#twotht wip
cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
Zaire picrew dump!
Image descriptions: Two picrews of a white guy with long white hair and black eyes. In the first one he stares at the viewer with a determined expression and his hair is more wavy, and in the second, he wears a black shirt under a green and yellow jacket and his hair is very straight. His expression is also more neutral on the second one, and in both picrews his bangs are slightly different. /end ID.
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These two turned out pretty differently, but they both are a bit right, I think. The first one is the most accurate to what I have in mind, but now I'm considering to give him a beauty mark below his left eye.
Image descriptions: Two picrews of Zaire, the boy with white hair and black eyes, this time with both picrews having his hair a little more blond. In the first one his hair makes graceful waves and he wears a lavender turtleneck, and in the second his hair is a bit messier and he wears a black turtleneck with a heart cut on his chest. In the second picrew there is also a speech bubble with a heart pointing to him, despiste his expression being serious. His bangs are asymetrical and more similar this time. /end ID.
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I love his hair, but you can see I'm not rrally sure to what his bangs look like lol
Image description: A more anime style picrew of Zaire, with completely different bangs and straight hair. He wears a turtleneck crop top eith 3/4 sleeves and his expression in serious. The background in this one is bright purple. /end ID.
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Now, this last one. This and the first are what I think are the most accurate of them all.
Zaire's assigned color (I do this to some ocs—Lucy's, for example, is sky blue, and Kaiki's ia canary yellow) is pale lavender, so in these picrees for the background I went with purple + gray since the exact color wasn't there LMAO
Zaire is one if my oldest ocs, but I don't really have a design for him yet, so I figured using and abusing picrews would be my way to go!
A consistent thing in almost all of these that I decided halfway through are these sidebangs, you can see. I'm keeping them.
Links: picrew 1, picrew 2, picrew 3, picrew 4, picrew 5
Bonuses under the cut—tw for blood
During and after his homecountry was invaded
Image descriptions: Two picrews of Zaire. In the first one, he wears a black shirt covered in blood and watches in horror something on front of him. The background is a strong red and his right eye is bloodshot. In the second picrew, he wears a black turtleneck under a dark jacket and is crying. There is a band-aid on his nose and little arrows pointing to him. /end ID.
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Poor guy :( *makes him go through worse*
Bonus links: picrew 6 and picrew 7
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cepheusgalaxy · 1 month
Meet the wip: The War Of The Human Throne
[PT: Meet the wip: The War Of The Human Throne /end PT.]
Three races have been at war with each other for centuries; each one fighting over nothing but the right to call themselves “the true humans”. There was, however, one small land where the war didn’t touch, the isle of Itarja.
When the isle is attacked, destroying the peaceful lives of the people there, a few dozens of habitants manage to flee, and, among the refugees, a boy sees firsthand the hellscape his world is at the moment, and decides to go on a journey to put an end to the war.
Extra info:
Tags: #twotht wip
Genre: Fantasy
none yet TvT
About the setting: It’s mostly magicless, and as it is stated in the synopsis, there are three races (perhaps one day there were more) but I wanted to keep all of them pretty close to what we have as humans irl, with only a few silly changes like, “slightly stronger people” and “silver blood”. The point is that they are all equally “human” and whoever reads the story can’t use their irl knowledge to decide who would fit our definition for an actual human. Each of the races is spread around the world and the different countries are divided in what race the country is from. Basically all of the countries of the same race are allies, with a few exceptions here and there. The isle the protag is from managed to stay away from the war only by buying peace; they had an alliance with a powerful country and traded resources from their land with them in exchange for protection, and it had worked out pretty well before an enemy of their allies attacked them. After that, because of the treaty the isle had, their refugees were able to flee to there under some conditions. The worldbulding is pretty nice, because it’s one of my oldest stories that I have actually been working on consistently, but that’s basically it.
Notes section:
i really like this wip, and it started as something like “what if nobody knew the answer to the question of what makes us human and were all fighting about that” and i also want it to be a cautionary tale about dehumanization, sorta
this was also the main source for my whump daydreams back in the day. *sighs dreamily* guess i just like fucked up situations too
Previously used tags: #twotht
Cast: Zaire [protagonist], Miriam, Polaris [supporting characters], Aaliyah [minor antagonist]
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Back to WIP Masterpost | OC Masterpost | Writing Masterlist | #twotht wip tag | Meet the ocs of this wip!
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cepheusgalaxy · 7 months
Random worldbuilding detailI just made up: The lil sign in a first aid kit or a hospital is not a red cross. It's green.
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
The OC Masterpost (2.0)
A while ago, someone asked who were my ocs, so I made a big post introducing them. Since then, the post became outdated so i decided to make a new one. They are separated by wip.
main wips
1. Ein
2. Meine
3. Totsuka e Jandir (updated with Jandir's new name!)
secondary wips
4. Trisaster
5. Snow White
6. Little Red Riding Hood Cyberpunk
7. The War Of The Human Throne (now with picrews!)
8. Unchosen One
9. Across Time and Odds
10. 9 Gates of Hell
11. The Witch's Paladin
12. Rumplestiltskin's Child
coming out eventually
13. Clou & Venera
14. Elysium
15. Gate
16. Rosered
wipless ocs (they need a whole other post)
Petrichor - (he/him/it) Witch guy in witch uni. He is a stoic and playful dumbass who thinks he's funny (x <- link to his design sheet)
Jake Valentine - (he/him) You will never hear about him from me but here he is
Gesse Valerie - (they/them) Jake's fuckbuddy
Michael Mia - (he/they/any) Ask me about him ask me about him
Yohann - (he/him) He's just a little guy, really
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OC Gallery [to be made] - Old OC Masterpost - WIP Intro [to be made] - My Silly Selfsonas Intro [to be made] - OC Trivia Bingo (original ask game) [to be made]
Feel free to ask me about any of them! ^^ I love talking about my ocs, and I also have a bunch of ask games saved you can pick an ask from.
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
the war of the human throne
[image description: picrew of a white guy with white hair and black eyes. his hair is wavy and a little bit messy, he wears a golden necklace and his expression is serious. /end id.]
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Basic info: Zaire (he/him)
Background: (Resumed version) From a small country that was one of the only safe haven in the world, while all of the other countries were at war with each other. When his country got invaded, he fled with a bunch of other people and got accepted into another country, in exchange for his labor. Now he is in a military academy.
Role: Protagonist
Main traits: Skeptical, pacifist, solution oriented mindset so learns quickly
*Notes: Probably has white hair idk. I like to say his song is "TMI" by Meet Me @ The Altar. He probably needs glasses
[image description: picrew of a white girl with short red hair worn in a simple bun. she has green eyes and a golden hair clip, and has a small smile on her face. she wears a loose black turtleneck over a white shirt. /end id.]
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Basic info: Miriam (she/her)
Background: Star student at the military academy (same as Zaire’s)
Role: Main character
Main traits: Idealistic, focused, fair, gentle
*Notes: Standard military bun kind of girl. Just wait until she lets her hair loose 😌
[Project Supernova, beta g3: Polaris]
Basic info: Polaris (he/him/any)
Background: Living weapon created in laboratory to serve his country (enemy of Miriam’s)
Role: Main character
Main traits: Selfless, stoic, skilled
*Note: This guy can hold so many coping mechanisms.
Basic info: Aaliyah (it/he)
Background: Miriam’s younger brother. When she disappears in a mission everybody assumes she’s dead and he takes it to himself to avenge her.
Role: Minor antagonist
Main traits: Idealistic, grudgeful, ruthless, focused
*Notes: "i can probably fix him but whatever's going on with him is way more entertaining :)".
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cepheusgalaxy · 8 months
The Oc Masterpost
[redacted version]
A while ago, somebody sent me an ask asking who my ocs where. I wanted to make a proper introdution, so on each link is a post with a certain cast of ocs. They are separated for wip, and there is a little bit of context on the top of each one.
1. Ein
2. Totsuka and Megan: Mishappen Heroes (updated! Meet Donatello and Lady Iz)
3. The War Of The Human Throne (updated! Meet Aalyah.)
4. 9 Gates Of Hell
5. Across Time & Odds
6. Project Three (placeholder name)
7. Little Red Riding Hood Cyberpunk
8. The Snow White One
Still on the brainstorm phase:
9. (coming out eventually)
10. (about a knight girl and her sassy trans magician friends. Ugh--coming out eventually)
11. (chosen one story--coming out eventually)
Wipless ones:
12. Petrichor oc - he was born of a redrawing i did of an old piece. In the original drawing, the character was a girl but I decided to make him trans just like me. He has long pink hair and is a witch on a modern witch academy. That's all his lore. Main traits: Cocky, playful, confident.
Note: If there are any typos or things that you couldn't understand, please lmk! I want to make them very neat and simple to read.
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
Have I told you guys about my old "Rumplestilstkin's Child" wip
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cepheusgalaxy · 8 months
The War Of The Human Throne - tag: twotht
Genre: Fantasy adventure (you can tell I love this genre)
What is it about: There are lots of races in this world; each one is fighting the other in a centuries-long war for the title of “true human”. One of my oldest and favorites.
Who is in it:
Zai (he/him) - Main traits: Skeptical, pacifist, ethical, solution oriented mindset so learns quickly. Zaire is a hybrid; a part of the world’s percentage who lives away from the war, in a utopian-ish nation called Itarja, where lots of different people from different races could live in peace and harmony… until the fire nation attacked. A nearby nation wanted to invade Itarja and erradicate all the “unpure” other-raced and hybrids who were not “pure humans”. Zai and some others managed to escape and flee to another country… who sheltered them, but in exchange, the refugee Itarjans would have to “serve the country”: The people who were of other races would work as labor for the government, and the ones who had some human blood (according to their standards) would serve in the military. Zaire, having some of their preferred genetics, was sent to a militar academy, where he met Miriam.
Miriam (she/her) - Main traits: Idealistic, focused, gentle. Miriam is one of the top-students at the academy and she fully believes in the War going on. She thinks that they, the true humans, once have won the war, would inflict no suffering upon the conquered and would rule as the superior race with mercy (she’s a little brainwashed). She met Zaire when he was being bullied by some pure-blooded students and using of her fame and authority sent them away. Since then, she and Zaire became friends. Zaire would often conftont her about her beliefs and how could she think this was right, why did she support the war, and she would be a little shaken up but ultimately stay true to her beliefs. She didn’t hate the other races; she hated that there was war in the first place, but since there was once, she was the one that was going to win. “You can’t assure that the winner is a well-meaning one unless you are the winner” (not true btw). One day, her class, including her and Zai, went to a field training and both of them got captured by an enemy surprise attack.
Polaris (he/they/it/she? not sure, he/him for now) - Main traits: Complacent, empathetic, stoic, selfless, skilled. Polaris is a super-soldier created in laboratory to serve his country. Basically a “living weapon”. He has a lot of different races mixed on him so the State doesn’t consider him a proper “human” and there is no legal or ethical barrier to anything that’s done to him. He is kept in a watched facility with people responsible for him whenever nobody needs him, and he hates, hates his job. Making people die, making people suffer, and whenever he refused to follow orders, there would always be consequences. He learned not to defy his superiors times ago. One day, he is in this military base deep into enemy territorry coz they needed him there, and someone got prisioners. Zaire and Miriam. At some point he is chosen to watch them, and they kind of convince him to free them. He is drowning in guilt and when Miriam and Zai are free, they manage to make Polaris go with them. I don’t know much about this part, but after this unexpected rescue, the three come to the conclusion that they are going to stop the war.
Aalyah (he/it) - Main traits: Focused, hateful, somewhat gentle,tho. Aalyah is Miriam's younger brother. Some years ago, when their family received the message that she was deas, he decided he'd be the one to end the war--by winning it. And inflicting his revenge on every "non-human" he finds in his way.
Note: No magic system
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cepheusgalaxy · 8 months
ROSE - What is the most known myth?
RASPBERRY - How does the world support the story you're telling?
PEPPER - What inspired this world?
(I picked the world of twoth)
Thank you for the ask!
1. I am not really sure, tbh
2. If it was in any other world it wouldn't work. The characters are trying to end a centuries-long world war between a lot of species.
3. I needed some ideas to start working with so I just tried to start with some questions "what does it mean to be human?" -> "no, wait. what if nobody knew the answer and they were fighting because of it?" and work from there. It was basically it!
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cepheusgalaxy · 5 months
So yea I found an old notebook that I used to write stories on a few years back and BOY after page like 8? it was all story notes. AALLLL story notes and a few chapters for story ideas. After the TWOTHT Purge™️ (lmao) I had forgot all of them but some are nice. I can pick a few points and apply to my current wips. The notebook had also a part FILLED with paper sheets with doodles, drawing pratice and character design (this was what, like 5-3 years ago? I still do that lmao so i was surprised to find them that way. I guess old habits die hard)
It's nice because it just makes me rlly happy of how much I've grown as an artist! My sketches back then were more stiff (im no gesture master but its so much more Fluid now) and awkward and cluttered and messy. I didn't know what I was doing! I still don't, mostly, but I've got better.
The notes and scribbles also had multiple notes and planning for TWOTHT which is so GREAT. Its so good to find notes and sources from the start of whatever I'm trying to reboot. For example I found:
A world map
Notes on the possible scientific names of the species ("homo ignis")
A political map with the territorries of the races drawn out
A design tryout for Zaire (the MC)
A character profile for Zaire
Notes for characters I didn't know existed
And bonuses:
Some kind of existencial crisis I was having back then (i remember that a bit, actually, but its all foggy so these registers are funny to find) with goals to myself
A book wishlist (threw it away since i managed to read them all--its nice knowing i managed doing that *high-fives my past self*)
MANY queer pride flags. More specifically, aegosexual and lesbian pride flags. And a bunch of silly phrases and lyric lines. I guess they were really special for me back then
Anyways, finding all of this brings me a lot of joy, and also a bunch of stuff I can use, creatively speaking! ^^
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