#tw aftermath of injury
serickswrites · 4 months
could you please make ‘rope’ into a series where whumpee eventually does recover, but it takes a long time and there are a lot of setbacks?
Absolutely, Anon, I can write this for you.
Please enjoy!
Part 1
Warnings: referenced captivity, referenced torture (unspecified), catatonia, blood, scrapes, hurt/aftermath, head injury
Two days. Two days had passed since Caretaker sat Whumpee in their car and doctored their wounds. Two days had passed since they got Whumpee out of Whumper's compound. Two days. And Whumpee hadn't uttered a word.
Caretaker was sure that Whumpee just needed more time. Just needed some quiet and peace to realize they were safe. Then the normally bright and bubbly Whumpee would be back.
But that hadn't happened yet. Caretaker wasn't even sure they had seen Whumpee eat or drink anything. They just lay in their bed, curled up and silent. Caretaker had come in several times a day to check Whumpee's scabbed over wrists and to try and coax Whumpee into eating something.
"Whumpee, would you like something to eat?" Caretaker asked softly from the door.
Whumpee didn't respond. It was as though Caretaker wasn't even there.
"Please, Whumpee, let me bring you something. Or come out into the kitchen with me." Caretaker touched Whumpee's shoulder softly.
Whumpee began to scream and thrash violently, desperately trying to get away from Caretaker.
"Whumpee! Whumpee!" Caretaker shouted over Whumpee's screams. "You're safe. I've got you!"
But Whumpee didn't hear Caretaker. They continued to scream as they fell off the bed. Continued to scream as they scrambled back. And they screamed until they hit their head on the bureau and went still.
"Whumpee! Whumpee, no!" Caretaker rushed forward as Whumpee slumped to the side, their eyes unfocused and hazy. Whumpee flinched as Caretaker touched them, but didn't fight.
"It's ok, I've got you," Caretaker murmured softly as they lifted Whumpee up. "I'm just going to get you some help. You'll be right as rain soon." Caretaker walked to their car. They had to get Whumpee to the hospital. Between the rapidly growing bump on the back of Whumpee's head and their refusal to eat or drink anything, Whumpee needed help. And it was the kind that Caretaker couldn't give.
Tags: @janetm74 @crabofthewoods @beomsstudio @edutainer2022 @whumpbump @coramakesart @thathurt-doitagain @catnykit @idkwhattodowiththisaltiamsorry
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happyfoxx-art · 2 years
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Aftermath 16- tw/ depiction of a seizure, blood, we seein' dee's messed up shell again. Sorry Donnie, you can't just get your nervous system screwed up by an alien spaceship and not have consequences.
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autism-swagger · 7 months
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Me: I need to draw Steph again
My brain: the best I can do is a shitpost
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skoff-the-artist · 2 years
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His gaze fell down on the bandaged shoulder: "I don't seem to remember much…"
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runawaycatwalker · 1 year
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Part 24. Misaligned Approaches (Oni-Chan 2.0, part A)
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Bonus: The bread lesson Rolland teaches Adrien immediately before this page takes place that I had to cut to save space.
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Description below the cut
Alya sits on Marinette’s chaise lounge looking at her phone.  Marinette looks upwards, clenching her fists in vindication.
Alya: Preliminary results about Catwalker are in.  Verdict: Pretty skeevy.
Marinette: I knew it!  Tell me everything!
Alya scrolls through the messages on her phone.
Alya: My informant doesn't have any concrete evidence yet and most of this is just vibes, but...
Alya: Catwalker did specifically mention you by name.
Marinette: What??
Alya: When confronting my informant, Catwalker got defensive and asked if 'someone Marinette knows' sent them.
Marinette places her hand on Alya’s shoulder, looking shaken.  Alya looks up at her with a look of uneasiness.
Marinette: Does that mean he knows you're Rena?
Alya: Or he might be on the verge of discovering your identity.  Either way, I'm certainly not comfortable working alongside him anymore.
From behind, we see Marinette hold a hand up to the sky and clench her other hand in a fist in resolution.
Marinette: Because of Mayura we can't just fire him, but we can contain him.  We'll rely on the rest of the team for all battles and restrict his interactions with everyone.  If he steps out of line, all bets are off and we treat him like he's another akuma.  And we keep investigating.  I just know that he's up to something terrible right now and we've got to put a stop to it!
Rolland shuts a book between his hands entitled Pain.  Adrien holds up a hand and offers a wishful grin.  Behind them is the cabinet of things in Rolland’s living room, including the Lost flyer of Adrien, which is draped over a box.
Rolland: So: Shall we bake?
Adrien: I sure wouldn't mind if you showed me how to make baguettes...
Rolland: Bahaha!  Baguettes!  You are in no way ready to bake baguettes!  No, we start with something far more traditional: the boule!
Rolland holds up a finger.
Rolland: But first: you must wash your hands.
Adrien: Of course!
Rolland: And take off that ring.
Adrien: Wh—what's wrong with my ring?
Rolland grab’s Adrien’s hand and points at the indentations in his ring.
Rolland: Just look at it!  Flour is going to collect in all of those crevices!  It is much simpler to just take off your ring while baking.
Adrien looks at his miraculous in thought.  Behind him is the sink with the handle of a knife poking out of it.
Adrien (internally): I shouldn't take any chances of being caught without wearing my miraculous.  But maybe if I don't stop wearing it...?
Adrien kneels on the ground and uses a knife to cut through the front rubber part of his shoe.
Rolland: What are you doing?
Adrien: Making a hole in my shoe! If I can't wear my ring on my finger... I can still have easy access by slipping it on my toe instead!
Adrien turns his knife aside and uses his other hand to slip his miraculous through the new hole in his shoe.  Rolland’s hand reaches down from above dangerously close to the knife.
Rolland: You are using one of my knives to cut through rubber?!
Adrien: I'll clean it after I'm done, don't worry.
Rolland: That is not the point!
The knife’s edge cuts the back of Rolland’s hand.
Rolland: Give that b—Aaack!
Adrien touches his hands to the bottom of his face.  One hand is still holding the knife, which now has a small spot of blood near the tip.
Adrien: I'm so sorry!  I didn't mean to—!  Please don't fire me!
Rolland: Oh, hush.  It's barely a scratch!
Adrien: I'll get the first aid kit!  Where's the first aid kit?  Do you have a first aid kit?
Rolland: I'll handle that without you.
Rolland waves his hand grumpily.
Rolland: You just worry about washing up my knife!  Without cutting anything that is not food this time!
Adrien: Y-yes, sir!
Rolland slams the doors between the kitchen and living room shut, so that Adrien is alone in the kitchen and Rolland is alone with his collectibles.
Rolland (internally): Don't lose your temper, Rolland.  Baldy's still a child.  He's probably never been in a kitchen before.  Whoever raised him had no idea how it's done.  Teaching him that is your job now.
Rolland digs through the box on his cabinet, one hand picking up the Lost flyer to move it out of the way.  As he does so, Oni-Chan teleports behind him with her sword pointed over his shoulder.
Rolland (internally): Now where did I put those banda—?
Oni-Chan: Where are you keeping Adrien Agreste?
Oni-Chan grabs Rolland’s shirt and holds her sword above his head threateningly.  Rolland is still holding onto the flyer and looks panicked.
Rolland: Aahhh!
Oni-Chan: Tell me where Adrien is before I strike you right where you stand!
Rolland: You mean the missing angel boy?  I don't know!  What does a Chinese monster want with him?
Oni-Chan swings her sword.
Oni-Chan: I'm not a monster!
Rolland has now become frozen in place, covered in splotches of white, red, and black.  Oni-Chan stands behind him, looking back over her shoulder.
Oni-Chan: If anyone else stands in my way, they're getting petrified too.  And for the record, I'm Japanese.
Oni-Chan kicks down the doors into the kitchen.  No one is there, only a slight movement of the window drapes in the background.
Oni-Chan: Hi-yaaah!  Shadowmoth!  He's not here!
Shadowmoth (over akuma connection): The old man must have seen Adrien somewhere.
Oni-Chan: The only sign of Adrien anywhere is on the flyer that man was looking at!  Wait...
Oni-Chan, a butterfly light mask in front of her face showing her communication with Shadowmoth, grabs the Lost flyer and slices through Adrien’s face with her sword.
Oni-Chan: I was promised the ability to track the last person who saw Adrien, but these powers sent me to someone who was just looking at an Adrien picture!
Oni-Chan throws up her hand in frustration.  There is also a closeup of Shadowmoth (also with the butterfly light mask) from his lair, holding out a hand negotiatingly.
Oni-Chan: Do you have any idea how many people are looking at pictures of Adrien?
Shadowmoth: Millions every day.  ...I presume.
Oni-Chan: I will not sift through millions of people merely because you gave me unusable powers!
Shadowmoth: Would you rather I take your powers away and leave you without any leads at all?
Oni-Chan: No!  No, I'll keep my akuma.  But I'm not going to try to get Ladybug and Catwalker's miraculouses for you until after I find Adrien.  You want me to help you?  You help me first.
Shadowmoth: I could create a sentimonster to destroy all instances of Adrien's image until you find the real one.
Oni-Chan: Then do that!
Shadowmoth: I'll need time to prepare the amok.
Oni-Chan starts to teleport away, her expression resolute.
Oni-Chan: Well, I'm not wasting my time waiting.  Have your sentimonster summon me when it's ready.
Cut to Adrien and Plagg outside Rolland’s residence, watching as the light of Oni-Chan’s teleport flashes through the window curtains.  Adrien still has the knife and replaces his miraculous back on his ring finger.
Adrien: Do you think Oni-Chan really came here because Rolland saw me on Marinette's flyer?
Plagg: Probably not.  Akuma powers usually work however the akuma expects them to and Rolland was the last person to see you.
Adrien: But her expectations just changed.  So maybe people seeing pictures of Adrien will be tracked by her powers now?
Plagg: Even if you do turn out to be that lucky, you're still better off being Catwalker instead of Adrien.
Adrien: Right.  Plagg, claws out!
Bonus Scene:
Rolland holds up a hand invitingly.
Rolland: Baldy, you have returned from your morning walk!  Now we can begin your lessons in flour!
Adrien: Yeah, okay.
Rolland: What do you mean 'okay'?  I thought you wanted to be my apprentice?
Adrien pulls off his beanie, looking discouraged.
Adrien: Sorry, I just saw a friend and he... Never mind.  It's nothing.
Rolland: Nothing?
Adrien: Bread is the most important thing, right?  Teach me everything I need to know.  I'm... ready.
Rolland: You are not quite ready yet.  First...
Cut to Adrien taking a bite of bread, happily going ‘nom! nom! nom!’.
Rolland: ...You must eat!
Adrien: Ooh!
Rolland: It's from yesterday, but it is better than nothing!  We French know the value of bread, for we remember the days when we did not have it!
Rolland holds up the book Pain : pour les enfants! and reads to Adrien as he finishes his bread.
Rolland: This is today's lesson: how wheat shortage caused the Revolution!  Wheat gives us flour, flour gives us bread, and bread is life!  And when the wheat harvests failed, we survived by eating whatever awful bread from bran we could afford—if we could even afford that!
Rolland points to a picture of Marie Antoinette holding a purple rose in the book, which has the caption “Qu'ils mangent de la brioche”.
Rolland: But who wasn't starving?  The nobility!  They still ate fancy Viennese breads made with refined white flour!  And while France suffered, Marie Antoinette had the gall to tell us ‘Let them eat cake!’
Adrien holds up a correcting finger.
Adrien: Isn't that quote apocryphal?
Rolland: What?
Adrien: No one ever verified that it was Marie Antoinette who said that.  And even if she did, she would have been just a kid at the time.
Rolland: Bah!  That’s not important!
Rolland holds up the book in front of his face.  On one page, a pie chart with 75% blé (wheat) and 25% seigle (rye).  On the other page is a guillotine surrounded by bread and centering the French flag, below which is the caption “Pain d'égalité”.
Rolland: The point is that the people of France revolted because of this, because of bread!  And once we got rid of those pesky nobles, France could have one bread: the bread of equality!  It would be made from all our grains, from wheat to rye, and everyone would eat it!
Adrien: Sounds much simpler.
Rolland: Very simple!  But it wasn't to be.  People still want their fancy flour.
Rolland holds up his wooden peel in one hand and his metal peel in the other in a pose reminiscent of the painting Liberty Leading the People.
Rolland: But once there was no more shortage of wheat, the government decreed that bakers must follow strict rules.  You want to make a baguette?  It must be the right size and made with the right ingredients!  You run a boulangerie?  You must make your bread on-site!  And you must never close shop without warning!  We do this so no one will suffer the pains of being forced to eat terrible bread—or no bread—ever again!  Because here in France, that is how it is done!  So: shall we bake?
Below are the same images as above, only without text:
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herearedragons · 2 months
thinking about the headcanon that after the Arishok fight Meredith has leverage over Hawke due to them being outed as a mage.
thinking about Secret trying her hardest to win the duel without using any magic at all, and when she does fall back on it, using the subtlest spells she has, ones that you wouldn't visually recognize as magic unless you know where to look
(Meredith knows where to look. Meredith has been looking for a while. and even if she wasn't, a templar will always sense a mage reaching for the Fade)
...but maybe Secret does succeed. maybe she's careful enough and well liked enough that putting her away based on Templar Sense alone would stir too much unrest.
(but her friends don't have the same luxury)
(the healer who rushes to her side as soon as the Arishok falls, putting his hands over the gaping wound in her stomach. if Meredith searches his clinic, will she not find lyrium? will she not find a staff?)
(the Dalish elf who shoves the healer away, kneeling over Hawke, touching the side of her face with a bloodstained hand, chanting - or singing? - or praying? - something in Elven. if Meredith searches her home in the Alienage, will she not find things an elf definitely shouldn't have?)
(Secret knows.)
(Anders won't accept her invitation to move in - they're not on good enough terms - but Merrill does, happily. Secret frames it as a romantic gesture, and it is, but it's also to keep her safe. but she fears that it's not enough)
(Secret knows.)
(Secret knows that, in succeeding to protect herself, she has exposed her friends)
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random-fandom-whump · 2 years
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SEAL Team S06E01 (✚)
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The aftermath
directly continued from Not on purpose (which I'll probably rewrite a bit) short lil drabble to extend it <<3
taglist: @risk606
TW: aftermath of torture, fresh injuries, Cole being creepy as hell, multiple whumpers, gaslighting
She couldn't step out of his way in the middle of the hall fast enough, and Cole wasn't one to miss out on some fun to be had. Aly knew it was completely deliberate that he knocked into her shoulder.
And even though she was expecting it, she couldn't stifle a pained yelp, and covered her side instinctively with both her hands.
"What was that?" he asked and looked her up and down, trying to figure out the nature of the injury he'd aggravated. Alyssa was sure he would have hit her just the same if he knew she was injured, she wasn't expecting that question to be the lead up to an apology. In fact, it might have been worse he got a stronger reaction out of her than he planned. He was intrigued, and there was not many things worse than his childishly cruel interest.
"Nothing" Alyssa hissed and tried to walk past him again. She slouched slightly, and still kept clutching at her side.
It's her ribs, probably, Cole decided. There was nothing else notable, a rare occasion to see her with no bruises or bandaged body parts, a great indication of what might have happened.
Of course he didn't let her pass by, he took a step to his left and cut off her escape route completely.
Aly finally looked up at him with a glare burning with hatred that she usually concealed better.
Cole raised an eyebrow, challenging her to do something, but Aly knew better. He was the one breaking their staring contest to stare her down, again, with a contemplative smile.
It stretched the moment out, she didn't know and she honestly preferred not to know what deranged ideas ran through his mind, the only thing she was sure about was that she had to endure, no matter what he decides to do. And pray it wouldn't hurt too bad.
Her breathing picked up, ever so slightly, as she tried to prepare herself.
Sometimes her prayers were answered though. Cole only yanked up the front of her T-shirt to expose her stomach.
The fabric slipped from her grip easily, up her side, exposing the freshly stitched wounds.
"Oh damn," he laughed "What did you do to deserve these?"
Three long horizontal lines stretched over from her back to the side of her belly below each other on her right and two matching ones on the left. As if she was mauled by a wild animal and she slipped out of it's grasp as it tried to pull her back into its cave.
"Nothing" she repeated herself with an even tone; maybe he'd leave her alone to go tend to the cuts, if her reactions were boring as can be. Her face still gave her away, presenting a unique mixture of fear and hatred, and Cole just drank it in.
Aly knew he at least had the sense not to touch a fresh wound with his bare hands. It was a small fact that shouldn't have provided as much comfort to know as it did.
"Come on, these are gnarly, what was it?" he encouraged and leaned to look closer.
Alyssa heard footsteps from behind at the same time and tried to turn around so she'd get away, but Cole didn't ease his hold on her shirt. And the owner of the footsteps got close quickly enough to wrap his arms around her from behind, effectively immobilising her.
"She's right, she was such a good girl today" Luke pressed a warm and disgusting kiss just below her ear from behind. Apparently he witnessed the whole interaction before.
"Fuck off" she muttered without much conviction. The man behind her held her so tight she felt the bones in her lower arms grind together with her ribs.
Luke wouldn't loosen his hold unless she stopped struggling. It was a game of willpower and Aly lost.
"She enjoyed it so much, she practically didn't let me stop" She turned her head to the side, the only part of her body still free to move, and she wanted it the furthest from the husbands she was stuck between. She tried to observe the small imperfections of the wall, but her tears were quick to cloud her vision.
"Is that right?" Cole asked and ran a finger down her stomach outlining the swelling skin around the injuries. Far enough from the wounds not to aggravate them, but close enough to be uncomfortable. Aly wouldn't dare call the sensation painful, Cole's touch was actually soft and carefully deliberate, and she knew very well what being in pain was like. She still winced and bit down on her lower lip.
"You should have heard how she moaned for more" Luke laughed. It wasn't funny or something a sane person would find delight in.
"No" she inhaled sharply, and tried to stop herself from crying. She failed, miserably.
Cole sighed and smoothed her shirt back down, so Luke could spin Aly around to face him.
"You're ruining the fun" She stared at the ground stubbornly, watching her own tears drop down and disappear in the carpet. "Learn to take a fucking joke, Aly, jesus"
Cole decided this conversation wasn't interesting anymore, and walked around them with a hand on Luke's waist, and then left to wherever he was originally headed.
"I'm sorry" she whispered and didn't know if it was better or worse that they were only joking.
"Go clean the wounds again and bandage them up, it's an infection you're risking there" He finally let go of her, and Aly felt like she could breathe again.
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gary-goldstein-law · 9 months
I can’t sleep. Every time I close my eyes I see that girl. I didn’t even bother to bandage myself up after my shower.
My bed is bloodstained now.
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hillscapecity · 2 years
You're Pretty~💕
Whumpee’s lost a lot of blood....as gently as possible Caretaker eases Whumpee to the floor and leans them against the wall. “Y-You're going to be ok Whumpee, just hang in there!” Caretaker said with a voice laced in worry as they put  more pressure on the wound. Whumpee sharply hissed through their gritted teeth as caretaker began to clean them up. Whumpee gazed up at them with glassy eyes but…..they had a big dopey grin on their face? Caretaker was caught off guard when whumpee suddenly cupped their cheek. “💕You're really pretty~💕” Whumpee giggled. Caretaker clasped the hand on their cheek, tears began to track down their cheeks. They tried to stay strong but they couldn't stand seeing Whumpee like this. “Wa’s wron-” Whumpee writhed as a sudden intense wave of pain radiated through their body “Whumpee!!”  “Hckk….” Whumpee croaked. This time when Whumpee gazed back at Caretaker their expression was empty and pained, eyes fully glossed over. Oh whumpee…  Caretaker thought sadly   “shhhhh” they cupped Whumpee’s cheek and gently stroked it. “I'm almost done love” they cooed while beginning to unravel the roll of soft bandages in their hands.
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serickswrites · 19 days
Lonely Place of Longing V
Master list here (includes chapter links, summary, and character bios)
Warnings: referenced explosion, injury, wounds, hurt/aftermath, hurt/comfort, hurt/recovery, caretaker and whumpee
Something had changed about Halle. Dylan wasn’t sure what had changed, just that something had. He had, very surprisingly, woken the next day—he could only assume because of the change in light—to Halle sitting next to him. He lay on his stomach and everything hurt.
“There you are,” Halle said gently. “How are you feeling?”
Like I had been at the epicenter of a bomb going off and had thrown myself on top of Thomas to prevent him from dying instantly. “I’ve….been better.”
Halle smirked. “I’m sure you have. But seriously, how’s the pain level?”
Dylan considered a moment. The pain is manageable, only about a six out of ten, so likely a fifty out of ten for a normal human. “Not bad. Thanks for patching me up,” Dylan said as he braced to roll off the table. He wanted to go to bed and sleep for a week. He doubted the Authority would give them a night.
“Whoa, where do you think you’re going? You need to stay put, Dylan.”
What’s the point of staying put? Everything hurts. You don’t care. No one cares. The Authority certainly doesn’t care. “I’ll be ok. I just want to go to bed.”
Halle surged forward. “Let me help you, please.”
Dylan stared at Halle. Halle watched him with her green-grey eyes, and Dylan saw something that he hated worse than anything else: pity. Halle pitied him. I am a piteous thing, aren’t I? “Why? Why help me? Why be kind to me?” What does she want? People are only ever kind when they want something from me. And I just have nothing left to give at this point.
The pity faded from Halle’s gaze, replaced by uncertainty. “I just think you need to rest, Dylan. Let me help you.”
Dylan sighed. Why? Why bother? They’re just going to send me out there again to get hurt. To hurt others. And then you can just patch me up again. “Thank you, Halle.”
“What?” “Thank you. I’m not being very gracious. You’re….you’re being very kind to me.” Dylan allowed Halle to help him off the table. The truth was he really did hurt. Maybe Halle was right. I really am hurt. I do need rest.
“You weren’t exactly the best patient last time. This is the only way I think I’m going to be able to be sure you actually take the time to recuperate.” Halle repositioned the pillows on the bed so Dylan could lay on his stomach. “Hang tight,” Halle said quickly and she hurried from the room.
So much for helping me. Dylan closed his eyes as he lay his head down on his folded arms. He was so tired. Everything hurt. But what hurt the most was that he had deluded himself into believing saving Thomas would change things. I did this to myself. I created this cage. I know things won’t change. I should just take solace in my time alone. That’s all I have. Is my time alone. It’s dark here. Dark and quiet. So terribly quiet. Am I even alive? I’m barely human. Less than human. Pain is what I have. That’s all I’m good for. Pain and darkness.
Halle bounded back into the room. “I wanted to talk to you about this book! We can finally have a book club meeting since you’ve given me so much to read. You have all the time in the world to explain yourself to me.”
Dylan couldn’t help but smile. “Did you like it?”
Halle pulled up a chair next to Dylan’s bedside. “Of course I did! But why did it have to end that way?”
“What way?”
“It was so sad. Everything was going great. Until it wasn’t. And then it ended. Where’s the happy ending you promised me?” Halle shook the book for emphasis.
“Happy endings are never promised, Halle. Surely you know that.” God you are innocent. I should hope you quit soon. This place will turn your soul black and rotten.
“But this is a book! A book! I can have a happy ending in that!” Halle put the book down.
Dylan opened his mouth to reply, but Halle interrupted him. “All of these books,” Halle pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket, “have terrible endings! Things don’t get better in this one. Everything the character worked for is destroyed in this one. And this one,” Halle pointed to the last book on the list before the one Halle had just finished reading, “this one has the happy ending I was promised. Only for it to be ripped away in the last sentence! It’s awful!”
“Hey,” Dylan said with mock indignation, “that one was one of my favorites.”
“Dylan you need better books. Better yet you need to watch some…” Halle stopped speaking, her cheeks reddening.
“I know what movies are Halle. I used to watch them once upon a time.” I’ve been here more years that I haven’t. But I was human. Once. I had human desires, hopes, and dreams. Once. Now….well, I don’t get to have any of those things.
“Why don’t you have a TV now? I would have figured you would have quite the film collection since you are so pretentious about books.”
Dylan looked away, not wanting to see the horror in Halle eyes when he spoke. “I’m….weapons aren’t allowed anything with an information network. I….I read what they allow me to read. And sometimes I can’t even do that.” I am a monster that is too dangerous to be trusted with knowledge. Even though I have never done anything to hurt anyone the Authority hasn’t willed to be hurt. I save our people. I am a monster of their creation. Their greatest shame. Their greatest weapon.
“Oh.” Halle’s watch buzzed. “I have to go.”
Before Dylan could reply, Halle left. I would leave, too. Why stay around someone who isn’t allowed to watch TV? Who isn’t allowed out. Who has to wear these damned cuffs twenty-four seven. Dylan sighed. It was all too much, this life.
The next time Dylan woke, the sun had retreated behind the clouds and Halle sat in the chair by his bedside. “You’re back,” Dylan observed.
“You talk in your sleep, did you know that?” Halle’s face was guarded, her voice flat.
Dylan felt his cheeks heat. “Do I talk about anything interesting?”
“Who’s Owen?”
No one you will ever get to meet if I have anything to do with it. “No one of consequence.”
Halle arched a dark brow. “You are a terrible liar, Dylan.”
Dylan didn’t reply. I don’t need to be good at lying. No one believes me when I speak the truth anyway.
“No matter, you don’t have to tell me.” Halle’s eyes flicked to the door. “I may have smuggled something in here for you.” Halle pulled a laptop out. “It doesn’t have any internet access. Or ability to do that. But it does have the top films of the last two years on here. I…I didn’t know how long it had been since you had seen a movie, so two years is what you get. For now.”
No one has done anything like this for me. Ever. “Why are you being so nice to me?”
Halle’s eyes filled with pity once more. “Everyone deserves kindness, Dylan. Every human has inherent dignity and worth and deserves to be treated with kindness.”
Ah, but I’m not even human, Halle. “I don’t think I qualify as human, Halle.” “You were once. You’re just as human as me. Maybe you just have some extra skills imbued into you.”
Imbued. That’s a good word for it. Tortured and experimented on is more like. “Thank you. I’m…I’m not used to people treating me kindly, Halle. Thank you very much.”
Tags: @beomsstudio @mousepaw @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @eyehartart @corbytheking
@seysposts @cosmic-butterflys @wormjerky @godnessofmagic
@thatlittlefirestarter @defire @jthecalmone @shook-skull @sagencrafts
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@4-err0r-4 @half-duck @bigmiki @amberconnverse636 @penguin4473-blog
@abbyreader23 @lateuplight @firelan @octafi @paingoes
@xo7-parad0x @whumpandcomfort @kazekunai @pedro-pedro-pedro-pedro-pe @soul-of-a-local-bard
@dragonkales @kitarajy-kari @carosbee @celestialsoyeon @knightinbatteredarmor
@kay-kayxb177 @alwaysjaywalking @decayanddie @demetercabingreen-thumb @never-enough-novels
@whump-a-bear-workshop @sizzlingtigerwerewolf @urmum-11 @velcrostrip @rattypop
@lexiebiss-blog @whumplump @geozone430 @jumpywhumpywriter
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plasmaapologist · 5 months
[VIDEO: One of Motom's bush hiding spot clips. It's eerily silent; there's no electronic giggles from the Rotom like usual, just the soft hum of its phone body and the quiescent rumble of nature.
Tula is off to the left side of the feed, in some sort of romper, being shot from the back as she clears out debris from the fire. Her left shoulder is heavily bruised, and if you pause at the right time, you can see battered knuckles, blood still dried into the creases of her skin. You can't know for sure who's it is, though the most logical guess would be Colress. Maybe you should look up his mugshot later.
Side to side. She moves the same pile back and forth, almost like a pizza parlor animatronic, humming faintly under her breath the same few notes of an unknown melody.]
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arecaceae175 · 2 years
Febuwhump Day 18: Can't Stay Awake (Warriors)
AO3 link. Warnings: violence, blood, injury, burns, captivity, aftermath of torture, the ending is not super happy but it's better
@silvercaptain24 As requested, Time and Warriors whump! With SO MUCH Warriors angst, just for you :). I had something completely different planned but this literally came to me in the middle of the night lol. I hope you enjoy!
Part 2/3. Part 1. Part 3.
Warriors scrubbed his hands until they were raw. It didn’t really make a difference, since Time’s blood was all over his clothes, but he had tried anyway. He didn’t know if his hands were red from blood stains or irritation; all he saw was red. 
He saw red, and he saw Time’s expression, trying to hold in his pain for Warriors’ sake while his blood was pooling on the floor. He saw red, and he heard Time’s scream when he couldn’t hold back any longer. He saw red, and he heard the screams echo down the hallway as he was taken back to the room when his hands started shaking too badly to hold the knife. The others wouldn’t hold back, like he had. 
I had no choice , Warriors reminded himself. It was a mantra that had been playing in his head nonstop in the hours since he last saw Time. It didn’t feel like enough. 
Warriors inhaled a haggard breath and buried his shaking hands in his hair. 
The lock on his door jingled. Warriors’ heart jolted and he jumped to his feet. He closed his eyes, quieted his mind, and schooled his expression into something neutral.
He opened his eyes just as the lock clicked and the door was thrown open. Hyrule burst into the room and Four was close behind, tucking his lock picking tools back into his belt. 
“Wars! Are you okay?” Hyrule exclaimed as he tackled Warriors in a hug. Warriors flinched, blinking in surprise. They don’t know, his mind screamed. The hug only lasted a second before Hyrule was pulling away. 
“I’m not hurt,” Warriors said. 
“Glad to see you, captain,” Four said with a smile. “Sorry it took us so long. Where’s Time?” 
“Just down the hall,” Warriors said. “It’s not good. Are the others here?” 
“It’s just us and Legend. We were the only ones able to sneak in,” Hyrule said. 
“Most of the complex is asleep. We barely ran into any guards on our way to you,” Four said. 
Warriors shook his head. “They don’t know I’m with you. I managed to gain their trust,” Warriors explained. 
Four looked impressed. Warriors’ stomach roiled.
“Once we get you out we can send the others in to finish up the job,” Four said. “Any chance you got the locations of their other hideouts?” 
“Hideouts and next target,” Warriors answered.
I had no choice. 
”Let’s get to Time,” Warriors said, and they quietly stepped out of the room. As soon as they were in the hallway, Legend materialized from the wall. Warriors only barely managed to hold back from punching him in surprise. 
“How did you-“
“I can turn into a painting, don’t ask questions,” Legend said. There was a ghost of a smile on his face and he nodded solemnly to Warriors. Warriors nodded back and continued leading the group down the hallway. 
There was only one guard on the way to Time, the same one who had Time screaming after Warriors left. 
I had no choice.
Warriors took care of him with great pleasure. Four quickly picked the lock, and as Warriors stood behind him he felt his hands shaking. What shape would they find Time in? Would they be able to get him out undetected?
Would the others hate him once they found out what he had done? 
I had no choice.
The lock clicked and Four pushed the door open. He and Hyrule stopped in the doorway with a gasp. 
Time was unconscious, slumped over in the chair. His hair was greasy and matted with blood as it hung in a curtain over his face. His shirt was ripped off and his chest was covered in blood and bruises. His feet were bare, and one was bright red with blisters from a burn. 
Warriors looked away and clenched his fists as anger coursed through his body. He heard the others rushing to Time so Warriors took it upon himself to keep watch.
“What did they do to him?” Hyrule asked in a shaky voice. 
I had no choice.
“They were angry about us ruining their operation and wanted to know where the rest of you were,” Warriors said, shaking his head. His voice was emotionless, fallen back into his commander tone so he could make it through the sentence without breaking down. “At least at first. They had fun with it,” Warriors finished, curling his lip in disgust. 
I had no choice.
“Goddesses,” Legend said. 
Four was pale as he set to work untying Time. Hyrule’s hands were hovering close, but he seemed afraid to touch Time. As soon as Four cut through the rope around Time’s chest he slumped forward. Legend and Hyrule hastily caught him, but Hyrule bumped a large slice across Time’s chest. Time gasped and flinched away from the contact. 
“Hey, old man, it’s us,” Legend said, trying to force a smile. It came out as more of a grimace. 
Time blinked a few times, seeming like he couldn’t focus his eyes. Hyrule lowered himself into Time’s view and gave him a small smile.
“Link?” Hyrule said. Time’s half-lidded gaze shifted slowly to Hyrule, and Warriors saw recognition spark in his eye. 
“Yeah, hey, it’s us,” Hyrule said, his smile widening. “We’re going to get you out of here, okay? You and Wars.” 
Time’s gaze shifted to Warriors. Warriors couldn’t meet his eye. 
“Not your fault,” Time muttered.
The words were like a knife in Warriors’ heart. Time let out a weary sigh as his eye slipped closed and his head fell back to his chest. 
“Time?” Hyrule asked. Time didn’t respond. 
“ Goddesses ,” Legend repeated. He ran a hand through his hair as his eyes roamed over Time. “When I find who did this they better fucking run.”
Warriors felt the words like a physical blow. 
I had no choice. 
“That’s the last one,” Four said in a small voice. Legend wrapped one of Time’s arms around his shoulder. “Captain, a little help?” Legend asked. Warriors couldn’t move. Every part of him screamed in protest at the idea of getting close to Time after what he did. 
I had no choice.
“Wars! Come on, we have to go!” Legend hissed. 
Warriors shook himself from his thoughts. The others were looking at him expectantly, Four with careful suspicion, so Warriors quickly moved and draped Time’s other arm over his shoulder. He could see the slice he had made on Time’s torso. Warriors tore his gaze away and focused on Legend’s voice directing them out of the room. 
Hyrule took the lead with Four in the rear. They had apparently scouted the complex, and they made it out of the building without incident. They rushed into the forest and as soon as they passed the tree line the other heroes dropped down from the leaves. 
“What happened?” Wild asked, eyes wide and horrified. 
Twilight and Sky immediately took Time’s weight and headed towards their camp. Wild and Hyrule followed, Wild already pulling elixirs from his slate. 
Wind rushed to Warriors side and latched on. “I’m glad you’re okay,” Wind whispered. Warriors dropped one hand onto his shoulder and the other in his hair, but he couldn’t feel the warmth from the hug. 
All he could feel was Time’s blood on his hands, and all he could see was red. 
I had no choice.
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whumpshots · 2 years
Whumptober #13
Trope of the day: “Are you here to break me out?”
Whumpee has been through a lot these past few years. It’s been a rough time, but he keeps insisting that he’s been through worse. That’s what caretaker tries to repeat in his head over and over again while he’s still trying to find him after whumper got a hold of him … after a stupid, so goddamn stupid mistake.
Knowing what whumper is capable of, caretaker can only imagine the torture the other has been through, but he’s always been able to find him. To get him back alive. And he can’t let himself get distracted. Not when it’s so important to hurry and not lose the little time he’s got.
And when he finally does … when he finally finds whumpee, it’s a gruesome sight. Cuts and bruises all over his body, burnmarks and … and so many other wounds. His heart stops for a second as he takes everything in, the cold of the cell already indicating that whumpee’s probably at the brink of death.
Caretaker doesn’t lose anymore time and walks closer, checking for the other’s breath and pulse, both luckily prominent enough to help him sigh in relief. While his hands and eyes make sure that he can move whumpee without taking that much of a risk, the body under him startles awake, already trying to resist his hands.
Defiant as always … But caretaker shushes him, pushing a strand of the other’s hair out of his eyes. “Hey, it’s me. Calm down,” he mutters and is met by tired eyes. And a smirk, made worse by bloodied teeth.
“Are you here to break me out?”, whumpee asks with amused eyes that fight his heavy lids, begging to be closed again.
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gottagofastpietro · 1 year
Sam didn't answer his texts. And then a radio cackled from someone across the room. A call to clear the comms. A situation on the roof. The other agents started gathering around, listening silently. Pietro had a better plan. He raced his way up the stairs, stopping when he saw the clusterfuck by the med bay. Steve was carrying Sam, but nurses were already scrambling around in there, including Foster. Pietro's brow furrowed, and he crept forward. Didn't announce himself, didn't even go all the way inside, just lurked outside the door and listened. And pretty soon between various voices and shouts and interjections -- the story became clear enough. And Pietro wasn't sure why, but he knew exactly where to head next.
Maybe it just made sense, to see the Soldier back in the box. Maybe it's what Pietro would've done, in his place. There were no guards, the door wouldn't even fully latch all the way because the door wasn't powered on. But there were lights, enough to see the shadowy figure of Barnes in the corner. "What did you do?" Pietro asked, stepping towards him. Deliberately slow, to give him time to hang himself with his words. To let the heat simmer in his stomach and turn to real fury. "I told you what I would do, if you stepped out of line, Soldier."
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thetoaddaddy · 1 year
It felt so… much. Like a void yet so full of his anger. Darkness and red. A need to scream, cry, pull his hair and rack his nails down his skin but all that comes out is a hollow sigh.
He feels it. He feels them. All the lingering stares. They blame him. They must. A monster got away. Orochimaru got away. And he was too weak to stop it. Being the last to plead. The last to beg and try and fight. A man he loved, a man he thought would walk this earth with him to the end…. Looked back at him with nothing in those golden eyes. Jiraiya was just an obstacle now not a friend.
The most he got was a few scrapes and he was sent back to his home from hospital. It felt so… nothing. A cold dark apartment. The water running in the sink and he’s just staring blankly at it. Eventually his eyes lift to his reflection and he hates it. He hates himself so much right now. The fight between the void and the anger stopped as anger won.
It was a short black out. Coming to only a few seconds after. A shattered mirror around him. In the sink, on the floor. Around his feet. His hand throbbing and he hit it hard enough he spilt the skin of his knuckles. It wasn’t nearly enough to catharsis his pent up everything.
Jiraiya moved onto more sentimental things. Pictures, trinkets, anything that dares to remind him of the person who betrayed him. Perhaps he’s better off alone… He won’t live through another of someone he loves hurting him like this. To love and have loss is bullshit.
He hates his heart and wishes it would just stop feeling for once. All it does is burn him. It leaves him hurt, alone, and frustrated he couldn’t just be the dead inside soldier he is supposed to be. He doesn’t want it if all he ends up being is anguish and alone. At least if he’s alone with no one close he doesn’t care when people die. But he does care! He always cares and he’s sick of it.
Being Jiraiya isn’t working. But he can’t change. He knows that. Yet for once all he does wish for is that he could. He’d rather feel nothing than feel like this again.
Send a 🎥 to get a scene from my muse’s life.
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