#turns out being injured for a long time and then immediately spending two weeks
hershelchocolateart · 8 months
Oh turns out after tomorrow my queue is uhhhh Empty. It's a good thing a new hyperfixation just dropped, eh gang?
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lost-and-ephemeral · 7 months
lnds x reader where the boys and reader are in an argument like bringing their insecurities up and says something extremely hurtful that made mc cry and distant themselves and the boys regret it so much? 💓
HCs: Hurtful Words (ft. main trio)
Pairing: Xavier x reader, Zayne x reader, Rafayel x reader, (seperate)
Tags: angst, hurt/comfort (in the end), maybe guys acting too OOC
A/N: I didn't want to make boys too OOC, so maybe it isn't exactly what you wanted, but I tried to follow your request ♡
-`♡´- MASTERLIST -`♡´- 
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On one of your last missions, you were too reckless and almost end up dying because of it.
Xavier almost lost you again, and the thought just drove him crazy.
He was worried and pretty angry since it wasn't the first time you were playing with fire.
When he showed up on the doorstep of your hospital room, Xavier was very distressed. Even your reassuring smile made no impression on him.
He still remembered how you died in his arms in the past.
So he snapped.
Not because he really wanted to offend you. No. But because his anxiety had turned into a furious stream of thoughts.
He was harshly talking about how reckless you are. About how you're not all-powerful or immortal, yet you never think about the consequences. About how stupid you're being, putting yourself in danger by jumping into a group of enemies.
Xavier, normally mild and calm, was acting so different now.
And you, being injured and bedridden, hardly wanted to see this exact reaction from him.
His words made you feel like a burden.
And when there was no trace of anger left, he suddenly fell silent, looking at the way your eyes were slowly filling up with tears.
Oh, no. He didn't mean it.
He really didn't mean it.
"Leave my room," you choked out, feeling deeply hurt by his words.
Even if he wanted to stay, it wasn't the best idea.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you."
But you were wounded too deeply by his harsh words, so you immediately distanced yourself from him, chasing him away.
Stupid? Reckless? Did he really see you like that?
Of course not...
Every minute of his existence Xavier was regretting the fact the snapped at you like this. He was supposed to support you after a serious injury, not make you hurt even more.
And the distance between the two of you made it worse.
Happy ending bonus:
This poor guy only lasted a day before he came back to see you in the hospital with a bouquet of flowers.
It was physically hard to stay away from you for so long, especially since Xavier has already spend years searching for you. And ruining everything by this stupid argument wasn't something he wished for.
He was apologizing for everything he said until you softened and let him stay.
Because you, too, were missing his presence.
"I'll never let anger get control over me again. I swear. Please, just... Get better soon."
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Every now and then you and Rafayel would get into a playful argument, but now it was serious.
You just totally forgot about meeting with him at his studio and went to the mall with Tara.
Your busy schedule had jumbled up all the plans and days of the week in your head. And you ended up remembering your promise only a few hours later.
The fact that your phone was muted and you had hundreds of missed messages from Rafayel only made you feel more guilty.
So you tried to get to his studio as soon as possible while calling him. But he didn't answer.
Once you got there, you ran into a really pissed off Rafayel.
Yes, he was pouting at you from time to time.
But now the artist was more than angry.
You knew he was very sensitive when you suddenly disappeared without warning, so you immediately tried to make it up to him.
But it didn't really work.
"How could you forget about me?! You promised!"
Unexpectedly, Rafayel let himself snap at you.
He was so frustrated about the fact you forgot about him that he had no control over what he said.
He talked and talked. About not being able to trust you with your promises. About how he was tired of worrying about you when you suddenly disappear without a word. About how he was tired of waiting for you, thinking you decided to leave him, making him feel like a fish out of water.
And hearing about you being such an unreliable and bad person was truly painful.
His anger eventually led to you storming out of his studio in tears, not wanting to hear any more accusations against you.
You didn't cheat on him, didn't do anything wrong. That's why this sudden aggression from him made you so upset.
And only while standing alone in his studio Rafayel realized that he had made things worse. He didn't want you to leave him, yet this is exactly what happened.
He tried calling you, texting you. But all he got was silence.
Bonus happy ending:
After a few days the silence between you two became unbearable. He felt like he was in agony.
When you heard the doorbell ring in the evening, you didn't expect to see Rafayel looking like a wet, sad puppy. It seemed that he had been caught in the rain and had come to see you anyway.
He shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other before finally lifting his gaze to look at you.
"I'm sorry. I acted like a total jerk. Please, I can't exist in isolation anymore, not being able to hear your voice or see you. You can even scold me till the end of time if you want, just don't leave me."
You missed him as much as he missed you. So you let him in.
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Sometimes Zayne was incredibly tired at work. Not just physically, but mentally.
At this time, he wanted more than anything to just rest and forget about all important matters. If such a thing was even allowed for a surgeon as busy as he was.
Maybe he'd be able to do it even more often if he didn't have to occasionally wait for you to show up for an appointment.
Especially since periodically you completely forgot about them. And in the worst cases, you were not only late, but didn't show up at all.
Usually, he would just lightly scold you, which didn't cause any problems. After all, it was Zayne's way to show that he cared about you.
But today was a particularly hard day at work.
So when you walked into his medical office, Zayne was sitting at his desk, massaging the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
And your excessive cheerfulness at that moment didn't make the situation any better. You sat down across from him with a smile. But he only shook his head, tired and disappointed.
"You forgot about your appointment again and decided to reschedule it for tonight?"
You smiled awkwardly, but didn't have time to say anything.
Oh, how annoyed he was, scolding you for how negligent you were about your health, ignoring all of his recommendations. He said that sometimes he felt like you are his personal headache. Except he couldn't get rid of you.
And he was too tired to notice how quickly the smile disappeared from your face, giving way to tears.
Before he could say anything, you threw the stack of papers with your test results on his desk, almost running out of his office.
The situation had gone far beyond what was acceptable, but Zayne realized it too late.
He tried to call you and even drove to your place right after his shift ended, but he was left standing in front of the closed door.
Maybe it would've been better to just let you cool off.
But with your silence, a devastating feeling settled in Zayne's heart. He was so, so sorry.
Bonus happy ending:
After a couple days of agonizing silence, he wanted nothing more than to see you. He managed to catch you before you went into your apartment.
You avoided his gaze, but you didn't leave, giving him time.
"I'm sorry. You're not a headache. I was having an awfully rough day at the time, so I snapped. It won't happen again."
Now you could clearly see the remorse in his eyes. You missed him so much and just couldn't push him away again.
After all, everyone can have an argument. The main thing is to be able to deal with the situation correctly.
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missnancychavez · 26 days
So I am on my third rewatch of Twisters. So here are some of my own personal headcanons and theories for the movie and some parallels that may add weight to those theories.
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1. The original 5 friend group dynamic: Jeb and Praveen have known each other for years and are each others best friend. Javi and Kate are the dynamic duo (basing it on the fact that they were the only ones to do the handshake together). And Addy is everyone's little sister. Her and Kate were extremely close, but in a different way than her friendship with Javi.
2. Tyler Owens is the nephew of Bill and Jo on Bill's side (As we knew Jo didn't have any sibling). He spent his summers with them as a kid, and then as a teenager, he moved in with them full time. He started chasing with them around then, too. He even pays homage to that as he is driving a newer model of Bill's red dodge ram.
3. Boone and Lily have something going on. The way Boone screams her name as she gets picked up by the wind. And their personalities are perfect together. You can't convince me otherwise.
4. Kate and Tyler kiss in the truck after the chase they go on straight from the airport at the end of the movie. (Refer to point 8)
5. Kate puts in her resignation almost immediately, and Javi cuts ties with Riggs and Scott. The wranglers and Kate join StormPAR. Kate and Tyler spend the off-season working with Javi while the others do their own gigs, but during the storm season, they are all chasing and gathering data.
6. Cathy is so encouraging of her daughter because she's been through loss before. They called her Mrs. Carter, meaning she was married. Kate's dad died when Kate was a little girl. Cathy had to learn how to navigate being a young mom and tending a farm on her own. But she also knows that it could stop her from living her life. So she didn't. She grieved, and she learned to live with the grief and still do what she loves. It's why she is so encouraging of Kate getting back out there.
7. Kate stayed in OK for another couple of weeks after the tornado (neither her nor Tyler appeared injured in the final scene, and the truck looks great, all things considered, so clearly they had time tp heal and fix the truck.) They all were forcibly invited back to the farm by Cathy after Tyler and the wranglers went to drop Kate off post El Reno. Cathy took one look at Tyler and forced him in the house. Kate gave herself a headache from laughing so hard. She was then sent inside alongside him. Cathy made everyone stay for as long as they needed. But she did, however, get some free labour from it. It was an unspoken agreement that Kate's was now home base.
8. By the credit scenes, Kate and Tyler are together. Their first kiss was immediately after the two of them went chasing from the airport. Something about their adrenaline rushing, and it being just the two of them. It was electric. It was immediate. It just happened, and when they pulled back, they both started laughing. It reminded him of the first time they chased together, just the two of them. Kate delayed her flight for another two days. She was back home within the month. Tyler quickly realised he would have to start bribing Boone afterwards on the days he and Kate went out.
9. Kate and Boone will play card games at night to see who gets shotgun the next day, when Boone isn't riding with Lily, of course. Turns out, Kate's damn good at playing poker. On the rare occasion that Kate drives, Boone automatically hops in the back of the truck. He won't tell anyone, but he loves it when she drives. She gets this manic energy about her in the drivers seat and his adrenaline always ends up pumping. Tyler loves it, too, but he has no qualms verbalizing his affections toward her.
10. Tyler has nightmares now. Of watching Kate drive into the tornado. Of finding her body, discarded and broken by his truck. Of her slipping through his fingers during a storm. He wakes up sweating and panicking. And it's only when he sees her that he can calm himself down. The two of them, those first two weeks after El Reno, would spend hours each night, sitting in the barn, going over formulas. Or sitting outside on the tree swing, talking until they were both too exhausted to have any nightmares. When she left to go back to New York, she wasn't particularly surprised when one night she awoke to her phone ringing, Tyler close to having a full blown panic attack as he tried and failed to reassure himself that she was okay without her help. They would always call each other before bed after that, usually falling asleep over facetime.
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behindthesoul · 9 months
Getting back into MK I was wondering how would Kenshi, Johnny and Raiden react if they were told that S/O had gone missing on Mission possible dead, and after a few days their s/o shows up bruised and snapped up but live?
Missing Mission
Warnings: bad injuries, hospitalization, alcohol mentions, not proofread, not my highest quality work
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Silent and brooding.
One could practically feel the anger that seeped out his bones. If looks could kill, everyone in Kenshi’s vicinity would be dead; not many would risk their lives by making direct eye contact with him, even though they’re covered in red cloth.
Saying he was pissed off would be a complete understatement. The two of you had been together for about three years now. Kenshi thought of your future together daily - what do you mean it’s being taken away?
In quiet moments alone, Kenshi thinks about where you could be. You must be so scared, so alone, so injured…that is, if you were even alive. He chokes back tears at the pain of not having the closure of knowing what happened to you.
Weeks later, Kenshi’s semi-adjusted to his normal routine. He grieves you daily, but it’s mostly kept inside. He arrives home one day to feel that something’s off; something isn’t right. Sento in hand, he walks through his house, trying to figure out what was happening.
He eventually makes his way to the kitchen where you sat. You nurse a glass of whiskey and smirk.
“Took you long enough to get here. I’ve been waiting all day.”
Kenshi freezes, he doesn’t know if it’s truly you or if this is just some sick joke. You get off the chair you’re in, grunting in pain as your feet hit the ground, and walk over to him. Kenshi knows everything is real when your hand reaches over to caress his face.
He frowns as he feels a bandage wrapped around your hand. His frown morphs into a scowl after he leans over to plant a kiss on your lips, noting how you slightly wince from a small bruise that was planted in the area.
He pulls back and doesn’t know what to say. His breath is a bit shaky and his mind is racing. Words couldn’t explain the anguish of your disappearance, and the joy of your return. Kenshi wishes he could see you again, to be able to get a proper look at your injuries.
Your pain is temporarily ignored when you kiss him again.
Uncharacteristically silent. Panic sets in almost immediately. I feel like Johnny would blame himself just a little bit. He already fucked up one relationship, why did he let another slip out his hand? What’s wrong with him?
Days turned into weeks, and Johnny spent each moment wallowing in pity. The pity soon becomes bitterness; no one could recognize who he was becoming.
It’s not long before Johnny forces himself to at least try to return to his normal self. He goes back to being the life of the party, cracking jokes left and right. Though, many notice that his jokes become more dry and lifeless.
He spends a lot of time outside. Home just isn’t the same anymore; it’s devoid of any love and laughter. Johnny only arrives home to sleep, only to feel his heart break once again as he crawls into an empty bed.
A month or two passes before Johnny gets a sudden call. It’s from the hospital, telling him that you’ve been found and-
Nothing else was heard. Johnny immediately raced to the hospital, possibly breaking several traffic laws in the process. Whoops.
He rushes into the hospital and finds your room in record time. Johnny feels his body getting heavier at the sight of you laying in the hospital bed, beaten and bruised. He couldn’t even begin counting the amount of injuries you had. Walking over to your bed and taking your hand in his, Johnny allows a few tears to fall.
You’re home, but you’re not okay.
Quan Chi and Shang Tsung had escaped from their prison cells in Sun Do. Liu Kang sent you to Outworld to track them both down. You went alone, as Liu Kang had full faith and your abilities. He also wanted this mission to be completed as quietly as possible; the sorcerers would no doubt flee if they heard many Earthrealm champions were after them.
Your boyfriend didn’t hear about your mission until you already left. Raiden, just coming back from a mission of his own, was a bit upset that he didn’t get the chance to at least say goodbye.
He kept himself busy while waiting for your arrival. He hung out with Kung Lao, ate at Madam Bo’s, and spent time at the Wu Shi Academy. One week, you’d be back in one week. He could handle that.
But a week quickly became a month. Raiden definitely panicked but did his best to ease his own nerves. Lots of deep breathing and redirecting any negative thoughts that try to plague his mind.
Jumps into hero mode when Liu Kang confirms that you’ve truly gone missing. Helps plan an entire rescue mission and plans to find you alone. Liu Kang has to reel Raiden back to make sure he isn’t getting himself into trouble.
Along with a few other allies, Raiden travels to Outworld. He is met by Mileena and Kitana who assist with the search. Millions of thoughts of you being dead run through his mind and he, once again, forces those thoughts away.
The search only lasts for a few days before you’re found near a swamp behind Shang Tsung’s old laboratory. You set up a temporary shelter there so you could nurse your injuries; broken ribs, deep bruises and gashes, and a sprained ankle.
Raiden lets out a huge sigh of relief and rushes over to you. He hugs you as firmly as he can without hurting you more. Raiden looks into your eyes and shows a small smile.
“Just when I thought you were lost forever.”
Mileena and Kitana have you escorted to the palace infirmary where you stay until you’re fully healed. Raiden stays with you the entire time, making sure you never lift a finger.
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mrsevans90 · 8 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 13
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: SMUT, p in v intercourse, face sitting (oral F), tiny mention of butt stuff 😜, angst, period, Emma embarrassed, anxious Sy, Nana (because her sassiness is a warning), language
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
Part 12
Two weeks have passed since Emma’s parents visited and we have been spending the night together every night since. I’ve cleaned out a drawer in my bedroom that now holds extra clothes for when Emma’s here including some work scrubs so she can leave straight from my house. She cleaned out a drawer at her house for me and my spare clothes. I haven’t had this level of commitment to someone since I was in my twenties, but rather than feeling afraid I feel comforted. Coming home to her is just the most incredible feeling. She has really transformed my house into a home simply with her presence. We gave each other spare keys to each other’s homes last week so we wouldn’t have to wait on each other. I have finally accepted that Emma is my end game and I can’t run from happiness anymore. She’s basically aware of how damaged I am, having seen me through my worst flashback yet and even then, she wasn’t scared away. I often catch myself thinking about us living together, marrying her, and what our lives would look like if she would have me. I made myself so hard thinking about her pregnant with my children that I had to take a second shower one day last week. May have tapped into a bit of a breeding kink there but I plan to keep that to myself.
Tonight, it’s a Friday night and we decided to stay at mine. I’m on my way home and pull up to see that Emma’s jeep is already parked in the driveway and I smile. The vet clinic closes early on Friday afternoons due to it being slow, but this is the first time she’s beat me home. I unlock the front door and my nostrils are assaulted with the most incredible smelling aroma after a long day in the sun. I’m surprised that there are no dogs rushing to bombard me with excitement at the door, but as I walk further down the hall to find them practically on top of Emma on the couch as a show played on the tv. 
“Hi Darlin’. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” I say with a kiss to her forehead from behind the couch that she’s resting on. Emma’s lounging in one of my t-shirts and some of her teeny tiny sleep shorts that never fail to make me instantly hard. I can even tell that she’s braless and I’m tempted to cop a feel. 
“Mmm. Hi babe. How was work?”
“Hot.” I say honestly as I spent the majority of the day outside in the sun building a porch for a client. “Something smells amazing in the kitchen.”
“The lasagna has about ten more minutes until it’s done. I figure that’s enough time for you to shower or change into comfortable clothes before we eat.”
“You’re too damn good to me, Sugar.” I say as I tuck a stray hair from her eyes that’s fallen from her messy updo. 
“Nope, just trying to be as good as you deserve.” She says with a shy smile and I find myself not wanting to leave her presence even for just a quick shower after being without her all day. I make a point to greet the dogs who have traitorously not left Emma’s side even to greet me as I chuckle to myself at how quickly this astonishing woman has won all of us over.
I head to my bedroom, chucking clothes off as I go and toss them all into the hamper, which is surprisingly empty. I hop in the shower not wasting any time getting back to my girl, and a delicious smelling meal. Once I’m through, I put on some lounge shorts and a t-shirt and find Emma in the kitchen plating up our food. She’s made lasagna with garlic bread, and she poured us each a glass of sweet tea. My stomach growled at the sight and she giggled cutely as I helped carry the food to the table. Before she sits, I wrap her into my arms and kiss her. 
“Thank you for making dinner, Sugar.”
“Mmm, anytime. You sure you’re okay with me using the key and showing up before you got here? I was bored at the house and figured the pups would keep me company.”
“Darlin’, I can’t possibly tell you how much it brought a smile to my face having you here when I got home. I always want you here. Feels like a home with you in it. Now, let’s eat this feast, babygirl.”
“I made brownies for dessert.” She grins as she picks up her drink.
“You trying to make me pop a boner at the dinner table?” I ask jokingly and she chokes on her sip of sweet tea. Once Emma’s breath comes back to her after I dutifully contributed by smacking her back, we both start laughing so hard she has tears streaming down her face.
“I did not expect you to say that, Sy!” I’ve noticed she calls me Sy when she’s being playful or out in public. When it’s just us or family around, she calls me Austin and I honestly really like that since nobody ever uses my first name besides her.
“I usually think of that sweet pussy when I think of dessert, but I don’t mind having a brownie or two first.” I say with a wink and she shakes her head at me with a grin.
“So vulgar, Mr. Syverson.” 
“Don’t act like you don’t like it, Ms. Miller.” I joke back.
We ate dinner until we were stuffed and I quickly began cleaning the kitchen.  “Don’t look at me like that, woman. You cooked all of this. I’m cleaning. Go turn on your show and relax.” I tell her and she smacks my ass as she walks to the living room, with the dogs faithfully following her lead. I clean up and don’t hear the tv going so when I go looking for her, I see her in the backyard with the dogs. The summer heat has lessened as it is approaching dusk and Emma stands just outside the screened in porch throwing a tennis ball for Mills. Aika is rolling in the grass as lightning bugs start appearing at the edge of the yard. I walk out and wrap Emma tightly in my arms. 
“I thought I told you to relax, Angel.”
“I am. This house, your property, everything about being here relaxes me. It’s so calm and quiet here.”
“Yeah? Always thought of this place as my little slice of heaven. Even more with you here.” I tell her and she smiles.
“Think you could see yourself living here with me one day?” I ask knowing it’s probably way to early and I might freak her out. To my surprise, she smiles and wraps her arms along my forearms that are holding her waist. 
“It’s almost too easy to imagine that.” She whispers.
“Yeah?” I ask and she nods.
“Want to move in with me?” I ask surprising myself even. It’s early in the relationship still, but it feels right.
“Isn’t it too soon?” She asks as she turns and looks at my face scanning for the answer to her question.
“I guess that’s up to us to decide. I’m not ever wanting to pressure ya, Sugar, but I can’t say I don’t picture us living here together in this big old house. Maybe one day even some kids to fill up those bedrooms.”
Emma beams and kisses me. Moments of gentle kisses soon become heated and I’m guiding her back inside the screened in porch, the screen door squealing in protest as it slams behind us. 
“Time for dessert, and I don’t mean the brownies.” I say between passionate kisses. My hands are under the too large shirt she’s wearing, and I pull it over her head. She seemingly has no qualms about being topless here in my secluded backyard and I quickly reach behind my neck and pull my own shirt off so I can feel her skin against mine. Our hands are everywhere, groping and teasing at the same time before I turn her back against my chest and take her breasts in my hands while nipping down her neck. After sucking on her skin, I turn and lay myself down on my back on the outdoor couch that I had built a few years ago. 
“Climb on, sweetness.” I tell her and she slides her tiny shorts down along with her barely there thong and steps out of them. Emma reaches for my shorts that are tented from my very obvious boner but I shake my head and point to my chin. Emma’s cheeks turn bright pink and I smirk at her.
“Got your seat all ready for ya, Darlin’. Let me have a taste of that perfect peach.”
“I’ve never done that.” She whispers as I pull her close to my face. 
“Sit down.” I tell her.
“Austin, you won’t be able to breathe, I’ll smother you!” Emma frets. Like her tiny little frame could possibly suffocate me, but even so that would be the ideal way to go.
“Woman, just sit on my face!” I say as I pull her hips and ass down and hold her tightly. Emma gasps when she contacts my beard and I blow my warm breath onto her delicate core.
“That’s more like it, Sugar. Relax and let me eat.” I command with a smack to her ass cheeks. Emma surges forward and grips the arm rest of the couch as I get to work. I slide my tongue around her entrance and lick up in figure eights around her clit. Emma’s breathing becomes faster and when I spear my tongue into her opening she moans. My hands knead and massage her buttocks as I stare up at her heaving breasts that are chasing each breath she takes. Her eyes are closed tightly as her head tilts back slightly from the sensation I’m providing. When I begin putting pressure on her sensitive little button, Emma begins grinding against my face, her earlier hesitation seemingly no longer of concern. I double down and focus my efforts of pleasuring her as best as I can. My arm stretches out and grabs a handful of her breasts and lightly pinch the peaked bud. God, I could stay down here all day watching her like this. I continue teasing her sensitive nipples and am finally rewarded with her grinding down hard as her hands are grasping the short hair on my head. Emma moans loudly in her bliss, not caring one bit that we are outside. Her thighs clamp around me as I suck on her sweet little nub and greedily swallow up the juices that are dripping from her core. I maneuver Emma to where she is laying on top of me as she comes down from her high and wipe my soaked beard with my hand. Emma leans up to kiss me and I’m certain she can taste her little cunt on my lips which makes me painfully hard. 
“Fuck me, Sy. Hard.” She whines which makes me immediately sit up and lean her over the arm of the outdoor couch. Emma is panting in wordless anticipation as run my finger through her slick arousal before dropping my shorts and pressing myself against her. Emma impatiently pushes her ass further into my leaking erection and after spreading her legs a little wider, I slide home.
“Fucking hell, Darlin’. Never had a pussy feel so good. You’re perfect, baby girl.” I growl at her warm, wet heat as it’s the best thing I’ve ever felt. It’s a privilege being able to worship her body and that knowledge is not lost on me. I give her only a moment to adjust before I retreat and then slam into her again. 
“Ah! Baby! You feel so good inside of me.” She mewls as I thrust into her. I spread her round globes and look at her perfect little asshole.
“You’re so fucking pretty, baby girl. So beautiful and sexy.” I grunt.
“Tell me if you don’t like what I’m doing, Sugar.” I command. My ball sack is smacking her clit each time I thrust forward and I can no longer help myself. I spit onto her tight hole and gently circle it with my thumb. Emma moans at the sensation and I slowly slide my thumb into her tight rim. I smack her left ass cheek as I gently prod my thumb in and out of her snug hole.
“Fuck babe! I’m gonna cum!”
“Yeah Darlin’, let go for me. Let me feel you soak my cock.” I grunt.
Emma moans as she clamps down around me and I spear into her harder and faster until I reach my release, spurting my seed into her channel. Emma presses her body against the couch and I can’t help but lay across her soft back as I try and catch my breath. I’m not as young as I once was, but Sy’s still got it.
Emma looks absolutely shattered so once I remove myself from her, I gather our clothes, let the dogs inside and carry her to the master bathroom. I set her on the toilet while I start filling the bathtub and appreciate Emma’s sleepy smile at my preparations. While the water is filling, I jog back down to the kitchen, wash my hands, and grab the platter of brownies Emma made with two cups of milk. Emma giggles when she sees me smuggling our treats back into the bathroom and setting out a stool next to the tub to place them on. When the water is filled and the bubbles are sufficient, I step in first before helping Emma in and positioning her on my lap. Emma’s back rests against my chest and I think about the last time we bathed in here together and how nervous I was for her to sleep over. Now, I only sleep poorly when she’s not next to me. I lean forward and get each of us a brownie and we gently bump them together with a “cheers” before digging in. 
“I gave Millsy-bear his last set of puppy shots this afternoon when I got here, by the way.” She says.
“Thanks, Sugar. No wonder he was snuggling hard on the couch when I made it home.”
“I gave him treats and extra cuddles for having to get a shot. Aika got one just for being cute. Bribery is key in veterinary medicine.” Emma says.
“You make house calls for all of your clients?”
“Only one. My favorite.”
“You’re my favorite too, Sugar.” I place a kiss on her temple.
“Oh, I was talking about Mills… Awkward.” She jokes and I tickle her ribs.
 “I guess you’re up there on the list of my favorite things.” Emma says with kiss to my lips before picking a brownie crumb from my scruff. She smiles as she eats it and then takes a bite out of her dessert.
“Are you always this happy?” I ask her without thinking. I know I have a reputation of being extremely serious, or a ‘grump’ as Alex says, but Emma is the opposite. She’s like sunshine. The daytime to my nighttime. She’s made me smile and laugh more in these three months than probably ever before.
“Um not at all. You just make me really happy, Sy.” 
“You’ve made me the happiest man in the world, Darlin.”
Emma and I lay in the tub talking about all things that come to mind until the water gets cold and my perpetual warmth isn’t enough for her. She's shivering as we climb out. We rinse off the bubble bath in the shower quickly before getting in bed and falling asleep wrapped in each other’s arms. 
I wake up early the next morning, close to six am and see my sleeping beauty is still a mess of hair and disheveled blankets next to me. She slept in one of my t-shirts last night since she was still cold from our extended bath, and as no surprise it’s twisted up around her waist. I smile at her disarray before snuggling up to her. When I do, I feel like I’ve rolled in something wet so I lift the covers. Oh no, a little patch of blood. Emma must’ve started her period in her sleep and knowing what I do about how she’s been treated in the past, I don’t want her to panic. I ease out of bed to grab some clothes, using my military stealth to do so as quietly as possible. Luckily my girl could sleep through a tornado, but I didn’t want to take any chances. I scribbled out a quick note telling her not to panic, and that I’ve run to the store but I’ll be right back in case she wakes up before placing it on my pillow.
Thank goodness there is a pharmacy about seven minutes from my house. I walk in and try my best to think of anything she might need. I purchase some tampons, pads, painkillers, a hot water bottle, and all of the chocolate my arms can carry. They even had some flowers there and I grabbed those at the checkout. The elderly woman at the register just smiled at me and told me I was a “good man.” This should be the standard for men taking care of their women, but clearly, it’s not. I quickly load everything up and head back to the house. I head to bedroom and Emma hasn’t moved an inch. I take the female hygiene items to the bathroom and place them on the countertop, before going to gently wake Emma up. I hate to do it but I figure it’s likely better to let her only see a little spot of blood rather than a big one and panicking even more.
“Sugar… Hey beautiful.” I stroke her hair away from her face and she gently shakes her head at me.
“uh-uh… no.” She grunts and I chuckle. 
“Darlin’, can you wake up for me for just a minute please?”
“It’s Saturday… and still dark out, Sy.” She says after peaking one eye open.
“I know, and I’ll let you go back to sleep in just a minute but I need your attention.”
She yawns before I continue.
“I don’t want you to panic, so please remember, it’s okay. I’m not like the guys you’ve been with in the past.”
“Sy? What are you saying? It’s too early for riddles.”
“I think you may have started your period last night. Now, it’s no problem but I wanted to let you know so you co”
“Oh my god!” She interrupts, jerking covers up above her head to appraise the situation. 
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry.” She says with tears rimming her eyes as she lifts her head from the covers.
“Now, stop it right there. You’ve got nothing to apologize for. It’s okay, Sugar. Take a breath.” 
“I… um.. need to head back to my house.” She says quickly as a tear falls from her eye.
“I’ve got everything you need, baby, and I’m going to take care of you. Now, head on into the bathroom and take care of what you need to, and I’ll take care of this.” 
“Sy, I’m so embarrassed. I need tampons and I didn’t bring any. I will replace the sheets.”
“No need, I’ll just toss ‘em in the washer and it’ll be just fine. I bought tampons and pads. They’re on the counter.” I help her out of bed and lead her into the bathroom. 
“I tried to get a little bit of everything since I don’t know what you prefer so you just do what you need to do, baby girl. Nothing to be embarrassed about, I promise.” I kiss her forehead and she nods as more tears streak down her face. I want to scoop her up and stop her tears but figured she might just want a minute alone to collect herself. I hear the shower turn on as I close the door behind me.
I walk out and quickly strip the bed and throw the sheets in the washer before making the bed up with clean sheets. As I’m making the bed, I get angry thinking about her douche ex-boyfriend who made her feel so ashamed for her body doing something that it is supposed to do. The more I think about it, the angrier I get as I’m shoving the pillows into the new pillowcases.
“Um, thank you, for the stuff.” I hear Emma whisper as I quickly turn around and see her there. She looks so small as she wraps her arms around herself.
“Is what I got okay?” I ask and she nods before going to her bag and pulling on some new panties, t-shirt, and sweatpants.
I pat the clean bed and she crawls up next to me before I hear her sob into my chest. I can’t seem to get her to look at me as she buries her face into my chest so I just hold her until her breath comes easier.
“Feel better?”
“Not really. I’m just embarrassed.”
“No need to be baby girl. I promise you, it’s fine. I just want you to be comfortable.”
“You make me comfortable. It’s just hard to change how I think after being told it was disgusting my whole life.”
“Trust me, if I ever see that douchebag again I will punch him so hard for ever making you feel like that.” I tell her as I wipe a tear from her cheek.
“Let me take care of you?” I ask and Emma nods with a small smile.
“Good. I got you an arsenal of chocolate, some painkillers, and a hot water bottle too.”
“What do you mean, why? Isn’t that stuff helpful?”
“It is, very much so… I just mean you didn’t have too.” 
“I want too… Sugar, I love you.” I say and Emma sits up to look at me.
“You do?” She bites her lip.
“I love you more than I can even articulate.” I tell her truthfully.
“I love you too, Austin. I love you so much.” She says and I swear to God, I am beaming. 
I love this woman and she loves me. Emma leans forward and kisses me in a kiss so consuming I can picture our whole lives together. After kissing a little, we lay back down and I stroke her hair until she’s fallen back asleep. When she’s thoroughly asleep, I ease up and decide to take the dogs out to get them a little bit of exercise before heading to the kitchen to make us some breakfast. 
Emma saunters downstairs about two hours later seeming more well rested as I’ve got her breakfast plated up. She kisses on the dogs who are eagerly corralling around her legs before walking over to me and kissing me tenderly. 
“Thank you for breakfast.”
“Anything for you, sweet darlin’.” I wink over my coffee cup as Emma fills her cup and adds her creamer.
Emma glances at her phone with an inquisitive look. 
“Everything alright?” I ask.
“Yeah, I just was checking my security cameras. I think the Rodriguez family across the street from me got their teenager a car. It’s been parked out in the street across from the house all day yesterday. I knew he must be close to driving age. It just turned around in my driveway so I got a notification on my phone. That’s all.” She says nonchalantly and I nod at her assumption.
“What should we do today?” I ask her as we eat.
“Maybe go to the grocery store? I figured I could go ahead and meal prep for the week. I also need to get the ingredients to make banana pudding for your Nana and PawPaw’s house.”
“Sugar, you don’t have to go to all that trouble.” I start but Emma shakes her head.
“No, when we talked last week I told her that I wouldn’t mind bringing dessert.” I just about choke on my bacon.
“She called you?” I ask and Emma blushes.
“She did. Is that okay?” 
“Of course, that’s more than fine… I just don’t want her bothering you. She’s a bit of a handful if you know what I mean. I didn’t even realize she got your number.”
“Well, she told me not to tell you because you would ‘whine about her interfering’, but she called the vet clinic and got in touch with me there. She said she wanted to make sure I was joining y’all for lunch Sunday, and then wanted my mom’s number so they could keep in touch.”
“That woman.” I shake my head incredulously. 
“I ask her to not interfere, and she goes around calling you and your family. Good grief.” I chuckle at the audacity of Nana. She’s going to get her way no matter what. She’s never gone to these extremes to contact anyone I’ve dated though, so maybe it’s a good thing.
Emma giggles.
“I think it’s sweet. Anyway, we got to talking about her cooking and I offered to make dessert. If that’s okay with you, let’s go ahead and go to the store after breakfast.” 
“I’ll do anything you want me too, Sugar.” 
We eat and chat a bit before Emma changes clothes and starts gathering her items to head to the store. I head upstairs and throw on some different clothes as well before we load up and head to the store. 
When we get there, I’m in charge of the buggy. Emma has a list on her phone of all the items she needs to get, so I just follow her with the cart as she gathers her items. I also add a few of my own favorites as we are traversing the aisles, such as chips and beef jerky.
Once we’ve got everything on our list, we head to the checkout and I insist again on paying. Emma crosses her arms, jutting out her hip with a scowl that I can’t help but chuckle at. She’s like an angry kitten and I just want to kiss all over her face, so I do. After we pay, we make our way out the doors.
“By the way, you said you wanted steaks one night this week. Did you remember to put those in the cart?” 
“Shit, I totally forgot. Here,” I hand Emma my truck keys. “Let me run back and grab some while you put the groceries in the truck?” I ask and Emma nods. I kiss her forehead before jogging back in the store to collect and purchase the forgotten steaks. 
I skip the small talk with the cashier and head straight for the self-check out so that I hopefully don’t keep Emma waiting too long. After buying our main dinner entrée, I head outside toward my large grey truck, with Syverson Contracting Inc. embossed along the side. Emma must’ve loaded the groceries quickly as I don't see her. I walk over and notice she’s not in the passenger seat before I hear her scream.
“LET GO OF ME!” I drop the bag and turn to look for her. About 30 yards away, I spot someone I recognize. Then it dawns on me who it is. 
Part 14
Taglist: @shellyshellshell, @henryownsme, @caramariehurst, @beck07990, @mollymal, @kingliam2019, @syversonswife, @identity2212, @starfirewildheart, @hannah9921, @wa-ni, @kneelforloki, @cutedoxie, @enchantedbytomandhenry, @foxyjwls007, @geralts-yenn, @courtlynwriter, @corrie1013, @squeezyvalkyrie, @summersong69, @livisss, @mayloma, @uunotheangel, @warriormirkwood, @sofiebstar
Author's Note: Ya girl's struggling with a sinus infection right now but I was able to finally get this posted! Had an ultrasound today and baby was healthy and active so I am happy!
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miley1442111 · 4 months
burnt- s.adamu
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two different sydney requests:
i got so excited seeing syd in the new trailer for the bear s3 😭 need something with reader x sydney bc i can’t wait until june 27!! anything you can think of possibly based on some stuff hinted in the trailer would be great :) thank you so much!!
requesting sydney x reader! feel like it’s been so long since ive seen any content with her, especially because we were robbed of even a glimpse of her in that new teaser they released the other day 😭
a/n: i hope you both enjoy! thank you for requesting!
summary: your girlfriend doesn't take it too well when she finds out you kept your injury from her.
pairing: sydney adamu x fem! berzatto! reader
warnings: reader gets hurt, burned hand, i think that's it?
Baste, pour, flip, repeat. Baste, pour, flip, repeat. Baste, pour, flip, repeat. God, did Carmen need to yell so loud? 
You looked up for a split second, not even- just a fraction of a half-second, and you felt the burn of the boiling duck fat begin to sear your skin. It bubbled the skin on your left hand, leaving it exposed to the heat of the room and making it so much worse.  
“Fuck!” you shouted, pulling your hand away from the hot stove and turning it off. You held your hand close to your chest with a pain expression as all eyes handed on you. 
“W-what, what happened?” Carmen asked, running over. 
“Fuck you,” you said through gritted teeth. “Why do you fucking shout so loud?” You asked your brother. He rolled his eyes and pulled you to the other side of the kitchen and looked down at your hand. 
“Oh fuck,” Richie mumbled, joining the huddle you and Carm had made. “You’re going to have to go to the emergency room for that one.”
“No fucking shit jagoff,” you seethed. “I’ll grab my shit and drive myself. Get back to service Carm.”
He stared at you for a second. “You sure?”
“I’m fine,” you nodded and he obliged, pressing a quick kiss to your temple like he used to when you were kids. 
The drive to the ER was agony. Every movement of your hand was like a thousand needles being pushed into the skin and the ice pack Carm had given you wasn’t helping.  
You debated calling Syd, but this was her one night off to spend with her dad. You didn’t want to bother her, and you sure as hell didn’t want her to wait with you in the packed ER for the next 3 hours. You decided to just stare at your phone screen and scroll instagram until you were called in. 
Ring, ring, ring. 
Sydney’s contact jumped up on the screen and your senses were immediately heightened. Had Carm told her? How did she know? Maybe she didn’t know… maybe she was just calling to say that she was going to stay with her dad for the night and that she wouldn’t be home, you didn’t know.
“You got burnt?!” she questioned, concern filling her voice. 
“Who told you that?” you asked. 
“Who do you think? Carm! Why wasn’t it you who told me?” 
“You’re supposed to be with your dad tonight, I didn’t want to be a bother,” you shrugged, hearing your name being called. “Anyways, I have to go I’m being called in, love you-”
“We need to talk about this-” 
Beep beep beep. 
You hung up. 
After a painful 30 minute talk with a doctor, she told you that you’d be fine in 4 weeks. She bandaged you up and gave you an antibiotic, in case it became infected. Waiting for you outside was Sydney, with a very mad look on her face. 
“You should’ve called me,” she sighed, taking your not-injured hand. 
“I didn’t want to ruin the one night you had off,” you shrugged, walking out to your car with her beside you. “Plus, it’s not like it’s the first or last time I’ve been burnt, right?”
“Was that supposed to be reassuring?”
“Maybe?” you chuckled. “Look, I’m fine! They bandaged me up and I have antibiotics in case it gets infected, plus I can hold this over Carmy’s head until either of us does something worse.”
“It might get infected?” she questioned and you rolled your eyes. 
“Only if I get lazy with changing the bandage,” you sassed back. 
“Oh, so you’ll get an infection then, great!” She sighed, getting into the driver’s seat. 
“Syd, stop being mean, I’ve been through enough tonight,” you deflated. “Let’s just go home.”
Sydney started the car, driving out of the hospital with your hand in hers.
“I’m sorry, I just worry sometimes…” she muttered. 
“It’s alright,” you nodded, then brought her hand up to your mouth, where you kissed it.
the bear masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games :)
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lottesreads · 9 months
Why Me? - Part 7
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Mitchell! Female Reader (Callsign Mantis)
Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, bruises, mentions of getting punched, details of panic attacks, swearing, mentions of being kicked out and homelessness, pining, smaller Rooster warning, mommy issues, mentions of death, insecurities, mentions of cheating
Word Count: 6900
Summary: The aftermath of your and Rooster's fight weighs heavily on your emotions and you turn to Bob once more. Plus, dinner with your dad, Penny, and Amelia can't possibly go wrong, right?
A/N: I apologize for lying to literally all of you three weeks ago... But it's finally here and I am so sorry!! Work got crazy around the holidays and ya girl got a little burnt out
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Once your breathing had evened out, Bob continued to rub your back until you were ready to let him go. You wouldn’t say you were exactly ready, but if you didn’t pull back you knew you wouldn’t be able to eventually. He was so warm, and his arms provided a comfort you haven’t felt in a very long time. You felt safe, and seen, and it wasn’t just a hug for a hug's sake. It was something to show you that he cared, that he saw you, and he didn’t want you to feel this way anymore. You squeeze your arms around him once more before sliding them off his shoulders.
You spend the next few minutes diverting your attention back to Sylvia who has since been getting closer to you. It’s almost as if she can sense your sadness, and much like Bob, wants to make you feel better. Bob hasn’t moved back to his original seat, and your thighs touch as you move your good hand to gently caress Sylvia’s head and ears. Bob huffs out a small laugh as he watches the two of you, unable to hold back a smile.
“What?”, you ask softly, looking back at him as Sylvia does the same.
“Nothing”, he shakes his head, “it’s just I’ve never seen her open up to someone so quickly.”
“Oh yeah? Who else have you introduced her to?”
“Just Phoenix and Fanboy. Nat’s only come over a couple times and she hasn’t approached her yet, but when Mickey comes over she won’t leave my side.” You look back down at the wide-eyed border collie and share a look with her.
“We just have a special bond then, don’t we Syl?” She moves her head further up your leg at your remark, causing your smile to widen. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
Unbeknownst to you, the two of you did share some similarities. There is a reason she’s hesitant to approach new people, afraid that they’ll do to her what her last owners did. Bob can’t help but think that Sylvia can feel a certain energy radiating off of you. The two of you unknowingly bring a sense of belonging and comfort to each other.
Noticing her dad staring at her, she moves over to rest her head atop both of your thighs as you readjust the ice pack Bob brought you earlier. You wince as you attempt to stretch your fingers out, immediately demanding Bob’s attention. Removing his hands from Sylvia he reaches over and touches the wrap around your own hand, “May I?” You nod as he takes the ice pack off, gingerly taking your injured hand in both of his. Even through the pain, you can’t help but admire the prominent veins tracking through his large hands. The rough pads of his fingers assess the damage, as you follow their path across your knuckles. It’s funny really, you didn’t think anyone, a man especially, could be so gentle. So thoughtful. That was Bob you supposed.
He turns your hand from side to side, checking for any real injuries other than tenderness or bruising while you stare at his face. His eyes are concentrated at the task at hand as he hums. “Just as I thought.”
“I’m afraid we’re going to lose the hand” You scoff and lightly push his arm as a sly smirk crosses his face. “No, it’ll be fine, just sore and bruised for the next few days.”
“Is that your professional opinion Dr. Floyd?” Bob clears his throat at the remark, glancing back down to where he holds your hand, his thumb tenderly rubbing your fingers.
“That it is, Lieutenant Mitchell”, you look back at his head, bowing down as he continues to caress your hand. There’s a freckle that sits right beneath his hairline that you first noticed when he drove you home from the bar. You were so drunk you must have forgotten about it until now. The urge to brush the hair away from his forehead and kiss it is very hard to resist. But you resist nonetheless as your eyes are drawn to his as he looks up.
Your eyes are still a bit red and puffy from crying, but it doesn’t deter you from giving him a slight smile. There’s an underlying hint of sadness coming from it, but Bob doesn’t mention anything as a tear falls down your face, his thumb immediately moving to wipe it away. Your eyes flutter shut at his soft touch. He doesn’t tell you to stop crying, he doesn’t pester you to open up, he’s simply there for you.
You don’t even know why you started crying again. Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve never outright told anyone what your mom had done, or it’s been a long while since you were able to talk about Carole, but deep down you know it’s the fact that you feel safe telling Bob all of this. You feel comfortable. Something you have been without for too long.
The drive back to your house is quiet. Bob doesn’t bother turning on the radio in case you want to talk. You stare out the window the entire time, looking a lot more tired than you were when the day began, but the radio remains off anyway.
When his truck pulls up to the curb you don’t make any motion to move. You remain still, staring out the window at you and your father’s shared home. The tears have since dried up, but the close of Bob’s door jolts you out of your daze. He opens your door, helping you out while his other hand carries your bag. He follows you inside and notices the lack of lights and other life.
“Is your dad home?”, he says as he cranes his neck attempting to look to the kitchen.
“Uh”, you look around the house, “No, he’s probably with Penny or-”, the name gets caught in your throat, but you force it out anyway, “Rooster.” His eyes land back on you as you get quiet again.
“Hey”, you look up to meet his eyes, “are you gonna be ok by yourself?”
“Oh yeah”, you wave him off, “I think I need to be alone for a little bit. Thanks for- well thanks for everything you did today. I’m sorry to trauma dump on you.” You attempt to laugh the last half of the day off, but Bob’s not letting you let it go that easy.
“I don’t mind one bit. I gave you the penny, remember?”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget that now”, you give him a small smile, resting your hand at your side and fiddling with the penny in your flight suit pocket. It’s hard to feel it under the material, but you know it’s there.
“If you ever need anything or want to talk, if you call I’ll pick up.” Your heart melts a bit at the sentiment.
“Thanks Bob, and I’d do the same for you. I hope you know that.” The want to hug you again is clawing at every fiber of his being, but before he’s able to make a move to soothe you, your phone is ringing in your pocket. You give Bob an apologetic smile and clear your throat to collect yourself before answering. “Hi dad”, your attempt to sound normal comes off as forced, at least Bob thinks so. “No, it’s ok I got a ride home. How was your meeting?” 
He nods and gives you a small smile before heading out the door. And there you are once again. Alone in your own home, this time with bruised knuckles and a penny in your pocket.
After Bob left you were too tired to do anything other than take a shower and lie in bed. Your phone occasionally dings with notifications from Phoenix checking in, and you just tell her you’re ok as she threatens Rooster’s life. It makes you crack a slight smile as you type out a response.
Not right now, but thank you. Stay on standby just in case I change my mind, though
With that you turn your phone to silent and close the blinds, succumbing to the darkness of your room. The day had been too damn long and you were ready for it to be over.
You didn’t even hear the light tap your dad left on your door as you were fast asleep. He peaked in just to see your chest lightly rising and falling, and he decided to let you get your rest.
The next day you awake to the sounds of pans clattering in the kitchen downstairs and the smell of fresh.. smoke? Just as you rise to your feet, the shrill sound of the smoke detector being set off  has you booking your way down the stairs. There you find your dad juggling a pan of burnt bacon as he attempts to open a window.
“What the hell is going on?” Walking up to him, you take the pan of bacon leaving him to open the windows while you set it in the sink.
“Well”, he responds, “I was trying to make breakfast.” He motions to the disarray of bowls with lumpy pancake batter, and multiple pans still sitting on the stovetop. You both take a second to look around and back to each other with matching exasperated looks as the alarm finally stops screaming at you. “How do you feel about cereal?”
“Cereal’s good”, you smile.
He grabs your favorite out of the pantry and pours the both of you bowls. You give him a small thank you before shoveling a spoonful into your mouth.
“I invited Penny and Amelia over for dinner tonight ”  You raise your brows and try to hide your smirk.
“You gonna make them your specialty cheerios?”
“Very funny. And no, I will be grilling.”
“Ah, I see. There’s no smoke detectors outside.” He laughs and shakes his head while you continue to eat.
“So, how did everything go yesterday at work?” He asks, leaning against the countertop behind him. You stop mid-chew and catch his eye.
“It was fine”. In the 10 minutes you’ve been awake you honestly forgot about yesterday. It was just you and your dad again. Like it was all those summers after Bradley left. Except for the ones where he was deployed of course and you were stuck with your mom for all four seasons. 
“Yeah?” You nod in response. “Good, I was worried about putting Hangman and Bradley in a group together, but I figured you’d work as a good buffer. Plus it doesn’t hurt that I think Bradley could give you a few good pointers.” Relief is immediately followed by a feeling that leaves your jaw clenching. Just at the mention of Bradley’s name you become angry then tired. Tired of everything to do with him and how your father places him on a pedestal. Tired that your dad is so blind to your feelings and how lonely you’ve been. 
You can’t blame Rooster entirely for your dad’s shortcomings. He’s splitting his time between him and Penny, and yeah you’re an adult, but it still hurts not being picked first. In fact, the only time you’ve felt really seen was when you received the Top Gun trophy for first place. That was something your dad couldn’t even say he accomplished. And you just wanted to make him proud, to make him see you. To not compare you to the kid he wished he had, the son he so desperately wanted. Your heart and head start to ache at the thought.
“Kiddo?” His voice breaks you out of your thoughts, realizing you’ve lost your appetite you push your bowl away.
“Yeah?” He places his own bowl in the sink and turns to you, leaning back against the countertop.
“Are you feeling ok?” Your stomach sinks as you hope he’s not going to bring up anything else about yesterday. If he didn’t know yet you weren’t going to be the one to tell him. You could deal with the repercussions on Monday at work, but right now you just wanted to forget about the entire day.
“Not really actually, I think I’m gonna go back to sleep”, you tell him as you wash your bowl out. He takes you by the shoulders, placing the back of his hand on your forehead.
“You coming down with something?”
“No”, you push his hand away, “I’ve just got a headache.” He lets you go, albeit very skeptically.
“Are you going to be ok for dinner later?”
“Yeah I’m- I’m fine”, you breathe out. He steps forward, kissing the top of your head before you head to your room and fall back into your bed. It doesn’t take long for you to fall back asleep, and when the buzzing from your phone awakes you it’s already noon.
Reaching out for your phone, you blindly tap the answer button and groggily ask, “Hello?”
“Mantis?” Rooster’s voice has you sitting up immediately. Taking the phone away from your face you squint at the unsaved number. “Mantis, I am so sorry-” Not granting him a response, you hang up and toss the phone on the pillow next to you. You stare at it for a couple more seconds before the same number appears on the screen. Out of pure anger you answer and speak before he can even get a word in.
“Rooster, I am going to say this once and it better stick. Do NOT call me or text me. I don’t want to talk to you.” You hang up without hearing any response, hoping for once he’ll listen. You stare at the blank screen for a minute, waiting to see if he’ll follow direction, and to your surprise he does.
How dare he try to call you now? The audacity of this man to call you up, no more than 24 hours after completely humiliating you. God, you need to get out of this house. Get some fresh air. Looking down at your pajamas, you come to the conclusion that you’re done moping. And on a whim you text the only person who you know can make you feel better.
Any chance you’re up to do something?
Bob: What did you have in mind?
Before you know it, you’re knocking on Bob’s door. The skitter of paws on the hardwood makes you laugh as the pounding of feet gets closer. Bob swings the door open as he ushers you inside.
“Sorry, give me two minutes and I’ll be good to go”, he says, trying to hide the fact that he’s out of breath, presumably from running to answer the door.
“No worries”, you wave him off. You take a peak around the house trying to find a blob of black and white fur, but to no avail you come up empty. Bob’s sat at the couch tying his shoes as you whisper, “Where is she?” He laughs and looks up at you, still bent over.
“Is that the only reason you wanted to see me today?”
“How dare you accuse me of such outlandish-” He cuts you off with a whistle that echoes throughout the house and in less than a second you hear paws bounding down the stairs while Sylvia runs to her dad. Of course you’re standing in between them, but you’re on your knees instantly. She comes to you first this time as your thumbs soothe over her ears. “Not so shy now are we?” You ask her.
Bob smiles as he looks at the two of you. Sylvia’s still way more energetic when Bob greets her, but she didn’t run and hide this time, in fact she leans into your ministrations. “What were you saying about outlandish accusations?” You just turn slightly to smirk at him while Sylvia vies for your attention.
The three of you start your trek to the beach, Bob’s house only sitting a little over a mile from the nearest pet friendly one. You pass small businesses and bungalows that get smaller and more colorful as you get closer. An ice cream shop catches your eye as you walk by, their unique flavors intriguing you.
He doesn't treat you like you're fragile whatsoever, like if he asks how you are you'll burst into tears or fall apart. Which you appreciate immensely. It's like Bob can sense you're looking for something to do, a distraction, and he will gladly be that for you.
“How often do you two go to the beach?”
“Not often. I’ll usually just take her on a walk around the block, but I figured since you’re here she’d be more comfortable venturing out a little bit more.” You smile, bending slightly to pet her black fur as you walk. “You wouldn’t guess by how she acts, but she is a ball of energy.”
“Is that something else you two have in common? Are you secretly a gym junkie or something?” He gives you a small laugh before staring ahead, the smile slightly slipping from his face.
“Nah”, he lets out, the beach now just ahead of you. “What ya see is what ya get with me.”
“That is not true”, you say, shaking your head. “When I first met you I would have never guessed you have a great sense of humor”, it’s his turn to shake his head, trying to hide the small laugh that leaves his nose, “Or that you know the greatest cure for hangovers, or-” the two of you finally stop at the short wall that separates you from the sand. You stop to turn, taking in Bob’s features as he gazes out at the ocean, “Or that you are one of the most kind and generous people I have ever met.” He meets your eyes and notices the genuine look in your face, but all too soon tears them away.
“That is very kind of you to say.”
“Well it’s true.” He looks back for longer this time, and the smiles grow on both of your faces before Sylvia barks, disrupting the moment.
“Oh I’m so sorry”, he says to her, rolling his eyes. The two of you take off your shoes, placing them nearby on the sand while Bob reaches into his pocket to grab the ball he brought for Sylvia. “Is this what you wanted then?” Reaching his arm back, he extends and throws the ball far down the beach. Your eyes widen as you watch the ball fly through the air, all while Sylvia runs after it.
“What?” Bob asks, examining your features. You scoff at his cavalier question and motion to where Sylvia was retrieving the tennis ball.
“You just threw that like a mile down the beach!” He gives you a genuine laugh at your exaggeration and shrugs his shoulders.
“I played baseball in High School.”
“For who, the Orioles?” You gawk. He shakes his head and laughs while Sylvia runs back and drops the ball at his feet. He throws the ball once more, just as far.
“I played outfield in little league ‘cause I was terrified of the ball, but turns out I was good at throwing.” He shrugs once again while you shake your head and smile.
“Oh Bob”, you laugh, “You are just full of secrets.” He turns the ball over in his hand before throwing it and can’t help but think of how true that is. It may not be multiple but he has one big secret. The one that threatens to tear open his chest every time he’s with you. The one that causes his heart to beat faster every time you smile at him. The one that threatens to give way every time he dares to take a glance at you.
He continues throwing the ball to Sylvia while she chases it until she visibly slows down. He offers to let you throw, but you use your injured hand as an excuse not to embarrass yourself. Traveling further up the beach, shoes in hand, you find a taco truck and decide to stop while finding Sylvia some water.
You have an excuse to pay this time after ordering, all thanks to Bob’s hands literally being full. Smirking as you hand the cashier your card, he tries his best to look annoyed all while his lips betray him and twitch upward.
The two of you find a picnic bench to sit on while Sylvia laps up the water in the complimentary bowl. You can’t help but stare at Bob’s veiny forearms as he takes a bite of his food. Throwing the ball today had strained his muscles, and you weren’t mad at the view as he sits opposite you. You so desperately want to reach over and trace the veins from his arm to his hand, tracking each and every one… Shaking your head slightly, you remember where you are.
“So what position did you play in high school?” He takes a large gulp of water, clearing his throat before answering.
“I switched between left and centerfield, but was mostly left.”
“With a cannon like that, it makes sense.” He laughs and raises a brow, not disagreeing with you.
“Well, it’s what got me my first girlfriend.” He casually tells you while taking another bite.
“Oooh, you had a high school sweetheart?” He grimaces, wiping his hands on a napkin before responding.
“I wouldn’t call it that. We dated for three months senior year. She dumped me right before prom for our pitcher.”
“Like right before prom?” He nods, resting his elbows on the table.
“I went to her house to pick her up, her folks told me she had already left. I wore my brother's old tux and got a corsage and everything. I held out hope, but when I got to the school, I caught her with my teammate… in his truck.” Your mouth falls open.
“Oh Bobby, I am so sorry.”
“It’s fine”, he waves you off, “It was a long time ago.”
“Did you stay for the dance?”
“No”, he laughs, smiling at the memory, “I went home, but when my sister came back later she told me she caught them sneaking back into the gym and her and her friends slashed his tires.” You laugh with him, but that doesn’t stop your brain from imagining sweet baby-faced Bob driving all the way home from prom, wiping tears from behind his glasses. You give him a sad smile, and as if he can sense where your mind has gone, he coughs and changes the subject.
“How was your prom?” You scoff and give him a single laugh.
“Wouldn’t know, I didn’t go.” He raises his brows at your confession. He would have imagined people would have been begging you to go with them.
“Why not?”
“Well”, you swallow, “my mom was very strict-”, you give him a look, as if telling him he already knows what you’re implying, “and I didn’t have a lot of friends. Let alone people asking me to dances. And that definitely meant no sweethearts.” Glancing behind Bob at the orange tint of the sun, you think about the other reason. What was actually happening during your last months as a senior.
“I would have asked you.” He quietly responds, bringing your eyes back to his. They’re swimming with honesty, and it makes you wish you could have gone to high school with Bob Floyd.
“And I would have said yes, and we would have had the most fun on the dance floor.” You smile. “Although, I haven’t seen you dance before.”
“I don’t really dance”, he laughs out, “but with you I would.” Taking a deep breath in, your smile overtakes your face as Bob’s crooked one does his.
“I would have made you forget all about what’s-her-name.”
“Mandy”, he grimaces.
“Eugh, Mandy”, you remark in disdain. The two of you slip into laughter, the orange glow from the sunset creating a halo around Bob’s head. It’s fitting, you think. Bob is such an angel. Even if you prayed for whatever power above to send you a guardian one, you don’t think they’d do nearly as much.
With your food finished, and Sylvia all tired out after running down the beach some more, the three of you walk back to Bob’s small home. You pass the same bustling ice cream shop on the way back, and you tell Bob you’d like to try it next time. “Next time”, his heart beats a little faster at the thought.
Stepping through Bob’s front door, you follow him into the kitchen as he grabs Sylvia’s bowl.
“You want your dinner?”, he asks in that same baby voice he reserves just for her. She jumps up and down at his words while he fills her bowl. Oh shit, dinner.
“Shit, what time is it?”, you reach forward and grab Bob’s arm, turning it to check his watch. “Damn it!” You start putting your shoes back on as fast as you can, checking your phone and noticing the most recent missed texts from your dad.
“What’s going on?” Bob asks from behind you.
“I forgot that I’m supposed to be having dinner with my dad tonight.” You finish lacing up your shoe, and in a rush you kiss Bob’s cheek before running out the door. “Thank you so much for today, I’ll text you!” Bob is left reeling in his kitchen as his hand slowly makes its way up to his cheek where your lips had been seconds ago. He can feel the heat in his face as he puffs out a breath, staring down at Sylvia while she looks up at him. He gives the door you just left through one last glance.
“Daddy’s in trouble.”
The entire drive home you can't stop smiling. Maybe it was a bit bold for your situation and your body was running faster than your brain, but you could still feel Bob’s warm cheek against your lips.
You finally pull up to your house, throw the car in park and quite literally burst through the front door. Turning the corner you find Penny, Amelia, and your dad all sitting at the table looking at you with wide eyes.
“Hi”, you attempt to say, a little out of breath.
“So glad you could join us”, your dad offers, his tone dripping in sarcasm. “We were just about to start eating.”
“Oh good, I’m just in time then”, you say, taking the empty seat next to your dad. You look up and greet Penny and Amelia, the latter of which is very confused by your smiley and flushed face. “This looks great dad, a big step up from cheerios”, you joke. The table is full of steak, kebabs, potatoes, and surprisingly for your dad; a salad.
“Well thanks, proud to say I did it all by myself since my sous-chef was nowhere to be found when I got home from the store”, he chides. The four of you start filling up your plates as a knock comes from the door, your dad excuses himself to answer it. Reaching for a roll, you stop at the sound of Penny’s voice.
“What did you do to your hand?”, concern lacing her voice as she reaches out to hold it. Very slowly you pull it back and wiggle your fingers.
“Oh it’s nothing, I just accidentally slammed it in the car door.” The lie slips easily off of your tongue, just a little something to keep people from worrying or thinking about it too much. “You know how it is.” She gives you a look, one that says “I don’t believe you, but for your sake I’m going to pretend I do.” And you can’t thank her more in that moment.
“So how’s school going Amelia? You’re what, a sophomore now?” She gives you a nod, swallowing her bite of food before responding.
“Yeah, I’m a sophomore. And it���s good”, she shrugs, “school is school.”
“She just got asked to her homecoming”, Penny interjects with a coy smile on her face.
“Mom-”, Amelia groans, her face heating up.
“Oooh, who is it? Are they any cute?” She groans once more, covering her face in both of her hands.
“His name is Connor.. And yes”, she mutters. You share a look with Penny as the two of you stifle your giggles.
The sound of the door shutting has you turning your head in the direction of two pairs of feet making their way to the kitchen. Your dad enters the kitchen, followed by- of course, Rooster. You straighten up and clench your jaw at the sight of him. He’s wearing his aviators, but you can still see a shade of purple peeking out from beneath them.
“Look who I found on the front porch”, your dad jokes. You turn your back on the both of them as Rooster greets everyone else. Why would he show up unannounced? Or even if your dad invited him over, he knows you don’t want to see him, so why would he agree in the first place? Maverick ushers him to take the only empty seat… next to you, as you try your best to focus on the plate full of food in front of you that you’re not sure you’ll be able to stomach now.
He starts filling his own plate, noticeably only taking things from right in front of him. Your dad coughs in his direction, discreetly tapping the side of his face, asking him to take his sunglasses off. Hearing him sigh next to you, he reaches to take them off, pocketing them in the neck of his white undershirt. You cringe at the sound of your dad’s voice.
“Whoa, Bradley, what happened?” All eyes except for yours turn to take in his face. You’re honestly surprised he hadn’t run and told your dad you punched him immediately after it happened. But then again if he did, he’d have to tell him why you did it in the first place.
“It’s nothing, really-” Your heart rate is speeding up, anticipating the ultimate truth to come forward, “I tripped up the steps to my apartment and smacked my face on the stairs.”
Penny glances between your hand holding a spoon of mashed potatoes and back to Bradley’s cheek. She’s not buying this for one second.
“That looks pretty bad”, Mav assesses while tilting his head in Bradley’s direction.
“So Mantis, what were you up to today?”, Penny asks, changing the subject.
“Oh, I was just out with a friend. Spent some time at the beach.”
“Do I know them?” Your dad asks. Shuffling in your seat, you decide to respond truthfully. It’s not like you were doing anything wrong. Bob is your friend after all. And that’s all he is.
“Actually you do, it was uh- it was Bob.” Rooster chokes on his water next to you while your dad raises his brow in surprise.
“I know you wanted to get to know him better, but since when are you friends?”
“Probably since she got drunk and he had to drive her home”, Amelia comments from behind her fork.
“Amelia”, Penny chastises her.
“When did you get drunk?” You roll your eyes at your dads questioning, since when did he care?
“That was last weekend when you and Rooster were off doing god knows what at your hangar.” Your dad looks more confused than ever. “Thanks for the invite by the way.” It’s not like you even care anymore about not being invited, but Rooster showing up has you a little on edge. You start absentmindedly tapping your foot under the table at the building tension.
“I’m sure you and Bob had more fun than we did”, Rooster pipes up from beside you. “We were just cleaning stuff out.”
“Oh shut up, you knew what you were doing. And why the hell are you even here right now?”, you turn to face him this time. It’s the first time you’re seeing the damage you inflicted on him, and just before the large purple bruise fills you with regret, you stare at the rest of Rooster’s face and it makes you want to hit him again.
“Mav invited me in, I didn’t come here to crash your dinner. I came over to talk to you, actually.” He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, as he glances across the table.
“And I told you that I didn’t want to talk. So if you came here to rid yourself of guilt, go ahead and apologize. But after what you did I am way past accepting it at this point.” You grit out in his direction.
“Ok, wait a second. Time out”, Maverick interrupts. “What the hell is going on?”
“Mav, yesterday after you left-” Rooster starts.
“Rooster, don’t”, you grit out.
“Things got a little heated and I said something-”
“Stop it”
“Why are you protecting me?”
“I’m not protecting you, I am protecting myself!”, you emphasize pointing a finger to your chest. “Because nobody else did! And what you said was humiliating and I’m not gonna stick around and hear you repeat it, just to embarrass me all over again!” The seat slides out from underneath you as you retreat from the table. Pushing the back screen door open you let it slam behind you as you begin to take in deep breaths. Deep, calming breaths like Bob showed you yesterday. You place your own hand against your chest to feel your heart beating. You’re still here. You’re ok.
The sound of the screen door opening distracts you for a moment, but you already know who it is without having to look. They stay silent, waiting for you to either invite them to talk or curse them out.
“Why did you say it?”, you ask, trying to keep your voice even. “Out of everything you could have brought up.”
“I’m sorry”, Rooster speaks to the ground. Head hung in shame. “It’s no excuse, but I was angry.” A cricket chirps in the distance. “And I knew it would hurt”, he confesses.
“When Hangman brought up your dad, I was up immediately after you. Either to hold you back or help you I’m not quite sure. You haven’t seen it, but I have always been on your team, Bradley.” Turning to face him, he brings his head up. “Why haven’t you been on mine?”
“I got your voicemail.” Your heart feels as if it’s been dropped off a cliff.
The last voicemail you sent to Bradley consisted of you begging him to call you back. You needed him more than anything in that moment, and you thought he might understand where you were coming from. You sobbed through your words and pleaded with him to pick up the phone.
“I called you back, but by then you must have blocked me or something because it didn’t go through. Then I called your landline and your- your mom picked up. I asked how you were, and she told me you were on top of the world, and your dad must have been so proud of you, because you were just accepted into the Naval Academy.” He breathes a shaky breath through his nose, trying not to get too upset by the memory.
“Is that why you’re mad at me? You thought I was begging you to call me back so I could brag to you?” He furrows his brow, confused as he nods a couple times. Scoffing, you shake your head. Your heart aches at how much pain your mother caused and continues to cause in every person’s life she touches. There are tears starting to form in your eyes, ones that you’re sure you can’t control no matter how hard you try.
“Bradley,” you gasp, “She kicked me out. I wasn’t calling to brag, I was calling to ask for help.” His brow twitches as he looks at you.
“What?” he breathes out.
“She found my acceptance letter and we had a fight. I was scared if I told my dad he would do to me what he did to you, so I never told him. I was living out of my car when I graduated high school, up until it was time to move into my dorm.” Hot tears start to fall down your cheeks, but you’re quick to wipe them away this time. They’re more out of frustration than sadness. “She canceled my phone plan, that’s why I never answered. Thank god the car was in my name. I would have been homeless.”
“Oh my god”, Bradley rasps as he runs his hand through his hair.
“This entire time, you really thought I would have rubbed it in your face?”
“I don’t know. It had been six years since I last saw you, I thought maybe you were angry enough.” He shrugs.
“I didn’t have enough energy to be angry then. I’m angry now.” It’s quiet again. The two of you absorbing the explanations that were long overdue.
“You’re right you know”, Bradley breaks the silence.
“My mom would be disappointed in me.”
“She’s not the only one”, you mutter.
“She explained to me pretty early on what your situation was. Cause she wanted me to watch out for you.” He swallows and takes in a large breath, attempting not to get choked up. For a moment you feel for him. Talking about Carole gets you the same way. But you are not about to comfort a man that has done nothing but bring you down. “Before she died- she told me the same thing. She said, ‘Watch out for Bug, and she’ll do the same for you. The two of you need each other.’”. You flinch at his use of Carole’s nickname for you. “I’m so sorry-”
“Just shut up for one goddamn second and let me think about this.” His mouth closes as you start pacing around the backyard, head in your hands. “So instead of using that information to keep me from getting hurt, you turn around and stab me in the back with it? And not to even mention my dad, but you seemed to have made up with him so easily after what he did. I didn’t even do anything to you Bradley! I was a literal child and had no clue what he did until YEARS later.” You pause, letting the weight of your words do their job. “So from where I’m standing you had no right to be mad at me in the first place, and you had absolutely no right hurting me the way you did when you know for a fact you were told that piece of information in confidence.”
He doesn’t respond for a brief moment, and you know he knows you’re right.
“How can I fix this, make it right?” Scoffing, you throw out your arms in disbelief.
“You can’t. It was broken a long time ago, and you’ve pulverized any chance of me believing you could be the person I thought you were.” He whispers your name as you wipe away the tears that have started falling again.
“Rooster”, the two of you look up to find your dad standing at the back door with his arms crossed against his chest. He takes in your tears and his face softens as you look away, embarrassed. Looking back to Bradley he hardens his gaze again, “I think it’s time for you to go.”
“Mav, I-” Realizing he has no real explanation he stops before he even starts. Bradley rings his hands out as he follows the door your dad has propped open with his body. But right before entering the house, he turns to you one last time. “For what it’s worth, if I could go back, I wouldn’t have done it.” Whether it being yesterday, or leaving you behind all those years ago, you’re not sure. “I’m sorry.”
You wipe your face of the straggling tears that continue to fall as your dad walks Rooster through the house, and before too soon he’s back as he softly says your name from across the yard.
“I’m fine”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Which part?”, you bite. He crosses the yard to reach you, but as he lays a gentle hand on your arm you shrug him off. “When would I have had the time to tell you? I swear you’re always off doing something with Rooster, or preoccupied with your newest project at your hangar or- or on a date or whatever with Penny.”
“I’m gonna rip that kid a new one, I swear-” “It doesn’t even matter. Cause he’s still a kid to you, your kid. He left us and after how many years you forgave him like it was nothing. So sorry dad, but forgive me for not telling you how he left me to fend for myself again. Because after a little bit of sweet talking I’m sure he’ll be right back at the top of your list.” He’s calling out your name as you storm back into the house and into your room. Penny and Amelia are long gone as you pass the kitchen on your way to the stairs and you couldn’t be more grateful. You just hope they didn’t stick around to hear too much.
Today was a good day. Up until you had to come back down to reality.
It’s almost like a dream every time you’re with Bob, and then you come home. Back to where the prodigal son gets praised at every turn while you work and work to be the kid your dad always wanted. But he already exists, and he’s made your life a living hell.
You went so many years trying to forget about how everyone left you behind, and you tried to make a name for yourself. You were successful for a bit, but even at the top Rooster’s already there, and he’s got your dad wrapped around his finger.
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t-305tv · 10 months
It was a bright and sunny day, and Tori and Jade had decided to spend their afternoon at the local park. They were sitting on a blanket, enjoying a picnic lunch, and savoring the warmth of the sun on their skin. It was a perfect day for a relaxing outing, or at least it was until Tori decided to showcase her (lack of) skateboarding skills.
Tori had never been particularly skilled on a skateboard, but today, she was determined to prove herself. She had borrowed a skateboard from a friend and thought she could handle it. Unfortunately, the laws of gravity had other plans.
As she attempted to ride down a small hill in the park, Tori lost her balance and tumbled off the skateboard, landing awkwardly on her outstretched arm. The pain was immediate, and she let out a cry of agony.
Jade rushed to her side, concern etched on her face. "Tori, are you okay? What happened?"
Tori cradled her injured arm, tears welling up in her eyes. "I think I broke it, Jade. It hurts so much."
Jade, realizing the severity of the situation, quickly called for help and soon they were on their way to the hospital. The doctor confirmed that Tori's arm was indeed broken, and she would need a cast for several weeks.
Over the next few days, Jade insisted on helping Tori with everything. She was determined to make sure her girlfriend's recovery went as smoothly as possible. Tori tried to protest, not wanting to be a burden, but Jade wouldn't hear of it.
Jade helped Tori get dressed, carefully tying her shoes and buttoning her shirt with one hand. She prepared meals that were easy to eat with a single hand and even helped Tori in the bathroom when necessary. Jade was there for every moment of discomfort, offering a reassuring touch and a comforting presence.
One evening, as Tori sat on the couch, feeling frustrated and somewhat helpless, Jade approached with a soft smile. She had a bowl of ice cream in her hand, complete with two spoons.
"I thought we could share," Jade said, sitting down beside Tori.
Tori's frustration melted away as she accepted the ice cream. They took turns feeding each other, their eyes filled with love and affection. Tori realized that while her broken arm was a challenge, it had brought them closer in unexpected ways.
As the weeks passed, Tori's arm gradually healed, and the day came when she could finally have the cast removed. It felt like a small victory, and they celebrated by going back to the park, this time just to enjoy the sun and each other's company.
As they sat on the same blanket, this time with their fingers intertwined, Tori looked at Jade with a warm smile. "Thank you for being there for me, Jade. I don't know what I would have done without you."
Jade squeezed Tori's hand and kissed her softly. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what, Tori. You're my everything."
And as they enjoyed the sunshine, with Tori's arm fully healed, they knew that they could face any challenge that life threw at them, as long as they faced it together.
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judgementdaysunshine · 9 months
Pairing: Chyna x Fem reader
Description: Chyna comforts you after getting your lung punctured in a match and having surgery
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You were proving yourself well against Ivory despite still being new to the business but you show that you're not only a great athlete but also a wrestler and human making most of the roster like you except the few who knew they couldn't mess with you otherwise you immediately fight back. Chyna stands ringside keeping an eye out for RTC in between cheering you on and even distracting the ref to give you a hand, you run for a spear only to get grabbed, lifted, and thrown on the mat feeling nothing but an unbearable endless burning through your body gasping and wheezing for air as ivory jerks you right back up with chops before throwing you into the ring post moaning and whimpering in pain as you crawl to chyna who knows by the way you looked and acted that you were injured especially when blood flows out of your mouth shoving ivory away and telling Earl Hebner that you were really hurt before running backstage. You rattle as you try to breathe freaking out and almost running away in fear by the people around you had it not been for Edge and Bradshaw gently holding you up while chyna held your hands before paramedics came in and taken to the hospital holding onto chyna with one arm, holding onto bradshaw with the other, and managing to wrap your leg around edge afraid of being alone leading to the three waiting anxiously feeling scared when the doctor tells them of your punctured lung which happened after ivory threw you into the ring post and that rattling was your ribs being cracked from the force of being hit by the post, you wake up after the emergency surgery to see your two friends and girlfriend by your side being pulled in a gentle bear hug by bradshaw going into a coughing fit when you try to speak. You sit up carefully when chyna calls everyone to let them know you were okay noticing how edge and shaw watched you and chyna making your heart stop since the two of you were together but hadn't told anyone at all except Eddie and Lita, finally biting the bullet with your heart shaking erratically "Do they know?" chyna looks at you then your two friends shaking her head no when she realizes what you mean feeling a bit of relief before deciding since you trusted the two and they were your closest friends plus the two of you are closing up on being together for a year as you intertwine your hands but before as you open your mouth to say something they both stop you smiling pulling out a polaroid edge took the week before showing you laughing wrapped in chyna's arms while she pressed a kiss to your temple with a big smile "I caught that while backstage trying to get a picture of Trish but as I turned I saw the two of you and had been meaning to give it to the two of you but it's been hectic" you all burst into laughter as you put the picture in your wallet spending the night in the hospital before spending the next few weeks healing coming back just in time for Wrestlemania becoming both women's hardcore champion against lita and tag team champions with chyna sharing a kiss in the ring which earns a long chant of "Ninth wonder and butterfly" which is what everyone called you because of how many people loved you thanks to chyna when you debuted years earlier.
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raccoxn · 2 years
SCENARIO: you're a civilian who got caught up in a mission soap was on. he ends up in your care while the rest of the 141 is dealing with the mission at hand while looking for him. you live in a small cabin and it's quite literally in the middle of the woods. it's big enough for one or two people, so taking in soap wasn't an issue. the only issue on the table was the fact he was bleeding out...
**told in y/n pov**
It had been about two months since I last saw Soap.
After he was discharged from the hospital, he and his team had to leave immediately to report back to whoever they worked for. Soap promised he would keep in contact. For a while, we were texting and calling one another when he had a chance. He had called all the time and would ask about my dog and about my daily life since the incident. I would tell him about how the healing processing my leg was going and how I would need physical therapy. Turns out, the bullet shot into my leg shattered my bones and they needed to be completely rebuilt.
It wasn't until late November where Soap's calls stopped coming and his text messages would deliver, but never be read. I didn't take it to heart though. He was a Special Ops soldier. He was probably busy and I wasn't a priority.
Although, there was a small part of me where I wanted his full attention. His text messages were my reasons for smiling in the morning and I would always look forward to the quick afternoon calls. I know.... it was selfish...
It was a week before Christmas and I didn't have anything planned. My family was out of the picture; my friends were out of state or spending it with other friends; I didn't even have a date or some holiday sweetheart. It wouldn't be the first time spending Christmas alone and by myself. I made it work.
It was 2am when I heard a loud knock on my cabin door. I was just on the verge of sleep and annoyance quickly took over. My dog, Nic, growled lowly before jumping up and running out my room door. I slowly got up, grabbing the cane I used to take weight off of my healing, and walked to the door. Nic barked excitedly as she intensely sniffed at the door and twirled in circles.
"Why are you so cheery?" I questioned as I opened the door. When I saw who it was, I finally understood why my dog was excited.
There stood Soap, his blue eyes shining with excitement and he was dressed in civilian clothing. It took a moment for me to process who I was seeing before I let go of my cane and hugged him. He engulfed me in a tight hug, his face burying in my hair and inhaling deeply.
"Sorry for waking you."
"I'm glad you did."
I pulled away and gazed up at him, a lopsided grin appearing on his face as he wrapped an arm around my waist and walked fully into the cabin. He kept me steady as he closed the door and locked it again, plopping his duffle on the ground and petting Nic.
"I wanted to call, but there was this mission—"
"Don't worry about it." I cut him off. "Your job is more important than a text message."
Soap looked up at me from petting Nic, frowning at my words.
"Nothing on this green earth could be more important than you."
My cheeks heated up from hearing his words. I wasn't used to someone else actually caring about my well-being before.
"Mind if I ask why you're here?"
I stumbled as I sat down on the couch to give my injured leg some rest. Soap sat beside me, his gaze set on his hands. He nervously picked at his already-picked-at cuticles and looked at me softly.
"I wanted to spend a few days of Christmas with you. Unless you have plans! Then I won't stay around for long!"
"No, I don't have plans." I chuckled, waving my hand to dismiss the matter. "I'm always by myself."
When those words left my mouth, Soap's head immediately perked up in attention.
"I'm always alone. I'm not exactly the most social of my family and my family in general is just.... They're a piece of work, I'll say that."
Soap shook his head and stood, pacing a little as he tried to form a response to what I said.
"Whatever you're trying to say, it's most likely been said by others beforehand. There's no need to say anything."
"You don't deserve to be alone."
"I'm used to it."
I stood up, breathing deeply as I made my way to the cane I discarded by the front door. Soap immediately came to help me and he picked it up for me.
He stabilized me when I stumbled slightly, his hands gripping my hips and his fingertips digging into me. For a moment, I froze in place and tried to stabilize my breathing. Every dirty thought entered my brain, and I had to resist the temptation to look him up and down. I could feel his eyes me, and whether it was him looking me up and down I didn't care.
"You can have my room for the night." I told and broke away from him. "I'll be okay on the couch."
"You don't have to give up your room again."
"It's either have my room or suffer the consequences of sharing the bed with me."
Soap grinned as he grabbed his duffle bag, eyes glowing with a mischievous glint.
"I'll take my chances with sharing."
"I talk in my sleep."
"So do I."
"I take all the bed space."
"I take all the blankets."
Dammit, Soap, just kick me out of the room! I thought with an exasperated shake of my head and led him to my room. He followed closely and when he got in, he set his duffle by the door. I didn't bother telling him where everything was since I was started to get exhausted again.
I didn't even register him laying beside me until I felt his fingers lightly brush strands of hair out of my face. My eyes didn't open but I sighed in contentment at the gesture and leaned into it. He shifted to move closer and eventually I was leaning my head on his chest. I was thankfully for the shirt he wore. If he was shirtless, I would have probably needed to ditch him here for the couch.
"You're so beautiful." He muttered quietly as he caressed my cheek. Slowly, my eyes opened and I grinned.
"Not as beautiful as you."
I had no idea what came over me, but when I felt my lips on his, I immediately tensed. For a second, every thought of screwing this up flashed through my mind and killed me in embarrassment.
I immediately retracted when I gained my common sense back. I just kissed a guy I've known for a couple months and only met once in-person....
"I'm sorry! I didn't—" I didn't finish as I sat up and turned away from him. I was going to get up and leave him here since my face burned with embarrassment, but he grabbed my hand to stop me.
Soap sat up and gently pulled me back down. I let him, resisting the urge to scream as he propped himself up on his arm and leaned down to kiss me. He typed my thigh, asking for permission and I nodded, his lips meeting mine in a soft kiss. I reached up and gripped the bottom of his mohawk, a light gasp coming from him when I did that. In that moment, every dirty thought flooded my mind. Why did it sound so alluring? So fucking good?
He was practically laying on top of me as he kissed me, his lips trailing to the corner of my mouth, to my jaw, and down my neck. He pressed his lips to my neck, his kisses soft and slow. I wrapped my arms around him, fingers tugging at his hair as his breath tickled my neck.
He sat up, blue eyes gazing into mine as he brushed his thumb over my cheek.
"You call me by my name."
Johnny.... or John.... I remember his boss telling me his name.
I nodded in response and he leaned down to kiss me again, this time his hips started to grind against my thigh and a red blush covered my cheeks.
"Johnny... I don't..."
He pulled back, concern flashing across his face.
"I apologize if I made you—"
"I'm not uncomfortable. I just...I've never done this before?"
He nodded in understanding and adjusted himself so he laid beside me again.
"We'll take it slow, all right? Don't hesitate to tell me what you want and what you don't."
"Would I sound needy if I said I want you to kiss me?"
Soap grinned, a light chuckle coming from him as he placed his lips on mine again, his tongue lightly brushing my bottom lip and his teeth gently biting it. The sensation sent shivers down my back and I inhaled deeply, pulling him close to me again and returning the gesture.
"Is it okay if I put my hands under your shirt?"
I nodded, humming a little as he shift to slide his hands under my shirt and trail up my stomach. They were cold to the touch and I gasped, Soap burying his face in my neck as he moved his hands back down my waist.
"Are you still okay with this?"
I nodded. "Yeah, but I am getting sleepy."
Soap laughed a little, completely laughing on me as he did so. I laughed with him, hugging him close as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I missed you so much."
"I missed you too."
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arkiwii · 1 year
Will start with this one then, that I wrote to pass time in the plane
It would be funny if we put an animal between the hands of two unfunctional divorced lesbians don't you think
There's a lot of mistakes and typos probably, I didn't had time to proofread and I'm not native English speaker, so my bad
Somehow, Silence and Saria end up having to take care of an injured Musbeast… Of course, things can only not go well when these two have to do any sort of collaboration, especially when it involves a being's life.
Silence, Saria, Ifrit
Description of injury, description of surgery, injured animal
"May I know what you were doing here?"
A dry voice, normally known to be soft and calm, reached the ears of the silver haired person. This one is found forced to stop her tracks to look up towards the origin of the familiar voice, slightly moving the paper sheet she was observing from her sight.
It was a normal day, nothing really special; just a calm evening in Rhodes Island. In those summer days, it was common for operators to take it easy, simply doing the work they were supposed to do, without doing much, and rarely had to face emergencies. Adding to this, some operators decided to take vacations, taking profit of the sunshine, hanging out with their friends or family, which resulted in turning the normally noisy and busy ship into a calmer and emptier one.
Well, of course, with the exception of these two. The Liberi and the Vouivre simply had no concept of "vacation" or "break", it seems. Why spend days, or weeks, chilling at the beach, when you can work twelve hours per day? The Infecteds' lives don't take a break. Medicine and science discoveries neither.
And even less the condition of their protected one.
"I was printing a copy of Ifrit's health report." The taller woman replied in a monotone voice, with not a single emotion. The facts, straight and direct to the point, nothing else was needed.
A complete opposite to the medic in front of her, who frowned behind her round glasses, grasping at the documents she was holding. "How does it even concern you? You're not part of the medical team." Now that she thinks about it, how long has it been that Saria was looking at the reports of Ifrit's condition? Maybe since the very start - her heart skipped a beat at the thought, suddenly scared about what it could mean, or what intentions the defender had to do such a thing. Under the mess of thoughts, she slightly raised her voice, suddenly seeming aggressive, or at least, on the defensive. "Are you trying to keep an eye on your experi-"
"I'm just making sure she's fine." The tall woman frowned, yet her voice remained neutral. Finally a bit of emotion, even if it seems to be disbelief that her co-worker was still believing that she only had intentions to hurt this child. "Now, I will leave, to not bother you more. Good day."
With a tail wave, she simply just walked away, passing in front of the brown haired Liberi, who was ready to let her leave with not a single additional word, or a goodbye. But she barely took any steps further that rushed footsteps made her stop, followed by a screaming voice.
"Sillleenceee! Quick, I need your help!"
The sudden voice of the younger one immediately changed the hard expression on Silence's face, who quickly turned toward its source in surprise - followed by the Vouivre, who could not help it.
"Ifrit? Is everything alri- Wait, what is that?"
The owl squinted as the Sarkaz approached, noticing a mass of brown fur and feathers in her arms that she was unable to identify at this distance. Saria took some steps forward, closing her distance with the researcher until she was just next to her. "It looks like…"
"I-" The child finally stopped her course to take a few breaths, now just in front of the two adults. "I was playing outside and- And I found this beast… It seems very injured!"
"Wait, Ifrit, breathe." The concerned Liberi put a hand on the blonde child's shoulder. Her gaze turned then to the creature in her arms, quickly analyzing it. "It's still breathing, but it's rather slow… I will have to analyze it in a proper place, come with me."
She made a sign to Ifrit to follow, who did so, under the silent stare of the defender. But contrary to what Silence secretly wished, the horned child will not miss an occasion to include Saria in this affair. "Saria! You will help too, right? You're so good at helping people, I'm sure you would do amazing!" Her little tail swinged as she spoke, an excited smile on her face.
An excitement that was not shared by the two of them, the first was looking at the kid with surprised eyes, while the second ruffled her feathers up. "Saria is bus-" She went to grab Ifrit's arm to drag her away, but she dodged it and returned in front of the Vouivre.
"Busy with what?! It's summer! C'moonn, I'm sure she would help a lot… Just like with me before!" The bright orange eyes of the child seemed to wet up as she begged. Memories of the old times where she and Saria used to collaborate in Rhine Lab remade the surface, against her will. The former director did not know what to say in the entire situation, a part of her wished to accept, but never she would break the boundaries of Silence, boundaries that included staying feets away from the scientist.
"That's up to Silence if she wants help." That's all she replied, redirecting her gaze to the Liberi, this reply betraying that she was indeed up to offer a hand. That's now a situation that the owl has to face. Many replies, many thoughts appeared in her head, as she opened her lips slightly as to say one, but none came out. Her mind screamed to refuse, her heart screamed to accept, and she was just here, fighting mentally to make a decision. Just one, any, but one-
"...Fine. She can come." She deeply sighed, to herself or to the situation, she didn't know. "I might need more pairs of hands anyway." An addition that was not that necessary, if not to convince herself that she did not accept because she wanted Saria to be around. "Now let's not lose more time."
"It really is a nasty wound…" Silence squinted as she was analyzing the Musbeast on a large operation table that was carefully draped with a tissue. The creature was showing a big wound on one of its forepaws, similar to a bite, probably made by a hound. It was covered in dried blood, mixed with fur and feathers, despite the medic's attempt to shave around the it for a proper look.
"Will it survive?" Ifrit was still here, looking as well as the wound. Even if it was not a suitable sight for a child, she was not any child, and it was probably something she was very used to seeing, if not worse, in the operations she had taken. Her tone was concerned - even if she could play the overconfident side time by time, she can't hide her sensitivity to other being's health. In the meantime, Saria was preparing some tools in silence.
"The chances are high, yes… Don't worry, we will try our best to save it." She kindly smiled to the child, gently ruffling her hair with one hand, which was replied to with an awkward laugh from her. "You should leave us to take care of it now… You can go back playing outside, I will tell you if anything happens, alright?"
"Alright alright." The kid walked away, giving a last glance to the beast, but then her gaze switched to the two adults. "I will go but, I better not catch you two arguing or something, OK?" Ah well, it was not words she expected to hear from someone as young as Ifrit, so Silence couldn't help but chuckle at it, but nervously.
"Not when a being's life is between our hands, no." She only replied this, her voice suddenly lowering mid-sentence, realizing how much of a lie it was - after all, they both argued a lot about Ifrit's life. The young Sarkaz then squinted at them, doing the hand sign for "I am watching", before leaving the medical room, carefully closing the door behind her.
An awkward silence installed itself between them very soon after. Both simply just stranded here, their bodies turned to the door. Finally, the Vouivre was the first to break the quiet ambiance.
"...Just like the old times."
She couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth in nostalgia, while the Liberi did not dared a look towards her, instead focusing her attention on the patient. "Except it's a beast. I hope that you at least have some knowledge in animal health." After putting on a medical mask, the brune owl grabbed a tool holding on a cotton that she dipped in disinfectant.
"I don't. I may be useless after all." She followed her co-worker by putting on a mask as well, but soon got surprised by the sudden reaction of the creature under the cotton being pressed on the wound. "Ah, wait, do you need me to hold it for you?"
"That'd be nice." The owl dryly replied, allowing the Vouivre to move to the other side of the table to place her hands on the creature, who was panicking and breathing. "Be careful to not hurt it. And don't let it go." She whispered a warning before going back to her task to clean up the wound.
"I'm not as…" Saria instinctively replied, but upon realizing this reply was surely useless, she finally just nodded. "Alright." She was holding the beast against the table, tight enough to not allow it to leave despite its struggling attempts, but also not too tight to hurt it.
Seeing this beast trying to break free under her hands only reminded her of another problematic little beast.
"Ptilopsis is not with you?" she finally asked, and realized that she had not seen Silence's assistant at all today, despite the fact that the two are normally always sticking around each other. The concerned one barely looked up at the question, still focusing on the beast who was now letting out small cries. "No. She went out with Mayer this morning. They're going to get new materials for Lutra Workshop. I thought that letting her go outside with someone else would do her goo-" She suddenly stopped herself to sigh, the noisy creature under her hands refusing to calm down, masking the words of the Liberi. "You're a noisy one, you know that?"
She gently rubbed a finger behind one of the ears of the beast, hoping that this kind action would help it to calm down, under the warm look of her co-worker. "Seems like the pain woke it up." She simply commented with a smile, not moving her hands one bit from the creature.
"At least it's a good sign." The brown haired one shrugged, finally setting down the tool she was previously using to clean up the wound. "But it's going to be a struggle for when I'd have to sew that wound."
As she spoke, she looked around for her next tool, while the Vouivre gave her an interrogated look with round eyes. "Shouldn't we put it asleep first?"
Her question stopped the owl, who then moved a hand on her chin, knitting her eyebrows. "Maybe? I don't know how it works… Ketamine?"
"That might be too strong for a Musbeast."
"You're right." The medic slided a look to the animal, who seemed to have relaxed now that the wound wasn't touched anymore. "Maybe propofol then? I'm really unsure what is the best…" she moved a hand to her forehead, grabbing some of her hair as she looked in the void, trying her best to think of a solution. Unfortunately, she really did not know anything about animal medicine, having studied human biology more.
"We can still make an attempt." Saria's voice, still calm, finally stopped Silence in her train of thoughts. "If anything, we would still have tried." She closed her eyes for a bit, finally moving one hand to gently give pets to the beast, brushing the long feathered antennas on its head.
"I don't want to make Ifrit sad if we fail." The Liberi turned her head away, showing a concerned expression despite herself. While the white haired defender was burning with the urge to put a hand on her shoulder, to gently stroke her feathers, to give her comfort like she used to do, she did nothing. She only responded, but in her normally strict voice could be heard some kindness.
"We won't. I promise you that I won't let it happen."
Silence only took a short breath. Can she really trust the person she wanted away from her? She ended up closing her eyes, but then adjusted her glasses with a gloved finger, before turning back to Saria and nodding to her.
No, she can't trust her. But she does not have much of a choice.
It's been such, such a long time since the two conversed this way. None of them can recall how long, but it's been too long, it's all they knew. It was hard for Silence to accept that when it did not come to Ifrit or Rhine Lab, talking with Saria was really pleasing. They both seemed to be on the same level, on some understanding, with a common goal; to protect those in need.
It's when Silence thinks about it that she could not help but feel a slight pain in her chest. On one hand, she craved to forgive Saria, to come back to her side, to feel the comfort she used to give her, this feeling of security and trust. But on the other hand, she was scared to do so; scared that she might be making a mistake, that she might lose the ones she wished to protect and save, that she would fall in the hands of Rhine Lab again.
It was not hate that she had for Saria anymore, not with those years spent with her in Rhodes Island. It was fear. For herself, for Ifrit.
The operation went well. The deep wound on the beast's arm was nothing to be afraid of anymore, sewed back and covered with a bandage to prevent any contact with it. The Liberi was now washing the tools she used, while the Vouivre was reorganizing them, peeping at the sleeping animal time by time. It should not be long before it awakens, now.
"What is the plan now?" The white haired one asked after another look, without looking at the other person in the room.
"Well, obviously it can't be left in nature this way." Silence replied, cutting off the water a moment to speak. "We'd have to keep it around until it's fully healed."
"In Rhodes Island?"
"Maybe. Unless you know somewhere else to keep it - I don't. In a dorm, with someone to watch it carefully, it would suffice." She finally dried up the tools she was washing, walking back near Saria to put them back in their places. "I'm not sure if Ifrit is a good candidate for this, however. As much as I trust her, you know how she can act impulsively…"
"And about you and Ptilopsis?" The dragon took a step backwards to not get too close to her co-worker, and decided to instead focus back her attention on the animal.
"I don't know if Ptilopsis would be alright with it. But even so, it might be difficult for us, as we tend to be often distracted, or focused on work…" Other candidates would surely fit better, but as she thought of Mayer or maybe Magallan, she could not help but decide to play a bit with Saria. "How about you? Let's see how great Lady the former Director is with animals." She caught herself smiling, suppressing this expression the moment she realized she was doing it.
"Not that great." Saria waved her tail, betraying how nervous she felt about it, despite her expression staying neutral. She stared at the Musbeast, who was now slowly waking up. "But I don't mind trying if it's better."
The room went quiet as the two were now staring at the little one. It seemed to be really confused, proceeding where it was and what happened. Instinctively, it went on its paws, and attempted to walk, but soon fell on the table, causing a pressed movement from Silence.
"Ah, be careful-" But the moment she took a step forward, her hands raised as if to grab the animal, it immediately freaked out, and tried to get up instantly to run away. It was not that fast, limping slowly, but still fast enough to escape Silence. Thankfully for her, Saria, who had way better reflexes in this kind of situation, jumped forward to gently catch the animal before it could fall. "Ah… Thank you Saria." the Liberi sighed with relief, glad that the beast was alright, despite its slow movements to escape Saria's grip. It seemed that it was still tired and confused from the anesthesia, but no less ferocious.
"You're welcome… I will have to be careful and keep a constant eye on it, then." her eyes moved to the Musbeast, trying to make sure to not hurt it with her firm hands.
The owl nodded to confirm it, before turning away slightly. "I will continue to clean everything up, and as well contact Mayer and Joye to bring some pet food while they're out, we'll definitely need it. As well as a cone… And pet special medecine…" she started to mumble, a hand to her chin, her eyes straying away. For a moment, the Vouivre was just standing here, the animal in her hands - who calmed down after realizing how meaningless its efforts were - her orange stare on her co-worker. At the moment, she simply just lost herself looking at her, not realizing it. In fact, it's Silence who remarked it first, frowning in confusion at Saria.
"Saria? You can go now. I'll take care of the rest."
"Ah- Right. My apologizes." She nodded politely, feeling her tail swinging in awkwardness, before leaving the room.
A soft knock on her door made her perk her head up.
"I'm coming."
Soft morning sun rays drowned the dorm in warm colors. It was the next day, and Saria had spent the rest of the day in her room, watching her new protected one. Even if it has been a single day, the place was now covered in an overwhelming scent of pet food that she felt like she would have a hard time to get rid of.
As she said, the draconic one stood up to walk to the mechanical door, allowing this one to open, revealing the short brown haired Liberi behind.
"Good morning, Silence."
"Good… morning, Saria." Silence's voice sounded strangely hesitant, as if she was not planning on greeting the person in front of her, but was still caught off guard by the greeting, politeness forcing her to reply despite herself. "I brought the medicine for the beast. Is everything alright so far?"
She tried to slide a look behind Saria, with great difficulty considering how she was built compared to Silence, but upon seeing her struggle, the Vouivre took a step aside to allow the smaller one to see - and maybe enter. "Nothing concerning. It seems to be doing fine, but is still trying to get used to it. Ah, you can enter if you don't mind."
If Silence doesn't mind? Of course she does mind. The idea of entering in the dorm of the person she trusts the least is not making her feel the greatest. She only looked inside, quietly, but decided to shut the thoughts in her head. She's here as a medic, a professional, to help a living being - she doesn't have time to put her personal life in it. Forcing herself to keep a neutral look, she entered the place, and quickly spotted the beast on the bed. At least, it seems like it got used to Saria's presence enough. She placed the medicine she brought on the desk in the room, noticing how clean and organized this one was. Of course, she already knows Saria well to know that her dorm would be very neutral and clean, as if it was unoccupied and untouched since she started to work at Rhodes Island. The only noticeable elements would be her shield, her clothes, documents, and… A slightly burnt feather. Silence frowned at this sight, but did her best to ignore it and focus on the matter, as the dorm's owner closed the door to make sure the beast wouldn't try to flee.
"So let's see this…" Silence muttered as she approached the animal, who was already staring at her with big eyes, the antennas and ears on its head perked up in alert, despite the big plastic cone around. The moment the Liberi was a little bit too close, it stood up, and walked backwards, until its butt hit the wall behind. "Still scared I see…" She whispered, but couldn't help a very slightly amused smile at the animal when it tried to turn around, but the cone hit the wall. Saria approached as well, but simply sat on the bed, before raising a hand carefully at the beast to allow it to sniffle it.
"It's alright, Quill, don't be afraid…"
"Quill?" The Liberi blinked at the name. She really was not expecting Saria, ex-director of the Defense section, known for her cold behavior and for being more sturdy than diamond itself, to be attached to a small fluffy animal that she met a day ago. And apparently, Saria herself was not expecting it, as she stiffened up, waving her tail around nervously. "I was thinking that a name would be more friendly… And, its feathers remind me of yours."
Ah. As soon as she said those words, a very awkward silence took place. The Vouivre, who was looking away, slided a look at the owl, whose expression was… really hard to describe. Surprise? Anger? Fluster? Guilt? Tender? Disgust? A mix of all of those at once? Whatever she was dealing with, something could be guessed; she did not want to deal with it. "I… Hum. Could you try to hold it please? I need to examine its wound."
After that, no more words were exchanged between them. Saria obeyed, picking up the small animal after gently reassuring it, and held it in a way that its arm would be easier to see. The Liberi quickly looked at it - maybe too quick, Saria can guess it's the fact that she had to be closer to her that was making her act this way -, before noting in a low voice that it seemed all alright and starting to heal up. She then went to take the medicine, asking for Saria to force the animal's mouth open for her to put it in its throat. Everything went well, and after being released from Saria's hands, the beast gently jumped out of bed - well, "jumped" in the best way it could -, before hiding under it.
Now, it was just the two of them. Silence did not dare to look at Saria again, instead turning around. "I'm leaving the medicine here. One pill every morning until it's all healed up. I guess you can do the check ups yourself." She walked away to the door, leaving Saria to reply with an agreeing growl, but she finally built the courage to call for the Medic before she leaves.
"I'm sorry."
The look of anger on Silence's face upon hearing her first name suddenly vanished at the apology. She finally let out a sigh, looking towards the door, but did not take another step. "Listen I… I just don't know what to think about it. I was hoping you would have forgotten…" she looked behind at the desk, towards the feather, where the defender's eyes followed. "I just need a moment." The feather tufts on her head lowered, but she finally left before Saria could reply anything else.
Since this day, Silence never visited again. Sometimes, it would be Mayer or Ptilopsis, even Magallan once, and of course Ifrit - always supervised by one of the first two. They seemed always glad to see the little beast, who started to feel more at ease at the sight of new faces. They would even bring some treats time by time, Mayer would bring a Meeboo to play around, or take note of its anatomy to perfect her robots. Ifrit was always eager to play or pet the animal, even though she was often asked to leave it alone, as it could not do much in its stade, and Ptilopsis took the role of checking in to keep track of its health.
But never Silence. Saria grew worried about it, sometimes asking news to Ifrit or Ptilopsis, but it seemed that she was doing fine. So she was really just giving her the cold shoulder - she was used to it after all. It was probably better for Silence, staying around Saria against her will probably have stressed her up.
It has been a week now. The cone around Quill's head - name officialized as Ifrit loved it - was removed, and it seemed that its situation was better. Saria would of course not spend all her time in her dorm, she would often wander to the training room, or check around Rhodes Island to see if any operator was in need of assistance or anything. The ship really was calmer and more silent in summer, it was almost boring. At least, she could somewhat entertain herself with Quill. And speaking of it, she was spending this evening sitting on her bed, the small animal laying down on her lap as she gave it a few strokes on its head, gently sliding her fingers on the length of its feathers, her mind somewhere else.
The feathers were extremely soft. She always loved the feel of the texture of those on her fingers, the palm of her hand, against her body. While slightly ticklish, they still brought something to her; a feeling of warmth, of sweetness.
Eyes closed, she could almost feel her presence again. Her head resting against her, and her hand gently brushing her hair and feathers. Bright memories of a past she could never live again. Why wouldn't she fight for it? She could - but she thinks she does not deserve it.
The accusations were false, but the guilt was here. She could, no, she should have known. She should have stopped them before. Before it happened, before these innocents were harmed. It was too late now to go back, but she will still try. She will keep on protecting them, and try to stop those who did it. Even if she was now alone, it was certainly better. So the ones she cares about won't be hurt if she fails. And she won't hurt herself.
She opened her eyes again when the fluffy creature yawned, moving her hand to not disturb it. But as she did, she caught something shining under the light of her room, on its forepaw. Muttering reassuring words to the beast, she picked up its leg to examine it. Now that she thinks about it, it has been a while since Ptilopsis did a check up, maybe she decided it was not necessary anymore. As Saria looked at the wound, she squinted, before catching up what got her attention between the black wires that were used to stitch back the injury; black crystals.
It’s a small voice that welcomed her as she opened the door. It was pretty late in the evening, but never too late for the literal night owl that is Silence. She was of course in her laboratory, where she spent most of her time, and that’s where Saria found her. The expression on her face was strange, she seemed surprised, but also not glad to see her; and the Vouivre could not help but notice how her hair seemed greasy and messy, as if she had not taken care of herself for the whole time.
“It’s about Qu… The Musbeast.” she hesitated, thinking that hearing that name again might not do her the best. Silence seemed to relax a bit, maybe was she afraid that it was about her or, maybe, the both of them. “Ah. Did something happen?”
“It got infected.”
She blinked once, then twice, before readjusting her glasses. “I did not know it could happen… I should have watched it more carefully.” Her eyes seemed to wander away, as she lost herself in her thoughts, the way she always did. “How is it feeling right now? Joyce reported to me it was getting better, and nothing was alarming.”
“That’s the case. There’s no sign of an advanced stage of Oripathy, just a few crystals have appeared on its wound.” Saria’s voice remained calm as always.
“...Alright. I will go take a look. Is it still in your room?” As she spoke, she took off the lab coat she still had on her, revealing her clear brown turtleneck under it.
“Wait,” Saria called out the moment the Liberi was leaving the laboratory, getting her to stop in her tracks to look at her. “Have you taken care of yourself recently?” She dared to ask this question, earning a frown as a reaction.
“It’s not about me.”
While Saria’s tone barely changed, someone who is used to hearing her like Silence could guess a certain concern behind it. “The beast can wait, it’s not in an emergency state, you should try to at least take a sh-”
“I can take care of myself- and, w-what are you trying to achieve with all of this anyway?” Contrary to the person in front of her, Silence could not keep her voice calm, and raised her tone slightly, showing a certain anger - or maybe fear, or maybe both, even. It was as if she was afraid of a certain conclusion, that she had been rejecting for long, so long.
Saria could play the innocence card, and ask what she meant by “all of this”, but she did nothing, only opening her lips slightly as if the words refused to leave. She already knew what she meant, so instead she simply looked down, her tail swinging slightly behind her, but soon rolling up around her legs. “I can’t forget.”
The next second, she could only hear a deep inhale from the owl, who closed her eyes as if to calm herself down. But instead of replying, she only turned herself to walk in the hallway. “We’ll talk about it later. But first, let’s take care of this.”
They simply walked for a bit, in complete silence, Saria staying a certain distance from her co-worker as if it was preferable for her to forget that Saria was here at all. Once they arrived, and after a scan from Saria’s ID card to open the door, they were greeted with the animal in the center of the piece, who immediately rushed under the bed upon seeing them. Silence took note of how it walked, it seemed that it was getting way better, only slightly limping. After allowing Saria to catch the Musbeast, she joined to take a look at the wound. Saria could hear her click her tongue before she stood up.
"It's not looking very bad, it's only at early stages… But I don't know how to deal with that." She sighed before sitting on the bed, but keeping a distance from Saria. She was tired, visibly, but still tried to hide it. "Is the treatment the same as humans? How long can it survive? I don't know anything about its biology either." Her eyes focused on an indeterminate point, as she tapped her fingers on her second arm, now turned into a wing. Saria stared at her for a moment, letting go of the Musbeast who decided that it was getting hungry.
The situation was awfully similar to what happened back in Rhine Lab. A patient both had to take care of, yet they could not understand, but a will to save it regardless. That Ifrit was a human child and Quill a simple animal does not change that both deserve a life. But this time, no one was to blame; it was only nature.
She balanced her tail, her hands now resting on her laps. "I guess there is not much we can do… But that does not mean we can't try."
"I guess." Silence's voice sounded deeper, surely due to her tiredness. It would be hard to deny that she has been neglecting herself. "I would have to take a sample of its blood when I will remove the threads… I just don't know how to announce it to Ifrit now."
"There's nothing we could have done to prevent it anyway." Saria nodded, before looking at the beast who was curiously staring at them, sniffing the air as if to get hints if Silence was an enemy or an ally. "The least we can do now would be to give it a good life."
Silence's feathers tufts dropped slightly at these words. "But… I could probably try to find a way to cure it. If I work hard enough…"
"Olivia, you already work enough." The taller woman's voice was strict at those words, but still somewhat full of concern. The Liberi could have been mad at the sound of her name, but at the moment, her mind was too focused on the matter, and too tired to pay attention, that hearing it again sounded more of a habit than something she would reject. "You do a lot for Ifrit. And not just her. For Ptilopsis. For this small Liberi woman you met as well. For Rhodes Island as a whole." She would have liked to offer way more than just her words - to be able to hold her again, to reassure her like she used to do. But not right now. "You need to take care of yourself too."
Silence sighed deeply, closing her eyes to not reopen them, feeling way more comfortable this way. "I feel like I'm hearing Joyce… Since when did you care about us?"
"I always did." The amber eyes of the draconic one looked away, at the Musbeast, who was now approaching them to jump on the bed, before taking place between the two of them - but closer to Saria, to whom it was the most used to. Both looked at it silently, eventually Silence dared to approach a hand to gently pet it, noting that it was as soft as her own feathers.
"I still don't know if I can really trust you." She finally started, her eyes not moving from the creature who was still showered in tender pets. "I'm afraid to. I'm afraid that if I go back, things will get worse, that I might lose her. But this time we spent together… Taking care of this beast… It just reminded me of the days in Rhine Lab, and how much I missed them." She finally let go, and now brought back her two hands together, before staring away once again. "Even if we were running towards a bad end, things were easier, and we were happy together… But now, I'm afraid of being blinded again. Of being used."
Saria could only listen in silence. Her heart tightened at the words, it has been so long since she heard Silence speak her heart open this way. She only nodded to show that she saw listening, even yet the Liberi woman could not see it.
"So long story short, I don't know what to do. But I need time. I'm still afraid for Ifrit. And I still don't trust you." She took a sharp breath, before sliding a look at Saria, finally. "But either way, we both are working towards the same objective, right? So you better not break my trust again, and my heart."
Maybe Saria was dreaming, or maybe she really did see a smile on Silence's face. Or maybe this one was so tired that she was not paying attention anymore. Her head dropped to look at Quill, now simply laying down against her lap, comfortably. "I won't. That's a promise you can trust."
"I wish." Silence whispered, her eyes closed, before letting once again calm install itself between them. It was a strange conversation they just had, never they spoke this way. Exposing each other's heart, so calmly, and yet, despite the terms they were on now, they could still somewhat find a common goal to fight for. To protect Ifrit.
"Alright," the owl finally stood up after a moment, feeling as if she was falling asleep, and despite having found a consensus, she absolutely refuses to fall asleep on her ex-lover's bed. "I won't take any longer. I still have work to do."
She walked towards the door, Saria looking at her do so, blocked by the small animal who seemed to have fallen asleep near her.
"Good night, Olivia."
Silence stopped just in front of the door, but did not look behind. "It's Silence, until otherwise. Good night, Saria."
And now, it was just Saria and Quill again. Now alone, the Vouivre could not help but drop a tender smile, whispering to the pet next to her, as if it could hear her.
"She really is something, huh…"
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cooltoneturtlesimp · 3 years
Heyya, how u doin'? I hope you're doin' good~
I hope you don't mind if I request a headcanon for the 2012 turtles with a rather shy and reserved reader as their love interest (crush)? I'd prefer the reader to be gender neutral if you don't mind^^
I'm back y'all, sorry this took so long! It's been a long few months lmao but I hope that it's worth the wait!
Word Count: 1034
AllTurtles2012 x GN!reader
Leo’s crush starts with a simple cup of tea that you made for him. And then promptly spilled.
His appreciation is immeasurable, as the leader he doesn’t get much thanks and this small gesture really means a lot to him.
“Don’t worry! You didn’t get burned at all, did you? Let’s get some cool water going just to make sure.”
While he helps you treat the small burn on your arm, both of you silently blush at the physical and occasional eye contact
After that, he always is the first to offer first aid to you. He and Donnie usually work together or take turns with that kind of chore, but Leo always has something else for Don to do if you’re injured so he can be the one to take care of you.
After some time, he makes an attempt to flirt with you. Emphasis on “attempt.”
You being you, you get very panicky as soon as you realize what he’s doing. He immediately gets just as embarrassed as you, and it’s almost as if you’re having a competition to see who’s face can get redder.
Spoiler alert: it’s you. He’s green.
This is the quickest pairing to actually get together, mostly because Raph noticed Leo’s weird behavior around you and approved for once. He sees it coming before Leo’s ready to admit it, and encourages him to make a move.
Together you support each other's “embarrassing” interests and tendencies, and you always take care of each other :)
I think Raph would find your shyness annoying at first, he’s very into the idea that everyone should be able to fend for themselves.
BUT his crush starts when you trap and move a cockroach from the table after he freaks out about it. Then, you ask him without judgment if he’s alright.
Cue HUGE blush fest. He blushes, you blush, yada yada you get the picture.
That’s when his perspective switches around. Someone who doesn’t judge him for his stupid fear? That’s… exactly what he needs.
It takes him a while to sort out his new feelings, but after a few weeks he offers to help train you, not just in martial arts but also in confidence. He thinks that you are awesome and you deserve to be heard! To burst out of your bubble!
(and it also wouldn’t hurt to spend some extra one-on-one time with you)
((not that he’ll readily admit that motive of course))
Cue a bunch of close touches and small nudges in training that make both of you blush, not that the other notices.
Very much a slow burn, requited love between two idiots but neither of you notice the other’s flustered-ness.
Everyone else in the lair knows LONG before either of you figure it out that the feeling is mutual
Once you do get together, you’re a very no-nonsense couple. You keep PDA to a minimum, but as soon as you’re alone, he’s very affectionate and vulnerable, because he knows you understand.
The way to his heart is pretty simple: all you had to do was listen to him talking science. His brothers usually don’t listen with much care for the details, but you asked polite questions
Stutters A LOT when he first starts getting feelings for you, but he manages to find every excuse to hang out with you. It mostly centers around helping with homework, and he loses his mind with every casual glance and accidental touch. It’s obvious to literally everyone, but you’re almost as flustered as him so you don’t even notice.
A few months into his crush, he starts making you gifts. You like animals? He’s made tiny robots of your favorite ones! You’ve shown particular interest in one of his many MANY science rants? Well, today’s your lucky day, he just so happened to have a spare model that displays the subject perfectly! And if you wanna keep it, you can have it! But uh no pressure if you don’t want it, of course, he understands, it’s kind of a weird gift-
You’re both easily flustered, Don’s an over-thinker, and you’re too shy to make a direct first move, so it takes forever for you two to make any progress, but once you do you’ll be the sappiest couple in the sewers :)
Openly affectionate from the start. He’s a love at first sight kind of guy!
Flirting, hugs, and any little touch he can get. Finding reasons to fight back to back with you on missions, no shame, this guy!
He pulls you out of your shell a little, but also loves how easy it is to make you blush.
His crush is really solidified when he hears your laugh for the first time. Not the quiet giggle or chuckle he’s used to, but your genuine, unapologetic, snorting, wild “ugly” laugh.
He had never heard a sound more exciting in his life. And he feels starstruck. An audible “wow” escapes him, and you get a tad self conscious.
He immediately shuts that down, saying he thought it was super cute!
After a little bit of back and forth with your embarrassment and his reassuring you that he thinks you’re almost as adorable as ice cream kitty (even though in his mind he thinks you’re actually even cuter, but he won’t say it out loud), there’s a brief moment of eye contact that you both feel lasts forever but also not long enough, you turn away with a quiet “thank you, mikey”
He replays that scene in his head for days, weeks, months, maybe even years. However long it takes for you two to get together (which could be soon, or could be a while. You’re shy and he’s impulsive, hard to predict when he’ll confess!). Sometimes his wild imagination even replaces that last line with an “i love you”
Nothing changes much when you eventually get together, at least from the outside. He’s still just as openly flirty as before, but you feel a special sincerity to his words that you’re not sure was there before. He looks to you after every clever joke he makes in the hopes that he’ll see that sweet smile or maybe hear that adorable laugh again.
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hewoo; it is me coming to fill up your inbox ;) Can I request Red Velvet reaction to the reader getting injured while protecting them? Thank you for your writing ‘)
Red Velvet reaction: Reader getting injured while protecting them
Requests are open
Hewoo to you, friend. A reaction after some days, yay! And thank you for your speed in requesting, very appreciated.
PS: for some reason I can't @ your user name
Red Velvet members X GN!Reader
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Your girlfriend in that period was recording her new reality show "Irene's Work & Holiday". She succeded in taking you with her as a cast member because you were "a great friend of her". You were in Bali and the theme of that episode was just Irene relaxing and having fun with her friends. You were playing in the water and all was going well. You were playing with the ball, the water guns and even algae. Irene was searching some seaweed to throw at you and she believed to have found a big one. You, that were near here, immediately understood the truth: that was not a seaweed, but a jellyfish. So you quickly between her and the animal, being stung. Luckily the jellyfish was not poisonous, so you just had to spend a night in the hospital. But what a night: in fact with cameras off, Irene stopped to be a friend and returned to be your girlfriend. There was so much love in that room that you promised yourself to be stung more often if that was the aftermath.
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Getting engaged with Seulgi was definitely a deal: not only you had the better girlfriend ever, but now you had a new groups of friends. In fact her members often asked her to take you with them because the more, the merrier. That you were on the set of Feel my Rhythm and the concept was so fun: reenacting some famous paintings. It was Seulgi's turn and the painting to reenact was "Lady looking behind the walls" by Philippoteaux. To do that Seulgi had to hang in balance on a ladder. The first take was good, but the director wanted to another for safety. Your instinct kicked in, you felt that something was wrong. So, without realizing it, your started to run towards towards her. You did it just in time because the old ladder broke and you caught Seulgi on the fly. But sadly the old and heavy ladder fell on your leg, getting you injured. You spent the next month, stuck at home due your injury, but in return having Seulgi calling you "Her savior" and spoiling you with cuddles and kisses was worth it.
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The reason why the radio show of Wendy was a success was easy: that was the perfect work environment for her. In fact not only her job was cool, due to her personality and the guests that were always presents, but that was the place where she found the love. You were working in the radio station as technician and you were glad that for once the host was such a lovely girl. One day you came late to work due a family affair, so the settings for the episode were made by a newbie, that was a bit too lazy that time. In fact he had mounted cables wrong. Luckily you figured that out pretty quickly, so you made in time to put you in Wendy’s place and take take the shock in her place. The thing kept you out of the game for a week, but at least Wendy has set her eyes on you, admired by your courage. So as soon as you were back at work, she asked you out.
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The period of promotion of their latest comeback was finished not long ago. You two wanted to make up for the lost time, but since she was still tired, you opted for a simple but nice walk. You were enjoying your date, everything was perfect till that moment: the temperature was not too hot nor too cold, there were not much people in the street and you have just finished to eat a really good ice cream, but the best thing was the smile on Joy's face. You knew that the smile was going to grew even bigger when you saw a dog coming in your direction with its owner. Joy, of course, stopped to pet the dog and it was really docile. It's just unfortunate that not far from you a drunk man broke a glass bottle. The rumor agitated the dog. Your reflexes were great, because the poor dog, scared, was going to bite Joy's hand, instead he has bitten yours. While being visited by the nearer vets, your girlfriend never left your hand (the good one), and when you returned home with her, she clung to your arm 'till you two fell asleep, hugged.
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What's best than a day at park? A picnic in the park, of course. You were there with your girlfriend to celebrate your two years long relationship. The day before you made together all your favorite food, so you knew that it was going to be a beautiful day. After you started eating, a bunch of teenager began to play volleyball near you two. They were noisy, but your mood due the food and Yeri's presence that they were not bothering you. To be honest they were very good, maybe too much...One of them hit the ball hard and it flew towards Yeri's head, which was not looking the ball. So, to protect her, you pushed her and you took the ball in your face, then you passed out. Few minutes later you woke up with your head on Yeri's legs, while she was medicating your nose, from which a little blood had flowed. She looked at you with eyes full of love and said "Babe, thank you for saving me, but be careful the next time...I want you with me for at least the next 20 years", and she ended kissing you.
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mlmxreader · 2 years
The Ace & The Killer | Hugo Stiglitz x gn!reader
Anonymous asked: Can I have “please, don’t turn your back on me” with Hugo Stiglitz? Angsty fluff with Hugo is my shitttt
summary: a Captain meets a famous Nazi killer through a lot of unlucky events, but when there's a chance for you to leave the Basterds, Hugo doesn't want you to, and you're not sure that you do, either.
tws: violence, death, swearing, smoking, mentions of torture and execution
You were trained where the Basterds were, which was how you originally met Aldo Raine, he had greeted you with that Southern charm and you grew to be friends quite fast; he would sneak you and your fellow pilots cigarettes and would sit on the benches with you during nights where you were convinced that, once in the air, the worst would happen. The Hurricanes could withstand a lot, but you knew that they weren't invincible, you were putting your life in the hands of metal and oil. You were well aware of that, but while the Basterds wouldn't be dropped into the fray for a while, you and your crew were given your wings within weeks; you heard of men dying, you heard of them being shot down and crashing in enemy territory, you heard of them being captured by Nazis. Tortured, only to die of their injuries when they were eventually found and rescued. You were lucky, that was the only difference, you were lucky enough that you always managed to make it back; you shot down enough Nazis that you were given the title of a Flying Ace, but that wasn't enough. That didn't compensate for seeing men you counted as brothers die in a ball of flame and smoke; that didn't make up for letters telling you that some young recruit had been tortured and executed. The title wasn't enough.
Luck always ran out, though; during a dogfight with some Nazi piece of shit, your fuel wouldn't get you back home, and although you managed to get that cunt down and watch the flames and the smoke hurtle down, smiling as you did so, you knew you had two choices: land in France, or die in the channel. France seemed preferable, it was closer, you could probably find some members of the resistance who could help you find fuel.
Landing wasn't graceful, your wings were clipped and you were sure that you fucked the engine anyway, but at least it was good enough that you weren't injured; you travelled for days until you found them, though. Aldo and his Basterds. They took you in, let you travel with them, a promise that you would eventually make it back to the Allies; your uniform was scruffy and stank of smoke, but they helped you clean up. But that's when you met him: Hugo Stiglitz. A man you had admired for a while; Nazi killed number one, you immediately took a liking to him. He liked you, too, and it wasn't long before you found yourself spending more time with him and less time with Aldo despite being the most decorated of the lot.
"Mein Kapitän," Hugo would say quietly with a little smile when you went to sit with him while he sharpened his knives and carved little trinkets out of less than decent wood. He would take a lot more pleasure than he would ever admit in the times that you sat with him, quiet as you watched him work.
He would sleep with you, too, letting you lay across his lap as he propped himself up against a broken wall or a ditch or a tree; he would always wake before you did, but he would simply sit there and stare into nothingness. He liked you a lot, a whole lot.
You knew what you had to do, though, even if you did doubt that getting out of France alive was a gamble of slim to none, you knew what you had to do; you asked him out, you asked him to be your boyfriend, and he agreed with a shrug and a smile. You were lucky once again, lucky that the man you had fallen for felt the same; but very little changed, except for the fact that he got more protective of you. He knew that your skills were limited, being trained as a pilot was far different from being a trained soldier, and although he taught you the basics, he was still protective; he would often cover you with his own body when there was shelling and bombings nearby, he would often keep his arm around you when you moved from place to place, he would insist that you stayed back during raids and supply runs. Hugo was protective, very protective.
Aldo mentioned to you that he knew of a resistance group nearby when you had arrived at a clearing in a forest; he had pulled you aside, near the river with olive coloured water, and he had given you directions on how to get to their camp. But you weren't sure if you wanted to leave; he told you that it was unlikely the Basterds would make it out alive, given their orders, but you weren't sure if you wanted to leave. You liked being with them, and you didn't want to leave Hugo's side.
He was the first one you approached with the news, sighing heavily as you sat next to him while he sharpened his knife; you swallowed thickly, biting at the inside of your lip.
"Hugo, there's... there's a resistance camp nearby," you started, "uh, Aldo told me about them... he said maybe it's best if I... y'know."
Hugo took one look at you, pleading as he shook his head. "Nein. Stay."
"I want to," you explained, "but I'm not a Basterd. I'm a pilot. And maybe... maybe it'd be best, I mean... I only slow you all down, and I... I think I might be in love with you, and I don't really wanna leave you, but... the more I think about it, the more I wonder if it's really for the best."
"Please, don't turn your back on me," he said quietly. "Mein Kapitän, please don't."
You bit at your lip, sighing heavily as you ran a hand across the back of your neck and shook your head. "I don't want to... but what if I get you killed?"
Snatching your hand in his wrist, the knife clattering to the mossy floor, Hugo shook his head, swallowing thickly. "Please don't go."
"I'm a pilot," you whispered, able to feel tears prick at the edges of your eyes as you tried to keep your voice even. They never taught you how to hold back tears during training. "I'm just a pilot."
"You're my pilot," he growled. "Please don't go. I'll protect you."
You relaxed a little, shaking your head and daring to wipe your eyes on the sleeve of your jacket. You swallowed thickly. "Do you want me to stay that badly?"
"I'll cut you a deal," you started, "if I stay, you have to promise, fucking promise me, that if shit hits the ceiling, you get yourself out. You don't think about me, you don't try and save me, you get yourself the fuck to safety."
"Okay," he agreed with a nod, knowing that it would be a promise he would break when it came to it.
"Okay," you sniffled. "Deal."
Tugging at your wrist, Hugo pulled you onto his lap, letting you rest your head against his neck as he put one hand between your shoulders, the other at your lower back as he chewed at the inside of his lip; you weren't just a pilot, you weren't just a Captain, or a Flying Ace, you were... you were the one that he looked forward to taking home, you were the one that he looked forward to seeing when he came home from work after the war. You were the one he wanted to marry, if such a thing were ever possible. You were his pilot, his Captain, his Ace.
Hugo wouldn't let you go so easily, even if you were destined to be sky bound, even if he knew that protecting you might have cost his life if shit really went badly, he wouldn't let you go when he knew, even if he would never admit it, that he loved you.
He loved you.
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - you SHOULD reblog it; spam likers WILL be blocked. as will blogs that refuse to reblog or to give feedback. if you don't wanna reblog, then you'll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM. don't just "like", REBLOG
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some kacy ideas for season two
first of all and for the record: kate only insta stalked skylar. she was a DIA officer and would never mis-use her credentials to look up someone without good reason, thank you very much.
lucy sometimes has trouble believing how good it's working between them the second (third?) time around. they both get better at communicating and while it's not perfect it starts to feel very much like 'this is it' for both of them. when that thought first crosses lucy's mind, one saturday morning in kate's kitchen getting ready for breakfast after kate's back from surfing, she stops and stares for a moment. kate looks at her with a smile "what?" - "nothing, just me being very happy." is lucy's reply before she gets on her toes to kiss her girlfriend.
the next time they go to kai's dad's restaurant hina invites them since she was an instant fan of kate's and sits with them for a while (she loves a good love story and these two are just adorable)
a few months into their relationship kate gets injured during another joint investigation. jesse feels guilty because he was with her and she gets shot in the knee when she wrestles with their suspect to stop him from taking a shot at jesse. (she ended up overwhelming the bad guy nonetheless) lucy turns white as a sheet when they get the call and jane immediately takes charge and drives them to the hospital. "i'm her partner, like in life," lucy stumbles through an explanation, "i'm her girlfriend." no one blames jesse but he still feels bad and over compensates with more coffee than kate will ever be able to drink during the first few weeks. kate's knee is a mess and will need months to get better. ernie makes space for her in his lair and she ends up being over quite often to work with or alongside him. lucy regularly picks her up there to take home or sometimes brings take out and they all have dinner together (usually the rest of the team joins as well so she quickly learns to buy enough for everybody)
there's another dinner at janes where kai and lucy join later. lucy leans down to kiss kate, who has her banged up knee elevated on the chair across, on the cheek, which makes jane, who kate was talking to, smile into her glass of wine.
during kate's long recovery lucy stays over more often than not but they shy away from officially moving in together for the longest time. ernie (and jane) are days away from suggesting them to take the plunge when lucy anounces they'll be having a house warming party later that week.
lucy caressing kate's knee when they chill on the couch, while she watches tv (she still has some seasons of the great british bake off left) and kate reads a book.
kate does start breaking into a song occasionally, which makes the team laugh and lucy roll her eyes good naturedly, but usually ends with them kissing because lucy is weak and kate a surprisingly good singer.
even when she's bound to her desk kate is very resourceful and a big part in helping them solve cases. ASAC curtis is impressed, but not surprised, especially by her interrogation techniques. she's very successful in getting people to spill their beans.
when kate's knee is finally better jesse and kai ask her to join them for a surf, and are happy to learn that she can more then keep up with them.
a bit later jesse and his wife invite everyone to a day at the beach. kate initially declines in both their names, but lucy says she can get over herself for an afternoon. she spends a lot of time oogling kate and glaring at eveybody else who does, though she does startle when she notices jane among the admirers, but her boss just shrugs her shoulders in a silent non-apology.
they do answer each others phones occasionally. sometimes unintentionally (at night, when lucy reaches over kate and ends up in a very stilted two minute conversation with ASAC curtis, who later just smiles at kate and tells her he's happy she has a private life, he's a bit cheesy like that) or intentionally (when kate sees jane calling lucy while she's still in the shower or is busy trying to prove that she can somewhat cook. jane stays on the phone with them for a while and laughs out loud when lucy finally admits defeat and ask what kate wants to order)
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whats-k-popping · 2 years
i just read your namseok fic, it was so good omg. i'm like...super wanting to read sick namjoon, so could you do kind of a scenario where all the members are away besides namjoon and a caretaker of your choice, and namjoon gets food poisoning or something?? i loved your fic, it was really well written. and i liked the long-lead up, and the way the caretaking was, so could you do some of that like...subtle noticing action in this?? i hope that makes sense lol
AWWW thank you so much! I'm honestly so flattered that you enjoyed my namseok fic. Your Namjoon fics are always exceptional. They make my day! I'm actually writing a continuation of that roommates fic. I hope you'll enjoy that as well.
But thank you so so much for the request! I loved the prompt, as soon as I read it I came up with this idea and got hooked. I really enjoyed writing this, and got very into it if 4000+ words is anything to go by. LOL. I hope the fic is what you were looking for.
Title: Doctor's Orders
Pairing: Namkook - Platonic intentions.
Words: 4596
Warnings: Emeto || Injured member || Graphic descriptions of illness || Sick members
"Wait, who's going to stay back with Jungkook?" Hoseok asks the fellow members of the rap line. The three of them are gathered in the fourier, preparing to leave for their separate schedules when Hoseok remembers the maknae. The rappers look back and forth at each other, each one waiting for the other to claim responsibility. When no one immediately offers, Hoseok decides to excuse himself. "I can’t stay back. PD-nim has me leading a dance class for new trainees today." 
Yoongi is next to offer up an explanation for his silence, "I have a production meeting with a client." He and Hoseok look to Namjoon, waiting for him to share what his day has in store.
Namjoon sighs, he knows those are two things his hyungs can't exactly move around. And he doesn’t really have anything time-sensitive or major on his schedule. So despite the fact that he was excited to get back into his studio, he slides his shoes off and removes his coat. "Guess that means I'm staying back."
"Are you sure it’s okay? Maybe we can text Jin-hyung or-" 
Namjoon cuts Hoseok off before he has time to come up with any other unrealistic solutions. He and Hoseok both know that the remaining members of the vocal line are working on a solo track. They won’t be back to the dorms until nightfall. "It's fine. My schedule is pretty empty today anyway. I was going to spend time in my studio. But I can just work on lyrics here."
Jungkook can hear them talking about him from where he’s sitting in the kitchen, he hears them bickering over who has to look after him. He already feels bad enough that he’d gotten himself injured in the middle of their schedules. It was an accident, but now he’s on a two-week break until his ankle heals enough to resume schedules. And that’s only the minimum time frame. Only if the doctor clears him. 
They had to slow down comeback preparations because of him. And now other members have to hold back on their schedules, too. It’s annoying, not to mention embarassing. He hates being an inconvenience to the group. "I'm 25. I don't need a babysitter." He calls to the rappers with a mouthful of cereal. It probably comes out with more attitude than he anticipates, but the whole situation is frustrating. He’s finding it hard to bite his tongue when everything just sucks so much. 
Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok pause their conversation and all turn in unison toward the maknae. He's seated at the kitchen counter, his crutches are nowhere to be seen. Probably left by his bed where he set them last night. They each send an exaggerated expression of shock his way. 
"The fact that you came to the kitchen without your crutches is proof enough that someone needs to be watching you," Yoongi starts the lecture. 
"We have a comeback coming up. We can't afford for your ankle to get any worse. We're cutting it close as it is," Namjoon’s practical response. 
"We need our center in peak condition. It's only two weeks. Just follow the doctor's orders," and there’s Hoseok’s concern, masked as a compliment and filled with hope. But just as firm as the other two.
No matter how the hyungs word it, Jungkook just hears the same thing: stop being a brat and use the crutches. But he doesn't want to. He doesn't think he needs to. His ankle doesn't hurt that much. And it's not like he's trying to dance, or even run. He just wanted breakfast. But in the end he holds his tongue. He knows these aren't the hyungs he should try to argue with. It won't get him anywhere; the rap line is notorious for their stubbornness when it comes to expectations. So he just rolls his eyes and goes back to the almost-soggy cereal in the bowl. 
When Jungkook doesn’t answer, the rappers turn back to their previous conversation. “Namjoon-ah, you’re sure you’re good to spend the day at the dorms?” Yoongi asks one final time. 
Namjoon nods, “Yes, it’s not going to make a big difference in my schedule. And I’ll make sure Jungkook-ie stays off his ankle.” He hears their ride pull up in front of the dorms, “Now go, you guys have meetings to get to.” He all but pushes them out the door. 
"Thanks, Joon-ah. If you need anything just text us." Yoongi remarks before he and Hoseok finally step out. 
Namjoon watches the two of them get into the car before he turns back and heads to the kitchen himself. He’s got a hand over his stomach; it’s rumbling angrily for food. He was going to pick up something to eat on the way to the company building, but now he’s just going to have to make do with what’s in the fridge. 
Regrettably, there isn’t much. He was hoping for some leftover take out he could easily heat up, but there’s nothing already made. So unless he wants to eat cold cereal, he’s going to have to cook. Not his strong suit, but he feels he’s gotten better over the years. He’s confident he can whip up something; it might not be great, but it should at least be edible. 
He grabs the carton of eggs from its designated shelf and sets them on the counter. An omelet should be easy enough. He doesn’t even want to go fancy with any meat or vegetables. Just the eggs are enough. He wanders around the kitchen to collect the rest of the supplies he’ll need for the meal. 
Jungkook watches hesitantly as Namjoon rips the kitchen apart in search of a frying pan. It’s no secret to anyone that Namjoon’s cooking skills are below average. And eggs can be tricky. At this point he’s worried for his hyung’s safety. And also for the kitchen’s safety. “Hyung, can I cook breakfast for you?” Jungkook asks, small and eager and not trying to let any of his doubts show. 
But Namjoon’s quick to refuse with a comforting reminder that “I’m here to take care of you. Not the other way around.” he warms the frying pan he finally found and starts whisking some eggs. Jungkook rolls his eyes again and moves to stand from the barstool. But Namjoon stops him. “You’re not moving from there until you have your crutches.” He scolds. 
“Really, hyung? I’m just going to the living room. It’s only 10 steps away. Which is really only 5 steps on my ankle.” Jungkook pouts. He hates being scolded. 
“You shouldn’t be taking any steps on that ankle until the doctor clears you.” Of course, Namjoon doesn’t budge. “Now, where are they?”
Jungkook’s pout turns to a scowl, which earns him a warning glare from Namjoon. The older man won’t ask again. Jungkook bites his tongue and takes a deep breath. It’s going to be a long two weeks. "In my room, by the door.” He confesses, defeated. 
“I’ll go get them.” Namjoon put the bowl of eggs down. He’s almost out of the kitchen when he looks back at Jungkook. “Do not move until I get back.” It sounds more like a threat than a command. Jungkook complies. 
Namjoon returns quickly with the crutches and passes them off to Jungkook. He watches intently as Jungkook situates himself on them and makes his way to the living room. Namjoon’s got an eagle’s eye on his injured ankle, making sure it never hits the floor. Not even as he’s sitting down. When Namjoon’s satisfied, he turns his attention back to his breakfast. 
After Namjoon finishes his meal, he cleans the kitchen and goes to join Jungkook in the living room. Jungkook’s sitting on the couch, watching TV and messing around on his phone. Namjoon’s got his lyric book and his laptop. He’s alternating between sending emails and writing verses. Occasionally, he tunes into the drama Jungkook’s watching, asking a hundred questions about the plot. 
Time moves slowly. Every so often, Namjoon will gently remind Jungkook about his ankle care. “The doctor said you’re supposed to keep it wrapped.” “Try not to bend it, keep your feet flat.” “I think you should elevate it. Put your foot on these pillows.” Jungkook knows it all comes from a place of concern, but it’s hard not to lose his temper with the leader. Jungkook was there where the doctor gave all the instructions. Jungkook knows what he should be doing. But it’s not hurting him. Why should he give it attention if it doesn’t even hurt? 
Still, he doesn’t argue with Namjoon. So when the leader offers to get him an ice pack, he replies with a curt, “Okay, hyung.” His focus doesn’t leave the phone. 
Namjoon stands up and a loud belch escapes from his throat. It’s wet and smells a lot like the eggs he ate in the morning, only much more sour. He grimaces at the taste it leaves in his mouth.
Jungkook’s attention finally shifts to his hyung. It’s not uncommon for the members to burp freely around one another when the cameras aren’t rolling. They’ve been living together for years, it’s not taboo. But Namjoon never lets out anything that loud. Jungkook’s concern peaks, but he treads lightly around the topic. “That sounded gross. You good?”
Namjoon quickly nods, putting a hand on his stomach just in case there’s another. There’s a gurgling feeling, and Namjoon can’t tell if it’s just normal digestion or something else. He’s got a blank expression on his face as he waits for his stomach to settle. After a few seconds, he lets out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Yeah, I’m good. Think I just stood up too fast and things shifted in there. Sorry, I’ll get your ice now.” Once he’s sure that nothing else is going to slip out, he gets the ice pack and settles back onto the couch. 
Jungkook’s not really paying attention to the TV anymore. And he’s scrolled through every app on his phone. Instead, to occupy his time, he’s studying Namjoon. The leader is hunched over his laptop, eyes focused on the screen and fingers moving swiftly across the keys. He’s not letting on any signs of discomfort. But Jungkook knows it’s there. Jungkook hypothesized from that first belch that the leader wasn’t feeling well. They’ve known each other for almost a decade. Jungkook knows all their tells by heart by now.
What Jungkook doesn’t understand is why Namjoon’s trying so hard to hide it. He’s usually one of the more vocal members of the group when it comes to being forthcoming about symptoms. Jungkook can’t even recall how many lectures he’s sat through to discuss hiding injuries or illnesses. Namjoon’s always reminding them that it’s dangerous and that they should put their health first. Because without health, they wouldn’t be able to do as much as they do. So for Namjoon to be doing exactly that, it seems hypocritical. 
Of course, Namjoon must have a reason. Jungkook knows that Namjoon always has a reason for everything he does. Are they always valid? Up for debate. But there’s always a reason. And Jungkook can’t help but feel like he’s the reason. It doesn’t help the guilty feeling he was already fighting from having his hyung stay back from work. Maybe if Jungkook could be trusted to take better care of his ankle, Namjoon would feel more comfortable confiding in him. Maybe if Jungkook hadn’t injured himself in the first place, they’d all be at the company building and Namjoon wouldn’t even be sick. Jungkook’s mind floods with reasons the whole situation is all his fault.
Namjoon can feel Jungkook’s eyes on him, scanning over him. It feels like Jungkook’s playing I-spy with his body, looking for some kind of clues. Looking for the tiniest, smallest sign of the leader’s composure wavering. He won’t allow it though, resolving to push through the sudden onset of nausea. 
So Namjoon tries to keep his stomach’s aching at bay. He’s hoping the TV volume is loud enough to mask the gurgling noises his stomach is making. He decides to raise it three bars, just to make sure. He doesn’t want Jungkook to worry about him. That’s the exact opposite of what he’s there for. He’s supposed to be taking care of Jungkook. That’s his purpose. His hyung entrusted Jungkook’s recovery to him; he can’t let them down.
But the aches eventually turn to harsh cramps that stretch through Namjoon’s whole stomach. The gurgling is almost volcanic. It feels like fireworks are erupting inside his body. Nauseous hiccups that he stifles are all telling him that breakfast isn’t sitting well. He’s starting to think that maybe he undercooked the eggs. Shame, he thought they tasted pretty good. Pretty soon, they will want out. He’ll have to be discreet about that too. 
Namjoon wants to put his hands on his belly, he wants to rub away some of the cramps. He wants to push out some of the air that’s making him feel so bloated. But he knows that if he starts indulging like that, Jungkook would immediately know he’s not feeling his best. So he holds back. He keeps his hands focused on the keyboard and thanks his lucky stars that he chose to wear a baggy sweatshirt and loose fitting joggers today.  
He’s so focused on work. Namjoon’s hardly bothered by the hiccuping until one is accompanied by a gutteral sound that’s awfully close to a gag. He shifts himself away from the computer and peeks at Jungkook. He hopes the younger one hasn't heard that. 
But of course Jungkook heard. They are sitting right beside each other. He raises an eyebrow curiously, but before he can say anything about it, Namjoon speaks, “Have you taken any of the anti-inflammatory medicine today? You should probably take some for the swelling.” Jungkook looks down to his ankle. It’s not that swollen. Or at least not from what he can tell with it wrapped up in bandage tape. What’s the point of taking the medicine if it’s not badly swollen? Jungkook suspects Namjoon just wants to change the subject. 
“Ah, no. I didn’t take any today. It honestly doesn’t feel that bad, hyung. I don’t need it.” Jungkook answers, not missing the subtle way Namjoon’s biting on his lips and taking deep breaths through his nose. 
Namjoon’s stomach lurches in warning. He’s eager for any excuse to leave the room. Jungkook can’t see him be sick. And it’s getting harder to hold back as the seconds tick by. “Well, I’ll go get the bottle. Just in case. Is it in your room?” He asks, already halfway up the stairwell. 
“No, in the bathroom cabinet.” Jungkook calls back. 
Namjoon’s relieved to hear it’s in the bathroom. That was his first stop anyway. Once he’s out of Jungkook’s line of sight, he books it to the bathroom and lets the door slam shut behind him. He’s on his knees in front of the toilet with just enough time to burp up a thick murky yellow stream of breakfast. It’s followed by a hiccup that brings up another mouthful. They both fall heavily into the previously clean toilet water.
He takes advantage of the moments away from Jungkook to indulge in his previous desire to rub his stomach. He slides his hands under his sweatshirt and starts pressing on his bloated skin. It feels so hard, and so hot. Or maybe his hands are just cold. His stomach still feels heavy even after emptying. He knows there’s still more he needs to get out. It’s disheartening. He had hoped that it was just the food not sitting right. He’d hoped that after getting it out of his system, he’d be feeling better. But he’s starting to feel worse. He cringes at the realization that he’ll get worse before he gets better. 
But Jungkook’s waiting for him. And he’s going to be curious why it’s taking Namjoon so long to grab a simple bottle of pills. So he cuts himself off. There’s still more angry stomach contents raging inside of him. But he declares that they will have to wait. He’s supposed to be taking care of Jungkook, not taking care of himself. And he can’t burden Jungkook with his illness. Not while he should be focusing on his recovery.
With as much resolve as he can muster, he stands and rinses his mouth out in the sink. He rummages through the medicine cabinet in search of Jungkook’s medicine and stumbles upon the bottle of nausea-relief medicine that Hoseok swears by. He figures it can’t hurt. Hoseok probably won’t mind that he borrowed it. He serves himself a dose before going back downstairs with Jungkook’s pills. He sets them on the table beside Jungkook before walking to the kitchen. 
Jungkook keeps a watchful eye on Namjoon as he comes down the stairs. He’s pale. And he’s sweating. Like choreo run-though in mid-July sweating. Despite the fact he’s been in the dorms sitting on the couch all day. Jungkook’s no idiot, he’s not going to play-dumb any longer. “Hyung, are you feeling okay?” 
Namjoon returns from the kitchen with a glass of water and he sets it beside Jungkook’s pill bottle. “Yeah, I’m feeling fine.” His acting skills have improved, it’s almost believable. 
But Jungkook’s not deceived. “Were my pills not where I thought? It took you a pretty long time to get them.” He doesn’t want to call Namjoon out. If he were Seokjin or Yoongi, he wouldn’t have to hold back. Namjoon always does whatever those two ask of him. But Jungkook’s just the maknae. No one has to listen to him, especially not their leader. Still he’s eager to get Namjoon to admit he’s not feeling well. 
Jungkook never wants any of his hyungs to be sick. He knows it’s inevitable; they are human, and humans get sick. But when it does happen, he likes to be able to help. He likes to return all the favors his hyungs have offered him over the years. 
Namjoon shakes his head and regrets it instantly. He has to bring a hand to his head just to stop the room from spinning. It probably looks suspicious to Jungkook, so he masks it by pretending there’s an itch he needs to scratch. “No, they were in the cabinet. I used the bathroom while I was up there. Figured I wouldn’t waste the trip,” he chuckles for good measure, trying to lighten the mood. He knows Jungkook’s starting to worry. 
Wrong. Jungkook’s already worrying through his teeth. Namjoon looks mere minutes from passing out. Or from vomiting all over himself. Maybe a tragic combination of both. He wishes there’s something more he could do for him. But he knows any attempts at taking care of his hyung are just going to get shut down. He’ll probably end up getting scolded, lectured about focusing on his own health before taking on someone else’s. He considers calling one of the other members. 
Namjoon gasps and Jungkook’s on high alert. All of his attention is focused on Namjoon. “You haven’t had lunch yet.” Namjoon calls out, talking in Jungkook’s direction. Jungkook can smell the familiar stench of vomit on his hyung’s breath. It hurts him that he’s too late. He can’t shake the guilty feeling that Namjoon was curled over the toilet being sick all alone. With no one there to rub his back or remind him that he’ll be okay. The hyungs always do that for him whenever he vomits. It always makes him feel safe. 
Jungkook furrows his eyebrows. How can Namjoon be thinking about food? He’s certain that Namjoon’s still nauseous. He knows Namjoon threw up. He doesn’t think Namjoon could stomach food, not even the smell of it. He doesn’t want Namjoon to try. “I’m not really hungry right now. Maybe later.” 
Namjoon needs another excuse to leave the room. He needs to keep himself occupied. He needs to keep his mind off the nausea. He needs to keep his focus on taking care of Jungkook. The longer he sits there, the sicker he feels. And the more likely it is that Jungkook will catch onto him. “You haven’t eaten anything since breakfast. That was hours ago. You need to keep your strength up to recover. Besides, you can’t take your pills on an empty stomach. I’ll make you something.” Namjoon makes a move toward the kitchen but he feels resistance from the other end of the couch. 
Jungkook is quick to grab his wrist when he tries to leave, holding him in place. Jungkook notices Namjoon’s skin is warm to the touch. That’s not a good sign. “Can’t we just get something delivered?” He pleads. 
Namjoon tries to pull his arm back, but he’s lacking in his usual strength. Not like he’s any match for Jungkook’s strength anyway. “Delivery will take a long time. I can make instant ramyeon. Nothing complicated.” He desperately needs to leave the room. He swallows thickly, Hoseok’s medicine isn’t doing anything to relieve his nausea. Jungkook’s grip wavers and Namjoon pulls away. He beelines for the kitchen. 
Jungkook watches carefully as Namjoon moves through the kitchen. He moves from the pantry to the sink to the microwave swiftly. He’s not worried Namjoon will make a culinary folly here. He’s successfully made instant ramyeon probably thousands of times. Once he hears the telltale buzzing of the microwave, he relaxes a bit. Maybe he was worried for nothing. Maybe Namjoon’s stomach is stronger than he thinks. 
After Namjoon starts the microwave, he goes to check the carton of eggs he used in the morning. His jaw drops at the realization that the eggs are long expired, a full three months old. He curses himself for not checking the expiration date before cooking them. They need to do a better job at clearing out expired food. His stomach lurches just thinking about how outdated the eggs are. He feels sicker knowing that they are still swirling around inside his stomach. He needs to prioritize getting them out soon, before he ends up in the hospital. Does he need to go to the hospital for food poisoning? He’ll ask Seokjin or Yoongi when one of them gets home. 
The beeping of the microwave pulls Namjoon from his thoughts. When he opens the microwave, he’s slapped with the steaming aroma of the ramyeon. It’s too much for his sensitive senses. His body responds immediately, not giving him any warnings. Not even sparing him the time to get to the sink. He heaves right where he stands, creating a puddle on the floor and staining his shoes. Once it starts, he can’t stop it. Everything that’s been building up inside of him for hours pours out. It’s a roaring vengeance for trying to ignore it. 
Jungkook hears the initial heave and runs to the kitchen. He grabs a bowl to catch the next round of Namjoon’s vomit. He eases Namjoon to the floor, afraid that his hyung’s legs will give out at any second. His knees were already wobbling. Even with the leader seated on his knees, Jungkook doesn’t trust his balance and keeps a hand on Namjoon’s shoulder to make sure he doesn’t collapse into his own vomit. “I’ve got you, hyung,” Jungkook coaxes, “Get it out. You’re doing great.” His other hand rubs up and down the curve of Namjoon’s spine. 
“The e-eggs,” Namjoon struggles to speak between heaves, “expired. Food poi-poisoning.” Another thick stream of sick pours into the bucket. 
Jungkook sympathizes, cooing and coddling until Namjoon has nothing to bring up anymore. He was right. If he hadn’t injured himself, Namjoon wouldn’t be sick. If Namjoon had just gone to the company building and gotten something to eat there, he wouldn’t be in this situation. It is all his fault. He’s going to make it up to Namjoon, whatever it takes. 
Namjoon finally finishes. There’s still an aching in his stomach. He’s sure that the bacteria will be haunting his digestive system for the next few days at least. He doesn’t think he’ll ever want to eat eggs again. Not after this. Positively drained, he settles himself into Jungkook who accepts him with open arms. Jungkook gently squeezes his hyung’s shoulders. Contrary to popular belief, Jungkook gives the best hugs. He always uses just the right amount of pressure. He’s glad that Jungkook’s there with him. 
Wait. Jungkook’s there with him. And his crutches are nowhere nearby. “Jungkook,” Namjoon’s trying to sound intimidating, but his throat is destroyed from all the vomiting. It’s more of a croak than anything, “Your ankle.” Even as miserable as he feels, he’s concerned for the maknae’s recovery. Jungkook’s actually a bit impressed. 
Now that Jungkook thinks about it, his ankle is throbbing. Maybe the full sprint to the kitchen was not a great idea. But what was he supposed to do? Let Namjoon vomit alone while he hobbled clumsily to the kitchen? Not a chance. The instant he heard his hyung heave, he’d forgotten all about the doctor’s orders. He forgot about the crutches, the lectures, and the comeback. He’ll take another week of break over hearing Namjoon be sick any day. “Don’t worry about that right now, hyung. You’re sick.” He remarks, they’ll sort all that out later. “Let’s get you cleaned up. Then you can take a nap. Sound okay?” 
Namjoon simply nods. He doesn’t have the energy to argue. He does his best to not be too much of a burden to Jungkook. And he adamantly refuses when Jungkook offers to carry him to his room. He insists he can walk up the stairs, and he does, even if it takes ten times longer than it should. Jungkook helps Namjoon clean himself up and then gets Namjoon settled into his bed. Jungkook gets a bucket from the bathroom just in case. 
He sits with Namjoon until the older starts to drift off. “Sorry I couldn’t take better care of you, Jungkook-ie. Hyung was supposed to make sure you were taking good care of yourself. I was supposed to be taking care of you.”
“Oh, hyung. You did take good care of me. I’m sorry you got sick, but it’s not your fault.” He smooths over Namjoon’s sweaty hair, “And I don’t mind taking care of you, whenever you need it.” 
Namjoon smiles, “Jungkook. You need to stay off your ankle. Stay here. Please.” 
Jungkook laughs, picking his feet up to rest on the bed beside Namjoon, “Those are the doctor’s orders.” Namjoon quickly falls asleep and Jungkook follows quickly behind. 
Yoongi’s the first member home for the night. The first thing he notices are Jungkook’s crutches unattended in the living room. He’s then bombarded by the smells of vomit and wanders to the source of the smell. He notices the puddle of sick on the kitchen floor, the bowl of sick also sitting on the floor, and the open microwave with the untouched cup ramyeon on the plate. Namjoon and Jungkook are nowhere to be seen. He needs to find them, he needs answers. Specifically why neither of them updated the group chat. He specifically remembers asking Namjoon to reach out for any help. He runs to Jungkook’s room and finds it empty. His next stop is Namjoon’s room. He finds them both sleeping soundly on the bed. He decides he’ll get answers later. For now, he has a kitchen to clean. And maybe a cup of ramyeon to reheat.
A/N: As always, thanks for reading to the end! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. Please call me out for any errors you notice!
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