#turkish film industry
0dnznd0 · 2 years
Okay so exactly about 2 years ago, i got an amazing idea for a comic book. I've literally spent the last 2 years of my life basically doing research, questioning people and everything, listening and reading all about the contents that will go into this comic since its based on real life historical events and they are pretty complicated.
and in 2020 while i was just starting research i came across "bandırma füze kulübü" (translation: Bandırma missle club).
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Long story short: in 1959 this club was formed by Bandırma highschool kids to make missles, they first made a small missle on their own witht the resources they had at that time and the club expanded over time with new kids joining. Then they presented their missle projects to İstanbul Technical university then they presented their project to the Turkish military. Now its already hella impressive that bunch of Turkish highschoolers created a club related to such a cool idea but also expanded upon it to even reach the militarty but sadly for some unkown reasons, a fire basically destroyed all of the plans and the projects. The investigation is said to be nearly nonexistant to even begin with and the whole project was put to the shelves.
when i first came across this i was both sad to hear the way that everything ended and the way that it was handled.
like even in 2022 Turks are pretty far behind when it comes science stuff let alone space stuff, (due to reasons i cant talk about the reason why we buy missles from other countries instead of making our own, the reasons why are pretty politic and i dont want to get in trouble for saying anything. For legal reasons i am gonna mention that this post is about NO ONE but the bandırma missle club!!!!!!!!!!) like there was a whole weird ass situation with Turkey trying to buy s-400 missles from Russia and america then gettin on our asses about it since we are in nato (again for legal reasons i have to mention the fact i have nothing against both nations pls i swear to god) but like what if we MADE our OWN missles?? we are like the ball in a strategic football play, you know?? and thats why like this club was so interesting to me cuz for the last whole year all of the news were about these god damn s-400's like anyways im gettin too off topic here damn
I already had a bigger comic project idea so i had to put this comic idea to onhold due to that. But yeah i had the idea of writing about this club for a few years now.
today while i was stuck in a weird writers block for my main comic project i thought to myself "oh you know why dont i revisit this highschool missle club thing and write the script for a little comic about it maybe that will help my writers block" and i decide to do a re-research on them before hand as always and BAM-
i saw that there was a movie coming out about them this year????? you can imagine my shock LMAO
i have to say that in the trailer the visiuals, costumes, sets and set design already looks pretty good. The dialog and the editing of the trailer kind of gives me hope that this might be an actual good movie made by Turks. I'm a pretty harsh ciritique when it comes to Turkish cinema/Turkish entertaintment industry cuz like there is so much potential in it but its wasted most of the time. a lot of the things produced by the Turkish enetrtaintment industry are mid at BEST so thats kind of why. but this movie, you know might give me hope, i really hope it doesnt dissapoint man.
anyways i might not write the comic about this club im not sure. should I????? idk
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endlessly-cursed · 4 months
Next Gen- Yasemin Battersea-Parsons
“𝑰𝒇 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒆, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔, 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒏𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕, 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒕.”
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Name: Yasemin Neeru Battersea Parsons
Nicknames: Yas
Birthdate: 16th of December 2004
Zodiac Sign: Saggitarius (i think??)
Personality Type (MBTI): TBD
Blood Status: Pureblood
Nationality: Turkish-Indian-Irish
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Black, curly
Eyes: Black
Height: 1.57m
Weight: 64kg
Body Type: Medium-size
Skin Tone: Dark brown
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): One birthmark on her neck
Kolkata, India- The rich and ancient city was the place of birth for Yasemin, and where she spent much of her winter in the Bengali equivalent of Christmas and even participated in religious rites, despite following the Muslim religion more.
Antakya, Turkey- Her other hometown, she lived in a rustic yet wealthy house with her grandmother, where she spent many summers and even visited many mosques and started on her Muslim faith
Dublin, Ireland- Her main residence, living outside the center, she loved how carefree and busy they were and many of her friends lived near, and her formative years were spent there
Mother: Esmanur Zeynep Battersea
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The only living Battersea that directly descended from Simon by then, she was raised as a hanimsultan and was treated like Middle-Eastern royalty despite being long gone. She did not expect to have children after Shreya, and was delighted to have one more child. Despite being fond of Yasemin, her favouritism was never noticed by her daughters
Father: Mahmoud Ismail Parsons
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A Bengali businessman, he married Esmanur to enforce his monopoly on the industry and expand his growing empire. When Esmanur was pregnant again, he was surprised and worried, because his wife have had fertility problems years prior and didn't want to risk her life. Nevertheless, Yasemin was born healthy and without much fuss, and he spoiled her
Older sister: Shreya Humashah Battersea Parsons
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Although she was first angry at Yasemin's birth, the moment she held her, she knew she loved her. Shreya loved to take care of her and talk about girl stuff, going shopping and having silly moments. Shreya was like a second mother and role model to Yasemin and are very close, even after Shreya marries Kevin Farrell and forms her family with him
Distant cousin: Luke Battersea
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A bit closer in age, despite him being prickly and reserved, Yasemin approached him slowly, allowing him to come to her, actively listening to whatever he talked about and giving surprisingly helpful advice and thoughtful gestures, such as baking him his favourite cake for his birthday or when he had a bad day, or ensure that the cook cooks his comfort food once a week, and include him in the family trips
House: Hufflepuff
Best Class: Herbology
Worst Class: Potions
Boggart: Everybody diminishes her efforts, throwing them and shouting at her that she'll never be enough
Riddikulus: The papers get up and start dancing cha-cha-cha
Patronus: A hare
Patronus Memory: Dancing in the rain when she was eight with her father and Shreya as her mother film
Mirror of Erised: (before turning 19) Achieving peace and stability in her hometowns (after turning 20) having stability, peace and a family with Scott by her side
Amortentia (what she smells like): Victoria's Secret perfume 'shimmer', strawberry bubblegum, henna
Amortentia (what she smells): Ice, cologne, something related to Scott
11-18: Hogwarts student
21-35: Philantropist
36-65: President of the Battersea company
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Making some good in the world, her family's wellbeing
Strengths: Kind, empathetic, insightful, caring and generous
Weaknesses: Naive, clueless, innocent during her adolescence, way too trusting, a people pleaser and can't say anything bad about anyone
Stressed: During social gatherings and during exams, feeling stupid all the time
Calm/Comforted: Watching her comfort show (FRIENDS), spending time with Shreya, in her bed
Colors: PINK, burgundy red, navy blue and lilac
Weather: Sunny
Hobbies: Reading, knitting, baking and creating skincare and makeup routines
Fashion: Yasemin is far more fashionable than her sister Shreya, often wearing heels and short skirts and tops, all in the palette of pink, black and white. She also has curly hair and has a rigorous routine that she always asks not to be interrupted when performing it
Significant Other/Love Interest: Scott Morris ( @potionboy3 )
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Both friends from the moment they met, unlike her peers, Scott seemed to get her, and Yasemin always felt seen with him. What she didn't know is that Scott had a huge crush on her. A crush that everybody save her seemed to notice. For years, he dropped subtle hints here and there, but the clueless Yasemin didn't seem to see it.
Until, on a party, after sharing a meaningful moment, Scott surprised Yasemin by kissing her and declaring his feelings for her. What was more surprising to Yasemin is that she felt the same. Even though Yasemin was a year ahead of Scott, they saw each other often and even gave him the keys to her house once they became serious.
Friends: Noor Verma Dhendron ( @legilimenace )
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Even though they were different, Noor and Yasemin got along and suprisingly complimented one another. Shreya soon befriended Mansi, Noor's sister, and became inseparable, becoming almost members of the family
Mia Morris ( @gaygryffindorgal )
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Scott's older sister, Yasemin liked her from the beginning and she was key in setting her up with her brother
Jude Cozens ( @unfortunate-arrow )
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Both with similar natures, she met him through Scott and also reminded her of Luke. She was shocked when she learned that he and Noor started dating
Yasemin is looking for friends! I'll favour those born in 2004-5! Hmu or send me an ask if you're interested!
Rivals: TBA (why would you want to antagonize this angel?!)
She doesn't drink alcohol due to religious and personal reasons
Her drink of choice is a lime Aquarius
Always has a red velvet cake for her birthday
She hates green peas
Is surprisingly good at breakdance, salsa and dabke, and often does it in heels
Used to hate her curly hair and tried to straighten it like Shreya for most of her teens
While Shreya inherits her father's businesses, Yasemin inherits her mother's legacy
Is medium sized and was always made fun of by her parents' peers and went on crazy diets and developed body dysmorphia due to early development
Almost never went to parties because of people getting drunk and being invasive towards her
Cries easily for everything, yet can be calm in dire circusmtances
Picked up baking thanks to her therapist and often shows up to classes and gatherings with Turkish and Bengali sweets when she feels her friends are feeling down or stressed or wants to celebrate
Has the cutest and most elegant handwriting in Hogwarts (it was voted)
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mariacallous · 3 months
The state of Russia’s porn industry after more than two years of war
Writing for Vertska Media, journalist Aaron Lurie reports on changes in Russia’s porn industry since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The two biggest developments in the business have been (1) federal legislation in March 2022 that closed a loophole in the Criminal Code that allowed online pornography, and (2) Western sanctions and corporate withdrawals that cut off the access of models and studios to more affluent consumers abroad. Nevertheless, studios and models continue to work with talent in Russia, navigating visa restrictions by relocating their filming to Serbia from places like Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Spain. To circumvent Western sanctions on Russians’ access to international banking, models and performers also resort, for example, to falsely registered Uzbek bank accounts to route Western payments through banks in Belgium. 
The loss of OnlyFans access has significantly reduced the earning capacity of adult performers in Russia, though some models have circumvented the ban by obtaining Turkish and now Thai residency permits—a process that costs roughly $2,000 plus airfare. OnlyFans alternatives still officially available in Russia (like Fansly, Boosty, and Chaturbate) are all far less profitable for the models. Lurie also learned that it’s not uncommon for Russian performers to pose as Ukrainians. Even before February 2022, this offered better protection against deanonymization (and apparently better earnings). In the aftermath of the full-scale invasion, pretending to be Ukrainian was also a means of maintaining viewers’ loyalty and soliciting better pay. Lurie also writes about some models and studios that tailor their performances to military themes, either in support of Ukraine or as a clickbait gimmick. 
Stricter laws against pornography and new financial hurdles on international sales have smothered Russia’s porn consumer culture in the cradle. To be sure, pornography is just as popular as ever among Russian Internet users, but the culture of paying money for this content “has died completely.”
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Top 10 Innovative Cars
The cars of today owe a lot to the vehicles that came before them. Car design has always been about innovation and breaking new ground, but it's rare to find an automobile that can genuinely be said to have changed everything that came afterwards. The cars in this list were not your average motors - each and every one of them had an influence that reached far beyond their original conception. Here are the unique stories of ten of the most innovative and influential cars ever produced.
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Ford Model T (1908)
The first massed produced automobile.
The Model T - colloquially known as the Tin Lizzie - is generally regarded as the first affordable car in the world, and the vehicle that opened up a world of automobile travel to the middle classes. Ford's assembly line production made it all possible, setting a standard of manufacturing that influenced almost every industry in the world. Produced between 1908 and 1927, more than 15 million Tin Lizzies were sold, and the car gave mobility to the masses. For that reason, it is often considered to be one of the most influential developments in the history of design and production.
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Rolls Royce Silver Ghost (1908)
The first military car.
At the time of its development, the beautiful Rolls Royce Silver Ghost was considered to be at the forefront of luxury car design. However, it was to become something much more important than a toy for the rich. In 1914, all Silver Ghost chassis were re-purposed to form the basis for a brand new armored car, and the vehicles ended up playing a significant part in World War I, the Irish Civil War, the Turkish Wars and even World War II. In doing so, the Silver Ghost gave birth to the modern concept of mechanized military conflicts and ended the days of the horse cavalry.
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Austin Seven (1922)
The first 'people's car'.
The Austin 7 is a legendary British car that was hugely successful both in its home country and abroad. It is often seen as the forerunner to the modern automobile as we know it, and made a huge impact on the economy car market that was comparable to the innovative inroads made by the Ford Model T fifteen years before. It is seen as the first 'people's car' that further popularized motoring, and it was re-bodied to form the basis for the first cars produced by BMW, Nissan, Lotus, Jaguar and the Australian firm Holden.
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Volkswagen Beetle (1938)
The mechanical innovator that became a cultural icon.
It's hard to find another automobile with the rich history of the Volkswagen Beetle. The brainchild of Ferdinand Porsche, it was one of the first rear-engine automobiles and was specifically designed to travel at 100kph on Germany's autobahn highway system. It also featured one of the world's first air-cooled engine designs, but its impact went way beyond its mechanical innovations. Its production lasted for 65 years between 1938 and 2006 - the longest ever run for a single design concept - and it was the first car to truly become a cultural icon (helped by the 'Herbie' films of course), showing that motor cars had a place in wider entertainment.
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BMC Mini (1959)
The early 'hot hatchback'.
Another car that gained an influence outside of the motoring world is the much loved BMC mini. It was conceptualized as a car for everyone and went on to be produced in over 100 variants in countries all over the globe. It was also one of the first modern front wheel drive cars, and made the idea of the small 'hot hatchback' cool. This simple, little car which came to symbolize the 'swinging' 60s, was one of the first efficient 'city' cars and became a rally car, racing legend and movie icon in pictures like The Italian Job.
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Citroen DS (1955)
The groundbreaking car that influenced car design for years.
The Citroën DS always occupies high places when experts are looking to crown the best car of all time, and with good reason. This executive car was years ahead of its time and it's widely accepted that every modern car model can in some way trace its design back to the DS. It was the first mass production car to include disc brakes, featured an aerodynamic body design considered futuristic at the time but standard today, it had hydraulic suspensions and revolving headlights, and sold a then-record 12,000 units on its first day of release. It remains one of the most influential automobile designs ever produced.
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Jaguar E-Type (1961)
The luxury icon of the 1960s.
The Jaguar E-Type is one of the most beautiful sports cars ever to grace the road, and a legend of 1960s design. At a time when most cars were more about practicality than style and performance, the E-Type boasted top of speeds in excess of 150mph and could travel 0-60mph in under 7 seconds. It was the first production vehicle that didn't feature a body fixed to a separate chassis, instead, it employed a 'racing design' where the body was attached to a tubular framework. It will always be associated with high performance and sleek sophistication, and it influenced sports car designed long after it left the production line.
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Lamborghini Miura (1966)
The world's first super car.
The Lamborghini Miura was the world's first super car, and pushed the boundaries of what people thought was possible in automobile design. It ushered in the era of the high-performance, two-seater sports car and was lightning quick - comfortably the fastest road car in production when it was first released. The design shared much more in common with the race cars of the day, rather than the sleek touring car designs that had previously been favored by car firm bosses, including Ferruccio Lamborghini himself, who objected the original concept for the Miura, forcing the company's engineers to design it in their spare time.
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Chrysler Minivan (1983)
The first ever multi-passenger mini-van.
In 1983, Chrysler effectively invented the Minivan and changed the way cars were conceptualized for good. The Minivan's design grew from the need for a vehicle suitable for larger families, which still retained the driveability of a normal car. It looked boxy, but had a sliding side door that made loading the kids in the car easy, yet it was small enough to fit in a standard parking spot. Owning one came to symbolise both financial, adult success and, paradoxically, 'lost youth' in 1980s America. The car changed the landscape of automobile design forever. 
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Toyota Prius (1997)
The world's first mass-produced electric hybrid vehicle.
The Toyota Prius was the first mass-produced hybrid, electric vehicle in the world, and its influence is probably yet to be fully realized. Just as the Model T and Austin 7 brought automobiles to the masses, the Prius broke new ground in the important quest for an electric powered alternative to modern gas guzzlers and remains one of the most environmentally friendly cars sold to date (now in its fourth generation, it remains in production). For all these reasons, the Prius deserves its place on this list of the most innovative car designs of all time.
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drownmeinbeauty · 1 month
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What I found most moving about A Taste of Cherry, Abbas Kiarostami's 1997 Persian-language film, was the faces. Shot mainly inside a Range Rover as it winds through the industrial outskirts of Tehran, the film is built from profile views of the driver and his passengers speaking to each other, while dusty hills and sprawling city slip by behind.
The driver is an affluent Iranian man (Houmayon Arshadi) and his passengers, also men, are a Kurdish soldier (Afshin Khorshid Bakhtiari), an Afghani seminarian (Hossein Noori), and a Turkish taxidermist (Abdolrahman Bagheri). While this sounds like the setup for a terrible ethnic joke, each man speaks naturalistically, with hard-won wisdom and basic decency. But it's their faces that hold attention. They are characterful, sometimes expressive, sometimes stoic, and also, although all believably belong in 1997 Tehran, timeless.
Some of this might be casting. Arshadi, a trained architect, was famously discovered while driving in Tehran traffic. According to IMDB this was Bakhtiari's first film, and Bagheri's and Noori's only film.
And some of this might be cultural difference. Americans are always smiling; we're not allowed to drop face. Our movie actors have emotions that are designed for legibility, loud and sorted-out. The faces in A Taste of Cherry are from contemporary Iran. The passengers are foreigners who have hard lives, and the driver is someone who is deeply lost. Their faces show sun and age, thought and worry.
They are beautiful faces. The friend who recommended this movie to me, a film-maker and architect from Iran, believes that what is beautiful is what we find parts of ourselves in, that gives deep comfort. I would also suggest the opposite, that what is beautiful is what we haven't seen before, what startles, what challenges our idea of what a man, a movie star, or a taxidermist looks like. The streets and subways of New York City are radically diverse; there are all kinds of faces here. But I've never seen faces like these. They give me a sense of Iran.
Sill from A Taste of Cherry, Abbas Kiarostami, 1997.
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gael-hightower · 1 month
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Modern AU — Gael Hightower
NAME: Gael Hightower
AGE: Twenty-eight (Born September 2nd, 1996)
BORN IN: Padua, Italy
OCCUPATION: Poet and playwright
ETHNICITY: White (English on his father's side and Italian/Turkish on his mother's side)
Born as the third son, Gael never had a particularly close relationship with his stern, demanding father and his self-absorbed mother. He was under the shadow of his eldest brother but that served as a safe space for Gael to not be minded too much, and begin to nurture his interest in the literary arts.
At school, he didn't like having too much attention on him. He was quiet and reserved, but kind.
In his last year of school, there was a bit of a shift in his demeanor, as he became a bit more outspoken and more openly defiant in his family. This was the time he discovered his father had a daughter from the woman he cheated on his mother with, and also had a clash with his eldest brother. Gael cut off connections with his family then, not wanting to be a part of that hypocritical, toxic environment.
He earned a full scholarship at Oxford for Language and Literature, and continued to get on on his own, with support from his cousin Lucrezia, Omer Florent and his good friend, Conall Blackbar.
Nowadays, he's recognized as one of the most promising voices in English literature, rising as a critically acclaimed poet and playwright who has already earned awards for his work.
He earned worldwide recognition when his most recent play was adapted for a film two years ago, with Gael working on the screenplay himself. He was nominated for an Academy Award, a BAFTA, and a Golden Globe for Best Screenplay, winning the first two awards.
Currently single.
He dated Aenogaia Qoherys little after finishing school. They ended up going their different ways and had an amicable breakup.
He had a passionate fling with Zialla Antaryon when he met her at an industry party in Hollywood. They ended up breaking up on a sour note, with their careers and expectations going in different directions.
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julligeorgee · 11 months
296, leaving the coastal lands largely unpopulated for the next two centuries. The creation of water boards actually pre-dates that of the nation itself, the first appearing in 1196. It ran Syria under emergency law from 1963 to 2011, effectively suspending constitutional protections for citizens. As of 2007, the unemployment rate of Wallonia is over double that of Flanders. The Spanish faced much resistance from the Pipil and were not able to reach eastern El Salvador, the area of the Lencas. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of endangered. The country was the seventh largest producer of soybean oil in the world in 2018. In 1982, came the K Series, shaft drive but water-cooled and with either three or four cylinders mounted in a straight line from front to back. This fills the holes in the black grid with their corresponding colored resists. The National University of San Marcos, founded on 12 May 1551, during the Viceroyalty of Peru, is the first officially established and the oldest continuously functioning university in the Americas. Currently, it has the largest off-grid solar power programme in the world, benefiting 20 million people. They can swim backward by reversing the direction of the wave. Eswatini is rich in bird life, including white-backed vultures, white-headed, lappet-faced and Cape vultures, raptors such as martial eagles, bateleurs, and long-crested eagles, and the southernmost nesting site of the marabou stork. Religion was a major dividing line between the parties before 1960, with Catholics, Jews, and southern Protestants heavily Democratic and northeastern Protestants heavily Republican. The plumage varies in colour due to environmental factors, giving the bird a natural camouflage. In 1994, Surat Huseynov, by that time the prime minister, attempted another military coup against Heydar Aliyev, but he was arrested and charged with treason. Psychiatrist Joel Paris notes that the idea that a personality is capable of splitting into independent alters is an unproven assertion that is at odds with research in cognitive psychology. The north-western part, termed as Royal Hungary, was annexed by the Habsburgs who ruled as kings of Hungary. On 13 March 1992, Tutsi coup leader Pierre Buyoya established a constitution, which provided for a multi-party political process and reflected multi-party competition. A second series of agreements covering nine areas was signed in 2004, including the Schengen Treaty and the Dublin Convention. Defining a unit for resistance that is coherent with units of energy and time in effect also requires defining units for potential and current. The country is also a producer of industrial minerals, crude oil, and petroleum. When base excision repair in the cell is compromised, mutations in other genes build up, leading to cell overgrowth and possibly tumor formation. Dogs were the first species to be domesticated by hunter-gatherers over 15,000 years ago before the development of agriculture. Until 2006, this species was known only from one book about the vegetation of Montserrat. The two top-ranking universities in Japan are the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University. Magellan never made it back to Europe as he was killed by natives in the Philippines in 1521. Stylistically, rap occupies a gray area between speech, prose, poetry, and singing. Some Turkish Cypriot singers, such as Ziynet Sali and Isin Karaca, have achieved fame in Turkey.
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heretic-child · 2 years
Yılmaz Güney was a Zazaki Kurdish film director, screenwriter, novelist, and actor. He quickly rose to prominence in the Turkish film industry. Many of his works were devoted to the plight of ordinary working-class people in Turkey. He was at constant odds with the Turkish government over the portrayal of Kurdish culture, people and language in his movies.
He won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1982 for the film Yol (The Road) which made it the first Turkish film that won the Golden Palm.
Its screenplay was written by Yılmaz Güney, and it was directed by his assistant Şerif Gören, as Güney was in prison at the time. Later, after Güney escaped from Imrali prison, he took the negatives of the film to Switzerland and later edited it in Paris.
The film was banned in Turkey until 1999 because of its negative portrayal of Turkey at the time, which was under the control of a military dictatorship. Even more controversial was the limited use of the Kurdish language, music and culture (which were forbidden in Turkey at the time), as well as the portrayal of the hardships Kurds live through in Turkey. One scene in the movie even calls the location of Ömer's village "Kurdistan".
A new version of Yol was released in 2017, called Yol: The Full Version in which many of these controversial parts and scenes have been taken out, to make the film suitable for release in Turkey. In order to be shown at the Turkish stand at Cannes 2017 the Kurdistan insert was removed. In what critics say goes against the director Yılmaz Güney's wishes and call "censorship", the frame showing "Kurdistan" as well as a highly political scene where Ömer speaks about difficulties of being Kurdish were removed.
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Güney, in Cannes (1982)
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Yol (The Road), 1982
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lesbiancolumbo · 1 year
what's actually very annoying about those toks that are like me when i just wanna watch a marvel movie 🤪 but my filmbro boyfriend (ugh) wants to watch a 10 hour romanian documentary about a pigeon or whatever is that like. okay first of all those words are a choice. second of all those countries are making contemporary films and they are actually very fascinating and some of the best, most exciting filmmaking right now? i've been captivated by the romanian new wave since college, one of the best and most fascinating films i've ever seen is directed by a woman in bulgaria, hungary's contemporary filmmaking industry is burgeoning and very exciting, i just watched an amazing turkish film the other night, my favorite film of 2021 was from bosnia like. have you considered that you're just being boring and terminally incurious for social media clout? just admit you picked that region of the world bc you wanted to be bigoted in a way that wasn't outwardly racist if you went any further east or south lol
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hopping-bug · 1 year
Turkey Public Holidays 2023 | Turkey Holidays 2023
This article delves into the captivating world of Turkey public holidays, exploring their origins, cultural significance, and the diverse ways in which they are celebrated.
Turkey, a land where rich history and vibrant culture converge, boasts a diverse array of public holidays that reflect its heritage, traditions, and values. From religious observances to national commemorations, Turkey's public holidays play a significant role in the lives of its citizens.
Here you can checkout Turkey public holidays.
1. The Blend of Secular and Religious Observances
Turkey's public holidays offer a unique blend of both secular and religious observances. This is a testament to the country's rich history, which includes its transformation from the Byzantine and Ottoman empires to the modern Turkish republic. Public holidays in Turkey are divided into two main categories: secular holidays, which have a focus on national identity and history, and religious holidays, which hold immense significance for the country's Muslim population.
2. Religious Holidays: Celebrating Faith and Tradition
One of the most important religious holidays in Turkey is Eid al-Fitr, also known as Ramazan Bayramı. This three-day celebration marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Families come together to share festive meals, exchange gifts, and give to those in need, adhering to the principles of generosity and compassion.
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Another significant religious holiday is Eid al-Adha, or Kurban Bayramı. This holiday commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God. Families sacrifice animals, and the meat is distributed to those in need, promoting solidarity and care for the less fortunate.
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3. Secular Holidays: Honoring National Identity
Secular holidays in Turkey are deeply rooted in the country's history and its transition into a modern, progressive state. The most prominent secular holiday is Republic Day, celebrated on October 29th. This day marks the proclamation of the Turkish Republic in 1923 and the abolishment of the Ottoman Empire. Festivities include parades, fireworks, and cultural performances that showcase the nation's unity and strength.
Another notable secular holiday is Victory Day, commemorated on August 30th. This holiday pays tribute to the military victories during the Turkish War of Independence. The day is celebrated with ceremonies, exhibitions, and historical reenactments that honor the resilience and determination of the Turkish people.
4. Cultural Festivals: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity
Turkey's public holidays also feature various cultural festivals that celebrate the country's diverse heritage. One such festival is Nevruz, a spring equinox celebration that holds roots in ancient Turkic traditions. It marks the arrival of spring and is celebrated with music, dance, and colorful displays.
The International Antalya Film Festival showcases Turkey's contribution to the world of cinema. This event attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the globe, providing a platform to appreciate Turkey's cinematic achievements.
5. Travel and Tourism During Public Holidays
Turkey's unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty makes it a sought-after destination for travelers. Public holidays can significantly impact the tourism industry, as both locals and tourists participate in the festivities. Visitors can immerse themselves in the local customs, enjoy traditional cuisine, and witness the vibrant celebrations that unfold during these holidays.
6. The Economic Impact of Public Holidays
Public holidays play a significant role in Turkey's economy. Businesses often adjust their operations during holidays, and industries like tourism, hospitality, and retail experience fluctuations in demand. The careful consideration of public holidays is vital for maintaining a balance between celebrating cultural heritage and sustaining economic stability.
Postino WineCafe is a chain of wine bars, here you can typically enjoy discounted drinks and small plates. It’s a great time to grab a drink with friends or colleagues after work and unwind with some delicious snacks.
Turkey's public holidays offer a fascinating glimpse into the nation's history, traditions, and values. The blend of religious observances, secular commemorations, and cultural festivals paints a vivid picture of Turkey's rich and diverse tapestry.
These holidays not only unite the nation in celebration but also serve as a reminder of the past and a foundation for the future. Whether it's the joyous feasts of Eid, the pride of Republic Day, or the vibrant displays of cultural festivals, Turkey's public holidays reflect the essence of this captivating country.
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lauralot89 · 2 years
i’m gonna go off on a completely stupid and unnecessary rant that no one will be able to reblog because it ain’t that serious and also because my opinion is the only right opinion
a werewolf is a creature that is sometimes a human being, and sometimes a wolf
it is a combination of two existing animals into one being, that can change between those two states
it is not some weird amalgamation of a human and a wolf, it is a creature that sometimes has the shape of a human and sometimes has the shape of a wolf
the earliest mention of werewolves in Greek mythology for example, is Herodotus recording that a tribe northeast of Scythia all transformed into wolves once a year for a few days
wolves.  not wolfmen.
King Lycaon was transformed into a literal wolf as a punishment by Zeus.
Saint Augustine said, “It is very generally believed that by certain witches' spells men may be turned into wolves...”
in the poem Bisclavret, written around 1200 CE, the titular werewolf almost falls prey to the king’s wolf hunt.  because he looks like a wolf.
From the Wikipedia:
The appearance of a werewolf in its animal form varies from culture to culture, though it is most commonly portrayed as being indistinguishable from ordinary wolves save for the fact that it has no tail (a trait thought characteristic of witches in animal form), is often larger, and retains human eyes and a voice. According to some Swedish accounts, the werewolf could be distinguished from a regular wolf by the fact that it would run on three legs, stretching the fourth one backwards to look like a tail.
The only culture i’ve found that describes its werewolves as wolfmen is Turkish folklore, which I doubt was inspiring movies like Werewolf of London and The Wolfman, which unfortunately gave us this bipedal wolf-human Animorph mid-transformation nonsense
what did give us that nonsense, i’m certain, was the fact that the special effects industry in the early era of film could not possibly turn a human actor into a convincing four-legged wolf, and for whatever reason they couldn’t or didn’t want to use dogs in the stories they were filming
also maybe the actors wanted more face time or something, i don’t know, you couldn’t pay me enough to sit for hours getting crepe wool glued to my face
it looks silly
i’m sorry, there's like one bipedal werewolf in the history of cinema that doesn’t look dopey and that’s it
they’re not scarier
yes i know fear is subjective but again, my opinion is right
i guess you could argue they’re unnatural but again, to me that just says “this is unnatural because it’s a person in a silly costume”
in conclusion
this is a werewolf:
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this is a fursona:
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this is a werewolf:
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this is a man with hypertrichosis:
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this is an oversized werewolf:
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this is a sickly chupacabra:
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animusiem · 1 year
Billboard USA Exclusion Zone Episode 16 (06/17/2023)
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I'm so excited for this week not gonna lie. Yes it's mostly because of Metro Boomin Spiderverse mini album bomb which crossed over to the Global Excl US chart. But looking at the new entries and I just realized the scope of what "global music chart excluding America" really like because damn this is a very chaotic week.
8. "Sprinter" by Dave & Central Cee
It's kinda interesting to see a grime song having its biggest debut as I do think that grime might be the next big thing in Europe around 4 years ago. I do think this song has a good beat, but the lyrics man are just bad. One particular highlight is talking about Central Cee hooking up with a feminist...seriously.
15. "S-Class" by Stray Kids
Well I found another penis music-core again and it's due to the chorus which...what's up with the melody here?
20. "Los del Espacio" by LIT killah, Maria Becerra, FMK, Rusherking, Duki, Emilia, Tiago pzk & Big One
Remember that posse cut Te Bote that somehow became a hit in 2018? Well we got another one of those posse cut here with all of these artists. All I can say here is that it's at least more upbeat and fun than Te Bote. Apparently this type of posse cut is a big thing in Argentina alongside BZRP Music Session. I love how it changes genres so that it didn't felt stale. Good stuff.
27. "Popular" by The Weeknd ft. Playboi Carti & Madonna
From what I heard, The Idol is another show about exploitation in the entertainment industry? I mean there's already Oshi no Ko and Perfect Blue that have done this concept better but hey just like the former, we have a pop song to go along with it. Now this is one of the few Abel songs that I actually enjoy. 2000's pop-n-b is a perfect fit for Abel and I want Madonna like this. Oh btw fuck Playboi Carti, he didn't add anything to this song but a nuisance.
42. "Ta OK" by DENNIS E MC Kevin O Chris
I think you know how big of an impact streaming and TikTok has in music being more decentralized that we have high debut for Reginal Brazilian song that only ran one and a half minutes.
51. "Calling" by Metro Boomin, Swae Lee, & Nav ft. A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie
Short review for Across the Spiderverse: One of the best animated movies of all time go watch it if you haven't already. Now for the soundtrack though, I would say it's consistent and played it straight. But because of that, there's no standout songs unlike say Sunflowers or What's Up Danger. But Metro is still a great producer and this song is a great example. I love Swae Lee hook, NAV gave his best performance ever, and A Boogie didn't embarrassed himself here. I hope this became a radio hit...but I want this to be bigger.
61. "Annihilate" by Metro Boomin, Swae Lee, Lil Wayne & Offset
When the beat to this song was used in the movie I felt chill and really showed the scope and the eerieness of the Spider Society looked like. I do think that Offset should do more than his basic verse, but Lil Wayne just go off in this song. I don't know why he always turned up in these CBM films' soundtracks but I approve it.
62. "Am I Dreaming" by Metro Boomin, ASAP Rocky & Roisee
The production saved it from being mediocre. That string and the percussion is just immaculate and showed that he can do more than his typical trap rap stuff given the budget. Roisee got too much filter on her and ASAP Rocky just doing decent here.
77. "El Cielo" by Sky Rompiendo ft. Feid & Myke Towers
I think I'm kinda sick of Feid but with this song, I'll give him another chance because I like the groove and the atmosphere of this song.
79. "Pişman Değilim" by Semicenk ft. Doğu Swag
We got another first here as this is the first Turkish song I am reviewing. And wow this sounds like 2016-17 pop rap stuff complete with the piano, blocky percussion, and strong hook.
103. "Lilith" by Halsey ft. SUGA
So apparently Diablo IV came out recently and seems like video game devs seeing the success of Enemy, are gonna hired musicians to soundtrack their games. Here's one observation of this song, this beat is actually great. But seems like SUGA just cannot ride the beat well.
114. "Makeba" by Jain
This song has one of the tightest bass I've ever heard this year so far. Of course beside that this song seems to be influenced by some Arabic element to it by the sandy feel of the production. It's just a good song.
116. "Obsessed" by Riar Saab ft. Abhijay Sharma
I think I knew that this week is gonna be the most diverse one I've covered when right after a song from French artist that had Arabic influence, I got a punjabi rap song that blew up in Canada.
153. "Self Love" by Metro Boomin & Coi Leray
This is definitely the most underrated song from the Spiderverse album. I love the lowkey pop trap sound juxtaposed with Coi Leray voice which I would describe as if Playboi Carti going pop. And I love this song because the lyrics can be about anything, but the voice clip of Gwen at the end of the song made it seems like it was her song and I love that kind of soundtrack writing.
163. "Tere Vaaste" by Varun Jain, Schin-Jigar, Shadab Faridi & Altamash Faridi
Last time I talked about the soundtrack from this movie it was a ballad. Now we got the upbeat song here...which is still kinda lowkey. But as someone who only watched like bollywood movies from the 80's and 90's, hearing synthetic percussion in this song does threw me off.
186. "Topline" by Stray Kids ft. Tiger JK
...At least the trumpet is good here???
190. "All The Way Live" by Metro Boomin, Future & Lil Uzi Vert
I think this is the weakest song on the album which is such a shame. I love it when Future on Metro's production, but he's kinda checked out here. The production does saved it but this is indeed sounded like above average Baby Pluto song.
193. "Me Entere" by Tiago Pzk & TINI
Tiago Pzk was supposed to be the next big thing in reggaeton scene...and then he just didn't. Anyways this song is too bouncy even for me.
I highly recommend everyone to listen to these songs
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Deniz Cuylan - Rings of Juniper - self-styled “Mediterranean Minimalism”; fits under the New Age of New Age umbrella, with a sonic palette of acoustic guitar, piano, clarinet & strings
Deniz Cuylan set out to explore his own distinctive sound on his 2021 solo debut album 'No Such Thing As Free Will.' The album signaled the Turkish musician’s first bold step into the spotlight following a winding 15-year path in the music industry playing in multiple bands with home bases dotted all over the globe – Stockholm, NYC, Istanbul – and tackling a wide array of styles both on the stage and in the studio. Now settled into his current home in Los Angeles, Deniz lends his instrumental talents to create scores for independent films and recurring Netflix original series, yet these projects inevitably fulfill the sonic backdrop for another artist’s vision. Looking inward on his own for the first time, 'No Such Thing As Free Will' laid the groundwork for his own personal soundtrack, one that fused his love of classical guitar, introspective jazz, and ambient expressionism with his whimsical compositional ear. Over a magical 6-track journey, 'No Such Thing As Free Will' painted a lush cinematic narrative with Deniz’s guitar as its guide, delivering an album that “seems to invent new languages for the guitar” (The Guardian) and receiving glowing comparisons to legends like Steve Reich, The Durutti Colum’s Vini Reilly, Glenn Branca, and Bert Jansch. With such a singular foundation exposed on a debut album, many artists would stay true to their inventive winning formula and find out if lightning could strike twice. Deniz is not one of those artists. An explorer at heart, Deniz unveils a beautifully alluring and lightly adjusted language on his mesmerizing second album 'Rings Of Juniper.' The record continues to spotlight Deniz’s exquisite guitar work and hypnotic compositional skills, yet it boasts a punchier, refined, and more immediate tone right from the start. Accented by a desire to once again uncover a new shade of his sonic palette with the support of a talented cast of friends and artistic collaborators, 'Rings Of Juniper' lays bare a rich, dynamic, and evocative sound that Deniz lovingly refers to as Mediterranean Minimalism.
All songs written by Deniz Cuylan. Guitar, clarinet, and piano performed by Deniz Cuylan. Strings performed by Greg Chudzik. Artwork by Hayal Pozanti
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starbiohub · 1 year
Can Yaman Wife, Relationship, Height, Age, Girlfriend, Wiki, Biography and More
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Can Yaman, a well-known Turkish actor and lawyer, was born in Istanbul on November 8, 1989 (age 33 years; as of 2022). He became well-known throughout the world for his outstanding acting abilities and gorgeous appearance. Yaman’s charisma, ability, and variety have earned him a big fan base in Turkey and other countries.
In Istanbul, Turkey, he attended Bilfen Schools and Liceo Italiano IMI. He attended zel talyan Lisesi, an Istanbul school, from 2003 until 2008. Yaman was awarded a scholarship to study law at Yeditepe University in Istanbul from 2008 to 2012. During his studies, he was able to travel to the United States as part of a student exchange programme. His enthusiasm for performing, however, pushed him to pursue his true destiny in the entertainment sector.
Can Yaman enrolled in the acting department at Istanbul Bilgi University in 2014, where he received professional instruction and honed his acting skills. Throughout his university career, he participated in several theatre performances and earned great stage experience.
Can Yaman began working as an intern at Somay Hukuk Burosu, a legal firm in Istanbul, Turkey, in July 2011. Then, in February 2014, he moved to Turkey to work with PricewaterhouseCoopers. He also worked as a lawyer at the Istanbul Bar Association. He also had experience working at a mergers and acquisitions firm and authoring tax articles for the journal ‘Dunya.’
Yaman, however, realised after a few years in business law that it wasn’t the appropriate fit for him. He stated in an interview with a magazine that sitting in an office wearing a suit did not align with his desire for a broader viewpoint. He opted not to return after being granted an annual leave. His former coworkers saw him for the first time on television.
Can Yaman currently operates a law firm in Kartal, Turkey, in collaboration with two friends.
Can Yaman made his major break in 2015, when he was cast in the popular Turkish TV show “Matters of the Heart” (Gönül şleri). Thanks to Yaman’s talent and charm, his character, Yaln Aras, quickly became a fan favourite among viewers. This achievement provided him with other chances in the television industry.
Yaman appeared as the gorgeous and rebellious Can Divit in the romantic drama series “Love Out of Spite” (nadna Aşk) in 2016. The series gained widespread acclaim, cementing Yaman’s position as a rising star in Turkish entertainment.
Can Yaman continued his winning streak as the lead in the 2017 series “Full Moon” (Dolunay), playing Ferit Aslan, a successful businessman with a complicated love life. His depiction of Ferit showcased his acting range and gained him great accolades.
Yaman co-starred with Demet zdemir in the romantic comedy series “Early Bird” (Erkenci Kuş) in 2018. The series became extremely famous both in Turkey and internationally, amassing a devoted fan following on a global scale. Yaman’s portrayal of the show’s charming and free-spirited Can Divit cemented his popularity as a heartthrob.
Yaman’s success transcended national boundaries, garnering him great acclaim in nations including as Greece, Spain, Italy, and Latin America. He was invited to international events and became an ambassador for different products, propelling him to the rank of worldwide celebrity.
Can Yaman, in addition to his successful television career, made his feature film debut in 2018 with the film “Organised Chaos: Carp Spiral” (Organise şler: Sazan Sarmal). Yaman’s comedic timing and ability as an actor were highlighted in this comedy picture, further broadening his repertory.
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A Norfolk Southern Corporation train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed after an axle malfunction in East Palestine, Ohio. The 50-car train, which had been on fire for miles before it ran aground, produced clouds of noxious fumes that led to the evacuation of nearly 5,000 people, some of whom were extras in the film adaptation of White Noise, and the deaths of domestic and wild animals in the area. Norfolk Southern, which has paid its executives millions, spent billions on stock buybacks, and declined a shareholder demand to “assess, review, and mitigate risks of hazardous material transportation,” agreed to pay the city of East Palestine $25,000. 
Aid and rescue workers could not immediately reach victims of the 7.8-magnitude earthquake and its aftershocks, some of which were nearly as big as the first quake, in Syria because of sanctions against the country, which were suspended by the U.S. government days after the disaster; more than 37,000 people across Turkey and Syria have died and tens of thousands have been injured by the quakes. Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan—who came to power over 20 years ago after a previous administration’s mishandling of an earthquake response, and has himself been criticized for slow rescue efforts as he faces an election in three months—announced that he would allocate more than $5.3 billion to relief. “It’s an issue that will take a coalition to solve,” said Microsoft, a computer manufacturer and software company worth $1.9 trillion, in response to a report outlining changes to small-scale cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which is plagued by fatal cave-ins and child labor. Thirty-three members of Congress pushed for the U.S. Labor secretary to punish automotive companies whose Alabama factories have been employing children as young as 12, while lawmakers in Iowa and Minnesota have introduced legislation to allow minors as young as 14 to work in slaughterhouses, demolition, roofing, and other jobs that require the operation of heavy machinery. Missouri’s state house voted against prohibiting children from open-carrying firearms unless under adult supervision.
Attorneys for Richard “Alex” Murdaugh, the third consecutive member of his family to serve as South Carolina Lowcountry solicitor, who is accused of murdering his wife, Maggie, and youngest son, Paul (who was implicated in the death of Mallory Beach in a drunken boating accident) and of diverting millions of dollars in damages-settlement money intended for his clients and their families, including the sons of the family’s maid, who died in a trip-and-fall accident at one of the Murdaughs’ residences, to a bank account he controlled, moved for a mistrial over hearsay, but were denied. The majority-white, Republican Mississippi House approved a bill that will create a new district court in the majority-black, Democratic city of Jacksonville, whose judges will be appointed rather than elected, and the mayor of Fort Worth, Texas, said she supported the police chief’s proposed community oversight board, whose members he would select. “People are scared, upset, & are believing crazy things being said on the internet,” tweeted Marjorie Taylor Greene, who carried a white balloon around the Capitol the day of the State of the Union address, as she questioned the timing of three downed unidentified aircraft over North America: “[T]here is a lack of transparency from the Biden admin and simple explanations are owed to the people.” The White House denied the existence of aliens and a report that the United States had blown up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. A farmer advocacy organization said that record-high egg prices are being caused by collusion among egg producers, who are exaggerating the effects of avian flu on their industry, and the McDonald’s corporation agreed to remove an advertisement for its McCrispy sandwich inside a bus shelter in Cornwall that is opposite a road sign for the area’s crematorium.
A decade-long study revealed that instant noodles were responsible for nearly a third of all hospital cases of scalded children. Scientists found that female orcas who support their sons into adulthood suffer. Eighty-one bales of cocaine, weighing three and a half tons in total, were discovered floating off the coast of New Zealand. Members of Oregon’s liquor and cannabis commission were found to have abused their power in order to get deeply discounted bottles of Pappy Van Winkle’s 23-year-old whiskey. A 24-year-old man who abducted monkeys from the Dallas Zoo to keep as pets told police he would do it again, and a Nashville man resisted arrest by thrusting his cat into an officer’s face. A robot escaped a Pennsylvania supermarket. King Charles III wore a holey sock to an appearance at a Brick Lane mosque. 
—Violet Lucca  :: [Harpers Magazine :: Weekly Review]
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alwayzraven · 2 years
I wonder what those assholes that said ru is nothing without his ship are saying now 🤔 yk since he's working with big name stars of Turkish film industry, not to mention being in a Disney plus show will give him huge coverage
They will probably find something else to say about RU. Idky we bother with them 😂 I don't know how popular Disney+ is in Turkey but yes they don't work with anyone. I don't know how much exposure/coverage this will give him but if promoted properly, the 2nd season will definitely be a hit because S1 was a success.
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