barkers-art · 2 years
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DISCLAIMER: I don't actually support TwiSpike.
Welcome to the revamped DislikedVerse, aka the Disliked Ships AU. This is in no way meant to be a platform for hate, it's just an excuse for me to make some cute fankids for MLP ships I don't particularly care about.
Anyway this is Andromeda, the daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Spike the dragon. I adopted her design from OpalescentArtist on DA before she disappeared off the face of the Earth long ago. She was accidentally created via magic which means that they didn't...you know.
Andromeda was 'born' during a period of time when Twilight was staying in the Crystal Empire to help Shining Armor care for his new daughter. While staying there, she and Spike ended up discovering the Magic Mirror, an old artifact that could create a foal if two beings that loved each other stood in front of it. The mirror sensed the familial-type love that Twilight and Spike felt for each other, and out tumbled a little dragon-pony hybrid foal. Once everyone had calmed down and had figured out what had just happened, Twilight's maternal instincts kicked in and she decided to keep the strange little foal. Spike was still a young dragon at the time, having not even gone through the molt yet, so he wasn't exactly keen on being the foal's dad when he himself was still a kid. Although he still offered to help care for her if needed.
Andromeda grew up being raised by her mother Twilight and her step-father Flash Sentry, with both of them telling her that she was a foal they adopted (which she technically was in a way). A now older Spike is an active figure in her life, acting as Andromeda's 'uncle'. Andromeda herself is a very sweet and caring mare who is best buds with her cousin Flurry Heart, the two of them being very close in age. She currently doesn't know what she wants to be in life and she's not in any hurry to find out, as being it a hybrid she only has a 50/50 chance of getting a cutie mark.
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kindheart525 · 2 years
What would you say are some of your least favorite ships?
The ship I honestly hate the most is TwiSpike. They’re siblings?? It was confirmed in the show?? That and she practically raised him from his hatching. They’re best friends, siblings, confidants, but absolutely not romantic partners. I can’t even remotely see it. Spike is the “little brother” of all the Mane 6 imo so I would personally feel wrong shipping any of them with him, but Twilight x Spike is the biggest nope.
That aside, I didn’t really like that trend early in the fandom when people shipped the Mane 6 with background stallions (Twilight x Comet Tail, Pinkie x Pokey Pierce, AJ x Caramel). Those guys had zero personality and literally never interacted with the Mane 6 at all except for maybe standing next to them once (even now that the show’s over iirc). Also I think Caramel was at an Apple family reunion once meaning he’s already an Apple. I think most of the people who shipped those were either people who couldn’t stand the idea of picking a more fleshed-out female character to ship with the main gals, or young kids who didn’t know that was an option. Not that people can’t write complex personalities for background ponies, but that doesn’t always seem to happen.
For AJ in general, I personally think a lot of the popular heterosexual ships with her are really lacking. Caramel (no personality, possibly her cousin), Trenderhoof (who she canonically dislikes and openly rejected), Flim or Flam (who she also canonically hates), Braeburn (definitely her cousin???) etc. Troubleshoes is another one I’ve seen but idk unless you’re committed to being a good writer (which I have seen) I can’t see much chemistry between them based on canon alone. For these reasons, I personally write her as a lesbian but I do like ShiningJack, and have seen a few really interesting interpretations of AJ x Blueblood.
These are just my opinions! I’m not here to insult anyone’s ships, as long as it’s not incestuous or creepy, you do you! 😊
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ponypop · 1 year
I've seen your icons. They're all so beautiful! can you do soma AppleDash or TwiSpike icons?
spike is literally a child what the fuck is wrong with you
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oooyammm · 7 years
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carlycmarathecat · 7 years
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‘I could never send you away.’
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El Tratamiento de Twilight (Twilight's Treatment)sp - Capítulo 1 : Buenas noches (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/EDVaEwYV91 Spike ya entrando en la adolescencia debe afrontar las sensaciones que esta trae consigo y Twilight como su amiga, su hermana y su familia decide ayudarle pero no de la forma mas correcta. Contenido sexual, quedan advertidos. FIC ORIGINAL DE ZEHNTACLES Traducido por mi.
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weatherman667 · 7 years
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Types of Love by Neko-me
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samrosemodblog · 4 years
What are your opinions on Sparity, AppleSpike, and TwiSpike?
Mmmm... I have issues with any of the “Main 6 x Spike” ships? Like, they all knew him when he was baby baby still, and while it felt like it was more okay as he got older in the show, it doesn’t help that it still feels like there’s a significant age gap there, and that they all basically helped do small things to help raise him early on.
Mind you, I don’t think the age gap is all THAT huge, since Twilight herself was basically a child when she hatched him, but it’s enough of one to make it feel awkward.
I don’t mind if anyone does “Aged up Spike” shipping with any of them, since that feels MORE appropriate, but it definitely takes more work for me to see it. It’s definitely better when Fanfics do those weird AUs where Spike is essentially the same age as the girls and is then shipped with one of them, though those usually end up being harem fics.
Sparity is obviously the main one you see since it was the only canon crush Spike ever had, and I definitely feel the age gap is probably on the less noticable side here since Rarity was almost about the same age as Twilight when Spike was hatched, but the fact they meet when they’re still calling him a baby dragon is eh. I don’t blame anyone for making them closer in age or both adults for their AUs to ship them.
AppleSpike I feel like is built entirely on the ‘Spike at your service’ episode which most people don’t like because it makes Spike look incompetent at chores which isn’t how his character was depicted earlier in the show. Honestly I don’t really see much potential in this one, it just sort of exists.
And TwiSpike usually runs into the whole ‘Is it morally okay to date someone you’re related to as long as it’s not BLOOD related?’ And the usual answer is ‘No’ from most people, but anime certainly has made a huge industry out of it. To me it definitely depends more on HOW the two felt about each other growing up, if they don’t TREAT each other as siblings and don’t CALL each other siblings, or mother/son as some people go for, then it’s... MORE okay? But you still have some awkwardness there with Twilight basically helping raise Spike and that just leads to some bleh material.
That and I honestly don’t see Twilight wanting to date Spike. It feels like most people do it because “Omg he’s a boy around a girl all the time, we’ve all heard Sk8er Boi!”
Now oddly enough, a Spike ship that is with one of the ‘main’ girls that actually DOESN’T trigger my ‘This is awkward and age gap-y’ for some reason is Starlight Glimmer.
And I can’t completely explain it, but explaining the others just now I think I might be able to pinpoint what it is.
Starlight’s addition to the cast was much later in the show, when Spike had been theoretically growing for 5 years at that point. They had stopped calling him a baby, and just a couple seasons later he would get his wings, pretty much confirming that he’s an older-teen/young adult at the point when Starlight comes in.
So the fact that that age gap feels way less significant, and she didn’t have any hand in raising him like the other girls, actually means the two can develop without any morally grey areas cropping their head up.
Still, Spike ships in general are almost always awkward because Spike got so little focus in the show itself that they practically forgot he even existed most of the time. I genuinely believe that if you cut Spike from the show, you really wouldn’t have lost anything significant from it. The only thing that really would have to change is the Crystal Empire episodes, and even those would only require minimal changes.
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dzamie · 3 years
ooh, my twispike lemon got onto the Popular column on fimfic :D
I’m glad so many people are enjoying it~
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castorochiaro · 7 years
Leave a ship in my ask and I’ll reply only with an emoji
🙂 - I ship it but it’s not on my otp list
only in a future setting, of course
really i don’t ship anything with him at the age he is now, he just seems a bit young for a relationship yet
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glitchybunnyboi · 7 years
Twispike is returning
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carlycmarathecat · 7 years
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‘Sleep, little dragon.’
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askcriticalthought · 7 years
More fun/simi-competitive duel color decks. Blue addition (and pink/white)
This is going to be more on the fun side of deck building. Mostly because I think blue might just be the weakest color and I just ended up building fun casual decks more then the most competitive.  With the additional personal rule of being duel color didn’t really help. But at the very least these have some kick to them. Give them a shot in more casual play and it should be fun. Competitively there not fantastic, but could perhaps be sharpend.
 Royal Flush. (Capper Blue)
Some may think that Capper is pretty bad. And to fair, you maybe right. However, I though I would give him a shot and found this fun little build. This focuses on reusing two bits, Rarity Breezie, Rarity Pirate, and Crème Da la Cream.  And it packs a good little punch. This probably needs a little adjustment when it comes to its fixers and removal. Its pretty fun at least. I was able to beat a few other decks with it so it’s not horrible.
Captain Jack (AJ/Blue)
Gatta go fast? Pretty much. I just wanted to try out the Pirate deck. It definitely feels like a ramppy aggro deck more so then a midrange deck. Farm -> Staff seems like a no brainier. The power counters work well with thunderlain. Celeano and ships saves a lot of AT latter on.  Appoloza is easy to utilize and the new Big Mac is very helpful against what is likely to be a resource heavy meta. I like the idea behind this deck, I’m just not 100% its viable. I only tested it a few times and it seems interesting. It can get pretty crazy and over whelming pretty fast.
 Just more hot wings. (Bluna/Pink)
More Hot Wings. Frankly there isn’t much for this color combination this set. So I just added and adjusted a few things to my current build and its still pretty good. But really there isn’t much fancy and new, if you have played hot wings you know what this does.
Nightmare cruse (Celeano / Purple)
Purple/blue is weird. I don’t exactly know how to build it right now. TwiSpike + Travler Spike or Pirate Dash seems pretty strong control trick. I’m sure you could build an interesting aggro deck. But I wanted to see if I could control with it. I found that Tempest as the lead to strong control, but difficulty working a win condition, Celeano with Tempest TM + Monstrous Manuel seems like a decent win con with all the AT gain and the limitation of being duel color. But blocking is quite a bit harder. Nothing feels like it can be focused on enough without there being strictly better options somewhere else. But it turns out this is alright. I’ll likely investigate into it more in the future but for now, this is a fun thing to experiment with
 Death and Taxes 2.0 DJ/white
Body Garde is pretty fantastic, especially with all the destructive power pink/white has. You may end up with several bodys with prepared on them. That is a lot of AT to gain behind a TM. He also works for mass sacing with cards like The Main Six.  Other then that though not much has changed for this deck. The idea is to make a devastating bored state that is to hard for the opponent to survive in. Keeping a single friend or two on board and scoring points that way with Trixies tour.
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weatherman667 · 7 years
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After Adventure by Pikokko
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