#tw: too many eyes
The sun set over the scrub-lands of L.A. Finn looks up and watched a pair of buzzards coast off on the ocean breezes. She stops and shakes her self, before shifting into her Capall Cogaidh* form. Now standing taller than a Clydesdale she tosses her head and rears up a little, she can be dramatic (As a treat), her amethyst horn catching the sun's last rays as it dips below the horizon. Then she turns to the scrub desert and begins to run.
Past where she was given aid.
Her hooves thunder against the ground, while electricity begins to gather around her body, dancing over her moon-white flanks and through her fire-red mane.
Past where she and Beetlejuice danced away from the spiral.
The ground below her thundered with each step, and dust rose behind her.
Past where she had crashed to earth.
And she slowed. Her head is up as she walks, and her ears pivot back and forth, listening for danger. She breathes deeply, trying to slow her racing heart. As her sides heave slightly she turns, a split second too late as a dark shadow slams into her, talons raking her body as she goes rolling dozens of meters away, disturbing desert foliage. With a gasp, she tries to roll to her feet, eyes darting up in the sky for whatever took her down.
Fuck, it can fly.
Red welled up from her shoulders and she pushes herself up to her feet seconds before the hateful thing's talons lacerate her flesh and grip her sides lifting her into the air. She reels trying to get a good look at it. A twisted parody of a drake, skinless wings dripping tar-like ichor, writing muscles under pallid, worm ridden flesh, and eyes opening and closing in various places on the body. Finn felt something rise in her stomach, regretting looking directly at the monstrosity as it carried her higher.
She pulls on her willpower and begins to try and wriggle free from its grasp, only to let out a scream of agony as it dug in tighter.
That's not going to WORK little unicorn.
The hateful thing flies up, and then drops her, before diving down after the falling vampire, talons digging into her chest and ripping, exposing broken bone. It flies up again, laughing as jagged talons rip at pale fur and red flesh, spilling vitae onto the ground below.
You thought you could last a second round with me? I was bound together to destroy you. The so called heir of Salout DIES tonight. The hateful stain of your clan against demonkind will be wiped out.
A hand morphs out of the hateful flesh, and grasps her horn firmly and bends. There is a crack and a shriek of pure agony echos over the arid hills, accompanied by a massive out spilling of power.
It lets her go one more time, letting her fall quite a bit before dropping into a stoop to catch and torment her again, talons out. Then a brilliant light glows around the Salubri. The hateful thing slams into the glowing ball of light and they both tumble to the ground. White coat becomes red and she shrinks to the size of a wolf. The creature is now entangled with a nine-tailed kitsune with blazing red fur. Her aura blazing about her like a halo.
Again they hit the ground. This time both of them as Finnula had latched on hard, pulling back a wing on the creature. Again and again in Juko form she bites, as electricity sparks around her, the burning stench of rotted flesh filling the air.
The hateful thing manages to grasp Finn by the back of her neck and throws her into a large rock formation, cracking it slightly. She falls into a heap on the ground, panting for breath as the abberation of flesh and sinew slides forward on undulating chitin
You think you can win here? Child of the Morrigan? Line of Salout? You think you have POWER. This is tainted land. That city is built in pain, tears, and lies and greed. You stand in one of the Wyrm's Strongholds, and you think you can win? You will die. And your Childe is-
It's stopped in mid-sentence as Finnula bodyslams into it. “SHUT UP!” She snarls, sinking teeth into it again and ripping away flesh. Each strike is accompanied by the flash of lightning and the boom of thunder echoing out across the scrub-lands.
Again and again, they meet and tussle, one being thrown or peeling away to redouble an attack. The ground is soaked red, and the scent of tainted ichor and angelic vitae fill the air, overpowering all other scents.
Finn stands, ragged and panting as she pulls her organs back into her stomach glaring at the creature. They both stand, trembling and gasping.
You're flagging. I can smell it. The things that will befall your soul. Delightful. You're still CURSED, Blood of Caine.
Finnula tosses her head and charges it, picking up pace as she transforms again, now to Koto form. Then she skids to a halt, bits of electricity still sparking off of her as dust rages about her. She withdraws a simple, small sheet of glass. Eyes on the hateful thing, she snaps the piece of glass in two. A second later, the monster's head simply falls off and Finnula grins. Then her violet eyes widen in utter horror as the head simply grows back.
You really thought that would work on me? That the Wyrm's powers would aid you? Feh, Wyrmhealer. You're going to fail. To fall. They ALWAYS do.
Finnula stops and stares at it, still panting. Nothing... of the wyrm could take it down. She shits back to homid form, massive wings on her back and angelic mien gleaming about her. She grins and levels a shotgun at it as the creature charges her, cruel fury in the eyes that grow over its body like pustular growths, some popping as it approaches.
She takes a deep breath and clears her mind, pulling up angelic power. A gift from her gods. A gift from Adara. Untouched by the curse of Caine. She pulls the trigger.
A beam of golden light pierces the thing. Finnula approaches, stumbling with her stomach still partially open. She stares down at the twitching mass of flesh, bone and eyeballs and unloads several more beams into it, looking diminished with each shot. With one last heave of effort, she immolates it in holy fire, and then vanishes, teleporting home and collapsing in front of a doorway that she's opened a portal to her Istanbul have.
She reaches out with her mind, struggling at the blocks and attacks from Pentex. Elijah...
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dorkfruit · 7 months
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tiffany is a hater
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hakuyukii · 1 year
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something is watching you.
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christakisbang · 1 year
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aronaax · 3 months
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0fps · 11 months
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BLADE ❖ death approaches until your sin is cleansed, my vengeance will pursue you
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Day 15 of shadow milk cookie. (Feature pure vanilla cookie).
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(no background). For those people who are waiting for me to draw pure vanilla cookie in art. Here you go. And also more warm color filters because I like warm colors. :]
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gaytedlasso · 1 year
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POV: you’re Coach Beard and you’re getting tired of Ted and Trent thinking they’re being sneaky about their relationship cuz the entire team and staff already know. But you also have a bet with Higgins to see who can get a pic of them making out at work.
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saturnisscreaming · 4 months
Beware of the creature with 10,000 eyes. It's in your vicinity
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shadowspronouns · 1 year
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sorry i didn’t post for 391 days do u guys still like me
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t-u-i-t-c · 9 months
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Giftober 2023 │ Day 4: Eyes
Eiji Hino + Purple Eyes
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writesology · 4 months
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cause everything means nothing if i can't have you
the first coffeeshop au art i've made... technically not The first but the first i've finished and actually posted so. yippee!!
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palatteflags · 9 months
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Biblically Accurate Angel based moodboard~ ^^ For an anon! Hope you like!
Want one? Send an ask!! -mod Jay
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totheidiot · 3 months
why i would be the avatar of the following entities
post heavily inspired by the wonderful mutual who is @cult-of-the-eye ❤️ i missed the entities who i couldn't figure out what my connection to would be. the list is in alphabetical order for organisation. a few heavy topics ahead? but i try not to get too detailed with it. post is basically my connection to the fear entities and correlating my life experiences with them.
one. the corruption : i kid you not, if i was actually an avatar, this is who i would be. without a single doubt. let's see, not to going to get too in depth, but my best friend died of dengue a while back ya da ya da ya da after she died, i fell in love with her. disease. love. fucked up stuff. you get it.
two. the desolation : there was a fire they would burn outside my old school, to burn garbage and all of that. after a particularly difficult day at school, i would always walk over there and sit myself near the fire, just stare at it. sometimes i would burn little things like paper when i was feeling very angry. that pit of fire was a friend and i had liked to watch it burn. also self-destructive behaviour.
three. the end : refer to the corruption bits. my best friend's fate would tie into the end for me. also, my most major fear, ever since i knew about the concept of having a fear, was the fear of losing loved ones. so.
four. the extinction : okay, so last year, i believe, a thing happened in my city in bangladesh. for a night, the power of the entire city shut down. no electricity in any household, the generator was shut off, not even cellular data was working. so i am talking, no lights, no internet, not even a way to call by phone. load shedding, we had to use candles. it was a weekday night too, streetlights weren't working properly and there was no way for my father to contact us to tell us that he was safe. my mother thought that the prime minister had left the country for us to suffer. pure chaos. basic technology would not work, ovens and refrigerators needed an electrical connection obv and phones were useless. i was talking about this event and the post with my sister the other day and she suggested to add this to the dark, because no light but i feel like it fits the extinction way better for reasons i cannot formulate.
five. the eye : quiet, perceptive friend who just looks odd. you know the type, that was me. i was obsessed with gathering knowledge, i had a random fun fact for every subject. i prided myself with knowing a little about everything. furthermore, i have got this uncanny ability to just Know people's secrets?? okay suppose, my friend has a secret and she's hiding something from everyone. like it's a totally small thing, she likes someone but she doesn't want anyone to know. chances are, i will know. whether it's by observing their body language or thinking it over or just lucky guess, i will know. and the thing is, i will pretend not to know too. girl decided to tell us about that crush i will act shocked like everyone else, for no reason and then i'll go up to them in private and be like, "hey, i knew it. i guessed it last week."
i don't have anything for the meat related fears (fortunately?)
six. the lonely : *puts on a presentation on why i should be a lonely avatar and goes to the first slide* your boy has Social Anxiety. but in all seriousness, isolation, loneliness, it's all second nature to me. i get bothered when people are with me and even then, it feels like they are not? like people will be talking near me and it would feel like i am not even part of their world like. it's like watching a video of people talking like i am not involved in that, even though they are right next to me. they will try to include me in their conversation maybe, but that's not where i am? how can we exist in the same plane?
seven. the spiral : this is a fun one ! most mutuals probably already know this because i talk about it so so darn often but irl, most people actually call me the idiot ! all of my friends from bangladesh, almost every classmate calls me the idiot, to the point where i actually rarely used to hear me real (albeit dead) name spoken out loud. this kind of ties into the "there is no such thing as a real name" thing. also sometimes, late in the night, i will see and remember things and wake up the next day to find that it never happened ever. once, i was talking to my mother and i mentioned her like going to a hostel because she told me stories of how she attended a hostel in eighth grade and she starred at me. she told me that she had never attended a hostel and i was like, yes?? you did?? you always told me about jt?? and she was genuinely scared.
eight. the vast: talked about this once before but once, i was listening to the magnus archives three in the morning, it was one of the space episodes. got scared and suddenly, i had that urge to look out the window and i saw stars. in a light pollution world, where seeing the moon is uncommon, i see five or six stars. still to this day, do not know if i was imagining things.
that is it for all the spooky happenings that are happening.
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saturnisscreaming · 10 months
There is nothing cooler looking than something having more eyes than it should, more things should have too many eyes
I wish I had more eyes even if by most standards I already have too many
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peachy-n-bee · 1 year
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here the stars are all dim, the angels here all weep. the blooms of the tuberose here have less value than desert thorns. here, seated along every road Is the demon of duplicity, disgrace and deceit. In the dark sky I do not see a light from the bright morning of wakefulness. - "Sheri barayeh To" by Forugh Farrokhzad
… all parts of the Universe, even the limbs of animals in their actual form, are produced through angels: for natural forces and angels are identical. (Rambam)
(details under the cut)
- close up
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- close up with no tears/blood
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- uncovered bg
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