#tv show ask
Ask game about shows! :D
Send me one or several numbers and I'll answer:
The show I think I've rewatched the most
A show I loved when I was younger but upon rewatch it wasn't as good
A show I loved when I was younger and upon rewatch realized it was just as good, if not better
A show I watched thinking "hey, why didn't I watch this before?"
Quote something from any show, first one that pops into your head
A show I refuse to ever watch again
Which show do I wish had more seasons the most?
Which show do I think had too many seasons/episodes?
Any show I'm watching right now?
My favorite character in -insert show-?
My least favorite character in -insert show-?
Which show have I found myself engage in shipping the most?
A show where I did not care for any ships at all
Which show has the best fandom according to me?
Which show has the worst fandom according to me?
A show everyone else seemed to like and I just never watched?
Is there a show my mutual has talked about a lot that I now feel like I have some sort of second-hand knowledge of thanks to it?
My favorite episode of -insert show-?
My least favorite episode of -insert show-?
A show I cried a lot to watching it?
Is there a show I have seen but basically no one else I know has seen?
A headcanon/opinion about a show I didn't think about before but upon reading it I agree with it?
The most unpopular opinion I have about a show?
A character from a show I hate but the majority seems to like
A character from a show I love but the majority seems to hate
A ship from a show I hate but the majority seems to like
A ship from a show I love but the majority seems to hate
Favorite song that came from a show?
A show I for some reason disliked as a child but loves now?
If I had kids, is there any show I'd really like to show them?
The most insane take on a show I've ever seen?
A show I really recommend everyone to watch
A show I recommend no one to watch ever
Which show took the longest to watch through?
Which show took the fastest to watch through?
A show that I think got cancelled too soon?
Is there something (book series, spinoff, etc) I'd like to see as a tv show?
An upcoming show I'm excited to see
An upcoming season of a show I'm excited to see
Free question from the asker
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sinqueen69 · 6 months
For the TV show/film asks
Teen wolf and Shadowhunters? (All the options)
Teen Wolf
favourite female character: Later Seasons Lydia [I liked her in the later seasons when she came into her own and she started realizing Stiles is badass] favourite male character: Stiles!
least favourite female character: Kate - Fuck that Bitch
least favourite male character: Theo [I didn't even watch his season, but I just know from what I've read that I hate him]
favourite ship: Sterek!
least favourite ship: Stiles/Jackson or anything with Stiles and his dad
Film/tv show rating: 7.5/10 [I stopped before S5]
favourite female character: Maia or Isabelle favourite male character: Magnus and Alec are tied least favourite female character: Camille least favourite male character: Johnathan favourite ship: Malec least favourite ship: Magnus/Camille Film/tv show rating: 6/10 - I didn't care for the actual plot of the show because while I like book Clary, Show Clary was not a favourite. Funny enough I think the show did a better job with literally everyone else's characterization but her's lol
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iris-in-the-rain · 2 years
Hello dear! For the TV Show Asks: 3 (Show you used to watch but stopped?), 18 (Show you don't understand the hype for?) and 24 (Show you watched that was canceled too soon?) 💙
3. Most recently it's 1899 on Netflix. I tried two episodes at it just didn't pull me in. Same with The Office US. I watched several episodes, but then just stopped. Didn't hold my interest at all. And then there's Handmaid's Tale. I was binging it and at one point I stopped and I just can't face going back. I mean, granted, it's an incredibly hard watch, but still. I think watching a lot of episodes at the same time can make you lose interest quicker or just make you overwhelmed, I guess?
18. The Big Bang Theory. I occasionally see the repeats and the sexism and cheap jokes are just so jarring. I can't believe it went to 12 series and only because Jim Parsons said no to more. And Game of Thrones. But then gratuitous violence really isn't my thing.
24. Eli Stone. I loved that show. I need to find where to watch it.
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watchyourbuck · 6 months
No im not “grieving” Buddie, do you know how amazing it is to have queer/bisexual men representation in today’s media? Do you know how important it is for all of the community and the younger people watching this? This is a huge milestone and Buck’s sexuality is valid outside of any type of ship. Today we celebrate.
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do you ever think about how a series of tiny choices like "I guess I'll watch that show" can like totally and entirely change huge aspects of your life
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virtualplushy · 4 months
the more time i spend w my friends and their kids the more i realize i am not a toddler but i believe in their beliefs
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lauraneedstochill · 3 months
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The Oh Hellos, “Like the Dawn” / poem by @troy-woof / Nikita Gill, “A Lesson On Love”/ post by @thepoisonroom / by tumblr user @flintcoded (x) / Leah Horlick, “For Your Own Good” / post by @patch-and-stringer
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secretly-a-trekkie · 1 month
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mid crisis but here's firefighter AU despite 75% of the firefighters i know being absolute douchebags
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king-wilhelm · 9 months
Tiny 12 y/o percy, standing in the lake, wounded and exhausted after a game he knew nothing about, a game he spent stumbling around till he reached the lake shore, the subtle show of his fighting getting better near the water.
Tiny 12 y/o percy confused more than ever, looking up at the glowing trident, backdropped by the vast lake and the mountain range behind him, getting claimed by one of the most powerful gods, ruler of the seas and agent of chaos, a forbidden child. Reading this moment as a child who so painfully related to him was like, Ha! See? How dare you call him a loser! He's going to be the most powerful demigod, meant for all the glory!!
But watching this as an adult is like. Have you ever bitten off more than you can chew? Have you ever been part of a legacy you never wanted? Have you ever been drop kicked into a high pressure situation that can alter your life completely, With little to no guidance? Have you ever been subject to trauma simply because of who you are?
That's no glory. That's the world expecting too much from someone who's been told too little. Someone who's been made to feel too little. That is the story of someone who hasn't prepared enough, hasn't lived enough and hasn't experienced enough, being forced to handle the weight of the world too soon.
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calkestis · 2 months
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#if your marriage proposal isn't like this then i don't want it
The Good Place | S03E01: Everything is Bonzer!
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forecast0ctopus · 1 year
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dude hes checking emails
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nataliescatorccio · 9 months
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#annabeth confronting the deep-rooted fear of disappointing her mother by asking her for help for percy's sake
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dirtbagdefender · 3 months
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watchyourbuck · 4 months
just so we’re clear, my blog is proshipping. promultishipping even. literally do whatever you want. go nuts. if we see the same we scream together, if we don’t, then we don’t. just don’t harass people for gods sake.
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ixoren · 6 months
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Family style? Two tops, booths. Danish design. Tasting menu at the bar..
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the-bi-fangirl-biatch · 11 months
is this a marvel sci-fi tv show, or a fucking ROMANTIC COMEDY
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