#two medicine cats from separate clans
officialclangen · 1 year
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Clangen has updated! Cat and Sprite Changes: - New sprites for paralyzed, sick/injured, and newborn cats. - Separated vitiligo and points from white patches. It's now possible for a cat to have all three! - New vitiligo patterns: PHANTOM, MOON, and POWDER - New white patch pattern: PETAL - New eye colors: SILVER and BRONZE - New accessories: Nylon Collars (in all colors), and INDIGO and WHITE collars of all types! - New mask-based tortie system! Tortie patches can now be any color/pattern. - New tortie patch patterns: REDTAIL, DELILAH, MINIMALONE, MINIMALTWO, MINIMALTHREE, MINIMALFOUR, OREO, SWOOP, MOTTLED, SIDEMASK, EYEDOT, BANDANA, PACMAN, STREAMSTRIKE, ROBIN, ORIOLE, BRINDLE, and PAIGE. - Rare "Wildcard Torties", which bypass the normal rules for tortie patch color/pattern to allow for wacky combinations. - Smoke pelt colors have been slightly tweaked for consistency. GHOST smoke has been given lighter points. - New separate tint that is applied only to the white patch and point markings. - You can now favorite cats! You can toggle favorite cat indicators on the list and patrol screen. - Pregnancy is now a condition that may prevent cats from patrolling. - EXP limit has been increased, and the EXP levels have been renamed. - Apprentices now graduate based on EXP, rather than age. This can be turned off in settings, if desired. - Cats can now retire any time between 110 - 140 moons. - New prefixes, suffixes, and loner names! - Some prefixes and suffixes are now specific to your biome. - You can now override special rank suffixes for particular cats. - New randomize buttons on the change name screen. - Moved list of possible names to a .json for easier customization in compiled versions. - The code handling relationship events have been rewritten, and new types of relationship events are now possible. Relationship and Moon Events Changes: - New system for accessory moon events, alongside many new accessory events and possible "congratulatory" accessories after a cat gives birth. - There is now more variation in relationship initialization, which allows cats to have more varied relationships with their family. - Lots of new relationship events! - Group relationship events have been added. - Affairs have generally been made more common. - Lots of fun new moon events, including special events for medicine cats and elders with certain skills. Thoughts Overhaul: - Thought code has been reworked to be way more specific. - Cats can now have thoughts based on their status, age, backstory, and even permanent conditions! - This should also have fixed those pesky bugs where cats would think about dead or lost cats as if they were still around. - In light of this update, A TON of new thoughts were added. Other Significant Changes: - New auto-updater! The game will now alert you when a new version is available, and will update without the need to re-download. - New re-designed family page! More family relationships are now shown, and it's easier than ever to browse through a cat's lineage. - Save files are now stored in an OS-specific data directory. You will no longer need to move save files when updating. - Added a button in the settings menu to open the save data location in your file-explorer. - New backgrounds: Shipwreck and Crystal River - Revamped background: Gully - Overlapping cat sprites on the clan page has been reduced. Once two cats are on a single spot, that position is considered "full." - You can now choose the starting season when creating a new clan. - Most backgrounds have unique cat placements. - The appearance of the allegiances page has been changed, and descriptions have been updated to flow better. - On the allegiances page, kits will now be listed with their parent, if they have one. - Lots of new patrol artwork! - New error screen when saves fail to load, which gives more in-depth failure messages. - New custom cursor (it's a little paw!) - Lots of bugfixes and QOL tweaks!
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sketchsprite · 2 months
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combining my current interest with my forever interest here is psych as warriors... quick blurb ab the plot and character details below
shawn is a kittypet living near a twoleg neighborhood. his dad (an ex thunderclanner) picked up and left the clan after separating from shawn's mother, and life with twolegs is all shawn has ever known. shawn has kind of started running off on his own, wandering around and he meets acornpaw (gus) - a medicine cat apprentice of thunderclan. the two become besties over time. shawn's "ability to be hyperdiligent "psychic" abilities are presented in the form of starclan - who he had heard tales of from his father, but always assumed that were just made-up stories - speaking to him. someway or another, acornpaw mentions it, and sablestar (chief vick) has her interest piqued. she decides to drag along her deputy, bristleheart (lassiter) and his apprentice, poppypaw (jules) to interrogate the kittypet. shenanigans ensue.
this is just the basic introductory plot! i would love to work on this more and i would love further recommendations. im not 100% set on names or designs yet (though pineapple is technically a valid warrior name) but any suggestions are much appreciated! here are some more character things i thought of hehe
has a little pineapple pendant on his collar!! very protective of it.
knows very vaguely of the clans, as his father would sometimes tell him stories of his "glory days" in the forest.
has no intention of joining the clan... but probably hangs out there more than he does with henry or at the twolegplace.
probably has a longtail vs rusty esque fight with bristleheart, minus the getting his collar ripped off - that is where he draws the line!
acornpaw (gus):
tentatively the medicine cat apprentice right now, mostly because im only on season 3 and dont know if there are any fitting characters to be his mentor at the moment.
is very skilled at herb knowledge and applications
good friends with poppypaw, overall liked within the clan!
keeps his side of the med den very organized - he can't speak for his mentor's side.
bristleheart (lassie):
very judgemental and skeptical of shawn when he first learns about him - just like canon!
very short-furred cat - think an oriental shorthair - minus a very fluffy salt n peppa chest
someone please get this cat some brown contacts
decently young for a deputy, but he absolutely worked hard for his position
very overprotective of his clanmates (though he doesnt like to show it), especially his apprentice, poppypaw. she was wounded and left with a torn ear on one of her first border patrols and he feels very guilty that he wasn't able to stop it
poppypaw (jules):
pretty close to having her assessment! she has been working very hard to have a flawless warriors exam
doesn't mind her ear being torn - she thinks it looks really cool!
will often accompany acornpaw herb hunting
quick on her paws and very resourceful
sablestar (vick):
a noble and wise leader, very fit for her title!
still has all nine lives - i like to think shes a relatively new leader
while she keeps up a level-headed facade, she definitely has a silly side to her as well
leader mark is the white tabby "m-shape" on her forehead!
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caprineki · 17 days
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Frozenscar, mother of Lambstar
Sorry I couldn’t make it work 
After hours of rendering the princess eyes hit me with a chair. Who am I
Just before she finished her apprenticeship and became a full medicine cat the clan leader, Lionstar took an interest in her. She tried to foster a good relationship with him as his future medicine cat. Instead, he decided she would not be allowed to become medicine cat and would become one of his mates instead. Her mentor Clovetuft took her and fled to the moonpeak to make her a full medicine cat in the eyes of Starclan, and protecting her from Lionstar. But as they made their way a terrible storm came on, and when they reached the peak, the stone was dark without an ounce of moonlight. Lionstar and two of his most loyal warriors caught up the them. Clovetuft tried to take Frozenpaw and run but was caught and Lionstar manipulated Frozenpaw into choosing to take a warrior name and become his mate to protect her mentor. Then he tore out Clovetuft’s right eye to punish their disobedience and named her Frozenscar, so that she would never forget what would happen to those she cares about if she went against him.
Moons later she gave birth to Lambkit and saw a prophecy surrounding her precious kit and fortelling a future without Lionstar.
While Lambkit was still young She tried to separate herself from her kit as many cats in the clan, saw her as disgraceful for becoming pregnant and leaving her apprenticeship as a medicine cat. She wanted her kit to have the best chance at being loved by the clan but lambkit snubbed them as she got older. Lionstar led to her untimely demise, sending her on a mission to infiltrate Bellflowerclan and steal herbs to treat the illness spreading in camp. Frozenscar who never received proper warrior training was badly injured and in her weakened state she contracted the illness too. To save her mother Lambflower disobeyed Lionstar and raided Bromeclan. She stole plenty of the life-saving herb, but to punish her for going against his wishes Lionstar refused to allow Frozenscar to be treated with the herb until every other cat was better. Her mother got sicker and sicker and eventually Lambflower disobeyed lionstar again To treat her illness. But Frozenscar was too weak and too far gone, and even after taking the herbs her body gave out. Upon her poor mother’s death Lambflower swore revenge against Lionstar for all her mother’s suffering. Leading to the prophecy being realized when Lambflower murdered Lionstar and became Lambstar.
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fallenclan · 1 year
Fallenclan founder origins!!
Scorchstar: Used to live as a rogue a long ways away. She had heard rumors about a clan living nearby, and was interested in joining until she found herself on a boat, being carried across a seemingly endless expanse of water. When she got to land she had no idea where she was, but found stability in the dream she'd had before, so she started her own clan. (tidbit: since she came from so far away, she has an odd accent!)
Nettlestem: Rogue living in the woods. She was one of the first cats that Scorchstar met after her boat got to shore. She was never the most friendly of cats and was originally pretty standoffish towards her, but Scorchstar was persistent, and eventually she came around.
Wildfang: Loner/kittypet. Wandered between several different twoleg houses for food, but always hated the idea of living in one. In her old age, she knew she wouldn't be able to keep wandering forever, and was trying to come to terms with being a permanent kittypet when she met Scorchstar. She was pretty knowledgeable on herbs and quickly agreed to be their medicine cat.
Oaktuft: Loner. He would accept food from twolegs but wouldn't seek it out, generally just survived off trash scraps and the occasional mouse. They were very street-savvy, and knew a lot of cats, so when they met Scorchstar they knew exactly who could be a medicine cat for her new clan, and would introduce the two of them in exchange for a good meal; of course, as they, Scorchstar, and Nettlestem all got to talking, they warmed up to the idea of being in a clan, and ending up tracking them down a few days later and asking to join.
Morningbloom: Her mother was a loner. The two of them never got along, so as soon as she was capable of taking care of herself, she ran off to live on her own. She did fairly well as a loner, but it was harder than she thought, and when she got sick there was nobody to take care of her. That is, except for Wildfang, who gave her the herbs she needed and the food to keep her alive until she was better. When Wildfang offered her a place in Fallenclan, she accepted almost immediately. (tidbit: her name was originally Dawn)
Goldenstar: I've talked about this one before, but his mother was a kittypet who left her twolegs while pregnant, then gave birth to Goldie and his two siblings as a loner. He was separated from them when he wasn't even six moons old, and was unable to find them again. With so many cars and territorial kittypets in twolegplace, he made his way to the mountains, where he ran into Scorchstar and joined Fallenclan.
Sunwish: Sunwish (originally Sunshine) was born an only child to her mother, who did not have a mate. When she was around three moons old, her mother was hit by a monster and died. Nettlestem found her slowly starving to death and brought her to the clan, where she was raised. She was very excited to be a warrior.
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alien-slushie · 3 months
Trash of the Count's Family/The Birth of a Hero Warrior Cat AU that I will do nothing with!
Do with this what you will.
I made this at like 2am for sh**s and giggles and have no intention of doing anything with it except maybe draw some of them if I get bored.
Cale: Kalesong, a sleek, short furred dark ginger(red) tom. Known for his rude, snippy behavior, he was often put on apprentice duties due to acting out. Due to his violent outbursts and sharp tongue, many of the clan fear him. One day he suddenly did a one eighty, and while still a bit snippy at times he's become reliable and a cat many have looked towards. But while hes reliable, hes also now very lazy. Whiles hell do his duties and even help others with their own duties, if allowed he will just lie around and sunbathe all day.
Kim Rok Soo: Rock, a large pitch black tom covered in scars who lives in the city. The city is brutal, filled with violent dogs that Rock has to deal with daily. He's stoic but very strong and intelligent. One day he changed a bit, while still smart and able to hold his own he became more talkative and less stoic.
Choi Han: Han, a thick furred dark brown, almost black, tom with black stripes that are only seeable in the sun. Once a kittypet, Han was separated from his original owners when he wandered too far and got lost. He was later accepted into a new family but that family later passed away since they were elderly. Han later meets Kalesong, who badmouthed two legs, and as a result Han attacked him. Seeing his strength and possibilities, Han was invited into the clan.
Alberu: Lighttongue, a pale golden tom, and son of the leader Sunstar. Lighttongue is actually half clan, but vehimically hides this fact. He desperately wants to become leader and loves his clan more than anything. He's very responsible, and glib tongued, very good at manipulation, though always for the greater good of the clan.
Ron: Lemonclaw, an elderly, battle scarred, brown tabby with white markings, and graying face. Lemonclaw and his son were originally from a band of rogues, but when his rogue group was targeted by a different clan, with no hope of the rogue group surviving, he took his son and fled, and was taken in by the clan. He was Kalesong's mentor, and still looks out for him. He's strong, resourceful, and very capable, and though he should be an elder, Lemonclaw refuses to retire.
Beacrox: Sharptooth, a brown tabby with white paws. Sharptooth is indifferent at the best of times, really only caring about his father. Sharptooth is very precise in all his doings, and hates messes. He's known for having the cleanest kills, both in hunting, and in battle, and somehow always catches the best tasting prey.
Rosalyn: Rosespark, a pretty dark ginger(red) she cat with long fur. Reliable, and highly intelegent, it seems like there is little Rosespark doesn't know, even coming up with the cure to a very bad poison that plagued the clans for moons. Rosespark was once the apprentice of a neighboring clan, but she was forced to be a warrior's apprentice in hopes of her one day becoming leader, but she always wanted to be a medicine cat/healer. Eventually, she ran and was accepted into the clan, where she was able to start training to be a medicine cat/healer.
Lock: Wolfspirit, a huge silvery blue tom with slightly thick fur. Wolfspirit is a new warrior, he's very kind, gentle, and doting cat but also very protective. He likes looking after others, and takes great pride in protecting his clan. His family was sadly killed in battle with a neighboring clan, and their deaths act as encouragement for Wolfspirit to keep fighting.
On: Fogkit, a fluffy silver she kit with white paws and chest. Fogkit is very smart, and protective over her brother, while young, she's very capable. She and her brother were left in clan territory as kits. Nobody hurt the kits, but nobody helped them either, until they met Kalesoong. At first he just bought them food, but eventually he brought them to the Clan, and has more or less adopted them.
Hong: Smogkit, a fluffy dark ginger(red) tom kit with white paws, and chest. Hong is much more excitable and outgoing than his older sister, easily adjusting to their new surroundings and coming to trust Kalesong faster. Due to his fur color, there is a rumor that Smogkit and Fogkit are biologically Kalesongs, but nobody dares discriminate against the kits in fear of facing Kalesong's anger.
Raon: Joykit, a black and grey silver fox kit. Joykit is a bit standoffish, and arrogant, especially towards those he doesn't know well, but he's very smart, and very capable. Joykit is a fox kit that Dirtclaw(Venion), and Mouseheart(Neo) found on the territory and tortured for a couple of days. When Kalesong found out he stepped in and took in the fox kit. Many aren't sure how to feel about a fox being raised to live among them, but since Kalesong is taking care of him they keep their mouths shut.
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i wonder if you have made any warrior cat ocs (i remember my first warriors oc was a white cat who was cloudtail's long lost kittypet relative who travels to the lake to try to find him after the forest was destroyed💀😭)
Honestly that’s a pretty good first OC. My first OC was Riverpaw (ultimately Riversong) and she was just the ultimate Mary Sue lol. She was a medicine cat, the daughter of the leader and deputy, and on her very first trip to the moonstone equivalent (it was a fanclan she was in as well, the two clans were originally founded by displaced SkyClan cats who got separated when SkyClan left the forest) she got a super important prophecy. Ultimately her romance with a tom from the rival clan is what unites the two clans into one after basically BloodClan wipes most of both clans out and because she was chosen by StarClan to be in love she was allowed to have kits 💀
Nowadays Talonstar and Ravenstar are the OCs that live in my head rent free, I have more but they’re my favourites. They’re basically warrior cats fox and the hound but I am very fond of them despite their derivative nature lol. Ravenstar is a RiverClan cat found as a kit and taken in because they think StarClan led them to him and has it drilled into him he has to be exceptional in order just to be accepted, so he becomes leader even though it’s a position he never wanted, while Talonstar was born and raised in ThunderClan and always dreamed of being leader. They met as apprentices and became best friends. Shortly after Ravenstar becomes leader there’s a drought, and prove himself as “strong” and to be accepted fully as his clan’s new leader Ravenstar goes back on his promise to Talonstar and takes the sunningrocks by force. Talonstar retaliates which leads to the two confronting, during which Ravenstar loses an eye and Talonstar losing a life. The relationship never recovers and ultimately Talonstar takes Ravenstar’s final life during a battle over sunningrocks. Talonstar is overcome with remorse and spends the rest of his days a shell of himself, lost to guilt and grief.
I think all of my current warriors OCs I’m invested in live in the same reality and time as Talonstar and Ravenstar and are involved in their story lol.
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random worldbuilding idea my head came up with: the language the cats speak obviously isn’t English it’s like. meowese or whatever just translated into English. so my brain decided to think about what the language might be like in universe going by clan culture.
- species tend to have a two word description as their title, similar to how cats are named, though there’s shortened versions used more commonly. it’s believed to be bad luck to refer to twolegs by their shortened name, and superstition leads to them being solely referred to by their descriptors.
- the cats do not have gendered pronouns- they instead have pronouns based on rank and accomplishment. there’s a single set of pronouns for kits, apprentices, leaders, deputies, and medicine cats, but there’s a few for warriors denoting their seniority. deceased cats also use a separate set of pronouns- one for those in starclan and one for those in the dark forest. referring to a cat by a separate set of pronouns is considered extremely offensive.
- there’s a rudimentary signed version of the language conveyed through tail signs, though this was designed for hunting and stalking and generally conveys only information useful there. it’s most commonly taught in shadowclan.
- descriptors are believed to give influence onto things named after them. kits are named after things their mothers want their child to grow up influenced by in many cases (though being named after physical traits or lost loved ones isn’t uncommon). clan cats have their own form of poetry that is centred around this- listing descriptors that apply to and or influence the subject of the poem.
- kittypets who spend time outdoors often pick up on bits and pieces of the language due to exposure to strays, but they tend to struggle with its intricacies, and are therefore considered by clan culture to be very rude. indoor kittypets are often completely incomprehensible to clan cats, having come up with their own language, though some pick it up from parents and siblings.
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felidform · 3 months
came for the picrew info but now i REALLY wanna know ur oc world lore. what r the clans what r the folklores......
oh boy I'm still working on it (very slow at developing my ocs because my process is literally "wait until something cool spawns into my brain on its own") aaand I tend to focus more on the characters than the world but
I have two different warriors oc universes, H&S (heart and soul) and CO2 (cat ocs 2), they both take place in breezeclan + stormclan + mistclan which are set in the united states midwest. despite these two universes having the same setting they don't exist in the same universe, I just like reusing this setting (I also sometimes reuse characters from H&S and put them in CO2)
H&S has yarrowflame and juniperfang as protagonists, CO2 has smolderheart as its protagonist
this info about the clans is focused on how they are in CO2 because it's what I've been developing more recently and they're more fleshed out in it, but you can more or less apply MOST of this to H&S too:
breezeclan and stormclan have had a strong alliance that is slowly blending their territories together for about 8 years, cats are allowed to cross freely between breeze and storm territory and they regularly trade and share prey. mistclan isn't a part of it, they like being left alone and want to keep their territory to themselves but would also like to remain peaceful.
all three clans have HUGE respect for bobcats (called "lynxes" because it sounds cooler) and mountain lions (very rarely seen, called "lions" or sometimes "great cats"). they admire their independence (an idea that will be explored a lot in CO2's plot is the clans romanticizing the idea of self reliance despite their hugely social nature.)
during CO2's story smolderheart will also be discovering a cave lion fossil which will really shake things up. brand new great cat just dropped and it's REALLY large and ANCIENT!
individual clan info:
breezeclan: - very large, large enough that cats that aren't in important positions aren't expected to know the names of everyone - territory is an even mix of forest, woodland, and prairie - breezeclan cats are commonly warm and friendly individuals - they were the first clan to figure out gardening and much of their clan identity is focused on their gardens. their territory boasts lots of colourful plants and wildflowers. - plants are raised for medicinal purposes primarily, but are also used as bait for prey animals, and as extra flavour for meals - gardeners and medics are separate roles, and both are eligible to become leader just like warriors are - warriors are separated into three semi-unofficial specializations: hunters, fighters, and denkeepers - recent years have been so peaceful that there has been little need for border patrols, and so a relatively new role was created to allow more cats to focus on other activities while still keeping an eye on everything happening on the territory: seekers (short for "seeker of knowledge") - seekers are not mentored for their role, this is intended as a challenge to learn how to find information yourself rather than it being handed to you. (this doesn't mean you can't ask anyone for help, it just means you need to come up with the questions to ask yourself). they spend a large portion of their day outside of camp, looking for Things that the rest of the clan might like to know about and keeping an eye on what's happening outside camp constantly. breezeclan only has 1-3 seekers at a time because 1. you have to be hand selected for the role by the leader 2. not many cats want to be out and about constantly, it gets lonely!
stormclan: - medium sized, more like canon warriors clans are population wise - territory is almost entirely forest. it contains lots of limestone and their camp takes full advantage of this fact, it's very protective - stereotypically stoic, strong, and proud cats - they don't have as many different roles as breezeclan (they're pretty much same roles as canon warriors) but have started to experiment with the idea, particularly they are starting to phase out border patrols and discussing the idea of implementing a seeker role - they've also started to pick up gardening since they allied with breezeclan
mistclan: - small clan! there's like maybe 12 guys here - woodland and wetlands/marshes territory, generally lots more open area than the other two clans have - they have a rough history with the other two clans that I haven't fleshed out very much yet but it pretty much boils down to, a big past war with stormclan that breezeclan chose to support stormclan through. it's been peaceful for a very long time now but it permanently altered the clans' ideas of each other - a little underdeveloped unfortunately I've been focusing on the other two a lot..
there's also a small group of strays (loners) that live near a lake that's just outside clan territories, they contrast how strongly social the clans are. for example, among stray cats it's uncommon for cats to have a dedicated mate (and kittens usually have just one parent), while in the clans the norm is to have a dedicated mate and for kittens to have more than one parent. (another piece of the theme of self reliance vs reliance on others in CO2)
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notwarriorswiki · 2 years
Oh whoops, it was asked how everyone who died in the Great Battle, well, died. Here we go...
Brambleclaw is killed by Hawkfrost. He's helping Squirrelflight and Lionblaze carry Alderkit and Sparkkit to safety when Hawkfrost ambushes them. Dovewing sees this from across the forest with her power, and tells Hollyleaf to go and help them before Hawkfrost hurts someone. Caught off guard and more focused on defending his kits, Brambleclaw is struck a lethal blow by Hawkfrost. Hollyleaf makes it to her father, but it's too late to save him. Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Squirrelflight watch tearfully as Brambleclaw dies, Alderkit and Sparkkit stunned and scared as their beloved dad dies right in front of their very eyes. From across the forest, Jayfeather feels a sharp stab in his chest, a sorrow overtaking him as he knows something terrible has just occurred, but does not know what... He doesn't get to find out until later.
Birchfall and Applefur end up cornered by the very cats who trained them in The Dark Forest. The two exchange words, thinking back to their days as kits on the journey, and how they were each other's best friend despite being separated by borders. With one last hurrah, the two fight back to back, fighting off an impressive amount of enemies before being sadly struck down.
Firestar goes in a similar way to the books. However as dead cats can't, well, die again, it's all about beating them back to buy time for Jayfeather's plan really. Tigerstar attacks the medicine cat who is no match for him, but is beat back by Firestar. The ThunderClan leader will do anything for his clan, but he's going to be unable to hold back even if he wanted to when it comes to his grandkits. Firestar ferociously fights Tigerstar to protect Jayfeather, buying enough time for Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, Squirrelflight, and the kits to reunite with them. While Firestar does manage to defeat Tigerstar's ghost, causing him to vanish for the time being until he reappears, Firestar is fatally wounded. Lionblaze hurriedly tries to get his body out of there and to safety where the other injured are, but it's too late. Firestar's last life slips away, and he names Hollyleaf his successor. He murmurs how he already sees Leafpool there... waiting for him...
Foxleap is technically an "offscreen death" in a written sense but he's killed by Mapleshade while fighting alongside Ambermoon, Berrynose, and Icecloud. His sister is devastated :(
Leafpool was initially told to stick to the safer areas and help the injured, but worried for her kin after Jayfeather doesn't return to her side, she leaves to go find him. In her haste she finds Dovewing and Sandstorm, pleading and asking if they've seen her son. However, Dovewing is able to help, scanning the forest with her power, and able to point Leafpool in the right direction - but not before telling her about what happened with Brambleclaw. Leafpool is horrified, and worried about her sister and her kits. With assurance Jayfeather is ok for now, Leafpool goes the opposite way to hopefully guide Squirrelflight and the rest to the safe hollows. The sisters do manage to reunite, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze relieved to see the she-cat is well. Still, she looks pretty tired, breathless even - though they don't overthink it. Leafpool knows just the way to go, and is instrumental in ensuring this isn't an absolute slaughter for Squirrelflight and her young. Everything is safe, and everything would be fine... until it wasn't. Along their path, Squirrelflight would notice the growing amount of blood on her paws, and realize... it was coming from Leafpool. All this time... it had been coming from Leafpool. She had been hurt on the way to see them, but has persevered and ignored it with her sole focus being to help and save them. Unfortunately it's too much for Leafpool, and the she-cat apologizes to her kin for not telling them. She's just... so happy they're safe... that Squirrelflight is alive... that Sparkkit and Alderkit are alive... that Hollyleaf and Lionblaze are alive... but please just... protect Jayfeather. She hadn't been able to... see Jayfeather... one last time. Leafpool succumbs to her wounds, Squirrelflight shrieking in horror after losing both her mate and sister back to back. She struggles to go on but... so soon after, Leafpool's spirit is right there, smiling at her. They still had much to do, and her dear sister couldn't stop and cry now. No, Squirrelflight was strong, and Leafpool knew she could lift her head up no matter how difficult things got... (I'll write that one-shot one day)
Mousefur dies fighting just as she always wanted to. She may be an elder but she goes down swinging. Longtail fights alongside her, because he's not dead at this point in the rewrite. In my rewrite it was Ferncloud who died to the falling tree helping Briarpaw, so Longtail fights with all he has - and survives.
Thornclaw also dies in the most fitting manner possible - in war, crossing borders, a grin on his face. He's a menace and goes down smiling. He did his best to protect Sorreltail, ensuring her that his brother Brackenfur won't be mourning her and the kits today - not on his watch.
Cedarheart is cornered by Tigerstar, pushed from the rocks and falling to his death. Tigerheart is horrified, having fought to push back his Dark Forest mentor to save his uncle, but it not being enough. In a rage, Tigerheart flings himself at Tigerstar, thrusting him off the ledge as well and down onto the ground, all the while keeping him at bay from reaching the Moonpool.
Oakfur is sadly killed by his own son, Redwillow. Ratscar is horrified when he finds his mate's body, and even more devastated when he learns their own son did this. Snowbird tries to convince her brother to run and get to safety, but Ratscar won't have that. He wants vengeance, and he's going to tear things apart to make sure the Dark Forest pays for tearing apart his family.
Redwillow is killed by Scorchfur. The once close friends strike at each other over and over, Redwillow's strikes certainly more powerful as Scorchfur has never been a good fighter. Redwillow readies to throw Scorchfur off the ledge and to his doom, just as his father Cedarheart was, but Scorchfur's sharp eye sees Redwillow's excitedly lashing tail and is able to snatch it in his mouth. Pulling Redwillow off balance, Scorchfur uses the brunt of his body to shove Redwillow off the edge instead, the tom plummeting to his death. Grief overwhelms the soft and reserved Scorchfur, who sits on the dark edge in silence, alone...
Shrewfoot is also killed by her brother Redwillow. She was killed first, and then came Oakfur. Their sister, Olivenose, managed to escape in horror, Ratscar not there when they were ambushed by their own kin :(
Volewhisper is an elder at this point, but he's eager to get some revenge when he hears Brokenstar is on the prowl. This old geezer comes out paws swinging, but he really can't do much at his frail age :( He can barely get a scratch on Brokenstar before the former ShadowClan leader tears his throat out. However, ShadowClan's apprentices surround Brokenstar, the beloved cat who told them stories of the forest having been killed. They were going to fight and make sure Brokenstar had a wall in his way. Overwhelmed by sheer numbers, Brokenstar is defeated by the teamwork of Ferretpaw, Stoatpaw, and Weaselpaw. They hope Volewhisper would be proud of them...
Weaselpaw later in the battle is killed by Maggottail, much to Pinenose's horror. She pleads for her baby to wake up, but unfortunately the new 6 moon old apprentice doesn't open his eyes :(
Boulderfur is a newly named warrior when the Great Battle happens. He's killed by Darkstripe and his siblings Furzepelt, Slightfoot, and Hootwhisker mourn him.
Onestar is killed in the Great Battle by Darktail, who actively seeks out his father in the chaos. He wants vengeance for Sol's death and wishes to still make The Kin a reality, honoring his adoptive father's dying wish. Harespring and Darktail fight, but Darktail overpowers Harespring, leaving him for dead. Harespring is helpless as Onestar is cornered by Darktail and has all of the rest of his lives ripped away over and over as Darktail repeatedly drowns him. Harespring is found by Kestrelflight, who tends to his wound, but Harespring blames himself for not being able to save his father.
Swallowtail freezes up in the battle when she sees Antpelt fighting for the Dark Forest. She's horrified and sad, not sure what to do. In her hesitation, she is struck down by Sparrowfeather of the Dark Forest.
Thistlebriar is better known as Thistlepaw (TNP) for her brief little encounter there. (Listen I needed more women for family tree stuff). She's the daughter of Tornear and Thrushwing, sister to Weaselfur, and mate of Whiskernose, their kits at the time being Crouchpaw and Oatpaw. She's killed by Brokenstar early in the battle.
Tornear dies seeking venegance for his daughter. Brokenstar beats him back, shredding the older tom up. He gave a good fight, but it wasn't enough.
Webfoot is an old thing at this point, but he's still got claws and fangs. Even for an elder he packs a mean bite, very much WindClan's Mousefur in spirit. He's ultimately killed by Houndleap, but he did not go down easy.
Dapplenose was killed helping her sister Lakeheart escape after looe branches fell and trapped her in the warriors den. As the two sisters work together, Dapplenose is ambushed by Rushtooth and Willowstar, Lakeheart horrified as all she can do is run away in horror, shame overwhelming her.
Mossyfoot is fighting alongside her brother, Hollowflight. She apologizes for how mean she was to him growing up and that she pushed him into such a dark place as to train in the Dark Forest. Hollowflight forgives his sister and they fight alongside each other, but Mossyfoot ends up slipping on the wet rocks, Deerfoot and Tangleburr able to take the opportunity to strike a fatal blow, much to Hollowflight's horror.
Otterheart is excellent at water combat, and her and Minnowtail are fending off much of their enemies with help from Mousewhisker of ThunderClan. Mapleshade joins the fray though and launches herself at Otterheart, the force of her massive body slamming Otterheart back into the ground and hitting her head against the rocks. Otterheart dies instantly :(
Pikekit is the youngest victim, the son of Perchwing and Pouncetail killed alongside his father as they tried to escape with their kits. Pouncetail tries to protect his son, but he too is killed, Perchwing sorrowfully escaping with Foxkit and Copperkit.
Pinefur fights bravely but is rushed by a number of Dark Forest warriors, who pile on top of her and tear her apart. Her kits Lizardtail, Shimmerpelt, Heronwing, Rushtail, and Duckstream mourn her (two different litters before you ask).
Voletooth is killed by Tigerstar when the tabby tom lumbers through the area. Voletooth's small size, no matter how hard he fought, was no match for Tigerstar's frame.
Birdwing is killed by Thistleclaw, but she manages to get in some good strikes, much to his dismay considering her background.
Mistfeather is killed by Darktail. He attempts to avenge his mate Honeytail, as well as his adoptive father Rockshade and mother Nutpetal, but Darktail easily defeats him and finishes him off.
Pebbleshine dies protecting Stormheart. Stormheart goes into labor during the Great Battle, Pebbleshine managing to fend off cats to help Stormheart escape. Due to the injuries she had sustained, Stormheart dies giving birth to Twigkit and Violetkit, having lost too much blood. Pebbleshine is too late to save her friend, but she will give her dying breath to save those kits. She manages to hide Twigkit and Violetkit in a safe enough spot that they go undiscovered until the battle is over, but unfortunately Pebbleshine too succumbs to her wounds. The worst part is though... the cat who finds them is the one cat they would never have wanted to find them... Darktail.
Petalnose is very much not a fighter and joined SkyClan to take care of her kits. She's so out of her element and part of her wanted to run - but her heart belongs to her clan and she'll fight with every fiber of her being. She is killed by Brokenstar :(
Rileypool is killed by Thistleclaw early in the battle, ambushed by the tom and unable to fight back.
Sharpclaw was killed by Darktail around the middle of the battle. While Darktail is looking for Onestar, Sharpclaw has a bone to pick with him. The two toms have a very bloody fight, one that leaves Darktail in... extrememly questionable shape, to the point Harespring is shocked he's standing when he does find them, and then even more shocked when Darktail beats the ever loving crap out of him in that very state. Sharpclaw fought hard, but Darktail... Darktail is something else.
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mooseclan · 7 months
There were four Clans in the old territory; MooseClan, SunClan, RainClan and MapleClan. When a forest fire wrecked and ruined MooseClan���s territory, they were forced to flee.��
They fled to the docks where they met a cat named Goose, who explained his home on the ship. He led them aboard.
It took 6 moons for them to travel from their old home to their new one, and then they had to trek to find a place to live.
During the travels, cats died and cats joined
When they arrived at their new territory, a vision from StarClan informed that they needed to split into four separate Clans; MooseClan, TulipClan, CicadaClan and FinchClan. 
53 moons
Confident and formidable fighter
He’s always trying his best for his Clan and would die for them. He’s also super confident so if he ever needs to defend his clanmates, he will gladly do so.
He was taught by Tornstar.
Born to Sunheart and Firefern who died when he was 23 moons old. He had two siblings.
After Willowlark’s death, Tornstar placed Moontuft in charge. 
Moonstar led his Clanmates from the docks in Canada into Yukon territory. 
116 moons
Shameless and formidable fighter
She was originally a loner back in the old territory but joined when she was 8 moons old and started training as a warrior.
Sneezeleaf is a clever kind of cat, and very wise. 
She’s protective of her Clanmates and always makes sure they are all ok.
Sneezeleaf evacuated most of the cats from the fire when the deputy at the time - Willowlark - was killed.
55 moons
Childish, natural intuition and ghost intuition
Ghostice was a loner in Canada and met the Clan cats when they arrived. Ghostice is a very skilled Medicine Cat.
He often plays pranks on various cats and is a very silly guy. 
He’s also quite positive.
Ghostice often sees glimmers of cats’ ghosts and in his dreams he often sees the ghosts of passed cats. 
He received a vision when they arrived that the cats were destined to split into four, and had to tell everyone about it.
85 moons
Compassionate, unnatural senses and valuable insight
Pineskip was a kittypet aboard the ship they caught, named Pine. She was a very peaceful cat, and loved the Clan dearly, so she left with them.
Pineskip is a very skilled mediator because she is so kind and has good insight, and even before joining the Clan she was known as a mediating cat.
She occasionally misses her Twoleg, but is glad she joined MooseClan. He never put a collar on her or gave her kibble, but let her sleep in his cabin at night.
78 moons
Righteous, good story-teller and great kitsitter
Lynxtuft was a friend of Goose’s and a sailor cat who caught rats and mice on the ship, originally named Lynx. Lynx wasn’t born on the ship though, and is a very wild-like cat.
Lynxtuft misses Goose when they leave but is still glad he joined MooseClan. He loves to entertain the kits with stories; both real and made-up.
Lynxtuft quickly learnt everything about the Clans and was very persistent on joining, even though he knew he would have to leave his beloved-ship.
57 moons
Nervous and lore master
Fireroar was a warrior when the forest fire occurred, but he wasn’t born into MooseClan. Although he was raised as one, Fireroar was found as a newborn kit by his mother’s dead body in their territory.
Fireroar has always been a bit of a nervous cat, especially since a fox got him when he was a newly made apprentice. It left a large scar on his back, near his tail.
He would prefer not to take charge in any situation, but enjoys helping. 
9 moons
Bloodthirsty, mossball hunter and oddly observant
Wolfpaw lived in a small town by the docks in Canada, and was found by Lynxtuft when they arrived. She happily joined them.
Wolfpaw is closest with Lynxtuft as they have quite a lot in common. 
She’s a very fast learner and enjoys training a lot. 
She can hear, see and smell anything before anyone else and is very loyal to her Clanmates.
5 moons
Attention-seeker and quick-witted
Echokit was the kit of Bluewhisper and Willowlark and stuck close to the remaining members of the Clan. He had one sibling; Cloudkit.
Bluewhisper died whilst kitting and Cloudkit was still-born, and Willowlark was killed during the forest fire.
Echokit stuck close to Moonstar after his family died and admires him a lot.
He loves attention, but only because he missed out on a lot of it as a kit - what with the Clan travelling. 
4 moons
Impulsive and mossball hunter
Yewkit was discovered by Moonstar when they were travelling to their territory and was abandoned.
Yewkit was abandoned only a quarter moon before Moonstar found her and has distinct memories of what her family looked like, but nothing else. She believes she got lost from them in a storm and that’s why she was alone.
Yewkit originally thought that if her family came back and found her, she’d leave with them, but now she considers MooseClan her new family.
1 moon
Sweet and mossball hunter
Leafkit was the kit of Rippleheart and Cloverleaf, and a single kit.
Leafkit’s parents were both killed upon arrival is Canada by a loose dog in the town. 
Since then she stuck close to Yewkit and has a very tiny kitten crush on her, just because Yewkit always plays moss-ball with her and takes care of her. 
Leafkit is a very sweet kit and always offers to help where she can, but because she’s so young, she really can’t be that helpful. But, she tries.
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lichennose · 1 year
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World-building in Building Thunder #1 - The Wondrous World of Weaving Galepaw, WindClan’s medicine apprentice, collects sorrel and lavender in a small basket harness.
The cats in Stars Above can weave! Woven cases are used to transport all sorts of goods, typically prey or herbs. These cases are crafted out of grass, reeds, cattail leaves, vines, brambles, and honeysuckle - materials are dried before any actual weaving takes place. Weaving is a time-consuming but important task for all four Clans.
Twine - Simple twine is crafted from willowbark, woven grass, vines, or blackberry brambles. It’s used to tie together other materials.
Healer’s Rope - Sturdy string crafted from stinging nettle fibers. - Used to make splints for limbs, tie herb bundles, and hang up herbs to dry.
Baskets - The hardest project a weaver can undertake, baskets are tricky to get right and take a long time to put together. Due to this, a Clan typically has only 2-3 baskets at a time - when not in use, they’re stored in a dry, sheltered spot within camp. - Always have some sort of handle and cover! The handle is a sturdy reed that can be replaced when worn out. The cover is a woven mat that’s secured by being slipped over a piece of bone, stick, etc tied into the basket wall. - Held in the mouth via the handle. - Sometimes decorated with flowers or colorful shells!
Pouches - Smaller version of a basket; these are easier to make and transport, but hold less. A Clan always has more pouches than baskets. - Held in the mouth with a twine handle or slipped onto a basket harness.
Basket Harnesses - Kittycat backpacks! - Small woven baskets attached to a woven harness that slips over the body. Used to transport plants, prey, and other small objects like rocks or shells. - The size of the basket varies depending on its intended use. In the featured art, Galepaw has a small basket intended for carrying small amounts of herbs. - Most often utilized by medicine cats when carrying herbs to another Clan for trading or when gathering large amounts at once. Also frequently used by warriors on fruitful hunting patrols or for gathering construction materials.
Fish Harnesses - Unique to RiverClan! Used to carry large fish from the river back to camp. - First, a flat surface is constructed out of sturdy sticks and tied together with thick twine. This is then tied to two separate harnesses worn by two different cats. These cats walk in tandem, supporting the fish between them.  - Wearing a fish harness is awkward due to the weight distribution and teamwork required. Apprentices practice by carrying around rocks and smaller prey items. - RiverClan usually has 4-5 of these at any given time; warriors are careful not to break them, but accidents happen. New fish harnesses are usually crafted in late greenleaf, in preparation for the salmon run, and may be repurposed into basket harnesses for the following leafbare.
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magpiecrust · 10 months
2001 A Space Odyssey — Warrior Cats AU (Warriors Odyssey?)
I have actual ideas about how the first film would go in the AU, not sure what the second film would even be about in this au, and vague concept for the third book in this au.
They're propably on a quest from Starclan because Starclan conveniently sucks. Maybe they're pet cats or clan cats, that's propably not essential. I'm not sure how HAL's mental brekadown should go in this AU, i wouldn't want it to be any more his fault than it was in canon but Starclan can't physically control you...
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Dave Bowman — Cosmos (pet) / Nightwatcher (clan)
A solid black tom with blue eyes. If he's a pet he'll have a red collar with a saturn charm on it.
Had a thing with Daisyheart before he cracked.
After killing Daisyheart, Nightwatcher reaches where they were supposed to go (Moonpool equivalent or something?) which he enters and where he's separated from his body in a frightening spiritual experience, becoming a ghost. He doesn't enter Starclan or the Dark Forest and instead just wanders.
He's eventually reunited with Daisyheart's spirit. They talk it through, and watch over Darkpool.
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HAL-9000 — Daisy (pet) / Daisyheart (clan)
A black silver classic tabby with one red-orange eye. His left eye is just not there, nor is there even an eyesocket. He was just born without it.
Medicine cat apperentice who has visions of/connection to Starclan even when awake.
Starclan torments him day and night about what he's "supposed" to do and what they want him to do and how everything is "supposed" to go, contributing to his mental detoriation. He doesn't tell Nightwatcher or Darkpool about this, and instead keeps pretending to be cool and perfect until he cracks.
After Darkpool's death, Nightwatcher gets away from where Daisyheart trapped him by doing a dangerous dive, and climbs up to fight him. Nightwatcher wins by inflicting massive head trauma and Daisyheart dies a slow and confused death.
Daisyheart becomes a ghost after dying, somehow not ending up in Starclan or the Dark Forest, and is eventually reunited with Nightwatcher's ghost.
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Frank Poole — Frankie (pet) / Darkpool (clan)
A black mackerel tabby with brown eyes and white spotting on his snout, chest, and feet. If he's a pet, he'll have a plain yellow collar.
Looks down on Daisyheart because his parents are both ex-pets (or if he's a pet cat, he'll look down on Daisy because his parents were strays).
Daisyheart kills him by shoving him off a cliff, and when Nightwatcher climbs down to get his body, Daisyheart kicks down the log Nightwatcher used to climb to trap him down.
Gets reincarnated a few months or years after his death, since rebirth is canon in Warrior Cats, so...
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Whitehead — ? (pet) / Wavefoam (clan)
Solid white with yellow eyes.
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Kaminsky — ? (pet) / ? (clan)
Cinnamon mackerel tabby with brown eyes.
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Kimball/Hunter — Hunter (pet) / ?catcher (clan)
Ginger classic tabby with green eyes.
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Dr. Chandra — ? (pet) / ? (clan)
A brown mackerel tabby with red-orange eyes.
Bluebell's and Daisyheart's father.
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Mr. Langley — ? (pet) / Long? (clan)
A black silver classic tabby with blue eyes.
Bluebell's and Daisyheart's mother because there needs to be two bio parents.
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SAL-9000 — Bell (pet) / Bluebell? Brightbell? (clan)
A black silver classic tabby with one blue eye. She lost her right eye in an accident when she was young.
+ Heywood Floyd & unimportants that would maybe need to be namedropped
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dawngen · 7 months
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"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Great Oak!"
Ever since Eagleburn had returned with Bayspots' still-warm body, the camp had been thick with a palpable tension. No one cat had been able to keep still or to keep quiet as gossip as to what was to happen spread like wildfire through the chilly camp. Opinions were starkly divided as to what should be done, and the crux of it all was Eagleburn's contributions to DawnClan.
Such as seen in physical form as young Leopardpaw, flanked by Beewatcher, approached the Great Oak. The apprentice, already fully grown and sleek with toned muscle beneath his dappled coat, looked smaller than he should next to the medicine cat.
As Oatstar clambered up the tree overarching the camp, peering down below, he, too, shared in Leopardpaw's visible anxiety.
Eagleburn's absence was felt with a distinctive, ominous air. Many had begun to realize how he was the sticky sap keeping them all together, Oatstar's necessary shadow and guiding paw. It had been three days since Eagleburn's banishment to the medicine cats' den, and little had been decided.
But, at the deputy's insistence, Oatstar had conceded that the clan needed this bright spot of hope more than ever.
"It has been a tough few days, but I hope you all can find joy in this moment like I will," Oatstar began, looking out over his collected clan. He noted that the Bayspots' litter were absent, and Suntuft and Brightstorm were in the mouth of the nursery, watching, but distant. He tried not to think of it, looking down and spotting Leopardpaw anxiously shifting from paw to paw among the crowd.
"We have an apprentice overdue for his ceremony, that he has very much become deserving of. Leopardpaw, could you please step forward towards the Great Oak?" The whispering among the felines settled as all eyes focused upon Leopardpaw, and in that moment, the young cat figured out why his mentor pushed so much for him to have his ceremony without him. It was a distraction from the tragedy that had befallen their clan, a necessary one. He felt their gazes upon him, but unlike what he had anticipated, it felt... Warm. Joyous.
He could see his siblings, who had obtained their warrior names a moon before, sitting in the crowd, looking upon him with pride. Wolverinefreckle lifted her good paw, and Rowandawn flicked his bushy gray tail, both wearing such warm expressions.
They had led different paths--Wolverinefreckle a medicine cat and Rowandawn a mediator--which had caused them to separate from a young age, but these clan ties kept them bound together, and reminded Leopardpaw that the clan was not doomed over one incident. He could only hope they would be stronger for it.
"In place of your mentor--Beewatcher, do you believe this young cat is ready for his warrior name?"
Pulling herself up beside Leopardpaw, they shared a glance, and Beewatcher lifted her head high.
"Undoubtedly. He has demonstrated the courage and loyalty of a clan cat, and the heart of a warrior."
Oatstar nodded.
"Leopardpaw--do you promise to uphold our code, and to defend DawnClan to your dying breath?"
"I do."
"Then I declare you Leopardchaser. May your courageous heart continue to guide you along StarClan's path."
With a bunch of his haunches, Oatstar leaped down to the gathering place where newly named Leopardchaser awaited. His anxiety melted away, finally did the younger tom stand like the warrior he should be, and in his posture and lifted head, Oatstar saw a reflection of Eagleburn.
Padding forward, with the distance closed, the two cats briefly shared tongues, Oatstar licking the shoulder of Leopardchaser and Leopardchaser mimicking him.
"DawnClan, meet your newest warrior!"
His tail flagged high, and with Oatstar's cry, a chorus of Leopardchaser's new name rung out across the clearing.
Leopardchaser! Leopardchaser! Leopardchaser!
Overwhelmed with joy, as his siblings approached to give their congratulations, out of the corner of his eye, Leopardchaser spotted a black tail slipping back into the medicine cats' den. His heart swelled with an indescribable feeling, one he would not forget as he accepted the congratulations of his peers with a deep purr.
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clanborn · 2 years
More about Alaska clans?? 👀👀
Currently trying to make little infographic posts/comics about them but progress has slowed since school started. I’ll give an overview about them for now though thats hopefully not too long winded lol.
The clans are located in a fictionalized version of the area around Seward, AK and Resurrection Bay.
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This map is a bit of an unpolished rough draft, but gives a general idea of the area. I believe the distance between the Iceclan and Oceanclan camps (via traveling around the mountains) is around 13 miles, might have to double check.
Unlike the book clans, the cats in these clans aren’t really in a battle cult and refer to themselves as “denizens” rather than “warriors”, and infighting amongst themselves is rare. The existence of separate groups mainly serves to prevent resource draining and diversify the food sources available to the cats, along with religious reasons (I’m still refining the details of their religion so I’ll probably elaborate on it in a later post). Though separate physically, the four groups essentially function as one large “clan” and coordinate resources and cats accordingly. Cats are able to change between clans with ease if they find their talents are suited elsewhere, and this usually is not a source of drama or conflict. However, though the clans do work as one unit, they do differ slightly in culture, and some clans are more accepting and flexible than others. For example, Oceanclan sees the lowest retention rate in denizens, and few cats switch to this clan, due to their specialized hunting methods and a sort of “hazing” culture for cats who seek to live there. The largest clan is Brookclan, followed closely by Stoneclan, since these clans live in less extreme environments with more opportunities for cats of differing skillsets. Iceclan is the smallest clan, but is the most tight-knit—very few cats born there choose to leave it.
The roles in these clans differ from their book counterparts. Medicine cats are simply referred to as doctors, and their sole job is to heal. Instead, leaders serve as both political and religious leaders, and are responsible for reading signs and attending half-moon meetings. Deputies perform similar duties as in the books, but are chosen differently. I’ll go over these positions later on in more detail.
Communication between the groups is important for the well-being of the clans, in order to be aware of threats and transport food and medicine, and is also important to individuals who may wish to have contact with friends and family in different clans. To facilitate this communication, there exists a Courier role. Clans will have at least two couriers (often more), usually the fastest cats in the clan with the endurance to travel long distances over rough terrain. These cats duties include reporting weather and animal sightings, delivering herbs from other clans, and transporting news and messages between various parties.
Though the clans’ culture doesn’t revolve around battle and aggressive defense of territory like those in the books, they still possess their own set of flawed beliefs. Generally, these clans see survival as a game, a challenge from nature and from their gods. They feel called to prove their worth by thriving in the harshest conditions possible, even when it isn’t necessary. Death is common, and though these cats grieve for those they’ve lost, it is viewed less as a tragedy and more of an unfortunate gamble. Living is a game of chance, and some cats—inevitably—are unable to beat the odds. To live as long as possible, to take whatever hardships the stars throw next, is the ability to gaze at them in defiance and ask: “Is that all you’ve got?”
Some cats can’t handle living this way, and choose to live the risk-defying, danger-seeking life of a clan cat. Cats who leave are sent off with honor, but are unable to return as a denizen. They forfeited the game—and there are no rematches. Some clans are respectful of those who leave (such as Stoneclan), but some tend to look upon them with permanent disdain (such as Oceanclan).
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maplemouse-warriors · 2 years
Twin Flames Rewrite: Into the Wild
Prologue: There is a fight between ThunderClan and RiverClan at Sunningrocks; later, all medicine cats receive a prophecy from a shooting star with two tails: Wildfire will save the Clans.
Nutmeg brings her kits Princess and Rusty to WindClan, as they have been dreaming of the moorland. Tallstar agrees to try and train them as warriors, naming them Firepaw and Wildpaw. They befriend Onepaw and Morningpaw, and begin to learn about Clan life.
Wildpaw is injured in a skirmish with ShadowClan; a few days later, when they arrive to force WindClan out of their territory, she is accidentally separated from the others, and winds up in ThunderClan territory before collapsing. She is found by Yellowfang, who hides her and heals her for a few days. Once Wildpaw is awake again, she insists they both seek aid in ThunderClan.
In ThunderClan, Bluestar agrees to shelter them; she says that Wildpaw’s training will continue in ThunderClan and that Wildpaw will be in charge of caring for Yellowfang.
Longtail protests the allowance of a WindClan cat to learn from them. He tries to instigate a fight and Wildpaw refuses to fight him, easily dodging all of his moves. After Longtail tires himself out, Wildpaw sits and begins grooming herself as he collapses, exhausted, on the ground, and says that she hopes he isn’t her mentor, as she has nothing to learn from him.
Bluestar agrees that Wildpaw should be watched carefully to ensure she does not take ThunderClan secrets to WindClan; as a result, Bluestar herself will mentor Wildpaw.
Wildpaw quickly makes friends with Graypaw and Ravenpaw, and is treated with hostility from Sandpaw and Dustpaw, as well as many other ThunderClan cats.
Wildpaw trains in ThunderClan and grows close to some of the cats in the Clan, such as Spottedleaf, Frostfur and her kits, and the elders. She discovers she enjoys the forest more than the moorland.
She is very suspicious of Tigerclaw, and Ravenpaw reveals that he saw Tigerclaw kill Redtail, the previous deputy. She also learns from Yellowfang that Brokenstar is training kits to be warriors.
She goes to Dustpaw and Sandpaw and tells them what she knows; they don’t believe her, and are even more cold to her, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw.
Clawface raids the camp, killing Spottedleaf in the process, and steals Frostfur’s kits. Ravenpaw is sent to Barley’s Farm for his safety. Yellowfang, Wildpaw, Graypaw, and the ShadowClan elders conspire to overthrow Brokenstar and get the kits back.
Their coup is successful, and Wildpaw is relieved to see the kits a little scratched up but mostly okay. When they return to camp, Wildpaw and Graypaw become warriors, receiving the names Wildflame and Graystripe.
Wildflame tries to tell Bluestar about Tigerclaw, but Bluestar reminds her that this is a silent vigil. Wildflame is upset she can’t speak with Bluestar, but completes her vigil, thinking of Firepaw the entire time.
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theyareweird · 6 months
Nurturing Beastman – Chapter 5
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Showcase of Strength
Onica and Kianna exchanged looks. Worry graced Onica’s face as they stared at the five-foot-two tall girl. Kianna’s amber eyes concealed any emotion. Her face was straight of any expression. Despite this, Kianna was internally troubled by this situation as Onica was. If she didn’t do something, she was going to be separated from the one person who has not only helped her since arriving in the Beast World but was also from the same world as her. “I refuse to be separated from my sibling.” Kianna blurted.
Onica immediately sealed their lips. They were afraid if they talked, they would ruin the plan Kianna had in mind. Onica simply hoped this would work.
Kiki examined the two Nurturers in his presence. Looking back and forth between them, he noticed some similar traits they both seemed to possess. Firstly, Onica and Kianna were quite short, as well as thin. Secondly, their skin tones were pale white. Both of them also have large eyes, despite the obvious color differences. Finally, the two share jaw-length dark brown hairstyles.
“You two do share characteristics of some resemblance.” However, Kiki already took note of Onica’s mate preferences earlier. If these two were from the same litter, it was understandable why the pair were close and refused to separate until being matted off. In addition, Onica and Kianna’s budding maturity rates were almost in sync. Although most children from the same litter matured at the same time, there were cases where the runt of the litter would be a late bloomer in comparison to their stronger siblings. Based on Kiki’s observations, Onica would likely mature later than Kianna if his theory was correct. With this in mind, it was a simple solution in his eyes. “Very well, you will both be sold tonight.” Kiki concluded.
For the chief, this was perfect timing. The King of the Cat Clan had ordered every tribe under his reign to prepare for an exchange with the cousin Tiger Clan. Although the nations were lands apart, warriors were assigned to make the journey into each other’s clans to collect their promised resources in return for equally valuable goods. Of course, what was handed over weighed entirely on what both clans had to offer. As such, the haul would vary each season.
When Kiki turned around, Niko finally returned to the mud hut with the fish for Onica and Kianna. He had slowly turned the trout over a fire using a steadily burning stick to cook it.
“Niko, Onica and Kianna are going to be part of the exchanged goods tonight.” Kiki announced. “Seeing as you rescued both Nurturers, you will escort them to the gathering.” He instructed.
Niko bowed his head respectfully. “Understood, chief!” He replied.
Kiki then patted the young man’s shoulder and exited the clinic hut. With the fish on a stick in hand, Niko used his sharp nails to carve out two fish filets. Utilizing his keen eyes, the black cat was able to see the fish bones camouflaged in the flaky trout and pick them out. Niko then handed Onica and Kianna their own wooden plate of a trout filet. “The Oak Wood should’ve given the fish great flavor. The flavor of the meat changes depending on what wood you use.” He explained. Before either of them could begin chowing down, Niko filled two wooden cups with clean water he also boiled. He then handed Onica and Kianna a cup each to provide them with fresh water to drink.
“Thank you, Niko.” Onica sighed. A deep frown was plastered on their face at the news.
Kianna gratefully took her plate and said “Thank you very much, Niko.”
Regardless of what Niko said about the wood flavorings, Onica knew the food still likely tastes bland. Since Felix wasn’t garding the many ‘medicine’ baskets, they decided to borrow some salt, pepper and parsley to spice up both their food with some real flavor. Even though the meal was decent, it didn’t settle the pits in Onica and Kianna’s stomachs.
That night, Niko escorted Onica and Kianna to the center of the tribe. There, several long torches were lit to illuminate the area. Crickets chirped and fire crackled all around. The night air was cool, but not cold. Flowers bloomed across the tribe grounds. Several tribal warriors were outside to receive what welcomed goods the Tiger Clan had in store.
Being outside at night caused Onica to feel a bit panicked. Without city lights and neon signs everywhere, the land revealed how dark it could truly be. Not even Kianna dared to wander past the fire’s glow out of fear she would become lost in the darkness of the surrounding forest. The black environment caught Onica and Kianna by surprise when a bengal tiger emerged out of nowhere. Various bags were strapped to its back as if the tiger was cattle. The tiger, along with a few others, were eighteen feet tall. Onica and Kianna knew Nature Beastman were able to change their overall size at will, but neither of them knew it was to this extent. Now, it felt like they were being sacrificed to this clan of tigers rather than being sold off like mere objects.
“Welcome dear warriors of the Tiger Clan!” Kiki greeted them. “You may be one of many tribes, but I am grateful you chose our central tribe this fine spring season out of the many other flourishing tribes in the Cat Clan. This is our first exchange of the year out of four. I hope we’ll be off to a strong start.” Kiki stated.
All the tigers curled up on the ground. Then, more Nature Beastman stepped forward from behind the large beasts. These males and females all possessed a pair of tiger ears. Amongst them, a woman with orange hair approached and respectfully bowed to Kiki. “Greetings, Cat Chief. I am the appointed warrior in charge of this expedition on behalf of my clan.” Kiki bowed his head slightly in acknowledgment. “Tonight, we bring you rattan, camphor oil, palm oil and salt... If you shall choose.” She presented.
Kiki gasped at the female Nature Beastman’s last offering. His eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “Salt? Surely, you jest.” Kiki chuckled. “Even if you obtained such a high demand resource, why trade it away? Your Nurturers’ immune systems need it more to avoid illness.”
“Our King sought council with the Mermaid Clan’s King and struck a bargain. A year’s supply of salt in exchange for a Nurturer.” The female tiger explained.
Onica inched their neck forward. “Did she just say Mermaid Clan?” They asked, turning to Kianna. The teenager nodded to Onica in response, but held no reaction. Regardless, even Kianna was internally stunned. If mermaids existed here, it begged the question of what other mythical beings lived in this world.
Kiki nodded. “How fortunate for your people.” Turning to the side, he curled his fingers towards him. Several soldiers then followed his command and came forth carrying hefty chunks of stones. “If you wish to choose, you may have coal, iron, limestone and Nurturers.”
On cue, Niko gently pushed Onica and Kianna forward to present the offered Nurturers. Onica nervously balled their hands into fists and held them to their chest. They were too shy to meet anyone’s gaze. Meanwhile, Kianna held her head high, but her jaw was clenched as she narrowed her eyes at those around her. She was angry at the entire ordeal.
Several people gasped in response. “This is fantastic news!” Someone exclaimed. “We’d be very fortunate for one Nurturer, but two?!” Another cried, flabbergasted. “What incredible luck!” Somebody cheered.
In case Nurturers were ever offered in transactions, only the strongest and eligible warriors of Nature Beastman were allowed to participate in clan trades. It’s common to face dangers while traversing between clans. Thus, Nature Beastman safely guard any resources obtained during said trips to ensure everything arrives to their designated clan.
The female tiger from before then approached Onica and Kianna. She looked at the two with sorrow in her eyes. “I’m terribly sorry for your losses, Nurturers. I hope none of you suffered the pain of losing your children along with your mates”. The female said in a low and sympathetic voice.
“Neither of these Nurturers are being offered because they’ve lost their families.” Kiki reassured her.
The female tiger raised an eyebrow at the chief. “Oh? Are these Cat Nurturers simply interested in Nature Beastman from another clan? This isn’t an unusual circumstance and my tribe would certainly welcome them for being open-minded.”
“Ha-ha, this pair of siblings aren’t from the Cat Clan. You could say they were a gift from the Ape Clan.” Kiki grinned through a chuckle.
The female tiger then bowed slightly to Onica and Kianna. “I’m grateful to have you both join my tribe in the tiger clan. I hope you’ll share your wisdom and knowledge with us.”
Once the exchanges were made, the female tiger took Onica and Kianna from Niko. She then assisted the two onto one of the shifted tigers and the beast rose from its place. Onica and Kianna’s bodies swayed as they rode on the huge tiger. Jumping off would likely cause them to sprain or break a bone. Despite being bought with salt, Onica and Kianna had to admit they were a bit excited to be riding on a tiger. This would have never happened back in their home world.
The journey took several days as everyone traveled on foot. Warriors were on watch at all times against any potential threats along the way. Stopping only occurred for meals. At night, the group set up camp to rest until daylight the following day. While traveling, Onica and Kianna had talked a lot. The two wanted to run away at any opportunity, but had mutually agreed only to escape if either of them were in any real danger. If they ran now, they were both sure to be caught by the alert tigers. Besides, it was obvious by the passing landscapes there wasn’t anything to run to. Onica and Kianna would be fending against the wilderness at every turn, but they were willing to do it if it meant they would be free. Regardless, the option would always be on the table for future use.
Eventually, everyone arrived at the Tiger Clan. The scenery had changed from a forested valley to a humid jungle. Unlike the Cat Clan, there were no housing structures. A horn sounded as the warriors returned. Suddenly, people sprang from all around and large crowds cheered on either side of the parading tigers. The warriors were showing off the goods they collected to the tribe members, which included Onica and Kianna. Onica was embarrassed to be looked up at by these thrilled strangers. Meanwhile, Kianna was exasperated as she stared straight ahead, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.
The tribe’s leader announced a grand banquet is to be held in celebration. During which, eligible Nature Beastman could spar against one another to show off their strength, skill and fighting techniques in hopes of catching one of the new Nurturer’s attention. Onica and Kianna were told to stay near the chief. Single Nature Beastman were eager to bring the Nurturers food as several male and female-looking tribe members began brawling in their human forms. Anyone not battling were either enjoying the food or rooting for a fighter in the crowd. It was clear this spectacle was pure entertainment for these people.
Suddenly, a hiss reached Onica and Kianna’s ears. A five-foot ten male approached a female tiger. This male was a pale-skinned teenager with mahogany hair and shiny green eyes. However, instead of having small, round ears of a tiger, this young man possessed larger triangular ears of a cat.
“You’re not from the Tiger Clan!” The female tiger growled.
The male’s expression was stern with determination, but his eyes said he was bored. “I don’t care. I traveled from the Cat Clan to be here and I plan on pursuing Kianna.” He said in a flat tone.
With that, the male and female lunged at each other. The two locked hands and began pushing against one other to see who was the strongest. At first, neither opponent budged. Their bodies were rigid and refused to move, but the female saw an opportunity and attempted to trip the male with her foot the second he stepped closer. She hopped to make him slip backwards, but the male feline wasn’t fazed and maintained his stance. In the struggle, he spun her around until the female tiger lost her footing, allowing him to push her off to the side. The female growled as she landed on her butt, too humiliated to ask Kianna to accept her as a mate.
In the end, the male turned and made his way across the jungle clearing to Kianna. “May I become your mate?” He asked in a low voice.
Kianna Komori OC by: @nunezs-stuff
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