vulturetime · 1 year
Here's a free totally awesome story idea that will definitely make you rich
two jokers (or were they called jesters?) work for a king in ye olden times, and they fall in love ooh. At the end one of them says to the other "Our love was never a joke."
haha get it? Oh you're not laughing? I'm sure you're actually crying from how emotionally profound it is. anyways I've said my piece and btw I'm super intrigued by the first wip you list in your intro. I would not mind any details about that if you'd like to share
that's beautiful. i can see the profound story in front of me now... two rival jesters, each wanting to one up the other to become the court's sole jester. there's backstabbing, comedy, a strange amount of political intrigue for two jokers, and then a perceived betrayal. my heart is moved by the two jesters who choose each other over status and move to the countryside to teach all the wee children how to play practical jokes.
and sure i'd love to talk about to win a price! the technical main character is a knight named aurelius, though you don't learn about aurelius's motivations immediately. Instead, the story follows character after character that interacts with Aurelius on this quest of theirs. The first is a voiceless mail carrier named Ballari who gets involved unwittingly in a murder and travels with Aurelius (and Aurelius's companion, Kaleo, a bard-historian that can never stop traveling) to try and find the culprit. Some of the other characters are Motek, a being called a watcher who lives with the watcher's historic enemy, the guardians; and Alt, who comes from the predecessors of guardians and watchers, and yet, who wears a human skin. There's quite a few more characters but I don't want to clog this ask too much.
As for Aurelius themself? The kingdom they were taken in by has a tournament style for the successors. Successors are taken in very young and raised as siblings. Whoever succeeds in a set of trials will be chosen as the successor of the monarch, while the others are members of cabinet or such. The current reigning king has no such siblings in court. And Aurelius had the bad luck to become close friends with the most hated successor. It is the king's backstory that Aurelius discovers through the story, and the readers get to learn more about how Aurelius came to be here :)
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le-ki · 2 years
Okay but just imagine the relief Eda (and all the other parents) will feel when they find out what a great summer the kids have had. Eda, who was set on making sure Luz & King have “One last fun day” before the DOU, getting to hear that the gang had whole MONTHS to spend time away from this just being kids.
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forgottenbones · 1 year
The Prince of UwU
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post jailed i mean
yeah i assumed :(
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glamfurarchive · 1 year
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ART BY: Twap on Yerf • 12/20/2003
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Batshit Soulmates Part 6
The second one today. I'm trying to get through my backlog because I have almost twenty chapters that are finished and ready to be posted. And that isn't counting the fact that with my daily goal of 400 words a day, I'm definitely going to have more than that the longer it takes for me to post.
This here is my schedule for the next two weeks, but as I said, since I'm always writing, that "return to one chapter a day" on the 11th? That's probably a pipe dream. So I might end up adding a fourth day to my posting schedule so that I can at least put out a chapter a week for each of my WIPs.
We'll see.
For this chapter we have fun times at the Wheelers (heavy sarcasm), that talk and a cliffhanger? Yeah, a cliffhanger.
In Medias Res| Prologue|Pt 1| Pt 2|Pt 3|Pt 4|Pt 5|
They had been traveling awhile when Eddie decided to get the lay of the land by getting higher.
Which was great in theory until he saw the vast expanse of...shit he didn’t even know how to describe it other than evil. And it stretched as far as he could see.
He turned around to get back down when Nancy called out.
“Don’t step on the vines!”
Eddie froze. “Uh what now?”
“They’re connected to the Upside Down,” she said with a huff.
Eddie looked to Steve to translate.
“They’re part of a hive mind,” Steve explained. “You step on a vine and basically you’re stepping on Vecna and basically everything else in this hell hole.”
“Shit!” Eddie hissed as he tried to come up with a way to get down without waking up the whole Upside Down to their presence.
“I was thinking that now would probably be a good time to get my guns,” Nancy murmured.
Eddie finally decided that fuck it, he was just going to by pass all the vines jump down.
He landed deftly on his feet and as he pulled up his jeans a little he said, “You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns at your house? Guns as in plural?”
Robin pointed excitedly at her. “I know, isn’t she bad ass?”
“I have a Russian pistol,” Nancy said with a cock of her head, “and a revolver.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “You almost shot me with that one.”
Nancy smiled back and with a teasing lilt to her voice replied, “And you almost deserved it.”
Steve stepped back with the force of a denim vest being thrown in his face. He looked up at Eddie in shock.
“For your modesty, dude.”
Steve looked down at the vest in confusion. “Wha–”
Just then there was great big roar and the ground shook. Robin tumbled into Eddie and Steve barely managed to catch Nancy before elbowed him in the side.
Steve and Nancy were able to keep on their feet but Robin and Eddie fell to the ground.
Eddie looked at Robin and then back at where the noise came from.
“Guns are really starting to sound good right now,” Eddie muttered.
Robin looked back at him and nodded. “Oh yeah.”
Eddie was rubbing his shin as Robin’s heel had kicked it on her way down but his brain turned off when he saw Steve walk by as he pulled on Eddie’s vest.
Shit. He had miscalculated on that one. He hadn’t wanted Nancy Wheeler to ogle his soulmate but he didn’t take in the fact on how hot Steve would look wearing his battle vest. He only barely managed to help Robin to her feet before he was hoping forward to catch up with Steve.
His little lizard brain lighting up with, “Hot boy! Must follow hot boy now,” as his feet danced around the vines to be by Steve’s side.
And just maybe Steve wanted it too, because as Eddie fell in step next to him, Steve blushed and ducked his head.
Eddie grinned up at him as they made their way through the darken forest of the Upside Down.
Eddie kept looking over at Steve, who was looking like he had merely taken a tumble in gym instead of being eaten alive.
And yeah that was hot, it was also worrying as fuck. Eddie was starting to think that maybe Steve wasn’t a dick, the dude was just traumatized.
Robin and Nancy walked slower behind them to give them some privacy. Finding your soulmate in the middle of the end of the world, again, sucked.
“Hey, I wanted to thank you for saving my ass back there,” Steve said, softly.
Eddie bumped their shoulders together. “You saved your own ass, man. What you did there was very Ozzy.”
“Who?” Steve asked, confused.
“Ozzy Osborn? Black Sabbath?” Eddie prompted. Steve’s confusion only deepened. “He bit the head off a bat on stage.”
“Wha?” Steve said, rearing his head back. “I don’t know you’re talking about.”
Eddie smiled faintly. “It’s okay. All I was saying that that was a very metal thing you did back there.”
“And metal is...good?” Steve asked, unsure.
Eddie chuckled. “Very.”
“Thanks,” Steve said, grateful the dirt and grim of the Upside Down hid his blush.
They walked on for a few moments in silence. “I was so jealous of you, by the way.”
Steve reared back his head. “Me? Why?”
“Dustin talks about you all the time, man,” Eddie said. “Like all the time. Never shuts up about you, in fact. The kid worships the ground you walk on. Called you a badass on more than one occasion.”
Steve scoffed. “Dustin thinks I’m badass?”
“Oh, yeah,” Eddie said thoughtfully. “I think I just couldn’t accept that Steve Harrington was a good dude, you know? Rich parents, popular, good with girls, not a douche? There was no way. It just flies in the face of life, the universe, and everything. Including my very own Munson doctrine.” He twisted the rings on his fingers nervously.
Steve reached out and gently took his hand.
Eddie took a deep breath and let out it slowly. “I’m still jealous because you’re the real deal. I’m learning that outside DnD, I’m no hero. I see danger and I turn and run. Or at least that’s what I discovered about myself this week.”
Steve squeezed his hand. “Hey, give yourself a break. There was nothing you could have done about Chrissy, okay?”
Eddie let out a shuddering sigh. “The truth is that if those two ladies hadn’t dived in after you, I would still be up in that boat. I don’t know how you managed to get the loyalty of two of the smartest girls in school, especially with one of them being your ex, but holy shit dude. Nancy just dived in no hesitation.”
But before Steve could answer another rumble ripped through the Upside Down.
“Jesus!” Steve hissed as Eddie said, “Here we go again!”
They clutched each other as they struggled to remain on their feet. Steve looked up at Eddie and his breath stopped in his chest, tightening like a vice.
They were so close that Steve could taste their mingled breathes. He yearned to just lean forward and–
Robin tapped his shoulder. “Come on, let’s get to Nancy’s before another quake hits us.”
When they got to Nancy’s room, their hope for salvation turned to ash like the dust falling from the sky.
“What do you mean they don’t exist?” Eddie hissed.
Nancy looked like she was going to cry. “The Upside Down is stuck in 1983. Most likely the day Will vanished and I didn’t get my guns until after.”
Even Robin looked disappointed at not being about to see Nancy’s guns.
It truly seemed like all was lost when Steve suddenly stopped.
“Holy shit!” he cried. “Can you hear that?”
Nancy and Robin shared a glance.
“Hear what?” Nancy asked.
“Dustin!” Steve said happily. “I can hear Dustin! And Lucas! And Max!” He giggled.
“It’s like they in the walls!”
Eddie grimaced. The pain must be really getting to the guy if he was hallucin–
But then he could hear it too. Steve and Eddie shared a look and they turned, booking it for the door.
They thundered down the stairs and they noticed the golden light glittering around the chandler.
But now the girls could hear the kids too. It sounded like they were in trouble.
All four them were drawn to the light. It was warm and comforting. And god, Eddie couldn’t stop touching the light.
“It’s warm,” he muttered.
The other three reached up and touched the glittering glow. Steve and god, how Steve seemed to watch to reach out to him as well.
“Does anyone know Morse code?” Nancy asked, trying to figure out how to communicate with the right side up.
Steve shook his head and even Robin wasn’t clueless.
Eddie licked his lips. “Um...does SOS count?”
Nancy nearly screamed at him, but let Eddie do his thing. They managed to communicate with Dustin, Erica, and Max, who had somehow gotten themselves under house arrest. Or whatever the hell the cops wanted to call keeping children against their will.
They managed to find a way to communicate with them through Holly’s LiteBrite. And so Dustin rambled at a million miles per hour about gates and murders and Vecna.
“Does anyone understand what he’s talking about?” Nancy asked.
Everyone shook their heads. So she simply sent back a single question mark.
“How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys trust me?” Dustin screamed.
Steve sighed. “Jesus Christ, this kid has to get his ego in check.”
Eddie leaned over so that he could talk to Steve around Nancy.
“It’s his tone, right?” Eddie asked.
“Yes!” Steve agreed, happy that he had someone who understood what a menace Dustin was at the best of times.
Basically it boiled down to needing to get to the nearest gate. Eddie’s trailer.
“Which great and all,” Eddie huffed. “But let me tell you, Forest Hills is no easy walk from here.”
Nancy looked around at them like they were stupid. “The kids left their bikes here. There should be four of them in the garage.”
Steve rolled his eyes. But they all dutifully followed her out to the garage.
The bikes were tiny. God, are they minuscule. They all climbed onto the bikes and rode all the way to the trailer park.
And if Eddie hung back to watch Steve’s ass all the way there... fuck you, no he didn’t. The view didn’t hurt, though.
They made it his trailer and they laid down the bikes in front of it. Eddie began to shake. Frozen in fear. He couldn’t go back in there. They couldn’t make him.
They could find another ga–
Suddenly there was a warm hand on his shoulder. “I know you don’t want to go in there. But we need to get back to the Right Side Up, breathing the shit down here isn’t good for you.”
Eddie gulped, but nodded.
“I’ll be right beside you,” Steve continued softly. “If you need to, take my hand.”
Eddie instantly latched on to Steve’s hand as he led the group into the Upside Down version of Eddie’s home.
He stumbled a bit as he saw the great, big, red, pulsating...wound.
“Shit!” he whispered, a little awed and a lot scared. “That’s where she died. Like right where she died.”
Steve squeezed his hand gently. “I’m sorry, Eds. We just need to find a way to contact the kids and get us out of here, okay?”
Eddie looked around at his home and just wanted to cry. Nothing was where it was supposed to be and yet exactly where it was supposed to be. And that really fucked with his head.
Nancy looked up at the gate. “It’s too high. There’s no way we can get to it without help.”
Steve and Robin looked around trying to see it there was something that could be used to pry it open from below.
Eddie knew he should help them. He knew where things were kept. But he just couldn’t move. All he could do was stare up at that red wound in his ceiling pulsating with a sick twisted form of life.
Just then something poked through it and Eddie screamed. He didn’t mean to, but the sound had escaped his mouth before he even knew what it was.
What it was when Steve got him calmed down enough to actually see it, was a shovel.
It didn’t make him feel any better, until that curly little mop of hair stuck through the now decent sized hole in the ceiling.
“Henderson!” he cried in relief.
“There you are!” Dustin called back. “Do you think that you guys can work it open from your end while we work it open from our end?”
“Is everyone okay?” Steve asked.
“Yeah, we’re fine,” Dustin said. “Let’s get you guys out of there, okay?”
Between them, they were able to get the Gate open and a mattress set up to catch their fall.
“What are those stains?” Robin sneered.
Eddie looked up at them and licked his lips. “I, um... I don’t know what they are, honestly.”
Robin’s lip curled. “Gross.”
The truth was that Eddie really didn’t know. He had gotten it used a couple of years ago when his old mattress fell apart. They could have been there from its previous owner for all he knew.
“So who’s going up first?” Steve asked.
“Not you, pretty boy?” Eddie teased.
Steve blushed. “I want to make sure everyone else gets up there okay.”
Robin eyed the sheet rope and then said, “I’ll go.”
Steve nodded and watched carefully as Robin scaled the rope. She flipped around and landed on the mattress with a flomf!
Dustin helped her to her feet.
“That was quite fun actually.”
Back in the Upside Down, Eddie looked at Nancy and Steve, but neither one moved, so he shrugged. “I guess that means I’m next.”
This was Eddie’s least favorite part of gym, climbing rope ladders. He didn’t ever see the point. Though getting detention for pointing out it was part of the military industrial complex was one of his best days in that class, so...
Up he went. It wasn’t that he couldn’t climb the damn thing, he just loved ranting about having to.
“Okay, Nancy,” Steve said. “You’re next.”
But she didn’t answer. Steve turned to her but she was just standing there. He called out to her again.
Eddie’s head immediately popped back over the gate. “Shit!”
Steve shook her shoulders, but she remained immobile.
No, no, no, no...
Not Nancy!
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Epilogue
Tag List: @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie
@chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666
@goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
@justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
@cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt
@useless-nb-bisexual @angels-of-hades @mugloversonly @y4r3luv @greeniebean911
@birbsauce @acingthecounts @cryptid-system @counting-dollars-counting-stars @chameleonhair
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bunnysuitconman · 9 months
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tilt twap
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junkmailmusubi · 7 months
*smollusk voice* i see you'we twapped in my gay and stuwpid towew again
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Love me or hate me, both are in my favor (Miguel O’Hara x Fem! Reader [HS Academic rivals AU])
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Hiii! I can’t believe I haven’t updated this series since last year! ( I hate myself too don’t worry) hope you all have a good 2024! Hope you enjoy the new chapter! Not proofread.
(Y/N)- Your name.
Cursing, villains villaining, reader almost dying (she doesn’t tho don’t worry)
Word count: 1.8k
Series Masterlist Series Playlist
Chapter 7: this world is only gonna break your heart
If Miguel had a nickel for everytime you had been attacked by a monster-like man creature, and had to be rescued by him, he’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice.
The police had made quick work for once and had evacuated the area, making sure to keep up when the scene moved from the aquarium back over to Coney Island. News choppers keeping a distance from where they flew in the air, capturing live footage of your capturer dodging police, using you as a human shield in an attempt to keep bullets from being fired in his direction. You would have squirmed against the blue tentacles that wrapped around your body, if it weren’t for him holding you hostage on top of the wonder wheel, one wrong move and you could slip off, or worse, he could drop you off it like you were nothing more than a piece of trash.
Your pleas fell on deaf ears as you begged to be let go, to be placed back on ground level, but he wouldn’t even glance in your direction, instead opting to look out into the crowd, watching, waiting. He seemed to be getting impatient, you could tell by the irritated huff he let out, before you felt his limb tighten slightly before your feet began to be lifted off the narrow steel beams underneath themselves. Your hands instinctively go to grip the blue ampendage, you let out a screech, your throat raw as you begged for him to not let go, your tears cascading down your face as he waits. If you were thinking clearly, it would have clicked in your mind. You were acting as bait.
The wind was knocked out of your lungs as you were suddenly webbed against the bright orange Farris wheel, a sob escapes your lips as you quickly evert your eyes from the floor that was at least 50 yards beneath you, praying to whatever gods would listen to make sure the neon red silk wouldn’t decide to snap underneath you, while you felt the octopus-man’s tentacle pull away from you.
“Spider-Man! I see my favorite insect finally decided to join us.”
“Doc ock.” Spider-Man grumbled as he began to scale the amusement park ride. “What do I owe the displeasure to this time.” Finally, he decided to move from his spot at the top of the Farris wheel, both men leaving you basically forgotten. Doc ock didn’t justify the remark with an answer, rather begins to weave himself between the teal metal beams, as Spider-Man went after him, attempting to trap him in webs as he followed. Like a game of cat and mouse. “Let’s get this over with doc, we both know how this is gonna end.”
You had no idea what was happening behind you, but you did know that every time they gripped onto the metal of the wheel as they used it like a jungle gym the whole thing would shake, it was utterly terrifying. You were never partially scared of heights before, but now you definitely were. The adrenaline rush was making your blood pump and your heart beat to ring in your ears, trying to take deep breaths as you bit your lip to keep your whimpers and sobs low. Why couldn’t one of those damn news hoppers grab you?
You have no idea how long you’ve been stuck against the Farris wheel, but it feels like an eternity.
Finally, you let out a gasp as you heard one of the webs begin to rip from beneath you, feeling the thin silk brush lightly against your ankle as it slowly begins to unwind. Instinctively you grabbed onto one of the webs that was a bit higher on your body, one that seemed thicker, more sturdy, just in time for the unwinding of the web on your lower half to pick up speed. You let out another yelp as you finally felt the webbing snap and fall down, letting out a sob as it flowed away in the wind, as you tried to hoist yourself up higher on the neon red webs.
“Help! Spider-Man help!” Your pleas reached Miguel’s ears faster than anyone else’s would have, he quickly glanced up and saw you were quite literally hanging from a thread. If he wasn’t quick enough, you’d surely plummet and be severely injured, or worse… “I’m gonna fall! Please!” You interrupted yourself with another scream as you watched in horror as the sting of web you were depending on to keep yourself up, starts to slowly rip away due to gravity. Miguel let out a frustrated huff, as he stopped for a second to catch his breath, he could throw that nasty octopus in the slammer another time, he couldn’t let you get injured again. He wouldn’t.
“I’m coming!” Doc ock was quickly dropped from Miguel’s mind as fast as the octopus fled the scene. Miguel begins to quickly climb back up to your level, unfortunately, his strength and speed shook the metal structure as he climbed back up, leaving small claw marks as he re-ascended the Farris wheel. The shaking only sped up the deteriorating of the web you were holding onto, until-
You were screaming but you couldn’t hear anything but a ringing in your ears that was getting more intense every inch you got closer to the floor. The watching crowd could only let out a collective gasp as they watched your descent, mothers covering their children’s ears and eyes, teenagers recording on their phones, your teachers that were supervising watching in horror knowing that this was going to be a PR nightmare for the boarding school despite if you somehow managed to get out unscathed.
You were so petrified and out of it that you didn’t even realized that Spider-Man had jumped off after you until you felt his arm cling around your waist, pulling back out of your deer-in-headlights-like state, causing your arms to instinctively around his neck before using his free hand to shoot a web onto the wonder wheel, stop you both only 20 feet or so before you would have hit the floor. Your hearing slowly started to come back to, hearing the sounds of the crowd of onlookers clapping and cheering on the masked vigilante.
“Hey.” Your head snapped over to him once he finally spoke, both of your chest heaving rapidly.
“Hey.” You smiled.
“We need to stop meeting like this.” He joked, and you didn’t have to see his face under his mask to know his smile widened when you let out a shaky laugh at the quip.
“Can you put me down now Mr.Spider-Man?” You asked with a small giggle, readjusting your arms around his neck, now he was the one who let out a shaky chuckle.
“Right , right…” he mumbled before he started to lower you both down, gently helping you to your feet, expecting him to do the same, but instead he just flipped himself upside down as he hung from the red web in front of you.
And you weren’t sure if it was the post-almost dying adrenaline rushing through your bloodstream, or if it was your mind being clouded by the utter most gratefulness at the fact that he had saved you from death’s clutches more then once, but you did something you’d never do if you were thinking 100% correctly, knowing you’ll probably be embarrassed by the actions when your replaying the memories late at night in bed, but right now, that wasn’t gonna stop you. The crowd or the news choppers watching you wasn’t gonna stop you either.
So, taking in a deep breath for courage, you go to bring your hand up to his face and dip your finger under his mask and lifting it just above his nose. You had paused for a second once your hands traveled to rest on either side of his still covered temples, just to give him the ability to recover the lower half of his face and pushed you away if he wanted, and you were really expecting him too. But instead, you watched as his plump lips pulled up (down?) into a small smirk, taking this as your greenlight, you leaned forward, letting your lips meet.
You finally understood what authors meant when they would write about feeling fireworks. You finally understood why rom-com movies would play grand music during the main characters sharing a kiss. Your heart swells as your eyes closed, you felt like you could kiss Spider-Man forever. You really want to.
“Get it spidey!”
“That’s (Y/N), isn’t it?”
“Oh my god it is!”
The comments from the still watching crowd brought you down from high, cheeks redding as you heard a random stand-byer let out a whistle. Suddenly reminding you of your shameless act as you pulled away from the upside down spider, who only let out an amused chuckle as he pulled down his mask again, it coming out a bit breathless due to him still recovering from the kiss/fight.
You go to whip your mouth as you finally turn away from him, and you immediately spot Mj and Pete at the front of the metal fence that the police had placed to keep the crowd away from the whole ordeal. Your embarrassed smile only widens when you say his hand resting on her waist.
Miguel’s smile had never been wider when he walked back into his shared room, his brother already sprawled on his own bed as he fumbled and fidgeted with a rubix cube. Glancing at his brother when he heard the door click close.
“Wonder what’s got you all smiles? Would it happen to be a certain kiss from a certain girl?” Gabriel teased, his smirk causing Miguel to roll his eyes.
“I don’t know what you're talking about.” Miguel quipped, pulling his windbreaker off and tossing it in the hamper.
“Don’t play dumb Mig, it’s all over the news and the internet.” Gabriel scoffed as he placed the incomplete cube on his chest, before propping himself up on his elbows. “What happened to hating her?”
Now it’s the elder of the two to scoff. “I still do.”
“Then why didn’t you stop her?”
“Well- I didn’t want to embarrass her! There was a crowd and news crews-“
Gabriel fully sits up on his bed. “Just admit it Miguel! You don’t hate her! Hell, you're probably in love with her!”
“I’m not taking this crap. I’m going out for a walk.” Miguel grumbled before getting up from his seat on his own bed, his brother only rolling his eyes at his dramatics. It wasn’t until he closed the door after stepping out of his dorm that it hit him like a freight train.
Gabriel was right. He didn’t hate you as much as he liked to lead on…
Taglist: @famouscattale @oharasfilipinawife @mxltifxnd0m @loser-alert @homewreckingwreck @dumb-gemini @cowboylikeevie @thedevax @codenameredkrystalmatrix
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vulturetime · 2 years
ballari: i have meticulously observed the habits of those watching me so that i may sneak into the library and get books that will provide vital intelligence to me in order to pursue this case that i was told very sternly to drop.
also ballari after about a day of having those books: those books were boring so plan b, breaking and entering, is now a go
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shittysawtraps · 2 years
Hewwo Amanda ⋐(ల◕ᴗ◕ల)⋑ You don't know me, but I know you ୧(^ ᴥ ^)୨ I want to pway a game (〃^▽^〃) Here's what happens if you wose (◕ ヮ◕✿) The device you awe weawing is hooked into youw upper and wower jaw ଘ(´•∀•ˋ)⊃━☆ When the timew in the back goes off, youw mouth wiww be permanentwy wipped open \(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ Think of it wike a weverse beaw twap ヾ(^-^)ノ Hewe, I'ww show you ଘ(੭ˊωˋ)੭ There is onwy one key to open the device (^_^)ゞ It's in the stomach of youw dead cewwmate ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊωˋ )ଓ♪ Wook awound Amanda ☜(・w・)☞ Know that I'm not wying ٩(≧ω≦)۶ Bettew huwwy up ۹(´°ワ°`)۶ Wive or die, make youw choice ( っ☉ω☉)っ
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chester is twapping us you needs to saves usD:< -🦝🐾
*Casually walks by, whistling*
*unlocks the playpen*
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radiant-fanon-maker · 28 days
Tiny Secret
[Part 1] Part 2:
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K: mmp mmp
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N: Sweetie?
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wobble wobble
N: S-sweetie-
N: Oh lord!
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K: I-I'm sowwy I'm actin' wike tiz, N-Nowi... I-I muzt wook zo ztupid... [I'm sorry I'm acting like this, Nori... I must look so stupid...]
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N: Oh sweetie. It's okay. You didn't look stupid.
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K: It did. D-Do chu even know w-wat tiz iz?.. [Do you even know what this is?]
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K: T-Tiz t-ing iz dum to talk about... It'z zo ztupid- [This thing is dumb to talk about... It's so stupid-]
U: Hey, Agere is not stupid to talk about! It helps people and support is not stupid...
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Beep Beep
U: Gah the food!
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U: You two come down soon please!
N: Hehee okay!
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K [Mind]: Should I... really contin-
N: Hey catch!!
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K: Buddy!!
N: You ready?
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N: Hey... I promise this is okay...
K: I-I know..
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K: But... B-But ... Walkin' iz hawd... [walking is hard]
N: Oh sweetie...
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U: Get some slices cut anddd hehee boom! hmm... Maybe... I'm sure dad won't mind...
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U: There we go
N: Gah!!
K: Get over hewe! [here]
U: Huh?
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N: heheehee Uzi! Help meee!
U: What's happening?
N: I'm being chased!!
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U: By what?
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U: Huh?!
N: Hahahah!!
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K: Chu awe twapped!! [you are trapped!!]
U: Oh noooo how many I escape???
K: Neva!!! [Never!]
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U: Not even my delicious meat loaf?
K: Mea'woaf? O'ay I fwee chu [Okay, I free you]
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U: Ah, why thank you
K: Yummy.
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beth0ftime · 10 months
Some thoughts about cpunk and mobility aids
I recently saw this post by @satellites-halo:
I think OP brings up a very good point here: if your mobility aid is obviously dangerous you can’t bring it places you’ll need to go. That said this isn’t the end of the story.
As a practitioner of HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts; using historical weapons from Europe) there are actually a lot of writings on using things like canes and chairs for self defense/offense. For example there was a several year streak in London where walking staffs were the most deadly weapon. When these books and treatises were written they weren’t adding spikes or barbed wire to these things.
I am pretty much a full time cane user due to my hEDS and POTS. I will not use it for a little bit but I end up unstable and in pain afterwards, I mainly do this for exercise/practice. So I have been very interested in learning how to use a cane in this way, as well as seeing how other, similar, aids have been used throughout history.
While not all of these forms of fighting are useful for all mobility aid users, such as full time wheelchair users or some forearm crutch users, there’s a surprising amount of people it will work for. For example, I’m currently reading a treatise by a man who is partially blind, that is his term with modern vocabulary we would call him legally blind, and he is good enough at fighting to be considered one of the most amazing swordsman and cane fighter. (It should be noted that he did not have access to glasses and mainly navigated the world tactually)
The only real requirement is that the aid should be built from a single piece (not any of the foldable kinds) and be of sturdy materials: metal, solid wood, etc. While I recognize that this does exclude a fair few mobility aids there’s still a fair few this works for: canes, rollators (though lifting them into position for fighting might be untenable for some people), forearm crutches (if used like a Roman forearm blade, again some may not be able to do this), and even some leashes for service dogs (used as a rope dart) to name a few. There are probably more in forgetting but it’s a lot.
The key thing about all of this is that you don’t have to add scary spikes that might make the TSA balk at you, you can just use a normal looking mobility aid to do the same thing. It should also be noted that most courts consider mobility aids to be part of the person using them for the purposes of assault charges; if someone touches your mobility aid in a way you don’t like, that’s assault and you can respond in kind. That isn’t legal advice and there’s still ‘appropriate force’ president to consider but twapping someone who is grabbing at your cane, especially maliciously, isn’t out of question for a normal reaction, and being good at doing so is preferable.
Ok, cool Beth, but what do I do with this info?
There’s a little part of this post that’s me trying to get more disabled people like me into a sport I love but I can’t do so without some caveats. Not all HEMA clubs are built the same and some can be downright nasty, please look up any club you consider joining and maybe ask a physical/occupational therapist before launching into a contact sport. If it’s not in your interest then that’s also fine, there are several forums that post book recommendations for learning cane fighting or uses of a chair in WWII fighting (what rollators are great for).
If you’re a cane user, there are actually custom canes that you can order that are especially made for fighting (that aren’t objectionable enough to be confiscated by anyone who does security) but also just getting a cane made from a hardwood works. The website https://canemasters.com has a great selection and a really nice custom ordering system.
I wish I had more for other forms of mobility aids but my research is limited, if you have more sources for this stuff please comment/repost with them. If that’s not your style my dms are always open for cool fighting stuff!
Be safe and stay punk!
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mywool · 2 years
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miiilowo · 1 year
I'm sowwy to intewwupt you Ewizabeth, if you stiww even wemembew that name. But I'm afwaid you've been misinfowmed. You awe not hewe to weceive a gift, now have you been cawwed hewe by the individuaw you assume. Awthough you have indeed been cawwed.
You have aww been cawwed hewe. Into a wabywinth of sounds and smewws, misdiwection and misfowtune. A wabywinth with no exit, a maze with no pwize. You don't even weawize that you awe twapped. Youw wust fow bwood has dwiven you in endwess ciwcwes, chasing the cwies of chiwdwen in some unseen chambew, awways seeming so neaw, yet somehow out of weach.
But you wiww nevew find them, none of you wiww. This is whewe youw stowy ends.
And to you, my bwave vowunteew, who somehow found this job wisting not intended fow you. Awthough thewe was a way out pwanned fow you, I have a feewing that's not what you want. I have a feewing that you awe wight whewe you want to be. I am wemaining as weww, I am neawby.
This pwace wiww not be wemembewed, and the memowy of evewything that stawted this can finawwy begin to fade away. As the agony of evewy twagedy shouwd. And to you monstews twapped in the cowwidows: Be stiww and give up youw spiwits, they don't bewong to you.
Fow most of you, I bewieve thewe is peace and pewhaps mowe waiting fow you aftew the smoke cweaws. Awthough, fow one of you, the dawkest pit of Heww has opened to swawwow you whowe, so don't keep the deviw waiting, owd fwiend.
My daughtew, if you can heaw me, I knew you wouwd wetuwn as weww. It's in youw natuwe to pwotect the innocent. I'm sowwy that on that day, the day you wewe shut out and weft to die, no one was thewe to wift you up into theiw awms the way you wifted othews into youws. And then, what became of you.
I shouwd have known you wouwdn't be content to disappeaw, not my daughtew. I couwdn't save you then, so wet me save you now.
It's time to west. Fow you, and fow those you have cawwied in youw awms.
This ends fow aww of us.
End communication.
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