#tumblr/ Ana Mendieta
sexypinkon · 8 months
Sexypink - For all of us in the Art world this story remains urgent.
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The Late Cuban American Artist Ana Mendieta.
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glitchphotography · 11 months
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"Felix and Ana" (Deluxe Paint IV / 2023)
// An addendum to "Art Week," this booth is a tribute to two Cuban-American conceptual artists whose lives were tragically cut short: Felix Gonzalez-Torres and Ana Mendieta. Their works are profound meditations on loss, corporality, and power; they remain relevant to this day. Works by Felix Gonzalez-Torres: “Untitled” (Perfect Lovers), 1987–90; “Untitled” (Portrait of Ross in L.A.), 1991; and "Forbidden Colors," 1988.
Works by Ana Mendieta: Silueta Series, 1974; Body Tracks (Rastros Corporales), 1982 //
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bog-bitch · 1 year
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More Ana Mendieta!
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soulmaking · 5 months
latest substack post!! tracey emin, the princess and the pea, shakespeare's will, and basically living in my bed <3
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itdevours · 14 days
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Ana Mendieta, Body Tracks, 1974 (2)
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toddstool · 8 months
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I believe it too; smells like jealousy. I can't believe I didn't know this. I only came across her work because of tumblr but I found it so riveting and striking, it really stayed with me. she worked in film, photography, sculptures/installation art, print. here's some of her other art (tw on the last one: untitled (rape scene))
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sidenote I only just found this out because of @/subwayhands, Hannah La Follette (brilliant photographer), on Instagram posting about his recent death (january 24, 2024) thank u to her for informing me.
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rest in peace Ana Mendieta
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puppy95 · 1 year
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More artists I associate with tumblr art blogger aesthetic
1. Ken Price
2. Sasha Gordon
3. Andy Goldsworthy
4. Ana Mendieta
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heir2nothing · 5 months
Idc about what the general opinion is but tumblr >>>> ig or any other popular social media app in my opinion and for the sole reason that it introduced me to Ana Mendieta
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hello and welcome to my little corner of the internet!
my name is charlotte, and I have an art history masters degree and am currently an art history phd student! my goal is to eventually become a professor 💕
this blog is dedicated to my love of both art and music, and I create edits of lyrics combined with artworks
the vast majority of my edits currently come from just hearing music or looking at an artwork and suddenly thinking it would be great for a particular edit. but I do also take requests (I'm just very slow at fulfilling them), so if you have any lyrics, songs, artworks, etc. that you would like to see in an edit, feel free to request it!
also, just as an fyi, this blog runs primarily on a queue simply because I would never remember and/or find the time to post otherwise. but I am on here almost every day, so feel free to send in an ask if you feel so inclined ☺️
below the cut I'm going to put my spotify link as well as the art historical research projects I've done in the past, in case you're interested. if you find them intriguing, or if you have questions, just know that I'm always super happy to talk to anyone about art history (and/or music)! whether you're interested in going into art history, or just want to chat about art, or are just curious, I would love to hear from you!
otherwise, I hope you enjoy my little blog and find something that inspires you!
yours in art,
charlotte 💙
here is a link to my Spotify if you're interested
I'm pretty meticulous with creating a specific mood for each playlist, and every song I add is vetted thoroughly for lyrical, sonic, and thematic content to make sure it matches the overall vibe of the playlist
art historical research projects (in no particular order)
Mary Cassatt as a painter of the modern world
Ana Mendieta and endless cycles of death and rebirth in her Silueta series
dark academia, knightcore, and the reinterpretation of medieval and medieval revival imagery (this is my undergrad senior thesis)
the ethics of displaying human remains in art exhibits
the "modern girl" in Korean inter-war cartoons
constructing criminality though depictions of murderers in the late Victorian London press
El Geco's Mary Magdalens and the Counter-Reformation
creating a visual Irish identity through the visuality of The Book of Kells, the Celtic Revival, and The Secret of Kells
wilting Victorian women, tumblr sad girls, and the aestheticization of female suffering
disease and disability at the Spanish Habsburg court
images of faeries in children's books from the Victorian era to the present
the wabi aesthetic, cottagecore, and idealized rurality
persona construction and visual identity curation via reblogging on tumblr (this is my MA thesis)
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goldenliartrash · 1 year
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@marga-manso thanks for asking again!!! :) Sorry this one took so long lmao when I tried to post it the first time Tumblr ate it 🤡
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Besarte con Lola Mendieta Que alguien se meta con su hermana. Nicolás tiene bastante capacidad de perdonar cosas, especialmente las que le hacen a él, gracias a su habilidad de ✨ bloquear el recuerdo y no pensar en ello nunca más✨; pero no tolera que absolutamente nadie maltrate a Ana. Es una persona adulta doxxeando a niños de 12 años por decirle algo feo a Ana en el lobby del Fornite. 1 poco mentally ill behavior pero le quiero mucho igualmente.
🍾: Does your OC believe in luck? If so, do they have any charm or ritual they do before a stressful event?
No realmente? Más allá de la convención social (desear suerte, quejarse de estar gafado, etc.) no cree que la suerte exista. Pero es alguien que cree en el destino y en la aleatoriedad impasible del universo al mismo tiempo así que 🤷. Tiene algunos cuantos tics nerviosos (pulsar compulsivamente el botón de un bolígrafo retráctil, abrir y cerrar horquillas...), pero ningún ritual como tal.
🍹: Does your OC have any funny anecdotes told about them?
Su madre tiene aproximadamente un millón de ellas pero su favorita es como, cuando Nicolás era pequeño, su juego favorito era imitar a su padre. Nunca dejará de hacerle gracia recordar cómo su hijo, de tres o cuatro años, se vestía con la chaqueta más formal que podía encontrar en su armario, se dibujaba un maletín en un folio y un reloj inquietantemente acertado en una muñeca, y se disponía a marchar por la casa proclamando lo tarde que llegaba al trabajo o lo inútil que era su jefe. Algunas cosas nunca cambian :)
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sexypinkon · 8 months
“Carl got a Minimalist trial.’’
Open opinions on the Mendieta/Andre trial.
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Images of Carl Andre and Ana Mendieta.
Sexypink - Arguable the equivalent in sensationalism before the O J trial of the century decades later. The suicide or murder of Cuban American Artist Ana Mendieta continues to leave us in doubt about what actually happened.
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cliffburton · 1 year
1 & 8 :3
hiiii <3 i will get rly talkative w these lol so . some might get under the cut but i think this one's short also scroll faster etc
1) 3 things you wish for
1) no 1 is stuff on my walls !!!!! ik i probably give the impression of some1 w a lot of posters on the walls but sadly that's not the case, i can't even hang shit bc the last time the room was (awfully btw) painted they took off the sticks and hooks which is ??????? anyways i don't think id get ppl, or maybe i would, but id have to feel Fine w that stare/them not really staring if that makes sense ex. my header i would 100% get that, or art in general but rn im particularly thinking of ana mendieta's silueta series esp this one and this one. i just don't like the emptiness of my room nsnsns
2) more lesbianism in my life a biiiiiit more clothes like ik materialism or something but i'm also probably poor-ish to american standards (monthly income ... reserved!) so a few more shirts n bells and etc won't hurt. ohhhhhh mygodddddddddd specifically thinking of those 70s star shirts now. light blue/red stars and red/black stars are both suuuuuuuuuch a combo i'm planning to do them myself
3) while answering this ask i realized tumblr should have like a color picker option for text i personally like adding color to text sometimes and ik how to do it with HTML on desktop but yeah! like not sorry [tumblr] dot com dot org yr color choices are ugly id go for a pinker purple
8) tv shows that you never get bored of
well i dnt rly watch tv but
1) la rosa de guadalupe in an ironical way. explained this to barbi zigmentality (🫀) but like basically it's just rly funny the way everything is like set up n ik ppl earnestly watch it bc it's on open tv but i blame that on televisa they have ties to the mx gvt etc. the issues they Ideate are like. my husband has a sugar baby. my daughter is an emo and ppl hate emos (well the way ppl hated emos here was actually kinda violent yes that punks vs. emos thing is was much real)
2) the simpsons, esp earlier simpsons. listen ik some bits are problematic or whatever but consider that the latam translations are better than the original to me and idk i sorta "grew up on it" so like it's not that i'm not ~critical~ w what i watch but like. ykwim
3) hhhhhhhhh what a moment to not rly watch tv,,,,,, does rewatching madoka magica count?
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bog-bitch · 1 year
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"Árbol de Vida (Tree of Life)" by Ana Mendieta
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sourkitsch · 1 year
Gathering data bc I had a thought
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ladiablesse · 8 months
before perez art museum miami was a thing there was miami art museum which was next to the historymiami museum. i remember going once in elementary school, maybe 3rd or 4th grade. i remember so so clearly seeing ana mendieta’s silueta series on display.
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the top left one terrified me so bad i remember dreading going to sleep in the dark that night. it was permanently seared into my mind and although i kinda pushed the memory of that image to some dark corner of my mind, i never truly forgot it and how it first made me feel. the next time i ever saw it, i was in high school scrolling thru tumblr and i remembered it immediately. this time i was going through my angsty yellow wallpaper female hysteria phase i thought it was the coolest shit ever. i’m not in that phase anymore but i still think it’s the coolest shit ever. i never really did any further research into mendieta after seeing her artwork again. so imagine my surprise when i see why she’s trending today. i thought she had passed not knowing that she had been murdered in an instance of IPV decades ago and that it was her murderer that had actually passed today. this woman literally died before i was born and just now finding out about her death and its circumstances has me devastated like it happened yesterday. jesus :(
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hairtusk · 2 years
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Ana Mendieta, Untitled (Blood and Feathers), 1974
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