#tw blood transfusion
meggsssart · 1 year
Just some silly Bloodborne things
Byrgenwerth college AU anyone? But instead of studying normal subjects they're taking the Old Blood, grave robbing and learning about the Eldritch Truth... 🧠🩸☠️
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aealrizen · 3 months
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Childhood was half a memory even before Midas had lost everything. He was stuck inside a lot, sometimes unable to leave the hospital bed on his own. His father was always there, as his caretaker and support. Some days were good, almost normal. Other days there wasn’t much more Hesopher could do other than cradle Midas in a ball as he sobbed, waiting for the painkillers to dull the ache. Midas had taken to more mild hobbies because of it. A lot of books were borrowed, puzzles created for him as he got bored of the others being too easy. Time spent on his dad’s lap watching him program very simple software had piqued Midas’ interest when he was a toddler, and being confined to bed rest often had only nurtured his soon insatiable interest. Hesopher often found broken machines dismantled in Midas’ room, only to be reassembled sometime later into something functioning, but often scraped together into another purpose.
It was from Midas that the idea had come. A twelve year old boy absorbing the contents of a huge book as though it could provide more nutrients for his thin body than the sandwich he was absently nibbling out of obedience and not desire.
“Hey Dad?” Midas called, finally willing the courage to ask.
“Hmm?” Hesopher hummed, looking over from his computer to give his son his full attention. He often worked in the same room, just to be there when he was needed as well as unable to let a single moment go just in case Midas wouldn’t be there much longer.
“What if…,” Midas started, pausing to chew his lip gently before hesitantly continuing as he looked to his dad. “What if I became a cyborg? Wouldn’t that cure me?”
The question stunned Hesopher into silence, all of the warnings and condemnation associated with the brand flooding into his mind along with a distinct unwillingness to ever let his son be associated with the stigma. But he wasn’t stupid. He hadn’t thought of it before, but it actually made perfect sense. Replace the bones that housed the faulty blood. A nanite system to monitor his son’s health and help stabilize it. Take all the technology keeping Midas alive, make most of it microscopic, and put it inside Midas’ body. It sounded like a terrifying wish granted by mythical fae.
Hesopher found himself unable to respond, and Midas took that as a suggestion that his idea might be considered. “Leukemia is listed as one of the cancers they were able to cure in the past,” he spoke, voice cautious as he was expecting the same reaction he’d heard so many times before from other people. Don’t ever talk about cyborgs. Don’t even mention that accursed practice. Cyborgs were the reason the world was the way it is now. Broken, barren, stripped of humanity like the machines that had made it that way. But with what he knew, and with half his life being taken from him already, Midas was starting to feel it would be better to be called a monster than unable to get out of bed on his own, and held the book he was reading up to the page that proved his claim.
“But…,” Hesopher finally found his voice again, and it was void of any anger. Just a mix of fear and extremely hesitant hope. “The cyborgs all went berserk. It’s not a stable state of being,” he reluctantly repeated history, sliding the wheeled chair over to the bedside to show that he wasn’t opposed to the conversation. He just didn’t see how it could work without cursing his son to madness.
Midas took that as encouragement to continue, drawing a breath bubbling in excitement. “That’s just it though. Machines can’t go berserk. It’s impossible. You know that. You know just how stupid computers really are. How many times have we both been cursing at how dumb the computer is just because we forgot to tell it to do, or not to do something that humans intuitively figure out on their own?” Midas scooted closer to his dad, the blood transfusion tube connected to him today following and his foot nudging one of the recent projects on the bed. “You see it, don’t you? Machines can only do what they’re programmed to do. What humans tell them to do. The cyborgs didn’t just randomly go berserk, someone programmed them to do it.”
It was true. Hesopher had never really thought about it considering cybernetic study was practically taboo now, and the events of history had happened more than a hundred years ago. But what Midas said made sense. Horrifying sense, but sense nonetheless. The idea that someone had programmed the cyborg apocalypse made more sense to Hesopher’s mind than the historically carried idea that it had just happened like some sort of machine uprising.
His silence only encouraged Midas to continue, repeating his argument and addressing additional concerns as they came up. 
“Machines can only do what humans tell them to. What they’re programmed to do. So someone had to program the berserk virus. Humanity’s greatest predator is still ourselves.” Midas paused only to flip back to a previous page in the book, showing the section about how each cyborg in the past had been given a unique 2400 character passcode that had to be used when they were getting any maintenance. “ In the past, cybernetic components were still left open to a network to allow for maintenance. They had an in that any hacker that was angry enough could have easily gotten into, especially since they kept all the codes in one place, since it was the same company that monopolized cybernetic implants. But there’s two cyborgs that are well known to have never gone berserk, despite being in the middle of them constantly.”
Hesopher paid attention as his son showed him another page, realizing that this had been something Midas had spent a lot of time thinking about before today, the faces of the two cyborg war heroes printed on the page speaking of their unique cases. “...They somehow ended up with hermetic codes,” Hesopher repeated the historically accepted consensus for why those two heroes were immune to the berserker virus. “But no one knows how to recreate them. Humans are too unique and varied, no one can figure out how to make a code that matches them.”
“Then why not just let them write their own hermetic code?” Midas asked, as though he was answering a question a bunch of small children were puzzling over. “Sometimes humans spend so long trying to recreate what already exists. Every human is completely unique. Every human is nature’s own hermetic code. It was a happenstance in the past that the nanite code would be similar enough to those guys’ biology that it would form a hermetic code on its own, and they probably ended up modifying their own code enough to detach it from C-Tech’s old database. But what if we just don’t give them a code? What if we just tell them they have to have a code, and let the nanites create one along with their human host? Adopt their biological signature as their own. Completely. Humans have always had a knack for adapting. So why not let them write their own code?”
It sounded too simple to be the actual answer. But that was also part of the reason it made sense. If, following Midas’ logic stemming from the berserker virus being made by humans, and spread because someone essentially took over the control someone else already had over the cyborgs, then it would be easy to explain the apparent accident. It made way more sense to Hesopher than the excuse that it was just a fault with machines that were too intelligent. Machines weren’t intelligent, just obedient. Unquestioningly obedient, and diligent. So in the wrong hands they were definitely destructive instead of helpful. And humans were notorious for being destructive even before the existence of computers.
So if they made sure no one had control but the person the machines were part of?
Hesopher drew a sharp inhale, rising to his feet abruptly enough he caused the chair to tip and thump back to the floor loudly. He wouldn’t agree to it just yet, but it was the first time in years there had been an option that might save his son. “We have to test it first. Not on you,” he relented, feeling his heart melt when Midas gained the most genuine and excited smile he’d seen since he’d been a small child.
“Thanks Dad,” Midas breathed, flinging his hands around Hesopher’s neck to hug him as tightly as his thin arms would let him.
Hesopher’s return hug was much more gentle, wanting to smother his brilliant, stubborn, hopeful son but also not wanting to hurt him. They wouldn’t be able to ask for help, and wouldn’t be able to tell anyone what they were planning. It wasn’t like C-Tech had given up their hold on cybernetic technology after all. On the surface C-Tech claimed a worldwide ban on even the theoretical research of human integrated cybernetics. Forcing those who studied critical parts of similar studies to be registered in their database. There were even cases of people being executed for getting on C-tech’s bad side. It was risky, and if they succeeded he and Midas might end up exiled from Eutoli. But that was worth it to Hesopher if it meant keeping Midas alive, and being able to make him healthy enough to live a life outside of a hospital room.
fluffy socks and a cozy hat for the boy 'cause he gets cold easily =3=
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maybeamiles · 1 year
One piece time! This time I'm covering Fishman Island, and doing it a bit differently.
I'm writing down my thoughts as I watch the episodes, then I'm gonna go back through once I hit a good stopping point and edit them to be more cohesive, with a lightning round of my favorite moments at the end. This is gonna be a longer post, so here's a cut to make things easier on everyone.
It seems there are some similarities between this arc and the last one. Last time, even with some of the strongest people in the world by his side, Luffy failed to save Ace and his crew. I think this arc is meant to show us just how much stronger everyone has gotten.
Now, at first, I thought Hordy would have gotten the energy steroids from Doflamingo or Big Mam, since they might've benefited from the unrest at Fishman Island. I also thought Hordy might have been Fisher Tiger's son once they started talking about his "true identity."
I was wrong on both fronts. Everything about Hordy was created from circumstances on Fishman Island. It makes thematic sense. One of the biggest themes in One Piece is the idea of "inherited will." AKA: Our most valuable legacies are our dreams. On Fishman Island, we also see inherited trauma. This explains why Otohime wanted to move everyone above land. It wasn't to save the fishmen from humans, it was to save the fishmen from themselves. By refusing to pass on their hatred, they're trying to keep the spark of hope alive in people.
AND SPEAKING OF INHERITED WILL- Fire fist Ace! Luffy is using Ace's power! He's carrying his brother with him! He doesn't want anyone else to die because of what happened before.
And that blood transfusion scene? The people behind that deserve a raise. The music choice and timing were amazing. It really highlighted exactly what was behind this moment, which to us seems so simple Really shows that a good song and visual motif can elevate a scene.
I'm looking forward to the new world and seeing what Big Mam is all about. I've heard Wholecake Island does great things for our boy Sanji, that should be fun.
The "Luffy Vs. Jimbei" Episode made me laugh at how little fighting there actually was.
The squid who swam too close to the sun and his still-living pal are references to Daedelus and Icarus.
Hordy's bleached redesign is one of my personal favorite tropes.
It took me waaaay too long to realize the guy in the intro with the straw hat was Rodger, not Luffy
Of Course Hordy pulled a Macbeth and killed the person he framed for the queen's death, classic.
Robin needs to have a "Gigantesco Pie" attack ("Pie" is Spanish for foot). It bugged me when she called her giant kick attack "Gigantesco Mano" which would be "giant hand"
I do however love how all of Robin's attacks are Spanish. Lets me flex what little Spanish I do know.
Sanji's moonwalk is amazing.
Franky got the magical girl transformation he deserves.
I love the "Honk" sound his tank makes when it fires.
Surume is officially the best straw hat pet.
I look forward to the day when Zoro gets to properly duel someone of his skill level
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thewhumpcaretaker · 8 months
Blood Transfusions in Whump ❣️
TW: blood, fainting, shock, needles/IVs
I love blood transfusions because they're so visceral they reach right through the page and make people (me) almost pass out while writing/reading them. And there are so many opportunities.
Whumpee is terrified of needles and has to be restrained.
Whumpee is already in shock in from heavy blood loss.
Whumpee goes into shock from fear of the transfusion.
Whumpee passes out due to fear of needles.
The possibility of the body rejecting the transfusion.
The sensation of the needle burrowing into the skin. The sensation of veins inflating. The deeply unsettling (or comforting?) sensation of something warm and foreign and belonging to another person's body entering their own.
Caretaker is the one giving blood, literally pouring life directly into Whumpee in an act of direct, physical support.
Caretaker is the one giving blood AND the one performing the transfusion, due to some emergency situation. They have to stay calm and keep the procedure going while rapidly losing blood.
Caretaker and Whumpee's hands clasped together as their blood mixes, holding one another from both the inside and outside of their bodies.
As Caretaker's strength transfers to Whumpee, they gradually become faint, creating a role reversal by the end of the sequence.
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amugoffandoms · 1 year
can't tell if amane's cult hates the idea of first aid in general or exchanging
I think this was translated on Twitter (and i think this is from @/maristelina), but I'll just do a quick copy and paste here for anyone who doesn't have the app:
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This letter that's attached to the door says something along the lines of:
For those who refuse: We will respond as follows: For patients who refuse to undergo: We will perform: However, if both the patient and the physician agree that: It will be carried out. Even in cases where it is not present, we will proceed with the transfusion. For your family and guardians: We will make efforts to ensure your understanding, And we strive to proceed as smoothly as possible.
And, note that the same door has a lecture notice:
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in that post, I mentioned the last topic was the most interesting to me:
- Regarding the reality of normal hospital institution’s exchange/give and take situation
Regarding the reality of normal hospital institution's exchange/give and take situation.
What kind of wording is that? Like, what are you exactly trying to say?
Then, it hit me when I was reading the voice drama translation when I woke up earlier:
A: Shidou Kirisaki… His actions violate our rules. I have given him a warning. If he continues, I suppose it will be inevitable for me to intervene.
Shidou used to do organ transplants. That can be considered as a give and take situation/exchange.
Besides the fact Shidou is treating Amane like a child, she hates how he is a surgeon.
I'm not entirely sure if Amane has asked Mahiru and Fuuta to repent. I know she's said she would pray for them, but repenting? As far as I'm aware, nothing. (Edit! So, Amane has asked Fuuta to repent. Because of that, it does skew my theory a little bit, but it's alright. Either way, it does help figure out what their stance on first aid is. Please check out the reblog regarding that here!)
The only problem is that it seems oddly contradictory to another line in her voice drama:
A: Both pain and illness are trials. According to our teachings, those who run from them are the worst evil there is. That’s one of the four great principles. No matter who you are, that cannot be forgiven.
Which, would still make sense! Shidou is still a doctor and he's helping Mahiru and Fuuta heal, which is obviously not what Amane was taught.
I'm still trying to figure out how exactly the doctrine works with first aid. It doesn't seem like it accepts first aid, considering what happened to the cat. However, what's with the emphasis on blood transfusions and exchanges? You could simply just say "Regarding the reality of the world idea of first aid" and that would be enough.
So, is it first aid in general or is it the exchange?
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honeycombhank · 4 months
My mother had her back surgery, it was around 12 hours long. It’s hard to process everything. This has been so hard for my whole family and navigating this sort of thing is sort of unpredictable in so many ways.
She made it! They said it went even better than expected! They said a lot of things and I can’t explain it all now but they were able to remove almost all of the tumor around her spinal nerves and add straps to her lower back where the tumor had eaten away her bones leaving her with out structure and only the muscles really to old everything in place.. ugh
Obviously it’s still a major surgery and she will still be in a lot of pain for awhile but it’s nothing like the pain she was feeling for the past couple of years with her tumor.
It is absolutely amazing what they can do these days for people who are suffering, she had to have at least one blood transfusion and they used someone else’s tibia bones to add to her back for structural integrity.
Wow! I almost can’t believe how grateful I am and thankful for everyone who has been a part of helping my mother.
Thank you to everyone who sent out their prayers and positive thoughts for my mother and my family.
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anti-gruvia-blog · 22 days
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The phenomenon of Juvia transferring her blood to Gray, leading to a successful blood transfusion, indeed played a role in potentially inducing Stockholm syndrome in Gray.
This could explain his seemingly OOC behavior in the 100 Years Quest.
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red-denarts · 6 months
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“Make a blood pact
with a transfusion,
brothers & sisters
bound via IV”
(OR: How transfusions are like a modern blood pact, w/ the pact unanimously being
“you will live”)
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cicadasides · 4 months
god there is so much i could say about that time of my life…it’s really no wonder i have medical anxiety
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pinkfey · 1 year
update on my brother 💃
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boycritter · 7 months
my mom is allergic to her own blood????
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snarky-fangirl · 2 years
Best way to get into the Spirit Halloween and Daily Dracula hype:
Get a blood transfusion, becoming essentially a legal vampire
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silverdragon128 · 5 months
If one more person tells me they *like* Byakuya Togami, I think I might genuinely kill myself (/srs)
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thewhumpcaretaker · 6 months
❣️ Whumpril VI - Dizziness ❣️
Poems from the perspective of Caretaker.
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My blood is yours. My lifeblood. My heart is yours, and all the pulse within it. I am lighter because you are heavier - some eight ounces gone now, and still my gift presses into you, swells you from the veins outward.
You look so beautiful filled with my red, Rush and rush of heat, flush cheeked throb, warm pink fingers against my marble. You, a tipping deer-scare, a once-wilted carnation after the monsoon, its petals suddenly plush and vibrant, a lion slowly raising up his head when slumber ends.
And I feel so beautiful, love, filled with the fragment of death I have spared you, the dizziness, the stars that spin kaleidoscopes at the edges of my eyes, the soft black flowers blooming in the distance, the emptiness rushing into me. Those who crave nirvana envy me now.
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amugoffandoms · 1 year
very intrigued by the voice drama, saw a transcript of it on Twitter and I'm very intrigued
spoilers below the cut!
Amane: Some people have told me things like ‘You’re being deceived’, ‘It’s not too late’, or that I’m insane. They still treat me like a child, it’s BECAUSE I’m a child that they think I’m brainwashed. But that’s not it. Even me, a child, understands everything. Don’t label me as unfortunate (pitiful?). I’m happy to have been born to my parents. It’s challenging sometimes, but I’m happy to live with pure teachings. That’s the path I want to take, you think it’s all brainwashing don’t you? I feel that you’re also being brainwashed from common values. Why do you blindly believe that just because everyone else follows it?
feels like yuno all over again in a sense
anyways amane points out she understands everything she was told
even so it's possible she only understood when she got tortured/abused to remember the doctrine
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honeycombhank · 4 months
Another blood transfusion today for my mother. She did not receive the first one well.
A moment of thanks to all those who donate blood.
Thinking to do something like donating blood is the reason these things are possible for someone like my mother to have what they desperately need.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, if you’ve donated, you are a hero to someone out there!
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