#tw achohol mention
I am lucky i go through alchohol quickly because
What the fuck did i build
There is a sort of klefki currently just yelping on my floor
An animate tortuga shell
And half of a golurk core included
What the shit
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Tw : death of a  family member, war and mention of achoholism and smoking.
6 November 1916 
Henry woke up as the sun was rising and heard roosters crowing throughout his hometown since his elder brother Christopher was away fighting in World War One. 
Because his mother's drinking and smoking have gotten worse owing to stress, eight-year-old Henry leaned against the wind and hoped that his brother would return home safely. 
Henry overheard Evelyn, his mother, sobbing. 
She cried out and knelt down. 
"Christopher is dead, Gabriel, Henry's father, exclaimed. "What the fuck happened?" He asked.
He's dead christophers dead! "She cried. 
Gabby's eyes enlarge. "oh god!!! No!!! No, not my son! "He gave her a hug. 
Wide-eyed and in denial, Henry was in shock. His face was dripping with tears. When his younger sister Bonnie began to cry, she was only five years old., 
Although she didn't fully comprehend death, she was aware that Christopher would not be coming back. 
Henry held her while also crying. 
Henry, who was close to Christopher and wished to be a good brother to Bonnie, kept his mouth shut throughout his funeral. 
It was raining as they lowered Henry's brother's casket into the ground, and Henry's mother was in tears. His father comforted her while holding an umbrella. 
Christopher Eugene Stein.
born : March 8, 1897. 
Died : November 3, 1916.  A loving son, brother and brave soul to fight in battle.
Henry was forever crushed by this loss.
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leederpfucker · 4 years
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I guess Retrotigerz's Puffer is more accurate than I thought
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remuslupininskirts · 2 years
Don’t do school, stay in drugs, and get 8 hours of achohol.
- remus lupin while very very drunk
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‪USPS be like that drunk friend who you don’t see for 3 hours and then she calls and says she is at a completely other bar across town. So you are just wondering how the hell she got there and where exactly she is at.
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sp1keification · 5 years
maybe it’s da mento ilnes but gettting drunk is where it’s at
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