#trying to think of a good event while also not wanting to make an event
jesuistrestriste · 20 hours
hi i’m also a cancer 🫶🏼
anyways this isn’t a new thought on this site but art would get floaty when you praise him more than two times in a row. like it’s overrrrr cancel your plans he’s mush
on a sweet note he would love to match outfits/ color coordinated with you !
oh my gosh, art donaldson absolutely melts at praise. 100%. a few sweet whispered words in his ear, and he's gone. weak in the knees with a pounding heart !
while he does love when you praise him for mundane things (i.e., 'you always make such a good cup of coffee for me in the morning' or 'you look extra handsome today'), he loves to hear it most when he's getting touched or fucked or licked or bitten.
it's easy for him to let your affectionate words coax him into a quick orgasm. he does try to hold back, but it's extra hard when your lips brush the shell of his ear, or the nape of his neck, while you whisper things like:
"such a pretty boy for me"
"you feel so good inside me, art"
"oh my god, don't stop— your mouth is fucking amazing"
"you're fucking me so well, baby"
"you're a good boy"
the latter phrase is his personal favorite. maybe a bit cliche, but it always gets his cock throbbing and squirting immediately. he moans the loudest when the sound of those four words dance around in his head as he comes. he loves it.
you are always happy to indulge his pleas for praise, which almost always follow the same sort of verbal pattern:
"please, tell me im good" or "am i doing a good job?"
he likes to ask leading questions. ones that guide you to understand that he wants praise, without him having to ask for it directly. even though you two have been together for a while, and he knows that you know that he loves that kind of talk in the bedroom, he still goes pink in the cheeks and gets sweaty palms sometimes when he's tasked with asking for it. it's just his nature; something in his dna, maybe. he's a nervous little thing from time to time. and yet, he's usually so confident on the tennis courts. admittedly a confusing phenomenon at times.
in terms of the color coding, I think he absolutely loves to take you to his tennis events. the ones where you're expected to dress up. which is essentially all of them.
he'd see what color outfit you were planning to wear, and he'd match his tie to it every time. he liked being able to walk around the events and show people that you two were together. in some ways, it felt like he was showing people that you owned him. it wasn't like he was wearing a collar or anything like that, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel some stronger sense of devotion to you when he put in the extra effort to coordinate his outfit with yours. and he'd be lying if he said it didn't boil a soft heat in his gut.
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canonizzyhours · 2 days
I'm a professional screenwriter. I know nobody reading this has any reason to believe that, and I work pretty hard to keep my fandom activity separate from my professional identity, so I'm not going to offer any proof that would doxx me here, believe me or don't. But it's true and I don't just mean I'm trying to get hired as a screenwriter, I mean I am pretty well established in the industry and I've worked on some stuff big enough you've probably heard of it. I've also been active in OFMD fandom for about two years now, since nearly the beginning.
The canyon really freaks me out because seeing it up close makes me worried I've drastically underestimated audiences' empathy gap around characters of color and tendency to sympathize with and excuse the actions of white characters. I've always tried to be conscious about that sort of thing in my work but now that I'm seeing the whole process up close it's so much worse than I always thought.
I think a lot about what I would have done during season 1 of OFMD, if I were in the writers' room and I'd wanted to make sure it would be clear to the audience that Izzy was Ed's abuser and wasn't acting out of secretly sympathetic motives and we're supposed to be genuinely horrified by his actions. I'm in writers' rooms workshopping issues like this all the time. I know the kinds of suggestions I'd make.
Like, if we were worried that the audience would think Izzy's hostility toward Stede was about class instead of homophobia, I might have suggested we make sure Izzy's dialogue never has any reference to Stede's class at all, and that we might do a subplot in one episode where Izzy is equally hostile toward Lucius, since Lucius clearly isn't rich but is extremely gay. But that already happened, and it didn't help.
If I wanted to make sure the audience understood that Izzy is bossing the crew around and screaming at everyone to work harder because he's a petty little bully on a power trip and not because the work actually needs to get done, I might have suggested a scene where Izzy deliberately makes a mess on purpose just so he can order the crew to clean it up. But that already happened, and it didn't help.
If I wanted to make it clear that Izzy has always been awful toward everyone around him -- especially his colleagues of color -- since long before the show started, I might have suggested we repeatedly emphasize throughout the season that while Fang is willing to work with him, he doesn't like or respect Izzy and this is because Izzy has always treated Fang very badly. Have him pull on Fang's beard for no reason and have Fang explicitly say he hates that but knows it wouldn't help to complain. Have Fang tell strangers jokes about times Izzy humiliated himself in public. Have a scene where everybody unanimously VOTES TO MURDER IZZY and someone explicitly stops to ask Fang if he's cool with this and Fang explicitly says yes this is absolutely fine with me and then he actively participates in the murder plan while smiling. But all of that happened and I still see the canyon insisting that Izzy was a much nicer person before the events of s2 when he wasn't under so much stress and has always been liked and respected by the PoC around him, including specifically Fang!
If I were worried that the audience might take seriously the idea that Izzy is motivated by "loyalty to your captain" -- well, honestly I don't think it ever would have occurred to me to worry about that, since he says that in a scene where he's in the middle betraying his captain and I'd probably assume people are capable of picking that up and understanding that when someone says they're abusing you for your own good you should not believe them. But if someone else insisted we address the concern, suggestions I'd make would include: make sure some of the first interactions we see between Ed and Izzy involve Izzy complaining about how he doesn't want to do the job Ed just gave him, then half-assing the mission and lying to Ed's face about it. Show Izzy deliberately undermining Ed to the crew by telling them he's half-insane, then insist to Ed that he's the only one keeping the crew loyal when they're worried about his judgment. But they did that stuff and we still have people thinking Izzy's central motivation throughout season 1 is selfless devotion to Ed.
The show did every single thing I would have suggested, and none of it worked. So what does it say about all the stuff I've already worked on, whenever I've written a scene where a white guy was being a dick to characters of color? Have I just been embarrassingly naive this whole time? Have I undermined my own work by not getting this?
You can't control audience reactions, I know that, that's part of what's great about art, you have to let go and accept that people will interpret things in ways you never intended, I get it. But if it's THIS impossible to choose words that will create the kind of feelings you meant to, what's the point? Is it even possible to write about the kind of abusive relationship Ed and Izzy have, where the white guy thinks he's entitled to control a brown man's life "for his own good" and that the brown guy is obligated to be grateful and reciprocate his "love" and not have a huge group of people creating elaborate justifications for the white guy? What else could they have done? What else can I do, when I'm writing about characters of color? I'm seriously asking. If anybody reading this has advice I want to hear it. What could I do?
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Fuck, I missed Killdozer day, so this will be slightly less impactful. Anways...
On this most sacred of days, the 20th anniversary of the Killdozer, I implore all of you to shit all over anyone who tries to ummm ackshually about Heemeyer's story. The majority of the spin on the story that claims Heemeyer was the cause of all of his own problems and that he spontaneously decided to self-sabotage until he went mad and decided to Killdoze his town largely comes from a single guy, Patrick Brower. Brower is not only someone who has made a career off the Killdozer story, but also one of the people Heemeyer was directly aggrieved with because, despite saying he was going to cover Heemeyer's story about his issues with a corrupt and abusive local government, he just conveniently never followed up on that story until it became the career-making Killdozer story much later, where he conveniently tweaked little details about the story to downplay the Grandy City Council's part in driving Heemeyer to "unreasonable action" in retalliation for their horrendous mistreatment of him over a couple acres of land.
Brower has reported a lot of contradictory information, while also neglecting or misrepresenting other information to make the narrative spicier. He turned the whole thing into a documentary, a movie, and a book and all of those things are slanted against Heemeyer so it looked like he was just an insane jackass who snapped for no good reason.
At the same time, with the Killdozer being kind of a meme and a "don't tread on me" quasi-libertarian/anarchist symbol, contrarians have come out to try and add more negative light on the story, painting Heemeyer as an unhinged asshole who was just attacking the city at random, and for no good reason, which simply isn't true. This recontextualizing of the event is done entirely in petty retaliation because they just don't like seeing their perceived enemies enjoying anything. So, they have to come up with additional spin on the narrative so they can say "There! Now you can't have any fun or talk about how local governments are full of petty tyrants!"
The Killdozer story is one that shows what happens when people in power feel like they are exempt from the consequences of their actions. When they believe they can simply bend and twist the law and the zoning codes and every little bit of pointless bureaucratic red tape to get whatever they want for themselves and their cronies at the expense of anyone unfortunate enough to be in their way. In almost all cases, these sorts of people go unpunished for their entire lives. In this one single case, someone was pushed too far and decided to take extreme, unreasonable action, and that's something to think about and remember.
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adora-but-ginger · 19 hours
pairing: emily prentiss x gender neutral reader
synopsis: two undercover agents with old flames still burning, reunited once again
warnings: undercover talk, swearing, references to sex so mdni, french words, alcoholic settings (though none is consumed)
main masterlist
the rise and fall of a midwestern princess masterlist
word count: ~2.3k
a/n: OH MAN am i excited for this series!! this is my first time writing for emily, and i am really proud of this one! the order of this series won't necessairly follow the album order, but the beginning to both will be femininomenon. i would love to hear your thoughts, and let me know if you'd like to be tagged! also side note i saw chappell live and it changed something in me.
do not steal or repost my work. reblogs, however, are greatly appreciated!
not proofread whoopsie daises
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credit to gif owner!
"Dude, can you play a song with a fucking beat?"
The music was loud, obnoxious, and not even good. Your mind was still racked with the events of the past 72 hours, and you never went to places like this before. A "welcome back/so long" party they said. You did not agree to this, but out of leaving on civil terms, you begrudgingly said you'd attend. It was for you after all.
That being said, the DJ they hired was not that good. You were irritated, it was hot and stuffy here, and you just wanted some sleep. If they were going to play music here, at least make it good.
"Uh, yeah, sorry. What do you want on the queue?"
You couldn't even think of a song name. You had been so out of touch with the present world these past years that you were completely out of the loop on the world's current music taste. Someone next to you recommended one before patting you on the shoulder, and that movement almost made you snap.
This was stupid. Stupid, useless, and a waste of time and money.
The "you're alive and back!" banner was starting to fall, and your irritation was becoming overwhelming. Since when did they even do this sort of thing? You took a deep breath. You were gone for eight years, longer than most stings. Plus, you were switching departments soon anyway, and you supposed that this was the first celebration the team had had in a while. Let them have it, part of you conceded. Fifteen more minutes, then you could leave, you convinced yourself. Fifteen minutes and then--
"Well if it isn't the guest of honor."
You knew that voice. How did you know that voice?
You were still trying to remember how your friends and colleagues looked and talked--a feat harder than you'd like to admit. Whatever song the person had requested was thrumming through the air now, the beat running through you.
You could hear your name being hummed, and you did a 180 to face them.
Emily Prentiss.
How could you have forgotten that voice? You eyed your drink, suddenly wishing it was much stronger than the sprite you currently carried.
"You look a whole lot different since I saw you last." She glanced over you, noticing the weathered changes that came with eight years undercover.
"I guess I'm still trying to figure out who I am again." An ironic chuckle accompanied your words. "Hey, Emily." You slightly raised your cup of soda in greeting, and she returned the same action. "A little birdie told me you switched from undercover?"
Oh man, this was not good. Thank god you knew how to regulate your expressions because your heart was practically escaping your chest. The last time you two had seen each other, you did much more than talk. It was truly a shame that you were called in immediately that next morning, that you knew she'd wake up to the sheets still warm (she was always a light sleeper), that you had a new case being brought to the table and you wouldn't know how long you'd be gone for. A week? A month? Half a year? A whole one?
You definitely did not expect it to be eight years.
What was she doing now? Was she with someone? Was she married? Did she have kids? Did she--"You're doing that thing again, you know."
Your eyes snapped to hers. "What thing?"
The song changed, and you really did not want to be attending this party right now. Even if Emily was here. "The thing where you ruminate into your own world?" She clocked the look in your eyes and nodded to the front doors.
Maybe it was a little rude to leave the main event without saying goodbye, but you did not want to be there any longer, and you getting really overwhelmed. You nodded in agreement and she started to walk toward the refreshing outside air.
The chill greeted you as you approached the nearby picnic table, Emily sitting down across from you.
An awkward silence infiltrated the air.
"So, uh, long time no see?"
She shot you a look, eyebrows raised in a don't give me that manner.
"How are you doing with the assimilation? Any hiccups?"
Eight years--two-thousand nine hundred and twenty-six days. You'd been back for only three, and you couldn't remember how to live a normal life. You weren't assimilating at all.
"Yeah, it's been pretty good."
You could see pity in her eyes. "I don't know how you got this job. You can't lie for shit."
Speaking to her was making old, long-buried feelings crawl their way through the dirt and past the grave. A tension was forming, though not one of bad, more so the type comparable to that of smelling the rain before a storm.
"I just can't lie to you." You crossed your hands on the picnic table. "Never really could, I guess." You mumbled the second part, taking note of the party's noises and the crickets chirping behind you.
She let you talk, patiently drinking up the mere presence of you. She had practically sprinted from the jet upon hearing of your return, memories of you two flooding the gates she had long since locked away.
You were gone for nearly a decade and your social skills were currently in the toilet. It had to mean something that Emily came tonight, right? Not a lot of people knew of you, much less the importance of your return, and as far as you knew word didn't leave the office of this party.
Yet here she was, dressed in her day clothes, nursing a water as she stared at you as if you were not real.
You wanted to tell her everything, what you did, where you went, who you had dealt with the past almost decade, the way her lips still caressed your mind, how the ghost of a possible future kept you was the lamp that led you through the darkness.
You had so much to say, yet you could only get two words out.
"I'm sorry."
That caught her a little off guard. "What are you sorry for?"
You let the evening breeze wrap around you for a moment before speaking. "For leaving without saying goodbye. For finally making a move just to go off the grid. It was long ago, I know, but I felt--feel so horrible that I left you there that morning without even a quick see you tonight letter by your coffee."
She didn't respond, which made that feeling in your gut go even deeper. The evening breeze ran in between you, speaking words you could only wish to say.
It wasn't until her cup was almost empty that she responded.
"Don't sweat it too much. I got called into a case not too long after, was stuck in that for a while too. Seriously, it happened, and there's no bad blood between the two of us."
People were starting to leave the party in the distance, and a wave of relief washed over you. Now you could leave, go back to the sanctioned hotel room you were assigned to until your belongings were recovered and you could find a place to live. It was a shitty situation, sure, but it was a place to lay your head for right now.
"Well, it's getting late, and I'm really tired," a yawn overcame you, "I better get going. I start the new job in a few days, so I need to catch up on as much sleep as I can after the past week." You reached over the table and lightly squeezed her hand. "It was really nice to see you, Emily. Seriously."
She returned the gesture, her hand fitting as nicely in your own now as it did back then. "Of course. You didn't think I'd miss welcoming you back, did you?"
Your hands didn't separate, instead, she smiled as you shot a glance towards them. "Keep in touch, will you? It'd be really nice to reconnect."
A small smile grew on your face and you swiped your thumb over her knuckles. "I will, don't you worry. I don't have my own phone yet, but if you want to give me your number I'll put it in the moment I get one."
You knew she would tease you the second the offer left your lips. "You want my number, huh? Think I'm cute or something?"
A laugh emitted from you, god you forgot how much you missed her. The anxious side of you made you question whether you should be flirty at all with her-- she probably already had a significant other, and there was a slim shot that even if she didn't, you could relight the kindling that was your--whatever it was you two had going on.
Couldn't hurt to test the waters though.
"I think you're alluring, gorgeous, and undeniably charming." You lowered your tone to a whisper as you spoke, leaning over the table. "Not just cute."
She shot a glance at your lips that did not go unnoticed, and you licked them in response.
"Oh, dearest, you're going to make me blush if you keep on talking like that."
"You? blush? These years really have changed you Em." You had to make sure she was single before you continued any further. "Are you seeing anyone these days?"
Hands still interlocked, she gave another squeeze. "You've had my heart since we walked in together as fresh meat ten years ago. You've plagued my every dream for thousands of days--you are the only one my eyes have landed on and will ever."
Slightly shocked at her confession, your mouth dropped partially agape. "Still as bold as ever-which is a good thing-I see. Since when did you become a romantic?" You nodded toward the car you took to get here, and she nodded in understanding.
"Since I found out you were one: still alive, and two: not undercover anymore." You took a minute to observe her as you stood. Black shirt with a flat neckline, dress pants, and hair slightly curled outwards at the end. Still breathtaking as ever. Age had found her face, as it did you, and it made her even more stunning.
"Want to come to my place? I have an extra room if you want." She thought for a second. "Oh, I do have one man in my life." Shock rushed through you, mixed with a tinge of jealousy, and she laughed at your expression. Laughed. A sound that reminded you of a perfect melody. "His name is Sergio, and he's the sneakiest cat you'll ever meet. I love him to dear pieces."
You were speechless, resulting in even more laughter from the raven-haired woman at your side. "You're something else, you know that?"
"I'm sure he'll love you."
She gave you her address ad you got into your vehicle. With a wink and a slap on the door, she was off to her own.
You were going to fucking lose it.
It was five years into this mission, and at this point, you didn't know if it would ever end. The layer of domesticity that formed between you and him was so enforced that you had to remind yourself every night that this was your job, and that once you were able to get his company destroyed, things would smooth out.
And you would be able to quit this line of work.
You loved it, you truly did, at first. You were good at what you did, and it made you the best candidate for this operation. That being said, you did not expect to still be living this case. For one, you didn't date men (or have ever been attracted to them.) Yet here you were, legally married to the guy running the upper half of France. It irked you because he had a really sweet sister who under different circumstances you would've loved to be friends with.
There wasn't much left to do today, and the sun was starting to set. You had sent the cleaning person home early; you always did. They liked you because you actually got to know each them, and you still had them paid for the hour or two they missed. This was one of the only chances you had to take a deep breath and do a little reset, remembering why you were here and what you were doing.
You were an outstanding undercover agent. You were coming back to for Emily.
You had repeated that mantra for the past five years, the sentence serving as a tether when things got rough.
Stupid fresh linens that were never used twice. Stupid giant house with its giant gate and giant halls. Stupid--
"Où es-tu, mon amour?" Where are you, my love?
There he was, and there duty called.
"Je serai là!" I'll be right there!
Once her name had infiltrated your mind, she enveloped it. Does Emily still even remember you? Is she still alive? Does she still care?
You were doing this for her. And if that meant you had to wait a few more years, then so be it. She was your solace, your grounding rock.
"Mon amour?" my love?
"En chemin!" on my way!
Until you were able to hold her in your arms again, you could only hope that things worked out.
Emily rubbed a soothing hand over your back as you softly fell asleep, body entangled with hers. She knew within a second that there was no chance you'd be sleeping in separate beds. Plus, you needed a sense of comfort, a familiar face, and that's what she was. She never had anyone to pick her back up after Doyle, so she would be that person for you.
It was odd, having you back. It was going to take a while to get everything situated and in a groove, but she was willing to walk that path with you.
She always thought it was the same old story with her previous relationships, but then you came along.
And god damn, did she love you.
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gloomwitchwrites · 18 hours
Last 1! Dinner date/movie night with Gaz, please. You know he'd be the perfect gentleman...until it's time to get freaky 😏
“You know he’d be the perfect gentleman…until it’s time to get freaky.” You are so right, girlypop. Kyle “Gaz” Garrick is an absolute gentleman…except for when he’s not lmao. He’d be the perfect “Netflix & Chill” partner. And not in a “fifteen minutes in and he’d try to stick is tongue down your throat” sort of a way. No. He’s a “we’re watching this whole movie and if you want to fuck afterward we can” way.
Mostly gn!reader with an exception or two.
Word Count: 604
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // 1k follower event masterlist
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What’s a date night like with Gaz? This is a man who will hear you mention something in passing and then turn that into a date. You think glass blowing is cool? Kyle is going to make a date out of it. Want to learn how to make bread? Kyle will go buy all the ingredients and the two of you are baking bread together. This man only wants to make you happy, and he wants to do new things with you.
While money isn’t a real concern, Kyle knows how to pamper and spoil you during a date, but can also budget for a super cheap and fun date as well.
Will always say “No, love. I’ll pay.”
Super romantic and intimate during dates. Lots of soft touches and cute kisses, but he always asks permission or takes care to pick up on your interest in the moment.
Before the two of you officially started dating, Kyle was 1000% pining after you for ages. It just took him forever to gather his courage to pursue you.
Always buys you flowers before every date. And Kyle isn’t a “here are some flowers I hope you like them” energy. This man is bringing you flowers, and he’s taking care of those flowers. It’s not your responsibility. He trims the ends. He brings or find a vase. He preps them so all you need to do is enjoy them.
Opens every door for you. Compliments your outfit choice even if you dress casually. But also compliments the non-physical. Kyle appreciates you for more than just your looks.
Always relaxed and at ease on dates, but on the inside he’s a goddamn mess.
Kyle likes long-term, committed relationships. He prefers stability, and the dates he takes with you reflect that. This isn’t just a little fun thing for him.
Very good about not overindulging in alcohol on dates (if there is any drinking).
Whether it’s a casual date or something more intimate, Kyle always does his best to show that he is interested in you. But if you’re not feeling it, he’s good about backing off.
But if you are interested, it’s on. Forget the gentlemanly demeanor. The moment that door shuts, and the two of you have complete privacy, Kyle’s headspace entirely changes.
It’s not that Kyle is dominate in the bedroom, it’s that he knows what he wants and how he wants it. He also knows who you like it, and you’ll get yours, too.
If it’s a movie night on the couch: When the credits roll, Kyle is placing that popcorn bowl aside and slipping his hand between your legs under the blanket. There is nothing more intimate than getting you off with his hand and you’re looking into his eyes. And once you’re ready for him, he’s fucking you under that blanket. He’s taking what he wants. You’re either in his lap, facing the television, or the two of you are sprawled out, and Kyle is taking his sweet time with you.
If it’s after a romantic dinner or anything indulgent: Kyle is going to put you on your knees. He’s going to make you gag on it while he praises you for taking it so well. He’ll bend you in whatever position he wants. And Kyle will be languid with his strokes, making you needy, forcing you to beg for him. Only then will he let you have it the way you want.
Afterward: Back to gentleman behavior. Lots of snuggling. Cuddling. Getting you food if you need it. Massaging sore muscles. Cleaning you up (and the bed). Lots of soft kisses.
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @miaraei
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@sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666 @lifes-project @burn1ngw00d
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@talooolaaloolla @hantheconqueror @littlemisscriesherselftosleep @umno-yeah @glassgulls
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ionlysurviveoncaffine · 16 hours
This was inspired by @cuppajj’s beast ancients au! So, credits to them! Also this will feature my oc, Choco-mochi cookie! I might make a part two, but that’s still not determined yet.
Tw: has triggering things like forced-isolation and neglect. Read at your own discretion or don’t read if that’s uncomfortable for you. Remember, this is fiction. If that’s what’s happening to you, then get help and know that there always a way to get out of the situation. Remember that you are loved and you are amazing.
Mochi cookie was never the silent nor stoic one in the palace. They were the emotional one who always spoke the loudest when to came to their passions, their curiosities, and their ideas. In a land where the stoic and strong prevailed, it was a suprise that the second to the throne was so…full of emotion and curiosity. At one point, they would ask questions everyday and all day. Why was the licorice sea black? Why did they have to not eat so many sweets? Or why can’t they be friends with everyone? And what was more was that they’d ask these silly questions to anyone, including their father Dark Cacao. Yes, the King of the Dark Cacao kingdom before he became…the cookie he was now.
But now? Oh, the young cookie was so scared. The same cookie, the same man, and the same king that swore to protect them, had failed them. Any and all questions were seen as a threat. As something that was making the same starry eyed child warp into a threat that would take over the kingdom in his eyes. While freezing them would work, he couldn’t do that. So, he decided for a more merciful approach. In order to cease this threat, he’d just, lock her in a cold room. Alone. At first, the young cookie thought maybe they had done something wrong. So, they tried to regain their father’s approval by trying to be stoic or strong. Of course, the only thing that landed her was silence from him. He didn’t acknowledge it nor did he seem to pay mind to her. So, she tried to make her presence known by doing the one thing that she did best: talking. However, after a few sentences in, she was promptly yelled at for speaking out of line and forcibly dragged into the room.
“Insolence and impudence must be snuffed”. was his reasoning. Such bold and audacious questions and talk would possibly cause the kingdom to loose control. And what then? What would become of this kingdom other than an another piece of territory for the rest of his foes. It would become Dragonberry’s, or Midnight Lily’s. Or worse, it would be burnt ablaze by Saint Vanilla. So, with such twisted and paranoid thinking, he kept her inside. Inside a dark desolate castle that was silent.
The young cookie was so alone. They sobbed and cried as they went to the only cookies they could trust: Carmel Arrow and Crunchy Chip cookie. The two were once fiercely loyal to the king, but their loyalty was slipping as they saw the crushed hope and light of the child. They quietly gave comfort in the secrecy of the now paranoid king as they whispered soft comforts and let the child sob of their pain and fear. Well, that was there for a good while. At least until the only cookies Mochi trusted were forced to leave.
The event that led to Carmel and Crunchy’s departure was still a mystery to Mochi. Why would they leave? Why didn’t they bring her along? Were they also tired of her presence as well? They had more questions than ever, but it didn’t feel the same as before. It felt suffocating, burdensome, and downright painful. Were they truly alone in this castle? Mochi wandered the halls, as they pondered this. After the event, it seemed that everything was worse. It seemed that it was the nail in the coffin that would silence Mochi forever.
But no, this wouldn’t be the end. Not today, even after all the pain and suffering Mochi had been through, they were determined to find them. Determined to bring back light, determined to make things right. And most of all, now they wanted more to leave. To leave the hellhole that made them walk on eggshells. To find help, to find their lost family, and to regain their voice. So, when dusk had set and many were asleep, Mochi quietly packed their bags of the scarce yet precious belongings they still had, and snuck out to the desolate frozen land that was unforgiving as the castle.
(Authors note: man, this was crazy. Idk how many words, but this was my first one shot. Hopefully it’s good for y’all! Again credits to @cuppajj and their amazing beast ancients au!)
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kymsys · 2 days
(okay i was going about my day yesterday but i really couldn't get the merman au out of my head😭😭 i just imagine for a while somehow geto managed to sneak satoru into the palace and then it's a whole ordeal trying to hide him. panicked geto and oblivious gojo and really for all that image is stuck in my head i still have yet to write a proper interaction w them but!! it's not proofread so sorry if there are mistakes and it's a bit scattered but i had to get this one scene out that was brewing in my mind so🥺 ignore this if you want❗️❗️)
From the mezzanine, everyone looked like ants. Suguru had to squint to make out familiar faces in the crowd, and even then, the only person he could identify was a distant aunt of his that he had never really liked. Usually, he'd have been able to pick apart anyone of significance; he'd have known their name, their title, their interests. 
Suguru would've known, he always memorises the details before public events — he spends days in his room at a time, talking into the mirror and telling his reflection things about these people who he has never met. Perhaps, lately, he'd been busy with Satoru.
Suguru smiled. He didn't feel as guilty as he thought he would.
A hand clapped on his back, and he jolted. Shoko beside him, cocking a brow. “What's got you looking like a dumbass?” Her voice was flat, eyes busy scanning the crowd and Suguru knew who she was looking for.
He cleared his throat. He couldn't really tell her that he was keeping a siren in the little pond in his private garden — well, it wasn't exactly little, but that information held no relevance anyway. Shoko was his dear friend, and he knew she would always support him, but he had to keep Satoru a secret, more for her sake. Suguru bit his lip in thought. If only Satoru didn't have such a strong taste for human flesh.
“Is meat more nutritious than fish?”
“Nevermind.” Suguru winced at the look he was being sent. He didn't mean to blurt the question out, but he'd been thinking about it for days. The salmon that he'd been feeding Satoru probably wasn't enough to sustain a creature his size — especially when he was so active — which would mean he burnt through a lot of calories very quickly. “Utahime is on the balcony,” Suguru pointed in the general direction, giving Shoko a pat on the shoulder, “good luck.”
From his peripheral vision, he could see Shoko roll her eyes as he walked away, but she muttered a small 'thanks' before she turned to find the other woman. He was glad she finally had someone to open up to other than him — he saw how happy Shoko was with Utahime, and with the burden of inheriting the throne giving her sleepless nights, it was all Suguru could want for his closest friend.
He turned his attention back to the winding flight of stairs before him. Now, to find some meat.
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KINGGGGGGGGGGGG (can i call you like that??)!!!! ♥ GAHHH IM SO HONOURED AND HAPPY, you actually wrote MORE??? bless you, this is truely amazing, this has me by my throat. thank you so fucking much, i love it!! <3 WHY THE FUCK WOULD I EVER IGNORE THIS, are u out of your mind. i LOVEEEE the way suguru keeps thinking about his little "pet" gojo and what would probably be the best food for him! like indeed he is a massive creature, he will probably need...a lot?? but also at the same time i can imagine that he is maybe not that....needy. isnt that a thing with lots of sharks or deep sea fish that they eat very little, just because its so hard to get by food? so their organism is evolved to survive on very little food and thrive nonetheless. MAYBE suguru just thinks gojo is in need of lots of food, but actually gojo just likes to eat bc he enjoys the food, but doesnt neccessarily need it?(he is also a mystical creature, so in that sense anything is possible really xD) I ALSO LOVE HOW SUGURU JUST RANDOMLY ASKS SHOKO ABOUT NUTRITIONS AND SHOKO IS JUST LIKE WHAT, i adore that ; u ; <3 AND OMG gojo lives in a pond in his private garden??? HOW CUTE!! so that makes me wonder (pls indulge with me) why would he bring this technically "monster" into his home? generally i would think maybe that a creature like that needs its space and would need their freedom? so MAYBEEEEE smth has happened? maybe gojo got hurt, maybe even when he was caught in the fishernet situation? MAYBE suguru needs to take care of him until he gets better and maybe gojo, the curious creepy creature that he is, enjoys the change of environment and the new feeling of being cared for?? its exciting for both! what do you think ?? 👉👈 maybe you had a different idea?? im so excited to hear your thoughts!! AND AGAIN THANK YOU, i love it SO much, i feel so lucky that you actually like it so much that you wanna write about it T___T ♥
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izu · 1 day
hey just wanna say that i LOVE your art!!! i’ve seen you on twitter and ugh just can’t get enough of it! also do you happen to have some johnshi headcannons?? cuz if you do i would like to see them all!! :3
thank you so much!!! i hope to draw more.... also get ready bc i have way too many headcanons and this'll probably be super long winded unfortunately . this isn't all of it but its most of it
- kenshi is a heavy sleeper. after moving in with johnny post-tournament he begins to unwind from his former unhealthy schedule that was supported by his yakuza lifestyle. johnny wakes up at 5 am to work out until lunch, and kenshi sleeps in til like noon or 1. johnny thinks its cute
- they either own a fuck ton of cats or ferrets. johnny seems like a ferret guy to me
- they like watching director's cuts of movies instead of actual movies because kenshi can actually understand a little more of whats happening while the directors explain certain scenes and go into depth about the composition and art direction. its a win win situation for both of them
- johnny actually reads a ton of books, but is embarrassed about it. leftovers from being a ""nerd"" in high school. kenshi thinks its adorable and he likes hearing johnny retell the book plot and express his exasperation with it unfolding as he reads
- johnny has a sweet tooth and kenshi has a more refined palette, he will try anything johnny sets in front of him though, even if he isnt much of a sweets guy
- on that same note, johnny is very good at cooking! every other night he plans a meal for them, and it's almost always a winner. lots of japanese style dishes (took some trial and error on johnny's part) because he wants to impress kenshi
- they go to red carpet events together after a couple of years of dating, but for a while they pretended (to the press, too) that kenshi was his newest bodyguard. rumors spread fast though and it ended up being a perfect time to let johnny come out publicly as bi
- kenshi's parents are actually very very supportive. i think he'd be nervous at first but his mom thinks johnny is very handsome and his father agrees its a good change for their family. kenshi has two sisters who absolutely raise hell over kenshi nabbing a sexy gaijin star and he is very embarrassed about it. much to johnny's delight
- they spend every weekend on the balcony of johnny's new loft in his jacuzzi just talking and being sappy. kenshi genuinely gets a lil upset when things come up and they miss their date nights
- everytime kenshi returns to the states after visiting home johnny makes a big scene at the airport. lunging at him, crying sobbing
- kenshi proposes first, but johnny had been nervously trying to wait for a good time to do it himself. one upped. he is still very upset about this well into their marriage as old yaois
- kenshi is the top 👍 i think we all knew this but still
- even if he doesn't need it, its sort of a ritual between them so they never stopped; johnny is still kenshi's sight dog when they go out and he doesn't feel like relying on sento.
- sento's ancestors like johnny a lot and kept being annoying about kenshi needing to get hitched already hskw7kejej
- kenshi is achillean, gay. always has been. his arrangement with suchin was. arranged. and she was his lesbian beard for a while. the two are very very close and she visits their home often. johnny is trans and bisexual, but he's only out about being bi.
- johnny tends to have a really shitty sleep cycle, light sleeper, easily thrown into insomnia, the busy street life can really fuck up his routine when hes already had a terrible day. which ends up with the both of them on the couch, talking, watching a show, kenshi with his head on johnny's shoulder. they fall asleep like that 7 times outta 10
- the older they get the sappier and grosser they get . everyone who knows them hates their gay asses . jax and sonya included
- also they both get dad bods when they get older bc of all the good eating. neither are insecure about it. its hot
- kenshi is undeniably the spoiled one. gifts, fancy dinner dates, unrelenting affection and praise. he starts believing he deserves good things, that he is loved, solely by johnny's persistence with showing him instead of telling him
- cris ends up being their friend again after a while. i just dont like the cris villainization when its contrasted with johnshi support. she had her reasons to be upset at her alcoholic, spending-addicted husband, y'all
- johnny like action/sci fi movies. kenshi likes romcoms.
- they host parties. they're awesome parties.
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roomsofangel · 21 hours
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synopsis you spent your entire childhood and teenage years being what your mother wanted you to be — and so when you finally strike a deal and made a bet with the woman, you are determined to prove her wrong and that your passion for art could be turned into a living if you just tried hard enough.
however, things might have just gotten harder when you cross paths with the lead vocalist of an uprising rock band who seems to be nothing but a charming thorn in your side
wc 2.0k
warnings not really any!
reblogs & comments are very appreciated and also help out a lot! thank you for reading and giving my work a chance ♥️
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a gentle sense of dread filled your chest as you hastily packed up your paint-smudged supplies after the art class you insisted on taking to hopefully better your skills for your overflowing passion. your mother always claimed it was a waste of time, trying to get you to venture off into the field of medicine but you always told her to let you at least try.
so, while you carefully wrapped your brushes in their familiar protective cloth and shoved them into the depths of your bag, you tried to keep your unease at bay. you had a few months until you and your mother decided which route your life will take — whether painting and music would be the way your heart will go to make a living or if you had to snuff out your spark and do what she wanted. a deal just to get where you are now and an attempt to prove her wrong.
the smell of oil paint clung to your fingers despite several washes in the sink, and you made a mental note to bring some hand sanitizer next time. you glanced back at the canvas, half-finished but bursting with color. maybe you could add just a tiny bit more to the whites and the sides, the corners looked as if it needed more of a pop. you sighed, running your fingers through your hair, your muse was running thin and you didn’t have time to recharge it when you had plans with yeosang tonight.
and speak of him, he shall make himself known. without missing a beat, your phone buzzed in your pocket and you took it out to read the text he had sent
yeosangie: still coming tn? gonna be short staffed and i’d die without you!
you pressed your lips together, laughing lightly to yourself as you read his dramatic text. the plans in question were you helping him bartend an event the pub he worked at was having, a new rising rock band would be playing there tonight which meant more business. in a way, in hindsight, meant a good deal but being understaffed out of all days made you watch your best friend lose his mind even before getting there.
you didn’t have any mixology skills, hell, even making hot chocolate at times came out different and at times.. watery, you surely did not have any sort of touch that could make any pleasing but yeosang insisted and you’d be just taking down anything being asked for and serving while he did the mixing and preparing.
you: yes sangie, i’m still coming lmao don’t be so dramatic!
yeosangie: ugh i’m being realistic!
with another light laugh, you shoved your phone back into your pocket and got up, making sure you had all of your things before heading out of the building. it was sunny, having to use your hand to shield your eyes while you made your way to the parking lot. you could feel your phone buzz again, assuming it was yeosang again but you weren’t able to think twice of it when your arm bumped into another
“watch where you’re going,” the voice was a bit harsh, not glancing back to where you were. you turned to their direction, he seemed in a rush to get inside which made you scowl. of course you all had places to be, but why did he get a pass to be rude?
“asshole,” you muttered under your breath, not wanting to let the blonde stranger dampen your mood and continued the route to your car
“he could have been having a bad day.” yeosang suggested while leaned back against the glass door, watching how you paced back and forth. you paused your movements to point over at him, “i was too but you don’t see me going all,” you cleared your throat and shifted your body to mimick how the stranger was, “watch it,” letting your voice drop a few octaves
yeosang pressed his lips together, as if trying to stifle his laugh, “is that how it went?”
you deadpanned, looking at him, “thats beyond the point!” you then groaned
sure, you weren’t entirely an asshole, you would have understood if the stranger had a bad day. but dear lord, all of your understanding went out the window the second he opened his mouth and you were glad you’d never see him again. “what do i gotta help with tonight?” you decided to steer the conversation before you got yourself too fired up again
yeosang clicked his tongue, lifting himself off the door so he could get behind the bar, “help me serve them, simple.” he shrugged, “i underestimated because this place is gonna be packed.” he cringed
“who even is the band anyways?” you asked while bringing in a box of different liquors, huffing as soon as you set it down onto the countertop, dusting your hands off on your worn-out jeans
“halazia,” he replied with a shrug, “wooyoung’s new project,” he added in and you laughed a little
“another one?” you tilted your head
yeosang nods, “but this one actually pulled through.”
and you nodded back as a response. you knew wooyoung the same amount as you knew yeosang, the two were practically a two for one deal and wherever yeosang went, wooyoung followed. it wasn’t a surprise that yeosang found a way to have wooyoung’s new band to play here, part of you also felt proud of the fact after the many attempts, wooyoung finally achieved what he strived for.
yet, another part of you hated how jealously bubbled in your core. when was it your turn?
the club was alive with the sound of loud rock music that played, the walls were practically shaking with each booming note. you could feel the bass in your chest from where you were behind the bar, hurriedly serving drinks to customers that were definitely not making it easier. shit, you swore you had a few spilled on you and felt sticky.
yeosang helped pour shots and took majority of the drinks to make while the crowd was wild, jumping and moshing to the music, you could have sworn you saw a few stage divers and crowd surfers. the smell of sweat and alcohol was thick in the air, yeosang glanced over at you as he handed over a tray of shots. "you holding up okay?" he yelled over the music.
you nodded, a bead of sweat dripping down your forehead. "i’m managing!”
you didn’t get to see the band or say hello to wooyoung as you maybe hoped, and you doubted you’d be able to enjoy the music with how business was being. “i’m glad you’re here! i would have definitely died,” yeosang said as he let out a breath, moving past you with a tray of filled to the top shots to a group
“oh yeah, i guess you were being realistic after all,” you poked fun as you ran your hands through your hair, ruffling it a bit and wiping the sweat with the back of your hand after while you heard him give an ‘i told you so!’
as you continued on, you could hear the loud vocals that were hitting you in the chest — you managed to steal a few glances to the stage where you noticed the band certainly deserved the hype, wooyoung knew what he was doing this time, you assumed he learned from past mistakes. speaking of, there he was in all his glory playing the bass with his signature charming smile as he mouthed the lyrics and interacted with the crowd, drenched in sweat and water he poured on himself during the last song
but your eyes couldn’t stay on him, oh no, your sight kept falling onto the lead vocalist who played the bass and belted the lyrics, the vein in his neck showing just how much power he was pouring to the crowd. “who is that?” you voiced over the music, leaning towards yeosang who followed your gaze
“kim hongjoong,“ yeosang answered as he let out a breath, relieved to be able to rest for a moment. “only spoke with him a few times, closed off guy but powerful as fuck on stage.”
you nodded as you let your gaze linger back to him, how free and at home he looked as he sang, “this is a wasteland, my only retreat.. with heaven above you, there’s hell over me.”
you couldn’t remember how the rest of the night went, most of it was a blur when you began helping yeosang pack up, “so how was that?” he amused, zipping up his bag as he glanced up at you
humming, you let out a breathy laugh, leaning back against the wall, “it was.. something.” you folded your arms over your chest, “we’re just waiting for wooyoung now, huh?”
and yeosang replies in a nod, “as usual.”
as if his name was a summoning ritual, wooyoung’s loud laugh became more prominent from the back, and there he was walking in with three others — one being the blonde you found yourself drawn to more than you’d want to admit
“ah, there’s my favorite artist!” wooyoung beamed as he ran over, leaving the three behind to rush over to you with his arms out
“hey woo,” you greeted with a smile as you let him engulf you in the tightest hug, the smell of his cologne suffocating your nose, it was safe to say he drenched himself after the show and you could see he was still lightly glazed with sweat. “alright! off! you’re still sweaty,” you exaggerated while giving him a tiny shove
wooyoung replied with a laugh and dragged out whine, “a little sweat never hurt anyone,” he huffed before ruffling your hair
“oh, yeah guys this is seonghwa and mingi,” wooyoung first introduced the two that caught up, seonghwa having some of his hair up and the rest down, his hair strands more pulled out at the front to frame his face, he certainly rocked that choker better than anyone you knew while mingi looked as if he was made for this genre
“nice to meet you,” seonghwa greeted with a polite grin, bowing as you smiled in response
“yeah, thanks for coming too,” mingi smiled
while you listened to them all talk, wooyoung being the one you heard the most, your eyes wandered to the back where you saw hongjoong on his phone, cigarette between his lips as he stayed apart from the rest. you weren’t sure why he was alone, eyebrow raised.
but your chest felt a bit heavier and breath hitched when he tilted his head and shifted to meet your gaze, blowing the smoke in the air. how could he make death look so marvelous?
“yah! joong, you can’t smoke in here, i’m not getting in trouble because of you,” yeosang broke the trance you were in as he scolded the blonde who rolled his eyes and took another long drag
“fine,” he exhaled, glancing at you before making his way out, blowing out the smoke as he pushed open the door and walked out
turning your attention back to the group, your brows furrowed together, “is he always like that?” and you wanted to simply ask if he was always an asshole but for the sake of being civil…
seonghwa sighed, “he’s not so bad, he just had a tough morning.”
mingi snickered, nodding while wooyoung groaned, “yeah but he made practice ten times more hard! all because of that girl he bumped into,”
“ah, sounds like your morning, y/n” yeosang humored as he grabbed his jacket
and you wanted to scowl, eyes glancing back to the window where you saw him focused on the nightsky, exhaling the smoke that he inhaled. “so he’s the asshole stranger.”
of course, makes sense.
“he’s not so bad once you get to know him,” seonghwa repeated with a reassuring smile
you shrugged, “and pigs can fly.” you muttered because certainly first impressions matter to you and with the pretty rockstar, he managed to have two and failed them both miserably
you just hoped you’d never have to see his stupid pretty face again.
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masterlist . . next
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burningfudge · 1 day
Ultimates (2024) #1
OHMYGODDD Ultimates #1 was fantastic! I have so many thoughts that I had to turn it into a post lol.
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Poor Steve 😂 I'm very interested to see Steve's journey, though, because he's now the captain of a country that doesn't exist. How is he going to navigate that? I'm also looking forward to Steve and Tony's dynamic in this universe because Tony's a kid, which changes things a lot. He's a kid with the burden of the world on his shoulders, trying to undo everything that the Maker did, and Steve knows that as well. Plus, if they know about all the events on Earth-616, they also know about Civil War. I hope it's brought into the conversation soon.
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NOOO IS CAROL DEAD?? MY GIRL This is brutal as a Captain Marvel and Hawkeye fan. Spider-Man is thriving for now (surprising, I know), but Carol is probably dead, and Clint has given up being Hawkeye. But even Spider-Man was near rejection as Peter was thinking about giving up until his daughter convinced him to be Spider-Man. The Maker really fucked up this universe, huh. I'd love for a certain archer to find the uniform and take up the Hawkeye mantle and then Clint to get inspired by Kate in this universe. I think it'd be a fun twist, especially since Tony also mentioned that they can find near-perfect substitutes. He eventually realized his mistake later on the issue, but I really do think Kate could have a big role to play.
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Hehe, a fun little wink to Tony eventually becoming Kang the Conquerer.
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This version of Tony is so interesting to me because he’s a kid, and making him the center of all this works very well because of it, especially his relationships with Reed and Steve. Reed is more pragmatic and cold, while Steve is idealistic, and seeing both of them influence Tony is fantastic. Tony himself is more idealistic than his 616 version because he’s much younger. Steve grounds the two and makes Tony and Reed understand that whatever they're doing isn't an experiment but a revolution.
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While I love all the other characters, the standout in this issue for me was Hank Pym, which I didn't expect. He knows what kind of person he turned to be on Earth-616 and he doesn't want to turn out that way. I think that's a very compelling story arc.
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Ahh, I love this. What Steve says is right; Hank can choose to be different. It's also interesting if we compare Peter and Hank because, in Ultimate Spider-Man, we're told that Peter always felt that something was missing from his life, and then he learned the truth about what the Maker did and became Spider-Man, which fulfilled his life. On the other hand, Hank was happy running an extermination business with his wife. (How Janet went from rich heiress to this is also something I'm wondering). Hank was happy, but now he's being told he was supposed to become Ant-Man, create Ultron, and hit his wife, whom he loves more than anything. I felt bad for him, honestly.
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616 Tony should say this to his father, too lol. But this part is probably my favorite part of the issue because of the insight it gives us into Tony's mind, who is the center of the new Ultimate universe. As I've mentioned many times, Tony is a teenager in a world run by fascists, a world that his father was complicit in making. He's angry at Howard, but he also loves him. I think an argument could be made about Tony representing today's generation that's also dealing with the effects of (poor) decisions made by our parents and grandparents, and feeling the anger from it. "It's quite a mess you made, Dad. And now we have to clean it up. What choice do we have?" "If there's any hope of fixing things...it won't be enough to be as good as the heroes of that simpler world. We'll have to be better. I don't know what that looks like yet. But we're going to figure it out." "You were the smartest man in the world. You should've known better. And that is failure.”
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majycka · 2 days
hi quick random question, do you think Kyoto students and utahime especially her dynamic with Gojo could have been utilised a bit better in shibuya because they have potential if they were fleshed out.
what are your thoughts i just feel there could have been potential.
There certainly was a potential anon!
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Reading this linkspooky anon ask, she said that the mechamuru traitor plot line could've been fleshed out more to point out the flaws of the school system(which gege isn't really interested in exploring) thus also allowing us to explore the differences between teacher Gojo and Utahime plus their kids. I agree with what the anon and she had to say so imma try to explain it further.
I know canon told us that Utahime was able to figure out the mole via process of elimination but if we were to really to draw out the traitor plot line, I can imagine Utahime, the investigator, digging deeper into the motive on why possible Mechamaru even considered doing it. She's an attentive teacher afterall so I wouldn't doubt she probably cares about why her kid ends up like that. In this way, we get to see the differences between how Gojo and Utahime treat their kids as well as how the school system using these kids as child soldiers affects them. Through this way, we get to see Gojo and Utahime interact more. I’d dare say that Utahime will probably call out the way how absent and “sink-or-swim” Gojo’s ways of teaching are. I mean, it does work for his students, but sometimes he ignores a crucial and obvious part that they are STILL kids.
That’s the whole point of Nanami’s care for Yuuji who’s originally under Gojo’s wing, and how Yuuji expressed that it’s Nanami underestimating his skills when in fact, Yuuji is STILL a child, and Nanami, as the adult, has to protect him.
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Gojo is not too aware of this fact that they ARE still child soldiers because he is raised in the same system afterall. However, with Utahime’s caring, and doesn’t-take-any-bullshit-from-Gojo personality, there’s no doubt she’ll call the fuck out of him. 
Moving on to the actual students themselves, I actually like how Gege kept the Kyoto kids lowkey in this arc and when they showed up, they were a team (even Todo included with his help with Yuuji). I'd like it more if we were shown how the Kyoto kids navigated the culling game arc because the game could have forced Kyoto plus Tokyo to cooperate with each other. Maybe even under Utahime's wing because most of the adults got nerfed in Shibuya. Also, Kyoto kids offer the weaker pov things in the series, and I'm all out for underdog characters. There’s just lots of inner conflict going on when you’re in a world who favors the strong while the weak gets hammered down. 
Moreover, another thematic potential I can think for the kyoto-tokyo dynamic is sharing comradery on entering adulthood. This is somehow shown with Kamo & Maki vs Naoya fight, and imo, this fight is a good CANON example that "at the very verryyy least"  fulfilled the potential of the Kyoto-Tokyo dynamic.
More yapping under the cut cuz this is actually one of my fav fights in CG arc >.<
The goodwill event shows the battling philosophies of the schools, however it also shows how complementary they are..Kyoto wants to be understood in a lashing out way but Tokyo merely responded with callousness to it and has the "who cares what others think" mindset.
Nobara and Momo fight on misogyny
Mechamaru expressing his disability with panda
Megumi vs Kamo "We are the same"
Maki and Mai "why didn't you left the Zenin clan"
I mean Tokyo ain't wrong about their individualistic mindset but at the same time, it just sounded unsympathetic especially when all those kids are all in the SAME boat being child soldiers under the jjk ruthless system. Kyoto kids unhealthily lashes out but they aren't wrong about it either cuz it's a reality that they suffer a lot from this system. These openness of Kyoto Tech however did make them closer like mutamiwa and kyoto girls (mai, miwa, momo).
Overall, Tokyo needed the Kyoto comrade nature while at the same time Kyoto needed the independence of Tokyo kids and in that kamo-maki vs Naoya fight, it showed us how these philosophies made a great working teamwork for them...
Recap to that fight, Naoya shows up as a cursed spirit and boom maki has to deal with it now luckily Kamo is there to help. With the help of Kamo's teamwork, Maki was bought some time to recover (deal with those samurai and sumo duo) and boom defeat him. 
Kamo sympathised with Maki’s situation after the fight. Even back in the fight with Megumi, Kamo seems to be one trying to seek understanding from kids under the big clans because he kinda understands the pressure they are under. Despite barely interacting on screen, it's no wonder 100% Kamo backed up Maki. Moreover, what makes this fight pair up fulfilling is the parallels they have despite being different ends of the spectrum. They even opened up about their family problems, and this is coming from Maki who tends to keep to herself.
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"Don’t fall in the same rut."
Maki opens up and give advice in communicating more to their family because Maki regretted not doing the same for their mom, and we cut to throwback of the Kamo’s mom was that she named him Noritoshi just to spite the Kamo clan.
I've seen criticism about this part. It's pretty shitty the mom named her kid practically Hitler,  abandoned the same kid, and expects the kid himself to come back, and I agree with the criticism. However, looking at it from a different angle, it's shown at the same time that jjk is a coming of age series, kids growing into adulthood aka shouldering the shit that adults have failed to do...
Adults can be shit at doing their job to their kids like what Kamo's mom did to Noritoshi. Like c'mon mom! you could have done your job as an adult and be the one to approach your kid or pull him out of the clan situation but no. Sometimes the Reality is fully accepting that parents are shitty sometimes and the kid of the situation has to push themselves to be mature and take over the adult's work, and as for Kamo, that is having to be the one to find his mother to find closure and from then on, he will be the one to decide what will be next.
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romanarose · 3 days
About a Girl: Chapter 4
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Beautiful header by my beloved @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
Joel Miller x Trans!Fem!Reader (Nickname, Blue)
Series Masterlist : The Last of Us Masterlist : Full Masterlist
Summary: For week 2 of my pride event: Transitioning. Not a whole not of Blue and Joel but getting there. Lots of people involved in this story lol! We learn more about Blue's transition. Next chapter will get more with those two's relatioship.
Warnings for whole fic, not chapter by chapter: 18+ ONLY!! I cannot warn against everything, but these are major themes. Joel is a lil ignorant but not out of hate. He just doesn't know. He's trying his best. There will be smut. Penetrative sex, all of the anal play, oral. There will be transphobia from other people. Addiction and alcoholism. QUICK child neglect not by Joel but I promise, Sarah is fine and is having a great time in life. Fetishization of women attracted to women by a shitty guy. Will update as needed. Again, this is adult content. Expect adult content.
Immersivity: Reader is transgender, AMAB female, reader has had gotten bottom surgery, not top, and is on hormones. reader has visible hair and a blue streak in hair, but not described. Could be braids, could be natural hair, whatever. Header is for aesthetics only. Reader is about Joel and Tommy's height. Let me know if i miss anything!
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Joel nervously hovered as Sarah sat in the kitchen on a stool, kicking her feet while Talia looked at her hair.
“And then Ellie kicked him!” She was recounting the thrilling story of how a boy was being mean to Sarah, said her hair was weird because she wore it natural today. Sarah was the only black kid in her kindergarten. Apparently her new friend Ellie was very defensive, aggressive where Sarah was gentle, and didn’t take kindly to the boy's words. Ellie ended up in time out again, and a call to her foster mom.
“I ain’t saying he deserved it.” Talia sang, feeling out Sarah curls. “But God’s timing is always right.”
Joel smiled at her. He wasn’t going to agree, he didn’t want to be the one condoning violence… but he always wasn’t going to lose sleep at night. “Well, don’t listen to a thing he says, baby girl.” Joel walked around to face his daughter. “You’re the prettiest girl on the planet, with the coolest hair I’ve ever seen, and Miss Talia here is going to teach me how to make it even cooler.”
Sarah turned to Talia. “Are you going to marry my daddy?”
Joel opened hi mouth to say no, but Talia’s bright laugh answered for him. He turned to Talia with a smile that let her know he was joking. “Hey know, I don’t think I’m that bad.”
“It ain’t you, Joel.” She patted his back, easing him. “It’s the equipment you’re working with.” She turned back to Ellie. “No baby, but if I play my cards right, I might marry your aunt.”
Sarah squealed a giggle and Talia took her off the stool.
“Good.” Sarah confirmed, walking off to the TV. “Mommy wouldn’t like that.”
Joel and Talia looked at each other, Joel questioning gently. “Did mommy say something, sweetheart?”
Flopping on the couch and sighing dramatically as if she’d just gotten home from a 12 hour shift, Sarah replies, “Yeah she asked if you were dating Aunt Tess. I said no, she’s dating Uncle Tommy.” Talia giggled at that. “She said to tell her if you were dating someone and I said okay.” Sarah’s head popped up over the couch, sensing her dads distress. “That’s okay, right daddy? Lying is bad.”
Closing his eyes for a bit longer than a standard blink, Joel considered his next words. Of course it was okay that Sarah said what she thought. Joel didn’t want her in the habit of lying, especially to her mom. However, he also didn’t want Sarah to feel like she had to be Kayla’s spy. That wasn't fair to her, and Joel was careful not to pry Sarah for information on Kayla’s living conditions or the people around her apartment. That wasn’t something a 5-year-old needed to worry about. He tried to make the most neutral sounding comment he could. “You should always tell me and mommy the truth, babygirl, you did good.”
Sarah smiled and went back to her TV. “Oh! I love this show.” The Soprano’s was on.
“No, absolutely not-”
“But Uncle Tommy-”
He’d have to talk to Tommy about watching violent TV with Sarah. Why couldn’t Tommy just be… not himself. He turned back to Talia, who was smiling. 
“I see why Blue likes you so much.”
Joel waved her off with a blushing face. He was nothing special. “What's the verdict, doc?” Joel shuffles nervously, hands in his pockets. Did I ruin my sweet baby's hair forever?
This made Talia laugh again. Joel noticed she laughed a lot. Tess always did like joyful people, that’s why she always got on with Tommy so well, both as friends and friends with benefits. He wondered why she even liked him at all.
“No, Joel. It looks very healthy. You oil her hair?”
“Yeah, Argon oil.”
“Hair bonnet.”
Joel internally cringed. “I tried, she won’t keep it on.”
“That’s okay.” She eased his worries. “Try a scarf or a silk pillowcase. If she doesn’t like the feeling on her face, the world won’t end until she’s older and is ready to keep a bonnet on. Her mama wear bonnets or scarves?”
He shook his head. “Not unless it’s changed the last few years. She has hair not unlike mine.”
Talia nods. “Well, honestly I think everyone could benefit from wearing scarves, but that’s just me. I know y’all ain’t got the best relationship, but maybe mention it to her. Little girls love matching their moms. How often do you wash it?”
“Twice a week, unless she’s been running around a lot. Her and Tommy like playing soccer in the park.”
“Just once a week is fine, unless it’s one of those sweaty days. Natural oils are good for her hair. I know you’re a busy man, but if you get time, I’d suggest you get some coconut oil, sit her in front of a TV, section out her hair and really rub it into her scalp, like a massage. Helps stimulate hair growth and keeps from drying, but, Joel I mean this sincerely.” She put a hand on his shoulder. “You’re doing a good job. I know this isn’t easy, especially as a single parent but you are doing everything for that baby, so go a little easy on yourself.”
He tried to brush it off. “I’m just doing what any parent would do.”
“You’re doing a lot more than many, hon.”
After going through more hair tips, Joel is about to call over Sarah so Talia can show her some new hairstyles, she stops him.
“Hey, Blue told me how things went… I really appreciate you being respectful. She’s my best friend, I knew her before she transitioned… It really hasn’t been easy, especially the early years of it all.” She smiled sadly. “She was in a bad place. At the time, she was living as a gay man in Austen’s gay community, but coming out hadn’t helped. Things got really bad.”
Joel’s heart hurt for you, wondering how many years you suffered. “What happened?” His eyes widened a bit. “Sorry, shit, you don’t gotta say anything.”
But Talia gave him the short version. “I’m sure she’ll tell you all of it. She’s pretty open about it with the people who know she’s trans. The Austen gay scene… well unfortunately, there’s not a lot of queer places that don’t involve drinking, and given that half of us are disowned by family and rejected from society, there's a big issue of drinking and drugs in the community. An issue she both fell into. After our friend who’d taken us in, Jeff, died of AIDS, she took it really hard.” She shook her head at the memory. 
Joel didn’t know much about AIDs, it seemed no one really talked about it and people acted like it was a gay STD, or that one kid that got it from a blood transfusion. Reagan never even mentioned it, so was it really a big issue? All he knew is that dying of AIDS was a slow death, watching someone waste away like that couldn’t be easy.
“After he died, she spent months in his apartment, drinking away and being piss-drunk every time I came over. But I also noticed her going through Jeff’s books and his writings… he was a college professor for sociology, and talked a lot about gender. One day she just emerged, asked to be called a woman and help looking like that version of herself. We picked names, got clothes. I tried not to get too excited and overwhelm her,” She chuckled. “But as a stylist, it was right up my ally.” 
It was obvious how much Talia cared about Blue. “Thank you.” He said earnestly, and she made a funny face.
“For what?”
Joel crossed his hands over his chest. “For being there for her when I couldn’t be.”
“She’s been there for me every step of my way making it in this world as a black lesbian, I’ll be with her through everything. Now!” Talia clapped her hands together. “Tess and I were talking, but if you’re comfortable with it, we’d love to take Miss Sarah to the salon I work at, give her a spa day, deep clean, deep conditioner, all that. Tess and I know how hard it is for you to get time away. We also know you feel guilty when you do anything for yourself, so this way you know your princess is getting spoiled.”
As much as he wanted to say no… she was right. Sarah would have a great day with some positive female influences, and Joel could spend some time with you. Win/Win.
“She wanted to wear her princess dress today, so if she gets it dirty or anything, I swear it ain’t no big deal. I can get another one at the Family Dollar, easy.” Joel spoke to Tess while he tried to fix the bailer. One of the belts broke and he caught it in time which made it easier without it getting bunched up. Tess was inside the bailer. It was a two man job.
“You’re awfully hard on him Joel.”
Joel set down the riviter, it was Tess’s job now.  “I’ve actually been mean’n to talk to yuh ‘bout that…”
“Uh-oh, am I in trouble, dad?”
“No, no, not like that I just…” He sighs, putting down his tools. “I know Tommy’s been have’n a hard time and I tolerated the drink’n… It’s the coke I got an issue with.”
Tess nodded, understanding as she retreaded to the belt to the bailer’s teeth. “He told me you were pretty upset with him the other day.”
“And what did you say to him?”
“I told him it was your home, and if you don’t want him high there, you can make that rule.”
Sighing, Joel pinched the bridge of his nose. “No, Tess, that’s not- I don’t want him doing coke, doing MDMA, doing molly-”
“Hey! Molly’s a nice girl!” She joked, but then went straight faced when she saw Joel didn’t find it funny. “Sorry, but I don’t know what you want me to do-”
“Stop giving him the drugs!” Joel shouted, not too loud immediately regretting it.
There was a long pause as she focused on her work before speaking. “I don’t know who the hell you are speaking to like that, Miller, but it sure as hell better not be me.”
“”M Sorry.”
“I know you are but you-” A clank, and Tess grumbled some swears. “Hold on. I’m done down here just- fuck.” Tess climbed out of the bailer, making eye contact with Joel. “Let’s get one thing straight. I am not pushing drugs on Tommy. We both know the same guy, and when one of us is out, we share, but you know damn well my crazy days are starting to fly past me. I’ve even been dating the same person a whole ass month. You’re brother does what he wants to do and I am neither his baby sitter nor keeper. I’ve kept that kid alive the last 2 years when he’s having a bad trip so I really don’t appreciate you talk’n down to me like I’m some bad influence on a 16 year old. He’s a grown ass man and can make his own choices. Terrible choices sometimes, but his own choices.”
Joel looked down, ashamed of his outburst. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m just… worried, but that ain’t your business.”
She stared at him with a hardened face, wanting to be angry… but it was Joel. Her posture softened. “It’s alright Joel. I know you worry about it.”
He shook his head. “Ain’t right to take it out of yuh, Tess.” He went back to work, but felt a hand on his back.
“No, but I forgive you, so forgive yourself. You’re really bad at that.” Tess kissed him cheek.
Joel cleared his throat. “Kayla was ask’n Sarah ‘bout you again.”
Brushing off the last few minutes, Tess laughed out loud. “Oh great, she gonna show up at my door at 2 am again?”
He groaned. 
“You just have SO MUCH fun, princess, okay? Gonna look even prettier than ever!” Tommy hugs Sarah goodbye for her special day. Tess promises she’ll take care of dinner and bring her home around 7, in time for her bedtime. Bedtime will likely be delayed as Sarah will want to tell Joel every single detail, but it was a friday. No big deal.
“Bye uncle Tommy! Bye daddy!”
Joel waves her off, watching as Tess louds Sarah into the carseat and safely buckles her up, taking her off for a few hours. Joel was lucky to have Tess in his life, and was hoping she stuck with Talia… he liked her a lot too.
As they drive away, Blue pulls right up. She had been parked down the street, politely waiting for Sarah to leave. Joel hoped to properly introduce them one day, but right now it was still so new.
His phone rang, Kayla again. “Tommy, can you tell Blue I’ll be out in a min?” He clicked answer, and Tommy ran out to check out the bike.
“Hey Kayla, what’s up?”
“Is Sarah there?”
Hi. Hello. How are you, Joel. Thanks for taking care of my daughter, Joel. “No, sorry, she just left with Tess. I can call yuh back when they get home this evening.”
“What’s she doing with Tess.”
He wasn’t lying. He just didn’t need to tell her what he was doing while she was gone. “Tess’s girlfriend, Talia, she has a hair salon. Gonna give her some deep conditioner and stuff like that. Make a spa day off it. She even set up a little tea party fancy dinner after.”
“Tess has a girlfriend?”
“Yeah, been dating a few weeks now. Seem’s very nice, she was over helping me learn some styles for Sarah. Don’t worry, Tess will be with them the whole time and I trust her.”
Kayla sighed over the phone. “Joe, I really don’t want her in that environment.”
“What environment?” Joel was genuinely curious.
“I mean, it’s bad enough she says things like ‘Frank’s husband’, I don’t need her knowing about lesbians too.”
“She don’t need ideas in her head. For fucks sake Joel, she’s only five. It’s bad enough they wanna teach this shit in schools-”
“Kayla.” He spoke more firmly now. “I really thought you grew out of this.”
“You used to agree with me!”
“No, I didn’t!” But that wasn’t entirely true. Joel was raised very religious, thinking it was all a sin until he teens. When Joel and Kayla began having sex, it went against everything he’d been taught about sexual purity. He honestly just spoked caring what grown adults did in bed. He was surprised Kayla cared this much. “Bill and Frank have been good to me, they took a chance on me when no one else did-”
“Because no one wants to work for fag-”
“Kayla!” Joel shouts, and this time he doesn’t regret it. His blood is boiling, thinking of Bill and Frank, of Tess and Talia, of you. “They’ve treated me like their own, and I won’t have you disrespect them or Tess in front of me again. Tess has been around Sarah consistently the last few years, something you can’t say you’ve done. I trust her with my life and more importantly, my daughter. Tess has never abandoned her to get fucked.” He referenced Kayla’s abandonment change. “And just so you know, I’m seeing someone. It’s very early so Sarah hasn’t met her, so you can stop putting our child in the middle of your jealousy.”
Silence, and then she hung up. This would probably come back to bite him.
He had no idea where that all came from, how much had been building up inside him waiting to come out. His heart was still pumping with anger and anxiety. How could she think like that after everything Bill and Frank and Tess have done for Sarah? How could she not have grown up at all since high school?
Joel found Tommy outside, riding the motorcycle up and down the street, slowly and with a helmet. Seems Blue was protective too. Your back turned to him, Joel walked up and hugged you tightly, tucking his face in your neck. “I missed you, Blue.” It’d only been a week, but it was too long. 
“Joel? You okay?” She reached up to hold where Joel’s arms have wrapped around her chest. “You’re shaking, baby?”
“Much better now, Blue.” Yeah, he was shaking. He was still angry, but your touch was calming him. He chastly pecked your cheek. “I got your back, okay?” You didn’t need to know Kayla’s remarks. You just needed to know Joel would take care of you.
Joel had never ridden on a motorcycle before, and he held your shoulders like a victorian dutchess. Still, it was so fun seeing him get off the bike with a gleeful smile, helmet hair going every which way with a wild look in his eyes. Joel had packed you a sweet dinner for outside, and you two both sat on the blanket. 
“How come you rejected Tommy?” Joel asked, mouthful of food. They were on a picnic, enjoying the nice weather before it got cold.
You laughed at that. “What do you mean?”
Joel shrugged earnestly. “Tommy’s always been girls' first choice. He’s younger, cooler, more handsome, more fun.”
You lean over to kiss his forehead. “He’s not as handsome as you.”
Joel smiled at that, but still teased. “But he is cooler.”
“Well, Tommy can at least name a Nirvana album. You’re still listening to Alan Jackson.”
“Oh no,” You giggle, reaching for a pickle. “You don’t get to just change the subject-”
“No.” Joel shakes his head. “Nevermind. The album. That’s that band you like, right?”
Your hands drop to your lap. “How did you know that.”
He wouldn’ meet your eye. “A very nice lady at the library when I took Sarah on tuesday who I could tell was trying not to laugh at me… She informed me of the song you got excited about at the bar and I checked out the CD.”
Chuckling, Joel responded. “Well, I can’t say I like the yell’n… but Something in the Way was good, and I liked Come as You Are.”
Your eyes sparkled, your cute little smile… “You listened to a whole album just for me…”
“Yeah I mean, I can tell you liked ‘em. Ain’t no big deal.”
But it was to you. No one did stuff like that for you, no one cared that much outside of Talia. Joel Miller, as always, made your heart sore to new heights.
“I appreciate that, Joel. You’re sweet, you know that?” You watched him blush. He was so cute like this, your nervous man.
After dinner, you laid down on his chest, basking with the sun on your back and a cool breeze on your arms, Joel holding you tightly. Jesus christ, his arms were huge. She traced a vein on his biceps. 
“How did you get so…”
He kissed the top of your head. “So what?”
You giggle, burying your face into his pecks. “Big.” You’re laughing so hard you’re shaking. 
“BIG?!?!?” He bawks, and you can feel his chest move as he laughs. 
“You’re fucking HUGE!!!”
Joel wrapped you up in arms, turning you over until the two of you are rolling around in the field, grass in your hair as you both squeal and laugh. This was the life. 
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Litle more on Blue and how she found herself <3 Net weeks theme is sex/kissing so!!!!!!! v them focused!!!
We love Talia here, just an absolute sweetheart ride or die.
shout out to my IRL buddy who farms for helping m with farming info!!
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boyfridged · 20 hours
So many people are insisting Jason is in character in Batman #148 because Jason always forgives Bruce but it feels like they aren't following Jason's story in these incidents.
Bruce slices Jason's throat open -> Jason's villainy goes up and he does not reach out (in his violent way) to Bruce for a while.
Bruce takes Jason to Ethiopia to trigger his memories of his death -> Jason tries to erase his own memories.
RHATO #25 -> Jason at first seems like he forgives Bruce but then takes over the Iceberg Lounge and threatens to leak their secret identities.
He fights him in Event Leviathan when he accuses him.
After all these things Jason does forgive Bruce but he almost always gets upset. Sometimes his character flip flops where he alternates between forgiving and pissed for some reason (often different writers) but he usually gets to be at least a little pissed.
Pretty sure the last time Jason got mad at Bruce for not trusting him was not that long ago (Task Force Z, maybe Gotham War) now he immediately forgives without lashing out . . . at all? If you don't have time for the emotional fallout just don't have that character appear.
This weird trend of Bruce being anything but forgiving to Jason while Jason is the most forgiving guy in the world, when Bruce is supposed to be the redemption one and Jason is not, is weird.
i want to reply to this ask while it's still more or less relevant and i don't have time to get into it but very quickly: 1) i will not lie, i very much do not care about jason's appearances between utrh and countdown; i also don't care for most of rhato (and the iceberg lounge plotline is especially one of those that i make fun of a lot because it's half-baked and ignores so much of already established canon i don't even know how to approach it otherwise), as i don't like any of the writers involved nor general creative decisions irt jason's status at the time, but i get what you mean: it does make sense for jason to at least lash out first (and maybe that tendency could be, in some ways, traced back to his robin days, even), however 2) i don't believe that he ought to follow that pattern forever? being in character does not mean that the character shall stay the same, and i do not have many "hard lines" in terms of post-res jason's characterisation, as long as it honours the... baseline of his background and takes it as a point of reference? for instance, i love that jason has a moment of seemingly "giving up" in countdown, but i love it because within the narrative, it's very clear that he is pushed into it. similarly, i actually could enjoy stories of divergence in dick's stern morals, as long as it is clear that there is a divergence; and finally, i'm not even against "testing" bruce's limits, as long as we keep in mind that what is interesting about it is that it is unusual. i think this is also something that is required to keep characters real and human-like -- they can't be always absolutely consistent. but that in itself requires good and believable writing, strongly embedded within the universe and their contextual history -- and that's a task that dc writers have seemingly completely abandoned. 3) which is to say, i don't think jay forgiving bruce right away would be out of character; i think it would even make sense? how long can he stand his ground? (i know that it's comics, so the answer is: forever. but consider: what makes comics interesting is when they try to challenge that "forever"). but as you said: the weird dynamic between bruce and jason here is still the problem. however, that's the problem simply because zdarsky does not care for jason; and we have known it ever since cheer (or at least it was clear to me). he also does not, in actuality, care for bruce's flaws; every single one of bruce's issues and hypocrisies is just a pretense, that in long term is to allow him to regain the higher moral ground. this is what i despise about contemporary takes on bruce so much -- because there was a time when bruce's flaws were left a matter open rather than presented as if they were short episodes that did not affect his legacy as a whole.
somehow i started talking about bruce instead... i suppose because in case of zdarsky's jason there's nothing to salvage at all. look at that dialogue... what are we even expecting anymore. i'm mostly just shocked that he finds out new ways to write him poorly. to me it doesn't even matter if jason specifically forgives bruce or not at this point; the minutiae makes any and all decisions of that sort far-fetched. there's not much to say simply because none of it is actually grounded nor rationalised within the story. writing is more than just coming up with... events.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Hmm, Secret Santa... But for writers? 🤔
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godsfavoritescientist · 10 months
How do I explain the ways in which the bill origins fic 'A Romance of Many Dimensions' by haley3 rewired my brain without needing to give paragraphs upon paragraphs of context. The fic is something like 200,000 words long. Almost every single good moment calls back to things that are set up earlier in the fic
#godsrambles#girl help 'the colors in our universe are the same as the ones in his home dimension because our universe is made out of a piece of bill'#makes NO sense without adding way more context#not to speak of 'bill is obsessed with ford because he can Feel the same cosmic thread connecting them as the one that drew him towards-#-meeting his henchmaniacs which makes him convinced against all odds that ford is gonna join him'#and the long beginning is set in flatland. its what finally got me to read the book flatland#and now I will literally think to myself 'its not that i Have to do x or y tasks. i GET to do x or y tasks isnt that great'#'i get to live in a physical form that experiences so many vivid thoughts and sensations while on bills favorite planet in the multiverse'#and i will be like 'why should i drag my feet about learning this or doing that. bill was literally trapped in a 2d world-'#'and KILLED to be able to experience a life as 3d and colorful as the one im in'#'and just like bill was so desperate to learn and see and do Everything that the axolotl gave him a ton of power so he could do that.'#'i Also want to learn and do and see everything i possibly can. and i literally HAVE the chance to do that'#'so i'd better start actually Trying to do and see and learn everything i can'#and then i brush my teeth slightly more often or whatever#fucking unhinged and ridiculous way of getting myself to do tasks#the events of this fic arent even my headcanon for bills powers and backstory. i just think its neat!#and now my brain has been permanently rewired by a got dam fan fic.#anyways sorry for all the spoilers but i mean. i doubt many folks would decide to read a fic that long without being intrigued by spoilers#most frustrating thing is that the hard hitting spoilers SEEM understandable without context.#but i promise there is a lot of context missing that makes it make sense why they are good plot points and not just weird random happenings#edit: its 200000 words not 600000. how did I misread that
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mothram · 6 months
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