wonderjourneys · 6 months
Keukenhof Springtime
Experience Springtime in all its Fragrance & Colour at Keukenhof Gardens
Keukenhof Flower Gardens
🌷 OPEN Mar 21 2024 🌷
7 Million Flowers
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liedpoesierebscher · 1 year
Lale Devri (Tulpenzeit) 16. Jhd.
Turban trug man damals noch
in Istanbul - Tülbent.
Turbanblumen reisten
vom Bosporus bis Wien und Holland -
kurz nachdem Europas Städte
vor den Türken zitterten.
Der Farbenrausch der Tulipane
goss sich über Praterwiesen
und am Tulpenmeer lag Amsterdam.
Turbomanisch, manotulpisch,
alle sprachen durcheinander
und durch tausend
Tulpenblüten, Farben
gegen Hasstiraden - so
verbindend für Europa.
Übersät den Bosporus mit
seinen alten Friedensboten!
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wgm-beautiful-world · 7 months
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praline1968 · 4 months
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cupcek · 7 months
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͏˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̥°̩̥‧̥·̊✿ ͏ conversas profundas ♥︎ ꪫ
E doentias 悲しい ✿˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̥°̩̥‧̥·̊ ͏͏
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kokelek · 7 months
What is "Dragons hurt dragons" about?
I think I’ve been asked this before, but I’ll answer it again, no problem. This time I’ll give more details. “Dragons hurt dragons” is a story taking place in the same Universe as “A Sand Particle Show”.
It is about one of the first civilizations of mortals, created by the god of life SamoDobro and led by the god of death GaderyPoluki. The gods are young and haven't figured out how to properly care for their creations. SamoDobro found that experimenting is the most effective (and fun) way to gain knowledge. He came up with the idea of ​​placing mortals on several small planets with different environments and resources.
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The main characters of this story belong to the species called kettle dragons, named after the shape of their planet. (It is actually teapot-shaped but shhh). The Kettle is the biggest and the wealthiest planet of all. Its climate is warm, food is easily accessible and the ground is filled with gold. The kettle dragons grew so full of themselves, they believe to be superior not only to other species, but also to their compatriots. Everyone claimed to be a king or a queen and demanded obedience, but in the planet full of arrogant rulers there is no one to give orders to. They split the land into MANY tiny kingdoms.
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The three of main characters: Irys, Passiflora and Tulipan; live in one castle, which is divided into 3 parts that they call their own "kingdoms". They hate each other, especially Irys and Tulipan. For fear of passing on their share to their castle-mates (castle-mate?, is that a word?) after death, each adopted an heir, whose names are Jaśmin, Hiacynt and Jaskier. (also main characters)
Irys -> Hiacynt; Passiflora -> Jaśmin; Tulipan -> Jaskier
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There is no solid plot in this story, it is mostly about shenanigans of the main characters and how they deal with living in a such nonsensical society.
They follow a some sort of routine; Jaśmin sneaks out of the castle every night and gives her guardian Passiflora a headache; Irys constantly tries to kill Tulipan and forces Hiacynt to help him with that; Jaskier wants to be a soldier and (without the others' consent) transformed the living room into a training ground.
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The kettle dragons' routine was interrupted by a mysterious figure. Its appearance alone arouses confusion because it doesn't fit the description of any existing species.
One day, the outsider climbed the tallest tree in the middle of the cemetery, which is a sacred place for all kettle dragons, and began to speak. He claimed to be the Prophet and the future son of the third god who would soon be born. No one believed him, he was quickly thrown out of the cemetery.
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But he never left. Many dragons claim that the Prophet follows them or whispers in their ears while they sleep. Soon, kings and queens begin to disappear without a trace.
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The gods don't do anything about it, as they said: "It's finally getting interesting" 👍
Other characters here are: Ocel the furnace dragon, Len the true dragon king, Maciejek, also SemiSue and LostMedia.
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astropookie · 1 year
I’m feeling like a fcking egoist so I’ll roast myself
I’m the best at it😄🥰
aspects of my birth chart I blame -don’t do that-
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Picture from Pinterest
TW: it could turn deep
*basically aspects in my birth chart
Moon square Venus
I’m fucking rude. I always seem like Idgf. When I liked someone, unless I want them to know, in the past, they have told me that they haven’t had a clue I like them. It’s like I have a mask but really on the inside I’m sensitive and I’m scared of being hurt and not having the reaction I expect. Attachment issues. That’s the thing. I HAVE SUFFERED A LOT in past relationships, any type. Why? I’ve been too attached to the point I begged the other to stay or if don’t I…had a incomprensible fear OR I’ve been too cold and lost what could’ve been friends bc of my anxiety of being hurt/rejected/judge, etc. I HAVE SUCH A HUGE PROBLEM that’s not being able to show myself at the fullest or to struggle to be myself and i’ll adapt to what others would like. SCARED OF BEING JUDGE. I feel that I’m a burden, being me. Showing my real intentions and emotions to the ones I love the most. To be the cause of their problems. That’s my phobia -jk-.
Ascendant conjunction Neptune
As much as it costs me to mention it. Yes, neptune causes addiction or SPECIFICALLY and ORIGINALLY a necessity to escape, to avoid what’s in front of your eyes. The effect neptune gives is insane, the sensitivity someone with neptune energy is on another level. A level that make you wish to disappear or to go to another dimension. The need can’t be put in words. But oh darling, as much as you wish, you scream, you can’t go bc you’re sensitive and that makes you an emphatic. you feel what others feel: you can’t decide. How others would feel? So you hide it. You’re good at it or that’s what you think. “It’s for your own good and for the others, it’s the best”, that’s what you’d said.
Sun square Chiron
A truck hits you every time. Or -a example that’s more family friendly- when you start doing bars, at first you get blisters and it burns but you have to do the work anyways bc you’re not gonna wait an eternity so the blister can heal -another’s gonna appear in the process-: you kept going and finally your skin becomes indifferent to the rub between your hand and the bar. in other words, sun square chiron have passed and pass lessons that are really deep, specifically in the past by being invalidated for being them. They can feel insufficient and that you don’t have the right to be, to show your passions and expressive side (being creative and unique). They repressed you, they thought they had the right and you believed them. Honey, you become stronger each time. Your inner strength is incredible. Accepting yourself, being recognized by you is what matters and what’s going to make you reach your potential.
Lilith square Mars
AAAAAAAA THIS ASPECT. why do I have to have such a AAAAAA aspect? I HATE IT FUCK. You know how many times I’ve changed hobbies? How many times I’ve left a competition bc I was afraid of not winning? What if my full potential wasn’t what I expected? What if I wasn’t the best? If it was the case I preferred to leave, to die -how dramatic- instead of knowing I had competition and that I wasn’t the only one there that wanted to give her best. I changed hobbies every time bc I got bored: in reality I was afraid and stressed bc things didn’t go the way I wanted, I didn’t full my expectations and I was afraid of not doing it if I really tried. At the first try I expected to it to came out like I was an expert. I have to make a mistake, what I was most afraid of, to learn about it, to understand that I’m human. I HATE IT. That’s why I’m feeling like shit. The other day I exploded without of nowhere and a friend that I love obviously got offended and I tried to covered it by telling it was a joke -she still told me she didn’t like it- but then I apologized and cleared everything. Now, add those previous 3 aspects: I feel like fucking shit. -there are other things-.
incredibly, first time I don’t use emojis
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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meladyguizado · 4 months
Dedicarte los detalles que encandecen mi alma, siempre será mi sutil forma de decirte que te quiero.
- Melady Guizado, La primera de muchas (2024).
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wonderjourneys · 6 months
Keukenhof in Bloom!
Tulips of Holland
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iwaoiness · 7 months
When Oikawa shuffles to the bathroom after getting out of bed (once he stretching like a cat, rubbing his face and staring at the ceiling with his feet on his boyfriend's back for five minutes while rethinking his existence in the vast world), he expects to relieve himself and begin his sacred three-step skincare before the daily duel with his hair.
This time, however, he is only able to do the former.
As he lifts his gaze from the sink, hands freshly cleansed, to meet his reflection, Oikawa’s sleepy eyes widen like saucers and his lips part. Instead of his reflection, there are dozens and dozens of white post-it notes covering the entire mirror— each slip of paper has different strokes on it, forming a giant tulip whose petals are painted in sky blue.
What the actual fuck.
Oikawa blinks and then rubs his eyes, thinking he’s still dreaming. But the drawing is still there, and when he gets a little closer, eyes squinting to fight his myopia, he can read the same thick, crooked kanjis that all the slips of paper have in the bottom corner: turn me.
With a tentative hand, he plucks the first post-it note, flipping it over with curiosity.
you’re my calm
The smile immediately spreads across Tooru's face, genuine, tender and drunk with love. Warmth begins to blossom inside his chest, spreading with the fluffiness of a cloud throughout his body, as he reaches another post-it.
you’re beatiful
And another one.
you’re mine
And then another, and another, and another, and another, and another, and another.
you’re my light
you’re my home
you’re serenety
im in love with your bed hair
dont forget to wash your teeth
"Asshole" Oikawa, leaning against the sink, sneers with a wet voice but an indelible smile on his face as he continues to take the post-its and read them, one by one.
you’re my strength
you’re the heart of my heart
my tall and pretty boy
our souls are mates
you’re intelligent as hell
you’re my valentines
i couldn’t be prouder to have u as a partner
te quiero tanto, tooru
loving you is being free
you’re my favourite constellation
And when he reaches the last note and turns around, Tooru wants to cry.
Or well, he's already crying.
you're all i need and want
Oikawa lets out a soft laugh through his tears, sniffling through his nose before wiping his face with one of his shirt sleeves.
He loves Hajime so much that all that love overflows from his heart. Their bond is so strong, so solid, so immense, so ethereal. There are no words to encompass it, nothing that comes close. Loving Iwa-chan is part of his being, something he's been doing since before he could even babble.
And it's the same for Hajime. He loves Tooru as Tooru loves him. And he doesn't need more. They don't need any more.
He carefully leaves the post-its on the high shelf in the bathroom and runs back to the room. Iwaizumi (who pretends to sleep until he hears his boyfriend's hurried footsteps and smiles) barely has time to roll onto his back before Oikawa leaps at him, taking his breath away with a big oof.
"How did you do that?" Oikawa murmurs against Iwaizumi's neck, his long arms stretched out on either side of his head and his legs entangled.
Hajime snorts with amusement, wraps Oikawa against his chest, gently kisses his temple and plunges his hand into his tousled tresses.
"It hasn't been difficult having a boyfriend with such a heavy sleeper”
Oikawa lets out a mock squawk of indignation, shaking his head in playful disbelief. Iwaizumi turns to face him, his grin widening as he locks eyes with Oikawa's narrowed gaze, his irises gleaming like honey in the sunlight against his flushed cheeks. They're close, close enough for their noses to almost touch, and Hajime can discern each freckle sprinkled across Tooru's nose.
“I hate you, Iwa-chan. You'd better have a real bouquet of tulips ready” Oikawa arches an eyebrow, but his lips curve treacherously into a genuine smile as his hand now moves to caress Iwaizumi's face.
"I knew I should have drawn a cactus" He rolls his eyes in amusement, giving Tooru's waist a gentle squeeze as he laughs.
"I love you so much," Oikawa whispers shortly after, gently stroking Iwa’s cheek with his thumb. "You are all I need and want, too. My everything."
Iwaizumi tilts his face and rubs his nostrils tenderly, his eyes watery and love coursing through his veins with the warmth of the summer sun.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Tooru."
hope u enjoyed valentine's day!! ♡ 
u can find more fics and find me on my ao3 🍉
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wgm-beautiful-world · 6 months
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praline1968 · 6 months
Source : Pinterest
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the-color-life · 8 months
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piotrtymcio · 12 days
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Fujifilm X-T3, XF35mmF1.4 R
[EN] A tulip. Once, my daughter and I planted quite a lot of flowers in the garden. They're still growing today.
[PL] Tulipan. Kiedyś zasadziliśmy z córką w ogrodzie całkiem sporo kwiatów. Rosną do dziś.
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bee-kiwi · 1 year
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Leo le dijo una vez a foolihs que ella era un tulipán 🌷✨ amo mucho a leo <3
Leo once told foolihs that she was a tulip 🌷✨ i love leo so much <3
Leo a dit un jour à des foolihs qu'elle était une tulipe 🌷✨ j'aime tellement leo <3
Leo uma vez disse aos foolihs que ela era uma tulipa 🌷✨ eu amo tanto o leo <3
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mafer1606 · 8 months
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Mis flores favoritas son los tulipanes 🌷 y los girasoles 🌻
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