#tuttifuckinfruttifriday’s masterlist
The Grabber
watching his victim/obsession(you) while they sleep
“You’ve got to do something for me.” (One-shot)
With a S/O who wants to be manhandled
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kining-the-evil · 1 year
Hey if your still doing the house Md stuff, can you write James Wilson getting jealous because House keeps flirting with y/n (who he has a crush on)
Jealous James Wilson Headcanons
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/warnings/: none really. Just jealous!Wilson, Asshole!House, and Fem!reader
/An/: Wilson is just a hopeless romantic. I love him dearly
/house md taglist/: @flowercrowns-goodvibes @tuttifuckinfruttifriday
House md masterlist All masterlists
I would describe Wilson’s love for you as ‘puppy dog love’
He falls hard, and he falls fast. Unfortunately, he’s a very kind man overall so you don’t realize he’s head over heels for you
House thinks it’s hilarious that his friend is so afraid to admit anything to you
But at the same time he’s tired of watching Wilson act like a little boy with a crush so he does the one thing he can think to help
Force Wilson’s hand
All of this after house has sized you up and deemed to worthy of his friend
House starts flirting with you constantly, laying it on way thicker then necessary
Luckily, you know about Dr. Houses habits, and assume he’s just fucking with you like he does other women he works with
Wilson immediately notices
He of course gets upset, icing House out for a while over it
And when house pushes as to why Wilson is ignoring him, Wilson just goes off about how House obviously knows how he feels and it’s just disrespectful for him to act how he is
And of course Houses response makes Wilson even angrier
“You aren’t dating, so what’s the issue?”
But if you flirted back? Oh, it would break his heart. All of his anger at house would turn I to sadness
As Long as you aren’t an idiot, you’ll recognize that the two men are doing something that involves you
You know you won’t get a serious answer from House, so you approach Wilson and demand to know what’s going on
And knowing he’s trapped, Wilson would admit it to you, fully expecting you to turn him down
But when you don’t, and instead admit having feelings for him? He’d be over the moon!
Is actually very thankful that house flirted with you, but won’t tell him that
House will make fun of him about the situation enough as it is
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ficnation · 10 months
Lovely - Negan Smith x Reader
requested by anonymous
Prompt list 1: 41. “I hate you.”
“Why? I’m lovely.”
Word count: 400+
Pairing: Negan Smith x Gender Neutral! Reader
Warnings: none
A/n: Enjoy this short drabble and please reblog!
Main Masterlist
The Walking Dead Masterlist
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The outside is quiet as you stroll around the courtyard, boots thumping on the concrete under your feet. The night is peaceful; only the hushed voices of the crew on watch shift echo in the chilly air. A shiver rolls down your spine as you stretch your arms above your head with a yawn.
Suddenly, large, warm hands are placed on your waist, tickling your exposed flesh, startling you. You thrash around in the stranger’s arms, kicking your legs as you open your mouth to scream for help.
A palm presses over the bottom half of your face, and a very familiar voice shushes you. “It’s just me, sweetheart.”
It takes a moment for your brain to connect the voice to the face of your husband, but when you do, you exhale deeply. You nod your head for the man to release you, the tension disappearing from your body as he withdraws his touch.
You turn around to meet his eyes, slapping his leather-clad chest in annoyance. “I hate you,” you groan.
Negan grins smugly, catching your hands in his. He lifts them up to his face, leaving kisses over your knuckles. “Why? I’m lovely.”
The scowl on your face quickly turns into a soft smile as the man’s salt-and-pepper beard tickles your skin. He grabs your hips and pulls you closer into his embrace, kissing your forehead with a deep hum.
“Oh, how I’ve missed you.” His words are almost a hungry growl as he feels your hands sliding underneath the hem of his jacket and the shirt beneath.
He’s been away the majority of the day, and even when he was around, he had so much stuff going on it was hard to catch him alone. But the thought of your touch, your kisses, and sweet giggles hasn’t left his mind even once since the day started.
“Show me,” you challenge him with a chuckle.
He grins and grabs a hold of the bottom of your shirt, toying with it, his eyes locked on yours. “I plan to. Believe me, sweetheart,” his voice is velvety; it sends shivers down your spine. “I’ve been thinking of you all damn day.”
Negan pulls you closer and kisses your neck like a man starved. You can feel his warm breath against your skin as his lips glide back and forth. He slides his chin across your neck and nibbles on your ear. His jaw is tense. You can tell that he wants you—really bad. It's a promise that he'll show you just how much he missed you.
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Taglist: @hopefulatrocity​ @witheringblooddemon​ @humanmistakes​ @yttricuz​ @twdeadlysins​ @donttelltheelff​ @spidergirla5​ @sexyseabass​ @sweetpotatospock​ @witchygagirl​ @tuttifuckinfruttifriday​ @hopefulatrocity​
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emeritus-fuckers · 3 months
Hello, hope yall doing well today :3
I've been eyeing up your repugnant masterlist for a while, hope you don't mind.
How about Mary with afab s/o who is really curious about their whole "undead" nature?👀
- 🍋 anon
sometimes i feel like a lot of our readers dig too deep into some stuff, so let me clarify mary's nature in this post - rat
Mary Goore's undead nature
Being undead doesn't change much in them sexually, despite what some of you seem to think.
They don't need to breathe, eat, sleep, anything like that.
Sometimes they forget to breathe for a while and then, when they want to say something (they forget they need air to make sounds), they will gasp to get some air before speaking.
They can't get sick or die, since they're dead already.
They still feel pain. In fact, since their body is in a constant state of trying to decompose (and constantly healing because of te ritual in which they died).
Mary isn't, wasn't and never will be a part of the Ministry.
They were in deep shit and the rest of the band sadly wasn't able to help them one night, which lead them to the Ministry at the age of twenty.
Despite being a pretty smart and usually being able to see through people's bullshit, their situation has lead them to fall for the Director's manipulations.
And so, the next night, which was Halloween, Mary ended up being sacrificed and turned into what they are today.
Their heart still works, as well as their brain and nervous system, which means they still bleed and feel things.
They no longer smell or taste things, though. And sadly, they barely get anything out of drugs and alcohol anymore unless they take enough to kill five people.
Written by Nosferatu.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @thecuriouss @dio-niisio @ethereal-maniac @thermodynamic-comedian @vampyrolesbos
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rogerswifesblog · 1 year
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A/N: Hi! I haven’t updated this series in so long omg I’m sorry!!! But I’ll update soon! Here’s a little peak into the next chapter!!
Warnings: none! Just so you know speech in ‘>>’ means it’s in the merpeople’s language:)
Series Masterlist
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Swimming through the waters made you smile. You were finally back. Finally able to swim full speed, stretching your whole tail out, just…being free again. Finally free.
You had no idea for how long you’ve been captured and what had changed. How was your family? Where did they live now? They probably moved after your capture. You moved around a lot. Every couple of years you move. What if you couldn’t find your family?
This thought scared you.
They probably really thought you were dead. You may not know how much time passed, but you could tell it was a lot. God, your sisters probably grew?
The last time you saw your family your youngest sister was only thirteen, the next was fifteen and sixteen, while you were the oldest with twenty four. At least in human years.
When you finally entered your folks territory, you could already feel something familiar.
They were here.
You felt like you always did when you were here, at home. But at the same Time there was grief, mourn.
With every inch you came closer to your house, your heartbeat quickened. It thudded in your chest like it was trying to win a race. The nervousness made it hard to breath, the tightness in your chest hard to move.
Nervousness and the feeling of stress was something you learned while being captured and with the avengers. Many feelings you hadn’t known before. You knew to be happy, angry or upset…but nervous? That’s something you had noticed people were doing. Whenever they wanted to get you out of the cage, they were nervous, stressed and uneasy. You had heard their heartbeat thudding, saw the sweat that appeared on their forehead, their sweaty palms…Also something you didn’t understand; why was the human body making water? Your body didn’t make water.
While thinking a bit about what you had learned in the time on land, you approached your home.
The merfolk watched you with big eyes as you came into view from behind the coral reefs.
You heard the sound of clicks and whistles that would mean “she’s back”, in the human language. More people swam out to greet you, seeing you after this long time, but nobody asked questions, they all let you see to your home, already suspecting you wanted to see your family. Which was true. You couldn’t wait to finally hold them in your arms and never let go.
Another merman swam to you, dressed in armor, holding up a weapon against you, before lowering it slowly.
>> you’re back…the lost Princess is back!<<
>> Yes, I’m back. I’m finally home <<
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Hi! It’ll be posted soon! (I think this weekend or next week!:))
Taglist: @jamneuromain @buckystevelove @katzvelvet @feltonswifesworld87 @mylifeispainandiloveit @kneelforloki @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory wanna be on the list? Be active (feedback and reblogging) and let me know!:)
Questions? HC/Drabbles ideas? -> inbox!
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spideybb · 2 years
Seth Rollins and the male reader going on their first date hc?
going on a first date with seth rollins (x male reader)
absolutely hehe. this was super cute and fun to write. thank you for the request! hope you enjoy! <3
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you and seth had been best friends for awhile
you were his favorite opponent in the ring (he was your favorite too)
you guys had undeniable chemistry
he was a little scared to ask you out
he had no idea whether or not you liked him
you did and it was painfully obvious but seth is Oblivious
he also didn’t wanna ruin your friendship
but after some convincing, he finally asked you out
“hey, y/n. um, i was wondering if, maybe, uh, you wanted to go out? on a date? with me?” he asked you one night after a show
you thought it was funny how nervous he was
you very rarely ever saw seth nervous
you obviously said yes to him
after some teasing
seth planned a really fun date for the two of you
first he took you to your favorite restaurant
man is a gentleman so obviously he paid for your food
much to your dismay
you finally agreed after protesting
“fine, but next date is on me,” you had said with a roll of your eyes
“next one?” seth asked with a smirk, causing you to blush
after dinner, you and seth decide to go to laser tag
it was kind of an impulse decision
seth absolutely annihilates you in laser tag
he will not let you live it down
he teases you relentlessly for it
after laser tag, the two of you go to an arcade and play some games
after that, you decide to get ice cream
you take seth to your favorite ice cream shop
this time you paid
once you two were done eating ice cream, seth took you home
he gave you a quick peck on the lips after an internal battle about whether he should kiss you or not
and let’s just say there were several dates after this one
taglist: @tuttifuckinfruttifriday | @gay-disaster826 | @dark-darling | @askforimagineoroneshot | @shedevil22 | @Sweetpea1970 | @telishia1992 | @queenkayecheryse @owhatshername-blog | @ftvert
join my taglist to be tagged in all my new posts!
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whiskehorange · 2 years
Requests are OPEN!
Please check my Masterlist in my bio before requesting if it's a "generic" prompt or often wrote about! I get a lot of prompts that are almost too vague or too simple that I can't really do anything else with after the 2nd time asked.
For example, if you want NSFW for Otis please give me a specific scenario, kink, or plot to follow instead of just general NSFW HCs because I have so much for him already that I can't milk it anymore! Same thing for asking for depressed/anxious reader! I get that a lot and half of the time for characters I've already wrote that for! Just do a double check or else I'm just not going to continue to redo asks.
Here is who I write for: Character Roster Here are my rules: Rules And check out what I've already done for your character of choice: Masterlist
Requests will remain open until about 10pm EST!
@lilliryth @okamiredfoxx @tinalbion @randomly-a-fan @fierysins @just-mebs @awolfnamedluna @nitrablast @loose-cannon@joys-fandom @the-nightingales-rose @guccikadearts @caffeinequeen213 @boneshine @pandorabox-rags @youngcroissantturkeyworribler @mysecondcarisa67chevyimpala @fckn-horror @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @soft-abyss @takottai
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I’m From Brooklyn, Too ~ 144
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 1,610ish
Summary: The Team comes back from the time heist.
Notes: You must read Out Of Time in order to understand this. The chapter numbers continue from Out Of Time.
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Everyone landed in their same spots on the platform, all the the quantum suits deactivating.
“Did we get them all?” Bruce asked.
“You telling me this’ll actually work?” Rhodey questioned.
There was a sudden clatter, Y/N falling to her knees when the Soul Stone and the arc reactor falling to the ground. Everyone stared with wide eyes.
“Y/N, where’s Tony?” Bruce asked.
Clutching her hands to her chest, Y/N bowed her head and continued crying. That gave them all the answer they needed to know. Bruce fell to his knees, hitting the floor in grief. Steve walked over to his sister.
“Y/N,” he called, with a deep sadness, as he reached out for her.
“No!” She pulled away. “Don’t touch me!” 
A blast of energy that came from Y/N, causing everyone to stumble back. Everyone eyed each other, realizing that her powers were back. She stood up, shakily, on her own. 
“Trust me now, Steve?” Y/N continued, harshly. “Do you trust me now to do what it takes to get the Stone? Cause I did! And that cost me my husbands life! The father of my child’s life!”
“I didn’t—“
“How the hell I am suppose to tell Morgan that her father is dead?! That I watched him willingly fall to his death and there was nothing I could do about it?!”
Y/N was breathing heavily as tears ran down her face. No one knew what to say or do. So they all stared, with heart broken eyes, trying to keep their own tears at bay.
“He’s gone,” Y/N whispered, voice breaking. “He’s gone.”
“No,” Thor stated. “No. We have the Stones, right? As long as we have the Stones, we can bring him back, isn’t that right?” He looked around at the group of people, who had clearing begun grieving. “So stop this shit. We’re the Avengers, get it together.”
“We can’t get him back.”
“It’s can’t be undone, Thor.”
Thor dryly laughed. “I’m sorry. No offense, but, even with the power of the Stones, you are a very earthly being. Okay? We’re talking about space magic. And can’t seems very definitive don’t you think?”
Y/N used the Power Stone to blast Thor back into the wall, leaving a dent. She used her power to keep him there. 
“Y/N!” A few of them exclaimed.
“As you said, I have the power of the Stones,” Y/N ignored everyone else. “We can’t get Tony back. I know that because I can feel the Stones. His death is permanent.” She dropped Thor, Rocket and Scott rushing to help him up. “Do not question me on this. I will not be questioned about my knowledge anymore. Get the Stones to the lab, I’ll be there to put them in the gauntlet soon.”
Y/N disappeared through a portal into her bedroom. The Team stood there, looking at the spot she had once been.
“She’ll never be the same again,” Natasha said, shaking her head. “Even if we get everyone back, Y/N will never be the same.”
“We have to make Tony’s sacrifice worth it,” Bruce added. “We have to.”
“We will,” Steve stated.
Steve sighed before he hesitantly knocked on Y/N’s bedroom door. He felt conflicted about going to comfort his sister. Especially since he was probably the last person she wanted to see. If he really listened, Steve could hear her cries, breaking his heart further.
“Y/N? Can I come in?” Steve wondered after the knock.
“Leave me alone, Steve,” Y/N responded. 
“I just want to help.”
“Help?” She laughed, dryly, opening the door. Her eyes were red and the arc reactor was on her chest. “You can’t help me. Not anymore. Are the others ready in the lab?”
“Uh, yeah, Rocket and Bruce have everything set up.”
“Good.” She walked passed Steve.
“Y/N, wait. We need to talk about this.”
“No. We don’t. We need to get everyone back.”
“It can wait a few more minutes.”
“Oh? It can?” She turned to face Steve. “Tony didn’t want to do this at first. He was happy, content. We both were.”
“But you love Bucky. And I love—“ Y/N paused, inhaling sharply. “…loved… I loved Tony, too. Even if it wasn’t the same… and now, I get to go home and tell my daughter that her father will never tuck her in again. Never play outside with her or have a movie night…”
“I’m so sorry. If you want, I could come with you.”
“I don’t.” Steve was slightly taken back, but not completely surprised. “I don’t need your help. What I need you to do is stop bugging me about this so that we can bring everyone back. Got it?”
Steve sighed. “I got it.”
The Team watched intently, all geared up, as Y/N handled each Stone. They were amazed that she was able to handle each one without any repercussions. She carefully took each one and placed it into the gauntlet Tony had previously made. Picking it up, Y/N took it out of the glass room she was in and brought it out to where the others were. 
“Alright. The glove’s ready,” Rocket said. “Question is, who’s gonna snap their freaking fingers?”
“Is that even a question?” Y/N retorted. “Me. I’m the one who can control them. And I know that they would do anything to protect me.”
“How do you know that for sure?” Steve questioned.
“Because I know that my job isn’t done yet.”
“We can’t take that risk,” Rhodey cut in. “Especially after…. After Tony. Morgan needs her mother.”
“And she’ll still have one. You all have to trust me.”
“We do,” Natasha said. “We just want to be sure that you won’t get seriously hurt. It’s not a risk we want to take.”
“It should be me,” Bruce said. “The Stones almost killed Thanos when he used them. None of you could survive. Even you Y/N.”
“How do we know you will?” Steve asked.
“We don’t. But the radiation’s mostly gamma. It’s like… I was made for this.” Bruce looked at Y/N. “Let me do this. You’ve sacrificed enough.”
“Let him,” the Stones whispered to her. “Your time will come.”
“Fine,” Y/N gave in, handing Bruce the gauntlet.
Bruce took a deep breath, studying the Stones. “Let’s do it.”
“You remember—everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago and just brining them back to now, today. Don’t change anything from the last five years.”
“Got it.”
Everyone circled around Bruce, suited up. Y/N tapped the arc reactor resting on her chest, Tony’s suit forming around her. She formed a SHIELD to protect her and Clint.
“FRIDAY, activate Barn Door Protocol,” Y/N ordered.
“Yes, Ma’am,” FRIDAY responded. The whole Avengers facility went on lockdown.
“Everybody comes home,” Bruce whispered.
Bruce put on the gauntlet, which fit to his hand thanks to the nanobots. The power surged, overwhelming him. He fell to his knees, grunting in pain.
“Take it off!” Thor panicked. “Take it off!”
“No, wait!” Steve said, holding a hand out. “Bruce, are you okay?”
“Talk to me, Banner,” Rhodey urged.
“I’m okay,” Bruce replied. “I’m okay.”
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Thor gave a double thumbs up, trying to encourage his friend. Bruce screamed, fighting through the intense pain coursing through his body. He lifting up his hand and managed to snap his fingers. He faints and the gauntlet slides off his arm. Clint quickly kicked it away.
“Bruce!” Steve exclaimed.
“Don’t move him,” Y/N ordered, coming to her friends side. Using the suit, she sprayed his arm with nanobots. Her head was buzzing, but she chose to ignore it to help her friend.
Bruce reached up and gripped Steve’s arm. “Did it work?” He asked.
“Worth a shot,” he responded.
Thor was on his other side, trying to comfort Bruce. “It’s over. It’s okay.”
Letting out a breath, Y/N leaned back. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on the buzzing. FRIDAY had released the Barn Door Protocol, allowing Scott to go towards the outside windows and see the plants and birds. Clint’s phone began ringing, he was shaking slightly as he reached to grab it.
“Hon—honey,” Clint answered his wife, struggling to peak from sheer happiness. “Honey.”
“Guys!” Scott shouted. “I think it worked!”
Before anyone could really celebrate, missiles hit the compound. Effectively destroying it and throwing the teammates in every direction. The suit took over protecting Y/N, making sure her helmet was on and everything. But couldn’t stop her from getting knocked out and the pile of debris that formed on top of her.
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Looking around, Y/N noticed she was in the Mirror Dimension. Which was odd. What was she doing here? 
“It’s time.”
Y/N spun around to see Dr. Strange hovering not too far away from her.
“It’s time,” he repeated.
“I know,” she responded. 
“Are you ready to do what needs to be done?”
“I am.”
“So, is everyone back?”
“Yes. After this, I am going to bring them to you. To the fight.”
“I’m sorry about Stark.”
“I’m slightly hurt that you knew that was going to happen.”
“I couldn’t tell anyone.”
Y/N scoffed. “Yeah. You and your Sorcerer Supreme type. You know things, yet don’t tell anyone everything. It’s infuriating.”
“I am sorry… He seemed like a good father to your daughter.”
“He was the best. And now I will fight so that his sacrifice will not be in vain and for my daughter.”
“I’ll be as quick as I can. Good luck, Y/N.”
next chapter >
I appreciate all likes, comments, asks, and reblogs! Thank you for all the positive support!
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
@aubreeskailynn (won’t link)
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kining-the-evil · 5 months
Yandere Lisa cuddy you say? 👀 That's right up my alley. If your requests are open, could we get headcanons about her and yandere Wilson with a regressor reader? Platonic obvs
Yandere!Cuddy and Yandere!Wilson with age regression reader
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Warnings: forced Age regression, Yandere!Cuddy, Yandere!Wilson, kidnaping, drugging, nonsexual age regression, gender neutral reader
AN: If I see anyone making the age regression sexual, I will block you. I wrote them separately, but if you wanted something different let me know.
House MD Taglist: @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @flowercrowns-goodvibes
House MD Masterlist All Masterlists
Lisa Cuddy
Lisa met you on a stop for coffee one morning, you were the barista, and it was your first day. She thought it was kind of cute how you fidgeted and were clearly nervous. She ended up giving you a large tip at the end of her order, even if you did miss it up slightly.
She began coming every day, timing it so that she could say hi, talk a little bit. She thought you were adorable, but not in an 'I should ask them out' way, more of a 'they need taken care of' way.
One night, while browsing the internet she finds an interesting concept. Photos and stories of adults regressing to younger ages as ways of relaxing or healing trauma, and she can't help but imagine you in that place.
She's a little ashamed of it at first, but her maternal instinct can't help but fantasize about taking care of you.
One morning, when she goes in for her morning coffee, she gets stuck behind another guy who is extremely rude to you. Even yelling at you until you cried.
Lisa decided she had to do something to help you. You clearly can't handle being an adult on your own, and she'll help you.
She waits until you're leaving work for the night and uses some meds from the hospital to knock you out.
After taking you Lisa pretends that you've always been there. She believes keeping a strict schedule immediately will help you settle into your life with her.
She really doesn't do drugging or anything, you're her baby, and she would never drug a baby!
She loves dressing you up, playing games, feeding you from a bottle, and anything that involves bonding.
Your room is perfect, a paradise of colors, toys, and stuffed animals.
Lisa is careful to not spoil you though, she wants a respectable, well-behaved baby.
You can try to act up, but Lisa is patient and puts up with all your 'temper tantrums' until you learn it's just easier to give in.
James Wilson
James meets you at the hospital where you're an intern. He notices quickly how soft spoken you are, how you never stand up for yourself, and he can't help but feel protective over you.
He starts a friendship with you but keeps it on the downlow the best he can. With how sensitive you are he doesn't want House anywhere near you.
While going over some medical books he ends up finding a phycology one that talks about age regression being used for therapeutic reasons. While you've never revealed some sort of trauma, he can't help but see you in the descriptions, and can't stop thinking about being your 'caregiver' as it says in the book.
Without thinking about it, James starts to buy little things he thinks you'd like. Small stuffed animals, toys, old Disney movies, and before he knows it, he's turned the spare bedroom into a nursery for you. It may not be the best one, but it's cozy.
James is meticulous with how he kidnaps you, planning it out for months before finally taking you.
He's unprepared when it comes to your reaction, however. He didn't expect the fighting, the yelling, the anger you direct at him. He does anything to calm you down, even drugging your milk to keep you calm for a while.
James isn't as strict about you looking or acting like a baby all the time. He doesn't want you to be an adult, but also recognizes that you are one and it would be difficult to just give that up.
James will spoil you, giving you your way most if the time. He's a lot less organized than Lisa.
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kining-the-evil · 4 months
oooh dark!Wilson giving you drugged valentine’s day chocolates?
Sweet Tooth
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Summary: it’s Valentine’s Day and James knows you have a sweet tooth
Warnings: dark fic, Yandere!james Wilson, drugging, kidnapping, slight noncon, talks of date rapes, house is aware of what’s going on, and encourages him, James thinks about assaulting reader but decides against it
House md taglist: @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @flowercrowns-goodvibes
House md masterlist. Other masterlists
“Chocolates? Really? Are you in college?” James sighed as he set the small heart shaped box of candy onto his desk. He’d been hoping to get the chocolate into his desk before house found him, but of course he wasn’t lucky enough for that.
“Congratulations, you caught me. Can we get the teasing out of the way now?” James pulled his coat off as he looked over at House.
“I just want to know who the poor sap you fell for this time, wife number four?” Wilson rolled his eyes while looking at the files that had been left on his desk since he left last night. House walked over and started to lift the lid, causing Wilson to drop the file and immediately reach for the box.
House raised an eyebrow at the man. “I was just going to look-“
“Don’t.” Wilson snapped as he grabbed the box from House. “I-I don’t want you to eat any of it.”
“What? Did you poison it or something?” House attempted to joke, but when Wilson tensed up slightly his eyes widened. “Are you roofying someone?”
“I’m not roofying anyone! Don’t say that.” Wilson snapped, glancing over to the door.
“You are. I guess it’s more of college than high school then. Who are they for?”
“These aren’t drugged-“
“You’re really going to lie to me about this?” The two men stood in silence for a moment until Wilson let out a small sigh. “That’s what I thought, who are they for?”
“Dr. L/n!” Wilson snapped, annoyed.
“The pediatrician?”
“She’s an oncologist,”
“But for kids.” House pointed out.
“Believe it or not, kids can get cancer!” Wilson was getting more aggravated as the conversation went on.
“Hey, I’m not the one planing on drugging my employee, although maybe I should? Chase is a looker.”
“I’m not- it isn’t-“ Wilson struggled to come up with anything, at a loss for words.
“At least you’re taking some initiative in your life, but don’t do it on hospital grounds, something tells me Cuddy won’t approve.” House told him before walking out of the room.
You have a small smile as you left the young girls hospital room, a box of valentines in your hands. You made it a habit to bring them to all of the kids who were in the hospital to help brighten their mood.
“Dr. L/n, Dr. Wilson wanted to see you.” A nurse told you while walking past. You gave a small nod as you took a deep breath. Your boss was an odd man, he was a great doctor and got along with everyone but when he was around you he got cold and distant. You never could figure out why, but you eventually gave up on impressing your boss. As long as it didn’t affect your work you guess it wouldn’t matter.
I’m nice you got to Wilson’s office you knocked on the door and once you got the okay you pushed the door open. “Dr. Wilson? You wanted to see me?”
“Yes, come in and shut the door.” You walked in, noticing how dark it was once the door shut. The blinds were pulled and only about half the lights were on, how he got anything done like this you’d never know. You needed complete light when filling out paperwork and stuff.
You stood in front of his desk for a moment, neither of you saying anything. You shifted from foot to foot as you waited for whatever he needed, but he didn’t say anything, just sat looking at you. “Um…was there something you needed?”
“Oh! Yes, sorry. I- I needed you to fill out some…discharge papers.” He held a file out for you to take. You couldn’t help the frown on your face as you took the file. Why would he need you to come here to get these? A nurse could have easily brought it to you to sign.
“Yeah, I’ll get this done for you. Was there anything else.”
“No, I don’t think so.” Wilson quickly shook his head. You watched him for a moment before nodding yourself.
“Okay. Have a good day,” you started towards the door but the moment you touched the doorknob he said your name, making you turn back around.
“There actually was something else.”
“Oh, okay?” You stood waiting for a moment as he fumbled in his dead for a moment. Every second of silence made you more and more uncomfortable, and by the time he seemed to find what he was looking for you were ready to get out of that office as fast as you could.
“So I um… I got this for you.” Your heart sank as Wilson pulled out a heart box that you assumed was chocolate. Why was he giving you this? Did he really…?
“Oh… um, thank you.” You force a smile onto your face as you walk back to his desk. You had never felt more uncomfortable then when you took the box from your boss. It wasn’t just the authority he held over you, but you knew Wilson’s reputation. Three wife’s and multiple girlfriends, all of whom left him in a dramatic way. You did not want to be another name on that list.
Wilson stared at you as you stood there, and unsure of what else to do you opened the box and popped a piece of the chocolate into your mouth. There was nothing special about the chocolate, it was your average cheep chocolate with an odd bitter aftertaste. “It’s good, thank you.” You said once again, watching as Wilson smiled slightly, but he still seemed tenses.
“I’m glad you like it.” He stood up and walked over to where you were. “I wasn’t sure what kind you liked.” You nodded slightly, but it cause the room to spin slightly. You reached an arm out to try and stabilize yourself which led to you just grabbing onto Wilson.
“Shit…” Wilson cursed as he led you over to the couch in the room and you practically collapsed onto the bed. Your head felt foggy and the room continued to spin.
“I didn’t think you’d eat one now.” Wilson rushed out, just confusing you more. “I figured after work- I thought I had more time.” The room started to get dark and Wilson noticed, quickly bending down to look at your face. “I’m sorry, just… just sleep. Everything will be okay.” His lips continued to move but you couldn’t hear what he said as you slipped into unconsciousness.
Wilson took a step away from the bed, looking over his work. You were laid out on the bed, stripped out of your work clothes as he had to leave them behind when taking you back to his house. Your arms were tied up above your head and you were still knocked out. He wasn’t sure when you’d wake up, but he kept checking to make sure you were still alive.
He couldn’t help his eyes from looking over your body, your legs slightly crossed over each other, causing the shorts he had found in your work back riding up significantly. When changing your clothes he’d been too panicked to think about what he was seeing, but now seeing all of the exposed skin caused him to harden in his slacks.
He took a step forward, very gently running his fingers over the exposed skin on your stomach from the table top riding up. He ran his fingers down your hip and to your inner thigh, and a thought to go further ran through his head. You were so complicit, sound asleep, it would be like it never happened-
He yanked his hand away, taking multiple steps back. No, he wouldn’t go that far. He wouldn’t stoop that low as to harm you. He couldn’t. As he reprimanded himself he missed the sound of his door being opened or a person walking through the house.
“You know, you don’t have to tie her down when she’s unconscious.”
Wilson jumped as he turned to see house in the doorway to the room. For a second, Wilson thought he should try and cover you, but there was no point. House knew you were here, nothing was going to change that.
“Until she wakes up.”
“Then you pretend she agreed to the night.”
“I’m not fucking her like this.” Wilson quickly snapped. “It was just…a means of getting her here.”
House looked between them before rolling his eyes. “You think you’re in love with her?”
“I am!” Wilson snapped before lowering his voice. “What does it matter to you?”
“You did kidnap a girl.”
“Are you going to report me?” Wilson stared at house for a second, the other man saying nothing. “Exactly, you don’t have to see her anyways. I’m just-“
“You don’t have to sugar coat it, you kidnapped a girl, that’s that. Just don’t ask me to help out when you fail. I’ll visit you in jail.” As House finished Wilson saw you move slightly.
“She’s waking up, you need to leave.”
“Why? You don’t think she wants a welcome to your kidnappers home party?”
“I’m serious, this is important. Get out.” Wilson ushered house out before locking the door. He leaned against it slightly, taking a breath before heading back into the room to greet you, grabbing a at to ensure you stayed quiet.
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kining-the-evil · 1 month
Could I please request general yandere headcanons for James Wilson? Thank you!!
Yandere James Wilson Headcanons
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/Warnings/: Obsession, stalking, codependency, controlling relationship, manipulation, gaslighting, house being just as toxic at Wilson, use of a child to control reader, sort of Stockholm syndrome
/House MD Taglist/: @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @flowercrowns-goodvibes
Houde MD Masterlist. Other Masterlists
For James to get obsessed with you you probably work somewhere where he regularly interacts with you
So it might be somewhere at the hospital, or in one of the coffee shops or something near it, which allows Wilson to see you regularly
To you, he’s a sweet but weird guy. He always seems nervous when interacting with you
You don’t think anything of it, he’s just another person you interact with. You’re so unfocused on him that you don’t notice how he watches you
Wilson feels very guilty about his growing obsession with you. It’s not the fact that he feels deeply in love with you, it’s what he wants to do to you
He doesn’t want to see you interact with other people, he imagines keeping you at his home so that you only see him, he imagines having full control over you
A part of him tries to rationalize it, he’d just be taking care of you, but there will always be a part of him that knows that it’s wrong.
House gives him a lot of shit over it, making fun of him because of his ‘childish obsession’ and saying he doesn’t have the balls to do anything about it
That’s ultimately what makes him make a move
He tries to ‘do it right’ by asking you out, but he pushes the relationship to move very quickly
He love bombs you to get your guard down, to make sure you associate feeling loved with him
He would try to get you to fully rely on him. Get you to move in with him, interlock your finances with him, and once he convinces you to marry him he would get you to quit your job, saying that he can support you so you can do what you want
If you’re a fellow doctor it would be a little harder but he’d wear you down eventually
After that he becomes very controlling, but in a ‘sweet’ way.
He guilts you into not going to see friends or doing things you want by accusing you of not loving him the way he loves you. He works and takes care of you, the best you could do is take care of the house and be there for him
House definitely makes the situation worse, constantly egging Wilson on and talking down to you when he sees you
House makes you feel worthless so that you feel lucky to have James
James would push to have a family with you, and once you have a kid he has almost complete control over you. You won’t leave him if you have a child because he’d take them from you
Eventually Stockholm syndrome would take over as your mind tries to make the best of the situation you’ve gotten yourself into
He does take care of you, so maybe this is for the best. 
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kining-the-evil · 1 year
Heyy I was wondering if you would write up some good ole' Greg house angst? His gf didn't make it through her surgery kinda stuff. Make it as heart breaking as possible >:)
Lova ya work ! :D
Whatever You Think Is Best
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//Summary// Greg makes a call, but was it the right one?
//Warnings// Reader is dying, being extremely sick, hospitals, brain surgery, death, feelings of guilt
//an// thank you so much anon! I’m glad you like my writing!
House md Taglist: @tuttifuckinfruttifriday
House md Masterlist All masterlists
The first time he met you, Greg decided immediately that you were just like every other person in the world. Completely miserable, but pretending to be kind to everybody. When you started showing up more and more, he considered it a fluke that would fix itself. He’d say something insensitive, and your storm out with plans to never see him again. But you didn’t. You kept coming back, making him actually talk instead of just insulting each other and forcing him to be more, human. At one point, he almost thought fate existed. There was no way someone like you could just accidentally themselves onto his lap. But you were there, holding him up in the best way you knew how during hard points in his life. He didn’t think he’d have to try and repay the favor.
“Good morning,” You greeted as Greg walked into the kitchen. You set the dishes you’d been cleaning down to walk over and greet him, but he frozen when you kissed his cheek.
“What did you just say?”
You pulled back, a slight frown on your face. “Good morning?”
He looked down at his watch before glancing back at you. “It’s 4:55. Pm.”
No, that couldn’t be right. You’d gotten up, made breakfast, started cleaning… then what? Your mind seemed to not be sure.
“You’ve also already said that to me, this morning. You did exactly what you just did…” Greg passed you to glance in the sink. “And you were washing the same plate. Let me see your hands.”
You held them out, and the moment they touched them it felt like they had been set on fire. That’s when you realized that they were bright red with blotches of white, bleeding in multiple places.
“Wha- I didn’t, I didn’t even notice.” You hissed slightly at his touch, pulling them back. Now that you could feel the pain, it was awful.
“We need to get to a doctors.”
One week. 7 whole days. That was how long you’d been in the hospital, and Greg was getting impatient. When he checked you in you were frazzled and had second degree burns from the hot water running on them all day, but now he wished that all it was.
You were having episodes of memory loss and confusion, Extrems head aches, vision that went back and forth with being blurry, and your vitals were getting worse and worse. You were dying and he had no idea why.
“Nothing,” Wilson sighed, allowing Greg to snatch the test from his hands. He had forced his friend to test for any possible cancer, even if it didn’t fit your symptoms.
“It can be ‘nothing’” he snapped. “ ‘nothing’ doesn’t kill you!” Before Wilson could think of a response both of their pagers went off, once again dragging them to your room.
“Don’t touch me!” You yelled at Chase while messing with the I.V in your arm.
“What happened?” House questioned, seeing you through the glass door.
“Another episode,” Forman mumbled. He and Chase had gone in to check your IV, and something set you off. “She doesn’t know where she is house, she wants to leave.”
Greg sighed, but walked into the room. When you saw him, you seemed to relax a bit. “Greg! What- what’s happening?” Your voice cracked a bit, and he walked forward to take your hand away from where your IV was.
“Don’t mess with that, you’ve just got to trust me.” He watched as your kind tried to catch up with what he was saying.
“I don’t-“
“House!” You both looked over to where Chase was still standing. “Look at her ear.”
Greg moved your head a bit, reaching up to touch the side of it. He pulled his hand back while you frowned at him. “What is it?”
“Blood, you’re bleeding from your ear.”
“New symptom, bleeding from the ear. What could it be?” Greg write it down on the board that had far to many symptoms on it, in his opinion. After a moment of silence, he turned around to look at the group. “Hello? Am I Talking to anyone?”
“She needs a craniectomy,” Forman finally said. “The brain is swelling, would explain the bleeding and if something is pushing on the brain then it could be messing with her memory.”
“Yes, let’s take off a portion of her skull on the scientific explanation of ‘could.’” He mocked, making a face at Foreman.
“He’s right,” Cameron spoke up. “Any other patient and you would Have agreed.”
Greg took a breath, rubbing a hand over his face. He knew fully well they were right, that if the swelling didn’t go down then their wouldn’t be anything to diagnose.
“Fine, get the forms signed and an OR booked.”
“You want to remove a part of my skull?” You asked the three doctors. Your legs were tucked under you, your right hand handcuffed to the bed, just incase you go off again.
“Just to get the swelling down, then we will put it back.” Forman explained. “All three of us will be in the OR during the surgery, but it is a dangerous surgery. You could, like with any surgery, bleed out while it’s happening. But you could also get an infection in the brain, and given how weak your immune system is right now, that could be bad.”
You glance at each of them, unsure of what to say. “What-what does Greg think?” You finally ask.
“He, agrees this is the next logical step,” Chase said.
“Then I’ll do it,” you quickly decide. “He’s the one in charge of medical decisions if I’m unable to make them, so if he thinks I should then I will.”
“Are you sure-“
“Sign here,” Chase cut Cameron off, handing over the forms. “And we will get an OR prepped.”
You took the paper, quickly signing everything and handing it back. “Could you call Greg for me?”
“Of course,” Forman gave you small smile before all three of them left.
While waiting you glanced down at the cuff keeping you in the bed. Despite how hard you tried to not fight against it, the skin was still rubbed raw. It hurt, but was just another pain to add to the rest of them.
“You agreed to the surgery.” You glanced up to see Greg walking into the room. “With little encouragement.”
“They said you thought it was the right move,” you shrugged. “I don’t know anything about this stuff and I trust you.”
“Why Are You so calm about this?”
“I told you, if you think it’s the best idea, so I’ll do it.”
“No, that’s your reason to do it.” He corrected you. “Any sane person would be terrified to have a surgery like this.”
“Greg, there are moments where I have no idea what is happening or where I am. That’s what scares me. This… just doesn’t seem as bad.” He watches you like your an animal at the zoo, like he’s trying to decipher whatever is actually happening in your head.
Greg stood watching the surgery, eyes jumping between where you were being cut into and where your vitals were being monitored.
“It can’t be healthy to watch this,” Wilson spoke from beside his friend.
“Just checking on my patient.”
“She’s going to be fine.”
“I know,” Greg quickly snapped. He didn’t like this, the emotional connection to a patient. It’s easier to suggest things like this when you don’t love the patient.
A sudden movement caught his eyes, making him frown. Everyone in the room was rushing around, and when he looked at your vitals he found a flat line.
“Shit.” Greg moved as quickly as he could, even excepting Wilson’s help so that he could get there faster. Just as he opened to OR door, the word ‘clear’ was being shouted followed by a small shock.
“Get him out of here.” Chase pointed over at house, and a few people walked over to led him out.
“Get off me!” He snapped, trying to push towards you. It wasn’t until he hit one’s foot with his cane that he got through, grabbing the paddles from Chase.
“Clear,” a shock.
“Clear” another shock.
“Clear.” Another
“House, Stop!” Forman attempted to grab the paddles, but Greg would let go. If he let go, it lent you would die.
“No,” he mumbled. His mind was going a million miles a second. “No, I can’t stop.” He was so in his mind that he didn’t notice Wilson behind him until he was being dragged out of the room.
“Don’t,” Wilson snapped after shoving Greg onto a seat outside of the OR and saw him try to get back up.
“I’m not just letting her die!” Greg yelled, but Wilson just stood there, making sure his friend wouldn’t try and run back in. Luckily, it was only around 20 minutes before Cameron came out.
“She’s on Life Support, but is brain dead,” she explained. “Cuddy said half an hour before they pull the plug. So you can say good bye.”
“No point,” Greg spoke. “She can’t hear me. She’s already dead.”
“God damn it, just go do it,” Wilson snapped. “I’m going to, she was my friend. And you need to, or you’ll regret it.”
Although telling anyone who would listen that it didn’t matter, he waited outside of the room you were in. He watched as multiple people walked in to say final goodbyes, waiting until he was the only person left. He had five minutes.
Greg knew what it looked like when a person was hooked up to something like this, but seeing you like that felt wrong. A tube down your throat, multiple needles in your body, all meant to keep you alive for a little longer. He wanted to walk out, but with Wilson’s words echoing in his head he didn’t. Instead, he walked closer to the bed.
Slowly, he reached a hand out to touch your face lightly. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I should have figured it out, you shouldn’t be here. It’s my fault.” He felt tears burning his eyes, and as bad as he wanted to hold them back, he just couldn’t. “I’m so sorry.”
He just stood there, letting tears fall while rubbing your face. It was cold, to cold. Only a week ago you’d been your normal, smiling self, and now you were here. All because he couldn’t solve the puzzle. A hand came to rest on his shoulder that he immediately recognized as Cuddy.
“It’s time. You may want to step out.”
He made no move to leave, and When Cuddy realized he wouldn’t she just nodded. He wouldn’t look at anything else but your face as the sound of the machines being turned off or the sound of you flatlining. Your chest stoped moving.
“Time of death, 11:45 pm.” Cuddy’s voice spoke. With a nod Greg leaned down, planting a kiss on your forehead and whispering a final apology.
Fungal infection. The autopsy showed you had a simple fungal infection in the spinal cord, which had caused everything. The swelling in the brain was caused by the meds they had given you. A round of anti-fungal would have saved you. If they had figured it out, you would have been fine.
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kining-the-evil · 1 year
House M.D Masterlist
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House md masterlist- @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @flowercrowns-goodvibes
Gregory House-
Smut Headcanons
General Yandere!greg House
Yandere!House with an autistic!Darling
Do they want kids(Yandere!greg house)
Whatever you think is best: Greg makes a call, but was it the right one?
James Wilson-
General Yandere Headcannons
Yandere Alphabet(male reader)
Baby trapping thoughts with Yandere!Wilson
Baby trapping part 2
Jealous!James Wilson
Yandere!Wilson with an Autistic!Darling
Yandere!wilson with little!reader
Heartbeat: nothing like a life threatening event to bring an arguing couple back together
Sweet Tooth: it’s Valentine’s Day and James knows you have a sweet tooth(Yandere!wilson)
Alison Cameron-
none yet
Robert Chase-
Yandere Chase Headcanon
Do they want kids(Yandere!robert chase)
Yandere alphabet
Trying to break up with Yandere!Chase
Yandere!Chase with an autistic!Darling
Sick Day- Chase gets sent home sick and reader has to take care of him
Eric Forman-
none yet
Lisa Cuddy-
Yandere!lisa with little!reader
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kining-the-evil · 1 year
I saw the “would they want/force you to have kids” ask for yandere house and chase, but what about wilson? ty!
Yandere James Wilson thoughts below
Taglist: @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @flowercrowns-goodvibes
Warnings: illusions to non!con, forced pregnancy, Yandere!james Wilson, controlling behavior, slight manipulation, reader is at least afab but there is no use of pronouns, not a fic Just thoughts
House md masterlist All masterlists
James would absolutely force you to have kids, but he tries to rationalize it in his head. That you want it too, that he just can’t help himself, that it’s just this once and once you have the baby he’ll be good. In reality he would force it more than once.
He also tries to make up for it after. While your pregnant he is super attentive, making sure you’re healthy and not doing to much. You aren’t allowed to work, cleaning and cooking is to a minimum, and he won’t leave you alone.
Getting you lots of gifts, things for you and the baby. He would jump to get whatever you’re craving, and will rub anything that is sore.
After baby is born he will be right there to help. He’ll get up at night so you can sleep. He will put baby to sleep for you, clean all the dippers, keep the house clean for you, everything. I’m his mind, it will make up for the guilt of making you get pregnant against your will.
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Brahms Heelshire
Jealous and possessive
S/O falling asleep in his clothing
Reaction to S/O cooking and singing
With a shy and anxious S/O
Help studying
S/O needs to get on the counter to get something
Reaction to S/O touching his face
..A shampoo story….(one-shot)
Pet names Hcs
“Baby Bean”(drabble)
Limerence (one-shot)
With a S/O who wants to be manhandled
With a small!S/O who's got a hard time getting clothes out of the washing machine
Only me(One-shot)
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Slashers’ and Horror Characters’ Soulmate AU Masterlist
Amazing soulmate AU ideas(not mine)
- Where the outline of your shadow is your soulmate
- Where you get your soulmate's scars (1)
- Where you get your soulmate's scars(pt2)
- Where if have been in the same vicinity of each other, that day will keep repeating until you find each other
- Where you find a particuliar animal that acts like your S/O (pt1)
-Where when you meet your soulmate for the first time, you get a flashback/relive their entire lives (can see all their memories)(pt1)
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