#tugs fire chief
brick-boats · 1 year
⚓️ Anchors Away!! ⚓️
Welcome to my 2023 master post!
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These are all the current models I have completed. 2023 Roster includes:
Ten Cents
Big Mac
Top Hat
Side Characters
Billy Shoepack
The Fire Chief
Little Owl
Lord Stinker Johnny Cuba Lillie Lightship
Boomer (with houseboat version)
Barry the Crane Tug
Dolly the Riverboat Tug
Zeke the Diesel Tug
With lots more to come!!
Original basis for models by Frenchguy261 on Youtube.
Please like and reblog!!
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reidrum · 9 days
two millimeters | s.r
a/n: this was literally born bc i saw reid lying on the couch in the jet at the end of demons and thought ‘i would literally sit against that wall to watch over him on the way back’ so i wrote it
summary: spencer gets hurt and you’re not leaving his side
cw: season 9 finale spoilers for angels & demons, cm violence, hurt/comfort, unestablished relationship
wc: 0.6k
two millimeters to the right, and it would’ve hit his carotid.
the sentence replays in your head like a cursed mantra, rendering your other senses useless. you couldn’t hear the doctor say you could see him now, or feel penny tug your arm towards the room. and you certainly couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw spencer reid in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines and iv drips, with a big fucking gauze dressage on the side of his neck.
you knew your line of work was dangerous, being a federal agent who hunts down serial killers should be enough to prove that. but it never surprised you seeing the panic that overtook all of you when one of your own was hurt.
the pure terror you felt in this moment though, was something without parallel.
two millimeters. two millimeters. two millimeters.
you’re not even sure how it happened. they were on the way to tell the preacher he was innocent, and instead he opens fire on federal agents? it was a cruel twist of fate, spencer doing what he could to protect his people and pushing blake out of the way but getting hit himself. it wasn’t anyone’s fault either, the preacher had military grade machine guns, and spencer would have done what he did for anyone. you made sure to tell blake that.
but your spencer was hurt. and all you wanted to do was take away his pain somehow, and toss it in a river to never be seen again.
two millimeters. two millimeters. two millimeters.
“hey,” you hear a voice pull you out of your head. looking up you’re met with tired soft brown eyes lying down on the jet’s couch, “i’m okay, honey. please go sit on a chair.”
if spencer had all his strength he would lecture you on the dangers of not being properly restrained on an aircraft and the statistics of plane related injuries. but that was the problem, he didn’t have all his strength. and you were not going to let him out of your sight.
which is why you are sitting on the floor of the jet, perched in front of the couch where spencer laid, resting your head on the cushion his head was on, body leaning against couch’s frame. and you planned to stay right there until you landed back in quantico.
“looks like this flight is overbooked,” your section unit chief teased upon seeing you on the ground, “hopefully the brass sees our good work and gives us a bigger jet next year.”
morgan, hotch, even jj offered you their seats to at least get some rest, something you hadn’t had in days.
“i’m fine right here.” you spoke softly.
jj and penny looked at you in concern, but knew you wouldn’t be swayed to move anyway. your stubbornness always acted as a curse and a blessing.
spencer moved his hand to graze your cheek gently, “the doctors fixed me up really good, i promise i’m okay.”
you move your hand to rest on top of his, slowly rubbing your thumb into the curve of his palm, “and i promise i’m okay right here. i’m not moving.”
two millimeters. two millimeters. two millimeters.
two millimeters would haunt you for many years to come, but maybe right now you could use it to measure how much closer you can get to spencer till there’s only two millimeters between you.
spencer knew this was a war he was not winning, and let his hand intertwine with yours. if you weren’t so close to him you might’ve missed the faintest “thank you” escape from his lips. the jet takes off and the two of you are lulled to sleep almost immediately. the rest of the team unspokenly watched over you both, making sure you weren’t rattling around or spencer rolling around too much. and penny couldn’t help but take a few pics to show you later.
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vampsywrites · 11 months
Can you do one where Ao'nung is an asshole with everyone but his wife/courted. Like he'll forget to use manners, one gentle but reprimanding tug of his ear and he adds a, "please" to the end of his sentence.
I can see Ronal finding this very amusing.
my soul, you really took my soul
synopsis: moments where fishlips is soft for you <3
tags: established relationship, kissing n making out, lo'ak trying to impress fishlips, i believe in whipped! ao'nung supremacy
author's note: sorry for the late response! my laptop exploded <3
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Your laughter filled the air as Ao'nung planted warm kisses across your face, his large hands cupping your face delicately.
"Hmm, Ao'nung," you purred, a soft grin adorning your lips as you inclined your head, reveling in the tender affection.
The world around you seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in this precious moment. But even amidst the sweetness, a gentle reminder of reality pulled you back.
"There are people around," you managed to say between your laughter, fully aware of the curious eyes that might be watching your affectionate display with the chief's son.
"Yeah?" Ao'nung's mischievous smirk only grew broader, his eyes dancing with a playful glimmer as he cast aside any concerns. He pulled you in even closer, his hands resting upon your hips as he drew you into a deep kiss.
"Let them watch then," he grinned, his fangs lightly grazing against your bottom lip as he spoke.
Just as the two of you were fully immersed in this intimate moment, it was abruptly interrupted by a shout.
"Fishlips!" Lo'ak called out, brandishing a fishing net, his tone dripping with self-satisfaction.
Ao'nung cursed under his breath, distancing himself from your embrace as he directed a scowl towards Lo'ak.
"What?" he snapped, his voice tinged with impatience, yearning to be away from the unwelcome disruption.
Undeterred, Lo'ak displayed his spoil. "Look what I caught," he smirked, raising the net filled with a writhing dinicthoid for all to see.
Even from a distance, the creature's appearance was apparent, with its gargoyle-like features, beady red eyes, and razor-sharp teeth. Despite its dangerous allure, the dinicthoid held great significance to the Na'vi, and capturing one during the hunt was a testament to a warrior's bravery.
"Got it on the first try," the Omatikayan boasted, dropping the squirming fish at Ao'nung's feet with a resounding thud.
Ao'nung regarded the catch with narrowed eyes, a trace of admiration flickering beneath his facade. "Must have been a lucky shot," he grumbled, trying to downplay his surprise in front of Lo'ak.
Tutting softly, you reached out and lightly swatted the side of his head, a gesture that only you could get away with. Ao'nung felt a mixture of embarrassment and affection as he gazed at you with mild bewilderment.
"Come on," you said, your tone light. "Give him some credit. Lo'ak provided for the clan, and we should appreciate that."
Ao'nung sighed, ears flickering back. By your command, he turned back to Lo'ak and offered a begrudging nod. "Well done, forest boy," he mumbled, attempting to conceal the annoyance that gnawed at him.
Satisfied with the acknowledgment, Lo'ak swaggered away, his pride evident in every step.
"Finally," Ao'nung huffed, a mix of relief and exasperation in his voice. He turned to you, a slight smile forming at the edges of his lips, as if your presence could chase away all his frustrations. "Thought he would never leave."
"Well, now he has," you replied, a glimmer of mischief dancing in your eyes as your tail playfully trailed up his thigh. "Now, where were we?"
Ao'nung's gruff exterior melted away, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he leaned in to meet you halfway. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you into his embrace.
As the night settled in, the village gathered around a crackling fire, its warmth and light creating a cozy atmosphere. The scent of roasted fish wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of laughter and the rhythmic beat of drums. The clan was in high spirits, celebrating the fresh snd successful hunt.
"Right here," he whispered, voice a gentle rumble as he connected his lips to yours.
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You sat beside Ao'nung, eating with him from your shared plate. It was a routine you two had grown used to after so many years together. He had always appreciated your presence, finding comfort in the familiarity of your company amidst the bustling celebration. The way your laughter blended with the melodic chants and the soft murmur of conversations added to the sense of belonging and togetherness that filled the air.
"Yawne," Ao'nung called out, his attention momentarily drawn to his meal. "Pass me that sauce."
Instead of obliging immediately, you gave him a playful look, and with a mischievous glint in your eye, you reached up to pinch at his ear. Ao'nung jerked back, letting out a grunt of pain.
With a knowing expression, you met his gaze. Understanding your unspoken message, Ao'nung heaved a dramatic sigh of defeat.
"Ma'yawne," he called out again, adding a hint of contrition in his voice. "Please pass me that sauce," he grunted out, emphasizing the word you oh so wished to hear.
"That's better. It doesn't hurt to be polite," you grin, fingers brushing against his momentarily as you passed the bowl, sending an electrifying warmth coursing through him.
Your smile widened, and you reached for the wooden bowl with a nod of approval.
Ao'nung grumbled good-naturedly, but his heart swelled with warmth as he wrapped a strong arm around your middle, pulling you flush against him. The little tug-of-war between you had always been a part of your relationship, and it was something he treasured deeply even if he didn't say it out loud.
Across the table, both Ronal and Tonowari watched the scene before them in amusement. No matter how many times they saw it, your interactions and dynamics were always so entertaining to them.
Ao'nung notices their states and turns to them with a irked look, brow raised, "Is there something you need?"
"No," Ronal hums, lips curling into a half-smile at her son's annoyed glower, "We are just glad someone has finally managed to tame you."
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svtcrus · 10 months
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NOTE : neuvi is implied a dragon [not physically] nothing beyond that plot, dom!neuvilette , semi public s3x (they fuck at a lake), rough play , fingering , overstimulation , big pp
synopsis : you & neuvillette are having a date at a secret lake in fontaine, & things end up getting a little heated with the hydro dragon.
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neuvillette had suggested the idea of taking you out to this secret lake, secluded from all eyes. he was still learning on how unique humans can be. interacting and creating relationships with humans wasn't his best skill but he tries his best everyday.
this intimate relationship he has with you is a whole new world for him, he's learnt to love through you. and garner quite a lot of human knowledge from you.
moreover neuvillette has also experienced new emotions that leave him quite flustered at times.
he was like a fish out of water .
these fluttery feelings which leave him so hot inside him has him confused. unbeknownst he's thinking such ludicrous fantasies of you, a surge of heat building up from within. however, neuvillette forces himself to hold back, for he doesn't want to be pleading guilty at you for such pervertedness. you were too much of an angel.
this date was intended to be a peaceful romantic time between the two of you. no ill intentions at all. so why is your dragon of a boyfriend walking his way to you with a dark look in his lavender eyes?
it wasn't supposed to end up like this.
but when neuvillette saw you in your skimpy little swimsuit it was like a fire had lit inside him— he could feel his dick swell at the sight.
making the attempt to "put out" this heat by swimming, he'd expected to feel okay right after, since it's worked before whenever stressed. except he didn't. instead he felt worse, and the tent that was growing in his shorts wasn't helping his case either.
"archons.. I can't hold back anymore. c'mere." those slender fingers of his are grabbing either side of your face, forcefully bringing you in for a kiss. your gasp is replaced with a sudden moan, neuvillette uses this to push his tongue into your mouth. the kiss is sloppy albeit. nevertheless his soft lips are melting so easily with yours with such passion, it's making you wet.
your hands are tangling into his wet silver locks, droplets of water are dripping from his toned body onto your own. his free hand is gripping your waist with such obscene force, to simply lay you down on the mat.
only then he feels the tug on his roots that he finally pulls away.
"I.. I couldn't help myself.." he claims— you're both panting, desperately in need for oxygen. lips are swollen, cheeks burning red. your face is displaying something he hasn't seen before.
he's thinking he's screwed up.
"I.. forgive me y/n I shouldn't ha-"
"don't stop." you cut him off. pushing yourself back up, hands grabbing onto his to guide them back across your body. they trace from your hips, to your waist, then to your chest. lewd sounds are slowly leaving those plump lips of yours, his hands unconsciously fondling your breasts through your swimsuit.
"it's okay neuvi.. mm. just touch me like that.." again that flame is ignited, and he's leaning back into you for another kiss. this time its more gentle.
it wasn't supposed to end up like this.
the lustful dragon is now fingering your sopping entrance, in broad daylight. ramming you with three whole fingers, you already felt so full. yet so hungry at the same time.
"like this? do you like it when I do this ma belle?" there he was with that nickname. my beautiful. so shy, so beautiful atop of him. straddled on his lap, movements are feverish, and chasing for a release. your arms are thrown over his broad shoulders all while your whimpers, whines, cries, call out his name.
a loud moan escapes you, the chief is sucking in a breath watching you quiver from his fingers alone. he's never seen someone at his mercy like this before. the heaving, your head on his shoulder, nails digging into his pale skin. cunt all sloppy and wet just for him— fuck.
the way his fingers circle your drenched cunt before entering your tight hole to fuck you once more. he's persistent to make you cum once more, overstimulating your poor pussy.
"m'stop baby.. please~! I need—hngh!" you can barely let out coherent words. look at you. so fucked to the point you cannot even think of anything besides him? how cute.
"what is it do you need sweetheart? hm?" his fingers that are covered in your slick begins to wriggle out his length. lubricating his cock with your sweet juices. not to mention that he's hard, unbelievably hard.
"do you want this ma belle? want me to fill you up?" what comes out of your mouth is another whimper, your mind is too hazy to respond. he lets out a chuckle— oh archons he wants to devour you whole.
then and there along the lake shoreline, this beastly man is rutting himself into you. your pleasantries provide him with furthermore motivation to continue fucking into your velvet walls.
muscular arms around your waist, inhaling your sugary scent, it's got him growling while his cock pounds in and out of you.
you're sucking him in so well, squeezing around his girth like you're asking him for more. this. this feeling. he doesn't want to forget it, nor does he want to stop it.
rather than a fish, neuvillette was a dragon out of water, whose found himself addicted to your whole body.
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@svtcrus || 08.19.23 ; BABY LOVE ME EVENT
©️ all rights reserved. do not copy / plagiarize , modify or use my work .
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jaidens · 11 months
I Could See You In Your Suit And Your Necktie – Pass Me A Note Saying, "Meet me tonight"
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pairing [s] : aaron hotchner x fem!reader
warning [s] : smutttyyyy | he's my daddy idec | just absolutely disgusting and unholy | younger reader with salt and pepper hotchy | I don't even know.. all I know is it's big | wrap it before you tap it irl! | some of this stuff Hotch does is illegal on the road, don't do it in real life queens. | i didn't know how to finish it tbh 😭
a/n [s] : for all my hotch girlies.. me too girls. (requests are open)
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It was extremely and completely unprofessional for the current actions that were happening. That was all that was running through Aaron's mind whenever he watches the way you tug off the tight button up t-shirt. If anyone found out about the relationship with his team member and the unit-chief he would surely have been fired. However the way you slowly unbuttoned his pants and bit your lip, he would have been gladly fired for you.
It's down right awful the way he lets you pull him apart with your manicured nails and messy hair. It all started with a singular look and a “Yes sir, I'm coming” when he called you into his office. He only needed to ask you a couple questions about a recent incident on the field whenever you grabbed his thigh by accident. However when you walked in, all was left out the door as you flapped your eyelashes.
The professionalism of the situation was wrong, and he could be easily kicked out for taking advantage of his power. The way your lips taste and feel against his makes everything fall apart. He knows nothing further can happen in the office, but he knows that his bedroom and a glass of wine can finish everything.
“Didn’t you have a question for me, sir?” Is all you say when you pull away from his lips. His tie is pulled loose and his lips are a dark pink. “When you—god, touched my thigh on the Craner case. What did that mean? I've been thinking about you since that day. It's like, fuck, I'm an addict for you, baby.” The way the curse and pet name slides out of his mouth like he's always called you that is addicting for you.
“I’ve been thinking about you too sir. Every night before bed.” You whisper in his ear, rilling him up further. Your hips grind against his as you connect his lips to yours again. His hands fall to your ass, massaging gently. “Well. I still have paperwork sir. I'll see you tomorrow.” You push off of him and he writes something on a piece of paper, rips it off, and hands it to you. “Goodbye agent.”
You can't help but smile at him and wave your fingers at him. The strong and broody man grips his own once further and slams his fist against the wooden desk. His tie is loose and you can see the soft mark of your lipstick that rubbed against the white collar. Aaron's normally slicked hair is messy and fluffed against his face.
The paper sits in your hand and you can feel it burning in your back pocket of your black slacks. Whenever you get to your desk, you sit down and you can feel Emily's eyes staring a hole in your head. You turn to look at her and she leans in, “Your lipstick is all over your mouth, and you just went into Hotch’s office. What happened? Are you guys.. y'know...” She makes a motion with her hands that makes you laugh. “Oh my gosh, Em, I just ran my hand down my face. Me and Hotch are not doing anything.” You wink at her and see her mouth drop open. “I totally knew y'all were doing something. Don't think I haven't seen you guys under the tables.”
You shake her off and continue your work as Aaron emerges from his office. He fixed himself up and somehow covered his pink marked collar. “Agents,” He addresses all of you, “You are being allowed to go home early.” You hear a couple cheers and you smile at him and grab your stuff. “I need to get to the station earlier. Recently, the subways have been coming so much earlier.”
You give a hug to Jennifer and Emily before walking away with Spencer. “How has your mom been, Spence?” You ask, holding small talk with him. “Thank you for asking. I called yesterday and the nurses said she's been improving.” He tells you as he presses the elevator button, suddenly Aaron appears behind you, hand slightly touching your lower back.
“That’s great Spencer. I'm glad she's doing better.” Aaron is standing in front of your Spencer as he presses the floor to the parking garage. “Me and Spencer are going to the main entrance. Level one please.” He presses the ‘1’ button and he turns around and stares at you and Spencer. Aaron leans into your ear and tells you dangerously: “Agent Reid is going to the entrance. I'm taking you home tonight.”
It makes you swallow the anxious feeling in your throat and you nod. Aaron straightens back up, fixing his tie. Spencer has subconsciously pushed away into the wall whenever you and Aaron walk out of the elevator and leave him alone. “Bye Spencer! I'll see you tomorrow.” You wave at him and he waves back and gives you a ‘good luck’ look. Spencer had been the only one to find out about your relationship.
He found out after he accidentally walked in the wrong hallway at the wrong time. Spencer was sworn to secrecy by him after you threatened to tell people about his Star Trek boxers. You and Spencer were considered the best friends of the team, other than him and Derek. You had been around the same age and both grew up in California.
“Why the hell would you do that in front of Spencer?” You push away from Aaron’s hands. His eyebrows furrow and he raises an eyebrow. “Excuse me? Get in the car.” His arms cross over his chest and you see the way his suit tightens around his thick arms and the way he can't be bothered with you. It's enthralling and you almost jump into the car.
Aaron's car is sleek with black leather seats and a clean brown etching throughout. He has some soccer stuff in the back seats for Jack, but if anything it's extremely clean for a single father and a five-year old son. Your hand caresses the slick marble look of the Cadillac. Aaron opens the door to the car and turns it on. He puts his case in the back of the car. His head throws back to the seat and he adjusts his hips. Aaron's thick hands pull at his tie and loosen it. You're admiring the older man and the way he looks heavenly in the lights of the car.
Your hands fall to your thighs and you slowly squeeze them to let out your feelings from your face. His hand goes to your thigh and slides into your inner thigh and his thumb rubs gently. He can't dare to turn the radio on to take away the thick silence that wraps around your heads. You're desperately trying not to look at where his hand is as you feel his pinky finger slowly inch to just where you want him.
His name falls from your lips like poison, and Aaron wants all of it.
“Stop teasing Aaron— please touch me..” You stare up at him when his fingers caress the seam on your tight slacks. You open your legs further, and you look over and he doesn't even dare to rip his eyes from the road. His hand pushes away to the waistband of your pants. You unbutton and tug down your pants. He looks over for a second and sees the soft pink underwear you decided to wear that day.
Aaron plays with the small bow on the panties, his hand running across the waistband once more. Eventually, his hand slides in, and he falls to the most sensitive part. Small figure eights he draws on your clit as you mewl out to him. Your hips slide to the feeling and you grab onto his other hand. You can't understand how he has no reaction, and continues stares with a straight face at the empty road in front of him.
Aaron begins to finger you, only one finger inside before he adds another. Your hips grind against his hand and the pleasure almost becomes overwhelming, with the movement in your clit and him fingering you. The thick coil in your stomach is on the edge of snapping as your hips start to push instead of grinding against his hand. “I—I’m gonna cum!” You mumble out and before you know it, you cum with a snap of your hits and a cry.
“Good girl.” Hotch tells you, that voice that can make you cum just from the sound coming out. It's gravely and makes you feel warm everywhere, if you weren't already. Eventually, he pulls into his first class neighborhood, something he had worked for. The neighborhoods where houses have fountains and decorative trees surrounding.
The sleek black car pulls into his house, the garage door opening and letting him in. He shuts the car off and opens your door. Aaron lifts you in his arms, wedding bride style, and takes you inside his house. It's extravagant with huge chandeliers and tall walls and ceilings. He sets you down in the large kitchen island, your ass hitting the cold marble.
His hands reach up your white button and slowly massage your breasts through the lacy draw you decided to wear that day. Your head drops against his shoulder and you kiss gently against his neck. “I want you to fuck me, Aaron.” You tell him staring into his eyes through your eyelashes, pulling on his tie. Aaron lets out a groan and he picks you up on your thighs.
Aaron takes you to his bedroom and you swear it's bigger than your apartment. The bed is king-sized, and only takes up a small part of the room. He practically throws you against the bed, and you bounce on it, before he throws your thighs open. God, you may be strong, but he's making your muscles soft and your thighs shake.
You sit up and unbuckle the belt on his pants and unbuttone his pants and shrug them down. He's big, the tent in his pants is bigger than anything else you've seen. Maybe the 20 year olds you've hooked up before are just not the right ones, but Aaron was girthy. You pull his underwear down and his cock flings out, and you can't help but let your mouth open up.
You let your hand run up and down on his dick, rubbing his tip with your thumb. You spit in your hand, and jerk him off more, sucking softly on his top once more and licking off the precum. Aaron's hand goes to the back of your head, holding you against his dick. You mumble out once more whenever you fly up to kiss his lips and say: “I need you to fuck me now, I've already said it.”
He pushes you down against the pillows and jerks himself off a little more before opening your thighs. Aaron puts his dick in the right place and slides into you, and you cry out as he bottoms out against you. Your arms go around his neck and grab on before he slowly moves in and out. You cry out his name once he starts moving quicker, finding the pace that made you cry out the most and scratch your nails against his back.
“So good! Please Aaron, harder!” You and Aaron are clashing hips, the sound of your body hitting against each other is all you hear. He pulls your legs up on your shoulders, readjusting you until it's comfortable, and he fucks you harder than he already was. You're crying out his name as you cum and the stickiness falls throughout your body and hits the bed, but rubs against your hips and ass.
Aaron cums a few minutes later, with a groan into your neck. You're holding onto each other while your chests fall up and down in an attempt to catch your breath. “Fuck— that was amazing.” Is all you can say, and Aaron agrees. He clasps his lips against yours and you clash lips dangerously. He falls against you and you hold onto each other. Your eyes become heavy with sleep after the wild night and you fall asleep against his shoulder.
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novaksupremacy · 6 days
This Is My Office- Casey Novak x Alex Cabot
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okay I decided to post it, pure unapologetic smut, still putting it in the later chapter it belongs to, but I figured I'd share it with you guys, you know, as a treat 😊 hope you enjoy!
This Is My Office-
by PKJ @novaksupremacy
"What is that?" Casey asked her state of arousal turning to a state of confusion as she ran her hand up Alex's inner thigh.
"Oh, come on, you mean to tell me you've never been strapped before?" The blonde giggled, the tip of her tongue slowly tracing down the redhead’s neckline until she got to her collar bone where she began to suck a deep bruising mark into her skin. Casey could hear the zipper being undone.
"Uh-uh" she panted as gazed down, looking at the light blue silicone sticking out from Alex's now undone fly. The younger ADA was excited by it but also terrified, she had no idea what to expect. The blue-eyed Adonis leaned all of her weight against her lover so that the strap was pushing against the fabric of Casey's pants, the friction making the redhead let out a deep moan as her arousal grew hotter again.
The Bureau Chief kissed along her jawline, the heat from her breath hitting Casey's jaw like fire. "Do you want to change that?" She husked into her subordinate’s ear.
The redhead let out a single breathy laugh of excitement, she nodded as she wrapped her arms around Alex's neck. "Yes," she kept nodding as she slid her tongue into the blonde’s mouth gently, "fuck me."
Alex walked Casey towards the sink in front of the mirror and turned her around to face it. "I want you to watch what I do to you. What you do to me." She kissed and bit roughly down the back of her neck. Casey closed her eyes and leaned her head back against her lover, moaning softly. The blonde pushed her head straight. "Eyes open, Novak." She laughed darkly. "Brace yourself with your arms against the sink. Mmm just like that. You’re so pretty when you listen to me." She reached around to the fly of Casey's pants, unzipping them and dropping them around the redhead's ankles, revealing smooth black silk boxer briefs. The blonde whimpered at the sight, taking in how they hugged Casey's curves just right. She ran her fingers over the fabric tugging at the hem.
"You like them? They're new, I got them just for you." The young woman’s voice dripping with lust.
"I do," the blonde cooed, "very much."   She slid her fingers in the waistband and pushed them down just enough that Casey was exposed and accessible. She kissed the nape of her neck as she reached around to the buttons on her shirt. She decided quickly this was taking too long and with a tight grip on the fabric ripped it open and threw it to the side, the buttons flying everywhere. The redhead gasped as Alex did this, her chest heaving. "Don't worry, I have extras." She smattered a trail of kisses down the younger ADAs back reaching the supple skin of her tight ass and sunk her teeth in.
Casey cried out with pleasure; she loved the way it hurt. She trusted Alex completely enough to enjoy the pain, knowing Alex would never cause her actual harm. The blonde kissed her way back up and laid a sharp slap to Casey's ass right where the bite mark was. The redhead moaned loudly, bit her lip, and smiled.
"Now," Alex said grazing her teeth against her lover’s neck and soothing it with soft, light kisses. "You may be my Daddy, but I want you to remember who fucking owns you." Alex swiftly put her index and middle fingers to her lips and sucked on them for a second to make sure they were nice and coated and slid them down to Casey's core, gliding them along the folds, slowly and tauntingly, in and out of her heat, drawing out her arousal and making sure she was good and soaked. "You ready baby? Damn, you're so fucking wet for me." Casey nodded her head, panting and whimpering, her body throbbing.
Once she had the okay Alex took one hand to steady herself behind Casey and the other to guide the strap in. Once the tip was in place Alex began to toy with her lover, slowly and teasingly pushing in, maybe an inch, and then pulling back. The torture was slow and deliberate. She wanted Casey to beg her to give her a good railing. She wanted to hear her say it.
The redhead's lip was starting to tremble as she whimpered and whined, her body was burning for Alex. "Please" she begged in a low whisper. "Please." She watched the blondes devilish grin through the mirror, reveling in her pleading.
       Alex's lips curled in delight, "What’s that Daddy? You need something?" She kissed the redhead's shoulder.
       Casey shook her head longingly, trying to rock back against the strap but Alex held her in place. She whined in arousal and frustration, "please."
        "Please what?" The blonde asked sternly, "Say it, beg for it." She grabbed a fistful of luscious red locks and gently tugged so that Casey was looking straight at her in the mirror. "Tell me you can't breathe without it."
          Casey was gasping and panting, "Fuck me Alex," she stared at her lover through the mirror, her eyes glazed over, a tone of seriousness and desperation in her voice. "Fuck me till I can't take. I need it. I need to feel you, cum for you, scream your name until everyone in this building knows that you own me, and that Daddy got railed real good."
            Alex smirked and wasted no time thrusting deep into Casey until the entire strap had disappeared. The redhead gripped the sink tight, making sure to keep eye contact through the mirror. She let out a strangled cry of relief as her body finally got the contact it was craving. With each thrust her moans got louder. She had never felt so full, it was as if Alex had completely invaded her body.
       "Mmm, you take me so well, we should get you some relief, hmm?" She began steadily picking up the pace until soon she was pounding Casey relentlessly.
         "Alex, ALEX, OH MY GOD ALEX." The redhead screamed over and again. It felt so good Casey was trying so hard not to have it end, to stave off her climax as long as she could.
            The base of the strap was giving just enough friction against the blonde's clit that her climax wasn't far behind either. "That's right baby, now who do you belong to?"
           "Mmmmm, you baby" Casey whined, thrusting her hips back towards her lover trying as hard as she could to keep her eyes open and match her relentless pace.
          "A little louder darling, I said who owns you?" The look in her eyes was devious, dripping with wanton lust and desire. The sound of Casey's perfect ass smacking against her while she wrecked her was spurring her on. She slapped it again as she continued pumping.
             "Ahhh, mmm, you do Alex." The redhead struggling for words let alone volume.
            The blonde gave her another swift slap and then brought her hand around to Casey's throat, lightly choking her. "Louder Casey, scream for me baby." Alex never tightened her grip, but the louder Casey yelled the tighter it felt. The blonde taking control made her entire body hot, it was the sexiest thing Alex had ever done in the heat of the moment. "I'm all yours Bureau Chief Alex Cabot. You own me." She mewled louder than ever. With that she felt her whole body convulse, her liquids spilling out around the toy, which was enough to send Alex unraveling. She slowed her thrusts but continued to fuck the redhead until the shaking stopped. Both women collapsing against the sink, watching how crazy they drove each other.
        Casey was beaming. "That," she panted "was the hottest thing we've ever done."
          "Yet," Alex laughed into her neck, "Also the first time I've ever made you do that." She said kissing her shoulder and getting ready to pull out.
         "Thats the first time I've ever done that." The redhead reached her around to pull her blonde counterpart closer. "Not yet, stay a minute, you feel good."
        The blue-eyed woman stayed close, she took her glasses off and put them on the sink. Her hands ran down Casey's sides and around her waist as she kissed her shoulder blades. Finally, she removed herself and ran her fingers along the toy and then spinning the senior ADA around, brought them to her mouth, which Casey happily consumed, "See how good you taste for me?" Their eyes never wavering from each other. Alex placed a light kiss on her lips and then they began to clean themselves up. Casey put her blouse back on even though all of the buttons were missing, hoping to just grab her blazer off the couch and cross her fingers that no one noticed. Not like she buttoned half of it anyway.  The blonde re-buckling her belt as they exited the bathroom into her office, only to be startled by someone sitting in her chair. "Liz!" She stammered, "What are you doing here."
        "Well," the older woman scoffed, "I was under the impression we had a meeting about my fundraiser, but it seems you had other contributions to make.” She raised her eyebrows, looking the pair up and down. “For God's sake you two, the bathroom? I could hear you from the front vestibule. Like a couple of horny teenagers." She stood up and walked over towards them. "The Bureau Chief and Senior ADA. You two should be ashamed of yourselves. We'll reschedule Alexandra, but for your own sakes clean yourselves up," she pointed at Cabot's pants, "You have Casey all over you like someone dumped an inconvenient glass of water in your lap and last I heard, Petrovsky was in the building, and you know how she feels about the both of you as it is."
"Yes Judge" they both mumbled, scolded school children with their heads hung. She walked out, her heels clicking against the tile.
      Alex quickly locked the door. She and Casey looked at each other still trying to catch their breath.
       "Did you see her face?" Casey asked incredulously and that was all it took for both of them to erupt in a fit of laughter.
       "Oh please," Alex clapped back as she dug in her closet and tossed an extra shirt at Casey and changed out of her Casey marinated, now ruined suit pants, "like she's never been caught in her chambers with her robes around her ankles. In her own words 'this office leaks like a sieve.'" she chortled. "She's right though we're lucky it wasn't Lena, all either of our asses needs are another censure." She went to unhook her strap before pulling her new slacks all the way up. She could see her lover frowning out of the corner of her eye. "What's wrong did I hurt you?" she asked softly.
      "No not at all, just... leave it on, okay?" Just in case I can't wait until we get home. Parking garage is usually empty by then." Casey quirked her brow, causing Alex to blush, if only a little.
        "Fine but you're paying to detail my leather seats." She retorted, "We're gonna be late for court, let's go." She gave the redhead a swift tap on the ass and a kiss on the cheek as they exited the office and headed down the hall, briefs in hand.
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thetraumaking · 16 days
The Accursed Crown
Note: I did not enjoy writing this chapter.
Other Chapters
Chapter 14: Stale Ass Wheat Bread
She felt the ship come to a halt, digging into the land before dropping the metal plank with a loud thud. Her fingers fiddling with one another as she looked at the door, her nerves were at high alert, waiting for the door open and filling the room with fire nation soldiers. 
Seeing her so nervous, her father places a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, dear. It’ll be just a meeting to sort out a couple things, we’ll be home once we’re done.” 
Wordlessly, she nodded her head, sparing her father a meek smile. By her father’s side, they walked out of their room to the dock. The fire nation soldiers that escorted them to the fire nation stood by in files. As guests of the royal family, one would expect them to receive all the prestige and respect from all those who serve their hosts, yet, as Yue looks around the men that stood by her sides, she couldn’t help but grimace at the bored, yawning faces of those soldiers. They were haphazardly swinging their arms, whispering to one another, shifting and bouncing on the balls of their feet, no military bearing in sight for as far as the eye could see. 
Her eyes then trained off to her side, to see her father’s reaction. He stood firm, face stoic and cold as an ice sculpture as he moved along by her side. 
Following his lead, she held her head high despite the urge to retreat back to their room. Walking off the plank, they were greeted by yet another soldier, though compared to the one that flocked around the ship, this one had no helmet on. Dark brown hair and a sharp face to match. 
The man bowed with much unneeded force. “Greetings, Chief Arnook and Princess Yue of the Northern Water Tribe. I am Lieutenant Zhao, I shall be your guide till further notice.” He stood up with a huff, “Now, if you would, please follow me.”
Yue shared a look with her father before doing so. They climbed up what she believed was over a thousand sets of stairs. The closer they got to the top, the closer she believed they got to the sun.
If she were to describe the palace in one word, she would say “suffocating.”  Similar to the element that their hosts bend, everything was yellow or red, and similar to how fire use up all the air, it was suffocating. 
Their guide, Zhao, visibly brightened when they made it at the front gates of the palace, where there stood four individuals. Once they made it to the top, they saw a stark contrast to how those four were compared to the others that stood in line. While the workers and staff, Yue assumed, had their heads low in a bow and dressed in similar outfits with minor differences. 
The four at the centre stood tall. Their dresses were made of the finest of silk, she could only guess how expensive they were. Two children, around her age, maybe a couple years younger, and two adults, one of which was more youthful than the other. 
“I greet the Princesses and Prince of the Fire Nation.” Her father bows to the four. She was quick to echo in after him, keeping her eyes closed as she bowed. 
When they looked up, her father got into an exchange of pleasantries with the oldest of the four, Princess Ursa. She assumed that she was the mother of the two younger ones, who were busy tugging on the sleeves of the fourth person. Prince Zuko and Princess Azula, she recalled hearing about them from her father and his advisors. She then looked towards the stoic faced one, you. With the branded number on the cheek and tired, distant eyes. 
076, an adult, she concluded. There were many whispers going around you, they say you were the bastard of the prince prior to his engagement to Ursa and angered by his son’s conduct, the Fire Lord had sent out a hunt for you and your mother to erase all trace of your existence. At her last ditch attempt to save you, your mother had sent you to the child soldier program where your abilities thrived. So much so the royal family could no longer ignore your achievements, and as if you had proven yourself, the Fire Lord had called you to the palace to better serve their cause in expansion. 
They later then made you into an instructor to further develop the direct descendants. And despite the prince’s treason, his wife, the ever-so-kind princess Ursa has still treated you like family and cared for you as if her own. 
Though that is nothing but the word of the mouth. 
She was snapped out of her stupor when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Looking over to her father, she sent him a quizzical look. 
“I will be in the meeting room, will you be alright on your own for a little while?” Wanting to ease his worry, she nodded with a smile. 
Watching him leave with Princess Ursa and Lieutenant Zhao, her once confident smile faltered. 
“Um… hi, I’m Zuko.” 
She looked curiously at the offered hand before taking it. The prince’s hand was warm, she could tell he had a kind heart, although a bit awkward and sweaty. 
Her lips quirked up while she introduced herself. She thought, like her brother, Azula would do the same, but the girl simply said her name and crossed her arms. Then she looked to you, expecting to be waved off, she fidgeted. 
“You don’t need to know their name, they’re with me.” Azula spoke for you, grabbing your arm before pulling you away from her and Zuko. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Princess Yue, please do enjoy your stay at the palace.” You spoke over your shoulder before being led away. 
Her and Zuko were left in their lonesome. She wondered if she had offended the younger girl in some way. The way she spoke to her was quite dismissive, she got the impression that Azula did not like her much. 
“Have I done something wrong?”
Zuko lets out a huff, placing his hands on his hips with an eye roll, “I wouldn’t worry too much about her, she’s just weird. Azula being Azula.” He then brought her to the guest room, where all their luggage were currently being handled by the maids. “Your supper will be brought in in a bit when your father gets back from the meeting. We’re going to have dinner together later tonight so be ready for that.” 
He left shortly after that, making sure that she understood everything. She sat on the large bed before letting out a sigh. 
Once her father comes back, they’ll have a dinner with the royal family and they’ll leave the next day. They’ll be back home in less than twenty four hours. She’ll just have to wait a bit more. 
As she sat there on the bed, she became restless. Their supper has come, yet no sight of her father. Has something happened to him? Where was he? Was he still at the meeting? Surely the Fire Lord hasn’t done anything to him. Surely the Fire Lord knows the implication of harming the envoy. 
Yes they are at war but there is a certain respect each party must hold for one another, no one harms the messenger for they are innocent, they are simply following orders and sending out word. 
The sudden knock startled her, snapping her out of her spiral. 
When she opened the door, surprise would be a little too weak of a word to describe the feeling she was having. At the door stood you. 
“Apologise for the disturbance, Princess Yue.” You bowed, “I received word from the Fire Lord that your father’s meeting will be extended due to a complication from our part.” You stood up before offering, “Princess Yue, would you give me the honour of joining me for a stroll?” 
She held your gaze before agreeing, she was curious about you. The rumours only made you out to be some vengeful spirit but as she walks beside you, stealing glances at you, you resemble more of a docile pet. 
As she looked at you, she couldn’t help but notice how tall you were. The clothes you wore, despite the high quality, were more suited for someone who’s more physically active. She has heard of your feats in battle and how often you are sent away on sieges. You looked tired. 
Like a shallow creek, you seemed to be just going with the motion. Being pulled and tugged this way and that. If one were to gaze inside your head, she wondered what was inside. 
You were also covered in scars. The number on your cheek seemed to be branded on and later added paint. Both of your palms were scarred over, must be due to training with your bending. She wondered if you could still feel texture with how much damage your poor hands took. There was also a large burn just peeking from under your collar. 
“Is something the matter, Princess Yue?” You stopped walking to look at her. 
“No, it’s just… that number on your cheek…” She hesitated, wondering if she’s crossing any boundaries, “it- it looks painful.”
“It was.”
“… does it still hurt?”
Your reaction surprised her. The small smile on your lips looked foreign on you, as if you were not used to the action. Rather than the branded mark on your face, the smile looked as if it hurt you more. 
But, she took it as a privilege. Something about the rarely offered smiles never fails to draw out her own. 
Shaking your head, you crouched down on your knee, “No, would you like to feel for it yourself?” 
She nodded her head before ever so lightly grazing her fingertips over the scarred tissue. The bumpy uneven skin felt foreign to her. The wound looks quite old. How old were you when they branded this number on you? Did they at least have the courtesy to let the burn heal before adding the paint? Did they at least treat it afterwards? 
As she stood there, tracing the numbers on your cheek, you simply enjoyed her cool touch. 
“Would you like me to heal them? The scars.” She looked at you. 
Her eyes shining so brightly it made you lost. “You… can? Why?”
“To show my gratitude for treating us with respect. You look and speak to us with honesty, you don’t look down on us. And…” Should she say this? She doesn’t even know you that well. But, that look in your eyes-
“You’re kind.”
I hate genuine kind characters, hard to relate and feel like they're fake.
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ramblingoak · 2 months
Getting Home Safe
Mushy May In Lucifer's Hollow: Day 4 - First Aid
Secondo x Dewdrop
This fic is set in an alternate universe in a town called Lucifer's Hollow. For Mushy May I'll be using the prompts to post little snippets of life for the humans and ghouls that live there 💙 Thank you to @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together!
~ In Lucifer's Hollow Secondo is the Fire Chief and Dewdrop teaches art at the high school. ~
Warnings: angst regarding someone getting hurt but otherwise just fluff, a little suggestive so nsfw, 18+ mdni, 670 words, thank you to @ghuleh-recs for the dividers and @foxybouquet for helping with Dewdrop's nickname (fuocolino means "little flame")
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“You should’ve gone to the hospital.”
Secondo hummed, tilting his head back when Dewdrop’s light fingers continued to clean the cut on his head.  He could feel the irritation coming off the fire ghoul in waves.  As soon as Secondo had gotten home and Dewdrop had seen the bandage he hadn’t stopped grumbling. 
“I wasn’t going to drive all the way to the hospital, fuocolino.”  He snaked an arm around the ghoul’s slender waist, trying to bring him closer but the ghoul wouldn’t allow it.  “Aether took care of it just fine.”
“It needs stitches.”  Dewdrop slipped away from Secondo’s grasp to search through the first aid kit.  “We could call Omega I’m sure he wouldn’t mind doing it.”
“Omega is a veterinarian and in case you haven’t noticed I am a man.”
“Trust me I’ve noticed.”  A spark of something flitted between them.  Secondo debated on getting up and hauling his fire ghoul to their bed but he stayed still, knowing Dewdrop wouldn’t be happy until he’d said his piece.  “I just wish you’d be more careful.  You’re the Fire Chief aren’t you supposed to stay behind a desk all day?”
There was an edge to his tone that Secondo didn’t like so he stood up, pleased when Dewdrop finally allowed himself to be tugged close.  
“My job is to keep this town safe, sÌ?”  He raised an eyebrow when Dewdrop stayed silent, only continuing when the ghoul gave a small nod.  “Sometimes that means I have to go out there myself.”
“Yeah, yeah I know.”  Dewdrop relaxed slightly, leaning against Secondo more.  “I don’t need the lecture grandpa.”
“Nonno?”  Secondo said the word with a playful growl, sliding his hands just below Dewdrop’s ass and lifting him to set him on the table behind him.  “Che monello sei.”
“Did you just call me a brat?”  The amber eyes of his ghoul seemed to light up from within and his tail started tapping against the tabletop in agitation.  “You better watch it, I've been doing Duolingo an-mmph!”
Dewdrop’s lips were warm, just shy of being hot.  The inside of his mouth even more so when Secondo swept his tongue in.  His fuocolino channeled his irritation into returning the kiss, the claws on the tips of his fingers digging into Secondo’s shoulders as he held on.  After what happened today Secondo just wanted to lose himself in his lover, all he wanted to do was carry him to bed and bury himself inside of him.  But he understood Dewdrop’s worry, it was something the ghoul had brought up when they first began dating.  
His fuocolino didn’t want to lose another loved one. 
Eventually they had to pull away for air, both of them taking deep breaths as their foreheads rested against each other.  Secondo carded the fingers of one hand through Dewdrop’s hair, marveling like he always did at the soft, golden strands.  
“The only thing I want to do at the end of the day is come home to you.”  Dewdrop smiled at Secondo’s words, his tail wrapping around Secondo’s waist.  “Even if it’s to you being cross with me.”
“Well sometimes you deserve it.”  
Secondo just smiled softly but that was enough for Dewdrop to see he agreed with him.  After one last kiss the older man pulled away with a sigh. 
“Go ahead and call Omega if that will make you feel better.”  He rolled his eyes at the ghoul’s triumphant grin but in truth he was willing to do whatever it took at that moment to make him happy.  “But I think he’s on a date with Terzo so prepare to be bitched at in Italian.”  
Dewdrop gave him a feral grin before hopping off the table and going for his phone.  
“There’s something you should have figured out by now, nonno.”  Secondo just raised an eyebrow when Dewdrop moved close again, his phone ringing in his hand and his eyes gleaming with mischief.  “The Emeritus brothers don’t scare me.”
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If you'd like to be added/removed from the tag list (or if I accidentally left your name off) of this fic or any of my others please leave a comment or send me a dm! Thank you 💙
My Masterlist ~ My Archive of our Own ~ My Ko-Fi Tip Jar
More snippets from this verse are on my masterlist under "Ongoing Series"!
Other Mushy May days: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
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ptn-imagines · 4 months
best of luck with the new blog! if possible i'd like to request headcanons for zoya in a relationship with touch starved fem chief :) i imagine chief is probably pretty stubborn both about acknowledging her own needs and just. taking the time to let herself fully relax for a moment
That is absolutely possible and you are absolutely correct. Zoya my beloved.
Touch-starved f!Chief in a relationship with Zoya
While Chief isn't quite a martyr, she's absolutely a self-sacrificing bleeding heart. So yeah, she can be quite stubborn and insistent on pushing her needs to the wayside.
You know who else is as stubborn as a brick wall? Zoya.
A lot of S-Rank Sinners in the Bureau behave with a certain level of audacity towards the Chief, but compared to Zoya, they may as well be the picture-perfect models of good behavior. Zoya can even get away with acting out a lot of the time, by virtue of her relationship and also just her sheer intimidating aura (though Chief isn't afraid to tug on her leash if she needs to).
In addition, Zoya is more in tune with Chief through the shackles than any other Sinner in the Bureau. The experiences they’ve shared have left them with a truly unshakable bond that goes even deeper than the shackles; they’re soulmates in every sense of the word.
Combine these two things and you find yourself with an extraordinarily fearsome S-Rank Sinner who isn’t afraid to manhandle Chief into taking care of herself. And boy, does she need it.
Chief isn’t addicted to her work, but she’s definitely a workaholic. She frequently pulls long nights and unhealthy amounts of overtime. Iron has scolded her about it many times, to no avail.
Enter Zoya. The Commander of the Legion can bite at the Chief without fear of retaliation due to the power and respect she commands. She’s aware of this fact and absolutely unashamed about wielding it.
It’s a common sight to see Zoya bust into the Chief’s office. By this time, Chief is usually half-asleep already at her desk, frequently nodding off before startling awake.
As soon as she sees Zoya in her office, the Chief starts to say the same thing every time: “Just a few more documents, then I’m done.” Both of them know it’s a lie; if left to her own devices, Chief will toil away at the paperwork until the Bureau begins to rise for its daily routine.
So, Zoya never gives the Chief any slack; it’s no problem at all for her to sweep her girlfriend into her arms, holding her firmly against her broad chest as she marches towards Chief’s bed.
Though she doesn’t dare to admit it aloud, these moments are some of the Chief’s favorites. She is, unfortunately, very touch-starved, so the heat of Zoya’s skin and the steady thud of her heartbeat as she’s carried is enough to send a shiver down her spine. Zoya is probably aware of this, but she never says anything.
Zoya isn’t gentle when she unceremoniously dumps Chief onto the sheet and pins her down, her eyes burning with what would seem like anger to someone not as in tune with all the minute details of her expression as the Chief. The intensity of her gaze always makes Chief’s mouth go dry, yet she can never pull her eyes away.
Then, Zoya claims her lips. It’s a fierce, hot, and open-mouthed kiss, encapsulating all of the icy fire that the Commander of the Legion is, and it never fails to steal Chief’s breath away – all she can do is cling to the Sinner and hope that the moment never ends.
Of course, it has to end eventually, and all Chief can do is try to bite back her disappointment and not chase Zoya’s lips when she pulls away. “Sleep, Chief,” she murmurs, her voice rough with unsaid emotions. “I’ll stay.”
So it is that, on these nights, Chief falls asleep with her back to Zoya’s chest, lulled into slumber by the other woman’s deep breaths and heartbeat.
Zoya always falls asleep first when they’re like this. It’s a sharp contrast to when she sleeps alone in her cell; those nights, the Commander of the Legion is prone to sleeplessness. Chief doesn’t dare to ask about it.
These nights are the most restful sleep that Chief gets. And when Zoya is still there in the morning, gently snoring, well… All of a sudden, the Chief isn’t in a rush to get back to work.
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brick-boats · 1 year
Also what’s white, red, and just in time for Christmas…
The Fire Chief!!
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Bet you weren’t expecting him to show up, guess you could say you’re in schyock!
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ghouljams · 1 year
I have become absolutely OBSESSED with your Cowboy!141 fics! And I just have to ask... pretty pleaseeee could you write about how goose met Soap? I gotta know if Soap was equally as surprised to find out the cap had a daughter! anywaayyyys, I love your fics! And I hope you know your amazing!!! <3333
Goose and Soap met years ago! They met after Soap’s punching an officer fiasco, Price offered him a place to stay while the whole thing blew over. This is where I tell y’all that Price and Duck got married quick and young, typical military move, and Price tended to keep his family life to himself while he was working. So Soap didn’t realize he was going to be dealing with a high schooler when he agreed to spend a few weeks laying low, but they were thick as thieves almost immediately(much to Duck's chagrin).
Two things happen when Soap steps through customs. First: he realizes how fucking hot the American south is in the middle of July. Second: he is immediately accosted by two women he’s never met before. Or one woman and one teenager who looks rather embarrassed by her mum’s antics. 
“Sergeant MacTavish, right?” The woman asks, and he nods to be polite. He was told he’d be getting picked up from the airport but this was downright familial.
“You can call me Soap, ma’am.” 
“Why’d they call you Soap?” The teen makes a face.
“Goose, that’s enough.” Her mum tells her, in the same voice Soap used to get from his mum when he was being rude to strangers.
“Why’d they call you Goose?” He asks, scrunching his face up the same way, and watching the teen smile.
Soap is almost cool. He’s what you think having an older brother must be like. Plus you’re learning a lot of neat swears. He crouches next to you, twisting gas covered strings together to link the fireworks your mom bought. 
“Yer aff yer heid,” You tell him, “Mam’s gonna kill you if you blow up the barn again.”
“Ah dinnae blow up the barn,” Soap hauls you to your feet and tugs you away from the mess, “Ah burned it.” He thinks a moment then moves you back another few paces. “Don’t move.”
“Aye that’s an idea I ‘adn’t thought of.” You tell him, taking an extra step back from the mound of danger.
“Why’d I let you help with this?” Soap asks, going to light the first fuse.
“Because I caught you nipping scotch from Momma’s reserve.”
“Bloody American drinking age.” He grumbles, clicking his lighter on and narrowly avoiding setting the whole kit ablaze.
Your mom calls the fire department about half way through your show and you both get a talking to from the fire chief. Soap only looks sorry he was stopped.
“Go’way Goose,” He grumbles, turning away from you and tugging his blankets up over his head.
“Come on,” You whine, “you said we’d go shooting today, and it’s almost noon.” Soap grumbles further, a hand reaching out from under the blankets to smack around and check his phone.
“You keep yellin’ at me an’ am gonnae be cross,” He groans, tossing his phone and sitting up. He stares at you for a long moment, eyes narrowed and shoulders hunched.
“Howzitgoan,” You ask.
“Am fuckin’ trollied.”
“Don’t drink so late, now get your kecks on.” Soap smacks you with his pillow until you leave the room laughing.
“That your boyfriend?” Soap asks as you hop in the cab of the family truck. You make a face and click your seat belt on.
“Gross no, he’s just some ROTC dick’ead.”
“Enlistedmen more your type eh?” He jokes throwing the truck into gear and peeling away from the movie theater. You roll your eyes.
“With how often my Da’s off getting shot at? I’d rather shoot myself than be a military wife.”
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erisenyo · 10 months
ooh, “you already know how this will end.” for the prompts? 🤩🍿
For this prompt game! (And also this one!)
“You already know how this will end,” Sokka mumbles as he lets Zuko back him through the door, “Right?”
“Mhm,” Zuko says, eyes intent on his lips.
“We’re gonna—we're gonna get divorced,” Sokka says as Zuko kicks the door shut behind them.
“After years of long distance,” Zuko agrees, fingers skimming up Sokka’s sides.
“And a secret relationship for the most of it,” Sokka says, running his palms up Zuko’s chest.  
“Because it would be ridiculous,” Zuko murmurs, just above his lips, “The Fire Lord and the Southern Water Tribe ambassador trying to be together.”
Sokka pauses, fingers tangled in Zuko’s collar. “Chief,” he says, tugging lightly. “I think you mean Southern Water Tribe Chief.”
Zuko’s eyebrow ticks up. “Tell that to Katara.”
“…Fine,” Sokka huffs after a moment, reaching up to pluck the headpiece out of Zuko’s hair. “I’ll allow it.”
“And inventor?” Zuko offers, hand coming up to cradle Sokka’s head, thumb running along his jaw. “And poet, too?”
“That’s more like it,” Sokka breathes, tugging Zuko in again.  
“Because either way, it would still be crazy,” Zuko murmurs above his lips, body brushing against his.  
“There’s no way it could last,” Sokka nods, stepping in the last inch to press them together, shivering a little because this is so, so not like training. “The political situation alone.
“Questions of improper influences.”
“Accusations of backdoor alliances,” Sokka says, Zuko huffing a surprised laugh and Sokka can’t help but finally lean up toward the sound, lips already parted as Zuko sways in to meet him.
“Accusations we couldn’t deny,” Zuko finally whispers against his lips as they come up for air.  
“All that tension,” Sokka sighs, head lolling back.
“Add in the pressure—” Wet kisses along his jaw, down his throat. “—of needing an heir.”
“And my inevitable hurt,” Sokka mumbles, eyes fluttering, “That I’ll try to conceal under a cheerful exterior.”  
“The way nothing I say will make you stop being jealous.” Zuko tonguing along his choker now.  
“And I’ll hate that I feel it.” Sokka sinks his hands into Zuko’s hair. “But I won’t be able to stop.”
“The same way I’d hate always having to put the Fire Nation first,” Zuko murmurs against his pulse point, fingers beginning to tug at the tie of Sokka’s tunic, “And you second.”
“The way I could never imagine living in one place,” Sokka sighs, shivering at the breath of Zuko’s loose hair against his skin.
“We’ll steal time together at political events,” Zuko says, licking along the V of Sokka’s tunic as he opens it one catch at a time. “And pretend no one knows.”
“And when they inevitably do find out—” Sokka shrugs out of his tunic the minute the last catch slips open, “We’ll pretend we all don’t know it’s foolish.”  
“No one will bring it up,” Zuko says, the look in his eyes almost more than Sokka can deal with as he runs reverent, careful hands over Sokka’s chest, like he’s never seen it before.
“But we’ll all know,” Sokka says, skin shivering and prickling under Zuko’s touch. “We just won’t say it.”
“Like we won’t tell anyone when we break up, either,” Zuko says, dropping to his knees. “Not at first.”
“We won’t be able to bear anyone saying they knew it was coming,” Sokka says, shaky as Zuko licks down the trail of hair disappearing into his waistband, and then along the waistband too. “We’ll just endure months of them thinking we’re still together.”
“Because we won’t want anyone to feel like they have to take sides,” Zuko whispers, hands running slow up Sokka’s thighs, gripping and squeezing.
“Your best friend is my brother-in-law,” Sokka agrees, sinking his fingers into Zuko’s hair again to steady himself.
“And your best friend is my bodyguard.” Zuko’s fingers stop just below Sokka’s ass, flexing there as he breathes suddenly hot against the bulge in Sokka’s pants, “That we both have an ongoing flirtation with,” he whispers, lips moving against Sokka’s cock and fuck, but Sokka’s pants have never felt so thin before, and so completely in the way, “That we both pretend we don’t find threatening.”
“And my dad would have taken you ice dodging,” Sokka says, uneven, wanting to rock forward but also wanting to touch.
“And my dad—” He pauses, pointed, Sokka letting out a startled laugh and yanking Zuko up, the need to touch winning out at the sight of Zuko’s flashing grin. “My sword master,” Zuko corrects as Sokka takes him in, already flushed and mussed and gold eyes molten, “Would have taught you all his special moves.”
“Because everything can see that we make each other so happy, is the thing,” Sokka murmurs, finally reaching for Zuko’s sash, fumbling at his own boldness like he never has before.
“The happiest,” Zuko agrees, breaths going uneven as Sokka shoves off his over robe.
Sokka shoves off the sheer under robe, too, much as he’d love to linger to look at it. “Until the secret divorce.”
“Which is after the secret marriage.” Zuko bites his lip as Sokka ghosts his fingers along Zuko’s waistband.
“Which is after the secret dating,” Sokka says, pausing with his fingers hooked just into Zuko’s pants, transfixed by the sight.
“Where we can’t stop smiling because we’re so happy,” Zuko whispers, brushing his fingers over Sokka’s knuckles where they’re resting light against his stomach.
“All the shopping sprees,” Sokka says, beginning to back toward the bed.
“The puns.” Zuko gives him a little push around a chaise.
“Staying up all night talking.”
“The food.”
“The secret glances we exchange during meetings.”
“The pet names you didn’t know you wanted.”
“The late nights working together.”
“These shoulders,” Zuko says, hands running appreciatively over them before he uses them to push Sokka back onto the bed.
“Oh, definitely the shoulders,” Sokka murmurs, low, eyes lingering over Zuko’s as he catches himself on his elbows.
Zuko catches his eye, planting a knee on the mattress between Sokka’s legs. “The sex.”
“Oh,” Sokka grins, slow, running his heel up the back of Zuko’s leg, “Definitely the sex.”
“We’ll keep having it before we admit we’re actually dating,” Zuko says, leaning forward to brace himself over him.
“Because it’ll be so good we can’t stop,” Sokka says, leaning up to kiss him filthy and slow, “Even though we know we’re about to catch feelings.”
“We’ll keep telling ourselves we won’t,” Zuko rasps, grabbing Sokka by the hip to shove him up the bed, crawling up after him. “That one more time won’t hurt.”
“But we’ll know it’s not true,” Sokka says, hand shaking as he reaches for the tie of his pants.
“Because we’ve already been having them,” Zuko sighs, pausing on hands and knees to watch.
“And we’ll take—” Sokka rips open his fly. “—any bit we can get—” he shoves up his hips. “—of what we’ve been imagining,” the words barely out of his mouth before Zuko is grabbing onto his pants.
“Even though we know it’s an awful idea,” Zuko breathes as he tugs Sokka’s pants off.
“The worst,” Sokka whispers, shivering as Zuko stills, staring at Sokka bare and hard before him. 
“After all,” Zuko finally says, hands finding Sokka’s calves, his knees, his thighs, “There’s a reason it hasn’t happened yet.”
“Two best friends?” Sokka lets his legs fall open.
“Two world leaders?” Zuko’s thumbs dig into the crease of his groin.
“From separate countries?” Sokka digs his fingers into the sheets as Zuko shifts up between his legs, spreading him wider.
“From different sides of the war?” Zuko looks at him reverent, hungry.
“And that time you attacked my home,” Sokka says, jerking up a knee to stop Zuko as he leans in and giving his still-on pants a pointed look.  
“And that time you tried to kill my dad,” Zuko agrees, reaching for his waistband.
“You did too,” Sokka points out, want hot in his gut as he watches the casual, efficient way Zuko strips.
A shrug, Zuko’s pants tossed to the side. “It’s the principle of it, probably.”
“You hunted us,” Sokka points out, planting his foot against Zuko’s chest this time so he can fully admire him, all strong thighs and hard cock and arousal flushed skin.
“You left me for dead.” Zuko leans into his foot, hungry, testing.
“And I have too many projects these days,” Sokka says, biting his lip as Zuko grabs onto his ankle.
“And I have too many responsibilities,” Zuko says, tugging Sokka’s foot out to the side.
“And there’s no way we’d have time for each other, anyway,” Sokka says, words cracking as Zuko settles into the cradle of his thighs.
“None,” Zuko sighs, hips sinking against him.
“So it’d be awful, really,” Sokka groans like praise.  
“Ridiculous,” Zuko rasps, low.
“We’d have to be a pair of idiots,” Sokka says, running his hands down Zuko’s back to cup his ass, “To think it would work.”
“Delusional,” Zuko agrees, rocking against him.
“Not to realize how quick it will burn out,” Sokka gasps, hands tugging, encouraging Zuko to do it again.
“Fast and bright,” Zuko says, breath hitching. “Before it fizzles and dies.”
“And all the longing and agony after,” Sokka pants, shifting to chase the friction, the angle, the glancing rub of Zuko’s cock against his own.
“Cause we’d still love each other,” Zuko says, leaning up onto a forearm enough to be able to watch them, both of them letting out a punch of air as the shift grinds their cocks together. “Even after the divorce.”
“We wouldn’t break up because we didn’t anymore,” Sokka agrees, entranced by the sight of them like this. “We’d do it because we were trying to do what was best for each other.”
“And we wouldn’t realize the other felt the same,” Zuko says, taking them both in hand.
“And we wouldn’t want to show how much it hurt,” Sokka says, tight, rolling up into Zuko’s grip.
“Or make the other feel bad,” Zuko says, stroking slow, hips moving with it, the sight of him savoring the feel of them pressed together—
“So we’d pretend it was fine, that we didn’t care,” Sokka says, shaky as he hooks his thigh over Zuko’s, urging him on.
“Even though we still do,” Zuko says, settling into a rhythm with his hand and hips, not enough, now with the way they both can’t stop watching to get the angle or the leverage for Spirits, Sokka can’t imagine looking away.
“We’d be self-sacrificing,” Sokka says, hips jerking because it’s too dry and too slow but it’s still so, so good.
“A bad idea, two people like that getting together,” Zuko pants, glancing around the bed.
“All that yearning,” Sokka says, reaching up under the pillow because he knows Zuko, he does. “All that longing, like it was the start of it all over again.”
“The crazy lengths we’d go to, if we thought it would make the other happy,” Zuko says, grabbing the oil out of Sokka’s hand.
“Like no one’s ever done for us before,” Sokka says, coming up onto his elbows to watch as Zuko sits back, spilling oil over his hand in his haste, reaching for his cock and then stilling, reaching for Sokka instead.
“Like we’ve always wanted to do for someone,” Zuko whispers, fingers running slow and questioning just behind Sokka’s balls, “But haven’t known how.”
“Not without being too much,” Sokka agrees, shivering as he lets his legs fall wider in invitation.
“Except we’d be so hungry for it,” Zuko says, low, eyes intent as he circles around Sokka’s hole.
“To be picked first,” Sokka gasps, grabbing onto the sheets again.
Zuko’s finger pressing against him. “Even if we were just pretending we could, in the moment.”
“It would be crazy,” Sokka moans, head dropping back as Zuko finally pushes into him, “To start something. Knowing all that.”
“Foolish,” Zuko whispers, gentle as he eases out, then in again.
“Ridiculous.” Fuck, Sokka is so hungry for it, for more, so hungry after so long spent starving.
“Self-indulgent,” Zuko sighs, stroking deeper this time.
“Short-sighted,” Sokak pants, rocking back onto it.
“Purposefully blind,” Zuko says, eyes flicking up before giving him another finger.
“Willfully ignorant,” Sokka moans, melting into the burn-pressure-friction-full of it.
“The worst, really,” Zuko murmurs, like he’s drunk on it, moving carefully, then faster as Sokka makes an impatient noise.
“Awful, so awful,” Sokka says like praise, finally shoving up onto his elbows, needing, reaching for the oil and Zuko’s cock.
“Because we already know how this is going to end,” Zuko says as he keeps working Sokka, the words shaky and tight and his eyes wide.
“Because we know right from the start that it’s a bad idea,” Sokka says, slicking Zuko up and then lingering to stroke, to feel the weight of Zuko in his hand for the first time.
“A bad idea like breaking into Boiling Rock,” Zuko pants, rocking into Sokka’s hand even as he his fingers twist, seeking.
“Like trying to steal from a spirit library,” Sokka moans as Zuko hits that perfect spot inside him.
“Like following seals beneath the ice,” Zuko groans as Sokka thumbs over his slit.
“Like trying to crash a warship into another airship,” Sokka says, tugging Zuko back over him, “And hoping you come out okay.”
“Like hunting the Avatar to make your father love you,” Zuko says, lining them up.
“Like following your sister around the world because you don’t know how to be left behind,” Sokka says, hitching his legs up around Zuko’s waist.
“Good thing,” Zuko says, gaze lifting to Sokka’s face, “That we never do bad ideas.”
“Yeah,” Sokka moans as Zuko finally pushes inside, twining his arms around Zuko’s neck to tug him in closer. “Good thing.”
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Anything for You
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A/N: So I may have gone down a Criminal Minds rabbit hole... @temilyrights finally got her wish. It started with the Evolution season (obviously) and now I'm watching it all from the beginning. This drabble came about because I saw that scene, THAT scene a certain way and it went from there.
Warning: Light Smut
Sum: Emily is in charge in every room except sometimes she lets you take the lead.
. . . .
You heard it and you saw it but you still couldn’t believe it. The Emily Prentiss you knew behind closed doors was very similar to the one in the interrogation room right now. She took no prisoners which was why it made her such an incredible Section Chief and an even better lover. Except there was one line she draw in permanent ink, no sex at work. That changed when she exited the interrogation and was confronted by you in her office. She saw it in your eyes as soon as she looked at you which was why she immediately closed the door.
“You know my one rule..” Her voice was velvet, she was taunting you.
“You know I know.”
She looked you up and down, resting her back on the door, she was keeping her distance which is why you were on the opposite side of the room. You weren’t going to be the one to cross her rule out, she had to. “Then get that look off your face and get back to work.”
You smirked, her voice, her stance. She was on thin ice. “That an order?”
Her lips scrunched up, trying to hide a smile. “Don’t be a cheeky shit. You know I’ll fuck that smile right off our face when we get home.” Her hands turned into fists by her side. She wasn’t hiding her sexual frustration well.
You closed the distance, stepping into her personal space. “You didn’t answer my question Em?”
The air shot out of her lungs and her will gave way. “They will hear you; you know.”
“Oh, you thought you were going down on me in your office?” You saw the realisation in her eyes and heard the moan from her lips as your hands found her body. “Tell me it’s ok, tell me you want me to.” Your lips ghosted over the skin at the base of her neck, her cleavage begging for your face.
Her will broke when your fingers tugged at her shirt not so gently and touched her skin. “You have five minutes and if we get caught, you’re so fir-ed” Her voice turned all breathy as you slid down her body. “Oh so fired.”
“Then don’t make a sound and next time you can go down on me where ever you want..”
She was all breath and silent moans as you made her come right against her office door not once but twice. You held her up as her legs collapsed and prayed no one was walking by. “Baby…” She sighed and cupped your cheek.
Her sated expression was enough to bring you to the edge after watching her come on your mouth and fingers. “Don’t worry we still have a minute to spare for you to get dressed.”
“A little help would be nice.” She sighed, still unable to move and that gave you all the satisfaction in the world.
“Anything for you.”
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klausinamarink · 7 months
his lips still blue
rating: T | cw: hypothermia, supposed character death | tags: established relationship, supernatural/horror vibes | wc: 948
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles | Dec 2: Came Back Wrong
Three days.
Steve was missing for three days and everyone already thought about the worst case scenario. Eddie blamed Chief Hopper for quelshing their hopes for pointing out how the recent snowstorm delaying the search was covering Steve’s tracks. Even Robin had bit her lip in thought so hard that it bled.
But Eddie refused to think about it. He didn’t even dare to let any of those thoughts contaminate the hope he kept nurturing in his chest. Because Steve always survived the toughest shit, no matter how bizarre it may be. A brutal fist fight with three men? He apologized about getting his sweater ruined despite his concussion and bleeding face. A wild bear attack that nearly took Will Byers? Steve was more worried about the kid than himself. Freak mall fires? He worried that Eddie would be mad at him for missing their anniversary date while being treated for third degree burns on his sides.
Getting lost in the woods and three and half feet of falling snow? He had to come back with an embarrassed smile and frostbite in his fingers and toes.
Eddie clutched the blankets tighter around him. He stared out the window for so long that his eyes ached. But he worried that if he looked away, even for just a minute, then Steve would be lost for good and wander endlessly. It was a silly superstition, but Eddie was a beggar at this point.
He shivered, the blankets barely substituting his husband’s steady warmth. He should probably make some tea but what’s a cup of tea going to do in bringing Steve back?
Knock. Knock.
Eddie startled, his gaze breaking away towards the front door. He gave out a sigh, got up from the couch, and shuffled towards it. Already the small hearth of hope in his chest is sputtering out with the image of Hopper giving the dreaded news. He burned that away as soon as it popped into his head.
“What is-” The words died in his mouth just as Eddie opened the door.
Steve stared back at him. His hat and gloves were missing, his jacket was partially covered with snow, and his lips were a startling blue. Alive.
Eddie immediately threw his arms around his husband, weeping and kissing him in relief without a care of how cold Steve’s lips felt.
It took another few days for the hospital to allow Steve’s discharge. Despite the waning hypothermia and everyone’s prodding, Steve hadn’t explained the story of his absence. Only that he had been trekking through the woods as usual and… nothing.
Doctors presumed it might’ve been some traumatic amnesia from exposure. Honestly, Eddie couldn’t care less. He was just fucking glad Steve was back.
Steve was quiet on the way back. Eddie tried not to overwhelm him with his own questions, but kept him in a massive blanket pile. Steve was still horribly cold despite the heaters. It was a surprise that he wasn’t shivering either.
“I made you tea,” Eddie pushed a warm cup to his hands. He tried not to frown at how oddly chilly they felt. “Peppermint with honey and shredded cinnamon - your favourite.”
Steve just blinked down at the cup. His lips, once flushed back to color at the hospital, were paled into a bluish tint. He set the cup back down on the table. “I don’t want it.”
“You should really drink something warm, sweetheart. You’ve been outside for-”
“I like it cold.”
Eddie blinked. Waited for Steve to elaborate but instead his husband turned his eyes towards the same window Eddie had been looking out during the three days of hell.
Finally, Eddie sighed. Tugged Steve up by his hand, still cold against his own warm palms. “Let’s go to bed, sweetheart.”
He tucked in Steve extra diligently with another blanket and laid right next to him. It felt strange - his husband back to his side yet his usual warmth was barely radiating off his body. It worried Eddie and he made a mental note to go to the hospital in the morning if Steve’s body heat stayed like this.
Eddie thumbed lightly over Steve’s lips, still in that bluish tint. That worried him too. He whispered, “What happened out there, sweetheart?”
Steve said, “I like it cold.”
Somehow, Eddie fell asleep.
Eddie woke up with a violent shiver. He blinked rapidly, vision adjusting to the dark. Once it did, he saw that the bedroom windows were wide open, letting in gusts of flurries.
He cursed, his hand reaching out automatically to Steve-
It patted on a cold, flat blanket instead.
Eddie was quick to jump out of bed, calling out Steve’s name. The entire cold was freezing and every window was open. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the front door was open, exposing the view to the woods where a trail of footprints led there.
He hurriedly put on his warmest jacket and boots as he rushed outside. The crunching of snow seemed to echo louder than calling out Steve’s name.
He kept his eyes on the footprints, sucking in frigid air into his lungs as he ran.
His hands felt numb already. He put the gloves on, had he?
Eddie licked his lips once, wincing at the chapness.
He stumbled over something and fell into the snow. It bit through his face, stung it to one expression as Eddie lifted his head up.
Steve was in front of him. His hands were already on Eddie’s cheeks, thumbing away the snow. Then he leaned his head in.
Eddie only caught a glimpse of his still-blue lips before his eyes shuttered shut at the much-needed warmth.
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sequinsmile-x · 1 month
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Stained Glass Windows - Chapter Sixty Nine
Life was complicated, but they wouldn't have it any other way.
Hi friends,
I know this is earlier in the day than I usually post but I am at a concert tonight - and I didn't want y'all to wait even one more day for this chapter!
So so sorry about the delay on this! I was sick and then had other fics to write, but SGW is BACK and I will go back to weekly updates I promise <3
As ever, your love for this fic means the world to me - as do any comments about what you think!
Words: 3.7k
A full list of warnings for the fic can be found on the Series Master List.
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
She blows out a steady breath as she steps back to look at herself in the mirror, her hand pressed against her shoulder as she rolls it slightly, easing the ache that would build if it was still for too long. 
“Is it hurting?”
She turns to look at her husband, a smile spreading across her face as she sees Lily sitting on his hip. Looking at him now, she never would have known he’d gone away. The beard was gone, something she protested heavily as she stood and watched him shave it off a week ago, and he was back in his sharp edged suits, a stern look about him that she’d always enjoyed that only seemed to be enhanced by their little girl in his arms. 
Emily shakes her head and lets her hand drop from her shoulder, “It just aches a little,” she assures him, “It’s fine.”
He hums, not sure if he believes her, “If you’re not ready to go back to work-”
“I am ready,” she says, cutting him off as she turns her attention to Lily, smiling as she tickles the little girl’s belly, “Daddy is just being silly.” 
“Mama!” Lily exclaims, reaching out for Emily who immediately goes to take her out of Aaron’s arms, pausing only briefly to raise her eyebrow at him as he tries to stop her out of instinct, still acting as if her shoulder was out of action like it had been the last few weeks. 
“Come here, sweet girl,” Emily says, settling Lily on her good side as she presses a kiss to her temple, “Mommy is going to miss you when she’s at work today.” 
Aaron smiles as he watches them together for a moment before he steps closer, pulled towards them as if magnetized, and he wraps his arms around them both, “Mommy is starting her new job today,” he directs at Lily, smiling when she sucks on her fist, “So we need to wish her luck.” 
It would be lying if she said she wasn’t nervous, but she was looking forward to her new job. Despite the circumstances, she felt like she had earned it, something that Aaron had told her multiple times over the last few weeks. She knew she could do it, but she wasn’t sure what the Counterterrorism unit would make of her being in charge, not when she knew some of them held her responsible for their boss being fired when his arrogance could have led to her losing her life. 
Emily hums contentedly as she leans into his side, enjoying the closeness she’d had on demand for weeks, something she’d miss as they both returned to work full-time. She smiles as her eyes meet his, purposely looking up at him through her lashes, her tongue peeking out to lick her lower lip.
“Sure you can handle sitting opposite your wife in the Unit Chief briefing later?” 
He chuckles and cups the back of her head, tugging her in for a brief kiss, “Sweetheart,” he starts, kissing her again, “For the first 18 months you were in the BAU I managed to suppress my feelings for you, I think I can manage this.” 
She narrows her eyes at him, at the confidence she’s not even sure he buys into, and adjusts her hold on Lily.
“You sure do like to re-write that part of our history, honey,” she teases, reaching out to straighten his lapel, her smile turning into a smirk as he shudders at the simple touch. It had been far too long since she’d had sex with her husband. Her injury had meant her doctor had only just signed her off in the last day or so, and Aaron had been sticking to her doctor’s orders to the letter. She felt like she was on the edge, like she was close to bursting, and it felt good to know she wasn’t the only one, “How about we make this interesting?” 
He narrows his eyes at her, curiosity quickly overtaking any concern about what he was sure would be inappropriate, “What do you mean?”
She shrugs innocently, a glint in her eyes that seemed almost misplaced as she held their daughter close. 
“First one to…” she drifts off and looks at Lily, the little girl babbling to herself as she wraps her hand around Emily’s necklace. Emily felt increasingly aware of the fact that Lily could start repeating words so was trying to be careful, well aware if her daughter said a curse word anytime soon she’d never live it down. She was longing for Lily to say Dada again, a word she seemed to have lost since the first time she’d said it. Emily had half convinced herself that it was just a sound her daughter had made instead of a word, wilfully ignoring that she’d said it again when JJ pointed at a picture of Aaron during the girl's night she and Penelope had brought to their home. She clears her throat and looks back up at her husband, raising her eyebrow as she carries on, “...lose their cool pays for the next date night?” 
He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, smiling at his wife despite himself, “Em-”
“Unless,” she says, stepping closer again, her breath skipping over his cheek, “You think you’d lose?” 
He knows what she’s doing, that she’s purposely tapping into his competitive nature, a not-so-subtle attempt to dampen down any nerves she is feeling about her first day as Unit Chief. He clears his throat and presses his lips to her cheek before he moves just enough to catch her ear, smiling as she shivers, her lips pressing together as she holds back a groan. 
“You’re on, sweetheart,” he says, kissing her cheek again, “Remember Dave is making dinner for us all tonight, so you’ll have to keep your hands to yourself a little longer,” he winks at her and leaves the room. She stares at his ass the entire time and shakes her head at herself, blowing out a slow breath as she tries to get control of herself again. 
“Get it together, Emily.” 
He distracts her all day.
She knows she started it. She knows it’s an attempt to relax her, to pull her out of her own head after an awkward first meeting as the Unit Chief of her team, but she’s sure she’s going to lose her damn mind. He walks into the meeting with all of the other Unit Chiefs and Strauss with his suit jacket off and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He flashes a look at her, something she knows everyone else will miss, and she narrows her eyes at him across the conference table as he casually updates the room on the BAU’s activities. 
It’s a game they play back and forth. She makes a point of going to his office for lunch, pressing herself a little closer to him than she usually would on his couch, acting innocent when he tenses as she wipes some mayo from the corner of his mouth once he’s done with his sandwich, purposely lingering a little longer than necessary. She presses a kiss to his cheek as she leaves, throwing him a wink over her shoulder as she heads back to her own office. 
Aaron knows he’s getting to her when she starts to text him in the middle of the afternoon, thinly veiled flirty messages that slip under his skin, making his need for his wife as strong as it had ever been. He missed her, he missed being with her. He knew if she’d had her way they would have had sex weeks ago, but he didn’t want to hurt her, didn’t want the memory of their first night together again to be tainted by anything. 
He watches the clock until it’s time to go home and he smiles as she appears in his doorway again, but it slips as she sighs, her shoulders slumping as she steps into his office.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” 
She huffs out a breath as he walks over, wrapping his arms around her, “The babysitter is sick,” she says, “She just called.”
He groans and runs his hand up and down her back, “I can take Lily home, I know you were looking forward to seeing the team tonight.”
“No, honey, it’s your welcome home party,” she says, looping her arms around his neck, “You should go.”
He smiles softly at her and presses a kiss to her lips, “Or, we both go and use her as an excuse to leave early.”
She gasps in mock outrage as he waggles his eyebrows at her, “Are you suggesting we use our adorable baby girl as a reason so we can go home and have sex?”
He suppresses a smile, clearing his throat to choke down a laugh as he pretends to think about it for a moment, “Yes.” 
She laughs and leans in to press a kiss against his lips, pulling back barely enough to speak, “I married a genius.”
They let the others know they’ll be late and head to the daycare, both happy to see Lily after a long day at work. She chatters to herself in the back of the car the entire journey to Dave’s, a string of nonsensical words with the odd Mama and occasional sound that was achingly close to Dada. 
Aaron smiles at Lily as he gets her out of her car seat and he presses a kiss to the side of her head before he settles her on his hip. 
“Okay, Lily-Pad,” he says, walking towards the front door, throwing Emily a smile as she walks alongside him, “No matter what your Aunt Pen says, you don’t need any more tutus, okay?” He looks at the baby and she giggles, pressing her hands against his face, her laughter only getting louder when he makes a show of kissing her hand, “Glad we’re in agreement.” 
Emily watches them fondly, the desire she’d felt for him all day, slowly simmering in her gut, coming to a boil as he watches her with their little girl. She rings the doorbell as soon as they step on the porch, and the door immediately opens, Penelope’s delighted face is the first thing she sees. 
“Hi Pen,” Emily says, smiling as her friend waves at her before bypassing her completely, immediately walking over to Aaron. 
“Give me my niece,” Penelope says, already taking Lily out of Aaron’s arms, “Look at you Mini Peaches,” she says, smiling as the little girl grabs her brightly coloured cardigan, babbling loudly, “I can’t believe it’s your first birthday in a couple of weeks.” 
“Me neither,” Emily laments, leaning into her husband's side as he wraps an arm around her, “She’s growing up so fast.” 
“Yes,” Dave says sarcastically as he walks into the foyer, his eyebrow raised, “First she’ll be turning one, and before we know it she’ll be going off to college.” 
Emily narrows her eyes, playful irritation flowing from her as she settles into the familiarity of all of this, the sense of home and family that had been missing since Aaron had gone to Pakistan. 
“Shut up, Dave,” she mutters, not longer able to fight the smile as she links her hand through her husbands, “I need some wine after the day I’ve had,” she looks at Penelope, “You’re okay with her for a little bit?” 
Penelope nods enthusiastically, tightening her hold on Lily, “I’d take her forever, you know that.” 
Emily chuckles and pulls Aaron towards the kitchen, smiling as he makes sure he’s only one step behind her, his hand on her hip as he follows her closely.
“You know,” she says, turning in his embrace as they step into the kitchen, “Dave has a lot of spots in this place where we could sneak off to.” 
He hums and pulls her closer, his hand spread wide on her back, “Is that you admitting defeat?” 
She raises an eyebrow at him and leans in as close as she can, her lips ghosting over his, “Oh honey, we both know you were about to suggest it too.” 
There’s a pause, a moment of silence that passes between them, before he smiles, “Call it a draw?” 
She nods excitedly and reaches for his hand again, pulling him out of the kitchen and towards the small bathroom nearby, laughing as he locks the door behind them. As soon as she hears the click of the lock he’s on her, his hands on her hips as he traps her between him and the counter, his lips swallowing the gasp she lets out. 
She sighs contentedly, wrapping her arms around his neck, her hands sinking into his hair. He runs his hand up and down her side, helping her up onto the counter and moaning when she wraps one of her legs around his waist. He grabs her thigh, his hand warm and heavy and supportive as he holds her leg in place, moaning again when she rolls her hips against his. 
He gasps as he pulls back, resting his forehead against hers, “God I’ve missed you.” 
“I’ve missed you too,” she says breathlessly, pulling him back into the kiss, “I’ve missed you so much.” 
She hooks her other leg around him, pulling him impossibly closer, sighing contentedly as he settles into the cradle of her hips. He shifts to start kissing her cheek, and then her jaw, working his way down her throat and to her collarbone. She throws her head back, her eyes just drifting shut as she gets lost in him, just when there’s a loud knock on the door, making them both jump and hit their heads together. 
“Son of a bitch,” Emily exclaims, just as Dave’s amused voice travels through the locked door. 
“Please don’t make your next kid in my house.” 
Emily rolls her eyes and rests her forehead on Aaron’s shoulder, smiling when he kisses the top of her head, rubbing his hand up and down her back.
“We’ll be right out, Dave.” 
Emily groans as they hear the other man laugh before he, thankfully, leaves without further comment, his footsteps retreating back towards the living room. She lifts her head up and smiles at Aaron, leaning into his palm as he cups her cheek, tracing his thumb back and forth over her skin.
“Later?” He asks and she nods, turning her head to kiss his palm.
He helps her down off the counter, his touch softer as his hand settles on her lower back as he guides her out of the bathroom. Emily tries to ignore the delight on Penelope’s face as they walk into the living room, everyone except Dave, who was finishing off cooking dinner, were surrounding them. She’s sitting on the floor with Lily, the baby girl surrounded by toys Emily had never seen before in her life, and she points towards them as they walk in. 
“There they are Lily,” she says, raising her eyebrow at Emily as she looks up, “There’s Mama and Dada.” 
Emily bends down to pick up Lily up but she scoots past her, crawling towards Aaron at a speed Emily is sure she’ll find terrifying once Lily can walk. 
The room falls into silence as Lily’s voice echoes around them, her tiny hands grasping at Aaron’s pants as she pulls herself into a standing position. Emily feels her chest go warm as her husband looks at her, the adoration painted across his face as he picks Lily up, hoisting her onto his hip. 
“What did you just say, princess?” He asks, tickling her belly to make her laugh, “Did you say Dada?” 
“Dada!” Lily repeats, placing her hands on his cheeks as she squishes them with her tiny fists.
“Oh that’s so sweet,” Penelope says as she stands up, her hand on her chest, “It was so cute when she said it at girl's night.” 
Emily freezes, her eyes going wide as she sees Aaron stiffen, his gaze immediately locking with hers, realisation spreading through him as he looks back at Penelope, “She said it before?” 
“Yeah,” Penelope says, “When we came over to your place a few weeks…” She drifts off as JJ elbows her in the ribs, cutting her off as she clears her throat and nods between Aaron and Emily. Penelope finally catches up with everyone else in the room, the awkwardness cutting through her excitement, “Oh crap.” 
Emily steps towards Aaron, “Aaron-”
“Dinner’s ready,” Dave says as he steps into the room, his smile immediately dropping when he senses the tension, “What’s going on?” 
Aaron is the first to move, passing Lily over to Emily as he steps past her, their eyes meeting for a second before he smiles tightly at her.
“Nothing,” he says, “I’ll help you serve.” 
The moment he’s out of the room Penelope is apologetic, her words fast and jumbled as Emily waves her off, smiling tightly as she tells her it’s fine, cursing herself for keeping the secret in the first place, for not remembering to tell Penelope and JJ she hadn’t told Aaron. 
Dinner is long and awkward, and she’s grateful when Lily falls asleep in her arms, the perfect excuse to leave - albeit a completely different one to the one she’d hoped for. They drive home in silence, and she lifts Lily out of her car seat and carries her inside and upstairs, muttering to her husband that she’d put her to bed - the first words they’d exchanged since they were standing in Dave’s living room. She changes Lily into her pjyamas, grateful when the little girl stays asleep, and then she settles her into her crib, leaning down and kissing her daughter's cheek, her love for her whispered against her skin. 
She blows out a steady breath before she heads down the stairs, her arms crossed over her chest as she steps into the kitchen, her gaze fixed on Aaron’s back as he unloads the dishwasher. She clears her throat and he sighs, turning to look at her, his expression stern in a way it hadn’t been with her in a long time. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
She presses her lips together and a shaky laugh escapes her, “How was I supposed to tell you? I didn’t want to tell you over that shitty satellite phone, or via email,” she says, throwing her hands up, “Our daughter said your name first. And you weren’t here for it. I didn’t want to drop that on you whilst you were on the other side of the world.” 
“I’ve been back for a month.” He says, trying to sound calmer than he feels, irritation he rarely felt towards her thrumming in his veins. 
She sighs and nods, “I…I wanted you to have that moment.”
He doesn’t fully understand the anger he feels. He knows she doesn’t deserve it, that he should turn it inwards, but in the moment he can’t. All he could focus on was the lie, the embarrassment he’d felt in front of their friends when some of them had clearly known something about his little girl that he hadn’t. 
“You wanted me to have that moment? You took it from me,” he seethes, his shoulders tight as he looks at her and she scoffs, the anger that had been sparking in her gut catching fire, burning in her veins as she clenches her teeth.
“I took it from you? You’re the one who left, Aaron,” she replies, her arms crossed over her chest, “You left and I was here just living our life.” 
He frowns, the fight starting to drain out of him as his shoulders slump, “You said you were okay with me going.” 
Everything she’d felt for weeks, months, bubbles to the surface and she growls in frustration and covers her eyes with her hands, taking a moment to blow out a breath as she shakes her head. 
“I was,” she half shouts, shaking her head again as her hands drop from her face, “I am, but you have to understand that things here didn’t just…pause because you were gone. I was still here,” she points upstairs, “Lily was still here. And I stand by any decision I made whilst you were gone to protect us, or you,” she presses her lips together, “I know it sucks, I can’t even imagine how I’d feel if I missed out on her saying Mama for the first time, but you cannot blame me for this. It’s not my fault.” 
He sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose, any remaining fight leaving him as he steps towards her, “I know it’s not your fault,” he says, grateful that she doesn’t flinch when he pulls her into a hug, that she sinks into his embrace, “I’m sorry.” 
She hooks her arms around him, her palms resting on his shoulders as she nods against him, “Me too.” 
He runs his hand up and down her back and turns his head to kiss the side of her head, “I’m so sorry I missed it.” 
She clenches her eyes shut and holds him tighter, heaving in a shaky breath before she looks up at him. She sniffs, pushing back tears she doesn’t want to shed and she places her hand on his cheek, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” 
He tucks some of her hair behind her ear and leans down to kiss her, his hand cupping the back of her head as he holds her in place. When he pulls back he rests his forehead against hers, his smile soft, “I love you.” 
She smiles and nods, her forehead knocking against his slightly, “I love you too,” she kisses him again, deepening it this time, her hands grasping at his lapels as she holds him closer. When the kiss ends she nudges her nose against his, “Make-up sex?” 
He laughs, the sound deep and loud, vibrating from his chest into hers, and he nods, kissing her fiercely as he backs her out of the kitchen and towards the stairs. 
“Make-up sex.”  
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13as07 · 5 months
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Our #1
(Shikamaru Nara)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to Unknown]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 4,198
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Smoking/A bit of smoke-play
Slight choking
Word 'dumbass' is used
Temperature Play (aka Shika burning you with his cig butt)
Anxious fingers crawl under my dress and quickly find themselves along my spinal cord. Shikamaru traces the ridges of my spine, running over the lower half before sliding back down.
Thump, thump, thump.
     I do my best to stay still, not letting the shiver building up escape. If it wasn't for the Nara cloak wrapped around my shoulders I'd be on display, but I don't think Shika cares much about that right now.
I spare him a glance, doing my best not to move much. The last thing he needs right now is to notice how anxious I am too. His jaw is screwed tightly shut, eyes strictly forward and as hard as his jaw. If this was a different situation I'd take the time to enjoy Shika's pissy face. He's always so pretty when he's angry.
"Shikamura," his mother says, tone light but words filled with fire. "Stop looking so mad. Today is a gracious day. A very honorable day. At least try and look happy."
A couple of blinks fill the space of his usual eye roll, but his face does soften a bit. "Yes Ma'am," Shika answers, but still gets a pointed look from his mom. The look soon flutters away, along with the inactive chieftess as she walks off to talk to the Nara Chief's advisor... Shikamura's advisor.
The thought tickles my brain. Quite a few thoughts recently have been messing with my head. It's always been a known fact that Shikamura was going to succeed his father; everyone just thought we'd have more time before that happened.
     It was something that came up in our relationship a few times, the event of him becoming chief and in turn me becoming chieftess if our relationship went further. Now that it's here, Shika has insisted I take the title too and that 'we'd figure out the marriage thing later'.
I know I shouldn't read so much into his statement but I do. Does he want me to be his chieftess or does he feel required to give me the title since we've been together for so long? Does he feel rushed to get married now too? What if he decides he doesn't want to be with me? Would he stay with me to avoid embarrassing the clan by stripping me of my title? Or would he just leave me without a second thought?
     "I need some fresh air. You're coming with, pretty girl," Shikamura whispers against my ear, his warm breath coating the side of my face. Tingles fill my chest at the pet name, tugging at the corners of my mouth.
     Despite the warmth in my chest, he does startle me a bit with his sudden closeness. Shika isn't big on being all 'love-struck teen' in public, which usually leaves room between us and a lot less touching when we're out and about. Today seems to be an acceptation though.
I hum a yes getting a rough hand pushing me forward in return. I do as prompted, walking forward and sliding out a side door with Shika in tow.
Once we're out the door, Shika takes the lead. His hand jumps from the small of my back to tangle with mine. The walk to the forest edge is rough, Shikamura's nerves getting the better of him now that we're out of the sight of the clan council.
When the shade of the trees engulfs us, his shoulders noticeably relax, as does his hold on me. His fingers are back to being feathery light as they slide against mine. As Shika relaxes, he lets himself prop up against a tree.
I do the same, the rough bark of the trunk scratching against my back and my knees accidentally knocking against my boyfriend from the close quarters. My eyes cast themselves upwards, taking in the natural fairy lights made by the sun and the leaf patterns.
A click of Shika's lighter fills the silent space, quickly followed by a stream of grey smoke. "Wear more dresses," he mumbles, smoke curling out with his words. It's weird to me how straightforward and yet confusing Shikamura can be.
"I can't exactly fight in a dress, Shika," I mumble, a bit distracted by the man next to me. He's dressed up for the ceremony today, which means he's out of his Shinobi vest for once. Instead, Shika - and myself - are dressed in the muddy forest color of his clan. His hair is up in a high ponytail, like always, and the ends are their usual spikes.
In honor of the ceremony, his face is covered in clan paint, the washed-out grey color of the Nara clan instead of their signature green color. The paint focuses his cheekbones more than usual, adding to his attractiveness.
"You look stupid," he says as his own eyes wander over the paint on my face. His mother insisted I have the traditional art on my face as well. Shikamaru isn't too happy about it and threw a bit of a fit when his mom was putting it on me. "Take it off."
The order is followed by movement. Shika rests his cigarette between his lips and moves closer to me. His hands reach up to my face and quickly start smudging the grey paint. I stay still, letting him rub away the artwork.
Once he's settled on the fact that maybe his hands aren't the best way to get it off, he reaches into his pockets. It doesn't take long for him to find something else to attack my face with. Shika is gentle as he runs the cloth over my face.
     "There's my pretty girl," he murmurs soft enough that I almost don't hear it.
     "Your mom is going to reapply it when we get inside."
     "And I'll wipe it off again," he snaps back, tone a bit pitched. The softness in his face is gone again, replaced by a look of disgust. "You don't need all that gunk on your face." The words are rough but they're meant with love. Shika appreciates when I do my makeup for him, even if he shows it in his own way. Though, at the end of the day he prefers me bare-faced.
     His hands drop from my face and slide back to my spine, this time over my dress. His fingers mess with the material as his eyes rake up and down me a couple of times. They end up settling on my collarbones. "Wear more dresses," he repeats before turning his attention back to his cigarette.
Shika is always like this, making his requests sound like demands. I don't think the man could ask a question to save his life. "Okay Shika," I answer back, leaning my head against the tree.
He nods to himself in approval, his hand dipping down to the hem of my dress. Shikamura's fingers wrap around it, the material balled in his fist and his knuckles grazing my thigh.
     "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" I ask, bending my knee so more of his skin comes into contact with my own.
The answer is put on hold by a couple more drags of his cigarette. "You look good in our clan colors," he finally answers.
     My eyes trail after my little storm cloud as he slowly makes his way back to me. Shikamura has been stopped for the fifth time on the small path from Choji back to me.
     Our friends arrived a few minutes ago and he was very eager to slip away to say hello. I wanted to go with but he insisted I stay put, so I did as ordered. I don't mind it though, I know today is a stressful day and if anyone can help him with the constant reminder that his father is gone, it would be Ino.
     Besides, our friends are slowly filtering towards me anyway. Most noticeably, Naruto who is trying his hardest to work his way through the crowd of people.
     It feels like the whole village is here to celebrate Shika's inauguration. Our inauguration. I guess a good part of the village is here; The whole of the Nara clan, fellow clan Chiefs and their families, the village council, our friends and coworkers, my family, and a good chuck of the Akimichi and Yamanaka clans.
     "Hello!" Naruto calls with a huge smile on his face.
     "Hello," I call back, watching him weave around a couple more people.
     "You must be so excited!" His voice bombs, his volume control being very obvious despite all the other noises in the banquet hall.
     "Naruto! Don't you dare!"
     "Shut up, Naruto!"
     My eyes snap away from the fox boy and towards the direction of the yelling. My eyes are met with a very pissed-off Sakura and a red-faced Ino. Both are quickly making their way towards us, with the rest of our Shinobi generation following closely behind.
     "Chieftess Nara," Ino says, tipping her head down before snapping it back up. "Not a word," she hisses at Naruto, daggers in her eyes.
     "Please don't call me that, Ino," I murmur, rolling my shoulders in an attempt to also roll the feeling off. I don't mind people I don't know calling me by my newly established title but it feels weird having my friends call me by it.
     "Just stick to my name, Chieftess Yamanaka," I tease a bit, poking fun at Ino's also soon-to-come inauguration.
     Ino makes a face, her nose scrunching up at the title. "Ya, okay, I get what you're saying now."
     We both laugh a bit, but it's cut off by a slap and Naruto's whine of pain. "Why'd you do that?" He whimpers, rubbing the back of his head and trying to tug off Sakura's hold on his ear.
     "Because you need to learn when to shut up!"
     "I didn't say anything!"
     "Say anything about what?" I ask, question marks going off in my head. The sudden feeling of being left clueless settles in my chest, making my anxiety flare up more than it already is.
     "Nothing!" Everyone yells, which doesn't help my anxiety. Maybe my thoughts from earlier are right. Maybe Shika does feel pressured about making me his chieftess and everyone knows it.
     "You guys are such a drag," Shika's voice filters into the crowd, smoothing out some of my worries but not all of them. Within seconds his hand finds my spine again, his fingers back to tracing the bumps of it, but this time it's over my dress and cloak. "Hello," he murmurs, dipping his head down closer to me.
     "Welcome back," I mumble, glancing at him before looking back at our friends. What is it that everyone but me seems to know?
     Thump, thump, thump.
     "Calm down," he whispers into my ear before lifting his head back up.
     I try my best to listen to his soft demands, taking the time to focus on my breathing and silencing my thoughts. I let my mind focus on the soft rubbing on my spine.
     Thump, thump, thump.
     Shika's hand ghosts over my lower back before working up the other side of my backbone.
     Thump, thump, thump.
     I focus on Shikamura's voice. Just the tone and the calmness of it, even though I should be working to focus on the words spilling from his throat.
     "Pretty girl?" He calls after a couple of minutes, gently tapping my back to pull my attention back to the surface. I hum a yes, focusing on his face. The face paint has started to crack from drying out throughout the day. "Are you ready?"
     "For what?" I ask, glancing around us. Our friends have spaced out in the room, mingling with the other partygoers, getting drinks, or just doing their own thing.
     A soft smile coats his face before he turns away from me, his eyes jumping around the room. "For the feast to be served," he murmurs, his fingers curving to work their way down my back again.
     "Ya, if you are."
     Shika's hand jumps down to the small of my back before he gently pushes me forward. Praises and our names fall from people as we walk through the room, working to get to the head table. Six of the twelve councilmen are there; none of which I recognize.
     Thump, thump, thump.
     Shikamura's hand coats over my back again as we round the table. "Sit," he orders, pulling my chair out for me. I obey again, sliding into my seat before Shika pushes me in. I listen to him greet the present councilmen, following his pleasantries with my own greetings.
     More pleasantries and greetings fall from him - and me - as the rest of the councilmen follow suit, sliding into their places at the table.
     Out of the councilmen, only two are women; the councilmen of education and veteran affairs. I only know one of them; Honoka who is the head of the clan's education department. I make a mental note to talk to Shikamura about private one-on-one meetings with the council so I can put names, departments, and faces together.
     "Chieftess Nara," Honoka says, tipping her head before she slides into her seat next to me.
     "Honoka," I call back, sending her a soft smile. "Thank you for coming."
     "I look forward to serving under you, and our Chief," she says, bowing her head for the second time.
     Again, I smile at her before turning my attention away. Maybe I'm not made for being the chieftess, especially if Shika fills his father's shoes and takes over being the Hokage's advisor. That'll leave me to fill in the holes of the clan chief when he's busy with the village.
     "Calm down," he repeats, hand snaking back into its previous spot.
     "Yes sir," I mumble, my eyes jumping around the room. The decorations are pretty; forest greens and greys with vines all over the place. Deer-themed decorations and bones are twisted around the walls as well. It looks like the Clan threw up from all the stereotyped decorations.
     Shika's hand works a couple of laps before settling on the center of my back. It only settles for a couple of seconds before running around my spine again. "Maybe you need to calm down too," I murmur, leaning closer to try and get any sense of privacy.
     "I'm fine. Today is just a drag," he answers, eyes flickering to me before looking forward again. "It won't be a drag for much longer though."
     "Ya?" I push, my focus shifting to Shika's mother. Her lips are pursed as she looks at me, disapproval of her son rubbing my clan paint off again very evident on her face. She's waving her hands around, trying to get her son to stand. "Your mom-"
     "I know." Shikamura's words are clipped but still soft. His mom has been getting on his nerves today. They've been butting heads all day long because Shika isn't doing everything how she wants him to.
     I let my attention skip away from her. Instead, I focus on the servers littered around the room, handing out plates of food and drinks to our guests.
     Once Shikamura is done eyeing the room again, his focus shifts to me. "Give me your hand," he orders, his hand falling from my back and resting in front of me. I lift my hand and slide it into his. Shika's face scrunches up a bit before he drops his hold on me. "No, your left one."
     "You could have been more specific," I tease, sliding my - left - hand into his hold.
     His eyes stay focused on it for a second before he digs around in his pocket. When his hand is pulled back out, a small black box is in Shika's hold. "What are you-"
     "Be quiet," he murmurs, setting the box on his lap before flipping the lid open. Inside the box are two beautiful rings. Shika tugs the thinner of the rings out before sliding it on my finger.
     "Be quiet," he repeats before sliding the other ring onto his left hand. "We'll talk about it later."
     My eyes drop down to my ring finger, taking the time to soak in the new jewelry. The edges of the ring are silver with the familiar antler print between the silver bands. Small stones are stamped into the print. I do a quick tally; eight diamonds are pressed into the band.
     Despite my focus being on my hand, my eyes catch on Shikamura's movements. He slides the box back into his pocket before pressing his hand into my spine again. The newly added ring adds extra pressure as he slides his fingers up and down my back.
     Thump, thump, thump.
     Shika's ring snags on my spine a bit, sending a new kind of relief through me.
     Thump, thump, thump.
     "We'll talk about it later."
     "You're being a drag right now, pretty girl," he murmurs, glancing at me, and then my hand, before going back to having a silent conversation with his mother across the room.
     "I'm being a drag right now?" I hiss quietly, tugging on his arm to try and get his attention.
     "Ya," the answer is short, but I get what I want; Shikamura's undivided attention.
     "You just... what? Proposed? Without actually proposing, in a room full of people, and I'm being a drag?"
     "Ya. I'll propose again later, with all that lovey-dovey stuff," he shrugs, eyes skirting around the room again. "I just knew if I didn't do it now Naruto would have ruined it."
     I hold my tongue for a second, only letting it loose to thank the server for placing down our plates. "Why'd you propose?"
     Shika's face snaps toward me, eyebrows knotted together and his lips pursed like his mother's were a few minutes ago. "What kind of question is that? I swear you're one of the smartest but dumbest people I know. It's a bit of a drag."
I blink at him a couple of times, rolling his words over in my head. That did not answer my question. Shikamura sighs before dipping his head backward, resting it behind my ear. "Stop stressing so much, pretty girl." The words are followed by a light kiss pressed behind my ear.
Before I can answer back Shika stands up, tugging me along with him. His arm is loose around my waist, but the weight of it is still present. I scan the room as Shika taps his glass a couple of times, pulling the room's attention to us. "Thank you all for coming," his voice rings out the start of his first official speech as Chief.
For the millionth time tonight, Shika's fingers dance over my back, hand pushing me through the side door before we get stopped by someone again.
My nic-fein has been antsy for a cigarette the last hour. Every time we'd get close to escaping the party, someone else would stop us to congratulate us or to talk about Shika's plans to 'better the clan'.
A sigh of relief is let out of the new shadow king once the door clicks closed behind us.
"You know if you stopped smoking-"
"I know," he cuts me off, his hands already digging in his pockets for his pack and his lighter. "Tonight has just been-"
"A drag?" I tease, leaning against the wall.
Shikamura hums a yes, cigarette already pressed between his lips as he tries to light it. I watch his chest puff out from his inhale, my eyes trailing after the smoke that's released when he exhales. "It hasn't all been a drag."
His eyes flicker down to my hand pressed against the brick building. When Shikamura doesn't see what he wants, he moves to the other side of me. He falls into place next to me, back to the wall, fingers lazily overlapping mine as he messed with my ring. My wedding ring.
"You never answered my question," I push the words out and into the dark. I let my focus shift to the stars stamped into the sky above us, letting them distract me.
"It's a stupid question."
"What?" He groans the cackle of his cigarette following his words. Soon another cloud of smoke fills the sky, cutting off the clear view of the stars for a second. "Why does it matter?"
"You're a dumbass," I hiss, tearing my eyes from the sky to glare at him.
"Sometimes," he answers, his normal bored look on his face as he looks down at me. "I proposed because I wanted to, pretty girl. Stop letting your mind mess with you."
"Did you?"
His answer is pushed back by three deep puffs of his cigarette. Shika's eyes are still locked on me, the smoke from him wrapping around us when he exhales. "Did I what?"
"Want to propose?"
Shikamura rolls his eyes at me, glancing to the forest edge before settling on me again. "Pretty girl?"
"Why don't you believe that I want to marry you? Do you not believe I love you?"
"I know you love me."
"Do you?" He asks, inching closer to me. Smoke coats my face when he exhales, promising to leave the smell of it in my hair.
His eyes jump around my face for a second, followed by another puff of smoke before he pulls back. "Isn't it good enough that I proposed because I love you? Because I wanted to? What do I need to do to make you say yes, pretty girl?"
My cheeks heat a bit at his question. I'm well aware that Shikamura comes off as self-centered. I'm well aware he comes off as bored or even egotistical because of his lack of motivation. I'm also well aware all I have to do is ask for something and it'll happen, even if he does it in his normal moody way. Shika coats his love with attitude, even in moments like this.
"Yes. You didn't ask me to marry you. Ask me," I answer, a smug smile growing on my face.
Shika's eyes stretch out before falling back to their normal narrowness. I watch as his eyes settle back on mine, his head inching forward. Before he gets closer he stops, inhales his smoke again, and then leans his forehead against mine.
His free hand snakes up and gently wraps around my throat, squeezing it once, twice, before he dips his head. "Open your mouth," Shikamaru orders, his voice chipped as he inhales again to keep the smoke in his lungs.
I let my lips part a bit, which seems to be good enough for him. Shika tips his head to the side, pressing our lips together as he exhales into my mouth. The smoke he was holding burns my lungs, a cough forming from the action.
"Marry me, pretty girl?" He asks, barely pulling away so that his lips still brush against mine.
"Yes," I answer, his smoke seeping out with the word.
Shikamaru hums in approval before pulling away slightly. The small fire at the end of his cancer stick brightens the space between us as he takes another drag. Once again, he holds the smoke in his lungs and squeezes my throat. I let my mouth fall open a second time and get rewarded with a kiss and another smoke-packed exhale.
When I exhale, the smoke coats Shika's face, a small smirk covering it as his eyes skip around my body.
His head dips down again but before I can get a kiss the door slams open. "Shikamaru?!" Naruto yells, pulling an eye roll and a sigh from my boyfriend - fiancé.
"What do you want, Naruto?" Shika groans, his hand tightening and relaxing against my skin a few times.
"Lord Sixth has arrived and is asking for you two!"
"We'll be there in a minute, Naruto. Now go away." Naruto does as told, the door slamming shut as he leaves.
Shikamaru's eyes widen again before settling back to their normal shape. "Pretty girl," he murmurs, pressing a small kiss to my lips before pulling away.
His hand slides further up my throat, pushing my head up to stretch out my neck. Shikamaru hums to himself, the hand not around my neck coming up to trace my collarbone. "You are beautiful," he murmurs, running his cigarette against the wall next to us. Once he's sure it's out, - running it against his hand first - he gently pressing the dead butt against the bone he was previously tracing.
The still-warm cigarette makes my skin tingle slightly; a promise to leave pink and irritated skin behind for the next few days. Shika takes his time, pressing more marks along my collarbone before throwing out the now cold butt.
"Pretty girl?" He calls again, covering my now sensitive skin in kisses.
"Shika?" I call in return, trying to bite back the whines sizzling up from the pain shooting across my skin.
"I can't wait for our wedding."
"Our?" I murmur, the pain and growing pleasure fogging the events of the day.
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