#ttte x reader
crinkly-spinkly · 1 year
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What did this fandom need?
A Thomas & Friends Human AU Reverse Harem x Fem!Reader Romcom?
Fuckin hell yeah it did 👉👉
The Housekeeper's Guide to Conductors and Courtship is an 18+ AU where you (yes you!) get hired as a live-in housekeeper to six wealthy, chaotic, and romantically starved steam engine conductors.
What kinds of hijinks will ensue? Find out for yourself if you haven't yet! Chapter 10 should be out fairly soon 🫰
Love y'all! Have fun!
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main-line-engines · 2 years
Duck sees a couple kiss each other on the hand while waiting to depart, and he immediately wants to do that with his partner. The only issue is he's an engine and can't exactly grab your hand to kiss it.
The next time he sees you, he asks if you'll put your hand by his face. Although very confused, you comply because how could you say no to him?
He plants the softest, gentlest kiss on your hand that makes you go red. He's grinning like the madly in love dork he is, and you're standing there absolutely flustered.
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writerofadream · 8 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twenty Five: He's like whiskey, she's like champange
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^^ Duncan next chapter-
I’d like to apologize, I’ve been absent cause my friend was evicted and needed a place to stay and I was busy trying to help her out. Here’s a new chapter!
(Are you excited? This is the episode you get voted off! But it’s okay because I’ll do a ‘you both coming home’ chapter ‘spoiler: someone might be pregnant.’)
It had been pouring all week, you thought you were going to lose your mind. You love rain as much as the next eccentric teenager, but there comes a point where you're this close to drowning yourself in the next puddle you see.
You and your fellow campers sat on opposing stairs. Heather painted her nails while Gwen drew a picture of every single camper she had met, and then Duncan was carving a spear and held out his hand to you which was holding the various types of blades that he desired to carve.
Chris made an announcement that your mind didn’t really process because the RAIN WAS SO LOUD.
Gwen and Heather began arguing over Leshawna getting voted off. Honestly you were this close to accidentally dropping the knife into Heather's eye socket. There comes a certain point where anybody will lose their mind. 
That last challenge was horrifying. 
Your body subconsciously shuddered and in moments Duncan had his sweatshirt around you, but it seemed like he didn’t even move.
You smiled and pecked him on the lips. “Why are you making me like this weather?” Your boyfriend grumbled. “Because I’m your fantastic girlfriend and I make everything better.” You stuck your tongue out. “Mhm better be happy that’s true.” Duncan smiled.
Gwen and Heather both went inside their cabin, and slammed the door shut. You stifle a laugh. 
“Wanna go inside?” Duncan gave you a suggestive wink. You smiled, giving him another kiss before you ran inside.
“Come get me, Tiger.” You winked and he smiled jumping up onto his feet. “Alright scorpion.” You slammed the door shut in his face running to hide in your cabin stopping yourself from the giggles that wanted to burst.
The next morning the rain had finally stopped, but it had severely drowned everything around you. “You think you would’ve gotten into Noah’s ark?” You asked your boyfriend, genuinely curious. 
You wore a shirt that covered your neck (keepsakes from last night), and a pair of flared jeans that made you look like a hippie in the eighties, much to Duncan’s delight.
“Mm, I’m not sure. I don’t believe in things I can’t see.” He watched a chair float by, the cabins were currently floating in the water but no one else had gotten up yet. 
“Well what do you believe in?” Now you were curious and intrigued. “Well I believe in your strength. I believe in my moms wisdom. I believe in people.” He grabbed your hand and squeezed it. 
A small aww came out of your mouth and he blushed. “How about you darlin’?” He asked putting his chin on your shoulder.
“Hmm. I believe in myself and you. I believe I’ll see my mama again and I believe that if you put your mind to it you deserve it.” You declared and he laughed. 
“So much justice in that mind of yours but you never act on it.” He teased and you rolled your eyes.
“Because I was never meant too, honey we lived in the worst city, in the worst town, in the worst place. We were kinda destined to be horrible.” You sighed sadly. “But we’re going to do better than that aren’t we?” He asked, smiling. 
You nodded.
Suddenly you heard Gwen and Heather scream.
“Oh look at our favorite girls!” You smiled and walked out of the cabin briskly before falling into the water.
Duncan followed but he cannonballed in much to your annoyance. The girls were grumbling, which seemed all they could ever do. You watched a fin circle them. 
“Shark!” Duncan screamed, ruining your fun. All four of you quickly got out of the water and back onto the cabin, shivering from the chill.
You watched the shark eat the wood structures. “Have you ever been eaten before?” You asked, you knew a good chunk of his fathers punishments but not all of them. 
“I’ve been mauled by dogs when I was like six. Sharks, no.” He shook his head staring at the creature. “Owen!” Heather screamed and for a moment you thought the girl had an ounce of sympathy for the blonde, but then you remembered.
She was Heather.
Of course she didn’t have a heart.
She wanted the shark to eat the overweight boy and you knew your boyfriend (cough, husband, cough) would throw hands if anything happened to his third boyfriend, you smiled at the thought and Duncan raised an eyebrow and squeezed your hand.
You crashed into land and everybody quickly came off the boat grateful for the crash.
“Anything broken?” Both you and Duncan did a quick 5372 assessment of each other, which was fancy terms for a quick look over.
“Is anyone else creeped out about this island?” Gwen mumbled an anxious look across her face and you squeezed her shoulder in sympathy. 
Heather obviously decided to feed Gwen’s fear and you watched your boyfriend lay down on the sand by a bow and arrow. You laughed, and squatted down, kissing his forehead.
“Wake me up if you get hungry and we’ll go hunting.” Duncan grumbled before he tried to sleep on the sand causing Gwen to begin an argument, “We need to find food and shelter, we need to at least make a raft!” Gwen whined and without missing a beat Duncan pointed at you, who had made one as soon as you stepped on the island.
“I’m in love with a girl who completes everything in four seconds. Get used to it, sister.” Duncan said his eyes still shut in relaxation. 
“I’m not using that unless it’s made by a sane person.” Heather shrieked, causing you to roll your eyes. “I’m sorry, hun. I’d just prefer it done by a professional.” Gwen said sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck, a blush rising on her face.
You stared at the camera, annoyed. “I look at Duncan and we both think ‘Maybe juvie was the better choice.’”
As Duncan and Gwen begin their argument, you occasionally chiming in, you notice Heather walk off to find shelter. For the first time ever, you think, you might actually respect the diva queen. 
You watch her climb into a treehouse and you see a pulley on the outside of the door, your voice catches on your throat to be careful, and when she opens the door a skeleton falls from it causing her to fall backwards and scream.
One by one you'll notice huge bones lying around the area. There are dinosaur bones, as well as human bones. 
“Think we’re still upstream from camp?” Heather yells at Duncan. “I’ve been wrong before.” He says in his defense. You resist the urge to roll your eyes at the near constant bickering, half the time there was no point to the madness.
You all went back up the treehouse ladder to investigate the house once more. You poke the skeleton and are not surprised when you see the strings. “This is like Boney Island.” You grumbled, not enjoying how the skeleton made you think of your mom.
Heather agreed. “Unfortunately, the she-devil is right. This is another survival challenge. I’m not scared of you, Chris.” She yelled into the air hoping the mad-man would respond to her calls. 
Duncan and Gwen began arguing but you knew Gwen’s anger was just forged out of fear. You knew, Duncan knew the drill. You had escaped multiple prison’s and landed on islands before, there was no reason for him to be scared.
“Every camper for themselves. Let’s go Y/N.” Duncan ordered and grabbed your wrist, albeit a bit harshly and led you away, picking up his bow and arrow as well. 
Gwen waved goodbye sadly. 
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“Can you help me with my form?” You looked up and saw Duncan struggling with the quickly crafted bow.
You lightly smiled and took the bow gently out of his hands and showed him how to do the form. “Release the bow, any target.” He told you, smiling. You nodded curtly and your eyes searched through the forest before landing on a distant coconut. You held your breath for five seconds, and let out for ten.  
“Oh where did that go?” Duncan grumbled, causing you to point into the forest. 
You and Duncan were eating fruit by the beach as you watched Gwen try to dock on the boat you had crafted. You stifle a laugh behind your palm each time she falls into the water. Once she finally gets on she turns to look at you.
“Since you made the raft, Y/N you can come if you’d like.” Gwen made the offer but glared at Duncan. “I want your egg if you're coming.” She demanded and Duncan sighed, throwing the large egg into the grateful girl's hands.
You pushed the boat away from the sand and Heather ran from the treehouse screaming offers so you’d take the girl with you. You sent Duncan a look trying to convey that you were going to get off if Heather came on board.
Thankfully Gwen must’ve sensed your nervousness and began paddling away quicker than before. She had been paddling for around two hours before Duncan broke the silence. “You paddle like a girl.” He grumbled, and then you promptly punched him. 
Who said true love doesn’t exist?
 Gwen looked set on cursing him out but you spoke up when you saw the island again.
“Gwen, are you rowing in circles?” She shook her head as you redocked the island, “What the hell! That will cost you one omelet.” Duncan yelled, snatching the egg from off the boat.
They began to engage in a game of tug-a-war. “Get your hands off my egg, crazy.” Gwen screamed at Duncan, who’s eyes flickered with sadness.
You growled and stalked up to the two, dropping to your feet and swinging your leg under hers to knock her right down. You caught the egg right before it fell. Gwen pointed at the sky and you looked up. There was a huge dinosaur above you.
Duncan grabbed the egg out of your hands and began running.
“Come and get me birdie!” He yelled trying to draw its attention. Suddenly the large dinosaur swooped in and picked up Duncan in its talons, and flew back into the air. 
A hoarse scream fell out of your mouth.
You grabbed a stray line of rope and with all your strength threw it around Duncan’s ankles, and then the bird lifted you into the air. With all your expertise from military camp you scaled the rope, and climbed onto the feet of the dinosaur.
Duncan had his eyes shut, but he felt a hand on his wrist and they flew open. They softened once they saw you.
Over the harsh wind you heard him yell “Marry me?” and you tried not to cry. “Anytime, anyplace baby.” You yelled in return. 
Then the dinosaur dropped you, right into Owen’s arms.
Who for some reason had a beard?
Suddenly Gwen came barreling into you guys, and Owen scooped her up as well. “My brethren!” Owen yelled. But then a snake fell around his shoulders.
“Let me rephrase that… RUN!” he dropped you all to start running up the ladder into the treehouse.
You all quickly followed in pursuit. 
Gwen watched as you sat on Duncan’s lap, your stomach facing his. You wrapped your arms around him, and dug your chin into his collarbone, trying to feel his heartbeat. “Still here sweetheart. I promise.” He whispered.
“We need to confess our sins.” Gwen’s eyes flickered up to Owen and she scoffed. “I’m serious, I did it and I feel great.” The blonde smiled clearly dehydrated. 
“Oh my god, so you killed his dad?” Heather gawked at you. “You set her dad’s office on fire-” Gwen’s eyes widened staring at Duncan. You both nodded sheepishly. “...Yes, but still not as bad as what you did, Gwen. Even if that's your real name.” You teased, with a kind smile. 
“Or even Heather.” Duncan looked the rich-girl up and down. 
“My brother deserved it.” Heather grumbled.
You were staring at Chris dumbly. “Oh come on princess, surprised to see me?” he gave you a smirk and holy hell there was no greater urge you had then to punch his stupid face into the stupid ground and beat him until he was black and blue.
“Time for a campfire, my children.” Then he promptly skipped away.
“I’m going to kill myself.” Duncan grumbled as he washed the war paint off his face in your cabin.
“Honey, it’ll be alright. We always stick together right?” You hugged him from behind. “If I lose you tonight, I don’t know what I’ll do.” Duncan turned around and kissed your knuckles.
You smiled sadly. “Mi amor, even thousands of miles apart, I’d still be right with you. You are the keeper of my heart, forever until even the gods die.” You whisper and lightly kiss his lips.
“Plus, it’s not like there’s gonna be some plot twist or something.” a laugh falls out of your mouth.
“Tonight, there is a twist on the campfire. Since I lost so many interns in the production of this video, management said I’d have to let them vote a camper off. Which kinda is boring but whatever.” Chris grumbled, and Chef handed him the envelope before scurrying off. 
Chris opened it and his mouth dropped, his eyes widened, and somewhere in there you saw an ounce of pure and utter anger. Something that guarantees that the interns are going to have a hell filled week for the next couple months.
“The one who will be leaving us tonight is…”
Duncan squeezed your hand tight.
“Y/N L/N.” 
You felt something break, and it didn’t come from you. You looked at Duncan and saw his entire personality shift. He went blank, cold, and calculating. 
“HE’S OUR’S NOW BITCH.” You saw a redhead intern scream at you, before she went back to the intern-side of camp. Duncan nearly pulled out his gun, but you stopped his wrist.
“I love you, and if you don’t win, my love, I will kick your ass, understand?” You kissed his lips, and he nodded swiftly trying to withhold his anger.
You began walking away but Chris couldn’t stop himself.
“I’ll miss your face, along with other things, beautiful.” Chris winked, and a soft smile appeared on your face. You stepped in closer towards him. Then promptly punched him straight in the nose, and kicked him in the groin, he groaned and fell to the ground.
You stepped onto the boat of losers and began to drive away. 
But when has Y/N L/N ever played by the rules?
You stepped next to the captain with a fond smile, and quickly knocked him out, dumping him into a lifeboat and letting it go into the water. You walked back to the steering wheel and began to drive… straight to New York.
There was this anger, in the back of your mind. She was yelling at the top of her lungs, to have control, and like a calming wave, you let it. Being on that island, did you no favors.
You had it easy, food, a shelter, freaking Duncan. But now it was time to go back, to get the messy things done.
Anger was your coping mechanism. It kept you on the path you wanted, and the path you wanted currently entailed making sure that your fiancè would have his dream life to come back too. Anger gets things done, sadness does not.
[The camera zooms in on a small ring on your finger]
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I’d like to thank all my wonderful supporters, who stayed with me, throughout the series. There will be an epilogue probably tmw, and soon I’ll start the second season.
I love yall!
Mick got out of his seat and walked over to the door which was currently being pounded on.
He and his brothers were in shock, their little sister just got voted off? Poor Duncan, he was losing his shit on TV right now. Since the show started all the brothers had been at Mick’s house for viewing.
Mick opened the door and his jaw dropped. There you stood, you wore a pair of black jeans, along with an old WSC sweatshirt which looked like Duncan’s, and you had a cocky smile which Mick could tell was fabricated.
“Miss me?”
“Well I’ll be a son-of-a-gun.”
tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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the-quackeroos · 2 days
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looks like Duck is lightening up a bit ^^
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jesusislord3333 · 8 months
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Should I start making x reader stuff here? I’ve been ✨inspired✨ By other people doing it
Idk yay or nay?
Edit: probably would be ttte and tugs since I’m slipping down the tugs pipeline now
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crinkly-spinkly · 5 months
Housekeeper's Guide: Chapter 10
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main-line-engines · 2 years
James x Reader Headcanons
James loves to brag about you. It doesn't matter what you do, he'll boast about it to the other engines and say how great you are. Told him a dumb joke? He's telling everyone even if it wasn't funny. Gave his paint work a little touch up after finding a scratch? Boasting how well of a job you did.
He loves showing off too. He'll speed up and whistle whenever he passes to show you his glistening paint after a washdown.
If you ever got him a gift (like paint polish or somthing) he'll act all cocky but on the inside he's a complete mess because no one has ever gotten him a gift before. He'll try to get you something too. If he sees a pretty bunch of wildflowers he'll stop and beg his driver to grab them for you.
If you're a worker on the railway that cleans engines, congratulations, you're now James's personal cleaner. He refuses to let anyone else wash him. He says you're the only one that makes his paint look the best. James will never admit it but if he hasn't seen you in a while, he gets himself dirty on purpose to see you.
Despite his confident and vain persona, he does have quite a bit of self doubt. Some reasurance every so often that he's splendid and doing a wonderful job goes a long way for James. A kiss or two wouldn't hurt either.
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Thirteen: Princess and the Frog
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You were bored, out of your mind. So bored that you had started to juggle which wasn’t something you had done since you were maybe three.
Your mothers had sent Duncan and you to an acrobat camp because your fathers wanted you to get stronger in your upper body.
The tiny rubber spheres flew into your hands and back up again with practiced ease. You were so caught up in watching them fly you didn’t notice the chocolate covered underwear that just flew in front of you. But then you did. 
Your eyes quickly found the redhead responsible. “Harold, what the hell.” You let the balls fall into your hands and you had half the mind to throw them at the boy. Despite his protests you walked away now annoyed.
But before you could get very far you heard Chef Hatchet on the speakers calling you to the dock of shame.
The way he was talking didn’t have you excited. 
As you lightly jogged over to the dock you saw your green-haired devil who was walking on his hands beside Geoff. “Hey cutie.” You resumed juggling. “Hey darling.” Duncan said as his hands felt the difference from the grass to the hard boards. 
“Just kiss already, geeze.” Geoff rolled his eyes as you all lined up. 
“You call this proper formation!” Chef Hatchet was losing his absolute mind. His stick whapped everybody no matter what they were doing. T
he stick hit Duncan’s arms making them fall down, you noticed his body tense. Memories of his father were surely coursing through him. “No fun?” Chef yelled, sounding confused on why the balls were in your hands and he quickly threw them in the water, his stick hit your thigh making you stand on both legs at attention. 
You were going to start yelling.
“Shut up.” Duncan hissed beside you, he was not going to let you lose your cool on Chef, not today. You both had gone to a million military schools. You’ve had worse teachers than this. One lady actually had fourteen-year-old Duncan and you ran fifty laps while carrying twenty pound bags.
Do you want to know why?
Because you asked when lunch was.
“Today’s challenge will not be an easy one. In fact I do not expect everyone to come out alive.” Chef yelled into the megaphone making the sound ring in your ears.
When faced with trauma people deal with it in a multitude of ways. Some revert into a submissive state, some fight back with a vengeance, some deal with it with laughter, some turn themselves off.
Duncan and you were the last too. 
Your mind was quiet and your face went blank and you had a rigid posture.
Three years ago
“You are a grown adult so act like it. My training will make you stronger than you ever were before, youngling.” The man got close to your face and spit flying across your cheeks, you nodded.
“We are fourteen? The only thing making us stronger is milk… sir.” Duncan winked and the man hit him across the face without a second thought.
Duncan on the other hand was… pissed.
“My orders are to make sure every baby here drops out of my boot camp. Except one.” He yelled through the megaphone and your eye twitched. “The last one standing wins immunity for their team.” He whipped Owen.
Then he began down his set of rules. “Yes, Master Chief.” God, that sound was too familiar, you cringed at your words. 
The first challenge was to hold a boat over your heads for as long as physically possible. But Chris wanted you to do another monologue bit in the outhouse.
“I am an obedient soldier. No matter if I want to or not.” You muttered staring at the camera, you held your hands as if trying to wring the sweat out of them, your leg shaking anxiously. You were trained at a very early age. Your wants, and needs? Didn’t matter. “
Master Chief explained the rules of the challenge and Gwen watched as Duncan directed you towards the canoe, his hands were on your hips as if you were blind and couldn’t see. She noticed that there was something going on in your mind. Some unseen battle.
You lifted the canoe above your head and had to laugh when Owen and Geoff thought this would be easy. 
“Come on you sissies you’ve only been at it for three hours.” Chef yelled at you and you noticed how weak the other team was becoming. Duncan had an abusive father, and you’ve had to take care of a man who was supposed to take care of you since you were five. You were beyond used to pain.
Geoff caught Harold's underwear.
Harold took his hands off the boat. 
What a stupid, stupid, man.
“Is there a problem here?” Chef’s head bent down to look at you spit flew on your face and you almost lost it right there. This was too familiar.
The moon was bright above you.
Duncan had his chin tucked into your collarbone. He was snoring softly. He knew you wouldn’t fall, you never did. Lindsay on the other hand, lost the challenge for her team as she rang the bell. “Wake up, tiger.” You whispered as your team dropped the canoe gratefully. “I’m up, I’m up baby.” Duncan’s voice was filled with a rasp that made your heart skip a beat.
Chef and Chris had you all go to the cafeteria and you stared at the trash cans in front of you. “You remember when my dad didn’t give me money to buy food that month after my mom died, so I had to eat from the trash.” You chuckled into your palm smiling at the memory. “Fucking racoon.” Duncan laughed much to Courtney’s horror.
“You’ve got ten minutes to eat before night training.” Chef announced. 
The entire camp groaned at the mention of night training. Duncan shook his head and you wanted to start shaking with laughter. Gwen asked a VERY obvious question. “Where’s the food?” 
“Right here. At war you take what you can get!” Chef smiled, taking a lid off the trash. The rancid smell filled the room.
It was probably good that you were getting used to not eating. 
You went with Duncan as he pranked Harold for throwing the underwear at you. He gave him kitchen grease. Which was probably deadly but it’s okay. You rolled your eyes as Harold spit out the drink. “This is why you don’t have a girlfriend, Tarun.” You put a hand on your hip.
“Okay look, I know you like me sweetheart. He knows you like me, everybody knows it.” Duncan leaned close, wrapping his arm around your waist causing you to smirk, booping him on the nose.
“So here’s a tip. You want to kiss me? I might let you.” He winked and you rolled your eyes blowing him a kiss. “In your dreams, baby. But don’t let me stop you from dreaming.” 
Geoff gave Duncan a look as you went back to talk to Bridgette who had asked you to help her do something with the trash.
“Oh you're in love aren’t you man?” Geoff noticed the look the green-haired boy gave you. “None of your business, blondie.” Duncan ran a hand through his hair.
You were having dance classes at two in the morning.
By a man in military clothing.
Still not the strangest thing you’ve done to be honest.
You looked to your side but Duncan had disappeared, he reappeared next to the boom-box and turned it off. Chef screamed at him. “Tarun what are you doing?” You yelled at him.
“If someone drops out, we’re done for the day.” Duncan said matter of factly. “You're done when I say you're done.” Chef yelled, ordering him to do 20 pushups. 
That’s strange.
Duncan does one hundred pushups every morning. 
(Juvie habits)
“Anyone else have something they want to say?” Chef challenged the campers surrounding him. Gwen went to the restroom. Suddenly before you could stop yourself you raised your hand. Chef raised an eyebrow as did Duncan. You didn’t ever challenge authority.
“Can I do twenty as well?” Your face broke into a small smile and Duncan almost leapt with joy. 
Chef ordered you to do twenty and you bent down next to the boy. “Oh my days, did I just see a certain girl disobey her superiors? When did you learn how to do that?” Duncan smiled as he did his twenty in sync with you.
The music continued.
“I do a lot of things for people I have crushes on. Thought you knew that, Tarun.” You winked and he had to stop his twenty because did you just say what he thinks you just said?
Chef put you in the cafeteria again and he ordered you to write a three-hundred-word essay on why ‘he was the best’. You’ve had a lot of vain people be in charge of you. But that’s a whole other level.
It was three a.m, by the time everyone was done. 
Honestly your essay wasn’t even about Chef Hatchet.
It was about the idiot beside you.
Just instead of writing Duncan you put ‘Master Chief. It worked, it worked REALLY well actually. “She’s my new favorite.” Chef declared. “Teacher's pet.” Duncan yawned and you smiled innocently.
Duncan of course had to challenge the teacher.
God he never grew up.
You of course had to save him. “No, he’s going to go right to bed.” You dragged the boy away from the sergeant. “If you get eliminated I am going to murder you.” You jabbed a finger in his chest. “Didn’t know you cared, doll.” Duncan yawned again, he was amazed you were still up.
“I don’t. But if we lose this challenge because you are a rebellious idiot I will eat all of your hair gel.” You said. Duncan smirked, you talked a LOT of nonsense when you were tired. “Just don’t get yourself killed because I will make sure your mother beats you if you do.” You kissed his cheek and went to splash some water on your face.
“I love her.” Duncan muttered.
“No, really, bro?” Geoff rolled his eyes.
The next challenge was to complete a death-defying course in one minute. There was something familiar about this course which you didn’t remember until you were jumping from one head to another as you raced up the wall.
You were twelve the first time you did this course
Five years ago
“It’s unfair, really.” Duncan laughed as he watched you fly through the obstacle course which was made for grown adult men. “How so?” The counselor looked at him mildly confused, this was supposed to be a punishment drill.
“Acrobatics have always been her favorite thing.”
Duncan did extremely well on the course, he did it slowly on purpose, just so he could grate at Chef Hatchet’s nerves, which earned him one night of solitary confinement. 
He wasn’t even scared of the punishment. He was scared of what his stupid mind was going to conjure up for him. 
At dinner, breakfast, lunch, you don’t know anymore you're dead tired. You stirred the mush that was your food before declaring. “I’m going to go check on him. Idiots should not be alone for that long.” You stood up and Geoff smiled at you.
“Does little ole Y/N, have a crush?” he asked. “Clearly, now shush or I’ll gouge out your eyes. Ciao!” You winked when the boy paled.
You used your phone's flashlight to find the door to the boathouse.
“Oi, tiger, you in here?” You called out into the darkness before your eyes adjusted, you saw Duncan smiling at you though it was obvious he was shaking. “Heya princess, come to claim your kiss?” He winked.
“Actually yes, maybe you’ll turn into a prince. I brought food.” You handed him the bowl as you sat down.
“I prefer bait.”
You giggle rolling your eyes. “I hate how I love your laugh.” He said in what you believed was mock amazement. It indeed was not. “I don’t get you, Duncan. How do you egg adults on like that?” You had to laugh. That was your number one fear. Adults.
“You're the one that doesn’t make sense. You're so free when it comes to kids our age. But the second it's an adult you clam up, and turn into a soldier, it’s crazy.” Duncan laughed in bewilderment. “I think it’s because I’m so used to taking care of them.” you shrugged your shoulders.
“You wanna ditch the shack for some pb&j’s?” Duncan asked.
“This isn’t you just trying to get me to eat, is it?” You leveled a fish as if you would smack him with it. “No? I’m hungry too, it’s not always about you.” he said quite dramatically. (He was just trying to get you to eat)
You snuck into the counseling tent and stole a bunch of food.
Also alcohol.
You were sharing the food with everyone. Duncan and Geoff were busy pranking Harold so he didn’t notice how many drinks you had. (Five shots of vodka to be precise) You were grabbing another one and before Bridgette could protest you chugged that one too.
“That was a mistake.” 
You quickly threw the contents of your stomach over the railing and Duncan walked out feeling a mild sense of worry.
“So the perfect soldier can be a kid sometimes too?” He smiled holding your hair back. You smiled clearly, still a bit drunk as you sat back up.
He gave you a bunch of peppermints. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been free like that, tiger.” You giggled. “I just want more.” You sighed wistfully.
“You could always give me that kiss, princess.” He cupped your chin smiling. “Are we sure that you're my type?” You questioned ruffling his hair and he leaned into your hand.
“Enjoy a funless life then.” He smiled dramatically, turning his back on you. “Enjoy prison, I’m sure the army would love to finally have me.” You smirked.
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“Oh you’d never leave me. Who’d make you laugh-” He whined his eyes shut and just like that you wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a kiss, a long one.
“Lucky for you we’ll never find out, baby.” You kissed him one more time and skipped away.
“LET’S GO MAN!” Geoff, Duncan, and DJ were losing their minds.
You smiled. Unbeknownst to you, Harold had been watching you, and he wanted revenge on Duncan… but from the side..? You look like an exact replica of Courtney.
The next challenge was a bore. All you had to do was hang upside down. Duncan got out first, weirdly enough. This was something you had practice with. You loved hanging upside down. It felt strangely amazing.
That was for the first thirty minutes. But after having a lot of alcohol. You have to come down.
So you guys lost.
At the campfire that night the strangest thing happened…
Courtney was voted out!
Duncan and you were confused.
Geoff and Bridgette were also confused.
Harold smiled.
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the-quackeroos · 4 months
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being a frequent visitor at the Arlesburgh seaside, Duck sometimes flexes at other beachgoers. with you being interested, he eyes at you, wondering if you like his muscles.
the swimming briefs are loosely inspired by this Duck mini here.
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tallys-train-blog · 4 years
J u s t u h
O o p s
Duck self insert.
@asktrio516 youre welcome hoe🌝
Looking across the room i watched the man with emerald green hair struggle with his bow. His hands almost seemed too clumsy to tie it properly.
Sighing i walked over to him and put my coast down.
"Hun, let me do it."
"No. I've got it this time."
I looked at Duck with a raised brow. Watching as his hands continued to shake i smiled when they finally fell.
"Okay, I don't have it this time..."
Smiling a little my hands gently tugged on the end of the ribbon and watched it fall apart.
"You know, you look bery handsome tonight."
Duck Scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm sure you say that to every guy."
"But I only mean it when i say it to you."
Placing my hands on his chest i leaned in for a kiss which of turned into his hands sliding down to my hips.
Breaking the kiss i leaned back, "later Monty. We have to go now."
Duck rolled his eyes and smiled, "fine but you owe me."
With that he grabbed his coat and your hand and off you went.
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bigg-city-riders-au · 2 years
Any Edward x human reader headcanons?
I do have a few!
Edward may be old, but that doesn't stop him from being a gentleman. He will treat you like gold.
He will make sure to be extra gentle with you, as he is full aware that humans are extremely fragile compared to him.
He will shower you with compliments, and give you gentle encouragement if he sees that you're feeling down. He will do everything he can to make you feel better.
If he sees something is wrong, he will pull you aside and ask if everything is okay and gently reassure him that you can tell him anything.
Snuggles. This old engine is all about snuggles.
With him being the leader of the steam team, the steam team would be quick to respect you. Otherwise, they would likely be put in their place very quickly by Edward.
He's stronger than he looks, and has plenty of experience when it comes to combat, so you're pretty well protected if anyone tries anything with you.
If the weather is bad, or even if you just don't want to go home, he will gladly let you stay with him in his shed. He'd rather have you safe with him than to be out in turbulent weather, and he doesn't mind it if you just want to stay with him, for he loves your company.
He loves to just take some time off and just cruise around the island with you.
Then again, any time spent with you is his favorite time.
Overall, he's just this sweet old gentleman who has plenty of love to give to his significant other.
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princeluckybug13 · 5 years
hey, long time no see. how about Skarloey X Reader with “You can kiss me if you’d like. You don’t have to ask.”? xo
(howdy friend! glad to see you again :) ive never done one of these but ill do my best)
"You can kiss me if you'd like. You don't have to ask." You tease Skarloey. He splutters for a moment, and you laugh softly. "You're too cute."
Skarloey blushed and looked away. He scratches at his chin nervously. His heart was hammering in his chest. "I know, but it just seems right to."
You smile at him warmly. Skarloey was such a gentleman. You place a hand on his arm in comfort. "You're such a sweetheart."
He blushes deeper, but he still leans forward to kiss your lips softly. He yelps when you pull him closer. You pull away to look into his eyes. "And you're mine."
(sorry if its a little short this is something i dont have experience in, so feel free to send another, hope you like it)
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PT 1 IS OUT THE FANFIC IS CALLED TTTE human James x reader by Autobotuser HAVE FUN
You need more quotation marks lol
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the-quackeroos · 4 months
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POV: you discover that Donald has his sights on you at the seaside.
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the-quackeroos · 5 months
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apparently in the 90s or whenever there was a dating sim in which you date Duck. :0
(this is obviously fake, I just felt like making something for you guys who want to date him. btw speaking of which I'm open to writing Duck x Reader fics for requests, lol)
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