estelior · 9 months
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anveyegres · 1 year
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modern! house stark — sansa
My skin has turned to porcelain, to ivory, to steel.
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alexandrarosa · 1 year
Me reading The Song of Ice and Fire: I love the Starks
Me reading Fire and Blood and watching HOTD: I love the Targaryens
Me finding out the real identity of my favorite TSOIAF character Jon Snow aka Aegon Targaryen: ohohohohohohohoho
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francis-writes · 8 months
Can I request a oneshot for Ramsey Bolton x fem reader where the reader is a servant and Ramsey is attracted to her but doesn’t act on it and she accidentally stumbles upon him killing his father and she hides in the corner somewhere in the room and over hears him planning to kill his stepmother and brother so she tries to help them and get to them before Ramsey dose but she is unsuccessful and Ramsey discovers what she tried to do so she begs for forgiveness and he tells her he will consider it if she can prove to him why she deserves it so he takes her to the room where he flays people and has sex with her on the X-shaped cross ?
A/N: it isn't really good but in my defense, I wrote like half of it while still high on acid so...
Warnings: it's Ramsay, what do you expect
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You were watching from behind the corner, praying to all the Gods so your presence would remain hidden and unnoticed. Otherwise you would end up in worse situation that those people you tried to protect.
Your were barely breathing, listening to the screams of Fat Walda. You weren't even able to look at it, just a few moments after dogs attacked her, you turned away your gaze, feeling nauseous. You would love to be wherever else, as far as possible from this place but right now there were no escape from hearing the gut-wrenching screams of agony as woman and her child were ripped apart by the hounds.
You closed your eyes, distancing yourself from overhelming reality but soon you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"What are you doing here?" Ramsay asked. His voice wasn't angry but it didn't matter. You saw him flaying people with a calm mundane voice so you never knew what's awaiting you in his presence.
"I was just walking to the kitchen-" you tried to quickly make up and excuse but Ramsay only slapped your face. You touched tour burning cheek.
"Don't lie. I heard what you were talking about with my stepmother. You came here to warn them"
You simply nodded. Whatever the punishment will be, better not make it any worse.
"Forgive me, my lord, I made a mistake... Please, show me mercy" you pleaded, avoiding looking right into his cold eyes.
Ramsay observed you with mixed feelings. Your betrayal ignited his anger, and you should pay for your lack of loyalty. But at the other hand, seeing you terrified, cowering like a beaten dog... that was a gorgeus sight.
You were on his mind for quite some time but he didn't show it before. He was only observing you wander through the halls and do your chores while he fantasized about taking you on a hunt or pulling you to the nearest bedroom. Even during the feasts, while you were serving him, he only looked, holding himself back from pulling you on his lap and sliding a hand under your dress.
"Can you prove that you deserve it?"
"Hm?" That wasn't the smartest answer. It wasn't even mediocre sensible. But you didn't expect your pleads to bring any sort of answer, except for slow and cruel death.
"If you prove that you're worth of my forgiveness, you'll receive it"
You felt on your knees, ignoring the mud staining your clothes and freezing your knees.
"Thank you my lord, I will do anything, just tell me how I can prove myself-"
Ramsay cut your monologue, pulling you from the ground and leading you inside the castle. You felt disgusted by how much you had to humiliate yourself but it was still better from tortures. Just in case it saved you from any because Ramsay went into the dungeons.
Your anxiety has increased when you entered one of the cells and you saw X-shaped cross standing in the middle. You knew well what happened to people who ended up here.
"Will you flay me?" You asked, just to make sure and spare yourself the torture of uncertainty.
"No, as long as you behave. So if you want to keep your skin, take off your clothes"
You obeyed him, though still frozen with fear. Your dress landed on the floor and you were standing in front of him completely bare. Ramsay took your hand and lead you to the cross, then he started fastening your arms to the cross with a strong rope. You could feel it pressing and scraping your skin but you gritted your teeth, trying not to make a sound.
When he finished his job, Ramsay took a knife from the table. You thought that he lied and it's gonna be your end but he started carving letters on your chest. You moaned quietly as pain pierced your body. You looked down and noticed that under blood runnig down your body, Ramsay was carving his name in your skin.
"No one will doubt now, whom I belong to" you said, not sure why but after all experienced anxiety and fear, your mind get rid of every barrier and sensible plans. You were one foot in a grave and nothing mattered anymore.
When he finished his art, Ramsay leaned over and licked your wounds. You arched your back, in mix of pain and pleasure. His warm tongue caressing your broken skin brought you some twisted form of excitement. The same one you always felt looking at Ramsay. You knew about his depravities and what he could do to you, but you couldn't help desiring him. He was alluring in a way of forest fire, that brings death and destruction, but you can't stop looking at it. You dreamed about his touch for many years but you never expect it would happen in such circumstances.
Ramsay crouched and started kissing your naked legs, going up and getting closer to your crotch. Then, out of sudden, he bit your inner thigh and you gave out a quiet scream. You didn't look at him but you were more than sure that he smiled hearing this.
He stood up, his warm calloused hands wandered across your body, caressing your belly, breast, hips and squeezing your butt.
Finally his hand wandered between your legs.
"Your already wet" he noticed with smugness in his voice "So that's what you like? Pain? Being on my mercy?"
You wanted to deny, to don't give him that knowledge. But you knew he wouldn't believe you and he would torture you until you admit it; though some of these tortures would probably turn you on.
You nodded.
He lifted your legs,  so you could embrace your hips with them. He pulled out his dick, and entered you without any preparation. Fortunately, you were already wet enough so it went smoothly. He pressed his body to you and stared thrusting. Ramsay nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck and you felt his hot breath of your skin. Occasionaly, he bit your neck and shoulders. Now it was more exciting than painful, though you knew you were going to wear bruises for a long time.
He had to be very turned on because after few minutes of fucking you, he gasped and feeled you to the brim with his seed. He pulled out and you could feel his cum running down your legs.
"So... will you free me now, my lord? You asked while he was pulling on his trousers. Ramsay chuckled and walked to the table with his tools.
"If you think it's an end, you haven't been paying attention . We're gonna spend a lot of time together "
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tiktaalic · 2 years
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cheering and whooping
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sunflowersteves · 2 years
I rlly don’t understand making dany ‘mad’ as a valid plot point bc if she’s supposed to be that way then wtf was dany season 1-5 like 🤨
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
‘lgbtabcd alphabet community too many letters har har har’ you’d fucking die fucking brain explosion DIE if you read asoiaf. asoiaf got hotd grrm d&d agot acok asos affc adwd twow ados f&b twoiaf awoiaf tsoiaf r+l=j n+a=j d+d=t bwb 3EC COTF rw wot5k KOTLT toj ptwp ymbq tdotd kitn LF YG NK BF BR CH LS KL KG WF NW. both use gnc though gender non-conforming 🤝 grand northern conspiracy
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mitsuki91 · 4 months
I saw the stuff you like and let me tell you ,you would love HOTD .So please watch it !
I'VE SEEN IT you are absolutely right and I fucking love Daemon and Rhaenyra and I will die on this hill no matter if the are uncle and niece I want this ship so bad I actually exploded when they become canon BUT... And please don't judge me too harsh for this... I loved more the chemistry he had with the first actress .____. The ship with teen!Rhaenyra screams "forbidden" everywhere and they were so good together 😭😭😭 and I say it again, it was because of the actors chemistry...
Anyway I am waiting for season two u.ù
(ps: I didn't read the book and didn't read the TSOIAF nor watched the show because I REFUSE to start something that is not ended (and I know the show didn't end well). I am sorry. Incomplete fanfiction are okay, but a serie of published book so famous... I'm judging you, Martin 😡)
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estelior · 2 months
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Queens of the Westeros
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allyriadayne · 8 months
just answered an ask about jace and sara snow but had to delete a whole tangent about jace and queen alysanne. so here are some scattered thoughts with no real purpose
jace's journey to winterfell serves several purposes. one of them is the obvious one of gathering allies for rhaenyra's cause, convincing the lords and garnering promises of support; and the other one is to set winterfell and the north as a literal and metaphorical turning point. what do i mean by this? well, the only other targaryen excursion of note to the north was queen alysanne's visit to winterfell and the wall where most importantly, she charmed the starks and something strange happened with her dragon silverwing. and that's exactly what happened to jace! he charmed the starks and apparently, vermax, thought to be a male, laid eggs in the crypts of winterfell (and he's visiting the wall on the show?!? it's like they are reading my mind too). to me, it's obvious grrm is setting up part of the magical plot through these targaryen incursions for when it's time to fight the others but i'm not going to get into the present timeline.
most importantly, the pact of ice and fire was made. at the barebones, an agreement between the starks and targaryens. alysanne convinced a reluctant alaric stark to give up the new gift to the night's watch, while jace convinced cregan stark to lead his men south to fight for rhaenyra. it's interesting to think both jace and alysanne managed to convince two lord starks who were known to be headstrong and to become friendly with stark daughters too. their direct actions managing to make a lasting impact on the north when no other targaryen royal had managed to do until aerys killed both the current lord and heir.
and to me, it's much more interesting to think about what kind of king or prince jace would've been in times of peace. i would like to think he might go along with the same methods as alysanne. i'm really excited to see how the show weaves what we know from both the past and the future timeline of the north/the long night/tsoiaf with jace's only visit to winterfell.
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anveyegres · 1 year
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modern! house stark — lyanna
"Love is sweet, dearest Ned, but it cannot change a man's nature.."
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mordsfesch · 1 year
comfort character tag game
thanks for tagging me, @fallingforfandoms and @str4wanzerin
the man, the moment, the menace: Franz Leitmayr (tatort) - he's grumpy, he's funny, and he's loyal to a fault. it's been a while since a character caused this amount of brainrot and was able to keep my attention and affection for so long. his partner, ivo, and their adoptive son, kalli, are certainly to blame as well.
the guy with too big of an ego and so many issues ™: Tony Stark (marvel) - he's funny, he's snarky, and he's willing to sacrifice so much (but his ego). i relate to this guy way too hard (yeah, i know, not necessarily a sign of good mental health, but what did you expect? we're on tumblr) and shed so many tears over his death.
the girl who is too stubborn for her own good: Arya Stark (tsoiaf) - she's impulsive, she's snarky, and she refuses to take on the role assigned to her because of her gender; definitely my favourite character in the books.
no-pressure tagging: @khalaris , @krimitastisch , @weidli and @kathastrophen
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azor-ahai-jin · 2 years
Jon stans and their "Jon Snow is the Prince/Princess that was promised" narrative 🙃 Notice how they casually excluded Daenerys in their stupid expectations even though she is the actual wielder of Lightbringer (dragons). She and her dragons are literally the fire in TSOIAF, but no... Jon has to be the prince that was pomised coz he's the MAN 🥴
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francis-writes · 8 months
Could you do a modern NSFW oneshot for Ramsey x reader where the reader and Ramsey are having an Argument in a car which somehow leads to Ramsey pulling over somewhere and the two of them end up having hate sex in the car?
A/N: i will someday finish it... perhaps.
Also sorry that i am not so active recently. I spend almost whole days on the university and I also joined local anarchist collective. Anyway. There's a lot going on.
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"Don't be such a bitch"
"A bitch? I just wanted to know who's the girl that you spent the whole evening with. That makes me a bitch?"
"Can't I even talk with someone without your permission?" Ramsay raised his voice, visibly irritated. You were coming back from a party in friend's house. After you went to the kitchen, you couldn't see your boyfriend until you found him sitting on a couch with a stranger girl. It wouldn't be such a problem but they seemed to be unsettlingly close. You tried to find out something after the party but Ramsay wasn't eager to satisfy your curiosity.
"You can but that girl was definitely flirting with you. And you looked as if you wanted to get into her pants as well"
"Maybe I wanted to" he snorted "But I didn't. I don't fuck anyone behind your back so stop being so suspecting"
Sure, for now Ramsay didn't give you any reasons to worry. You didn't have any proofs for his infidelity, even though he was a hedonist and you knew that before meeting you, he had many lovers. Still... this  evening left you in a bad mood and you couldn't forget it.
"If you cheated on me, why would you tell me about that?" You shrugged. To be honest, you didn't want to argue but something was pushing you to defend your earlier anger.
Ramsay growled something under his breath and made a quick move with steering wheel. Fortunately, the road was empty at this hour but driving with Ramsay was usually an exciting experience - the same way rollercoaster is exciting when your heart stops for a moment and you wonder if you're gonna survive this.
"What are you doing?!"
Ramsay stopped the car on the roadside.
"We need to talk, but if you kept screaming at me while I was driving, there would be an accident"
"I wasn't screaming" you said a bit quieter than before, feeling some remorse for your (perhaps) unjustified anger.
Ramsay grabbed  your shirt and pulled you closer, so you could feel his warm breath on your face.
"You were. For no goddamn reason. I am starting to regret that I didn't fuck this girl, at least you would have a reason to make a scene"
Without a second thought, you slapped him. He looked at you with anger, maybe surprise in his eyes, and he grabbed your throat, squeezing it slightly so you barely could breathe.
You felt a mix of emotions, anger and fear were battling in you for domination. But there was also... excitement? You felt familiar wetness between your legs. Oh, as usual you couldn't decide whether you would rather kill Ramsay or fuck him.
"Maybe..." you tried to form a sentence despite lacking air "we should...move...to the back seats"
Ramsay raised his eyebrow and smirked. He let go of your throat so you could take a deep breath with relief.
"For what?"
"It would be easier to... discuss there"
He nodded, still with a sarcastic grin on his face, and moved to the back seats.
You just closed the door when Ramsay pulled you to himself and started kissing you, sneaking his hand under your shirt. His warm, calloused fingers wandered across your skin. The experience was pleasant and you usually relaxed under his touch but this time, something didn't let you focus on the moment. You pushed him away.
"So we're just gonna fuck now? As if nothing happened?"
He didn't say anything, just kissed you forcefully, holding your head so you couldn't move away. You bit his lip with all your strenght until he pulled off and touched his lip, just to see blood on his fingers.
"You stupid whore..." he mumbled and pushed you on your back. You tried to get up but he pinned you to the seat and with one free hand he tried to unbutton your shirt, but most buttons just fell off when he yanked the material. He leaned over and bit your breast. Pain pierced your body and you wanted to scream but he covered your mouth with his palm.
"Shhh..." he silenced you "You don't want somebody to catch us?"
Instead of responding, you bit his hand and used all your strength to got up while he still was surprised. You grabbed his tshirt and tried to pulled it over his head. Despite his irritation, Ramsay helped you (perhaps he wanted to see more than just dark material on his face).
You sat astride on his lap and began to kiss his chest and suck on his neck. You were still angry at him but the desire turned out to be stronger. You still could see the fire in his eyes, but for now Ramsay stayed unmoved, focusing on the pleasure.
His hands went under your skirt, squeezing your thigs, digging nails into your skin. You moaned between the kisses as he was marking you with bruises. You could feel bulge in his pants so you started moving your hips and rubbing against him. Ramsay gasped. You were together long enough for you to know how to stimulate him, get him on the edge and drive him crazy.
He raised his hips a bit and pulled down his trousers. His dick sprung out, already hard.
You  took off your panties and wanted to slide on him but it didn't want to get in.
"Fuck" you swore under your breath and you wanted to put it in forcefully but Ramsay stopped you. He started fingering you, massaging your clit with his thumb.
"Tight as a virgin. But don't worry, we'll get you wet"
"I am no virgin" you replied angrily. He smirked.
"I know, you're more visited attraction than Statue of Liberty"
"Oh, fuck you"
"Fuck me yourself, coward"
He took off his fingers and pushed his cock inside you. You didn't manage to find a fitting remark as you were adjusting to his girth. You slowly moved up and down and started riding him.
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kru-sader · 1 year
My one reading resolution for this year would be to not constantly think that I'm reading a 'white people book'.
As much as I would have liked a little more diversity in the 56 books I read last year, and a little representation of my own race, it was difficult to come across any piece of writing about POC. That is both disappointing and discouraging.
However, it can't be solved by ignoring all books by white authors, because a lot of amazing literature has been written by white people and tells the story of a white person. The only solution is to make an effort to find out about and read books from a racially and culturally diverse range of authors.
Should I be avoiding reading mediocre pieces of writing by white authors only because social media ( specially the YA book communities) thinks it's cool? Yes.
But friendly reminder to myself- you are allowed to read TSOIAF series as well as Austen, Kafka, Suzanne Collins, Riordon, Bardugo, Tolkien and Plath without feeling guilty about it. Just don't forget to read 'A God Of Small Things' and 'Unbecoming' and Salman Rushdie and Durjoy Dutta and Khaled Husseini and Murakami and Yoshimoto.
At the end of the day, the purpose of reading is to consume an art that's good food for your thoughts.
Don't let the media convince you to consume mediocrity because it's written by one group of people. And don't ever be kept from reading good pieces of writing no matter who it's centered around and who it's authored by.
Tl;dr - Don't take recommendations from mainstream booktok- half of those people need good book recommendations themselves. And read works of people you can relate to.
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fantasy-hoe-25 · 2 years
"Lores, stay and help me pray, it's been so long I fear I forgotten how" Renly is unbelievable
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