#trying to prove a point to my platonic partner
tulipe-rose · 4 months
Day 2 of me backing up my platonic skk agenda: (long post ahead)
It would be pretty hard to convince people with my point of view on this one, I almost gave up lmao, but I'm relentless when it comes to proving myself as right so I'm putting this out there ✊🏼 I'm not expecting many to agree lol
We all know, and love/hate/have complicated/no feelings for Beast!Dazai, right? I won't be focusing on him either way since he's too unstable/not really focused or have the time for love atm, so any romantic emotions would've been dispelled way too early on due to his unique situation. (Honestly it's less 'dispellled' and more suppressed until supposedly numb)
At least I'm sure we all love Beast!Chūya. What separates between him, and his canon self is how outwardly protective Chūya is of Dazai, but it isn't exactly out of nowhere. A lot of people in the fandom just think of it being the result of Soukoku spending more time together, which isn't far removed from what I believe, but not exactly it either.
I believe that the key reason why Chūya is like this is because of Oda's absence.
Oda was such an important part of Dazai's life, he treated him like the child he was, while upholding the appropriate boundaries due to the drastic difference in their positions, and eventually gave him a purpose to keep going. Oda was arguably the older brother Dazai could've had if it weren't for the circumstances, Oda's untimely death, and the Port Mafia's tight hierarchy system.
In this lifetime, Oda wasn't present, or more precisely, Dazai didn't give him the chance to be present, which ultimately led to Dazai being much more withdrawn, outwardly sadistic, yet inwardly vacant, his self proclaimed apathetic self ever present. Chūya witnessed his steady decline in both health, and mentality since Dazai returned from that mission; the day I picked up Dazai never happened as in canon, and Oda never knew Dazai beyond his facial features until their reunion.
Oda isn't there, so Chūya had to make sure that Dazai's self destructive behaviour didn't destroy him, subconsciously looking out for him more, and paying more attention to him by the day, but disguising it behind threats, and insults; It's rightful with how Dazai acts to be honest.
He was there during the time where Dazai rose to the Boss position, and it must've been paranoia inducing for Chūya, not because Dazai can't protect himself from the assassins, (that man will not die unless he allows you to kill him) but because he could very much allow them to kill him if they were trying a painless approach such as poison; this is what probably made Chūya stand so closely to Dazai, he needed to be close by to deflect any incoming attacks, yet far enough for his ability to not be nullified, and even then I think he only resorted to such close proximity because of an incident that threatened Dazai's life too much. The following panel is what somewhat backs up what I've been blabbering about for the past sentence.
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Chūya did it out of care, and worry for his partner, but was it ever romantic? Well, no opinion is ever right in such situations, but I'll humbly say that it feels somewhat familial-ish/closest+only friend-ish from Chūya's side. HEAR ME OUT ON THIS OKAY–
I feel like the way Chūya is reprimanding, and absolutely forbidding Dazai from this despite their positions could be interpreted as a concerned brother/friend yelling at his ignorant younger sibling/best friend. Chūya went on a rampage after Dazai's suicide, and wouldn't a brother or a friend do that too? Yes, a brother or a friend would, the proof being Chūya's course of action after finding out about the flags' death, and Verlaine's talk about them being brothers in inhumanity. (ik how different both situations are, but they both have people that Chūya cared for die, the former being more painful because of how long they knew each other, and because he tried so hard to prevent this from happening, yet it happened either way. This isn't the first time Chūya lost someone important to him, so it's bound to hurt a lot more.)
We didn't see enough of their current dynamic to rule out any familial/platonic relations, so I don't see why this wouldn't be valid. There could be hundreds of interpretations, but all of them sum up to Chūya caring about Dazai; it's up to you, and how you choose to view it.
Exasperated exhale I rest my case, and god the hate I might get for this simple opinion is on sight lmao-
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dazeddoodles · 6 months
I am drunk and i come to you with a request, plz give me something alador x darius please i need it no ones written a fic in ages and im too lazy to finish my own just give me something you are my last hope 😭😭😭 /J
Unfortunately, I can't draw anything new right now but I have some headcanons.
I've seen people portray Darius as the flirty one but realistically I don't think as adults he would be attempting to flirt with Alador, unless maybe it's after they get together.
As teenagers, I can see Darius "jokingly" flirting with Alador or just unintentionally getting him flustered (Amity gets her tomato face from her dad after all). Since they were best friends back then Darius was more open about liking Alador, though (seemingly) platonically at the time.
As adults however Darius keeps up the act of not liking Alador. (If you notice in the show DARIUS is the one who keeps starting shit between them). Even after Belos's defeat, I think they'd have to start talking again to work together but Darius would still act hostile towards Alador to avoid showing he still cares about him. Now Darius would be the one constantly getting flustered over little things like we saw in the finale. Meanwhile, Alador remains oblivious.
Darius genuinely cares about Alador's well-being but tries to hide it. Saying stuff like how Alador needs to not overwork himself and take breaks and then follows it up with "You need to set a good example for your kids. If you can't even take care of yourself, how are you gonna take care of them?" as a cover-up. Although said cover-up actually does make Alador try to take care of himself.
Darius would also be constantly reminding him to eat. I've seen people point out it looks like Alador has a dad bod in the epilogue, he'd eating healthier which is what led to the weight gain.
At the start, Alador would keep reverting back to his old ways of overworking and not taking breaks before having to be reminded by Darius again. Although Alador initially listens to him just to set a good example for his kids, eventually he genuinely doesn't want to "disappoint" Darius.
I imagine an instance where when Darius asks him if he's eaten yet and the answer is no, Alador starts to get a bit embarrassed about it. Meanwhile, Darius is thinking "Is he... blushing??? I didn't know he could feel shame." lol.
Alador isn't good at expressing himself either, specifically, he's not very good with his words which often leads to him unintentionally offending Darius. He often shows affection through acts of service which can also lead him to overwork himself. Especially after being married to Odalia which made him think that working to prove your love was normal in a relationship.
I had an idea once that after they get together when Alador comes back from work with sore shoulders/back, Darius would offer to rub them for him. Alador's not used to having a partner that cares more about him than the work he can do for them.
I can go either way if they're together in the epilogue. I think it would take a while (years?) for them to get into a relationship after being on bad terms for years. But they COULD be together at that point and Darius was just embarrassed about freaking out like that. Alador had the mini Abomination in his pocket after all 🤔
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sevensoulmates · 6 months
Buddie Meta 7x04 Part 3 (of 4)
Click here for part 1, part 2 or part 4.
Onto gay scene number four.
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This is ONCE AGAIN a direct parallel to 2x01. Ya know, the gym scene where everyone was like "why is Buck puffing his chest and trying to look hotter and stronger than Eddie"? Tim Minear would have us believe it's because he was threatened by Eddie, but those of us with our third eye open all know the man was attracted to Eddie, and Eddie was attracted right back.
Even down to putting the extra weights on the lift machine, it's almost beat for beat the same Buck trying to get Eddie's attention, only this time they have six years of love and devotion under their belt. This peacocking isn't about trying to prove Buck is better than Eddie, and it's most definitely not about Tommy. Tommy isn't here, neither is he mentioned. The object of Buck's attention is purely Eddie. Buck wants Eddie to look over and notice him without a spotter and come running over to be his partner, and maybe he also wants Eddie to notice that Buck is also strong and capable and sexy. Y'all ever seen those mating rituals where the male tries to prove he's big and strong and interesting so that the female will choose him? Buck is trying to make himself appear sexier than Tommy, and in my opinion, there's no other way to read this scene than that.
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He keeps looking to see if Eddie is noticing him, and when Ravi offers to be Buck's spot he shoos him away. What's also interesting is the framing of the camera. Eddie is positioned in the background between Buck's spread legs and his open arms. I'm not a filmmaker so I don't really know 100% what that means, but I just think it's an interesting choice to have Buck purposefully putting his crotch forward for Eddie to see, and keeping Eddie constantly in view only through Buck's spread arms and legs. Idk, it's givingggmmmgaysex. But what do I know?
Also keep in mind we (and probably Buck too) don't actually know who Eddie is talking to on the phone. We're meant to assume it's Tommy, but it could be Marisol, right? The last time Eddie had this kind of giggly little phone interaction it was in 6x18 with Marisol. But the show wants us to believe it's Tommy and to connect all of Eddie's actions with Tommy to being potentially romantic.
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Buck specifically has a basketball delivered to the station instead of, you know, his home, in order for Eddie to notice that Buck is suddenly interested in basketball and invite him again to play with them on Thursday. And again, I don't blame Eddie for missing the signs here. Buck has made it clear multiple times in the past that he does not want to play basketball with the other firefighters. So why would Eddie suddenly assume he's interested now? Plus he's distracted on the phone, so he might not have even really fully processed what Buck said or the insinuation of wanting to play basketball on Thursday. Buck sits down completely rejected because his latest attempt to gain EDDIE'S ATTENTION (not Tommy's) has been foiled. But thankfully Chimney comes along and provides Buck another access point.
Even Chimney is confused as to why Buck suddenly wants to play basketball. His excuses are weak, and Chimney instantly clocks that Buck isn't really there to play basketball with him but because he's trying to get in with Eddie and Tommy. Whether or not Chimney knows that Buck's trying to do it for Eddie's attention is unknown. We know that he was partially around when Buck was blabbing to Maddie, but he may not have caught the full context.
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Again, Buck is witness to how easily Tommy and Eddie touch, even though this in particular is much more "bro-y" than anything Buck and Eddie have ever done before. It's interesting that even though the episode is trying to show that the Tommy/Eddie relationship is similar to the Buck/Eddie relationship, there are still pointed times like this where the show still frames Tommy/Eddie as very very different, platonic-only, much more "bro-like" friendship.
This time however EDDIE is the one who calls Tommy "his boy!". Now we're finally getting the reversal of Tommy in Eddie's possessive. BUT this doesn't shift Eddie out of Tommy's possessive just yet. Instead, it is a mutual claim in conjunction with the rest of the scene that follows. So now it's not just a fear that Buck has that Eddie would choose Tommy over him, it's metaphorically come true. Now Tommy is Eddie's boy, and if that's the case, where does that leave Buck?
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Eddie, as lovingly oblivious as always, is shocked to see Buck here and subtly showcases his own jealousy. It's not anywhere near on the same level, but it does show Eddie noticing that Buck never says yes to him to play basketball, but somehow Chim got him to come? It does show that Eddie is still thinking about Buck here and thinking about what Eddie wasn't able to do to convince him.
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This little exchange shows yet another little way in which Tommy is encroaching on Buck's place with Eddie. The trope of "battlefield boyfriends" aka the two of them against the world. Tommy is extremely confident that he and Eddie will be able to beat Buck and Chim, and that rubs Buck the wrong way. Because up until now it's been BuckAndEddie against everyone else, and now it's TommyAndEddie. They're each other's "men". They're the team against Buck. Now it's become something hostile.
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This is a poke at Buck because he figures out he's bisexual at the end of the episode. But it's also funny because back in the day there used to be a lot of talk around Eddie in particular having beards. Beards can be both a conscious or unconscious choice on the part of a queer person. For some people, they don't know they're using someone as a beard because they're still deep in compulsive heterosexuality. In my opinion, this description fits Eddie and Marisol best at this point in time. I'm not saying that this Chim line is about Eddie, but it does bring up the question of beards in canon and who/what might be considered a beard in the current storyline.
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Buck, honey, Eddie was paying you so much attention here. He was trying to have a fun game of basketball game here, but Buck couldn't even let himself enjoy it because he couldn't get it out of his mind that Eddie wasn't on his team, that Eddie's playing against him, with Tommy.
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Eddie says an interesting line here to Buck: "You ain't getting past me" and it's so true, Eddie. Buck is probably not ever gonna be able to move past his feelings for you, regardless of who he dates in the middle.
And then we have yet another directorial camera shot that mimics the same dynamic at the end of 7x03. Eddie is running forward, Buck is desperately following behind him, and Tommy's running behind both of them. This could be foreshadowing again how no matter how much Tommy might try, Buck will always be chasing after Eddie.
Something else interesting to me is how the Buck/Eddie body slam is similar to the Eddie/Tommy body slam. These "intricate rituals" queer men will have in order to find socially acceptable ways to touch each other. It also takes me back to earlier in the meta where I talked about men using fighting/physical violence as an excuse to touch each other, hence why wrestling is a homoerotic sport. I don't know what was going through Buck's head, but I do think he was trying in some way, to force back that physical touch with Eddie, and take it away from Tommy. And in a way, it does also feel like a punishment. Like Buck's trying to make Eddie feel bad for being this physical with Tommy. And yes, Buck was in the wrong here. He let his hurt and jealousy get the best of him here and hurt Eddie in the process.
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I've seen people wonder why Buck wasn't freaking out about Eddie the way he has in the past. Well, one, this isn't a life or death scenario, and two, this is the first time it's ever been Buck's fault that Eddie's hurt. I think Buck's in shock. He's probably stunned and disgusted with himself and his desire to help Eddie is being hindered by extreme guilt, hurt, shame, and a whirlwind of other emotions he probably can't process in the moment. And that leads him to just stand still and watch instead of trying to help. He likely also thinks that Eddie wouldn't accept his help at this moment either. Buck does try to be the one who takes Eddie to the hospital, and likely would've apologized along the way. It could've been a good time for them to talk, to confront and work out the issue, but Tommy (once again) swoops in to be the one to help Tommy, effectively cutting off Buck's last chance to prove himself to Eddie.
Now, Buck's lost the last thing he can provide to Eddie over Tommy: safety, having his back, and being the one person he can always trust above all else. Buck probably thinks he's broken Eddie's trust and will lose him to Tommy for sure now. That's the kind of catastrophizing I can see him leaping to at this point in time.
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Buck then does what he does best, and pulls away. Not because he doesn't care about Eddie, but because he's already accepted that he's lost Eddie.
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Buck admits that this was a backward way of punishing Eddie, and Maddie rightfully puts him in his place for that. But then again, Maddie is speaking from a place of knowing what it's like to be physically abused (not saying this is abuse but it does still inform Maddie's perspective). Buck however is acting not from a place of an abuser or actually wanting to hurt someone, but from a place of living his whole life only knowing one way of getting people's attention. And for the longest time, that method involved hurting himself. And this time when hurting himself wasn't an option, it ended up coming out as hurting Eddie. Again, I am not trying to condone or excuse Buck's actions, but I am trying to provide a reason so we're not out here writing a million think pieces and fics about how Buck is suddenly a horrible physically abusive person (we're NOT having a repeat of the way y'all treated Eddie after the streetfighting arc). He made a mistake and obviously, he's going to apologize to Eddie and sincerely understand his actions were absolutely not it in the next episode. So, just like we're giving Eddie some grace here, let's give Buck some grace too. Moving on.
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Maddie does have a point, and she's right in a lot of ways, however, she, as a (as far as we know) straight woman, is coming at this from the perspective of being "friend-jealous" which we all know is disproven for Buck less than 10 minutes later. This talk with Maddie does give Buck good advice, but at the same time, I do believe it's likely confused him further. Because now he believes that the way he was feeling was normal best friend jealousy feelings when they really were not. Her advice is solid but doesn't really push Buck to think deeper about why all of a sudden he felt like Eddie making a new friend was the end of the goddamn world. And she can't really know to push him in that direction because she's operating under the assumption that Buck is straight. But he's not. They're both missing fundamental information here and without that, Buck still cannot truly process the depth of his feelings. I think this is a large part of why when Tommy comes over and kisses him in the next scene, Buck finds it very easy to glom onto the "out of nowhere" notion that the reason he was acting this way the entire episode is because he wants Tommy. It's very well true that Buck could've been experiencing physical attraction and an infatuation/crush on Tommy, but now, with Maddie's misinformed permission, switches targets and projects all of his big bi feelings onto Tommy.
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Buck is surprised Tommy came over, the audience and Buck both expect Eddie to be standing on the other side of the door. Tommy seems like a very observant character. He picks up on Buck's queerness (and likely Eddie's) and picks up on why Buck has been acting out of character the whole episode. Buck owns up to his actions and admits that yes, Tommy and Eddie can be friends and Eddie can have more than one friend.
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We then get an acknowledgment from Tommy that actually when he spends time with Eddie and Chris, the two of them talk about Buck a lot. Eddie isn't specifically mentioned, but it's implied that Eddie has told Tommy a lot about Buck if Tommy already knows that Buck is an irreplaceable part of both their lives. It's also funny because the last time someone said this, it was Buck trying to reassure Christopher that none of his dad's girlfriends would ever replace his mom. This once again firmly places Buck in the category of an irreplaceable parent for Christopher.
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This is another callback to season 3, the last time Buck and Eddie fought over the lawsuit, and Buck "making it about himself". This is a consistent character flaw in Buck, and at least now all of the characters can recognize it for what it is. It's also a callback to the 3x09 scene "You're gonna make it about you? again?" But see the thing is, I don't really think Buck was making Tommy and Eddie's friendship about him. I think he was hit with a rush of fear of missing out on what he and Eddie could be, and because he still didn't have the words to explain what exactly that meant, it came out in the only way he could think to communicate it: through trying to get Eddie's attention like a little kid pulling a girl's pigtails. It's unhealthy, yes, but it's all Buck really knows at this point.
Tommy admits that he was also jealous, not exactly of Buck and Eddie, but of the 118 and how they've built an unbreakable family bond that only came to be right after he left. Tommy wanted to be a part of that, and oh boy, if that's something Buck can relate to. The specific black hole craving to find a family that accepts you.
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And I absolutely believe that Buck is curious about Tommy, does want to be his friend, and does think he's super cool and probably thinks he's super hot and attractive as well. But the vibe I'm getting here is that Buck is seeking out in Tommy what he craves from Eddie.
Go to part 4 for the last part I swear!!
Part 4. Part 1, Part 2.
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lefarte · 1 month
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How would they take care of a sick friend?
Characters: Levi, Olivia, Daan, Pav
Some of these could be read as platonic
A/N: This is… entirely self indulgent because I myself am sick….😭 but also hey hii hello. This was very comforting for me. No one requested it, but I actually wrote this a long time ago in my notepad app before I even made this blog. I learned a lot about writing in this time so I’m sorry if the quality is a bit worse.
TWS: sickness (obviously)
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Levi has been through this before. He’s been sick more times in his life than he’s been healthy at this point. He knows what to do. He talks you through it slowly and precisely, he holds you hair back when you throw up, he changes your blankets when they get covered in sweat… he would never make you feel gross or ashamed, no matter how bad it gets.
That said, his personality isn’t going to completely flip on itself just because you’re sick. He wants to help you, but he is naturally timid. It might be awkward for a while. He struggles to carry a conversation at the best of times. Much less when you are in so much pain…
And depending on how feverish you are, it might be scary to fall in and out of sleep and see him staring at you from across the room with his big ass eyes. (It’s not his fault, he’s just worried.)
I also imagine he’s the type of guy who gets sick when he sees other people sick. So he’ll be holding back his own nausea for until you’re asleep, or until you’re back on your feet. Until then he would be on high alert, even more vigilant than usual. If an enemy made it inside while you were vulnerable, he would never forgive himself. So he’d pull out all the stops, barricading the doors, covering the windows… (even if it’s not necessary and you’re in a safe place, like the train.)
Hope you don’t plan on going anywhere once you get up because he’s going to get sick too now 💔
She’s going to be all over you. Of course she doesn’t want to be overbearing, but she really doesn’t want to see her friend in pain! And she can’t wait to impress you with her knowledge of botany. She has something for every symptom, an oil or lotion or extract. If she doesn’t have it, she will track it down!
She really loves the feeling of you depending on her. This is a rare opportunity for her to prove her skills to you, and to herself. And there is no one better to understand your pain than her! She knows the feeling of being trapped in bed rest, antsy and lonely, better than anyone else.
Olivia is determined not to let you feel that way. She cares about you. She wants you to get better! If you refuse her advice or try to pretend like you’re not sick, she will be dejected.
She will try to take you outside to look at the flowers and get some sunshine, and she explains every flower in detail. (She would be happy to do that anyway.) She even brings you little bugs, and if she’s lucky, a frog or a lizard!
Will share her comfort items with you. She has weighted blankets, lots of medicine, and heat pads!
She reads books to you, and her voice is so beautiful you’ll fall asleep.
He lowkey feels guilty for failing to take care of you
After everything he lost, you’re his treasure! He would give you the best bedside care you’ve ever imagined, you’d never want for anything. All the stops, backrubs, cuddles, cleaning your forehead with rags. He would even pull out some tricks from his old butler days and make you some yummy soup.
If you look at him with big sad eyes or god forbid he sees a single tear, he’s whipping out the Sylvian magic. You’d have to beg him not to.
He absolutely would give you kisses, doesn’t care a bit if he gets sick. “Nothing that an ibuprofen and some cigarettes can’t fix, my darling.”
He would straight up give you opium if you asked, there is literally no better partner if you’re easily sick or chronically ill. Your face would be covered in lipstick kisses by the time it’s over.
Immediately after he’s done, he would go back to being a sarcastic and calm guy. Perhaps a little shy?
“Have a beer, sweetheart.”
This is not… the best person to be stuck with in this scenario. Because of his experience in the war, his pain scale is a little screwy, so it would take a lot for him to be concerned.
He still sticks around you though. He’s loyal to a fault with his partner, I truly believe this, he’s protective and affectionate. He would not abandon you at your weakest, no no no no. That’d be cruel.
He holds your hair up when you throw up. He will draw you a bath or or give you cuddles! He’s definitely a bit more accomadating when you’re sick.
Pav doesn’t mind kissing you when you’re sick. He tells you he’s never been sick before, in his life. You’ve certainly never seen like it in front of you, but if he’s lying, it’s totally debateable. It could be that he does get sick, he’s good at hiding it. But knowing that, he’d still give you hundreds of kisses all over.
You have the honor of sharing snacks with him (greedy hoarding bastard). If you’re good.
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messymindofmine · 1 month
911 Lone Star Found Family
Thank you to @lemonlyman-dotcom for the tag! I am always up for talking about how much I love the relationships in this show
1)What is your favorite 911 Lone Star Found Family Moment?
It is so incredibly difficult for me to choose just one moment but if I had to, it would be TK trying to saving Marjan in 1x03. I'm choosing this one because even though we don't see as much of TK and Marjan's friendship as I wish we did, the idea of them is very close to my heart. I got introduced the show way back when it was first released by my bestie who is so much like TK that it's a running joke that TK was created especially for him. While I am not exactly like Marjan, I am a badass Muslim woman so I am the Marjan to my bestie's TK. And that moment I picked that moment in 1x03 because at that point, TK and Marjan didn't even really know each other that well yet TK was willing to risk his life to save her.
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2)Which platonic pairing/friendship dynamic are you most looking forward too seeing again in season?
See answer above. TK and Marjan's friendship is really important to me. Aside from what I mentioned above, I love to think about how Marjan went from being treated as a prop at her former place to show everyone how woke they were to being respected and cherished as an important part of the team and a family member. As a side note, this is why as a Muslim woman myself, I like how Owen bringing Marjan (and everyone else on the team) isn't treated as something that he's doing to save them but rather is him almost inadvertently bringing together a family. He doesn't treat any of them as damsels who need him to save them whether they ask for it or not, he treats them like family that you help no matter what because you love them. And Marjan obviously picked up on it despite her initial reservations precisely because she wasn't looking for a savior and that's why she was so adamant to bring the firehouse back in season. All that said, I think TK and Marjan have a lot in common with the way they have been treated in the past regarding their job. Marjan was treated as a prop to get woke points and was constantly being underestimated and held back. TK was used to feeling like he had to constantly prove himself not only because he felt people looked down on him for being the captain's son but also because he, like so many others with any kind of mental illness, felt like he needed to prove people wrong constantly as validation that he is worth something. But then they found each other and I have loved that little moment during Marjan's interview in the pilot where TK looks up at her and smiles. You can tell he feels he has found a kindred spirit.
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3)If you could pick one Lone Star character to be friends with, who would you choose?
Well since I already have a TK in my life, I'm just going to go with that. My TK (though that's not his name lol) is so important to me and my life would not be the same without him. It certainly would not be as good.
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4)Which would you rather attend: Catan night at the loft or game night at the Ryders?
Now this is a tough choice because I have never played Catan but I love charades. However, I am going with Catan night purely because I love seeing them all in their group and I would love to spent time in that loft.
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5)A character of your choice ends up in jail. Who would they call to bail them out (assuming their romantic partner, parent, and/or child didn't pick up)?
Carlos tbh because we've seen that he has no problem bailing his friends (or indeed his soulmate who had just rejected him) out of jail. Also, I just want to sit in a car with him while he's in uniform.
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Anyway, all of this is meant to say that I adore TK and Marjan together because to me it feels like watching my bestie and myself onscreen. I would not have even known about the show without him and even though he is not really participating in fandom anymore for his own reasons, it is still a ritual for us to watch the show together and talk about it.
I know that I was late in responding to this but work has been a bitch lately (why oh why does real life have to be a thing?!) and I have no idea who has already participated or wants to participate. I am also really shy about tagging people so I will make this an open tag and I hope anyone who wants to participate will feel welcome to do so. And if there is anyone who doesn't mind being tagged by me, please let me know!
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wordy-little-witch · 7 months
Imagine how absolutely feral the Roger's would get if Buggy came out as transfem or nonbinary or just preferred "feminine" clothes.
They're pirates, why the fuck would they comply to stupid gender roles when they can FIGHT and DRINK and be FREE?
Buggy goes "hey I think I might be kind of a girl" and the crew would just go "omg queen!" Admittedly, many would probably try bullying (affection attempted), but Buggy would take it the wrong way which sends Shanks into a frenzy which then sends Roger into a Frenzy² bc now BOTH of his kids are sad.
Someone (enemy pirate/marine/whatever) makes a snide remark about Buggy? Roger's going apeshit. And then he goes out, buys the gaudiest, ugliest dress known to man, and wears it to go kick that person's ass again just to prove a point. He's dumb but he has the spirit.
Rayleigh would just roll with the punches there. Oh, you're a girl? Maybe? Cool. Need your own room, or are you okay still sharing with Shanks? Keep sharing? Ah, alright. No, I don't mind. What? No, why would I care, Bug, I helped you learn how to tie your shoes, why would I care if you learn to tie a skirt- oh my god are you crying-
Buggy and gender have a weird relationship. It feels performative, but the more commonly considered feminine performances just feel better on her skin. So yeah. She slips gender on like a comfy jacket and rolls with it.
Shanks, depending on your preferred Shuggy interpretation, is going absolutely feral.
Platonic: he already was ready to throw hands to protect his little brother, only now it's a little SISTER and that Awakens Something In Him. Not much has changed, admittedly, he's just dumb and losing his marbles because that's his best friend, his partner in crime, she's always been pretty even before he knew she was a she, but now the crew is mentioning "fighting off the suitors" for her, and Shanks is overthinking everything. ((It doesn't help that he's pretty sure one of Whitebeard's youngest sons has been hitting on her, so now he has to plot a murder....))
Romantic: he already loved her, already thought her smile was the sweetest, brightest hing on the Seas, and now she's freer than he's ever seen her, her smiles easier, her face just GLOWING, and he is down so freaking bad. Shanks is not naturally prone to jealousy, but for Buggy? He loses all sense of calm and collected. He always has. But this new side of her, this vulnerable and authentic angle he sees now, he's just- by the Seas, he loves her. That's his person, his friend, his better half. Buggy is everything to him, and he's fighting against the curling, bubbling heat in his tummy whenever boys or girls look at her, whenever she flushes under someone's attention. He's frothing and struggling, but he's happy, too, so happy she's free and herself. He just wishes she was hos - or at least that he was hers.
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minieggukie · 2 months
My point here is that how can you say they are romantically involved with each other when jk behaves like this with everyone. You are saying now that he knows both jimin and mingyu from a decade so he's going to behave the same...so you agree that jikook are friends too?? Nothing more??Cz i definitely believe a person behaves a little differently at least with their partners than your friends. Watch that mingyu Live again. If he behaves like THAT with mingyu, I'm sure jikook are friends to thn. Not a couple.
Is it so important for you that jikook confesses they're a couple to the public? You do realize they live in a country (in a WORLD) where you will still be bullied, insulted, threatened, etc. if you are anything less than 'normal'? Where, in some parts of the world it's still considered ILLEGAL? Please, use your common sense.
And fyi, I never said that jikook must be romantically involved. It's fine if they are, but it's also fine for me if they're not. I like to ship them and make jokes that they're being domestic and married, and yeah I do suspect that there might be something less than platonic going on with them. But that's the extent of it for me. I don't try and find 'evidence' to prove or disprove their relationship. I don't disagree with people who think they're a couple, but I also accept it if people think they're just friends. It's that simple for me.
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I've noticed that, probably due to a desire to alleviate the grim nature of the original, many xuexiao fanfic writers opt to focus on (twisted or fluffy) romantic feelings of the characters. The emphasis ends up being on their romantic / platonic / sexual attraction rather than their incredibly juicy ideological contest and the antagonistic tension mixed with intrigue that Xue Yang shows towards Xiao Xingchen. Basically, there is too much 'lovers / froends' and not enough 'enemies' in their enemies - to - lovers / friends story. (I'm not criticising that. I'm a sucker for their mushier side too. But I'm equally a sucker for a good brutal battle of creeds.)
So let me fill this gap by describing how DELICIOUS the exploration of the 'you're my enemy and u SUCK and your worldview is RIDICULOUS but I LOVE rotating you in the microwave testing the limits of your resolve' aspect is or can be. I'll use some moments from the show / novel that I find striking in this regard.
XXC is very kind but lacks the worldly experience to be spot - on empathetic (as others have pointed out). He's also rigid to a fault. This is a VERY unpopular interpretation of mine but I believe he can be selfish / negligent in his goodness - he sheds caution about possible repercussions on his near ones in his mission to fight evil. He was smart enough to figure out the Chang massacre and trace it to XY. He knows XY is incredibly vengeful and creative in his vengeance. He's had experience with powerful people who will obstruct justice. Yet he goes ahead with prosecuting XY even when Jin Guangshan acts shady and uncooperative. Didn't he consider that this might put a target on his well - known partner Song Lan ?
Welp, then the Baixue bloodbath happens and XXC very understandably blames himself. I know we like to say it wasn't his fault, and of course it technically wasn't, but he did commit a grave error in not thinking through the consequences. It could be a miscalculation, negligence or even cavalier tunnel - vision, depending on your opinion. But anyway, XXC's morale is shattered and as others (like ameliarating) have said, he determined to never end up harming others in his quest for righteousness again.
XY wiped out Baixue for revenge, but also to kill XXC's hopes and vision, again also mentioned by others. May be a stretch, but it could be XY's way of saying 'hah, you don't care to understand why the world is as awful as it is, and then blame ME for doing shitty things to live it up in a shitty world. So let me show you how things actually work, and why my existence and lifestyle are valid.' It's like a really fucked up method of self - affirmation for XY. (Just in case - I am neutral on XY's actions. The novel doesn't give us much insight into his thoughts, so I'll withhold judgement on the nature vs. nurture debate about XY. But he's definitely an interesting character).
Then XY starts infiltrating XXC's life in Yi City. Why does he stick around after healing ? I like to think it's initially because he's a) taking advantage of XXC's generous freebies cuz why not and b) wants to torment him, yes, but he's also very very curious about XXC. Maybe it's because XXC's still out here trying to do good when many people would've either quit and hardened their hearts, or been broken irreparably. So XY think's he'll get both schadenfreude and try to find out why this dumbass saved a highly suspicious dying man and continued on his goody goody quest instead of learning his lesson. The lesson XY tried to teach him. Maybe XXC's whole deal makes XY wonder how his life would be if he'd acted nicer and more socially acceptable. Would it have saved him any pain ? Would he have had true allies then ? Did he choose a life of callous crime because he is weak - willed and 'inferior' unlike the seemingly unbreakable superiority of XXC ?
So he makes XXC kill on 'night - hunts'. Perhaps to prove that XXC got manipulated into doing harm cuz he's dumb or full of hubris and refuses to wisen up, refuses to become more cynical and wary of people. This ties back into Baixue too. Also I think the book mentions the victims are residents who mocked / cheated XXC ? If that's true, it's like XY is 'introducing' XXC to taking bloody revenge just like XY did on the Chang clan and others who crossed him / his pals. Like he's enacting teaching XXC 'look, if you keep up the good deeds, eventually you'll meet someone who ruins you so you destroy that hope for humanity and become just like me. Your way will always end in disaster, and therefore I'm justified in living like I do.'
Of course, in the end XY realises that XXC's drive to better society was his way of coping with the harsh reality of humans, especially after being ousted from BSSR's mountain. XXC didn't want to live in a sordid world. Meanwhile XY's coping mechanism was to extort the sordid world for all he wanted.
There's a tiny moment in CQL where, after the fake night hunt slaughter, XXC walks past a smirking XY and his arm brushes XY's sleeve, whose grin grows larger. It's like XY's relishing in XXC so casually touching and hanging about him totally unawares. Also he's horny for XXC's combat skills.
So yeah. Antagonist obsessed with corrupting his enemy, wrapping him around his finger, but not willing to let go. He ended up being totally down to bask in XXC's obstinate kindness despite that being the very thing he wanted to disprove and destroy.
XXC hesitates to kill XY after the reveal. What does he get from XY? Maybe it was reassuring that someone as hard - hearted and self - centred as his friend was willing to stick around in no man's land with him. It's soothing because it makes it seem like the world isn't that cruel, that perhaps the potential for good exists in people, hence helping XXC cope with his existential anxiety. He has to hold on to that hope even as his friend's identity is revealed, else there's nothing left for him since he can't bear to live in a world of evil and exploitation.
Why didn't XY move on after XXC's suicide ? If all he wanted was acceptance and shelter, he could've found so many other options. No, he was obsessed with XXC cuz he thought that if someone perfectly willing to kill him in the past over morals hesitated to kill him in the end, it must be an actual stable love. Where else, he thinks, would be find someone who loved him enough to not kill him despite them being such hostile opposites by character and circumstance ? Lots of people could love him cuz they agreed with his worldview or found it / him expedient. Who would love him even when their entire identity and misery opposed it ?
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findafight · 1 year
i agree w all of your r*nance thoughts. i also think a big issue for them would be nancy never being robin's Person bc of steve; i do not think that's something nancy could stomach. tho at this point, even if i had liked it originally, i would despise it bc of how often ppl have robin or nancy or both do absolutely sick and twisted things to steve. like the amount of fics where robin doesn't tell steve/actively lies to him about it for extended periods of time then he just has to be okay w it or they have robin just start putting nancy above steve in every aspect of life is ridiculous. then there's the really bad ones, like the fic i saw where the entire premise is r*nance fucking in steve's bed w/o his knowledge (and robin specifically doesn't feel bad at all which ???? like they have nancy feel bad but not robin? i will never understand) or the ficlet i saw where robin asks steve for sex advice then either 1) tells him it's nancy and he makes the advice specific (wtf) or 2) doesn't tell him but he figures it out later bc nancy thanks him since she realized the advice came from him (demonic). like what the actual fuck. sorry i had to complain about the things i've been forced to see against my will by tumblr.
so many things to complain about having seen on the hellsite. carry on fellow soldier 🫡
dsakjhfaksdhkf ya like. the concept of either of them starting to date someone they like and not immediately busting the other's door down like candace_momholyFUCK dot jpeg is just absurd to me. Robin would kiss a girl for the first time and as soon as she gets home she's dialing Steve up and twirling the phone cord around her fingers and kicking her legs, giggling. They were having boobie talk in the car at 7am. they def share if they actually get a date with someone they have a crush on!! (the exception being if that person didn't want to come out, like I could see Steve telling Robin he kissed a guy or had a boyfriend but not saying who because the bf wasn't ready for other people/people he didn't know well to know? but robin would still know he had a bf and details about what they do, just not personal details.)
I find it actually laughable that people would consider Robin would put some romantic interest above her most specialest boy in the whole wide world. Like. She was obsessed with him when she held her tammy and bagel crumb grudge and hated him! Now she loves him? Do people thing she isn't obsessed with him now?? Absolutely not she's worse and she steals his shirts to prove it.
Which I agree with you. Nancy obviously wants to be her romantic partner's priority and number 1. Jonathan's priority is his family and we saw in both s3 and s4 that this causes strain in their relationship! To the point they kinda break up in s3 about it! Robin and Steve both can no longer give that to their partners, because they have each other, scoops troop, and, by extension, the Party. Which is wild because s2 Nancy was Steve's priority.
idk whyyy people have Robin be mean to Steve :( stopppp that's her special little guy. her sweet cheese. her rotten soldier. She might say or do something that hurts him but she would try to apologize as soon as she realizes!! Just like he would for her! I think it might come from people still prioritizing romo ships over platonic ones and trying to have those be the most important and special and deep relationship the characters have.
lldkfjlakdflkajlfdj anon those are WILD fics wow. I think some are trying to acknowledge past st4ncy, but neglect all the hurt that happened at the end of that relationship, and that for the characters, in s4, Steve and Nancy broke up less than a year and a half ago! very messily and hurtfully! (once again, regardless of whether or not steve knows Nancy cheated) that is so short between the end of the relationship to be hooking up with your best friend's ex! that he has expressed romantic feelings for recently! or trying to emphasize robin and steve's weird little qpr comfortable in one another's space and oversharing relationship but missing the mark. like. it's one thing to sleep in a friend's bed with a different friend. it another to have sex in a friend's guest bedroom. it's another level to have sex in your friends bed? that's bonkers.wild.
I do think it'd be funny for Steve and Robin to exchange sex tips/stories but the first time i think Robin asks and Steve just blanks and goes "cut your nails. watch your teeth." which like. yeah. Robin figured. They're weirdos who live inside each other's pockets and brains but they probably do have some levels of comfort to work up to (they've been friends for less than a year! even if it feels like they've known each other forever)
(also. there is a weird thing sometimes where Nancy is closer to Steve/cares more openly about him than she would. I think it might be a bit of a backlash to people pointing out that she cheated on him in s2 and then seemed to not talk to him at all between then and s3 and again between s3 and s4? hmm...)
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nalgasde-hao · 2 years
Okay so my headcanon on Taang (and a little bit of Zutara on the side)
- So I would much rather prefer if the ending of the show hadn't made any of the ships (except for Sokka and Suki) Canon, but even with the Kataang final kiss I feel like Taang would have been canon
- Because they were both too young and there relationship would've been completely platonic (I've always felt like Katara saw Aang as a little brother that she needed to protect, but even if it wasn't for that, Katara put Aang in a pedestal for being the avatar and created a lot of expectations over him, which I think it can be proved by how later on their marriage on Korra, besides the way Katara did everything for him like a mother), and Katara's desire to go back to help rebuild the south pole while Aang wanted to recreat the air nomads again would made their relationship be very complicated
- And that's how I feel like they would outgrow each other and realize they would work much better as friends
- Without Katara's imagine in his mind Aang would be able to notice other girls - like Toph, who he hadn't seen in a long time due to his traveling
- I feel like Toph already felt something for him, but couldn't quite understand what it was, but she would take the opportunity to travel with him again
- and then, they would have a slow burn, friends to lovers relationship, with a lot of teasing and mutual pining
- as for Katara, I feel like Zuko would be a better match for her - they always had a great chemistry - but not only that, before Zuko joined the Gaang, Katara was the only one who did the chores and made sure that everyone was okay, which was a lot of responsibility for a 14-year-old, and after Zuko showed up and started to help her out, it gave her time to actually enjoy travelling
- I feel like after a time the other nations would pressure the Fire Nation, for something to make them feel safe - since they replaced the Fire Lord, with his FIRST BORN SON, and Katara would volunteer to be the South Pole ambassador
- There relationship would grow up from that, and I feel like there love language would be acts of service, always making sure the other one has rested and is feeling okay (and I can't stop obsessing about how Zuko choose Katara to help him find his mother)
- I also think that Maiko wouldn't work - although I really like the ship - because Mai hated everything that had to do with the aristocracy, because it bored her, and she didn't want to be what her mother wanted her to be, so becoming the Fire Lady wouldn't be very fulfilling for her - I kinda feel like she would have a thing for Ty Lee, but Idk
- Also, I like to think that Aang would always visit Toph between his travels to the point her parents (who didn't like him for making their baby girl run away) question themselves when was he going to propose for Toph's hand (I feel like her mother would make a comment during dinner or something and they would die out of embarrassment)
- And I'm 100% sure that Suki and Sokka had a bet going on who of the two couple would confess first (I have a feeling it's Zutara) and after that they would just try to hold their laughs at Taang mutual pining
BITCH THIS IS THE EXACTLY WAY I THINK THAT TAANG HAPPENED (if it was canon ngh-) and the way you explain the zutara relationship it makes all the sense to me.
Besides, talking about kataang, I always saw as a problem that katara couldn't show her agry with aang bcs he would cry or something like that, and that is not the way it should be when you are with your partner, on the contrary, it should be a safe place where you can express yourself freely, and I thought that with zuko, she can do it.
Also, bitch, toph and aang are soulmates and nothing can change my mind. THEY WORK SO PERFECT TOGETHER WHEN THEY ARE KID, IMAGINE WHEN THEY GROWN UP. Unstopplebe, on fights and love lmao.
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maskyartist · 1 year
Okay I’m making this it’s own post cause I’m fucking losing my mind, but mostly over one thing and that’s Roman Torchwick and how he’s characterized in this single moment
Now keep in mind I haven’t watched the full episode, nor have I gotten the chance to read Roman Holiday (a damn shame I know), but I don’t think I need to rn to ramble about this point cause it just hit me like a train.
CRWBY never forgot about Roman. They didn’t just kill him off and make Neo go solo.
They set this up from the start.
The fact that Neo is silent means we can never truly know what’s going on in her head. We don’t know her thoughts. We don’t know her feelings. All we knew was she was mad for Roman and went to get Cinder for it, then Ruby herself. But never the full extent of it all.
Neo’s muteness made US, the audience, almost forget about Roman to watch her perform as a side piece to a lot of the villains. Never truly forgetting, but assuming he wouldn’t be brought up again. The hat and scarf would be reminders but never would they actually mention Roman because they killed him off in such an unceremonious way.
So to actually see THIS
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To see just how deep these two went, to get full in show confirmation that they were partners in every sense of the word (romantic or platonic take it how u will but I love some Gelato so this fed me well), only to have him SPEAK? It throws you off.
Not only is it confirmation that Roman was never forgotten, but it also proves one thing about Neo that I think is so important.
She had nothing beyond Roman. “One Thing” was right. She had Roman, and he was taken away from her. And for the rest of the series, through every adventure, every appearance, every moment she was and wasn’t on screen-
She was thinking of him. Remembering him. Keeping him in her thoughts.
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I understand that Neo talking through Roman makes sense and that’s why he’s got the most speaking lines, but I do find it interesting that everyone else from the “dead people lineup” is so quiet. Such a caricature of themselves.
Neo never met them personally, she doesn’t even know Leo or Clover, and Penny, Pyrrha, Ironwood, and Ozpin are all based on Ruby’s own memories Wonderland is probably pulling from her. But even they’re barebones. The only ones who have speaking lines are Penny, Pyrrha, and Ozpin and they are extremely generic.
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Meanwhile, Roman is fully fleshed out. A whole person. He has his attitude, his emotions, his reactions, Neo never forgot him. She never forgot his exact self.
She uses him as her mic because he was always her voice. He was the one who made things make sense.
The line “That’s what I offered her back on Remnant.” just proves how long Neo’s thought of him. Never forgetting their promises, never forgetting his words, never forgetting him.
How many nights did Neo stay up thinking of him? How many times did she create his illusion just to play pretend for a little longer?
Everyone forgot Roman. After his death, he practically never existed. Left everyone’s minds. He wasn’t important by that point because he wasn’t an immediate threat.
But Neo never forgot.
And somehow that’s more terrifying then I thought it would be… The idea of her constantly thinking about him, trying to keep him alive in her mind. It’s no longer just about Ruby killing Roman, it’s that she forgot. That’s what ticked Neo off even more, that Ruby didn’t even view what she did as important enough to remember.
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“That’s what this is about?! You still blame me for What happened to Torchwick!”
As if to say “Really? That’s all this is? Just him?”
To her, it’s mockery. As if he wasn’t even worth her time when Roman meant everything to Neo. He was her whole world, judging by, once again-
“Always loved the idea of a place to run away from it all… Do whatever you want! I offered that to her back on Remnant.”
Roman took care of reality, while Neo was able to live in her fantasy world. He handled the world. She just had to live in it, perform for it, and enjoy whatever popped up next. He brought her the escape she’s always wanted. A world where no one could hurt her, no one could catch her… Just Roman and Neo. Partners in crime. In everything.
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Roman was Neo’s whole world, her One Thing…and that was stolen from her.
She didn’t have the power to make that known before. But with Wonderland…she can do anything she wants.
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earthgrudgefear · 8 months
Ok character meme thingy: Kakuzu!!! 🥺🫀
THANK GOD and thank You !
favorite thing about them: oh my god hi where does one start. the love of my life. UM. this is going to be a comparatively superficial answer but he's so fucking powerful. why is he so powerful. it was INSANE of kishimoto to just throw this guy into the series where the ONLY way he could be taken down was with a jutsu that SEVERED HIS ENTIRE CHAKRA NETWORK IN A SINGLE BLOW. he rips people's still beating hearts out of their rib cages with his Bare Hand because somehow he can turn his entire body into the hardest material on earth. he beat people up with a briefcase. he doesn't have a skeleton he's made of living spaghetti. he spent half of the two fights he was in just strangling people looking downright bored. my favorite thing about him is everything about him but this is what i'm talking about today. also he's hot send tweet.
least favorite thing about them: no there isn't one. my least favorite thing about him is how he was treated in the story. my least favorite thing is that he WAS that powerful and they killed him in a 16 episode arc. my least favorite thing is he fought the first god damn hokage and we don't ever get to hear about it.
favorite line:
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brOTP: yeah so deidara, it's strange that the akatsuki hardly ever talk to each other outside of meetings and their partners BUT it's canon that kakuzu had to reattach deidara's arms. i imagine they had to talk about something, find the time and place to meet. and i think it pisses hidan off because i KNOW he was with them and they were probably both ganging up on him. kakuzu was like 'finally someone i can be bitchy with' and deidara was like 'finally someone who's not just bitchy to me !'
OTP: look. kakuhida changed my life for the worse probably. kakuzu being notorious for killing his partners, assigned a partner he Can't Kill and yet how often does he try? instead he puts him back together, warns him to watch his back. he does like everything hidan asks him to "stay out of the fight" and he does, even if it's just to prove a point "come help" and he does. this otherwise cruel and relentless man, being so uncharacteristically Caring towards the most annoying man in the world. cept that it's not uncharacteristic at all, cause he does it all the time
nOTP: wow don't see a lot of kakuzu ships. hashirama is common but i wouldn't say it's a notp. just. why waste you time on that guy. saw him with tenten one, thought that was fucked up. i don't think him and deidara make sense if not platonically but i guess i've seen it a couple times too.... not a lot of kakuzu ships out there. tumblr's gonna take this as a sign to recommend me the most rancid kakuzu ships i can tell. maybe i'll have an update in a couple weeks.
random headcanon: he Definitely has lots of medical knowledge. and i didn't mention it in hidan's post but i think they both do. but with kakuzu basically being a frankenstein experiment, having knowledge about the vascular system makes sense. and the fact that he's regularly reattaching body parts he has to know SOMETHING past the basics
unpopular opinion: my unpopular opinion is that i love him 😭 gotta be one of the Least liked akatsuki members
song i associate with them: i couldn't explain it if i tried. hallowed be thy name iron maiden
favorite picture of them:
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i'm gay. thanks for your time
y'all can still send more i could do this forever
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dearweirdme · 6 months
the truth is that Jk is very affectionate and most members share fond looks, hugs, back rubs and praises. And so are most of us irl. We hug our parents, we cuddle with our siblings, we are affectionate and caring with our friends. And at the same time we do all that with our partners too. With the exception of mouth to mouth kissing and actual sex, all else is the same. So why are anons so confused? Don't try to find the difference in counting the actions, the answer is not there. The difference is in two places:
the energy of the action
the response of the other person
Please tell me you can't feel the difference for example in a hug between Jk and Hobi and Jk and Tae. Jk will hug Hobi in a burst of love and appreciation that screams platonic feelings. Hobi will smile and pat him and will end there. With Tae it is not the same.
In Taekook there is two people. Tae AND Jk. Why you always try to "prove" only Jk? Tae reacts to his touches and responds. He plays with his hair, his ears (the ONLY actual ear kissing we have seen between members was in that Festa), he puts his fingers inside his shirt and caresses his naked skin, he shows lust while looking at his body and lips, their stares are long and charged with sadness/emotions/love and hide silent conversations. Their relationship creates confusion in the fandom and even gp and locals. They hide most of their private trips (remember when Tae took Jk with him when he won that trip in that Japan show?), they hint to something more between them (remember the infamous bv Malta photo of jk that tae took and he has talked about how special it is to him and even made it in the life goes on mv?) and they feel like they must keep eo a secret (remember when tae came live from his bedroom and as soon as we heard jk singing from the other room he panicked and stopped the live. he came back to admit jk was there. why panic?).
Sigh. Its so obvious..
Hi anon! Jepjepjep! It is so difficult to explain (for me anyways) because we talk about differences in levels of intimacy and familiarity... and how do we show those? It's comparing best friend/sibling behavior to that of romantic partners, but all those are actually close bonds that are shown through familiarity and intimacy. Especially when we also take into account that Tae and Jk hide their romantic relationship.. it's so tough. I always think everyone who wants to try and see should just watch multiple (and by that I mean a shit ton) of footage. Because it is all there, and people are able to grasp it... but it just takes looking at a lot of footage. It takes a good understanding of BTS members and their characters in general. And it takes a good understanding of social context as well as BTS specific context.
I don't think I'm always only trying to prove Jk. I think both of them show a lot. Most people ask about Jk though, because to them (especcially this last year) it is only Tae doing the Tkkry. So if I seem to have been using more Jk proof, that's probably why (I honestly can't even remember all my posts on this at this point).
I'm fairly cautious using the words 'it's obvious'.. because I mostly think it's obvious once you've understood everything. But it is there... it's most definitely there.
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ravcns · 1 year
Get up
jungkook x fem!reader
summary: after not being able to be with eachother and being unsure if you matter to jungkook you try and see what’s happening
Being in love with an idol was difficult especially since he was from one of the biggest boy groups; what made it even more painful is that you too were an idol. It started sweet like any romance does; shy glances when you both thought the other wasn’t looking, faces being warm from getting flustered, finding out the smallest details about that person, enjoying eachothers presence even in moments of silence, little gestures like getting them food or drinks.
It was Namjoon actually who told him to just go for it; although Jungkook didn’t know why he listened. Sure, it felt like he was back in school having a crush on you and Jungkook was over the moon after finding out you felt the same way from a mutual friend. However, He knew from the beginning that he couldn’t love you in the way you wanted him to. Over the years time and time again fans have proved that going public with your partner would not end well. The chokehold that these people who adored them had on the social and dating life of idols was harsh.
Of course the first time you met he intimidated you. While he was a nice guy and quite attractive he was also extremely famous. Your group was a year old under Hybe and was popular but you could never top that level of fame. They had been around since and when he debuted you were still in middle school unaware of your future career path. After you got to know him though and became good friends you realized that these feelings were no longer just platonic; you had fallen for him. Now this was something that you were going to take to your grave originally, but ended up telling a friend. You had your suspicions that this friend could have said something but never confronted them because it led to something lovely.
He didn’t know why he did this to you. Deep down Jungkook knew that it wouldn’t work out; that he couldn’t do it. Call it being selfish for wanting something good. When the honeymoon phase wore off it was only then that he realized how much this would hurt you and that was the last thing he wanted to do. Jungkook was still able to act normal and enjoy the time left with you, but he didn’t know how long he could keep it up. Almost as if the weight of these thoughts was causing his heart to be constricted painfully in his chest.
When Jungkook ran into you alone in the hall he had a habit of giving your arm a comforting squeeze letting you know that he was always here. Also it wasn’t like he could do anything else; you never knew who was lurking around. In your eyes the day was like no other however that was disproven when instead of stopping he actually sped up as if he couldn’t bear being in the vicinity of you. At this point in time you were well aware of how distant he was becoming with you but also he was becoming more and more busy. Except, this wasn’t something you could chalk off as work related or wanting personal time because deep down you could see it too; this wasn’t going to end well.
“Can you meet me back in 5 at my studio?” He read the text in his head, debating his response then another message came in. “It’s urgent.” If you asked him in the future why he made the decision that he did Jungkook wouldn’t be able to explain it. He had left you on read at first, but then turned his read receipts off and put his phone on do not disturb. “It was better off this way.” He thought. The read time was mocking you the longer you looked at it. Instead of bothering to text him again you blocked him; that was one way to end things.
He always claimed that you were so important but when it came down to reality you knew he couldn’t face his fears. In a way you were glad that this didn’t end in a Dispatch article. You weren’t bitter about the whole thing in all honesty it was just sad. Whenever you saw eachother the stares still lingered except they were no longer full with longing, atleast on your end. You would no longer fight the shadow of being the romantic interest in Jeon Jungkook’s world.
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isca-tide · 23 days
Chenford/The Rookie fanfic prompts/ideas (pt.2)
So I did this a while back when I had a bunch of 'what ifs' floating around my head (prompts pt.1). I have more, so I'm back again. None are groundbreaking and if you've seen them done before, do let me know. I have even more than this but I'm trying to be good and not spam them all at once. If anyone does use them, even just as a jumping off point, also please let me know! Ya girl is not handling this hiatus at all. * Lucy's first time riding solo (I assume sometime between becoming P2 and becoming Tim's aide. We see her riding solo in S5 but that can't be the first time, surely. Maybe after Jackson's death if Nolan isn't on the same shift, since they rode together too.) Maybe a 5+1 fic but I'm not sure. Five times she rode solo by choice? idk. * Tim learning what it's like 'living' with someone with a curly-hair girl. From finding her hair on him during her time as a rookie, to when they're officially a couple. And maybe after their break-up, still finding her hair in his home. It's a weird one, I know. But I mean I shed like a husky in Summer and my hair is not half as thick, long, dark, or curly/wavy as Lucy's. Aside from Rachel, he's mostly been in long term relationships with straight-haired blondes. Could be a 5+1 type fic again. * Wesley, James, and Lucy hanging out – doing their best to fix the world. Talking laws and reforms and social justice. Being adorable while their partners (pre/post canon Chenford) look on in awe and adoringly at their sunshine people. Because I maintain that we need Wes&James&Lucy friendship stuff, stat. * 5 times Lucy did karaoke with Jackson, and the one time she didn't. And I made myself sad. * 5+1 fic. 5 times Lucy shared her morning/evening/day with Jackson, and the one time she didn't. Or something along those lines. I just need more pure platonic love fics with these two. Before she goes UC, after she gets out, the morning of the wedding, the morning she goes back to work after Caleb, the morning he comes home after being in hospital. I just need more of these two caring for each other 😭 * Lucy meets Wallace (one of Tim's many puppies). Either before or after Tim takes Jackson to meet him. Bonus points if it's set after and Tim is there to fix the downstair's buzzer at Wallace's apartment. (1x04) * Why was Lucy 3 ½ minutes late to roll call that one time? (mentioned in 5x06) * Tim and Tamara bonding over wedding planning and Lucy being UC. Jackson and Tamara bonding while Lucy is gone. Jackson and Tim bonding while Lucy is gone, maybe an insight into their day/days in the shop together. All three of them bonding while their sunshine person is gone. (3x14) * Tim finds out about Lucy's fake kidnapping set up by Nyla and Murray (3x13) * Lucy waiting for the Guatemala gang to get home. Waiting to hear from Tim that they're all okay. Sitting in the station or even the hospital, just waiting for them to turn up and prove that she hasn't lost another friend. (4x01) * What happened in the time-skip, after they got Angela back from La Fiera? Grieving people helping each other, being there for each other. (4x01) * Nyla helping Lucy with her gift basket for Angela and the baby. Just being there for her, helping her keep distracted from grief. (4x01) * The rest of Angela's welcome home/baby shower gathering. I just need more of the Mid-Wilshire family being together, okay? (4x01) * What happened in this unused/deleted scene? https://www.tumblr.com/karihighman/696251336685207552/in-the-deleted-scene-behind-the (4x02) * What if Tamara filmed Lucy being a badass with the stalker in the walls and shares the video with the Mid-Wilshire gang? People need to see how badass our girl is. (4x05) * What would Lucy have picked for Tim if she'd won the bet? Being Lucy, it'd have been something he'd have ended up loving anyway, even if he'd never admit it. (4x06) * Tim winning the bet and caving within like 10 minutes because he can't stand when Lucy isn't talking. (4x06) * Lucy and Tabin talking in the car before she drives up and switches into character. (5x07)
* What if Lucy and Tim had been attacked at home, instead of Nolan or Harper? (5x22) * Tim and Lucy acting as bait in his/her home to see if the attackers try them next? (5x22) * What if they didn't stop before that door was opened and the trap triggered? Not angling for MCD, just some good ol' hurt/comfort while one or both are injured or trapped. (5x22) * How does everyone find out about the break-up? (post 6x06) * Tim somehow seeing Lucy's breakdown/rant to Grey in the shop. (6x07) * Someone confronts Smitty over the betting pool (a nice deleted/missing scene type deal sticking to canon) * Tim seeing how beat up Lucy is after the gang war situation (she and Celina look so battered! They all do this ep! My poor babies!) (6x08) * Lucy working on her UC covers in her free time, pre/post detective's exam (mentioned 6x09) * Tim finds out Lucy is UC at Bautista's, pre/post knowing Monica and London are involved in department leaks. The first UC that he's had zero involvement in or foreknowledge of. You tell me that man didn't go at least a little feral/frantic to Angela and Nyla, especially after knowing Monica's involvement? (6x09/6x10) * Everyone being amped over how badass Lucy was jumping from one moving car to another and saving Tim. She deserved some praise/congrats in the show and unless someone mentions it in passing in S7 (hey isn't that Ofc Chen? You hear what she did?), it's not going to happen outside of ficworld. Hell, even just Grey telling her it was reckless while also being so damn proud of his pseudo-daughter. (6x10)
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Hi love thank you for this !!!!!!!!!!!
I love you (all the ways possible)
T / 8811 words
“I love you,” Buck says softly with his eyes closed and a smile, enjoying the aftertaste of the first sip, but then he abruptly opens his eyes and turns to the shocked Eddie.
“I-I mean like a friend. Platonically. You - you my best friend, Eddie. And I never had one. I’m sorry if it’s strange. It’s probably strange. I'm just, you know, a really emotional person and …”
“I love you too, man,” Eddie cuts his explanations that were already turning into panic.
or, 5 times Buck and Eddie say "I love you" platonically, 1 time Buck says it and Eddie doesn't know it's not platonic, 1 time Eddie says it and Buck doesn't know it's not platonic, and 1 time they both now it's not platonic
Don’t spoil him because you feeling guilty (just love him how you really mean it) G 4,321 words
“First of all, if I remember right, two months ago you were too old to have plushies,” Eddie points, looking at his son. He even portrays how Chris said it to him, which causes Chris to roll his eyes in response. “Don't roll your eyes, Christopher Diaz. Secondly, we agreed that since I'm buying you the fancy console you dreamed of, you don't ask for anything else for a whole month, do you?”
Christopher sighs but nods in agreement. Eddie can't help but smile at how cute his son looks and raises his head to share this moment with Buck, who is not standing next to them. Eddie almost starts to panic when he sees Buck at the checkout.
He returns a minute later and hands the penguin to Chris, who lights up brighter than the sun.
or, 5 times Eddie tries to understand why Buck spoils Chris more than ever after his coma, and 1 time Buck tells him why
I was always in front of you  G 2131 words
“Do you want to help me find a new couch?”
“I thought you needed to choose the couch yourself?” Eddie wants to slap himself. Buck opened his heart in the hope that Eddie will understand him, and Eddie asks this question. But Buck smiles brightly.
“Yes, that’s the point. I`m going to do it. I just would like some opinions from my partner. It’s not like you would choose for me. And I want an opinion from Chris,” Buck says and looks at Eddie like he should understand what he means and wait.
But Eddie can’t fully tell or better say scared to hope what Buck means so another man helps him.
“We can buy a couch together. Three of us,” Buck emphasizes the last part. And Eddie thinks he can’t breathe. He smiles bright and hopefully but he needs to be sure they both understand what it means correctly.
“Like a family?” Eddie asks and hears how behind Chris comes to the kitchen.
or, Eddie comes to see Buck after hospital, helps him to deliver Kameron's baby. then they have movie night with Chris, choose couch together and finally goes on a date Or, how they could end 6x18
We are family (let`s buy pajamas to prove it) G 1787 words
A week. Eddie tried to find the perfect way to ask Buck to marry him for a week. It should be something cute and romantic, but also something only for them.Big romantic gestures are amazing,but Eddie feels like he needs it to be something quiet and domestic.
So while Buck has a shift without him, he searches for the best idea on the Internet. But the last two hours gave him nothing except anxiety.
“Dad!” Chris` scream near his ear scares him, and he almost drops his laptop. Chris smiles at it. “I called you five times. What are you doing?” the boy sits near him and tries to look at his screen.
or Eddie and Chris propose to Buck with cute pajamas
I wanna be yours E 6061
They both just melt into a kiss, enjoying the taste of each other's lips. It's a deep kiss that sends chills down Buck's spine. Eddie literally devours him with his mouth, and Buck doesn't even try to resist.
But they both need to breathe, so they separate to get some air, but after a few seconds Eddie joins their lips again, pushing Buck to the counter in the center of the kitchen, so he hits his back pretty hard, but blue-eyed can't care more about a small bruise while Eddie presses him into the counter and kiss Buck like he's a water source, and Eddie is madly thirsty.
or, after poker smut fic
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