#twilight is gay now
gunsatthaphan · 6 months
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bitterbitter · 5 months
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i saw the prompt fav zora and i immediately had to draw queen rutela cause i was obsessed (still am tbh) with her when twilight princess first released🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
me and my friend were also talking about how prince ralis might start forgetting what she looked like when he gets older and i- TTnTT
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loremaster · 11 months
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the meaning of life
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chimchiri · 1 year
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Tempest switching from serving one nobility to another. I just couldn't not draw them.
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starthelostboys · 1 year
i love those anti twilight tlb memes that 50 year old straight dads love that are like “real vampires don’t sparkle” or “edward isn’t a real vampire he’s just a little bitch” with that group shot of the lost boys attached. like dude those are a bunch of gay men.
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rarilight · 3 months
A friend writing a humanized raritwi story has been letting me watch as they write, and they just wrote a little section where Twilight is being so DUMB and EARNEST about clinking her drink with Rarity’s and
I know I’m into men, and while I spend a lot of time dealing with my own internalized biphobia, but the way my heart skipped a beat at reading that part….
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akfpz · 10 months
My bl weekends are so fucking crazy!
How a emotional rollercoaster, from Last twilight (JimmySea gonna kill me with their cuteness here)
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...to Playboyy... (Shell, such a discover at the end of 2024!!😵)
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With special mention to our favourite omegaverse surprise bl!
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(now just wait another week for more...)
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sn0wbat · 8 months
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sparkle on, tiberius ✨
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tinycowboybro · 11 months
if the jossgawin gay vampire series comes out and i don’t see at least one (1) my chemical romance edit for it i’m going to be so sad
Arm Share EP.135 : x
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reidanart · 1 year
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I think part of the problem with Edward (apart from the control issues and being in a relationship with a child) is that we never get to know more about him from when he was human.
I don't even know what his eye color was, and believe me, I looked!
I just keep having these scenes in my head where Edythe and Bella are talking about her past and what she was like before she was turned. Maybe she has an old picture of herself from before? Maybe she has some from the 30's, the 60's???
So here's Edythe in like 1917ish based on some fashion plates!
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stormyoceans · 10 months
We thought Day is confident gay when in fact he is GAY LOSER who blushes easily around his crush and has doe eyes and would like to be manhandled oh i am in love with the layers of him
im so happy you mentioned all of day's layers because he is such a complex character and i find him so interesting!!!!!! he is confident and quick-witted with his friends, he is vicious and resentful with night, he is timid and accommodating with august, he is a mama's boy but isn't afraid to stand up to her, he is stubborn and hard-working and genuine and charismatic, he is a jock AND a nerd, he can be the most polite boy or the cuntiest man alive. the thing is.. we all have multiple selves, and each of these selves is defined in a web of relationships and has particular attributes, so of course day the son is different from day the brother who is different from day the friend who is different from day the student who is different from day the athlete, but ultimately they're all just day
and what kinda amazes me is that mork, by being an external observer, has been able to see all these sides of day, but he also brought out other ones that belong to mork and mork alone, like day's bashfulness and playfulness. day in love is, in general, surprisingly hesitant and self-conscious (and someone who wants to be pushed down and taken care of, but that's a whole other matter), but what a difference the person who he is in love with makes: august is a wild fire who makes day small, while mork is an hearth fire who makes day shine
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uh-velkommen · 5 months
Interview With The Vampire is back and after one episode I am yet again stressing over trying to decipher what exactly is happening between Louis and everyone around him and mentally crying over the idea that Claudia reminds Louis of Lestat in the way that he could never fully let go so long as Claudia is around. Then there's the layer of Louis being in a position where his abuser is all he knows and all he has so why would he ever try to leave when abuse is just the way of the Vampire world and its a life he was doomed to deserve after growing up black in early America.
I'm also struggling, fighting off book spoilers because that whole world makes no sense to me but I want to know what peices I'm missing!!!!
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ephemeralfuture · 5 months
The Grocery Store
The grocery store is… noisy even though it’s empty. The chattering of the managers two aisles over, the sound of Seth racing like an eight year old up and down the aisles. Seth practically blurs past him and when he’s back he’s dumping a six pack of Bang Energy into his basket, crushing the bread. 
Seth, the fucking speedster, is just about to race off again, but Jacob is faster, yanking him from his hoodie. 
“Put this back.” Jacob says sharply, pulling out the six pack. 
“C’mon!” Seth’s voice has a whining edge to it, “I was planning on playing Fortnite with my friends tonight! It’s a Friday!” 
Jacob sighs, usually he wouldn’t acquiesce, but the overhead light is buzzing and the sound is drilling into his skull like it was the United States and his brain was oil.  
“Seth. Work with me here, it’s a no.” 
“I even have money!” 
Jacob blinks, furrows his brow, “What money?” 
“It’s the, uh, 20 dollars you said you owed me when you forgot it was my birthday!” 
He did not forget. He very much did not forget. 
Seth must have taken Jacob’s dazed silence as a resolute no. 
“Okay then well uh– Dad owes me money!” 
Jacob sighs through his nose, when he inhales the air is cloying and sticky–too much. He pinches his brow. He hates that Seth can see his technique working. 
“Will it get you to shut up?” Jacob grumbles. 
Seth is giving him the biggest sparkling puppy-dog eyes, like he didn’t just crush Jacob’s bread. 
There’s a beat of silence, “Fine. But go get a cart first.” 
Seth hisses his cheer like Jacob didn’t hear him– and usually Jacob wouldn’t, but he seems to hear everything. He replaces the crushed bread with a better looking loaf, scans the rest of the aisle for jam and peanut butter. 
Jacob feels someone practically glide next to him, glide close, cold like they stepped out of a cryo chamber. They smell familiar– they smell nice, they’re too close. Jacob backs up, every sense in him honing on the figure. 
“Here, you wanted jam.” His voice cuts through the dissonant symphony of his senses, and Jacob is blinking blankly at him. 
“Jam.” It’s a young man. He looks shockingly familiar, “Peanut butter too, right?” 
“Right…” Jacob says, “was I… was I speaking aloud?” 
His eyes are golden, last time Jacob checked his eyes were jet black.   
“Hm…” The young man says thoughtfully, “Not currently, no.” 
Right, because this one could read minds. His voice hooks on a memory, far far off in his mind. 
“Edward Cullen.” Jacob says aloud, and Edward nods his head like he’s doing a curtsy, his mouth making a little smirk. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” Jacob says, recoiling, he’s tempted to slap the jar out of Edward’s hand. 
“Grocery shopping, like you.” 
“Bloodsuckers don’t eat.” Jacob says. Edward’s sudden presence ticked the switch of ire in him. Last time Jacob saw him, Edward was covered in blood, wiping his mouth, licking his lips. 
Edward makes a face, rolls his eyes, “Common misconception. We don’t need to. Doesn’t make eating less pleasurable.” 
“I assure you, Mr. Black– it is not.” 
“Don’t fucking do that.” Jacob says. When Jacob gets a proper look at Edward, he’s taller, all marble cut with those familiar golden eyes and the copper quiff of hair. He looks the same as when Jacob saw him last, but different– worldly. Or at least better dressed. 
He smells nice. He looks nice. Fuck. That can’t be normal. 
“I can assure you.” Edward says, voice languid, almost teasing, “That it is. It’s called attraction.” 
“Fuck off.” Jacob says. It would be a bad idea to start a fight here, especially since he can’t take on Vampires alone and Seth is with him– 
“Relax.” Edward smells like vanilla perfume and musk, it rolls off him in waves. “You and your brother are safe.” 
“How many?” Jacob demands through grit teeth. 
“None– well, one.” Edward says, and he has the audacity to act sheepish, “Me.” 
“Stop. Stop doing that.” Jacob says again, he shakes his head, swallowing, “You reek.” 
“No good to lie to anybody.” Edward says, “Least of all to yourself.” 
“Oh.” Jacob scoffs, “Like how you convince this whole town that you’re human?” 
“Now Mr. Black. There’s that statement about stones… and glass houses…” 
“Oh fuck. Off!” Jacob takes a step back, Edward takes a step forward. Fuck no, safe his ass! 
“You’re too keyed up Mr. Black.” Edward says, “I already said you and your brother are safe.” 
Jacob takes a deep breath, his head is spinning and the store is too fucking loud and Edward smells so good; a maw of feral hunger opens in his stomach. 
Edward is taking two more steps forward, tilting his head to look at Jacob more intensely. He’s close, way too close and he’s cool enough for the temperature change to release the pressure gauge in his head. Jacob realizes that he’s breathing shallowly, biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from leaping at Edward– to fight? Nope. The feeling is too incongruent. 
“It’s inconvenient.” Edward’s so close and his voice is low and soft, “I assure you, it’s inconvenient for me too.” 
What? He can smell that? Is it like catnip for girls? Catnip for gays? 
“Hm.” Edward says shortly, he steps back turning his head, when Jacob looks in the same direction, he sees Seth, two Bang Energy six packs, a family sized bag of Doritos Cool Ranch, and– much to Jake’s unexplained relief–two ribeye steaks. Seth’s eyes go huge and round at the sight of them when he takes a deep breath. 
Say nothing, Seth, he begs internally, please say nothing. Luckily, it’s as if Seth follows his directions because Seth nods when their eyes meet. 
“Pleased to make your acquaintance.” Edward says and he nods at Seth, who looks like he’s trying not to rear back and growl like a dog. Edward places the jar he was holding into the shopping cart and soon he’s out of sight. 
Seth stares at Jacob, turns to look back in the direction Edward went, looks back at his brother. 
“Is he your boyfriend?” 
“Huh?!” Jacob’s eyes go wide, then his face grows hot, “What–? No!” 
Seth looks unconvinced, “Are you sure?” 
“Seth!” Jacob hisses, “How would I not be sure if I had a boyfriend?!” 
Seth gives him a level look, with a glint in his eye that makes Jacob apprehensive. 
“You didn’t kill him on the spot.” Seth says, suspiciously, “And he’s a bloodsucker, like you said. You know him.” 
“We’re in a grocery store!” 
“Practically empty!” Seth counters,  “no one would really see, are you going after him?” 
Not a bad idea! 
“No…” Jacob says. 
“Then I’m telling.” Seth says. Jacob tries to give him a hard stare, but Seth makes a face like he’s already won. 
“How much?” Jacob asks, and he’s reaching into his pocket. 
“Fifty.” Seth says smugly. 
“Make that 100.” 
“That’s not how this works!” Jacob protests. 
“100 and a PS4.” Seth says. 
“PS4.” Jacob says without thinking, and his head snaps up to take it back but Seth is already interrupting him before he can speak. 
“And you buy me Bang Energy!” Seth says gleefully. Jacob gives him a withering glare. 
“You take one bang energy and that’s fuc-dging it.” Jacob yanks the second six pack out of the cart and places it haphazardly in the aisle where it didn’t belong. 
This is a section of a bigger slow burn Twilight Jakeward fanfic where me and my body double collaborator who's roommate write a Gay Twilight Fanfic as a joke. Double Sike! It turned semi-serious and now is an actual work in progress fanfic with nearly 30,000 words and three months of time sunk.
Read it here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/55266253/chapters/140190751
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banooky · 1 year
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the mlm flag has cold colors for a reason. they’re the reason (i’m delusional)
i’m no headcanon blog but i am THIS CLOSE to making headcanon posts just for them cause damn it the gays should win all year round. i want them to be happy!!
(spoilers for ch4 and beyond below the cut)
you know who else wants them to be happy?? yakou’s first wife!!! anyway im just sayin-
i am desperately clinging to every happy ending avenue i can find. hurt/comfort at LEAST! DAMN! (i’m okay. kind of)
someone please be my vivikou friend so i dont sit here yelling like a disappointed toddler by myself its lonely
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pornbotnot · 2 years
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The moment this bastard realised he was in love.
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vxctorx · 10 months
[ watched red white and royal blue with richardxoliverxmayhew last night, and it was hands down the worst experience of my life. At some point i started playing this wonderful gem of a clip on top of the film though and we both agreed it immediately enhanced our experience. ]
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