#trying out that simpler flat colours style again
seagullcharmer · 9 months
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drew my ocs sillystyle
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itsdrawingmen · 7 months
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I just wanted to put them in these tees, and then I wanted to give them funky outfits, and then this sorta just came together. I wanted the tees the other way around, but you just know Zen would start getting his panties in a bunch.
Okay, so headcanon time:
Yoosung's sprites and official art see him mostly wearing slimmer-fitting stuff, and looking reasonably clean-cut unless he's at home - less normal and boring than before uni, but still pretty toned down. After all, he's been taught to be proper. However, his striped tees and colourful pins already appear as a kind of style search, as does his little layering that he has going on most of the time. After he loses sight in his left eye and spirals into depression, he loses a lot of weight and finds that all of his clothes now hang on him and are way too big. At first, he just tries to hide in all that fabric, wearing stuff on top of one another to cocoon in, then it becomes more of a search for comfort, trying to get at least a little of the physical touch that he craves in this way. Somewhere along the way he realizes that the loose chunky layers feel really good and comfortable, and he begins actually liking the look of them. He also starts stacking accessories, mostly bracelets, also as a physical reassurance. This change in style marks his drift from his family's control, supported and encouraged by Zen (who is a little overprotective because he's projecting, but also because he gets a firsthand glimpse into what Yoosung's parents are like and realizes that's No Way To Live). He embraces a lot of his nonconformity here, and becomes way more comfortable in his skin. He does still wear slimmer fits, especially shirts (because now he has all the physical reassurance he needs), but his clothes become way more feel-good, relaxed, and funky.
Zen, for his part, goes through several different phases. When he runs away from home at the ripe old age of fourteen, he's trying his best to look adult and accentuate what little muscle he has, so he's constantly wearing skin-tight tees and jeans (some of them becoming so tight for the sole reason that he's outgrowing them). Then puberty plays a very funny joke by giving him hips before it gives him shoulders, and he gets his first actual leather biking jacket, with the help from the guy responsible for too many of his firsts. At that point Zen is still quite skinny, soft, and fragile, and his attempts at masculinity are childish. After being abandoned (again) by the person he loves, he starts his journey of hardening up and growing a carapace, which reflects on his style becoming way stiffer and more leather. Of course, he has little choice because he mostly survives on hand-me-downs, but those worn-out too-big too-stiff clothes make him feel better. This especially spikes after a certain event that he doesn't really talk about, when he completely stops appearing in public with his jacket unzipped. Then, after some drifting, he finally finds people he can trust and starts spending more time on actually pursuing his dream than trying to just barely survive. At that point he enters a new phase where he starts craving normalcy. His style becomes way simpler and more toned down. He chooses mostly soft, pliable clothes, nothing tight and nothing loose, no unusual cuts, mostly monochrome. He has very few clothes and he picks and chooses them to match in all combinations. And that stays true up until Yoosung's presence in Zen's flat (and heart) introduces colour into his wardrobe (and life). Zen is still more into classics, at least in terms of cuts, but he becomes more likely to pick an outlandish accent colour or texture. He's not big on accessories, unless it's something Yoosung gives him, in which case he always wears it in secret, close to skin under his clothes.
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yet-yo-be-named-game · 5 months
Bullet Hell Games
Schism (Fami, 2023):
Schism is a game that combines aspects from both rogue-lites and action-RPGs, Its art style utilizes flat colours with lots of details, using quite dull colours and a mechanical theme. In terms of gameplay, Schism plays like most other rogue-likes and dungeon-crawlers, however it utilizes the bullet hell genre to give it some uniqueness. One of Schism's unique features is the ability to change frequencies to match the colour of enemy bullets, making them effectively immune to those bullets. I really like how everything seems to be on one screen, so you aren't running around trying to find an enemy that is offscreen. It also creates a sense of claustrophobia, which is another thing I quite like and I have used in my own game.
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Voidigo (Semiwork Studios, 2021):
Voidigo is a top-down game where you are tasked to track down and defeat bosses using a variety of both mele and ranged weapons. The art style of this game is quite vibrant, using bright yet flat colours and minimal details in most of its shapes. The gameplay utilizes the usual dodge mechanic, however it also gives the player the ability to "stomp" which will stun enemies for some time.
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Minishoot' Adventures (SoulGame Studio, 2024):
Minishoot' Adventures is an indie game with a unique look, featuring colourful visuals in a top-down 2D style. It mixes elements from two popular game genres: Metroidvanias and twin-stick shooters. In simpler terms, players explore different areas while shooting enemies.
Even though it's 2D, the game offers diverse environments to explore, each with its own feel. It also has different difficulty levels to choose from, and some helpful features like auto-fire and aim-assist to make things easier for players.
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Windowkill (Torcado, 2024):
Windowkill is a distinct type of action game that mixes fast-paced shooting with a unique twist. Instead of just aiming and firing at enemies, players also manipulate the game window itself, pushing it around the screen to navigate through levels and defeat enemies. This adds an extra layer of challenge and strategy to the typical bullet-hell gameplay. As for the artstyle, it is relatively simple using only basic shapes and colours.
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Nuclear Throne (Vlambeer, 2015):
Nuclear Throne is a top-down shooter set in a world ravaged by apocalypse. Players assume the roles of different mutants, each with their own special powers, as they navigate through various post-apocalyptic landscapes. The game's core challenge lies in battling numerous enemies and formidable bosses amidst a flurry of bullets, creating an intense and fast-paced experience. As players progress through different biomes, they encounter a diverse range of enemies, adding to the game's complexity. The artstyle, yet again, does not utilize many details and uses quite washed out colours.
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hana-a-cha · 5 months
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Hi, I'm a digital artist open for commission! I like drawing people in soft, kinda watercolor-like style and children's books vibe.
>> MY PORTFOLIO << (YCH commissions)
What I can draw for you:
Character art according to the reference image(s) you provided.
SFW art only. All private parts should be covered.
I mostly draw humanoid characters and don't have much experience drawing anthro, but you can give it a shot.
Multiple characters and couples (the price indicated is for one character, total = price x character number).
Additional fee:
Animated art: I can make the character blink, give you a smile or add movement to a small body part (fingers, animal ears etc)/surroundings
Highly detailed: the character design is very complicated and will take more time to draw; think Genshin Impact characters, as an example
Background: as proxy, just add some blurry colours, gradients or patterns, but this option is for those who want background art (please note that highly detailed environment art is out of my skillset, the background will be simpler/less detailed than the character(s))
The fee will be calculated based on the difficulty of the work. It can cost up to $50 for each option.
Urgent commission: if you need the piece to be finished fast or before a particular date, please tell me that, and I'll see if I can do that. It is possible, but not always a requirement, that I'll ask for an additional payment, if your deadline will require me to make significant changes to my schedule.
How I work:
I'll start working on your piece after I receive the full payment. (Payment process is described, again, here)
I will show you a rough sketch first and wait for your confirmation of the pose and composition. Then the flat-colored lineart or sketch, and wait for you to check if I got the character design right. After that, you'll receive the finished artwork. There'll be additional steps in case your commission includes animation or background. Corrections to what you've already confirmed, as in, changing the pose after I've sent you the lineart, will only be made for additional fee.
I will try to provide you with a decent estimation of when I'll finish your commission based on my schedule and the difficulty of the work, but generally, it will take 2 weeks/14 days ~ 3 month/90 days.
If, for some reason, I am unavailable to deliver your commission, you'll be provided with full refund regardless of whether I started working on the piece or not. Also feel free to ask for a refund yourself if you haven't received your piece in 90 days after you made the payment. However, in any other situation, trying to get refunded through the service after I started working on your piece without trying to contact me will get you blacklisted.
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Hi. We're a disabled, chronically ill, autistic, ADHD, otherwise neurodivergent, & mentally ill multiplicity system living in an ab*sive household. We need money to move out, & for food, rent, gas, & other necessities.
Instead of only asking for donations with nothing for you, we....have a few ideas.
Because we just genuinely enjoy doing so, I realized ¿there’s a service we can offer? Playlists.
I don’t mean Spotify lists to gain artists exposure, I mean....
Personalized Playlists.
I’ll usually offer friends, like...‘hey, I can make you a playlist of songs I think you’ll enjoy &/or that remind me of you’
but I realized, as long as we have *some* information
(& I don't mean legal names & unsafe information - I mean info like (a) genres you usually listen to, (b) artists & songs you enjoy (helpful to mention why), (c) ¿do you want songs that are stimmy?, (d) what messages do you need to hear right now (e.g., “you are good enough”, “you are capable of healing”, etc.), (e) ¿do you want LGBT+ (including aspec) songs?, (f) ¿how many songs do you want/are you okay with?, etc. - basically info to help us pick songs)
we can easily make a playlist for anyone.
If you send us some info to pick songs with, a number (or estimated number) of songs, & a timeline (1 day, 1 week, etc.), we can make you a playlist.
As a baseline, $5/hr + $5 per 50 songs (so 1 hr & 50 songs being $10), but we're willing to accept more, & if you can't pay that much we can also accept less (just talk to us about it first).
We can also write poems for you? But cost would vary depending on length, style, content, etc. so that would be charged on an individual basis. (send us a message/ask)
We can also make wands, again with very clear directions (& some financial limitations, unless you can cover the cost of materials/accessories). ¡We have plenty of Very Good Sticks (/literal tree branches) that would make good wands (& some spare stones we can add/share)! As a baseline, $5/hr + cost of shipping + cost of extra materials/accessories (paint, fabrics, etc.)
¡We could also use the Very Good Sticks to make custom flags/LGBT+ pride flags! We can use some materials at home, or you can send extra money to cover the cost of fabric &/or colours. Baseline $5 + shipping, but may raise the price a bit for bigger flags.
We can also do digital art, & we've made a custom flag before (twas for ourselves, but we can make them for others too). (No NSFW or furries, because we don’t trust our art skills that much, but we'll probably work up to being able to draw SFW furries at some point— unless you're comfortable being our “guinea pig” for furry art 🤷‍♂️).
For simpler art, baseline $5/hr; for in depth art (flat colour only), $15/hr; & for in depth/complex full portraits, $20/hr. But again, willing to adjust higher or lower on an individual basis.
We can also do digital or print lettering (bubble letters, fancy script, etc.) with all kinds of colours. We have gel pens, ink pens, (many colours, just ask on those) & some markers (limited colours) for print, & we can do pretty much any colours digitally (can't guarantee a perfect match but we can try). Baseline $5/hr but willing to adjust higher or lower on an individual basis.
& finally, ¡we can do fortune telling (tarot)! We have 2 decks of cards we can use, & a pendulum. Disclaimer that fortune telling can be uncomfortable, inaccurate, etc. & to please take it all as changeable & fluid, not set in stone. Any fortune can change.
((We'll charge for that based on number of cards used ($1/card), simplicity or complexity of the message, & whether or not the pendulum was used (+ $2), & again, prices can be adjusted higher or lower on an individual basis.))
We have CashApp & Ko-Fi, & if we get a steady enough income to build a website or put these on Etsy or another platform, we can & will.
We're hoping to eventually have a steady income, because working in customer service is literally k*lling our body & making our mental health a lot worse (& because we'll hit the crash of leaving survival mode when we move out & hit full burnout unable to work for who knows how long). For now, whatever people can afford (without causing themselves financial harm), & however often (or however many items) you can purchase makes a huge difference.
Thank you in advance for sharing, buying, & engaging. 💜
~Xen (they/xey/he; gatekeeper, protector)
Update as of 12 May 2022:
Our employer is seeking excuses to fire us without explicitly admitting they’re ableist. It's all disguised ableism, what they're snapping at us over, but they're using Policy & Rule™ based language so we can't prove it. (It's anti autistic, anti tic disorder, anti ADHD ableism they're trying to disguise, & transphobia they're not admitting to.) They admitted they're “monitoring” us right now, basically looking for excuses to fire us.
We have a car & can do the major car repairs we need right now. But we also need money for food, money to help us move out, & after moving out, money for all basic necessities.
Anything helps. Please send help.
I don't wanna die.
~Lucca (he/him; protector, soother)
Update as of 20 July 2022:
Our work is cutting back our hours seriously.
We need gas money, food money, & moving money still.
We may have a roommate soon (October) but that's $800/month out of our pocket that we won't have for food or gas or anything else, which means we'll be struggling extra in those areas. We'll be applying for federal aid obviously, but that's a process & won't be help immediately 😅.
We're finally on the cusp of freedom & hope.
Help us escape if you can. 💚
~Ryen (he/him, anxiety carrier & protector)
Update as of 17 September 2022:
We’ve moved! As of 4 days ago 😅.
Rent is paid for this month & work has us back on a regular ish schedule (25-35 hour work weeks), so we were able to afford food. We might get a different job at a fancy restaurant, because one of our friends is friends with the head chef & can get us a foot in the door. Until then we're still struggling.
We also desperately need to get on our own phone plan (we’re looking into prepaid), because our parents will cut our service if we’re quiet on them for too long & we want to go no contact. That's ~$25 to $60/month we'll need to budget for.
We’re okay for now, uncertainly on our feet, but might need help in future months.
If we seem quiet...we’re finally safe, but that means our body feels safe now & has unleashed the trauma, mental illness, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, etc. to slam full force into us. We’re still alive, just...we’re now safe to feel things.
~Aiden (he/him)
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kyndaris · 5 years
These are a Few of my Least Favourite Things
There have been numerous moments in my life when it has felt that my very sense of self worth has been sabotaged by my own mother. The new year had barely started before my mother was, once again, haranguing me for my single status. And then, as soon as she said that I was not all that bad to look at, she swiftly blindsided me with the fact that I should practice self care by putting on make-up. ‘It didn’t have to be for a man,’ she told me. ‘But it would be a boost to your confidence if you saw them turning their heads when you walk past.’ As if it should matter in some small infinitesimal way that I had the animal magnetism to attract someone of the opposite sex. 
And of course she would raise this after we had attended an engagement party for a family friend. One, I would like to note, where I refused to wear a dress. Because it has never been who I am as a person. Nor will it ever be.
I’m sure long time readers already know that much of my interests range from video games to books to musicals to popular culture television shows. One of the great things about the Witcher having been adapted to a series on Netflix, is that I already have the drop on any new fans to the franchise. And it has combined three of my favourite things as a homebody that barely ventures outside the four walls of the house. 
Is it any wonder, then that I’ve almost never dressed like a ‘girl?’ With sunflower dresses or short skirts that bordered on indecent?
Ever since I was young, my interests have never fallen into line with how society has defined as feminine. That isn’t to say that I didn’t have a barbie doll or two. But from a young age, I was always drawn to the fantastical. Of being the knight in shining armour rather than the damsel. In particular, I’d like to attribute this to authors such as Emily Rodda (the pseudonym used by Jennifer Rowe) and J.K. Rowling, and video games such as Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Coupled with anime featuring on Australian television screens, it set my mind ablaze with the possibilities of who I could and wanted to be.
It didn’t matter if it was at school, the playground just a few minutes from the house that I lived in, or even atop my mother’s bed - I’d be playacting the things that I had seen or read. In fact, for a good long while, I was convinced that with enough concentration, I could channel my own chi just like in Dragon Ball Z and be flying around in the sky. 
The same thing went with my sense of fashion. While I can appreciate a good dress or skirt (in particular, I liked Saoirse’s Ronan wardrobe in the 2019 adaption of Little Women) I’ve often been more comfortable in shirts (usually collared or video-game related) and jeans. But the problem with woman’s clothing, I find, is often the material and the large dip when it comes to the cleavage area. I’ve never been big. And for a good long while, I would have preferred if I was as flat as a washboard. Even if I was, somehow, a double D, I wouldn’t have liked anyone peeking down my shirt.
In a way, my dress style borders a little on the conservative side. Button up shirts is my usual go-to when it comes to work. Since I don’t like heels, I’ve opted for boots. While flats would have been all right, at least in my estimate of acceptable footwear, I also like wearing socks. Unfortunately, my pants are not long enough to cover the garish sight of my multi-coloured socks (if they were, i wouldn’t be able to walk) from judgement. Besides, I’m already short and flats would have only emphasised that fact.
I suppose the other reason why I don’t often like dresses or skirts is the fact that our current modern society has also put a great emphasis on ensuring that what little body hair women might have, is shaved off. My armpits are covered in hair. Along my legs, I have a few thick black strands after the first (and presumably last time) I shaved them for my friend’s wedding. 
Caught in the conundrum that is modern society, I find myself shackled to the idea that I’ll remain single for the rest of my life. Not that being a crazy gaming/ reading/ Netflix-watching lady is a bad thing. But I hate the fact that even my own mother  thinks I’m not salvageable if I don’t try to conform to her perceptions of femininity. 
Why should girls only like pink and flowers and Barbie Dolls and the arts? The colour pink used to be associated with baby boys until it changed after the end of the Second World War. Why should I be treated as lesser because the things that interest me are often considered more masculine?
That’s not to say that I don’t identify as female. I may not be transgender or non-binary, but that shouldn’t preclude me from enjoying what might be considered traditionally masculine interests.
In any case,  I’ve almost neared my third decade and still don’t see the appeal of make-up or dresses. And I highly doubt that my tastes will miraculously change in the foreseeable future. This isn’t a phase. I won’t grow out of my distaste for restrictive pencil skirts or toe-pinching heels. 
And as I’ve often said, should I ever get married, I’ll most likely do so in a tuxedo. Should my future significant other prefer a dress, no matter their gender, then all the more power to them. 
On a side note, I would like to say that one of my proudest possessions was a Lego recreation of Slave 1 from the Star Wars franchise. I’m not sure where it is now, but I had very fond memories of it. 
When my friend purchased her then-fiance, now husband, a Millennium Falcon Lego set, I helped assist him build it from scratch -  enjoying every moment of returning to a time when everything was much simpler and I could be whatever I wanted to be.
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Rise Up
Chapter Twenty Five
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Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader  |  Word Count: 4436 Warnings: Swearing, fighting
Song: Certain Things by James Arthur, Chasing Grace
“Oh, Steven. One minute,” Mardöll spoke, materializing beside him. “You are going to need this.”
A puff of gold magic hit him in the face making Steve snort, “The hell was that?” while rubbing his nose to stave off the desire to sneeze.
She spoke to him in a spate of words, the kind his girl lobed at him to drive him wild, until slowly the words gradually morphed into ones he could understand. “Ah, there it has taken effect. Good. You will understand now. Anything you read, anything you hear, now it will not be foreign to you.”
Before he could ask if it would be permanent because he liked listening to (Y/N) murmur dirty things to him in a language he didn’t fully understand, Mardöll was gone back to the trees in her feathered skin. Huffing out a sigh of exasperation, Steve stepped up to the opening. It appeared one of the side supports for the lintel stone had eroded away causing the thing to collapse down into a tight ‘v’ shaped doorway.
It gave him pause for if this was the tomb of the family of Sváfaland, the once kings and queens, why wasn’t it better-taken care of? He glanced again at the castle across the valley and up at the woman who’d led him here, but she remained stoic, watching him with unblinking eyes.
“This is so not how I imagined my wedding day going,” he muttered as he ducked beneath the stone and squeezed through the entrance, trying not to scrape his chest on the rock. The cave opened up on the other side, but he still had to hunch slightly to keep from smacking his head on the ceiling. Cobwebs coated everything, and for the first time in his entire life, Steve wished he was shorter.
Still, he had a job to do, one he had very little information on and took a hard look around. A tunnel led deeper into the earth, and he sighed. “Of course it does. Can’t just have the sword sitting out where I can collect it and go home.”
He knew by the heart beating beside his own (Y/N) was worried. It beat fast, too fast, and her emotions were a wild mix of things too hard to distinguish between. Steve pressed the heel of his hand to his chest and rubbed it there. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll be back soon.” Or he was going to take the sword Mardöll had sent him after and use it on her.
To the right of the opening, he found a torch and dug his lighter from his pocket. No, he didn’t smoke. No, he didn’t know anyone who did, but it had been a habit back in the day to carry one especially during the war. You never knew when it might come in handy. Now it was merely a reminder of simpler times and something he could use to fidget with when bored.
The torch was old and well used, impossible to light, causing Steve to grit his teeth in frustration before tearing the bottom few inches from his button-down shirt and wrap the fabric around the wood. He’d liked that shirt and was even more annoyed for having to destroy it, but at least he had light to wander into the dark as well as a way of removing the majority of the hanging cobwebs from his path.
He had a flash of memory to a movie (Y/N), and the others had convinced him to watch. A classic they’d said. Steve smirked a little, wondering if he could pull off a fedora like Dr. Jones or if he’d look stupid trying. Still, he felt the part today with his burning branch and leather jacket, delving deeper into the mysteries of this long forgotten tomb.
The path led him into the mountain. The space narrowed and grew tighter, beginning to brush the shoulders of his jacket as he ducked lower. Finally, when it was so tight he had to turn sideways, Steve wondered if he was going to get stuck before he ever found what he was looking for.
He came to a wall with an incredibly skinny crack in it, one he wasn’t sure he could even fit through, but when he reached inside, he found free space beyond. Enough to wave his hand around without wacking it into anything. Throwing the torch through first, he wedged himself into the narrow fissure, swore viciously when the stone raked open his chest, breathed out hard to make himself as thin as possible, and heaved through the crack with all his might.
He stumbled when his boot caught and nearly fell on his torch when he landed in a room with a wooden door.
Steve stared at it a little dumbfounded for the door was pristine, as if it had only been erected the day before. The wood was glossy and smooth, the handle appeared to be gold and shone in the dying light of his torch, but it was the light which came from around the edge of the door which had him reaching forward with caution.
“Should’a known,” he muttered as he pulled it open. “When is anything related to Asgard easy.”
He opened the door far enough that he could peer around it, finding it led to some kind of hallway, dimly lit and made of stone. A burst of laughter came from further down, and he slipped inside, closing the door carefully at his back. More laughter and boisterous shouting came from the other end, and Steve started slowly forward, careful not to make a sound.
When he reached the end of the hallway, he peered out into what looked to be a gathering room of some kind. Long tables lined the floor. A mighty fire burned in an open hearth in the center. Enormous beams, carved with all manner of symbols held up the roof.
Men were gathered around all of the tables, but it was the people seated at the table furthest from him that drew Steve’s attention. A man and woman together in the center, holding hands and laughing as they feasted. The woman was lovely in a dark red dress, like something out of medieval times. Blonde with hazel eyes, she laughed at the burly man next to her when he lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. To her left was another large man, his clothing all leather and covered in food stains for he ate with enthusiasm. He had her eyes, but he matched his father for hair colour. It was a rusty red as if it couldn’t decide whether it wished to be red or blonde, and had been braided back, revealing his heavily tattooed skull.
The man who could only be king if the woman was queen, had the same unfortunate mop of unruly red hair, but when he gazed out on the crowd of gathered warriors, his eyes were vibrant, bright blue. They were Steve’s eyes, and he stared at the man in shock before taking in the breadth of his shoulders beneath the same style of tunic Steve had seen Loki wear. A wide flat torque sat against his chest, and a crown of spires and stones wrapped his brow.
Steve had to grab the railing which led down the stairs into the room. He knew them in the same way he knew the valley and the tomb. He knew them. “Mother… father… brother…” he whispered, awed.
Then, his eyes darted to the man who sat next to what had once been his father and Steve inhaled sharply. “Helgi.”
The big warrior looked up, almost as if he’d heard the whisper of his name from Steve’s lips, and pressed slowly to his feet. (Y/N) had said he’d worn his hair long and had a beard, but Steve was stunned by just how long and how much beard. Leather-wrapped braids, metal cuffs, feathers, and beads all adorned his hair. A heavy cloak complete with thick black fur fell from his shoulders, revealing a multitude of dark blue tattoos and heavily muscled arms. A metal band hung on his forearm, a ring of some kind which sat just above the metal and leather bracers, while a torque similar to the one on their father rested against his chest.
“Who hides in the shadows of the hall?” Helgi called out, bringing many a warrior to their feet.
Steve walked cautiously down the stairs. “Wasn’t hiding. Didn’t want to interrupt.”
Everyone at the table joined Helgi on their feet, but it was the woman who gasped softly, “How? It is like… a mirror.”
“Ma’am.” Steve nodded.
“How are you here? And how do you look like the twin of my son?” the king demanded.
Steve flicked his gaze to Helgi who stared at him hard. “He knows.”
“You have come for the ritual sword,” Helgi murmured. “Sváfa has returned to the world. Finally, after all this time.”
“I have,” Steve nodded. “She has.”
His eyes narrowed. “Who are you to be worthy to walk at her side? Who are you to be able to protect her? You come here unarmed and unarmored seeking the ritual sword when it would be simpler for me to take your place and return to my love!” He hurdled the table and charged across the room, brandishing an axe drawn from his hip.
Steve kicked up a shield leaning against the back of a bench and kicked out at it, sending it straight into Helgi’s chest. The big man went sailing backward and to the ground at the foot of the table. “I’m Steve. People call me Captain.”
Bucky had just dipped you back over his arm when the door to your suite swung open.
“Darling, your sjelevenn is missing, and you are spending your time… dancing?” Loki asked.
“Don’t get snippy. I need something to keep my mind off things, and Bucky agreed to help by teaching me to dance like Steve dances,” you muttered. “If I keep planning like there is going to be a wedding, I figure there may actually be a wedding.”
“Your hopes are justified, Sváfa dear.”
“You found him?” Bucky asked, lifting your with a flourish.
“Not yet, but I think I know who took him. Or, at least I have an idea.”
“Who?” you asked well aware it was nearly a snarl.
“Someone who uses seiðr as easily as I. Someone who knows me well enough to impersonate me without suspicion. Someone who would be as invested in your future as Odin is.”
“No…” you whispered. “It can’t be.”
“Who?” Bucky asked.
You shook your head in denial. “She’s been gone for ages!”
“For fuck sake who!” Bucky snapped, shaking you by the shoulders.
“But I thought… she left?” Bucky muttered, clearly confused.
“She did.” You scrubbed your hands down your face. “Are you sure, Loki?”
Loki sighed. “I cannot fathom it being another. Few could pull off the spell used to take him from the jet. Fewer still who could slip past Strange’s notice.”
“Someone want to clarify this whole mess?” Bucky grumbled.
You made your way over to the sofa Bucky had pushed out of the way and sat down with a thump. “Freyja was the goddess who ruled us, the Valkyrjur. She was our Queen and the goddess of love and beauty as well as war and death. By the time I was born, she had already left us, but Tove told stories, ones passed down to her by her mother and so on, back through the ages. She left because of her husband, Óðr.”
Bucky settled on the couch at your side, while Loki perched on the arm behind you, his hand slipping beneath your hair to rub the back of your neck.
“What happened with the husband?” Bucky asked.
“Freyja… has a necklace, Brísingamen. It is said she betrayed him for it. That she saw and lusted so badly for the necklace, she broke her bonds and slept with the ones who created it. She sold her body for the chance to own it. Óðr was so heartbroken, and he fled from her. Left her without a word and without a chance to voice her side of the story. She would never have…” You shook her head. “It wasn’t possible.”
“Why?” Bucky asked.
“Because Aunt Freyja’s bond with Óðr was the first sjelevenn bond. There’s was a love meant to be,” Loki murmured. “To betray one’s sjelevenn… it is not done.”
“You’re so sure?”
“Bucky.” You looked up at him in exasperation. “If she felt one-tenth of what I feel for Steve, she never would have looked twice at another. Not for anything.”
“My mother always said Aunt Freyja proposed the dwarves a wager, one for which she won, and spent the nights away from her sjelevenn drinking them under the table. If she managed to out drink them all in a single sitting, she would take the Brísingamen. She succeeded, embarrassing them, and they started the rumour as revenge.”
“And this Óðr guy just fucked off without waiting to hear her side of things?” Bucky snorted. “Some husband.”
“I have never understood that part myself,” Loki agreed. “But then Óðr was, apparently, never the most… stable of minds. He was a minor god, one associated with madness and poetry. If he thought she’d betrayed him…” Loki shrugged.
You relaxed against Loki’s leg. “Freyja left after she found out Óðr had run away and spends her time searching for him throughout the realms. She left Asgard centuries ago, millennium ago, and hasn’t been back. I don’t understand why she would appear now and take Steve?”
“She didn’t just appear.”
You looked toward the door and smiled. “Dr. Strange.”
“What am I? Chopped liver?” Tony grumbled.
“I see you all the time. Strange not so much,” you teased, getting to your feet.
Stephen chuckled softly as he made his way over and took your hands. “I have heard of your... change of title, your majesty,” he murmured and kissed your knuckles, his cloak brushing gently against your shin.
“Cut it out, doc or I’ll kick your ass,” you quipped, rolling your eyes.
“Still as testy as ever,” he snickered. “You are doing well? Your eyes and senses have steadied?”
You smiled and nodded. “Yes, very well. If people would stop messing up my wedding day, I’d be even better.”
“Perhaps I can assist with that?” Stephen said as he peered around your room. “There is much magic in this place.”
“Mm. Sword, gauntlet, me.” You shrugged. “Him.” You smacked a hand into Loki’s stomach.
“And him.” Strange nodded toward Bucky.
“Me?” Bucky frowned.
“Something you’re carrying…” Strange cocked his head. “Ah, I see.”
“See what?” you asked.
“Nothing. It can wait. As for this woman… Freyja, she has been here off and on for many years. The Ancient One had documented her comings and goings but she never caused trouble, and they got together once in a while to share tea. She was searching for her lover.”
“So we have just explained to Sergeant Barnes,” Loki quipped.
Strange glanced his way but ignore Loki’s sharp tongue, the two of them had never gotten on. “The Ancient One expressed her trust in the woman, so I have never bothered to interfere with her actions. Unlike some.” He threw a condescending sniff Loki’s direction.
“She’s been here all along?” you asked, changing the subject before the two of them deteriorated into a round of trite and cutting remarks.
“Off and on.”
It made you curious. “Doing… what? I mean, other than looking for Óðr.”
“Apparently,” Stephen’s attention flicked to Bucky and then back to you. “She’s been making jewelry.”
Helgi picked himself off the ground gingerly. “Perhaps… I have misjudged you.”
“Perhaps you have,” Steve grumbled, eyeing the others warily when they shifted uncomfortably around him.
“You are strangely dressed for a warrior,” Helgi muttered, holding his chest.
“I could say the same of you.” Steve looked him over.
Helgi laughed, and what tension had been in the room waned. “Come, friend Steve. Sit. Eat at my table. You must tell me what battle you lost to have shorn off your hair. It must have been an epic one for someone so strong to lose.”
Steve knew enough from what little (Y/N) had related, the bits and pieces they’d had time to discuss, to know an offer of hospitality was a way of saying he would not be harmed. But he was still wary as he made his way forward to sit in the offered seat at the end of the table next to the man who could be his hairy twin.
“I do not understand, Helgi,” the woman stated, peering between the two of them.
“It is the sjelevenn bond, mother. He is me reborn.” Sharp, assessing blue eyes stared at Steve. “Though… you are missing your mark.”
Steve arched a brow when Helgi turned his head and pulled back his hair to reveal the tattoo. “She wishes to wait until after the wedding.”
“Bah! She is stubborn as a Bilgesnipe,” he huffed and poured a cup of mead before shoving it at Steve.
“She’s feisty alright,” Steve murmured into his glass, careful to sniff it first, knowing just how strong Asgardian liquor could be.
“Feisty… yes, that is a good word for Sváfa.”
“She goes by (Y/N) in this life.”
Helgi drained his cup and slammed it on the table. “If you are here than she is Queen once more and her name, outsider, is Sváfa!”
Steve set his cup down gently. “She wasn’t meant to be Queen, not this life, but someone keeps messing with our journey. Our souls are out of sync, and she hasn’t been back to Asgard as a Valkyrie in over a thousand years. So you call her what you like, but I fell in love with (Y/N), and that’s who I’ll be marrying today once I get this sword Mardöll said I need, so I’d be much obliged if you’d hand it over so I can get back to my girl.”
“He is strong of will, as you are, my son,” the man beside Helgi chuckled.
“Tell me, brother reborn,” called the man at the other end of the table. “Does the lovely Sváfa remember me fondly?”
Steve glanced his way and scowled at the lecherous grin. “She’s never spoken of you.” A roar went up from the listening hall at Steve’s unintentional burn of the man.
He thrust himself to his feet. “You insult me, stranger, in my own house at my own table?”
“My table,” growled their father.
“Sit down, Heðinn. You exchanged nothing more than a kiss at a time of great turmoil for our Sváfa.” Their mother waved a dismissive hand.
“Why was your brother kissing our sjelevenn?” Steve asked, glaring at Helgi.
The hairy blond shrugged. “It was our way. She wed him before his avenging me, but the bond would not allow her to outlive me for long. Still, it was how things were done. Is it not so where you are from?”
“No.” Steve didn’t bother to elaborate. It would have been fast, her second marriage, as he knew she had died of a broken heart shortly after Helgi.
“So… tell me of yourself, Steve for whom they call Captain. What battle did you lose for that to occur.” He waved his hand at Steve’s head.
“This is how it’s worn now. It has nothing to do with battles won or lost.”
“Yet they call you Captain? Is this not a military title? A rank of a warrior?” the woman asked.
“In a way. Mine is more… honorary, though I’ve earned it over the years.” Steve smiled at her, finding her pretty in the same way he remembered his own mother being beautiful.
“But certainly you’re some kind of warrior?” Helgi asked. “You are as strong as the Berserkers.”
“I assure you, I’m not of (Y/N)’s descendants. I’m just a kid from Brooklyn who got lucky. I work with a group of other warriors. Powerful people. Enhanced people. We’re tasked with saving the world and getting rid of the bad guys. That’s where (Y/N) and I met.”
“You are of Midgard?” Helgi asked, his eyes widening. “How is that possible? Sváfa is returned, but you are not of Asgard?”
“I told you. Someone here is messing with our lives. We’re going to find out who and stop them, but I can’t help her until I get this sword I came for and go home.”
“Well, if you want the sword… take it,” Heðinn said, waving at the sword hung on the wall behind their father and mother’s thrones. “But it won’t be easy for you.”
Steve pushed to his feet but stopped when Helgi grabbed his wrist.
“One must be worthy to take that sword. No other before you has succeeded. Not even I succeeded when I came for it.”
“I thought this was some symbolic ritual. Something done for the wedding.”
“On Midgard, maybe.” He looked up at Steve gravely. “But this is Asgard.”
Steve sat back down. “Explain.”
Helgi’s brow arched in the same manner as Steve’s. “That was the sword of Hurgid, the first of our line. He was the strongest of us. The best and bravest of warriors born in the time of the god's beginnings. It was said he rode with Freyja and at the side of Odin in a time of great upheaval. The sword remembers its first handler. It will accept no one less than Hurgid as its wielder.”
It made Steve frown as he peered at the sword with the golden hilt and bright amber stone set in the pommel. “I already have a sword. Your sword. Rettferdighet.”
He stiffened. “How is that… you should not have that sword.”
“It was taken from me when I died. Lost to my family. How did you come to possess it?” he asked, leaning forward.
“Odin. Odin sent it when he returned (Y/N)’s armour.”
Helgi sat back and scrubbed his hand over his mouth. “I don’t know what this means. I don’t know how he came by it. Álfr, he would never give it up. Not even to Odin.”
“He didn’t.” Everyone in the hall jumped to their feet at the sound of Mardöll’s voice. She only scowled at Steve. “You are wasting time. Collect your sword and let us go.”
“What’s the rush?” Steve asked, rising from his chair.
“Your… people grow anxious. The Sorcerer Supreme seeks my presence.”
“Who is she?” Heðinn demanded.
She glared at him. “One who placed you here when you failed.”
Steve watched the brute of a man pale before he bowed his head. “Lady.”
“Why are they all here?” Steve asked. “Aren’t you all supposed to go to Valhalla when you die?”
Mardöll turned her harsh glare Steve’s direction. “Only those who are worthy find Valhalla, and I told you, Steven. Beware the ghosts. Too long have you allowed them to hold your attention.”
He looked around at all the bowed heads, the shame coating their faces, and frowned when he looked at Helgi. “But why are you here?”
“Why indeed?” Helgi murmured. “I have often wondered the same.”
“What is this place really?” Steve asked, turning toward Mardöll.
“Your people would call it purgatory.”
Steve stared at her in horror. “What?”
She only shrugged. “It is where they belong for what was done.”
“And him?” He motioned toward Helgi. “(Y/N) said we didn’t go to Valhalla, but why is he here? Why did you call them ghosts?” Steve demanded. 
Mardöll waved her hand, and everything disappeared, leaving behind Helgi, Heðinn, and a host of tombs. “Ask your brother why you are here.”
“He ain’t my brother,” Steve growled.
She narrowed her ocean eyes. “Ask… him… Steven.”
He looked to Helgi who would not meet his eyes and shifted his gaze to Heðinn. “Why are you here?”
Heðinn wouldn’t look at Steve but turned to face the grave nearest him. “Father always preferred you. The eldest. His heir. The nameless son. The one who barely spoke but was given… everything. What I wouldn’t have given to be in your shoes.” He laughed softly, and it was raw with anger and hate. “And then one day you came home with a name and a sword and a Valkyrie and not just any Valkyrie but the Valkyrie. The damn Queen!” he bellowed, slamming his fist down on the stones.
“So what? Were you jealous? What did you do that would put you in this place?” Steve asked.
He turned and the sword he’d pulled from somewhere scraped along the stones before he lifted it and pointed it at Helgi. “I killed you,” he sneered. “Helgi killed King Hróðmar in battle with Sváfa at his side. He did so in honourable combat, but Álfr wanted revenge. He challenged Helgi to a holmgang. It was the perfect time to take everything I wanted. The throne, Sváfa, Rettferdighet! It was all mine for the taking!”
“And you took it, didn’t you?” Steve muttered, moving cautiously to circle as Heðinn swung the sword his way.
“I did,” he chuckled gleefully. “I was better than you. Stronger than you. Smarter than you! I deserved it all! Me, not you! So I paid the witch woman to slice him with a poisoned blade during his fight with Álfr, and she did an excellent job.”
He lunged, and Steve leaped back, the tip of the blade swinging through the space his stomach had just occupied. “So out jealousy, you murder your brother?”
“I murdered him for everything!” he screamed.
“And it got you what, Heðinn? Nothing!” Helgi bellowed. “And took everything instead.”
“I didn’t know it would kill her! How was I?” he snarled.
“She was my sjelevenn! Her soul, tied to mine for eternity! Of course, she would die when I did!” Helgi lunged but went right through Heðinn, his body nothing more than spirit.
“You haven’t been able to touch me in hundreds of years! Did you think you could now?” He shouted out a bark of laughter.
Steve stepped in and plowed his fist into Heðinn’s face. “He may not be able to, but I apparently can!”
Next Chapter
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royallypsychotic · 3 years
She currently resides in South Florida with her husband, two young children, and a closet full of baggage. Every season, Prada reintroduces this bag in a wide selection of colours and types based mostly on that season’s theme. This permits countless options and reinterpretations, which makes this bag a basic, iconic wardrobe staple. Though Prada has advanced over time by embracing new methods and ideas, the brand stays committed to the enduring high quality of its items. Just like those crucial guidelines of workmanship, some of the brand’s designs are equally long-standing; two of essentially the most extremely sought-after Prada items remain the Prada Galleria and Prada Double Bags. That identical yr, the home of Prada started growth throughout continental Europe and the United States by opening areas in outstanding purchasing districts within Florence, Paris, Madrid, and New York City. In 1985 Miuccia launched the "traditional Prada purse" that turned an overnight sensation. Although practical and sturdy, its modern strains and craftsmanship had a luxury that has turn out to be the Prada signature. ) is an Italian luxury fashion house that was founded in 1913 by Mario Prada. It focuses on leather-based purses, journey equipment, shoes, ready-to-wear, perfumes and other equipment. The erectile dysfunction is the lack in achieving erection throughout sexual intercourse. The Milan-based luxury home is the epitome of Italian eclecticism and magnificence. The brand, at all times pushing the boundaries of style, is also sought-after for its sneakers, bags and sun shades. Buyma’s on-line Prada retailer has a tremendous assortment of women’s and men’s iconic fashion objects with adored items like Prada clothes, purses and luggage, wallets and accessories, and more. Discover Buyma’s online Prada retailer featuring women’s and men’s Prada items that you’ll want in your closet. Shop women’s and men’s Prada items right now to search out your subsequent obsession. Introduced for 16-17AW, “CAHIER” means “note” in French, which is acceptable for the design that resembles a classic book. This Prada purse uses python and calf leather-based along with suede, deeming them extra high-class as a end result of the use of the unique leather-based. While solely out there in a single color, this Prada purse options three totally different colours for the strap , flap , and the physique . Better yet, it has gold-plated hardware, two inside pockets for all your necessities, and detachable adjustable leather handle. Available in four fashion-forward colours, the design of the bag is akin to a trunk, with nook elaborations and a fake buckle on the front. Other than that, the bag includes a removable embroidered velvet shoulder strap, bronze hardware, embroidered lettering logo, magnetic button closure, and one inside pocket. Examine the authenticity card for the best info and good high quality. Each Prada bag comes with a sealed authenticity card that accommodates the serial number and purse type info. Signs of a cast authenticity card embrace uneven spacing between the letters and numbers, slanted lines, or low-quality printing. Check for a white dustbag with the Prada emblem printed in black on it. A dustbag is a cloth overlaying much like a pillow sham that protects a handbag from dust, solar publicity, and moisture. The font that’s on the dustbag will match the font on the Prada bag itself if it’s a real bag. Prada Purses Replica Luxurious Designer Fake Purses Outlet On The Market The sheerness of it may be a problem if it does not fit like a puzzle piece along with your pores and skin. After I spray this on my wrist, I can scent the faintest odor of powder for a maximum of three seconds, than it's gone, as if it never was there. I get no caramel, no benzoin, no vanilla, which is a disgrace, because I love these notes. depurses A delicate caramel, powdery musk, sprayed twice on the nape is completely irresistible. Actually fairly a bit of sophistication I find in this, can use within the workplace. But after all additionally wonderful in more intimate settings. Dry down is extra soapy whereas Sauvage is extra of a shaving gel smell. wikipedia It's good overall but I somewhat pay the additional bucks for Sauvage. It's for the best person however for me, I would not purchase it again. In the mid, the tonka remains to be there however the spicy accord begins to develop. The creaminess slowly fades and the lavender and patchouli begin to emerge which, I'm assuming, is the place the spiciness is from. Very mature and masculine dry down the place the slightest soil tincture seems. Gives a pleasant cool, clean earthiness to it. Carbon is certainly one of my favourite, most-complemented fragrances. Sauvage is sweet and women like it, but it's just too peppery in a unclean way. The scent/notes don't remind me of this, but it does evoke a vibe just like Chanel Bleu. I am really enjoying this more then Sauvage. Don't get me wrong, Sauvage continues to be a beast but at this level everyone owns it or is conscious of what it smells like and it doesn't fit in each scenario. Luna Rossa Carbon on the opposite hand has Sauvage parts however it's softer and not as aggressive. It is fresh and citrussy and I would describe it as an all spherical scent to wear at any event. Its tremendous versatile, 12 months round, it's actually clean, and lasts 12+ hours on my skin and I can nonetheless scent it without going noseblind. Also it's the only ambrox frag that does not give me a headache. Sauvage offers me an enormous headache and I actually have to clean it after a while it turns into too much. Carbon is completed so well and does not odor artificial in any respect, even with the metallic and coal. It's mainly a skin scent from the second you spray it and last for 3 hours. The sweetness of caramel blasts you first, then it segues right into a vanillic/benzoin combo, after which it finally rests on a powdery/musk mixture. The caramel notice is all-pervasive and it still faintly lingers in the dry-down. A departure from the singularly minimalist chic that is the Prada ethos. On the other hand, the authentic Prada bag has its textual content trying thicker and boxier than the one on the pretend bag. I fell in love with this perfume the second I smelled it. So many individuals think it's so candy smelling, and examine it to Pink Sugar but to me, Candy is totally unique, and complicated, and musky/amber/rich smelling rather than tremendous candy. In the shoe collection, though Replica Prada Bags has all the time been related with the design and echoed one another, but its types are all the popular leader of footwear. For instance, square lasts, wedge-shaped heels and metallic doll shoes and they're all tendencies brought by PRADA. From leather goods and clothes to sneakers and underwear, PRADA has become a whole boutique kingdom, and its territory has additionally expanded to the entire world. “This architectural entity of a luxurious boutique had suddenly turn into so current in our tradition, and we have been all beginning to get used to it,” Elmgreen mentioned. Putting a luxury boutique within the desert, they thought, would render this invisible pressure visible. They named it after the close by town of Marfa, recognized in the artwork world for being the onetime home of the late minimalist legend Donald Judd. The original 7xxxx bottles seem to have extra depth and energy over my 9xxxx bottle. I first sampled this shortly after its launch in 2017 and beloved it. It was contemporary, properly balanced, strong and very long-lasting and had yr round versatility. I did not buy it on the time as I had numerous other frags in my assortment and so decided to delay the purchase till I had run some of these down. After owning this for 2 years I purchased Dior Sauvage and I think they praise each other nicely in my perfume rotation. Buying Sauvage really increased the appreciation of this fragrance and also the usage of this as nicely. This really isn’t as just like Sauvage as others are saying. This gives the identical vibe, but Is undoubtedly not a “clone”. This has some very attention-grabbing notes that surprisingly may be seen. The coal and metallic notes are just about there from opening to dry down, the opening is extra veered in the direction of the pepper and bergamot notes though, however coal can nonetheless be detected. The Means To Spot A Pretend Prada Bag, Purse Or Pockets Prada footwear for men is all about the style, clear strains, simple colours, and luscious leathers. On the opposite hand, Prada shoes for women are all about empowering ladies with the glim and glam of the Prada heels and the comfort of the flats and so much extra. If you prefer to really feel and examine a Prada item earlier than buying, scour native opp outlets or thrift shops. It will have more likelihood of being real than the stand at the local market that has a join advertising '50 brand new Prada baggage all for $20'. I have to admit the sentimental worth is priceless. I know it's an older Prada the interior is in want of restore. Can you please advise on my Prada mini nylon backpack. Many, if not most second hand Prada is not going to come with these – that’s why being conversant in different features such because the lettering will offer you a better indication. The zip tab shall be manufactured from either leather in the type of a short tab, or from woven cotton in the type of a longer loop strap. Hand baggage usually characteristic solid silver or gold-coloured zip tabs with “PRADA MILANO” engraved. The design of these two fashions is simpler and extra basic. The most distinctive characteristic of this season is the lengthy design of the classic nylon bag leather-based strap with rivets. Nylon impact rivets, this combination is unique, in order that the original conventional messenger bag turns into very futuristic, look fastidiously on the steel parts of the bag, the sunshine rivets have three completely different designs. With our firm's status on the road, you never have to fret concerning the purses you're going to obtain. We have at all times gone above and past for our purchasers, and no matter whether you want one, 5, or fifty purses, we're always right here for you. The only thing you are going to should be involved with, is discovering the proper apparel that compliments your new Prada purse. Because we control all elements of design, manufacture, and transport, we're in a place to cross our financial savings directly on to you. Prada’s calf leather is a quantity of essentially the most supple, sturdy, and scrumptious leather any model offers. The leather-based is one which makes you have to seize it and look at it, and this is the place Prada shines. The twin prime zipper pull is thick, so easy to maneuver and of premium quality. There is a tab where the zipper monitor ends designed for someplace to relaxation the steel zipper pulls. Finally, you can take pleasure in buying your favorite brands and purses without spending a fortune. With our on a regular basis low cost pricing, it feels such as you're able to buy Prada luggage on sale for the first time. In the ever-changing Replica Prada Handbags world, the nylon bag is probably not the most conspicuous one, but it can be said that it is the most hard-working one in the Prada household. I’ve purchased a number of from her & all have been superb. At the same time, we concentrate on STELLA MCCARTINEY, FENDI, CHRISTIAN DIOR luggage from the same authentic quality, very low value, excellent after-sales service, you will benefit from the enjoyable of saving money buy from us. Besides selection, retailers also needed to provide a generous grace period for returns, which provides you time to resolve whether or not the jewellery you've purchased is perfect.
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imogenburchellfmp · 3 years
character designs
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Wolf protagonist character design inspired by Aardman animation character style, particularly inspired by the character Gromit (references used below top four pictures) (Hand drawn)
I decided to make some character designs that where inspired by Aardman’s character style as they make characters specifically used for stop motion models so I thought their designs would be good to look at due to practicality. I didn’t resemble the character style exactly, I mostly focused on particular features that I liked from the style and that I thought would potentially make the designs good for animation and tried to incorporate those into various character designs that I could potentially use to convert into animation models. The features I particularly focused on were the large bead eyes that a lot of the designs have, the relatively big flat feet and thick legs and the large noses which also seem to be made of a harder material that quite a few of Aardman’s characters have. Not all of Aardman’s designs have these features as I’ve found there is quite a bit of variation in their style but I have seen quite a few that do. (All of the picture references I used including pictures of the real animals that the designs are based on come from Google images. I used the Aardman model pictures to help me with style and the pictures of the real animals to help me with the anatomy/getting the design to resemble the actual animal it’s meant to be.)
This is the first design sheet I did.(For now they are just the initial outlined sketches. Since my main aim is to make models to animate with I don’t think I’ll colour them all. I might just colour the designs I decide to use in order to save time as getting the models made and animated is more important to the project as my end goal is to animate rather than create detailed character concepts.) I started with trying to make a design for a wolf character that I could use as the protagonist in my animation. (There is also a sheep design on this sheet but I’ll go over that design in a different post.) As far as I’m aware Aardman doesn’t have any wolf characters but they do have Gromit who is a dog which is a pretty close alternative. So I used Gromit in particular as a reference for this design. Gromit has quite thick legs and large, flat feet which I suspect help quite a bit with supporting the models weight so I tried incorporating this into my own character with a few of my own alterations. Gromit only has three toes when he is on all fours which works fine for making the feet look like paws but I still find them rather odd looking because of this. A lot of animals and in particular wolves/dogs have four digits on their feet/paws so I decided to give my designs paws four digits as it’s more accurate to the actual animal and as a result I prefer how it looks. It also allows them to function more effectively as hand like appendages. Gromit as well as being quadrupedal is also capable of switching to being bipedal which is demonstrated in the second to last picture. Being bipedal this allows Gromit to use his front paws like hands but he seems to grow an extra digit to use as a thumb when this happens. This is also partly motivated me to give the design a fourth digit so if the model similarly stood up to use its paws like hands it wouldn’t just seem to grow another digit out of nowhere. I would like my character to similarly be able to switch between being on all fours and upright as I mentioned in a previous post that being able to stand upright would allow more complex and human like movements such as being able to hold things and pick them up. Despite being an animal the more human like they are the more relatable the character will be and considering I want to make an animation about internal interaction which I feel is a topic strongly related to people due to their more complex brains I feel that making the main character more human like is important. It’s also a way of creating differentiation between the main character and the physical manifestations by giving them different body types. I also gave the design the big bead eyes that Gromit and a lot of Aardman characters they have. I like this feature of Aardman characters as again I went over in a previous post they might be pretty good alternatives to animating with soft clay eyes as they won’t get damaged and are easier to move but also because I do like how they look. Due to being a different material to the rest of the model they really stand out which I think helps to make the characters more expressive and they also look a lot more like actual eyes than I think soft clay would due to being made of a more solid material and having slightly reflective properties. Also due to the eyes being rather unusual looking due to the way they stick out of the head and I personally haven’t seen this type of eye being used overly often it makes the design look more unique. I also quite like how similarly Gromit also has a nose that isn’t made out of clay and that it’s very prominent, I like it for pretty much the same reasons I like the eyes. So I made sure to incorporate a large sticking out nose into my design as well.
I think this wolf character design came out reasonably well. I re-drew quite a lot of pencil outlines(for example I tried adding a line for a mouth but it ended up looking rather creepy so I decided to remove it and give the character no mouth like Gromit. I’m not sure I’ll add mouths generally though, at least not complicated one’s as lip syncing seems really difficult.) so the sheet is a bit messy as well as some of the fine liner outlines due to the table I was drawing on but I think you get the general idea. The bipedal version of the wolf does look rather odd partly because of the angel I ended up drawing the head at but I think the design overall does look quite odd/weird due to the stylised nature of it which I could see being a turn off. The particularly large legs and feet seem to especially contribute to this as actuate wolf proportions are rather thin legs but again as I’ve previously mentioned this could help with stability. It does add a degree of uniqueness as well as it’s a mix of the Aardman style and my own drawing style which I just seem to naturally deviate to. (My style being quite cartoony/not realistic.) This wolf design which is the first design I drew did ended up being the only protagonist character I did in this style. I wanted to draw a wolf character first as I am somewhat biased towards them which I went over in the post where I went over my reasoning for picking them. I did look over my list of potential candidates for the protagonist character so I could draw an alternate animal. I was considering doing a highland cow as I like how they look. But one of their main characteristics is being very fluffy which is something I would like to incorporate into that kind of character. But if I was to use clay having an animal covered in a fur texture would make it very difficult to animate without damaging the fur texture as you have to press the clay with your fingers in order to move it. So because of this I decided against using a highland cow. My other options were a coyote which from the pictures on Google Images that I looked at are very similar in appearance to wolves so I didn’t really see a point in creating a new design for it, a sheep which I already wanted to use as a candid date for the “angel” character and an elephant. I decided not to use an elephant as I thought it would be a bit complicated to do/a wolf design would be simpler and as a result easier to animate. Also I’m not sure how you could make an elephants front feet into more dexterous/hand like appendages without it looking really weird. I could use its trunk but I really wanted the character to have something more like hands so the character was more human like.
I do want to try a different/alternative character style in order to broaden my options/explore alternatives but since I think the main character is going to be a wolf/coyote I should try making a mock up model of this design to see if it works well for animating purposes. Although as I just mentioned I think I need to look at and make other character styles and animation styles and methods first.
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cloudytreefolk · 5 years
Assignment - Making a Poster
Research, brainstorming and moodboards
I designed a poster for Chvrches, a synthpop/indie rock band. I started by making a visual collection of band concert posters to get an idea of what’s out there, then listened through Chvrches most recent album a few times and read interviews and articles about the themes and concepts behind the album, song lyrics, and visual content of the band including album artwork, music videos, photo shoots and posters to get a sense of their iconography and visual identity.
I feel like with pop music from the 1950s bands and recording studios have become more aware and intertwined with the art and illustrating worlds and how fruitful this relationship can be commercially and creatively. A strong example that springs to mind is The Beatles and how they used evolving visual language to theme albums and films, signposting new creative eras for the band (Britrock A Hard Day’s Night, more hippy Help era, Sgt. Peppers, Yellow Submarine, stripped back the psychedelics for The White Album and Let it Be). More current bands and pop artists use drastic changes in visual language to signify new phases too - My Chemical Romance in the mid2000s going from general emo vibes to Goth Marching Band to Futuristic Desert Latex Rockers - Taylor Swift’s new music video for the single “Me” where a snake, the symbol from her last visual/musical phase, literally transforms into butterflies, the symbol for her new phase. So I also researched the musical, lyrical and visual thematic timeline of Chvrches through their album covers, music videos and posters to get a sense of their journey.
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I came up with some ideas that applied more generally, associated with Chvrches across their whole timeline and probably a bit more geared towards their first album, looking at the combination of classical kind of spiritual imagery mixed with science fiction and dystopian themes in their music and lyrics.
Their third album lyrics have a bit of a different focus, more specifically about humanity in conflict with itself or being disenchanted with humanity. The genre of the music is leaning more towards pop and exploring their 80s influences in a different way. 
Below - markmaking while listening to “Love is Dead” album, colours inspired by the album cover.
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I went through some collections of artwork and inspiration I’ve been building up over time and picked out images that I felt resonated with the themes I’d identified in Chrvches’ music. This moodboard collected ideas I might use for the content of my poster.
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I created another moodboard of artist inspiration and ideas for the style and tone of my poster, which came to mind while I was making the content moodboard. Gustave Doré for his illustrations for The Divine Comedy and Paradise Lost, literature I associate strongly with grappling with humanity and morality and spiritualism. Tove Jansson for her similarly dense linework and exploration of psychological/existential themes in the later Moomin books. I feel like her swirling ink shading really draws you into the emotion of the scene and the character, the environment matching the emotion in pathetic fallacy. Kay Neilsen for his illustrations of classic folk tales, which have a kind of fable-like association for me. Particularly his illustration on a man in a red cloak striking out through the night in snow shoes really struck me with this idea of a quest for humanity, which I felt reflected Chvrches’ theme of searching for light in dark times.
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Thumbnails - interactions of elements from content moodboard and style moodboard (labelled A).
I picked these two to develop because I felt they were the most effective in portraying my themes and appealed to me compositionally. In the left thumbnail there’s an minotaur climbing down from ruins into a grotto with a glowing crystal at the bottom with plant life growing around it, fed by it’s light. this was my interpretation of the “quest for redemption/humanity’s worth” theme, with a dystopian scene at the top, then a quest through a dark grotto/labyrinth, then light and life at the bottom, so the image has a beginning, middle and end structure, in keeping with classic fables and folktales. I was inspired by Pedro Requejo Novoa’s minotaur sculpture (which you can see a bit clearer in a moodboard below) and his nuanced and humanising portrayal of an ancient monster from mythology. I liked the idea of having a monster as the protagonist of my design, because when we’re looking for good in humanity we’re looking for good in ourselves too, so it’s his quest for redemption and worth being portrayed.
The thumbnail on the right shows my idea of having some sort of warped, monstrous creature skeleton, like a dinosaur turned dragon, long dead and withered away but protecting a glowing crystal/egg which could still hatch. I was thinking about themes of life in death or from death, like the phoenix myth, and therefore sparks of good in bad (again this idea of finding redemption or worth in warped/monstrous  humanity).
Some of my other thumbnails were very inspired by 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and John Carpenter’s The Thing, the first text being preoccupied with humanity and technology’s potential for good or evil, the latter featuring a lot of body horror, mutations and monstrosities of the human form.
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Moodboard below looking at poster design and ways of placing an illustration into a poster format, I also drew some thumbnails to see how my “minotaur” and “grotesque” designs could work as a poster (B).
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Producing line visuals
Minotaur moodboard - key influences (and refs?)
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Then minotaur layout process - drawing up and value studies (C)
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Grotesque key influences - layout
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Annihilation film - the creature and production design of this film is incredible. Features an alien process “infecting” an ecosystem and plant, animal and human life, creating beautiful and disturbing amalgamations of the three.
Jurassic Park - the idea of preserved life in a little glowing piece of amber and humanity interfering/disrupting natural life
Medieval quasi-fantastical monster designs, chimeras of different animals
Originally I was planning to draw my creature as a dinosaur/dragon, but I thought my design would imply monstrous humanity if the skeleton I designed had more mammalian than reptilian features, like a shorter, rounder skull. I used references from a tiger, historic cave bear, dog and monkey skeleton, used a kind of bat wing/seal flipper skeletal structure for the hand, then the lower leg, foot and claw is from a velociraptor as a reference to the kitchen scene in Jurassic Park where the velociraptor clicks her claws against the floor.
Layout process (E)
Line visual/Layouts
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I picked my “grotesque” line visual to work up into a rendered piece. I had designed it as a poster from the start, whereas with the “minotaur” design I still had to figure out formatting, text placement etc. I also felt a lot more confident drawing a skeleton and crystal egg rather than a whole grotto scene with depth and perspective and trying to make the character look like they’re interacting with the environment, this is a bit technically beyond me at the moment so it just didn’t look as convincing as the skeleton design. There’s a lot to be said for simpler elements arranged and drawn more sophisticatedly instead of attempting something really complicated and not quite pulling it off.
Colour and rendering key influences/ideas
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I went back to my earlier research on Chvrches’ graphic design and looked at Jamie McElvie’s posters created over the course of the band’s career. I liked the idea of trying to make my fit in with their band aesthetic, and noted down some key visual elements that were present in his latest poster and the band’s latest album cover:
- clean line art, flat blocks of colour with cell shading
- neon bright bold colours but a little muted, some more muddy tones like in bottom right corner of album design (this combination also present in these artist posters for Annihilation)
- mostly warm tones of pink, red, orange, yellow, contrasted with blue and green pops
Below I tried two different types of line art, the first is more my regular style, using my favourite brush pen and keeping things spontaneous and a bit messy, thick lines. With the second I tried s style inspired by Jamie McElvie’s - geometric, thin lines, clean and sharp. I used this second style for my poster.
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Colour/background colour experiments
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Trying different amounts of cell shading layers. I’m still not sure whether I prefer the left or the right, the extra highlight on the right adds this eye-catching pop, but having just three layers on the left might be stronger for its simplicity.
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Lisbon Adventure
Bananas are the world's favorite fruit and many countries rely upon banana trees to produce its residents with this scrumptious meals product to save them from famines. By the way, on Deserta Grande, the biggest outcrop within the Ilhas Desertas, you will discover the one poisonous animal that inhabits the Madeira Archipelago. With out regulation of uniform accessories, however inconsequential it could appear, college students would inevitably take advantage of the chance to wear gadgets which might be inconsistent with the school uniform coverage. All these nations except Norway and Iceland are European Union members. Indeed, the process really includes finishing what is in actuality a quite simple kind and submitting it to the local Tax Workplace where it may be processed in no time by any means.
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In style specialist Mediterranean cruises include a tour of the North African nations, a Mediterranean islands cruise that visits the island nations of Cyprus and Malta, as well as cruises around the Greek Islands. In Daytona, there are no sand dunes, however the beach is flat and wide, one you can drive onto in some elements. Antalya are hugely widespread and have some advantageous surfing and sunbathing beaches, or you possibly can enjoy great golf in case you are not a seashore lover. Then it was the foremost European transit point and business metropolis. Tapas are finger meals which might be made of sure sorts of meat akin to cured ham and it is served with wine and other drinks. A lot of the best golf courses in Portugal are found within the Algarve area, which has a fame as one of Europe's top golf destinations. After simply 1 yr at Nacional, he was supplied a youth contract by bigwigs Sporting Lisbon, who're internationally famend for having one of the best youth training amenities within the World. There are many fascinating excursions available in your bargain holidays to Oporto, including these to seaside cities, small fishing villages, small cities and villages where you can discover outdated monasteries, church buildings, castles, forts and bridges. Aveiro City still has heaps more to supply any customer like surfing as well as wind browsing in its Costa Nova Seaside and the river, or you'll be able to at all times go shopping at Discussion board Aveiro or the Rua dos Combatientes de Guerra as well as store at Avenida Dr. Lourenco Peixinho. Bringing an 18-12 months previous Portuguese player to interchange a world tremendous-star like Beckham didn't seem to be a good idea at first, but from his first season Cristiano Ronaldo's goals proved decisive and he shortly gained the love of the Red Devils' followers. With most nations around the world frequently shopping for gold for the final 5 years, the world has seen around 142 p.c upsurge within the price of gold since 2008. Deep sea fishing is a popular sport here in Portimao, take a trip from the harbour and try to catch shark, conger and bass along the coastline. Go paragliding on the coast or up in the hills, or explore the underneath-sea world just off the coast with a diving expedition. Certainly in those times these three religions co-existed very effectively to-gether usually sharing places of worship and attending every others festivals and holy days. The local persons are in much less of a sell, sell, sell mode. This metropolis is famous for its university, the University of Coimbra, which is among the oldest universities in Europe. You may also visit here the Royal Place of Belem, which is now the Presidential Palace of Lisbon. This stretch of sand could be very well-liked with the Portuguese however continues for miles permitting for solitude even within the busy summer season season. cheap flights hobart to melbourne A three day city break vacation in Lisbon offers sufficient time to visit a lot of the key tourist sights. Much of this knowledge was at this level in history unknown in Western Europe. Many travellers may find geographical areas and the best way insurers fee them and their associated dangers very confusing. Starting your journey from Porto, you can take a stroll to the Northern Portugal. Property owners can typically provide added worth by offering you with insiders knowledge on the perfect locations to eat out, places of particular interest close by, the very best local beaches and many others. Now Lisbon is experiencing its "second start", again changing into one of the "golden cities" of the Southern Europe. Muslim invaders from North Africa through the eight-century have additionally enriched the architecture in southern Portugal. With three stunning seashores - Praia da Rainha, Praia da Ribeira and Praia da Conceicao - you may be spoilt for selection. Most vacationers are shuttled off to the central Algarve leaving probably the most beautiful and unspoiled areas in the east and the west for impartial tourists. Whether you wish to hire a cycle and go off in your individual group or be a part of one among many organised cycle excursions, the bike-friendly local weather and delightful scenery ought to make this a perfect starter to motion packed holidays within the Algarve. Each times they have been the hosts for the World Cup (1970 and 1986). By Revolutionary Organization 17 November 2006, after rolling over eleven instances, the European lottery prize reached €183 million ($241 million or £124 million pounds). The fort cathedral was destroyed in an earthquake in 1755 and at this time, there are just the ruins to see. Contained in the walls, which at sundown tackle a golden colouring, one can sense a cheerful medieval ambience of winding streets, old whitewashed houses bordered with blue or yellow, Manueline embrasures and home windows, reminding us that King D. Manuel I (sixteenth century) carried out major works here, and much of vibrant flowers and crops. Advantages can include a quieter, extra rural location and with a hire car many seashores can nonetheless be reached after a short drive. Find out extra about this special European vacation spot by reading considered one of his journey guides at his Menorca villas website. Learn extra concerning the History of World Cup Football on , where you discover this text and far more together with articles about FA Cup Soccer. The espada fish is ideally adapted to the ocean terrain around Madeira and the one different place on this planet that this eel-like fish is found is off the coast of Japan. Many tourists additionally succumb to the temptation of visiting the delightful Sinatra and Cassias that are both easily accessible from Lisbon. The city is inside straightforward reach of some nice seashores. For years, Joe's Garage has been such a spot in Lagos. In the summertime, France is sort of as standard as Spain is within the winter for these on their European motorhome tour. The best half is that with each passing yr Cristiano Ronaldo improves his sport even additional, so don't be stunned if in a couple of years he steps up to turn into the best footballer in activity. It enjoys the bustle that is associated with common seashores and so it is full of bikini clad ladies. Vacationers may select a journey plan depending upon the primary city they select to visit. European Union (EU) taxpayers are funding wildlife conservation on this reserve in addition to paying for the highway which makes life simpler for the poachers. In relation to stress-free Oporto has loads of conventional tavernas and eating places the place you possibly can enjoy local delicacies, fish and seafood dishes together with some local vinho verde. Walk along the cliffs out to the Ponta da Piedade (Mercy Point) with it's lighthouse or go swimming on the little known nudist seaside at Praia do Carnavial. Your Algarve holidays will surely be incomplete without tasting the cockles, clams and shrimps caught recent in the pots of the nurseries beneath the water, whereas chatting with the local fishermen. The leaves made our Portuguese pal fairly sweet tasting of berries. The spectacular Monastery of Jeronimos, which was made a UNESCO World Heritage Web site in 1984, was founded in the 1500s and has been the royal burial floor for over four centuries. Algarve: The most popular vacation spot for golf in Portugal. The very same city where some 200 years before where the Franks defeated Euric's son is 507. These with households on the lookout for a enjoyable day out ought to make a journey to 'The Big One' water park. As well as, they're making these purchases to allow them an funding earnings which they get hold of by leasing or renting these properties to different vacation travelers. With so many attractive and interesting prospects it's arduous to narrow down where precisely to go to, especially if wanting time. Cala Pregonda is located west of Fornells on the North coast of Menorca in a protected area of pure magnificence. For lovers of tripe you'll find that in Porto you can take pleasure in a delicious tasting meal of tripe as it is a vital dish tradition sensible. One may jog or take a walk in its lengthy sandy beaches. The principle city and capital is Bridgetown but vacationer searching for beaches who want flexibility you expertise with vacation villas in Barbados and avoid paying expensive lodge prices. These reservations may be made out of 45 days as much as nine months prematurely of the check out date. Like all of the Algarve, the summers in Lagos aren't too hot whereas the winters are especially delicate, and this nicely located and straightforward to access beach has plenty of stylish bars and eating places nearby to refresh yourself after a day on the seashore. Three hospitals have been merged together to type the brand new and modern Lisbon Western Hospital Heart. Maybe it's hard to imagine but in the three and a half years of this cut price wine column I've by no means reviewed a Mateus. While Portugal is famous for Port, wonderful wines are home grown in regions north of Porto and Lisbon. The closing meal's focus was home made hen breast nuggets fried in oil with dried basil, black pepper, and crushed chilies. The rugged, volcanic rock shoreline, with a sharp decline in the sea-shelf, meant that Madeira attracted unique sea life to its neighborhood. As well as, additionally administered by the municipality of Funchal is the Selvagens archipelago which lies some 230km south, halfway between the Madeira Archipelago and the Canary Islands. Argentina is the only nation to have played in fifteen World Cups. Feminine travellers aren't more likely to be harassed in Thailand, nonetheless, if travelling alone, it's a good idea to let anyone know your itinerary earlier than you permit. The town has an essential historical past as it's was from here that the Portuguese started their expeditions along the coast of Africa within the age of discovery. In addition to having among the finest golf courses in Europe and a local weather to match, Portugal hosts the Portugal Open every year. The season is prolonged as impartial vacationers make the most of decrease prices and fewer competitors within the shoulder and low seasons. The Western area is also one of the largest wine rising areas in Portugal and indeed the world. It's a refined expensive wine exported all over the world from Portugal.
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liaflowerwall · 5 years
Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet
Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet – The right clutch of plants will have the power to try and do two things – supplement any color and elegance of wedding dress that help set a joyful mood at every convert. There are thousands of shade combinations and a range of hues to select when your planning your personal nuptials. Arranging gorgeous blossoms into the best wedding appropriate bride’s bouquet can be done in many various style and styles. Depending on your attire, the formality of the wedding and your color scheme, the size of your bride’s bouquet can have an have an effect on on the unique look of your ceremony. Becoming savvy about your floral bouquet can create an attention-grabbing and memorable encounter for your guests. No matter what type of blossoms come in your bouquets, you may be assured your wedding plants will enhanced the beauty of your special day. Continue reading to learn more about the different sorts of wedding flower blossoms:
Hand-Tied Bouquets
These kinds of bouquets have a dynamics inspired look and they are perfect for summer wedding receptions that take place outdoors, such as in a lawn or on the seaside. These flower plants are simply tied collectively, usually with a expensive ribbon or ribbon. These wedding floral bouquets are suitable for almost any setting, whether formal or informal. Introducing textured flowers for instance roses, peonies and chrysanthemum can add extra elegance to your bridal bouquet. If you are looking for a more individualized hand-tied bouquet, as opposed to using a ribbon, use meaningful objects such as your mother’s outdated wedding dress, etc . These kind of bouquets are eye-pleasing and classical.
Écroulement Bouquets
Cascade marriage bouquets are designed to look like a “waterfall” involving blossoms. Although these kinds of bouquets are gorgeous to look at, they are usually simply complementing to a more elevated brides and dresses with a simpler style. Since the bouquet by itself is larger, you will need to balance out the symmetries of size in addition to color with your attire. These bouquets usually are filled with flowers like calla lilies, orchids, stephanotis and longer, flowing greenery. The actual soft accents connected with green are an excellent backdrop for any various other vibrant colors inside your bouquet. A chute bouquet can be stunning on it’s own!
These types of smaller flower arrangements are popular among flower girls and bridesmaids. Tiny flowers for example spray roses, infant’s breath and lily-of-the-valley can create cute blossoms for your wedding. Another creative option for the posy flower bridal bouquet is to use a couple larger flowers as points to complement your color scheme. These blooms arranged together will make quite a statement in your ceremony! This style of bride’s bouquet is perfect for children and has the ability to accompany each dress type. Extra examples of flowers which would work are hyacinths, hydrangeas and various colored roses.
Over supply
This modern appear is elegant and simple, yet extremely lovely design for any wedding party. Over arm flowers are most commonly seen together with long-stemmed flowers such as orchids, calla lilies and roses. These kinds of flower buds usually are your best guarantee because of their sturdy and durable arises. Wrapping these blossoms together with a bows is also a stylish option. Figure fitting outfits are perfectly complemented with an over arm wedding bouquet. Keep in mind, holding the flowers for long periods of time while in photos may make all of them become heavy instructions select lighter blossoms if this is the case.
Around Flower Bouquet
Spherical wedding flower flowers are the most commonly known as bridal flowers. Although similar to the posy design bouquet, round arrangements are larger in dimensions and usually contain a assortment of various flowers. Making use of color to your advantage to the bouquets is important : use complementing or maybe contrasting colors to produce the biggest visual influence. Any wedding, regardless of whether formal or laid-back, can accompany the round wedding plant bouquet. If smell is an important part of your own floral design, consider adding sweet reeking foul-smelling roses, lilacs as well as peonies to your basket. Capitalizing on flower consistency, color and size, you can be assured to have the most striking marriage flower bouquet your friends and relatives have seen!
A lovely, inventive and personal flower basket is just as much an integral part of your wedding day as choosing the perfect dress. Picking blooms based on the design of your dress, colour of your wedding colour scheme and the availability of your flower choices can certainly assure you your choosing the right flowers rapid and help you save money at the same time. Your bridal flower bouquet will be the glorious finishing feel to radiating true beauty of your entire wedding party. Call on flowers to put the mood in addition to scene for the wedding you have dreamed of due to the fact childhood. Knowing the different designs of bouquets will help you select the perfect set up of complementing think about for your wedding day.
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qindaskurdi · 5 years
Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet
Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet – The right clutch of plants will have the power to try and do two things – supplement any color and elegance of wedding dress that help set a joyful mood at every convert. There are thousands of shade combinations and a range of hues to select when your planning your personal nuptials. Arranging gorgeous blossoms into the best wedding appropriate bride’s bouquet can be done in many various style and styles. Depending on your attire, the formality of the wedding and your color scheme, the size of your bride’s bouquet can have an have an effect on on the unique look of your ceremony. Becoming savvy about your floral bouquet can create an attention-grabbing and memorable encounter for your guests. No matter what type of blossoms come in your bouquets, you may be assured your wedding plants will enhanced the beauty of your special day. Continue reading to learn more about the different sorts of wedding flower blossoms:
Hand-Tied Bouquets
These kinds of bouquets have a dynamics inspired look and they are perfect for summer wedding receptions that take place outdoors, such as in a lawn or on the seaside. These flower plants are simply tied collectively, usually with a expensive ribbon or ribbon. These wedding floral bouquets are suitable for almost any setting, whether formal or informal. Introducing textured flowers for instance roses, peonies and chrysanthemum can add extra elegance to your bridal bouquet. If you are looking for a more individualized hand-tied bouquet, as opposed to using a ribbon, use meaningful objects such as your mother’s outdated wedding dress, etc . These kind of bouquets are eye-pleasing and classical.
Écroulement Bouquets
Cascade marriage bouquets are designed to look like a “waterfall” involving blossoms. Although these kinds of bouquets are gorgeous to look at, they are usually simply complementing to a more elevated brides and dresses with a simpler style. Since the bouquet by itself is larger, you will need to balance out the symmetries of size in addition to color with your attire. These bouquets usually are filled with flowers like calla lilies, orchids, stephanotis and longer, flowing greenery. The actual soft accents connected with green are an excellent backdrop for any various other vibrant colors inside your bouquet. A chute bouquet can be stunning on it’s own!
These types of smaller flower arrangements are popular among flower girls and bridesmaids. Tiny flowers for example spray roses, infant’s breath and lily-of-the-valley can create cute blossoms for your wedding. Another creative option for the posy flower bridal bouquet is to use a couple larger flowers as points to complement your color scheme. These blooms arranged together will make quite a statement in your ceremony! This style of bride’s bouquet is perfect for children and has the ability to accompany each dress type. Extra examples of flowers which would work are hyacinths, hydrangeas and various colored roses.
Over supply
This modern appear is elegant and simple, yet extremely lovely design for any wedding party. Over arm flowers are most commonly seen together with long-stemmed flowers such as orchids, calla lilies and roses. These kinds of flower buds usually are your best guarantee because of their sturdy and durable arises. Wrapping these blossoms together with a bows is also a stylish option. Figure fitting outfits are perfectly complemented with an over arm wedding bouquet. Keep in mind, holding the flowers for long periods of time while in photos may make all of them become heavy instructions select lighter blossoms if this is the case.
Around Flower Bouquet
Spherical wedding flower flowers are the most commonly known as bridal flowers. Although similar to the posy design bouquet, round arrangements are larger in dimensions and usually contain a assortment of various flowers. Making use of color to your advantage to the bouquets is important : use complementing or maybe contrasting colors to produce the biggest visual influence. Any wedding, regardless of whether formal or laid-back, can accompany the round wedding plant bouquet. If smell is an important part of your own floral design, consider adding sweet reeking foul-smelling roses, lilacs as well as peonies to your basket. Capitalizing on flower consistency, color and size, you can be assured to have the most striking marriage flower bouquet your friends and relatives have seen!
A lovely, inventive and personal flower basket is just as much an integral part of your wedding day as choosing the perfect dress. Picking blooms based on the design of your dress, colour of your wedding colour scheme and the availability of your flower choices can certainly assure you your choosing the right flowers rapid and help you save money at the same time. Your bridal flower bouquet will be the glorious finishing feel to radiating true beauty of your entire wedding party. Call on flowers to put the mood in addition to scene for the wedding you have dreamed of due to the fact childhood. Knowing the different designs of bouquets will help you select the perfect set up of complementing think about for your wedding day.
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So, if you desire to acquire these fantastic graphics about (Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet), click on save button to download the graphics for your pc. They’re available for obtain, if you like and wish to have it, just click save badge on the post, and it’ll be instantly saved in your laptop.} Finally if you like to receive new and the latest picture related to (Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet), please follow us on google plus or book mark this blog, we try our best to give you daily up-date with fresh and new pictures. We do hope you like keeping right here. For some updates and latest news about (Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet) graphics, please kindly follow us on tweets, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on book mark section, We try to give you update regularly with all new and fresh graphics, like your surfing, and find the perfect for you.
Bonfire – marigold bouquet | marigold bouquet
Thanks for visiting our website, contentabove (Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet) published .  Today we’re pleased to announce we have found an incrediblyinteresting nicheto be reviewed, that is (Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet) Lots of people looking for information about(Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet) and definitely one of these is you, is not it?
A bouquet of flowers marigold isolated on white background. Flat.. – marigold bouquet | marigold bouquet
from WordPress https://liaflower.com/marigold-bouquet-5-brilliant-ways-to-advertise-marigold-bouquet/
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jelantiahilma · 5 years
Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet
Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet – The right clutch of plants will have the power to try and do two things – supplement any color and elegance of wedding dress that help set a joyful mood at every convert. There are thousands of shade combinations and a range of hues to select when your planning your personal nuptials. Arranging gorgeous blossoms into the best wedding appropriate bride’s bouquet can be done in many various style and styles. Depending on your attire, the formality of the wedding and your color scheme, the size of your bride’s bouquet can have an have an effect on on the unique look of your ceremony. Becoming savvy about your floral bouquet can create an attention-grabbing and memorable encounter for your guests. No matter what type of blossoms come in your bouquets, you may be assured your wedding plants will enhanced the beauty of your special day. Continue reading to learn more about the different sorts of wedding flower blossoms:
Hand-Tied Bouquets
These kinds of bouquets have a dynamics inspired look and they are perfect for summer wedding receptions that take place outdoors, such as in a lawn or on the seaside. These flower plants are simply tied collectively, usually with a expensive ribbon or ribbon. These wedding floral bouquets are suitable for almost any setting, whether formal or informal. Introducing textured flowers for instance roses, peonies and chrysanthemum can add extra elegance to your bridal bouquet. If you are looking for a more individualized hand-tied bouquet, as opposed to using a ribbon, use meaningful objects such as your mother’s outdated wedding dress, etc . These kind of bouquets are eye-pleasing and classical.
Écroulement Bouquets
Cascade marriage bouquets are designed to look like a “waterfall” involving blossoms. Although these kinds of bouquets are gorgeous to look at, they are usually simply complementing to a more elevated brides and dresses with a simpler style. Since the bouquet by itself is larger, you will need to balance out the symmetries of size in addition to color with your attire. These bouquets usually are filled with flowers like calla lilies, orchids, stephanotis and longer, flowing greenery. The actual soft accents connected with green are an excellent backdrop for any various other vibrant colors inside your bouquet. A chute bouquet can be stunning on it’s own!
These types of smaller flower arrangements are popular among flower girls and bridesmaids. Tiny flowers for example spray roses, infant’s breath and lily-of-the-valley can create cute blossoms for your wedding. Another creative option for the posy flower bridal bouquet is to use a couple larger flowers as points to complement your color scheme. These blooms arranged together will make quite a statement in your ceremony! This style of bride’s bouquet is perfect for children and has the ability to accompany each dress type. Extra examples of flowers which would work are hyacinths, hydrangeas and various colored roses.
Over supply
This modern appear is elegant and simple, yet extremely lovely design for any wedding party. Over arm flowers are most commonly seen together with long-stemmed flowers such as orchids, calla lilies and roses. These kinds of flower buds usually are your best guarantee because of their sturdy and durable arises. Wrapping these blossoms together with a bows is also a stylish option. Figure fitting outfits are perfectly complemented with an over arm wedding bouquet. Keep in mind, holding the flowers for long periods of time while in photos may make all of them become heavy instructions select lighter blossoms if this is the case.
Around Flower Bouquet
Spherical wedding flower flowers are the most commonly known as bridal flowers. Although similar to the posy design bouquet, round arrangements are larger in dimensions and usually contain a assortment of various flowers. Making use of color to your advantage to the bouquets is important : use complementing or maybe contrasting colors to produce the biggest visual influence. Any wedding, regardless of whether formal or laid-back, can accompany the round wedding plant bouquet. If smell is an important part of your own floral design, consider adding sweet reeking foul-smelling roses, lilacs as well as peonies to your basket. Capitalizing on flower consistency, color and size, you can be assured to have the most striking marriage flower bouquet your friends and relatives have seen!
A lovely, inventive and personal flower basket is just as much an integral part of your wedding day as choosing the perfect dress. Picking blooms based on the design of your dress, colour of your wedding colour scheme and the availability of your flower choices can certainly assure you your choosing the right flowers rapid and help you save money at the same time. Your bridal flower bouquet will be the glorious finishing feel to radiating true beauty of your entire wedding party. Call on flowers to put the mood in addition to scene for the wedding you have dreamed of due to the fact childhood. Knowing the different designs of bouquets will help you select the perfect set up of complementing think about for your wedding day.
Pumpkin Patch – marigold bouquet | marigold bouquet
Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet – marigold bouquet | Allowed to help the website, in this particular time I will provide you with regarding keyword. And now, this is actually the 1st graphic:
Marigold bouquet … | wedding ideas in 5 | Marigold … – marigold bouquet | marigold bouquet
Why not consider picture earlier mentioned? is usually that will wonderful???. if you’re more dedicated and so, I’l m explain to you several graphic yet again under:
marigold bouquet isolated on white background – marigold bouquet | marigold bouquet
So, if you desire to acquire these fantastic graphics about (Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet), click on save button to download the graphics for your pc. They’re available for obtain, if you like and wish to have it, just click save badge on the post, and it’ll be instantly saved in your laptop.} Finally if you like to receive new and the latest picture related to (Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet), please follow us on google plus or book mark this blog, we try our best to give you daily up-date with fresh and new pictures. We do hope you like keeping right here. For some updates and latest news about (Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet) graphics, please kindly follow us on tweets, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on book mark section, We try to give you update regularly with all new and fresh graphics, like your surfing, and find the perfect for you.
Bonfire – marigold bouquet | marigold bouquet
Thanks for visiting our website, contentabove (Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet) published .  Today we’re pleased to announce we have found an incrediblyinteresting nicheto be reviewed, that is (Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet) Lots of people looking for information about(Marigold Bouquet – 5 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Marigold Bouquet) and definitely one of these is you, is not it?
A bouquet of flowers marigold isolated on white background. Flat.. – marigold bouquet | marigold bouquet
from WordPress https://liaflower.com/marigold-bouquet-5-brilliant-ways-to-advertise-marigold-bouquet/
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letterdrill08-blog · 5 years
Detailed Notes on food recipes
The outer jacket is non-marring and temperature/abrasion resistant.This common extension hose is a terrific way to raise the access and minimize cleansing time with Just about any gas force washer that you can buy. Go away your strain in one position and give by yourself more area to roam around. The outer jacket is non-marring and climate/abrasion resistant. The BBC isn't to blame for the content material of exterior web sites. Read about our method of exterior linking. Have all of your products alongside one another when you start your undertaking. Since the polish is usually drying, that you are Performing in opposition to time. https://www.herstylecode.com/beauty/incredible-outfit-ideas-try-now/ will need almost everything useful before you start. Paint just the suggestion of the nail another color. Choose two complementary colours which will seem good on exactly the same nail. Use a basecoat shade or a transparent basecoat. Allow the polish to dry. The film explored the expanding craze of nail artwork; from women internationally to superior fashion runways.[12] Mostly women, but will also Gentlemen normally use YouTube Instagram and Pinterest to find out how to do the most recent and many interesting types at home. Social relevance[edit] This flower art on nails is for people who like their liberty and don't like nearly anything Keeping them back again. You could possibly use tools or stickers to build this type of design and style. Everyone knows that girls with straight hair wish to dress in curls and women with curly locks strive to straighten them. The wisest conclusion With this disputable matter could be a option of the ideal haircut for the hair variety. An easy way to manage balding will be to select a higher fade Therefore the changeover is much more natural and seamless. read more is sweet to get a spherical experience, but some of Those people below feel so lovable that you simply can’t deny on your own a pleasure to try a sassy brief haircut for your modify. No matter whether you’re thinking of experimenting with levels or bangs, or need to know which hairstyles will flatter your facial area kind correctly, you’ll come across anything you have to know on the newest hairstyles and cuts suitable below. Beard Oil – employing a substantial-good quality beard oil is vital to keeping a wholesome, conditioned beard. To stay away from dryness or assist in grooming, use your beard oil daily after showering. Here are the very best prolonged, medium and shorter Adult males’s hairstyles of 2019. The textured crop is shaping up to be one of the hottest appears to be of the yr. Fellas can wear it quick or very long, textured and styled or simply messy. With pale types, you don’t need to go as well drastic, but it really’s generally pleasant to showcase some contrast. Fades work on all hair sorts, especially for These blessed with all-natural lift and quantity at their roots. Use 1 layer of basecoat and allow it to completely dry before proceeding.Some basecoats continue to be tacky after drying. This texture is meant to help the next layer, the polish, continue to be set up for a longer period without chipping. Pick out whichever basecoat you want finest.
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Following debuting the shaggy ice blonde bob of our goals at Chanel's AW17 clearly show, Cara Delevingne rocked nearly CinemaCon Doing work a brilliant sleek retro 'do and we fell in really like together with her hair all all over again. Just as it’s legitimate for women, Guys can also attempt a number of shag haircuts that glance great and various. Straight shag hair is one of the preferred, as it is the most manageable and multipurpose. Above a century later on and It truly is nevertheless considered one of the most popular hairstyles to get; whether or not you choose for an extended bob aka the Lob, a shoulder-grazing choppy design and style or even a blunt jaw-skimmer - the bob is the LuxDeco – the curated on the web vacation spot to find and shop luxurious interiors. Explore luxurious home furnishings and designer home decor components from the entire world's greatest brand names and artisans. For those who go along with a lower Caesar cut, far more of a perceived facial flaw may be concealed because of the lengthier strands left on prime. Caesar cuts are wonderful for people who are experiencing premature balding, as it delivers the hair forward and detracts awareness far from any sparse patches. A short Caesar Minimize is an alternative choice If you prefer some thing easy and smooth. Exact as above, but to the palms. These types of different types of nail craft style Concepts for long nails planet appear really stunning while you might have a bigger base to paint and decorate. Get hair model inspiration. Regardless of what your hair type is, we can assist you to locate the best hairstyles For awesome hairstyles which are simple to pull off and in some cases simpler to fashion, try something which isn’t way too structured. This appear gained’t have to have continual trims, and will improve out properly. Request your barber for a neat taper using a prolonged top rated. Bangs can soften any confront and incorporate A different lovable element into a hairstyle. No matter whether you prefer your bangs spiky or loyal for your flat hair, a hairstyle with fringe is often in style. Make a choice from vintage fringe, messy fringe or straight fringe – in case you don’t know what is going to seem ideal, talk to your barber to provide you with some ideas. Classically intimate and easy to take care of, test a medium size design and style using a blown back again best area. This may incorporate peak for your frame and provides your Girl something to operate her fingers via. Proving that bobs and bangs are certainly 2018's best hair trend, Vanessa Hudgens turned to hairstylist Chad Wood for her nod on the 'do du jour. Create a leopard print. For this search pick out two colours: a light as well as a dim. Check out fuchsia or orange and black. Make read more of the lighter colour to create splotches on your nails. The designs Will not must be uniform, equally as leopard's places aren't uniform. This web site utilizes cookies. By continuing to search the website you will be agreeing to our use of cookies. Far more Information Actually, a lot of right now’s Excitement cuts leave hair thicker in certain sections to offer room for shaved types on the perimeters or back again of The top. When you Engage in sports, a Excitement cut is a fantastic compromise on earth of haircut types which offer convenience devoid of shedding at fashion and elegance.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
7 Essential Shoe Styles Every Man Should Own
7 Essential Shoe Styles Every Man Should Own
There are two simple rules for owning a small shoe collection that is versatile enough to cover all bases. The first: forgo fashion and hotfoot it to classic styles. The second: spend as much as you can. Think quality, not quantity because the old adage is true. Your shoes are often the first thing people notice about you, especially if they look like they’ve been round too many blocks.
Since this is about having as few pairs as possible, there’s one more rule: be brutal. Some of our favourite styles are not included below because they’re not absolutely essential if you’re on a budget or trying to save space. Chelsea boots? Hiking boots? Nice to have, not need to have. The same goes for monk straps, pool sliders and even high tops.
But whatever your look, whatever your budget and whatever’s in the diary over the next 12 months, if own a pair of well-made shoes in each of the following styles, you’ll have just about every social situation – from office to gym to bar – stylishly shod. You need never put a foot wrong again.
For Anytime, Anyplace: Minimal Trainers
Chunky trainers might be having a fashion moment, but the minimalist sneaker is the real wardrobe hero. Based on a retro tennis shoe, this simple sneaker has become an essential component in most of our outfits in recent years and it should be in yours too. The real deal is devoid of any obvious sports logos or branding, thick treads or air cushioned soles, are made of leather (real or imitation), and are never to be confused with plimsoles.
Consider these your go-anywhere kicks because their USP is versatility (especially in white). Wear them day-to-night with tees and chinos, jeans, shorts and informal tailoring. However, they do have a use-by date: that moment they start looking past their best, relegate them to loafing about the house or doing chores. Never wear them for exercise and keep them as box fresh as possible – be sure to pop some deodorising insoles in on day one. Common Projects, Axel Arigato, C.QP and Adidas Stan Smiths are some of the best versions around.
For The Smartest Occasions: Black Oxfords
The black Oxford shoe is your classic ‘school’ shoe: it’s strictly for work and formal occasions such as weddings, funerals, christenings and job interviews. Basically, whenever you’ve got the good suit or black tie out. It’s often viewed as the shoe for ‘professionals’ – in fact they used to be a dress requirement for jobs at banks in the city. A little boring, perhaps, but also a safe pair of hands (or feet) and the work horse in your footwear collection if you have a job that requires daily smart attire.
Ostensibly, the name comes from a type of half boot that became popular at Oxford University in the 1800s, but today most Oxfords will be found in shoe format. In technical shoe-geek terms, these are ‘close-laced’ shoes, where the inside and outside quarters are stitched under the vamp (the piece of leather that makes up the front of the shoe) and the tongue is stitched in separately. A high-quality pair is a worthy investment because they’ll never not work for smart occasions. Some of the finest examples are made in England by Crockett & Jones, Church’s, Loake, Tricker’s and John Lobb.
For The 9-5 And Beyond: Derby Shoes
The Derby shoe is the Oxford’s chunkier cousin. It’s an ‘in-between’ shoe, and the ultimate in smart casual footwear. They can sharpen up raw denim as well as they loosen up a suit and are practically standard issue for flat white-carrying creatives.
The technical difference with an Oxford is in the construction; the tongue is part of the vamp (not stitched on separately) and the quarters are stitched to a tab point either side of the vamp – this is known as ‘open lacing’.
The sole is another key component with the Derby: these can be leather or rubber for extra grip and durability. Either way, these are often Goodyear welted. American Charles Goodyear patented his welt technique in 1871, whereby the upper is stitched to the leather strip known as the welt, which is then stitched to the insole of the shoe. This game changing method made shoes waterproof and today, Grenson is a go-to brand for its triple welted Derby.
For those reasons, Derbies are practical shoes that look good with pretty much everything. The simpler the model (without brogue details, single welt) the more versatile the shoe will be. On a practical note, the shape of the Derby is also more forgiving to wider feet with a higher in-step.
For The Dinner Date: Leather Slip Ons
This type of shoe covers a range of styles including the penny and tassel loafer. The slip on has American heritage and is synonymous with the preppy ‘Ivy League’ look and Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk. George Henry Bass, maker of the original penny loafer, founded G.H Bass & Co. in Maine in the United States in 1876. His famous ‘Weejuns’ are still the most notable style today and were based on the Norwegian farm shoe.
Going with the preppy vibe, loafers and chinos are a classic combination. If it feels too stuffy, it’s acceptable to wear loafers with and without socks – here’s an opportunity to experiment with different prints, patterns, colours – with a rolled-up cuff. It’s an easy, versatile shoe, hence its adoption by everyone from bankers to outdoor sports enthusiasts to punks and Ivy League frat boys. Today, under Alessandro Michele, Gucci’s horsebit loafer has regained the top spot as the most desirable slip on.
GH Bass & Co
For The Weekend: Work Boots
Northampton is the capital of the British shoe industry and much of its centuries old success is down to outfitting British armies and workers. Infantry needed boots on a mass scale, as did the thousands of workers toiling in factories during the industrial revolution. Most British shoe brands originate from this English county – the village of Wollaston, for example, is the original home of Dr Marten’s.
And for anywhere with inclement weather, work boots remain an essential type of shoe for tricky terrain and wet conditions, the smarter equivalent to wellingtons. The laced Derby work boot is a double-lined extension of the shoe version, and a smarter relation to the hiking boot. It looks excellent with heavy weight fabrics such as wool or tweed trousers, cropped above the ankle. Incidentally, Daniel Craig, as James Bond, wore Crockett & Jones’ Radnor boot for scenes in SPECTRE so you can be sure that in a Derby boot, you’re ready for anything.
Dr Martens
For The Beach: Espadrilles
The oldest type of shoe on this block, the espadrille has been knocking around Europe since the 14th century. The term espadrille is French, but the origins come from esparto, the Greek name for a tough type of Mediterranean grass used to make rope, rugs, baskets and the plaited soles of this type of shoe. It’s a common form of footwear that can be picked up inexpensively from markets around Southern Europe, but pricier, designer versions abound too.
Sturdier and more versatile than flip flops, espadrilles are fairly comfortable for short distances and suitable for sandy shores and beyond. Which means you can wear them from beach to bar and then take in the sights of the old town. The canvas uppers are breathable and cover the front of the foot – a bonus if you forgot to tidy your nails. Espadrilles go well with linen, beach wear, shorts, chinos, light jeans and can even go with a summer suit on the right occasion – a pool side wedding for example – but never, ever with socks.
For The Gym (Or The Pub): Runners
Ever heard of Carolyn Davidson? We doubt it. So, you might be surprised to learn you could be wearing one of her designs right now. In 1971 Davidson designed the Nike Swoosh logo – for the princely sum of $35 (yeah, she got mugged off). The athletic shoe market is worth billions today – something that hasn’t gone unnoticed by high fashion brands: cue designer (overpriced) versions and endless collaborations to lure in younger customers.
In the 2000s Martin Margiela took a €10 runner off a Parisian market stall, scribbled on it with biro and sold it for €300 – and the cult fashion trainer was born. Other hits include Dior Homme’s ‘B01’, Valentino’s ‘Rockrunner’ and Balenciaga’s recent ‘Triple S’.
These days you can wear a multitude of sneaker styles with almost anything, but unless you’re confident pushing the fashion envelope, stick to denim and sportswear as foolproof options. Whether you’re a dedicated sneaker freak or just like the comfort factor, make sure you always have a decent pair for the gym – New Balance are a good shout. Proper running shoes give right support in the right places and can help protect the feet and ankles from injury. (And don’t worry about Carolyn – she received a diamond ring and 500 Nike shares some years later.)
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