#tumblr blaze saga
shopwitchvamp · 1 year
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Tumblr Folklore Stories/Blogs Directory/Masterlist
There are so many great Tumblr Blog stories here! But things are best when organized! Here you are! I’m going to use Tumblr Blaze in a couple weeks to spread this to everyone, but if all of you can reblog this to everyone you know, we can spread the joys of Tumblr to EVERYONE!
Credit to https://www.tumblr.com/dannnnnnnnnnnnex/700073427344736256/love-how-tumblr-has-its-own-folk-stories-yeah-the
The God of Arepo (graphic novel 1 / 2 / 3) (ebook)
The Monster of Sentan
The Witch’s Cat
Raise Both Children
Stabby the Roomba (honorable mention)
Cinderella Marries the Prince (comic)
My Arch Nemesis Cynthia
Pirates and Mermaid
Eindred and the Witch
The Demon King
The Cornerwitch
Grandmother Beetroot
Apocalypse Daycare Worker
Grandmother Accidentally Summons a Demon
New Year Saga
A Story About Changelings
Ranger in the King’s Forest
The Difference Between a Hare and a Rabbit
Goblin Men (Canines)
Faceblind Prince Charming and Cinderella
 The human who died of radiation poisoning after repairing the spaceship
The defeat of the wizard who made people choose how they’d be to be executed
Doctors Without Borders
The Queen with Three Cursed Children
25. Tiny Dragon with one coin hoard
26. Haunted house
27. Shark hero was about to go rogue
28. Grandma lives in the woods comic
29. A Different Aftermath comic
30. Battery (microstory but I love it so much)
31. It’s A Date comic
32. Supervillian kidnaps rival’s kid and they want to stay
33. Narrative Town
34. I have been hired to clean the wizard tower comic
35. Robot Apocalypse
36. The Statues That Do Not Weather
37. Kushiel
38. Tooth Fairy
39. Alien abduction
40. Felonious wish-granting
41. When humans met actual space orcs
42. Space cousins
Well, now they’re categorized.
Also, this is a RWBY-positivity BLOG, so please watch RWBY
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millenniallust4death · 3 months
Research has wrapped up for the year so here’s one last pic of a 7 day old nestling who is feeling very itchy with its pin feathers coming in!
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Thanks for entertaining me! We ended up catching 83 adult sparrows and found and sampled from 10 nests!
I'm sorry! I missed your important update because my inbox is still full from when Tumblr mass blazed my Martin and Bosco photo. I've been slacking at cleaning out the messages since they are often weird. Why do people insist on telling me that they want to fuck my dead husband and/or his dead dog? Some things I just don't need to know. Well, you probably didn't want know any of this either. XD
Thank you for sharing the sparrow photo. I have greatly enjoyed their growth saga. What's the next step in your research process?
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rubberizer92 · 1 year
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🔥🌟 Dive into the Realm of Latex Legends with the Top 6: OBEY! Season 6 Continues! 🌟🔥
Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've been waiting for has arrived – the unveiling of the sensational Top 6 contenders of OBEY! Season 6! Brace yourselves for an unparalleled journey into the heart of "Latex Legends." Get ready to be transported into a realm where rubber reigns supreme, muscles stand as monuments of desire, and passions blaze like never before.
Your influence is the heartbeat of this saga! Your votes on Instagram and Tumblr are the brushstrokes that paint the destinies of our contenders, weaving together their narratives through likes, comments, saves, and shares. The Instagram Story voting experience has shattered expectations, delivering unexpected twists and intense drama that redefine the game.
And now, let us introduce the embodiment of "Latex Legends" from the shores of Spain 🇪🇸 – the magnetic @_dumbjock_ ! He's a force of nature, an epitome of desire entwined with the irresistible allure of rubber. Prepare to be captivated as we venture further into the captivating journey of OBEY! Season 6.
#OBEYSeason6 #Top6Revealed #LatexLegends #VoteForDesire #ShapeTheJourney #SpanishMagnetism
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cowbutch-chastity · 2 years
Post recommendations for your ten favourite fanfics and tag the authors if possible. Tell us what you like about their work.
Tag five people of your choice to do the meme too."
I was tagged by both @heroinejinx and @ghostofyaz 
Since I like so many ships I’m going to separate them by ship and do a few for each one (ending up with 12 fics total), tagging the authors mentioned if I can find their Tumblr (If anyone knows the ones I couldn’t find, lemme know)
Warning: a large portion of these are NSFW and general TWs on the appropriate ones
- A Tasty Progress Day by @booking-and-blogging This fic is part of Elfen’s Growth not Pain series, and I unfortunately have not had the chance to read the other fics in the series, however you should also read Non Linear Growth, as this fic is part of that story. This is a great piece of smut that contains a lot of good humor and a very unique take on Lux that I greatly enjoy. Easily my favorite Lightcannon piece I’ve read. The prose is wonderful, the emotions are real, give this fic and it’s predecessors a read.
- The Saga of Lightcannon by @cannibalelf This fic by Cannibal is a monster of a wonderful AU, I remember the day on the Lightcannon discord when the idea for a Norse mythology AU was proposed, and Cannibal delivered it guns blazing. The prose is beautiful, the action is thrilling, this interesting take on Lightcannon is a must read if you want to see Jinx beat the shit out of some monsters with a big ol Axe while Valkyrie Lux watches her very gayly. (TW for extreme violence)
- Biological Imperative by @redundantharpoons I believe that this piece is THE quintessential Moicy work. It follows a slight AU that allows Moira and Angela to interact without world ending dangerous and being on opposite sides, and features a wonderful story exploring the way these two interact, and how the prepare to raise a child together. A fantastic work with some lovely sex scenes that made me cry more than once. (TW for many upsetting things in general)
- Ethical Healing by @idle-lark Lark just gets Moira as a character I think, and even though this fic is from the perspective of Angela, it does a wonderful job exploring her and the gray morality that comes with her. Lark’s dialogue is to die for, and watching Angela and Moira slowly struggle with their mutual attraction and what their relationship would mean for their work is wonderful, I’m constantly gripping my chair waiting for the next chapter. Also Moira has a dog named Darwin, and I would die for him.
- sting of a wasp by @griddleshark and @thalergetic I’m a sucker for modern AU’s and this fic is probably one of the best in terms of Griddlehark. Gideon and Harrow are very believable characters, they struggle with communication despite their intense want for each other, and the way this fic is written allows you to really experience that. It’s hot, it’s fun, it has jealous and stone butch Gideon and lamp shopping and I love it.
-  Holy Cross, Alaska by softieghost This series is another interesting look at Modern AU Griddlehark, but with the fun kick of putting the two together in a cabin for three months and seeing what happens, and then exploring the depths of their new kinship afterwards in a cross country road trip. The first fic is very emotionally impactful, and does a good job of depicting a character who’s experiencing a psychotic break, as well how Gideon does her best to support Harrow and get her the help she needs. (TW for many upsetting things in general)
- this time we're done for by @darlingofdots This fic changed my brain chemistry 8 times over, the AU takes Camilla and Palamedes and puts them in the Cohort together as Captain and Physician, and lets the inherent eroticism of nursing someone’s wounds do the rest. Seriously this is some of the best sexual tension I’ve ever read, the little flirts the two give each other while Camilla is fucking bleeding out is fantastic, and then navigating their relationship after finally coming together is utterly stunning. PLEASE read this fic. (TW for extreme violence)
- insatiable is what she is by @palamedes-sextus Honestly it was kind of hard to choose from Necropal’s wonderful selection of works, but I believe this one is my favorite. It’s a post Nona AU where Cam and Pal finally get a bit of domestic bliss, enjoy it, and the have wonderful sex. The smut is lovely, the feelings are very well written, the prose and dialogue are lovely, go give this fic a read. And while you’re at it check out the rest of Necropal’s works.
- Last Resort by @sniperct Boy, this one is a fucking doozy. A political marriage AU for Jaina and Sylvanas that initially sets them as brutal enemies, and then explores how hatred and pain can blossom desire, which becomes a needy and strong love. It asks a lot of interesting and challenging questions regarding the ethics of undead in WOW, and how a relationship can change and grow overtime. I have not had the chance to read it’s sequel yet, but if the writing is anywhere near the same quality I’m sure sniperct did a wonderful job with it.
- Chainmaker by @calchexxis A lich queen Jaina AU that sets up a wonderful “Queen/Knight” aesthetic between Jaina and Sylvanas. This fic has an awesome plot with a lot of unique and fun side characters, wonderful fight scenes, great sex scenes, and a really interesting look again at Undead in wow. Cal’s prose is fantastic as is the case with all of their work, and you should certainly give this fic a read.
- Resolve by Talaraine Resolve is probably my favorite post destroy ending fic in the Mass Effect fandom. It’s a really cool delve into Shepard and Liara when they are apart from each other, as well as their relationship to other members of the ME cast. It has some great action scene’s a lot of plot and mystery, and a lot of gay yearning/pining. (TW for some upsetting things)
- Death and the Healing by @thewriterinthebatcave with art by @shipsnthenight another awesome post destroy ending fic that takes a slightly different take on Shepard and Liara. What I really love about this fic is how they explore Shepard not as a war hero or a savior or a soldier, but as a person who has been absolutely broken by the awful things they have seen. The fic previous in the series, Comatose With Common Sense, has my favorite character study of Shepard from any fic I’ve read. And all of the art included is lovely. (TW for many upsetting things, mind the author’s TWs as well)
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apparentlyiwr1te · 2 months
Welcome to the world of The Winterway Saga
Hi, I'm Ray. I'm an aspiring writer, and im currently in school for art so I guess that's pretty cool too. For the past few years now, I have been working on a series of books called The Winterway Saga. The word 'aspiring' is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence- as in, I don't entirely know what I'm doing. I'd like to think my writing is good, but wouldn't we all? I'm currently just starting the sixth book of seven in the series, and would like to try my hand at yelling into the void that is Tumblr for some advice, criticism, and anything else that you lovely people can offer. The Winterway Saga is currently being posted to AO3, since I already had a very small following of some close friends on there, but I am open to suggestions for somewhere better to put it. Below, I will put the synopsis, and I am scraping together a couple of big masterposts for character information, links to each chapter, character references, all that good stuff. XOXO, Ray.
Approximately 400 million years ago, the first land animal took its steps out of the water. It then proceeded to immediately keel over and die. I think evolution panicked around then, because it started just handing out sentience to whatever animals it thought could handle being the next master race, which resulted in some really weird shit. Most of evolution is luck or chance, and while the planet as we know it just so happens to be run by humans in some one-in-a-billion-chance, it's not too unlikely that something else could've taken that place, which is what happened after that stupid fish got sniped all those millions of years ago. The decisive lack of humans allowed other races of creatures to take that place- some are familiar; felines and canines and birds- then there's whatever the hell Piper is. Even I couldn't tell you. Turns out, though, humans aren't as special as you think- even in a world without them the planet's in shambles, and the inclusion of magic and demons isn't doing anyone any favours either.
You heard me- magic, demons, vampires, you name it. As well as aliens, apparently. Billions of years ago, a celestial war between the creators of the universe resulted in the first demons on earth- you leave demons alone with pretty mortals long enough, you get demon hybrids. Not demon enough for demons, and too demon for mortals, hybrids are wholly unpopular, and an ex-general from The First War (Sass Starbreaker- he's our villain! His branch of the Royal Demon Army is known as E.Y.E, and they like killing hybrids. They also don't know what the acronym stands for) Was tasked some time after the war with wiping every hybrid from the face of the planet.
That kind of thing doesn't make you a lot of friends. Mortals fear demons enough without having to worry about them turning on them once they're done with the hybrids, so I think it's time for another war, don't you?
Set twenty years after a war between demons and mortals, 'The Winterway Saga' is a seven-book series (not counting prequals, sequels and comics. Each sold separately™.) following The Orga(ni)sms- a band of criminals who fought in the previously mentioned Boreas War. After the ceasefire in 2005, most presumed the war was over- but Piper, Bandit, Pixie and Cyrano know better. Tensions are growing, the demons are rearming and strategising all around them- The Orga(ni)sms have tasked themselves with preventing another war.
Since about 2010, they've been 'keeping the home fires burning', as it were, by taking down (blowing up) any and all suspected demons affiliated with E.Y.E.- and they don't tend to check if their suspicions are correct before they burst in, guns-a-blazing. That's sort of their brand.
Their boss, Diana (Doe Eye) has kept them out of prison (for, you know, blowing up demons. And other things, when the mood strikes.) By bribing police officers for years- that sort of thing only works so well, though. Officer Cooper Foxtrot is especially eager to nail down who exactly The Orga(ni)sms are, and get them put behind bars (or in an electric chair, ideally.)
So The Orga(ni)sms are, for lack of a better phrase, fighting a war on two fronts. One against demons, and one against the existence of laws. They're hardly perfect heros- are they even heros? Regardless, they're about to be in really big trouble.
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gay-pippin · 2 years
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I posted 1,035 times in 2022
That's 252 more posts than 2021!
185 posts created (18%)
850 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 433 of my posts in 2022
#ask - 85 posts
#not lotr - 20 posts
#lotr - 16 posts
#lord of the rings - 10 posts
#lotr memes - 8 posts
#gbn - 7 posts
#samfro - 7 posts
#hobbit love - 5 posts
#dalle mini - 5 posts
#gigolas - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 104 characters
#oh i post big maiar milkers and nobody panics but 1 naughty gandilf gif and everyone loses their minds!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
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the saga: x | x | x
22,093 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
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26,013 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
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32,227 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
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46,813 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tumblr PLEEASE give me the blaze update i will pay to put hobbit love on everyones dash
47,615 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bookish-library · 3 months
The Troy Saga, Just a Man
I'm baaaaaack!!! And with chapter two of the Troy Saga staging: Just a Man! The rest should be out soon, just have to finish editing! Super excited to get back to staging!
Ao3 link here, apologies for any formatting issues, it's a little wonky on Tumblr. Story below cut!
ODYSSEUS is left kneeling/sitting on extension walkway, looking at the baby bundle in his arms. Main stage lights dim, soft spotlight on Odysseus.
During this song, Odysseus does a lot of playing to the audience, making sure gaze is up and out, but free to act as needed.
ODYSSEUS (rising to stand, looking at ASTYANAX in his arms):
I look into your eyes and I
Think back to the son of mine
(gazing into the audience, seeing in his mind’s eye TELEMACHUS)
You're as old as he was when I left for war
He begins to walk the extension walkway, not going onto the extension stage, he is not in the state of mind for that location. Need to end up mid-extension, or going to have to travel quickly later on. As he walks, various motions of bouncing baby, tucking in hair, wrapping cloth tighter, etc. 
(looking out over audience, debating)
Will these actions haunt my days
Every man I’ve slain?
Is the price I pay endless pain?
(He looks down at ASTYANAX, and closes the baby’s eyes)
Close your eyes and spare yourself the view
How could I hurt you?
(his gaze travels upwards, as if to implore the gods for help)
I'm just a man who's trying to go home
Even after all the years away from what I’ve known
I'm just a man who's fighting for his life
Deep down I would (he clutches his light, placed over his heart) 
trade the world to see my son and wife
I'm just a man
(tone shift, considering what he is about to do)
But when does a comet become a meteor?
(he drops his hand from light)
When does a candlе become a blaze?
(looks down at ASTYANAX. He does not look at him again after this moment.)
Whеn does a man become a monster?
Cue: Mainstage lights fade up, cyc blue at top and orange at bottom, Troy now on fire. 
(He turns and begins to walk up to the mainstage, crossing to sword)
When does a ripple become a tidal wave?
(He picks up his sword, debates, then sheathes it)
When does the reason become the blame?
(He stills, and as he looks over his shoulder to the audience, we see his mind is made up)
When does a man become a monster?
ODYSSEUS turns and crosses to SR, climbing up stairs to reach the top of wall. Stairs are upstage side of wall, with platform on top for Odysseus to stand on. Cue: Crew member to stand underneath platform, ready to catch baby bundle.
When does a comet become a meteor?
When does a candle become a blaze? (Climbing stairs)
Forgive me
When does a man become a monster? (on top of platform, he
closes his eyes in
anticipation of what he is
about to do)
Forgive me
When does a man become a monster? (looking upwards, as if to
beg the gods for
Forgive me
He grabs the baby bundle at the top, leaving ASTYANAX hanging in the air. He closes his eyes and turns his head away as he says:
ODYSSEUS (extending his arm holding ASTYANAX out):
I'm just a man
As he ends his final note, he lets go of the bundle. It should fall upstage of the wall, where a crew member will catch it. DO NOT LET IT HIT THE FLOOR, we should never hear it make noise. Lights blackout as bundle drops. 
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mich22000 · 6 months
Hey enchanting souls of Tumblr! 🌟 I’m Michael, living amidst the mystical beauty of Møn's isles, a young spirit of 23 summers. My life is a vivid canvas, painted with the passions that light my soul on fire - from the art that flows from my brush, to the culinary wonders I whip up (bacon is my muse 🥓), and my love for the pulse-pounding narratives of action movies and the rich tapestries of ancient civilizations. 🖌️🎥🍳 Even as I ride the waves of muscular dystrophy, my spirit dances free and fierce. 💪🌊 In the vastness of this world, my heart seeks not just love, but a connection that weaves through the very fabric of the ordinary, reaching for something extraordinary. I dream of a plus-size goddess, a woman whose love for life mirrors the boundless expanses of her beautiful soul, who finds joy in every curve and contour of her existence. To me, the truest beauty resonates from within, in the shared dreams, the echoes of laughter, and the journey of crafting a life rich with love and purpose together. 🌹❤️ Yet, here’s the twist in our tale: Anchored in Denmark by the tides of muscular dystrophy, my soul yearns to leap beyond the confines of digital realms, to weave a love story as tangible as the ancient histories I adore. I seek not just a spark in the digital ether, but a blaze that illuminates our shared path. 🔥💖👑 To you, magnificent queens of size, with hearts as expansive as your dreams, and tales of adventure as long as your flowing locks - whether you hail from the bustling cities of the USA or UK, the golden beaches of Australia, or the quaint nooks of Denmark - if your heart dreams of profound connections, laughter shared in echoing symphony, and a love that matures and blossoms like the finest wine, here I stand, arms wide open, ready to embark on an odyssey of the heart together. 🌍✨ Let us be the ones to show the universe that love is blind to size, indifferent to distance, and leaps over every boundary. Together, we can pen a saga that defies the mundane, a celebration of love’s limitless might. 💌🚀 Are you prepared to dive into this adventure with me? To envelop ourselves in a love that’s encompassing, to discover the depths of true connection, and perhaps, to lay the foundations of a family, aging gracefully with someone who sees the spectrum of life in as many vibrant hues as you do? 💖👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🌄 #BoundlessLove #PlusSizeGoddess #SoulConnections #GlobalLoveTale #DenmarkDiaries #PassionateHearts #DreamsOfFamily #OurEpicStory
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megamindsupremacy · 2 years
You know what? I’m gonna do a blaze post. Everybody sound off what should I force a thousand people to see?
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alenadragonne · 2 years
Gotta love how the sponsored posts system is mainly people paying money to extend my block list. People pay to post some dumb as hell shit.
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paper-n-ashes · 3 years
sparks and embers - chapter 1
Characters: Poe Dameron x Original Female Character, Kylo Ren x Original Female Character
Story Tags: Explicit (18+), Canon Compliant/Divergent (Set after TLJ), First Person POV, Love Triangle, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Porn with Plot, Hurt/Comfort, Kylo Ren hates Poe Dameron
Summary: Alexys is a doctor living a life of exclusivity on Raxus, hoping to survive through a peaceful existence, concealing herself from those she believes would use her, or kill her. When fate intervenes and instigates a perilous journey she'd been desperately trying to avoid, Alex finds herself caught in the middle of two sides in both war and love.
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Preface: Let me say, I am immensely nervous about this. After months of back and forth inside my mind, I’ve decided to go for it and begin the long process of moving my long running series to Tumblr, along with changing the name (something I’ve wanted to do for a long time). I hit a big emotional road block after over a year of writing and posting, so I’m hoping this move will eventually get me back into the swing. But for now, I’m looking forward to revisiting the beginning of this space love triangle.
If you’ve already read the saga, absolutely NO pressure to read again. Each chapter will be edited a little, but no major plot points will change. To any newcomers who find themselves interested, the story is already posted on AO3 if you are desperate to continue. Otherwise if you prefer reading on Tumblr, or simply like the forced breaks between chapters, I’ll be posting a new chapter every couple of days. I know it’s not written as reader insert, but I just couldn’t make the story work out in any other fashion. I poured a lot of love and heart into Alexys so I hope you’ll give her a chance.
Chapter 1 - Crash Landing
Words: 3.4k
Chapter Tags/Warnings: descriptions of severe injury including blood and bone, medical procedures 
Read on AO3
I felt it before I heard it.
A booming crash of metal and glass, sending a shattering vibration through the walls and furniture around me. After the years of mostly silence I’d become accustomed to, the noise that came pummelling into my ears almost made me shriek in surprise. It was short lived, coming and going in a flicker so quick I had to wonder if it was real at all.
Lights began to flash, blinking rapidly in uneven time. The mixture of harsh beeps indicated something was faulting my electricity circuits, plunging me into the darkness of night over and over.
I could only question myself again at the plausibility of this being a dream, but the slow, increasing creak emanating from beyond the walls of this building brought me to a certainty.
Something had crashed outside.
Fear radiated through my limbs, leaving me stuck where I was standing for a few moments, before an uncontrollable urge of selflessness and honestly, curiosity, forced me to move and exit the safety of my clinic.
There wasn’t really a way to prepare for what I saw not metres away from my front entrance. A ship, an X-wing of some variety, was wrecked into itself, varying metals twisted and curled over each other, flames beginning to billow out from the creases. I could feel the heat of them rise as I cautiously stepped forward, taking in the scene with wide eyes. Only seconds had passed when I saw it – the movement of something – no, a person, demanding my attention. The pilot of this battered machine had been thrown just beyond the edge of its hull, broken transparisteel smattering the ground around them.
Hm, the Resistance should probably investigate their flight safety measures.
That thought quickly flittered away when the pilot moved again, this time with a painful moan echoing into the atmosphere. The switch inside quickly flipped, and an all too familiar feeling of conviction flooded through.
This is your cue Alexys.
I raced quickly to the pilot and knelt on the ground before them, fingers carefully removing the black and red helmet with both urgency and restraint as to not cause any more possible damage to their head or neck. The moan I'd heard just moments before let me know this person had some kind of airway, but it was pertinent I assess further. With the helmet gone I noticed the short, lightly waved black hair of a man, his eyes pulled closed, a few bruises and smudges of grey soot smattered over his face. His chest was moving, laboured breathing with the occasional heave on inhale.
At least he’s breathing.
“It’s alright,” I insisted. “I’m here to help you.”
There wasn’t any discernible response from the pilot other than a groan that withered away slowly, and that in itself was worrying. Kneeling over his body, I placed two fingers under the line of his jaw, halfway down, trying to feel for a pulse. I could sense the thump of blood under my fingertips, but it was too slow, too faint, too uneven.
Not great, but it was enough for now.
I began to scan over his body, knowing it was time to assess what was giving him reason to cry out in pain. There were severe burns on his left arm which had caused some of his flight suit to stick to the skin, with more scalds reaching down to his torso and abdomen. His right arm was almost definitely broken with the limb morphed into an irregular angle almost halfway along.
Without being able to look at them directly to ascertain whether I was going to be able to move him, I pressed on his hips gently, silently praying he hadn’t broken his pelvis. He muffled softly, but anyone who had actually shattered the bone would have screamed. As my eyes continued to scan down, it became obvious all too suddenly the shattered edge of his right femur bone poking out of the orange flight suit.
Kriff, this is not ideal.
I wanted to kick myself for not noticing it before, but there was no time, not with the very real possibility of him bleeding out in front of my eyes. My feet moved under me, racing back to the clinic room, knowing where the bandage and splint lay waiting, along with the anaesthetic injections I had stocked in the pharmacy cupboard.
He was certainly going to need them.
Within minutes I was back to the ground with the pilot, clicking together the injector handle and vial, piercing the needle straight into his thigh above the fracture site. I wouldn’t be able to wait for it to dull most of the pain, so internally, I braced myself for the scream I was about to elicit from this poor human's chest. The second I started to wrap the bandage around the splint, a piercing wail echoed through the air, almost causing me to hesitate. Still, my hands continued to haphazardly wrap the white material around his leg, pushing through the guilt it ignited. 
Suddenly, the noise stopped.
My eyes darted to his face as his head slumped over on its side. “Hey!” I shouted into his face as I scrambled back to the top end of his limp body. “Hey can you hear me? Open your eyes if you can hear me!”
There was no response.
I pinched at the muscle on his shoulder, harder and harder to elicit any kind of reaction. Nothing. My hand pulled into a closed fist and grinded against his sternum. “Come on, open those eyes if you can feel this!”
Still nothing.
Again I took check of his breathing, chest still rising and falling, yet shallow and with little power. His heartbeat had begun to race, but through my fingertips I could feel the strain in the muscle. Something was seriously wrong, even more so than his other injuries. Something internally. If I didn’t get him into the clinic, he was going to die.
In a snap decision, I chose to forgo an attempt to run back and locate the hover-stretcher. It would take too much time to set up and power on, time this man didn’t have. I would have to move him myself.
How the hell am I going to do this?
With my arms hooked and locked under his armpits I began to drag the pilots hefty body backwards towards the clinic behind me, thankfully only a few meters away, barely making it past the entryway when a roar of flames overtook the X-wing. I looked up to see the blaze almost completely engulfing the ship, a ferocious heat searing into my eyes and face. With even more urgency I heaved the body into the large clinic room, getting up and slamming the door just in time. Just before a house rattling explosion sent shockwaves into the atmosphere.
Lucky didn’t seem to be an appropriate feeling considering the situation I was in, but at least no one had died. Yet. With my last bit of brute strength, I hoisted the pilots limp body onto the closest hospital bed, noticing then the trail of red liquid I’d brought along with me.
Oh no no no.
With him still lifeless, I tugged at his body and limbs to lie flat on the bed, scurrying to my medical trolley and hauling it back to where the pilot laid, ragged breaths still thankfully escaping into the air. Snatching the heavy shears from the top drawer, I began to tear through the thick fabric of the flight suit, unclipping and removing as much of the life support vest and belt as I could. I had to be careful not to rip away the fabric that melted into the burns scattered all over his body, the number of them increasing as I peeled away the suit, starting from his legs, up to his abdomen and chest over to his upper arms. His torso was in full view now, a smattering of dark hair over his pectorals, underneath which showed the bruises of his crash’s impact.
Oh he’s definitely got some broken ribs.
As my gaze scanned over his skin, I could finally isolate where all that blood had escaped from. A deep penetrating wound just below the last rib on his left flank. As I registered his quick shallow breaths and the uneven rise in his chest, it became obvious.
Collapsed lung.
Whatever had pierced through his chest had poked an extremely damaging hole in his lung, the pleural space now filling with air, leaving no room for his lung to expand. My following movements were swift and calculated, almost automatic. A pointed scalpel was soon in my hand, poised to cut. But I couldn’t help but hesitate. It had been so long since I’d had to do this. And yet, somehow, concern for this stranger’s life was quick to weave it’s way through, dissolving my fear into pure resolve.
I made my incision in between the 4th and 5th ribs, using a clamp to push into the underlying tissue and past the pleural cavity, a gloved hand then entering to check I’d made it through. With an instinctive confidence, I guided the chest tube between the layers of tissue, undoing the ratchet of the clamp to an immediate rush of air. The pilot’s chest heaved in relief, along with my own.
One crisis averted.
But there was more to do. Connecting a drain to the tube, I haphazardly sutured it in place, before flying to the pharmacy cupboard. My stock of bacta was limited, returning with an already prepared vial into the pressurised injector, reminding myself I would need to use it sparingly if this stranger was going to make it through the full extend of his injuries. I had cursed at myself only a few times in the years past at being so far removed from a higher level medical centre that would be overflowing with bacta and medical droids that could help in exactly this kind of situation, but the thought had never burned me so badly. There was no way to know if I could keep this man alive with the resources that yesterday I had been more than comfortable with. I would just have to try.
I injected some of the bacta solution throughout the surrounding area of the wound and covered it with heavy dressing, knowing the bleeding would quickly be curbed. Unfortunately, the wound itself would take a few days to fully close, only ever being able to afford lower quality bacta. Before moving on to the burns, I placed some basic monitoring, lines extending from electrical dots over his chest, wrist and neck to the data monitor above the bed. As the numbers lit up on the holo screen, I felt myself breathe a small sigh of relief, having prepared for a much worse result. His heart rate was better, oxygen levels returning to normal, blood pressure not optimal by any means but high enough to sustain his life, for now.
After securing an oxygen filter over his battered face, I continued to inspect and clean as many of the small and more sizeable burns dotting his body. Even with the many I had uncovered, the one extending from his shoulder past his elbow was the one of most concern. Third degree and extremely unhappy looking. If I wasn’t quick to treat this, it could leak even more fluid from his already compromised circulatory system. I was thankful he still remained unconscious when I began to slowly shed the charred material melted into the skin layer. I couldn’t help but shudder as I remembered the initial scream this man had let out, knowing I would be hearing it now if not for his comatose state.
Covering the immense scald in as much salve as I could spare, I began to wrap it in protective antibacterial bandage, soon moving on to protect his many blisters and deeper burns with dressings. Glancing at the monitor screen, he was still stable, and swallowed hard. Now it was time to attempt possibly the most daunting part of this patient’s treatment.
His femur was still sticking through the tissue of his thigh, slightly dried dark red blood creating lightning strike looking lines extending from the wound.
I need to get some blood into him before moving this.
I quickly got to work on an IV cannula, his poor blood pressure making it significantly more difficult than it should have been. Two bags of O- blood were all I had, and a wave of dread coursed through me with the thought of that not being enough if this all went wrong. My fist squeezed the fast flow pump of the IV line, pushing fresh blood urgently into his system, making his blood pressure rise only slightly. With the last of the red liquid trickling through the line I wheeled over the portable X-Ray. It was so old the mechanical arm screeched at me as I positioned it into place over the pilot’s leg. The bone had to be at least somewhat in place before getting the bacta to work its magic or this guy might walk with two uneven legs for the rest of his life.
If he actually made it through the rest of his injuries, that is.
Shaking my arms out at my side, I sucked in a few deep breaths to build my stamina. Unfortunately, this stranger was stuck with a small framed female to attempt reducing his severe fracture. With one last inhale, I drew the courage to pull as hard as I could horizontally at the knee joint, digging my fingers into a vice grip around the limb and yanking it towards me. To my relief, the fractured edge of the femur to slipped back into the hole it was peeking out from, settling back under the skin.
Thank all the stars in the galaxy he’s not awake for this.
I quickly pressed the image button on the X-ray to assess the progress I’d made. The faint white lines of bone edges were stark enough on the grey background of the image. The fracture wasn’t reduced even nearly enough. I prepared myself again, with another deep breath I pulled hard. This time my efforts were forced into angling the lower portion of bone to try and lock it back into place. The grinding of bone edges could be felt through my fingers, pushing myself to pull even harder, creating more space between the fracture in the hope of giving a fighting chance of lining up the splintered edges. My muscles were whining, begging for this to be over, tears of exhaustion soon stinging at the edges of my eyes.
With one final twisting motion there was a sudden click.
My relief was short lived.
It was slow at first, before racing faster. A stream of dark red blood pooling at the wound the broken bone had made.
Oh maker no.
Within moments the pace of the blood quickened. I shot my hands to the open flesh site, pressing down hard in an attempt to disturb the flow. The liquid quickly covered my gloved hands, already sure I’d sliced into the femoral artery. The pressure of my hands into the area made the blood spurt out onto my arms, my clothes, my face, everywhere. The monitor was screaming, blood pressure falling quickly. Wiping some of the hot coppery fluid away from my left eye, I slid my fingers back into the gash, moving desperately to stop the overflow before the man lying in front of me bled out, knowing it would all be my fault.  
You have to do it Alexys. He will die if you don’t.
The voice nagged at me, pleading to do what it wanted.
He’s with the Resistance! If he survives, if he contacts them, they’ll find me. And they’ll know.
It is time to decide. His life. Or yours.
Seconds ticked by fleetingly, numbers flashing on the monitor trickling down, the speed of blood flow from the pilot’s leg stubbornly keeping it’s intensity.
Everything I’d done to get here, to isolate myself so no one could find me. It would all amount to nothing. My easy, albeit lonely life, would be gone. All because of this stranger.
But I couldn’t let him die. Not like this.
In one flash, I removed my hands from inside the wound, ripping off my gloves and placing two palms at either side of the leg. With closed eyes, I willed the energy out of the depths of its slumber. From the darkened corner of my mind I pulled it back into existence, opening the gate I’d locked it inside for so long, letting it finally burst through and fill up my brain. From there it down through my neck, through my chest and down my arms, right to the end of my fingertips. Its warming glow was almost comforting, friendly. I would have basked in it for a while if not for the life that hung in the balance before me.
Through the pads of my fingerprints I pushed the stream outwards, connecting past the skin of this innocent human being, and felt the overwhelming heat of pain and dimming of energy.
Hurry, he’s dying.
I began to map out the tissue of his leg, frustratingly slowly, starting at the smallest of capillaries, weaving and winding through the flesh, connecting them through the maze of fat and muscle. I could feel the sweat forming on my forehead, my breathing forced and harsh. The vessels grew bigger as I pushed the energy through, skipping past broken points of other smaller injuries. I could fix them later.
Finally, I felt a molten warmth radiating close to where the maze had guided me. Racing to it, I sensed something pushing me back, the pressure of escaping fluid holding my efforts. I’d found the cut, but now I had to somehow knit it back together.
You’re taking too long.
The alarms of the monitor started to echo with a hollow ring inside my ear, fading until I could hear almost nothing. The world around me was blurry, only the image of vessel tissue and all-consuming redness visible in my minds eye. The energy I was expending began to burn me - I wouldn’t be able to keep this up for much longer. I reached out with it, what felt like many hands grasping desperately at the severed edge of the vessel, frantic yet delicate, pulling whatever tissue I could hold back into place.
Several fringes connected, the pressure pushing forcefully against me, making it harder to hold. I couldn’t help but begin to shake at the strain, the sound of my own heart pounding over the slowing heartbeat of the pilot. My grip was already beginning to fade before I started to sew the pieces of artery back together, an ache growing behind my eyes as I pierced an invisible needle through the tissue, over and over, still clawing at the unsewn edges as I made my way around the tube.
I was so close, the tension of the fluid still being driven out of the broken seal almost overcoming me. The unseen thread had almost made its way full circle. I was almost there.
My entire body rattled with exhaustion and pain. One final thread wove itself around the artery, its abrupt closure alleviating the strain on invisible fingers that had been clutching it all together.
You did it.
The energy dissipated quickly in a rolling wave, letting it retreat back into my mind, scampering to the secluded area of my brain, hidden once more. I felt light suddenly, dizzy, the world coming back into focus, screaming alarms growing louder. It was too much, all at once.
A sharp pang of fatigue enveloped every part of my senses and I faltered back, knees giving way, slumping to the floor.
Then, there was only darkness.
Next Chapter
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rubberizer92 · 1 year
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🔥🌴 Ignite the Passion in the OBEY Season 5 Semi-Finals! 🌴🔥
Gentlemen, get ready for a blazing showcase – the semi-finals of OBEY Season 5 have arrived! Our Top 6 contenders have poured their heart and soul into embodying the essence of "Muscles by Midnight." Tonight, their dedication and passion take center stage, delivering an unforgettable spectacle that will leave you entranced. However, their journey to the grand finale is in your hands – your votes will shape their fate!
Your impact is monumental: YOUR votes on Instagram and Tumblr are the driving force behind these exceptional contenders. Through likes, comments, saves, and shares, you pave their paths. In the captivating realm of Instagram story voting, each resounding "Yes" from you propels your chosen contender closer to victory, while "No" votes cast their shadows. The destiny of our contestants rests in your hands!
Now, let's cast the spotlight on the dynamic Tane Maika 🇫🇯, representing Fiji! Tane speaks directly to you, igniting your senses with his words:
🔥 "Bula, everyone! From the tropical paradise of Fiji, I extend an invitation to join me on a journey of desire and transformation. My sculpted physique, a testament to passion and perseverance, eagerly awaits your guidance. The road to victory glows brightly through your votes, esteemed audience. With every 'Yes' you cast, you thrust me toward triumph, where desire and conquest intertwine. Together, let's kindle the flames of fervor and weave an unbreakable bond."
Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the captivating saga of OBEY Season 5, where dedication, fervency, and intensity weave an enchanting narrative! 🔥🌙💪
OBEYSeason5 #SemiFinalShowcase #MusclesByMidnight #VoteForTriumph #ShapeTheJourney #FijianFervor
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thelaughingstag · 3 years
In honor of 50+ followers I shall humbly introduce my own wip despite all of my braincells telling me, as a barkeep, I should let others have the spotlight (but we haven't had a ton of submissions so if you want a doodle, go on and submit!) Link for celebration event post
Similar to @talesfromaurea I am recounting the story of a 5 year Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Called the Sagas of Stawold, the campaign starts with small fetch quests and soon grows into apocalyptic threats, fights with Gods, and travel throughout the multiverse.
The main reason I wanted to tell the story is because my lovely little Sadie "Blaze" McRimmik is pretty much the center of it all. She's a halfing bard of lore who plays the dulcimer and also dances with fire. Fire becomes an integral part of her character and represents her volatile, spicy personality.
One of the most special things about Sadie is that she was one of the original cast of characters and is the only character who stayed throughout the campaign. All other players either left or switched characters at least once. But Sadie was even too stubborn to die. Following the official conclusion of the tabletop game, I still continued message RP with my DM so up until October 2020 the story was continuing. We are on an extended hiatus currently but I'm making up for it by telling my story here on Tumblr! I'll link a few posts that I think are good at the bottom. I hadn't actually written a story for fun in years so the posts start off not great but get progressively better. Seeing the progression over just a month is really cool for me.
I'm not really good at summarizing such a long story sooo... here is my doodle description of Miss Sadie!
She is technically only 3'1" tall but she's a curvy 50 pounds. In this setting, halflings have the proportions of normal people just miniature. Sadie also does not have big feet and she wears shoes (she's a lightfoot halfling, the stout halflings have large feet). Over all, her appearance is bright and her smile can light up a room. She is almost always finding something to laugh at, her round face and beautiful brown round eyes so expressive. She has a cute little nose that turns up just slightly and lovely full lips. Despite being very cute, she is also beautiful and elegant, just not the "typical" elegant people think (like high cheekbones or thin faces not that there's anything wrong with those I just used this to make me proud of my round face!). Her hair is very bushy and curly kind of like the description of Hermione's. It comes down to about mid back. All in all she is quite the middle-aged beauty and she knows it!
This is Sadie being a child and basically outlines the party dynamics relatively well (post 11)
Here's a link to how Sadie died the first time. There's some graphic descriptions of burns (post 21)
Here's some interesting character interactions post Sadie's death (post 24)
Honestly I think this is my favorite post I have written where they are trying to get Sadie resurrected (post 26)
This is some K'lai'a'la fluff and girl time (post 29)
This is close second for my favorite post (post 30). I did a lot in this post and I'm very proud of it. Especially compared to post 1.
WIP Intro/Navigation post
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chao-chachaslide · 3 years
Sonic the Hedgehog (film): The Complete Saga
I wrote this in the pre-tumblr days (2020) but I think it's about time I returned to it
Sonic the Hedgehog 1 (2020)
Your average intro movie. Just Sonic and Eggman. Essentially Sonic 1 (the game) but a lot more fleshed out and San Francisco.
Sonic 2: Sonic Vs Knuckles (2022)
This is looking to be a adaptation of the Sonic 2-Sonic 3&K arc of the games. Maybe we'll get a Death Egg and a joke about Eggman being a Star Wars fan or something (plausible since we've already seen Sonic reference Obi-Wan). This marks the debut of Tails, Knuckles and the M.E. It also seems to have a lot of SA1/2 references. Remember this for later.
Sonic Movie 3 that will inevitably happen (feb 22 edit: it inevitably happened)
So as I literally just mentioned - Sonic Adventure 2 references. Just judging by the fact G.U.N is here (and a *possible* SHtH Commander), it's very likely that Shadow will show up at some point. But we seem to be starting subtle in SvsK so I don't think the 3rd film will actually feature him. Maybe in a post-credits scene, but not in the actual picture. Besides we're still missing one of the Core4: Amy Rose. My theory is that this will be a vague Sonic CD adaptation, introducing Amy and everyone's favourite angsty mecha, Metal Sonic (who could very easily be powered by one of Sonic's quills). We can probably eliminate the time travel aspect of CD but I reckon this could be the place for a Death Egg if we don't get one in SvsK. I mean there is a certain time traveller in the cast but I think it's a little early for him to show up.
Sonic movie 4 that will probably happen
This is where I think a vague SA2 adaptation could happen. It's got enough time for build up with 2 films before it, and we will've gotten the Core4 + Metal out of the way already. Now the main thing is, how are they going to adapt the story? The problem here is killing off kids on-screen, amongst literally everything else that happened on the ark. It will be extremely difficult to adapt Shadow's backstory without getting a 12 rating. It is possible to have heavy hitting plots in media aimed at a younger audience (Into the Spider-Verse is one example, with a few on screen deaths), but what happened to Maria and Gerald is really deep in a anti-military way and it doesn't adapt well into a kids movie. But also consider how the Star Wars prequel trilogy goes U, PG, 12 on their ratings and in Episode III they purge children on screen, as well as the whole trilogy and TV show spinoff having heavy political plot. Obviously this is different but it wouldn't surprise me if we get a 12-rated sonic film. There are 12-rated games. On another note I would expect Rouge to show up at this point.
Sonic movie 5 that could happen? Sonic 4 Episode II? SCU??
I don't know honestly. Blaze? Silver? Cream? All 3? Idk. Blaze can easily be written in, with the Sol Dimension instead being an alternate planet like the ones Sonic had on his map in the first movie. Silver is a little harder. I mean it's Sonic though, anything is possible. Even time travel. Cream is by far the easiest lol; I could definitely see her appearing at some point.
How do I end this post...
Uhh everyone manifest Sonic Cinematic Universe
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regenderate · 2 years
the whole tumblr blaze werewolf fanfiction saga is getting DANGEROUSLY close to “rpf writers are oppressed” discourse
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