#gesse oc
cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
The OC Masterpost (2.0)
A while ago, someone asked who were my ocs, so I made a big post introducing them. Since then, the post became outdated so i decided to make a new one. They are separated by wip.
main wips
1. Ein
2. Meine
3. Totsuka e Jandir (updated with Jandir's new name!)
secondary wips
4. Trisaster
5. Snow White
6. Little Red Riding Hood Cyberpunk
7. The War Of The Human Throne (now with picrews!)
8. Unchosen One
9. Across Time and Odds
10. 9 Gates of Hell
11. The Witch's Paladin
12. Rumplestiltskin's Child
coming out eventually
13. Clou & Venera
14. Elysium
15. Gate
16. Rosered
wipless ocs (they need a whole other post)
Petrichor - (he/him/it) Witch guy in witch uni. He is a stoic and playful dumbass who thinks he's funny (x <- link to his design sheet)
Jake Valentine - (he/him) You will never hear about him from me but here he is
Gesse Valerie - (they/them) Jake's fuckbuddy
Michael Mia - (he/they/any) Ask me about him ask me about him
Yohann - (he/him) He's just a little guy, really
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OC Gallery [to be made] - Old OC Masterpost - WIP Intro [to be made] - My Silly Selfsonas Intro [to be made] - OC Trivia Bingo (original ask game) [to be made]
Feel free to ask me about any of them! ^^ I love talking about my ocs, and I also have a bunch of ask games saved you can pick an ask from.
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bbeeew-boodles · 4 months
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I need to post more often
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yum-grass · 1 year
What really happened in  Arles
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viti-ocs · 3 months
I love coming up with AUs that I'll never do anything with other than daydream about them, and maybe pin some related things to my OCs' pinterest boards
#rn Im hyperfixating on a Pokemon Trainer AU#Mahko names all his pokemon after food and caught them based on Vibes#anyone considered a Soto/Tanaka has an eeevee or eeveelution on their team#Jet has a mimikyu that dresses as a umbreon instead of a pikachu to represent him being an honorary Soto#Gesshoku befriended all of her pokemon before attempting to catch them (similarly to what James does in canon#she asks them nicely if they'd like her to be their trainer)#also Gesshoku gets chosen by a very protective Bewear after the Sotos move away from Unova (since that's NYC's equivalent)#he kinda just stalks her at first. Glin-Marie notices him lurking outside in the nearby woods at first#whenever Gess is in the yard#eventually it follows her around until one day on her way to school she turns around and confronts it#then asks him if he wants to be on her team#of course the Bewear accepts. but after its caught it refuses to go into its pokeball afterwards#now it acts as Gessy's guard/emotional support pokemon#Marik is mostly a dark type trainer. he's also a shiny hunter. 5/6 pokemon on his team are shiny#Gresher's a steel/electric type trainer and his pokemon help him with his mechanic job#Sam is a gym leader who specializes in fire and electric types. she only has one non fire/electric type#and its a hitmonchan with the electric tera type that knows thunder punch#her gym is a boxing gym and at first you think she's a fighting type gym leader but nope#her gym challenge requires a gym challenger to prove they're fast and fierce enough to face her#I'm still working on everyone else#Im going down the line. ALL of my human OCs will have pokemon teams#rn I'm working on Ember. Im planning for her to be a fire/psychic type trainer#but I'm also trying to see what pokemon best match her vibes and a few do not fit those type#we'll see what happens#maybe I'll make a post specifying all the details I come up with for the AU but no promises#viti shoosh
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snailsaalt · 1 year
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sum doodel
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rhoy-angel · 1 year
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k-wateropal · 1 year
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In the imprisonment of a stone, living day by day,
They could only dream of seeing the light.
Free and clean, behind a glass wall.
What we see every day.
But sometimes it came out of their mouths
"OH! I wish I could get some air on the other side.
Don't rot in this bottomless darkness."
Dreams don't come true and they know it.
But the pain is not forgotten.
And then another day came.
Dreaming and suffering as usual is not laziness.
This time, everything just changed.
They themselves did not understand how it had come to this.
Crack and flash, a simple spell
To remove the sultry curse from the soul.
And see what nature deprived a long time ago.
В ув'язненні каменя живучи день за днем,
Світло побачити могли лиш мріяти.
Вільний і чистий, поза скляною стіною,
Як його бачимо ми.
Але часом виривалося з їхніх вуст-
"Ах! Вдихнути б мені повітря з того боку.
Не гніючи в цій бездонній темряві глибоко."
Не здійснитися мріям, то вже звикли,
Хоча біль ця так і не зникла.
Й ось, зійшов черговий день,
Мріяти і страждати як завжди не лінь.
На цей раз тільки все по новій пішло.
Самі не зрозуміли, як до цього дійшло.
Тріск і спалах, просте закляття,
Щоб зняти з душі спекотне прокляття.
І побачити того, чого природа позбавила давно.
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waterdroplet02 · 2 years
did i SERIOUSLY never post these before? i swear i have! either way, it's an excuse to post these again
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also, gess was meant to have some weird speech gimmick, but i forgot about it lmao
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*visably shaking* yea i can make backruns for my drawings
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manecor · 2 years
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Any similarities are pure coincidence.
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magpiecrust · 8 months
The Lightbearer: How the hell are you alive? Tom: You know how i'm filled with rage?
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arobberry · 1 month
i kinda disapeardled cuz i'm lazy to post here
but here, some arts i did lmao
first: leosagi base
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now more leosagi and usagi's seasonal coating
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and last, but not least
a rottmnt oc (i gess): alita, leo's parakeet :3
she's my baby
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bbeeew-boodles · 3 months
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Someone tell me I'm not the only mf to have seen him on my fyp
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lunathejediknight · 3 months
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gess who stayed up till 3:00 am to get most of this done? Me! So I found this really cool drawing of an umbreon taking a night walk and I wanted to do that but with my vaporeon oc, am so tired good god... bonus sketch
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viti-ocs · 7 months
Going apeshit atm because I finally figured out how to be able to use Nicco (since he wasn't my OC). Essentially I am stealing him and making him a whole new person
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splatzer9 · 8 months
Hi, hi! Can you draw my Slime Wally AU for the oc drawing template? You don't have to though!
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Hello !! I drew your Slime Wally (and yes i took a screenshot of him for having a ref- ) and sorry for the late answer, i was sick yesterday.
I don't know if the eyes color is the right one but i gess it is close to it ?
And i did a funny bonus because it just spowned in my head ! :]
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I did a shadow for him
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