#tw:mentions of kidnapping
azacharie95 · 4 months
When your SPM brainrot comes to haunt you and then gives you the best ideas but you’re stuck in freakin’ wRITERS BLOCK- So instead, here’s my take on all of the Count’s minions before they join him + headcannons and anything that comes to mine-
This is mostly just word vomit and it’s not proofread so sorry for all the spelling errors- started this at 3 am and now finishing 12 hours later- yIpPie- maybe some day I’ll have the energy to write all of these down into a story one shot thingy-
The first I want to start with is O’Chunks because he needs some love (and by that I mean I’m about to throw against the wall of ideas because OH BOI-).
O’Chunks suffers from nightmares of the day that all of his men were killed, which also led to him having a really hard time trusting anyone other then The Count thinking they were going to betray him before get got close with Nastasia
I like to think that O’Chunks have always had semi crushes on each other but have been very blind to it since Nastasia was mostly blinded by The Count
Before his life with The Count he lived somewhere near York Town in another town before he had gone to war and got he and his men sold out and murdered (did he watch? Yes. He had to as captain.)
He was then saved before he was killed by The Count but by then the damage had already been done and he was now blind in his left eye and his head had been slightly bashed in making him kinda forgetful about a majority of his life that didn’t come to haunt him in his dreams
Before his life with Bleck, he did in fact have a family that he had to leave behind but now he can’t remember what they look like or even how to get home (or an even worse option, his entire home was raided and ransacked so there was nothing to go back to anyway and he just couldn’t remember what he was missing forever-)
As for his family? I like to think he may or may not have had a wife but he definitely had a daughter who acts a lot like Mimi making him grow very familiar with her quickly
He also really likes grapes for this-
Up next on the chopping block is Nastasia herself, and I’ll be honest I didnt have a lot at first before it hit me like a train wreck in my sleep-
I like to think she was a halfblood of The Tribe of Darkness, her father being of the Tribe and her mother being a kind of vampire/monster that many people feared (hence the similarities of skin tone with The Count)
She was raised by her mother for a long time but was chased for most of her life for not being ‘human’ or the Ancients just really wanted to get her because they didn’t like halflings because it was a waste of their magic potential and dangerous- maybe they were just speciesest- idk
She was caught in a magical trap deep in the woods and left to starve there for awhile up until Count Bleck had found her and freed her (because this was weeks after the Timpani incident so he still had a heart to help others)
Being so grateful and having nowhere else to go, she tagged along with The Count where she was given her more human like bat from so she wouldn’t run into any trouble anymore (that and at first she was sure he was going to kill her for just being alive
Now Dimentio is a really really tricky one because I have some ideas based off of different things I really liked (the idea of him being younger like Mimi is one of them but as for cannon wise I wouldn’t be so sure-)
One things for sure though is I truly believe that he was The Magician’s son and Shadoo was his older sister
His mother and father were the original leaders of The Ancients and The Magician was one of the writers of The Dark Prognostics (it was handed down to each of the original leaders of The Ancients/he or his wife originally wrote it because of vivid nightmares of the future-)
I fully believed that Dimentio’s mom would be like Master of Time or something- making Dimentio call himself the Master of Dimensions (yes I just gave him mama’s boy syndrome- no I will not be taking it back-)
He and Shadoo were close as she was his older sister that took care of them and had very promising magical abilities leading his father to take her everywhere with him to try to make those powers stronger while Dimmy just mostly tried to help where he could seeing as his powers wouldn’t kick in until later and wasn’t as strong as hers at first
While The Magician and Shadoo were away, The Tribe of Ancients was attacked/a spell had gone wrong setting the entire tribe into a state of panic because no one could escape
As a last ditch effort, Dimentio’s mom (What her name would be? I have no clue-) sacrifices herself to save what she came of the tribe and kind of freeze Dimentio in time hidden away where no one could really find him and wake him back up
Now you can play with HCs and CC here and say that Count Bleck and his minions accidentally woke him back up or someone random did because they were looking around where they shouldn’t have been (leading him to either be a child when the game rolls around or he escaped and trains before going to look for The Dark Prognostics because he had no idea what happened to him over 2,000 years)
For cannon I like to think that he escaped and went to go and train to get back his father’s book before ultimately going bonkers because everything he ever knew and loved was violently ripped away from him and he was left alone (making it a big reason why he both despises and adores The Count as having The Ancients blood in him).
So he wants to create perfect new worlds to bring back the world he was forced to leave behind and kill everyone in the process since it’s the worlds fault he was stuck like this anyway
For Fannon tho? I like to think that maybe Bleck had been the one to wake him up and witness his mental break when he realized his entire family and tribe died over 1,500 years ago leading The Count to take care of him forcefully because his bleeding heart over his wife screams “DON’T LEAVE BROKEN CHILD TO GO CRAZY-“
The ultimate reason he betrays The Count is because he doesn’t want his new family to die twice and is willing to do anything to create a new perfect world where he can bring back his original family and bring his new one along even if that means manipulating them to do what he needs to do to “save them” and become the forced king of the new world
Mimi’s is one of the more darker ones IMO and was the main reason that I came up with any of these and decided to throw it onto the internet-
Mimi was raised by her mother and father in a kind of poor situation before being sold (or kidnapped- idk what to go with here) to a wannabe tribe of darkness who wanted to recreate the magic of the ancients no matter the cost
Fully 100% convinced Mimi is a minor (no sure exactly give or take 13-18)
So they started experimenting on her to turn her into a pixel and try to recreate the powers that they used a long time ago but they really messed it up and turned her into a kind of walking corpse
She still could use the powers of a shapeshifter pixel, she just didn’t look the part because they replaced a lot of her ‘human’ parts with metal gears and wires turning her into a walking zombie pixel corpse as a child who only wanted to go home
this is also the reason she kind of has to snap her neck to change from her OG form to her preferred ‘human’ form because she isn’t copying anyone so it hurts more to change into something she wants rather then copying someone else’s while they’re right there (or maybe it is a copy and she keeps a copy of every person she’s copied and it’s just more painful to change into someone else based off of memory or from a long distance? Up to you really-)
The Count had found her because he had heard rumors of people trying to copy after his people and figured maybe it was Timpani trying to find him again but it turned out to be so much darker and killed the wannabes to save Mimi’s life
Since she had no where to go, The Count brought her along thinking that maybe Timpani would like her just as much as he did like a daughter they never could have
She is the silent favorite amongst the minions and everyone knows it minus The Count who says he doesn’t play favorites (yes he does-)
Then we have Mr. L HC simply because he is part of the team and no one will let him think otherwise-
He kind of plays an older brother role to both Mimi and Dimentio (which is why they pick on each other so often and why Mr. L and Dimentio hit heads all the time)
He also gets along well with O’Chunks and they fight/train a lot (I saw this on another person’s HC list and I loved it so I had to add it here-)
Stepping into Fannon territory- He sees Count Bleck and a mentor and boss figure since The Count treats him more like a human then his parents and friends ever did
Even after he isn’t brainwashed anymore he can remember being treated with kindness by the other members and being brought along and invited to things more then his brother and his friends ever did
He doesn’t fully forgive Dimentio for what happened but slowly warms up to the idea of coming to peace about it since no one really wanted to forgive him until they knew why he was so desperate for it
He’s slightly frightened of Nastaisa even to this day because of what happened and that someday she might just snap and jump him again (even if he knows he could take her down perfectly well, he isn’t going try because she’s much faster then him)
Then the dear Old Count himself- picking up random people and children to fill in his broken heart no matter the cost-
Timpani and Blumiere knew each other for longer then the flashbacks gave us credit for (over the span of like 6 months to a year I would think-)
She’s also the reason he had so much light in his heart and hope for other people- to this day it’s her fault that he loves the stars so much and seems to have a child like curiosity about things he doesn’t understand
His father was also highly abusive into making sure his son would follow the right path into taking up the tribe leaving The Count to have many scars on his body along with his heart since Timpani was the only person who ever listened to what he had to say about things (he couldn’t have any friends since he was the chief’s son either so it was like a breath of fresh air to him-)
When his father told him what had happened he believed that his father sent her away while she was dying and so, Blumiere left the tribe to go and look for her before he ever came back to read the Dark Prognostics
5 years passed before he ever returned and his dad tried to convince him to come back only for The Count to murder everyone that was left in his tribe/in the castle they all lived in before reading the Dark Prognostics
As Blumiere died, so did his love for everyone and everything making it so that he was living from a 3rd person POV making him mentally and emotionally detach from his minions who had grown onto him.
It isn’t that he shows he doesn’t care either because he stopped caring about everything they did, only wanting the end of all worlds to come so that he didn’t have to live in the constant said of black and white that his father put him in all those years ago
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You’ll kill for me?
Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader
TW:Mention of kidnapping, blood, sex, r*pe, murder, details of murder, and anything else I forget.
SMUT ONESHOT, mentions ‘daddy’ and other kinks. My first smut and oneshot Im sorry.
I don’t own this art and idk who did it I’m sorry.
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Now imagine Izuku coming home late at night covered in blood that ain’t his. Some will say “I would freak out”, but you simply go
“Hey Izu, why are you covered in blood are you okay?” you go and check to see any injuries. You don’t see none but he starts to chuckle.
“I’m fine puppy, why are you still up?” he says as he pushes the hair in his eyes back. He’s looking at you with adoration but also concern as you never stay up this late, I mean it’s 3 am. Who would stay up that late when they have work in the morning?
“I- I was worried about you, and you know I don’t like sleeping without you,” you say quietly, still trying to find out where the blood came from. Little did you know, he knows why you aren’t asleep. Yes, you don’t like sleeping without and worrying about him, but you were kidnapped not even two weeks ago by an unknown man. He did terrible things to you trying to find out Izuku’s- the number one pro hero- weaknesses. His thinking it was you was a huge mistake on his part. You aren’t his weakness. You are his strength, and why he wakes up every morning. You’ve been having nightmares and suffering from PTSD since they found you. Izuku asked you to move in with him not even an hour after he found you- you all being together for two years, it was understandable. Now you’ve been living with him, and he’s been helping you through your trauma and nightmares. He is there to protect you, and it’s why you can’t sleep without him. You worry about him not only because he’s Japan's number one pro hero but because you love him dearly. You are a little obsessed, but you find it healthy as he is your hero and love. It is healthy- until someone gets in the way of you two being together- or until someone hurts you or him. You become unhinged and forget your natural morals as you don’t want to lose the only person you have left. You didn’t know he was the same way.
“Puppy, you know I’ll come home. Always. Tell me the real reason you are up?” he looks at you with a soft stern look, making sure not to scare you like he does others.
“I- I did tell you, are you hungry? Have you eaten?” you say, trying to change the subject and not get caught in a half lie. You haven’t eaten being so worried about him, and you barely eat anything due to your fear and anxiety due to your trauma. It has affected you greatly, but you try and hide it. You can’t hide anything from Izuku tho, though he is very observant. He sees right through you hiding your fear and pretending to be okay. He knows what that man did to you, and every second of every day since he found out you’ve been kidnapped, his anger grows. It’s like a hot flame that won’t go out even when you pour water on top of it. The only thing that can take out this flame is you being with him, safe and happy. You are safe and comfortable but scared and traumatized. You’ve been going through stages of depression for years now, and this has made it worse, even if you don’t admit it. He sees it all, though, and it makes him angrier at the people who have hurt you in the past and the man who hurt you recently. That man had no right to touch what was his, you.
“Now, puppy, no changing the subject. No, I haven’t eaten yet, but I was going to after I showered,” he says softly but sternly. “Have you eaten?” he looks at you up and down, seeing if any signs of malnutrition are there. You have gotten skinnier since the kidnapping, but you also became weaker physically. Do to the things that man has done.
“I-um…” you hesitate. You hate lying to him. You know if you lie, he will find out the truth. Even if he doesn’t get angry with you but tries and talk to you about why you should eat- sleep- or do anything to keep yourself healthy, you are scared one day he will snap at you as your past exes have. Like your mother and father did when you were a child, like your foster parents, or the kids you went to school with.
You look down at your feet, thinking of how to change the subject, but with your luck, your stomach growls. You go wide-eyed but quickly return to normal as you don’t want to give away what you haven’t eaten.
“I’ll take that as a no, baby; look at me, please,” he says quietly and softly. He tilts your head up by the chin and looks at you in the eyes. Your eyes help him see everything he needs, they help him calm down, and they are like stars in the night sky to him- beautiful. “Baby, why haven’t you eaten? What was the last thing you ate today?” he asked curiously and was full of concern.
“I- I ate some yogurt and fruit this morning after you left. I guess I just forgot to eat again,” you say. Your lips quiver in guilt as you hate doing this to him. Hate seeing him so concerned with you- and for what? Because you haven’t eaten or slept. “I’m sorry-“Before you could even finish your apology, he kissed you softly. It’s the only way to get you to stop talking when you are feeling like this. Kissing and holding you tight is the only way to help you see he isn’t angry or upset- he loves you with everything in him and wants you to be okay.
“No apologies, puppy. I’m not angry or upset, okay.” He looks at you softly and lovingly. “How about we go shower and eat something, okay? Then we can cuddle and try and sleep,” he says softly.
“O-Okay. But you never told me why you are covered in blood. Is it yours?” you say, wiping away the tears that were about to fall. You look over him closer and realize he isn’t hurt, not one scratch or bruise. You become concerned about what happened for him to be covered in blood like this.
“Don’t worry ab-“Before you can even finish, you stop him.
“No, tell me please,” you say desperately. You want to know, and curiosity is eating at you now. “I just want to know, Izu, you never come home this late without calling- even with your hero work. Let alone come home covered in blood,” you say. You start worrying more and more as he won’t tell you.
“Puppy, if I tell you- you might see me differently,” he says quietly and sadly. He takes his fingers off your chin, making you sad, but you ignore that for now. You are more concerned about why he thinks you might see him differently.
“What? You know I can never see you in any other way than I have- I always have. You know I love you.” you say with a small laugh. You are trying to help him see you will be okay with anything he tells you as long as he’s okay.
“You- you wouldn’t look at me the same. You might become scared of me and lea-“He starts the last part, but you shut him up with a kiss. You pull him closer, not caring if you get blood on you. It wouldn’t be the first time you were covered in blood for him anyways.
“Hush!” you say after the deep kiss. You say this loudly, which is very rare for you. It causes him to go wide-eyed and look at you in shock. You never speak louder than an inside voice- speaking this loud means you are serious about this and want to know. That or you got upset about what he was saying, if not both.
“I will never leave you, Izuku. I love you more than anything, and I will never be scared of you, understand?” You say sternly. Which is even more of a shock to him- and honestly, a turn-on. “Tell me please, I want to know Izuku,” you saying his name like this makes him want to kiss you deeply and never let you go, but it also makes him sad that you are getting upset with him enough to call him his full name.
“I.. I killed someone.” he whispered. He backs up and turns his back towards you. You look at him in shock- him killing someone? Never. You seen him get angry at villains before but never seen him at a point where you thought he would kill them. “I killed him Y/N. The man who hurt you. The man who-“ he stops for a moment to collect his words, “the man who kidnapped, tortured, and r*ped you. I killed him, happily. I was so happy when I did it. I was so happy when I found him finally. I would do it again for you- I will always do ANYTHING for you.” he says loudly and sternly. He tries and speaks softly with you always but right now he is so scared of what you might do he forgets everything.
You look at him, his back still facing toward you. You were shocked but had butterflies. Did he kill someone for you? All because they hurt you. You didn’t care he brought up what happened, and you didn’t care he mentioned what the horrible man had done to you. You just cared about him. The fact he killed someone for you makes you blush and have a belly full of butterflies. It makes your heart jump out of your chest with happiness and love. Sure, anyone would be scared hearing that, but you? You killed multiple people for him. The people that dared lay a finger on your man and get away with it. The women who try and get in between you, too- you don’t hesitate. Like him, you are happy when you do it and would do it again. You never told him as he is a hero, and murder is a crime.
You walk closer to him, which he hears and tenses up. He is scared of what you will say and do. He doesn’t want to lose you- he would go crazier than he already has. When he feels you behind him, he slowly turns around halfway but doesn’t look in your direction. His hands are in fists as he tries to control his fear tears.
“Look at me, please,” you say quietly and softly, which shocked him but made him more scared as you might leave him like this. He slowly turns his head towards you and looks you in the eyes. You see the fear and anger of mentioning that man again in his eyes. He, right now, is blind by fear and can’t tell what you are thinking or feeling.
“How? How did you kill him?” you say softly and curiously. This made him hesitate, but he was shocked. He isn’t going to hope you will stay because who will remain with a murderer? Yeah, who would stay with a murderer?
“I- I tortured him,” he whispered, looking done. He can’t make eye contact with you telling you this. “I stabbed him, choked him, everything someone does in a torture chamber. I got creative with some of it, but most of it was to see him in pain, like the pain he caused you,” he says, trying not to smile or smirk when thinking of that man’s face in agony.
“Oh, wow,” you say a little louder. What shocked him was you sounded interested- you had wide eyes and a slight smile, but he was still looking down, so he didn’t see this and got scared. “Did he beg?” that made him look up quickly. That’s when he saw the wide eyes and slight smile you were trying to hide.
“Yes,” he says carefully. Trying to examine your reaction, but he was too confused and blind by fear still to understand anything you were expressing. “Yes, he begged, like a bitch.”
“Good,” you say. He goes wide-eyed as your smile is clearer to see, and you hug him tightly.
“W-what? You aren’t mad or upset?” he says, still shell-shocked at what is happening.
You stop the close hug just enough to look him in the eyes. “No, why would I be?” you ask curiously. You see nothing wrong with killing someone for the person you love most.
“I-I killed someone-“ he says, wide eyes and shocked still.
“Yes, and I’ve killed for you,” you say quietly, like telling a secret.
He goes wide-eyed, looking at you. He never thought you, out of all people, could be capable of murder. It all runs through his head, and some things start to connect. The secretary that went missing after locking herself and him in the bathrooms at his agency, trying to have sex with him knowing he was taken. The couple of girls at the coffee shop grabbed his ass when he went in to check on things turned up dead- murdered brutally-actually. The villain who stabbed him during a mission in Tokyo died in his jail cell. Everyone who has landed a hand on him in a harmful or nonconsensual way- dead or missing still. You killed them- brutally. Tortured them just because they put their hands on your man. His shock suddenly goes into lust and love as he looks at your eyes and face.
“You- you have?” he questioned. That is a dumb question if you ask yourself. He looked at your eyes and lips, begging for an answer.
“Yes, and I would do it again in a heartbeat,” you say calmly. To anyone else, it would be creepy, but to him, it was beautiful and sexy. He quickly catches your lips with his- kissing you softly but urgently. Never would he thought you would kill for him- this isn’t the first person he’s killed for you. Won't be the last.
“Fuck,” he whispered after you two separated for a breather. “Tell me how, baby, please,” he says lowly and quietly, ready to kiss you again. He pulls you closer, not caring about a single thing- not his clothes- not the blood all over him- nothing.
“I mean, you read their autopsies, right?” you look at him, questioning. He smirks and kisses you again roughly, but it ends as he speaks again.
“Yeah- I wanna hear it from you. That beautiful mouth of yours, And I’ll tell you how I’ve killed the others that dared lay a hand on you,” he whispers in your ear. It gives you tingles and causes you to shiver. Has he killed more people for you? This turned you on more than you thought it would. You jump up, wrapping your legs around his waist and staring into his eyes, smiling.
“Izu, you’ve killed multiple people for me?” you say as you look at him, getting closer to his lips, “that’s sexy, baby,” you whisper as you kiss him, in which he grabs your ass to hold you up and pushes his tongue past your lips.
Now tongues swirling around each other, sloppy kissing, and him grabbing your ass with your legs around his waist and arms around his neck to have him as close as possible. It becomes heated quickly, as you two haven’t had sex since before the kidnapping- him wanting to give you time- and you being too traumatized to think of anything like this. But now, you two have found out each other's dirty little secret and are as turned on for each other as animals in mating season.
He puts one of his hands in your hair and deepens the kiss even more, walking slowly to the bathroom. When he sits you on the sink counter, you gasp, giving him more access to your mouth. Tongue deep in your throat, you moan when he tugs on your hair in the right spot. He stops to breathe but only briefly as his lips find their way to your neck- leaving love bites and his marks all over your soft sweet skin. He soon discovers the sweet spot and sucks like a leech; making your moan louder. You are a panting, heaving, moaning mess when he stops and rips off your shirt. Seeing you aren’t wearing a bra- as you were going to go to sleep when he arrived home safely- he latches onto one of your nipples and flicks his tongue rapidly. Squeezing the other and sucking on your other nipple, he moans onto your nipple when you start to grind against his dick. Oh, how hard he is for you and how you love it. He stops just for a few seconds to catch his breath.
“Tell me, baby,” he says, kissing your neck, “tell me how you killed those bitches.” He speaks into your skin and starts to suck, leaving more of his marks.
“I- I had to find out where they lived first,” you say, panting a little from the sensation of his lips on your skin. “Then I just waited till they were alone to sneak in. Dumb whores didn’t lock their windows.” You giggle a little remembering how the dumb ass girls didn’t lock their windows at night and how the men were so easy to find.
You hear him chuckle into your neck, “Oh? Now that isn’t very smart of them,” he says, licking over a new mark he just left.
“They didn’t know how to fight either. It was easy dragging them out of their soft little beds and tying them up. The men, not so much, so I just knocked them out.” you say as you are a panting moaning mess. He licks down your breast to your belly button sucking and leaving marks all the way, “I used things they had, like their knives and other things that can cause damage. One had a fun crowbar.” you giggle. “Most of them didn’t last long enough when I was cutting each of their fingers off and passed out, but the ones who did last had some interesting words to say to me. It was so funny and fun hearing them beg and curse at me,” you say, stopping and gasping as you feel your shorts being ripped off. Izuku lays you back to pull your panties off with his teeth. Sucking and licking each part he goes by. You were lost in his eyes as they looked at you, pulling your panties down.
“Awe go on, baby, I wanna hear what all you did to those son of bitches.” he says as he licks your pelvic bone down to your thigh. He sucks the inside of your thigh, leaving marks near your sweet little sex, stopping and hovering, waiting for you to start talking again.
“I-I stabbed most of them, but the ones who hurt you-“ you stopped and gasped when you felt his tongue run up and down your slit. Back arching a little and watching him lick slowly up and down against your sex makes you quiver and shake. “The ones who hurt you- I-I, fuck, I made sure they felt every inch of what I cut and sliced them with. Some passed out when I got to their toes, but some lasted till I cut off their hand. Chopping them up was-“ you stop as he starts to suck on your clit but then continue, “so fun knowing what they have done to you. Their blood made puddles, and they whined like little bitches.” you start to moan uncontrollably as he sucks and fingers you with two fingers rapidly.
He moans into your sex, and his tongue flicks up and down rapidly and skillfully. “Mm puppy, you taste so fucking good,” he says into your sex which causes vibrations. It makes your back arch even more and pant.
“Come on baby, cum for me,” he says in a low tone voice that causes more vibrations to your sex. When he sucks on your clit again and arches his fingers up to hit your sweet spot, you cum instantly on his face. Lose all focus on anything else, just the feeling of his tongue and fingers inside you. He licks up all the cum from you, sitting up and pulling you close to him.
“Good girl,” he says against your lips as he kisses you. You taste yourself as he roughly kisses you. “Such a good girl for me. Even killed people for me,” he says lowly into your mouth. You grip his shirt, letting him know you want it off. He smiles and pulls off his shirt showing his chest and abs. All those scars turn you on more than you already were.
“Come on, baby, how about we shower? I’m not saying we are finished, but that bastard's blood is starting to get aggravating, and I don’t want his blood anywhere near my girl,” he says, lifting you from the counter to have you stand on the floor. You pull him from the rim of his pants to the shower, which he happily follows. Getting to the shower, you undo his pants, which he slides off in a heartbeat with his underwear.
His length is seeping precum and hard, but he knows he can wait. He doesn’t want that bastard's blood getting on you. Starting the shower, grabbing a loaf to scrub him off, you can’t stop looking into his eyes. He hasn’t looked away from you once, and when you look at him, all you see is him looking at you with adoration and love. Finishing scrubbing the last bit of blood off of him, he starts to wash you with a different loaf slowly and softly. Being very gentle around you injures that bastard caused you. They are healed, but he doesn’t want to risk anything. When he gets to your sex, he puts the loaf down, knowing you are sensitive, slowing and sensually washing your sex but not without fingering you in the process. His chest against your back and your ass against his dick, he fingers your slowly, going faster with each moan you let out.
“Have to make sure every,” he thrust his fingers into roughly but not to the point it hurts,” part,” thrust,” of that body,” thrust, “is clean.” he thrust rapidly into you, now making your back arch and you moan and pant leaning back against him. “Right baby?” he asks knowing he won’t get an answer.
“D-daddy,” you moan, putting a hand against the wall and the other in his hair. You grind against his dick, making him grunt.
Right when you were about to cum her stops and takes his fingers out, making you cry out a whine. “Shh baby, you’ll get to cum. But does my good girl want to make daddy cum first?” he lowly says in your ear.
“Ye-yes, Daddy,” you say as you turn around to kiss him; he kisses back roughly and grabs your ass. You kiss down his neck, leaving marks and bites on his skin, licking the scars on his cheek and abs.
Getting onto your knees, you stare at his length, he is much bigger than average, and you love it. To you, it was a gut wrecker. You look up at him, seeing him look down at you and pet your hair. You start to do kitten licks on his head, which makes him grunt and groan.
“Don’t tease me now, baby. That ain’t nice,” he says lowly with a grunt.
You start to suck his head just as he likes, slowly going down and deepthroating him. He grunts in pleasure and grabs your hair just right. You bobbing your head up and down slowly and sucking ever so tenderly makes him wild. He throws his head back, feeling so much pleasure he can barely breathe right. You always know how to suck him right, and he loves it.
“Fuck. Good girl, so good at sucking my cock.” he moans. He grabs your hair tighter and starts to throat fuck you slowly and rough to the point it hits the back of your throat.
“Such,” thrust, “a good,” thrust, “cock sucker,” thrust. He thrust into your mouth, repetitively groaning. Tears start to run down your face, and all you hear is the slurping sound you make, sucking his dick. “Yeah? You like sucking daddy’s cock?” he groans. You suck a little hard to let him know you say yes. He grunts more and thrusts, becoming more sloppy, “fuck I’m going to cum,” he says, thrusting faster into your mouth.” Swallow it like a good cocksucker.” he says. Thrusting more, he then cums down your throat, throwing his head back and moaning. “Fuck.”
When he takes his dick out of your mouth, you show him all the cum you will swallow. This makes him groan and become more turned on by the second. He picks you up and wraps your legs around him putting your back against the shower wall.
Kissing you, he wraps his hand around your breast and squeezes them right. “You want daddy to fuck you now? Or do you need more time, baby? I understand if you do.” he says softly, rubbing his thumb against your cheek and looking you so lovingly in the eyes.
“Please,” you say. “Please fuck me, Daddy,” you say quietly. You want him as much as he wants you, and nothing will stop you from having your man.
“Mmm fuck baby,” he says and kisses you, “you sure? I don’t want you to feel rushed or anything.” He says sweetly, he cares too much about you to rush you into things like this, and he understands if you want to say no.
“Please, Daddy. I want you so bad,” you say louder but not too much louder than usual. He looks you in the eyes one last time until he starts kissing you roughly but tenderly again. He lifts you so he can line up his dick with your entrance. Slowly pushing you onto his dick, you both moan at the feeling. Inch by inch, you lower on his dick till it’s inside you.
“Fuck. You feel so good,” he moans. “Tell me when to start moving, okay puppy?” he grunts—kissing you sweetly and waiting for your okay. Once you give the OK, he slowly thrusts in and out of you, not wanting to hurt you. You both moan and look into each other eyes. Never would you think you would have sex with someone as yandere as you. You love that he killed someone for you. You love, he would kill for you. To you, it’s the biggest turn-on, and to him, it is too. Both of you think about how lucky you two are to have each other. You love each other more than life itself, and nothing can or will change that.
“F-faster, Daddy,” you moan. He then starts to thrust faster and faster. He was soon going as fast and hard as he could. You become a moaning mess as he hits your sweet spot repeatedly. “Daddy! Fuck!” you moan.
“Yeah? You like it when daddy fucks you like this?” he grunts as he fucks as fast as he can, “Fuck, such a good girl taking all-, “ he moans, “of my fucking cock.” he moans and groans as he fucks you. He loves watching your face twist in pleasure; he loves hearing your moans as his dick is deep inside you.
“G-gonna cum, Daddy,” you moan and arch your back. You moan as he pulls your hair and sucks your neck and breast.
“Fuck.” he is now pounding into you at an inhuman speed, gripping your hair and ass. Sucking on your breast as you moan for him and clench around him. “Good girl- cum for daddy- cum for daddy,” he says and moans throwing his head back as he feels himself getting close. “Be a good little cumslut and come for daddy,” he says.
That was your final straw as you came instantly clawing his back and moaning into his ear. He loves every second of you clawing and moaning as it makes him cum deep inside you. “Fuck, that’s my fucking girls, that’s my-“ he breaths heavily, “girl.” he finishes his compliment and kisses you sweetly and tenderly. Not wanting to take it out of you like it’s his favorite place to be.
You breathe heavily and lay your head on his chest. In which he happily accepts and kisses the top of your head.
“Good girl, I love you so much, puppy,” he says as he kisses your head and holds you tighter. He pulls out of you, saving you still in his arms, and putting you towards the water, he rinses the cum off and out of you. After he turns off the shower, he lays both of you down in the bed, not worrying about clothes.
You cuddle more into his chest, happy he is lying with you and finally home. You are worn out from worrying, crying, panicking, and loving sex. He is, too, but he is also worn out from dealing with an issue before coming home to you. He is happy you accepted what he did and who he is, as well as glad you are the same type of crazy as him. He never wants to let you go and never wants to lose you. You are His light in the darkness and will forever be that light that never goes out.
“Come on, baby, make some ramen and watch a movie. We can sleep when we are done eating, okay?” he says quietly into your ear—looking at you as you look up.
“Okie, can we watch a Marvel movie?” you ask with big puppy eyes.
He chuckles as he figures it would be Marvel or Godzilla. “of course, baby, what else would we watch?”
THANK YOU AHHH… okay it took me a couple of hours but I finished it. My god that was something to write right off the top of my head at 3 am.
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archer300pr · 2 years
This is something I thought about of a cool and angst AU.
I call it
Bone Servant Au
I loved how the art ended up!! Hope y’all enjoy it!!
It starts long ago during Wukong’s journey to the west, Liu’er leaves Flower Fruit Mountain to find Wukong. He was worried something might have happened since he didn’t let him nor the generals know about what he was doing. When he meets Wukong again they talk and Wukong asked him to go home or to head to PIF, since they were really close, Liu’er agrees and they both apologize for their actions.
On his way back to home, he was stopped by a young lady and a soldier wanting him to come with, Liu’er denies their requests and starts battling against the thrall. Ultimately, the young monkey was not strong enough to beat the soldier and was taken.
Time pass, Wukong asked his companions to help search for his younger brother, agreeing of course. Each town they visited speak ill of the Great Sage. Accuse him of things he never did. They all came to the conclusion, a demon has taken his form.
After a while of search they return to their Master beaten and hurt looking up at the same figure as his student. Using his gold vision, Wukong was shocked to see Liu’er, unharmed and alive but fist painted in blood and a venomous glare was shot at the pilgrims. Reluctantly, both Brothers fight with the winner being the monkey king. The king stood pleading with his little brother to face him and demanded what he was doing. His face went white when he saw the young monkey’s eyes. This isn’t Liu’er, He’s been used as a puppet.
Liu’er yelled at his brother saying that he abandoned him and that he never cared for him. Wukong knew it was a lie but it still stung. Wukong let Liu’er yell until his voice couldn’t anymore. Wukong walked up slowly and told him that he loves him and will always come back for him, he told Liu’er that he was under a spell but that they’ll help him, save him. He told him things about home and what they’ll do when they’re back home. Liu’er only froze, of course he believes Wukong, he would never hurt him…right? Or is it like that Bone Demoness said? Wukong could see the golden shine coming back, over taking the icy blue.
Before Liu’er could say anything to Wukong, chains capture and drag Liu’er into a circle under him. Terrified, he screams for Wukong and in turn, the golden simian grabs his hand. Pulling greatly the young terrified monkey as he’s being pulled into the circle, Wukong yells for his brothers to help him. He could break these chains easily but he was only thinking of holding his brother. Seeing that his brother’s body is completely crossed the circle, leaving only his head and arm visible to him, Wukong cries and gives a reassuring smile at Liu’er.
“Liu’er, I’ll save you! Don’t fear! I will find you and bring you home! I promise, little brother!!”
And with that Liu’er and the portal disappears leaving the broken king alone.
TW:mention of Gaslighting, torture, and mind control, if you wanna skip go right ahead!
After years and years of Liu’er’s kidnapping, he would be beaten and tortured by the Lady Bone Demon’s thrall. After words she would come by him and tell him it was necessary, he was being taught a lesson, Sun Wukong lied about him coming back for the small monkey. Foolish of him to think about it. He apologizes and stays near her hearing that she’s the only one who cares about him. She saved him from Sun Wukong’s uncontrollable wrath. She revived him after his fight. With her magic, she manipulated his memory of the fight as he slept. She would ask about his eye, he would answer that the Chief did it, after the 5th time he would say it was Sun Wukong.
End of tw
The time came when she was sealed away by the monk and his disciples. Wukong glared at her she knew where his brother was, she did something to him he could feel it but all he got from her was a frozen chill down his spine. Of course she would never tell. As she was sealed away you could hear her sinister laugh. Everything is set in motion to complete destiny! She sealed the poor child away until the thrall frees him and become their lady’s warrior.
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l05t1nth3v01d · 2 years
Jse (8/?)
My take on the LORE kind of?
TW:mention of Anti,murder,kidnapping,probably bad takes on the lore
So Chase had two kids and a wife,they divorced and/or his ex left him with the kids.
His ex kicked him out and didn't let him see the kids often or refused any kind of contact.
The kids got kidnapped and/or killed by Anti I suppose.
In the CHASE video we could see that chase was in the woods and then suddenly on some parking lot.
in the "5000 video" upload from Jacksepticeye you could see a teaser for IRIS.Chase was in there too and I think he did say "I don't know i was in the woods and then I was not" or something like that.So does that mean that this takes directly after CHASE place,or do these people from IRIS might have detectors or something?
Also in the teaser,that one guy got janked into the room,got probably killed or hurt by Anti,but that's probably quite obvious.
I totally forgot about the space and time travel stuff.I literally have no idea
So for the other egos, I'm not really sure if they're gonna be in Jacksepticeyes next project.Well I mean I guess Marvin would make a lot of sense because of this one short video where he has this book and stuff.It seemed important.Maybe he's fight Anti.Do Chase and Marvin have any kind of connection?
Marvin has something to do with IRIS they don't tweet science≠magic stuff without reason.
Also IRIS is 100yo apparently and I also don't know who the WATCHR is.Like I get that it's some kind of surveillance system but who is controlling it? WHO WATCHES THE WATCHR?
For Henrik I'm pretty sure he's gonna play some kind of role cause he has a connection to chase and anti.And I love him so he has to be in it.
JJ too,I don't know if he has a connection to anyone besides Anti but I'd just like to see him again.Probably unlikely tho.
So Jackieboy Man is kinda hard to tell too,It would be cool if he'd be back but I'm not sure in which context that would happen.
Maybe it's just about Chase and Anti for now.who knows.
If you have theories and/or can explain something better then it's your duty to share you're information.
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
Hi, can i ask for a one shot where yandere peter parker is super clingy and is not dating the reader yet but she actually likes him but is too shy to admit. Thanks.
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As a person who is quite clingy and affectionate with her loved ones, I understand and love the idea.
Lets go!!!
I added some dark background to fit some things that have happened in Peter's life (like the fact that nobody knows who he is now, because of what happened in the last movie), to mask his Yandere behavior.
(TW:Mention of Thanos snap events, human trafficking, slavery, corrupt society).
Your eyes were closing. So tired, so droopy, and everything around him seemed so comfortable. Would it be too much to fall asleep for a few hours?
Well… yes, it would be too much.
You had been finishing a 3D animation on your computer for hours, it was your final test for your modeling course and it had to be perfect if you wanted to be a viable candidate for a possible internship recommendation at an advertising production company. No pressure… ironic.
You didn't really need it to be perfect. All of your previous modeling during the semester had willingly demonstrated that you would be given the chance for the recommendation, even if you didn't turn in this work. But you wanted to look good for the professor, and there was no way your perfectionist brain would let you rest if you didn't do the work.
Everything would be easier if your computer wasn't on its last glimpses of life. It seemed like at any moment it would crash and burn out on its own if you weren't cooling it manually or plugging it in with a fan that your roommate had been kind enough to give you.
Not to mention that you had to watch that the files could be processed in real time properly. Any failure or element that was not quickly linked would completely ruin all the hard work you had done for months. As you said, no pressure.
The only thing that comforted you was the company you had with you.
Peter had been one of those valuable friendships that you never expect to find in your life.
A true blessing.
Shy, innocent and really quiet when you didn't know him at all. After a couple of encounters in the general cafeteria their friendship began to forge.
Peter was everything a person wants to be and have in their life. Protective, intelligent, strong, insightful, intuitive, with a heart of pure gold, an open mind and a willingness to discuss and then give an objective opinion.
He had beautiful, lovely brown hair, with beautiful, shiny hazel eyes. His skin was firm and his whole body was athletic. And if his external beauty wasn't enough, he also had a great brain. He calculated everything with such ease that he could make a fool of anyone who thought he was smarter.
And now, he was not only a good friend, but a best friend who would always be there for you when you needed him. And well, you did the same for him.
Now more than ever he needed the help of others in order to live a normal life.
After the snap and other parallel crises, people's lives had become chaotic and it was not uncommon for various "dirty laundry" in society to come to light. After half of the population disappeared, the other half did their best to search for those who were missing.
And, for better or worse, people were found… people no one knew existed in the first place.
Huge, terrifying centers filled with people who didn't even know what day or year they were there. They barely had names or "codes" to be identified among themselves. Women and children who were kidnapped, others who were abducted… even those who were born and raised in human sales centers. Men who were used as experimental toys.
Humanity had lost its half. But at the same time it had found another large number of lost ones who needed to be rescued.
After they were found, governments began to move together with other organizations to provide them with all the things that these "forgotten children" needed to be reintegrated into society.
And everything seemed great and went well for a while. The people who had been disappeared were returned to their families who had been looking for them for years. Those who had been raised in the shadows were reintegrated into society. Testimonies allowed several names to be put on the guilty lists.
And then, another snap brought the rest of the people back. The population was thrown back into chaos. Among those who were registered and among those who had disappeared, it was complicated and almost impossible to correctly register everyone. Not to tkae in count the hug amount of people that now were in jail because of the discover.
Many of the people who returned with the second snap actually had not even been able to be fully accommodated because of the saturation of the population.
Peter. Oh, poor Peter, he had been one of those cases.
He didn't usually talk about it much. Only when he feels blue, during the harsh days.
But on occasion he would mention that he had suddenly awakened from the darkness and arrived at what had once been his previous residence. If a ship camped in a box, in a semi-populated wasteland, could be considered a residence
He didn't usually talk about it. But, from the way Peter's body trembled and clung to the other people. You speculated that he was one of the frozen abduction cases.
Peter was adorable as an adult, he was probably a beautiful child. It would not be unusual for him to be abducted at a young age and transported around like that. A missing persons case that was put on ice for lack of evidence or because they paid not to be solved. He was so lucky to be found unharmed.
He made it through the basic processes, such as a name, his approximate age (which the captors had the desence to inform him of, or so you gathered), his level of knowledge and a possible nationality. That's how Peter Parker was born.
But despite that initial help, plus accommodation at the university. Those in charge of social and emotional reintegration couldn't do much because of the excessive number of users who needed it. Not to mention that Peter himself was a complicated case to categorize.
His quick reflexes among other micro-aggressive behavioral characteristics could show that he had been trained to fulfill some kind of military function. But he demonstrated a fear of strong images of authority. He had a semi-real concept of popular culture base, but was unaware of other things on suspicious levels. You had heard a classmate of yours mention that it would not be unusual if Peter had been an attempt at a new Winter Soldier.
That would explain a lot of his pain.
But now he was free. He had been semi-accommodated at the university and was taking an engineering course or two. And, to your personal embarrassment, you had met him.
And it was, at least for you, the best thing that could have happened to you. And you'd like to think it was the same for him.
The two of you had managed to form a good friendship despite all the crazy things going on in society and in your college lives. And you both took advantage of that to be able to form a solid foundation in your relationship.
You took care of Peter and helped him integrate well with other people. You helped him navigate the new post-snapping culture and were there for him in his times of sadness.
And Peter protected and cared for you in everything he could do.
He would not leave your side at any time and would not hesitate to put a firm foot down when he saw something strange about to happen. Always on guard for anything that could get close to both of you. And also, quite affectionate and loving.
He loved to hug you and keep you glued to his side, always aware of where you were within his vision radius. He would open doors for you, drop you off at your classes, wait patiently for you to help him do his more complex paperwork and never stopped making you laugh.
And, just now, when it looked like your computer was about to crash and you desperately needed a couple of minutes of sleep, there was Peter.
He had curled himself perfectly around your body, holding you and doing double duty as a little teddy bear and a baby koala bear. Your whole body was leaning against his and with little cuddles on your head he managed to keep you awake.
"How much longer?" he asked. During all the time that you were awaked, he was there, taking care of you.
"4 minutes… I'd say another 3 hours, taking into account that I put various textures on it." you answered.
"Do you want me to wake you up if I see anything weird?" he asked
"No, I'd rather sleep after I see that everything is going well. Don't you want to sleep?" you said. Offering him an option. You also looek up for his comfort, he deserved it.
"No, if I sleep I would crush you." he replaid.
He said no more. You felt him get more comfortable, then back to hitting you in his lap.
If it wasn't that it was so hot these last few days, you would be embarrassed to be caught blushing from such a sweet act.
You adored Peter, and you liked to think that Peter was equally fond of you. And at times like these, when you just wanted to snuggle up to him and he protected and cared for you so adoringly… you wanted to kiss him so badly.
But first you had to make sure your final exam was downloaded correctly. But also because you don't want to ruin your friendship.
After that, you didn't notice how Peter was looking at you as you sleep.
Or how he had managed to scare your roommate terribly into letting you rest more.
Or how he had slyly bullied your professor into considering you for that internship anyway. (He was glad to find out that his threats were unnecessary, since your work was perfect anyway).
Or how he drove away everyone he considered unworthy from your side.
You didn't notice, so it didn't matter.
It only mattered that you cared about Peter, just as Peter cared about you.
It was only a matter of time before the romantic relationship began, and he could show how much he adored you and how much he wanted to stay by your side.
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catacomb231 · 3 years
Come & Go|Dabi x Adult! Reader
TW:Mentions/showing of mental and physical abuse and manipulation, angstyyyyyyyy, angst to (SLIGHT) fluff (so yeh pretty angsty for once)
Sum: It's been about 8 years since Dabi was arrested and went to Tartarus after the awful things he did to you. Although, you weren't expecting him to show up randomly at your door after so long. And HE didn't expect a small surprise that was with you...
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It was such a long time ago.
8 years to be exact!
Yet you still remember it like it was yesterday. Every little detail.
You used to date, or more accurately, FORCED to date Dabi!
He kidnapped you a long time ago and you couldn't escape. Even if you tried, he would teach you a lesson. Which is what got you the permanent burn mark on your left shoulder.
But the worst part was when he forced you to have a baby with him so you two could start a family.
But shortly after your child was born, you managed to escape AND was found by a hero just I time! Securing yours and your baby's safety. Even the police and hero agreed to make sure any records of your child that showed he was related to Dabi and the Todoroki Family was kept secret or was gone.
And probably a normal person would end up hating their child, as they're the blood of the villain. But you couldn't bring yourself to hate or even hurt him! That wouldn't make you any better!
So you two got a nice small apartment and a nice job, and you vowed to make your child's life a happy one! One without his father.
Even when he asked about it, you didn't tell him he was a villain, and just told him he hurt you and left you all alone. That caused your son to hate his father and that made you pretty happy as you hated him too.
But it wasn't like this forever...
One nice Thursday, it was your day off! So you were playing with your son and his Linking Logs.
"Look mommy! Now the cow is in his pen! And now the farmer can take care of him!" Kai says, pointing to the toy cow. "That's neat, Kai!" You tell him.
He was probably only about 6 years old now, but you still loved him to death. The good news is, since Dabi normally had his hair dyed black, you didn't see a resemblance between him and your son's white hair! And he had your e/c eyes! It also helped he didn't have the scars!
That's when a knock is heard at your door. "I'll be back, Kai!" You tell him, getting up and leaving the living room, walking down the hall to the front door.
You open it up and your gaze is met with the icy blue eyes that still haunt your dreams.
Your eyes widen with horror and shock as Dabi stood in front of you. He had a hoodie on so it was obvious he had just broken out.
"We need to talk." He tells you. You would've said no, but he didn't have any sigh of hostility in his eyes. So you were going to take a chance.
"What do you want?" You narrows your eyes, ready to use your quirk if necessary. "I'm sorry." He states plainly, which completely catches you off guard.
"I'm sorry for the pain I caused you, the hurt, that burn on your shoulder, all of it."
You thought he was joking, but the sincerity in his voice told you otherwise. But it didn't fool you. "Sorry doesn't cut it, Dabi. You did awful things that were beyond a sorry!" You remind him, and he nods.
"Mommy? Who is it??" You hear Kai call from the other room. Dabi's eyes widened a bit as you shouted, "No one, honey!" Over your shoulder.
"Is that our son..?" Dabi asks, earning him a glare from you. "MY son." You correct him. "You believed that what we had was "love" when in reality, you were just obsessed with me and I was forced to go along with it otherwise you would've hurt, or worse, killed me! And you think you have the right to call the child in there OUR son??" You continue.
"I know.. but surely you must've felt some sort of connection between us!" He asks of you. "Not even in the slightest." You reply bluntly.
"I just... Wanted to make up for everything I did to you.." He mutters, police sirens in the distance, growing closer and louder.
"Well it's too late for that." You reply.
The police arrive and take Dabi away once again, just like before. You felt arms wrap around your waist and you look down at Kai.
"I'm scared mommy.. why was that man at our door?" He asks as he watches the police put Dabi into the back of their car.
"Don't worry sweetie.. he won't hurt us anymore. I promise.."
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tctcreators · 3 years
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welcome back to another month of creations from the writers of tct!! think you missed something back in july, check out what we have posted to see if you did!
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all members
come again next month!!
come again next month!!
come again next month!!
come again next month!!
- @seokmingiggles​: even if the world is cold (fluff to light angst, mutual pining(?), royalty!au (prince!Jun, servant!reader))
- @escapewriter​​: a leap of faith (fluff, slight angst, rivals to lovers!au)
- @spookyhyuck​​: Spider-Boy Is A Dog In This One (Angst, smut, fluff, supernatural au, soulmate au) tw: for mature audiences- full disclaimer on every fic ( one | two | three )
- @escapewriter​​: summer scent (fluff, humor, established relationship)
- @escapewriter​: soft light (angst, slight fluff, kinda bittersweet, established relationship) tw: swearing, character has brain cancer, hospital scenes, mentions of cheating, rain storm
- @thepixelelf​: what happens on floor 17? (mystery au) tw: creepy, implications of kidnapping
come again next month!!
- @kthpurplesyou​​: make me love you (fluff)
- @spookyhyuck​​: timid like the rain (fluff, drabble) 
come again next month!!
- @thepixelelf​: roses sometimes wither (magic au, university au)
come again next month!!
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- @sunlightwoo​: never be | yunho (fashion au, fake dating au, angst if you squint but there’s a happy ending :) )
- @sunlightwoo​: girl who cried wolf | san (inspired by mystic pop out bar, angst, but there is a happy ending :) semi-reincarnation au) tw: mentions of death
- @sunlightwoo​: everything i didn’t say | mingi (angst, exes to semi-lovers, squint of fluff)
- @jungkooksbroski​​: to be or not to be | taehyungxnamjoonxoc (smut, angst) tw: a little bit of non-con (doesn’t actually happen) aka Taehyung’s an ass and tries it on with OC, slight mentions of violence/ intimidation.
- @jungkooksbroski​​: moan for me | jungkookxtaehyungxoc (smut) tw: threesome, morning sex, blindfolding, butt slapping, dom/sub themes, thigh slapping, nipple play, unprotected sex, bdsm (colour safe words), sensory deprivation, marking (hickies), daddy kink, dirty talk, petnames, praise kink. aftercare
- @seokmingiggles​​: indigo | yoongi (fluff, established relationship)
- @thepixelelf​​: find me | seungmin & jangjun (royalty au, mystery)
- @thepixelelf​​: shoot your shot | jaehyun (social media au, romance, comedy, basketball au, brother’s friend au)
- @kthpurplesyou​​: freeze frame | doyoung (smut, angst, fluff) tw: Masterbation, drinking, grinding, oral, unprotected sex, mentions of the cam boy industry and swearing
- @thepixelelf​ : neverending moments | keeho (fluff, university au)
- @thepixelelf​: the enemy of my enemy | minho (superhero au)
- @thepixelelf​: shitty fanfiction | chan (social media au, comedy, romance, university au, parallel universe au)
- @thepixelelf​: first, last, and what has passed | bang chan (soulmate au, angst) tw: implied major character death, blood
- @thepixelelf​: mirror mirror | changmin (fluff, friends to lovers)
- @escapewriter​​: 4:00 am | sunwoo (fluff, humor, boyfriend au, established relationship)
- @escapewriter​​: tease | jacob (fluff, humor)
- @sunlightwoo​​: ghost of you | kevin (angst, squint of fluff, but ghost au, hanahaki au) tw: mentions of death
- @sunlightwoo​​: best years | hyunjae (magic au, angst, just a tiny bit fluff but yeah it’s sad) tw: major character death & gambling actual life
- @sunlightwoo​​: meet you there | chanhee (dystopian au, semi-soulmate au, not quite fluff but also not quite angst? it’s more mysterious and suspenseful and tension filled) tw: mention of death
- @sunlightwoo​​: under the spotlight series - sweet angel | jacob (fluff, slice of life au, singer!au, strangers to lovers au, pining) tw:mentions of illegal racing :)
- @sunlightwoo​​: safety pin | haknyeon (comfort au, angst to fluff, best friends au)
- @sunlightwoo​: story of another us | juyeon (wrong timing, right person au!! (they’re my favorite trope rn hehe) themes of fluff and angst as always) tw: some mentions of drinking/alcoholism
- @thepixelelf​​: in a daze | younghoon (roommates au, fluff)
- @thepixelelf​: do you want me (like i just wanna know you) | eric (romance, angst, soulmate au)
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l05t1nth3v01d · 2 years
JSE (2/?)
TW:mention of Anti,depression,alcohol
Chase Brody
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(I think I took the screenshot but I'm not sure)
• Eager,playful,energetic young man who runs his own side vlog 'Bro Average'
》"Teabag Edition|Bro Average"
》"Jacksepticeye Power Hour-Chase Brody"
• Dr.Schneeplestein is a good friend of his,who once saved his life
• Adores success,good humour and fun,tries his best to portray these values
• Hides his real emotions,despises to be seen vulnerable,tries his best to not involve people he considers 'innocent' in his personal problems
》struggles to make end with his family,has unhealthy relationship with his wife Stacy and her family
》he can be seen trying to reassure his wife over the phone and begs her to not take the kids with no avail
• Hasn't been possessed by Anti yet
• Is very caring about Henrik and his creator Jack,that he goes so far to call out for Jack to get him to wake up
》may 7th 2018|"Jack!This is Chase.You need to wake up!!"(in morse code: WHEREAMI)
-jack is unresponsive cause Anti took over
-leading Chase to fall in further depression about his ongoing home situation and suggested kidnapping and/or murder of his children by Anti
• May 11h 2018|"TIE-A game about depression"
{Timestamp: 11:00-13:20}
》chase talks about his children and how he's only allowed to see them on the weekends and how his best friend is in a coma[likely referencing the events of "KILL JA̶CKSEPTICEYE"]
》video ends showing him drinking whiskey,crying and stroking a picture,he places his cap atop of it and walks away
• 14th May 2018|"DARK SILENCE"
》Chase is shown frantically flickering on a lighter
• October 13th|"CHASE"
》chase is shown in the car,in the backseat he could see supposedly Anti through the front mirror.idk just watch the video it's very well made and chase ends up standing confused in a parking lot at the end
• Jack says:"poor chase,it's gonna be okay.Youll get your kids back soon."
• Jack says:"Chase wants to see his kids"
((I think Chases kids are dead btw))
I made a mistake lmao I should've went with Dr.Schneeplestein first because of "KILL JA̶CKSEPTICEYE".I will be talking bout the doctor next then to fill the hole.oopsie ig.Also again if you have theories or stuff to add then do pls.
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