#two (2) hetties can stay
flutterbyoz · 28 days
5 OTPs and 1 ultimate OTP
Deciding on my ultimate OTP was the easy part, it was picking the 5 others that took some time. I've had many ships over the years, some I obsessed over more than others but these are what I decided on as my top 5.
John/Aeryn - Farscape
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John and Aeryn were one of my very first ships, before I even really knew what shipping was. I discovered them back in the very early 2000s and quickly fell head over heels for them. For a wacky, crazy, sexy and wonderfully weird sci-fi show, Farscape told one of the best love stories I've ever seen. The chemistry, the natural build up, the tension and their whole journey's, individually and together makes these two one of the best ships ever.
Sometimes it seems shows can be reluctant to put their two leads together, even when they are clearly right for each other, because they think it won't be as interesting once they are romantically involved. However, Farscape proved that with good writing it can work exceptionally well and add to the story in such a positive way. They also stayed clear of some of the more cliched storytelling, not just when it came to John and Aeryn's romance but the series in general. Farscape gave us a truly memorable romance and after 4 seasons it was finished up in the most perfect way in a miniseries.
For over 2 decades, John and Aeryn were my ultimate OTP, even when I found new ships I always came back to them because they were written so amazingly well and got the happy ending that many of my other ships never did. They had drama, angst and they even both died on separate occasions but they won out and the mini series gave them the perfect happy ending. John and Aeryn will always hold a special place in my heart, they are an example of how love stories can be told right.
Hetty and Trevor - Ghosts US
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Okay, this is a very new ship for me having only discovered them at the end of last year and I really couldn't help but fall for them. Hetty and Trevor are two people who really shouldn't work together at all but somehow they really do. Ridiculous, hilarious and adorable, these two just drew me in but what's a little different for me from my other ships is I'm still not sure whether I want them to be a true romantic couple or if I just want them to get back to where they were in season 2. Their hook ups were so wonderful and they play off each other so well that I just really need these two to get back together in some way. Ghosts US writers, please make it happen, these two have way too much potential and chemistry to be pushed aside. I need more H-Money in my life!
Jack and Sam - Stargate SG1
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Jack and Sam were a ship who were never explicitly said to be together but there were many hints, in later seasons, that they were. Rules and regulations pretty much forbad a romantic relationship, though in many alternate realities they were together. The feelings between them were clear, showing themselves at various moments throughout the series, some more subtle than others but they were always present in some form. This is another pairing who had wonderful chemistry on and off screen and I love them both dearly. I know Jack and Sam are together and living happily ever after, I won't except anything else.
Xena and Gabrielle - Xena: Warrior Princess
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Another ship where it was never explicitly said in the show they were together but was very much implied. These two are beautiful and had this show been made today, they most definitely would have been together. I've had a few F/F ships over the years, one which hurt me quite badly despite actually getting a happy ending and another which has yet to really set sail but Xena and Gabrielle, though I wish their ending was different, are still a ship I return to quite often and are still very dear to me.
Miranda and Gary - Miranda
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Miranda and Gary are the most adorable ship and I love them to pieces. I'm not often a fan of ships in sitcoms, for some reason they don't seem to hit the right notes for me but there is something about these two and how their story was told that I just fell in love with. They really bring out the best in each other, they get each other on a level that few others do and they get their happy ending, which it seems isn't always a thing for many of my ships. Miranda is a show I can watch over and over, it's one of my comfort shows and always picks me up if I'm feeling down. They are just the most lovable and sweet ship and just make me so happy.
Honourable mentions:
Jo and Bill - Twister
Connie and Jacob - Casualty
Iain and Lily - Casualty
Jeff and Tamzin - Casualty
Lara and Patrick - Casualty
Jack and Rose - Titanic
Claire and Owen - Jurassic World trilogy
Ten and Rose - Doctor Who
Caitlyn and Vi - Arcane
Evan and Dylan - Primeval New World
Jack and Rose - Titanic
John and Maureen - Lost In Space
Now comes my ultimate OTP and it could only really be one couple
Rick and Michonne (Richonne) - The Walking Dead
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Now, what can I say to describe these two beautiful people and their amazing love story?
Finding such a gorgeous love story in a show with zombies was never something I thought I'd do, I never thought it would be the kind of show I'd watch either but here we are. I discovered Richonne during a search on Tumblr for another ship I was into at the time, a ship which sadly did not end well, but I did find these two so something positive came out of it. I was drawn in by GIFS, their chemistry and connection shone through in just a few seconds and I was so intrigued to find out more about them. I watched TWD just for them and in all honesty they are the only reason I still keep up with the show.
Richonne have something I've not seen in any other ship I've had, though I'm not sure I can quite put my finger on what that is. Their chemistry is electric and so natural that they really make the love story believable and realistic. Andy and Dania's off screen friendship is also beautiful, the love, care and trust they have for each other is clear to see and I love watching their off screen interactions too. They really are friendship goals! Plus they are just as big Richonne shippers as us and it makes me love them even more.
Rick and Michonne are one of a kind, they are in a league of their own when it comes to chemistry and storytelling and are the only ship I've had that not only have their own show dedicated to their love story, but both actors are also co-creators, co-writers and executive producers. Not only that but Danai wrote an episode herself and I don't think I'm exaggerating here when I say it is one of the best episodes in the history of TWD. Though to me it is the best.
From the moment they met at the fence to the final scene in TOWL 1x06, Richonne have proved time and time again why they are not only the best couple on TWD but to me, the best couple to have ever graced my screen. They could give lessons on how a love story should be told, how longing, romance and deep unbreakable love should be portrayed on screen. They love each other so purely, so intensely and so completely that it's palpable and being the love of each others lives is not just assumed but proved and vocalised too.
This is a couple who are both warriors, they have had to resort to extreme measures to survive and to keep the people they love safe and while that is one side to them, they are also very soft, gentle and loving with each other. They are both willing to do anything to keep each other and their kids safe.
Also, they are both extremely attractive people who make an insanely good looking couple!
This is why Richonne is my ultimate OTP and I have a feeling they may just remain in that spot forever.
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seiya-starsniper · 2 months
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Six Degrees of Separation - Ch 4 (Sandman x Dead Boy Detectives)
Relationships: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling, Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland, Crystal Palace/Charles Rowland (DCU), Johanna Constantine/Jenny Green Rating: Teen & Up | Status: Incomplete | Chapters 4/6 | Words: 7.3K
Tags: POV Multiple, Hob Gadling gives live advice to a bunch of teenagers, while helping them solve cases, that's it that's the fic, also he maybe plays matchmaker for his hot mess bestie, fic starts out as crystal/charles and ends with charles/edwin, Mutual Pining, Slice of Life, Hob Gadling adopts the Dead Boy Detectives
The Dead Boy Detectives run into a familiar pub while out on a case, and Crystal has to contend with an unfortunate event from her past. Hob Gadling wasn't planning on adopting three teenagers and a full grown woman, but stranger things have happened in his long centuries of life.
Tumblr Posts: Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3
Read Chapter 4 below, or at the above link on AO3
“Jenny, can you help me with these boxes?” Hob calls out to the kitchen as his supplier finishes unloading their cargo from the delivery truck. It’s early, and only the two of them are at the Inn at present. Hob had told Jenny that she didn’t need to come in the mornings when she’d first started, but the former butcher had wandered in anyways on her first week, claiming she needed to do something with her jet lag or she’d go insane. 
Almost two months later, Jenny’s still on the morning shift most days and Hob’s grateful for it, honestly. Having run her own place back in the states means she’s efficient, and doesn’t take any nonsense when suppliers are late or trying to argue with him. She’s also great for commiserating with, whether it’s about customer service or really annoying supernatural occurrences. Like the poltergeist in her apartment that the boys had to exorcise the week before. 
When they’re done unloading everything, Hob stays back in the kitchen to put everything away, while Jenny gets ready for opening. There’s not usually a lot of people right at opening, except on Sundays, when all the hungover university students are craving brunch, so Hob’s not worried about leaving Jenny alone out there while he preps in the back. 
When he finally emerges a little after 1:00pm, right when the lunch rush starts to pick up, one of his newer regulars is chatting happily with Jenny, and he can tell by her body language that she seems utterly charmed by the American. 
“She seems nice,” Hob teases his newest employee later. “Pretty too.”
“Yeah I’m not—really into blondes,” Jenny replies, and something about the caginess in her voice tells Hob that there’s a story behind that. He’s not sure if it’s related to how she ended up with the Dead Boy Detective Agency or not, but he makes a note to ask Edwin about it later. He was coming by later to look at Hob’s tomes again to see if there was a spell in there that could help with their latest case.   
“Ah well, plenty of fish in the sea,” Hob says easily. “Especially when you go from living in a small town in America to great old London. How are you adjusting, by the way?”
Jenny happily accepts the subject change and takes the opportunity to complain about her flat. The boys had exorcised the poltergeist, but not before it had flung nearly all of her belongings about the entire place, and put a few holes she’d have to fix before her landlord noticed. Hob had offered to help her find a new place while the whole incident was occurring, but Jenny had been stubborn and refused to move. Still is refusing to move, in fact.
Godspeed to her, Hob thinks. Hopefully another ghost won’t move in.
“Niko attempted to play matchmaker with Jenny by arranging her to meet with her secret admirer,” Edwin tells him later that afternoon as he peruses the pages of one of Hob’s, or rather Mad Hettie’s, cursebreaker books. “Unfortunately, Maxine also revealed herself to be Jenny’s stalker, and when she saw that made Jenny uncomfortable, tried to kill her.”
“Oh bloody hell,” Hob says, nearly choking on his tea. “Yeah, I’d swear off dating for a while too.”
“Indeed,” Edwin says, flipping through the pages of a particularly heavy looking volume. “Relationships seem so much more…complicated in this day and age,” Edwin notes casually. Hob studies him for a moment, wondering if Edwin had come to talk to him about something that wasn’t quite related to his work.
“They are,” Hob agrees, taking another sip of his tea. “But there’s a lot more freedom too. You can choose who you love now, regardless of status, race, religion or…gender,” he adds, carefully studying Edwin’s face for some sort of reaction.
“Ah ha! Found it,” Edwin exclaims, either completely ignoring Hob’s comment, or too caught up in his discovery to notice what the immortal had said. He looks up at Hob and smiles. “Do you mind if I borrow this for our case? I promise to bring it back unharmed.”
“Go ahead,” Hob nods, waving casually. Edwin snaps the book shut and heads towards the door of Hob’s flat, then abruptly stops. Something tenses in the boy’s shoulders and Hob thinks he can guess what it is Edwin wants to ask him. 
“Mr Gadling?” Edwin asks, turning back around to face him.
“Hob,” Hob corrects him. “What is it? Did you need something else?”
“No I—this is a more—personal question, if you wouldn’t mind,” Edwin says, his tone now shy instead of confident like it had been moments before. 
“All right,” Hob says, shrugging and trying to look as non-threatening as possible. “What is it?”
Edwin’s face goes through a multitude of emotions before the boy finally seems to find the words he’s looking for.
“How long have you known your proclivities tended towards men as well as women?” Edwin asks, and the bluntness of the question causes Hob to choke on his biscuit. He coughs violently into his sleeve, which catches most of the small crumbs he manages to dislodge from his throat. When he looks up next, Edwin is staring curiously at him, arms wrapped around the book he’d decided to borrow, waiting for Hob to answer his question.
“Uhhhh…” Hob coughs again, then gulps down the rest of his tea, dislodging the last of the offending biscuit. “I guess since the 14th or 15th century?” he says uncertainly, flailing about as he tries to recall the first time he’d ever fancied a man. “I know when you were alive there was all this—” he gestures vaguely, “nonsense around homosexuality, but well—things weren’t always like that. So I guess I’ve known for. A while,” he finishes somewhat lamely.
Edwin sighs, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. He looks like he wants to follow up on his question, but doesn’t seem to know how.
“Something you want to talk about?” Hob asks after a brief silence. Edwin sighs again, then steps back towards the living room, and Hob makes a mental note to make more tea for this longer conversation. 
“It was brought to my attention recently that I am in love with my best friend,” Edwin says, still as straightforward as ever. “But I assume you already knew that.”
Hob shrugs helplessly, not willing to confirm or deny his conversation with Charles. Edwin seems to understand the gesture immediately though. 
“I don’t require the details of your conversations with Charles,” Edwin follows up. “However, I suppose I am seeking some—commiseration. For a broken heart.”
“Well, you’ve come to the right spot,” Hob says with a soft smile. “I know a thing or two about unrequited love with your best friend and all that.”
Edwin tilts his head curiously. “You are speaking of your patron? Death’s brother?”
Hob chokes again, this time only on air.
“Why,” Hob groans, burying his face in his hands, “Does everyone seem to know this?!”
“I am a detective,” Edwin replies, deadpan. “However, you are also extremely obvious in your affections. Perhaps more so than Charles is about Crystal, and that is a feat, I assure you,” he adds, rolling his eyes.
Before Hob can retort that he is very much not obvious, and that Edwin himself is oblivious to just how affectionate Charles is about him, there’s a loud rapping at the front door, which causes both Hob and Edwin to jolt in surprise.
“Oy, Hobsie! Open up, I need your help with something!” a female voice yells from the other side of his door. Hob sighs, knowing the source of the voice all too well, and then reluctantly gets up from his comfortable position on the couch to answer the door.
Johanna Constantine strides in without so much as a hello, making a beeline straight for his study, but then stops suddenly, making direct eye contact with Edwin.
“Hobsie, don’t be alarmed but there’s a dead child in you flat right now,” Johanna says. “And it looks like he’s stealing one of your books.”
Edwin scoffs. “Excuse you, I am borrowing this tome, with permission, I may add.”
“Right,” Hob interjects before Johanna can get another word in. “Jo, this is Edwin, Edwin, this is Johanna Constantine,” he says gesturing between the two of them. “We’re all friends here, no one’s stealing anything.”
“Oh, a Constantine!” Edwin exclaims with delight. “How ever did you get involved with her?” he asks, turning to Hob.
“Long story, kid, but I don’t have time for that right now, I need some help with a case,” Johanna says. “Unless you’ve got any expertise on weird fish men who live in swamps and eat people.”
“Actually, I do,” Edwin says, much to the shock of both Johanna and Hob. “1974,” he adds, as if this explains everything. “I’m happy to help, and I’d love to pick your brain on an old cursed fountain pen, while we’re at it, if you wouldn’t mind.”
Johanna stares at Edwin for a moment, her eyes narrowing.
“You’re those ghost investigators or something, aren’t you?” she asks. “I’d heard of you, but I hadn't realized you were actual children.”
Edwin scoffs. “We are the Dead Boy Detectives, thank you very much, Miss Constantine,” he says. “Now would you like our help or not?”
A week later, Hob is questioning whether he should’ve introduced Johanna and Edwin as he hangs suspended above a supposedly haunted pond. 
“Are you sure this is safe?” Hob yells from his precarious position. 
“Don’t worry Hobsie!” Johanna yells back as she adjusts the rope to lower Hob closer to the pond. Hob swears he hears a weird growling coming from below the water’s surface. “This shouldn't be low enough to kill you, I think,” Johanna continues. “And anyways, if it is, you’ll just come back!”
“Not to worry Mr Gadling!” Edwin pipes in. “Charles and I shall ensure your library is well guarded should you unexpectedly perish and we’ll help Jenny out the Inn. Crystal is also quite experienced at sneaking bodies out of hospitals.”
“That was one time!” Crystal exclaims indignantly.
“If you die, do I still get paid on Friday?” Jenny, who has inexplicably decided to tag along for this case, asks. “Or is there like, a 3-5 business day turnaround for resurrection?”
“You better still pay her, Hobsie!” Johanna chimes in, and Hob can see her grinning devilishly at his employee. “A girl’s gotta eat after all,” she adds with a wink towards her.
Terrible. These people were all terrible and he was going to have to die and start over with a new life. And he was going to find some new friends while he was at it too.
Hob doesn’t die, but he does lose a chunk of shoulder to what’s later revealed to be some half shark, half man monstrosity. At least the damage from that will be gone by tomorrow. Hopefully anyways. Even if Hob did have to cover it up, it certainly wouldn't take nearly as long to heal as a whole resurrection does.
“Jenny is romantically available, by the way,” Hob hears Edwin tell Johanna in a low voice once he's been let down and wrapped in five layers of bandages.
“Is she now?” Johanna asks, in a tone Hob knows is definitely interested. “And you’re so interested in my love life because—?” 
Edwin shrugs, and Hob catches the barest hint of a smile on his face. 
“I think you’d like each other,” is all he says, enigmatic as ever.
“Are you trying to play matchmaker to distract yourself from your own love life?” Hob asks Edwin later when the boy comes to return Hob’s book. “Because I can tell you from first hand experience it only makes you more sad when you do that.” 
Edwin hums. “It’s something Niko would’ve wanted to do,” he says. “She felt so bad after the whole thing with Maxine. But she’s no longer here, so I’ll have to do it in her memory. At least this time I can guarantee Miss Constantine is not a serial killer. The rest of her character though...I suppose she seems...pleasant?”
Hob howls with laughter. “Yeah okay, that’s fair. Need some help with your little scheme then?”
Edwin’s eyes dance with mischief and delight, and Hob’s painfully reminded of Robyn in that moment. He’s never had another child with anyone else besides Eleanor, not knowingly anyways. Being a father was far too painful when you would easily outlive your own child.
But Edwin was already dead, and would be around forever, just like Hob, so perhaps it was inevitable that Hob would love him like a son.
“Okay, so let me tell you what I know about Johanna—”
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audrey-carr1 · 1 month
The Heiress and the Lady of the House (part 6)
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A/N: Yes you are looking at your feed correctly! I have updated this in less than twenty-four hours. With that said, the next few parts are going to be some of the last. There will be at least 2 to 3 more parts that will be added before this is finished! Enjoy part 6!
warnings: fem!reader, Hetty x reader,
Want to read on AO3?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |Part 5 | Part 6 |
Hetty is woken up by the commotion downstairs. She stretches and sits up abruptly when she notices that you are not in bed with her. Hetty reminds herself that you had an appointment, so you were already gone by now. 
The commotion gets louder, and Hetty decides to find out what is going. She heads downstairs and sees the ghosts crowding around the wide-open front door. 
“What is with all the hollering?” Hetty asks. 
“Get her inside, and lay her on the couch,” Hetty hears Sam say. 
“I’ll call the paramedics,” Jay says and begins searching for his phone.
The ghosts quickly part themselves, and that sight that greets Hetty is enough to make her knees collapse. She sees Riley carrying your limp body inside and hurrying to put you on the couch. Nadine quickly rounds the corner and begins to strip you of your coat tossing it aside. 
“The paramedics are on their way,” Jay says, “ Has she woken up yet?”
Nadine continues to do her vitals check, and curses under her breath. 
“Damn it, she doesn't have a pulse,” Nadine says. Nadine rips off her own coat and quickly begins to perform CPR.
At that statement, Hetty moves to enter the room to be by your side, but she feels herself being held back. She turns her head to see, Trevor and Thor behind her. Unbeknownst to Hetty, the two decided that they should be the ones to hold Hetty back if needed. 
“Let go of me,” Hetty says trying to break from Thor’s grasp, “What are you two doing? I need to be in there!” 
“We cannot let you go out there, and you know that,” Trevor says
“Damn what I know! Let me go in there, we should all be in there,” Hetty tries once again,  but is held back once more. 
“Hetty, we cannot interfere right now! I know you want to be in there for her. We all do, but this is beyond any of our capabilities,” Trevor says and Hetty looks at him. Trevor looks truly panicked, and Hetty looks to see everyone’s faces, and they all wear the same expression of panic and worry. 
“Fine,” Hetty says, “I’ll stay put,” Thor lets go of his tight grip, but stays ready. He remembers Hetty being quite the evasive runner when she was a child. 
Hetty turns her attention back into the room, where you lay. All she can do is watch helplessly as Nadine continues to perform CPR. The ghosts are a bit startled when the paramedics rush in. They quickly get to work and replace Nadine’s efforts of CPR. They begin to ask questions, and Nadine answers them just as quickly as she is asked. 
Hetty feels sick as she watches your chest be pushed into the ground repeatedly and spring back up. Hetty wants so badly to turn away, but she also can not let you out of her sight again. The one time she was not awake to keep an eye on you…to protect you and this happens. 
“You said you wouldn’t leave me. Please breathe, (y/n).  Darling please I’m begging you. Do something! ” Hetty prays and begs to herself. 
“We got a pulse! Get her on the stretcher so we can transport,” The paramedic shouts. 
“Nadine and I will go with her, we’ll call all as soon as we know something,” Riley says. He knows that he is talking to more than just Sam and Jay even if he cannot see everyone. Riley and Nadine rush outside of the house behind the stretcher carrying you. 
Sassapis and Sam enter the room that Hetty has been occupying since you were taken away this morning.
“Hetty, you’ve been staring out for hours. Would you like to sit?” Sam asks. 
“I am okay,” Hetty replies. 
“We got the call from Riley. I think you are going to want to sit for this,” Sass tells Hetty. 
Hetty turns from the window and sits down for the first time all day. 
“How is she?” Hetty asks
“She is stable, but they have her in a medically induced coma. They are not sure why her heart decided to give out all of sudden,” Sam says.
Hetty nods.
“It’s okay if you have more questions. The other ghosts told me that you two had started a relationship,” Sam says. 
“And you do not find that odd?” Hetty asks. 
“Me? Finding out that the dead aunt of 130 years and the newly hired heiress were in a relationship? The heiress that happens to be able to see and touch ghosts? No not odd at all. In fact it is very on par with what happens in this house,” Sam laughs lightly.
Hetty offers a smile at that but it is quickly replaced with the look of worry she’s worn all day. 
“I would give anything to be with her right now,” Hetty says letting the tears fall. Hetty quickly wipes the tears from her face.  
“Do we even know how this happened?” Sass asks.
“Riley and Nadine said that she came down this morning, made a couple of jokes, and when they passed the gate she passed out. When they couldn’t wake her up, they turned the car around and brought her inside,” Sam explains. 
“None of this makes any sense,” Hetty says shaking her head. 
I open my eyes and I see the sky, but it’s bluer than what I saw this morning. My hands move in the ground beneath me, and I do not feel snow but sand. I listen to my surroundings closely, and I hear the sound of water. I sit up and I see I’m at the lake. I look down to see that I am in a bathing suit that I haven’t worn for years.
I look around me, and no one else is here. No people, no cars, no nothing. 
“What am I doing here?” I ask out loud.
“Oh, you’re back already?” Someone says from behind me. 
“Who?” I whip around to see the eyes of the lifeguard who pulled me out the water all of those years ago. 
“Ah so you know who I am,” The lifeguard says seeing that I have recognized her.
“I recognize you, yes…But what happened to me?” I ask.
“You got attached,” She says like I’m supposed to know what that means.
“Thank you, but I need further explanation,” I respond hoping she would say more than a few words.
“You died that day,” The lifeguard climbs back onto the tall lifeguard chair
I roll my eyes. “Yes, I am very aware…and?”
“When you die, your soul detaches from you. Said soul then either goes up or down. If you’re lucky, you stay in the place you died, and you work out all of your unfinished business. Yada yada yada” The lifeguard says stretching herself out on her chair. She crosses her legs and adjusts her whistle.
“Yes I am very familiar with that, but what does that have to do with me?” I inquire.
“You died and your soul detached from you. Once you were revived, not all of it has come back. A part of you has always been here,” The lifeguard explains. 
I look at her in disbelief, “That doesn’t make sense how does half of my soul,” 
“You can see ghosts, and you can touch them,” The lifeguard interjects.
“No living person can see and touch ghosts. I have heard tales of living and seeing ghosts, especially children however you are the only one who can do both. You are quite the talk on this side of the world,” The lifeguard smiles.
“This side? Am I dead?” I ask.
“Not entirely, your body is in some hospital somewhere until you make your decision,” The lifeguard says.
“My decision?” I ask my face scrunched in confusion.
“You decide whether you live or die,” The lifeguard says looking out against the water.
“This doesn’t make any sense!” I say throwing my hands up in the air, “I want to go home,”
Riley, Nadine, Sam, and Hetty sit in the kitchen.
“Does she have any questions,” Nadine asks.
“What happened?” Hetty says. Her voice is a bit sharp, not in anger but desperation. She needed to know what happened to you. 
“When?” Sam asks hoping Hetty would be more specific
“The ghosts have said that she has died before. I want to know what happened,”
“Hetty says she would like to know what happened when (y/n), died…the first time,” Sam says to Riley and Nadine.
There is a bit of silence, and then Riley clears his throat. 
“We went swimming at Limon’s peak…with our summer camp when we were teens about 17 years old. There was a group of kids that bullied her relentlessly and ruthlessly ruining her esteem quite a bit. She never showed it though, not in front of them but she used to spend hours in the mirror making sure she looked perfect. That there was not one flaw detected on her, which is odd because” Riley sighs.
“She is nearly perfect to begin with.” Riley gets lost in his thoughts for a second,  “Anyway, (y/n) was preparing herself to jump off the diving cliff, and some girl pushed her. It was like I watched everything in slow motion, I can still hear the sound she made when she hit the water. She didn’t come up like she usually does. At first, people thought she was playing a joke, but she did not come up. It was like I was waiting for hours, but she didn’t come up. Eventually, a lifeguard went dove after her. She somehow got stuck under water. She was fighting to come up, but she got tired and started drowning. When they brought her to the shore, she was like some wet rag doll. It took them an hour to revive her, and though she seems fine. That day changed her,”
Sam looks to Hetty and Hetty has tears streaming down her face. 
Riley continues, “Those kids…they lied and said she jumped herself, but she never jumps without a count-off. She has never jumped without a countoff. I tried to tell everyone what happened, but she told everyone she jumped. To this day I am still not sure why she would say such a thing, but she went with it,”
A week passes, and Hetty has learned there has been no change in your condition. Hetty cannot bring herself to do much of anything anymore. Life has returned to what it was before your arrival, and it took your leaving for everyone to notice all of the joy you brought to everyone’s life. Especially since you gave them a sense of being alive again being able to interact with items of the world once more than before. Everyone tries to go back to what was before, but they cannot shake the empty feeling from inside. Riley and Nadine have decided they would stay in town until you wake up. They stay at the house you inherited and go to visit you every day. Nadine is always sure Hetty is around when she gives updates.
On the evening of the 7th day, Hetty and Sass have been up all night talking. Sass had figured that was where she would be and decided that it would be best if Hetty weren’t alone at night. At some point during the night, Hetty relayed Riley’s story from earlier to Sass. 
“That must be how she got her powers to touch and see ghosts,” Sass says
“That’s what I think too. She doesn’t talk about it really, she just moved on,” Hetty says.
“But now, I do not think she did, it’s like she’s caught in between both worlds the living and the dead,” Sass says, “I don’t think her soul was meant to come back that day,”
“So you are telling me that when I died and was resuscitated, a part of me stayed here. The rest of me went on to live happy-go-lucky life, and now I’ve been sucked back to this place because I hit some ghost boundary?” I ask.
“Yeah, that’s exactly what am I saying. Any other questions?” The lifeguard says nodding her head. 
“I wasn’t dead! I was like half dead or whatever, so the ghost boundary shouldn’t have worked on me,” 
“When do I get to go back home?” I ask
“That’s easy, when you decide,” The lifeguard says. 
“I have decided. I need to go back home, to my life, to my friends, my” I pause. Hetty and I haven’t even talked about what we’ll call each other. 
“Girlfriend? Oh don’t look so shocked, I know every aspect of your life. Every nasty little detail actually,” The lifeguard winks at me, “I know you want to go back, but you cannot go back until you see all of your options,”
“My options? And tell me, lifeguard, what are my options here,” I cross my arms. 
“Let’s get one thing straight. I am not a lifeguard. I am a Life Guard, there is a space between those two words. I just happen to be dressed as a lifeguard,” The Life Guard says. 
“But you are the lifeguard who saved me at the pool,” I say.
“Yes, because Life Guards are not visible to anyone, so I decided to shapeshift into the lifeguard that saved me. That way it wouldn’t freak you out when you got here. You halflings scare very easily,” She says.
“Freaked out? I was alive going to the doctors and now I am at the beach where I almost died. You tell me that all of the symptoms I had was my soul trying to attach itself to Woodstone, but it couldn’t because the other half was here. So instead of the other half coming to me, it brought me to it instead. And you did not want me to freak out?! This is insane! ” I ask indeed very much freaking out. 
“Yeah, this is not going to work if you do that,” She says gesturing towards me visible freakout. 
“You haven’t even told me your name. You want me to believe all of this, and you don't even have a name. What is your name?” I ask.
“Lydia,” She replies.
Lydia the Life Guard…that’s cute,” I say.
“Yes, we all love alliteration. Now about this decision, you have to see the past and future,” Lydia says going back to the matter at hand.
“What is this? A Christmas Carol? Do I see three ghosts that take me to the past present and future?” I interject. 
“Hey, don’t get sassy with me, I am the one you have to convince to go back home,” Lydia says.
“There’s nothing in the future that will convince me that I do not want to go back home! I want to make my own future back home Now.” I demand.
“You sure are full of demands. Your girlfriend’s mannerisms must be rubbing off on you,” Lydia says. 
“I am sorry, I am just a bit overwhelmed,” I apologize. 
I hear a whistle and then a bright light causes me to squint my eyes. 
Then I hear people again, I see them lying on the beach, splashing in the water. I realize that I’ve been taken back to the day of the incident. I look around to see if I can see my past myself, and sure enough I am at the top of Limon’s peak. I see myself being pushed off the diving cliff, and I hear the scream I let out before I hit the water. I close my eyes, and I try to calm my nerves. I tell myself that I am fine and that I will be fine.
I finally open my eyes again, and now I am back in the office of the camp director. I stand in the corner watching my past self and the camp director talk. 
“We just want to know what happened that day,” The camp director says.
“I told you everything that happened,” I tell her.
“But we have multiple accounts saying you were pushed, and they say that this person along with others have been bullying you for a while,” The camp director says her voice laced with concern
“I told you everything that happened. If you are worried you are going to be in trouble you aren’t, but if you were pushed then we need to make that whoever did this faces the proper consequences,” 
“If I were to tell you I was pushed, what would happen,”
The camp director sighs before taking a seat. “I imagine a police report would be filed, considering the nature of the situation this would end up in criminal court, and whoever would be brought to court for a trial,”
“That sounds like it could be pricey,”
“Yes, I imagine it could,”
I am brought back to the lone beach with Lydia. 
“Why did you do it?” Lydia asks
“Do what?” I ask
“You lied. You told everyone you jumped knowing that you were pushed,” Lydia says.
“ I did not want to deal with testifying,” I respond.
“You are lying again. I do not like liars. Why did you not want to testify,” Lydia says.
I sigh, “Fine, I was afraid of everyone finding out, The girl, Arabella, who pushed me was actually my sister.”
A/N: What a ride huh!?
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vodkawriter · 2 months
AND FINALLY... not too happy with the result but I need to get this idea out of my head.
The one thing that Sam wanted, was to have one normal day. She loved the ghosts, but she needed a day off.
“Still hiding from the kids?” Jay asked with a smile while chopping some carrots.
“It’s not hiding if they know where I am” she answered returning the smile “now shut it, let me finish this before one of them barges in with a special request.”
“Hey Sam” Alberta crossed the wall to the kitchen, where Sam was typing on her laptop, attempting to finish an article about the latest scandal involving the Farnsby’s unpermitted pickleball court “there’s something wrong with Hetty and Trevor. Usually, Trevor is all about watching one of his movies at least once a day.”
“Okay? And that’s weird because?”
“Because he has been laying on the couch at the library and Hetty is also there, looking out of the window.” She replied giving Sam a pointed look.
“What is it? Update?” Jay asked leaning close to her.
“Apparently Alberta is worried because Trevor didn’t want to watch one of his rom-coms and he is at the library with Hetty just doing nothing.”
“That’s weird, ‘no pants’ is always up for a good 90’s rom-com.”
Sam did think that was weird, she got up and went to find them with Alberta following right behind. Jay shouting to ask her to inform him of the drama, later.
The blonde stopped short when she spotted a young girl at the front desk.
“Oh, hello there!” she greeted her potential guest “Welcome to the Woodstone B&B.”
The girl, who mustn’t have been more than sixteen, turned to look at her. Her auburn wavy hair was adorned with a headband that prevented it from going to her face, her blue eyes focused on her and a gentle smile graced her lips.
“Hello, I’d like a room, please”
“Um, you have to be at least eighteen for that” the blonde said.
“I just need a night, I promise I won’t cause any trouble” the girl insisted, looking at her pleadingly.
“I am so sorry, but I can’t. I could get into a lot of trouble if someone finds out.”
“No one will, I promise” oh those blue eyes were trouble “I just need to stay here for a night, it’s hard to explain but long story short, my parents lived here.”
“What? The only person who lived here was an old lady”
Flower, Sass, Isaac and Pete were watching everything from the stairs.
“According to a letter they left for me” she said while pulling out a letter from her backpack “she was gone for a whole year while they were here.”
Thor, Hetty and Trevor appeared right behind Alberta and just stared at the girl.
“You can read the letter” the red head said, giving her the letter.
Sam started reading and her eyes opened up in shock, she glanced at Trevor and Hetty and back to the letter. All the other ghosts were looking at them while whispering among themselves.
Dearest daughter, my sweet little princess:
It is with a heavy heart that we write you this letter, we know that you might have a thousand questions and no answers as to why we had to part from you. Unfortunately, we are not in the position to answer them, we cannot without sounding like two crazy people. There are a lot of uncertain things surrounding our goodbyes, but know this, the only certain thing we can and will always assure you is… that we love you very much.
One day, when you are older, we hope that you find the answers you may want at the only place we can think of: Woodstone Manor. We have been blessed with a year with the house to ourselves, the lady of the house having gone to another city.
Please, dear Haven, never forget that the hardest choice of our lives, was to give you up.
P.S: Please, I’m begging you to never date a guy, or at least to wait until you are like thirty or something. Dudes can be schmucks (I’d know because I am a dude).
P.S 2: Do not mind your father, he is a little protective right now. But as your mother I must warn you, no Irish men.
Love, your mother and father (H&T).
“This can’t be possible, right?” she asked around, eyes landing on the couple that were looking more and more captivated by the girl.
“What is it?” Jay said walking out of the kitchen, Sam gave him the letter and he looked as shocked as her after reading it. Looking at the girl then to Trevor and Hetty “HOW?”
“Samantha, I think it would be best if the girl is not here for this conversation” Hetty started, walking closer to the girl and looking at her as if she wanted to memorize every single detail “I know this must be shocking but we, all of us, haven’t told you about the last months of 2006.”
“Haven is my daughter” said Trevor stepping up next to the girl.
“And mine too” added Hetty with a small smile.
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CBS Ghost’s: Why do they all have to be paired into couples now.
Hello Again. So on whole I really like cbs ghosts, but I have noticed with a lot of the episodes in season 2 my opinion of most epsidoes has been that they are a mixed bag. If the A plot is good the B blot won’t be, if the B plot is good then the A plot will just be awful. C plots are never more than maybe’s. I have been going over what parts of episodes I like and what parts  dislike and one of the parts I have decided I really don’t like is the sudden push to pair all of the ghosts up into couples.
The house residents are all a found family, that been true since the beginning. But in season one their kinship is kinda “island of misfits”. When you look into the ghost’s pasts you see that none of them really had that great of family’s to began with. Hetty, Pete, and Alberta all had unhappy relationships where their significant others cheated, and in Hetty and Alberta’s cases were also total crooks. Trevor and Thor were abandoned by their closest friends. Issac, in addition to being in a marriage he could never fully be happy in, he’s also implied to have been the butt-monkey of his social group so to speak. Flower was stuck in multiple cults/communes that drugged her and wouldn’t let her speak to outsiders. But now in death they all have each other, and even if they are often arguing, even if the property border forces them all to stay together,  even though they were all trapped in a pergatiory they all wished to someday leave.. at least they all had each other for comrades/shipmates/bro’s. And maybe when you think about it that was more than they had when they were alive....
All that was fine and well. But why in season 2 do they keep trying to pair and push everybody into couples? Why is that suddenly so needed, and such a big focus? What makes this worse is that while the rivalries (which no longer getting the attention they deserve) were funny, and the friendships (also not getting enough spotlight anymore) where cute/sweet, A lot of these romances are really bland, boring, and seem slapped to together just because these two weren’t in a couple already.
I mean let’s go over the couples
Sam&Jay: Our resident livings. Honestly these two are adorable together, and might eventually join my top 5 favorite sit-come couples list (The list is currently Moritcia&Gomez, Chandler&Monica, Red&Kitty, Hall&Lois...). What I love most abut these two is that they are both such quarkie individuals but because of their different quarks they are able to take turns being the sane one and, not necissarly grounding each other, but giving advice to the other on how to navigate what weird things happen. In just writing this I realize they are kinda like a sit-come, modern day, version of Fry&Leela who are in my opinion one of the best cartoon couples. But this is supposed to be about Sam&Jay. I like Sam&Jay. They’re crazy but they work
Pete&Alberta: This is the other couple I really like, and I am sad that their development was largely pushed to the side/just plane stopped in season 2. The show writers said they wanted them to be a slow burn, because they were not sure if Pete was really Alberta’s type. But then looking at Pete and Alberta’s past (Pete’s cheating wife, Alberta’s two-timing bootleg boyfriend, and the mob guy she also dated) the pair both had picked the wrong type of people when alive. Pete see’s Alberta for the amazing and deserving person she is. Alberta encourages Pete to take some risks and act with some gumption, while also being one of the only ghosts to respect Pete for being such a nice guy. Can the show back off or take a break with some of the lamer couples below to focus on these two.
Issac&Nigel: The Gay couple. I already know I am going to get crap for saying I am not crazy about them this season. Please hear me out before you flame. I liked them in season 1. Their awkwardness together was cute. I liked that Nigel never tried to push Issac, and I was really happy When Issac admitted to both Nigel and the other ghost (who already knew of course) that he liked Nigel. If you find my ranking list I put Nigel kinda low, but that was because we didn’t see him enough to really get to know him. That was one of the things I was excited for in season 2. Halfway through the season its been a disappointment. Nigel seems to have no personality. Because of this he and Issac cannot develop any fun banter or an interesting raptor;personality wise they are just to unbalanced. In addition there is no real build to their relationship. Like according to the Christmas episode it took 10 episodes for Issac to be comfortable kissing Nigel, but before that their was not mention of Issac having any hesitation in that part. In episode 2x01we learn Nigel like watching ants (do nothing). Okay so is Nigel into Anthropology? Cool that’s something to his character. Can I see more of him getting excited to show Issac different bugs? Issac likes musical theater right? So  have him pester Sam to put on a video of a play (something that’s not Hamilton) for him to show Nigel on a date. How are things between the pair and Jenkins? I do not want them to break up, but please show do better by them.
Thor&Flower: I have seen a lot of posts by people saying that they aren’t crazy about this pair. I agree, I don’t ship them. I didn’t like Flower much in season 1, she seemed like she was just a generic Hippy. Her and Thor possibly becoming a couple once she got comfortable with monogamy (weird didn’t Thor also talk a bunch about viking origi’s in season1 ) seemed like grasping at straws for something to do with both characters in season 2. I did not think Thor needed a love interest then: He had great friendships with Sam, Sass, Hetty, and now in season 2 we are getting more of his friendship with Issac and him trying to be a father to Bjorn. Flower’‘s development in season 2 has been awesome as well. We have seen more of Protester Flower, learned more about what the cult’s cost her, her relationships with her brothers (writers have apparently already been looking into older actors to play one of Flowers brothers should he decide to visit the B&B). We have gotten more on her friendship with Alberta, and her helping Hetty learn to embrace feelings of pleasure (best story arch of the season)... Thor and Flower is a forced ship that neither character needs to be interesting. Just drop it.
Hetty&Trevor: I did not see that coming. I really didn’t. I saw a post that tweeted Hetty maybe having a romance  this season. I figured maybe it would be with one of Nigel’s two friends (We don’t know Baxter’s sexuality and Jenkins could be bi). I was literally like Pete likes Alberta, Issac is gay, Thor would be to weird since he was basically her nanny as a child, I cannot imagine her or Sass being the slightest bit interested in each other, and of course she cannot stand Trevor... Yet here we are. I am just fine with these two hooking up, but that is it. If they became a couple, then knowing this show, they would start getting along. I like them being frenemies, They are funny frenemies.
Sass&car-ghost girl: Sass was the last one left. His one sided crush on Chiki went no where and could never be, and now they have brought This new car-ghost girl in and made it jump-out-and-hit-you-in-the-face clear that Sass is smitten with her at first sight... Sass is my second favorite ghost (Alberta is my favorite) and I think he is the funniest one. But the way the actor play’s Sass: mostly apathetic, with a dry wit humor.. yeah that doesn’t translate well when he tries to be caring or romantic. Sass is a good story teller, and a fun Bro, but he is not really a romantic guy, and I am honestly wishing the writers had gone the fan theory route of making him Ace.
Judy Farnsby & Bjorn: I actually really like the idea of these two being together. Give me more of Judy showing up behind her son and his wife and calling them both terrible disappointment’s, only now have Bjorn show up with her and talking as if he is Farnsby’s stepfather.
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tabswrites · 1 year
Hi Tess! It's STS time!
Today I'm bundling up Adrin into a time machine and sending him back to the beginning of ToL. He has the following choice: 1. let the events play out as before, though none of it will come as a surprise OR 2. at any point, he can act differently and change the story, for better or worse.
What does he do? 👀
Happy STS!
Using the knowledge he has as of Ch. 5, he would just let it happen and hope that it hurts a bit less this time around.
There are two obvious choices he could make to significantly change the plot, but he wouldn’t choose either of them:
1. He could simply refuse to swear into the guard.
This would avoid creating further tension between him and Oliver, but it would also prevent him from meeting Hettie. That would change the ending of Book One a LOT, to say the least.
2. He could refuse to carry out the council’s orders in Ch. 3.
Doing so would end in one of two ways:
He could be executed, depending on the council’s mood, or a different guard could be given the same task and he would be powerless to do anything about it.
Either way, not great.
Despite all the pain inflicted on himself and other people, I think Adrin would know that his best chance to make things right would be to stay on the current path and hope it ends better than it began.
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animationadventures · 2 years
Recreating the Lost Episodes: A Guide
Season 2
As we learned about S2’s production over the past year or so, the mouse’s decision to shorten The Owl House’s third season came around the time “Agony of a Witch” aired. This was around the time the crew had finished writing the first half of S2. They were given a choice, move forward with their intended original plans for the second half or rewrite the second half to accelerate the plot enough that they could wrap up the story with the little time they had left in their generously called “Season 3”.
They chose to accelerate the plot. This is extremely noticeable due to the suddenly announced deadline of the Day of Unity being a month away in “Follies at the Coven Day Parade”. If it weren’t for the cut, would the DOU have been instead announced for anywhere from three to six or nine months away and covered in S3, giving the story enough breathing room to explore character and relationship development we didn’t get?
So, a lot of amazing ideas had to be left as abandoned puzzle pieces, and us fans are left to figure out how they were supposed to fit together for ourselves. For all the fanfic writers who plan to recreate what we lost, this is for you. If I wasn’t already working on long term projects, I would try this myself too.
I have no doubt that the episodes we did get for Season 2B would have still been in the show’s lineup, but likely further down than they ended up being for most of them. Because of the anniversary for Manny’s death being a specific date, I imagine that would have stayed in the same slot for example.
Let’s start with the Bat Queen since that’s the earliest dropped plot thread I can identify. At the end of “Escape of the Palisman”, Luz promised to help the Bat Queen find out her past since she no longer remembered her original owner. As we saw in S2, she never followed up on this. As confirmed at the Gallery Nucleus panel, Bat Queen is not the palisman of the Titan, but rather a giant. So we might have gotten lore on giants in the demon realm, specifically Bat Queen’s owner and how she became who she is now.
Another dangling thread is Jean-Luc, King’s babysitter from his nest. We never see King and the gang try to reactivate him outside of the nest; he just sits in the corner of Luz’s room as a decoration for the rest of the season.
Then there’s the four head witches that didn’t get proper debuts – Hettie Cutburn, Mason, Osran, and Vitimir. We can assign at least two episodes and four at most to fleshing them out, two being if they teamed up the way Darius and Eberwolf did or four if they debut individually like Terra and Adrian.
As far as I can guess, Mason was intended to be involved in a scrapped plot line of returning to the Looking Glass Ruins along with Adrian Graye, as a mirror match to Gus and Mattholomule since they match coven tracks. With old storyboards starting the rumor Mason was Matt and Steve’s father (albeit with the name Ulrich), this could have really boosted Matt’s development of wanting power changing to multi-tracking, sticking with the theme of finding your own way instead of following in your parents’ footsteps.
Another team-up I can see is Hettie and Vitimir since their covens likely work closely in making cures and general healthcare. Hettie was said by Dana to be interesting to the crew, hinted at being creepy and having an interest in bloodwork. So perhaps the pair of them would be assigned to the Titan’s Blood case and eventually woven into King’s plot? Or the two would be split up, with Hettie being involved in King’s Titan plot and Vitimir being involved in Hunter’s grimwalker plot?
I suggested Vitimir being involved in Hunter’s grimwalker plot because the list of stuff needed to construct a grimwalker sounds like a potion ingredient list, and Vitimir is the head witch of the Potions Coven. Belos might have tasked him with gathering the necessary ingredients for a new grimwalker, suspecting Hunter is beginning to betray him like all the others as he grows independent through Darius’ influence and his adventures with the Hexsquad. Since Hunter is such a crucial piece in Belos’ plans, who better to task with the important and rare ingredients of a grimwalker than the head witch of the Potions Coven himself?
Osran is probably the biggest mystery player in how he would get involved. Since the Oracle Coven is all about foresight and contacting spirits, perhaps there’s something to be said about how nobody saw the Day of Unity’s true purpose coming. The Collector using his power to keep oracles from seeing the truth? Belos forbidding any scrying about the DOU? There’s a theory out there that he might have been intended to join the rebellion based on the burned tapestry in “Eda’s Requiem” the BATTs pass after their first raid. Maybe not being able to see the outcome of the Day of Unity gave Osran reason to change sides.
When writing the head witches, it’s best to remember each one has a sense of irony regarding the coven they are the bosses of. Raine is the head witch of the Bard Coven despite having stage fright, Darius is the head witch of the Abominations Coven but hates messes, Eberwolf is a beast tamer despite basically being feral himself, Terra is the head witch of the Plants Coven but has a toxic personality, and Adrian Graye prefers to direct others putting on illusions rather than perform himself. In that vein, Hettie is likely that creepy doctor that enjoys the pain of patients, Vitimir likely neglects lab safety despite working with potions if his toxic breath is a clue, Mason probably prefers to work solo rather than in a team like construction jobs usually require or relies on the power glyphs instead of his strength like normal coven members, and Osran likely is senile and forgetful about the present from constantly looking into the future.
There’s also the matter of Amity still having the portal key in storyboards for Clouds on the Horizon. The Roundtable covered this in their video about season 2, how Amity and Hunter’s duel was likely supposed to end differently but the accelerated plot necessitated a change at the last minute since it was part of 2A. Amity and Hunter probably came to a draw, neither having the information to leverage. This would explain why Amity isn’t upset with Hunter the next time they meet in “Labyrinth Runners”.
The thing with Raine also confuses me. At the end of “Eda’s Requiem”, we see them being restricted by their sigil then seems fine in “Follies at the Coven Day Parade” pretending to be brainwashed. I think them being captured was supposed to be a bigger part of the plot, but again the plot acceleration necessitated a change of what happened to them and the crew couldn’t change it the same way the duel at Eclipse Lake might have gotten. This by extension would have given the BATTs a bigger role too.
Development for the Blight family was also a big thing in Season 2. We properly met Odalia and Alador, Alador got a redemption arc while Odalia got worse, the origin of Amity’s family nickname was revealed, and the twins showed interest in multiple tracks. The one person in the family that really got the shaft was Emira because she didn’t have a B-plot expanding her interests like how Edric got to show his interest in beast-keeping and potions in “Reaching Out”. I have a feeling if it weren’t for the plot acceleration, we would have seen them more. Perhaps Odalia was intended to be the season’s major antagonist similar to how Lilith was in Season 1, appearing to cause conflict in more episodes than just two.
The Collector also wasn’t intended to be part of S2 according to one of the crew’s Post Hoots. Once they learned of the cut, they decided to throw him into the mix early. He’s woven so intricately into the plot now, it’s hard to imagine what the story would be like if he was delayed until later or didn’t show up at all.
That’s all I have for Season 2. I’ll talk about Season 3 in the next part, but that will have to wait until we see how the other two specials play out to see what else was either dropped or squeezed into a montage.
In the meantime, try recreating episodes from what I’ve pieced together so far. Best of luck to all and may the Titan look down on you favorably.
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
CBS Ghosts - Pilot - Sam & Jay and the B&B
AHHH Almost at the End of the Pilot!
Exciting - Spoilers and discussion with gifs below:
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Okay, obviously Jay drove, but they would’ve driven passed some ghosts on the way to the house - did Sam not see them or not realize they were ghosts?
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It’s SO interesting that Jay just like surprises her with this - what was he thinking?  
Sam’s obviously over the house - which makes sense since she almost died - questions: WHY does this couple like to make one-person decisions for both of them?  
Also, Sam’s like “Home?  Why no home?”  which makes sense given how she probably just wants to rest.
Lastly, WHAT would he have done if Sam had said ‘I almost died here, WHY would bring me here????’
I really want to know.  He’s lucky she was more excited about B&B.
Which brings me to - damn, she must’ve really hated the city.
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Let’s not downplay this, Jay.  It was a COMA.
She almost died - don’t negate that.
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I love how Jay’s like “I totally just put us in the hole, but you know what - who cares?”
He’s just like - hilarious - oh, it’s going to cost SO MUCH MONEY that we DON’T HAVE and it’s a ridiculous amount of work, but... house?
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AWWW How sweet and interesting is it that almost dying flips their positions on the house.  
Despite loving the show - these two people should not be making a big life decision right now - AND WITHOUT EACH OTHER - What Jay did here, taking out all of their money for this venture while Sam was in a coma is actually not cute at all.  What if she really meant it when she changed her mind?  What if the house gives her nightmares or something else?  
Like it just - it’s meant to be cute, and there would be no show without it, but DAMN JAY.  
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I do love how Jay’s like “We need help” and “We’re staying” but it’s cute how excited Sam is considering that she JUST said that she was sure Jay was right.
Like he clearly knows his wife the best and it’s pretty amazing how happy they are about this!    
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OKAY THIS IS THE ONLY MENTION OF Jay’s Parents and it’s to say “that they don’t approve”.  They had time to talk about this but they aren’t there to support Sam and Jay at all????  
I really wish I understood the dynamic there, especially with the little we learn later:
1. Bela and Sam aren’t close & Bela was mighty quick to assume the worst of both Sam and Jay.  Plus she only visits once when she’s down (and was totally planning on ditching them for Trevor - who she JUST started talking to 2 days prior) and once during Christmas (and where were their parents?)
2. Jay is close to his mother - like weirdly close
3. AND YET, there’s a family chat WITHOUT Sam that they use
4. and they’ve never been to the mansion
This makes me feel like Jay’s parents are not supportive of his marriage to Sam.  Sam has mentioned more than once about not really having a family and Jay’s family has not been inclusive - I mean seriously a “Core Family” chat and a family chat with Sam?  RUDE.
Anyway, I’ll get into that eventually.  Still on Episode one...
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Jay is so cute - Like in this moment, he’s putting Sam first despite the fact that he’s giving up his life and wants in the city, just for her and it’s corny and sweet and GOD JAY IS THE BEST.  :)
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LMAO Jay practiced it - he wanted to be corny.  He knows Sam so well.
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Awwwww, these two are so adorable.  
There’s ONE thing that bugs me though - How the F did the ghosts NOT KNOW what Jay was planning?  I’ll get into it in the next scene, but WHAT????
He HAD to have inspectors and other people to make this surprise work - HOW did these bored ass ghosts NOT NOTICE??? I NEED TO KNOW.
Did they just hang out in the forest or what???
Now, that would be funny, they all got banished from Ghost court and spent the two weeks in the forest.  
OMG would Hetty or Trevor have been banished for the scene after Sam’s fall?  It was an accident on Trevor’s part, but Hetty calling him a murderer - maybe that’s how they resolved the issue to be so lax in the last scene????
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Aw, Hetty has clearly grown attached to her before she can talk to her.
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AGAIN, HOW did they NOT know about this???? It’s IMPOSSIBLE?!
Anyway - OMG - Almost at the last scene - although I did skip a couple scenes, the one where Sam admits her kink and is putting up paint, the one with the basement ghosts and Jay’s failed attempt to fix it, and... wait, what was the other one?  I wrote down three...
Hmmm, anyway!
Feel free to chat if you like :)
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jimpovolo · 6 years
every time meredith posts an instagram story with brian i get 10% softer
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shitpostingiris · 2 years
Fic inspired, beta read, and my second in hand with writing this fic @moss-is-a-tasty-snack
Chapter 3-Braving the Deep
Part 1 Part 2
Warnings-none I can think of
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Upon hearing Dream and Lucienne enter the throne room. Y/n walked down the stairs to the two. Both looking at her with admiration. Lucienne spoke first “it’s nice to finally have you back y/n you look beautiful” Dream stayed silent only looking at his wife with what most people would call heart eyes. The pure unfiltered love written on his face spoke more words than he could ever speak.
When he finally spoke “I have a lead on my sand. Was in the possession of a Constantine. Living in England. We will go there now.” Reaching a hand out for y/n to take which she took with no hesitation. Looking back at Lucienne y/n spoke “we will be home shortly Lucienne.” Sand wrapping them both like a storm they landed in England on the steps of a church.
Y/n laughed looking up at the beautifully crafted church “I see this Constantine is in the same profession as her predecessors my love” dream nodding agreeing with her statement “She should serve us well. If she is anything like them”
Y/n noticed Mad Hettie slowly waving at the woman who acknowledged her presence before talking to the tall brown haired woman. She could hear some of the conversation. Hearing the name ‘Sandman’, Coming to the conclusion the brunette woman was the Constantine they were looking for.
As she made her way up the stairs. Both Dream and y/n made themselves known to her. Dream spoke catching her attention “Constantine, we have business you and I” the young woman simply brushed dreams words off and continued to walk towards the church. Lightly chuckling y/n spoke “she is clearly a constantine” Dream and y/n stood in the church watching the mortals observing as they talked about the princess and an exorcism. Watching as Johanna’s started speaking in Latin exposing the demon possessing the young man. Y/n winced as the young man’s body was ripped apart as the demon showed its true form. Dream spoke as he made himself known to the pair “her name is Agileith” the demon looking to the Dream lord as he spoke saying her name. Johannah quickly came to realization that maybe Mad Hettie’s words weren’t so mad after all as she repeated her name. The demon still speaking as he mentioned the helm was in hell unknowingly “I presume it is in hell, with the demon to whom it was traded” Dream spoke calmly as he addressed the demon. Agileith trying to bargain with Dream as Johanna started the exorcism. Agileith exclaimed, trying to get Johannah to stop so he could get the demon's name. Dream looked at johannah with annoyance written in his fetuses “you have no idea what you’ve done.” Johannah spoke with the same confidence and self priority as many Constantines before her.
Y/n and Dream followed Johannah outside to the steps. Dream clearly aggravated with the young woman. Y/n still not making herself known to the Johannah. Deciding it was best not to interfere too much. As Hettie walked away y/n made her way back to Dream's side listening to Johannah speak of dream and his siblings and asking what he wanted of her. Y/n finally decided to speak “something of Dreams came into your possession. A leather pouch filled with sand…. We need it back” Trying not to sound as commanding as Dream but still getting her question across to the woman. She nodded confirming she in fact still had it just not in her own possession at the time. Making it known that if Dream did not get the sand back to him the dreaming will cease to exist and so will humanity. Johannah still not seeing the urgency in the matter not taking the words spoken to her seriously. Dream stepping in front of her as she went to walk away. The woman spoke clearly agitated with the pair “does this approach generally work for you? You just turn up and order people about?” Y/n let out a snicker at her words “yes it does usually work for him” rolling her eyes Johannah agreed to help find the sand trying to delay saying “first thing tomorrow and I work alone” Dream saying a quick no to her proclamation. “I don’t want either of you and your friend following me all over London.” Both confused at he mentioned another party. Y/n spoke “Our friend?” Johannah motioned to a raven standing on the bench beside them “is that not your raven? My gran said Dream always had a raven.” Y/n felt a sharp pain in her heart remembering Jessamy quieting down she kept her stare on the ground. Dream shook his head “not anymore” walking towards the raven he spoke crouching his back slightly to see eye to eye with the raven “who are you?….tell me your name” The raven finally speaking “it’s uh, Matthew, sir.” Standing back to his full height “Matthew, I’ve made it clear to Lucienne that I do not require a raven at this time.” Y/n zoned back into her self deciding not to listen to the conversations between her husband and the raven. The pain of Jessamy's brutal death still prominent in her heart. Looking back to Johannah “I do apologize for my husbands tone with you. We are just in quite a hurry to restore Dream's powers” Johannah gave her a quick nod before trying to quickly walk away. Matthew bringing it to Dream's attention.
Once Dream left to find Johannah in her dreams, Y/n crouched down to talk to Matthew. Matthew now quiet once he learned of Jessamy's death. “hello Matthew I’m y/n it’s nice to meet you. I know this is quite a change for you.” the raven looked at y/n “I know who you are ms y/n lucienne spoke of you.” Lightly patting matthews head “do not be discouraged by Dream's words. Jessamy's death still has a sting hold on him. He’ll warm up to you eventually” she smiled at the raven. Feeling Dream's presence back in the waking world, she stood up straight “come Matthew we must go to Dream.”
As the pair walked up to Dream, y/n spoke walking to his side “I see you were successful in getting the sand love.” Dream only silently nodding “now we go after the helm…..in Hell” Matthew piping up hearing the word hell. “Hell. As in Hell-Hell, or were you being metaphorical?” Dream not listening to Matthew's rambling anymore as he poured sand into her palm. Y/n linking her arm with Dream's. Uneasiness prickling at her skin knowing what they were about to walk into. Matthew stepping closer to the two “Fuck it, let’s go to hell!”
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Encore - POYW - Harry Hook x reader - Part 24 - Sisters
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you and Harry woke up to loud knocks on Harry's room door, you had decided to stay the night at the ship since your room was just so damn warm and Harry's room was nice and cool. You glanced at the clock on Harry's wall and sighed, it seemed you had slept in a bit as the clock read 12:30 pm.
Harry sighed and sat up, standing from the bed and walking over to his door, creaking it open and yelping as he was pushed back by a blonde and red blur “Hi CJ” Harry grunted out, CJ laughing as she pushed off of him and skipped over to you, Harriet entering the room a moment later “Harriet, what do yeh want?”
“We’re stealing your fiancé, (y/n) get dressed, CJ keep Harry down” CJ leaped over your body and slammed down onto Harry, trapping him to the mattress.
“Oi!” Harry snapped, ripping his arm out of CJ’s grip and pushing her face, glaring at Harriet as she walked over to you and pulled you out of the bed “No! She's mine! Leave ‘er alone!”
CJ and Harriet shared a dangerous smile and CJ pinned Harry to the bed again “Quick get her dressed so we can escape!” Harry let out a snarl as you quietly laughed, grabbing a red shirt and black jeans. Stepping into your bathroom to quickly get dressed, popping your head back out to grab a bra and socks.
You sluggishly got dressed and stepped back out to the bedroom to put your shoes on, laughing again as Harriet and CJ held Harry down to the floor, CJ sitting on his back and arms as Harriet held down his legs.
“Okay okay, don’t kill him, he is a good pillow, and I’d rather not lose the warmth” Harry pouted at you as his sisters snickered and got off him.
“Oh, no ‘oh please don’t kill Harry, I love him’ or ‘please don’t kill Harry, I'd rather not lose him’ no all I get is ‘I’m a good pillow’? really?” you let out a quiet laugh and finished zipping up your boots, leaning down to kiss Harry's cheek and ruffling his hair.
“Yep, and I’ll be back later, bye!” CJ dragged you out of the room, Harriet closing the door behind her as Harry continued to pout.
A few hours later, you sat outside an ice cream parlor, spooning (fav ice cream) into your mouth as CJ sipped at her chocolate and mint shake with Oreos. Harriet walked out of the shop with her fresh waffle cone strawberry cheesecake and sat down next to you, licking her lips slightly.
“You’re welcome” you chuckled, smiling teasingly as Harriet glared at you before she stuck a spoon into the ice cream and shoved it in her mouth, CJ continuing to enjoy her shake. “So other than the reason you gave earlier” that being them just wanting to hang out because they hardly got to hang out with you “Why did you want to hang out with me today?”
“We have to pick up my suit and CJ’s dress from the tailor, thought you might want to see ‘em or something” Harriet muttered, keeping her eyes on her ice cream.
You hummed and nodded, you would like to see them, to make sure they worked with what you had planned. “Sounds fun, what time is pick up?”
Harriet pulled out her phone “at two, it's one now so we got about an hour but the place is pretty far away from here, so-“ Harriet turned to you and raised her brow “-you mind driving us there, after we finish?”
You nodded, spooning the last of your ice cream in your mouth and tossing the cup into the trash “Sure”
You couldn’t help the grin on your face as CJ stepped out of the dressing room, she admired herself in the tall mirror, spinning around and her scarlet skirt flaring with her. Her black top was detailed with lace and was separated from her high waisted skirt that stopped just above her knees. “Look’s amazing CJ, I think we picked the perfect one for you” you hummed, laughing as CJ bounded over to you and slammed into your side as she sat next to you.
“I think this is the first time she's worn a dress and actually liked it” Harriet huffed, smirking at you and CJ as CJ discovered the pockets on her skirt. The tailor came out from the back, handing Harriet a maroon and black suit and gesturing to the dressing room.
The tailor gave you and CJ a smile and went back to the front to tend to her other customers. You and CJ talked about the wedding plans as Harriet changed, and a few minutes later Harriet emerged from the dressing room. her suit jacket was maroon and her dress shirt and pants were black. CJ wolf-whistled, standing and bounding over to her sister, grinning up at her “Wow Hettie, you look amazing!”
Harriet gave a shy smile and nodded, looking down at her jacket and pulling down the sleeves “Thanks, I think it turned out good” you grinned and that and stood, walking over to the girls and tugging at the lapels of Harriet's jacket.
“It turned out great, it's perfect…thank you, both of you. I know we don’t really interact much but thank you for trusting me with your brother, I know how protective you both are over him” Harriet and CJ smiled, Harriet pulling you in for a side hug as CJ wrapped her arms around your waist.
“Thank you for taking care of him, I never thought he’d find someone like you, but I’m glad he did. I can't wait to call you our sister” CJ nodded in agreement, and squeezed your waist, pulling back and walking to the dressing room to change back into her clothes.
“Let's go get something to eat! Im starving!” You and Harriet shared a look and shook your heads.
“That’s CJ for ya, always hungry” Harriet laughed, sitting down on the couch and waiting for CJ to be done changing so she could do the same.
“yep…Taco Bell sound good?”
“Hell yeah”
Harry started as a cold sensation pressed against his cheek and he quickly sat up, looking behind him to see you, smiling down at him and holding a cup filled with Pepsi “I got Taco Bell for you” Harry grinned and took the soda, drawing his legs in from the couch to let you sit down next to him and taking the paper bag from you as you handed it to him.
“Thank yeh love” Harry purred, taking out the cheese rolls and humming, he hadn’t eaten yet that day so he was very happy to finally have something in his belly.
“You’re welcome~” you sang back, taking (food) out of the bag and unwrapping it, biting down on it and turning to pay attention to the tv, where Harry had turned on Captain America; The First Avenger. “Good choice”
Harry just hummed around his food, pulling you into his side and the two of you settled down to watch the movie.
“hard ta believe we’re getting married in twenty days” Harry chuckled, helping you put away the washed dishes from dinner. You stopped, looking up at the calendar on the wall and laughing.
May 2nd, wow it really was only twenty days from today. “Well how bout that” you murmured, closing the dishwasher and starting it, walking over to Harry and wrapping your arms around him, setting your chin on his shoulder “Only twenty days till you’re mine forever” Harry laughed and turned in your grip, pressing a soft kiss to your lips and nose.
“Only twenty days till I can finally call yeh Mrs. Hook” Harry purred back, lifting you off your feet and spinning you around, setting you back down and pressing one last kiss to your nose. “I love yeh” Harry whispered, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead to yours.
“I love you too” you hummed back, kissing his jaw and slipping out of his arms, going over to the fridge grabbing two ice cream sandwiches, and tossing one to Harry, nodding towards the living room “one more movie?” Harry grinned and nodded, walking in and jumping over the couch, bouncing his leg as he waited for you.
“Oh, by the way,” Harry started, curling his arm around your shoulder as you sat next to him and curling into his side “All the invitations got sent out.” You perked up at that and swallowed down the bite of ice cream.
“Awesome! Did you keep one?“ Harry smirked and nodded, standing from the couch and walking into the kitchen, grabbing a card from the counter and walking back over to you, handing you the card and sitting down as you admired the invitation.
“I still love it, I think we picked a good design” Harry nodded in agreement, leaning over your shoulder slightly to look at the invitation.
The top was printed with watercolor waves at sunset, the bottom blocked with gold with white lettering detailing the date, time, and place of your wedding.
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 “only twenty days” Harry hummed, picking up the remote and turning on another movie, curling his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his side, smiling as you cuddled into him and rested your head in the crook of his neck. “twenty days” you echoed, raising your brow slightly as the movie began to play. “Hook?”
“aye…what it’s a good movie!”
-end of part 24-
Note; I was writing this on the 2nd so that’s why the fic says “twenty days” instead of nineteen
24 parts! Woow!!! And the next part will be on the 22nd! The wedding! After the wedding, this series will officially be finished and the OG part of your world will be over! 😊 thank you all so much for coming with me on this journey and sticking with me through my horrible 2018-2019 writing. Again I will be rewriting Part of your world and Reprise because I want to (and rewriting some parts of Encore because the first 10-15 parts are fucking awful) and I’ll be starting on it after I finish encore, but I probably won't start posting until Rewrite(AU) D3 is finished so im not working on a thousand stories at once.
So Part of your world 2.0 will be coming after Finale - Rewrite is concluded so I can focus solely on POYW 2.0 :3 again thank you all so much for reading and soon, Mr. and Mrs. Hook will soon be introduced~!!!
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​
@lunanight2012​ @daughter-of-the-stars11​
@musicarose​ @verboetoperee​
@random-thoughts-003​ @remembered-license​
@rintheemolion​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ 
@jatp-rules-my-life​  @imtryingthisout​
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ejzah · 4 years
A/N: Here is a very small addition to the Top Model fic. It looks like there will be more than 2 now as I’m procrastinating on figuring out the exact ending.
Top Model, Part 2
Kensi froze, her mind blanking as Deeks’ lips touched hers, and she resisted the initial instinct to push him away. His lips were warm, gentle at first and a little hesitant, while his hands stayed firmly planted on her waist.
Without thinking, she sighed and reached up to clasp the back of his head, her fingers curling into soft tufts of hair, and silently urging him closer. Deeks made a low sound in the back of his throat and one of hand finally started easing up her side.
He was way too good at this, she thought hazily as she distantly heard a door open. She trailed her fingers up Deeks’ chest, enjoying the feel of smooth fabric covering firm muscle.
“Ms. Black, what are you doing?” A male voice demanded and Deeks pulled away abruptly, rubbing his bottom lip with the back of his thumb. Kensi had just enough time to notice his cheeks looked vaguely flushed before she turned to face the two men stood at the other end of the lockers, glaring at them.
She ran her hands over the delicate fabric of her dress, trying to smooth out any wrinkles. Hetty would almost certainly kill her if she managed to destroy an up and coming designer’s creation.
“Mr. Reisman, I can explain,” she started, glaring briefly at Deeks before she turned back to the head stylist. “We were-“
“You know relationships among models and any staff are strictly forbidden,” he interrupted, glancing at Kensi in clear disapproval. He stood with his back straight, graying hair perfectly arranged, and gestured to the shorter, nervous man standing next to him. “Jared said he saw someone sneaking around back here. I would have expected more from a model with your credentials.”
“Actually it’s my fault,” Deeks said, stepping forward and partially shielding Kensi. She noticed that his shirt was crumpled at the front and she pressed her lips together, staring down at her hands. “I convinced Rosa to back here with me.”
“And who are you?” Reisman looked Deeks up and down with a faint sneer, eye lingering on his hair.
“Bobby Harper, photography.” Deeks held up his ID which Reisman examined it briefly, his expression unimpressed and still slightly suspicious.
“Well, I haven’t heard of you before, Mr. Harper, but if I see you near any of the models again, I will be speaking with your manager,” he said, gesturing towards the door. “Now get backstage and you”-pointed at Kensi-“get back by the runway.”
“Everything ok?” Callen asked a few minutes later as they walked back. Checking over his shoulder to make sure they weren’t being watched, Deeks muttered,
“Yeah, we’re good. We had to create a diversion, but it’s fine now. We found an envelope in Jasmine’s locker. Kensi has to get back to the dressing rooms before she gets kicked out.”
“Ok, we found Kensi’s mystery man. He hasn’t done anything suspicious yet.”
“I’ll keep you posted about Jasmine,” Kensi said. She glanced at Deeks, expecting him to look at least a little guilty, but instead realized he looked perfectly at ease. Like they hadn’t just made out.
Kensi shook her head, beyond annoyed at him and took the comm out of her ear, motioning for him to do the same.
“What the hell was that?” she demanded.
“I made a judgment call. Someone was coming and I didn’t want us to get caught going through Jasmine’s locker,” he explained reasonably.
“You could come up with something better than making out like we’re horny teenagers.” She gave him a disgusted look and Deeks crossed his arms, having the audacity to look annoyed.
“You did the exact same thing when we were undercover as that married couple.”
“That was completely different,” she scoffed.
“It...it just is.” She couldn’t come up with better right now and gestured to his jacket. “What’s in the envelope?”
He made a face that suggested he wanted to continue the conversation, but didn’t say anything else.
“Based on the size and feel, I’m going with cash,” he said, untucking the top. “Geez, there’s gotta be a couple hundred grand in here.”
Slipping her comm back in, Kensi relayed the news to Sam and Callen.
“Ok, I need to get back stage and make sure she doesn’t exchange the information.”
“If she hasn’t already,” Deeks said grimly, putting his own comm back in.
For anyone who is interested, here is the first part of this story.
Top Model Part 1
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audrey-carr1 · 2 months
The Baroness makes house calls (Part 1)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Summary: You are an unmarried, educated, wealthy orphan who develops a relationship with the lady across the way in Woodstone Manor.
A/N: More Hetty x reader I'm pulling from the drafts! This is unrelated to the first one I posted. Also Hetty is alive in this one! This more than likely won't be more than a couple of one-shots tied together. Who knows lol.
warnings: fem!reader, eventual smut,
At the age of twenty-three, you had received news that your parents were lost at sea and presumably passed on.
At twenty-four, you became known as the orphan heiress. Though you were well educated, thanks to the insistence of your mother, your single nature left you with gentlemen throwing themselves left and right for a chance at your fortune.
At twenty-five you became a spinster and planned to stay that way. Men who tried to court you have been found to con artists, or just full of boredom. You never felt that spark you often heard your married friends talk about. You had given up on finding love, and have become fond of being alone. No obligations of a husband or children left you freer than most women your age. Your time is spent on afternoon walks seeking solitude in nature. You enjoyed the sound of the birds chirping and babbling in the nearby spring as it fed into the lake. You were always alone on your walks at least until you turned twenty-six.
At the age of twenty-six, you find yourself enjoying the company of your new neighbors, the Woodstones. Well, you enjoy the company of Hetty, her husband Elias was never truly around. Hetty was like no one you met before. She was smart, funny, and very quick-witted. The two of you often find yourselves talking until the wee hours of the morning. It became so common that you both have respect bedrooms in each other’s house. Your visits are more frequent as her children are school-aged, and have been sent away for their schooling. “The best that money has to offer,” Hetty always says before a titter of laughter.
You love Hetty’s laugh, it’s the sweetest music you have ever heard and you try to make her laugh as much as you can. Deep down you sense a sadness in Hetty, and you feel an unnerving sense of duty to remove that sadness from her.
Hetty offers her guidance to you whenever she sees fit. Though a woman, Hetty has an impeccable eye for business procedures. If she were a man Hetty would no doubt be more successful than any man you have come into contact with. Hetty helps you balance your books, pick good staffing, and even buys you a telephone. You never understood why as the two of you talked every day in person. Hetty says a young woman of such status as mine should have something to gloat to her friends about.
Hetty would never admit that she got the phone to check up on you when you had fallen ill, and needed to hear your voice to assure you were recovering. A month ago you had fallen ill, and Hetty was beside herself with worry not being able to see or speak to you. Your staff often informed you that Hetty was downstairs keeping the house in running order and asking about your recovery. She had even sent a couple of doctors away who did not help you to recover any sooner. By day 3 of your illness, you were on your 5th doctor. Hetty’s reach knows no bounds or expense. She wanted the best for you even if you were barely coherent to acknowledge the gesture.
On day 4 of your illness, a telephone was installed in your bedroom. It was the middle of the night when you woke to an insistent ringing that did nothing to help the pounding you felt in your head as you reached to pick up the receiver.
“Devereaux residence,” you answer
“(Y/n)” Hetty sighs on the other end
“Hetty! Oh how I have missed the sound of your voice,” you immediately perk up sitting up in bed.
“And I, yours,” Hetty spoke softly into the phone.
“I feel absolutely, positively dreadful, Hetty,” You sniffle wiping your nose on a nearby handkerchief.
“I know my darling, the doctor says you have influenza,” Hetty explains. The term of endearment slips, and Hetty hopes you don't mind let alone notice.
“How wonderful,” you say as you move the phone away from your face to cough, “I miss you Hetty.”
You did not mean to sound so needy, but you blame it on the fever and hope Hetty would too.
“I miss you terribly as well. I’m sure your staff will be happy to be rid of me once you’re recovered,”
This makes you laugh, and you smile for the first time in days. “Well I’m sure your staff must be happy to have you away from home,”
“While the cat’s away the mice will play. Do you know Molly has barely dusted the house while I’ve been gone?”
You laugh once more as Hetty goes on to explain the ongoings of what you’ve missed while bedridden. You try to stay awake, but the medicine you took earlier is beginning to take hold again. You fall asleep again to the sound of Hetty’s voice leaving the phone next to your ear on the pillow.
Hetty notices that you have gone silent, and for a fraction begins to worry before she hears your soft snoring. The two of you must have gotten caught up in the excitement of finally being able to talk to each other after almost a week. Hetty begins to scold herself for such behavior but can’t help the warmth she feels after speaking with you.
“Sleep well my darling,” Hetty says before hanging up the phone and retiring to bed herself.
A/N: See you in part two!
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goldeneyedgirl · 4 years
jaliceweek20 day 1: human/vampire
Title: Against A Wall (Part 1)
Prompt 1: Human/Vampire
Word Count: 3,851
Note: I’m going into hospital tomorrow, and I’ve run out of time to get this finished (so, so close but I need sleep). So I cut it in half in the most logical place. 
As long as the JaliceWeek Mods don’t have an issue, I’ll finish off Part 2 and upload the whole fic to the AO3 collection around Tuesday when I’m feeling human and have a decent Wifi connection.
He crouches behind Dewey’s Bar, spitting blood onto the pavement, and trying to pretend that whatever is seeping into his jeans is just water, and not runoff from the reeking dumpster beside him.
It’s Tuesday night, and Tuesdays are always the worst. Tuesdays are his mom’s night shifts at the VA hospital. Tuesdays are pay-day. Tuesdays are the only day his father doesn’t pull his punches.
His left cheek and eye are swollen and split, like overripe fruit. He can’t see real well, and the taste of aluminium foil in the back of his mouth makes him suspect another fracture around his eye.  
But was it really a Tuesday night if cerebral fluid wasn’t leaking into his mouth?
He feels bad that his mother is going to walk in at five the next morning, exhausted, to find… well, to find Hettie and Flo asleep in Ava’s bed, as Ava studies and worries. To find Jasper’s bed empty, and Lydia’s too. To find the study door locked, no matter how long she knocks.
In fact, the only thing that Louise Whitlock won’t find when she gets home from work is the god-damned strength of will to leave her fucking husband.
Last time he said that to her face, she started to cry, and that made things worse.
It’s still early, which sucks. There are hours to go until it is safe to move, to drag himself to school, to shower in the locker rooms and get some food out of the vending machine and savour the fact that another Tuesday is behind him. Sheldon isn’t big enough for the other students and the teachers not to notice the bruises on his face, but it is small enough that everyone knows Jeremiah Whitlock, and no one is going to say anything to get him in trouble.  
He could go find Lydia, hide in the tree-house, tell someone who wasn’t family or a local. But he always ends up behind Dewey’s. When he was a kid, it hadn’t just been a bar; it had been been Dewey’s Bar and Grill, and his grandfather used to take him there for fried chicken and ice cream. Dewey had been his Grandpa Jed’s best friend, but even in those halcyon days it hadn’t exactly been family-friendly.
It had become a dive bar sometime around the time Jasper finished middle-school, but it didn’t matter - by then, Dewey and Grandpa were dead, and he was too busy trying to protect himself and his sisters to eat ice cream.
He spits blood again, and rests back against the brickwork. Nothing for it; Tuesdays were always hell.
He tries to sleep, amongst the noise of passersby, and remain unnoticed - Jasper’s learnt the hard way that his uncles still frequent Dewey’s, and they will march him straight back home for round two, no matter what he says. Even when he came up with the strength to tell them, about Lydia and Jerry and Tuesday nights, his uncles just tell him to shut up, man up, and maybe Jerry wouldn’t have to whoop his ass.
He thinks of Lydia and hopes she’s somewhere warm and clean tonight. Lydia’s smart enough to stay away on Tuesday nights. Home is never Lydia’s first port of call any night of the week, but never, ever on Tuesdays.
He remembers the last Tuesday night she was home, two summers ago, when Lydia stormed upstairs, a twelve-year-old hurricane with fire in her eyes, and called their father a coward for beating the shit out of Jasper.
Jeremiah Whitlock hadn’t liked being called a coward. Not at all.
Now she is transient, a ghost sister who vanishes at day break; one who bunks down on couches and in treehouses before coming back to her own bed. Their mom and Ava worry about where Lydia gets her money, cigar-sized rolls of dollar bills that she keeps in a tampon box, but he knows.
He knows that his sharp and pointy little sister never let anything stop her, least of all hard work, and that a lot of people in town know that Jerry Whitlock has a lot of anger and a lot of disappointment that he tries to drown in cheap beer and cheaper whiskey. It just makes him angrier. If the only thing they can do is give Lydia Whitlock some work, well, that kid’ll cut the grass, paint the garage, and walk the dog for a few bucks and a drink from a spigot.
It’s easy to say that Lydia is the best of them, making it clear that she doesn’t need their shitty father or their tired mother, but they are all strong in different ways. Ava, who smiles and simpers at their father, waiting for that day when she can buckle Hettie and Flo into her car and take them with her to college in Houston with a middle finger raised in the air. Flo stays quiet, stays alert, darting and hiding when the moment comes, but whose slight of hand belongs to a survivalist magician. And sweet little Hettie, who never lived on the ranch and knew their parents when they were happy, is sunshine and laughter and innocence. The one that reminds them why they stick together.
He’s the boy, so his role is obvious and unquestioned: he takes the punches and slaps and kicks that were meant for their mom, for Lydia, for Flo. He mutters things under his breath so that Jerry doesn’t hear what his sisters are saying, forgets that Hettie is sniffling or that Lydia hasn’t been home in ten days or that their mother has burnt dinner.
He knows his place.
If you asked anyone with the surname ‘Whitlock’, they’d tell you that the family was cursed.
Had been since the Civil War; the youngest son had run off and joined up. Tried to desert two months in, crying for his momma, and ran afoul of someone - or something. He was dead a month later, but no one was exactly sure if he’d been executed for desertion, or if he’d just got in the way of a Yankee bullet. Either way, his last letter was rambling and terrified of something he never named, and his cowardice was rewarded with his bloodline’s constant suffering.
Within the Whitlock family lore, the curse was held accountable for numerous failings - from great-great grandmother Edith running off with one of the Wilkerson boys, to little Brian dropping dead as a doornail one summer day after seven years of perfect health. It was the Whitlock Curse to blame the day the bank took the ranch away from Jasper’s own father.      
It was the curse that had four and a half strapping brothers (Uncle Wyatt only counted as half since he went to the war in the Middle East and got himself blown up before he was even old enough to drink, and left behind a high school sweetheart with a bouncing baby girl they all called ‘Puddin’) father fifteen girls, and only one lousy boy.
Make no mistake about it, Jasper was a lousy heir to the Whitlock name. All three of his uncles reminded him of this every holiday season. Whitlock men were supposed to live and breathe the ranch, were supposed to be football players and champions. They were meant to knock up the head cheerleader and serve eight years in the army, like their brothers, fathers, uncles, and grandfathers before them.
Not snivelling little momma’s boys, who cried themselves to sleep when Sirius Black died, and could charm the birds from the trees. Not boys who helped their sisters catch rabbits, and keep them as secret pets, or name the house cat Socrates. Not boys who sat up all night when their horse had colic, and sit in the stable with her, begging and praying for her to be okay.
He tried, goddamnit. So hard. He was the best shot in the family (something that Uncle Bo had nearly hit him over, that one Thanksgiving. But everyone knew that Bo had the worst temper in the family.) Before things went to shit, he’d been a good student. He’d been able to convince the animals on the ranch to do anything. He was popular, without having any particular friends or putting much effort into it. He took care of his sisters.
But none of it was ever good enough.
Nothing ever was.
It’s Roy Lester that chases him off, before six the next morning. Roy runs the grocer next to Dewey’s, and went to school with his father and uncles - still had beers with them ever so often. The way he threatened Jasper and chased him off home whenever he caught him in the alley made Jasper think that they talked about him, and none of it flattering.
So he has to slink home because he stinks and he’s starving. The security at school won’t let anyone in before seven; he’s tried before; it’s not like he has much choice.
In a town like Sheldon, everyone knew everyone. You started kindergarten with maybe twenty other five year olds - most you probably already knew - and spent the next thirteen years with those same kids. You watched Maude Montgomery transform from the aesthetic-equivalent of Danny Devito to Jennifer Lawrence in a single summer, thanks to a late brush with puberty; you were right there when Casey Atkinson was put in a wheelchair and spent seventh grade learning to walk again. You knew that Ariel Turner was diabetic, Marley Harris was asthmatic, and you’d seen thirteen years of peanut-free lunches and birthday parties because Joey Thompson was highly allergic.
The joy of small towns.
Everyone knew that Jerry Whitlock hit his kids and his wife, but no one talked about it - not to their faces, at least. The adults tended to march Jasper home, to face his father’s wrath. The kids tended to get uncomfortable, and look through him. The few people who tried to reach out were from out of town, and were usually passing through - the odd teacher, a new neighbour, a concerned face on the bus.
Better to go home until school opened up.
Louise is in the kitchen, her face pinched and pale, clutching a cup of coffee. She looks hopeful when he walks in, but seems to crumple in on herself when she sees his bloody, swollen face. She looks old as she puts down her mug, and moves to pull him into a hug. He pretends not to notice her shuddering, as she cries onto his shoulder, before pulling away.
“I’ll make breakfast,” she manages, sniffling. “Okay? You must be hungry.”
He grunts and nods, as he heads upstairs. As if scrambled eggs and burnt toast can fix another Tuesday night.
But Wednesdays are good - the longest possible time until another Tuesday night.
He just has to keep telling himself that.
Another Tuesday behind Dewey’s, but this time he’s puking up the few mouthfuls of food he managed before his father hauled him out the back - only because it was his mom’s week off and they were having a big family dinner. Louise resented those mid-week dinners; after a long day at work, having to make dinner for twenty-three people, and somehow find enough plates and chairs was the last thing she wanted to do. It was the only time Lydia would cross their father’s sight line, skinny and defiant.
If it had been a normal dinner, Jerry wouldn’t have dragged him out of the house. He would have beat him in the kitchen, yelling over Hettie’s sobs and Flo’s screams, and Louise’s pleading. He’s had a serving platter smashed over his head before, as well as a beer bottle, and a ceramic pitcher - one that had been made by Grandma Lillian, and Louise had sobbed over those broken shards.
His head is spinning, and he can’t remember exactly what he said to incite his father’s rage, though he remembers Uncle Bo’s jeers when he tried to stand up. The previous week’s wounds have reopened, and are bleeding onto his last decent t shirt. There’s vomit and alley-juice all over his jeans, and he wonders if he should drag himself to the hospital because his world is still spinning.
He wonders what will happen if he dies tonight; if Roy Lester finds him here in the morning, cold and dead. Most of the cops in town are from old families, and they’ve taken Lydia and Jasper back home enough times to know what goes on. It’s easier to picture the cover-up, that they’ll blame him and a make-believe schoolyard fight. Just a tragic accident.
Maybe then someone will help Lydia, help all of his sisters. Maybe it’ll be the thing that makes his mom leave.
He falls asleep facedown in the alley, and wants to cry when he wakes up the next morning to the bellow of school kids heading to the bus stop.
He was so goddamned close to it all being over.
So close.
“Do you need some help?”
It’s another Tuesday night, one that has come with busted ribs and possibly a dislocated shoulder. He missed lunch because of an English project, and his father had been drinking early, so he hasn’t eaten since breakfast. It’s making him feel sick, and wondering if anyone will notice if he sneaks in the back door of Dewey’s and grab some food.
And then someone is there and talking to him.
Her voice is high and sweet, and he expects a high school girl, maybe a sorority sister.
She is neither.
She’s only as tall as Flo, with uneven black hair curling around her cheeks. She’s one of the prettiest girls he has ever seen, with huge amber-coloured eyes that remind him of Hettie’s dolls and Lydia’s manga. She’s wearing a ragged button-up over a ruffled mini-skirt and leggings, with boots that look a size too big, a heavy man’s watch that hangs from her tiny wrist, and an ancient looking cadet’s cap - the entire effect makes him think of Oliver Twist as a female circus performer.
She walks over to him, and crouches in front of him, her head cocked to the side like a bird’s. He can only stare; other than the dark smudges under her eyes that speak of many sleepless nights, she is beautiful.
“Are you okay?” she asks, looking worried.
“Yeah,” he croaks, and winches as he jars his ribs. He doubles over, and cries out. She reaches out towards him but backs off just as suddenly.
“You’re hurt,” she says, looking bewildered and frightened. “Where?”
“I-It’s okay,” he manages, trying to reclaim his dignity in front of the prettiest girl. “I’ll be fine.”
The girl huffs. “Ugh, boys,” she mutters. “Hold on a second.” She gets up and slips out of the alley before he can beg her not to get help. In reality, going to the hospital is the last thing he should do - they can’t afford the bill, and  they’ll call home and… no. Just no.
His head is spinning, so he finds it hard to tell how much time has passed, but eventually she returns. She’s clutching two bags, and marches right up to him and crouches back down.
“This will help,” she says, holding out painkillers and a bottle of water. He fumbles with the lids of both, but eventually swallows the pillows down. She watches him carefully. “Don’t drink too fast,” she advises. “Now, I can put your shoulder back in now, or we can wait. It’s up to you.”
He blinks at her slowly. “Now,” he decides.
“Okay,” she looks nervous, but moves forward. It’s all blurry in his mind, but there is something cold, then hot, angry pain, and then he’s blinking up at her again. “Sorry. But trust me, the worst is over now. At least I didn’t break it worse. Hungry?”
He blinks as she reaches for the other bag - a bag of Skittles, a packaged sandwich, two oranges, and a bag of potato chips. He’s not sure if he has a concussion or it’s an odd selection, but he’s also hungry enough that he doesn’t care.
“I nearly had to call Bella, to ask what to get - Edward never let me buy her food after the chicken incident - which was entirely Emmett’s fault - but I think I figured it out okay,” the girl jabbers, taking a seat beside him, and smiles at him. “Better no one knows where I am, anyway.”
“I… thanks,” he croaked, as he reached for the sandwich. She beams at him again, and then frowns.
“Eat, then we’ll finish patching you up. I’ve come too far to watch you die in this disgusting place,” she stretches her legs out in front of her.
The sandwich is dry, but he wolfs it down - an orange too, before he takes a breath - that hurts - and takes another look at the tiny girl beside him.
“Who are you?” he finally asks, and she looks up from her watch.
“Oh! I’m Alice,” she says. “Sorry, I forgot you didn’t know. Do you want your ribs taped now, or are you going to open those?” She points to the Skittles.
“Um, I…” he looks at the bag of candy. “Do you want some?” This feels like a fever dream; maybe he’s passed out and this is just what his banged-up brain has provided him with.
“No,” she shakes her head, and the cadet’s cap tilts a little on her head. “I can’t. They just looked nice. Happy.”
“Happy,” he echoes, looking at the red package.
“I hear that sometimes little things can help,” Alice says. “Come on, cowboy, take that shirt off and let me see those ribs.”
His side is mottled black and blue and purple, and moving in basically any direction is a new adventure in pain. Alice gasps at the sight, and then coos at him in a way that is oddly comforting as her fingers trace his ribs - the coldness of her fingers is actually wonderful against the pain. Then comes the painful stage - as she, not entirely gently enough, begins layering tape over the pain, his head is spinning.
“All done,” Alice says, and her voice is soft, and when he slumps against her shoulder, she doesn’t move away. She smells like old fashioned things, like roses and linen. It reminds him of the old family homestead. He finds his eyes closing, and his side aches in time with his heart, and then Alice’s gentle fingers are running through his hair.
“Sleep, Jasper,” she murmurs, “I’ll keep watch.”
He’s asleep before he realises he never told her his name.
She’s gone when he wakes up, and the Skittles are in his pocket - along with the painkillers. Happy.
It’s Wednesday morning, and it’s not exactly ‘happy’ he’s feeling, but he’s got candy in his pocket and time to go home for a shower and more food, so Alice was right - the little things do help.
She never turns up two Tuesdays in a row, but he does see her again. She’s always more prepared than the first time, with a bag that always seems to contain exactly what they need - in his less lucid states, he is reminded of Mary Poppins’ magic carpet bag as she produces snacks and first aid kits, and even clothing.
Her attempts at first aid are, at best, rough and she accidentally breaks two of his fingers and nearly ends up in tears when he yells in pain, and hugs him so tight, weeping into his neck, that he ends up trying to comfort her.
Sometimes he sleeps. She’s so thin and tiny that her shoulder isn’t a good pillow, and he feels like a shit man, letting such a tiny girl keep watch behind a bar. It wouldn’t take much to break her, and he can’t defend anyone in this state.
But some Tuesdays, he falls asleep anyway, breathing in that scent of fresh roses and linen, and listening to her chatter away about people he doesn’t know, about places he’s never visited, about books he’s never read.
Alice sounds like she’s living a really nice life. One week, she quizzes him on his Spanish before his examine the next day, and her accent is flawless. When her phone buzzes and buzzes and buzzes, and she ignores it, she usually swears - he doesn’t know in what language, one of the Eastern Asian ones he thinks - but it’s definitely a swear.
He wishes he could see her, talk to her, out in the real world and prove to her that he’s not just a beat-up kid. But she’s always gone on Wednesday mornings, and he doesn’t even know how to contact her anyway.
All in all, he met Alice in the reeking alley behind Dewey’s with a concussion, broken ribs, and a dislocated shoulder, and now she’s the best friend he’s ever had in the world.
He’s getting closer to that ‘happy’ concept that she mentioned the first time they met.
The last time he sees her, he’s bleeding and he’s pretty sure his eye socket is fractured. He’s pissed with himself because he wasn’t fast enough, smart enough, to stop his father from going after Flo. So he’d thrown a punch at his old man  for the first time because Flo is his baby sister and all haunted eyes and he’ll never forget the sounds of her wailing after the belt struck her, but hitting the bastard back just fuelled him and … fuck.
Then Alice is there, in jeans with stars on the knees and a billowy purple top that is just opaque enough to obscure the skin underneath. She looks angry and frustrated, and doesn’t just sit next to him and open her bag like she usually does.
“It’s a stupid fucking decision you’re about to make,” she stamps her foot, “and I am so mad at you right now, but Carlisle and Edward have made me promise not to interfere. Carlisle says that everything I’m doing now is enough. And I’m already in enough trouble, honestly.”
He can taste foil again - definitely a fractured eye socket.
“What?” he manages, snappish and tired. He doesn’t need this. He wants sweet Alice, who helps him patch himself back together, and gets him food, and talks him to sleep. The one who makes him laugh, even when it hurts, and seems to be light-years ahead of him but that’s okay because she’s always so happy about whatever she’s telling him.
“I’m going to say this once,” she enunciates carefully, still glaring. “I will be here every Tuesday. Don’t make a dumb decision. There is always another choice.”
“You’re making less sense than normal,” he retorts. “Either help me, or go away - I’m not in the mood.”
“Happy freakin’ birthday,” she snaps, unbuckling her giant watch, and throws it at him before she storms back the way she came, leaving him behind.
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What needs to happen in the owl house season 3 part b
The owl house is entering its third and final season. Season 3 will consist of three 44 minute specials (I think. I heard a rumor that fan outrage forced Disney to lengthen the specials to 55minutes). Season 2 ended with the characters kinda spilt into three groups. Luz and her friends henceforth called "The Hexside gang" are trapped in the human realm. The adult CATTs members are back home on the boiling isles out of one apocalypse and straight into another, and King is trapped as the collectors playmate in what ever "owl house" he has made. I am imagining that each special will follow one of these three groups adventures as they all try to reunite.
Here is what I need to see happen with the CATT’s
First Please let Dana keep her word about not thinking all the bad guys need to be redeemed. Terra Snapdragon, Adrian Gray, Hettie Cuttburn (tweets say she was going to be one of the really evil/cruel ones), Kikimora and Odalia all stay villains
In fact I could see ones like Kikimora and Odalia actually trying to side with whatever is left of Belos, Or the worst of the coven heads to be shown at the shows end, plotting to take Belos place as Emperors/Empresses
I would accept Mason (construction head) defecting to the CATT’s after he Day of Unity. He is still new, having only been a coven leader for a little bit longer than Rain has. That might not be enough time for him to be fully corrupted by the position. Also some early art hints that he is Steve and Matholomule’s father. If that is so he probably went along with the Day of Unity thinking he was creating a better world for his sons. So he has something important in common with the other parents in the CATT’s, and two very good reasons to change/fix his mistakes.
I really, really want to see Steve and Mattholomule again. They do not have to have speaking lines. It can just be for a couple moments during a fight, and welcoming everybody back from the human realm. Same with the twins, I am not ready to say good bye to them.
Eda with a cool prosthetic arm and hand.
Lilith with a cool prosthetic foot. We know she doesn’t have a sigil on her writs, but she has to have one. (Belos would have never let the witch who caused permanent damage to the shape of his nose survive his revenge). If its on her back she’s dead from whatever was happening to Eda. Give us some excuse for her to have wanted it on her ankle instead, and in present day she managed to kick her own foot off while tied up.
Have Darius and Alador see each other, give each other looks, but not talk right away. Keep the petty drama going while you can
My new hope for the reveal at whatever happened between them is that ... nothing happened! All the taunts are them being playful, and the only reason they stopped hanging out is that they stopped having any time to.
I still want a sweet reunion.. Also Alador totally thinks Eberwolf has been the one looking out for and taking care of Darius for all their time together as coven heads. Alador says he is very grateful to Eber for taking such a responsibility. Darius is annoyed.
The changes the collector makes to the isles are CRAZY.
I am not sure how the adults will figure out where the kids are. An off comment from the collector? finding broken bits of the portal? Darius being able to rach out to Hunter through penstgram (come on you know he will at least try). But they are determined to bring them back... but they need King (and maybe the collector’s) help to do so so they have to focus on saving King/stopping the collector first.
Have it questioned if Eda has a right to bring Luz back to the demon realm. Right now Luz is in the human realm which is her “real home”, and she is with her real mother. Eda was always going to have to let her go back eventually, right? So maybe it is time to let her go?
Eda decides that weather it is for a couple of minutes or for years to come, she has to see her surrogate daughter one more time. At least so she can be assuredLuz she is safe, and give her a proper good-bye.
I want them to find the remains of the previous golden guards. More specifically I want then to somehow (maybe Lilith as a skilled historian can deduce the age of bones or Eber can use smell or something to determine when a body died) find the remains of Darius’s mentor.
Have Darius say his name (not Caleb or Hunter. I know most of the GW’s were named Hunter, but we have 3 guys who we know where characters in their own right, and had people who were important to them/vis versa. All three 3 deserve distinct names), then recount how much the guard taught Darius when he was younger, and that he deserves better than this end.
Lilith then awkwardly tries to take Darius’s mentor’s mask/staff/whatever. Darius gets mad at her at first. Then she tells him that they can of course bury the bones, but that she wants the armor to create a memorial exhibit at the museum for this guard and the other’s sacrifice when this is all over. Darius agrees.
Something to trigger a memory from Lilith and Eda’s childhood, that they both remember very differently. This causes them to get into an argument, maybe a shouting match. They remember that their childhoods together weren’t nearly as great as they having been recalling/describing throughout the show.
They keep arguing but stop when they conclude that even if things weren’t always great when they were kids, and were down right awful the first half of their adulthood, they both do really love/enjoy the relationship they have now. So the make up and hug.
Harpy Lilith and Harpy sisters working together.
Hooty to go Ham on someone/something. Because I think he deserves to after all his family have been through. Just as a special treat
Darius and Eberwolfs boss forms again, at some point.
Eda and Camila to meet.
A onscreen reunion between Hunter and Darius (and Eberwolf) that everybody is conscious for.
When everything is over Eda is talking to Raine and nervously says something related to them having a life together now. They stop her like “woh woh whoh”. She gets more nervous, but then they say “Your supposed to ask me if I want to get back together first, then ask if I want to marry you/raise a family with you/etc.
Eda asks, Raine pretends to think hard about it before saying yes, Eda (playfully) smacks them on the shoulder.
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bookcub · 4 years
All the prime numbers for the relationship ask, please!
sooo many wooowwww
1. Tell the story about how you met.
I have it all written out on a different post I'll reblog but long story short, we met on discord
2. Was it a gradual increase of trust and love, or was there a specific moment where you knew “I want to be with this person for a long time”?
gradual. we just were talking so often, I had to have many conversations talking through my feelings
3. Describe their eyes. Describe their hands. Describe their laugh.
already answered
5. Are you long distance? Have you met in person before? When do you get to see them again?
yes, I'm in the us and she is in Scotland. we have never met in person and we don't know. maybe june or september. I really hope that at the very least, I can come over for Thanksgiving.
7. Tell me a funny story. Did they do something silly? Did you do something silly? Talk about your inside jokes.
11. If they’re having a bad day, what do you do to help?
alresdy answered
13. What’s something that your partner does that would be annoying if anyone else did it, but it’s cute when they do it?
already answered
17. Which one of you kills the bugs (or captures the bugs and places them safely outside)?
pretty sure I would be the one who killed the spiders and probably other bugs (I often capture them and take them outside)
19. Do you prepare meals together? Does one person enjoy cooking more than the other?
we haven't yet but I like cooking and baking and she used to work as a chef professionally, so we have talked about it a lot in the future. I like cooking more because working in a kitchen really turns you off from cooking.
23. Is there a famous couple, fictional or otherwise, that reminds you (or other people) of you and your partner? 
not one I can think of
31. How often do you talk? On the phone, Skype, in person? Are you two the type that stays up too late because the conversation is too good to end?
every day on video calls, as well as messaging online and yes, we do. esp cause she is 5 hours ahead, she has a hard time hanging up the phone when I'm wide awake. esp when we were first hanging out, she would be up until like, 5am talking to me.
29. Tell me about a time that you were really proud of them. 
already answered
37. Get really sappy and gross for a moment. Be so gushy that your friends would groan in mock annoyance if you told them. What’s adorable about your partner? What makes your heart melt? What’s something cute that they did that you’ll always remember no matter what?
god hetty is just . . . ugh. I see her face and get so excited. she is so bold and funny and a genuinely warm soul. I love when she gushes about video games, or rants about them. I don't always understand but she is so invested and all her emotions spill over. or when she tells me about ducks and how cute they are. even her whining is cute. I can't wait to cuddle her. my favorite look of hers is when she has her hair all fluffy and not spiked up and I want to stroke it.
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