love you”
he then put his hands around your waist and kissed you deeper and desperately, “i love you too, more than you could ever imagine”
“you still have your parents you need to inform about the marriage, you know that right?” your mother, who was a witness to everything that just happened, said.
you and jake nodded awkwardly and updated your parents that you’ll be back in a few together with jake.
a week later, the wedding was held in hybe’s ballroom.
“i think your mother hates to wait” you told jake as soon as you were informed about your wedding date and he giggled, “it’s not like i could wait any longer to finally marry you”
at the celebration, jungwon and sunghoon came up to you and jake.
“see? i told you i’ll marry before you!” jake ruffled the younger’s hair and giggled. “thank you for bringing jake back” sunghoon smiled at you and you giggled.
“he’s actually the one who brought me back”
“yeah it’s really hard to believe that” jungwon grinned and jake threatened to hit him.
“we’re really happy for the both of you” they said and the both of you thanked them.
“hey jake?” you called him and he turned to his side to share an eye contact with you, “yes, my dear wife?”
him calling you his wife made your whole body flutter.
“i’m more than happy to be able to spend the rest of my life with you” you held his hand and he smiled.
“and i’m more than lucky to have you by my side for the rest of my life y/n”
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TAG-LIST ; @jaeneohee @hsgwrld @enhastolemyheart @enhacatalog @kaykay11sworld @ipoststuffandyeah @beomsbeanie @queestionmark @ineedsomezzz @yenqa @nshmrarki @asteriaskingdom @ikayyyyyy @mrchweeee @artiiistyxoo @6yulight
PERM TAG-LIST ; @sungwhoonz @ohdudehesflirting @unlikelysublimekryptonite @deobiis @manooffline @miumiuoi @in-somnias-world @lovelovelovebts
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Relationship headcanons.
i have a week off cuz elections so im gonna try to do all these quickly
!! WARNINGS: !! gn!reader (only you/your pronouns used), nothing else just pure fluff
I am so normal about him 
HIS VOICE LINES????? I am on the floor 
Lyney is a very affectionate boyfriend 
He absolutely adores PDA - you're his and he wants everyone to know that! 
Whether its holding your hand or grabbing your face out of nowhere and kissing you 
He also has a habit of being a bit handsy 
He tells you it's just a habit but you know he loves teasing you 
He thinks it’s cute when your flustered 
From lingering touches on your waist and thighs to biting your neck 
Prior to your relationship he would flirt with you and ask you out every time he saw you 
Initially he wasn't serious, he flirts with practically everyone
He thought you were quite attractive but he doesn't fall for people often - especially considering that he's part of the fatui 
Trusting people doesn't come easy to him 
Despite his natural charm once he realizes his feelings for you, flirting gets a tad bit more.. difficult 
“Traveler-! W-what a surprise seeing you here!” (he invited you to his show) 
“Aren't you looking dazzling tonight! Did you do something with your hair?” “No..? it's the same as always..-” “Oh-” 
He gets his confidence back eventually (once you two are officially dating)
He will sometimes say things to people that come off as flirting but it really isn't 
That's just how he is 
But don't get the wrong idea - he is very loyal
If someone tries flirting with him he immediately shuts them down 
Something like “wanna see a magic trick?” and he just fuckin disappears 
I love him 
But if someone flirts with you he’ll make them disappear instead 
That's just a joke of course! He wont do anything to upset you :) (that person won't be able to look you in the eye ever again)
He is the most romantic person ever (if i haven't already made that obvious enough)
Pet names galore - “my love”, “pretty”, “cherie”, “mi amour”, “darling” 
He talks about you a lot which is adorable but very unfortunate for the person listening 
That person usually ends up being lynette, much to her dismay 
Overall he's a very loving boyfriend 
10/10 would recommend 
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whiskersz · 7 months
hi! I was curious if you could do a romantic hazbin hotel match up? <3
I go by she/they. im pansexual, im not too picky. I'm originally from Guatemala but was adopted to America! I have dark brown eyes with gold rimmed glasses with peircings; nose stud and septum. Im also a bit on the bigger side like mid size, im super insecure about it due to family problems making it worse. im getting bette with it though! I'm a Pisces and an infp. When first meeting me I'm normally shy and keep to myself and I've been told I look mean since of my resting face but trust I'm the silliest person you have ever met. when getting close; I love to joke around and I tend to be rude and "out of pocket " with my humor. (think of like smiling friends or oneyplays for reference) I love helping others if it be medically or just listening. speaking of medical; I'm almost done with schooling to get my EMT certification! I've always wanted to help someone every since I was a child. since I chose this field I am a real stickler for anatomy and physiology, with that being said I like to point out mistakes in movies which can get super annoying but it's something I love to do. another thing I love is the elder scrolls series! I love the real life inspo it's taken for the game universe, plus I love the medival vibe it has. I also love history such as artifacts from the past, historical texts, and medical practices back then. I'm a huge horror fan as well; scream, thanksgiving, SAW, Halloween, the omen. I love the classics! I also love crime cases too. I also love music,my favorites being malice mizer, gulu gulu, nirvana , ice nine kills, korn,slaughter to prevail and powerwolf! I like gothic type clothing but I normally dress in a baggy shirt and jeans so I feel out of place lol. I'm not the super touchy type (depends on the mood) because it gives me the ick. I'm more of acts of service and quality time type of lover.
I hope this is enough information! I love your writing < 3
Hi!! Thank you for appreciating my writing <3 You’ve got a lot of interests, you seem like a very interesting person!
With that said, I match you with a character that I didn’t think anyone would get matched with...
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I’m going to start from the bottom here and say that Lute is not very touchy either, so she appreciates having a partner who has similar tastes when it comes to love languages. Her primary language is quality time, if you’re spending time with Lute it means she considers you worthy and thinks your relationship is worth devoting effort on.
Her favorite way of spending time together is doing her own thing while you do yours and listening to music in the meantime. Maybe you’ll be studying and she’ll be stretching, or you’ll be researching historical facts while she’s preening her wings.
Speaking of preening, she will only trust you and herself to do it. She’s pretty shy when asking too, pretending not to care but you can clearly see her looking anywhere but in your eyes. She loves the feeling of your hands on her wings, and being taken care of for once.
Going back to your interests and what you two do together, she’s also not opposed to watching your favorite horror movies! I get the feeling that she’d be into those kind of things herself, and would also find crime cases interesting to follow. I can imagine you two making dinner or a simple snack and sitting on the cough together, watching a documentary on the latest crime case while chewing on your food as quietly as possible to hear every word.
Lute is not the type to get intimidated easily, especially if she doesn’t know someone personally, so your quieter and ‘mean-looking’ exterior never really bothered her in the first place. When you two get closer and you eventually reveal the sillier side of your personality, she’s going to reveal hers as well. She loves out of pocket humor and mean jokes, so much so that you joke around with each other this way so often that others will question whether you’re actually lovers or...don’t like each other that much after all.
She also really admires the dedication you put into studying for your certification and the field you’ve decided to deal with. She loves dedicated and diligent people. It’s also almost funny to her how she’s an Exorcist and you’ll be working in the medical field.
Lute finds you very attractive, that is a given with her being your loyal girlfriend. She really wants you to feel confident in how you look and for you to dress how you want without feeling out of place, so she’s going to remind you that she finds you good looking very often, in her own way of course. She might be a little on the meaner side when it comes to these things, but she means well; she’ll straight up tell you to wear something more interesting if she knows you were planning to dress in a more gothic style but settled on the usual baggy clothes. She’ll then remind you that you’re good looking for her and it shouldn’t really matter what your family or others think.
Overall, Lute is a very supportive – still, in her own way - and devoted partner. If you’ve got to the point of being in a relationship with her, nothing can really separate you two from that point on.  
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murphallo · 2 years
Your thoughts on Chenford and their relationship moving forward?
Thoughts on 5.13?
i’m having a bad time lol
i’ve been ranting and raving about this in detail for the better part of two months so i’ll try to keep this to bulletpoints. i think the way they got together was rushed (yes, rushed), poorly written, and i think they cut the burn off before the part a LOT of people waited so long for (angst, pining, arc, plot whatsoever) i think it was a bonkers decision to get such a well set up ship together in the midseason bc they were just like “eh fuck it here is good” and i have no beef with people who are satisfied with how it went down but i think when people who are disappointed express their gripes on their own damn account, people tend to purposely misunderstand. examples include “how can chenford be rushed if they took 4.5 seasons to get together?” to which i’d answer a. we are not saying chenford is rushed we’re saying the way they got together was rushed. b. it’s funny to me how people think that investing years of time and effort and heart to a ship should make us LESS invested in how they get together. c. bruh i’m asking myself the same question it’s actually kinda impressive that they managed to rush a ship after that long.
as for the story going forward, i’ve kinda lost hope in 5b at least. it’s beautiful to see them so enamored with each other and i will watch the scenes and smile at them bc they are adorable in a vacuum but as for the big picture, i find the writing overall to be quite dumb lately. i find it dumb that their biggest boundary to being together was work and they solved that in one episode in the most boring way they could muster. i find it dumb that it seems like we did not get to see the team find out they’re together. i find it dumb that we were given no reason for them “taking it slow” and then giving in after a couple weeks even though that pre sex makeout was hot as hell ngl (see what i mean?? in a vacuum!!) i find many many things dumb and weird and even though the scenes give me buzz, chenford used to have chem and story for me and tho the chem remains higher than it’s ever been, the story has, in my opinion, been shot in the face.
last week with the work thing was kinda my last straw so i am taking a break from the rookie and watching the chenford scenes on twitter bc i was getting way way too hateful watching week to week. i’d rather be a positive presence in a fandom im in so i don’t go out of my way to stare my displeasure publicly, i only do to reach out to other people who feel the way i do and want to vent bc nothing starts internet friendships like a good bitching session. i do feel like because the relationship is hitting the gas like this, we might??? be on our way to the other shoe dropping and me personally………. my prayer is a breakup lol i’m hoping they break up and then we’re actually given some proper angst and pining (even though i think we should’ve gotten that BEFORE they went canon but what do i know) now… i don’t know what they would break up over with the work issue out of the way and it would probably be something, say it with me, DUMB, but i would be willing to consider tuning in again if my trust miraculously grew back lol so YEAH those are my thoughts.
if you’re happy with how they got together, i truly honestly do not care and i’m happy you’re satisfied lol at a certain point it all comes down to personal preference, and for me personally, it feels like they went out of their way to miss every box on my checklist which is a bummer bc i used to love literally every scene interaction and bit of writing between them and now… not so much. i still love them, and i love the first four seasons, i just think the writing took a huge ass stumble at the literal worst time possible. but it would take a stronger person than i to turn my nose up at gifs of the 5x12 makeout so if absolutely nothing else, at least i’ll always have that 🤡🤡
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wolfex126 · 3 months
Max from Sam and Max for the character ask meme
Max for this ask meme!
I'm gonna be so honest I got DEEP in the paint here and I'm writing this after having finished answering everything - and. Yuh this need a cut LMFAO so the answers are under the read more! Ain't wanna clog your page without warning - and my most sincere of apologies in advance for yappin as much as I did but. What can I say. Special interest fun.
I have to thank you regardless for having me think about these, because this was super enjoyable!! Plus I find any opportunity to pour my heart out really cathartic ☁️🩷
How I feel about this character
LOVE im. Love im to bits it's quite incredible actually LMAO. As with both parts of that pair they're stronger characters put together, but I think Max has way more nuanced personality as an individual than people tend to think about him!! In Sam's bio in the original Save the World, it states they've known each other all their lives and "speak a common language" - and I think that fact, about specifically Max, goes to show he's more detailed than it appears :] More than their hijinks and playful taunting, they do speak a common language: and it's supporting the other how they need case-by-case 🥺
I don't know, I always appreciated how Max was a deeper character than was outwardly demonstrated most of the time. At the end of TDPH, the moment where Max is recalling what happened in his timeline with nonchalant humor in the face of pretty horrific circumstances (whether used to cope or not), but then sees Sam visibly disconcerted, and Max immediately changes how he approaches the conversation with more tact, is beautifully subtle in showing Max is capable and willing to be gentler with Sam when their usual joking doesn't work.
Maybe it was or was not intentional, and I'm reading way too much into it, but long story short Max is a wonderfully comedic, yet nuanced character, and even as more of a Sam fan (by a mere margin, mind you), I would be remiss to deny that the pair are interwoven pretty inseparably - and Max being any other way wouldn't make their dynamic work nearly as perfectly. Good rabbity thing character 10/10
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Sammy Hound Dog is my only ship for him 🐶🐰I couldn't imagine those two being with anybody else. "In every life, I will find you," type beat y'know?
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Does Flint Paper count LMAO? I think they'd be rather close (whenever they have free time between cases really JWBFKSN) and I'd imagine Max still has a bit of an idol thing going on even post Night of the Living Dead :]
Maybe a cheating answer but truthfully my gut answer was Sybil!! She's the pair's bestie imo so sure maybe obvious person to say but all the same I think she and Max could be a hell of a lot closer than it appears (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠) I think she'd be a deeply trusted confidant, and he thinks to go to her first concerning things he couldn't ask Sam about/for - not that that'd be. Very much. Considering the little to no filter he's got But for dates or to surprise Sam with something and he knows he's gonna need help with it she's his first thought. Though I'm sure the end of TDPH probably went to show how much deeper Max cared for Sybil than what showed on the surface 🥹🩷
My unpopular opinion about this character
PG opinion? Now I am The Number One, Uno, Un, Ein, Énas, Yek crossdressing fan wholly and truly I've never known myself without that passion But I would probably say as far as the content I see, I'm way surprised that Max is the most chosen of the two to do so!! Immediate disclaimer bc one will always be Grateful to be fed and the work is always SUPER delightful regardless but just from what I hear in dialogue and have seen in the cartoon I was always under the impression Sam was more willing and even eager to crossdress, while Max was pretty hesitant and/or did not do so very often :0 At the end of the day this is a huge nothing-offense but it's more something I found interesting in the fandom! Clothes aren't gendered just in case I have to say that but I'm quite fond of the term and the history so it's just how I call it :]
Adult opinion? Max prefers to top and Sam prefers Max tops too. Sure they'll switch off on occasion but I think after that dog does all the work and talkin all day there's a dynamic shift (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)👍🏼 That's all I've got for now I would further elaborate with great love but being that I'm not sure how you feel about this sort of thing I'll leave it out of courtesy!! But it was an honest gut answer I had so I didn't want to leave it from my rambling
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
That he gives Sam a big ol kiss right on that snout of his and then rehashes that line about his warmth being alarming
If I can't answer that then I'm also cool with a peek into their actual bedroom!! I was always under the impression they lived right in the office, but I've also seen iterations from other fans of them having a house or an apartment!! Regardless of depiction, I think having a concrete bedroom visual for them would be super interesting (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠) Though it is fun as fans to be able to speculate and show off our own ideas, so it isn't upsetting or anything of that sort - just something I think could realistically be done!
Sincerely I don't have any specific wishes for Max specifically - I think he was handled very well in all the media he's in, and anything that wasn't directly shown or written is very easily remediable with fanon and community ideas!! I don't find anything wrong with the stories serving their purpose as is, and the people being left to interpret and add onto what exists 🩷
Though, if I can give a more dramatic answer to this, however unrealistic, then I'd say I wouldn't at all hate a musical motif for him (or all the main characters really!!) I understand that hardcore story-telling is not really a Sam and Max special, but if I can be self-indulgent and shamelessly passionate about music, then I'll say especially for a game like TDPH something during more emotional or intense moments including character musical motifs in the background a la God of War reboot style would make things a hell of a lot more impactful.
Like Max's motif could be something lively, something typically with drums and violin or harp, or even flute, and changes depending on the progression of the story - during his initial power sequence, it's powerful and upbeat and smooth; during his beast transformation, it's chaotic and defeaning and gritty; during Sam's departure from the lab after finding out they couldn't bring Max back, it's quiet and drawn out and almost sounds like a lullaby before Sam takes to the streets and the motif stops playing to transition into Sam's sole motif, which would be equally quiet and solemn, to imply Max being left behind and Sam left alone. Maybe Sam and Max while they're together also have a motif that's both of their individual ones combined - and when it matters most, their motifs can be separate like when Noir Sam happens or when Max is trapped in the ship.
There's a lot of potential in music being powerful for this series, and while I think the sound direction is good as is (I mean, "That Rainy Neon Glow" is a pretty damn good Noir Sam track), I think a little extra care to make motifs to consciously and subconsciously recognize themes would be tremendous. I mean shit maybe they're gonna do that for the upcoming remaster and I'll be taken aback but I'm more of the belief that this is something only in a wistful dream ☁️🩷
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flourishingvalley · 1 year
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Briarstar of Featherclan
‘a lithe & elegant black & brown tortoiseshell molly with alluring amber eyes’
Briarkit —> Briarpaw —> Briarflight —> Briarstar
she/her | molly | 74 moons
Current: Featherclan
Past: Featherclan
Predecesor: Crowstar
Apprentices: Stormwish, Duckstep
Mentor: Juniperhop
Mother: Dapplebird
Father: Cricketjump
Siblings: Jackdawsong
Mate: N/A
Briarstar has a very tranquil air about her. She takes every challenge with stride and poise, and never lets her weakness be shown. She’s known amongst the clans for her level-headedness, and her reputation is unprecedented. Despite this prideful and brave exterior she portrays, she feels emotions deeply and harshly, especially when it concerns her clan. Her devotion to her clan unfortunately prevented her from finding a romantic relationship in her warriorship, and she finds herself often jealous of mothers with their kits, but she feels it is too late for her to try. When her and Jackdawsong were kits, many noticed that Jackdawkit was very outgoing and charismatic, while Briarkit was subdued, and remained attached to her mother up until the last moment before her apprenticeship. Throughout her apprenticeship, she learned more about herself, and was no longer scared to remain stagnant on the ground. Her newfound bravery and confidence she found throughout her training led to her warrior name, Briarflight, like a baby bird flapping its wings for the first time.
Dapplebird - "I endlessly love my mother, and her kindness and love is never-ending. It was because of her that I felt brave enough to adventure outside of the nursery with my brother. Even as a leader, I seek her in the elder's den when I need comfort and wisdom."
Cricketjump - "My father is a bit rough around the edges Briarstar’s father is a bit rough around the edges, but there’s a reason why my mother adores him . I look up to my father, even with this crankiness."
Crowstar - "Being named Crowstar's deputy was shocking to the clan, but to most of all, me. Crowstar was mates with my mentor, Juniperhop, and would say he knew my heart and devotion because of her. When I became his successor, I was heartbroken. I wasn't sure how I was to live up to such an upstanding leader, but as I got my 8 additional lives, my 8th life of bravery, was gifted by Crowstar, and he reassured me that I would lead the clan through highs and lows, and I must always put on a brave face."
Jackdawsong - "My brother and closest confidant. Jackdawson, like our father, can be a bit abrasive on the outside. His humor, though, manages to lift my spirit when I feel I'm at my lowest, and likewise, I can ground him when he gets too hot-headed."
Juniperhop - Briarstar’s mentor. Her bubbly and chipper personality brought out some of the hidden positivity in Briarpaw, and their training consisted of not only learning how to hunt and fight, but how to navigate life and find beauty in little things.
Duckstep - Duckpaw was Briarflight’s first apprentice when she was a freshly-made warrior. Many people worried about Duckpaw’s ability to be a warrior, considering the crooked paw he was born with. Briarflight, before the apprentice ceremony, specifically asked for Duckpaw, as she knew what it was like to be shy and reluctant. Throughout his apprenticeship, Briarflight taught him how to use his weight to climb and fight to his advantage, and he grew to be one of the most respected warriors in the clan.
Stormwish - Stormpaw was Briarflight’s second and latest apprentice. Stormpaw also happens to be Briarstar’s niece! They both are very similar in personality, and are quite close to this day.
Olivenose - Briarstar trusts her medicine cat very deeply, and both are very close and discuss clan matters quite often
hi everyone! idk why im back i just am idk LMAOO i missed drawing and character creation a lot so here i am! uploading wont necessarily be frequent, but i want to keep expanding this world ive built and share it with yall!! if theres anything you guys would like to see or any questions about the flourishing valley clans u want answered lmk!!
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drkcnry67 · 2 years
I want you to be my queen
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Title: I want you to be my queen
Pairing: John x reader
Spn Kink: age difference
Tags: maybe mentions of virginity loss, mentions of sexual activities, maybe mentions of cock in pussy, cum in pussy etc... (not all this may be in story just covering the bases)
Rating: 18+ (just in case)
Created for @spnkinkevents
Summery: not telling....
Yn: I cant remember how many times I wanted to be the girl who could save the day...
Jo: what do you mean?
Yn: what if he doesn't like me? I can't take another rejection...
Jo: from what the messenger told me the king has no heir and would like someone to continue his line in the event that his health gets worse. He is willing to give you full ruler status if that happens. But from what I hear he is handsome and brave and kind and doesn't have any fears apart from being a bit older than any of the others... this king is in his early late 30s I think and while this isn't exactly ideal he is willing to compromise with you...
You watched out the window humming your response to her as the carriage slowed its roll... this prompted a hand on your shoulder.
Jo: so what do you say, you ready?
Yn: I'm scared jo, I'm scared of another rejection...
Jo: oi not this again look girl, we will find you a nice decent man to be your husband if it is the last thing I do...
Yn: okay fine let's do...
Then your eyes landed on the line up of people along the path to greet you...
Yn: holy cow is this all for us?
Jo placed her hand on your own...
Jo: not for us, for you... it's for you...
Yn: do not let me fall on my face I can't take embarrassment on top of the possibility of rejection...
Jo: you won't fall trust me... now switch sides let me get out first...
You girls do everything you have done many times before feeling the carriage stop completely.
Footsteps outside and a trumpet sounded before the carriage door opened jo got out and you slid over...
Yn: okay I can do it, I can do this...
You scooted over and took the hand of the footman... stepping out of the carriage you breathed a deep breath of fresh air before your eyes met a set of brown eyes...
You and jo walked up the aisle passing all the people bowing and then it was your turn to bow.
John: welcome your grace I trust your journey was pleasant.
Yn: was a bit rocky my lord. I'm yn princess of summerset...
John: im John King of daggerfall. Welcome princess shall we walk and talk.
Yn: we shall but a moment if you please...
You turn to jo and give her specific instructions on what to do with the luggage. And you go up and walk along side John.
John: I hope that over your stay you will find everything to your liking. I also hope you will join me for a few meetings later with my council and then to the feast tonight.
Yn: I would be honored my lord
John: just John please
You smile at him your eyes meeting his as people dispurse from behind you both to give you both some privacy.
John and you kept chatting, walking till your eyes landed on the rose garden... your eyes with wide with wonder... you watched as John went over picked a red rose and brought it to you.
John: I know we haven't known eachother long and it's silly of me to think this way already but I am awestruck by you. I will bring you 3 roses every day, till the day when you make your decision on whether or not to accept my proposal which is very simply this: we would rule as equals, my palace is yours, my servants are yours, my council is your council and all I have will be yours too... but most importantly you get all of me, we are equal partners in this crazy thing we call life. So do you agree to take this time to consider your decision?
You take the rose and he steps closer to you.
Yn: I agree to consider this carefully but also to make clear to you my thoughts on this matter John. I have feelings for you as well just haven't decided if they are positive or negative yet.
John: well I look forward to the day when you make your choice... and know that whatever you decide should you need a place to live my kingdom is open to you and your lady in waiting...
Yn: thank you John. Speaking of jo, I should go find her, so we can get ready for tonight... walk me to my room?
John nods as he holds his arm out for you to take, which you do.. the walk to your room filled with more conversation but a lingering longing stood between you both.
John suddenly is stopped with you in your tracks as a bunch of men approached you both...
Xavier: my lord, your grace it's time for the council meeting my lord...
You look at John who glances at you.
John: it's all good Xavier call it like it is in front of yn! She will be joining us for the meetings cause I promised she could see the way i run the kingdom to help her choose whether or not she wants to stay here, to be with me...
Yn: its a pleasure to meet you Xavier, I look forward to watching John and you work.
Xavier bows in respect.
Xavier: of course my lady. Shall we adjourn to the council room or where would we hold the meeting today...
John: maybe the throne room today, have the guards set up the tables, and some chairs seat yn next to me please. And bring out some wine too... red and sweet like yn! And some sweets too.
You smile as John pulls you closer to him, he waved the advisors towards the throne room.
John: if i ask your permission to kiss you, what would your answer be?
Yn: my answer would be, kiss me at the end of the night after the feast and see how it goes.
You smile as you walk toward the door where all the noise was coming from and are instantly hit with the sight of a lifetime.
Yn: this is gorgeous... obviously you like blue my lord..
John comes closer to you before he reply to your question.
John: yes its actually a family color... main color for our family crest...
to have Him so close to you made you feel different, made you feel like something was happening deep in your being.
Yn(internally): oh my God, his advances, am I imagining things or is this... like instant attraction? Oh my God is he in love with me after only a few hours... I guess only time will tell...
Meanwhile, John was also struggling with his internal thoughts.
John(internally): oh damn, she is smart beautiful, sexy, oh my God she is going to make me a very gorgeous queen and me a very lucky man! We will see what happens after the feast...
you and John sat side by side as he attended to the meeting, john explaining things to you as the meeting went along. but one topic prked your interst...
victor: so the plans to expand into mid town and build a school that is affordable for evryone and will also give those with no where to live a place to live. but we are having problems with the building plans...
victor snapped his fingers and the plans were brought up on the table placed before you and John. you move closer to john to tke a better look at the blueprints...
yn (in a small whisper): this is all wrong... the design is all wrong...
this caught johns and victors ears as they both now were staring at you...
john: whats wrong
Yn: can I have the pencil for a second and get in between you 2 for a moment...
Shuffling around and being handed a pencil you were now ready to explain...
Yn: well the plan is great you need to have more space, always have extra space. The lot you want to have this on, does it have extra yard?
John: why of course it does...
Yn: instead of using that yard entirely for a maze or a garden of some kind you could section it off, yes you have lots of space to work with so there's the main building, and adding an extra floor or 3 on that one isn't bad either just to max space but at least 3 other buildings could be built on the lot and still have lots of outdoor space.
Victor and John look at you for a moment before a question is raised by one of the members.
Council 1: but your grace, the grounds the maze it needs to be huge... how does adding more buildings...
You roll your eyes and proceed to explain it again.
Yn: if we max on building space, there will be more room for schooling, jobs, housing for those who need it...
Victor: Aaron did you get all those notes jotted down?
Aaron: yes I did, thank you your grace for your input, I look forward to hopefully showing you these plans again when I revise them.
John: yn that was amazing how did you know how to do that?
You smile lightly accepting john's invitation to sit on his lap...
Yn: my father taught me this as part of my upbringing... learning how to run a kingdom one needs to know how to do everything...
John: well your father sounds like a smart man, I look forward to meeting him one day...
Your eyes met his, as the council members were ushered out by Victor, seeing as neither of you paying much attention to much else in that moment...
John: what are you thinking?
Yn: that I want you, all of you, right now, before the ball, consider it my gift to you as my acceptance of your courtship/proposal!
John's eyes looked at you ravenously with fire in his eyes...
John: are you sure?
yn: yes i am my king!
johns hand gripped your own as he led you to his chambers... you were sure of your feelings your acceptance you were sure that this was where you belonged...
johns guards opened the door and shut it behind you guys as johns gaze pinned you where you stood... you felt his hands come round your shoulders from behind... his breath close enough to be felt on the back of your neck.
his hands started to undo your corset... once that was done his hands slid your corset off your body.. then it was your undoing... it was your end... or at least thats how it felt...
john: i have less to remove so you dont worry bout that i will be undressed quicker, for now i want to enjoy admiring every inch of your beautiful body...
yn: it is yours to admire my king!
that made john move closer to the bed, his body now flush with your own. the kisses he was leaving along your shoulders your neck your arms, the feeling of his hands touching every inch of your exposed skin sent tiny sparks and waves of pleasure through your entire body.
yn: john...
you cried out in moans of pleasure as you felt johns hands hike up the bottom of your slip... his fingers running over your slit, before dipping into your sweet pussy.
yn: john!!! rip this slip off of me, i cant stand it anymore... i love you john please i need you! all of you inside me...
john: you are so beautiful! prepare yourself here i come...
john made quick work in getting rid of his clothing... he then flipped you onto your back onto the bed. this made you moan in delight as he allowed you a few seconds to admire himself.
yn: how did i get so lucky?
john: right place right time... im coming in now... please let me know if you experience any discomfort.
yn: do it, let me feel you inside me...
you feel a slight pain before you feel him slide into your pussy, the feeling of john allowing you to adjust to his size made you moan a bit once he started slowly moving, his thrusts becoming more eratic as the love making went on.
after about an hour of passion in the sheets, pillows and blankets all over the floor... you and john were reaching your climaxes...
yn: john im gonna, ugh!!!!
john: me too baby girl!
the climaxes stole your breaths away... you were now laying with your head on johns bicep your hand resting on his chest...
yn: wow!
john: how do you feel my princess!
yn: i feel amazing! that was amazing!
John pulls your chin up to face him..
John: I hope your pregnant...
You giggle as the thought of the feast crosses your mind...
Yn: John, that is not how things are done...
John: neither is this and yet here we are...
Yn: we should get ready for the feast...
John: ya your right... cover up for a moment...
You do so as John summons his servant to fetch a dress for you from your lady in waiting and bring it back here...
You smile as John continues to hold you close for a while more..
Yn: can I level with you for a brief second
John: of course
Yn: I was ready to give up on love my lord, I'd met so many men who just wanted more money and power and a wench basically... they didn't care who I was as a person... but I can tell your different so I YN of summerset hereby accept thy proposal of earlier this day my lord..
John proceeds to kiss you again till a knock sounds from the door, John hands you a robe as he dons his other one both of you sitting on the chaise as the door is opened to jo and the servant...
Both are shocked to see your current state of things...
Yn: John may I formally introduce my lady in waiting Jo, jo let me be the first to introduce this fine man as John my fiance!
jo curtsies as john bows and smiles holding one hand firm to your shoulder...
yn: alright well i think we should get ready my love...
john: alright there is a secluded area over yonder side of the room, for you ladies and yourself to prepare for tonights festivities... i'll see you ladies in a few minutes...
john stood at attention as you stood flush with his body placing your hands on his waist to kiss his gentle lips. before pulling back and going off with your ladies to the other side of the room, behind the covered area.
jo: girl, you did it you found your happily ever after..
yn: ya i know, its kinda exciting actually. speaking of exciting jo can you send a messenger with a note saying what has corresponded in regards to my choosing a husband... and where we are incase they wish to come out and see for themselves... tell them i will write again when its a wedding invite.
jo: i will do that later tonight, when i am getting ready for the feast myself... now lets get you into this dress and shoes before there is a lack of well everything in here... or we are all late for the feast.
You let jo and the other lady help you dress and get ready choosing to just leave your hair down, and choosing to wear your tiara and a pony tail(yes easy and simple so your ladies could go get ready...)
You come out from the cover wearing a gold Satin spaghetti strap floor-length well fitted dress and short heels... you watch for John's reaction...
John let's out a light whistle as he takes in your form...
Yn: is it too much?
John: no it's perfect... you look beautiful...
Yn: thank you... now I need to just do my pony tail and put on my tiara and I'm all good to go...
John: I just need to pick out a jacket would you like to help me...
You smile at John as your eyes follow his form to the set of 4 different jackets on the bed... you go to the jackets and look at them running your fingers over their intricate detail...
Yn: I had a thought do you have one to match my dress?
You ask as you now move one of the jackets so you can sit on the bed...
John: yes I think so just one second...
John goes over to the wardrobe and searches for a moment before an excited sound escapes John's lips.
You watch as he puts on a blue jacket with gold inlay... you go up and smooth out the jacket as your fingers run over every inch of it...
Yn: my king looks very handsome!
john: and my future queen looks very beautiful! now are you ready to go out before all these people and announce our engagement.
yn: its long overdue for me to announce my engagement to someone. so yes i am ready to announce this!
you and john walk out of the room, down the hall and stand ready to enter the great hall where the feast would be... the page announced you guys as john led you through the crowd to sit beside him at the head table, jo entered shortly after and sat beside you...
jo: girl you look amazing!
yn: thank you
john simply held your hand as you and he both were engaged in seperate conversations... then victor approached john and you from behind and said it is time to get everyone seated and to get the evening started...
so john let go of your hand after you both stood up and a wave of calm brushed over you as john clinked the glass slightly earning the attention of everyone in the room.
john: if everyone can please be seated i have a few things to say before we eat...
everyone moved to find their seats, to sit down and settle in before john continued he held his glass in one hand and wrapped his freee arm around your waist...
john: welcome here everyone to this special night. my main purpose for throwing this feast was to welcome princess YN of summerset, it still is but now it also serves as a celebratory feast... now i believe i have one more act to pull off before i have the servers come in...
you watch as he takes both of your glasses and places them on the table. you smile lightly as his arm is still around your waist...
john: yn, we have barely been aquainted for a day but you already agreed to my proposal but now to do things properly. so as witnesses to this moment i employ you all to watch as this lovely lady before me makes her choice once more...
john grabs the black box from victor and places it on the table in front of you...
yn: john whats this?
john: since you have already agreed to my proposal in less formal standards now we have but one part of the formality to go through and that is this, inside this box is your future, a gift from me to you, this box has not been opened, i had it comissioned when i recieved word of your impending arrival from your emissary...
john opens the box for you to see a silver tiara with sapphires inlaid, a necklace to match and a ring of similar pattern, except the sapphire in the center of the ring was huge...
john picks up the ring and holds it out to you...
john: yn i want you to be my queen, what is your answer?
yn: john i would be honored to be your queen, and to the people i say this, i promise to rule with justice and mercy and to keep the peace where and when i can, my first official act is to oversee the plans for a new school/housing building being built in midtown.
you feel john slide the ring on your finger, then you watch as he grabs the tiara from the box, you remove the one you are currently wearing as he then places the tiara on your head...
john then grabs your hand with his own and holds both your hands up in the air.
john: my people you have heard her speak, you have seen her acceptance, i present to you, YN your future queen!
The crowd cheers as the congratulations come in shouts... thats when victor gets up and speaks...
victor: servers are now coming out with the food... enjoy the feast...
celebrations continued well into the night, you and john were both finally happy... but what happened next tune in next time for the next chapter of our story!
~to be continued~
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serotonincemetery · 2 years
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Arno Dorian x Reader
You loved Arno with all of your heart, you did everything he needed, was being everything he needed, comfort, a shoulder, a protector, listener, a lover. You knew about his past with Elise and how she cast him away because of the letter that never made it to her father. But you were there to help him, you were an assassin and the moment he had joined. You swore to protect him and be everything he needed.
But in all the time you've been there for him, he considered you a friend and/or lover, depending on the situation. But he never kept the same title for long. He kept going back and forth and playing with your heartstrings. And it broke you inside, but you had promised to be anything and everything for him.
All the times he cried about Elise, you listened and reassured him that you wouldn't cast him away or leave. You had made sure he didn't go get drunk, but he stayed sober and did everything for him.
When he was at his lowest and needed some intimacy. You were there. Through everything.
When he was fighting until he couldn't anymore. You jumped into action and saved his sorry arse. But you still loved and cared for him all the way through it.
But he also pushed your loyalty limits. He called on you when you were tired, drunk, or hurt. You came and helped him every time. No matter how tired, drunk, or hurt you were. You were always there. But whenever you needed help with a few simple tasks, like locating a target, or trying to find your way around, He was always busy and never bat an eye towards you.
It also didn't help, when you went to see him in the darkest hour of the night for advice or just to talk. He wasn't there. That was only as of late. It bothered you, but you trusted him.
Now here you are. Standing in front of Arno, about to confront him about everything. "Arno, I need to talk to you" You said confidently.
Arno turned to you and spoke up. "Can it wait? I need to figure out where one of our recruits are." An excuse. You knew none of the recruits had gone missing. You made sure of it.
"Please Arno. It's important." You said firmly. He looked towards you and sighed and fully turned around to face you.
"Im listening" He said calmly.
"Arno? Are you seeing someone else? Or are you just not interested in me anymore? Because you seem to neglect me, and always seem busy when I try and talk to you." You explain. "And I do a lot for you. I be anything you need. But when I need you for the simplest tasks. You barely acknowledge me." You vented. It felt good to get this off your shoulders.
Arno seemed to be at a loss for words. He was speechless. You had picked up on everything. When he left, when he tried to ignore you. When he even talked to someone else. You noticed everything. But he couldn't notice a simple thing you did. Because he simply lost interest because of a certain someone.
"Yes." Was a simple and short reply from him.
"What?" You seemed in shock but were nevertheless confused. "Yes on what?"
"Yes, I am seeing someone else, and I have lost interest. I was hoping by ignoring you, you would get the hint. But that didn't seem to happen. I have been ignoring you and not acknowledging you in hopes you would leave me alone." Was his reply.
"You have been seeing someone else?" You said quietly. "Who is she?" You asked before your heart clenched at a simple five letter name.
"Elise" He said shamefully. "And I apologize for not telling you sooner. But I thought-" You had cut him off.
"You could've just straight up told me instead of leading me on. If I would've known, I would've stopped following you around or treating you like a god. I would've left you alone" Your quiet whispers got a bit louder and sad. Your eyes were quickly filling up with salty tears as you looked to him. Your heart was broken.
"I am sorry, can you forgive me somehow? Anything. Anything at all?" He begged. When you two got together, he hated to see you cry. It was rare. But even now. He still hates to see your tears streaming down your face.
You have a saddened smile. "There is one thing."
"Anything." He said quickly.
"Go." You said simply. He seemed extremely confused. "Go and see Elise. Go give her love and affection and love her and to never break her heart."
"What? I am confused." His head was spinning. You were telling him to go to Elise? You weren't angry? You weren't going to hurt him? Or Elise for this matter?
"Go to her."
"Im sorry (Y/N)" He said sorrowfully.
"Its okay Arno." You said, cupping his cheek. "I understand." You pull your hand away from his stubbled face. "I forgive you." You turn to leave his room into the hallway.
"But (Y/N)-" All he wanted to do was hug you and never let you go.
"You can leave. I still love you. But your happiness matters more. Leave to her. Make her feel happy and loved. Do not treat her like you did me." You said, more tears streaming down your face. "Leave." You said gently as you closed the door behind you.
You didn't make it 5 feet away from the door and you collapsed against the wall. "You left me. Just like everyone else. I thought you were different Arno." You whispered to yourself as you curled up into a ball.
"You didn't even fight for me to stay."
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rianafying · 8 months
i’m starving and i’m hungover and i’m in trouble. my sd card got corrupted and i might lose all the work i’ve done in january, which is a LOT of work. i just need to talk to my friends. the timing is bad because they’re either at work or asleep rn. i’m about to throw up.
it’s fine i reached them, after they woke up. spoke to friends, i feel better emotionally. but worse physically because it’s been so long since i’ve had some food. any food. there’s so much shit i need to buy but no money to buy them. i’m scared that one of these days i’ll have to resort to ebegging. i don’t want to do that. because im not even doing that bad but i feel terrible. and im prone to heavily catastrophizing every situation im faced with. somehow i have linked this sd card failure to the downfall of my career that i have worked so hard to build. if you dont have catastrophizing anxiety, you dont know what it feels like to imagine every single worst possible outcome and believe it to be true. but somehow throughout my life, it has been. what i feared kept coming true. but fearing it and being paralysed by it, didn’t help my case. apparently it’s in my brain chemistry to do this and also to have chronic pain. apparently there’s something wrong in my hypothalamus, pituitary gland, amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex. they’re are all fucked up and feel wayyy more pain than is ever necessitated. i feel like im spiralling out of control at a faster rate than i can reel it back in. for most of my life ive been getting wounded more than i could heal. and now im limping my way through life, and hating almost every second of it despite trying so hard not to.
i had a full breakdown today, worse than other breakdowns. i feel super defeated. people are being nice to me. somehow that is making me feel even worse. things keep going wrong. there is no escaping tragedy.
day 3 of this same journal entry. i’m officially out of money. even my coins. i have a little bit of usd in my absolute emergency fund, but i really don’t want to have to touch that. i have a week to go before i get paid a bit of money. which will still not be enough because i had to use afterpay to buy some necessary stuff at kmart, and now i have to pay it back. things rlly are tough out here. thinking i should not fix my laptop and instead spend that money like normal. like use it to get by nicely for a while. then what? at what point will i be able to get a real regular job? i found out for sure this month that i can’t make it to work on 25% of days due to my illness. so what work could i do. rlly upset about losing the images on my sd card. i haven’t permanently lost them yet, but, it’s far too expensive to recover. i was considering recovering the data when im in bangladesh but i dont think id trust the data recovery service in dhaka anyway. they’ll probably fail at the task and also ruin my card. things are so wrong rn. my microwave, my pan, my passport, my myki, my financial situation, the burnt skin on my face, my psoriasis and arthritis, my hair situation, my multiple severe nutritional deficiencies and chronic pain, my various mental illnesses, my awful dirty room, my inability to work on any, let alone every, one of these problems. i just get paralysed and bed rot for days. this is officially too much for me. it’s too many things to deal with. i’m not built for even half of this. how can i give up without like kms, like what’s another way to give up? because bed rotting isn’t cutting it. i could really use some help. when i asked for help, my uncle said to visit my friend in sydney, or to visit bangladesh, neither of which is going to actually help my situation, because ill be miserable regardless of where i am, until my problems have been resolved. and both of these things are expensive as fuck, like, what’s a girl supposed to do. i don’t wanna go on a $200 trip to sydney when my sd card requires a $400 data recovery. that’s just the tip of the iceberg that is my situation.
no amount of talking to people, or going on trips is going to solve my problems. which is painful for me to say because i’ve been dying to do something fun for once. not that i don’t have fun in melbourne i do, but that’s cause i try to enjoy work, and romanticise the life i already have. and because im not yet a local local, i can still experience melbourne like a tourist. with fresh eyes. anyway, yeah, im deleting bumble because its stupid, let’s be real im never gonna go on a date w a strangers plus i dont even respond to people because im obviously not ready to actually give this a chance. not yet at least. costar says i let my need for stability stunt relationship growth. but i’m okay with that, or at least i would be if i had any stability. right now i feel like i have the short end of every stick. no it feels like i have no stick at all. the universe or god or whatever is out there is giving me a huge middle finger and laughing at my suffering.
they say that i’m overthinking or that even if there is a problem there’s a solution. what’s the solution to not having enough money to solve my problems? by the time i might have money, these problems will have caused critical damage. what’s the solution to the weight i carry around from never feeling safe or loved my whole entire life. what’s the solution to the mother shaped void in my heart. what’s the solution to the fear of losing my sibling and friends. i cope, and i deal, but it never really goes away. even now as i’ve hit my weekly rock bottom, i’m trying to list things to be grateful for, to see the glass as half full. but i can’t lie, the glass is not half full. i’ve been running on a nearly empty tank for as long as i can remember. even if i somehow manage to get my tank full, there’s like holes in it that can never be permanently patched. i destroy everything i touch, i let down everyone i know, and i keep getting chances. i don’t need another chance. i need a break. i don’t want to prove myself, unless it is to prove that i fail.
i’m told that the broader focus of my life during this time is to clear away built-up structures that have been holding me back. excess is not always abundance. i’m supposed to decide what's worth keeping and what to pass up. apparently my sense of well-being relies on my willingness to seize new opportunities, which is a commendable move for someone who will only settle for all or nothing. “use this moment to streamline your aesthetic by getting rid of excess that no longer gives you pleasure.” this could not be more on the nose. fine i’ll pack some stuff up and head drop it in a donation bin. it will clear up some space in my room too. this might be good. give me some literal and also mental space to work with. also on the nose is “make sure you're not doing that thing where you over-intellectualize your experience, and then convince yourself that you know all the laws of the universe.” okay i get it. thank you for spelling it out for me. maybe now i will finally listen. i’m certainly being spied on. most of life is out of my control but i choose joy.
i couldn’t attend the invasion day protest today because i was on the phone talking a loved one out of killing herself. i shouldn’t feel guilty, it’s not like i had a choice in that scenario. i’m told that in most scenarios, there is no such thing as “fault”. if my goal was to shift blame, i could use all the words in the world to make myself innocent, but that’s not what i want, that’s not what i’m familiar with.
i think that maybe i would like to have a fresh start. i dont know what a fresh start would even look like. to go back in time a couple of years? how many years? at what point was it fresh? go back to when i was born? be born to different people? be a different person? a fresh start to me would be one in which so much is different from how my life is right now, that i don’t know how it would even be mine. this is who i am, all the terrible things that make up, well, me. and a fresh start wouldn’t be me, or it wouldn’t be fresh. i’m stale and im crusty, to the core of my being.
maybe i just need to go on a walk.
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so i haven't talked much about what's happened since i put myself in the hospital and moved home. i was obviously really sick for a bit but i had some serious downtime and am feeling back to normal. ive gotten sober, ive been working out everyday, working on myself and connected with some old friends i had lost touch with over the years.
one of which is an old friend and lover named david. i dated him when i was 16 and he was my first kiss literally ever. my family was extremely religious growing up (jehovahs witnesses) and at around 15/16 was when i started to be vocal about my opinions on the organization and acting rebellious. i remember telling my parents i was sleeping at a friends to sneak around with him, and we just wandered around our small home town all night until the sun came up - just making out everywhere and sleeping in the park together. i have a lot of funny silly memories with him. my first kiss at the public pool, getting in BIG trouble with my parents for making out with him in front of the local mcdonald's i worked at, him literally picking me up by my ankles at school because i was like half the size of him and me HATING it and him but making out with him for hours anyways. when we broke up it was literally something from a coming of age comedy or something. he brought me to the staff parking lot of our high school and broke my little angsty heart lol. then when i looked up at the library window his FRIENDS were watching and i was horrified lmao. he was still always someone i considered safe after our separation, and i always had a little spot for him in my heart long after everything ended. later, in my early 20s we did reconnect for a time and had a physical relationship but it never really went anywhere beyond that, we were both still young and navigating our lives. we remained friends and he ended up with a woman who he had a baby with, i ended up in a relationship of five years. i sort of dropped off the face of the world for a bit and lost touch with a lot of my old friends i grew up with until recently. i remade facebook and we found each other on there immediately and started talking again a lot. i told him about all the shit id recently been through and he told me about where he was at in his life and honestly i thought he was still indifferent towards me until about a week ago. we fucked in his car, lol. the chemistry was unreal from literally the first kiss on and we spent the rest of the week together. he took me to the movies to see pearl, bought me dinner, bought me a dnd collectors edition of a source book i wanted?! that i mentioned literally once?)?? i spent every night sleeping at his house where he held me all night and just showered me with affection. he texts me the cutest shit in the WORLD telling me that i was always the one that got away, and how happy he is to have another chance. and i trust him. i feel safe with him. ive known him for half my life and he still gives me butterflies like im 16.
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p1nkwitch · 2 years
Today we are imagining one of those soul mate AUs where you see in black in white until you meet your soul mate, then you see in color.
I imagine Elias and Peter having a meet ugly and not even realizing that they can see in color now because they're too busy yelling at each other. And probably don't even notice till they've stormed away from each other.
Apologies for taking so long to reply, know anon that i love every lil fic idea you give me and that i want to make them a long fic too. So i keep them saved up. But!!! This one was fun and i love horrible meet cutes, so-! You get a shot lil fic for your patience and ideas!! Im sorry if i take long or it seems im not reading them. Trust me i do and i am delighted every time i read your asks!
Elias was used to the world in shades of gray, occasionally if he feels particularly curious, he uses beholding to watch from the perspective of someone who found their soulmate, just to see what its supposed to look like.
Some days he is a bit bitter, about his inability to see the world for what it is, but the lack of a soulmate doesn't really upset him. It just frustrates him that his ability to perceive the world depends on him meeting some random person who won't ever be more than just an annoyance to his plans and whom Elias will ultimately outlive.
Making the time where he will see in color just temporarily. Frustrating, he knows.
So it's funny how he, who grew used to seeing the world like that, doesn't notice how it slowly fills in, how Elias who tries to be as perceptive as possible cannot possibly realize that the room around him starts to get more and more colorful until its a glaring hole in his awareness.
No, Elias doesn't notice any of it, because he is too busy yelling at Peter Lukas to care about his walls going from light gray to a soft green, he is too busy complaining and cursing this sorry excuse of a Lukas to notice how Peter’s eyes turn a soft light blue, or how his dark gray coat was in fact navy, or how everything turns into beautiful shades that he only ever saw in someone else's eyes.
Its not until Peter goes into a puff of fog that Elias sits down and stares at his desk.
His very dark brown desk.
“Oh you have got to be kidding me-”
Peter was happy to only see the world in shades of gray, it meant he didnt have something as stupid and foolish as a soulmate. He wasn't meant to, that's the point, its why he tried to meet as few people as possible, he dreaded the idea of ever finding the person who would spark up the world into color for him. Allegedly of course, for all he knows everyone is into some sort of long con and they are all coloblind and like to pretend there is such things as color.
Anyways, it would be reasonable to say that Peter would realize immediately that his world view changed so radically, considering his aversion.
But unfortunately, he doesn't, because he is too busy being told off by a short and bossy little man who should know better. Peter is too focused on Elias' face and more specifically his eyes to see anything else.
Because the world may change colors around him, but Elias' eyes remain the same shade of gray through all of it. The only familiar thing he can focus on.
And if he thinks for a moment that he looks anything remotely handsome, or that his eyes are rather striking then Peter is just losing his wits and should go back to the Tundra to spend the next ten months thinking about how stupid that was.
Peter finally leaves but only because he takes his eyes from Elias and realizes with a painful twist in his gut, that through his tunnel vision he ignored the obvious change of scenery. Colors and shades that he has no name for assault his vision. Peter needs to go, so he uses the lonely, getting the last word in and panicking alone on his beach.
Thankfully forsaken seems to dull color, as nothing there is as bright as it was outside.
“Oh for fucks sakes, out of everyone in the world it had to be him?”
And even though neither of them were happy about the development at first and would in fact hate it, they did eventually get drawn to each other and if neither acknowledged that the other could see color because of them then that's their own issue.
Peter likes yellow, likes how cheerful it is and how some shades just make people infuriated, he also likes…Elias blond hair, that was perhaps the second color he saw and the one that caught his eye.
Elias loves green, always has since the first time he used beholding to watch through a couple eyes in the park. But, he will admit he is fond of navy as well, that maybe light blue is also pretty especially if its in the eyes of an annoying sailor.
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rykno-j · 1 year
last one!! i sent this as an Anon ask here to @snzdreams, but i wanted to re-type it here again for easier reading (in case i wna write anything)
is this the final ask i sent before i created my own account? i think so.. but anyway..
there we go// lessons over and now im in a semi-packed train (what a good place to start typing//cue phone brightness down)
The moment G/eto released his bun, he felt a hand sneak to the back his head.
"S/uguru! When's the last time you went for a haircut?"
"Ah- S/atoru!"
It wasn't so much of the question, but rather G/ojo's hand, sliding in-between the strands of hair that caught G/eto off-guard.
"Sorry, I forgot you're so sensitive over there-" G/ojo teased, scraping his finger gently over G/eto's scalp down to his neck for good measure.
"But seriously, that little bit of fringe you got hanging out is nearly touching your chin."
"Is it?" G/eto reached out to feel it for himself, trying to ignore the shivers that ran down his body due to G/ojo's previous actions. He supposes it was, in fact, getting a little long.
A moment of silence passed, before G/ojo said what G/eto would easily consider one of the most affectionately obnoxious suggestions ever.
"I know! Let me cut it for you!!"
G/eto was sure his facial reaction to those words said it all. But G/ojo was apparently immune to that. Either that, or he didn't care. Probably the latter, G/eto decided.
"You're not a hairdresser."
"Well, duh- but I'm sure I'll suffice. I am good at everything I do, in case you forgot."
"..How could I ever.." Competition with G/ojo always led to multiple losses to his name, much to G/eto's annoyance.
"Or do you not trust me with your precious little bangs?" G/ojo poked at his arm with the handle of a pair of scissors. Seriously, where did he even get those so fast?
G/eto remained silent. He would rather die than admit he was a little more protective over the strands of hair covering his face than he let on.
"I'll be done with it in 2 minutes, I promise."
"Oii S/uguru-!!"
"..I'll let you dye my hair any colour you want for a week."
G/eto shot an unamused look at G/ojo. Not only was that going to draw him more attention than he already attracted himself, he personally thought G/ojo's soft, snow white hair was perfect in every shape and form. He didn't want any hair dye to ruin that. (Like heck he was going to say that, though.)
G/ojo lit up upon hearing that. "Yay, S/uguru-!! Be sure to pick a colour that reeeally brings out my eyes, alright?"
"No need for the dye, just.. get it done quickly."
With G/eto sitting on the couch, G/ojo kneeled in front of him. Reaching out a hand, he scooped up G/eto's bangs, wrist brushing lightly against G/eto's nose.
"Not too short."
"Yeah, yeah I know.."
G/ojo narrows his eyes, carefully moving the scissors to the bits of hair that stuck out from below his fingers. For someone so wreckless all the time, G/eto was pleasantly surprised by G/ojo's gentleness.
The problem came when G/ojo shifted to kneel himself more comfortably on the floor. Still gripping on loosely to G/eto's hair, his wrist glided back and forth, bumping against G/eto's nose several times.
"Sorry, sorry- now hold still.."
G/ojo leaned all the way forward, face inches away from the other.
Right then, G/eto felt his breath catch for two reasons. One, G/ojo's eyes were focused solely on him, and G/eto was once again reminded how beautiful he was.
Two, and the more problematic of the reasons, G/eto felt a buzzing sensation in his nose. Though light, G/ojo was definitely breathing softly onto him. Of course, with him being so close in proximity, focused on an important task, of course G/eto would be able to feel G/ojo's breath on his face.
The earlier bumps against his nose didn't help much either. In fact, they only made his predicament worse.
G/eto furrowed his eyebrows, trying his best to curb the itch.
"I didn't know haircutting could cause so much pain for you, S/uguru-"
"..It's not thH'!! ..that"
Speaking turned out to be a mistake, evident through how G/eto's voice wavered dangerously. Feeling the itch work its way up his nose, he lightly (but frantically) tapped G/ojo's shoulder.
"S-S/atoru- I need to hH'!!-"
G/ojo got the message immediately, shutting the scissors with a snap and backing away from the other as G/eto stifled the sneeze into absolute silence.
Turning away from G/ojo as he felt another one coming. The loose, uncut strands of hair brushed over the tip of his nose, causing the sneeze to arrive prematurely. G/eto only managed to pinch it half into his fingers, resulting in it coming out all funny (and damp).
"..Sorry" G/eto was sure G/ojo could make out the flush on his face, with them still being inches away from each other. Maybe S/atoru had a point about his hair being too long after all.
Thankfully, G/ojo didn't seem to notice it (or if he did, said nothing). "Come back here, I'll help you cut away those stray strands"
Reaching for his bangs, G/eto felt G/ojo's wirst brush against his (currently extremely sensitive) nose yet again. His breath hitched as he clenched his teeth.
"S/uguru- you'll have to hold still if you want a proper cut"
Too preoccupied to respond, G/eto held as still as he could, say for the little trembles that ran down his spine whenever G/ojo breathed a little too hard upon his nose.
If circumstances had been different, G/eto would have succumbed to the itchy fit that his body was so painfully trying to draw out of him.
"S/uguru, your shaking."
And who's fault was that?!
Having G/ojo speak against him did nothing to alleviate the little blows against his nose, and the well contained hitches soon developed into desperate, audible ones.
"Sa'hH!! ..S/atoru- hhH'!! my n-nose, I need t-t'hH!! h'haH-"
"O-One second--"
G/eto cracked open a teary eye to look at G/ojo, and his face explained it all.
Shamelessly, G/ojo was staring directly at his twitching nose, cheeks flushed in a similar colour to whatever it (probably) was.
The bastard was doing this on purpose and enjoying himself.
Fine. Two can play this game.
G/eto lightly pushed G/ojo away from himself. He suspected that his haircut had been long completed, and that G/ojo had been, in fact, holding him hostage for the past few minutes.
Cue a huge hitching fest from G/eto to tease the fk out of G/ojo,
Saying things like "ahh- my nose is just so itchy" (and whatnot)
Maybe G/eto even gifts G/ojo one or two unstifled, slightly rough snezes to drive him crazy
// I would totally add more here, but this ask is long enough as it is, so its up for imagination//
G/eto: "..You know, I think I'll actually take you up on that offer to dye your hair
G/ojo, slightly out of breath (the reason for that is yours to decide): "Oh?"
G/eto: "I've got the perfect colour for you, even got you some matching sunglasses to go with it."
(G/ojo looked like a florescent highlighter for a week after that)
OMG THIS DRAGGED ON FOR SO LONG IM SORRY!!! this thought specifically was driving around in my head for a few days, and there's so much more ive yet to write on it (especially the ending fit G/eto has)
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kokitschi · 2 years
"like, once he's got miu and gonta killed, it's like nooo im totally not acting out because i feel extremely guilty. nooo this kamikaze plan is definitely not a direct result of that. i am simply the antagonist. im evil and crazy and this is what is in character for me. this is simply my curtain call."
I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT LIKE THAT NOOO. but YES omg that. plays SUCH a part. he's trying SO hard to make himself completely logical and cold and calculating to help everyone without all those silly caveats. but he's HUMAN and he FEELS and he's doing this to help everyone and he feels so so bad about everything he's doing (except he's not, obviously, that's sooo dumb why would he feel bad about helping everyone? you're so dumb :/ NO HE'S NOT CRYING SHUT UP)
ohh and that SO helps him detach from everything doesn't it. he so THOROUGHLY sees himself as the antagonist because of his own guilt that he starts planning his own downfall, literally becoming his own worst enemy because he cannot let this shit continue but also he's the one doing it? and it's for the good of everyone? but that's what every villain says.
(man writes his own narrative. tsumugi who?)
(no seriously my most self-indulgent headcanon is that so much of kokichi's bullshit was completely unplanned. like they wrote the characters and some of their progression but they did NOT plan for this so every time some more crazy bullshit happens and tsumugi's got her whole "omg O_O that's so weird guys!!" schtick going it's almost COMPLETELY genuine because internally she's genuinely just going "what the fuck??? i did not sign up for this shit." layers upon layers of pretending. also it's my silly little way of letting kokichi win in my brain. because he DID confuse the mastermind. even if it was mostly just a series of inconveniences.)
anyway your brain is iconic. got me rotating.
im still not over how many crying sprites this guy has - and i also think it's pretty clear when he's fake crying and when he isn't and he certainly was crying for real after the fourth trial.
i think it's very wonderful how emotional he actually is - like, yes, he's logical, smart and he can be cold af. but he also gets happy and sad, he gets devastated and super angry, he gets annoyed and he gets proud. and sure, sometimes he does exaggerate and he lies (a lot) - but i don't think it's all lies. i think he likes to pretend like it is though. and well, what's that one quote... "he wears a mask and his face grows to fit it" or smth like that
and i think that's an important aspect - because no matter how much you tell yourself that it's just a role, a mask - in the end you're still the one doing everything. you are how you act.
and i think kokichis very self aware in this aspect. ch 4 happens and he knows, this isn't something he can come back from. he fucked up beyond repair. and while he did already believe himself to be the villain, and perhaps this was a self fulfilling prophecy of a kind, i think actually having something like basically killing two people on your conscience gives it a whole different weight.
i think he had to confront the reality at this point and i think it made him despair a bit - which then leads to the kamikaze plan. (because why does someone who was just willing to sacrifice two people for his own survival suddenly choose to basically kill himself? and trust someone else to end the game?)
i love the hc that kokichi did genuinely derail the whole game! i think it's credible enough too, considering the absolute mess that was chapter 6.
and monokuma sometimes really seemed to have personal beef with him which to me says that he was actually getting pissed at him lol
tsumugi also seemed to be quite wary of him - though you can also interpret that as her setting him up as the antagonist ig. i think it was both.
my brain is very honored ♥️
i very much enjoy yours too :D
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tears-of-boredom · 2 months
...today was so fucking tiring. and tomorrow i have to do it all over again.
i. its like. I know that if i actually just go, and make it my routine, it'll get easier. ill get to know the people so i dont need to stress over strangers, ill get to know the social practices and traditions that are unspoken. ill get used to early mornings. i just. I have to Do it. you know. i have to actually dedicate myself to this. because its only going to make things worse if the only thing im thinking about is how i want to do something else.
and I know i can do it. i did it last year with the fucking,, primary school i think its called. i know that im able to adjust, and when I get into the routine, i wont even want to like, stay in bed or just play on my computer.
the just like,. like muscle memory, except mental as well? like unconcious memory? like, it feels like my body just remembers how my whole school life has been, and reacts like it always has. so like. i am actually a bit unsure about how to go about dismantling that. like i need to make my brain realise that this is a different situation. that i have a decent support network, that i can actually relax at home, that i have the opportunity to alter my schedule!
that is like. a big thing. i have to have the courage to actually talk to someone when im facing a problem. because there will be a solution. and trying to suppress all my issues will be way harder than just fucking using the resources that are literally given to me. the school system is not actually as horrible as i make it out to be. at least not this specific school. there is faculty whose entire job is to help students with whatever issues they may have.
i just. I have never been good at asking for help. not because i didnt think i needed it, but because i thought someone else needed it more. even conserning things or resources that are not limited, like fucking advice.
i was gonna say that i hate myself, but thats not true. i hate that i wasnt properly taught essential life skills growing up. i hate that those skills are so difficult to learn later, because you've got to unlearn the coping mechanisms you created in place of them.
any time i was in the vicinity of non-new students, i felt like they were making fun of me. they definetly weren't, but considering how my last class was in primary school, its honestly not that weird that my brain defaults to that.
you know. i never considered it bullying. because no one threatened me, or stole from me, or beat me up, or hurled insults at me.
but it definetly was. i didnt feel physically unsafe, yeah, but i was constantly so fucking anxious and stressed, just waiting for them to do something. the way I'd race to every class, just so i could have that small moment of peace that came with sitting in an empty classroom, knowing that the rest of the class wouldnt show up for a few moments.
yeah i didnt feel physically unsafe, as long as i hid my rainbow flag keychain charm.
i feel like this is something schools should focus on more. instead of pushing "tell a trusted adult if you or someone you know is being bullied", they should like, like just advise kids on how to recognise bullying.
like, i was not social, by any means. i didnt go out of my way to speak to people. you know, i had anxiety. and also im autistic. i felt isolated from the rest of the world.
but you know what also makes you feel isolated? bullying. it makes you feel like nobody genuinely likes you, like your value is determined by how fun it is to annoy you. and it makes insecure people, like me, feel like the bullying is worth it. because no one would talk to me under other circumstances. they're practically doing me a service by interacting with me.
i dont wanna call myself stupid, because it makes sense that it took me this long to recognise this. if a child admits to being bullied, and you dont intervene because they said "its fine, it doesnt bother me",, you're not good at stopping bullying.
like just, even if the kid turns out to be right, the bullying doesnt affect them at all, not in the short run, nor in the long run. the bullies are still a problem. like, you dont stop bullying by protecting the vulnerable people from the meanies, you stop it by disabling the ones doing it. make there not be anyone who would do the bullying in the first place.
like this is genuinely just basic problem solving. you see a problem, you find out whats causing it, and then you fix the causing factor.
you dont just keep buying goldfish when your cat kills each one, you teach your god damn cat to not kill the goldfish.
i. im just so angry. it seems like every year, i realise that some case of suffering ive experienced wasn't "inevitable" at all, and actually its just that the adults in my life greatly failed me. again.
but everytime i convince myself that its not their fault. that for some reason my psyche just makes suffering inevitable. its an endless cycle that just completely destroys my trust. towards strangers, towards adults, towards myself.
but this has been going on for so long, from such a young age, that like. what the fuck would be left if i unlearnt this shit. everything's formed into such a cornerstone of my very being, that itll be as hard as,, unlearning how to speak. learning to stop your heart from beating.
im so tired, like, physically. ill see if I can sleep, but if not, ill try and find the courage to go tall to an adult.
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
im foing thru a bully!osamu brain rot so imagine samu pissing reader off somehow (like collaterally: i imagine him fucking up and KNOWING he fucked up) n is trying to do some damage control by being the sweetest he's ever been I JUST WANT TO SEE HIM GROVEL
i Imagine him to be piss scared at the prospect of u ever breaking up w him over smth he did jendkd
i am incapable of not writing a happy ending for these two idiots
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words: 805 cw: fem!reader, post-love confession bully!osamu, jealousy, arguing, insecurity, implied breakup, sfw but minors dni always
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honestly, bully!osamu's biggest problem is his jealousy and it's something he still struggles with even after you become official. at first, you kind of deal with it, but as his girlfriend now, you wish he'd trust you enough and get over it.
"i'm tired of having the same argument with you, again and again, samu," you finally said after so much back and forth.
he really did it this time.
you and a classmate were working on a project together worth a big part of your final mark, which obviously meant spending a lot of time together. of course, osamu had a problem with it since it was a guy.
you tried to be understanding—you texted samu every time you were with him and you always did work in the library so you two would never be totally alone. but that wasn't enough for osamu. he still found a way to get upset and grill your partner to the point where he was considering talking to your professor about working with someone else.
when he apologized for it, you, you'll admit you blew up on him a bit.
"it's not just about the stupid project, samu. but thanks soooo much for making that situation harder than it needed to be," you snap, taking him by surprise since you've never raised your voice at him.
"but what's gonna happen in the future? do you just not trust me? i'm sick of feeling guilty about something that it's my fault." after stopping for a moment and catching your breath before sighing. "sometimes i think you're never going to change..."
and osamu doesn't like that. the way the tone of your voice changed just then. panic immediately sets in when you leave the room without looking back at him.
he goes into damage control, but he isn't sure what to do. osamu's never been one to apologize before and if he did, it wasn't in words. he's pretty sure cooking a meal or fucking you won't get him out of this one.
he asks no begs for your forgiveness. it's so stupid, of course, he trusts you. sometimes osamu gets in his own head and doesn't want anyone to have you, but that's immature of him.
osamu gives you some space before he apologizes—holding onto your waist as he tells you how right you are and how he's going to make things right. first, he goes to your project partner and apologizes to him as well (it stings to do so, but osamu knows it's right)
your partner accepts and agrees to continue working with you so neither of your grades is jeopardized. but osamu knows it's not enough.
it starts with breakfast in the morning because hey, he's gifted with amazing cooking skills and he's gonna use them. osamu makes your favorite and serves it to you in bed.
the stern smile on your face tells him that you appreciate the gesture but you're still upset, which he expected.
for the record, miya osamu does not grovel, but he'd be lying if he said your words didn't scare him a little bit. sucking up his pride, osamu kneels next to the bed and takes one of your hands.
"i do trust you, baby," he breathes, choosing his words carefully so as to not upset you.
you pick at the food sitting on the tray. "it doesn't feel like you do sometimes. and it's not just my project partner, but it's our friends. i can see you getting uncomfortable when suna's around and — fuck, samu sometimes i swear you think i'm gonna run off with your brother or something."
ok, that hurt, but he deserves it.
he takes another deep breath. "i will work on it. yer my girlfriend and i trust ya," he says with a steady voice. "and next time i'm bothered by somethin', i'll talk to ya instead of lashin' out."
that perks you up a bit. "and?"
"and...i'll be better about you hangin' out with tsumu and suna. they're yer friends too and i shouldn't be so possessive."
finally, finally you give him a smile, leaning over for a quick kiss. "samu, was that so hard?" you said, running your fingers through his hair. "that's all i want to hear."
for the first time, osamu can breathe easy. the sweetness in your voice is back and you're actually eating his food — a sight he'll never get tired of. "shit, baby, ya had me scared for a second,”
your eyes harden for just a moment. “don’t get too comfortable, samu. changed behavior means more than just an apology.”
and just like that your smile is back, the revolving door of emotion gives osamu whiplash that he’s never experienced before, but he’s more than willing to work on himself if it means you’ll stay.
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©sugawarassoulmate 2022 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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