#two people who are both going 'oh you're insane i need to step up my game!' is not a recipe for good choices
One thing I love about Ashton and Fearne is that Ashton very aggressively projects onto her all the things they want to be; blasé, confident, effortlessly loved, capable of shaking off anything. They see the best, brightest parts of her but it's an admiration that often obscures her real fears and sensitivities! She's not just the impulsive, flirty fae, she's really scared for her friends. She's a sheltered young woman who's never truly lost someone they loved before. Ashton connects instinctively with her whimsy, her need for challenge, the bouts of spite, the urge to shake things up, the "level of crazy that I'm kind of into" but he can't grasp the degree to which she'd be messed up if he died in front of her. Coming off of so many years of nihilistic self-pity, it's hard to recognize that your actions impact other people, and I think part of the reason they wanted Fearne is because they thought that exploding in front of her wouldn't be as bad as doing so in front of the others. Just take his stuff, it's fine!
(It's not fine.)
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bellarkeselection · 4 months
When Dutton's Marry, They Go Big
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Request from wattpad mackleann - Kayce and the reader come back from their honeymoon and the bunkhouse crew talk about how amazing the wedding was ( huge wedding 😏 )
"There's nothing that says we have to go back today. We could just stay out here." Kayce had his arms wrapped around me from behind while I was trying to put my shirt on.
Kayce and I had recently got married a few weeks ago. And we had been spending our honeymoon here at the Dutton Summer Camp. I giggled trying to not cave into his embrace when he kissed my neck. “Kayce, we have to go back to work.”
“Your mother doesn’t need you for another week right?” He mumbled into my neck until I spun around in his arms.
My mother Lynelle Perry was going to be stepping down and leaving Montana in the coming weeks since she got a higher job in government. Kayce’s father John was taking over her position as governor of the state. “No, she's busy helping your father. But I want to spend time with her before she leaves.”
“One more day won’t hurt anybody, darling.” Kayce leaned down, capturing my lips deeply.
I squealed when he got the chance to pick me up by my thighs and I wrapped my legs around his waist. “Kayce!” He carried me over to the edge of the bed sitting me down on it where we both fell backwards on the mattress.
“By the way you're looking at me right now I can tell that you’re not complaining too much.” Kayce smirked down at me only wearing some blue jeans and his boots that he kicked off.
Running my hands up his chest I wrapped my hands down his neck drawing him in for another long round of the morning. “Who I am kidding you’re hard to resist, Dutton.”
“So are you Mrs. Dutton.” He mumbled in between kisses and we laid in the bedsheets together till the next morning when we had to get back to the ranch.
Kayce drove the truck up underneath the Yellowstone Dutton ranch sign. We parked outside the main house where I turned in my seat facing him. “You know we could always hide out in the bunkhouse till the cowboys are done with work for the day.” A smirk was playing off my lips.
“I like the way you think, baby.” He smiled hoping out of his seat and I scrambled to get my door open. Kayce scopped me up before my feet could even hit the ground, carrying me to the bunkhouse door.
I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck and he kicked the door opened. He sat me down on the nearest bed beginning to remove my shirt until someone else's voice entered the building. “You two look just like you did the day you got married.”
“Ryan! What the hell are you doing here?” Kayce broke the kiss, breaking the kiss that we was sharing seeing the cowboy standing at the edge of the bed.
Ryan raised a brow. “I should be asking, are you going to sleep on my bed right now?”
“Oh god! We didn’t mean for that to happen.” Covering my face with my hands I groaned feeling somewhat embarrassed at the very thought of what we we’re about to do before he walked in. “Wait what did you mean we are just like how we were on our wedding day?”
Ryan chuckled with a smile. “Your wedding was huge and I don’t mean it’s just because of who your mother is. But I also mean weddings and other big events don’t really happen here.”
“Ryan, Rip says we have to move more cattle across the ranch before Gator starts dinner. What….what are you talking to these two about?” Colby enters the barn seeing the three of us talking.
Ryan turns toward his fellow cowboy working. “I was talking about their wedding.”
“Ah yeah. I remember that day. That was the biggest amount of people I had ever seen here before. And the food spread was insane.” Colby throws his head back, running his fingers through his black curly locks.
Thinking back on my wedding day I smiled at the memory. Kayce had been dressed in a light white dress shirt, black tie and his only pair of not dirty blue jeans and some boots. I was wearing my dress obviously that had lace all over the train. I had put some of my hair up with a flower crown braid leaving the rest of it down going down my back. Paring it with my light tan cowgirl boots instead of heels. “I didn’t think you guys were so focused on our wedding. We weren’t even that focused on the details after we got to the ceremony and said the words "I Do.”
“Okay we’ll y’all should get out of here before Rip comes and kick your asses or better yet I’ll kick your asses if you tell anyone else we are back yet.” Kayce threatened sitting down on the bed beside me glaring at the two cowboys who were still standing in the bunkhouse doorway.
Ryan raised his hand up in the air. “Chill out man. We’re going.”
“Who knew married Dutton’s could be more demanding than they already were before.” Colby mumbled exiting the bunkhouse with his fellow cowboy.
Kayce ran a hand through his hair looking back at me. “Are you reconsidering coming back home early like I knew I would?”
“Possibly….do ya think we could sneak back to the truck without them noticing?” I asked him, grabbing his discarded cowboy hat up from the dirty floor putting it on my head after dusting it off.
Kayce smirked the same expression as me. He moved forward, capturing his lips with mine. “You are a genius. But we could just drive back to the Summer Camp for a few more days.”
“Fine Mr. Dutton you win.” I caved knowing he wouldn't leave me alone until I agreed. We grabbed our jackets and ran as fast as possible to his truck in the driveway. I knew the day I said yes I was in for one hell of a ride changing my last name to Dutton and I wouldn't change one thing.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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raapija · 30 days
Need to know how you think Lance would respond to being mistaken for one of Fernando’s many kids-like would he be embarrassed or pissed-would Lando be like oh that’s my other dad 💀-I feel like they’d all love using it to mess with people 😭
Okay, this is hilarious, so I'll give you some fun scenarios of this happening...
Three short stories under the cut ! 💚
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In 2018, Oscar was 17 and looking for his first own apartment in London. He had made plans to go view one flat and needed an adult to accompany him, so Lance agreed to go with him.
"Hello! I'm William, I'll be showing you the apartment." a chipper estate agent greeted them at a downstairs door to a small apartment building. They all shook hands and then made their way inside and up the stairs.
"This is a really nice flat. Everything is recently renovated and they also put in new kitchen equipment." the estate agent fumbled with a big bundle of keys as they stopped at one of the apartment doors. "Just a short walk to the nearest shops, the bus leaves right from the street down there and it's a really quiet building all in all."
The estate agent finally found the right key and opened the door for Lance and Oscar to step in. It was pretty; all new surfaces and a sparkling new oven and dishwasher. And no weird smells, it was all fresh.
"Looks good, right?" Lance asked after a little tour around the flat. They were all standing in a small living area attached to the kitchen. "Small, but not too small."
"Perfect for a young lad like you!" the estate agent pointed out and Oscar nodded along.
"It okay." Oscar said. "I think I'll need to ask dad or pops to come see it, too, though."
"Oh, you boys have two dads?" the estate agent chirped in. He looked at Lance and Oscar and then the two of them looked at each other.
"Uh, we're not brothers." Lance said and the man got a bit flustered.
"He has two dads. I'm dating one of them." Lance explained. The estate agent blushed.
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry!" he hurried to apologize. Oscar had to turn away to hold in a laugh and Lance rubbed his eyebrow to do the same.
"No, it's okay. We get that a lot." Lance said to make the man feel less bad. "Anyway, we think we'll be in touch with you. Right, Osc?"
"Right." Oscar replied and the real estate agent handed them his card.
"Of course! I'd be happy to show this to you and your father again, if you'd like. Both of them! Or... You? Or... I'm sorry." he dug himself into a hole with that one.
"Yeah, thanks." Lance chuckled.
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One night, Lance and Lando were at a gay bar in Montréal. Lando liked going to gay bars, because he didn't have to pay for any of his drinks the whole night. Everyone thought he was just adorable... And Lance was big enough that he could fight back any potential creeps.
They were sat at a booth, when a man approached them and sat down on the opposite side of their table.
"Hi, sweeties." the stranger said and Lance and Lando giggled.
"Hi." Lando said back and batted his eyes. Free drinks incoming.
"You two are really cute together." the man said and the pair erupted into laughter. The guy was a little taken aback. "What? You're not together?"
"No," Lance said between laughing. "I'm his step-dad."
The man leaned back, visibly confused. It didn't take him long to smirk again. "Oh? Kinky. I like it."
Lance and Lando glanced at each other, holding back another big rumble of laughter.
"Uh, no, we really are father and son." Lance continued. "I'm married to his dad."
"So, no fun for us tonight?" the man sounded glum.
"No, I'm afraid. And he's straight. Wait, are you straight?" Lance turned back to Lando, who was already giggling.
"I dunno." the younger man shrugged his shoulders. Lance laughed again, and the man was even more confused.
"You two are insane." he groaned and stood up. Lance and Lando waved him goodbye and kept on laughing, leaning into each other and probably looking absolutely unhinged with the state of blissful drunkenness they were in.
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When Carlos and Charles were having their baby, Fernando and Lance rushed to the hospital and then to the receptionist to find out where they were. The woman working there looked at them a bit amused, because Fernando was fully freaking out and out of breath while Lance was calmly standing by his side.
"Sainz! And, uh, Leclerc! Un bebé! Uhm...I'm grand-dad!" Fernando blurted out, his English more broken than usual.
"Uh-huh... and him?" the receptionist pointed at Lance with a raised eyebrow.
"He's grand-dad. Also."
"Hi." Lance smiled and gave her a small wave. The receptionist looked back and forth between them, cogs turning in her head as she assessed the situation.
"Right..." she said and then turned to her computer to find where Carlos and Charles were. "Did you say Sainz?"
"Sí, uh... Yes. Carlos Sainz."
"And your name?"
"Fernando Alonso. Díaz! Alonso Díaz."
"And you?"
"Lance Stroll Díaz. S-T-R-O-L-L." Lance spelled out for her.
"Huh, you all have different last names?" she looked at Fernando a little confused.
"Yes." Fernando answered and she turned back to her computer, blowing out a breath of air as she typed all their names into the system. Fernando was struggling to stay in place, and Lance put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
"Okay..." the receptionist handed them a piece of paper. "I'll just need your signature here. They're in waiting room 21, just follow the yellow line on the floor and you'll find there."
"Gracias." Fernando said and hastily scribbled his name on the paper and then charged off. Lance chuckled after him and shook his head. He then carefully wrote his own name down, handing the paper back to the woman.
"Sorry. He's a bit extreme."
"Grandparents often are. Congratulations, by the way."
"Thank you."
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jsprnt · 1 month
Americano PT. 8 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: this one is a bit on the shorter side, but I promise next chapter will be juicy! 😉
W/C: 3.086
part seven
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"Wait- why am I actually kind of bitter about this?"
I mumble, looking up at Luis. He turns around, moving his camera away to look at me.
"Bitter about what?" He asks, fidgeting with the settings of the device.
"They literally crap out money- but get a free BMW?" I question, folding my arms.
"Oh, please. Will you stop being such a negative person?"
He gives me a nasty look, his hand coming to grab my arm.
"Or go sit in the car..?" He adds, pointing behind me.
"No, it's too hot to sit in the car.." I complain, adjusting my sleeve.
"Why did you even follow me here in the first place?" He asks, raising his brows.
"I was done with my to-do list and didn't want to stay cooped up in the office.."
Not to mention to avoid the insanely annoying looks I had been receiving ever since those stupid rumors and photos had been out.
"Okay, just stay back and watch then.."
I watch him make cinematic shots of each individual model and car. My patience begins to thin when he's still busy with it twenty minutes later.
I pull my phone out of my pocket to keep myself busy. I carefully scroll through my Instagram explore page, ignoring the thousands of follower requests to my account.
The internet was very quick, so within hours of my face being online, people had found both my full name and social media accounts.
I freeze, holding my phone against my chest, and turn in the direction the noise came from.
I make immediate eye contact with Valeria, her obnoxiously fake smile burning my eyes instantly.
"Yeah? Anything wrong with the shoot?" I ask, shoving my phone into my pocket.
"No, the players have just arrived- and it's a better look if you're off your phone and look interested."
I fight the urge to snort at her ridiculous comment, and just nod before I lose it.
"Sure, any reason you're here today? It's only for some short clips..”
I watch her take a step forward, a hand reaching up to her hip. She moves her neck in a weird way, staring at me for a moment.
"It's always good to see how my juniors work, and how close they are to the players is really something I like keeping an eye on.."
Oh- surprise, she was here for something stupid!
I was already over her snarky remarks, especially those insinuating a romantic relationship between Jude and me.
The thought only makes me want to gag.
I shiver at the cursed idea, noticing a few players already walking over to check out the new car they chose, and look back at Valeria.
"Well, I'm sure some of the guys really need your presence and knowledge. Please, go and join them.."
I instigate, hoping and wishing she goes to bother Toni instead.
For some reason, he could handle her bullshit really well.
"Oh, don't mind if I do.." She chuckles, immediately turning her back to me and walking away.
I sigh in relief, rubbing my nape to try to release some tension from my body.
I begin walking up to the cars myself, reading off every license plate to see which player got what model.
I stop at the car chosen by Aurélien, observing the details of the 'i4 eDrive35'.
« Très belle, non? » I hear him say. I nod, pursing my lips.
« Le couleur- noir est parfait.. » I compliment, stepping back to get a better view.
I open my mouth to say something else- but I'm startled by a loud car horn, it almost makes my eardrums explode. I shut my eyes tightly, not reacting fast enough to cover my ears properly.
"What the fuck.." I mumble, looking to my left. An obviously aggravated expression on my face, because who the hell thought that was a good idea?
“Jude! Get out of your mom’s car, please!” I exclaim, seeing him stand at the driver’s door.
The man couldn’t even drive, but got to choose a car for himself?
Not even that- he also chose the most expensive model worth more than a hundred thousand euros?
Life is so unfair.
“You’re standing in the way!” He exclaims, walking around to sit in the passenger seat. Another staff member comes over to drive him around the parking lot.
I give him a nasty look, stepping aside and looking back at Aurélien.
“Why don’t you join him?” He suggests, an obvious smirk on his face.
“What? Why would I do that?” I ask, raising my brows and folding my arms defensively.
“You know- nice car and fun drive..” He trails off, glancing at the moving car.
“I would feel like I’m in danger without him even being the driver..” I state, shielding my eyes from the sun with my hand.
He chuckles, as if to mock the fear for my safety. I shrug it off, looking behind me to see where Luis is.
“Come on- get in the car and I’ll get Luis to do a little video..” I usher, walking away to get Luis.
The entire shoot takes us about an hour before we’re finally done. I quickly bid farewell and thank fellow staff members for their hard work before jumping into my car.
I go to start my car, looking up to see where Luis is. I roll my windows down, letting some fresh air into the car, hoping he’ll be here quickly.
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“No- it’s just annoying because I’m trying to do my job properly and I’m getting the craziest stares. Like, does having a conversation with someone mean we’re married with three kids and a chihuahua?!” I exclaim, looking at Amira on FaceTime.
“And you attended his match, and you wore his name on your shirt and spoke to his family and-"
I cut her off with a loud groan, rubbing my eyes in irritation.
“You’re the one who set me up!”
“I thought you already knew it was his shirt! Should I have worn Jude’s while you wore Trent’s?” She defends herself, a smirk forming on her lips.
I shake my head, dropping my pencil on the table.
I had been studying all day and had stopped the instant Amira called me.
“The way I can’t even get mad at anyone about this- ugh..” I complain, shifting in my chair.
“And those follow requests are so annoying..”
I grumble, totally aware of the fact that I had been complaining about literally every single thing and then some.
“Girl, if you set your account on public again and accept those followers..”
“What? I’m going to clout chase being that douche's fake girlfriend?”
“I have to take over my dad’s firm one day, and you want me to be known for dating my coworker?”
“Too late-"
I stop paying attention to what she’s saying when the front door opens, my gaze moving to see my dad walking in.
“I’m going to call you back later.” I mutter to Amira, waving at her until she hangs up.
I close my laptop, standing up to walk over to the door.
“Hey, dad- you’re late.” I say, grabbing his laptop bag off of him.
“I had a lot of work to review. Did you have dinner?” He asks, hanging his coat up on the coat rack.
“I had some of the food auntie Carmen made. You?”
“We all had dinner in the office. Everyone has been going home late these days.” He says, washing his hands in the kitchen sink before loosening his tie.
“With what?” I ask, setting his laptop bag on the table, prying into his business.
“Can’t say, but- don’t you think you need to tell me something?” He suddenly asks, turning to me.
I freeze, looking at him with wide eyes.
What the hell would I be hiding from him?
“Uh- no? I’m not sure what you’re talking about?” I state, scratching my nape in confusion.
“Are you sure?” He presses on, coming to hold onto my shoulders.
“I’m sure. What am I supposed to hide from you?” I ask, getting rather defensive, a frown forming in between my brows as I keep staring at him.
He notices my irritation, letting go of my shoulders and holding his hands up in surrender.
“Okay- I understand. Don’t get all angry at me..” He says, smiling.
“I’m not angry- just confused..”
“Forget I asked- How was work? How about you tell me about that instead?”
I purse my lips, looking down at my laptop.
“Alright, the players got new cars, so we had to do a shoot for BMW..” I mutter, fiddling with my notebook.
“You look so down, y/n. What? Are you jealous? I got you your new Audi less than two years ago..”
“What do you mean, dad? I love that car, would not exchange an Audi for a BMW- I have some car knowledge.” I state, my expression changing as I explain to him.
“That’s right! Come to me when you really want to change your car. I’ll call up some people I know.”
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I make my way towards the printer, looking for the documents I had sent over to be copied a couple hours ago. Finding them, I quickly read them through to confirm the pages are complete, until I’m stopped by Hugo.
“Are you ready for El Classico week?” He asks, making a copy of something.
Most people, as in football fans, would say an El Classico is a match you shouldn’t miss. The long-standing rivalry between the two clubs was always interesting to watch, and I would definitely agree a hundred percent-
Only, if it didn’t mean we had to ensure our match posts, interviews, and statements were properly prepared and triple-checked and approved days leading up to the match.
Of course, I loved watching the game- but the way it exhausted literally everyone involved was no fun.
What made it harder was the fact that we had a whole Champions League match to worry about first. To sum it all up, no one was getting sleep for the next two weeks.
“Yeah, just really busy with preparations.” I reply, folding the corner of the documents.
“Good luck, we’ve all been having sleepless nights. It will be worth it in the end- you’ve experienced this before. Just keep on doing what you always do.”
I nod in acknowledgment, smiling at him.
“You’re right, we will put our best foot forward.” I give him a thumbs up, chuckling.
“Good- I’ll see you at lunch. Work hard!” He encourages, patting my shoulder before leaving with his printed papers.
I sigh in relief when he leaves, making my way up to my desk. I place the documents on the table, before running down to the pitch. Having to finish some last-minute recording of the match preparations.
I walk over to the pitch, training is already in full motion, and I notice Luis already there. I look around for any other staff members, only seeing the creepy guy I ran into weeks ago standing across the pitch.
The guy was a walking, real-life jumpscare at this point. I’d only run into him at random moments, and the way he’d look at me had my heart leaping into my throat.
“You’re late.” Luis complains, bringing me out of my thoughts, fiddling with a black cable.
“Did those two minutes kill you?” I ask, sighing, and look at the players who were training.
“Of boredom, yes..” He replies, and I notice the small- very slight compliment in his words. A smile forming on my face as I chuckle.
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“We would’ve been absolutely fucked if Kepa didn’t save that one..” I mutter, insanely stressed, as I eye the scoreboard in the Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium. A temporary stadium FC Barcelona had been using for this season.
“Don’t say that- you have no trust in this team whatsoever..” Luis complains, looking up at me.
“Who will score?” I ask, we loved guessing who would score and assist goals during every match.
“Jude.” He immediately says, not hesitating one bit.
“No- I’m guessing Vinicius..” I say, eyes darting back to my laptop screen.
“I will be right- just watch..”
“It’s his second El Classico and his first in season one. What is he going-” I immediately stop talking when I notice a chance to score, my hands tangle into my shirt as I see how much space there is to score.
I gasp, and my jaw slacks open when Jude scores an absolute screamer, which I’d obviously never admit to him.
“I told you!” Luis screams, celebrating like it’s his birthday. I scoff, secretly happy we were put out of our 0-1 misery, and search for the draft I’m supposed to publish.
A couple minutes pass, it’s almost full time, and extra time is finally announced. The away side is full of Madridistas, all sitting on the edge of their seats until Luca kicks the ball towards Jude and GOAL!
The away side celebrates happily, with another El Classico win in our pocket. I quickly manage and do what I have to do, before we both get up to go back inside.
I was both delighted and annoyed at the fact that we won. Of course, it’s always amazing to win a match like this, especially when we were doing so well this season. Also because it’s Luca’s 500th match, and an assist is pretty amazing to pull off on a day like this.
The only thing making me have bitter feelings was the fact that I had to interview Jude today. Normally, Man Of The Match interviews with him were already horrific to experience. An elaborate interview with him, after I’d been avoiding him like the plague, wasn’t necessarily something I would want to do.
“Can you go first? I’ve got to pee really badly..” I say to Luis, placing my bag down and running towards the restroom. Finishing my business up quickly and washing my hands thoroughly.
I look around me for a bit, knowing that sometimes players would use these restrooms as well. I had heard about instances where the players of the opposite team had raged against our team’s staff members. Which definitely had me watching my back in moments like these.
I had interacted with some players of FC Barcelona, and they hadn’t been disrespectful so far.
Thus, I’m not too fazed when the door to the restroom opens. I look up as a sweaty and tired Ferran Tores walks in.
We make immediate eye contact, and I nod in greeting, shooting him a quick ‘hello' before pulling some paper towels from the dispenser to dry my hands.
He seems to be seething in anger, so I break eye contact, looking away.
“This is a staff bathroom, are you aware of that?”
He suddenly says, water splashing from the faucet as he begins washing his face.
“Sorry?” I question, wondering what he’s getting at.
“Not for girlfriends.” He mutters, turning the faucet off.
My face twists into one of confusion, the words throwing me for a loop. Seems like he notices, and he opens his mouth again.
“You’re Bellingham’s girl, aren’t you? This is the staff restroom.” He enunciates every single word as if I’m a kindergartner, it makes me freeze for a second.
I struggle to stop myself from reacting thoughtlessly, not knowing if I should be crying or laughing.
My hand reaches for my staff badge hanging from my neck, waving it in front of his face.
“Do I look like a girlfriend?” I ask, dropping my badge and stepping out before he can apologize.
Asshole, losing doesn’t give you the right to be so damn rude.
How could I even get rid of these stupid fucking rumors?
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“Okay, smile!” I exclaim, holding Luis’s camera up to take a photo of the squad. With the happiness of winning an El Classico and the celebration of Luca's milestone came a lot of excitement and enthusiasm.
I hold back a chuckle at the sight of Aurélien laying on the floor, instructing some of them to move a bit for a better shot.
We take multiple photos together, staff members taking photos with the squad while I force them to stand in front of the camera.
“y/n, come here, and we’ll take a picture!” Antonio urges, snatching the camera off of me and pushing me to stand in front of the camera.
I feel myself being pushed, until I find myself almost pressing into Jude’s side.
I curse to myself, forcing an awkward smile as I pose next to everyone.
“What? Surely, you don’t think I bite?” Jude whispers, his arm dropping to his side.
“Please, shut up and pose. We still have that interview, so don’t start now..” I mutter between a clenched smile, pretending I’m not fazed.
I hear a soft chuckle, a mocking and breathy ‘sure’ leaving his mouth.
It gives me shivers down my spine, and I fight the urge to step on his shoe, focusing on posing instead.
This will be a long, long interview..
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“You should’ve told me you’re leaving.” I mumble, mouth full of cereal and milk.
“Sorry, been so busy, didn’t even come to mind.” My dad says, walking around the house as he gets ready for work.
“Where is that blue tie I just got?” He shouts from his room.
“I ironed it! It’s in the bottom drawer!” I shout, scrolling through my messages.
“Got it!”
I hum, chugging the leftover milk in my bowl before standing up from the dining table.
“When are you going? Will you be gone for long?” I ask, watching him put the tie on in his bedroom.
“This weekend. It’s a crucial case, so I’ll be back when it’s totally over. Don’t get up to mischief. I know how you get when you’re home alone.” He points, giving me a stern look.
“Yeah, sure, I will plan a house party or two..” I joke, but it doesn’t land as he continues staring me down.
“Okay! I will be a responsible adult and call you or auntie Carmen when something happens..”
“Good, I’m leaving to get to work. Will you be back on time for dinner?” He says, grabbing his paperwork and laptop bag.
“Yeah, can we order in tonight?” I give him a pleading look, walking him out.
“You know I can’t deny my daughter happiness in the form of burgers and fries...”
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bengiyo · 8 months
I Feel You Linger in the Air Ep 7 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Jom and Yai began their romance officially, and we saw further evidence that Jom's drawings are connected to the time travel or dimension hopping experience. Yai took Jom to a gay speakeasy, where James came out and expressed his attraction to Jom. Yai got jealous and turned a bit petty with Jom for a bit. However, the two had a beautiful moment where they agreed to try this. I really hope James doesn't betray us, because I liked him encouraging Yai to step up for Jom. We also confirmed that Euangphueng and Maey intentionally brought Fong Kaew to the house to distract Robert, and that Robert may be involved in the fire that killed Fong Kaew's dad and scarred her mother.
I am glad I saw a post earlier giving context that the poor women being murdered here are based on real people. Tee always has something to say about the real dangers queer people face in their lives, and it's a tense warning at the beginning of this relationship between Jom and Yai.
Unsurprisingly, the parents are anti-gay as their two queer kids suffer in front of them.
I already know this party is going to involve pairing Yai with a girl as a way to further secure the dad's power.
At least Jom has some sense.
Yai basically described what Fong Kaew is going through with this short story.
There goes Lamyai clocking them, and she's a gossip.
I have thoughts about them introducing Nuey last week, who cannot hide themselves, and Yai now being unable to do so now that he's connected with someone.
It's a good thing that Jom stood up for Prik. He has an ally who also cares about Yai to tell Lamyai to hush.
I find myself worrying about windows and sightlines a lot this episode. Euangphueng and Maey are having a moment and I'm worried that someone will see or hear.
I suspected that Maey has survived some horrible things, and this is as horrible as some of the things I imagined.
One of the things this show is getting right about existing under homophobic is the constant sense of surveillance hovering over you. Robert represents that so clearly.
Oh, sensual oils. This is promising.
This use of both mirrors with Jom out of focus is driving me insane.
Big fan of the little bit of stubble they keep showing on Yai.
Jom was loyal to Ohm. It's probably been a while since he was intimate with someone.
Intercutting the massage with Jom masturbating is one of the most erotic things I've seen that wasn't overly sex since ITSAY episode 3. The way this was shot and scored clearly indicates that they both came, or at least Yai was close.
As much as I like seeing Nonkul and Bright do sensual things as their characters, we gotta get Jom out of here. He comes from an era where he isn't a slave.
Guide is absolutely crushing this role as Ming. He has built incredible chemistry with Nonkul.
There's something private about the way Nonkul smiles that draws me in every time. Bright has a similar thing with his brows.
Yai is running around making mistakes while Lamyai is running around righteous.
And now Uncle Dech caught them, and immediately went to Yai's dad.
Even Ming, the fan favorite, is struggling with his friend being queer.
Oh, Ming, don't confess when you're drunk.
And there's the pairing Yai with a girl part of the party I expected.
Now why the hell are Euangphueng and Maey running off now? I'm gonna need all of the gays to get it together.
Absolutely obsessed with the possibility that there is a picture of Jom that survived to the modern era.
Yai, my dude, you cannot abandon the heteronormative rituals so publicly like this if you want to protect Jom.
Thinking about O'Shae Sibley, who was killed for voguing as these two dance outside.
I am not immune to BL fantasy sequences involving dances.
Why...are we rapping?? What in the Marty McFly is happening?
I am not immune to boys making out in the rain.
Okay, that horny want in Yai's face, and Jom nodding yes? They are about to fuck for sure. This is about to go south so quickly.
Yep, gay turmoil begins next week, but we may get some nice love scenes first.
That was a fantastic episode. They really balanced the danger of being outed with the inherent need to connect that bubbles over in all of us. I felt the fear for everyone's safety, but I actually really like how badly everyone was hiding this week. That's basically the point. You can't win. The only way to be safe in the closet is to be perfectly quiet and alone. You cannot have anyone if you want to be undiscovered. Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead. Like Nuey last week, Yai and Jom cannot hide. There's no amount of careful that can hide the warm feelings between two people. This was perfectly executed.
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nevernonline · 8 months
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #04 the fall of the empire.
synopsis: over the past ten years you've fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it's clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt, (g)-idle minnie&soyeon, oc's
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex's, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
𐦍 word count: 1.9k
masterlist ▸ 003. two robots fell in love. ▸ 04.5 plan b?
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Throwing your phone onto your couch, you let out the biggest sigh your body could manage to put out.
How did things manage to get so out of hand so quickly?
First Joshua and now Minnie, maybe karma really had it out for you this time.
In need of a distraction you started cleaning your apartment, scrubbing off any scuffs and dirt that accumulated from your past. It was something you wished you could do in your personal life, just scrub out all of the bad shit and only move forward.
After spending hours cleaning out the grout from the shower and throwing away old memories from your past in fear that they'd come back to haunt you, a knock came on the front door.
You almost pretended to not hear it, just hoping that whoever decided to show their face to you would just save themselves and walk away, but the knocking persisted.
"Look, I don't really feel like- Oh my god, Seokmin."
His puppy dog eyes stared at you as a greeting and his long arms held a basket full of your favorite things, homemade lemonade, popcorn, cherry sour straws, and even a small stuffed animal.
"Sorry, I tried to text you but you hadn't replied and I got worried. I can just drop this off and let you be alone."
"No, please stay. Thank you for coming over, I just didn't feel like answering my phone anymore."
"Have people been talking about the twitter?"
"Yeah, I got about a thousand text messages from everyone, none that I've opened. Joshua, Jeonghan, Mingyu.. I mean it's fucking insane."
"Well, we can both ignore our phones and watch some rom-coms? I even brought a bag full of mini alcohol bottles and stuff to bake brownies."
Seokmin sniffed the air as he removed his coat and sneakers, stepping into your apartment.
"Stress cleaning?"
"Yeah, I just felt like washing away bad energy."
"Don't worry, I showered before I came."
"Shut up."
Seokmin took it upon himself to pre-heat your oven and get started mixing the ingredients for the chocolate mixture. Trying to find a way to ask you about how you felt, but not wanting to pry.
"Look, we can talk about it, Seok. It's okay."
"No, I just feel bad. I mean everything you wrote is private, you're not entitled to have anyone know your dirty secrets and it's just not fair."
"That's exactly what, Minghao texted me. I think I'm over trying to find out who did it, like maybe if I don't add fuel to the fire and act like it doesn't bother me. I can forget about it. It can't get much worse than it already is."
"Don't let Minnie bother you, y/n. She's just upset, it'll blow over."
"I guess."
Passing time with Seokmin felt like exactly what you needed, he was able to take your mind off of anything negative that was going on, part of his basket you didn't see were the set of matching pajamas with both of your favorite Sanrio characters embroidered on the front. He told you he was saving them for a special day, but today was the perfect time to bring them.
Now with warm brownies made and Seokmin's famous lemonade you sit cuddled on your couch, watching the intro to 10 things I hate about you plastered on the big LED screen.
Your phone buzzed on the table, waking you from being zoned out. a name flashed on the screen, one that wasn't a threat to how happy you've felt the past few hours, Minghao.
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"Seok, is it okay that I invited someone?"
"Oh, who is it?"
"Well, Minghao texted me and wanted to hangout. I don't feel like I should shut him out just because of what happened."
"Are you going to tell him to call his dogs off?"
"Yeah, I think I will at least for now."
"Minghao's always been nice, he'll understand."
"I hope so."
After another half hour of watching Kat fall in love with Patrick on your screen and singing along with Seokmin to the movie soundtrack a knock came from your front door.
Unwrapping yourself from the warmth of your friend, you crawled off the couch wrapped in a blanket and ran to answer it.
"I thought I told you not to wear something nice?"
Minghao was dressed in a cozy pair of cargo sweats and a big hoodie, carrying a larger than normal leather tote bag.
"Well, I wasn't about to show up in my boxers. I like your pajamas though."
"Thank you, Seokmin brought them for me. We got matching ones, sort of silly I know. You may laugh."
"No, they look cute. I brought you guys some snacks and wine as a sorry for intruding."
Seokmin's loud voice cheered from your couch.
"Wow, Minghao. If someone doesn't snatch you up soon I might have to. Hi, by the way."
Minghao took your previous spot on the couch, next to Seokmin getting him with a cute handshake.
"How is everything guys?"
"Well, good now. Y/N had sort of a rough morning."
"Yeah, I saw the posts. Did something happen?"
"Well, Minnie freaked out on me of course and I told her to move out. So, I had just been cleaning before Seok came and rescued me."
"Oh, wow. I'm sorry."
"It's alright. It happens I guess."
Seokmin forced Minghao to let you sit in between the middle of them after noticing you searching around the room for the best place to sit.
"Come on, loser."
Your butt found its perfect missing piece sitting between two of your friends both new and old.
"Should we watch Twilight? Minghao's never seen them."
"You've never seen Twilight? What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Minghao's eyes opened wider than you had ever seen them, probably embarrassed that the two of you made this little moment about him.
"Stop acting like that's the weirdest thing ever? You guys are crazy."
"Oh my god, you're going to love this Hao."
Seokmin queued up the movie, watching the title sequence splash across the screen as you watched Minghao experience the blue toned film for the first time, catching glimpses at him at all of your favorite parts.
After the movie ended Seokmin was sleeping up against your side, cutely snoring. You tried to subtly remove yourself from him without scaring the daylights out of the by, you woke him up, Minghao was already up and next to your side helping you move the sleeping puppy into your bedroom, so he could get a good nights sleep.
"Thank you."
"I should, get going."
"Oh no, stay here. You can either stay on the couch or you can take Minnie's room, I changed the sheets already."
"What about you?"
"Oh, I'll probably stay up for a while, I have some shit to take care of."
"Are you sure, I'm not intruding?"
"No, shut up. It's late and raining stay here."
"Okay, I'll stay wherever. Thank you."
"No please, stay in the extra room. It's more comfy."
"I think you should, the couch is nice and warm anyway. I like the fireplace."
With a nod you grabbed Minghao a few pillows and an extra toothbrush and snuck away to the room that used to belong to Minnie, packing away her stuff as a final gesture to someone you used to call your best friend.
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Minghao, walked through the closed doorway to find you sitting on your wooden floor, tears drying up on your cheeks, looking at photos of your friends.
He placed the two glasses of red wine, beside you and bent to sit criss cross adjacent to you.
"Sorry I woke you up."
"No, you didn't actually. I was just reading on my phone, I usually go to bed pretty late."
"Oh, okay. This is pathetic isn't it?"
"What? Being upset? No, it isn't."
"No, just me, crying over this. I mean I made most of this mess in the first place and here I am crying over people I hurt no matter how badly they hurt me before. I mean, seeing Mingyu and Minnie hanging out, Joshua and Mimi, I just like am making myself a victim when I'm also to blame."
"Y/n, you are a victim in this too. It maybe doesn't feel like it, but just because you hurt someone doesn't mean they get to hurt you back."
"I guess."
"Does Minnie and Mingyu being alone together bug you?"
"No, she's right as much as I hate to admit it. It can't bother me they're friends too, I guess I just didn't see that coming.
Minghao pics up a polaroid photo of you and Joshua wearing matching college sweatshirts, dated September 15.
"Was this your first day of classes?"
Your laugh came after a couple of sniffles, admiring the smiling pair in the photos.
"Yeah, our mom's were best friends growing up and naturally so were we. We got accepted into the same university, so our first day they took far too many pictures of us. I wonder why Minnie has it?"
"Maybe, by mistake?"
"Yeah, maybe. I normally keep all my pictures in a box under my bed."
Something in your gut was telling you that Minnie having that picture of you in her room wasn't by mistake, but you chose to shove it down continuing your trip down memory lane with Minghao.
"Oh my god."
Minghao held up a picture of you, you were standing with Minnie at a halloween party outside with drinks in hand, dressed up as sexy bottles of ketchup and mustard.
"No, that's so embarrassing throw it away."
You tried to grab the picture out of Minghao's grip as he was sprawled across the floor giggling over you dressed up with a red cone on your head.
"I didn't think Ketchup could be so sexy, y/n."
"Shut up, that's awful. I don't even remember that. I look so stupid."
"No you look nice, actually very original for the sexy girl costume trope."
"Ha- Ha, very funny."
Minghao handed you your glass of wine, laughter now dying out as you sat in silence surrounded by polaroids of your past.
"Can I tell you something, y/n?"
"Yeah, always."
"Well, I found out where the first tweet was posted from, not me actually, Wonwoo. It came from your wifi network, so whoever posted it was in your apartment that first night."
A pit came to your gut, the same apartment you were in now, the walls suddenly looked darker and you decided on chugging the alcohol in front of you.
"Do you know anything else?"
"No, just that the network assigned was yours."
"Can we maybe, stop sleuthing just for awhile? I don't know what to do anymore. I'm really thankful you guys wanted to help me, I just, I get a feeling there's more to this that I don't know or even want to find out right now."
Minghao just shook his head, holding up the bottle of wine asking you if you needed more, which of course you obliged.
"Want to watch something with me?"
"More twilight?"
"No, not more twilight. Seokmin wouldn't be happy to miss that. Maybe, Princess Diaries?"
"I love that movie."
"Me too, come on."
You crawled into the bed, tapping the covers asking him to sit next to you.
"Turn the light off, come on I don't bite."
"Can I confess something embarrassing? I used to think the brother in this movie was someone from the Beatles."
"Oh my god, me too. And that the mom from the parent trap was Princess Diana."
Minghao laughed, reliving a part of his childhood climbing into the bed next to you, afraid to get too close.
You on the other hand were as comfortable as ever, cuddling under the covers, clutching a pillow in your lap watching Anne Hathaway on screen.
By the time Mia was getting her makeover Minghao and you were sleeping peacefully side by side.
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✧.* taglist: @sun-daddy-yoriichi,@hipsdofangirl @kissesfrmwonwoo, @minhui896, @wonwooz1, @porridgesblog, @punkhazardlaw, @jasssy051,
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everythingne · 1 month
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ➛ out of the woods - chapter eight (ls2)
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Dhanishka makes a difficult decision, but after 76 days, finds its hard to stay away from both her boyfriend and the world that raised her. So, she decides to make the comeback no one was expecting--but hoping for.
tws/notes: like one breakdown but shes chill, logan and isa are my kids i stg
(series masterlist) (last chapter)
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liked by charlesleclerc, landonorris, logansargeant and 987k others...
dhanishkadubey: As of this morning, I have chosen to fully step away from Formula One. It has been a long and hard conversation with my friends and family for the past two weeks, but alas, this entire situation and investigation are too much for me to handle at the moment along with continuing to race with Ferrari. That, plus my worsening injuries, are the main reasons I have decided I will be retiring as of today.
Ferrari will forever hold a special place in my heart. They are the ones who have trusted me since back in F2 to represent them in their Junior Drivers Academy, and since that day they have always been my family.
To Charlie, or Chuck, thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing me in. Thank you for always supporting me. The amount of things you have done for me are immeasurable, I cannot thank you enough for everything. Aiya says that there's a seat for you at our table next time you're in Bahrain.
To Logan, it has been a wonderful experience to fall back in love with you. Funnily enough, you're sleeping on my shoulder as I write this. If I had to do it all again knowing what would happen, I would come back to F1 over and over if it meant every time I got to have you in my arms again.
To Olivia and Lando, thank you both for the support. From me crying on your shoulders at 3am over stupid boys (sorry logan), to both of you supporting me in this insane moment of my life. I owe you both a big bottle of wine and maybe a whole vacation after this.
And Thank you to all of the other people who spent their days with me uplifting me, working hard to support me, and being absolute angels. From fans to my own managers and trainers and PR, thank you, all of you.
Oh, and best of luck little bearman, you'll be amazing ! ❤️
Forza Ferrari, upward and onward from here.
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My hands haven't stopped moving in hours. Each dish has been meticulously polished to perfection, my hands cramping from the force I apply.
"Babli." My mother comes up behind me, taking my hands in hers and squeezing them, "they're going to be packed away, [no need to wash them so hard.]"
"[Sorry, Mom.]" I huff, setting the sponge down and rolling out my wrists and stretching my hands, "I just... it's been..."
"A lot. [I know. You have been so strong, Babli.]" She smiles, kissing my forehead, and the use of my childhood nickname--something they had stopped calling me after Trident's incident, made my heart ache. She coaxes me to go sit back down at the table and I do, leaning my head into my hands as I open my laptop again. The notes Olivia had taken from my meeting with the FIA staring back at me.
'Purposefully loose bolts on DRS connectors. Break lines partially slashed. Paid around 10.000 Pounds per incident. Astrid Marina. Anthony Davis.'
I groan and begin typing back responses to her questions. This is being taken a bit further. Now William's is fully suing Anthony Davis for blackmailing, with me sort of 'curtopsey copied' on it. I was in a mess with Ferrari right now, so I didn't feel like dealing with another court case on top of that.
Or, moreso, the break I had after the Canadian GP was so bad I was forcibly sent home.
I can hear the Austrian GP playing on the TV. Anya cursing in a mish-mash of languages at Carlos for fucking up his drive or something, and I slam my laptop shut with more force than necessary.
"Dhanishka!" My mother goes to scold me until she sees I've stood, hand tight on the top of my laptop as I stare at the TV in a mix of anger and... regret?
"Danny?" Anya's muted the TV, turning to look at me and there's something in my chest that just snaps and I burst into tears. I hadn't cried once in the past few weeks of absolute hell, between everything with Ferrari, choosing to leave Formula One for the foreseeable future... it was a fucking mess.
And I'd done so well at holding everything together. I'd fooled everyone, even myself, into thinking I was fine.
My mother pauses washing the dishes as I scoop up my stuff and retreat to the safety and solitude of my childhood bedroom. Screaming in some sort of anguish as I drop my stuff on my desk and just drop to my knees.
My head had been a non-stop migraine for weeks, my ribs had been a constant ache, my shoulder only getting worse. I spent every day in long meetings that only made me more and more lost in my situation.
"Anya, [I told you not to do that and you did! Just watch it in your room!] You knew it would upset her!" My mother's voice rings from the hall until I hear my bedroom door creak open and then feel my mothers hands on my sides. She gently lifts me up and then sets me on the bed, leaning down to grab one of Logan's hoodies I'd stolen so I could throw it on.
She doesn't say anything, just kisses my hair and leaves me to sniffle it out as I wipe at my tears.
She comes back with some tomato rasam, urging me to eat it to calm my body down, and she soothes a hand through my hair and braids it while I shakily spoon the soup like dish to my lips. When I'm finished, my mother kisses my head and at my seemingly calm nature now, she leaves me be to the solitude of my room.
I don't know how long it's been until I hear shuffling in the hall again, but I've retreated to laying tucked as tight as I can be in my blankets.
"Babli..?" My fathers voice calls from the door and I huff, burying myself deeper in the blankets. he must've gotten home from work during my rush to my room to hide the tears that threatened to fall. He knocked once, then twice, then on the third he just chose to enter my room. It took him a moment to spot me amidst my blankets, but when he did he smiled and made his way over.
"Sorry I missed dinner, [I had to pick up a package on the way back from work.]" He smiles softly, sitting on the edge of the bed to pop down a little cardboard box, "[For you, babli.]
I sit up and wipe at my face, noticing how my father had used a marker to cover the shipping address. But I swore I could read a little bit of 'FL' on it. I gently open the box with the letter opener he hands me and find a little Williams logo looking right up at me on the back of an envelope. I laugh softly and take out the card, opening the envelope to find the card inside.
I hope this reaches you before the end of Austria! If not, it’s still quite cute I think. Alex and Lily have these and I figured it’d be cute for us to get them too. Also, the Williams team has sent you a little blue care package to life up your spirits :)
see you in Austin baby, love you to the edge of the universe and back.
- Lo.’
I set the card aside with a wobbly smile and open the first layer of packaging to find a small black box. Slowly opening it, I’m met with two things, a red string bracelet and a small bracelet. I pull both items out and twist them in my hands before adding them to my right arm stack.
A logo on the bracelet, totwoo, catches my eye and I quickly Google it.
It’s a fucking touch band. A long distance bracelet you can press to send a signal to, and as I hear the announcer speaking to Logan I nearly throw myself out of bed trying to get to the TV.
And when the bracelet lights up on my wrist, it takes a second, before I see Logan pressing it on the tv. Three short taps. I love you.
Tears spill out of my eyes before I can explain to my family, but they see my wobbly smile and understand that for the first time in nearly three weeks, my tears are good. My father brings the box to the living room and hands me a second letter, explaining the two items and my heart swells again.
'and a red string! I've got one too. I think we were always destined to be together.'
The bracelets, plus the little dolphin plushie his niece said he had to buy me (with its fucking Miami Dolphins jersey because of course) makes my heart so full, I feel the ice that threatened to hide me melting.
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liked by williamsracing, logansargeant, oliviapiastri-norris, and 678k others...
dhanishkadubey: after six weeks i think i've started to heal. [i love you, bahrain <3]
tagged: anyadubey, totwoo, logansargeant
anyadubey: so glad to have u home habibti <3
totwoo: seeing love from austria to bahrain in real time!
user2: dhanishka leaving f1 makes me so sad but im glad shes glowing now <3
logansargeant: tbh i think this is the most i've ever missed you?
dhanishkadubey: stop ill start crying :( ft me
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liked by logansargeant, williamsracing, alexalbon, and 569k others..
dhanishkadubey: some all new bts from my shoot with @ vogueindia x @ sabyasachi !! such a blessing to get to work with the amazing @ opheliapiastry , sabyasachi team, and the vogue india team ! [much love 🩵🤍 can’t wait for you all to see the final product !]
tagged: opheliapiastri, vogueindia, sabyasachi
sabyasachi: [an honor to work with you!]
anyadubey: i was there for this and im still just. jaw dropped, on the floor. wow
logansargeant: anya how do you think i feel?
anyadubey: simp.
user2: i need to see dhanishka back in a race car or ill die
Oscar and Lando have done a pretty good job of hiding me while interviews are going on. Logan had done exceptionally well, placing top five, and I'm trying my hardest not to let my excitement get out of me early.
"Fucking Jenson-- hurry it up, man, we can only stand here for so long without looking weird." Lando complains and I stifle a laugh while Oscar whacks his chest. The sound draws Jenson and Logan to peek over, luckily I'm able to hide before they see us--or before Logan does. Because Jenson grins and nods to Oscar, who leans back partially.
"That might be your cue, Danny."
I poke my head out to see Logan has his back to me and smirk, running over as fast as I can without alerting him. Jenson, thankfully, keeps Logan distracted until I place my hands over his eyes.
"Yo, what?!" Logan laughs, grabbing my wrists and accidentally pressing the button on my bracelet, making his buzz. He pauses, presses it again while I hold in a laugh and the cameraman adjusts his angle to get Logan's reaction as he turns around.
"Isa!" he shouts, nearly knocking me off my feet with the force of his hug and I laugh now, wrapping my arms tightly around him as he hides his face in the crook of my neck.
"Hi, jaan." I whisper, feeling his arms tighten around me as I close my eyes and snuggle into his hold. One of my hands comes to take off his hat that's stabbing my shoulder so I can run my hand through his longer hair as I rest my cheek against his head.
Through a slightly teary strain he murmurs, "God, I fucking missed you so much."
"I missed you too." I whisper back, "and, I might've told James to go ahead and announce it."
"No." He leans back, holding my face and looking at me for any sign of a lie. When all he gets is a smile he starts to laugh and pulls me in for probably the softest kiss that we've shared.
"Yep." I say in response and he presses another kiss to my head, before turning back to Jenson who smiles like a proud father.
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liked by jensonbutton, oscarpiastri, williamsracing, and 876k others...
logansargeant: a great surprise to end off a great weekend, i love you, i'm so proud of you, and thank you for everything, meri jaan 🩵
dhanishkadubey: MERI JAANNNNNNN <3
logansargeant: MERI JAANNN
user1: f1s number one power couple fr
dhanishkadubey: also this is YOUR WEEKEND MR P4???!!!!!!
user2: logan's face when he saw dhanishka im gonna cry
user3: get urself a girlfriend who leaves from her modeling gig to surprise you just because
williamsracing: it was lovely to have a bit of the future with us this weekend 💙 (iykyk)
user4: williams what does this MEAN???
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liked by dhanishkadubey, logansargeant, and jensonbutton, 998k others...
f1: 76 days after announcing her 'retirement' from F1, Williams has signed @ dhanishkadubey on to drive with them for the 2025 season.
user2: logan went 'nah y'all aren't gonna treat my gf like this' and got her ass in williams
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taglist (thank you !)
@nichmeddar @shineforever19 @d3kstar @chasing-liberosis @justsomejess @struggling-with-delia @daemyratwst
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tdinyomomma · 9 months
The Not So Great Outdoors: Pt. 2
If you haven’t read: One
I stood off by myself, hugging my torso as I watched some people freak out. Others were calmer. Trent comes up to me and I raise a brow. "You alright?" He doesn't face me, we're both watching everybody else. I purse my lips thinking. "We're about to jump off a cliff. How should I be?" I glance up at him and he snickers, nodding. "True, but you're away from the group." He points out, "Very observant.'' I start to go closer to our team. "Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot-high cliff into the lake." He simply explains. "Piece of cake." Bridgette smirks. "If you look down you will see two target areas, the wider one represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic man-eating sharks. Inside that area is the safe zone." I tense up, what the fuck goes on in this man's mind. And who gave the okay for any of this to happen? "That's your target area, which we're pretty sure is shark free." Super comforting to know they're "pretty sure it's shark free."
Something that also doesn't slip past by Leshawna. "Excuse me?" He of course ignores her. "For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below." We look downward by the shore to see stacked boxes. "Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge... Building a hot tub. The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot-tub party tonight." He points to the camera and I yawn, not out of boredom but impatience.
"The losers will be sending someone home." I scan around everyone, taking guesses on who that first person could be. "Let's see, Killer bass, you're up first." Bridgette was already by the cliff.
"Oh wow. So who wants to go first?" Silence and crickets on the other end. Honestly I'd just get it over with. I'm surprised Eva's not going.
"Hey don't sweat it guys. I heard that these shows always make interns do the stunt first to make sure it's survivable." Owen encourages and assures us. "So, who's up?" Eva shouts to her team. "Ladies first." Duncan inquires. "Shouldn't he be going then." I mutter and Gwen shakes her head, snickering. "Fine, I'll go." Bridgette takes the stand. "It's no big deal, just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks." And she jumps, making the circle.
"She did it! Yeah! I'm next!" Tyler declares, he runs back and then off of the cliff. "Cowabunga!!" Not the same soft landing, hitting the metal booy between the safe and shark zones.
Geoff, Eva, Duncan all jump next but DJ refuses. "Nuh-uh, no way man. I'm not jumping." He steps back. "Scared of heights?" Chris asks, not honestly caring though. "Yeah, ever since I was a kid." DJ admits. "That's okay, big guy. Unfortunately, that also makes you a chicken. So you'll have to wear this for the rest of the day." He places down a chicken hat onto the kids head. "Aw man, for real?"
"Bawk, bawk, bawk!" Chris mocks him.
"That means the chicken path is that-a-way." He points, DJ sadly takes the escalator down the hill.
"Next!" Ezekiel jumps, hitting a part of the cliff going down but he makes the circle, his teammates cheer. Harold goes after, doing the splits in the air, hitting the water like that too and all the guys can physically feel his pain. "Oh, hate to see that happen."
"Excuse me, Chris. I have a medical condition." Courtney crosses her arms. "What condition?"
"A condition that prevents me from jumping off cliffs." She tells him in a smart tone. "You can chicken out if you want, but it might end up costing your team the win. And then they'll hate you." He remarks.
"It's a calculated risk. I've seen the other team and I don't think nine of them will jump." She postulates, seemingly confident in her thinking. "All Right! Here is your chicken hat." He places the hat.
"So, let's tally up the results. Hold on, that's eight jumpers and two chickens, we're missing one." He looks around and Sadie's holding Katie. "I'm not jumping without Katie." She informs him. "We have to be on the same team, Chris." Katie adds. "Please!" They cry in unison, running up to him. "Please! Can we? Can we Chris?" They plead, it's kind of creepy how together and in sync they are. "They can't go to the gophers, they already outnumber us." Courtney huffs but Izzy speaks up. "I'll switch places with her."
"All right! Fine, you're both on the killer bass now. Izzy you're on the screaming gophers." Chris was annoyed, it was a wonderful sight to behold. "Yes!" They two girls cheer. "That means you're up girls." He calls and they link hands running off the cliff.
"We're coming, killer bass!" Making it into the circle. I take a deep breath, putting on a fake smile, I turn to my team. "You guys will do great, don't think too much and jump!" I reassure them, a few of them smile back at me.
"Okay, so that's nine jumpers and two chickens. Screaming Gophers, if you can beat that we'll throw in a pull cart to put your crates on." Chris reveals, "Nice!" Trent grins. "Okay, guys who's up first?" He turns and I already start moving my feet. I'm not waiting on who wants to go first. I want this over with. Walking past Courtney I bend my arms like a bird, flapping them. "Bawk, bawk." I wink, then jump off the cliff, flipping into a dive posture and landing in the safe zone.
I earn the cheers from my team and a few from the Killer Bass. "She's on the other team you nimwitts!" Courtney scolds them. "And you chickened out, I don't want to hear it Princess." Duncan says.
I get onto the boat, missing all the conversations going on up on the cliff. Jumping off the boat into the shore Duncan comes up to me. "Nice dive." "I know." I stared up at my team who seemed to be in an argument. "Why so avoidant, mouse?" The same nickname he used earlier.
"Opposite teams, remember?" I mimic Courtney causing us both to laugh right as Heather gets thrown off the cliff. "Leshawna you are so dead."
"Hey I threw you into the safe zone didn't I?" She yells back then jumps herself. Lindsay, Gwen, Izzy, Justin all jump next and when Justin was in the water two sharks go swimming his way but quickly come to a halt when he looks at them. I watch in shock. The sharks carry him to shore. I take a breath, rolling my eyes. I look up to see Beth hesitating, she yells a sorry down and both Leshawna and Cody cackle like chickens at her. "That is, like so lame, right?" Lindsay asks Heather and I furrow my brows. "Fully lame." She agrees, I scoff. "Okay, miss perfect." I whisper under my breath. Trent jumps and makes it. "Okay, campers. There's only one person left. You guys need this jump for the win since you guys do have a slight advantage." Chris announces down at us.
"No pressure, dude." Chris tells Owen. "Okay, there's pressure!" All of our team cheers him on, he puts floaties on.
"I'm looking at this guy and I'm thinking. There's no way he's gonna make it." Geoff says.
"I actually thought, if he jumps this, he's gonna die." Gwen admits.
"He better make this was all I was thinking." [Name] crossing her arms.
Owen walks back like Tyler did, as we're watching I feel something grab my hand. I look over and it's Cody acting like he's not doing anything. "Get off." I shove him away.
"Come on big guy!" Leshawna encourages but he can't hear this. He starts running and jumps off. "Oh crap!" He screams, and like a tidal wave explosion we all get hit with the water. Knocking us down I might add. I fell onto Gwen somehow accidentally. "Sorry." I push myself up.
"Yes! Yeah! Oh yeah! Who's the man?" He cheers himself on. Beth adds in too. "The winners! The screaming Gophers!" Chris yells into the mega phone. "That was awesome dude!" Trent compliments then his demeanor becomes worryful as Owen's searching for something in the water. "What's wrong?"
"I think I lost my bathing suit." Everyone then ews him, telling him he's gross. "Oh, now I don't want to see that." Lindsay whines.
Now we're all clothed using the carts to carry our crates, I walk with Gwen. The others sing about the bottles of pop on the wall. "Nice jump by the way." Gwen suddenly says, snapping me from my thoughts. I was zoned out from all the singing. "Oh, thanks, you too." I compliment back. I notice her cheeks flush but I think it's from the sun glaring down at us. "I just wanted to also say, I hope we can become friends." She nervously admits, it was a little cute. "Hm? Is that so?" To which she stammers, I chuckle. We can definitely be friends, Gwenny." I poke her side before glancing behind me to see the Killer Bass struggling
"I'll be right back." I told her not realizing she was about to speak up herself.
I walk up to the other team and Tyler drops his crate. "I gotta take a wizz." He walks to the forest. "Hurry up, we're already behind." Eva grunts.
"Ooh, I have to go too." Katie says. "You do? Oh, my gosh, me, too." Sadie gasps, I make a face as they leave, silently thanking Chris for switching them to this team and not mine.
I then see Courtney smack her eye, "Oh, I think something just bit me." She points to her face. I laugh, "Let me know if it swells, I got cream for that." I smile sweetly but she just scoffs. "Like I'd ever take something from you." I shrug. "Suit yourself, pumpkin." I then went back to my group as the other team wasn't as interesting as I thought they were going to be.
"Pumpkin? Who does she think she is? Ugh, whatever." Courtney rolls her eyes... eye.
I jog back up to Gwen, "Hey, where'd you go?" She questions but I wave it off. "Hey look, there is the campground!" Beth points. "That was pretty easy." Owen says. "I'm pleasantly surprised." Cody places his hands on his hips. Now everyone is using their teeth to open the crates, pulling on rope but I decide to stay back.
"I am not ruining my teeth for some show." [Name] sasses, crossing her legs.
Izzy was the first one to open hers. "Ow. Ow. Rope burns on my tongue." She sticks her tongue out to show it is really irritating. I go over to check on Noah and Trent, by now everyone has gotten the crates open. "You guys did great." I tell them. I thought Noah would've been a smartass but instead he goofily smiled up at me. "You too." Trent tried to act cool but failed a bit.
"Oh [Name]? Yeah she's going down. Everyone might like her but I don't. I truly don't." Heather squints her eyes in anger.
"She said that?" [Name] tries hiding her smile from forming. "Funny."
The camera cuts to Heather watching [Name] from afar in admiration.
"Hey, check it out, I got wood." Owen picks up two wooden planks. "I've got some tools here, and what looks like a pool liner." Trent holds his things from the crate. I was now by Leshawna leaning on her box as Heather and Lindsay came over. "I just wanted to say, I didn't mean bad about you being a ghetto rap-star wannabe, and I love your earrings." My eyes widen, is that what was said on the cliff? "They're so pretty."
Leshawna holds one of her earrings. "Straight up? Well I'm sorry about pushing you over the cliff and all." She sincerely apologizes, which is more than Heather can say. "No worries, I needed a push. Truce?" Heather sticks out her hand but Leshawna holds out a fist instead. Heather looked confused at first but then smiles and fist bumps the other girl before walking away as I scrunch my nose in confusion. "You know that was total bull, right?" I caught up to Leshawna who started to walk in the other direction. "Of course, I can see right through that skinny girl." I laugh, high fiving her. Harold, Courtney and Ezekial threw down their crates. "Finally." Harold huffs. "Hey, what's up guys?" Trent asks, then Leshawna pops up from the crate. "Hey aren't you missing a couple of white girls?" The three glance around. "They're getting a drink." I immediately notice Courtney's eye and I shake my head. I go into my cabin.
Grabbing my anti-itch cream I head back outside, "Ooh, what happened to your eye, girl?" Courtney covers it. "Nothing, just an allergy." She lies. "Think it's getting' worse." Ezekiel comments.
"Shut it." She gets in his face to whisper. I hide the cream in my pocket. "We don't want them to know that." I go up behind her, taking her hand to drag her up on her team's cabin porch. "Hey, let go of me." She snaps and I pull out the little tube. "Here! My skin is sensitive to bug bites. Use it around the eye if you want to." I walk away leaving her alone, she blinks to herself a few times at a camera holding the cream.
We all worked on our hot tubs until Bridgette came up to me. "Have you seen Sadie or Katie?" She was obviously in a hurry to find the two, so I stand up wiping my hands on my shorts. "I haven't but I can help you look." I smile, perfect. Another chance to befriend another person on their team. I'm not exactly worried about my team as they all seem pretty friendly enough with me. But if I have their friendship that means I can maybe soften them up to help my team win.
"Oh, you don't have to-" I place a hand on her shoulder. "I don't mind. I finished my part here anyways." She then shyly smiles at herself, "Alright, then." We make our way out to get the two girls.
"Is that them?" I point to two girls sitting in the lake with their shorts at their knees. Bridgette face palms. We sprint over to them. "Hey the challenge is almost over, you two should join your team." I inform them, they look at one another then back at me giggling. "What?" I raise a brow, asking the blonde who shrugs.
We help the two girls up, looking away so they can put their shorts up. "What happened?" I chuckle. "They sat-" "Nothing! We're fine, right Sadie?" Katie nudges her best friend who seemingly catches on to whatever she's trying to hide. "Oh- Yeah! Nothing, totally." They run off in front of us.
"They squatted over poison ivy." Bridgette whispers, I cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing. "Poor things." I try to calm myself, we end up walking back chatting about a few things. She rants a little bit about her team.
We go our separate ways, going back to our teams. Heather glares at me. "What's got your panties in a twist?" I ask, she scoffs in response. "Helping the other team? You seriously don't see something wrong with that?" She folds her arms, stepping up to me. "I wasn't helping with the challenge, we're going to be on this Island for eight weeks, might as well be friendly to people." I shrug, "You should try it sometime." I go over to Gwen who grins.
"What was that about?" She glances over to Heather who has an angry expression on her face as Lindsay was going on about something. "She just needs some anger management, I don't know." I roll my eyes, lining up behind out beautifully made hot tub as I then notice Killer Basses hot tub does not look so amazing... Chris checks out ours first. "This is an awesome hot tub!" We all cheer, Owen pops out of the water. "Nice!" Then the host progresses over to the Killer bass, I wince at the sight. He taps a side of it, water spraying out at him. Then it collapses.
"Well, I think we have a winner here... The Screaming Gophers!" We all cheer again as the other team mopes. Gwen and I side embraced as we 'whooped' for our team. "Gophers, you're safe from elimination and you get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer. Bonus!" He points at the camera.
"Killer bass, what can I say? Sucks to be you right now. I'll see your sorry butts at the bonfire tonight." He tells them and I wonder who they're going to send home tonight.
"We won!" Lindsay celebrates, "We all get to stay here for another three days!" Heather and Beth hug her, joining the celebration. Owen shouts naked in front of us. "Hahaha, yes! We get to stay, we get to stay-yay. We are so awesome." He dances then picks up Heather and Lindsay. "We won the contest!"
Yeesh, glad I'm not them right now.
Later on we go to dinner, of course having to eat whatever this is called that Chef made. I'm in between Leshawna and Gwen this time. "Girl, where'd you get that bathing suit you wore earlier, I've been meaning to ask." Leshawna turns to me and I shrug. "I want to say a flea market in my hometown. I've had it for a while." I try my best to remember. "Well, we're gonna have to go to that flea market after this mess." We both laugh, and I nod. "For sure."
I found out what Heather said after speaking with Leshawna when we were building the hot tubs, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. And everybody is my enemy.
I over hear the other team talking about who's being eliminated and Courtney says "What about him?" That makes Lindsay shoot up, screaming "Nooo!"
We all stare up at her and she stammers, clearing her throat. "I mean... there's no salt on the table, bummer." She sits back down. I look behind me and realize it's about Tyler. Hm...
"Well, I just don't get why we lost, eh? They're the ones with seven girls." My eyes widen, I excuse myself from the table and cross my arms as Bridgette and Eva stand on either side of him angrily. "What's that supposed to mean?" The blonde asks. "Yeah, home school, enlighten us." Eva slams her first on the table in front of him. "Well guys are much stronger and better at sports than girls are." He simply says, Cody and I look at each other in shock. We then look at Sadie and Katie who stopped eating and smiling.
"Oh snap, you did not just say that." Geoff laughs in disbelief.
"My dad told me to look out for the girls here, eh? And help them in case they can't keep up." Why didn't he just shut up? Eva lifts him up by his neck. "Still think we need your help keeping up?" She squeezes. "Uh, not really." He grunts. Geoff gets in the middle of them. "Okay, guys let's give him a break. I mean, at least he doesn't think that guys are smarter than girls." He tries to help out the kid but of course homeschool makes it ten times worse. I get ready for the showdown. "But they are." I shake my head, closing my eyes as Bridgette punches him.
After dinner we walk back to the cabins but Killer Bass heads to the bonfire for elimination, I already know who they're picking. "I hope you know I think girls are better than guys in every way." Cody comes up to me, proudly stating his thoughts. I suck in a deep breath then smirk. "Oh really?" I speak in a flirtatious tone. "Yup!" He closes his eyes, grinning from ear to ear once we come to a complete stop to us walking. "That's very admirable of you, cutie." I kiss his cheek, walking away, not even seconds later I hear a thump. Glancing back there he is on the ground, fainted. Trent and Owen help him up, I snicker to myself.
"Hey I might as well have a little fun with the constant flirting. I'm bored here." [Name] laughs, shrugging her shoulders.
"Yup, this camp pretty much still sucks. But now that I'm here I guess I might as well try to win. Plus having [Name] around is a plus." Gwen smiles to herself thinking of the girl.
Trent, Lindsay, Cody, Heather and Justin sit in the hot tub. I stand next to Gwen, both of us holding juice boxes. Cody stands up to make a toast. "To the Screaming Gophers!" We all repeat after him, throwing our hands in the air.
"Go Gophers! Go Gophers! Go Gophers!" Leshawna chants, Noah and Owen join.
Gwen and I clink our juice boxes together and I lean my head on her shoulder. 
Link to all chapters
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aingeal98 · 6 months
hello hello! i saw your post and need your thoughts and verdict (hypothetically) for yhk in the last chapter. what would yjh and hsy do once kdj woke up, what if he never woke up and remains unreachable to them after all the effort?
thoughts on doksoo/ joongdok centric and which (poignant) scene makes a neuron lit up and go ah, them. and makes you go crazy, like, every single scene might as well an orpheus and eurydice-d, such as that "cancel your skill, kim dokja"
DHGFVJDFGV sorry you're just such a joy to read on the tags as you go through the story on tumblr since the yhk tags are most often then not, lifeless
Aaaaa thank you for this it's a fun ask! :D
Personally I believe Dokja woke up. Both because I want a happy ending for them and because I wouldn't put it past yoohan to track down and kill everyone who read orv and imagined a sad ending. But also I think him waking up is only the first step. There's no way things aren't complicated afterwards because Dokja will feel guilty for putting his friends through the trauma of losing him and his friends will try and convince him that he deserves love and they don't mind but at the same time the trauma is real and it's there. So it's going to be a long road to helping him forgive himself even if they all have done so already.
I feel like YJH would be pushy at first. Like this is the guy who became a terrorist rather than try therapy. He wants to find meaning through Dokja, to ask Dokja how he's supposed to live now, and that's a lot of pressure that none of the others will want to fall on Dokja's shoulders. Which I think will be good for HSY because it let's her fall into the comfortable zone of yelling at YJH for being terrible at expressing himself and ignoring her own terrible emotions as much as possible in the mean time. So I kind of see it like:
YJH & HSY: Screaming clawing kicking biting each other outside the hospital because HSY thinks YJH is being too pushy with Dokja and YJH thinks he's helping both of them by asking Dokja for guidance and HSY is getting in the way of his recovery.
Sangah, calmly pouring herself and Dokja tea inside his hospital room: So I spoke to your mother today and she'll be here soon! Oh don't worry about those two they'll probably only break a few bones.
But then if he never did wake up... I don't think either of them would be able to truly move on. I think they'd keep hoping that he would get better and the longer he doesn't the more the likelihood grows that one of them snaps and comes up with another reckless life threatening plan to increase the odds of his recovery. I'm not sure what it'd be but I like to think HSY is the one that snaps first this time. Just goes up to YJH like "hey are you ready for me to subject you to more horrendous torment for the slim tiny chance that it could make Dokja wake up" and YJH is like "naturally".
Whether they actually succeed or whether their plan is so terrible and hopeless that Sangah has to step in and force them to accept he's gone (an impossible task but she'll push them as close to the acceptance stage of grief as she possibly can.) I'm not sure. Either way it'd be fun to read about. I haven't looked into the side stories yet but I'm curious if they might make me change my mind about any of this. For now this is how I imagine it going down anyways.
Doksoo are insane and they consume my every waking thought. Reading the webtoon after the novel is so crazy because HSY really shows up as this random villain and no one including her has any idea that she's one of the three most important people in the universe. Like she's just a little fella. A prankster who's pranks sometimes involve murder. And the way she and Dokja are so unimpressed by each other and have no idea how much they'll end up loving each other... I feel like rereading any early doksoo interaction is going to come with extra loud clown music like even Dokja calling her a plagiarist and Sooyoung being like ugh you're such a cliche like oh you dumbasses. You have no idea.
I enjoyed both doksoo and joongdok's early banter a lot like it always added a ton of energy into every scene. But the moments it really clicked for me was the whole reincarnation island arc for doksoo. Like reading his narration about Sooyoung it's like ohhhh my god he's down bad. He's as in love as I am. He doesn't even realise it but he is so enamoured by her. Like that was the moment I could see the potential for them to become as important to each other as they did. The foundation and foreshadowing was done so well, not one bit of their relationship progression felt unearned.
And then for joongdok I think it was their divorce era that really got me on board. Like they were fun in the early stages but once Dokja is convinced there's no going back and is actually emotionally vulnerable and honest with YJH and YJH gets to vent his own frustrations about being nothing more than a character... It really solidified their bond for me. It brought Dokja down to YJH's level rather than the reader he was trying to be to YJH's character. Plus we get HSY dying and traumatising Dokja for once instead of the reverse. It's what they deserve.
Also punisher and transfem YJH and everything that's implied in the novel and how that would add to to her dynamics with doksoo. Haven't gotten any solid thoughts on that yet but the concept is slowly taking a grip on me.
So yeah after the reincarnation island arc I was so fully on board with this ot3 and every single Orpheus moment that followed hit right into my heart.
Sorry this is so long and barely scratches the surface alsjsjdhdh. I'm still processing everything but man. What a story. What a trio. Wretched mirror soulmates with toxic codependency my beloveds.
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Foxtrot Alpha Alpha - Chapter 30
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Pairing: Hangman x Female OC
Word Count: 1559
Warnings: Talk of death
Summary: Hangman learned his lesson a long time ago to never show his true feelings when someone's words or actions hurt him. To do so showed weakness that could be exploited, and Seresin men couldn't show weakness. Of course, there was an exception to every rule, and Jake's always came in the form of women, three in particular: his mom, Juliette Kazansky, and the girl whose name he could no longer bring himself to speak. She was the girl that got away; she was his biggest 'what if' and his biggest regret; she would forever be the ghost that haunted his dreams. Jake believed that's where she'd stay, for he would surely never see her again after what he did.
Or so he thought.
Notes: This is the sequel to India Lima Yankee; I'm using the same callsign for the Female OC as in Ghost Story because I just really like it, but they are different characters; chapters in italics are flashbacks.
Chapter Songs: Different For Girls Red
The door flung open, and Juliette Kazansky said in relief, "Oh, thank God you're here."
Ghost raised an eyebrow as her friend practically dragged her inside. "What's wrong?"
"My husband is about to drive me insane-"
"Because someone needs to go to the doctor but won't!" Rooster shouted from another room, his tone more snappish than Ghost had ever heard directed at Juliette.
Jules stared up at the ceiling in exasperation, as if she could see through the plaster and wood all the way up to God. "The Lord is testing me today."
"I heard you had a bad night," Ghost said casually, kneeling down to pet the dogs, who had already flopped onto their backs for belly rubs. 
"That's putting it mildly. The lack of sleep is making both of us a little testy." Juliette rubbed her temple and rested a hand on her belly. "The babies are having a wrestling match right now, too, naturally only when the nausea's finally abated, so now, I can't sleep because of that."
"Are you sure you want me over right now?" Ghost inquired, standing up and looking her friend up and down, concerned about Juliette's paleness. "Because I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you look awful."
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Jules snorted. "Thanks. But yeah, I'm fine. Just running on no sleep. Enough about me, though. Firstly-" she stepped forward and embraced Ghost in a hug so tight, the aviator could barely breathe- "I'm so sorry about your dad. Whatever you need, I'm here for you."
It dawned on Ghost that Jules had recently lost her own dad, less than a year ago, so the feelings were still relatively fresh for her too. She would understand more than anyone. "Thank you. Right now, I think I just need to be around friends. I can feel myself moving towards isolation, and I can't do that."
"If you need to be alone, that's okay. As long as you know you have people waiting for you when you're ready to come back."
Ghost smiled gratefully at her friend. "I appreciate it."
"So, do you want to talk about it or no?"
"There are multiple things I could talk about. Which one are you referring to?"
Ghost sighed heavily. "Not much to tell. I was planning on staying at his when we got back, we started drinking, started kissing-"
"You two kissed?!" Juliette exclaimed, eyes lighting up.
"Briefly before I cut it off and laid into him. I tried to get him to finally tell me why he never came to visit me after the accident, why he only tried to talk to me after the trial, but he froze. And then I walked out." Ghost walked into the living room with Juliette on her heels. The girls plopped onto the couch, and the dogs joined them. Lightning practically crawled into Ghost's lap as she asked, "What did Hangman text you?"
"He just said: I fucked up. Ghost needs you. I tried to get him to elaborate, but he wouldn't respond. The only other response I got from him was when I asked if he was okay, to which he replied,' I'm fine,' the universal sign that someone is the opposite of fine."
"Thank you for having Coyote check on him. I should've done that first thing, but I was selfish and-"
"Hurting," Juliette added gently. "You've been through a lot lately, Ghost."
"So has he, but he still sent you to check on me. I waited twelve hours before it even dawned on me. I don't even understand why it bothers me so much that I didn't do that for him, but I am, and-"
"Because you love him," Juliette said simply. "Believe me, I understand that infuriating conundrum."
"God, it makes me want to rip my hair out."
"What do you say we sit back, ignore our problems, I have Rooster bring you wine and me some apple juice so I can at least have the air that I'm drinking an adult drink, we put on The Proposal, and both forget about our current problems? We can deal with them later."
Ghost wholeheartedly agreed to the plan. Juliette shouted for Rooster, who shuffled tiredly into the room. He smiled at Ghost, but it didn't reach across his face like it normally did. She'd have to corner him about that later, although she suspected it had to do with Juliette's health. Ghost would keep her own concerns to herself for now, but her friend's wan pallor worried her, too.
Juliette politely requested the girls' drinks and added gently, "And then get some sleep; Ghost is here to watch me, okay?"
Rooster obeyed, grabbing their beverages from the kitchen and handing them to the girls. He kissed Juliette on top of the head before padding to their bedroom. 
"He would not have done that without argument had it been anyone but you," Jules said quietly once she assured herself her fiancé was out of earshot. 
"Oh, I'm sure if it were Maverick, Penny, or Phoenix, he would've."
"Yeah, because he's slightly scared of Phoenix, although he'd never admit it, and Penny and Maverick are adults in his eyes."
"But he's an adult?"
"They're adultier adults."
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Ghost laughed but said nothing else, settling into the cushions and proud of the fact Rooster trusted her with his future wife so implicitly when he hardly trusted the qualified professionals.
Watching the movie turned out to be just the distraction Ghost needed, and when the girls hit 'play' on another one, she and Juliette fell into such deep sleeps that they had to be roused by Rooster for dinner. Neither had heard him enter the kitchen, clang pots and pans around (which he claimed was accidental), or when the timer went off on the oven. He'd made a delicious chicken dish, prompting Ghost to ask, "When did you learn how to cook?"
"I started taking some classes, but if that-" Rooster motioned at the three of them with his fork- "ever leaves this table-"
"Your dirty little secret is safe with us," Ghost promised, "especially since those classes seem to be paying off. This is delicious."
Rooster beamed at the compliment, and when their plates were scraped clean, he took them to the sink. The girls chatted while Rooster cleaned the dishes. He jumped into the conversation when he felt the need to put in his two cents. 
During that meal, Ghost realized what Godsends the Bradshaws had been, allowing her to hang out with them to distract her from her woes. Between finding out Maverick might be her dad and the silence from Hangman when she asked him the question that had eaten away at her for years, Ghost considered the success of the Bradshaws' distracting abilities no small feat.
Around nine, they migrated to the living room. Juliette gently lowered herself onto the couch, and while she smiled, Ghost could tell her friend was having a bad day with the pregnancy. They talked for a couple more hours, and when Rooster left to use the restroom, Ghost asked, "Do you want me to go? You look like you're struggling right now."
"No, no, I'm fine," Juliette insisted, waving her hand dismissively. "Just a little nausea. Besides, I'm enjoying our conversation."
A ringing cellphone interrupted the conversation. The girls shared a confused glance, wondering who on earth would be calling that time of night. Juliette grabbed her phone and answered, "Hello?"
A deep man's voice spoke on the other end. Juliette's brow furrowed in confusion when she replied, "Uh, no, this isn't Ghost. May I ask who's calling?"
"What's going on?" Rooster queried upon returning to the room and noticing the girls' expressions. Juliette held up a finger to silence him.
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"Hang on, let me get her for you," Juliette said. She handed the phone to the female aviator, stating, "It's a bartender?"
Ghost frowned. "Hello?"
"Is this Ghost?" The man responded gruffly, sounding slightly exasperated.
"Yes. Who's this?"
"My name's Mickey Whitley; I'm a bartender at The Riptide. I have a customer here, a Jake Seresin, who needs a ride home because he's smashed and- no, you're not playing darts! You can't even stand!" The man exclaimed suddenly. He groaned and returned to the conversation. "Sorry, your friend wants to play darts, and if he throws one, it's more likely to turn into a freestyle acupuncture session than a darts game. Can you come get him? I can help get him to your car, but I'm cutting him off because he's gonna kill himself if he drinks anymore."
"Yeah, yeah, I'll head over now," Ghost said, standing up and hurrying to the front door. Rooster and Juliette followed. "I'll be there in ten." 
Hanging up the phone, she returned it to Juliette and explained the situation, adding, "Rooster, I hate to ask this of you, but could you help me pick him up? If Hangman's as drunk as the guy said he is, I won't be able to get him home, let alone keep him stable on my bike."
"Of course," Rooster said, reaching for his keys. Juliette swiped them before he could. "What are you-"
"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm useless. I'm coming with you to help. He gave the bartender my number after all," Juliette argued. "Come on. I'm driving."
Tags: @lgg5989 @shanimallina87 @polikszena @summ3rlotus @icemansgirl1999 @supernaturaldawning @thedarkinmansfield @lyannaforpresident @lapilark @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @simpofthecentury @shadeops21 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @double-j @bradshawsandbridgetons @catsandgeekyandnerd @peachiicherries @multifandomcnova @fandomsstolemylife00 @bookloverhorses @mak-32 @midnightmagpiemama @luckyladycreator2 @ellamae021 @kmc1989
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12 Chp 13 Chp 14 Chp 15 Chp 16 Chp 17 Chp 18 Chp 19 Chp 20 Chp 21 Chp 22 Chp 23 Chp 24 Chp 25 Chp 26 Chp 27 Chp 28 Chp 29 Chp 30
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marvelmyriad · 10 months
markiplier Resident Evil: Village quotes as ask memes - PART 2:
well that was a wasted bullet, sorry
that was probably a mistake, i don't care though, whatever
this is where my adhd is really going to come in handy
all right come here you bastards, i know how to block now
oh, get stabbed
you're gonna get a face full of stab if you keep that up
i'm gonna use that the shotgun
you think i can't kill you with a knife, i can.  i'm probably going to have to
good thing he doesn't pull out his machete that would really be an advantage for him
unfortunately for him my arms are super sturdy
can i block with a gun? i can, okay. hey bud!
that's dope as hell, is there vodka in it?
i was in stealth mode, how dare you?
i want to save my gunpowder because i'm insane
maybe you should have locked it
you all right?  you need a knife to plug up that wound?
if it's just the one of you i shall stab thee, if it's two i am going to run away
oh i didn't think there were so many of you
okay watch this, you want to see something sick?  watch this watch this, watch this sickness
am i supposed to be able to shoot all these guys?  because i'm about to run out of bullets
you're gonna pay for that one in dividends
well money has value depending on who you ask otherwise it might just be rocks
okay so i something tells me i'm probably not supposed to try to kill all these dudes
hold on i gotta get more bullets
well that's good for me and bad for you
oh well good thing i killed all those dudes because otherwise they would have absolutely murdered you both, but i'm a hero
why is there chem fluid in the bathroom?
seems like you actually know how to lock things
yeah, you get far in life like that
look, i'm doing all the work here, if you want to sit in the house
there's so much blood, oh god
oh, maybe step out of the way of the gun
okay cool, just wanted to type out my life story real quick
don't mind if i look at all your things do you?  all right here i go, um ah, very interesting…
i wonder if this is all the places where there's like, secret stuff
who's talking to me?
you should put your faith in someone taller someone more uh, robust, powerful-powerful is really the word that we're all thinking of
whatever dude, you want to go outside?
uh okay sounds really convincing
that was a spell just to get the tea going
I have a gun, i ha- i have a gun, i have a gun, i got a gun
that voice sounded familiar
well uh you didn't do enough of the right thing
okay well that's fine this entire place is collapsing yeah, well, we'll be safe in here
no we're getting out of here together you and me, bestie, we're besties now, come on
yeah you know i gotta go, everything's on fire
but how about that cup of tea?
all right well i'm leaving and you can stay if you want i guess
what the hell do i do? am i stupid?
the answer is no, but also you guys probably got a wrong answer because you're stupid and said yes, so really who's this stupid one?  might be you
let's move, come on bestie, we got this.
let's go and try not to breathe in the smoke
uh oh i shouldn't have said something like that because that guarantees death
yep here's the guaranteed death
well that seemed unnecessarily dramatic.  if only you were nine feet tall, you could have reached me
i get that that one was very tragic but there was everything she could have done to prevent her doom
i feel like she would be screaming in agony from the fire burning
if only she knew about what a window was
good god i smacked my wound hand
i know i should feel like more remorseful but to be perfectly honest, that was a bit ridiculous
it's my fault for saying the magic words that gets people killed
oh hey, old bag of rats
all right man that was a toughie
nothing but blood and death
apparently i'm just i'm a badass
that wasn't cold at all, i'm fine
just taking a little soak, cleaning myself off, i want to be respectable and presentable
hey what's up? oh didn't think anyone was left, you must be pretty tough, huh?
you're not local, even better
oh i'm sorry, the metal spike in my chest is a little whine-inducing
i'm used to this, i run for my life like, a lot
oh wow this is just cruel
hey thanks for the money and the ammo
you didn't even take my gun, you amateur
do they not have cameras here? probably not, they only got an extremely intricate system of spinning blades why would they have cameras anyway?
extra baggage, okay, emotional or otherwise
shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up
all right, i got a dope ass gun
yeah, i'm sure that was nothing
oh, i'm just gonna let you do that apparently
how many horrific stab wounds have i sustained?
ow, that's my wound hand
this is not a sexual thing, it's about power right?
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clumsiestgiantess · 6 months
Chapter 17 of the Other-world Universe; a deal has been struck with the other-worldians, isn’t that n- OH SHIT THE HAZMAT GIANTS ARE HERE!
all chapters linked here
[Round 1: Fight!]
Our wonderful illusion of a glimpse at ‘normal’ shattered sooner than I expected.  The next morning, I noticed Erica gazing confusedly out at the horizon.  "What's that?" she asked, pointing somewhere to my right.  I whirled around to see what she'd pointed to, and watched as a truck sped towards the mountainside.  It looked similar to the one Erica had driven to find me.  "Oh no, are the survivors coming for revenge?" I asked aloud.  "You did tell them that I was sorry, right?"  Looking past the speeding truck, I noticed a cloud of dust on the horizon.  Seriously, did they bring their whole fleet to come fight me?!  I really don't want to hurt anyone unless I have to.
Erica stepped in front of me as the truck sped up the side of the mountain, keeping a hand defensively on my arm the whole time.  In a less concerning situation, I would've been flattered by the fact that she was ready to protect me for a change.  However, once the truck finally pulled to a stop in front of us, only one person stepped out.  He had slightly lighter skin than Erica, and a mess of shaggy red-ish brown hair.  The guy must have been about the same age as me, maybe even a bit younger. 
Hurriedly brushing a lock of hair from his face, he glanced from Erica's rather pissed off expression to my more curious one.  He was breathing heavily, as if he'd ran the whole way there instead of driving the truck.  Clearly, he'd come in a hurry, but now that he was standing in front of us, he was struck silent.  I have to admit, Erica and I can be quite an intimidating pair.
"What do you want?" Erica asked him sternly.  "I-" he coughed, "Water, please."  Again Erica gave him a distrustful glare, but I quickly produced a small water bottle from the boxes and held it out to the young man.  He flinched so badly at my approaching fingers that I thought he'd somehow been hurt.  I ended up placing it on the ground in front of him instead.  Snatching it off the dying grass, he chugged almost the entire bottle before taking a gasping breath.  
"Thank you," he wheezed.  "Who are you?" I asked once he seemed to have caught his breath, "Why were you in such a hurry?"  He looked fearfully up at me for a moment, then answered, "I'm Ivan Fero, ma'm.  Uhh, miss giant?  I- oh god, um.. I hope that wasn’t offensive or anything."  This poor guy.  "My name's Alexis," I said, sparing him further embarrassment.  "Oh, right, A- Alexis, ok."  Erica sighed, "Why are you here?  Surely you didn't speed 500 miles down here just for a drink."  "Oh, right!" he gasped, "The chasm's under attack!  People are being taken left and right.  It's insane!  We have no way to stop them!"  I turned to the horizon in an instant.  So that's what all the dust was.  The scientists are attacking.  
"Please," Ivan begged, "Miss giant, sorry, Alexis, you have to help us.  You're the only way we can stand a chance against them.  Look, I know they're your people, but I'm desperate, we all are, please."  Suddenly, two pairs of eyes were on me; both Erica and Ivan waited for my answer.  "I-  I've tried to get them to leave before, they just laughed at me."  "Alright, so this time you go in and you fight those bastards," Erica said simply, "Someone needs to teach those shitheads a lesson, but we physically can't.  So It's all up to you." 
"I want to help," I said anxiously, "but last time they almost dragged me through the portal, remember?"  Erica nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah, that was before you stunned them with your invisibility!  And, you can become all ghost-like too right?  What's that called again?  Nevermind, that's not important.  LISTEN.  They might have their strength in numbers, but you have, like, actual superpowers.  I bet you could easily fight them off if you tried to."  I thought for a moment.  What Erica was proposing could work.  I didn’t know how to fight very well — I’d never really had to before — but I supposed my inexperience would be evened out by my superpowered advantages.  If all else failed, I could simply go intangible to avoid any attacks.  But how, without someone to control?
“First of all, it's called intangibility,” I told her, “Second of all, I need to be in control of a person to do that."  Erica looked slyly over at the young man from the hidden town.  "Any volunteers?"  Ivan choked on his water in response.  "What!?  No, are you insane?  Why would I willingly be controlled by that?  No offense," he added, glancing at me worriedly.  "None taken."  "Well, do you want to save your town or not?" Erica asked him.  "I-  I want her to save the town, not me!  I can't fight giants!"  "You won't have to fight anyone," I assured him, "Leave that to me; I just need someone to latch on to.  You probably won't even notice it."  "Oh he'll notice it," Erica said hastily.  "Every time you were controlling me, I always felt cold."  I'd been pretty awful to her back then, without even realizing it.  But, like Erica said, that was in the past.
Ivan shook his head furiously, backing away from us.  "I can't.  I won't."  "Would you rather stand on the sidelines and let Alexis do her thing, or watch your whole city be captured?  It's your choice."  He looked towards where the greyish brown cloud had churned on the horizon, then back at us.  The disturbance was gone, meaning there was no longer a skirmish — the very likely winners were ready to steal more people away.
Ivan glanced between his options a few more times, wearing a torn expression all the while.  Finally, he sighed, "I'll do it.  Just… Please don't make me do anything."  I nodded, "I won't."  "Alright, alright, let's go already!" Erica called, making Ivan flinch.  I swear, if there was a way for us to swap sizes…  Erica seems way more keen to fight them than I am, and yet I'm the only one who'll be pulling the punches.  "Shoulder.  Now." Erica insisted, motioning for me to put out my hand for her.  "Erica, that's not-"  "I’ve been practicing!"  I groaned, knowing she'd prolong our argument until I listened to her.  "Fine.  But if you fall off and almost die, it is entirely your fault."  She nodded eagerly, and I begrudgingly lifted her up to my shoulder.  However, I couldn't help but smile at Erica's satisfied grin.
I held out my hand to Ivan next, but he doubled over in a panic and quickly dashed behind the open truck door.  "Uhh.. no.  I don't want to die before we get there, thanks."  "You'll never make it in time if you drive that truck all the way back to the valley," I reasoned.  "I need you to be there the second I get to the area so I can go intangible."  He honestly looked like he was going to give himself a heart attack, so I did my best to reassure him that he'd be fine.  "Don't worry, unlike Miss Stubborn up here, you won't be in any danger.  My hands are honestly the safest place you could be."  
Ivan looked dubiously at my outstretched palm, but he climbed in anyways.  "I hope I don't regret this."  Keeping myself balanced, I headed off at an even jogging pace towards the commotion in the distance.  Traveling at full speed just wasn't an option with my two passengers, but it was still faster than the truck.  While I walked, I could hear Erica grumbling a quiet objection to my banter.  "I'm not that stubborn! Why is she calling me stubborn? I just want to see what she sees.  Is that too much to ask?"  "It is when you put your life on the line to do it," I replied, glancing over at her.  Erica turned to stare at me, eyes wide in shock and the tiniest bit of fear.  "You could hear that?!"  "Of course I can.  You are sitting right next to my ear, you know."  She glanced up, then looked away in realization.  "Oohh.. sorry."  "It's fine, '' I smiled, "Enjoy your death defying view."
My good mood faded grimly as I approached the cliffs with the wooden structures.  Each lookout had been diminished to rubble; the people inside were missing except for the occasional limp body half-buried beneath the timber.  I didn't bother to check those who were left behind.  If the scientists had left them, they probably hadn't survived their hideout's initial destruction.  I could feel Erica shudder beside me as we passed yet another, pulling herself closer to the side of my neck.  After nearing an even bigger group of collapsed structures, all of us went on high alert.  Tension silenced everything while we passed around worried glances.  
Suddenly, screams split the air.  I flinched instinctively, causing both my small riders to lose their balance a bit.  I picked up the pace, stooping down at the valley's opening.  "You go find somewhere safe to hide," I told Erica as I slid her off my shoulder and placed her on the ground.  "I wouldn't forgive myself if you were hurt, or captured, or anything else."  "But," she objected, trying to cling to my receding fingers, "I want to watch the fight.  I can help you!  I-"  "No," I answered abruptly, cutting her off, "You.  Stay.  Here.  I know how much you enjoy getting into trouble, but now is not the time."  Erica grumbled annoyedly as I slid my fingers out of her grasp.  "I want to help."  "Not now," I repeated, "Please, just go hide, ok?"  Finally, she sighed and trudged off to the base of the cliff to find a hiding spot.  I warily continued my way down the chasm.  I was worried about Erica, but I couldn't afford to think about her now.  Any distraction could very well mean life or death.  Maybe not for me, but certainly for the people of the other-world.
As I approached the spot where I'd torn open the cliff face, louder and more terrified yells echoed down the rocks.  Ivan was pressed so far into my hand that I could feel his heart beating rapidly against my palm.  "Alright," I whispered, "you ready?"  "No," he whimpered, "I feel like I'm going to puke.  Do I really have to do this?"  Carefully, I eased him onto the ground next to me and knelt down.  "You'll be alright," I assured him, "You don't have to fight them, remember?  Just hide somewhere close by.  That's all you have to do."  Ivan nodded slowly, then edged his way behind a section of rock nearby.  "Are you ready now?"  "Yeah, I guess," came a response from behind the rock.  "I'll be back before you know it," I whispered.
After releasing both of my small companions, I felt slightly freer than before.  I could take chances without risking the others' safety.  Going invisible, I stepped out of hiding and steeled myself to face the scientists.  However, nothing could really prepare me for the scene laid out in front of me.  There were cages strewn about the valley.  Some were stuffed with small wailing figures, others stood wide open, their yawning barred faces hungrily awaiting more unwilling victims.  Other-worldian people grasped at the wire mesh, trying in vain to undo the strange locks that held the cages tightly shut — trapping them in some nightmarish fate.
The worst thing was the sound.  Awful panicked and pained noises cried out on deaf ears as the scientists did their work.  They didn’t care what happened to the tiny creatures in transit; they were just gathering as many of them as they could and locking them away.  It infuriated me.  The strange yet sickeningly familiar people worked silently and methodically, seemingly unbothered by the desperate shrieks that surrounded them.  The five of them had created an efficient little assembly line which started at the open cavern and ended at a stack of steril crates.  With masked, blank faces they dragged person after person out of the newly-opened town, pinning them tightly in gloved fists.
I seethed, my invisibility flickering in and out while I stood, fists clenched tight, glaring wrathfully at all of them like a vengeful specter.  One by one, they took off their awful masks in disbelief, trying to figure out whether I was really there.  The look on their faces was priceless; each person gawked in confused fear.  "PUT THEM DOWN.  NOW."  My voice carried thunderously over the bare rocks surrounding the valley.  Its sound drew up a reassuring feeling of power within me.  One of the scientists in the middle of the line immediately dropped what they were holding onto the table below them and stepped back, hands raised in defeat.  The others slowly followed suit, becoming more confused than scared.  Color returned to some of their faces.  The person at the end of the chain even had the audacity to close the cage they'd been working on, effectively trapping more other-world survivors right in front of me.  That also effectively pissed me off.  "You're gonna regret that," I stated; then disappeared back into invisibility.  
All of them immediately went ridgid the second I vanished.  They anxiously began packing everything away, but they weren't fast enough.  I dashed at the scientist who'd closed that cage, planting my foot directly into their stomach at the last second.  They hit the ground hard and lay there, gasping for breath.  Before the rest of the scientists could react, I moved swiftly on to the next one as panic swept through the little crowds locked away.  Winding up invisibly, there was no way for them to have seen me coming — no way for them to block me.  I punched this one straight in the gullet.  Full force.  I hadn't intended this to be a lethal fight, but after what I'd just witnessed, I wasn’t particularly concerned with restraining myself.  The scientist’s neck made an unnerving crunch and they fell over backwards, crashing into the collapsable table behind them and dragging it to the ground.  Thankfully, no other-worldians were on it.
The person who'd been working on its surface screamed in terror — the same one that had already given defeat earlier.  In a panic, they frantically typed something into the device they were holding and a portal suddenly tore through the sky.  Without a second glance at their gear, specimens, or fellow scientists, they retreated into the warped opening, promptly closing it behind them.  
The two remaining people who weren't collapsed on the ground startled from their stunned, petrified stances and took initiative.  They swung punches at the air around them, unsure where I was, but ready to defend themselves nonetheless.  Now this was what I expected.  I could faintly sense Ivan's presence further down the ravine, and latched onto it.  
Effortlessly strolling through the scientists' defenses, I walked through an oncoming punch, pulled out of intangibility, and kicked one of them from behind, just below the knee.  Their legs buckled from the unforeseen force, and they toppled into the other scientist, landing in a messy heap.  "Screw this!" someone growled.  She scrambled to the broken table, grabbed its disconnected metal leg, and hauled herself out from underneath the other scientist.  As hard as she could, she swung the metal pole blindly in my direction.  I was very nearly clobbered to death if it hadn't been for my quick switch into intangibility.  A few seconds later, and I would've been too late.
Now, there were three scientists remaining.  The two in front of me and the one I'd kicked first, who'd gotten up while I was fighting the others.  I took away my invisibility and tried to speak so I could reason with the rest of them, before I hurt anyone else.  However, both the man I'd first attacked and the scientist with the table leg lashed out at me the moment they saw me.  In a furious blur of motion, the woman's metal pole sliced right through me and cracked into the side of the other man's head.  Hard.  He crumpled to the ground, unconscious, as the woman dropped her weapon in shock.  Despite no longer being invisible, I was still intangible.  
"You.. you just killed Darian," the other scientist whispered in horror.  "No, I- I wasn't aiming for him!  It shouldn't have hit him!" the woman cried out, confused.  If I wasn't so fucking mad, I might've felt sorry for her, but I wanted them out, and I wasn't letting my gaurd down untill they left.
I pulled back out of intangibility, and stood before the last two remaining scientists completely normal.  Maybe they’d let me speak now that they’d been brought down to two.  "This is your last chance to leave," I warned them.  The more worried one glanced between the two bodies on the ground and turned to the other scientist, begging her to open the portal.  "If you want to stay, and fight, and die, be my guest!  Just open the portal first so I can get out of here!"  "I can't," she answered, visibly trying to steady her voice.  "Why not?  Let him through," I said, sounding slightly more annoyed than I meant to be.  
"I can't," she repeated, the edge returning to her voice, "because Beau took the key into the portal with her.  We can't get back without one."  She marched up to me and I quickly disappeared as she throttled the open air where I'd stood a moment before. "Now what, you little sijat?" the scientist asked angrily while I puzzled over the strange word she'd called me.  "You gonna kill us even though we're trapped in this stupid world?"
I backpedaled away, mind racing.  What should I do?  I shouldn't attack them if they can't escape, that isn't fair.  Then again, what they were doing to the people of the other-world wasn't very fair either.  However, before I could figure out a solution to my dilemma, the other scientist spoke up.  "Doesn't Darian also have a key?" they asked their colleague.  Glancing warily at the empty space around them, the scientist made his way to the body and pulled out a similar device from his pocket.  
He immediately opened the portal back up, and hauled the bodies of the others inside.  "Are you coming?" he asked, concerned.  "Yeah, Carter.  I’m coming.”  Her voice sounded almost disappointed.  She glared into the open space she assumed I was standing.  “You're lucky there was another key, kid.  If we were really gonna fight to the death, you would've lost."  With that, she stepped into the portal behind the other scientist and vanished, the portal sealing back up behind them.
I stood dumbfounded for a moment, staring at the empty space where the threatening tear had been. “You would’ve lost,” I repeated quietly.  If I'd lost.. If I'd died...  I felt a pain in my chest as I thought of Erica.  I'd asked her to stay back and wait for me, but what if I'd never returned?  The fight wasn’t too bad — I hadn’t even been hurt — but it was still frightening nonetheless.
My thoughts were interrupted by a barely audible whisper.  "Did you come to save us?"  I startled, looking to the ground to find the owner of the voice.  It was a kid.  They couldn't have been much older than eight or nine years old, slightly hidden in the rocks to my left.  "I did," I answered them kindly, flattening myself all the way to the ground to get a better look.  Their clothes and hair were disheveled and covered in dirt, but they were otherwise completely unscathed.  The kid’s parents had probably hidden them there so they would be spared the scientists' torturous attack.  
"Where are your parents?" I asked them softly.  They pointed towards one of the cages nearby and I stepped over to it.  As I knelt in front of the crossed metal mesh that made up the door, I could hear hushed gasps and cries from inside it.  From my perspective, the cage looked almost empty.  Everyone inside had hidden themselves in the very back, out of my sight.
Tentatively, I opened the deadbolt-esque lock sealing the door.  It took a moment of fidgeting to figure out how it worked; I wasn't accustomed to the scientists' weird technology.  Though it looked like a deadbolt, it was a bit more complex than that.  Eventually, I undid the lock and pulled the door wide open.  The little kid came rushing over, stopping cautiously at the opening.  The second their parents spotted them, they cried out in relief, breaking the silence held by the captured crowds.  They rushed forward, hugging the kid tightly in a three person hug. With the few frightened people suddenly pacified, everyone sprung to life.  Others in the cages nearby called for their release, and those who'd been freed offered their baffled thanks.  
I opened the rest of the cages in quick succession, and soon a cheer rose from the large crowd that had gathered from the cages and the cavern.  I stood, simultaneously shocked and overwhelmed.  There were so many people, and they were all so ridiculously small, especially from my view standing up.  Glancing nervously back down the valley, I saw Ivan sprinting over the rocks towards the crowd.  
Beaming in relief now that I’d found a familiar face, I headed over to ask him sarcastically whether the fight was as awful as he'd thought.  However, it took some time to get over to him.  The crowds at my feet were rather nerve-wracking for me.  After all, I've had more than a few accidents occur after people foolishly decided to walk beneath me.  The most infamous occurrence was, of course, that day in the woods with Erica.  Above all else, I did not want a repeat of that incident.
Eventually the crowds thinned a bit, but by then I noticed something was off.  Ivan had been looking through the throng of people for a long while; he seemed to become more upset the longer he searched.  The valley behind him was clear of people, so I knelt down there.  "Are you looking for someone?" I asked when he turned to me.  Ivan nodded vigorously, "I- I can't find my family.  I don't think they were taken, but the crowd.." he gestured to the mass of people milling about in the valley.  "I can't see them."  "Maybe you just need a better vantage point," I said, offering him my hand.  
For a moment he stood looking out at the crowd again, checking one last time before giving in.  At last, Ivan turned and settled onto my palm.  He wasn't very practiced at balancing his weight when I moved, though.  That came with a lot more experience than he had.  Ivan tumbled backwards by the sudden motion of being lifted to standing height.  "Woah!" he yelped, "Slow down!  I know I said I was worried, but you don't need to go at full speed!"  "Sorry," I said halfheartedly, "So, what does your family look like?  I could help you search."  
After a few minutes of scanning the crowds from above, Ivan spotted them by the cavern opening.  They'd been searching for him too.  His family was a bit frightened of me at first, as most other-world people are, but after Ivan explained how he'd escaped and offered to help me fend off the scientists, they seemed a bit more at ease.  His mother repeatedly thanked me for keeping him away from the fight, and his younger sister even managed a shy hello before returning to their mother's side.  It was heartwarming, really.  Ivan's family seemed like such nice people, and I would've been happy to stay with them and chat, had it not been for a few other curious people who came to greet me.
Two cavern town residents approached me as Ivan and his family disappeared into town.  They were both better dressed than most of the others, who wore ragged clothes that looked as if they were scavenged from the rubble.  “Giant, though you may have destroyed our rock ceiling, we cannot deny the great service you’ve done for us here,” the first person said, gesturing at the abandoned cages and reunited people.  She had deep brown skin and grey hair that was almost white.  Smile lines creased her face, and her stature was quite imposing for someone her age. 
“However,” the man next to her cut in.  He wore a much more serious expression, and his eyes narrowed as he glared through the sun to look up at me.  His skin was a lighter pinkish white with a tinge of tan, similar to my own.  “The giants you fought off will likely return with better defenses.  With enough men, they could easily subdue you.”  “Which is why we’re offering a proposition,” the woman said, speaking over him.  “Stay with us, create defenses in the canyon and keep yourself and our town safe.  All hostility towards you from our gunsmen will be revoked, and you can live beside us with the others you’ve befriended.  In turn, we only ask that you protect us.”  “And stop destroying our things!”  
Whoever these two were, negotiators or whatnot, they wanted me to stay and ward the scientists away.  I wasn’t planning on living there; I doubted they would want me around after destroying many of their defenses.  However, I hadn’t considered the fact that the scientists could and probably would try to overtake me the next time we squared off.  I needed somewhere safer to live than the open cliffside where Erica’s mansion used to be.  This deal would benefit me just as much as it would benefit these people. In the mountains, I had lots more cover, and Erica would have an actual home again.  I saw no reason to refuse them.   “I accept,” I answered after thinking things through for a moment.  "I'll stay and protect the town."  A handshake from both negotiators made the deal official, since there was no legal paper in the world big enough for me to properly sign.  Though it was slightly awkward having to press each of their hands lightly between my index finger and thumb, I managed to get both of them to trust me enough to agree to it.  Afterwards, I wanted to go find Ivan.  He might be able to tell me who those people were.  However, I had something more important to do first.  Erica was waiting for me.
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years
Incorrect Kaesoka quotes cause they're funny
Kaeden, at Ahsoka's Funeral: I need a moment with her. Other rebels: of course.*they leave* Kaeden, leaning over Ahsoka's coffin: okay, listen here you little shit, I know you're not dead Ahsoka: yeah, no shit.
. . .
*Ahsoka falls over* Kaeden: Ahsoka! Are you alright? Ahsoka: Is that you, God? Kaeden: What? Ahsoka: It's just, you sound a lot more like Kaeden than I expected.
. . .
Ahsoka: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I work, so instead I have Kaeden periodically send me texts saying ‘we need to talk.’ Ahsoka: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
Ahsoka: Do you want to know your gay name? Kaeden: My... my gay name? Ahsoka: Yeah, it's your first name- Kaeden: Haha. Very funny Ahsoka- Ahsoka: *gets down on one knee* And my last name. Kaeden: Oh- oh my god.
. . .
Ahsoka: Did you know you remind me of all 26 letters of the alphabet? Kaeden: What? Like J F K W S Q X- Ahsoka: No, like, U R A Q T. Kaeden: Awwww!
. . .
Kaeden: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. Ahsoka: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Kaeden: ... Kaeden: You mean ring bearER, right? Ahsoka: ... Kaeden: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding. (Not part of quote: Ahsoka gave an Akul buddy the ring bearer duty I decided)
. . .
Kaeden: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Ahsoka: Wow. They sound stupid.Kaeden: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Ahsoka: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” Kaeden: I guess you’re right. Hey Ahsoka, I love you. Ahsoka: See! Just say that! Kaeden: Holy fucking shit. Ahsoka: If that flies over their head then, sorry Kaeden, but they're too dumb for you. Kaeden: Ahsoka.
. . .
Kaeden: Hey, Ahsoka, what do you think it would be like if we had kids? Ahsoka: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly. Kaeden: No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it? Ahsoka: Can't really say I have. Kaeden: You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes. Ahsoka: Sorry, Kaeden. For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
. . .
Ahsoka: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at Storm troopers" and I think that's very sexy of us. Kaeden: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
. . .
Kaeden: We’re getting married, bitches! Ahsoka: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem. (Not part of quote: i wrote a short fic that was basically this quote last year, hehe, it's funny)
. . .
Kaeden: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. Ahsoka: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely* Kaeden: That one. I want that one.
. . .
*about the darth Vader Anakin connection* Ahsoka: I think I just figured something out. I got to go. Kaeden: Aren't you forgetting something? Ahsoka: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Kaeden's forehead before running out.* Kaeden: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
. . .
Miara: I know you love them. Kaeden: I am not in love with Ahsoka! Miara, staring at Kaeden: I never said who... Kaeden: *realizes* Kaeden: Shit. Well, anyways-
. . .
Kaeden, holding a rock: Ahsoka just gave this to me and said "I feel like you deserve the moon but all I can give you is a rock". Miara: If you don't marry her, I will.
. . .
Miara: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you’re single? Ahsoka: Do not do that. Miara: You won’t even notice! Kaeden, entering: Mira, you wanted to see me again? Miara: Ahsoka's single Ahsoka:
. . .
Miara: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room. Kaeden: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you. *Ahsoka walks in* Kaeden: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
. . .
Kaeden: Hi. Miara: Hey, did you do what I said? Did you tell her? Kaeden: I did. Miara: And what did she say? Kaeden: “Thank you.” Miara: You’re totally welcome. What’d she say? Kaeden: she said, “Thank you.” I said “I love you” and Ahsoka said, “Thank you.”
. . .
Ahsoka: Someone take me to art museums and make out with me. Kaeden: But they said not to touch the masterpieces. Ahsoka: Well somebody's got to pin the artwork to the wall. Miara, on a walkie talkie: This is Miara, those idiots are fucking around in the East wing again.
. . .
Ahsoka: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box. Miara: Did Kaeden say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'? Ahsoka: THE REASONS ARE PERSONAL–
This was fun! I'm doing more tomorrow, nobody can stop me!
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annabellelupin · 11 months
I know I like just said a few days ago I was going to step back from controversial posts for a bit but something has kind of came to my attention I'd like to address
I'm going to start of with the fact that this is not a hate post so don't get all pissed off at me for this. I'm fine with people expressing there opinions maturely but if you're just going to argue like a child I will delete the replies/reblogs and block you if needed, I don't want to deal with the drama and arguing.
Sometimes I really think people forget Barty Crouch Jr played a very big role in Goblet of Fire.
He locked a man in a trunk for weeks, turned a 14 year old into a ferret (yes he totally deserved it but the man still didn't deserve to get traumatized), is one of the main reasons Cedric died (he created the portkey-), he showed kids unforgivable curses which definitely was a bit traumatic for some of them (and seemed to trigger some ptsd for Neville), helped torture Alice and Frank Longbottom (two very wonderful people) to insanity and caused Neville so much pain by doing so.
Apparently people are defending him because his dad kind of sucked. I'd like to politely point out his mother loved him so much that she traded places with him so he could get out of Azkaban. And what does he do? Oh right, he goes right back to his old ways. I mean you'd figure most reasonable people would take that as a second chance and a reason to change, but nope not him.
... And yet people defend him and push aside the fact he's done some pretty bad things. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for redemption arcs and such, but what redeemable qualities has this man ever showed? and yes I get that he wasn't always a wizard nazi, but it's mentioned in the seventh books that a group of people who become such were doing really terrible things around Hogwarts, and one harmed Mary pretty badly. Just imagine what he did to people during his time at Hogwarts. People don't become evil over night. And unlike a lot of the des out there, he didn't have an entire family supporting Voldemorts actions that drove him to do it, he did it on his own accord.
now, before anyone goes "Oh that never happened!" or "He'd never do that!" he's some proof:
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I'm not even going to bother finding the parts where he scars kids for life just because he can. I think this speaks for itself.
and someone pointed out that yes, his dad was a fucking bastard but most characterss had terrible families. I can name so many other characters that went through a lot and didn't do things like this over it. the man even had the audacity to lie about doing a lot of it. yes he was young then, but even years upon years later he made no effort to change for the better. I can almost guarantee that if he would've genuinely changed, Crouch sr would not have done half of this stuff. Like do you really think most parents would willingly do that to their children? he knew if he didn't then they'd both end up getting in trouble (not saying he should've done it, just that he didn't do it for nothing, his own reputation aside he was probably worried his son would end up hurting people again).
I really don't understand how people can defend and love this character...
but whatever. idc. i dont like him but if you do then it's whatever. I'm not going to be directly rude to you if I don't like the same characters or ships as you so don't go thinking this is me being rude to people who do like him, that's not the case. I'm just explaining my thoughts on the subject.
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zipperrants · 12 days
ME AND VERA (This is the name of the achilles reincarnated dr girlfriend) AS INCORRECT QUOTES
Vera: Ugh, crushes are so dumb. Zipper: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid. Vera: But you’re always acting stupid? Zipper: ... Zipper: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Vera, throwing their head into Zipper's lap: Tell me I'm pretty! Zipper, lovingly stroking their hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
Vera: Do you want to know your gay name? Zipper: My... my gay name? Vera: Yeah, it's your first name- Zipper: Haha. Very funny Vera- Vera: *gets down on one knee* And my last name. Zipper: Oh- oh my god.
Zipper, sweating: Vera, there’s something I need to ask you- Vera: Finally! You’re proposing! Zipper: How’d you know? Vera: Zipper, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner. Vera: I even picked it up once
Vera: This date is boring! Zipper: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store. Vera: Then why did you invite me? Zipper: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Zipper I'll do whatever I want!
Vera: Are you sure Zipper's even gay? They barely even looked at me. (Zipper barely looked at her because they blush every time they do)
Vera: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos- Zipper: I wrote you a poem. Vera, already crying:You did?
Zipper: The stars are so beautiful... Vera: They're just giant balls of gas. Zipper: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then- Vera: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you. Zipper: Oh...
Zipper: Goodnight to the love of my life, Vera, and fuck the rest of y'all.
Vera: I’m in love with you. Zipper: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork. Vera: I know. Zipper: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Vera: Zipper and I are no longer friends. Zipper: VERA THAT IS THE WORST WAY TO TELL PEOPLE THAT WE’RE DATING!
Vera: You got a date yet Zipper? Zipper: No... Vera: Well you do now! Get your ass up and hold my hand!
Zipper, trying to flirt with Vera: I think both of our families suck.
Zipper: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers? Vera: Peonies, why? Zipper: Vera: Were you going to get me flowers? Zipper: Vera: Zipper: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ
Vera: I owe you one. Zipper: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even
Zipper: Cause your pretty and your smart, and your ignoring me so your obviously my type. Vera, who was distracted: I'm sorry- what were you saying? Zipper: Perfect.
Zipper: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you. Vera: That's great, Zipper. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
*Vera and Zipper are in Paris.* Vera: I'm...moved. I...I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel...destiny? Zipper: But... Vera: I don't know what it is. I feel like... I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and... Zipper: This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception? Vera: Yeah. Zipper: But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe. Vera: Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM INCEPTION. Zipper: Okay, alright.
Zipper: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us. Vera: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
Zipper: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine. Vera: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Zipper: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? Vera: Is it working?
Vera: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. Zipper: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely* Vera: That one. I want that one.
Vera: Is something burning? Zipper, leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you. Vera: Zipper, the toaster is literally on fire.
Vera: I think I just figured something out. I got to go. Zipper: Aren't you forgetting something? Vera: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Zipper's forehead before running out.* Zipper: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Vera: How much did you spend on this date? Zipper: $1400. But all of it's on credit cards, so it's like $5 a month for the next 2,000 years
Zipper: My crush isn’t picking up on my hints. Vera: What hints have you given them? Zipper: Well, I think about them a lot. Zipper: And sometimes I even think about talking to them.
Zipper: Are you trying to seduce me? Vera: Why, are you seducible?
Zipper: My hands are cold. Vera: Here, let me hold them. Zipper: My lips are cold too. Vera: *covers Zipper's mouth with their hand*
Vera: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt. Zipper: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Vera: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Zipper: Okay. Vera: And make out during the scary parts. Zipper: Th- Zipper: The scary parts. Zipper: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Vera: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight. Zipper: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther? Vera, already taking off their clothes: God, Zipper, you’re so fucking stupid.
Vera: Stop doing that. Zipper: Stop doing what? Vera: Saying things that make me wanna kiss the hell out of you.
Vera: *Laughs* Babe, you had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing— Zipper: We’re married.
Zipper: So you like cats? Vera: Yeah. Zipper: *tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table*
Zipper: Vera, you love me, right? Vera: Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
Vera: Okay, but if your not gay then why are you always holding my hand and kissing me and telling me I’m your girlfriend? Zipper: Dude- Its satire! Vera: THAT'S NOT WHAT SATIRE MEANS!
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demi-rxndxm-stxff · 18 days
Some DigitalTime Incorrect Quotes
Colin: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt. Tony: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Tony: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. Colin: steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely Tony: That one. I want that one.
Colin: We both look very handsome tonight. Tony: You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you." Colin: I couldn't take that chance.
Tony: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. Colin: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Tony: … Tony: You mean ring bearER, right? Colin: … Tony: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Colin: Two bros! Colin: Chillin' in a hot tub! Colin: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
Colin: Hey, about that love letter you sent me- Tony: blushes What are your thoughts? Colin: The fourth sentence- Tony: Yeah, that’s where I got really emotional and I- Colin: It’s “you’re” not “your”.
Colin: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine. Tony: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Colin: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? Tony: Is it working?
Tony: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night? Colin: It was autocorrect. Tony: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."? Colin: Yes.
Tony: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Colin: Wow. They sound stupid. Tony: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Colin: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” Tony: I guess you’re right. Hey Colin, I love you. Colin: See! Just say that! Tony: Holy fucking shit. Colin: If that flies over their head then, sorry Tony, but they're too dumb for you. Tony: Colin.
Colin: Okay, but if your not gay then why are you always holding my hand and kissing me and telling me I’m your boyfriend? Tony: Colin- Its satire! Colin: THAT'S NOT WHAT SATIRE MEANS!
Tony: I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you… Colin: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, honey.
Tony: You have to apologize to them Colin. Colin: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
Colin: Tony and I are no longer dating. Tony: Colin, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Tony: I’m in love with you. Colin: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork. Tony: I know. Colin: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Colin: I'm trash. Tony: As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7 work for you? Colin: Colin: You smooth motherfucker. Colin: And yes it does.
Colin: Relationships should be 50/50. Tony cooks us dinner while I sit on the kitchen counter looking pretty.
Tony: Are we fighting or flirting? Colin: I'm pinning you against a wall with my hand around your neck- Tony: Your point?
Colin: So you like cats? Tony: Yeah. Colin: tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table
Colin: seductively takes off glasses Colin: Wow… Tony: blushes Haha… what? Colin: You're really fucking blurry.
Tony: I think I just figured something out. I got to go. Colin: Aren't you forgetting something? Tony: Uuh…hesitantly kisses Colin's forehead before running out. Colin: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Colin: The stars are so beautiful… Tony: They're just giant balls of gas. Colin: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then- Tony: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you. Colin: Oh…
Colin: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives. Tony: I wake up at 4:30 AM every day to train. Colin: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
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