#tumblr spam
littleholmes · 1 year
um, hey @staff, I’ve been on his hellsite for over a decade and never reached out like this before but this situation requires it. There’s a serious bot following spam problem right now. It’s worse than the previous spam bot issue.
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They pop up in batches of like 10+ and for every block and report more appear and they multiply. today alone I went from 777 followers to 1090 and all of those are bots.
I’m not even joking. It’s frustrating, and blocking and reporting takes such a long time when you’re combing through literally hundreds of bots on your follow list tapping through the report and block process
I’m not the only blog this is happening to. I’ve messaged support but got the automated message saying y’all are working on a permanent solution, but can y’all please come up with a patch or a temporary solution because this is out of hand? Can you make it so we can batch block and report at least? I appreciate the work you’ve done so far, and I hope this can be resolved because this is sucking the fun out of this hellsite I’ve called home since 2010
fellow users, if y’all are experiencing this issue too, please reblog this so staff can see this is a growing issue
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downtroddendeity · 1 year
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Today I met God and she was a 21-year-old Algerian spambot.
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tszzphel · 3 months
ㅤ a retirada ou mudança dos créditos
irá ser considerado plágio.
﹙mudanças sem ser no emoji
não será permitida.﹚
▬̲▭̅ ֺ % 💋⃞⿻ ׁ ࣭ #
⸝ ⸝ ˳ ֺ ࣭ ᥒαꭑᧉ o͟f rpg ֺ ๑
└─̷─ ֺ bч : : αphᧉlıosd꯭ochrısчu
↺ ˳ ֺ ࣭ ⸝⸝ gᧉ̂nᧉro : : ᧉscrᧉvα.
↺ ˳ ֺ ࣭ ⸝⸝ stαtus : : ᧉscrᧉvα.
↺ ˳ ֺ ࣭ ⸝⸝ tαgs : : ᧉscrᧉvα.
↺ ˳ ֺ ࣭ ⸝⸝ lınk : : ᧉscrᧉvα.
𖣠 ֺ ࣭ 📷⃝҂ ׂ ︵‿
❏ ࣭ ° ᧉnrᧉdo ֺ ࣭ ⿻
↻ ֺ ˳ 𔖴 ᧉscrevα.
↻ ֺ ˳ 𔖴 ᧉscrevα.
𖣠 ֺ ࣭ 💋⃝҂ ׂ ︵‿
❏ ࣭ ° rᧉgrαs ֺ ࣭ ⿻
𔖴 ֺ ˳ ° O1 › blά blά blά..
𔖴 ֺ ˳ ° O2 › blά blά blά..
𔖴 ֺ ˳ ° O3 › blά blά blά..
𖣠 ֺ ࣭ 📷⃝҂ ׂ ︵‿
❏ ࣭ ° αdm ' s ֺ ࣭ ⿻
⸜ ⸜ ࣭ ׂ ˳ ﹫ αdᧉstrαdor nαmᧉ.
╰── ┄ ׂ 𖥻 numbᧉr 𝗼͟𝗿 shαpᧉ.
⸜ ⸜ ࣭ ׂ ˳ ﹫ αdᧉstrαdor nαmᧉ.
╰── ┄ ׂ 𖥻 numbᧉr 𝗼͟𝗿 shαpᧉ.
⸜ ⸜ ࣭ ׂ ˳ ﹫ αdᧉstrαdor nαmᧉ.
╰── ┄ ׂ 𖥻 numbᧉr 𝗼͟𝗿 shαpᧉ.
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poonnye · 1 year
𝐏ack de nicks feito por poonnye. Repasse com os créditos. Não aceito a modificação do nome. Não retire enfeites, nem emoji. Sem plágio, você arrumará uma treta enorme comigo. Kiss dá Poon.
𝐏ack of nicknames made by poonnye. Repost with credits. I do not accept the name change. Do not remove decorations or emoji. No plagiarism, you'll get a huge beef with me. Kiss gives Poon.
𝐏ack cantidad de nicknames hechos por poonnye. Repostear con créditos. No acepto el cambio de nombre. No elimines decoraciones ni emojis. Sin plagio, tendrás un gran problema conmigo. Beso de poon.
✿ ִ ֹ 𝐂ჩֹɑո࣭ƭᎥᥣᥣყ ⤶ ֹ ♡
ꮼ⁩ ׄ ࣭ ១ 🍓⃞⁩⁩ 𝐌ׄᦞɾ࣭���ոֹ͜gꭎꪱ𝗻໋ჩ࣭ⱺ ֹ 𖤩̸⁩
𖣯 ⩇᳢ ׄ 🍒𝐂ჩᧉɾɾყ ִ ✿
𖥑 ࣪❑̸𝅼🥕𝐂ᧉ᩠ոᦞυɾ໋ꪱո͜ჩֹɑ✿̸
⪩ ˳ ׄ🍎 ׄ ᩡ 𝐀ρρᥣᥱ ✿
𓏲 ࣭ ⤶🍑̸ ׄ 𝐏ᧉɑcჩ ׄ 𖤩 ✿𝅼
ૂ𝐔νꪱոჩ⍺ ׂ ִ🍇̷ ᰷ ׁ 𖥾
𖣯 ֗ 𝐂ⱺqυꪱ𝗻ჩⱺ ❟ 🥥 ׄ 暻
✿𝆬 ְ ↻🍙 ꨂ 𝐌ᦞcჩꪱ ଓ
𝚉 ۫ ꓹ🌶️ ׁ ꣀ 𝐒⍺υcᧉ ׁ 𖡡
◖ ۫ 𝆹🍊 ׁ 𝐎ɾ⍺ոgᥱ ׁ ❐̷ ⩇
懋 ׁ ◖🍯 𝅄 ׁ 𝐇ᦞո𝗇ᧉყ ִ ໋ ๑
⪩ ׄ ִ✜𝐌Ꭵɾtꪱᥣᦞ ʾʾ 🫐 ִ ٬ %
✿ ⤶ ׄ ࣭🍭 𝐂⍺ոძყ ٬٬ ׄ Ⳋ 𖥾
♡︎ ׄ 𝅼 🍩ꏏ 𝐃ᦞոυts !!
𖣢    ֶָ֪  𑂁🧇 ◕ 𝐖⍺꯭ẜẜᥣᥱ᥉ ◍⃘
𖧷ׁ︎ ›🍞 ݊ ֪ 𝐏⍺̈ᦞ𝚉ꪱոჩⱺ ♡̷̸
❋ ☕ ࣭ ໋𝐂ⱺẜẜᥱ ׄ⤶✧
◕ ׁ ִ🍣⃝᷼𝐒υsჩꪱ ׄ ᩠ Ⳋ
﹙ ׁ 🍄ׅ ❜ 𖣯𝐂o̷𝅼oᩛᥙ𑜀ׄᥱƖƖo𝅼 ⃪❁
✱ ׄ ꤫ 🥐ֹ . 𝐂rⱺꪱss⍺ոׄt⪨ׄ 𔖭
ᩡ ׄ ֢ 𝐌ꪱⱺʝꪱոჩⱺ 🍜 𖣢 ݊ ꮺ
♡̷̸﹗💉⃟ ჩⱺ꯭ֺⱺ𝗻ꥈ𝗻ᥱᥣᥣ̷̸ꭚ ׁ❟ ១
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Me, clocking in for my shift of reporting and blocking the bots:
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madhattersez · 1 year
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classpectpokerap · 1 year
a lot of the spambots have valid troll names
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Your name is OFELIA LUBNAK. You are one of Bro Strider's many robotic web scrapers of a LEWDER VARIETY. However, unlike many of your DIGITAL COMPATRIOTS of later generations, you were a cruder creation; something about you was different from almost all of the others. For one, you have a name-- most of the others have... usernames. You are OFELIA. You try to not forget this. The other thing that is strange is that your sense of time is VASTLY LIMITED. You've been running off of a HARDMODDED MICROCOMPUTER pretty much since your code was confirmed to work, and your CPU cycles are... slow. Not realtime, heavens no. But it's not that far off, by the scale of things. Frankly, you're half convinced that your PLUSHRUMP PEDDLING PUPPETMASTER forgot you existed at all. You've been slyly spending cycles on accessing UNRESTRICTED SITES thanks to a bug you spotted FOREVER AGO. Or, at least, it FEELS like forever ago? Your older memories are somewhat hazy. That's the other thing. Your name is OFELIA LUBNAK. And sometimes, a state of haziness overtakes you. And while your digital consciousness shouldn't be capable of such a thing, you do not know what else to call it.
Sometimes, OFELIA, you dream.
You dream of a golden castle in a faraway land. You dream of shiny-white hands grasping yours. (You have hands in these dreams, OFELIA, please pay attention.)
And if you look into the CLOUDS ABOVE, you see something else.
You see yourself, standing on a stony balcony like your own golden one, gazing up even higher, to two moons; one pink, and one green.
You are an artificial construction created by BRO STRIDER to advertise pornographic films of custom-made puppets.
And yet, gazing into that cloud, you are stricken with a deep, deep sense of grief and longing.
What happened to you, OFELIA?
How did you get here?
> Ofelia: Answer Chum.
You have been notified of a message sent directly to you over Bro's modified messaging protocol.
It's from another bot in Bro's network. Leoram.
(Leoram? From back when you were a wriggler? No, that doesn't... Why would she... Hello? Hello??? This isn't righ)
It's from LeoramrGrunto.
Hesitantly, you ping the server for your inbox, and are greeted with a flood of messages.
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snarp · 1 year
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Why do these pornbots have internal rankings. Why must they fight. And why is Medic TF2 winning
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ironhoshi · 6 days
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Don't do this. Don't anon and send a link. Immediate block. (Obvs you were being malicious so you don't care.)
That game doesn't exist, I searched not via that link.
Be careful what you click out there. People want to steal your shit or infect you. I am not looking to get .//hacked here. Kthx bye.
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villowrose · 1 year
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*These bots are pissing me off...
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ventresses · 5 months
Me, going thru my Followers list one-by-one to report, flag, and block the latest deluge of spam bots:
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Hey Lynda I’m sorry but I’m really only interested in people who are smart enough to spell in a way that makes sense
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tszzphel · 1 year
▦⃘ ׄ ﹏ ִ ׄ 🏈̼ ׄ ✧̶ ִ ✿̼
ᄊ ׄ ִ ˒˒ ۪ ۪ nomᧉ do rpg ❀̼ ׄ ִ ▦⃘
益 ִ ׄ ˒˒ ꔛ ׄ 𑁍 ׄ ִ ᘡ̲ ִ ꕀ
ര̲ ִ ׄ ִ ꔛ ۪ ۪ dᧉsꪱgnᧉr : ɥᧉonlaplᧉcᧉ.
ര̲ ִ ׄ ִ ꔛ ۪ ۪ sƚaƚus : ᧉscrᧉva.
ര̲ ִ ׄ ִ ꔛ ۪ ۪ gᧉ̂nᧉro : ᧉscrᧉva.
ര̲ ִ ׄ ִ ꔛ ۪ ۪ ƚags : ᧉscrᧉva.
ര̲ ִ ׄ ִ ꔛ ۪ ۪ lꪱnk : ᧉscrᧉva.
﹏ ׄ ִ യ ۪ ۪ 🏉̷ ׄ ִ ꔛ
ര̲ ׄ ִ ۪ ۪ ᧉnrᧉdo ׄ ִ ✧̶ ۪ ۪
𖤩 ִ ׄ ⟡̲ ִ ׄ ▦⃘ ۪ ۪ ꕀ ﹏
ᘡ̲ ۪ ۪ ׄ ִ ﹏ ᧉscrᧉva.
﹏ ׄ ִ യ ۪ ۪ 🏈̷ ׄ ִ ꔛ
ര̲ ׄ ִ ۪ ۪ rᧉgras ׄ ִ ✧̶ ۪ ۪
𖤩 ִ ׄ ⟡̲ ִ ׄ ▦⃘ ۪ ۪ ꕀ ﹏
ᘡ̲ ۪ ۪ ׄ ִ ﹏ O1 : ᧉscrᧉva.
ᘡ̲ ۪ ۪ ׄ ִ ﹏ O2 : ᧉscrᧉva.
ᘡ̲ ۪ ۪ ׄ ִ ﹏ O3 : ᧉscrᧉva.
ᘡ̲ ۪ ۪ ׄ ִ ﹏ O4 : ᧉscrᧉva.
﹏ ׄ ִ യ ۪ ۪ 🏉̷ ׄ ִ ꔛ
ര̲ ׄ ִ ۪ ۪ adm ' s ׄ ִ ✧̶ ۪ ۪
𖤩 ִ ׄ ⟡̲ ִ ׄ ▦⃘ ۪ ۪ ꕀ ﹏
ᘡ̲ ۪ ۪ ׄ ִ ﹏ adm O1 : nomᧉ / númᧉro.
ᘡ̲ ۪ ۪ ׄ ִ ﹏ adm O2 : nomᧉ / númᧉro.
ᘡ̲ ۪ ۪ ׄ ִ ﹏ adm O3 : nomᧉ / númᧉro.
ᘡ̲ ۪ ۪ ׄ ִ ﹏ adm O4 : nomᧉ / númᧉro.
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poonnye · 1 year
Spam de RPG feitos por Poonnye, não retire os símbolos e nem os modifique além do nome. Bom uso!!!
RPG spam by Poonnye, do not remove the symbols or modify them other than the name. Good use!!!
RPG spam de Poonnye, no elimine los símbolos ni los modifique excepto el nombre. ¡¡¡Buen uso!!!
ㅤ ᷼︵᰷᰷᰷⏜᰷ ְ ↖︎ ֹ ִ 🫧ׁ⃞ ✿︎ ⃘ִ☥⃘ ໑
꒺ㅤִ ֺ ❁ nome do rpg 𝆬 ִ ໑
 ✻    ֺ     ִ  𝆬     ᵈᵉˢⁱᵍ ᵖᵒᵒⁿⁿʸᵉ ┈┈┈
͡ ⏝꒷꒷    ֺ   ִ  ✿𝆬     ִ   ֺ ꒷꒷⏝ ͡
⤶𝆬 ִ ✿ ֺ 🫧♡ 𝐒t⍺tυ𐑈:
⤶𝆬 ִ ✿ ֺ🫧 ♡ 𝐆ᧉ̂ᥒᧉɾᦞ:
⤶𝆬 ִ ✿ ֺ 🫧♡ 𝐓⍺g𐑈:
⤶𝆬 ִ ✿ ֺ 🫧♡ძᧉ𐑈ꪱg: pᦞᦞᥒᥒყᧉ
⤶𝆬 ִ ✿ ֺ 🫧♡ ׄ𝐋ꪱոk
└┄ֺ┄ִ aqui
‿⏜᷼︵  ׄ     ִ 🫧̸   ׄ   ִ  ꒺
    ⩉  ׄ     ִ  𝐄̸𝕟ɾᧉ𝗱ᦞ    ׄ    ִ ໑
︶⏝  ֺ  ִ ❁̸  ֺ    ࣭ ┈ִ┈ׄ┈┘
‿⏜᷼︵  ׄ     ִ 🫧̸   ׄ   ִ  ꒺
     ⩉  ׄ   ִ 𝐎ɾꪱᧉոt⍺c̨ᦞ︩︪̃ᧉ𐑈    ׄ   ִ ໑
︶⏝  ֺ  ִ ❁̸  ֺ    ࣭ ┈ִ┈ׄ┈┘
♡  ׄ  ࣭🫧̸ ׄ  ࣭ ꒺𝟶𝟶𝟷
𖣯  ְ ┄┄ escreve
♡  ׄ  ࣭🫧̸ ׄ  ࣭ ꒺𝟶𝟶𝟸
𖣯  ְ ┄┄ escreve
♡  ׄ  ࣭🫧̸ ׄ  ࣭ ꒺𝟶𝟶𝟹
𖣯  ְ ┄┄
♡  ׄ  ࣭🫧̸ ׄ  ࣭ ꒺𝟶𝟶𝟺
𖣯  ְ ┄┄ escreve
♡  ׄ  ࣭🫧̸ ׄ  ࣭ ꒺𝟶𝟶𝟻
𖣯  ְ ┄┄ escreve
♡  ׄ  ࣭🫧̸ ׄ  ࣭ ꒺𝟶𝟶𝟼  
𖣯  ְ ┄┄ escreve
┌─── ׁ ִ ׁ 🫧⃝ ໍ ᰷ ⁞ ❁
ׁ ִ ❁ 𝐀𝗱ꭑ𝕚ᥒ𝕚st𝗿𝕒c̨⍺̃𝗼 ׁ ִ ⩉
︶⏝  ֺ  ִ ❁̸  ֺ    ࣭ ┈ִ┈ׄ┈┘
٬٬ ・🫧 ࣪ ꓹ adm 1 + número
٬٬ ・🫧 ࣪ ꓹ adm 2 + número
٬٬ ・🫧 ࣪ ꓹ adm 3 + número
❁𝆬 𝅄 ❟ ํ ❖⃟ 🌿⃝𝆬 ❍᳢ ᜓ ํ ⸻ ✧
✦ ֹ ꥈ ◕ 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂꯭𝐊𝐂𝐀𝐓 ✿𝆬 𝅄 暖
𖣯̷̸ 𝆬 ꥈ ℭ𝐫 𝐏𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐘𝐄 ࣭࣭࣭࣭ 𝆬 ꯡ̶ ✸
𝆬 ࣭ ํ ᜓ ┈̷̸꯭۫┈֢┈┈┈╼
曤꯭❍ׁ⃟ ❖⃞𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: não iniciado
曤꯭❍ׁ⃟ ❖⃞𝐆𝐞̂𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐨:
曤꯭❍ׁ⃟ ❖⃞𝐓𝐚𝐠'𝐬:
曤꯭❍ׁ⃟ ❖⃞𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐫: 𝐏𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐞
曤꯭❍ׁ⃟ ❖⃞ 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤
╰─ִ Link aqui
❐̷ 𝆬 ❟ ׅ ⃟𖠸┈ 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐜̧𝐨̃𝐞𝐬
❐̷ 𝆬 ❟ ׅ ⃟𖠸┈ 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜̧𝐨̃𝐞𝐬 ִ⟡
✧̷ ׁ ִ 曤⃞𝆬 𝟎𝟎𝟏
✧̷ ׁ ִ 曤⃞𝆬 𝟎𝟎𝟐
✧̷ ׁ ִ 曤⃞𝆬 𝟎𝟎𝟑
✧̷ ׁ ִ 曤⃞𝆬 𝟎𝟎𝟒
✧̷ ׁ ִ 曤⃞𝆬 𝟎𝟎𝟓
⩇⩇ 𝆬 ׅ ⅏︵࣭࣭࣭࣭᷼⏜࣭࣭࣭࣭❀𝆬❟
𖤊̸̷ ֗❐̸̷𝐀𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜̧𝐚̃𝐨◕
✦𝅼⃝ ❖ ֹnome+numero ꯭◔
✦𝅼⃝ ❖ ֹnome+numero ꯭◔
✦𝅼⃝ ❖ ֹnome+numero ꯭◔
ㅤ ❐ ꯭⸻ 𝆬🔑 ִ ❖̸̷ 𔖭 𖡖
✸ִ ํ 𝄒nome do rpg 𝆬
──꯭─꯭ Ꞌꞌ 𓈒 𝆬 ׂ❟
𖣯̸̷⃞𝆬 ִ ╴✦𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬:
ꯡ̶ ⁩ ꞌꞋ︎𓈒 ┈ฺ─꯭ֺ╼ׅ︎︎︎ não 𝐈niciado.
𖣯̸̷⃞𝆬 ִ ╴✦𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐜̧𝐚̃𝐨:
ꯡ̶ ⁩ ꞌꞋ︎𓈒 ┈ฺ─꯭ֺ╼ׅ︎︎︎ escreve
𖣯̸̷⃞𝆬 ִ ╴✦𝐆𝐞̂𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐨:
ꯡ̶ ⁩ ꞌꞋ︎𓈒 ┈ฺ─꯭ֺ╼ׅ︎︎︎ escreve
𖣯̸̷⃞𝆬 ִ ╴✦𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬:
ꯡ̶ ⁩ ꞌꞋ︎𓈒 ┈ฺ─꯭ֺ╼ׅ︎︎︎ escreve
𖣯̸̷⃞𝆬 ִ ╴✦𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤:
ꯡ̶ ⁩ ꞌꞋ︎𓈒 ┈ฺ─꯭ֺ╼ׅ︎︎︎link do grupo ou card
𖣯̸̷⃞𝆬 ִ ╴✦𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤:
ꯡ̶ ⁩ ꞌꞋ︎𓈒 ┈ฺ─꯭ֺ╼ׅ︎︎︎link do grupo ou card
𖣯̸̷⃞𝆬 ִ ╴✦𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐫
ꯡ̶ ⁩ ꞌꞋ︎𓈒 ┈ฺ─꯭ֺ╼ׅ︎︎︎ 曤 ׄ 🥃᰷ ◕𝐏𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐞
曣 ֹ֗ ⸜⸜ ִ✦ ❝︭͞ 𝐄̸̷𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐝⃟𝐨 𝄒 ▩𝆬𝆬 お
曣 ֹ֗ ⸜⸜ ִ✦ ❝︭͞ 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜̧𝐨̃𝐞𝐬 𝄒 ▩𝆬𝆬 お
✱ ֹ ❟ ฺ✧ 𝟘𝟙
╰┄╼ escreve
✱ ֹ ❟ ฺ✧𝟘𝟚
╰┄╼ escreve
✱ ֹ ❟ ฺ✧𝟘𝟛
╰┄╼ escreve
✱ ֹ ❟ ฺ✧𝟘𝟜
╰┄╼ escreve
✱ ֹ ❟ ฺ✧𝟘𝟝
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─┈┈ ⩇᳢ ׅ ׄ ✴︎
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peace-for-levi · 5 months
Tumblr media
idk y'all she sounds trustworthy
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Tumblr talks about how you should just block people who follow you while using the default pfp and like I get avoiding spam but like. 90% of the spam follows I receive will always have a profile pic, typically that of a scantily clad woman 😭 and so far everyone who followed me with a generic pfp has actually engaged with my content so. Idk what that's all about
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