#tw fetishization discourse
just-antithings · 1 year
i really want to hear an actual definition of what "fetishization of MLM" entails because antis throw the term around so much and their definition ranges from "women who are homophobic IRL but enjoy fictional M/M" to "women who enjoy explicit M/M featuring problematic topics" to "women who enjoy explicit kinky M/M" "women who enjoy any and all explicit M/M" to "women who enjoy any and all M/M" and i literally cannot keep up
Ngl I find cishet women who are homophobic but read slash entirely sus and I say this as someone who knew someone like that. Like. I'm not going to call it fetishizing because that's not necessarily true and I have no way to know for sure, but I definitely think there is something inherently wrong about that situation.
Anyway I saw a TikTok recently that had what I considered a good explanation: it's fetishizing if what appeals to you about it is the fact that they're queer men/men in a queer relationship. Not the chemistry or dynamic, not that you like the characters, not that you want to explore how the relationship would go, just that they're queer men (or men in a queer relationship) and nothing else.
Considering I highly fucking doubt that's the motivation of more than a fraction of people, making claims that it's inherently fetishistic for women to read mlm pairings is fucking stupid.
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amywritesthings · 2 years
since i'm seeing a lot of discourse rn on my dash, i'll just say this: i'm here to write. i'm not here to get weird about real life actors, or to fetishize/sexualize actors. a lot of my works tend to be pp based, but that is because tlou & mando are two of my favorite pieces of media. i don't get involved in most of the fandom weirdness because that isn't why i'm here / this exists. i actually do not enjoy fandom-related chatter, because 9 out of 10 times it will sour your long term experience with a medium you enjoy.
this blog is dedicated solely to promote my fictionalized writing projects, engage with those reading said projects, and occasionally highlight fics that i have read. this is not a fandom / stan blog. (please don't reblog this, i will block.)
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softpaladin · 2 years
ao3 donator bitches will be like "just block tags you don't want to see!", meanwhile so many authors either don't believe in tagging things or just straightup don't know how to tag properly or what needs to be tagged
and in the case of racist fic, if the author cared they'd delete the fic and apologize, or if they don't care they'd just go "wahhh i'm being oppressed, art can't be racist, you're not allowed to even criticize me because criticism is the same as censorship"
and like. tagging something in a work indicates that that work has that thing in it, it doesn't say anything about how that thing is being written about
if you're depicting something in a shitty way, if you're writing poorly, tags are just a bandaid on the diseased work you've got there, and bandaids ain't antibiotics, you need to fix the work itself or scrap it
there could be a fic tagged with graphic violence that's compelling and well written, and another fic tagged with graphic violence that's written like garbage with bad characters and bad pacing. if someone likes the first and dislikes the second, it's because the second one is bad, not because it has violence in it
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yinyuedijun · 4 months
end notes for zero-sum game (tw: slavery, sexual abuse)
hi if you're here it means you read my deranged aventurine smut. thank you for reading that abomination lmao I hope you enjoyed it 😭 once again I've touched on really sensitive topics and don't want to be misread so I'm writing some disclaimers/explanations below:
In the act of gambling with human stakes, as well as doing business with human traffickers, Aventurine is essentially himself engaging in human trafficking. This is not something he particularly enjoys doing or wishes to exploit (which I did try to indicate in the narrative); he only does this for his role with the IPC. 
The reason I made this a narrative about human trafficking is not because I wish to glamorize this crime. I framed the narrative this way because I wanted to point out how Aventurine actively perpetuates the kind of capitalistic violence that ruined his life by being a Stoneheart. This is something that is implicit in the game but not openly explored, hence I expanded on it here.
Somewhat thematically related: the reader actively engages in self-objectification���using it neutrally as a tool for their espionage work at times, but also positively in order to eroticize their one-sided and exploitative relationship with Aventurine. This was not intended to condone the objectification of human beings; rather, I wanted to show how a lifetime of sexual objectification and extreme dehumanization as a slave has led them to objectify and dehumanize themselves, sometimes even in the capacity of enjoying it. 
Aventurine in canon similarly engages in self-objectification and dehumanization as a trauma response  (i.e. he refers to himself as a chip in a positive manner, clearly as a reaction to how his owner referred to him callously as a chip when he was a slave), though in my opinion he's not really implied to derive any real joy from the idea.
Related to the point of objectification: Aventurine and the reader clearly do not engage in particularly safe, sane or consensual sexual dynamics (specifically referring to how he started undressing them before they fully consented to public sex and just kind of decided what to do with them without prior discussion). This is not because I think this is acceptable behaviour; it is a reflection of their unequal power dynamic that the reader actively encourages and Aventurine is fine with perpetuating. It is also implied to be the result of his own distorted relationship with sex—he has literally been coerced into doing exactly the same thing in the very same establishment, and assumed that the reader would be fine with doing it too because they generally enjoy it when he exercises "ownership" over them, which they both associate with sexual control for traumatic reasons.
I've seen discourse around the fandom where people interpret the act of kissing Aventurine’s commodity code as a purely sexual or fetishizing action. I thus feel compelled to explain that the act of Aventurine and reader kissing each other’s codes in this story served a specific purpose within the wider narrative about dehumanization. I wrote a lot of things in this fic purely because I was ungodly levels of horny for Aventurine (lol), but those particular actions actually had narrative weight lol 
With all this being said, I hope it is clear that the reason I chose to focus on themes of slavery and dehumanization is not because I intend to promote or glamorize them, but because I wanted to explore specific points of Aventurine’s characterization that exist in canon. The theme of sexual abuse (and its psychological fallout) is also something that is a natural extension of his story arc in canon. I have no wish to perpetuate any of these things, and I have faith that my audience can distinguish fiction from reality and thus will not have their perspectives on real life issues be seriously influenced by my dumb horny fic on tumblr dot com. 
Also I should hope this is obvious but do not use your regular everyday gloves to finger someone! I like to imagine that Aventurine’s expensive science fiction gloves has the incredible ability to remain sterile in everyday circumstances 👍
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do you have any opinions on the hazbin critical and vivziepop critical tags?
tw // mentions of sexual abuse and sucide
I have a personal beef with them. And not because I love Hazbin and Vivzie so much but for more presonal reasons so the following opinion won't be measured at all.
Now, don't get me wrong, there are some legit criticisms out there. Like, the show could definitely do better with body diversity and giving us more varied sapphic relationships instead of just throwing a ton of male/male couples at us. And, yeah, Vivzie's response to some of the criticism has been... questionable. (I still cringe when I think about that one time she explained that Raphielle can ship ValAngel because they are sa survivor, but Raphielle explicitly admitted to not be one).
But then, there's stuff that's just... pulled out of nowhere. Like the whole thing about Valentino being a "fetish character." Come on, the world of villains is filled with queer, flamboyant baddies. What sets Valentino apart is how his abusive behavior is shown in the open, making us rethink our love for villains. If it weren't for Mascarade, people would worship this moth daddy gangster in a dress, much like they are with Vox now. It's hard to root for the bad guy when you see the fallout of their actions. Like, Loki committed war crimes and no one was outraged when he got his own TV series and dragged creators for supporting atrocities.
Constant Valentino/Angel Dust discourse actually leads to the more serious issues I have with this "community", more harmful than just "bad media literacy" like the way they handle the topic of sexual abuse and weaponize it, without ever listening to victims. There is this constant shitstorm about Angel being a "bad sa survivor rep," that the way he's written is insensitive because "he shouldn't be horny, he's sexually traumatized." Like, do these people not understand that making Angel unable to enjoy his sexuality the way he wants would essentially mean acknowledging that it's no longer his but belongs to his abuser now? Also, the argument I keep seeing that drives me BAT SHIT CRAZY aka "I can enjoy this media that is centered around murderer, you cannot enjoy the media that treats rapist as a nuanced character because rape is objectively worse than murder." WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU THAT? Reading this makes me feel so angry and sad and guilty because frankly, I was raped, and of course, it was horrible but still I'd choose it any time over being murdered. Because I have my life, I'm loved, and I love, I pursue my dreams, and I can still experience so many good things in my life. Painting sexual assault as this worse-than-death experience is not the feminist take they think it is and does not do victims any good.
Or accusations that Vivzie's support of fandom bullying led to someone taking their life. It's such a ridiculous and harmful claim. Honestly, this thing always makes me heated because suicide is not an easy decision, ask any person who ever faced it. It's not like "ah, this stranger told me to kms, I guess I gotta do it now." Of course, any kind of bullying and abuse adds to the suffering and can be the final trigger, but to me, it's just so disrespectful and harmful that someone could have experienced prolonged, intense suffering and all of this is omitted, their death labeled as a result of "fandom bullying" and weaponized in fandom drama. Also, it's simply cruel to put the blame for it on one, uninvolved person.
Also, it always annoys me when people hold small creators to immensely high standards while not doing the same with others. If we keep lynching and canceling every media that is not objectively morally pure, we won't be left with only perfect media. We will be left with media produced by white, privileged billionaires who might be real-life rapists, abusers, and thieves but are too powerful to be taken down by social media outrage. Hazbin's success is a major W for the underappreciated medium of animation (we saw what WB did to 90% of their animated shows), unpopular genres like musicals (Wonka creators were literally too ashamed to market it as one??), and unapologetic queer narratives that are not written for a heteronormative audience or centered around queer oppression (ofmd, the other medium I can think of in that realm has just been canceled). I can't stand people so desperate to put it down driven by their black-or-white sense of morality. Kant won't be patting your back for being the Moraliest Person because you bullied an indie creator and her fans.
Also everyone who feels the need to explain me hazbin critical agenda - save your breath. I'm very emotional about it and I frankly don't fucking care why you think you are right.
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florenceisfalling · 9 months
to my followers unaware of what the fuck im talking about re: toonimal, txttletale, and tyler
tw for csa and transmisogyny
edit: check comments after reading
toonimal aka ezra orena is a tumblr user who also ran a website for "big three" paraphiles (pedo/necro/zoo), including those who are pro-contact and including minors. this obviously led to a bunch of pedophiles sexually engaging with minors and exchanging abuse material.
ezra was already known for being pro-contact in some spaces and had been called out for it. ezra was thus banned on aethy, which is an 18+ proship website, i assume due to the following rules:
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there was mild pushback to the fact that aethy also banned ezra's callout, not just ezra; however, this was due to the fact that spreading a callout about ezra's website would also spread links to a pro-csa space:
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despite the aethy ban, ezra wasn't called out in the mainstream (to my knowledge) until more recently, when a super huge google doc rolled in with evidence of the abusive behaviors on his website
also despite this, when this doc dropped, some people targeted and doxxed a completely unrelated moderator of aethy for something they had no involvement in.
the google doc. is bad. i understand the good intentions, but it includes irrelevant fantasy as evidence and, more importantly, does not censor victim names. it also does exactly what aethy mods were seeking to avoid by providing a platform for this site, rather than sending it to the proper authorities and letting it get handled properly. statement from an aethy mod:
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however, the doc includes lots of evidence for toonimal and his site's users being abusers. its Bad. really really really bad.
because many people did not know toonimal was advocating for abuse prior to the doc being shared, toonimal had some popular posts on tumblr.
one of these posts is a post about "killing the cop in your head" re: accusing people of being degenerate or dangerous over fetishes and kinks that are taboo. while the post might seem weird with the context that ezra is a pedophile, this post was incredibly popular among people who didn't realize. it was just a solid discourse post at the time:
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in fact, i checked, and i reblogged this post back in the summer, before i knew that toonimal was advocating for pedophilic contact. this post was not part of some "niche pedophile community." this post currently has 19,000+ notes. it does not mention contact with children. it mentions kink and shipping. drastically different from the content on ezra's site!
and even if you did elect to check ezra's about page before posting, ezra isn't an "open" pedophile. there's a reason his site was secret.
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neither of these things mention paraphilias. you have to click on a separate link in the about page to see the tags/warnings that mention lolicon (which is fiction anyway) or illegal paraphilias. even after clicking on those, ezra still upheld on tumblr at the time that he was anti-contact.
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the above screenshot is from 3 months ago. now, ezra posts things in the pro-contact vein, but again: he was denying this three months ago. his post was popular even back six months ago. in fact, ezra denied he was pro-contact a week ago, but when evidence popped up he just resorted to insults.
now that we've established that ezra being a pedo was not common knowledge and his post was literally just a popular kink discourse post...
tumblr user txttletale aka healed, who is a trans woman, reblogged it with the following comment months ago:
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and later makes a post expressing her opinion on games like stardew valley having somewhat problematic elements to them. in response...
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random tumblr cis gay man gets mad and says that healed aka txttletale "markets incest shipping and loliporn as an inherent part of queer sexuality" because she reblogged the toonimal post with 19k notes MONTHS before ezra was called out
reread the toonimal post. there is no mention of loliporn.
even if there was, thats a drawing. its fiction. just like the farming simulator is fiction. who cares
roadhogsbigbelly then doubles down and says that, well, healed might not have mentioned loli, but ezra would support loli. the problem is, again, ezra was not even entirely open about this. why on earth would healed be endorsing that solely by reblogging ezra's post?
then, people start to accuse healed of being in a secret pedophile community with ezra and other popular trans women on tumblr, like predstrogen and maia crimew
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a bunch of them notably being from a group of bloggers who love to harass people over stupid shit, be exclusionists, and make conspiracy theories about "closet pedos" and generally just talk shit about anyone they deem below them - especially tgirl bloggers
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most of this harassment operates on the idea that healed was mutuals with ezra or aware of ezra's behavior, meanwhile she reblogged ezra's post 3 reblogs down a chain and literally didn't directly interact with ezra at all. neither of them followed each other
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people also brought up healed's past controversies, most of which have been apologized for or were simply not fucking relevant
even if healed did follow ezra, the insistence that loli aka drawings is what is sooo sketchy about ezra rather than the fact that he had a site full of ADULTS INTERACTING SEXUALLY WITH REAL MINORS is absolutely fucking batshit
also healed has posted stuff against loli and proship fic/art before. healed literally doesn't approve of that stuff fucking anyway which is imo hypocritical to the kink thing but still proves the accusations against her are false
roadhog guy continues doubling down on how ageplay/cnc/incest shipping/etc is Bad; yet argues that pup play is fine. he thinks ageplay is pedophilia but zoophilia isnt a problem to this guy i guess
despite the fact that the guy who made the pedo website is a trans dude and the victims in the doc were overwhelmingly transfem, random trans women who had no idea ezra was a creep are becoming the main targets of a ridiculous harassment campaign. its such blatant fucking transmisogyny it makes me want to crack my skull open
the neotrances/tyler friend group continues to be weird about it, including getting furious that healed defended herself from pedophilia allegations rather than vetting literally every blog she interacts with or trying to needlessly battle against adults engaging in consensual kink
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i hate all of this. so deeply
ultimately my opinions are
ezra has done so many completely fucking awful things and deserves every inch of the backlash he received. he deserves no support for all of this. avoiding him seems to be the best course of action at the moment. part of that involves letting the legal shit go down rather than trying to out-twitter him and his friends over sex crimes. his site probably already had feds on it tbh.
having paraphilic feelings isnt a crime, but involving real children is. genuinely fuck all of the adults on ezra's site
aethy and its moderators experienced targeted harassment over shit they were uninvolved with. this included doxxing and harassing their families. this is especially cruel since they seem to be one of the few sources of common sense in the situation
the targeting of healed, avery, maia, and others: completely just transmisogyny. this shit is insane and nobody should be held to the batshit standards they were held to. please pay attention to this shit and dont let it happen again. don't let stupid discourse un-person a trans woman for something she literally didn't do.
raging about loli/ageplay/whatever the fuck is completely stupid, especially in this situation. when faced with an actual group of pedophiles who are targeting actual, living and breathing children, why do people scream about the fictional expressions of abuse rather than the real-world examples of it?
again. so much of this is just transmisogyny.
fuck tyler and his little clique . all to hell
the people who spread the doc tended to treat csa as a joke. the doc put victims on blast. the doc mishandled evidence.
apologies for any inaccuracies im somewhat late to the ordeal
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I've said this before, but I deleted the Megastar post during a manic episode which sucks because i still stand by the points I made
Not all Megastars are created equal.
There are many, many, MANY fanfics of Megastar where it's legit just the rapeyist power fantasy I've ever had the displeasure of seeing
I've noticed that many people in the transformers fandom can, and will villanize the shit out of you if you ship Megastar
And I can understand to a degree
-which like
-What the fuck
Idk, maybe it's because many like to project onto megatron, and as soon as there's a flamboyant, seemingly weaker man going against what they want, they write this cringe power fantasy where they can jerk off to the power imbalance
I understand getting mega sus of the cyberverse/unicron/idw/tfp shippers
I can fully understand ostracizing those mfs because I also want no association with the kinds of people
(especially the tfp/idw megastar shippers holy shit)
Most (not all) of the fanfic stuff I've seen from those two specifically are a different kind of 3rd degree cringe, I can assure you
but unless you have proof of posts or fanfics made by those individuals that prove they infact ship megastar for the abuse, I don't think you should be sending them death threats or making very gross assumptions about their character over it
*This is the part where I defend myself or something*
I am specifically a TFA megastar shipper
These mfs in this fucking show are so goddamn petty istg
I fucking love them
Literally the match made in hell-my otp of all time
The playing field is much more even for those two, starscream is able and confident enough to take on megatron by himself, which leads to megatron actually struggling to fight him lmao
TFA is most likely the safest of all the ship versions because of how goofy these goobers are, they legit spend most of their time together trolling the piss out of each other- it's very dumb
TFA starscream doesn't have a past of being abused by megatron, And I've never depicted them as an abusive couple towards each other
So it really rubbed me the wrong way when someone legit accused me of having a-
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sapphire-weapon · 5 months
I want to ask this bc youve been in the fandom for longer and I'd like your analysis of this as a social phenomenon.
So the tweet that was deleted was a mutual saying Ada is an anti-hero and she is important to the narrative but she is not part of the main cast. He was attacked by so many ppl he deactivated.
Most of the responses were "Keep Ada out of your mouth, talk abt your fav". What is this lmao. When did expressing your opinion on a character from a videogame become such a big deal.
Is this new in the fandom? Bc God knows I scroll past dumb takes all the time bc like you keep saying, nothing we say here truly matters and defending your fav character to death or bragging abt how many likes your edits have on TW or TT aint gonna make a difference. Capcom aint really looking.
They're so quick to jump to defend pixels. Is it projection? They think they're the character or sth so it feels like theyre being attacked? It truly baffles my mind bc it got super ugly.
This is a new thing...ish. There was always "Ada's a bitch who manipulated Leon" discourse, but Ada fans always historically celebrated her anti-hero status. It was one of the main things they liked about her character.
This strikes me as the younger generation not knowing what an anti-hero is. Because it's not being taught in schools anymore. They don't realize that an anti-hero still performs heroic acts and is generally looked at as a protagonist. They looked at it and probably read it as "the opposite of a hero." And that's not their fault. But as a Vegas folk, if I were to bet on this, that's what I'd put my money on having happened.
Also bragging about engagement on your fan edit isn't a new phenomenon, but this generation takes it far more seriously than mine did. My generation looked at numbers purely as clout within the fandom or a mark of quality of their work. This generation thinks their numbers mean that Mr. Capcom himself is going to see it and make their headcanons canon. It's insanity to me.
But in terms of an overall jumping to defend pixels? Oh yeah that was always a thing. The Ada vs Claire arguments got so viciously misogynistic in a way that outperformed fetish anon, even. But it wasn't constant, because social media didn't exist. These arguments happened between 2-4 people at a time in multi-paragraph essays on livejournal and various forums -- not single-sentence dogpiles of constant bombardment against one fucking person.
Social media has made fandom demonstrably worse in every way. It has done nothing to improve or build on fandom. It has only eroded the experience and made it shittier.
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thisweekingundamwing · 8 months
This Week in Gundam Wing 14 January - 10 February 2024
Here’s the roundup for January 14th, 2024 - February 10th, 2024!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make this next week!
~Mod Hel
Fic Idea https://cuteciboulette.tumblr.com/post/740430848728465408/this-is-not-a-fic
Heero, Death!Duo, tw suicide discussion
Stellar Drift https://archiveofourown.org/works/51561307
F/M, Treize Khushrenada/Lady Une
Explicit, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop references, side material references, Romance, Drama, Morally Grey Characters, Vague love confessions, Mutual Pining, Generational Trauma, War Trauma, PTSD, past gun violence injury, Mention of blood, Smut, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Plot, Enthusiastic Consent, kabedon, Stocking Fetish, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex, Fingering, Implied Premature Ejaculation, Post-Coital Cuddling, reformed rake x political harlot dynamic, Treize lives in this one so obviously I had a beta, target audience: me
Canon divergence. Through Lady Une's machinations, Treize Khushrenada survives the war. Despite saving him, Une appears intent on pushing him away, evading him at every opportunity. Desperate for answers, Treize confronts her, igniting old feelings long buried for the sake of duty.
Arts/Crafts/Photo Manips:
WuFei Chang, fanart
Duo Maxwell, fanart
Relena Darlian-Peacecraft, fanart
Heero Yuy, fanart
Treize/Une, nsfw ish, fanart
5 boyos, fanart, stickers
Duo and Hilde, (about Duo ship month), comic
Duo/Quatre, fanart
Gunpla wall
Duo Maxwell in the streets
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Relena Darlian-Peacecraft, gif
Duo/Heero, Sims 4, screenshot
Head Canons/Meta:
GW would be different if Relena had a Gundam.
GW Jacket (clothes count as an aesthetic right?)
Fandom Discourse:
GW Prompt Meme event
Rules: https://gwpromptmeme.dreamwidth.org/408.html
Main Page: https://gwpromptmeme.dreamwidth.org/
Heero, Duo, & WuFei
WuFei & Duo
Relena & Heero
Relena, Heero, & Duo
Duo & Trowa
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompts for Friday, February 16th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/742011330318499840/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-february
In need of prompts!
Sign-ups Open: https://gwlemonyshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/740503319997448192/lemony-shenanigans-2024-sign-ups-now-open
Looking to fill all the days! https://gwlemonyshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/741815882530045952/31-days-in-may
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/730188053636841472/updated-events-calendar
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
GW Valentine’s Event 2024 https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/739857252321738752/gw-valentines-event-2024
Hope you’ve been creating!
GW Gift Exchange
There is another exchange being done now... I *think* it’s on dreamwidth, but I can’t find the convo with the person running it to save my life, but it’s on the events calendar with all the info I had...
Jan 15th - 21st is Nominations
Jan 16th - 28th is Sign-ups
Posting and whatnot will be in April.
Not sure if something will be posted anywhere on tumblr or not, but hoping I can get y’all the info for where and how when it goes.
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crowsncorvids · 3 months
TW: h0mo/tr4nsphob1a, s3x, f4nf1ct10n
Yous know I'm not one for drama/discourse but I've decided to spread awareness on @skyberryros and break my silence...
Sky and I met on the discord server for the comic "Room of Swords" which we both like, and became fast friends. I'm sure many of yous have seen me tagging them in posts and saying how much I l0ve them, but there's a darker secret that I've kept hidden until now... Over the past month or so they have continuously ridiculed me and resorted to calling me h0m0ph0b1c and tr4nsph0b1c slurs. (DURING PR1DE MONTH NO LESS)
They also write f4nfiction (one of the 7 de4dly s1ns) and moreover, nsfw!!! Obviously writing f4nfiction without the authors' and characters' explicit consent is morally wrong and deserving of the de4th penalty, ESPECIALLY writing and consuming smut and pain/torture which is obviously perverted and disgusting. The characters DID NOT CONSENT to be written having sex or being tortured.... 🤢🤢🤢 they're also primarily attracted to women so liking a gay ship makes them a fuj0shi fetishizer...
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tinyidle · 10 months
tw: gore, pedophilia
i just wanna say that the anime controversy is definitely not a set up and should be taken 100% seriously, i’ve seen clips that people are using to defend it and it is 100% fetishizing these children AND the manga panels and much worse, there are many posts with people calling out this anime, even in the anime community because of how bad it is. on top of all of that the creator of the manga is a pedo which adds EVEN MORE to the fact that the anime/manga is fetishizing these children. i just wanted to add this because while it might look like it’s some kind of set up against these idols it’s not and should be taken seriously because of how it involves the sexualization of children, i would highly encourage you to actually look into just how bad the anime/manga is so you can see for yourself but please be warned it contents a lot of fetishizing of kids with gore kinks
the anime is extremely censored in Korea + was televised there so children could view. as from the manga, i do NOT condone it, and the only idol i know who needs to address that is taeyong.
also, for my personal peace of mind, ill refrain from looking deeper into the topic of the manga. ive seen creepy content before, but i refuse to search into the gore of fictional children. im too sensitive to ever do that. I don't defend pedo behavior and wish all pedos to vanish, however im not going to act like this entire thing isn't considerably fishy when most of the idols mentioned in the posts i reblogged here shared their watching of the anime earlier in the year.
plus, pannchoa's not to be trusted. i should have known, but like everyone here, i was blindsided and rightfully upset.
i have two minor siblings whom i love very much and even wanted to be a pediatrician before changing majors. the very last thing ill do is defend a dude from reading disgusting shit like that. BUT i will refuse to accuse a dude on being a pedo for watching a censored version of something everyone else in his country watched and liked.
lastly, if this isn't a setup, where are the girl group idols who watched this anime and liked it? no girls like 'dark dystopian' animes anymore? when the creator of cuties was criticized, people spent most of their time beating the men watching it (which they should) but not the lady who made the film. why all the hatred on the men and no discourse amongst the women too? no one should be getting hate, but two sides must be examined.
let's just wait for the statements to come tonight or tomorrow instead of continuing to speculate. and for goodness sakes let throw made in abyss into the back catalog to be burned.
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dream-critical · 1 year
haiii :) okay so this is a bit off-topic for the present discourse but i just discovered this account and wanted to anon air some thoughts ive been having about This Fuckin Guy. its all probably been said before in some capacity, but yeah (tws for grooming, SA allusion) 
the way dream has taken advantage of his fame is genuinely so fascinating. re: dnf, rpf of internet creators is obviously not a new thing online (also wrt lack of boundaries between a fan community and creator) but i’ve never seen a creator encourage their own sexualization the way he has. i used to think it was hysterical the way he publicly liked fanart of himself which clearly played into his conceit of being hyper-masculinized beside a hyper-feminized george. but again, after the grooming allegations dropped, it was hard not to see this behaviour in an even more sinister light than just that he’s an egotist who’s making money off of marketing his own fetishization. like it reminded me that behind all that fanart and fanfic were mostly young girls (a fact which is very Focal in the discourse), so what are the chances that played into his “enjoyment” of it. 
desensitizing a victim to sexual contact is a major grooming tactic. putting it this way, he was basically cultivating a massive following of young (most underage) girls, “mass-groomed” to view him sexually and thereby predicate inappropriate sexual exchanges on an individual level as we saw him do on snapchat. with the way he’s infantilized by fans (but also by antis who, reasonably, call him out as a juvenile idiot) its easy to miss how this man’s career seems engineered to be a tremendous abuse of power against vulnerable young people. and its crazy because I feel like its on a level and in a medium which is heretofore unexplored; unbreached by law or comprehensive understandings of what “violence” and “abuse” can entail when it takes place in online communities such as this.  
needless to say, as an ex-dsmp fan, im still transfixed by the goings-on of the community. i wish outsiders didn’t so often discredit the situation as “mcyt cringe” or trivial discourse among teenage stans who “deserve it” for falling in with this shitty guy. i feel like we’re watching a massive group be Actively Victimized, but its getting caught up in vitriolic alliances on the discourse front. like gen q, is it more constructive to indict dnf fangirls as individual perverts, or to indict the man at the centre of the cult of personality which enabled this behaviour to set the stage for his abuse/manipulation/etc.? 
anyway. hope this qsmp situation finally fuckin shoots his career in the foot cause i’m getting tired of praying on his downfall. 
(and thanks for running this blog. it must be draining, hope you’re taking care of yourself :) )
im a veteran follower of dream discourse and i can honestly say every single time something big happens everyone think this will be the end of his career. surely this has got to be the breaking point.
but it never is. and maybe it never will be. for the exact reasons he is famous, his fanbase. like you said, though i wouldn’t say groom is necessarily the word, dream built his fanbase to be the way it is, loyal and unquestioning of him. as long as he has a substantial fanbase who will defend and follow him no matter what, it doesn’t matter what he does, there will never be a downfall because he’d repeatedly shot himself in the foot and then have his army of professional dick riders to heal it.
at this point, it would be more likely that dream eventually fade out. his fanbase will grow up, get older, more responsibilities, and eventually they’ll forget about him. and there won’t be a generation to follow them because dream’s content would start to become irrelevant to the soon-to-be teenagers who are his main demographics. in 1 to 2 years time, he’ll be a used to be big-shot mcytber who now averages 200k views per video and his content would have become so generalised that you wouldn’t be able to recognise him and neiltheminecraftgamer or some other mediocre typical gaming channel specifically targeting kids.
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friendsoup · 11 months
╔═ ✰ ═ ✮ Let's Cook Friend Soup! ✮ ═ ✰ ═╗
Hi, my name is Pal, and this is my writing blog! Requests are currently: Closed!!! Thank you all for the requests! vv Fandoms and Rules Below! vv
═ ✰ ═ ✮ Here's The Recipe! ✮ ═ ✰ ═
Fandoms- Reverse: 1999, Identity V, Dungeon Meshi, Bungou Stray Dogs, Fear and Hunger, Chainsaw Man, Food Fantasy, Danganronpa, etc etc! What I Write- Headcanons, X Reader, Ships What I Don't Write- NSFW, fetishes, kinks (on this blog, nsfw maybe in the future?), proship stuff Favorite Stuff To Write- FxF, au's, trans headcanons, angst, platonic pairings, GIRLS!!!!!!!!! Rules! ↪ No NSFW requests! ↪ No discourse! ↪ Be kind and patient! ↪ I can decline any request I do not wish to do! ↪ Any potential triggers will be tagged as- tw: thing ↪ Have fun :] Tags!
Let's Make Friend Soup! - General Writing Order Up! - Request Kitchen Banter - Musing, talking, Pal's blabbers Looks Tasty! - Reblogs
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theforestsongz · 4 months
TW: discussions of CSA and its effects, physical abuse, psychological abuse
1. "Mori is/isn't a pedo!" in my opinion this doesn't really matter. I don't care if he is attracted to kids or "just" has an unusual fascination with underage girls. He is canonically shown systematically abusing children, making them commit crimes for him, enlisting them in the mafia etc. THIS IS NOT NORMAL FUCKING BEHAVIOR AND IS ABUSING HIS POWER OVER KIDS. God I can't believe I have to say that.
Also, the way he talks about girls *is* weird. Yes the original line is "I only protect those under 12", but there are more instances of his. odd fascination being mentioned, by Fukuzawa and himself, and people are definitely allowed to dislike him for this. I especially hate the "Elise calling him a pervert lolicon is a joke/teasing!" point because it hits home for me personally. I used to "joke" like that about my abuser since it was dangerous to tell her how I was really feeling
2. "Headcanons of Kyouya or Dazai having experienced SA in their port mafia days is disgusting!"
I disagree with this somewhat. Most of the time the people making these headcanons are children or teenagers in situations where they can't express emotions about their abuse in their actual life with a support system and therapist. Latching onto characters who already have a canonical history of (organized) abuse would make sense. I don't think SA should be this unspeakable thing especially in situations like this, since a good majority of OA victims are SA survivors.
There's also the fact both of them canonically have using their body as an instinct when they're in a situation where someone with power over them threatens to harm them or take away rights. This can be read as a fawn response.
With these points and the fact the work No Longer Human by the real author Dazai Osamu has undertones of betrayal trauma and CSA as well, I don't think it's strange as a hc at all. Creating glamorizing content and "silly" videos about this serious topic as well as any abuse for that matter is horrible, but survivors seeing themselves in certain behaviors Kyouka or Dazai or any other BSD character has and headcanoning accordingly isn't.
Now, with this I do have to say that I think it unwise to post these headcanons on public platforms. It shows things about your mental state that shouldn't be broadcasted online and it's unsafe. And like I said before, any glamorizing or fetishizing content will hurt both you and fellow survivors or otherwise vunerable people.
Most of the other current BSD discourse is people shaming each other for liking/disliking characters and I don't have much to say about that nor do I care. I just wanted to talk about these two points since they hit close to home for me as a traumatized person who sees themselves in a lot of Port Mafia characters and Atsushi (who I need to make a whole seperate post on cuz holy shit i love that boy/p)
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bigsnzstanacct · 7 months
I really do have so many thoughts about AI / gAI from like seven different angles: like I worked a marketing seminar that talked about how to use gAI, there’s the discourse happening here, there’s the WGA and SAG strikes I followed for like five different reasons, there’s the potential impact of AI on my own career, there’s just like the general discourse especially on the website formerly known as Tw/itter, obviously I like use gAI to write bad fetish stories for me… it’s very interesting. I really have lots and lots and lots and LOTS of opinions about it. But as I said in that long ass ask response, I will gladly delete my old gAI art post if it bothers y’all!
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stackslip · 2 years
i have no idea what the bad utena post is but the few lines i've seen from it make me Afraid. but also like, ngl after years of reccing rgu while tiredly explaining to folks that no it's not simply a Sword Lesbian anime with cute aesthetics and nothing else, it kinda feels appropriate that this discourse would happen bc someone starts watching it with the only context being cute lesbian fanart and having no tw for the incest and abuse and rape. like yes it's a terrible reading in bad faith. yes people saying it fetishizes sexual slavery are completely wrong. mayhaps it's a sign that just reccing any wlw content as such with no context or discussion of said media isn't a good idea? maybe it also says something about how people view yuri and wlw media full stop. anyhow. the take is bad and i'll just block and move on and will continue highly reccing rgu while placing it in context.
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