#twin tower video. twin towers demolition video
darkmaga-retard · 26 days
How Many Did YOU Know?
Richard Gage, AIA - Architect
Aug 28, 2024
10 Facts that you may not have known about 9/11
Watch this 17-second video first:
Now, what are those facts?
1. …that the third Tower, 47-story WTC Building 7, not hit by a plane, collapsed at 5:20pm on 9/11.
2. …that Building 7 fell at free-fall acceleration, which means that not one of its 81 columns gave any resistance. Where did they go?
3. …that Building 7 fell symmetrically — in the exact manner of a classic controlled demolition.
4. …that molten iron, the byproduct of the incendiary thermite, was found by first responders in pools throughout the debris pile of all 3 towers, and pouring out of the South Tower minutes prior to its collapse.
5. …that witnesses heard and felt explosions prior to the collapse of Building 7.
6. …that 186 First Responders were recorded hearing, seeing, feeling, explosions as well as flashes of light prior to the "collapses" of the Twin Towers.
7. …that the downward motion of the Twin Towers came down in 2/3 of free-fall acceleration, meaning that 90% of the structure was immediately removed.
8. …that most all of the 100,000 tons of steel in each tower was displaced laterally at 80mph, landing up to 600 feet in every direction, so it was not available to crush the building below.
9. …that most all of the 90,000 tons of concrete in each tower was pulverized to a fine powder and distributed laterally from river to river across Lower Manhattan in a 3" thick blanket, so it also was unavailable to crush the building beneath it.
10. …that the US Geological survey and RJ Lee both independently confirm the discovery of what amounts to about 4 tons of previously molten iron microspheres in the WTC dust samples, indicating temperatures exceeding 2,800º F — and they don't know where they could have possibly come from.
And, a bonus fact:
11. …that a team of 8 international scientists discovered what amounted to several tons of high-tech nano-thermite in the WTC dust samples, in the form of small red-gray chips that produce molten iron microspheres after ignition in a DSC at 850º F, with the same chemical signature as the iron microspheres discovered by the USGS.
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tonysolomon4jc · 1 year
There's a mountain of evidence proving the satanic Illuminati exists and controls most things that God allows to happen in this world. God allows billions of extremely intelligent demons to possess Illuminati members. These demons have angelic powers and have studied mankind's reactions to the temptations of evil for 6,000 years. The demon possessed Illuminati also has  amazing technology to help the satanic agenda. There's no video footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon. Building 7 fell like a controlled demolition without being hit by a plane. Fire doesn't bring down a building that big. Jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel. 911 was an inside job. Saudi Arabian terrorists on the planes that struck the twin towers, but America attacked Afghanistan and Iraq, then stayed for 20 years. Work crews broke ground on building the Pentagon on September 11, 1941. It got attacked on September 11, 2001. 911. Exactly 60 years later to the day. They staged 911 so that they could invade any country in the world in the name of anti-terrorism and take their resources and put in a central bank. They now control the oil in Iraq and 90 % of the world's heroin supply via the Afghanistan poppy fields guarded by American soldiers. The Illuminati Also wanted America to go from the old telievision transmission from the older analog technology to digital media (computer code made with one's and zero's), because satan can manipulate it with ease. He can change it to say or show anything that he wants. That's how the image of the beast will talk to everyone. He will also use artificial intelligence and the information that demons, AI, NSA, CIA, FBI, & social media collects on everyone, against us. Agenda 2030 is a big part of their plan. Get the gotquestions app and a Bible app that reads to you. Put the New Testament on repeat. Study God's word daily. Preach Jesus Christ!! It's way more important than you think. Don't take the mark of the beast. There's no forgiveness for it. Obey Jesus Christ over every person. Watch Pope Francis and his lies: The False Prophet exposed, on  YouTube.
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theradicalscholar · 1 year
🔍✨ Explore the Top YouTube Comments on WTC Building 7 Collapse! 🏢💥
On 9/11, the world witnessed a tragic event that changed history. The collapse of the Twin Towers is well-known, but what about Building Seven? 🧐
Check out this blog post summarizing the insights from commenters on the video capturing the collapse of WTC Building Seven. 🗽🔎
💭 Lack of Awareness 😔 💬 Controversial Debate 🔥 💡 Suspicion and Rethinking 🤔 🚒 Firefighters' Testimonies 🚨 🐠 Fishy Happenings 🐟 ❓ Questioning Official Narrative 📚 🔍 Suspicious Circumstances 🤨 💣 Controlled Demolition 💥 🎯 Perfectly-Executed-Demolition 👌 🔥 Skepticism of Fire Damage 🏢🔥
Join the conversation and dive into these intriguing perspectives on 9/11.
Let's explore the truth together! 🗣️💭💡
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sloshed-cinema · 1 year
Fantasy A Gets a Mattress (2022)
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Always. Be. Posting. In his endless hustle to become rap king of Seattle (move aside, Sir Mix-A-Lot and Macklemore), days for Fantasy A are filled with posting flyers for his gigs and filming music videos. So long as the bus connections are timely, that is. Or at least that’s the dream. Reality isn’t quite so simple as he’s booted out of his group home by his cult leader narcissist tier landlord, leaving him without so much as a reliable place to sleep. To make matters worse his videographer Asia is starting to think about reigniting her own music career with the help of the cousin she claims to have gotten her start with in the industry years before. This woman, Lil Rude Puss, enjoys success in her career, or at least is idolized by the others in Fantasy A’s circle. The movie jumps between the antics and fortunes of several of these crews, interweaving Fantasy A’s quest for a mattress with Ramon’s endless exploitative hustles and Asia’s aspirations. This is a Seattle gone mad, where basketballs can reverse out of the hoop during Ramon’s game of HORSE with his long-term rival and everyone’s conception of branding is simply sticking images of their face everywhere, be it in a group home or alcohol education course. Convincing someone to follow along in a batshit scheme is as simple as just telling them to do it. Does Fantasy A attain the fame that he wants? Well, it’ll be a long hustle yet to earn that recognition. But everyone in Seattle knows his face, and he does get his mattress. Hell, someone even helps him get it up Capitol Hill over the Lakeview Blvd flyover. Once they finish making a U-turn, at least.
In recent years, Seattle is much changed, from waterfront-altering projects like the demolition of the Alaskan Way Viaduct to smaller, more personal losses of old haunts and shops dotted around a town being torn down for new projects. The city is gentrifying in many parts, whether the people living in these neighborhoods like it or not. In a sense, this is a time capsule of the late 2010s into the early pandemic years. But there’s something about its microbudget DIY ethos that pushes it even farther back into the energy of a Seattle of the 90s or 80s underground heyday. One need simply spray paint a name on the wall in order to make it a place of business, be it a nightclub or a dojo (sorry, Ramojo), and there’s none of the bland gloss that is creeping in throughout town. It’s also a fantasy Seattle created from a patchwork of locations that make the city feel unique. Sometimes you can trace the route of Fantasy A’s journeys even without the trail of sweat he’s told to follow at one point. But other times it jumps about, more seeking visual similarity than trueness to location: our hero teleports from the concrete posts painted with koi in the C-ID to the freeway underpass near Green Lake (not pictured: the drivers whipping off I-5 seemingly intent on murdering any pedestrian on that stretch of Ravenna Blvd). Between this film and Paper Tigers, Smith Tower rises as the symbol of Seattle rather than the typical icon of the Space Needle, shifting the focus south into overlooked and underserved communities.
Overall, this is absurdist comedy, something in the company of a John Waters camp piece or Lonely Island joint with a dash of Gregg Araki and perhaps a smidge of that David Lynch zest. Filth is everywhere, the camera lingering on sweat, blood, or meatball sub goo. It’s chaotic and constantly moving forward. But sometimes proceedings transition into light surrealism in the edit or aesthetic, the camera pushing in on the mouth of Ramon’s adversary like it’s Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, or Scabby’s microphone bathed in a greenish hue of fantastical possibility. Perhaps there’s a bit of Neil Breen in there too. Fantasy A does astrally project at one point, after all. The movie is patently bonkers with characters uttering non sequiturs at every turn, and figures enter and disappear without rhyme or reason. Entire plot lines are dropped without warning. Almost the entire film was dubbed over in ADR—hell, it worked for the Italian studio system for decades—with some hilariously overcranked performances: several characters sound ripped from either the English dub of an anime or some sort of computer program. But as is the case with subversive, counterculture comedy, there is an edge. It’s important to note that the film is never overtly angry or sad, at least not in a straight-faced way; what’s more important is the implication. Landlords or property managers are sinister figures, egotistical and capricious. On paper they’re goofy and impotent, their eviction notices ridiculous on every level, but they still hold that power over our protagonists without recourse. Facing homelessness, Fantasy A gets a glimpse of the crisis gripping many in the city as accounted by a woman who speaks of streets drinking the blood of those who die needlessly. It’s hilariously off-the-wall and comes out of nowhere, but does acknowledge a crisis much of the public and local government are content to sweep under the rug and ignore. And getting ahead on the music scene is pretty much impossible. Fantasy A has to work “for the exposure” for the controlling club owner Scabby, and even Lil Rude Puss’ clout can’t get more than four people to show up for the big fundraiser concert. She has to ask Fantasy A to help her make change for bus fare. It’s frustrated at the hustle, but never mopey. The image of Lil Rude Puss walking across the street to the bus shelter opposite the club is both hilarious and melancholy in a weird way. It’s locked down in a wide shot and goes on for way too long as she walks away and sits down, small in frame. But as she sits there in her almost fluorescent white suit, alone except for a homeless individual sleeping on the other bench, it’s also a little sad in the gulf between the hope and reality. But the dream can stay alive if you just keep hustling. I would take a bullet for Fantasy A.
Fantasy A is named.
Someone smiles uncomfortably in front of their own image on a poster.
A Lil Rude Puss poster appears somewhere.
Late bus dramaaaaaa
Double exposure of any sort.
The Smith Tower appears in any context.
You just have to in order to cope, it's fair. High art is hard to handle head-on.
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krazyshoppy · 2 years
Twin Tower Noida Demolish: भ्रष्टाचार की मिसाल बने 'गगनचुंबी' इमारतों पर बड़ा प्रहार
Twin Tower Noida Demolish: भ्रष्टाचार की मिसाल बने ‘गगनचुंबी’ इमारतों पर बड़ा प्रहार
<p>Twin Tower Noida Demolish: भ्रष्टाचार की मिसाल बने ‘गगनचुंबी’ इमारतों पर बड़ा प्रहार..आज नोएडा में भ्रष्टाचार की नीव पर बनी इमारत महज चंद सेकेंड में जमींदोज हो गई, प्रशसान के इस फैसले से सियासत में हलचल तेज हो गई है और वार -पलटवार का खेल भी शुरू हो गया है। देखिए ये खास रिपोर्ट&nbsp;</p> Source link
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leaslichoma · 2 years
Top 3 pieces of evidence that 9/11 was an inside job
#1: The twin towers were designed to withstand an impact from a Boeing 707
https://www.ae911truth.org/evidence/faqs/360-faq-2-were-the-twin-towers-designed-to-withstand-the-impact-of-the-airplanes ; https://youtu.be/YW6mJOqRDI4 ; https://www.chicagotribune.com/nation-world/sns-worldtrade-engineers-story.html
#2: Jet Fuel can’t melt steel beams, nor could the fire they caused weaken the fire-proofed beams enough for total collapse
World Trade Center buildings 1, 2, and 7 are the only known fire-proofed steel frame buildings to have allegedly collapsed due to a fire in history. https://www.ae911truth.org/evidence/faqs/649-faq-3-has-there-ever-been-a-total-collapse-of-a-steel-frame-fire-protected-high-rise-besides-world-trade-center-buildings-1-2-and-7 Additionally, if you look at footage of the collapses, the Twin Towers and WTC 7 came down all at once, greatly resembling a controlled demolition.
#3: Somehow, molten steel was found anyway.
A number of witnesses have claimed to witness molten steel or other metals, such as this fire fighter https://youtu.be/cCdRA09pztM . This video seems to show molten metal flowing out a window before the collapse https://youtu.be/OmuzyWC60eE . Here is a list of some witnesses : https://www.ae911truth.org/images/PDFs/Molten_Steel_Witnesses_FINAL_3_14_16_v2.pdf
While I don’t have time to go into every detail and list 7 sources for everything, I hope you find this worthy of consideration, and I encourage you to investigate the matter yourself.
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The 9/11 Conspiracies
Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks against the United States, a wave of conspiracy theories swept the nation. The destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City was an inside job, they claimed, the work of the federal government, and "truthers" filled the internet with supposed proof of the vast conspiracy. Here are some theories below;
Claim 1: The first hijacked plane crashed through the 94th to the 98th floors of the World Trade Center's 110-story North Tower; the second jet slammed into the 78th to the 84th floors of the 110-story South Tower. The impact and ensuing fires disrupted elevator service in both buildings. Plus, the lobbies of both buildings were visibly damaged before the towers collapsed. "There is NO WAY the impact of the jet caused such widespread damage 80 stories below," claims a posting on the San Diego Independent Media Center Web site (sandiego.indymedia.org). "It is OBVIOUS and irrefutable that OTHER EXPLOSIVES (... such as concussion bombs) HAD ALREADY BEEN DETONATED in the lower levels of tower one at the same time as the plane crash."
Claim 2: "We have been lied to," announces the Web site AttackOnAmerica.net. "The first lie was that the load of fuel from the aircraft was the cause of structural failure. No kerosene fire can burn hot enough to melt steel." The posting is entitled "Proof Of Controlled Demolition At The WTC."
Claim 3: As each tower collapsed, clearly visible puffs of dust and debris were ejected from the sides of the buildings. An advertisement in The New York Times for the book Painful Questions: An Analysis Of The September 11th Attack made this claim: "The concrete clouds shooting out of the buildings are not possible from a mere collapse. They do occur from explosions." Numerous conspiracy theorists cite Van Romero, an explosives expert and vice president of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, who was quoted on 9/11 by the Albuquerque Journal as saying "there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse." The article continues, "Romero said the collapse of the structures resembled those of controlled implosions used to demolish old structures."
Claim 4: Seven hours after the two towers fell, the 47-story WTC 7 collapsed. According to 911review.org: "The video clearly shows that it was not a collapse subsequent to a fire, but rather a controlled demolition: amongst the Internet investigators, the jury is in on this one."
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why-ask-why · 5 years
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September 11th, 2019
Today the event that defined the United States’ foreign policy in the 21st century, and heralded the destruction of whole countries, turns 18.
The events of September 11, 2001 remains etched into the memories of Americans and many others, as a collective tragedy that brought Americans together and brought as well a general resolve among them that those responsible be brought to justice.
While the events of that day did unite Americans in these ways for a time, the different trajectories of the official relative to the independent investigations into the September 11 attacks have often led to division in the years since 2001, with vicious attacks or outright dismissal being levied against the latter. 
Yet, with 18 years having come and gone — and with the tireless efforts from victims’ families, first responders, scientists and engineers — the tide appears to be turning, as new evidence continues to emerge and calls for new investigations are made.
However, American corporate media has remained largely silent, preferring to ignore new developments that could derail the ��official story” of one of the most iconic and devastating attacks to ever occur on American soil.
For instance, in late July, commissioners for a New York-area Fire Department, which responded to the attacks and lost one of their own that day, called for a new investigation into the events of September 11.
On July 24, the board of commissioners for the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District, which serves a population of around 30,000 near Queens, voted unanimously in their call for a new investigation into the attacks.
While the call for a new investigation from a NY Fire Department involved in the rescue effort would normally seem newsworthy to the media outlets who often rally Americans to “never forget”, the commissioners’ call for a new investigation was met with total silence from the mainstream media.
The likely reason for the dearth of coverage on an otherwise newsworthy vote was likely due to the fact that the resolution that called for the new investigation contained the following clause:
Whereas, the overwhelming evidence presented in said petition demonstrates beyond any doubt that pre-planted explosives and/or incendiaries — not just airplanes and the ensuing fires — caused the destruction of the three World Trade Center buildings, killing the vast majority of the victims who perished that day;”
In the post-9/11 world, those who have made such claims, no matter how well-grounded their claims may be, have often been derided and attacked as “conspiracy theorists” for questioning the official claims that the three World Trade Center buildings that collapsed on September 11 did so for any reason other than being struck by planes and from the resulting fires.
Yet, it is much more difficult to launch these same attacks against members of a fire department that lost a fireman on September 11 and many of whose members were involved with the rescue efforts of that day, some of whom still suffer from chronic illnesses as a result.
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Rescue workers climb on piles of rubble at the World Trade Center in New York, Sept. 13, 2001. Beth A. Keiser | AP
Another likely reason that the media monolithically avoided coverage of the vote was out of concern that it would lead more fire departments to pass similar resolutions, which would make it more difficult for such news to avoid gaining national coverage.
Yet, Commissioner Christopher Gioia, who drafted and introduced the resolution, told those present at the meeting’s conclusion that getting all of the New York fire districts onboard was their plan anyway.
“We’re a tight-knit community and we never forget our fallen brothers and sisters. You better believe that when the entire fire service of New York State is on board, we will be an unstoppable force,” Gioia said.
“We were the first fire district to pass this resolution. We won’t be the last,” he added.
While questioning the official conclusions of the first federal investigation into 9/11 has been treated as taboo in the American media landscape for years, it is worth noting that even those who led the commission have said that the investigation was “set up to fail” from the start and that they were repeatedly misled and lied to by federal officials in relation to the events of that day. 
For instance, the chair and vice-chair of the 9/11 Commission, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, wrote in their book Without Precedent that not only was the commission starved of funds and its powers of investigation oddly limited, but that they were obstructed and outright lied to by top Pentagon officials and officials with the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA).
They and other commissioners have outright said that the “official” report on the attacks is incomplete, flawed and unable to answer key questions about the terror attacks.
Despite the failure of American corporate media to report these facts, local legislative bodies in New York, beginning with the fire districts that lost loved ones and friends that day, are leading the way in the search for real answers that even those that wrote the “official story” say were deliberately kept from them.
Persuasive scientific evidence continues to roll in
Not long after the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District called for a new 9/11 investigation, a groundbreaking university study added even more weight to the commissioners’ call for a new look at the evidence regarding the collapse of three buildings at the World Trade Center complex.
While most Americans know full well that the twin towers collapsed on September 11, fewer are aware that a third building — World Trade Center Building 7 — also collapsed.
That collapse occurred seven hours after the twin towers came down, even though WTC 7, or “Building 7,” was never struck by a plane.
It was not until nearly two months after its collapse that reports revealed that the CIA had a “secret office” in WTC 7 and that, after the building’s destruction, “a special CIA team scoured the rubble in search of secret documents and intelligence reports stored in the station, either on paper or in computers.”
WTC 7 also housed offices for the Department of Defense, the Secret Service, the New York Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management and the bank Salomon Brothers. 
Though the official story regarding the collapse of WTC 7 cites “uncontrolled building fires” as leading to the building’s destruction, a majority of Americans who have seen the footage of the 47-story tower come down from four different angles overwhelmingly reject the official story, based on a new poll conducted by YouGov on behalf of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and released on Monday. 
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Source | Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
That poll found that 52 percent of those who saw the footage were either sure or suspected that the building’s fall was due to explosives and was a controlled demolition, with 27 percent saying they didn’t know what to make of the footage.
Only 21 percent of those polled agreed with the official story that the building collapsed due to fires alone.
Prior to seeing the footage, 36 percent of respondents said that they were unaware that a third building collapsed on September 11 and more than 67 percent were unable to name the building that had collapsed.
Ted Walter, Director of Strategy and Development for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, told MintPress that the lack of awareness about WTC 7 among the general public “goes to show that the mainstream media has completely failed to inform the American people about even the most basic facts related to 9/11.
On any other day in history, if a 47-story skyscraper fell into its footprint due to ‘office fires,’ everyone in the country would have heard about it.” 
The fact that the media chose not to cover this, Walter asserted, shows that “the mainstream media and the political establishment live in an alternative universe and the rest of the American public is living in a different universe and responding to what they see in front of them,” as reflected by the results of the recent YouGov poll.
Another significant finding of the YouGov poll was that 48 percent of respondents supported,  while only 15 percent opposed, a new investigation into the events of September 11.
This shows that not only was the Franklin Square Fire District’s recent call for a new investigation in line with American public opinion, but that viewing the footage of WTC 7’s collapse raises more questions than answers for many Americans, questions that were not adequately addressed by the official investigation of the 9/11 Commission.
The Americans who felt that the video footage of WTC 7’s collapse did not fit with the official narrative and appeared to show a controlled demolition now have more scientific evidence to fall back on after the release of a new university study found that the building came down not due to fire but from “the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.”
The extensive four-year study was conducted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alaska and used complex computer models to determine if the building really was the first steel-framed high-rise ever to have collapsed solely due to office fires. 
The study, currently available as a draft, concluded that “uncontrolled building fires” did not lead the building to fall into its footprint — tumbling more than 100 feet at the rate of gravity free-fall for 2.5 seconds of its seven-second collapse — as has officially been claimed.
Instead, the study — authored by Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey, Dr. Feng Xiao and Dr. Zhili Quan — found that “fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology] and private engineering firms that studied the collapse,” while also concluding “that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global [i.e., comprehensive] failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.”
This “near-simultaneous failure of every column” in WTC 7 strongly suggests that explosives were involved in its collapse, which is further supported by the statements made by Barry Jennings, the then-Deputy Director of Emergency Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority.
Jennings told a reporter the day of the attack that he and Michael Hess, then-Corporation Counsel for New York City, had heard and seen explosions in WTC 7 several hours prior to its collapse and later repeated those claims to filmmaker Dylan Avery.
The first responders who helped rescue Jennings and Hess also claimed to have heard explosions in WTC 7.
Jennings died in 2008, two days prior the release of the official NIST report blaming WTC 7’s collapse on fires.
To date, no official cause of death for Jennings has been given. 
 Still “crazy” after all these years?
Eighteen years after the September 11 attacks, questioning the official government narrative of the events of those days still remains taboo for many, as merely asking questions or calling for a new investigation into one of the most important events in recent American history frequently results in derision and dismissal. 
Yet, this 9/11 anniversary — with a new study demolishing the official narrative on WTC 7, with a new poll showing that more than half of Americans doubt the government narrative on WTC 7, and with firefighters who responded to 9/11 calling for a new investigation — is it still “crazy” to be skeptical of the official story?
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Firefighters hose down the smoldering remains of 7 World Trade Center Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2001, in New York. Ryan Remiorz | AP
Even in years past, when asking difficult questions about September 11 was even more “off limits,” it was often first responders, survivors and victims’ families who had asked the most questions about what had really transpired that day and who have led the search for truth for nearly two decades — not wild-eyed “conspiracy theorists,” as many have claimed. 
The only reason it remains taboo to ask questions about the official narrative, whose own authors admit that it is both flawed and incomplete, is that the dominant forces in the American media and the U.S. government have successfully convinced many Americans that doing so is not only dangerous but irrational and un-American. 
However, as evidence continues to mount that the official narrative itself is the irrational narrative, it becomes ever more clear that the reason for this media campaign is to prevent legitimate questions about that day from receiving the scrutiny they deserve, even smearing victims’ families and ailing first responders to do so.
For too long, “Never Forget” has been nearly synonymous with “Never Question.” 
Yet, failing to ask those questions — even when more Americans than ever now favor a new investigation and discount the official explanation for WTC 7’s collapse — is the ultimate injustice, not only to those who died in New York City on September 11, but those who have been killed in their names in the years that have followed.
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Chain Letter
Return to Horror High
Free Willy
Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead
Rookie of the Year
Where The Boys Are
Little Big League
Cool Runnings
Honey, I Shrunk The Kids
Connie and Carla
A Star is Born
Friends with Benefits 
The Platform
How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days
Mission Impossible: Fallout
In The Deep Woods
Monday at 11:01 am
13 Eerie
The 13th Man
Square One
Monsters Wanted
The Man In The Red Bandanna 
Hotel Artemis 
Terror on the 44th Floor
Patriot Games
The Mandela Effect
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Oliver and Company
Goodnight Mommy
The Manson Family Massacre
The Lodge
Savage Weekend
Bloody Murder 2
Seoul Station
Are You Scared 
The Stay Awake
Fantasy Island
To Hell and Back: The Kane Hodder Story
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
The Scream Team
Phantom of the Megaplex
Mom’s Got A Date With A Vampire
Panic Button
The Turning
Brahms: The Boy II
The Invisible Man
Scream Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street
The Cover Up
I Am Not Your Negro
The House That Dripped Blood
The Way Back
Innocent Blood
The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas
The American Nightmare
Guyana Tragedy 
Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School
Storage 24
Dead Man’s Curve
Sick School
Most Valuable Players
The Day the 60s Died
February One 
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Lethal Weapon
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
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A Chorus Line
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Murder in the First
Black Rock
We Summon the Darkness
Behind You
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The Gallows Act II
Edge of the Axe
The Peanuts Movie
Better Off Single
The Marshes
Dude Bro Party Massacre III
Grizzly Man
What Keeps You Alive
Body Count
Miss You Already
The House In Between
We Are Your Friends
Witches in the Woods
Exhibit A
American Tragedy
976-Evil II
Scare Package
Some Kind of Hate
The Others
The Furies
In Search of Darkness
Ginger Snaps
Corey Haim Me, Myself and I
Body Cam
The Forgotten West Memphis Three
Spooky House
The Boyfriend School
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Amityville 1992
After Midnight
The Wretched
Halloween With The New Addams Family
Into The Grizzly Maze
Rabid (2019)
Max Relod and the Nether Blasters
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I Trapped The Devil
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The Babysitter: Killer Queen
The Tingler
Repo Man
The Honor List
Don’t Open Til Christmas
Phantom of the Mall: Eric’s Revenge
Children of the Corn: The Gathering
Children of the Corn II
Widow’s Point
Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror
Children of the Corn 666: Issac’s Return
Love, Fall and Order
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The Frightening
The Blair Witch Project
Random Acts of Violence
Scare Me
American Murder
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Twin Towers
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Adam Resurrected 
Let’s Scare Julie
September 11
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The Dentist
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All You’ve Got
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The Trial of the Chicago 7
Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers
Dolly Patron: Here I Am
Conspiracy: The Trial of the Chicago 8
The Video Dead
The Lie
Scream: The Inside Story
The Omen Legacy
Still Screaming
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One Day In Semptember
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After Midnight
Black X-mas
American Mary
The Den
The Forsaken
Fright Night
Blood Vessel
Survival of the Film Freaks
10 Things I Hate About You
I Am Nancy
Never Sleep Again
Mischief Night
Saw II
Bill and Ted Face The Music
Saw IV
Christmas Made to Order
Olaf’s Frozen Adventure
Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe
Direct To Video
Saw V
A Very Merry Mix up
Christmas At Pemberley Manor
Sense, Sensible and Snowmen
A Joyous Christmas
Train to Busan: Pennisula
Christmas Camp
Road to Christmas
If Anything Happens I Love You
Diana In Her Own Words
Christmas On The Square
Amish Grace
The Only Way
The Wolf of Snow Hollow
The Rental
Unlawful Entry
White House Down
The Craft: Legacy
Christmas in Connecticut
Absence of Malice
6 Souls
10.5 Apocalypse
 13 Hours
A Shoe Addict’s Christmas
A Stranger Among Us
9/11 The Day That Changed The World
No Escape
A Country Christmas Story
Dolly Patron’s Christmas Coat of Many Colors: Circle of Love
Smiley Face Killers
Death of Me
Detective Pikachu
One October
The Broken Hearts Gallery
A Cheerful Christmas
Head Count
Hamilton: One Shot To Broadway
Fire in the Sky
Fade to Black
Children of the Corn: Revelation
Children of the Corn: Genesis
Children of the Corn III
Blind Faith
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asifzschool · 5 years
The Minority Rights Monopoly of a Hindutva Nation
The game From seventy years, it has been the favorite game of Hindutva. The greatest monopoly in this world - that is called minority rights.
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There is a traffic stop here. The signal is red. Unless you are a minority, you will never know how does it feel. You can not put yourself in the shoes of a minority, if you are a majority. For me, being a minority is an everyday thing. I struggle with my religious identity all the time. I face questions, I reply them, and I get into arguments. In this world of Islamophobia, my faith is put on trial every day. I know perfectly well that nobody wants to become a minority. If I were a Hindu, I would be grateful for it. I wish I were a Hindu! I wish I were a Christian! A Buddhist, a Taoist - anything at all but a Muslim! If I were something else, I would be free. I wouldn't have this ordeal. I wouldn't have to go through things I now fight with for being a Muslim. And I know the ways around that word, minority. There are too many ways to use this word, to abuse it and exploit it. It is a legit word. In all context and circumstances, a minority is a minority. It means that there is a group of people who do not posses the same privileges as their majority counterpart. And the world is always against them. In our subcontinent that exists down the Himalayas, we have been majorities and minorities from hundreds of years. From the last seventy years, it has become a game. Instead of cards, dice, deeds, game cash and tokens, we have people here. Real people. Mostly, we play it through riots.
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We don't purchase properties. We plunder them. We confiscate properties left behind by our enemies. During riots, we forcibly take them away. We take over controls. We take things that did not belong to us, had it not been for a religious bloodshed.
This is the reality of Indian subcontinent. The game is our destiny. All of us, Hindus and Muslims. Our ancestors played it. They rolled the dice. They kept playing, until the last day of their existence. They've left the court afterwards. It was for us to take over. And now we're playing it. This is our history. Made of countless tales of religious wars, creating and separating countries. That is how India, Pakistan and Bangladesh were created, each with their own religious agenda. Far from it all, I live here in Malaysia, a country where nobody is playing games with religion. Here, people spend away their whole lifespan peacefully. Without trouble. Malay Muslims, the local Tamil Indians and the Malay Chinese. The last time a riot broke out was in 1969. In the Indian subcontinent, it is a completely different story. Rolling the dice Bangladesh is the youngest of nations down the Himalayas. This is where I am from. The official agenda of creating this country was secularism, which turned into pro-India servitude soon enough. While India is your neighbor, trust me, you can not afford to be a secular. If secularism means watching mosques destroyed and keeping your 'Muslim' mouth shut, then you can. You can simply shut up. That's absolutely fine, with both slaves and masters. The relationship between Hindus and Muslims in this territory has always been that of either slaves or masters. Masters were rich, slaves were poor. This is the reason behind the creation of Pakistan, to free Muslims from Hindutva's slavery. That is how the poor, low class Muslims became a Middle class. Bangladesh broke away from it in early 70s. It was East Pakistan. The only Pakistan that remains now was the West Wing of it. Since the beginning, India was rolling the dice. To roll the dice is to create an issue. Mostly, a religious disturbance. India has always been the mightiest in population, in economy and in every other aspects. So, the other countries nearby were expected to pay tax to it. To their master, India. The history is long, and endless. Babri Mosque, in 1992, shaped much of what it is now.
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                      People witnessed multiple narratives from both sides. Muslims had their mosque destroyed, crushed to the ground, while Hindus were reading a book called 'Lajja', authored by a woman called Taslima Nasreen. Muslims called the book a 'BJP propaganda'.
It was the biggest demolition of something so big of its kind, in the recent history, before 9/11. When Twin Towers were destroyed, 9/11 replaced the Babri day in calendar in the magnitude of events. Back then, Hindutva rolled the dice. It created the saga. Riots broke out everywhere. In Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. In 2019, Hindutva rolled the dice once again. Again a woman, this time. Because in the age of colonialism, which likes to camouflage itself as liberty, female is the right gender. Things become soft core when it is a woman. Besides, New York Times can always decorate its headlines with words like 'Meet the Woman.'
So we had a Priya Saha. She went straight to Donald Trump. Could it have been a Muslim woman, in the stead of her place? Who would it be? Malala Yousufzai? She's a Nobel laureate, and she's a Muslim. She could have gone to Donald Trump and expressed her distress. But it would risk her image. Already she is mocked at in her own country, Pakistan. Then who? A Gujarat riot victim? Somebody from Assam? The Indian state where they were hunting down the Muslim poets right before it happened? There were some poets among them who were women. They did not get a US visa. Priya Saha got it. I still remember the day before it happened. People in Facebook were posting about this 'Miya poetry', which were elegies of the Assamese Muslim minority. They were written in the local dialect. A dialect that is not considered entirely 'polite' or 'standard', when it comes to the traditional literature.  
The next day, Priya Saha's video went viral. It was a short clip. Roughly, a few seconds. It contained a footage of 'the Hindu Lady and Donald Trump', almost a Disney story of an unknown woman holding hands of a US President.
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For what I know, I've never heard of Priya Saha before. I did not know who she was. The first time I learnt about her was 18 July 2019, after her video popped up in Facebook. When the clip was out, everybody in Bangladesh forgot about everything else. For the next thirty days, Facebook was all about Priya Saha. She alleged, 37 million Hindus are 'missing' from Bangladesh. That is a genocide. Probably the largest in the world. We have our war jokes there, about 3 million people who had supposedly perished in the war against Pakistan. Now the Bangladeshi people, the Muslims - were looking for these 'missing' 37 millions. In Bangladesh, it became a new joke. Because we always count in 'millions'. She said, Bangladesh still has 18 million Hindus. Some of them were out proving her number. Among the 37 millions, probably 30 million Hindus were never born, who could have been born otherwise, had Muslims been kind to them. In the Muslim majority nation, it took the joke even further. Not being born started to seem like a thing that's funnier. If we count from 1947, that is a true number - although. That was the year of India and Pakistan's creation. Had the demographics flowed on the way it did before, we might have had 30 million unborn Hindus who would grow into adults by now, plus 7 millions more who were displaced and exiled.
Priya Saha referenced a professor, who has a Muslim name, Abul Barkat. He disowned her statement.
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Once again, Muslims were the violent majority. Their reaction was something Westerns would call 'outrageous'.
Thanks to BJP, that it exists. There are, somehow, balance in things. The Bangladeshi Muslims know about their existence. We did not want to deliver BJP their next propaganda, after Nasreen's 'Lajja'. That is how the riot did not happen. We were expecting a riot. We were scared of it. But the fear of a BJP propaganda making gains and profits was much more greater than that - to the Muslim majority. That fear, stopped the riots. Not a single Hindu died. Not a single Hindu was killed. There were no mass rapes of Hindus. No Hindu girls were stripped nude in broad daylight.   BJP wanted all of it to happen. They did not, unlike before. From time to time, such things did happen in Bangladesh. And they gave BJP a solid ground for their arguments. This time, there was no bloodshed. No massacre. At the end of the day, it made the Muslim majority feel more confident. This was the first time they ran down a Hindu woman for a complain like this. In the recent Awami regime, that too was unheard of.
Some of them felt more radicalized. The Hindus were silent. The Muslims accused them of 'having more privileges’ under the Awami regime. As they said, Hindus were getting more jobs, government was hiring them in more top posts and etc. Hindus did not reply to it. They did not want to make the noise louder. They wanted it to die down, as minorities do. In US, Priya Saha did not make news, simply. Nobody in Trump's country heard of her from the US media. The New York Times was busy with Ilhan Omar's minority politics. Not that it did not know about Saha, it decided to skip it. Regardless of the turmoil in the South Asian country that their President has caused.      
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BJP did not shy away from it, though. They protested against the Bangladeshi Muslims in front of the country's consulate in West Bengal. BJP did not deny that it rolled the dice, either. They admitted it quite frankly, that they sponsored Priya Saha. 
They rolled the dice. The game started. The show was on.
Priya Saha went on saying, 'I've learnt all this from Sheikh Hasina, my Prime Minister. She inspired me to say this. Now I feel endangered. My life is threatened.'
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The Game After Nothing can be right and wrong at the same time. Either it is right, or it is wrong. BJP kills Muslims for eating beef. Either it is right, or it is wrong.
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Muslims threatened Priya Saha and called out their desire to turn her into a whore. Either it is right, or it is wrong. 37 Millions might have been a fat fetched number. But some Hindus were displaced, raped and burnt. Either it is right or it is wrong. So, who is the guilty party here? Who's guilty? BJP, or Muslims? What if they both are criminals? The fact is, nothing is that simple. Nobody is guilty as a community, just as nobody is innocent as a community, either. At least in our part of the world, where these things happen. BJP rose to power after killing thousands of Muslims. If they killed millions, that would have been crazier. They openly threaten their Muslim minority in India with it. They say they will kill millions.
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Either that is right, or that is severely wrong. It can't be both at the same time. There was no jury board here. Nobody awarded BJP a 'Freedom of Speech prize', or punished the Muslims - for the Priya Saha episode of Bangladeshi history. The same Awami regime who came to power through BJP's machinery were quick to declare their indifference. Although the PM said that Priya must be given a chance to defend herself. So, the issue was not solved. Priya Saha complained. What after that? Should Muslims change their behaviors towards Hindus? Should BJP change its behavior, towards every other minority around India?   People did not have answers to these questions. Everybody knows neither India nor Bangladesh is Malaysia. Here, people use the word 'race' instead. They take courses about interracial relations. Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists live side by side, in the Malaysian society. Most of them don't practice secularism. They practice their own religion. The country's constitution keeps Islam as its state religion - that doesn't stop the Malaysian youngsters from pursuing diverse lifestyles that are completely westernized. Some Malaysian girls choose to wear Hijab, others pick Bikinis. In India, that is impossible. It is sort of impossible in Bangladesh as well, unless you are very rich. You at least have to be from the middle class, with your social securities guaranteed. For us who are from either Bangladesh, India or Pakistan, we don't see our countries going somewhere remotely near to that in the next hundred years. We are a war-torn populace. In Malaysia, we pretend like we don't mind each other. That we are absolutely fine with each other's nationality and presence. Here in Malaysia, Indian and Pakistanis are friends. Even couples. Back home, we are enemies. The deadliest enemies of each other. So, those of us who escaped but still are suffering from irrational homesickness, we look back to our countries. We check Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We see what is happening. Thus, we live two different realities at the same time. The Malaysian reality and the reality of our homes. After a month, Priya Saha was still hot in newspapers.   Here were the Muslims, still blasting her without mercy. However, there were no riots. Only the ISKCON was closing down. That's the only blow the Hindu community has taken.
BJP couldn't make much profit out of it. There wasn't enough materials to write a new novel. Probably, a sequel of 'Lajja.' So, Hindus were unharmed. For the first time perhaps. It is not natural. While Muslims did not harm them, they still kept bashing. Through their words. It was a great insult, for sure. Having no rise of terrorism in the country was an insult, too. BJP was literally insulted, with no terror whatsoever. No temples were exploded with bombs. In Bangladesh, people do tolerate each other. It is not communal harmony, it is tolerance. The very basic of it. Nobody is fanatic enough to drop a bomb in a temple. It is not middle east. But that is of no use to BJP. BJP wants more novels. More Taslima Nasreens. More Hindutva bestsellers. Frankly speaking, once upon a time, this woman's words were dangerous enough to set off a riot in the country. She still keeps setting riots, but in India. If a minority person complains about the sufferings of a minority, can you simply call it Hindutva? Can you silence it? Can you turn down the volume? The question is, should you? Even if it sets off riots?   Priya Saha is from the Minority community. Her words were setting off riots. Almost. That is the fact. Had she did not went to Trump, Bangladesh wouldn't be in an almost riot situation. She chose Trump for it. People started questioning, since when did Trump become the jury?
The fact is, the riot was not provoked by Muslim hardliners this time. But here was BJP, deprived of its chocolate. Its unborn bestseller. Like a naughty boy in the street who can't have his ice cream, after the ice cream trolley has went away without stopping.
Now the naughty boy wanted to destroy the world. Because the whole world was criminal enough for having ice-creams. He was deprived of it. He missed. Soon enough, in the following month of August, it was the article 370 of Indian constitution that was tampered with, instead of born and unborn 37 millions. It cracked like a firework in whole Bangladesh, right after Priya Saha. Muslims and Hindus were at it again. That article, in that fucking constitution, gave Kashmir a statehood. Before BJP tampered it, the Indian Kashmir was still a state. The Pakistani Kashmir was Azaad, free. 
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How easy it is to play with people's lives! Lives of millions! All it takes is a fucking constitution. A Muslim MP in India ripped it apart before walking out of the parliament that day.
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37 millions was a joke. 12.5 million people of Kashmir, of which 68% are Muslims, was not even a good tragedy. These millions of Kashmiri Muslims were already 'have been born'. Nobody offered a figure for how many million weren't born there. After BJP passed a bill that changed Article 370, the newly revised constitution was shoved down people's throats. They happened to be Muslims, from Kashmir. It was 5 August 2019, the day India dismissed the article.  Exactly 18 days after they cracked Priya Saha.
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Right now, Kashmiri Muslims were fleeing for their lives. The Indian Kashmir was no more a state. Now Hindus could purchase lands there, an option they did not have before.
The state/territory was put under a lockdown.
Nobody could get in or out. The internet was cut off. The Kashmiri newspapers stopped. Phones were disconnected. All communications ceased.
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Twenty days later, as I'm writing this in the evening of 25th August, the Kashmiri newspapers are still not back online. One of my Kashmiri friend in Malaysia, did receive a phone call from his family in Kashmir the day before yesterday, for the first time after lockdown. Rest of it, nobody knows. In today's world, nobody knows what is happening in a state/territory that is placed under a lockdown. New York Times has been there. They came out with horrific pictures. But the world is too tired for horrors in Kashmir.
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But a few videos were somehow uploaded online. They show people running to-and-fro, in the hospitals. Apparently too many has been injured in Kashmir. People are assuming they are Muslims, leaving a few Indian soldiers aside. Yeah, some Jawans of the Indian military also suffered major and minor injuries, when the locals threw rocks at them. Imran Khan, the Pakistani PM, compared it to 'Nazi ideology', this ghettoization of Kashmiri Muslims. He still refrains from sending his troops for a war, although. But BJP is calling for a war.     War is what it wants. War is what Kashmiris want, too. Because Kashmiri Muslims want Azaadi, freedom. Kashmir has its own history. In 1947, the states and kingdoms of British India were asked to join either India or Pakistan. The Hindu Rajah of Kashmir, decided to join India. Without giving a damn to the Muslim majority in Kashmir. Eventually, Kashmir was divided into two. Azaad Kashmir, that is in Pakistan, and the Occupied Kashmir in India, as most Kashmiri Muslims from both sides and Pakistan calls it. The Maqbooza Kashmir, in Urdu.  
The same BJP that kills Muslims for eating beef has unleashed its terror in the Maqbooza Kashmir.
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It is still allowing the foreign press there. New York Times, BBC and all. But from the Kashmiri people, not a word has been heard from last twenty days. Trump is here again. After Priya Saha, he's now saying he will 'mediate' between Pakistan and India. His 'mediation’ will bring peace, he said. But the Kashmiris want Azaadi, which is impossible to achieve without breaking peace. Azaadi means either Maqbooza Kashmir joins Pakistan or it breaks away from India, like Bangladesh did - from West Pakistan. Either way, Azaadi will make India lose some geography completely, forever. A 'peace process' will return the Occupied Kashmir its lost statehood, at most. That's not what Kashmiris want. They've suffered enough when it was a state. They are suffering when it is no longer a state, too. They wanna break free. Absolutely free. Free from India.
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That is not Priya Saha's concern, for sure. But when the lockdown started, BJP asked Hindus to 'go marry the Kashmiri girls (and convert them to Hinduism)'.
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There aren't 37 million Muslims there. There are millions of them, though. 68% of the 12.5 million, how much is that? Almost 8.5 million. A lot of these 8.5 million Muslims are now in police custody. Being a Muslim is a crime under the laws and codes preferred by BJP. Many of them are in hospitals, injured. As reports are coming, those hospitals are being raided by Indian military. Kashmiri women have been raped since history. From years. There is a mass rape epidemic in Kashmir. The raped girls are all Muslims, all the rapists are Hindus. There has been countless mass killings. Each with a different name. Kunan Poshpora, Sopore, Kupwara, Varmul.
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BJP has a plan for it all. It asked Hindus to purchase lands there so that it can replace the Kashmiri Muslim majority with a new Hindu majority, within a few upcoming generations. The majority Muslims will lose their majority status, eventually. In the demography. It looks like the 'missing' 37 million of Priya Saha have flocked there in Kashmir, straight from Bangladesh. They will avenge Bangladesh with Kashmir, turning the majority Muslims into a minority. After Priya Saha, not a single Hindu girl was raped in Bangladesh. They have been raped before. During the war with Pakistan, they were raped and killed. After the war, they were raped during the riots. This time, there wasn't. Not a single one. The Kashmiri girls are being raped. Right now. The Kashmiri boys are being killed. After Priya Saha. Right at this moment. The Monopoly
What makes a minority? Is it just numbers? Numbers are stupid, come on!
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Minorities come in all shapes and colors and sizes. They are tall and short, fair and white as well as pitch-black skins. In Africa, certain human species were wiped out because they were dwarfs. They did not have the normal height as other people. Now they are wiping out Muslims. The definition is not just numbers. It may vary here and there, but all the minorities in the world have a common feature. They are discriminated against, and they suffer bigotry. If I am not hired for a top post in a company because of my religion, it makes me a minority - despite the demographics telling otherwise. If a company hires a Hindu man to appoint him as their CEO just because he is a Hindu, it makes him a majority. Because he is sharing the same privileges with the majority religion and gaining unfair advantages for his religion. If a country's police department never arrests criminals from Hindu religion just because he's a Hindu - it does make them the ruling majority. Because a Muslim criminal wasn't to be spared for the same crime. Only the majority knows how to get away with religion. Minority does not have that chance. So, demographics often lie. The majority-minority binary doesn't stop at religion, either. It goes as far as people's sexuality, their lifestyles and professions as well. Bangladesh have a Hindu minority. So did Kashmir. Kashmir's Hindu Pandit minority had to evacuate the valley, when tensions ran high.
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Kashmir's Muslim majority is now being butchered by Indian Hindus - who are not from Kashmir. These butchers are no Pandits, either. In no definition of the world, the butchered people are a ruling class. The ruling class are never persecuted. The ruling class are not shot dead. That never happened in the human history. Both the Kashmiri Muslims and the Kashmiri Pandits are minorities - in their own ways. Next the demography will change. Kashmiri Muslims will become a minority in numbers as well. If they are still the majority, they are asking for their majority rights perhaps. That is the kind of stuff happening in Kashmir. The situation in Bangladesh is not that different. Except that we saw Hindu houses getting burnt as recent as three years ago. People burnt their houses and started looting them. I don't remember Muslims hailing the looters, but they say those were political goons. But that made me realize that yes, it still can happen. Three years ago, BJP had its chocolate, too. It did not stop in Bangladesh. The Indian Hindu fanatics celebrated that riot in Nasirnagar. It gave them exactly what they wanted, excuses to kill Muslims.
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           The Bangladeshi cops setting fire on a Santal tribal village
It stirred up emotions to get BJP exactly what it wanted as well, more Hindu votes. Priya Saha alleged that her house was burnt down. Not in Nasirnagar, it was somewhere else. Bangladeshi media said, she's torched her own house herself. Never mind Bangladeshi media, they suck. However, a thousand homes were burnt down in India because they belonged to Muslims. The Muslim shops, looted. Cash boxes, vandalized. There were Bilkis Bano, Jakia Jafri. There was Israt Jahan, a Muslim girl killed in a false encounter.
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Did Bilkis Bano ever fantasize to reach Donald Trump? Did Jakia Jafri want Donald Trump to listen to her story? Did Israt? Would the White House let them enter? It is the same thing. They too are minority. That day, Donald Trump was there to listen to all the stories from minority people around the world, in his oval office.
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There were some Rohingya Muslims, too. But Jakia Jafri wasn't there. Bilkis Bano wasn't there. Israt was dead long time ago. No Kashmiri was there, either. Besides, Donald Trump shares a very good friendship with Narendra Modi. Why was the Indian minority 'missing' in his oval office that day? Some people asked, some didn't. Because everybody knows it is the same thing, but it is not the same thing. Being a minority is not the same thing for Priya Saha and Bilkis Bano. The later is a Muslim, the former, Hindu. It is not the same thing, in our subcontinent. Priya Saha can meet Donald Trump if she wants. The Muslim minorities can not. Israel and US will listen to her if they feel like it. They rarely listen to Muslims. Donald Trump declared a 'Muslim ban', a few years ago - if I need to remind you. Trump is 'mediating'. That is not stopping Hindus. That is not stopping Narenda Modi from butchering Kashmiris. So, what's the conclusion? Both the Hindu minority and Muslim minority are in hellfire.  The majorities are roasting them both. But when it is the Hindu minority, their stories make best sellers. When it is Muslims, France Germany Italy Nicaragua Israel and a few dozen of other countries are not interested. So a man asked in Facebook, a Muslim man from Bangladesh. He said, 'thousands of Kashmiri girls are killed and raped everyday. They aren't winning a Nobel prize for it. Malala did.'
Kashmiri girls are not Malala. They are not fighting the 'war on terror'. So, when they will pen their stories, it won't sell. Mostly, the Bangladeshis, Pakistanis and Indians will read it.
The Hindu minorities get that extra favor. Muslim minorities don’t. Hindutva always excuses its crimes with their Hindu minority. Muslims make no excuses, officially.
Is this really about minority, at all? Or is it about Hinduism? The Hindutva brigade expanding its territory?
To this day, Indians are the sole owner of this monopoly. Because they placed their minorities in Muslim lands. They alone play this minority rights monopoly. They even make money with it. They make a thriving business out of their sufferings. The Indian subcontinent's Muslims did not join them. Their Bilkis Banos were not sexy enough for Donald Trump. We have a minority, too. We have only God to complain. When the God finally listens.
Asif Tamoso 25 August 2019
(Photographs: Collected)
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lawfluencers · 2 years
Twin Tower Demolition: A Lesson for Social Media Influencers
The demolition of Supertech's Twin Towers in Noida is a lesson not only for the Real Estate Industry but also for Creators and Influencers who violate social media laws and regulations.
The demolition of the twin towers is symbolic of New India which is all about protecting consumers’ interests and following laws & regulations. Supertech’s Twin Towers in Noida believed to be the tallest buildings in India were demolished on Sunday 28 August 2022, following the Supreme Court of India's ruling. #Supertech has lost almost 900 crore rupees due to the demolition of the Twin Towers. According to the Supreme Court, the twin towers violated several laws and building regulations.
Most #socialmedia#influencers and #brands are adhering to guidelines laid down by Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA), a regulatory authority set up under Section 10 of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, and the Advertising Standards Council of India (#ASCI) which is a voluntary self-regulatory organization of the advertising industry in India.
Laws and regulations surrounding #Influencer#Marketing are being reformed globally to make it a transparent and responsible #business segment of the advertising industry.
Social media influencers should take cautionary notes and ensure that their social media ads are free of ambiguity and follow social media #laws and regulations. Before signing influencer marketing #contracts and #agreements with the brand, #content#creators and influencers must do due diligence about the #endorsement they make. Social media influencers are also responsible for being a part of a brand's misleading #advertisements and can’t get away.
Regulatory authorities such as the Central Consumer Protection Authority (#CCPA) and ASCI are empowered to act against No-Compliant social media influencers and brands to protect #consumers’ interests.
In the coming days, regulatory authorities have a huge role to play to enforce the guidelines to enhance #transparency, protect consumer’s rights and prevent #wrongdoing of brands and influencers.
The biggest #lesson for #social#media influencers from the demolition of the twin towers is that you can reach any height but if you do not follow the laws and regulations of the land, you are bound to come down!
#Remember, it takes years to build a structure, but a few minutes are enough to turn it into #rubble.
Follow Lawfluencers | Influencer Marketing to read more insightful articles.
Website: https://lnkd.in/dC8KZXwU
Video Credit: https://lnkd.in/dSnDxSZ9
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"Done And Dusted": Twitter Reacts With Memes, Videos To Noida Demolition
“Done And Dusted”: Twitter Reacts With Memes, Videos To Noida Demolition
Super Tech Twin Towers come crashing down after the use of 3,700 kg explosives New Delhi: Two illegally constructed skyscrapers in Noida were demolished today, razing the tallest structures ever pulled down in the country in less than 10 seconds. The demolition produced a wide plume of dust debris. Crowds watching the collapse from rooftops on nearby high-rise buildings cheered and clapped and…
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todaytrendsupdate · 2 years
Noida twin towers demolition video
Noida twin towers demolition video
2 towers, 32 and 30 floors 900 3BHK flats, hundreds of crores construction, 7.5lakh sft. Supertech’s twin tower set for demolition. 5 thousand residents of nearby societies told to vacate the premises. 3,700 kg explosives set in 9,000 holes in towers’ concrete. VIDEO UPDATE SOON
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कुछ ही Second में Noida में कल 3700 Kg बारूद से Twin Tower ज़मीदोज़ || Story of Noida Twin Tower
As you will know, the case was going on for a long time on the Twin Tower, whose decision was given by the Supreme Court in the form of Demolition. The Supreme Court says that whatever work has been done in it has not been done according to the documents, due to which orders are being issued to demolish it. You have complete information in this video
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bangkokjacknews · 3 years
9/11 Conspiracy - World Trade Center Building 7
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Possibly the most conclusive evidence that the events of 9/11 differ from the official report can be found by investigating the mysterious collapse of World Trade Center Building 7, at 5.20pm on that day. Actually, it doesn't take much investigating at all. Just reading through the facts available, including from the official report, will provide some startling evidence. We don't need youtube rabble rousers or online 'truthers' to re-enforce the case for a proper, unbiased public inquiry. Or a criminal investigation. The official version of events relating to WTC7, released in November 2008 after a six year investigation by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), concluded like this; 'The National Institute of Standards and Technology last week released its final report on the Sept. 11, 2001, collapse of the 47-story World Trade Centre building 7 (WTC 7) in New York City. The final report is strengthened by clarifications and supplemental text suggested by organizations and individuals worldwide in response to the draft WTC 7 report, released for public comment on Aug, 21 2008 but the revisions did not alter the investigation team’s major findings and recommendations, which include identification of fire as the primary cause for the building’s failure. The extensive three-year scientific and technical building and fire safety investigation found that the fires on multiple floors in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event. Heating of floor beams and girders caused a critical support column to fail, initiating a fire-induced progressive collapse that brought the building down. In response to comments from the building community, NIST conducted an additional computer analysis. The goal was to see if the loss of WTC 7’s Column 79—the structural component identified as the one whose failure on 9/11 started the progressive collapse—would still have led to a complete loss of the building if fire or damage from the falling debris of the nearby WTC 1 tower were not factors. The investigation team concluded that the column’s failure under any circumstance would have initiated the destructive sequence of events. Revisions to the final WTC 7 report included: Expanding the discussion of fire-stopping, the material placed between floors to prevent floor-to-floor fire spread; Clarifying the description of thermal expansion as it related to WTC 7’s shear studs and floor beams and; Explaining in greater detail the computer modelling approach used to define where and when the fire in WTC 7 started and the extent of window breakage as a result of fire. With the release of the final WTC 7 report, NIST has completed its federal building and fire safety investigation of the WTC disaster that began in August 2002. A three-year study of the collapses of the WTC towers (WTC 1 and 2) was completed in October 2005. More than twenty changes in the U.S. model building and fire codes have already been adopted based on the findings and recommendations from the investigation.
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NIST will now work with various public and private groups toward implementing additional changes to the U.S. model building and fire codes including those based on the thirteen recommendations from the WTC 7 report (one new and twelve reiterated from the towers investigation). The complete text of the final WTC 7 report, a video describing the WTC 7 investigation findings, and of all comments received on the draft WTC 7 report, a chart tracking the progress toward implementing all of the NIST WTC recommendations, and other materials may be accessed at http://wtc.nist.gov End Now, I am not a truther, conspiracy theorist, ranter or raver so let's just have a calm look at all of the main facts, whether we fully understand them or not - for now. 1. Building Seven was occupied by the U.S. Department of Defence, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the CIA, the U.S. Secret Service, the National Security Agency (NSA), the Inland Revenue Service, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Office of Emergency Management, which was Mayor Guiliani's main command centre and who were co-ordinating the efforts of the emergency response teams in the city on that day. In other words it was already the most heavily protected, and guarded, building in New York City. Or should have been. 2. No steel and concrete building has ever been completely levelled to the ground, (collapsed) by a minor fire, in the history of steel and concrete buildings. Neither before September 11, 2001 or since then. The only officially recorded example of 'fires on multiple floors (in WTC 7), which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event. Heating of floor beams and girders caused a critical support column to fail, initiating a fire-induced progressive collapse that brought the building down,' as stated in the report, happened on that day and it happened three times. In the last fifty-years there have been one-hundred uncontrolled fires in tall, steel and concrete buildings and none of them have collapsed, except as a result of earthquake or subsequent controlled demolition. 3. The minor and containable fires visible on the fifth and sixth floors during the afternoon were caused by falling debris from WTC1 that punctured diesel tanks in the basement of WTC7. 4. The five-hundred and seventy-six feet building collapsed into its own foundations in 6.5 seconds causing no damage to any other building around it. Some of them only a few feet away. 5. In April 2005 (long before the final report was released) NIST concluded that they 'have seen no evidence that the collapse of WTC7 was caused by bombs, missiles or controlled demolition.' 6. The owner of WTC7, Larry Silverstein, Chairman of Silverstein Properties, gave a televised interview on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) afterwards during which he explained that the 'fire department commander (Fire Chief Daniel Nigro) told me they were not sure they could contain the fire and so I said, you know we have such terrible loss of life, the smartest thing to do is just pull it. They made that decision to pull and then we watched the building come down.' NB, yes I know that sentence doesn't make sense but you can make your own enquiry by searching 'Larry Silverstein Pull It' on you tube and see for yourself. 7. Silverstein Properties were also the owners of WTC1 & WTC2, the only other two buildings to completely collapse on September 11, 2001. (Or indeed, in the history of steel and concrete construction) 8. Rudy Dent, a Vietnam War veteran, four year member of the NYPD and thirty-two year FDNY firefighter was in the staging area close to WTC7. He gave evidence, several times, that the Fire Department Commissioner and Mayor Rudi Guiliani were in the building until shortly before the collapse. He also testified that there were fire fighters in the building who were 'calling for a hose to mop up the isolated fires. There was no concern about the fires.' After the building collapsed Dent testified he was aware of 'molten, lava like steel in the debris.' 9. News journalist Jane Standley was reporting live for the BBC and announced at 5pm that WTC7, the Salomon Brothers building, had become the third collapse of the day. Amusingly WTC7 was still clearly visible behind her as she submitted her report. 10. Men dressed as New York fire fighters are seen on early live television footage ordering people away and shouting that the building was about to 'explode.' WTC7 used to sit approximately one-hundred meters north of the Twin Tower Complex. Between them were the smaller buildings Five & Six that were hardly damaged at all until the towers collapsed. And yet the official conclusion is that falling debris punctured a diesel tank in the basement of WTC7 and the resulting fire eventually led to a complete failure of the structure. And yet diesel oil can only ignite at temperatures in excess of 140 degrees. And, even if it did, what is the likelihood of a spark or flame jumping five or six storeys into the air and setting fire to the curtains of a building with bomb proofed and air sealed windows? Ask yourself how a small diesel fire or spark could penetrate one of the most secure buildings in America housing the New York Disaster Control Centre, the CIA and the U.S. Secret Service. A building that was gas proof, sarin proof, bullet proof, missile proof, chemical & biological weapon proof, radiation proof and no doubt nuclear bomb proof. It was designed to be a command centre in case of attack by Russia or China. How do the curtains catch fire on the fifth floor after falling rubble, from a building one hundred metres away, penetrates the secure basement and punctures a diesel oil tank? You might also wonder why there is no CCTV footage of any of this. All of these questions would easily be answered when NIST carried out their thorough testing of the steel structure during their investigation. Just as in the case of any air crash investigation engineers would rebuild the structure and look for the cause of catastrophic failure. Especially in a case a high profile as 9/11. However, within hours of the collapse the steel structure was being taken by barges across the Hudson River, and overland by a constant stream of trucks, to scrap metal dealers Hugo Nue Schnitzer at Fresh Kills Landfill, Staten Island, Hugo Nue Schnitzer's Claremont Terminal in Jersey City, Metal Management in Newark and Blanford and Co. in Keasbey. Four hundred articulated lorries, every-twenty four-hours, moved the debris in convoys. That is one leaving the site every three and a half minutes until Building Seven was gone. At the scrap yards 350,000 tons of steel were processed and sold (much of it to Chinese companies) for $120 per ton. American steel mills had been paying $160 per ton prior to then. In the end over 80% of the steel structures removed from Ground Zero was on the slow boat to China before investigators had a chance to examine any of it. Because they were not given the necessary authority to impound any of it before it was sold and shipped. There is now so little doubt that WTC7 fell to the ground as the result of a controlled demolition that it leaves one to wonder why the official NIST report concluded otherwise six years later. After all, the building owner told us in the immediate aftermath of the event that either he, or fire-chief Nigro, ordered the building to be pulled. ('pulled' being a well-known phrase in the demolition community to mean 'demolish'). Even if Silverstein himself changed the story during the same sentence between him giving the order and fire-chief Nigro making that decision. So let's assume that's true, because one part of it is. There is nothing wrong with the fire department ordering a building to be pulled down if it was believed the fire was out of control. But even that is unlikely given that Mayor Guiliani and the fire-chief himself were inside until half an hour before the collapse. And, according to eye-witness Rudy Dent, they were inside for 'quite some time.' There is also nothing wrong with an order to pull a building if it was considered to be unsafe and about to collapse, which is also unlikely for the same reason I previously mention. That is not, however, a decision that can be made by the owner of any building, or even a fire chief in respect of a building with such strategic importance as WTC7. Not surprisingly Daniel Nigro has a different recollection of events and insists, 'they claim, among many outrageous claims, that the building's owner, Larry Silverstein, gave the order for me to pull the building,' he said. 'And that is absolute nonsense.' We know that Mr Nigro, but that only strengthens the case. Either way, just imagine the sensitive information and equipment that could be found in the filing cabinets that might flutter all over the city after the demolition of a working building and not a derelict one. And imagine the sensitive information on the hard drives and network drives of some of the occupying businesses and agencies. No report has ever been made of any guard being placed around the demolition site over-night or at anytime afterwards. Rudy Dent testified he was making his way through the rubble and noticed 'molten, lava like steel in the debris.' So he, and others, clearly had access to the site. He didn't mention if he had a look around for any safes stuffed with cash whilst he was at it. Let alone anything else because, presumably, anything valuable or sensitive would have been removed before demolition. That's sensible, right? So, we are in the middle of one of the greatest and most chaotic events in world history and Larry Silverstein, or the fire chief - it's not really important - who cares, decide to pull WTC7. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt here and agree that it would be possible for them to take that decision. How long then do you think, in light of all the facts we have, would it take for a team of demolition experts to obtain from City Hall, and then study, the floor and structure plans of WTC7. Using the latest planning software they would then have to calculate the explosives needed and work out exactly where they would have to be placed. Following that, how long would it take a team to get into the building, already declared unsafe and with fire raging all around, and drill or cut the explosive charges into the supporting structure with enough accuracy to bring the building down in only 6.5 seconds into its own foot-print. And causing no damage at all to surrounding structures? Ask yourself how long all of this would take. And then consider how long it might take for the staff of the CIA, U.S. Secret Service, FEMA and all the other occupants to get back in and retrieve their files, valuables and any other sensitive information they did not want fluttering around New York on the demolition draft. Do your own research like I did. The answer is that most demolition experts agree this would take at least three weeks of planning and preparation. Some insist it would be much longer and this has become the subject of a heated debate, which just doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is nobody claims they could carry out such a comprehensive clear out and then controlled demolition, between being awarded the contract and completion, in twenty-five minutes. Which is exactly what building owner Larry Silverstein wants you to believe happened. (Despite the official report denying this multiple times and over many years) And if it didn't happen because it is not possible within the time-frame, then it must have been a pre-arranged demolition where the charges had already been planned and planted. Which is also possible. Of course it is possible that the building had already been cleared out, wired and prepared for demolition on or around 9/11. This would have been the sensible thing to say in the first place. That's what I would have said. But they didn't. Why not? Finally there is the seemingly incidental question of what information the BBC had been given for them to report the collapse of a building that was, until twenty minutes later, only suffering from small, containable fires. As obscure as this detail seems to be it is, in fact, a massive piece of clear evidence pointing towards a pre-arranged event. Unfortunately it looks as if somebody, somewhere, in the middle of the chaos of the day, sent an email to the BBC a little too soon. Or perhaps the demolition was delayed by half an hour because Mayor Guiliani was still in there rummaging around and looking for his car keys. Who knows? It doesn't really matter either. The BBC explained away this by insisting that the live satellite feed from New York cut off at exactly 5.15pm and so they were showing slightly older footage, from earlier in the day, behind the news reporter who was broadcasting in real time. But that still obviously does not explain why she was reporting something that happened twenty-five minutes later, according to the clock on the screen, regardless of what was being displayed behind her. It could have been nothing behind her, a blank screen even. By using Occam's Razor we can shave away all of those silly details that do not matter and keep to the facts. Was Guiliani in the building just before it collapsed, or not? Who cares? The time of the BBC report and the time of the event - matters. A pre-prepared demolition matters. And both prove advanced knowledge. There is also the clear television pictures of those men dressed as fire fighters (they might be real fire fighters) telling everybody to clear out as the building was going to explode. 'How did they know that?' the conspiracy theorists all shout at the same time. 'See, clear evidence that it was pre-planned,' screams every truther's website. No it isn't and again, it doesn't matter. Use Occam's Razor and shave that one off too. Because by now we already know it was pre-planned. The real puzzle is why wasn't that the story from the outset. The easy and obvious story that nobody would question, would they? The two buildings once known as the World Trade Centre, or the Twin Towers, and World Trade 7, the only three buildings to be damaged enough to collapse during the events of September 11, 2001, were all owned by one man - Larry Silverstein. Silverstein is a Jewish-American property investor and who bought the World Trade Centre Complex in April 2001. It was the first time in the building's thirty-three year life-time that the ownership had changed hands. The previous owners agreed to sell the complex, valued at $3.2 billion to Silverstein for only $124 million because they knew the Twin Towers required a complete overhaul and restoration. Some of the materials used when the complex was built thirty-three years earlier, namely asbestos, had since been declared a health hazard and the buildings had to be stripped. The New York Port Authority had long been aware of the asbestos problem at the World Trade Centre and had tried, on several occasions, to obtain demolition permits for the buildings, only to be turned down. Asbestos dust could be deadly and the city planners refused to allow a white cloud of it to be cast over New York as a result of demolition. Instead the buildings would have to be carefully stripped down floor by floor and room by room. The cost of this was estimated at the time to be $15 billion. The scaffolding alone came in at $2.4 billion. So, the original owners, the developer, decided to off-load their white elephant, having made billions of dollars in rental income over the previous three decades, for a paltry $124 million. Which for them represented a cool return of $15,124,000,000 if you include the $15 billion they would avoid being forced to spend. For Larry Silverstein the deal represented and absolute bargain at $124 million, for a $3.4 billion piece of prime New York real estate, if only he too could avoid paying the $15 billion upgrade costs. So, the first thing Silverstein did as the new, proud owner of the World Trade Centre Complex, was to replace the security company. Obviously, of course. Isn't that the first thing anybody would think of? Read the full article
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