#tuggerstrap's kittens
greenelectricsky · 5 months
You know what? Fuck it. I'm not taking an ink to hand this time. I only need to add Tugger's colours and eyes and I'm leaving it like that.
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Looking at his face it's more Cysiek, but you know, TuśTuś is looking exactly the same, so I don't know if I'll portray them... What do you think?
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falasta · 28 days
1, 5, 14 for the fandom asks!
list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
For one, YOU! ❤️ Specifically, the people in this fandom who create community events and provide opportunities for everyone to share creations together. @storyweaverofgondor and @statisticalcats2 have really stepped up the past few years, and I'm really appreciative of that! I have a whole backlog of SevenCatCalls posts that I still need to make!
The friends (again, including yourself) that I've made in this fandom. Friends I can not only talk about silly dancing cats about but also other fandoms, and interests, and Life. It's absolutely lovely, and I've been so thankful for it.
The emotional support in a world where the internet has become so much more centralized. I won't pretend I haven't had issues with the way fandom has evolved, but the kindness and understanding of people I've met and become friends with here is really astounding. Even just a few weeks into the fandom I had people reaching out asking about my mental health, or sending hearts, or just wanting to say hi. Even those people that have left the fandom - I still cherish all those messages.
2. Something you see in fics a lot and love
I will never get tired of Chronically Sleep Deprived Kitten Wrangler Worries for Every Single Cat Munkustrap. I don't care if it's fanon or a trope everyone uses. I still love it.
3. the ship that always makes you smile
I mean I have to give a shout out to my special ship Tuggerstrap. Especially when it happens on stage (looking at you, Vienna). I love that they are unique and strong willed in their own ways, but then also so soft with each other. Besides I always get a thrill when performers put the "Tuggerstrap" label on their own footage. 😂
Thank you so much for the ask!!!
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Are you still taking fic Asks? 👀
(I'll start with one fic and try and restrain myself from asking questions for ALL of them XD)
For Eel!
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
2: What scene did you first put down?
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
Always!!! (Seriously, you can ask me about my stuff at any time, because the chance that I have an unreasonable amount of background lore is incredibly high XD) Eel! my beloved <3
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way? -> Nicky Wuchinger's Tugger and Robert Marx' Munkustrap, 100%. There's not even a full boot of them, only a bit of Gumbie Cat and Old Deuteronomy, but the dynamic between them in this like 2 minutes of Old Deut grabbed me by my shirt collar and shook me like a can of hairspray. They felt a lot more like equals to me than many Tuggers and Munks from other productions, because Nicky seems like a rather mature Tugger to me. They definitely influenced me enough that I completely rewrote all my headcanons for the both of them as a pair. (The power they have...) Anyhow, I watched that video of them more often than I'll ever admit, threw out the 'Tugger is younger than Munk and acts like it' headcanon and started to write Eel!, which brings us to the next question.
2: What scene did you first put down? -> The first scene that I wrote was Tugger kneading Munk like a cat shaped pizza dough, the little piece of dialogue about gravity and Tugger calling Munk a puffer fish. You couldn't pry the chubby Munk headcanon from my cold dead hands even if you tried, it just feels correct to me ♥ Honestly, inserting the kittens and the moray into it was mostly for transition reasons, and also because I wanted to write about the kittens as a group more because it's fun.
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics? -> Its content, most likely! The 'Deut bros' hc is basically fandom-canon at this point, (for shame!) and "Eel!" kind of marks the moment I decided to care about fanon even less than I already did and started to unapologetically make posts for this pairing, even though it probably alienated a few people and also got me being called an incest shipper one or two times (even though I made the effort to mention not one, not two, but three times that I didn't consider them to be siblings, as if you couldn't tell that from the story itself. Eyeroll emoji. Sometimes it's good to be able to, yknow, read before interacting with fanfiction for a fandom with very dubious canon).
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story? -> Our dear mutual friend Void was trucking along, writing pages and pages of breathtaking fic, and I felt a little like a sham for being so enthusiastic for Tuggerstrap without writing anything for it myself. That had to change! Thus, I got extremely sappy, wrote the scene I mentioned in question 2 and the rest is history. :]
3: What’s your favorite line of narration? -> [A paragraph once again, because why not.] "Jemima’s head popped out under Munkustrap’s chin, pointing at the book that lay sprawled on its back a few metres away. ��It’s a monster book.” “I see,” Munkustrap responded, exchanging a look with Tugger. Tugger nodded, rubbed against George one more time and then stood up, sauntering over to the book. He pulled a paw back and lashed out, slapping the book until the kittens were certain the monsters inside had nothing left to give, and then he sat on it. “Aha,” Tugger said, smugly grooming his paw. “Nothing to be feared now.”" [I just loved the idea of Tugger enacting some typical cat violence of slapping the shit out of something they don't like to reassure the kittens. It feels like something he would do.]
Thank you so much for the questions! ♥♥♥♥
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jellicle-chants · 1 year
My NOTP: Uh... the kittens I guess?
My BROTP: Bombastrap
My OTP: Demestrap
My second choice pairing: Alonzostrap (it's very close)
My fluffy pairing: Tuggerstrap
My angsty pairing: Munkcavity
My favorite poly ship: Demelonzostrap
My weirdest pairing: Munkujerrie
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cryptidvoidwritings · 3 years
OK look I just want all the questions answered for both Tuggerstrap and Tuggoffelees. But maybe you should sit on that and let someone else send in requests first? Also if you'd like to explore another couple go for it!! (If you want fewer asks let me know and I'll pick individual numbers)
*cracks knuckles* Oh boy, this is gonna take a minute.
Tuggerstrap OTP questions below
1. Who fell for the other one first?
Tugger did. He isn't entirely sure when it happened. They were kittens together and spent their early days antagonizing each other. By the time they were adolescents, their sniping had become more fond than anything else. Then, one day, Munkustrap said something and Tugger looked up to tease him and his heartbeat went triple time for a few seconds and he had to excuse himself to go ride out the realization.
2. Was it love at first sight?
Absolutely not.
3. Was it lust at first sight?
Not at first sight, but as Tugger reached sexual maturity he went through a phase (that never quite ended) of lusting after basically everyone he knew and Munkustrap was first among them. Because of their generally antagonistic relationship as kittens, he tried to ignore it for a long time.
Tugger was 'rescued' from the junkyard by a well-meaning human. When he made it back to the junkyard following a few months of separation, he'd grown into his paws and his wild fur, and the first time they saw each other Munkustrap was immediately hit upside the head with attraction.
4. What do physical trait do they love the most about each other?
For Tugger, it's Munkustrap's arms. They're powerful and strong, and incredibly gentle with kittens and adults in need of comfort, and they make excellent pillows to cuddle up in.
For Munkustrap, it's Tugger's face. Not just because it's very pretty, but when he does a real smile everything about him goes soft. His lips turn up just so and his eyes go liquid and it's very sweet.
5. What personality trait do they love the most about each other?
Munkustrap is by and large a very peaceful cat. He's always got the welfare of everyone in the junkyard on his mind, but he works very hard to keep his demeanor on an even keel because he doesn't want anybody to be afraid to approach him with anything. But under that placid temper, he's hiding an absolutely wicked sense of humor. It comes out at the most random times, everybody does a double-take when it happens, and Tugger has made it his mission in life to drag out of him at every opportunity.
Munkustrap would have told you for years that he thought Tugger was arrogant, but that youthful arrogance mellowed into pure confidence. It's not just the confidence in his looks, either. Tugger is very settled in himself. He just knows what he needs at a given time (i.e.: if he has a bad day, does he want to work it out and problem solve, or just wallow and be miserable for a bit) and Munkustrap really admires that.
6. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
Pianos remind Munkustrap of all the times he listened to Tugger practicing when they were kittens. (The tribe all gets similar basic classical training, and Tugger stopped bothering as soon as he reached the age to attend his first Ball.)
Tugger is reminded of Munkustrap whenever he passes Fox’s. (Munkustrap tried to have a rebellious phase and claimed he’d snuck in to one of Bustopher’s clubs but he’d gotten them mixed up and had in fact been allowed in by the proprietors due to looking so pathetic after being caught in the rain.)
7. What is something they’d want to change about the other if they could?
Munkustrap tends to bottle his stress under his need to be approachable, and often gets less sleep than he should. It's not quite to the point of unhealthy but it borders on it.
Tugger often uses his natural confidence and big personality to hide any hint of sadness or upset and sincere expressions of affection. It drives Munkustrap to distraction.
8. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family?
*waves at the junkyard*
9. Do their friends and family like their significant other(s)?
Everybody loves Munkustrap. He's respected by their age-mates and the older cats, and he's beloved by the kittens. When they first got together, Tugger ran the shovel talk gauntlet with as much good humor as he could muster. They've never talked about it, so he doesn't know that Munkustrap sat through an hour-long panel of cats questioning him about his intentions.
10. Have they had romantic partners before?
11. Are they a healthy couple? If no, why not?
For the most part, yes.
12. Do they have the potential to be healthy if they’re usually toxic?
13. Do they have the potential to be toxic if they’re usually healthy?
Munkustrap is very invested in his responsibility to the junkyard so he has the potential to get caught up in that and neglect his relationship. Tugger has the potential to double down on being flippant when it comes to things that he should be serious about and drive Munkustrap away. Both of them are aware of the potential and work to make sure it doesn't come to fruition.
14. What song fits them perfectly?
I am so bad at questions like these. IDK,
15. Do they like the same music?
Surprisingly yes, much of it. They both have fairly wide and eclectic tastes in music. While they disagree on the value of some genres (Munkustrap puts a little too much emphasis on classical music for Tugger's tastes and Tugger's obsession with rock drives Munkustrap up the wall), they will both rock out and sit listening to classical music together as the mood strikes.
16. Do they like the same food?
Munkustrap burns water and loves it when Tugger cooks, so by default: yes.
17. What do they have in common?
They love their tribe, stories, dancing, music, and sex. Munkustrap introduced Tugger to board games and Tugger introduced him to D&D.
18. What is their sex life like?
Their sex life is pretty robust. Munkustrap needs to relax and the time before, during, and immediately after sex is when Tugger is at his most sincere. Ever since Tugger introduced Munkustrap to the toys side of sex they've gotten a bit more creative with it.
19. Would they ever lie to each other? Why or why not?
Yes. Munkustrap would lie by omission over matters that he doesn’t want to worry Tugger with. Tugger would lie by evasion - tell Munkustrap you don’t want to talk about something and he’ll stare you down until you do, so Tugger will spin a yarn to get away from it.
20. Are they interested in marriage? Why or why not?
Munkustrap is more interested than Tugger. He likes the romantic idea of the ritual and especially having it witnessed by the tribe. Tugger doesn't have a particular aversion to marriage and he'd definitely do it to please Munkustrap and have a party when all was done.
21. Are they interested in having children? Why or why not?
Munkustrap might as well already have children, given how much work he does with the kittens of the tribe. Tugger isn’t opposed - he is an absolute softy for kittens - but he worries that he wouldn't be a good parent which makes him hesitant.
22. Do you have other ships that resemble your OTP?
23. Is there top/dom and bottom/sub energy?
There sure can be. Munkustrap likes to spoil his pillow prince and Tugger knows that Munkustrap needs to be taken out of his head once in a while.
24. Are there any kinks or fetishes they share or don’t?
They both share an enjoyment of blindfolds. For both of them, in different ways, it's an expression of their trust in the other. Tugger enjoys being tied up and a bit of rough handling. Munkustrap is okay with forceful behavior but he will not tolerate being tied up; that level of lost control is just intolerable.
25. Are they sentimental about gifts they’ve received from each other?
Yes, ridiculously so. They both have collections and compete to see who can give the other more.
26. What holidays do they like?
Both are big fans of Thanksgiving, though Tugger will complain about it for the whole week leading up to it. It's always at their house because of the kitchen. Jenny and Gus Jr are the only cats allowed in Tugger's kitchen as they cook together; Alonzo is in charge of the pies, Victoria is in charge of any other desserts, and Mistoffelees keeps everyone well supplied with drinks.
27. How do they feel about Valentine’s day?
Tugger actually likes it more than Munkustrap. Munkustrap thinks it's a silly day; why on earth would you need to be told to show your significant other on a specific day? Tugger thinks that Munkustrap not liking it is a challenge to plan them increasingly ridiculous dates.
28. Are they jealous/possessive of each other?
Munkustrap tends towards jealousy. There is a part of him that envies Tugger's easy way with other cats. Sometimes he worries that due to Tugger's well-earned reputation, he will be left behind. It ironically doesn't help that Tugger never seems particularly jealous of Munkustrap.
Tugger is more likely to be the possessive one. He occasionally finds himself in shock that Munkustrap chose him for a partner, and can spiral into convincing himself he will be left for a better cat, which makes him want to keep Munkustrap around at all costs.
29. Do they like public display of affection?
Munkustrap has developed a habit of coming up behind Tugger, hugging him, and nuzzling into his neck, and Tugger loves it. He will grab Munkustrap's arms and keep him there and anybody watching is treated to him beaming like a loon.
30. Do they enjoy dancing?
Oh, yes. If you were allowed into their house on a Friday evening you might find them doing the waltz around the house (but neither take dancing seriously unless it's the Ball so they'll both start spinning each other out and doing exaggerated poses and looking very silly).
31. What’s a perfect date for them?
Munkustrap is a sucker for a movie and dinner (movie first, v. important, so you can talk about it over dinner). Tugger loves indulging him in this date because it's a) adorable to see Munkustrap getting excited over movies and Tugger loves to encourage Munkustrap to be excited about things, and b) someone else does the cooking.
32. How do they comfort each other?
Munkustrap needs words. Tugger was always available to listen, but the longer they've been together the more he's learned to push past his own discomfort with words and talk Munkustrap through whatever is causing him to be upset.
Tugger prefers physical comfort, whether it be cuddling, hiding his face in Munkustrap's chest, or sex.
33. Who is the big spoon and why?
Typically Tugger is. He and Munkustrap are of a height - there's maybe half an inch in between them - but Munkustrap is always on guard for the tribe. At least in being the big spoon Tugger can be on guard for him. There are only a few cases in which Munkustrap will big spoon Tugger.
34. What’s their favorite nonsexual activity together?
They love their D&D and board game nights. Nerds, both of them.
35. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
When Tugger got himself ‘rescued’, Munkustrap initially thought that he wouldn't miss Tugger's arrogance or gregarious personality. He was wrong. He spent weeks making idle, quippy observations that he knew would have provoked reactions from Tugger but got him nothing from anyone else and it felt like a phantom limb every time.
Tugger spent their separation yowling into the night and desperately trying to get back outside. As kind as his self proclaimed humans were, suddenly being taken away from the tribe and his daily dose of back-and-forth with Munkustrap was traumatizing. He was bored and lonely.
Another prolonged separation would require a daily phone call and a whole lotta texts.
36. What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
Tugger’s neck is particularly sensitive; Munkustrap loves making him melt with the lightest and most fleeting of kisses.
Tugger could spend days kissing every inch of Munkustrap’s face - lips and all.
37. Have they ever hurt each other on accident?
Yes: both had a hell of a time figuring out their strength as they grew into their large Maine Coon blood. When they realized how large they were compared to others they started only fighting each other and it could get out of hand.
38. Have they ever hurt each other deliberately?
Yes. Both of them know the worst things they could say to cut the other deepest. It hasn’t happened often but it’s hell when it does.
39. Who gets hit on the most?
Munkustrap. He’s completely oblivious to it half the time and Tugger finds it hilarious.
40. Who tries to distract the other when they’re trying to do something else?
They both will, but when Munkustrap does it, he’s usually getting back at Tugger for starting it.
41. Who is, overall, the smarter one?
Overall, book-smarts go to Munkustrap, street smarts go to Tugger.
42. Who is the sensible mature one?
They both are in their own ways, but even Tugger will admit that he prefers to be the goofy brat.
43. Do they fight a lot?
No. Munkustrap being generally placid and Tugger being generally affable, their fights are more play than anything else. When they do fight for real, though, the whole junkyard feels it.
44. How do they make up after a fight?
It's usually Tugger who approaches first. His anger is the kind that flashes over and cools quickly, whereas Munkustrap is the type to hold onto simmering rage. He offers a paw (that Munkustrap will take no matter how angry he still might be) and they'll talk. They may not always work it out immediately, but neither of them is willing to go to bed angry. Munkustrap is the big spoon after fights because he understands that their talks are exhausting for Tugger (who uses words to hide).
45. If one of them forgot to log out of their SoMe, what would their partner do?
(...??? What’s a SoMe?)
46. How do they make each other laugh?
Munkustrap gets Tugger with wordplay. Outrageous double entendre when Tugger least expects it, bad puns, dad jokes; Tugger giggles at them all.
Tugger is a fount of ridiculous stories that Munkustrap doesn't necessarily believe and somehow he has never heard the same story twice. True or not, they make Munkustrap laugh every time.
47. Are they extroverts/introverts?
48. Who would bring home a homeless animal?
49. Do they match outfits for special occasions?
Tugger bought them complimenting ugly holiday sweaters for every single holiday he could find.
50. Who would protect who in a dangerous situation?
Both would try to protect the other, and both would go absolutely feral if the other was injured.
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Alright. Buckle up.
I've made happy noises before about Tuggerstrap in the German tent tour of 2011-2013, but now it's time for me to weep over it.
Tugger still annoys Munkustrap at every chance he can get, but they also work beautifully as a team. They are both the leaders of the tribe here, and they complement each other's strengths.
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Alonzo comes across as quite young in this production, and (at least on this night) he takes a smaller role in the Macavity fight even than Mungojerrie. So it makes sense that, when danger strikes, Munkustrap and Tugger gravitate to each other as the two main protectors of the tribe - as two cats who know to their core that they can rely on each other for anything.
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Macavity they were having a happy little jig and a cup of tea with Tumblebrutus, why do you have to ruin everything??
Now, this production has a thrust stage - a semicircle with the audience surrounding them except at the back - so they're always performing to three sides, and there's much more of a sense that danger might come from any direction (especially as the cats often do move through the audience along various aisles). So here, when the alarm sounds, the kittens (who are mostly on the outskirts, nearer the audience) hit the ground, while the adults stay standing at the centre in protector stance, looking around to work out where the danger came from.
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In fact, the first thing Tugger does after the initial alarm 'freeze' is move toward Munkustrap - who is standing with his back to him in The Stance - with his own slightly more crouching version of The Stance, and duck his head under his arm so they're standing interlocked, arms crossing each other's back, a fierce wall of protection facing the direction from which the crash sounded. 🥺
(And please notice Tumblebrutus trying to be brave - on his feet like the adults but with his back arched in fear, trying to look big and/or to huddle up like a scared kitten at the same time - and Skimble's arms wrapped around a tiny terrified ball of Jemima at the front there before he hurries her into the middle of the circle I'm not crying you're crying.)
(Continued under the cut.)
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But they keep hearing danger from one side then another, and with each alarm they shift, pulling the kittens in toward the centre with the adults in a defensive formation around them. This frees Tugger and Munk up to rush to the edges of the stage (moving opposite each other but meeting at the middle) to look out into the audience, trying to find the threat. (That little glance back over his shoulder just before he snarls, making sure all his family are behind him and safe! 🥺)
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Of course, it does no good. Macavity appears behind them and they all swing to face the danger - which is their undoing. He hypnotises them all and, as he passes each cat, they collapse behind him. His minions hustle Deuteronomy off through the audience to the right.
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Munkustrap struggles to his knees, reaching for Tugger, and the two of them cling to each other desperately, using each other for support as they fight their way back to their feet. In fact, Tugger stays down a little longer: his first priority is to get Munkustrap up. He uses his solid stance on his knees to push Munkustrap to his feet.
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Then Munkustrap pulls him up and they cling for a moment, finding their balance in each other. It’s a quick exchange of looks, claws tight on each other’s arms - and Munkustrap and a few other protectors take off after Macavity.
But Tugger dashes off to stage left, with the kittens and the older cats who are going to ground to hide. To protect them? Or to find Mistoffelees?
It’s obviously not cowardice: he was standing shoulder to shoulder with Munkustrap throughout the confrontation, and there’s a reason they split up here. They hardly needed to exchange a word to know what they each had to do in this crisis. And they trust each other, without a backward glance.
Anyway. Weep with me, over Tugger and Munkustrap, co-leaders of the Jellicles, who find strength and balance in each other and dance little jigs with kittens.
Dominik Hees as Tugger and Jack Rebaldi as Munkustrap, Martin Berger as Deuteronomy, probably Shane Dickson or Adam Margilewski covering Macavity; German tent tour, 2011. Source.
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munkthehunk · 3 years
First impressions Ask for Munkustrap?
First impression
Wait.... hold on.... wait he's very tall... what is that stance... oh wait I think I might love him....
Yes..... he's the one, he's my favourite (This all happened very quickly and you can ask @thatmysticaltuxedocat-rp - she did not expect him to be the one I latched onto XD)
Impression now
Oh he is still very much at the top of my list! I adore Michael Gruber so much, and Munkustrap is the Best Dad Cat of all time. I'm constantly trying to think of new things I can do with his character and I just love him so much 🥺
Favorite moment
"When he sits in the suuUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuun on the vicarage wall...." T~T <3
Idea for a story
Actually.... an anon @linadoonofficial got gave me an idea.....
What if Munkustrap, the Junkyard Dad Cat, found out he couldn't have biological kittens..... O:
kinda really wanna write this
Unpopular opinion
Tuggerstrap is good and valid and I enjoy it in the times I'm able to separate the au from my Doot Bro one in my head!
Favorite relationship
Munk and Demeter! Munk and Demeter!
They were my og favourite couple, which was weird for me, but they're really damn cute together and just.... I am extremely soft for them 🥺
Favorite headcanon
That Munkustrap is Jemima's father!! Specifically that Jemima is Dem and Mac's bio daughter but Munk took that precious angel in and decided to Raise Her Right!
Thank you so much for sending this, sorry it took me so long to get to!
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junkyard-gifs · 4 years
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okay but tuggerstrap headcanon though
Munkustrap actually does hand out gold stars in bed.
no wait hear me out because it isn’t just in bed.
it started out as a reward system for the kittens. Because it seems silly but it works. Pouncival and Etcetera are just straight-up delighted by the sparklies (and by having a tangible and clear ‘yes, that thing you did was good, well done’ symbol). They love receiving them but forget about them quickly. Electra quietly hoards them, politely accepting each new sticker and taking it to a Secret Place to keep. Tumblebrutus pretends he’s way too cool for them but Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer don’t, so the three of them get into a rowdy competition for who can get the most stars (which results in them getting very few stars so they try to steal them from the other kittens). George just sits up so straight and delighted with his butt quivering virtuously because he! is a good! boy! he got a star! can Munkustrap put it on his collar? please?! Yes he is a good boy yes he is.
(Jemima secretly thinks Munkustrap is a bit of a dork but will happily play along with the sticker thing because it’s cute.)
It started out with the kittens, but then Munkustrap was just absent-mindedly handing them out to any other cat who did something useful and helpful and
then he started doing it in domestic situations
Tugger actually hung his clothes up on hangers instead of the floor? gold star! did dishes? gold star! remembered this or that self-care task, like hydrating or telling Munkustrap when he needed space? GOLD STARS GALORE.
(successfully did insert-nsfw-thing here? mmm, gold star.)
And it works.
Tugger spent five minutes being indignant (”seriously, you think that kitten trick is going to work on me??).
Then he spent two days complaining about how it felt like dating your teacher (complete with sexy teacher jokes).
Then he completely forgot all of that, and is just. Completely delighted with his shiny gold stickers. Exactly like Pouncival and Etcetera. He doesn’t even hoard them like Electra, because he’s too proud of them. He sticks them on his own collar and fur but then also just sticks them on the nose of whatever cat he meets next, to show off. Because Jellicles can and Jellicles do.
(Gif is McGee Maddox and Dan Hoy, 2019 US tour. I’ve posted it before so I won’t tag for them.)
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0zzysaurus · 3 years
Munk for the ask game thing 👀 :3
Munkustrap Time!!
OTP: Demestrap and Alonzostrap 💖 regardless of hc, Sillabub for me is always Demeter and Munk’s kitten, while Jemima is always Demeter and Macavity’s.
BROTP: Plato and Misto are his apprentices. He’s also really good friends with the oldies.
MEHTP: I don’t really have any Munk ships that I’m meh about. Maybe him and Cassandra? I really don’t see them in a relationship outside of a book club LMAO
NOTP: Tuggerstrap, Munkucavity, and Jemustrap/Sillastrap. Those are his family your honour.
Rarepair: I like Munkujerrie but more as a stepping stone for Jerrie, or a casual thing rather than a long-term relationship.
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ashratcool · 3 years
Tugger, Misto, Mungo, and Teazer (ask game)
Tugger: Tuggoffelees, really. I'm actually not super interested in him as i am with the other characters i like. Also i can't really see tugger wanting 2 be mates with any other cat, ig
Misto: Tuggoffelees again, just bc i already paired him up with tugger. Another good option would probably be Coricoffelees, but i also think cori n tanto r aroace so there's that
Mungo: i never really thought of him actively wanting 2 be mates with anybody? But ig it's Mungopounce (?), if i were 2 hc pouncival as slightly older. Never really thought of mungo despite my fav character being teazer
Teazer: Victeazer. What did u expect,,
Tugger: Tuggerina is actually a pretty good brotp! I feel like they'd hang out a lot n just mess with munkus
Misto: Mistoria, probably. I hc misto n victoria as cousins so i don't ship them romantically but i imagine they hang out with each other a lot, especially when they were kids.
Mungo: ig mungo with any of the four tom kittens. He's with them pretty often n they all just do,,, whatever it is they do,, prob a dare thing where one of em has 2 drink piss /hj
Teazer: Rumplecetera actually! Yeah, i hc electra n etcetera as best friends but teazer n etcetera would just hang out a lot 2 pull pranks on unsuspecting cats
Tugger: of course, Tuggerstrap (?) n Tuggercavity (?) bc,,, familial hcs. Demetugger (?) too, ig, bc demeter probably secretly hates tugger 4 looking just a little too much like macavity, apart from hating him bc he's horny /hj
Misto: i don't really know, actually. Ig Mistoria n Macavisto. Mistoria bc of familial hcs n Macavisto bc of the fact that they'd prob despise the other's guts. Ik i like,, almost never talk about the 2019 movie bc i don't like it but omg this ship in the movie is giving me some really iffy vibes n i don't like it
Mungo: Mungoteazer, bc of my sibling hcs
Teazer: Mungoteazer again, bc of the,, hc things
Tugger: Rumpletugger,, i really don't think that they're close enough 2 even be friends, let alone mates(me n bowie agree,, bowie kins tugger so hard n we both were like huh.) That n Tuggershanks
Misto: Alonzoffelees, i don't really know what they got going 4 them apart from the fact that they're both monochromatic
Mungo: Munkujerrie, ig. The dynamic is fine, n i'd prob ship it platonically, but too many cats mess with munkus 4 this 2 be an isolated incident
Teazer: Rumplonzo, i just never really understood the dynamic. N i kinda feel like teazer would oddly dislike alonzo. Idk why but i feel like she would,, just a little. N Tantoteazer too, i kinda feel like it's a knockoff of Victeazer, but ig it's fine.
Tugger: i do not know. I always struggle with the rarepairs,,
Misto: maybe Mistoshanks, but in a platonic sense. Misto is skimble's fav cat 2 meet whenever he has time 2 visit the junkyard
Mungo: i also don't know,, bowie if u're reading this i'm so sorry i failed at doing ur kins
Teazer: ig Rumplecetera again, bc i can't really think of anything.
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greenelectricsky · 10 months
And a bonus! What is a cat without a blep, right? So they are both bleeping and THAT is a thing they do the same way! So yeah, they are brothers!
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So, if you liked the idea (even when pictures are a little blurry sometimes - not the best camera ever) say "thank you" to @snailllysnailsss, who mobilised me to finally make dreams come true. I thought about that earlier but have no need to do it, so yeah...
And no, I probably don't do that too soon again but if you want to see some of the other things about them I can do that in future, just ask and I write it down. For sure I want to make a session outside, but for that I need a warm spring and not a cold winter.
And for a big day... Tomorrow (in the pit of the night) I'm coming to Chorzów, to see Cats!!!!! On a stage!!!!! Finally, after so many years (from 2004) someone decides enough is enough and we have Cats again!!! I'm so happy! If any of you would be there (23.11.2023) in Teatr Rozrywki and you would like to talk, look for a "girl" with green-violet hair, long green hoodie with flowers on it, probably black top and green cargo pants or black jeans.
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OTP3: Welcome to demelonzostrap purgatory, enjoy your stay. I am particularly invested in the version of this ship that exists in my and @theimpossiblescheme 's collective emotional disarticulation. Just...generally reserved and responsible Munk falling fast and hard for two cats at the same time who could both probably kill him should they choose - being genuinely confused by this being harder for him to ignore than crushes he's had in the past, feelings getting mixed with pity (is it pity? are you devaluing them by feeling as though you're pitying them? etc. etc.) - wanting to protect them from things he can't protect them from so bad it physically aches in his chest - all that good stuff.
I've spoken about this ship multiple times before at length, so I won't bore you.
I also really like me some bombastrap because it hits different. "Munkustrap doesn't think he's what Bomba would ever be looking for and is too boring for her" different. "Wanting what he perceives Tugger has because of course Tugger gets everything" different. Definitely talked about how it hits in the past....just....emotions.
BROTP: Munkustrap/Asparagus is a favourite friendship of mine. As is Munk with the rest of the oldie squad because yes I *do* think he genuinely thought of them as his friends as a kitten and would hang out with them because he had trouble relating to kids his own age, what about it? I also think Alonzo is his best friend regardless of ship.
He also is very fond of Socrates, and I also think he and Tugger have a standard sibling relationship - complicated but still loving.
NOTP: Not a huge fan of Skimblestrap tbh - idk I think he knew Munk when he was a kitten and I just *high pitched humming* nope.
Not even really in the movie verse, though there's no real issue I have with that one. I just can't get into it. Lacks depth to me idk.
Same thing with Jenny/Munk or anyone else in the elder category/Munk tbh - maybe at best I can see him having had a crush on them at one point, but y'know...not reciprocated healthy kid crushes.
No go with Tuggerstrap or Munkcavity either - I personally see them as related (though I'm more flexible with Macavity being related to them), so ehhhhH
Munk/any of the kittens is also a no. Munkubella is a no. Lots of these are just a no thank you, ma'am.
MEHTP (A ship you don't hate but don't ship either, you just find it ok): Honestly I find most alternative ships with stageverse Munk to be meh for me - munkoffelees, munkujerrie, munk/cassandra, etc. etc. etc. There's nothing wrong with any of them, they just don't interest me.
Rarepair: Listen, my main ships for Munk are technically fandom rarepairs (or at least maybe didn't used to be but have been rarepairs for a long time) - I only exist in a version of rarepair hell for him.
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And here it finally is, the long-awaited Tuggerstrap fic! It’s quite short and silly, but I am very happy with it. Although I mostly write the cats as actual cats, I very much have Nicky Wuchinger Tugger and Robert Marx Munkustrap in mind here. Gender cat and chonk cat, my beloveds. I’m a little shy to tag this, but: @falasta​​ @cryptidvoidwritings​​ I am finally pulling my weight here! Haha. Anyhow. My love to all who read/like/reblog and enjoy! ♥
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That was the last thing that came out of Etcetera’s mouth before an avalanche of rubbish rolled over her, burying her up to her ears.
The tomkittens screamed, Jemima began to cry and Electra hid her face behind her paws. When she dared to look, George was plodding through the litter, whining and snuffling at the two small white ears sticking out. He shoved his muzzle downwards, nosing around like a newborn kitten searching for milk, and finally pulled Etcetera out by the scruff of her neck. Pouncival screamed again, but this time in joy, or so he claimed later. Still wiping tears from her eyes, Jemima scampered over as quickly as she could, worriedly batting at Etcetera’s flanks when she was close enough.
“Are you alright?” she asked, almost tuned out by Etcetera’s squeal (she was very ticklish), ears pulled back against her skull. She looked a lot like Bombalurina in that very moment, but none of those present dared to mention it. “Are you? You need to tell me!”
“I am,” Etcetera assured her, standing on her hind legs and bravely fighting off Jemima’s inquisitive paws, baring her tiny fangs in a hiss.
Jemima hissed back. She immediately felt a little better.
“George, you saved me!” George found himself receiving the biggest hug that Etcetera could offer, which wasn’t really that big, considering her small size. On the other hand, coming from Etcetera, everything felt a lot bigger than it actually was, be it a hug, a ladybug that she had discovered on her way to the den or a piece of chicken that she benevolently shared with her peers. Even Munkustrap seemed to grow a little taller whenever she climbed onto his shoulders, even though that was highly improbable.
If dogs could blush, George would have certainly done so, but instead he panted a little, tongue hanging out of his mouth and his tail doing the windshield-wiper movements that the other kittens just couldn’t seem to correctly imitate, no matter how hard they tried.
“George can be Cat Morgan,” Pouncival decided, and Electra nodded firmly.
(The avalanche had interrupted their play, or rather the distribution of roles. Etcetera had demonstrated an impressive amount of back walkovers to be cast as Etterberry, which had unfortunately placed her too closely to one of the haphazardly stacks, resolving in a chain reaction with the whole hill collapsing in the process. Luckily for the kittens, said hill mostly consisted of waterlogged newspapers and old shopping brochures, with the occasional book here and there.)
Tumblebrutus huffed and complained, but he was mercilessly shot down from all sides, so he sat down a few steps away, hugged his tail and sulked.
As his friends began their play, he examined the trash spread around him in a desperate attempt to stave off the advancing boredom. A big, colourful book caught his eye, half-hidden beneath a stack of Harrod’s catalogues turned paper mush. While he couldn’t read the title, the cover showed a big fish of some kind. It had teeth. Intrigued, Tumblebrutus crawled closer and freed the book from it’s paper-maché prison, gasping with delight when he discovered a second fish next to the first, which had even more teeth.
“Guys! Look!”
“Don’t distract us! We’re at a key scene,” Electra complained, not exactly knowing what a key scene was. Munkustrap always said it to Tugger when the big tomcat wanted to cuddle in the middle of the kitten’s designated story time, no matter if he just started the story or was in the middle of the most thrilling climax. Tugger never heeded Munkustrap’s plaint anyway, so maybe he just said that out of habit. Who was to say. It sounded very grown-up, at least.
“I’ve never seen so many teeth on a fish before,” Tumblebrutus said half-goading, half-astonished.
He needed to say no more; in less than a blink of an eye he was surrounded by his playmates, tiny noses and paws curiously nudging the book in front of them.
“Do you think it’s a book about monsters?” George whispered fervently, tail wiping his imaginary wind shield.
Jemima meowed impatiently from where she had been pushed to the back of the group. “Let me see, let me see!”
Pouncival ducked a little so she could climb over him and squeeze herself between the book and Tumblebrutus.
“Creatures from the deep sea,” she spelled out painstakingly, little forehead throwing wrinkles. “The sea is always deep, Gus said. Is there a flat sea?”
“Shallow,” Electra corrected her, hooking a claw into the soggy cardboard and opening the book to the first page. “Alonzo said that something being called ‘deep’ just means that the humans haven’t completely explored it yet, because it’s too far away. Like deep space.”
“Then how can they write books about it, if they don’t know?”
Electra didn’t know that either, so they settled on asking Alonzo later and concentrated on the book, whiskers almost brushing the pages and pupils blown wide. More than once they had to ask George to pant a little less so he wouldn’t drip on it.
Since Jemima was the only one who had been patient enough during Jellylorum’s lessons to actually learn how to read a little, the kittens surrendered the part of turning the pages to her, even though it was very hard, their curiosity almost too vast to stay on one double page for too long.
Luckily the texts grew shorter after they had troughed through two and a half pages of “preface” and subsequently argued about what in the world a preface was. Pouncival insisted that it was the “first face”, like the humans called their first names “prenames”, but thinking too long about humans having multiple faces scared them a little, so they left it at that and returned to the task at hand.
“Look, that’s an ew,” Etcetera pointed when Jemima leafed to then next page, showing a snake-like monster with small eyes and pointy teeth.
“It sure looks like one,” Tumblebrutus giggled, and Pouncival added: “It looks so slimy and slippery!”
“It’s not an ew, it’s an eel,” Jemima corrected them patiently, her small paw wandering along below the letters to not lose her place. “But it says here that they produce slime, so I guess you’re right.”
“Ew,” Electra said.
George shuddered. “No, eel,” he corrected.
“I’ll say eel now if something is slimy,” Etcetera decided before Electra could roll her eyes, and the other kittens thought that to be a great idea. It would certainly confuse some of the adults, and it could be their secret language!
Jemima’s paw had reached the bottom of the right page. She read aloud: “European eels, however, are not the only serpentine creatures that can be found in our oceans. As they both belong to the An-gui-lli-for-mes, what a terrible word, they bear close resemblance to...”
Impatient and excited, Electra reached out and flipped to the next page, and in the next second all six kittens screamed like banshees.
Jemima kicked the book away and buried her face in George’s flank, George began to howl, Tumblebrutus scrambled back so quickly that he stepped on Pouncival’s paw, crashed against Electra and making them both fall over, Pouncival cradled his hurt paw and cried, and Etcetera launched herself back into the same paper pile that George had rescued her from earlier.
Munkustrap was there before they could take enough breath for a second bout of screaming.
He gathered an armful of kittens and ushered the rest to hide behind his spread legs, pupils wide, whiskers spread out fully and ears erect to look out for danger.
When he couldn’t find anything unusual after a while and the screaming had quietened to a fearful whimpering, he set the kittens on his arm down and loafed, George flopping before him onto the floor and the other kittens crawling to hide under his thick fur. Munkustrap washed George’s face and ears with his tongue and purred, radiating so much calm and safety that another cat was drawn into the little pile, laying on his side and resting his maned torso on George’s forelegs. The silver tabby lifted an eyebrow into the cat’s direction. The Rum Tum Tugger smirked. They shared a long blink, then Munkustrap extracted a paw from his fluff and looked at the kitten that appeared beneath it.
“What happened?”
“Eel,” Pouncival sniffled, showing Munkustrap his injured paw.
“Eel?” Tugger asked, playful confusion in his voice, but the kittens were too drained to laugh about it.
Munkustrap examined Pouncival’s paw, finding only a small bruise that would vanish quickly with a bit of ice.
Jemima’s head popped out under Munkustrap’s chin, pointing at the book that lay sprawled on its back a few metres away. “It’s a monster book.”
“I see,” Munkustrap responded, exchanging a look with Tugger.
Tugger nodded, rubbed against George one more time and then stood up, sauntering over to the book. He pulled a paw back and lashed out, slapping the book until the kittens were certain the monsters inside had nothing left to give, and then he sat on it.
“Aha,” Tugger said, smugly grooming his paw. “Nothing to be feared now.”
Pacified, the kittens emerged from their protective living blanket. Pouncival limped noticeably.
“I’m sorry, Pounci,” Tumblebrutus said, sadly reaching out a paw to bat at Pouncival’s ears. “We ought to go to Jenny, she’ll make it go away.”
George jumped up, almost running Munkustrap over. “I’ll lead the way!”
“Very good. I’ll come meet you at the nursery later for a story,” Munkustrap said, quickly straightening up and ignoring Tugger’s immature tittering.
The kittens made agreeing noises and the small procession toddled off, lead by George and tailed by Electra, one or two of them giving the book a good smack when they passed it, just for good measure.
The two tomcats watched them go, Munkustrap shaking out his fur to smooth it out, hackles still a little raised from the sudden cacophony of screeching.
“Eel,” Tugger mused after Electra’s triangular tail had vanished around the corner, standing up from where he still sat on the offending book and examined the opened page.
“Moray,” he read, squinting at the letters, ears pressing to his skull without his notice.
Munkustrap joined him. “Oh. That does look terrifying. Poor things.”
The page showed a long, spotted fish with a gaping mouth full of sharp teeth, drawn in such a way that it seemed to jump out of the book.
“It’s very-” Munkustrap started, but in that moment Tugger hissed and arched his back, swiping at the drawing and ripping out almost half of the page. Then he sat back on his haunches, dragging a paw through his mane and yawned.
Munkustrap said nothing, but the grin tugging at his muzzle was certainly obvious and also went stubbornly ignored.
“I like my fish without teeth, please and thank you,” Tugger grumbled after yawning again, trying to hide his embarrassment.
“I agree.” Munkustrap closed the book to look at the cover. “Creatures from the deep sea. If they were looking for a book to be frightened by, they certainly found one.”
“Those look weird,” Tugger commented, abandoning his mane to look at the cover. “I don’t know about you, but I’m in a spooky mood. Let’s see what else they’ve got.”
“As long as it doesn’t end with your ripping the poor book to shreds…”
Munkustrap grinned and hushed.
Tugger gave his paw a lick and leafed through the thick cardboard pages of the book, the smell of wet paper and mould rising to their noses. He saw Munkustrap scrunching his face from the corner of his eyes. Hand-drawn illustrations of the most interesting sea creatures adorned the pages, and the font was big and bold enough for even him to read, were he interested in doing so. He was not, and so he leafed on, halting here and there to giggle about especially strange-looking fish and various other sea-dwellers. Munkustrap had draped himself over his shoulder and purred whenever he remembered to do so, occupied with trying to read the texts quicker than Tugger could turn the pages. Every now and then he would chirp with soft annoyance when the page was turned just when he came across an exciting fact, but his annoyance was quickly forgotten as soon as they both set their eyes on the new page, hunting for information and entertainment like Bustopher for his next dinner.
“Oh,” Tugger said when they came to the last few pages. Munkustrap opened his eyes after his very long absolutely-not-about-to-fall-asleep blink and looked. Tugger lifted one paw and pointed at a small round sea creature, aptly named “puffer fish”. “Look, it’s you!”
Munkustrap’s purr broke off into a rumbling laugh that made Tugger’s whiskers quiver, a heavy warmth pooling in his chest.
“Oh? Am I really so prickly?”
“Nooooo,” Tugger sighed languidly, leaving the book be for now and rolling over. Munkustrap gave in and let himself be gently flung on his back with a little “oof”, Tugger landing on top of him like a purring, fluffy blanket.
“It’s just the shape that made me think of you. You’re round, even more so when you’re cold or angry.”
“Why, what happens then?”
“You puff up. Like... a puffer fish cat.”
“Oh, I see.” Munkustrap laughed again, an unworried, airy kind of laugh, letting his head fall back and stretching his hind legs.
(Heaviside above, Tugger was so in love.)
Legs sufficiently stretched and front paws comfortably resting on his chest, Munkustrap almost mourned Tugger’s weight on him vanishing as he lifted himself up and sat back on his haunches, even though breathing came a lot easier now.
Before he could complain, big paws began to knead his vulnerable underbelly, and Munkustrap felt a little weak with the revelation of how much he trusted this cat looming over him, of how he trusted him enough to let his claws get even in the vicinity of the most tender part of his body.
“So soft,” Tugger hummed appreciatively, gently pressing his muzzle against Munkustrap’s round belly, paws still making biscuits as if it was going out of style. Munkustrap sighed blissfully. A pair of black paws sunk into Tugger’s mane, starting to knead in kind, claws just short of reaching the skin underneath the thick, fluffy coat.
“So soft,” Munkustrap reciprocated with a dorky smile, his purr bubbling up again and vibrating under Tugger’s paws.
The heavy warmth in his chest was back. Tugger blinked a long, long blink and kneaded with a little more force, joyfully noting how Munkustrap seemed to melt under it, his own rhythm faltering. “My puffer fish.”
A playful frown. “Ah, now I don’t have a nickname like that for you – that just won’t do. Let me get up and see if I can find a long, cocky fish with big fins on its neck.”
Another “oof” followed when Tugger let himself fall forward again, paws shifting to make biscuits on the silver tabby’s sides instead, his head tucked under Munkustrap’s chin.
“No can do, ’m afraid. Gravity… you know how it is.”
“I do know. Seems to be especially bad in warm patches of sun.”
“You’re very warm. ‘S gotta have to do with it.”
“Am I? Then you’re probably right.”
They stayed like that for a while, their purring lining up and reaching the exact same frequency that seemed to make their very bones vibrate.
Then a small weight collided with Tugger’s back, and Pouncival appeared behind Tugger’s mane, paw fully healed and very unwilling to wait much longer for Munkustrap to come to the den and tell them a story at his own pace.
Munkustrap sighed and pressed a kiss to Tugger’s nose, who groaned in protest. But he gave in after three or four more kisses, because really, he loved hearing Munkustrap’s stories, and he loved to interrupt him in the middle of a “key scene” even more, so he held onto Munkustrap’s tail with his teeth like a kitten crossing the street with their mother and let Pouncival ride on his back like a cowboy on a wild horse, bucking and bouncing.
(Munkustrap had to put his paw down when the rest of the caboodle wanted to ride on Tugger, too, including George.)
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 “You’re a fluffer fish.”
“What, you couldn’t come up with anything better than that, my beloved puffer fish?”
“I would have, if you’d let me read the book.”
Mirrored smiles on white muzzles, one surrounded by stripes, the other by spots.
“There’s nothing I enjoy like a horrible moray…”
“Now I’m insulted.”
“Don’t be prickly, now.”
Munkustrap wheezed with laughter.
Everlasting eel, Tugger thought. I am so in love.
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Me: (finds out that cats yawn and lick their paws when they are embarrassed) man I’m gonna use that in every fic ever (I’m not an expert in cat behaviour, so don’t come for me sjdkajskd) Fun fact! In my fics, all kittens with two “canon” names, like Sillabub and Jemima, are seperate kittens, and I wanted to use all of them here, but I constantly lost count and stayed with the 98 kittens instead. The others are still existent, of course, they’re just... napping somewhere. I love that I finally got this done. The cuddles and biscuits scene was there first and the Plot™ came afterwards. It worked out, I suppose! XD Thank you for reading, and I’d like to say one last word: Eel. <3 Oh yeah, and this Tugger and Munk are obviously not related. Just in case.
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greenelectricsky · 10 months
So, Catsies! As I said earlier, I wanted to do something special about my OCs. I can write about them way too much and I'm useless in drawing so I thought "well, you have a cosplay!", so it's a cosplay! First thing - cats and boxes!
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Oh, what a nice box you have here! It is so lonely and sad... TuśTuś is an elegant sitter. They rather have space than fit too good:
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And there is a Cysiek "I sit so it fit" kind of guy...
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greenelectricsky · 10 months
And embarrassed TuśTuś. It's really hard to embarrass them, because they are much more stoic than their brother, but it happens nonetheless...
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greenelectricsky · 11 months
Bombalurina: Cats, tomorrow is our last chance to scare Munku, so we need to try harder!
Alonzo: Maybe he's unscarable?
Rumpleteazer: Or maybe we just don't have any good ideas?
Tuggerstrap's kitten, sipping their juice: Nah, papa is hard to scare.
Bombalurina: And what are you doing here?
Tuggerstrap's second kitten: We listen to your plans and later tell dad's about them, why?
Bombalurina: OK... who let them in?
Mungojerrie: Me... I didn't have a chance! They used those sweet eyes on me! I had to let them in!
The rest of the conspirators: facepalm
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