theyuniversity · 2 months
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A lot = (pronoun) many, much
Allot = (v.) give, grant
Nan is allotted $1 for coffee. It’s not a lot. ☕😢
Alot = an imaginary creature from Allie Brosh.
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azacharie95 · 1 month
When your SPM brainrot comes to haunt you and then gives you the best ideas but you’re stuck in freakin’ wRITERS BLOCK- So instead, here’s my take on all of the Count’s minions before they join him + headcannons and anything that comes to mine-
This is mostly just word vomit and it’s not proofread so sorry for all the spelling errors- started this at 3 am and now finishing 12 hours later- yIpPie- maybe some day I’ll have the energy to write all of these down into a story one shot thingy-
The first I want to start with is O’Chunks because he needs some love (and by that I mean I’m about to throw against the wall of ideas because OH BOI-).
O’Chunks suffers from nightmares of the day that all of his men were killed, which also led to him having a really hard time trusting anyone other then The Count thinking they were going to betray him before get got close with Nastasia
I like to think that O’Chunks have always had semi crushes on each other but have been very blind to it since Nastasia was mostly blinded by The Count
Before his life with The Count he lived somewhere near York Town in another town before he had gone to war and got he and his men sold out and murdered (did he watch? Yes. He had to as captain.)
He was then saved before he was killed by The Count but by then the damage had already been done and he was now blind in his left eye and his head had been slightly bashed in making him kinda forgetful about a majority of his life that didn’t come to haunt him in his dreams
Before his life with Bleck, he did in fact have a family that he had to leave behind but now he can’t remember what they look like or even how to get home (or an even worse option, his entire home was raided and ransacked so there was nothing to go back to anyway and he just couldn’t remember what he was missing forever-)
As for his family? I like to think he may or may not have had a wife but he definitely had a daughter who acts a lot like Mimi making him grow very familiar with her quickly
He also really likes grapes for this-
Up next on the chopping block is Nastasia herself, and I’ll be honest I didnt have a lot at first before it hit me like a train wreck in my sleep-
I like to think she was a halfblood of The Tribe of Darkness, her father being of the Tribe and her mother being a kind of vampire/monster that many people feared (hence the similarities of skin tone with The Count)
She was raised by her mother for a long time but was chased for most of her life for not being ‘human’ or the Ancients just really wanted to get her because they didn’t like halflings because it was a waste of their magic potential and dangerous- maybe they were just speciesest- idk
She was caught in a magical trap deep in the woods and left to starve there for awhile up until Count Bleck had found her and freed her (because this was weeks after the Timpani incident so he still had a heart to help others)
Being so grateful and having nowhere else to go, she tagged along with The Count where she was given her more human like bat from so she wouldn’t run into any trouble anymore (that and at first she was sure he was going to kill her for just being alive
Now Dimentio is a really really tricky one because I have some ideas based off of different things I really liked (the idea of him being younger like Mimi is one of them but as for cannon wise I wouldn’t be so sure-)
One things for sure though is I truly believe that he was The Magician’s son and Shadoo was his older sister
His mother and father were the original leaders of The Ancients and The Magician was one of the writers of The Dark Prognostics (it was handed down to each of the original leaders of The Ancients/he or his wife originally wrote it because of vivid nightmares of the future-)
I fully believed that Dimentio’s mom would be like Master of Time or something- making Dimentio call himself the Master of Dimensions (yes I just gave him mama’s boy syndrome- no I will not be taking it back-)
He and Shadoo were close as she was his older sister that took care of them and had very promising magical abilities leading his father to take her everywhere with him to try to make those powers stronger while Dimmy just mostly tried to help where he could seeing as his powers wouldn’t kick in until later and wasn’t as strong as hers at first
While The Magician and Shadoo were away, The Tribe of Ancients was attacked/a spell had gone wrong setting the entire tribe into a state of panic because no one could escape
As a last ditch effort, Dimentio’s mom (What her name would be? I have no clue-) sacrifices herself to save what she came of the tribe and kind of freeze Dimentio in time hidden away where no one could really find him and wake him back up
Now you can play with HCs and CC here and say that Count Bleck and his minions accidentally woke him back up or someone random did because they were looking around where they shouldn’t have been (leading him to either be a child when the game rolls around or he escaped and trains before going to look for The Dark Prognostics because he had no idea what happened to him over 2,000 years)
For cannon I like to think that he escaped and went to go and train to get back his father’s book before ultimately going bonkers because everything he ever knew and loved was violently ripped away from him and he was left alone (making it a big reason why he both despises and adores The Count as having The Ancients blood in him).
So he wants to create perfect new worlds to bring back the world he was forced to leave behind and kill everyone in the process since it’s the worlds fault he was stuck like this anyway
For Fannon tho? I like to think that maybe Bleck had been the one to wake him up and witness his mental break when he realized his entire family and tribe died over 1,500 years ago leading The Count to take care of him forcefully because his bleeding heart over his wife screams “DON’T LEAVE BROKEN CHILD TO GO CRAZY-“
The ultimate reason he betrays The Count is because he doesn’t want his new family to die twice and is willing to do anything to create a new perfect world where he can bring back his original family and bring his new one along even if that means manipulating them to do what he needs to do to “save them” and become the forced king of the new world
Mimi’s is one of the more darker ones IMO and was the main reason that I came up with any of these and decided to throw it onto the internet-
Mimi was raised by her mother and father in a kind of poor situation before being sold (or kidnapped- idk what to go with here) to a wannabe tribe of darkness who wanted to recreate the magic of the ancients no matter the cost
Fully 100% convinced Mimi is a minor (no sure exactly give or take 13-18)
So they started experimenting on her to turn her into a pixel and try to recreate the powers that they used a long time ago but they really messed it up and turned her into a kind of walking corpse
She still could use the powers of a shapeshifter pixel, she just didn’t look the part because they replaced a lot of her ‘human’ parts with metal gears and wires turning her into a walking zombie pixel corpse as a child who only wanted to go home
this is also the reason she kind of has to snap her neck to change from her OG form to her preferred ‘human’ form because she isn’t copying anyone so it hurts more to change into something she wants rather then copying someone else’s while they’re right there (or maybe it is a copy and she keeps a copy of every person she’s copied and it’s just more painful to change into someone else based off of memory or from a long distance? Up to you really-)
The Count had found her because he had heard rumors of people trying to copy after his people and figured maybe it was Timpani trying to find him again but it turned out to be so much darker and killed the wannabes to save Mimi’s life
Since she had no where to go, The Count brought her along thinking that maybe Timpani would like her just as much as he did like a daughter they never could have
She is the silent favorite amongst the minions and everyone knows it minus The Count who says he doesn’t play favorites (yes he does-)
Then we have Mr. L HC simply because he is part of the team and no one will let him think otherwise-
He kind of plays an older brother role to both Mimi and Dimentio (which is why they pick on each other so often and why Mr. L and Dimentio hit heads all the time)
He also gets along well with O’Chunks and they fight/train a lot (I saw this on another person’s HC list and I loved it so I had to add it here-)
Stepping into Fannon territory- He sees Count Bleck and a mentor and boss figure since The Count treats him more like a human then his parents and friends ever did
Even after he isn’t brainwashed anymore he can remember being treated with kindness by the other members and being brought along and invited to things more then his brother and his friends ever did
He doesn’t fully forgive Dimentio for what happened but slowly warms up to the idea of coming to peace about it since no one really wanted to forgive him until they knew why he was so desperate for it
He’s slightly frightened of Nastaisa even to this day because of what happened and that someday she might just snap and jump him again (even if he knows he could take her down perfectly well, he isn’t going try because she’s much faster then him)
Then the dear Old Count himself- picking up random people and children to fill in his broken heart no matter the cost-
Timpani and Blumiere knew each other for longer then the flashbacks gave us credit for (over the span of like 6 months to a year I would think-)
She’s also the reason he had so much light in his heart and hope for other people- to this day it’s her fault that he loves the stars so much and seems to have a child like curiosity about things he doesn’t understand
His father was also highly abusive into making sure his son would follow the right path into taking up the tribe leaving The Count to have many scars on his body along with his heart since Timpani was the only person who ever listened to what he had to say about things (he couldn’t have any friends since he was the chief’s son either so it was like a breath of fresh air to him-)
When his father told him what had happened he believed that his father sent her away while she was dying and so, Blumiere left the tribe to go and look for her before he ever came back to read the Dark Prognostics
5 years passed before he ever returned and his dad tried to convince him to come back only for The Count to murder everyone that was left in his tribe/in the castle they all lived in before reading the Dark Prognostics
As Blumiere died, so did his love for everyone and everything making it so that he was living from a 3rd person POV making him mentally and emotionally detach from his minions who had grown onto him.
It isn’t that he shows he doesn’t care either because he stopped caring about everything they did, only wanting the end of all worlds to come so that he didn’t have to live in the constant said of black and white that his father put him in all those years ago
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kennykenbee · 7 months
who tf are you
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alloutterritory · 7 months
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), TH Allot, 2023
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thedeliaishere · 1 year
Is promoting a pawn to a queen forcefem
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solarmorrigan · 6 months
Hands Where I Can See Them, Part 4
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
The only thing Eddie is dreading as much as Steve’s return for his things is Wayne’s inevitable question about where Steve is at all.
After all, Steve has practically been living with them for weeks – something that Eddie may not have allowed himself to consider the significance of, but which Wayne cannot have failed to notice. Though Steve had (apparently) felt the need to do things around the trailer to stay in Wayne’s good graces, he really didn’t have to worry about it; Wayne likes him, and he’ll be asking sooner or later just where Steve has gone.
‘Sooner’ comes two nights after Eddie royally fucks things over. It’s Wayne’s night off, and there’s really no avoiding him; their new trailer is bigger than the last, but it’s still close quarters, and Eddie gets caught when he passes through the living room to get a drink from the kitchen.
“Noticed Steve isn’t here tonight,” Wayne says, blunt as hell, because he doesn’t see the point in doing things any other way.
“Nope,” Eddie says shortly, grabbing a glass from the cabinet and filling it from the tap.
“Wasn’t here last night, either,” Wayne goes on.
“He was not,” Eddie confirms.
“Wasn’t here when I got in yesterday morning,” Wayne says.
“You are a veritable font of observation tonight,” Eddie says, only a little snarky.
Wayne shrugs. “Hard not to notice when he’s here nine days out of ten, then suddenly up and disappears,” he says. He pauses a moment before adding, “Stuff’s gone from the bathroom, too.”
Eddie occupies himself with slowly swallowing down half his glass of water before he answers. “Yeah.”
“Don’t suppose he’s going on a trip,” Wayne doesn’t quite ask, and Eddie lets out a bitter sort of laugh.
“Loving the optimism from you, but no, not… not so much.”
There are a few beats of silence, and then Wayne lets out a slow sigh. Eddie knows him well enough to understand the sound of it – he’s just decided to get involved.
“You two have a fight?”
“Something like that,” Eddie mutters.
“Well that’s vague as hell, son. You have a fight, or didn’t you?” Wayne prods.
Slowly, Eddie shakes his head. “No, I– I don’t think so. I think it was all me,” he says, finally looking up from his glass and meeting Wayne’s questioning gaze. “I fucked up, Wayne.”
There’s no immediate judgement coming from Wayne, no suspicion or scorn, not even a shake of the head and some variation of “Of course you did.” There’s only a measured sort of curiosity in his stare, the same way it’s been since Eddie was a kid and Wayne was trying to figure him out; it’s sort of comforting in its familiarity, in its neutrality.
“You wanna tell me about it?” Wayne asks.
Eddie knows that if he says no, Wayne will let it go. He might keep sending curious and worried looks Eddie’s way, he might ask a few more prodding questions over the next few days, but he won’t make Eddie say anything he doesn’t want to. And Eddie doesn’t really want to – but he thinks that maybe he needs to.
“If… you had to define mine and Steve’s relationship, what would you say?” Eddie asks after a moment.
Wayne cocks an eyebrow at him. “I’d say that feels like a trick question.”
Eddie lets out a little huff of a laugh. “It’s not, I swear. I’m seriously curious,” he says. “There are no wrong answers – go.”
“Well,” Wayne says, still eyeing Eddie consideringly, “I don’t know if you kids put labels on things these days or what, but from the outside, I’d say you’re dating. I’d say that boy is fully in love with you and that you’re at least halfway to loving him back.”
“Right.” Eddie gives a jerky nod. “Seems like that’s what pretty much everyone thinks.”
“But that’s not what’s going on,” Wayne takes a guess.
“Well, that depends on your perspective,” Eddie says, a little high and tight.
“Well, the only perspectives worth a damn here’re yours’n Steve’s,” Wayne shoots back. “So what would those be?”
Eddie drains the last of his water, turning away to put the glass in the sink. “Steve… shares your perspective. Or, uh– he did. But I… I didn’t realize he was so serious. I thought we were just kind of messing around.”
The silence from behind Eddie is so thick that he can’t help but finally turn around and meet Wayne’s gaze again.
“That’s a hell of a blind spot, Ed,” Wayne says simply, and Eddie folds in on himself a bit, crossing his arms over his chest. His main defense has always been to become larger than life – to make big gestures and even bigger speeches, but everything about this situation makes him feel like nothing so much as small.
“Yeah,” he says quietly.
“So, what, you figured out how serious he was and thought you didn’t want that?” Wayne asks, and Eddie hunches a little further in on himself.
“Nope. No, that– would’ve been better, actually. If that’s what happened. But that’s not what happened, because did I mention I fucked up? Because I seriously fucked up.” Eddie’s rambling is stemmed by an expectant look from Wayne. “It’s just – the other night, when the guys were over, we got to talking about it. The whole… me and Steve thing. As in, they thought me and Steve were a thing. And they asked me about it. While Steve was out of the room. And then he, uh. Hm.” Eddie rubs a hand nervously over his chin. “He walked back in when I was in the middle of telling them that he's just a friend and that we’re just having fun. And that’s… when I found out how serious he was.”
“I know. I know!” Eddie doesn’t even have to look at Wayne to catch the disappointment coming off of him, so he doesn’t. He scrubs hands over his face and then just leaves him there, telling the rest of the story to his palms. “He was so fucking upset, Wayne, I think– I think I actually made him cry? And the only reason he hasn’t been here to get the rest of his stuff out of the trailer yet is because he was down with a migraine the next day. Like, I hurt him so badly I made him physically ill. So I didn’t just fuck up, but I’m actually a horrible human being and should probably spend the rest of my days living in isolation so I don’t ruin anyone else’s life.”
Wayne is silent for so long that Eddie is eventually forced to peek out from behind his fingers.
“You’re not gonna tell me how bad I fucked up?” Eddie asks, still a bit muffled.
“Seems like you have that covered already,” Wayne says, then he holds up one arm in offer, nodding towards the empty spot beside him on the couch. “C’mere.”
He doesn’t need to ask Eddie twice. No matter how old he gets, Eddie doesn’t think a genuine hug from his uncle will ever stop being comforting, and regardless of whether or not he thinks he actually deserves it right now, he’s going to take it. He crashes down onto the couch and leans heavily into Wayne’s side, sighing as Wayne wraps his arm around his shoulders.
“You’re not a bad person, Ed. You made a mistake, s’all,” Wayne says, and Eddie scoffs.
“Pretty big fucking mistake,” he mutters.
“Yep, that was a doozy. You hurt someone you care about, and you might not be able to fix it all the way. But that doesn’t make you terrible. Makes you human.” Wayne gives Eddie a comforting squeeze. “And Steve ain’t a bad person, either. He’ll know you mean it when you tell him you’re sorry.”
“Yeah,” Eddie says quietly.
“You think about what you’re gonna do when he does show to get the rest of his stuff?” Wayne asks.
“Besides grovel?” Eddie shoots back.
“I mean, what’re you gonna grovel for?”
Eddie lets out a long breath. “I… I know I might not be able to fix it, but I just – I want the chance to try. I’m hoping he’ll just give me that chance.” Eddie pauses for a moment, choked by the dread of the thought that Steve might not give him that chance. “Things don’t have to go back to the way they were, but I at least want him to know that even if I’m shit at showing it, I do care.”
“Sounds like a decent place to start,” Wayne says.
“Think so?” Eddie asks.
“Well… I hope Steve thinks so, too.”
Wayne gives his shoulders another squeeze and says nothing more, but he doesn’t really have to. He’s already settled Eddie’s nerves more than he’d thought possible; just this is more than enough.
Now Eddie just has to try to hold onto the feeling long enough to talk to Steve.
It turns out, Eddie doesn’t have to hold onto the feeling for very long at all; the very next morning—two days after Robin had read Eddie the riot act and left him to begin tentatively planning—another knock comes at the door.
It’s ten in the morning – not as early as Eddie had expected, but early enough that he’s not long out of bed when he opens the door to find Steve on the other side.
In contrast to Eddie’s sweatpants and t-shirt, Steve looks like he’s trying very hard to look like he’s alright. His polo is clean and tucked in, the collar is straight, his hair is as perfectly styled as ever – but there’s still something off. There are dark circles under his eyes, stark against a paler than normal complexion, and none of the ease or contentment that Eddie has grown used to shines from his face. He feels a little like he wants to mourn its absence.
“Hey,” Steve says, nodding in greeting.
“Hey,” Eddie says back, because for all his thoughts and planning, he hadn’t really considered how to start this encounter.
“I came to get my shit out of your way,” Steve says, and Eddie frowns.
It’s not in my way, he wants to say. You’re not in my way. Leave your stuff. Stay.
“Uh. Yeah, sure,” Eddie says instead, stepping aside to let Steve in.
Steve is carrying a cardboard box, but doesn’t seem to have anything or anyone else in tow. For as spread throughout Eddie’s life as Steve has become, he wonders if all of him will fit into that one box.
“Kinda surprised you didn’t bring Buckley to help pack,” Eddie says, glancing back out the screen door, as if Robin might appear out of nowhere.
“Just dropped her off at work,” Steve says. “I figured she probably already had… words for you when she picked up my meds, and I didn’t think any of us needed an encore.”
“I don’t know,” Eddie says quietly. “The stuff she said got me thinking.”
In the process of grabbing a jacket he’d left behind off one of the hooks by the door, Steve only glances back at Eddie. “I’m sure she had a lot to say,” he says, carefully neutral.
“Yeah. She, uh – definitely did. Can we talk?” Eddie asks.
Steve sighs. “Eddie…”
“Just hear me out, please. Then I’ll get out of your way and let you pack in peace, I promise,” Eddie says.
“We don’t– have to talk about it,” Steve says, turning back to face Eddie. “Look, I’m sorry for putting my weird expectations on you. I was reading into stuff that wasn’t there, and I made assumptions instead of just talking to you, and that’s on me. So I’m gonna just – get out of your hair, and you won’t have to deal with my stupid, delusional bullshit anymore.”
“No, that’s not– Steve–” Eddie reaches out for Steve as he tries to brush past on his way to the bedroom, where most of his belongings are. He gets a hand around Steve’s bicep and, though Steve doesn’t jerk away this time, he goes stiff and still beneath Eddie’s touch, prompting Eddie to let go.
It hurts; even though Eddie’s done it to himself, the reaction still hurts. He’s always reached for Steve in the past, always had his hands on him, and Steve had always welcomed him, even before they’d started sleeping together. Now, Eddie takes a step back, forcing himself to give Steve some space.
“That’s not what I want to say at all,” he says. “I mean – I would’ve liked if we’d talked about it, because then I would’ve known, and I could’ve appreciated what it was – what we were doing.”
Steve turns back to face Eddie, his gaze snapping straight to him with equal suspicion and confusion. “What?”
“Steve, you weren’t reading into things that weren’t there, you’re not– you’re not stupid or delusional, I was just – I was sending you mixed signals,” Eddie says. “I was so wrapped up in thinking that I knew what was going on, that I didn’t look at what I really had, and I’m sorry. But if I knew, if I’d just gotten my head out of my ass, you have to believe that in a heartbeat, I would have–”
“Don’t,��� Steve cuts in sharply.
“I don’t need whatever this is, Eddie,” Steve snaps. “You don’t need to have pity on your pathetic ex-whatever I am to you, okay? It’s okay, just– just let it go.”
“This isn’t pity,” Eddie insists with an incredulous little laugh. “It’s fucking not, I swear! This is me saying that I fucked up and I hurt you and I want to make it up to you. I haven’t done anything to deserve it, but I want the chance to show you how sorry I am and how much you mean to me– in whatever capacity you’ll let me.”
“Whatever capacity?” Steve stares at him, brows furrowed.
“Whatever you’ll be comfortable with. As a friend, or… as more, if that bridge hasn’t burned,” Eddie says.
“What, so now I’m relationship material?” Steve asks, pointed.
Eddie winces. “I shouldn’t have said that. I shouldn’t have said any of that, and if I could go back in time and slap myself upside the head before I let any of that shit out and hurt you with it, I would. I know that… I know I didn’t pay enough attention to you, but I also wasn’t paying very much attention to how I was feeling,” he says. “Because honestly? I’m kind of a moron, Steve. I’ve never had sex with someone I really liked, with someone who was anything like a friend, and when I started wanting to be around you all the time, and always wanting you within reach, and when every little thing started to remind me of you, I just thought… yeah, this is what friends-with-benefits feels like. Y’know, like a fucking idiot.”
Steve doesn’t laugh. “I don’t know if I can trust you on that,” he says softly, and that’s fair.
It hurts, but it’s fair.
“Then let me earn your trust back. Please, Steve, just… give me the chance,” Eddie implores, doesn’t even care that he’s basically begging – Eddie doesn’t beg, but for Steve, he’ll make an exception. For Steve, he thinks he’ll do just about anything.
Pursing his lips, Steve looks at the floor beside Eddie’s feet for a long moment, and Eddie gives him the time to sort his thoughts out.
“I want to say yes. Part of me just wants to accept your apology and pretend that none of this happened. Just keep going the way we were,” he says. “But I can’t keep doing that – ignoring shit. I just… can’t.”
“I’m not asking you to,” Eddie says. “I don’t want things to be like they were before, I want – I want to be better. I want to do better.”
“How?” Steve asks, both challenging and curious.
“I want to do it right. I want to show you how much I appreciate you, and how much you mean to me. I want to treat you like you deserve to be treated,” Eddie insists. “And if that’s just by being the best friend I can be, then that’s what I’ll do, but I would love—love—if you’d let me romance you.”
That briefly breaks through Steve’s stony façade, and he lets out a huff of a laugh. “Romance me?”
“Shit, yeah. Flowers and chocolates and candle-lit dates – the whole nine yards,” Eddie says with a slow grin. “All the things you’ve given other people but that no one has ever given you.”
“I…” Steve starts, his own humor fading quickly. “I don’t know.”
It’s better than an outright ‘no.’
“That’s okay,” Eddie promises. “You don’t have to know right now. I can wait. I’m a patient kinda guy.”
(That’s an absolute lie, and they both know it, but Eddie will find all the patience in the world if Steve needs time to think.)
Slowly, Steve nods. “I think… Just, give it a couple of weeks, okay? Really think about it, and if this – if I’m something you still want by then, come talk to me again,” he says. “Alright?”
“Yeah.” Eddie nods rapidly. “As much time as you want. I’m not going to up and change my mind. Two weeks, I’ll ask again.”
Steve shrugs, taking a step back towards the bedroom.
“I will,” Eddie promises – not defensive, but certain. He can wait two weeks. He can wait as long as Steve needs him to. Maybe he can take the time to get his shit together.
He does care about Steve. He does pay attention – and he’s going to prove it.
But in the meantime, the only thing Steve has asked for is space, so Eddie gives it to him. He retreats to the kitchen to let Steve pack up in peace, trying hard not to feel bereft at the thought of the gaps Steve will be leaving behind.
If he’s lucky—if he’s very, very lucky—it won’t be forever.
Part 5
Tag List (drop me a line if you want on or off the ride): @bushbees @y0urnewstepp4r3nt @gleek4twd @hellfireone @westifer-dead @anne-bennett-cosplayer @starman-jpg @mugloversonly @swimmingbirdrunningrock @alycatavatar @y4r3luv @rhapsodyinalto @vinteraltus @lilpomelito @tillystealeaves @noctxrn-e
I did my best to catch everyone, but there were a few people Tumblr wouldn't let me tag. Sorry if I missed you!
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lightlycareless · 2 years
Ok so, I'm really excited to show y'all next chapter aaaaa 😭
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stellamancer · 8 months
limitless (satoru gojo x reader)
notes: uh. should be working on my halloween fic lmaoo. but uh. thought i'd bang this out. inspired by a conversation with @shotorus about the names we use to refer to certain characters in narration. lmao.
contains: fem! reader (the only physical trait is that reader is shorter than gojo, gojo almost uses a gendered term for reader, but is cut off), established relationship (me: coughs up blood), typical gojo antics, nickname usage (darling, honey, sweetheart, babe), part of the infinite loop fic verse
wc: around 720
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"...I have a question."
You look at Gojo expectantly. Normally, he just says whatever is on his mind without pause, without filter, so you don't get why he's standing on ceremony right now. "Yeah?"
"We're dating, aren't we?" he asks.
You nearly spit out your drink. He's not wrong; for better or worse, he is your boyfriend now. The fact of it is actually kind of unbelievable when you think about it. Not just you dating Satoru Gojo. But you dating Satoru Gojo. If you had told yourself that it would have come to this ten years ago, even five years ago, you would have thought yourself a liar.
Now he's the one giving you the expectant look, his lips curved upward that little smile that always manages to get your blood boiling. The cocky bastard probably just wants you to admit it.
You consider saying 'no' just for the hell of it.
You decide not to. It feels almost as if you’re pulling teeth when you respond, “...we…are.”
Gojo’s mouth puckers and you brace yourself knowing full well that he’s about to start whining about something. There’s always something with this guy…"If we’re dating, then why am I still just 'Gojo' to you? I call you by your first name!"
"You've always called me by my first name," you dead pan.
"That's because I've always loved you!"
You roll your eyes. You know that's a lie, but you don't intend to argue with him— at least not head on because you know that it’s just going to lead to a dead end. "No, you love disregarding proper social etiquette. Or rather, you don't see the point in it."
"Oh, darling, you know me so well!" Gojo gives you a saccharine smile and you almost gag.
"Don't call me that."
He pouts. "Well, if you say I always call you by name, shouldn't I call you something else to show how special you are to me?"
"...no, actually, just my name is fine." A nickname from Gojo sounds dangerous. The thought of being called some cutesy nickname in front of everyone you know is mortifying. In fact, Gojo would do it solely to embarrass you.
So, naturally, he ignores you. "If darling is no good, what about... babe? Honey?"
"Gojo, really, you don't—"
"Sweetheart? My love? Oh, I know, I bet you'd love to be called pr—"
He immediately stops talking, his mouth hanging open in stunned silence. You didn't think that that would have that much of an effect to be honest. For once, it feels like you have the upper hand. You make sure to savor the moment because you know they are far and few in between.
"Just my name is fine," you repeat. "...okay?"
He gulps and answers, "...okay."
You try not to let your mind linger on the fact that his voice just now was lower than usual. "Good. So—"
"Say it again."
You blink. "Huh."
"My name," Gojo says, his voice thick with emotion. "Say it again."
When you don't say anything he takes a step toward you, the infinite cosmos in his eyes staring you down. You feel defiant. It's not fair of him to ask you anything when he looks and sounds like this. Gojo takes another step closer and you think that if you're adamant about not giving in to him you better do it before he gets too close.
"You've... " you start and hate how breathless you sound. This bastard knows exactly what he’s doing to you. "You've hit your daily limit."
Gojo pouts and takes another step. "Well, that's not fair."
"You're not fair," you retort.
He doesn't argue and you take that as Gojo admitting that he's playing dirty. "I think you should up the limit."
You hold your ground as he takes one more step closer.. "No. You think there shouldn't be a limit."
Gojo chuckles and leans down to bridge the rest of the distance between you. He cups your cheek, bringing your face closer to him. Your breath stills as you feel his own on you and it’s damn near intoxicating. His mouth is barely touching yours and your thoughts shift from trying to keep the banter going to how the slightest movement from either of you will result in a kiss.
“You’re right,” he murmurs, lips brushing against yours. “There shouldn’t.”
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phoebejaysims · 1 month
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Allotments Mod - Download
I made this mod for @desiree-uk! It's being shared as per her suggestion. A big thank you to her and I hope you all enjoy!
Put your community (or residential) gardens to use! Create and rent allotments, push gardening interactions and make a nice profit while you're at it.
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Place the allotment marker in a gated enclosure, set the sim who will be renting the allotment, and they'll take care of all the plants within their enclosure, plus partake in other specified duties.
Available Duties - Toggle on/off - [visibility subject to lot-type]
Get Fertiliser**,
Fertilise Plants,
Dispose of Dead Plants,
Rake Leaves,
Burn or Dispose Leaves.
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Gardening Push
As the allotment marker is a meta object, the sim renting the marker may autonomously be pushed to the lot to garden their allotment while inactive.
The marker is also a broadcaster object, so while within the vicinity, the renter will be pushed to complete any outstanding garden activities while in range.
You can also set up dedicated gardening days to push your sim to the lot and prevent your sim from coming to garden during certain seasons.
Set an owner for the allotment or attach a Bronzo* bank to the marker and make your sim pay to use the space! You can even set up automatic rent payments.
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Link a harvest box to the allotment marker and all harvested produce will go straight into the box instead of clogging up your sims inventory. You can also sell produce straight from the box!
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*My social clubs mod and **Ani's compost mod. Without these, the mod will at worst, crash, and at best, not work as intended.
Please read the included documentation for a more comprehensible feature breakdown.
A collection file is included for easy access to the objects.
Otherwise: the harvest box is in storage/misc. for $190 and the allotment marker is in outdoors/lawn ornaments for $35.
To @aroundthesims for generously allowing me to use her objects for my mods.
To @anitmb for her composting mod which has helped to enhance this mod.
To douglasveiga from MTS for the gardener service mod which I looked at when my interactions weren't working as intended.
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Download: Simblr.cc - Allotment Mod - Create and Manage Garden Allotments
Please enjoy!
If you would like to donate to say thanks, please feel free to do so at: my kofi :)
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smokbeast · 2 months
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I also have allot of fnaf content I wanna work on but alas, hn, but lil sketches of the boys I did a while back!
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spiritoast · 6 months
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pov you are watching hyness flip his shit and throw himself into the heart of a dead eldritch god after throwing dead lesbians at you at the sublime hour of 12:30 AM on a sunday but the star allies sparkler is there so dw about it
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blank-barrel · 1 month
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EVEN MORE FAUST: SANITY BOOGALOO (featuring Johnny this time)
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Oh, and top surgery jumpscare, by the way.
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t00thpasteface · 1 month
like many other lesbians i do enjoy a sexy nun (and robed high-fantasy priestess equivalents) but like. literally what's the point if you're just putting them in a themed lingerie-and-loincloth situation. you just drew a bikini babe with a funny hat/hood. the whole POINT is the vague suggestion of curves behind loose modest fabric that activates some basic urge of curious fantasizing via the paradoxical allure of the tease. if you show everything off right away then it's like skipping to the last 15 minutes of a movie!! like what are you DOING!! let go of the instant gratification and get hot over a woman who isn't showing anything but her face and hands
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eldrigeonsss · 9 months
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it took me an embarrassing amount of time to format this gif because i mixed up all the frames but we dont reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally need to think to hard about that
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wally-b-feed · 11 months
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Keynes Allot, 2023
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