#tw tildes
finnslay · 3 months
Little cousin: *screaming* you're staying at our house tonight
Me: *just trying to read*
Autism who already had enough shit today when we already had the night planned out to calm ourselves down for tomorrow: are you fucking kidding me?
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vanillaverses · 1 year
Holy shit actually, pls show moonflower cookie, the name already has me captivated and i need to know more so badly
this was asked like FOREVER ago now I'm so sorry for not responding sooner um. I just wanted to draw like a full proper ref of moonflower but I never did so um! here's a sprite of him I never completely finished I didn't ever colour the lineart I think I just didn't know what lineart colour would work for the white on her
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So! Introducing moonflower. any pronouns genderless(like me becauz projecting onto my ocs is my favourite pastime) and bi or pan I haven't decided whether or not they have any gender preferences or not yet and what labels they'd be most comfortable using.
anyways!! before you proceed tw for derealization drugs(but not really drug use um. you'll see ig assuming u don't stop reading at this point lol) and also the mention of unhealthy relationships. alsooo since I'm a bit afraid of having her get compared to the canon ourple fucked up in the head cookie with a witch hat um. I admit I haven't actually read much of the tcc story I know prune can't do magic and instead does potions and that he apparently acts similarly to affogato at some?? point in the story?? and that's literally it. also I though of the majority of the things I'm about to explain below in like december 2022-february 2023 AKA before tcc update dropped so L + ratio
last thing before I begin all of this is just concepts so I might change it like at literally any time so don't take this as like 100% forever true moonflower lore becauz it's not.
basically tldr he was parfaedia's token gifted kid and never got told no as a kid and now they have worlds biggest god complex. impulsive and careless causes so many horrors its okay though becauz i think it's Funny. this fucking Thing basically never frowns even when she is upset he's just programmed to always smile no matter what and it's kindof unsettling at times. has never planned anything in their life they wake up in the morning with their head empty kindof doing whatever he feels like in the moment with no real goal or aim. also I sometimes jokingly call her derealization cookie becauz i feel like anyone with that trigger should stay the FUCK away from this bitch I'll explain why later but it's related to his magic. kindof a fuckboy also I feel like half their lines would have a tilde at the end of if they're so fucking queer. calls people 'dear' and 'darling' even when he's literally never spoken to the person she's speaking to. He also calls Very much objective and set in stone things subjective a lot like. if you asked them if they did [blank] they'd say that technically what [blank] means is subjective since depending on your worldview and interpretation of reality the word could mean different things to different people. also known as dodging the fucking question but in like cursive or some shit. also just talks about reality itself being subjective a lot half the shit she says is fucking convoluted nonsense. alsoalso he's about the same age as latte since they attended school together! they were friends throughout school which was worlds most mind boggling friendship becauz i hc latte as being quite shy during her school years and then coming out of her shell later and moonflower is just. um. well. everything I just said about them previously but even worse becauz they're now an immature teenager/young adult. I think they probably shared a good amount of classes freshman year of hit magic school so moonflower was just like. "Hey you. guess what! we're friends now" and that was the end of that.
to elaborate on the token gifted kid thing since explaining exactly How he was gifted is pretty fucking important um. Moonflower can actually be a name for multiple different flowers! and for my purposes here I thought it was really fucking funny if I based him off of datura since moonflower is a nickname for it. So naturally she excels at illusion based spells, since yknow, hallucinogen, and also some poison themed offensive spells! yippee! and by 'excels' I mean that the illusion magic is literally Second nature to him and they can use it with very little effort or energy. This comes with some side effects though, one of them being that he has a tendency to do some fucked up magic form of sleep walking/talking where illusions of their dreams appear around him and are visible to. literally anyone in the same room as him. actually, it's how her parents originally found out about their illusion magic bs, by walking into their young childs room one night and being greeted by fucking Mini movies of their fucking dreams. The only reason I don't think giving her these powers and making them so easy for him to use is Ridiculously overpowered is that since they're just illusions, nothing he creates is actually tangible. Simply visual and auditory. So while he can use it to scare and confuse the fuck out of people actual summoning spells are as taxing on him as everyone else L
anywayssss later on when he's in his like mid 30's after basically just exploring and sightseeing the world for like 15 years she finds some sort of advertisement of parfaedia looking for an illusionist to hire as a teacher. and they're just kindof like I guess this is fate LOL and tries to get the position. assuming the staff member interviewing him was working at the school for more than 15 years I think they'd see this fuck and just go like. Holy fuck it's you again wtf. Why are you back who let you in this fucking building again and why are you trying to Work here. Anyways they kindof convince the interviewer that over the past 15 fucking years he's had hit character development (she has not) and since it's true that someone from their college years and the same person in their mid 30's are Probably not going to act the same and also since moonflower fucking SLAYS at illusion magic they get the job. yippeee!(for moonflower not this fucking school that was a HUGE fucking mistake) anyways latte is just kindof like Holy fuck you're back/pos I think it'd be funny if she disguised himself as a student (specifically THEMSELVES when the were a student) first day of school after they got hired (period 1 prep) and played the funny game called "how long can I be in this class before latte realizes that one of her students is her bestie from 15 years ago". Anyways becauz this is like the first day of school latte probably takes a good amount of time introducing herself and the school and explaining shit and it's only when she gets everyone to play some sort of icebreaker game that she goes like Wait wtf it's YOU???HI???? and then moonflower removes his illusion magic disguise and is like "lol yeah i work here now long time no see! also hi latte's students take that as a display of what u can do with the hit magics" or whatever the fuck. also this is where he meets espresso since I think he deserves to have 2 different egotistical idiots bugging him he can't be free from the horrors Ever. anyways queue moonflower deciding espresso is now their personal punching bag and by that i mean he's the victim to most of moonflowers shenanigans for a while. They're always like 2 steps away from being fired but they never go far *enough* to the point where the school just blasts him away forever especially seeing as she's actually Really good at doing the teaching and it'd be hard to find someone else who's as skilled at illusion magic as him. also I think their students just really like her I think he'd be a fun teacher especially when u think about how they could actually *use* their illusion magic while teaching. also I think they also taught drama I think they're 100% that kind of bitch. anyways i'm not 100% sure on the specifics yet all I know is I a) I want to have moonflower fuck up Something like catastrophically so i can kickstart the Hit character development and b) I want this character development to bring them to the state where they can have a healthy relationship with Pure Vanilla Cookie Cookie Run: Kingdom becauz im mentally ill and I think pv deserves yet another morally grey poisonous flower bitch. oh also dark cacao fucking despises moonflower so much becauz he sees Purple Queer appear out of what feels like thin air to just suddenly 'befriend'(he doesn't know about the dating thing they're Just roommates okay shhh don't tell him about the moonflower pv romance arc he doesn't need to know) the Powerful (ex)King Guy™️ for unknown reasons and fucking explodes. depending on when moonflower and dark cacao first meet each other he may(?) be partially right depends when I want to have the moonflower fucking shit up badly and realizes how much she fucking sucks actually arc and if I'm comfortable with the idea of pv and moonflower's relationship starting out being a Bit unhealthy and exploding before moonflower reflects has a character arc and then becomes a better person. the age old question do I just make things silly or should I angst blast this shit...
anyways that's all i'm gonna say rn I think sorry if this is just incomprehensible gibberish. also sorry if there's any spelling/grammatical errors i'm not proofreading this I don't really feel like it.
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the-enby-bird · 2 years
Chilled Cinnamon
I do not write women enough and that needs to be fixed
I could have done all sorts of gender fuckery in this fic, but I’m already exploring that in the Ups and Downs series so I figured this could just be a Woman Appreciation oneshot. 
  * Horror, Dust and Cross all use she/her, Nightmare uses they/it and Killer uses they/she
Word Count: ~1600
AO3 Link
TWs: Implied and mentioned drinking + a bar setting; drugging with intent of kidnapping; blood; the start of a panic attack/flashback prevented by the use of sleep magic; violence
 - You can skip almost all of the warnings by skipping down to after the tilde, at the line “dust was cold”
Dust’s glass made a light tinkle as it hit the counter, the soft noise of ice shifting jarring in the dead silence. She hadn’t even started drinking yet, her first two glasses full of an oddly cinnamon-scented juice, yet her mind was fuzzy as if she was on her fifth drink already. The strange, discombobulated feeling was new, and dragged her focus away from the idiots she was in charge of watching. One of the aforementioned idiots was currently slamming back yet another shot of her favourite bitter drinks. She didn’t see how Killer could stand them, but she supposes they get the job done. 
A sudden wave of nausea washes over her, a burning sensation arising in the back of her throat. The air felt increasingly stifling, breathing that she shouldn’t need to do near impossible. Her head pounded, slumping down onto the counter in front of her feeling ever more appealing. 
A bolt of panic shot through her at a rustle behind her. The start of a murmured word left her falling off the stool, something cracking when she hit the ground. Gasping for breath she still didn’t need, she lay near motionless as a distinctly human face loomed over her. Their features were obscured by black dots flickering all over her vision, pulsing in time with the thrumming in her skull. She let out a strangled cry as a hand reached for her, cut off by her own shaky breathing. 
A loud crunch was followed by blood spilling all over her torso, the scent of iron overwhelming anything else. Red swamped through her vision, mingling with black and a shifting patch of white. She could almost feel the shadows moving, already screaming her sins. The dust on her blade mixing with blood, his scarf stained in white, the chalky feeling of dust caught in her joints. 
You did this. 
“Dusty?” A patch of white and bright, vivid red moved in the corner of her eye. There was another patch of deep navy on her other side, a large hand resting right above her arm. They radiated comfort and safety, faces oddly familiar through the haze.
She reached one hand up to the navy blur, shakily grasping at them with a whine. A warm hand captured hers gently, the blue splotch leaning over her. “Bun? You okay?” The rumble was soft, nearly washed away by the thrumming in her skull. Something brushed along her cheek, eliciting a whimper when her head was moved. The world seemed to twist and swirl around her, melting into water. The voices of the two blurs raised, staticky sounds raising into panic. They were shouting something, but the noise was drowned out again by the pounding filling her skull. She wondered if the sound could spill out into the world around her, if it could get loud enough for the others to hear. 
Something cold brushed against her cheek, coming away with a splotch of red on it. The bright colour swamped her vision, wiping out everything else besides the blood on gold floors, mixing with dust. Brilliant red scarves soaked in remains until it falls in tatters. Her fault her fault it’s all her fault-!
A cold hand landed on her chest, the haze of magic gathering around her pausing in its growth. The pressure was grounding, another cold something brushing against her forehead. Exhaustion swamped over her, the pull of sleep feeling more and more tempting to succumb to. A pair of arms wrapped around her, gripping her protectively as black filled her vision and she fell into the warm grasp of sleep.
Dust was cold. That wasn’t something she felt much anymore. There was a source of warmth nearby, she could feel it radiating from her left. She whined softly, rolling towards it. 
She felt the ground slip out under her for a few seconds, quickly replaced with something much warmer. It was soft. Someone above her laughed, another voice following with a worried call of her name. She tried to respond, but her mouth felt full of cotton. Cotton was thick. It would be warm. 
She was cold.
Snuggling closer to the warmth below her, she let out a soft grumble of displeasure. Something cold, colder than even herself, brushed her cheek, a light pressure that was still too much, too cold. 
A voice, laced heavily with concern, mumbled something at her. She wasn’t sure if it was actually a mumble, or just the jumble of thoughts in her head muffling it to near silence, but the sound was nearly inaudible. 
She could feel her eyelights gathering magic, granting her the ability to see the worried faces above her. 
“Dusty?” Horror shifted her around, setting her back on what she now recognized as an infirmary bed.
It was still cold. 
“Duuuuustyyyyyyyy~” Killer snapped in front of her, poking her shoulder. “You with us, bunny?”
“‘m cold.” Dust’s voice still didn’t feel quite like her own, muffled and disconnected. 
Killer laughed, looking off to their left. Dust didn’t quite know who she was looking at until a tentacle reached out with a quilt, tucking her in gently. “That better, bun?” Killer sat down next to her, the bed crinkling under them.
Dust nodded, pulling her knees up to her chest. Killer flopped down, managing to take up half the bed. Nightmare sighed, still out of Dust’s line of sight. They flicked Killer on the nose with a tentacle, the other skeleton sticking their tongue out at it. 
Nightmare stood beside the bed, two of their tentacles flicking tensely behind it. They hid it well, but to Dust it was obvious how nervous they were. They wrapped a tentacle around Dust’s shoulders, the cold pressure vaguely uncomfortable. “How are you feeling, Dust?”
Dust rubbed her socket, a slight shiver running along her bones. “Really, really cold. What happened?”
Nightmare behind the bed, the soft click of a cabinet opening sounding before they spoke. “I… We are not entirely sure what occurred last night. As far as I am aware, somebody attempted to kidnap you.”
Killer piped up from the foot of the bed, “And now they don’t have internal organs! How odd!” 
Dust choked on a laugh. “That is certainly very strange. Couldn’t imagine how that happened.” 
Nightmare passed her another quilt, tucking it around her shoulders. “Dust, do you feel up to eating? You’ve been out for an entire day, and Horror is… Stressing.”
“Yeah, ‘course. Jus’ ask her to bring me some water while you’re at it.”
There was a blur of movement and a thump as Killer fell off the bed, wheezing with laugher. “I- I was gonna offer to go tell ‘er but- now- now I’m not sure I can move- fuck-”
“Oh, you poor baby,” Nightmare drawled sarcastically. “Last I checked they were making brownies down there, but perhaps if you’re too wounded to go I could just eat them all…”
Killer sat up, immediately doubling over with laughter. “Okay, first off, fuck you-” They cut off with laugher, standing up. “Just- I’m divorcing you, you’re so mean-”
“Mhm, sure. Go fetch Horror will you?”
Killer nodded shakily, teleporting away. 
“How did I gather such a crowd of idiots?”
“Do I qualify as an idiot?” Dust curled deeper into the blankets, regretting ever wishing she wasn’t so warm. Nightmare cast a quiet glance over at her, one of their  tentacles pulling a third quilt out of the closet. She accepted it eagerly, adding it to the pile around her. 
“You are the lesser idiot. You do not fall off of beds most of the time.”
“Most of the time? When have I ever fallen off a bed?”
“Hm, perhaps ten minutes ago? There isn’t a clock in here, so I couldn’t say for sure.” 
Nightmare patted her head. “Don’t worry, that’s still less than everyone else.” 
The door creaked open, revealing Horror. Cross was standing behind her, Killer draped across her shoulders. She was still wearing the poofy blue dress from last night, although it was now speckled with flour. Horror hadn’t changed either, although she wore an apron over her shirt. 
Dust’s eyes were drawn to the tray with soup and bread Horror was holding. Horror’s gaze followed hers, and she practically ran forward to set the tray down next to her. The tiny table rattled under the weight, but no soup spilled. 
“Hey H.” Her voice cracked slightly, and she gratefully accepted the water Horror offered. Sticking her hands outside of her pleasant blanket burrito was a poor decision, and her hands shook a little against the cup. 
Taking the cup back after Dust had drank almost all of it, Horror scooped her up gently and sat on the bed in her place. The warmth radiating from her was heavenly, and the second Dust was set in Horror’s lap she practically melted. Killer laughed, sitting once more at the foot of the bed. They had dragged Cross down with them, although she looked much stiffer. 
Horror moved around behind her, grabbing one of the bowls of soup off the tray. She rested it on Dust’s lap, the layers of blankets an excellent buffer between the burning heat and Dust’s bones. If she wasn't so hungry she could, and probably would have, fallen asleep. 
Horror seemed to disagree with her plan of passing out, as she offered up a spoonful of soup. She took it, humming happily at the burst of flavour in her mouth. Horror had outdone herself this time.
She zoned out, quietly accepting spoons of soup until they stopped coming. The warm bowl in her lap was taken away. A third warm body joined their little pile, a lump of silk and tulle leaning against Dust. Cross was already asleep, her near-silent purring occasionally interrupted by little snores. The lights clicked off, leaving only the glow of the fairy lights near the ceiling.
It was warm, and the shaky infirmary bed was made soft by Horror beneath her. 
Another hour of sleep could never hurt. 
Dust was cold because, basically, she expelled a bunch of magic into the air after being drugged, and her stores were really low, but her soul is used to overcompensating for too much magic, and it resulted in her being really fucking cold. She’ll be better after a day or two, but for now she gets a solid two days of being a cozy little blanket burrito :D
Also! Another little detail and the reason for the title: I don’t remember where I read this, but I saw somewhere that people trying to drug drinks sometimes use cinnamon to cover the smell of drugs/poisons, and since Dust was drinking apple cider she just assumed it was Extra Flavoured cider 
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aureliahillshqs · 9 months
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todos conocen a BERTHA "SUGGAR" VOROSKY, pero su reputación está por descubrirse.
nube, ¡bienvenide a @aureliahillshqs! nos encanta tenerte con nosotres. a partir de ahora contás con 24 hs para enviarnos la cuenta, en caso de necesitar más tiempo, ¡no dudes en solicitarlo! pst! también queremos contarte que si todavía no rellenaste este form, nos serviría mucho que lo hicieras. ¡gracias!
out of character: 
nombre/alias: nube
¿tenés más de 21 años? sí/ no. 
zona horaria o país: gtm-3
nivel de actividad estimado:5-6
triggers:maltrato animal
¿aceptás que tu personaje se vea involucrado en las intervenciones realizadas por la administración del grupal?sí / no. 
¿algo que agregar?: no, todo muy lindo <3
in character: 
nombre: bertha “suggar” vorasky
faceclaim: nicola peltz
cupo: cupo #09, en la familia vorasky (hija del medio)
edad y fecha de nacimiento: 26 años, 10 de marzo del 1997.
descripción física:
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descripción psicológica: hay una razón de ser para el apodo que, con los años, muchos han llegado a confundirlo con su verdadero nombre y eso es debido a su excesiva dulzura. desde muy pequeña fue alguien altruista, siempre ayudando a limpiar a los empleados y recordándole a su madre lo bonita que se veía. ambos rasgos, no se perdieron con su madurez, por el contrario, se fortalecieron al igual que su innata inocencia. sin embargo, suggar no es un ser del todo angelado ; cuando el enojo la gobierna suele ser alguien demasiado agresiva, incapaz de medir su fuerza o impulsos. el resentimiento también es muy amigo de ella, algo que no sorprende a nadie debido a lo empecinada que es para todo.
historia o datos curiosos: tw: aborto. uno. siempre fue una chica muy obsesiva, por eso nadie se sorprendió cuando comenzó a fanatizarse por diversas bandas musicales masculinas. sin embargo, las alertas se encendieron cuando su madre notó que aquél fanatismo afectaba sus calificaciones. dos. pero lo cierto es que suggar nunca fue una joven muy inteligente, por el contrario, su inocencia múltiples veces ha conseguido que muchos la interpreten como alguien “tonto” o de “pocas luces”, así que cuando su desempeñó escolar fue de mal a peor para la institución no resultó sorpresa alguna. lo que si sorprendió fue el donativo de sus padres, así que gracias al mismo suggar obtuvo su titulo secundario. tres. cuando finalmente se graduó, con la mayoría de edad, decidió seguir su sueño de perseguir a su banda favorita por todo europa y latinoamerica. sus padres no estaban muy contentos con la idea, mas por quién era suggar que por otra cosa. temían que se perdiera por ahí. pero, como no viajaba sola, terminaron cediendo y costeando todo ese viaje. cuatro. cuando finalmente conoció a los miembros de su banda favorita sabía que terminaría en la cama del cantante, que serían novios, lo sentía en sus entrañas y, por supuesto, luego de varios encuentros en los camarines finalmente pasó. se hicieron novios un viernes, pero con la promesa que la relación se mantuviera en secreto porque sus fans enloquecerían ( y, más que nadie, lo entendía ). por ello también accedió a guardar el secreto de de su amorío con el baterista y el bajista y el guitarrista… pero, por supuesto, su imagen en cada concierto que daban comenzó a viralizarse y despertó sospechas, por lo pronto el tilde de “groupie” fue asociado con su nombre. mas no le molestó, al contrario, cuando descubrió su significado no pudo sentirse más identificada. cinco. el regreso a su hogar sucedió de imprevisto y gracias a un embarazo indeseado. al llegar a casa hizo los estudios pertinentes acompañada de sus amigas y su madre. pero las discusiones no tardaron en llegar, porque ella estaba encantada de tener un hijo con cualquiera de los hombros que más amaba ( porque si, no sabía quién podría ser el padre y muy poco le importaba ), mas no era algo que podía comunicar y al mismo tiempo no se sentía para nada preparada para ser madre. así que, finalmente, sus amistades lograron hacerla entrar en razón. lo que sucedió después fue algo demasiado rápido para suggar, todavía no sabe como pasó, pero un día se despertó y el bebé no estaba. seis. la idea de volver a seguir a la gira de su banda estuvo presente por varios meses después, pero como esta estaba a punto de concluir sus padres le insistieron para que se quedará en su hogar. ella aceptó porque ni el cantante, ni el bajista, ni el baterista o el guitarrista le enviaron un mensaje de texto… se imaginó que estaban demasiado ocupados con el nuevo álbum, por lo que prefirió no molestarlos. no obstante, ya pasaron dos años desde que regresó a su hogar y suggar, además de sostener su postura, siguió sin recibir noticias de su supuesto novio o amantes. aunque si le llegaron muchas propuestas laborales como modelo tras haber sido reconocida como la groupie vorasky, algo que la ayudo a entretenerse, a no pensar mucho en todos los hombres que dejo en irlanda.
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~ Mushbungender Icons! ~
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zosonils · 4 years
adhd phineas content maybe ? pls ? :)
phineas has mixed adhd with a slight lean towards hyperactive!
he hyperfixates hard and fast. his hyperfixations are usually short-lived, but it’s more because he keeps latching onto new ones rather than burning out
he also hyperfocuses REALLY hard. he’d probably forget to eat most days if ferb wasn’t around to remind him to take breaks because he gets so wrapped up in what he’s doing that he can’t pay attention to anything else
he’s at his most functional during summer because he has the freedom to constantly engage with whatever interests him! during the school year he’s a lot foggier
generally when phineas is Feeling The Eighty HD he’ll just go tinker with something until he’s released enough energy to go back to focusing on what he’s supposed to be doing. inventing stuff is his most reliable self regulation tactic by a landslide and he gets antsy super fast when the option isn’t there for him
he’s almost constantly fidgeting because he’s so full of restless energy. he usually releases this energy by stimming! he’s super animated [pun kinda intended] when he stims, the funky little shape baby
it doesn’t take much to get phineas to hyperfixate on something, so he can fairly easily shift his focus for the day onto anything his friends need help with
he and ferb are an echo chamber of diverged neuro and constantly bounce their special interests and hyperfixations off each other! phineas makes sure that their projects revolve around ferb’s interests just as much as his, even if it means having to consciously shift his focus away from his hyperfixation of the week
danville is such a nice place and phineas is such a kind boy that he can evade rsd most of the time, but it hits sometimes and it hits really hard when it does
he isn’t well emotionally equipped to deal with mean people, so on the rare occasion that he does his rsd flares up a lot worse for a couple of days afterwards
candace can fairly reliably tell when phineas is feeling more sensitive than usual, and makes an effort to be nicer to him [or at least a bit less mean] when she can tell he really needs it
phineas doesn’t feel too many of the social hell side effects of adhd because he’s been raised in a very supportive environment, both from his family and from danville as a whole
throughout the series proper he’s unmedicated because his adhd doesn’t affect his life enough to really call for it. as he gets older the symptoms do start to hit a bit harder, so throughout m*ddle and high school he trials a few different medications before finally finding one that helps him concentrate without making him tired and cranky all the time
he likes sensory stimulation, but there’s a very fine line between Fuck Yes This Is Stimulating My Ay Dee Haitch Dee and Oh Shit I Just Remembered I Have Hella Sensory Issues that he can quickly trip over if he isn’t paying close attention [ie always]
i know i mentioned this earlier but god he is just physically vibing at all hours. movement gets his energy out and stimulates him all at the same time so pretty much the only time he isn’t movin’ and groovin’ is when he’s asleep [and even then he’s been known to twist and turn in his sleep]
bonus 2d headcanon: phineas2 has to mask a lot of his neurodivergent traits thanks to the far less forgiving nature of doof2’s tri-state area, but after seeing how openly his vanilla counterpart stims and infodumps and pours his entire heart into his interests he starts to break those mental blocks down and confidently express who he is. by the time doof2 has been out of power for a good while phineas2 is openly the same goofy little ball of adhd and love he is in the first dimension, albeit with much worse rsd because of the ~ t r a u m a ~
sorry this is kind of a wall of garbage hdnfkjnf i do not control the adhd any more than phineas does
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autumnal-ruvyzvat · 3 years
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[“I would be too tired to do this kind of stuff, but I have to do what I’m meant to do.”; quote from Ruv in-game with an image of him and a joypunk flag background.]
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a-sketchy · 2 years
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saschagemruler · 3 years
Baron: cradling a scared Mikey
Leo: awww you look so fatherly~
Baron: say that again and I steal your tongue.
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ablednt · 3 years
Oh dear god who invited this person into my home
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grenkids · 3 years
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“I might as well just take up cannibalism.” Tilde sighs, tired of eating around the mold on the piece of fruit in her hand.
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Hello. Do you mind if I ask for a gender that has to do with mooks from the game Earthbound? It's okay if you are unable to do it, thanks!
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posted! be worry free anon~
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Welcome to Aro-Lesbian-Lovecore!
I’m Sascha (fae/faer, ey/em/eir) and this is my lovecore blog! I am aromantic, and I firmly believe that love is not strictly romantic, so why should lovecore be? I’m full of love for my family, friends, pets, and myself, so I’ll be posting about platonic love.
That being said, if you feel like one of my posts applies to you romantically, I won’t be upset/offended if you tag it as romantic, as long as it only pertains to you and not me.
Ask me to tag triggers and I will.
Currently being rebranded
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~ Axolumin Icons! ~
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astrowrought · 4 years
lmao funny how i was writing my most evil oc for a few days and just had to come over to my most good oc to like cleanse my soul
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saschagemruler · 3 years
I completely forgot how Shredder reacted to mutated Splinter so here’s how I think it went:
Shredder: ...did you get a new haircut?
Splinter: =_=
~hours of guessing later~
Shredder: wAit wait wait I got it. You grew a beard
Splinter: ...Saki you dumb fuck
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