#tusken sign language
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This is what the submitter submitted, for your information:
Portrayed by Troy Kotsur, who also helped develop the Raider sign language!
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maulfucker · 1 month
racism in star wars will have wikis saying shit like "this species that is inspired on a real life non-white people is just too stupid to use the Force"
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unacalaveritamexicana · 4 months
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burnwater13 · 1 year
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Grogu was very excited to visit with the Tuskens again. They were really good at living in balance on Tatooine. It wasn’t easy, that was for sure. Not enough water. Not enough critters. Not enough of anything other than sunshine. And there was too much of that. 
There was another thing there weren’t enough of… fingers for communicating in Tusken sign language. Their language was predicated not only on sounds and hand movements, but finger spelling and other signs that Grogu found very hard to manage. He was hoping that he could find his Tusken friend and she would explain what he could do. 
After all, other people who communicated with the Tuskens must have the same problem. And considering all the people that didn’t care for the Tuskens and tried to hurt them, he was sure that some of them, over the years, had lost fingers, maybe even entire hands. How did they make the sign for ‘Caf’ for instance? He was sure that required more fingers than he had on either hand. 
When they reached the camp site, Grogu searched for his friend. She was with the women, but she must have heard the commotion when Din, Grogu and Boba Fett got there. Grogu was happy about that. He greeted her in both the aural language and with the sign for ‘Hello There’. She returned his greeting.
Grogu wasn’t sure how to bring up his question. It was kind of awkward. He didn’t want her to think he was complaining about something that she’d learned from the time she was very young. On the other hand (no pun intended), he didn’t want to get laughed at either. 
He signed, “Fix. Not enough.” Then he pointed at his fingers. 
She said, “Huh?” 
“Fingers. Not. Enough.” He tried again, going slower.
“Not a problem.” She signed and spoke to him. 
Grogu was confused. He was sure there were signs that he couldn’t do with just three digits on each hand. 
“How?” He asked, as he put his hands against hers.
“Count air. Use last finger. Point or say. Help?” She smiled at him.
“Show me?” He asked.
They spent the next half hour, or however Tuskens really counted time, practicing different words and trying them out on each other. Grogu was very happy by the end of the impromptu lesson. He’d learned a lot of good information and a very important lesson. If you don’t know, have the courage to ask a person for help who does know what to do. 
Din and Boba walked over to them because it was time to head on to the next stop of their tour of the desert (which was something Grogu also didn’t understand). 
“Hey, buddy, how ya’ doin’?” Din asked, crouching down so he wasn’t looming over Grogu as usual. 
“Doing great! Learn lots. More fingers now.” Grogu signed to him in Tusken. 
“How did you manage that?” Boba asked him, chuckling. 
“Learned from friend.” Grogu smiled as he waved at his Tusken friend who was running back to her tent. She was shy around Ba’buir Boba. He was a legend among the Tuskens.
“It’s good to learn from your friends and getting extra fingers is a bonus. Very handy.” Boba laughed, as both Grogu and Din groaned at his joke. Family.
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sw5w · 6 months
Tusken Battle Cries
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:02:01
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writing-with-olive · 1 year
Hi Olive! I’m doing some fic research and came across your post about writing ASL in prose. The fandom I’m focusing on is Star Wars, specifically the Tusken people. As depicted in multiple SW shows, they use sign to communicate. CODA's Troy Kotsur was directly involved in creating the language! Even though it’s not a real language, I still want to be respectful to those who do sign. Is there anything I should be particularly aware of or consider while writing?
Thank you so much for your original article! It helped me out so much and did wonders for crafting specific scenes! Thank you!
Hey @chronic-ghost!
So first of all, that's a really cool concept, and I'm happy that you're looking to do it respectfully, and also that the original post helped you out :D
Since making that post I've decided not to answer more asks about signing. I don't entirely know why that post made it big (tumblr works in strange and mysterious ways), but since it did, I've gotten two primary messages from the signing community: 1) thank you for spreading awareness, and 2) please don't speak over us. I've not deleted it because of the number of people who did say it had a positive impact on them, but also, I'm not a member of the community, and it doesn't feel right to offer information as though I was, especially since I'm no longer taking ASL classes and am thus also more cut off from it.
I'd recommend you reach out to people who are in the community. They will be able to give you a much more relevant answer than mine, and it's important that they get to be the ones to give their input. I apologize that this wasn't exactly the answer you were hoping for but I hope you will understand.
Happy writing!
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gremlitsspoon · 1 year
does anyone know of any resources to learn/see tusken sign?
if theres actual documentation of it i dont want to go creating new signs
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riotgrrrlhole · 1 year
I fucken love the tusken raiders
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reconstructwriter · 6 months
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darlin-djarin · 1 year
actually you know what? i absolutely love tusken sign language. i think it's fucking fantastic how we're able to see that type of thing, especially with characters that we don't see expressions for most of the time. as a person who knows (american) sign language myself, a lot of signing is based off of non-manual signals, relying on a lot of facial expressions and often times exaggerated movements in order to get things across clearly. the tuskens way of signing doesn't rely on facial expressions, which i think is so interesting. the tuskens understood din as he signed, and since their facial expressions aren't perfectly clear either, i think it's fascinating how their language doesn't rely on non-manual signals. the creator of the tusken sign language (troy kotsur!!) is Deaf and his development of the language is so interesting to explore, especially since he said that he created TSL to be completely different than ASL. he said "My goal was to avoid ASL. I made sure it became Tusken Sign Language based on their culture and environment." and that's BEYOND interesting to explore more into. i wish to see more, and even expand on tusken culture or just signing and the cultures surrounding it in star wars. i think we could've gotten so much more if disney weren't cowards, and i just love to think about how diverse the star wars galaxy really is and how much inclusion we can see in that.
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engagemythrusters · 4 months
the thing about tuskens and the mandalorians is that their signed languages are perfect for each other. Send tweet.
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dindjarindiaries · 7 months
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unacalaveritamexicana · 4 months
I like how in season 2 Mando no longer communicates with the tuskens via sign language only—he can now do the grunts too!
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happy-beeeps · 6 months
Day 4: Lights
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Summary: Din takes a day out of hunting to start a tradition with you and your little family.
WC: 750
Warnings: none except I blindly ignore the timeline but shhhhhhh there’s way more time between tbobf and s3 in my brain.
You’ve never been to Kashyyk before, a place filled with so much natural beauty and desperate to find peace that it’s somewhat mind boggling to imagine a quarry even deciding to come here.
Din had said this much was true, that it was this beauty and peace that led the more nonviolent quarries this way. The people who didn’t want a fight, who half hoped to blend into the trees and just spend the rest of their lives surrounded by nature. You could understand that, sure. You’d been so blissfully happy with Din and Grogu, if you were separated from them with no chance of reunion, you could imagine simply wanting to spend your remaining days in the quiet.
The thought send a pain to your heart, and you tighten your grip on his arm as the two of you trudge through the fauna, Grogu wrapped firmly against your chest.
“There’s a settlement where we can camp up here, I’ve got a contact on Tatooine who’s tribe lives this way, the quarry isn’t far, no use running after him today.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, “you’re not trying to just ‘get this over with?’” Your hands coming up to draw air quotes around the words.
He shrugs half heartedly, “you wanted a vacation.”
“I thought maybe we’d go to the casino, spend a night in Canto Bight but sure,” you send an elbow to his side teasingly, but rest your hand on his arm, “this is perfect.”
It’s nearly nightfall when you approach the village, and the lights start to flicker into view the closer you get. You’ve never seen a Wookie village before but this is remarkable. Strong, sloping wooden bridges and ramps are wrapped in vines twinkling with bright amber lights. Woven baskets and lamps hang from the branches of trees, each one filled with candles and flame and something sparkling. Even the trees themselves dance with twinkling lights.
A tall female Wookie makes her way down the ramp closest to you, breaking away from the others standing on a platform elevated nearly a dozen feet in the air. She, and the others, are dressed in long crimson robes, and you can hear the sounds of drumming, chatter, and singing from all around you.
Din moves to greet her, speaking slowly in basic and moving his hands in a similar form of signed language that you’ve seen him use with the Tusken people. “My family and I are grateful for your hospitality during the holiday. She has never celebrated Life Day before.”
The Wookie responds, and then turns to you, offering her hand. You gratefully accept it and squeeze tightly, while she speaks to Din. He slowly translates her words for you.
“My name is Krowo. I am chief here. Your partner,” Din stumbles over the translation, you can imagine a blush across his cheeks, “Is an associate of Kryssantan, we are happy to host you here during our most joyous day! Please, celebrate and enjoy all that this village has to offer.”
You smile at her, “thank you, Krowo.”
She bows her head briefly before walking back up the ramp, where you and Din follow.
It’s beautiful. You’ve never seen anything like it. All around Wookiees, and a few other rogue sentients, mill about, drinking and eating and singing and laughing. You’ve hoisted Grogu out of his wrap, placing him firmly on your hip so he can look at the sights around him. He’s fascinated by the lights, so the three of you observe the festivities from a corner alcove, a small balcony wrapped in the twinkly vines and topped with a few hanging lamps.
“This is really something Din.”
“It was your idea.”
This surprises you. “What do you mean?”
“You said something about traditions the other day, about being a family. Thought we’d get here in time for the holiday.” He moved to wrap an arm around you, and tuck a gloved finger into Grogu’s hand, outstretched to the lights. “Felt like as good a time as any to start.”
You don’t really know what to say, surrounded by this much love and family and joy. Surrounded by your own family, celebrating a holiday cemented on tradition and bonds. So all you say is “thank you,” and you mean it.
You know he can tell, and you know he knows what you really mean. He says nothing back, and you close your eyes as he presses his forehead against yours, enveloping yourself in the sensation of him, and a feeling of immeasurable love.
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veradragonjedi · 8 months
Thinking about.... snif. Thinking about Din with hearing loss. Thinking about Luke learning sign language for him, specifically of the Tusken style because Din already knows that one. Thinking about Luke changing the batteries on his hearing aides for him and then kissing his ear gently before he puts them back, promising that he'll love him anyway even though Din can't hear him. Thinking about Luke using the Force to channel noise and life through Din so he can hear the birds and the wind and the trees. Thinking about Din feeling the rumble of the Razor Crest and knowing that its his home. Just thinking. *starts crying* I'm just thinking. *sobbing*
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illusory0 · 1 year
We as a collective have just decided Din speaks a load of languages when in reality he can stumble through some Jawa, knows Tusken sign, and prays anyone else he interacts with knows either Basic or Huttese.
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