#two of which are for rabbit hole
radlegowaffle · 28 days
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heaven help her
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deiaiko · 4 days
#20.8 Spar
"Are you up for a spar, Viole?" Novick asked after they finished snacking on the garlic bread. He was always competitive, especially when he was introduced to new people. However, Dan and Gyetang also looked excited to join. From what Agni caught, they were curious as to how talented Viole could be to have  earned his status as a slayer candidate, which was understandable.
Still, Agni huffed in amusement. His team still chose to train even though he had called today off. Though Agni wasn't against it. He felt like it'd be good for both him and Grace, since exercise always took their minds off things. Bam seemed a little reluctant, but he went along with it, especially after Grace said it'd be a good bonding experience.
Everyone moved to the training area and they made a quick bracket match. Grace reminded Agni not to overexert himself in this spar, even though Agni insisted that he was fine. But he understood why Grace was worried, since he would be too if Grace were in his place.
The first round was Dan against Gyetang. Both of them had improved a little bit from the last time Agni watched their spar. Gyetang was able to read Dan's movement the moment the spar began, and act accordingly to counter his attack. Though in the end Dan still gained the upper hand once he was able to render Gyetang's fuuma shuriken useless.
The second round was Grace against Agni, which would have ended fairly quickly if Grace used his reverse flow control. But since he didn't, he and Grace had shinsu enhanced martial art combat instead. Agni could tell that Grace was avoiding hitting his leg. In a real fight, Agni would use that to his advantage, but on this occasion he appreciated Grace's thoughtfulness. However, none of them went easy with the other, so they dragged out the fight until Agni ran out of stamina.
The third round was Bam against Novick. Despite it being the first match, Novick went all out on Bam by using his ultimate moves as a start. Still, Bam kept up with him, though he kept on the defensive. It wasn't until Novick and Grace encouraged Bam to attack that things finally got more interesting. Novick was slowly pushed onto the defensive, though Agni knew that Bam was still holding back. However, all of Novick's attempts at challenging Grace seemed to pay off, and Agni could see that he was still able to keep up. However, Bam's attack pattern was different from Grace, and one of his bangs took Novick off guard, allowing Bam to subdue him. Even though Novick was clearly still okay enough to keep going and break himself free from Bam, he raised his hand in surrender and ended the round.
Since this spar was for the team to get to know Bam, and everyone knew that Grace was the strongest, the fourth round was voted to be Bam against Dan. Having seen the first round, Bam was able to predict Dan's attack. However, that didn't mean that Bam was prepared to go against Dan’s speed. Bam tried to use reverse flow control on him, but Dan was too slippery to get caught in it. He was used to having to deal with Grace's, so he was able to read Bam's aim. Dan didn't waste time and successfully pinned Bam down to the ground the moment Bam let his guard down. However, it seemed to trigger a fight response from Bam, and he summoned a bang behind Dan. Agni intervened by creating a barrier to null the shot which could cause serious injury, but the bang had already been snuffed out before it exploded. Agni looked at Grace who exhaled in relief with his hand half raised, before calling the match over. Everyone else was too stunned by the outcome until Dan offered a hand and pulled Bam up to his feet. Then Gyetang and Novick finally cheered and congratulated them both.
As they waited for Bam to cool down after two matches in a row, Novick challenged Agni to a spar. It was understandable, since Agni usually was too busy to join their afternoon routine. However, Agni was still worn out from his previous match and a little under the weather, so he aimed to end this one as soon as possible, especially because Novick was a tank which would put Agni at a disadvantage if the match was dragged out. As soon as the match began, Agni activated his lighthouse flow control to stop Novick and teleported behind him. He froze Novick's limbs before he was able to reinforce himself with shinsu, and pointed a knife at his neck.
"Not going easy on me, huh?" Novick chuckled as he admitted defeat. 
Agni melted the ice on Novick's limbs and stepped away to the spectator seats. "I would be at a disadvantage, otherwise."
Since it ended too fast, Novick challenged Dan next. Compared to what he had with Bam and Agni, he went relatively easy on Dan. But in the end, Novick still came out as the winner since Dan was built for agility, not power.
As if saving the best for last, Novick finally challenged Grace for a spar. It went as it usually would. Grace was just humoring Novick, but at least he managed to make it believable and kept Novick on his toes. Agni had seen what Grace was actually capable of, after all. Practicing with them like this was actually wasting potential on Grace's part. He would grow stronger quicker if he faced an opponent that was on his level or above. But Grace looked like he was having fun, so who was Agni to ruin it?
The last match was Bam against Grace, which everyone had been looking forward to. Grace assured Bam that he could go all out with him, which prompted Agni to reinforce the barrier that surrounded the training area even more than usual. At first, neither of them made any move to attack, but it was interesting to see the differences in their mirrored stances. 
"You can have the first move," Grace taunted.
Bam summoned two bangs and released them toward Grace. They were easily blocked. 
"Is that all? I know that you can do better."
Agni thought it was harsh of Grace to say that. A regular on this floor that could control two powerful bangs was already considered a prodigy. But Agni understood the frustration. He himself had been far harsher on his younger self. Their teams were far behind, and would not survive had they lived during wartime. It was a scary thought.
Grace decided to step forward, and Bam switched to his reverse flow control stance. However, nothing happened as Grace kept on closing their distance. Bam frowned and ran forward, pressing his palm in front of Grace's chest. Grace didn't move away from the touch, looking at Bam with anticipation.
"Go on," Grace said when Bam hesitated a moment too long.
Bam bit his lip, before releasing his flare wave explosion. Grace's eyebrows twitched in pain. Even though Agni could feel the wave, it was not as destructive as he had predicted, even with his lowered standards.
"One more time, but you have to give it your all." Grace very rarely used his strict voice, but when he did, it was a clear warning that he was displeased. "If you refuse to, then I will start to go on the offensive."
Bam inhaled sharply and forced himself to release another flare wave explosion that was finally close to the level that Agni predicted Bam could do. Grace covered his mouth and coughed, and Agni saw a glimpse of red. However, Agni kept firm on his seat, since Grace was smiling at Bam.
"That's right, don't hold back." Grace jumped back to create some distance and got in his defensive stance again.
Bam got more serious after that, and his bangs were formed with more concentration. Grace carefully landed a few blows and slowly shifted to offense, while still creating some openings for Bam to take advantage of. Their exchanged blows got fiercer, and it was finally clear that they were having fun.
Not too long after, Bam was starting to run low on stamina, but at one point he managed to sneak behind Grace and hit him with another flare wave explosion. However, Grace saw it coming, so he repelled some of the waves to decrease the damage that he took. Unfortunately, it fired back at Bam and injured his arm. They decided to stop the match then, as Bam seemed really close to passing out. Grace held Bam's shoulders to steady him on his wobbly feet, and gently lowered him so they both sat down on the floor. Agni approached them just in case his help was needed.
"Are you okay?" Grace asked, getting more frantic when Bam suddenly looked like he was having a heart attack. Agni froze in his steps when a red exoskeleton grew and enveloped Bam, healing his injured arm. But Grace seemed less surprised and just comforted Bam until the exoskeleton disappeared.
Agni squatted down next to them and whispered to Grace, "What the heck was that?!"
"Blue Thryssa, incomplete form." Grace looked thoughtfully at Bam, who was staring back at Grace with a confused and scared look. "Your wound healed now, see? It's fine."
"Are you sure?" Bam rubbed his healed arm. He winced, "It's, uh…talking to me?"
"Hmm, maybe I can help you understand it." Grace sat down cross-legged and got in his meditative state, placing his palm on Bam's back.
Everyone else had come closer around them as well, curious about what was happening. A moment later, a transparent blue horn started to form on Grace and Bam's left temple. It surprised Agni because he thought Grace had lost the powers that he had absorbed when they traveled back in time.
When Grace opened his eyes, he gave Agni a look that said they would talk about it later. Bam came back to his senses a moment later. Dan and Gyetang could no longer contain their curiosity and began asking Bam and Grace questions, but the topic soon drifted to more general conversation because Bam was just as lost as they were. Agni called the sparring session over and Dan went to prepare dinner. Bam and Gyetang joined him in the kitchen, and the sight of them getting along together was heartwarming. 
Agni took a seat in the cafeteria, and Grace followed to sit next to him. Agni released the fish from his lighthouse bowl to roam around the kitchen, while Grace exhaled and stretched his arms. All the bruises on his skin were almost healed already.
"Well…?" Agni prompted Grace to start talking.
"Hm." Grace leaned back on his chair and rubbed the back of his neck, "After seeing what Bam is capable of, it made me think about how far I've come."
There was sadness in those golden eyes that tugged at Agni's heartstrings. Both of them had been broken so many times that no amount of fixing could bring both of them to what they used to be. Velt came and swam between them, nuzzling onto Grace's arm before settling on Agni's side. Her company was appreciated, and Agni gave her a few pats. Grace smiled as he watched them.
"About the Blue Thryssa though…" Grace stopped himself when Novick approached them and took a seat nearby.
Agni and Grace shared a quick glance. Honestly, Agni would prefer to talk in private with Grace when they brought up their time travel stuff, but it wasn't like they were actively trying to hide it either. Novick also didn't seem to mind, as his attention was more at whatever was happening in the kitchen.
Grace shrugged and continued their conversation, "It was like…I felt my own Thryssa resonate, and it said it doesn't have any recollection since, you know. It felt like I had just woken it up."
Agni hummed thoughtfully, "Could it be that you didn't actually lose them?" 
"Maybe? I couldn't feel any others though." Grace tried to do something with his left hand, then frowned when nothing happened. "I can't transform it either."
"Oh, hm." If Agni recalled, the transformation was when they were with the beastkin. "I guess you have to get yourself or Bam to get it from Doom."
"I thought the same."
"Well then, guess I will have to update our plan soon."
Let me know your thoughts in the reblogs <3
☕ Buy me coffee ☕
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queenlucythevaliant · 3 months
Northern Lights
I heard a voice that cried, “Balder the Beautiful is dead, is dead!” 
Who knows what to call the lonely exhilaration of gazing out into a bright Northern sky? Who can name it? 
Jill could.
It was the same feeling that came to her at the teetering edge of a cliff at the end of the world. The same feeling as when she said her goodbyes to Puddleglum and Scrubb before they freed the prince. It was the same feeling that engulfed her now, sitting in the professor’s library with a volume of poetry before her. 
The wild northern wastes were well named: utterly wild, perfectly desolate, and terribly Northern. 
It was lonely there and often cold, but the sky was an endless whorl of gales and gray clouds. The stones were indigo under the pale winter sunlight, and at sunset they glowed a soft gold, as though lit from within. The gorges and moors lay before her, and Jill loved them for their vastness and their distance. Little grew in that country, but that which did was full of vigor. The grass was short and coarse. Every tree was victorious. 
On a still, deep breathing winter night, Jill lay on her back beneath a covering sky. It seemed beautiful to her, rich and strong and glorious. Her eyes drank in the breadth of it until her tears began to blind her. Yet even then, she still couldn’t look away.
She felt bigger here in the wastes, like the landscape. Stronger, wider. The further she walked, the more she felt herself stretch out. One of these days, maybe, she would catch hold of herself at the edge and tug, and Jill Pole would open up clear as the Northern sky. 
And through the misty air passed the mournful cry of sunward sailing cranes.
The thing that surprised Jill most about the battle with the serpent was this: there wasn’t any yelling. Always, it seemed, whenever she read stories about people fighting with swords, the combatants would let loose some guttural yell before their blows fell. They would scream and writhe in pain as they died. They would shout instructions to their fellows, “Look out!” or “Hit him there!” But the whole affair with the serpent passed with very little noise. 
The poison-green coil constricted around the prince; he raised his arms and got clear, struck the serpent hard, and then Scrubb and Puddleglum dispatched the creature with heavy, hacking blows. The monster died writhing, but not screaming. And then it was over. 
The thing that surprised Jill most about the moments before battle was, of course, the noise. She could hear her own heartbeat in her ears. She couldn’t stop listening to her own breathing. Every footstep rang out like a gong, and any words exchanged rang with a kind of finality that made them sound louder than anything. 
“You are of high courage,” Rilian told her when it was over. 
Yet the thing in Jill’s chest just then didn’t feel like courage. It was a deep breath, a plunge, and a release. It was loud and quiet all at once, till she was standing, blinking in the night air as snowballs whizzed round her, and maybe that was something like courage after all. 
And now, there was a stirring in her chest as she reread the words on the page. Sing no more / O ye bards of the North / Of Vikings and of Jarls! / Of the days of the Eld / preserve the freedom only / nor the deeds of blood! 
She thought of grief. Of freedom. 
The lonely ache in her belly grew stronger. She felt herself uplifted into the huge regions of sky that were just beyond those cliffs, weightless as the breath beneath her buoyed her up, further, further…
When she saw Caspian up close, Jill thought that he looked like the sort of person who was meant to live in a castle. A silly thought, perhaps, since she knew he was a king– only she wasn’t thinking of Cair Paravel. No, Jill was picturing the ruins of an old British castle she’d visited once on holiday. She still remembered how the stonework had loomed over her, all towering arches and crumbling walls. That was where Caspian seemed to belong. He had an air of ancient tragedy about him. 
When Rilian disappeared, all things had wept but one. The serpent coiled beneath the earth and flicked its forked tongue, spewing poison. 
Now, the king half rose to bless his son. He whispered a few words as he caressed Rilian’s cheek, words meant only for those beloved ears. Jill saw Caspian’s lips move and wondered what a man like that could possibly say, when time ran so short. 
They laid him in his ship, with horse and harness, as on a funeral pyre. Odin placed a ring upon his finger, and whispered in his ear.
Jill furtively took Myths of the Northmen and held it up to the professor with a question in her eyes. She was still shy around him and Miss Plummer, though she wished she wasn’t. 
“Would you like to take that with you?”
It takes a certain kind of person to be exhilarated by the heights. You’ve got to love vastness more than you fear falling. 
They walked to the train station with an autumn wind blowing hard, and though Jill couldn’t fathom why, she turned and saw Lucy grinning, fierce and joyful– grinning and reaching a hand out towards her friend.
Jill reached back and grabbed it. “What will you do, once we’re back in Narnia?” she asked. 
The wind blew harder. The feeling of anticipation grew and grew, until it felt so big that she couldn’t dream of containing it. And there was Lucy, holding Jill’s hand and laughing like it was easy.
Preserve the freedom only, not the deeds of blood!
The second time Jill went to Narnia, she found herself not at its edge, but at its end. 
The thing about the Norse apocalypse is: it feels believable. It doesn’t reach beyond earth’s horizon to pull down hope beyond hope. It’s only the kind of courage that hopeless humans have: you are going to die, so you might as well die bravely. 
They found the last king of Narnia bound to a tree. His eyes were faintly red from crying, and his wrists and ankles red from the coarseness of his fetters. 
In the Norse myths, Loki broke free of his fetters at the end of the world. He escaped to the helm of a ship made from the fingernails of the dead.
The last king of Narnia fell forward onto the ground when Eustace cut his bonds. Jill crouched down beside him and watched as he rubbed feeling back into his legs. He wasn’t so much older than her, she thought. Jill was sixteen years old; the last king of Narnia could not be older than twenty-two. 
In the myths, the gods were ancient, hewn from the bodies of giants old as the earth. 
Jill put out a hand and helped the last king of Narnia to his feet. Not for the last time, she shivered. Something deep inside her (deeper than her chest, than her heart, than the marrow of her bones, deep as her soul, deeper) was singing an elegy and she didn’t know why, or how, or where it had come from. The king clutching her hand, who could have been her older brother, would have no heir.
Yet when he asked, “Will you come with me?” Jill could only smile. 
“Of course,” she said. “It’s you we’ve come to help.”
And the voice forever cried, "Balder the Beautiful is dead, is dead!"
“This really is Narnia at last,” murmured Jill. The springtime wood had little in common with the wintry lands she had traveled the last time she was here– but it awakened the same feelings of Northernness in her chest. 
Their party may as well have been the only people in the world, for how isolated their little wooden path seemed. Yet it wasn’t lonely, really, cocooned in all that green with the wind in the leaves and the primroses nodding and blue of the sky peeking through above. 
Jewel told stories about what ordinary life was like when there was peace here. As he spoke, Jill could almost hear the trees' voices speaking out of the living past, whispering, stay, stay. She was caught up to a great height, looking down across a rich, lovely plain full of woods and waters and cornfields, which spread away and away till it got thin and misty from distance. 
“Oh Jewel–” Jill said with a dreamy sigh, “wouldn’t it be lovely if Narnia just went on and on– like what you say it has been?”
She needn’t be a queen, as Susan and Lucy had been, but Jill would’ve liked to stay. She would've liked it all to stay, if it could. She might have been a woodmaid in a place like this: with the turn of the seasons, the swaying trees, swords into plowshares. Oh, if only she could stay!
Ahead, the last king of Narnia was softly singing a marching song. Jill tilted her head back and let warm shafts of sun caress her face. 
I saw the pallid corpse of the dead sun borne through the Northern sky.
“So,” said the last king of Narnia, “Narnia is no more.”
He tried to send them back. Jill shook her head. It was very loud and very quiet. “No, no, no, we won’t. I don’t care what you say. We’re going to stick by you whatever happens, aren’t we Eustace?”
They couldn’t go back anyway. Neither would they flee, not south across the mountains nor North into the great wide wastes. No, they would stay. They slept in a holly grove on the edge of ruin, waiting for the bonfires to light.
Jill slept fitfully, but in between she dreamed. She was high up in the air, buffeted by clouds and pierced by shafts of silver sunlight. 
They all died, in the myths. Jill knew that. It seemed beautiful and brave when she read it in her book, tucked away safe in the Professor’s library. It was terrifying now– and yet it was beautiful and brave still.
The dogs came bounding up, every one of them, running up to the king and his men with their tails wagging. One of them leapt at Jill and licked her face, tongue roughly lapping up the sweat and tears that had dried on her cheeks. 
“Show us how to help, show us how, how, how!” the dogs were barking, almost ebullient in their enthusiasm. Jill bit back a sob. How lovely, she thought. How terribly beautiful. How dreadfully brave. 
So perish the old Gods!
The white rock gleamed like a moon in the darkness when Jill finally reached it. She ran back to it alone, her hands shaking, while her friends stayed forward with their gleaming swords and Jewel’s indigo horn.
The while rock gleamed like the moon. Jill’s first shot flew wide and landed in the soft grass. But she had another arrow on her string the next instant. It was speed that mattered, not aim. Speed, and turning aside when she cried, so as not to drip tears on her bowstring.
The white rock gleamed. In the myths, a wolf devoured the moon. Peter’s wolf, slain many thousand years ago in this world, opened his jaw wide and darkness fell over everything.
Her next arrow found its mark. After that, she lost track. She pulled, and she prayed that her hands kept still another minute. 
The unique thing–maybe the appealing thing–about the Norse myths, was that they told men to serve gods who were admittedly fighting with their backs to the wall and would certainly be defeated in the end. Jill let loose another arrow, felt the white rock at her back, and she knew that the clawing fear–beauty–bravery deep in her gut was the same feeling that she felt on the heights. The same feeling, but a different face. You’ve got to love vastness more than you fear falling. 
“I feel in my bones,” said Poggin, “that we shall all, one by one, pass through that dark door before morning. I can think of a hundred deaths that I would rather have died.”
“It is indeed a grim door,” said Tirian. “It is more like a mouth.” 
“Oh, can’t we do anything to stop it,” said Jill. Better to be dashed to the ground than it was to be devoured. 
“Nay, fair friend,” said Jewel. “It may be for us the door to Aslan’s country and we sup at his table tonight.”
A hand tangled itself in her hair and started to pull. Jill braced herself hard, for a moment, until her strength gave out. She was standing on the edge of a high, Northern cliff. She took another step, and fell.
Perhaps when the moment comes, our bite will prove better than our howls. If not, we shall have to confess that two millennia of Christianity have not yet brought us to the level of the Stoics and Vikings. For the worst (according to the flesh) that a Christian need face is to die in Christ and rise in Christ; some were content to die, and not to rise, with Father Odin.
The world inside the stable was beautiful. It made Jill’s chest ache in all the loveliest ways. 
Build it again, O ye bards, fairer than before!
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@skaelds there you go! I’ve compiled a list of most of the tomarry and harrymort fics I’ve read, as well as those I had planned to read. hope this helps. Enjoy!
*I know it’s a few months later than promised, i hope you can excuse me for the delay 😅
*the fics which can be both harrymort and tomarry are put under tomarrymort.
*also i think I might have misspelled some titles, and/or wrongly categorised some, so you might find a tomarry in tomarrymort or a tomarrymort in tomarry.
*if you can’t find a story make sure you check for it under the author’s pseud, and some of these (like yebisu by slexenskee for example) are from websites other than Ao3, so if you can’t find it on Ao3, it might be somewhere else.
by wynnebat
In bloom
Like a scarf
Roads untaken [crack]
The Care and Keeping of Tom Riddle’s Diary
Rings around
Coming down, down, down
…and a lot more, but this is prob going to take a while, so I just recommend anything by wynnebat really.
by duplicity
Wake From a Dream
Harry James [Redacted] [crack]
To The Hilt
Harry Potter and The Dragon of Gaunt Mountain
by maquira
Kudosed, Bookmarked, Subscribed
Expecto Patronum
Freudian slip
by Baryshnikov
A deconstructed ménage a trois
I search the alphabet just to find your name
You taste of sour cherry jam
To yearn for love is to rot alive
Happy anniversary baby
The art of persuasion
Love confessions in our moldy pink bathroom (I could’ve sworn it was there but I can’t find it, was it deleted? bc I KNOW I did not hallucinate this fic man)
The antidote to boredom
This was the ineluctable consequence of how we love
My nemesis, oh my nemesis
Being seen & being known
The unexpected consequence of insubordination
Seduction by any other name
The insides of men are webbed with love
Mycelium; or tragedy of want
I told you not to take it.
A desperately romantic thing
And a lot more…anything by Baryshnikov is bound to be good, check them out on Ao3.
by asakiii
Drunken mistakes
by RepentingSirens
Only The Good
The Endlessly Fleeting Lives of Tom M Riddle
by ToAStranger
love is touching souls (surely you touched mine)
Found Love (where it wasn’t supposed to be)
by Luxis
Where Our Worlds Meet
Bite me, Bitch
by Ellionne
Harry Potter and The Dark Lord’s Mighty Weapon [crack]
by daniko
Unloved and Forgotten
by LissiaMoonstone
Reporting for duty
Haunt me, darling
In his bones
by Penmanner
Fuck, Marry, Kill (Me Now)
by Nica
Pokémon Go Fuck Yourself It’s 2AM
by mwan
by Arliene
Chasing the careless traveller
I have seen your heart
The intruder
A Christmas Riddle
by hypnagogia
romantika kromatika
Try the other one, it rings (if you type in the wrong PIN)
Tis but a flesh wound, no?
And at night, the invisible worm flies
Harry Potter and the Mysterious Brolly Man
Look (/feel) like death warmed up
Bottoms Up, Top Down
by flipdarkchill
Fate granted
by DobbyRocksSocks
Yours and Mine
by IceLynx
by isleoffanfiction
Criminal Alleys
A Mudblood? No a Slytherin.
by dracoismytrashson
The Domino Effect
by TheOnceandFutureQueenofTarts
Gone bananas [crack]
by Mer_des_Miroirs
by Divida
A Future Without a Face
by QuillofFortune
Blend Into Me
by while_v_r_young
As it is above so it must be below
by articcat621
A Tumble Through Time
by insert_keyboard_spam_here
by WolfyWordWeaver
When Harry Met Nagini
by Crystia
The Root of All Evil is Love
by a_dale
Together (Or Not At All)
by Chaotic_Smutty (Anna_Hopkins)
Glory Hole Shenanigans
by Tina48
by Padraigen
he who falls asleep first
by maydei
Kingdom Come (Undone)
by Nillen
Forever Hold Your Peace
by thecrimsonmonarch
Rain, Rain, Go Away
by Cartonsofcartoons
The only sound is the overflow
by MorianaBeldom
Someone Who Believes
by Paimpont
To Kill You With a Kiss
by KaedeRavensdale
When September Ends 
by harrietriddle
Willing (to be a fool)
by BigJellyMonster
The Best Times are Ahead
by Fukoji
More Precious Than Gold
by Katsitting (Nekositting)
New Year, New Me
I’ll Eat Your Heart Out, Sir
by HQ_Wingster
by jazz n sadzz but razz
I loved you the most
by FermionCat
Senseless & lacking sensibility
by goldenzingy46
I loved you even when you weren’t there
You + me the remix
Follow me home and kiss me softly [crack]
etched out (my heart)
Falling for someone (long gone)
Sudden, And Forgettable
An Unyielding Rush of Ink
by immxrtalbi
Scotland blues
We’re Not in Hogwarts Anymore
Physical obliviate
Mirror, mirror
Paper crane of mistakes
Two alike sides
Twinkle Riddle
by rightonthelimit
Count on me
Come to me
This is why
One Too Many
Holding Hands
Little Secrets (Manners)
by Exarite
A house is not a home
by slexenskee
by aroundloafofbread, Wolven_Spirits
Three sugars and a splash of daddy please
Treacle my tart
Lost and found
by Wolven_Spirits
Make Me
It’s called stealing
Peel me [crack]
Dark Like Your Smile
I told you not to die
The Wild Hunt
Don’t leave me kiss-less
by crowthing
altered course
by Anonymous
bear witness (to what you’ve become)
the grass grows green
by holythemis
murder husband
by mizstorge
by kcstories
the other
by Tosmichiyo
An echo of the past
by DariaSilver
the portrait
by AConspiracyOfRavens
by myonmel
Tom is a cop
by ChokolatteJedi
They Didn’t Know
by massolit
love of your life (ignore him)
by Ailora
Cold Dish
Game On, Your Move
by shadowscribe
Harry Potter and the Greatest Show
by an orphan_account
all the light, all my love
by valkyrie_chemist
Seeing Sand
by waywiser
the heart for chasing
by trajeudi
Feels Like Mine
by Tsume_Yukia
miracle fibre called courage
by PeridotWraith
[I Feel Like I’m] Standing In A Graveyard
by IvoryRaven
Sudden-Onset Acute Respiratory Flowers
by Odys_seus
The Chain
Noir memoirs
by Stelaris
Where you are needed
by ChasingChapters
Between the Shadow and the Soul
by CallistoPen, MoonlightSonata (CallistoPen)
His other half
by InkwardSpots
kisses are promises I can’t keep (but oh, I try so hard)
by aluminumsoda
Harry Potter and the Absurdity of Man
by Prodigalsan
The Rabbit’s Foot
by NeuroWriter14
bugs and organs
One Hundred Christmases With You
by MayMarlow
And the Rest is Confetti
by FujiRouge (orphan_account)
won’t take no as an answer
The Domesticity of Tom Riddle & Harry Potter
by tiigi
The Gift of Giving
by HeavensDiskJazzyJade
Soft Sounds
by LampPost
Please don’t
by chaoschameleon
Christmas Cookies and Chaos
by krimsky
in which someone finally gives Tom a Valentine’s gift he likes instead of love potions
by fericide
by httpsruru
A Hostage for Christmas
by The_Fictionist
Impressing Professor Potter
by sunflower123ink
Why don’t I play you a tune, Darling
by son_of_death
Don’t die for me, live for me
by Stargirltakingflight
Your soul laid bare for all to see
razor’s edge (even deeper we fall)
All the ties that bind us
by alfisha
‘tis the season to be simping
you look so pretty(but you’re gone so soon)
by JayGwen23
Anonymous Letters
by Mister-Tom-A-Dildo-Lover (Watermelonsmellinfellon), Watermelonsmellinfellon
by Aquarius_Shadow
of flesh and blood (of magic and legacy)
by Shivani
December and January
by purplewitch156
Memento Mori
by Juic
Days of Wine & Roses
by hiraaaa
Little one
by noumena
by Raybean
by kindjellyfish
New Person, Same Old Mistakes
by TrenchcoatRats
Discovering Emotions
by ohyonfermemphis
cut this picture (into you and me)
by caxandra
a tremendous change
by elderflower_tea
Roads Diverged
by Batsutousai
by RedGhost1010
Rise, Icarus: (even) Demons Dare Love Endlessly
by Lomonaaeren
Living Well
by belletrist
With a twist [crack]
by Stargirltakingflight
Dangerous Distractions
by apocalypseWallflower
The Power the Dark Lord Knows Intimately
by selfproclaimed_princess
by Moonlight_Jasmine
Nothing Can Come Between Us
by asterismal (asterisms)
sharing is caring
moment of impact
a peculiar way of fitting together
by driftingsea
catch me if you can
by NastyFanGal
by Nabielka
by Rose_by_another_name
rewind the tapes (press pause, press play)
by Cyanocitta20
A Future, Found (in the Past)
by greenmegsnoham
64: Heartbroken
by Lortan
But You Promised?
by DreamingofSleeping
Aftermath [crack]
Rambling [crack]
Malfoy Manor [crack]
Home Invasion [crack]
Albus’ Interlude [crack]
Hate Mail [crack]
Couples Therapy [crack]
by calluscrazy
What You Require
by doshu
Date Night
The Date That Shall Not Be Named
Seldom Used, To Date
Carbon Date
by Mirley
Manic Love Fools: or the ethical quandary of harbouring amorous adulation for a hot eldritch clown
(I personally couldn’t find a way to access it, but when I attempted to find some screenshots or something on images, the few pictures I saw looked very promising. great art btw)
by RudeHellion
by Mairi Nathaira (Tara)
by Vyrid
To My Star
by philolust
why wait for the best when I could have you
by lemonchase
Alone in the Darkness
by May_May_o_o
Muggle Studies is Economics in Disguise
by November Snowflake (novembersnow)
by Eidelvyd
An Unexpected Agreement
by JamesTheSnail
Twice is Enemy Action
(it’s still a work in progress, no appearance of Tom so far, and only 1 chapter posted, but it’s very well written and has an interesting concept and plot, i couldn’t not include it.)
by silenceinwinter2019
The Orphaned King
by asakiii
In the end
by wynnebat
The spaces in between
Shades of truth
Dearly beloved [crack]
Hell is your son in law from another dimension [crack]
Hell is your son from another dimension [crack]
Hell is ours to carry [crack]
Outside your castle
by maquira
by Lomonaaeren
Ruby Silence
The Seducer’s Path
(the above four are part of one series, and were recommended to me by @racfoam - you have excellent taste by the way. love the way Lomona wrote them. i was giggling, blushing, and fanning myself the whole time, and very invested in the series. the healthy and realistic growth of Harry and Voldemort’s relationship and the way they begin to care for and trust in each other as the story progresses is something that I really liked. i also appreciated the fact that Harry did not have to completely change himself or turn “Dark” - no offense at all to such stories - but instead always stayed true to himself throughout the story, he was always who he was at his core, he was Harry, with a very large capacity to love and see the best in people, and to forgive. Another thing I loved was their mutual respect, and also the healthy way in which they compromise on things. looking forward to the next story in the series!)
by Dark Chelonie
Going grey
by UnbotheredGoose
Dance with me at the end of time
by ObsidianPen
No glory
by Serapia
Silent Night
(it’s a one-shot spin off of a scene from “No Glory” by ObsidianPen, highly recommended it, beautiful work)
by skaelds
Perfect places
by flipdarkchill
by MonsieurClavier
Keeper of My Soul
by LouveClaviere
When we all fall down
by Exarite
once upon a dream
by immxrtalbi
Azkaban break
by SalemObsidian
Hearts afire
by brainstorm1001
by lemonchase
I Can’t Carry This In My Sleep
by fluentchaos
Take This Longing
by freakydeakymoonmagic
Baby, I’ve been running
by DreamerEye
The Wand Chooses
by Rendered Reversed
Here there be dragons
by Kushimani
by mizstorge
nothing like the sun
by isleoffanfiction
A Spell to Seek Sofia
Body swap - frantic fanfic
by VoidRealmer
Poetic Justice
(I think this is tomarry but I’ve already done the link so..🤷🏻‍♀️)
by an orphan_account
by Charlie Waffles (CharlieWaffles)
First Words
by crowthing
by epiphanein
The Fool
by where_evil_grows
Way out There
by avrian170
I’ll See You After Death
by purplewitch156
by hypnagogia
Talking Tom [crack]
by sujing
The Duck Lord [crack]
opened heart, secrets spilled
by fluorescenx
Two Words in Green Ink
by Author_Person
by Pinesfamfan
Sleepless Nights
by local_doom_void
Mi aedijekit
by LiquidLuckandStuff
Phantom Touch
by Epic Solemnity
Dreams and Darkness Collide
by asterismal (asterisms)
Beat Your Fantasy
by GeMerope
A Rival’s Kiss
by RudeHellion
In Due Thyme
by DreamingTheMelody
Just A Touch
by cauldroncakes
the one with the arranged marriage
by aphaeiia
Wedding Planning with The Dark Lord [crack]
by DianeLunaCrescent
Out of the Blue
by Lils_White
the monster you (don’t) see
The World On Fire
by reeby10
In This Body There’s a Heart
by Divida
Another Time, Another Place
by Phantomato
With Apologies
by HQ_Wingster
By the Light of Your Smile
by sofiaottoman
Lest We Forget
by Princess_Jellybean
Harry Potter and the Unraveling of Time
(just a fair warning - this fic is NOT completed. i was heavily disappointed when I reached the end chapter expecting it to be completed, as the author listed, only for it not to be. all matters set aside though, this is a very well written fic, with an interesting plot, greatly recommend it)
by Rantipo1e
by Enchanted367
Safe and Sound
by MonsieurClavier
Heir Apparent
by Naomi_Riddle
let’s cross over
by Metalomagnetic
Either must die at the hand of the other
(this is supposed to be under harrymort but I can’t be arsed I’m sorry 😭)
by belletrist
the loneliest creature in the world
by Accipitae
by AislingSiobhan
by wynnebat
To be one
by maquira
dead before midnight
Sickly sweet obsession
by ToAStranger
Draw me after you (let us run)
by Mer_des_Miroirs
One and Only
by belatrix
and all i could hear was your pulse
by youknowmevj
1000 Potters Walk Into a Bar
by Stargirltakingflight
Exuberance of Love
by PrettyAdder
Souls that dream alone lie awake
by TheDarkRat
The King is Dead (Long Live the King) [crack]
by Maiathoustra
Animus Anima
by TheLadyGia
Stuck in the Middle with You
enter at your own risk
by liquoricepantomime
by asterismal (asterisms)
Not when they’re told
his kiss still thrills
tempor • al | ary
by SpitFire97
The Sense of Self
by MagickGarlick
The Boy Who (Took His Place)
by Kefalion
An Idle Mind is the Devils Playground
by littleberd
Lily For A Lie
by SolAnise
by Stargirltakingflight
like a prayer, for which no words exist
by blood_stained_fingers
The cost
by sexyspectrum
by duplicity
by GeMerope
In Willing Sacrifice
by windseeker2305
The Black Bunny
by athy
Again and again
by Quillbreaker
by authoresseithoutwords
The Left Words
by Maeglin_Yedi
The Necromancer
by snowy_owl01
47 Days to Change (a translation)
by Magentasouth
That which we make for ourselves
by crowthing
by cordeliawrites
for love is always with you
by an orphan_account
A Snake Named Voldemort
by slex(slexenskee)
by TheLastNero
The Emerald Connection
by Kayliana
The Mirror of Eidrokcuf [crack]
by Racfoam
not you, not now
by avrian170
Łord Øf Âll
by Acnara
A dead man’s tale
by RenderedReversed
Until Death Do Us Part
by JayGwen23
The False Hero
Imaginary Friend
by InsanelyYours96
There is Nothing Sweeter
by Elkiem
The Unforgivable (Avada Kedavra)
by Kushimani
If Only the World Had Been a Bit More Different
by Flipdarkchill
by Surgical
(this is a new fic, so it’s a work in progress…Harry is still a child so far and hasn’t yet properly met Tom, but the story is pretty well written actually, and I love the concept of it - can’t say much because I can’t ruin the story obviously 😅 - basically, it’s good, read it.)
The “I’m-Not-Sure-Where-it-Belongs”Category
by purplewitch156
Of your making
When the Phoenix Cries
by Racfoam
through thorns to you
by Black Coat
Hermione Prime
by Painted Veil
by SalemObsidian
(I can’t find this fic bloody anywhere it’s like it’s completely disappeared, I can’t even find the authors account like did I hallucinate this fic??? I’m pretty sure it was a harrymort where voldemort and harry kept meeting up during battles because they were having a sort of tryst or something, and that Mr.Hot, Rich, and Blond was somehow roped into all this and made to be their unwilling lookout…or something like that...I just know this isn’t hallucinated I REMEMBER reading this fic, I DO)
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(this is a screenshot I had taken before btw)
Update: I have been kindly informed by @limonium-anemos that this fic is still up on Ao3, but, that it has been orphaned by the author (personally I think it’s a pity really, as it was such a good fic, but I do get that life gets in the way, and that sometimes, you can just lose passion for something, and I appreciate the author, and do wish them all the best in whatever they’re doing).
by Anonymous
Us From The Future! [crack]
Red Eyes (it was just uploaded today (9th July) and is still being updated so idk, but so far it’s harrymort)
Update: can’t find “Red Eyes” on Ao3. went to look for it today - Saturday, 10th September - and it’s gone, no trace of it…not sure if I should remove it from the list or not, but for now I think I’ll leave it, just in case…it might still be there and I just haven’t looked well enough, or it might have moved to another site for all I know, so, yeah…
by TheDarkLordChaos
if the cycle has no beginning, you’re the phoenix and i’m the flame
(well so far it’s tomarry, and it’s completed with 1 chapter, but the author has listed it in the tags as a Work in Progress and has also tagged it as a harrymort, so this might be under tomarrymort but I’m not sure)
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F I N.
(I might add more later though so maybe not) (edit: I did add more, and will continue adding to this mess of a list)
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stacys-museum · 9 months
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Skyblock this week.
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pagesofkenna · 1 month
doing the math and i'm pretty sure chilchuck is getting his bow back next week, and we might finally get to meet the canaries (the elves), if not next week then definitely the week after!
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so-long-soldier28 · 2 months
what is it with teenage supernatural shows and the lack of continuity? like, how old are these people?? what year is it?? tf??
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constantvariations · 10 months
Prior to V3C11: Heroes and Monsters, are there any signs that Blake was abused? How well do you think her abuse arc as a whole is handled?
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witchersgoldenbard · 2 years
Ranger’s Apprentice fic. a snippet during book 7 (Erak’s Ransom) while they’re captured.
1.1k words of Gilan/Selethen for @kasztanisagod.
tags: gilan whump, soft selethen, hands and smiles
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Gilan’s whole body is made of pain, and has been for the past few days. His feet are aching and raw from trying to keep up as they were bound to horses and dragged along. His skin is chafed and bleeding where the unforgiving sand has managed to destroy his clothes after one too many fall, and even the smallest of cuts feel like his body is nothing more than a pulsating mess. 
Worst of all, though, is the dizziness. He doesn’t know if his head is still bleeding or if the wetness he can feel running down his temple is his body’s testament to the desert heat, but it doesn’t make a difference anyway. 
There’s only pain. And nausea. His eyes are open but he needs a second to understand what he’s seeing — and what he’s seeing is the wall of a cell. Distantly, he hears a door clanging shut, but that might just as well be a memory. 
He’s going to throw up. Tough luck when you don’t even know where up is. 
A groan leaves his mouth as he tries to take a deep breath and fails miserably. Instead, he can add two broken ribs to the list of misery. 
Gods above — Arridi, Skandian, whichever Gods are listening — he’s tired. But he fears that if he closes his eyes, he might not open them anymore for the sheer release that would bring. He can’t sleep, can’t rest, not when— 
“Easy now,” a gentle voice interrupts his less than coherent thoughts and just moments later, a tender hand is combing through his blood-crusted hair. “You shouldn’t move, my friend. There’s nowhere to move to anymore.” 
Gilan frowns, his brain trying and failing to provide any information at this point. The hits to his head must have been worse than he thought if his short term memory refuses to work with him completely. 
“We have reached Maashava,” the voice continues and Gilan has to blink the fog away to make out its owner. When he does, it must show in his eyes, for the worry in Seley el’then’s eyes makes way to the briefest of smiles before returning even stronger than before. “Do you not recall?”
Gilan just stares up at him. That’s all his wrecked body and mind allow him to do right now. That’s all they want to do when gentle hands comb through his hair and chase away some of the pain. 
It is then that reality slowly comes back to him and he realises where he is. He’s lying in a bleak but blissfully cool cell — any more of the desert heat in his current state, and you might have had a fair chance at reaching for his oak leaf looking him dead in the eye and he wouldn’t have been able to stop anyone from succeeding. 
Shame rises in him and he has the urge to apologise to Halt, to explain, but moving his head to the side, he sees that Halt isn’t any better off. He appears to be sleeping and Evanlyn is washing blood away from his face. 
Gilan blinks once, twice, and takes in his old master. It’s not a competition, he knows, but shame makes way to satisfaction when he sees that everyone else hasn’t taken as many hits, kicks and punches as himself. His distractions have worked, then. 
That’s good. Now if only they didn’t make him so nauseous. So tired. So…
“Don’t fall asleep, Gilan,” Selethen demands, and the world tilts slightly, which makes everything worse until… soft. It’s softer now. 
Selethen has moved him so his head is resting in his lap now. 
“You don’t look too good, Ranger. Sleep is dangerous in your state, no matter how badly you might need it. Give it a few hours, please.” 
A beat passes where Gilan tries to process the words that are just too many. Since when does Selethen talk so much? 
“Lies,” he says after a while. 
“I look very good. You just can’t see it under all the blood and the bruises.” He tries to crack a smile, but even the huffed breath jolts his head too much. 
Selethen does him the favour of a brief chuckle, and Gilan feels better for it. Lighter. Light is good, he finds. Maybe all he has to focus on is Selethen and his hands working out the clumps of dirt and blood from his hair, maybe all he has to to is make him smile and the world will be a bit less painful. 
His world narrows down to all the ways Selethen is close to him and it does keep him occupied, but it also gets his mind wandering, the adrenaline of the past days wearing off. 
“Keep doing that and I will fall asleep,” he says after another beat of silence. Fall asleep and dream. Dream of what this could mean. Dream of smiles that make me feel lighter. 
“Keep doing what?” Selethen asks, and Gilan senses a trick to just keep him talking, no matter how slurred his speech is. He needs a moment to remember what he said.
“This,” he says eventually, and Selethen only hums. Finding words is hard. He tries. And tries again. “Being gentle.” 
Another smile and Gilan wants to close his eyes to keep it there. “I’m afraid I can’t do that, my friend.” 
“Can’t not be gentle?” He’s losing force on the consonants. The pain is getting stronger, his nerve ends more frayed and his vision blurry. This is familiar. He gives himself another quarter of an hour at most before he will lose his consciousness, no matter how hard he tries to stay here. With Selethen and his wavering smile. 
“Not with my friends, no.” 
This time it’s Gilan who smiles at the word friends. He likes to be Selethen’s friend. The man is admirable, he’s strong, he’s respected by his people and his soldiers, he’s kind, he’s quick-witted and patient, and his hands are impossibly soft. 
“I know you said not to sleep, and I’m no one to deny a wakir’s command, but…” He swallows. Words are hard. He’s not sure they come out as planned, but he perseveres. “I’m afraid I have to prove to you now how stubborn Rangers can be.” 
Another hum from above him and Gilan opens his eyes he hadn’t even noticed closing. The world is fading, but still Selethen is at its centre. 
“I’ll be here when you wake up, then, stubborn Ranger.” 
Will you smile at me still? Gilan wonders. 
“Always,” Selethen says, but before Gilan has time to wonder if someone else has said something, darkness has swallowed him whole.
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soulsxng · 9 months
Really random, but sometimes I get hardcore sucked back into the Royal Scandal series. The vibes and the stories are just A+, and so many muses get so noisy.
The only issue with that is the muses being really noisy doesn't lend itself very well to headcanons and stuff, so I'm sitting here trying to answer these Corruption questions for Creation, and the muses are in the back of my head. Doing concerning things. Being generally distracting.
Edit: Just realized that link only includes the main episode songs in their release order...which isn't the chronological order for the series. It's on the same channel if anyone wants to see the rest of the songs!
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fatal-blow · 12 days
every once in awhile i remember this nurse who i had looking at my arm at the time say something like "I'd give you some stretches to do, but you seem capable enough to find what's going to work for you online" and boy he doesn't know how right he would end up being
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bobzora · 19 days
new pinocchiop the first new one to really vibe with me for a while. banger
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catsafari25 · 2 years
I don't know if this has already been said, but I feel there's something interesting in the fact that all the Life winners rebelled in some way against each seasons' rules:
Grian, who repeatedly found ways to take lives despite not being a red; who sided with Scar even after Scar turned red and he remained green
Scott, who remained loyal and refused to kill, even when he became the boogeyman, knowing the game would penalise him for his mercy
And Pearl, who spent almost the entire run of Double Life lonely and separated from her soulmate, despite, y'know, the whole mechanic of dl being soulbound
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soft-serve-soymilk · 3 months
Cannot sleep :/
#just pav things#lying awake here with Inigo meta thoughts#specifically the nuances of why he never intervened when Archie and Dism were fighting#He is torn between these two ideas of reality— whether Archie is dead or alive. That is true.#But eventually the latter idea takes more of a foothold; which is just a recipe for mental disarray#It’s a break from the comfortable cycle of self-hatred and destruction. So this new thought has to be counteracted to maintain inertia#So as I understand it he’s now caught on those lingering feelings of abandonment that Archie has left him with. and he is Not Happy.#Because just as he interpreted himself as being a replacement for Dism#He’s interpreting Archie and his little motley crew as a further refusal to move on from the past#And because Inigo acts on impulse (as seen best with the 💥 arm getting blown off) he’s using that momentary anger#to distract himself from the core issue as he lashes out ✨#He’s kind of a hypocrite that one. Stresses the importance of embracing unpleasant memories as a fundamental part of your character#(To the point of berating Idyllia for going the total memory wipe route instead)#but he is ALSO an escapist at heart. Neither of them want their definition of pain so they both have terrible routines to try avoiding it ✌#I’m sorry if this made no sense Dolphin I will probably do a retake with more braincells in the next few days#You know I’ve been analysing the design of this kindergarten in sydney for VCD#It’s called Nubo. Now I’ve always had a fondness for Scandinavian aesthetics but this is PEAK#So I went down a research rabbit hole and I came out of it with a clear concept for what Amonea Montessori School should feel like!#It’s this sort of cross-concept between stereotypical Australian architecture and hygge#Those oak panels and muted colours and glass everywhere#And I can carry through to an overall unique visual identity for Amonea#After all Byrgir should feel similarly detached from Earth in it’s own subtle ways#Tapping more into solarpunk and that overall comforting feeling for Amonea in particular~#I’m so happy :D
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wokeuplaughing · 5 months
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when I played pw I had my friend over and when she started talking my friend started laughing over how kojima presented this italian woman as costa rican
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