#twiyor fan fic
petri808 · 1 year
14 for twiyor! Imagine this is how they first met would be sweet as heck 😆
“They cover the small amount of change you are short on for a purchase.”
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The morning is a blustery one, not yet snowing, though it sure could’ve been considering how cold the air is. Mornings like these make it hard to crawl out of bed, but for Yor Briar, not getting up and going to work meant a day’s loss in wages. All bundled up, she hurries the block over to her favorite cafe to grab a coffee. If she times it right, she’ll get to work with some time to spare before clocking in, and thankfully the line at the cafe is short.  
“So, that’s one caffè hazelnut mocha with an extra shot of espresso and whipped instead of froth on top,” the male barista behind the counter repeats. “That’ll be 5 dollars and 27 cents.”
Yor pulls out her wallet and counts out the dollar bills she prepared the night before. One, two, three, four, five, perfect… until she checks the coin pocket and finds it empty. “Um…” she switches her shoulder purse to the counter and starts digging inside looking for loose change, panic and embarrassment mounting each second that ticks by. ‘Why did I not have enough, I always have enough… oh, right, the extra shot,’ Yor’s brows furrow in exasperation. “I’m so sorry,” she begins, putting her wallet back into her purse. “It seems I’m—”
“Excuse me, ma’am?”  
There’s a tap on Yor’s shoulder and a man’s voice asking for attention. She turns partially to see who this person is, no doubt the customer waiting behind. Maybe he’s getting annoyed? The man is a foot taller than her so she must look up to see his face, and a handsome one at that. He doesn’t look annoyed, with his piercing blue eyes crinkled in a friendly smile. “Oh, I’m sorry mister that I’m taking too long.” 
“Not at all,” the man reaches for and takes Yor’s hand, placing twenty-seven cents onto her palm. “It’s cold out today, so it would be unchivalrous not to offer a pretty lady assistance with her coffee.”
Heat swells along Yor’s cheeks no doubt taking on a strawberry sheen. “T-Thank you, so much!” She quickly hands it to the barista along with the five-dollar bills so they can move the ordering line along. 
After giving the barista her name, she steps aside to allow the nice gentleman his turn to order, and as he does so, Yor can’t help but give the man another once-over. So, tall, blue eyes, blonde hair trimmed neatly, and wearing a business suit. What kind of business could this man be in? He kind of looks like a lawyer or maybe just an office worker? Nah, a business suit is a bit much for an office worker. CEO maybe? Yor thinks she’s seen him here before, but since mornings are a rush of get in and out, she’s never stopped to get a good look. 
As soon as he finishes paying for his order and steps away, Yor makes a move to speak to the man again. “Sir?” She taps on his back shoulder to gain his attention. He stops and turns around to face her. “Sir, I just wanted to say thank you again.”
He raises a hand in a friendly gesture. “Really, it’s fine—”
“No,” she cuts him off, “but, please,” Yor takes his hand and begs, “let me return the money to you later. It’s only right.”
“Ma’am.” He places his other hand over hers to stop her. “It’s just twenty-seven cents. There’s no need—”
Again, Yor cuts him off insistently. “It’s not about the amount, it’s only right to return a nice gesture.”
“Okay, okay,” The man chuckles. “If you feel that strongly, how about meeting me here for lunch tomorrow?” 
Eh? Yor freezes from the surprising turn around. This handsome man is asking her out to lunch and as her mind processes his request, the heat is returning to her skin and her eyes are wide. Growing up, people have told her how pretty she is, but when it comes to this love stuff, she’s completely inexperienced because she’s always shied away from it. What do people do on lunch dates? Does it count as a real date? If it is a real date, she has no idea how to act! “I-I…” Yor is so nervous, she doesn’t know how to respond.
But luckily, the man takes the hint and leads. He squeezes her hand he still holds. “My name is Loid Forger, a detective with the Berlint PD, and you are?” He gently coaxes in a soothing voice.
“Y-Yor… Yor Briar. I work at city hall in the records department.”
Loid smiles. “It’s nice to meet you Ms. Briar.”
“It’s nice to meet you too.” Yor smiles back.
“Ms. Briar, would you be so kind and meet me here for lunch tomorrow?” Loid’s blue gaze piercing Yor’s bewildered ruby stare. “I’d love to see you again.”
Oh My! Her cheeks are cherry red and it’s not from any windchill. “J-Just lunch?” She nervously mimics the short-circuiting in her head. “If it’s just lunch, that should be fine.”
“Then here’s to tomorrow.” Loid lifts her hand to his lips and places a lingering kiss to its back with a smile. “Noon?”
“Noon…” Yor unconsciously nods in stary-eyed haze. 
“I’ll see you then,” he smiles, tips his head, and takes his leave, grabbing his coffee before heading back into the winter air.
Yor watches the man walk out the door, too awestruck to move. What… just… happened? 
“Ma’am? Excuse me, ma’am? Your coffee.”
Coffee? Oh, right! Yor turns to the barista. “S-Sorry!” She grabs her cup and hurries out the door. 
So much for getting to work early, but oh well. Yor cups her hands around the warm cup and holds it to her chest, cheeks still a rosy warm and eyes shining in a giddy light. She takes a sip, and the instant zing of the espresso hits. She grins to herself. Who knew a simple change in her routine would be so welcomed…
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httplovecraft1890 · 11 months
Twiyor forgive me and I'll have to think up an equivalent for Loid, and viewers at home are encouraged to play along, but I'll go ahead and say that "May I have the honor of taking your wife?" is an incredible slash pickup line for Yor.
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thecoramaria · 4 months
You might have already posted about this, but am too lazy to scroll through your profile lol :') Which fandoms do you write about?
Hey, Nonny~! I mostly write for 'Legend of Zelda', in particular 'Twilight Princess', though I have written a bunch of oneshots for 'RWBY' (mostly Renora) as well, and I wrote a few prompt ficlets for 'Miraculous Ladybug'. I also wrote 'Vocaloid' fanfic (and I think one Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle ficlet?) back in high school but that has since been deleted.
I do have some fics for other fandoms in the works, such as a possible 'Endless Ocean 2' novelisation, a 'Clone Wars' crack fic, and several for 'Spy x Family'. Like goddamn have I been feeling the Twiyor brainrot lately. The ideas keep coming! (Also I think I partially wrote a 'Dragon Prince' oneshot about 3-4 years ago but I don't think that's ever gonna be completed)
Pretty much all my longfics that I've completed (or am actively working on) are 'Legend of Zelda' though, particularly when the pairing is Midlink - the OTP to end all OTPs! I find that the fandom doesn't tend to provide the kinds of fics I want to read about them. I love when they're slowburn and their chemistry is built from the ground up, but the vast majority of the fics that do that are retellings of 'Twilight Princess'. I love a good retelling, but now I want to see them in more alternate universes (that don't involve eight other versions of Link), or stories that significantly diverge from canon as early as possible (which is what I'm doing with 'The Light Invasion' trilogy). And it's also an absolute must for me that Midna be written in-character (which unfortunately the official manga adaptation failed to do!) and that Link be fleshed out instead of left as a blank slate. So I think that's what's motivates me to write my LoZ longfics the most and put the most focus on that fandom: I must photosynthesise and make my own food!
I also don't tend to broadcast my fandoms on this Tumblr account (I have a personal account that Tumblr shadowbanned but I still use it) because I want to keep it relatable to people of any fandom, but maybe by profile you meant my AO3? Idk 🤷 You're not very likely to figure out what fandoms I write for by scrolling through this Tumblr account lol, so even if you had the energy, you saved yourself some effort there!
Thanks for the opportunity to info-dump!
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aoblossoms · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: SPY x FAMILY (Manga), SPY x FAMILY (Anime), EXO (Band) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess Characters: Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess Additional Tags: Fluff, Sweet Fluff, Fireworks, i should be sleeping instead, EXO Chen, Chen - Freeform, i really like his songs okay, they offer comfort, i just really love loid and yor, i think they would fit nicely in these stories, song: shall we Series: Part 1 of Inspired by the Changes Spring Can Bring Summary:
"What shall we do about tonight?"
two people may have met during the twilight moments of the day, but they mainly come together at night.
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asajjvxntress · 2 years
Relationship: Yor Briar / Twlight (Loid Forger), Anya Forger 
Rating: General
Words: 1677
“Yor? May I have this dance?”
Confused, Yor finally opens her eyes to find Loid standing in front of the sofa, his hand extended towards her in request. She blinks, eyes trailing from his hand to his face, studying his eyes to determine the reasoning for such a wish. Though, as always, his eyes do not betray any of his thoughts.
OR: Yor isn't sure why Loid asked her to dance with him, but she finds she cannot say no.
“Yor? May I have this dance?”
Confused, Yor finally opens her eyes to find Loid standing in front of the sofa, his hand extended towards her in request. She blinks, eyes trailing from his hand to his face, studying his eyes to determine the reasoning for such a wish. Though, as always, his eyes do not betray any of his thoughts.
OR: Yor isn't sure why Loid asked her to dance with him, but she finds she cannot say no.
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mae-i-scribble · 5 months
I rewatched a few of the early episodes of spyfam today bc getting to see the movie gave me an itch to scratch, and in particular episode two made me finally able to conceptualize what about fandom twiyor that irks me so deeply. If you like widespread fandom interpretations of them I would uh, look away bc none of my opinions on it are positive.
Episode 2 of the spyfam anime remains one of my favorites because of all the little flourishes the studios add to sell you on Yor as a character while also expanding a bit on the manga's original commentary on the stigma that follows older single women. What draws Yor and Loid together as a family is that neither of them are capable of having conventional relationships. Both of them are war orphans forced to grow up far too soon and who threw away aspects of their humanity to fight for what they believe to be a better world. While Loid's position as a spy and mastery of deception allows him to avoid the stigmas that would come from the ordinary person discovering what he does, that is not something that holds true for Yor, whose weakest point is that she simply cannot understand "normal." She's aware of the way her coworkers demean her and insult her but can do nothing about it because her only conflict resolution skill is murder. She is constantly reminded that she is an outsider, hence why Loid's declaration at the party is so meaningful to her, and what convinces her to ask him to continue the facade as a married couple.
Underneath it all however, is a quiet showcase of amatonormativity that drove both Loid and Yor to their arrangement. Eden requires a student to have a perfectly nuclear family. Societal conventions dictate that Yor, happily single at 27, is someone pathetic (to her coworkers) or someone in need of help (to her brother). Marriage is an expectation that Yor is pressured to commit to, and a societal requirement that Loid must uphold for the sake of his mission. And while this showcase begins in episode 2 it is something that spyfam continues to highlight when it comes to the expectations both Loid and Yor struggle to meet when they try to hard/become to anxious over what is "expected" as a married couple vs what the other person is actually thinking/feeling.
Now, what the fuck does this have to do with fandom you ask? Here's the thing. Spyfam reached the broad range of anime fans when it exploded in popularity, which is when I started engaging with it beyond just comments on the latest manga chapters. Modern fandom already has the issue of classifying ships into tropes rather than actually like, shipping characters as they are. And that's exactly what happened with twiyor. People began going "oh my gosh this is the moment she fell for loid," "oh he's so in love with her just look at him," before we had even reached episode 10. Which was incredibly frustrating to me because clearly Loid and Yor are not anywhere near in love that soon in the story- and the basis for that frustration starts in episode 2 for me. Because Loid and Yor's marriage is one that is unconventional from the very beginning, and it is that factor that defines their dynamic an allows them to function as healthily and sweetly as they do. People don't need to be in love to be married or to be a parental unit. None of that requires romantic love, it is simply an expectation of our society, the same sort of expectation that cripples Yor and makes her think she has to find a partner, then that she has to find a husband to appease those around her. Seeing that completely erased in a large portion of art/commentary/fics written about them angers me because its something baked into the foundation of their dynamic and something I feel enhances them as a potential romantic pairing rather than detracts from it. But we can't have that because of course a man and woman living together and caring for a kid fell in love almost immediately.
And don't even get me started on how people misinterpret Loid for their far more romantic interpretations of his motivations and relationship with Anya and Yor or else I will start losing teeth from how hard I am clenching my jaw
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aerequets · 1 year
I really liked the scene you drew for the fanfic Once more with feeling. Do you have other fanfics recommandations? PS. I love your art :3
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thank you! :D and yes of course i do 😎 i have this list (twiyor) from a while ago but i have amassed more than enough new faves to make a new one!
i will try to get a mix of fics w/ different vibes, and different lengths, as well as those that you may not have heard of before. most if not all of them will be twiyor tho, bc that's what i read most.
i'll put them under the cut!
FUN FACT i spent like 45 mins writing a list and SOMEHOW DELETED IT ALL. so this is take 2 😭😭😭😭 ANYWAYS
The Woman in Red by @nightofnyx8
rated M, 7/7 chaps, 47.9k words
this fic feels like a book to me if i was already invested in the characters. it revolves around yor, who gets an assignment to find out where a bunch of trafficked girls are being kept by the asshole of the millenium, vito cohen. it is also post reveal, post relationship twiyor. this fic has dark moments just by virtue of the subject matter, but none of it feels gratuitous if that makes sense? like every bit of violence lends to the whole picture. there are also some Steamy ™ twiyor moments, which are easily skippable if that's not your thing, but their whole relationship here is just written so well. the trust is there and the protective loid vibes are 👌 i m m a c u l a t e
Smoldering by @julphines
rated G, 1/1 chaps, 2.1k words
i freaking love the look into post reveal, pre relationship twiyor we get here. it's not overtly romantic but instead them getting to know each other. i especially love the details of them having to make themselves be vulnerable in some ways because they just aren't used to it. a really nice, in-between sort of fic :)
In Love With the Distance by Newt on ao3
rated T, 37/37 chaps, 21.5k words
this one is formatted as a collection of letters and i am OBSESSED. i think the author does a very good job getting the character voices down, and the fact that the progression in their relationship is clear despite being in this letter format will never cease to amaze me. it's also incredibly consistent and has cute 'ciphers' at the top that are used to disguise the letters. this one is also post reveal, and kinda follows what happens immediately after. some bits are outside the letter format, but for the most part, it's loid and yor writing to each other. love
La Vie En Rose by @jubileen
rated T, 1/1 chaps, 3.7k words
i love me a good ol 5+1 fic, and this one did not disappoint 😌 i especially liked how the thing that is being counted here (you know, the "five times x and one time x") is not explicitly stated each time. it's something that is as slowly revealed to the reader as it is to the characters, which is a nice touch. and there are more things you catch after a reread, which i am also a great fan of!
An Ever Fixed Mark by Spiraling (Stormwind13) on ao3
rated T, 3/3 chaps, 3.8k words
soulmates that share wounds!!!!!! need i say more?? ALSO, there's some GORJUS artwork in this fic! actually, the first "chapter" is just the cover page, and then in the third chapter is another illustration which is so well done! so that's a plus :) this fic has the nice ol heartwrenching mix of backstory and present for the characters, another plus!
this fic is restricted tho, so u gotta be logged into ao3 to read it 🙏
Love, He was Certain by toteally on ao3
rated M, 1/1 chaps, 3.2k words
this one is so funny and good to me bc loid goes head empty seeing fruit juice dribble down yor's chin KJFDHSJ i love when overthinking characters suddenly can't form a thought at the most mundane of happenings. ALSO the thing fics/books do when the title comes up and you're like OHHHH THERE IT IS!!! yeah that as well
Macabre Theme and Variations by @piracytheorist
rated T, 15/15 chaps, 66.6k words (lol)
WOOOO TIME LOOP FIC! yet another thing that i am a fan of :DD although HEED THE WARNING because there IS violence but there is also a happy ending. this fic follows twilight as he goes through the same day over and over again and tries not to die a horrific death forever. mans gets more trauma, BUT he also gets character progression and a happy ending so fair trade off right 🤔 (yes. the answer is yes)
anyways, this list is hardly even the tip of the iceberg. there's also my bookmarks which, at the time of writing this post, are at 354... most of which are sxf/twiyor.... so yeah LMAO obviously i couldnt put all of them into this post but definitely check those out. i've also got my own works if you're interested but hopefully this list contains fics you have not yet read, and that you will like 🙏🙏
(if your fic is on this list and you haven't been tagged + would like to be, pls let me know!)
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tare-anime · 1 year
SxF Mission 79
(Beware of spoiler)
Finalllyyyyy!!!!! Yesh!!!
I miss you so much, Yooooorrrr 😭😭😭
And TwiYor crumbs!! Yesh!!
So after..... 200 more days without TwiYor interactions, we finally get it 🥰🥰🥰
Anyway, this chapter made me LoL-ed with the way Endo trolling with us 🤣🤣🤣
Yes, I know the policy of Mangaka (or any of professional writters) may not read fanfics to avoid copyright things yada yada....
But it also a common thing that professional writters/publishers to have social media/internet team to monitor fans reactions or fandom in general.
And I have to give kudos to Endo's team here. It seems to me that they managed to summarize current sxf fandom favorite tropes, and give the reports to Endo. So Endo can troll with us 🤣🤣🤣(this purely my speculation. Let's just treat this as joke and something fun, ok?).
Let see how many fan-tropes Endo been using in this chapter:
1. Yor interact more with her coworkers
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This character develooment of Yor is good. Because she interacts daily with Anya and Loid, her social skill is improving. Good work, Yor!
2. Yor's coworker invites her to diner, only to gossip about her marriage life
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Honestly, I didn't expect Yor to finally have a common chatty chatty office life with her coworkers (I always see them as not good). But look at that, they finally warm up to Yor. Good things start to happen to Yor and I couldn't be more happy! Well, these three still has intention of humiliating Yor, but less intense? So that's a development there.
3. Her coworkers giving ideas of welcome home kiss
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Endo said: not now 🤣🤣🤣 But buuuuttt...maybe sometime in the future?????
4. Nest? ABO reference? I'm not a fan of this tropes but.... hmmm.
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5. Thorn Princess vs Twilight!!! One of fans favorite!!
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Endo said "Only in Yor imagination"
6. Identity reveal!!! My beloved!!!
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Again Endo said "Nope. Not today" 🤣🤣🤣 darn it, Endo!!
7. Yor is sick. She passed out and Loid catch her.... sick fic my beloved!!!!
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Endo said "badumb o meter is back, and thus..... no hurt/comfort or sick fic for ya!" Darn iiiittt Endo 😭😭😭😭 🤣🤣🤣
8. Anya can't sleep because her parents are too noisy being lovey dovey
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Endo said "yeah, different kind of noisy. Those are just Anya's imagination".
Amazing work Endo sensei!
I love this chapter so much. 🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏
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Spy x Family fans, send me the angstiest twiyor fics you've read (with a happy ending, though...I repeat ANGST WITH A HAPPY ENDING because otherwise some of y'all would make me want to bawl 🤡🤡🤡)
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raidergamerspice · 9 months
I typed out a giant thread on Twitter about why I think it's baffling that being a Twiyor can get you funny looks in the Spy x Family fandom, that Nightfall could ever be a likeable character, topped off with how much I hate her. I would bring that over here as well, but honestly, I don't want to. If you wanna read the thread, it's on Twitter.
As for this post, I'd rather talk about something that makes me happy, like Twiyor twins!
Yes, I'm finally talking about them like I said I would. I mean, I feel like I don't have much to say about them, but let's see what spills out of my brain lmao.
First, their names. I'm probably being unoriginal, but I headcanon the Twiyor twins' names being Rose and James. Other fans have had this idea for their kids too, so that just proves how perfect they are. Rose is obvious because of Yor being Thorn Princess. As for James, it goes back to what I said in a previous post about all the James Bond references in Spy x Family, including it possibly being Twilight's real name. Well, I think James would be a better name for their son than Twilight himself (though I do like the idea of James being Twilight's middle name, meaning his full name according to yours truly would be Lukas James Rosenfeld; see my post about Twilight's name for my reasons behind Lukas and Rosenfeld if you haven't already).
Oh, and if you didn't pick up on it yet, I also headcanon Rose being the first born twin. Most fans that headcanon Twiyor having twins usually have the son born before the daughter. But here's me simply going "But what if the daughter was born first instead?" It may also tie in to a relatively popular headcanon among Twiyors that Twilight is very much a daughter's father, or something along those lines.
And maybe as they grow up, they can go by nicknames Rosie and Jimmy 🤔
As for their genetics, I'm kinda torn. I've seen fan artists draw Twiyor twins as blonde and red-eyed for the daughter, and black-haired and blue-eyed for the son. That's a neat idea, but what if it was the reverse? That's just an idea, though. I'm not exactly sure on how I picture them looking just yet 💀
Regarding Big Sister Anya: personally, she would just love having younger siblings no matter what. I've seen some fans interpret Anya wanting a sister, others interpret her wanting a brother, so here's me in the middle once again being like "She would love both!" She would just be happy that their family is growing, and she would make it her mission to be the best big sister in the world.
Finally, I've seen a few fans write Twiyor baby fics where they would have lots of children, both bio and adopted, because they would be great parents and would happily foster more children if it meant less lonely, parentless children in the world. That's a really sweet idea, but personally, I feel like Anya and the twins would be enough for them. Even if they eventually moved into a bigger house for them all to live comfortably in, they would be content with having three children and a dog 🥰
(Oh, and speaking of them moving into a house, I did try playing a Sims 4 household with the Forgers, and I just had them live in a Sim made version of the house from Mr. & Mrs. Smith because that movie walked so Spy x Family could run 😂 Plus, it's a perfect size for them, especially if they did have twins)
Anyway, those are my thoughts on Twiyor twins! What do you think? Agree or disagree? Oh, and if you're interested in that Sim house I mentioned, here's a video of the Simmer making it:
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marchtooctober · 1 year
Twiyor Month Prompt #XI:
Royal AU
My fic contribution @twiyorbase
👑 More Than Meets the Eye 👑
"Your Highness. I was ordered by Prince Yuri to give this fresh harvest... of apples."
Upon seeing the sleeping princess, Lionel placed the basket of apples on the table.
"Your Highness? Princess Yor?"
She really is asleep. The embroidery that she had been working on was almost half-way done, resting on her lap and about to fall from her hands. Threads of different colors were on her feet.
Lionel approached her.
"This is dangerous, Your Highness. You should not be holding on to these while you're sleeping. You might get hurt by the needle." He said, despite not expecting any response.
He took the embroidery and threads. Ever so lightly, his finger grazed the princess' hand. Lionel flinched away in surprise. It was enough to cause him a slight fluttering. He gazed at the princess.
Her divine features will never be justified by any portrait.
The princess stirred a little, causing her head to slide sidewards. With a quick move of his hand, Lionel caught the princess' head, preventing it from hitting the chair's carvings. He then carefully placed the princess' head on the backrest.
Suddenly a gust blew.
"Ah! The embroidery!"
Lionel picked up the fallen item and placed it once again on the table. When he turned once again, he let out a soft laugh. The princess' hair was disheveled by the wind. He bent over and moved away the strands of hair from her face.
As he has always thought, her rosy cheeks and lips are incomparable to apples. Not even the freshly picked ones that he just brought could come close.
Before he knew it, the back of his fingertips are on the princess' cheek, lightly touching.
It was warm.
How much Lionel wanted to remain this way. But it was wrong. He doesn't have the right to yearn for her. Not yet. Especially when he hasn't even uttered a single word regarding his feelings.
He loves her beyond her divine features. He loves her for she is strong-willed and kind, bearing herself with dignity and grace. Princess Yor Briar deserves a man of equal character, who will never taint her honor. Lionel might not be that person.
And if Lionel were to confess now, it will mean trampling over not only the princess' commitment but also his own perseverance.
For now, the princess only sees him as a mere guardsman. A person of low standing. Still, he wanted to know if he can win her over in spite of it.
Lionel knows that by confessing his ardent affection, he will also have to confess the bigger truth behind it.
How much longer can he suppress his feelings?
It's short but that's it. Actually, this is meant to be a series and I'm still in the process of writing it though I'm sad to say that I am yet to finish ch1 🙃😅. But I already have a concrete plot in mind. I'm just really struggling with writing the chapters. STILL, I CAN'T GUARANTEE ANYTHING.
My plan is to finish the full series first before posting it as a whole. All at once. Because I'm not fond of re-editing fics when I'm done with it (typos are fine but plot and dialogue fixing bums me). I want to finish it first even if it means it will take another year because I want to be satisfied with what I wrote before sharing it with you.
Since I'm going to do it to be enjoyed by others, I might as well ensure that the effort is worth the attention it gets. That's my pride as a fan content creator lol
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glumby · 4 months
hello, hope you're having a wonderful day wanted to say how much i adore your style it matches perfectly how soft hearted Yor is, how tender the whole forger family is, and the colors??? oh my gosh the colors and the lines are so fuzzy and warm and just like a butterflykiss, it's a lovely and sweet and--- if you didn't yet read it may i recommend this fic, reading this made me think of your art and depiction of twiyor every time, the timid overflowing love they hold just like in your art, if i would have to match words to the style you have it would be this fic - it's a whole synesthesia experience and i hope you'll enjoy this story as much as you enjoy drawing them (i'm not the writer just an avid fan) thank you for sharing your wonderful art with us, hope you have a wonderful week and month ahead!
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Aww I'm so glad you like my art! Yes I just love the sweetness and wholesomeness of the forgers... Also, I've actually have heard of that writer before, but I haven't read that fic, I'll check it out when I can! Thanks for the recommendation!
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httplovecraft1890 · 1 year
Someone please, please, please tell me there's a fic out there with Yor attempting to enact a reverse honey trap on Loid for some reason with it going about as well as we'd all expect it to. I need this. Don't disappoint me, fellow operatives.
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petri808 · 1 year
This might be a bit cliche, but #38 (helping a lost child find their parent) would go so well with Twiyor with one of them helping Anya find the other and meeting for the first time.
“You help a lost child find their parent together.”
There’s nothing cliche in fan fic lol and bet ya didn’t expect this plot lol
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When the jingle, jingle bell sounds, the staff of P.I. Ohana Cafe instinctively look towards the door to see who’s arrived. The chef peering through the kitchen cut out window goes back to work, while the lone server, Yor Briar smiles at the customers. It’s a medium-sized diner, clean but a bit outdated, yet a homey and comfortable place that’s been in business for 44 years. There are a lot of regular customers thanks to popular meals of which the recipes have not changed over the years. They’re also used to serving many unfamiliar faces since they’re near the edge of the city. Often people passing through and stopping for a meal or getting a quick snack for the road. All the different faces make the job less mundane. Now, of the two dozen booths and tables only three are in use since it’s the slow period after the lunch rush and before dinner. 
“Please, follow me,” Yor gestures and guides the tall male and young female child to an open booth, noting an odd feeling creeping along her skin. There’s something strange about the pair of newcomers that she can’t yet figure out, but the man’s grip on the girls hand looks unnecessarily tight. Yor starts to place the menus across from each other as most will sit in that configuration, but immediately stops mid-way when the male joins the child on the same side. How odd, she notes, but it is a young girl of maybe five or six, so perhaps it’s to keep her from playing around. With the menus provided, “I’ll be back in a couple minutes to take your order.” As she walks away, the man gruffly thanks her.
It’s her general practice to give the diners around 5 to 8 minutes before checking on their order, so Yor simply goes back behind the counter to wait. She tries not to stare but can’t help wondering who the pair are. The male is an inch taller than Yor, wearing jeans, a gray oversized sweatshirt with hoodie, and a baseball cap pulled low on his forehead. He has brown eyes, she can’t see hair color well, maybe a brown or dirty blonde based on the few left un-buzzed by his nape, and tanned skin as if he works outdoors. Just a normal looking male of maybe his late 30s. The problem for Yor is with his behavior. His expression the entire time has been negative, with a ‘don’t bother me’ scowl plastered on his face, and when he speaks it’s low and curt. If this is the child’s father, the poor girl… 
Yor takes them glasses of water, providing the child a straw to make it easier to drink. She then moves through the dining room checking on the other tables, most of whom are almost done eating before returning to the counter. There are many little jobs to do during down times, so Yor works on restocking condiments and utensils, things to prepare for the dinner rush. It’s also helpful to distract her from the strange pair, because every so often the child will peer through the edge of her bangs straight at her, and each time their eyes meet, Yor’s heart sinks. Seeing her sit there with her head down most of the time, never smiling, with a dull, lifeless look in her eyes. The child’s green eyes are like emeralds that have lost their luster and her vibrant pink hair doesn’t match such a sullen expression. 
“Have you decided?” Yor asks the man who just nods. “Then what’ll it be hun?”
“For me, a Salisbury steak with mash and potato salad instead of leafy greens, and for the girl, a child’s chicken nugget meal with fries.”
“Anything else to drink, or are you okay with just water?” Yor questions.
“I’ll take a coke and give the kid punch,” the man responds, “or pineapple juice if ya got it.”
Yor puts on a smile as she confirms their order. “Okay, so one Salisbury steak with mash and potato salad, one chicken nugget with fries, a coke, and a punch ‘cause we don’t have pineapple. Anything else?” When the man shakes his head no. She rips the order sheet from her book to give to the chef. “Coming right up, sir.” As she turns to leave, Yor notices that the child’s glass of water is already half empty. Hmm, guess she must be very thirsty she thinks. 
When Yor returns with the coke and punch, she also refills the glass of water. The meal takes around 10 minutes to prepare. In the meantime, Yor putters around the counter, ringing up diners that have finished eating, then cleaning up the tables and resetting them for the next customers. Another couple comes in, so she seats them, then a woman comes up to the counter to order take out. In about another hour this place will be at least half full. A second server is scheduled to come in very soon. 
When the chef calls out the orders, Yor picks them up and takes them to the strange pair. She places the corresponding plates in front of who ordered it, then adds a couple extra napkins to the table for the child. Just as she’s leaving, Yor’s brow twitches and slightly furrow in confusion at seeing the half-empty water glass again. Note to herself to bring the water pitcher back around in a few minutes. 
Time slowly ticks by to the sounds of a restaurant. The radio is playing some country music CD the chef insists on listening to with the volume just loud enough to not restrict the diner’s conversations. Whooshing sounds of refrigeration units and the air conditioner mix with sharp clangs from utensils hitting ceramic plates or bangs from pots being dropped. The couple who recently arrived as well as the other diners are quietly conversing between each other. In fact, the only quiet ones are the strangers hunching over their plates with the man gobbling up his food at a medium pace. 
Suddenly, with her back turned, Yor hears a hushed argument coming from the strangers table and turns to see what is going on. She can see the girl fidgeting in her seat and talking to the man who sounds annoyed with her, gesturing and pulling back his fist from hitting the child. The man then swipes his hand down his face in frustration, scoots out from the booth and yanks the girl out too. After quickly scanning around, he starts heading towards the restrooms. 
Oh, no, no, no! Yor drops what she’s doing and races over, cutting him off as he’s about to walk into the men’s room. “Sir! You can’t take a girl into the men’s room, that is highly inappropriate!”
“But she’s gotta piss,” he growls low and pushes forward.
Yor holds her hands up and takes a solid stance with one leg slight behind the other. “I will not let you do that…” and just as his mouth opens to retort, she cuts him off. “Since I’m a woman, I can take her to the women’s restroom for you.” Her stare hardens, looking straight at him. “In fact, I insist.” 
The man looks around nervously as he tries to decide what to do. At the same time the little girl’s squirming is getting worse and she’s begun whining too, gaining a few judgmental looks from the other diners. As much as he looks like he doesn’t want to let Yor take the girl, he also doesn’t want to attract any more attention. “Ugh, fine!” He grumbles his growl and lets Yor take the child’s hand. “I’ll be waiting right here, so hurry up!”
“Yes, sir,” Yor grits a smile and quickly hustles the girl through the doors. 
First things first, Yor allows the girl to run to a stall and helps her to sit properly on the adult-height toilet. Once the child finishes, she takes the girl to a sink and turns on the water almost full blast but doesn’t help her wash her hands. Instead, she kneels and places her hands on the girl’s shoulders, whispering. “Are you okay?” 
The child shakes her head no and whispers back. “The man took me from the store, wea I’s with my papa.”
“Oh, my!” Yor’s hand flies up to her mouth in shock, then quickly regains her composure. “Okay.” She again puts her hand back on the girl’s shoulder. “I’m going to go out, and as soon as the door closes behind me, lock it.” She points, “you see the lock? It should be easy for you to turn. Can you do that?” The girl nods her head as moisture has glazed over her vision. Yor hugs the girl tight. “Don’t be afraid, it’s gonna be alright now, you’re safe.”
Two loud knocking bangs sound from the door. “Hurry up!” A male voice yells. 
“Finishing right now,” Yor responds to him as she turns off the water. She then questions the girl, “ready?”
“Ready,” the child nods.
After making sure the child can reach the lock, Yor leaves the room, immediately placing her back against the door, and her body between the restroom and the man. She sees the expression change on his face once he realizes something is wrong, and once they hear the quick shuffle and click of the lock inside, he snaps.
He makes a move forward. “What the fuck are you doing! Give me back my kid!”
But Yor stands her ground, taking a solid off-center stance with one foot slightly back as a brace if he rushes her. Her head lowers slightly, glaring through her lashes with piercing ruby eyes burning with malice. With her hands up in a boxer’s defense pose, “You kidnapped the child so no way in hell I’m letting you take her.” She also sees her coworker has arrived and yells for her to call the cops. 
The few diners in the restaurant have gathered near the entrance as they watch to see what will unfold. Millie, the second server is on the phone and yells to Yor. “They’re on their way!”
Realizing that he better leave immediately, the man turns and runs for the front door.
“Oh, no you don’t!” Yor screams and grabs the back of the man’s hoodie to pull him back.
He growls and spins, throwing a straight punch as he turns, which Yor sidesteps just in time, but consequently loses her grip on his hoodie. The man takes advantage of her being off-balance, shoving her away into a booth where she hits her back on the edge of the table, then immediately sets off towards the door again. 
Now Yor is furious! With a lioness’s roar, she lunges at the man and jumps onto his back, quickly cinching her legs around his waist and wrapping her arms around his neck attempting to do a choke hold. She has her left arm around his neck with his throat pressed into the crook of that arm, and her right hand grabbing onto the forearm of her right arm while that arm pulls backwards to tighten the left arm against his throat. He’s doing everything he can to break the hold she has, clawing at her hands, arms, face, and pulling her hair, he spins around, fumbling, and bumping into tables, chairs, and counters. It’s enough to keep Yor from making the choke hold tight enough. 
By now, the fight has moved into the lobby of the restaurant. The diners have gone outside along with Millie and locked the front door. Matthew the chef has also called out to Yor that he’s found some twine if the kidnapper can be subdued. 
Tired of dragging this out, Yor jumps off his back and takes a position between him and the front door. She squares up, smiling and gesturing at the man to come at her. 
“Fucking bitch!” The kidnapper takes the bait and launches forward, throwing straight or overhand punches with all his strength. Yor starts on the defensive, jab, jab, sidestep, upper cut, jab, hook, moving and shifting to avoid his hits. With each round the man’s retaliations are growing sloppier and sloppier in anger as he tries to use his strength to counter his lack of skills. Jab, jab, sidestep, tap, and push, causing him to stagger briefly and roar, rushing back with another jab that’s easily avoided by Yor who lands another staggering punch to his jaw. Stunned for a second, the man is unsteady on his feet. This is exactly what Yor is waiting for. She sets up, staggering her right foot back and planting her left leg, then quickly pivots her left foot and swings her right leg, raising it up, and connecting the top of her foot to his cheek and jaw in a roundhouse kick. The amount of power Yor put into her pivot and snap kick sends the man flying backwards. The back of his head bounces off the carpet with a thud and knocks him out. 
That’s when Matthew rushes over with some twine he’s pulled off a burlap sack in the fridge. It isn’t the strongest, but it’ll be enough to hold the man until the cops take over. They turn him over and tie his wrist together behind his back. “Whew, Yor,” the older Matthew uses the counter to help him stand back up. “I see you still remember your martial arts stuff.”
“It’s been a while,” Yor laughs a bit as she’s still catching her breath. 
Now that the man is subdued, and she hears sirens in the distance, she leaves the unconscious man with Matthew to tend to the little girl. Yor knocks on the restroom door. “You can come out now. The bad man can’t harm you anymore.”
“You shuwa?” The girl questions.
“Cross my heart.” Yor responds. 
At the click of the lock, the young girl peers around the door first, then upon seeing only Yor, runs out and hugs onto the waitress. Yor kneels and hugs the girl back. Tears finally burst free now that the weight of fear falls away in the arms of her savior. “Thank you, thank you,” the girl repeats. “I was so scared…” she mumbles into Yor’s chest. “So, scawaed I won’ see papa again.”
“Shhh,” Yor coos as she gently rubs the girls back and holds her tight. “You’ll be okay now. The bad man is going to jail where he can’t hurt anyone again.” She pulls away to give the child a once over. “Did he hurt you, do anything to you?” The child shakes her head no. “Thank goodness.” Yor breathes out a sigh of relief that the man hadn’t yet done anything to the child. “What is your name?”
“Anya.” The girl responds. “I’m fou,” she holds up her fingers accentuating her answer. “What yow name lady?”
She smiles. “I’m Yor, Yor Briar.” Hearing commotion, like sounds of the police having arrived, she picks Anya up and walks closer to the front of the restaurant. They stay at a distance just watching the officers as they wake the unconscious man up and move him so they can put the hand cuffs on. 
“How come he’s sweeping?” Anya asks Yor.
“Um,” Yor thinks for a moment of an appropriate response. “He tried to get away, so I stopped him by knocking him out.”
Anya’s eyes widens as she exclaims with excitement. “Like a supahewo?!” 
Yor laughs, “me, no, I just know martial arts.”
Anya looks confused for a second before it clicks. “Oh! Like Kung Fu Panda!” The child giggles. “Your Tigress!”
Heat blooms across Yor’s cheeks. “I-I don’t know about—” But her words cut off when Anya squeals and she follows the child’s gaze to the front door.
“Papa!” The child points excitedly at a man who just walked in. “Papa!” Once the blonde male is within six feet, Yor puts her down. She races over and jumps into his arms. “Papa!”
“Anya!” The man hugs her tightly as tears flow down his cheeks. “Anya, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry he took you! Are you okay?”
“I’m okay, papa! I sowee I didn’ lisen too.”
The man pulls back to look her in the face. “It’s not your fault,” he corrects her. “It’s mine. I should’ve paid more attention, so don’t think you didn’t anything wrong, okay?”
Anya sniffles and nods her head. “Okie.” She then turns her body in Yor’s direction, pointing as she speaks with enthusiasm. “The lady saves me from the bad man. She’s like Tigress,” Anya punches the air with both hands. “Made the man go sweep!”
During the father daughter reunion, Yor simply stood by quietly and relaxed with her hands clasped in front, smiling at the beautiful scene. Her own childhood had not been an easy one either, having lost her parents in an accident when she was twelve and having to help care for her younger brother who was only five at the time. They were eventually adopted by a nice family, but the whole event made her value family and life even more. So, to help save this little girl is the best feeling in the world. What an adorable family, Yor thinks as she watches father and daughter talk. Anya’s father is taller by a foot than Yor with blonde hair and eyes like the sky on a sunny day, wearing a beige suit and holding a fedora under one arm. Quite handsome, she notes as the thought makes her skin flush a little. Handsome father and his adorable daughter. She wonders if Anya got her hair color from her mother… ‘Made the man go to sleep.’ Yor suddenly hears and snaps out of her reverie, immediately realizing both father and daughter are staring in her direction. “Huh?”
“Wite Yow?” Anya asks excitedly.
“Oh… W-Well,” Yor blushes fiercely, waving her hands as if to wipe away the flattering comments. “Anya was the smart one by drinking so much water she had to go to the restroom. It gave me a chance to get her away from him safely.”
“Is that so,” the man asks his daughter, while still staring at Yor with a hopeful smile. 
Anya nods her head with a satisfied umpf. “Yup, Yow kep lookin’ at me weiw’d and my head say get attencion, so I dwinks till i gotta pee.” She then suddenly states matter of fact. “Papa, can we keep her? She’s so kewl, can we?”
Now it’s his turn to grow flustered, rouge alighting his cheeks. “It’s not that simple,” he tries to explain. “We just met and don’t even know each other’s names.”
“Yes, it is. Papa, this is Yow Bwia,” she then turns to Yor, “Yow, this is my papa.” Anya confidently explains. “See?”
The man chuckles and puts Anya down to apologize to Yor. He takes out a business card, handing it to the woman as he introduces himself. “I’m Doctor Loid Forger, and you are Yor Briar, is that correct?”
“Oh, yes,” Yor smiles nervously as she’s still processing Anya’s statement. “That’s me. I-I hope your wife doesn’t get offended by such a remark?”
“She won’t,” he assures, “because she passed away when Anya was two from cancer.”
Yor’s hand flies up to cover her mouth in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s okay,” Loid assures, reaching up to take Yor’s hand away from her mouth to show she need not be embarrassed. He then turns it over and places a chaste kiss just over the knuckles. “It’s nice to meet you, Miss Briar.” Picking Anya back up, he turns to his daughter first. “It appears the restaurant will close for the evening, and they’ll interview you in the morning. You two must be hungry, shall we go get something to eat?” After his daughter nods yes enthusiastically, Loid turns to Yor. “I’d love to thank you for saving my daughter today and perhaps,” an amorous smile takes over his expression, “get to know you better.”
“Pweeze!” Anya squeals. “You can tell me more ‘bout how you stopped the bad guy!”
Oh, that’s a cunning blow! Now how can she say no and make Anya sad. They’d just gone through a traumatic experience and yet— this is truly an ending no one could’ve seen coming. Yor quietly smiles and nods despite a roiling excitement bubbling under the surface. “I’d love to join you too.”
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Top 22 of 2022
I've been meaning to do this before the end of the year for obvious reasons, but I just didn't have the chance until now! Thank you everyone who had tagged me, you all are so sweet
I apologize in advance, though. My memory sucks and my perception of time is broken sdjfjdhf
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Part 1: Fandom Faves 
01. Favorite new fandoms of the year: SPY x FAMILY, Demon Slayer
02. Favorite new ships since this year: SPYxFAMILY - Twiyor, Cynari, ScaraLumi - Genshin Impact
03. Favorite anime/TV show of the year: Extraordinary Attorney Woo, SPY x FAMILY, Pokémon Journeys
04. Favorite movie of the year: Hmm, I honestly don't watch many movies, so this one's hard... maybe Turning Red? Haha
05. Favorite character of the year: Scaramouche/Wandered, Tighnari - Genshin Impact. Uzui Tengen, Rengoku Kyojuro - Demon Slayer. Seo HyunSoo - XXX Buddy.
06. Favorite soundtrack of the year: One of my favorite soundtrack every year will always be Liyue OST - Genshin Impact!
07. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year: sajkhfjdf this year I read lots of new Manhwas and also a few books. Some of my favorite manhwas were Define the Relationship, Perfect Buddy, Actually, I was the real one, Who made me a Princess?, Under the Oak Tree, Love so Pure (side story), Forget About My Husband, I'd Rather Go Make Money, The Marriage Business and mooore.
I didn't like the books I read this year that much, but I guess my favorite was Six Crimson Cranes. Also read some light novels and they were The Marriage Business and I'll be the Warrior's Mother.
08. Favorite game of the year: Genshin Impact and Obey me!
09. Highlight of this year to remember: March 7th when I went to Disneyland JSAFHJ
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Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2022: Tickletober, my 2k milestone. @vqler and @dokidoki-muffin return aaaand... I think that's the most I can remember hahaah
11. Favorite fan art of the year: I have been blessed with so much fanart this year omg, some of my faves were this one, of course because it's the first time someone drew art for one of my fics!
Also this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one, but honestly, there are so many aaaa
12. Favorite fic of the year: I read good fics this year, I can't choose, but definitely some of my faves are these beautiful fics I got from my dearest friends in my birthday and Christmas, here, here and here.
13. Favorite ask game of the year: The tickly alphabet, this one and the 3 sentence fic
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger: Participating in Tickletober for the first time! I didn't finish all days, but I'm happy with the result haha. Also getting to finish my 2k milestone event!
15. My own best fic/post of the year: I think I wrote a lot this year, but one of my faves to write was this Koi ga Ochitara one because I've been wanting to write one with them for sooo long!
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year: Probably not the "most", but this Mafuyu x Ritsuka x Yuki one?
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected: Omg these three Tickletober fics because they don't have a large popularity in the community, but they got more attention that I expected!
Koi Ga Ochitara, Junai Drop Out, Sign
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year: I think I did write more this year, so that was nice!
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Part 3: Next Year
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year: I'd like to work on this little AU idea thingy I have been neglecting because I feel unsure to write and post, but we'll see!
20. Goals for next year: As for this blog... maybe getting into more fandoms to keep writing haha. Also, Ginny girl is trying to write less trash, but I'd like to keep collaborating with her, because I just love how well we write together aaaa
21. 2023 releases I look forward to the most: MAHOUTSUKAI NO YOME SEASON 2! Aaaand more Genshin updates and also Obey me cards that I can actually get LOL
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Part 4: Spreading Love
22. Shoutouts to people who made my 2022 a better year: 
Goodness, here comes the fun part haha:
@otomiya-tickles of course my sweetie girl precious baby boo. I already told you this, but thank you for making my 2022 a loooot better, thank you for your endless support and your love! You are the best and I'm so happy to talk to you every single day! You are so so talented and smart and amazing and I love you!
@ragewerthers my frieeeend, I always have so much fun talking with you! From just daily life activities to our endless hcs about our precious Toshi *teary emoji* you definitely did my 2022 a lot better too and I hope we can still talk lots this 2023!
@wertzunge Maaaax, I think this year we talked more than any other time haha, I'm happy we're both excited about Mahoutsukai no Yome sdbfhsdf I already said this to you, but I hope we get to talk some more this year as well! Thank you for your friendship!! (Also thank you for your kind support during commisions!)
@vqler @dokidoki-muffin we barely interact with each other BUT I wanted to say that you both are amazing and super talented people and I admire your abilities and your creativity and it's so so nice to have you back in the community! You both are GREAT and I get excited every time I see art from you both. Such talented people, let me give you a respectful kiss on your forehead.
@ticklystuff omg hi! I know we don't talk much, but I just wanted to say that I really like you and you are so so so so SO good at writing ome such talent! I love seeing you in my dash and seeing all the cool amazing stuff you write aaaaa I think of you every time I see Childe, no lies. Thank you for being amazing!
@happyandticklish Queen of writing. No words just admiration. Honestly, you are so so so GOOD. I wish I could write like you and you're so kind and amazing help askdjskf We've talked a bit before and I apologize for my awkwardness aaaaa Thank you for showing us all how cool you are and for being a cupcake!
@myreygn Reeeeey! I honestly get so so shy when you mention how you fangirled when I followed you back ahahaha, thank you for always being so supportive with me! You are amazing and I like chatting with yoouuu! I hope we get to talk some more during 2023!!
@thornoisdono Thank you for the generous support in kofi aaaaa, I love every single fic you requested and hopefully, you'll see them up in the next couple of days! Thank you!
@intheticklecloset @zeke-ism @lovelynim @xsezzie @bloominggiggles @ticklish-v-93 @soft-tk-fluff @chibimochii @nnainai @tickles-tea @looneytickles @tiredleekaz @ssnicker-doodless @spongeboblevel25 @justmaybee @itslittlegiggle @tiklart @lovelymessybubbly @italeean @ticklishfanart - whether we had talked before or not, I'm so thankful for you all! I love seeing and interacting with your content. You all are amazing and make my stay in tumblr so much better! I'd love to get to know you all more this year, but I'll be always be awkward, but I want you to know that you are some of my favorite blogs EVER.
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 2 years
i've been putting off an intro post for the longest time so here i am lol
Name(s): Zay, Z, Miz (I prefer Zay, but any of these will do <3) Pronouns: she/they Age: 18 Fandoms: My Hero Academia, Miraculous Ladybug, Spy x Family, Buddy Daddies, SK8 The Infinity, Assassination Classroom, Ouran High School Host Club (subject to change)
Other Socials: > Online Shop -- mizcellaneous > AO3 (Archive Of Our Own) -- panpanicatmha > Tumblr > @panpanicatmha (writing blog--sneak peaks, polls to help with fics, and updates will go here) > @bakutitty-appreciation-club (a sideblog solely consisting of fanart/comics/fanfics/pro-propaganda for bakutitties.) > @bakugocorpsenametournament (poll tournament blog for current canon bakugo's corpse) > Wattpad -- panpanicatmha > YouTube -- Mizcellaneous
My Top Ships In Fandoms (romantic): <MHA> MULTISHIPPER. However, it will mainly consist of BakuDeku/DekuBaku <MLB> Marichat, Adrigaminette, Lukadrien, Julrose, Lukagami <SK8> Renga, MatchaBlossom <Spy X Family> Twiyor, Damianya <Buddy Daddies> Kazurei
What Do I Post/Reblog?: I will mainly post/reblog My Hero Academia related content (mostly bkdk, but I will post other ships too). I do occasionally post other ships and non-ship related content. I will also post/reblog ship and non-ship content for other fandoms. Expect graphic art, writing, shitposts, and a healthy assortment of memes. I will also make posts where I link videos from my YouTube channel. These will mainly consist of edit audios and fan edits.
Other Information About Me And This Blog: > This is a Muslim/Islam friendly blog (hello fellow Muslims!). > This is an LGBTQ+ friendly blog. > Racism, sexism, ableism, or any kind of discrimination will NOT be welcomed or tolerated. > If you send me anon hate or post rude comments on my post, I will not hesitate to drag you like a fucking dog <33. > On the other hand, my ask box is always open! Feel free to send in writing/incorrect quote prompts, talk about fandoms, and more! > This is a pro-Palestine blog. > !!!NOT SPOILER FREE!!! > Cursing, violence, and mental health triggers are mentioned. Tread with caution. > Do NOT repost any designs that I post here. If I see my designs being reposted/misused without my permission, I will start adding watermarks. > If you draw/write something that is heavily inspired by one of my incorrect quote posts, please credit and @ me! I love seeing other people's work <33
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