#txt Christmas fic
stayteezdreams · 9 months
Mission: Christmas Cupid
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Plot: You go to a Christmas festival with the boys, only to be left behind with Yeonjun. But it's okay, this was supposed to happen.
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x Gn!Reader
Warnings: A few kisses towards the end, but thats all!
Words: 2.5k
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You looked around excitedly as the festival stretched out in front of you. It was getting dark, so the bright festive lights lit up your surroundings like daytime.
With you was the boys, and a few of your mutual friends. You had no set plans as to what to do at the festival, so you figured it would be a see all and do all night.
"God where do we even start?" You muttered and you heard a soft huff of laughter beside you.
Glancing over you saw Yeonjun smiling brightly as he looked around and nodded. You suddenly felt your neck grow warmer as you realized the person who had been standing right beside you had been him.
You had felt flustered enough being squished in the car beside him the whole way to the festival. And now as your group wandered into the festival, he seemed to be sticking close to your side. Not that you were complaining, far from it actually, but, you couldn't help but notice it, as it was not something common.
You and Yeonjun got along great, and you pretty-obviously, had a giant crush on him. But you figured it was one-sided. Sometimes you wondered if you were wrong.
You'd catch him staring at you, or he'd go out of his way to do something for you, sometimes he even seemed to be flirting. But he never made it obvious enough for you to know for sure.
And tonight, as he seemed to stay right by your side, talking with you more than the others, and paying more attention to you than usual, you began to wonder again.
"Hey, look at that!"
You jolted softly as Yeonjun suddenly grabbed your shoulder and turned your body to look at something.
As you followed where he had been pointing, you spotted a small parade going past down the road. You watched it for a moment before it disappeared, you spared Yeonjun a glance and he was smiling brightly at you.
Feeling your face get warm as your heart jolted, you looked back to where the other's had been, only to see no one you recognized.
"Oh." You looked around sporadically before turning to Yeonjun, "They're gone."
He looked around before standing on his tip-toes to see over the crowd before he hissed.
"I don't see them."
"They couldn't have gotten too far away."
Yeonjun watched as you pulled out your phone and began texting the group chat. He smiled softly, before pretending to look around again as you glanced towards him. After a few minutes, you tried to call Soobin, only to get no reply.
You frowned and Yeonjun sighed, "They probably got preoccupied with something, maybe they saw a ride they wanted to go on."
You hummed before nodding, recalling how giddy Beomgyu was as you entered the festival, having almost ran off once already.
"So what should we do?"
Your breath caught in your throat as Yeonjun suddenly grabbed your hand.
"Let's just keep heading this way, we'll spot them eventually."
You nodded mutely as you let Yeonjun lead you through the crowds and through the festival. You kept your eye out for familiar faces all the while you tried not to focus on Yeonjun's hand in yours.
While making your way through the festival, You and Yeonjun got preoccupied with a small show, as well as various vendors. Mostly it was Yeonjun getting distracted, but you let him drag you along with him, as you secretly enjoyed walking hand and hand with him through the festival.
Suddenly pausing in your walk, you saw Yeonjun spot something and you tried to see if he saw the others.
"What? Did you see them?"
Yeonjun suddenly looked at you and shook his head, "No, no, I just thought since it's getting so cold we should get some hot drinks."
He tugged you along again, but you couldn't help but notice he took you towards in the opposite direction of whatever he had previously noticed.
Suspicion and curiosity passed through your mind briefly, but you pushed it away as the butterflies in your stomach became more intense.
After you acquired your drinks, Yeonjun sighed as he looked around. "Since we can't seem to find hem, we should just enjoy the festival while we can. I'm sure they will call us at some point if we don't run into them."
You thought about it for a moment, your suspicion rising again. But you accepted it and smiled at Yeonjun, "Okay."
He grinned happily at you as he took your hand again as you began walking together.
If Yeonjun was avoiding finding the others on purpose, why would you stop him? If that was what he was doing, you should be ecstatic at his actions. So you accepted his offer, and the two of you began exploring the festival, as if it had just been the two of you the whole time.
"Oh!" Yeonjun suddenly called out in excitement before dragging you up to a teacup ride.
As you boarded one of the cups, Yeonjun gave you a wide, almost mischievous smile and you suddenly felt nervous. Not long after the ride started, Yeonjun starting turning the wheel of your cup as fast as he could, making the cup spin rapidly.
The force of the movement sent you closer to Yeonjun before you were pinned to his side, clinging on to him with your eyes closed as you yelled at him. All you could hear was his laughter, unaware of the joyous grin on his face as you clung to him.
When the ride stopped ,you let out an exhausted groan as you smacked his arm, making him laugh even more.
"Come on it wasn't that bad!"
"I hate you." You mumbled, making him grin as he helped you to leave the cup, your movements uneasy as dizziness clung to you.
"You owe me food for that."
He chuckled as he nodded, secretly ecstatic. "Fine, fine."
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You smiled as you eyed the sticks of candied strawberries Yeonjun bought you. Before you were able to take one, Yeonjun suddenly leaned in, stealing one before smiling happily at you.
You opened your mouth in shock, offense obvious on your face.
Yeonjun chuckled as he grabbed one of the small donuts he had bought and pushed it slowly into your agape mouth to make up for stealing from you.
You failed to repress a laugh at this before you stepped away, eating the doughnut happily.
The two of you began to wander towards the game stalls, as you snacked on your food. Yeonjun walked beside you, his arm brushing yours. You couldn't help but feel like you were on a date. And even if it ended up not being anything of the sort, you were still happy with how it ended up.
"I really wonder where they are." You muttered as you checked the group chat, still receiving no reply even though over an hour had passed.
He shrugged, "Some of them were really excited about the roller coasters, so maybe they're over there."
As he spoke he saw the way your eyes widened momentarily and he chucked before leaning closer to you, "Wanna go see if they're there?"
You cleared your throat as you tried to sound casual, "Uhm, maybe- maybe later, they could be over here by the games."
He let out an amused laugh. "You don't have to pretend Y/n, I know you hate roller coasters."
You smiled shyly as you ate another strawberry.
"We'll check the games first." Yeonjun said softly as he nudged you in the right direction, laughing as you slightly stumbled before glaring at him. You ran a few steps ahead of him and he watched you with a fond gaze.
Discreetly checking his phone, he typed out a message before sending it and quickly putting his phone back in his pocket and running to catch up to you.
You and Yeonjun spent a good half hour playing various games together, forgetting once again about the others as your night played out more and more like a date.
Yeonjun had won you a plush panda bear, and a large rabbit plush, and you had won him not only some large bright pink star sunglasses, but a large bear toy of his own.
After failing at a shooting game for the third time, Yeonjun finally gave up. Turning towards you, he saw you looking up at the nearby Ferris wheel and he grinned to himself. He had been leading you this way on purpose all night, and the closer he got the more nervous he felt.
Walking up to you, he cleared his throat by your ear, making you jump. He chuckled before looking at the Ferris wheel, "Let's go."
"Huh? On the ferris wheel?"
He nodded and you smiled, nodding in agreement. Yeonjun grinned happily to himself as you began walking towards the wheel. He let out a deep breath as he silently encouraged himself.
Your eyes scanned the brightly it up festival as the Ferris wheel slowly rose higher. The distant city lights seemed to pale in comparison to the colorful festival.
Looking over at Yeonjun you saw him checking his phone, and you took yours out. "Did they reply to the group chat?"
Yeonjun's head shot up at our question, seeing you check your phone. He turned his screen off before putting his phone away quickly, "No not yet."
You hummed as you saw he was right, before you put your own phone away. "They better not forget we came with them and leave without us."
Yeojun chuckled, "Honestly wouldn't put it past them at this point."
You grinned at his comment as you continued to look out the Ferris wheel window. Yeonjun's eyes were only on you as he adored the bright look of excitement on your face. His heart was pounding in his chest, as he checked to see how far you were until the top.
As Yeonjun suddenly moved to sit beside you rather than in front of you, you looked over at him in confusion.
Your eyes met just as he leaned closer to you and you felt your breath hitch. He smiled before he pointed past you, "Look over there"
Taring your eyes from his face, you looked out to see that the large lit up Christmas tree in the middle of the festival grounds began blinking melodically as if in rhythm to a song. You smiled as you watched it for a minute as it blinked with various colors and patterns.
Yeonjun's eyes still lingered on your face, as he took in your features.
When you suddenly turned back to look at him, both of you seemed to freeze as your noses nearly brushed at the proximity of your faces.
As you saw Yeonjun's eyes suddenly dart away from your face, you began to pull back, only to see him lean closer again as he looked back into your eyes.
You questioned him with your gaze, and a soft smile spread across his face.
"We're almost at the top."
Before you could question him, the meaning behind his words suddenly hit you. A trope you had heard since you were young, seen in hundreds of books, shows and movies.
Couples always kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel.
Looking over, you saw the Ferris wheel had in fact nearly reached the top. Looking back at Yeonjun he seemed to have inched just a little closer. You nodded in response to his statement as you felt the wheel pause momentarily, as it did for every cabin that reached the top. As if daring every pair to kiss.
Yeonjun's eye's glanced down to your lips before he met your eyes again as he slowly moved closer. His gaze questioned you, as if waiting for you to pull away or stop him.
When you made no movement to move or refuse, he continued moving closer until his lips gently met yours. Your eyes closed as you felt your heart racing.
You expected him to pull away almost immediately, but instead, he briefly deepened the kiss as he leaned closer to you, placing his hand on your knee as he kissed you.
A short moment later, he pulled away, just after the Ferris wheel had continued it's decent.
The gaze between you was filled with tension as you noticed the tip of his ears had gone bright red. Something you would surely tease him about later on.
As the tension sat between you, no words passed, a soft small began to play at your lips before Yeonjun sprung forward and kissed you again. This time, you returned to kiss with equal excitement, as he brought his hand up to cup the back of your head as he kissed you deeper than before.
This time when he pulled away, he couldn't repress the smile tugging at his own lips.
You smiled in return before finally asking him what you had been wondering almost all night.
"Did you separate us from the others on purpose?"
Yeonjun's smile became a grin as he let out a bashful chuckle before nodding, making you giggle.
"It wasn't just my plan though."
You quirked your brow and he grinned before looking out of the Ferris wheel. After a moment he pointed to something, leaning over and following his gaze you saw the rest of your group standing under the Ferris wheel.
You let out a bewildered laugh, "So what, it was a group plan?" You gasped softly, "You've been messaging them behind my back haven't you!"
He nodded, laughing as you rolled your eyes in annoyance. You let out a soft breath before you smiled at him, "You know, if you wanted to go on a date with me, you could have just asked."
He grinned almost shyly, "I was too scared you'd say no."
"I thought it was obvious that I liked you." You admitted a bit shyly.
He grinned, "And I thought it was obvious I liked you too, but you seem surprised."
You hummed, "Touché." You adjusted yourself slightly as he chuckled, "Well I wouldn't have said no."
He leaned closer to you, "Well now I know for next time."
You giggled softly and he pressed a quick kiss to your lips, catching you by surprise. As your smile widened, he kissed you again, lingering just long enough so you could kiss him back.
As the Ferris wheel finally reached the bottom so the two of you could exit, you saw the other's watching the two of you carefully, as if trying to decipher if it ended well or not between you.
As Yeonjun grinned at them, before taking your hand to help you out of the Ferris wheel the other's clapped happily, laughing that their plan worked.
You shook your head as you approached them, as they teased the two of you fervently.
As your group slowly made it's way back into the festival, you eyed them all closely. "So, what was this secret group chat called?"
Kai laughed as he proudly announced, "Mission: Christmas Cupid!"
You let out a short chuckle, "That's so lame." Beomgyu looked over at you in offense, "No it's not!"
"So you came up with it then?"
The others laughed as you teased him, Yeonjun wrapping his arm around your shoulder, holding you close to him. He didn't care what it had been called, he was just glad it worked.
xx End xx
This was my first time writing for Yeonjun, I hope you liked it!
General Taglist: @otsilliak, @brattybunfornct, @bahng-chrizz, @otakutrash669
TXT + Yeonjun Taglist: @thunderous-wolf, @hongjoongsprincess, @dear-dreamie
{Taglist Form}
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buckevantommy · 30 days
1) tommy doesn’t have good memories associated with christmas. he came from a broken household, no siblings, went from high school to the army to being closeted at the 118. he spends most festive seasons working and volunteering and sometimes hanging out with friends who don’t have other plans. he’s dated a few guys through december but only one of them was serious and was actually the least enjoyable to spend christmas with. family christmases are alien to tommy. but he is a romantic at heart, a lover of romcoms and corny hallmark christmas movies - he wants that big family christmas and to spend time with a loving partner, he’s just never had it..
2) tommy experiences christmas while dating evan, with the extended firefam. it’s different from the celebrations at harbor because everyone at the 118 really is family; there’s decorations and a big family meal and shared traditions and heartfelt gifts and he couldn’t be happier - but then he’s proven wrong when evan takes him on an ice-skating date and proceeds to hold onto tommy for dearlife bc he’s like bambi on skates, and it’s perfect, evan is perfect. it’s tommy’s first real christmas and he feels so damn fortunate to have these people in his life. 
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chimivx · 10 months
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no matter what i do • txt
now playing: 0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) • TXT
Two years after an end-all argument with Taehyun, you’re forced to spend Christmas weekend together at your mother’s, and his father’s. Once upon a time he meant the world to you. Now that you’re both married with kids, things are getting messy, and a little blurry. The longer you stick around in the home you both grew up in, the more secrets come out… It’s always been messy, it was always blurry. All you want, all you truly yearn for, is to get back on good terms with Taehyun.
word count: 33,777 🫶
a/n: i went to town on this badboy. currently editing. before we get to the warnings; this may be extremely taboo to some people. this topic is frowned upon by most. if you don’t like it, simply scroll by, thank you. the idea sparked in my head, and i couldn’t let it go. to those of you intrigued, to those of you who end up reading- thank you. 🫶
warnings: no graphic depictions of sex but it is heavily implied, drug use, teenage drug use, alcohol abuse, angst amongst taehyun and reader, insinuation that someone will s/a reader (briefly, not described), teenage pregnancy (age nineteen), step-cest before they are officially step siblings (growing up together in same house, not step-sibs until they are full adults), infidelity, not so fabulous parents, neglectful mother, biting at some point if you squint, crying, lots of crying, many many sex insinuations (not graphic)… i believe that is all i can think of at the moment.
set to drop: ❄️ 12/20/23 • next week ❄️
one more thing: if this is not your vibe, i appreciate you taking the time to check this out, but please consider scrolling. thank you & happy holidays. 🫶
sneak peek here
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lgbtsana · 9 months
— soobin txt one-shot
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the realities of your boyfriend being an idol felt all too real on that day. you never expected it to come, you both were happy and he never showed any sign of being upset with your relationship.
you tearfully stared at him, listening to him tell you he wanted to break up. you noticed him stretch out his hand to wipe your tears, but you smacked his hand away. while you had noticed his hurt expression, you ignored it. you were dealing with your own emotions as well.
"did i do something wrong, bin?" your voice cracked, your eyebrows creasing together. he shook his head, "no, i did."
yet, he said nothing more, leaving you to think he cheated on you. when, in reality, his manager found out about his relationship and let the pd know. but, he didn't tell you that.
he couldn't risk a relationship scandal, it was the peak of his career. soobin even knew that, but he loved you so dearly, he couldn't let you go. but then, the pd found out.
the glistening white snow reflected the sun into the soft colors of your room. squinting, you slowly opened your sore eyes. you cried yourself to sleep, the usual person who hushed your cries from your constant nightmares wasn't there anymore, only adding to your sobbing.
stretching out your body, you sat up on your bed, letting your legs dangle off the side. you quickly rubbed your eyes before heading into the bathroom.
you sat and stared in the mirror. the under-eye bags were in plain sight, very noticeable. you haven't had a good night's rest since the breakup.
a heavy sigh left your lips, "time to get ready for the day, i guess..." as much as you didn't want to admit it, you knew you missed soobin. you made sure to steer away from any articles about his group or him.
but, of course, as you turned on your tv today, he and his group were performing. you couldn't help but sit and listen. they were good performers, even if you had to admit that.
your phone's notification sound went off and you turned as it lit up. noticing a text from soobin, you felt confused.
bin <;3: hey, can i come to your place? you: i'd appreciate if you wouldn't. bin <3: oh,, bin <3: alright, i understand.
you tossed your phone to the side of you and just cried more. it had been 2 weeks, why would he reach out now? but what made you question it more was why he wanted to come to your place?
the questions were eating away at you and it was christmas today, the season of giving.
"one chance?" you whispered to yourself hesitantly before shaking your head. "no, you can do this y/n. don't give in."
soobin stared at his phone, waiting for it to light up again with your message.
"dude, pd is gonna be pissed if he finds out your messaging her." beomgyu placed a hand on soobin's shoulder, who only let out a sigh.
"gyu, i know. i just miss her." his eyes met the floor when kai put a stuffed bear in front of his vision.
"cheer up," soobin looked at kai, who handed him the bear, "i'm sure you'll see her again soon." he gave him a thumbs up, which made soobin give him a short smile.
"maybe send her a bouquet of flowers," yeonjun decided to chime in "i heard girls love those."
"he's right, they do."
"taehyun, come up with a way to cheer him up on your own, dude." yeonjun punched his shoulder gently. "i'll pass."
"what's her favorite flower, soobin?" yeonjun turned to his fellow member and friend, who smiled while reminiscing "she loves pink magnolias."
the next day, you received pink magnolias at your door. earning them a raised eyebrow, you took out the card and read it.
dear y/n, i know you probably don't want to meet up, but i should tell you something i didn't tell you when we broke up. my pd found out about us, he forced me to break up with you. i had no other options. he didn't want a scandal to break out. what i'm trying to say is, i'm sorry y/n. kind regards, soobin
you scoffed at the card but kept the magnolias so they didn't go to waste.
you picked up your phone and sent soobin a text, showing that you wanted to move on. accepting the fact you two can't be together.
you: take this as my last text to you. you: we both need to move on. as you said, you can't risk a scandal, a dating scandal at that. i'm accepting our fate, you should as well.
with that text, you stopped looking at the texts you received from him. and slowly, they stopped coming altogether.
that was the last christmas you contacted him.
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A/N: believe it or not, i did have a happy ending planned but decided to go full angst. maybe i'll release the happy ending ver? we'll see ig.
TAGS... angst, heavy angst, idol!soobin, nonidol!y/n ex!soobin, depressed!soobin, depressed!y/n, y'all miss each other so bad.
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kumabeom · 9 months
this year to save me from tears, i’ll give it to someone special - choi soobin
kinda established relationship
yn has had not the greatest luck with their exs, so this year they find themselves hesitating to spend christmas with soobin. however, soobin’s words of comfort bring yn to have some holiday spirit.
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soobin’s hands run through your hair, your head placed in his lap. the two of you bursting out into laughter as you fell witness to the silly little moment that the christmas movie granted onto the two of you. a happy, joyful smile sat on your face as the movie came to an end. you and soobin stayed in your positions for awhile, hesitant to even get up. the both of you just loved to bask in the other’s presence.
you and soobin were friends since a few years ago. on christmas eve, soobin remembered the minute that he walked out of his house to throw away the garbage that his family had compiled, he spotted you sitting down on a metal bench. a glossy layer was visible on your eyes. a painted night sky, white shimmer appearing in the sky. as small yet cold snowflakes fell from the sky, two inches or rather 5 centimeters of snow covered the ground. piling up on every item that was outdoors.
“you really shouldn’t be out here, much less out sitting on that bench.. it must be freezing.” he commentated. your eyes flickered up, seeing the blonde headed boy staring right at your hands which were tucked under your arms. he noticed a red tint begin to appear on your hands, signifying that you were definitely being exposed to the cold and it was for sure effecting you.
“i’ll be fine.” you reply, moving your gaze back to your lap. looking at the ground. playing stubborn, refusing to go back inside your home where your boyfriend had just broken up with you in front of your family. they had done a great job at defending you, asking how he could even dare to show up to your family’s house only to break up with their family member in front of their eyes. and while it felt nice to have some backup, the pressure of all the embarrassment made you excuse yourself for a moment of fresh air.
soobin moved to sit right beside you, removing his puffy jacket, placing it on your shoulders. he also removed his favorite beanie that he had on, placing it on your head. he let out a laugh as he witnessed how big it really looked on you.
“you really didn’t have to.” you take off his beanie, handing it over to him, only to receive a head shake as a response. “seriously, it’s okay.”
“your name is yn.. right ? you’re my neighbor..” he asks, finally taking the beanie back from your grasp, only to place it on your head, trying to keep you safe from the freezing temperatures.
“mhmm.. and you are ?” you questioned, deciding to just leave the beanie alone on top of your head, your ears finally gaining some kind of sense of warmth all thanks to the warm hearted boy who sat next to you.
“soobin.. choi soobin… don’t you want to come inside, you’ll get really sick if you stay out here.” he gets up, nothing but a thin jacket to defend himself from the cold. but he was proud of himself for being able to warm you up a bit, his hands in his pockets which was where he had a few heating pads.
“… won’t i be interrupting your time with your family..?” you ask him, tilting your head to one side, quite tempted to join soobin for the evening. you felt as if it would be rude to decline his offer since he had helped you, but at the same time.. you felt like maybe you would intrude on soobin’s quality time with his family.
“course not, they probably haven’t even noticed that i left..” he smiled, he still offered you a hand to help you stand up. you reluctantly took soobin’s hand.
“yn !” you heard a familiar voice yell out, your hand in soobin’s as he helped you up. you turned your head to see your boyfriend.. ex boyfriend. all soobin saw was the inevitable sigh that left your mouth, now soobin may have zero context on the situation at hand.. but it wasn’t hard to put together that you did not want to see this guy at all.
“lets head inside..” was all he said, keeping a firm grip on your hand.
“yah ! i just broke up with you and you’ve already moved on.” your ex exclaimed, loud voice nearly echoing through the neighborhood. your ex was for some reason.. butting into your life, as if he wasn’t the one who just tried to humiliate you in front of your family. and even though it didn’t work, it still hurt you, however soobin wasn’t just going to stand by and watch. he noticed the way that you were so.. anxious.
“and if they are, what are you going to do about it ? it’s not like they’re yours anymore.” soobin repelled, looking at your ex with the most expressive disgusted face that he could make. which really did end up working as your ex then felt quite humiliated. he ended up running away and even in public, any time he would see you or soobin, he would walk in the opposite direction.
“you don’t have to feel like your christmas is ruined because of him… you shouldn’t have to feel that way at all..” soobin spoke up as he wrapped a blanket around you, as you were now sitting on his bed with his christmas pajamas on. the flannel-like shirt ended at your thighs and his pajama pants were a bit too long, but nothing that a bit folding couldn’t fix.
“..it’s just that.. it’s not the first time..” you admitted. soobin simply patted your head, introducing you to his game that he was so excited to play with you.
“mhmm.” he hummed, his hands braiding your hair. you always wondered how he had learned to do hairstyles, and truth was that soobin typically watched youtube videos to see how he can play with your hair to soothe your scalp.
“remember the day we met ?” you questioned, sitting up, causing soobin to put his hands to his side.
“of course i do.. sometimes it feels like it was yesterday.” he grins, gently caressing your hand as he reaches out for it.
“you don’t regret anything.. right ?” your eyebrows raised, as soobin let out a tiny chuckle. wrapping your hand in both of his.
“what do i have to regret ? y’know i’ve had so much fun looking after you thin entire time.”
“but… maybe you shouldn’t come tomorrow..” it was soobin’s turn to raise his brows, the grin disappearing from his face. he still held a firm yet comfortable grip on your hand.
“are you scared ?” he genuinely questioned you, not trying to tease you in any form.
“yeah..” you admitted, not having a single intention on hiding the truth from soobin. the smile reappeared on his face, trying to pull you in with his kind smile. which worked in a different way than he expected, your head was suddenly against his chest. his hand releasing its grip on your, only to come and brush the back of your head.
“i have no intentions on hurting you, love.” he whispered into your ear. “let me spend christmas with you. you’ve got to trust me, yn.. i don’t want you to spend this time alone, want you to be able to tell me about what you’re worried about.. i’ve got your back yn, i always have and i always will. whatever is best for you, it’s the best for me, if you’re happy then i’m happy too.” soobin comforted you, pulling away to look at you in the eye. “is it okay if i spend christmas with you ?”
“… yeah.. yeah, you can spend christmas with me.” you gave in, eye contact being held with soobin.
“that’s what i like to hear, my love.” he pressed his lips on your cheek.
“BUT ! only if you spend the night, soobie.”
“anything for you, my little angel.” a happy smile overtook your face, completely overwhelmed with love and affection from soobin. you placed a kiss on his lips.
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taglist : @run2seob @soobadooba @mrsyawnzzn @matcha-binz @ye0nvibezzn @yutacchin @kittyhyuka (send asks !!)
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candied-peach · 9 months
ao3: "gag gifts" rating: T warnings: moceit, dukeceit, platonic intruality, remus typical humor, food mention genre: fluff description: Patton loves his gift so much, he wants to spread the Christmas cheer a little further this year.
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...
Just a happy pappy father figment, Patton thinks, creeping over to the door that separates the dark sides' living area and looking at it. Roman added a yellow crisscross of caution tape to it at some point, but the tape is peeling, and 'Juicy Ass' has been added to it in acid green marker. He has three tubes of different Christmas wrapping paper under one arm, a variety of cardboard boxes stuffed into a bigger box under the other, and his heart is pounding so loud, he thinks it's a miracle no one has come out of their rooms to investigate the ruckus. Logan is busy trying to solve Virgil's puzzle, Roman is most likely listening to Christmas carols in his own room or perhaps putting the finishing touches on a winter wonderland in the Imagination, and Patton already checked on Virgil earlier- he's fallen asleep early, with his headphones in, emo music filtering out into the air.
He juggles everything to open the door, wincing when the hinges creak. Dim light spills out, what looks like the glow of Christmas lights in rainbow colors. Despite himself, Patton feels a twinge of curiosity. He's never seen what it looks like when the others decorate for Christmas. Hadn't really paid much thought to it before. It shouldn't surprise him, but a little squeak escapes when he reaches the first garland of lights and realizes all the light bulbs are actually shaped like dicks. Red spreads across his face like a stain. Clearly Remus's touch.
"Whatcha doin', Daddy?" Remus breathes into Patton's ear, suddenly right behind him, and Patton nearly screams as he whirls around, dropping the tubes of wrapping paper. Remus doesn't look apologetic at all.
"Remus!" Patton hisses. "You startled me!"
"I know," Remus says. His eyes nearly glow poison green in the dark. Bioluminescence. His grin is just a little too wide. "And I repeat, whatcha doin', Daddy-O?"
"I just-" Patton sighs. "Is Janus asleep?"
"Yep," Remus answers. "Why? Didja wanna put something in his bed?" His eyes gleam, much like his teeth. "I can help ya if you want, but only if it's dangerous!"
"No," Patton blurts out. The side in front of him almost looks disappointed. "No, I just- I wanted-" Patton huffs a sigh, bending down and retrieving the wrapping paper. "I wanted to return the favor," he admits. "His gift really- really tickled my funny bone, and the card was sweet, and I just-" Patton fumbles for a moment, before tilting the cavalcade of boxes so Remus can see the homemade cards nestled inside.
"I wanted to make him a little gag gift of his own," Patton says. "And leave it down here. Is- is that okay?" He feels like holding his breath, waiting for Remus's response. Luckily, it's not long in coming.
"Yeah, sure!" Remus agrees, willingly enough. "Ya know, you could have wrapped it all over there." Patton flushes crimson. In all the subterfuge he had been plotting, he...hadn't considered that.
"Lemme help," Remus pleads. "I can make the boxes different shapes! To confuse him more!" 
"Okay," Patton says, as Remus grabs his shoulder and tugs him over to a ratty plaid-patterned couch that had more stains on it than Patton wanted to think about. Remus plops down on the thin carpet, hands held up for the boxes, and Patton grabs the cards out of the top box before handing them over. Remus raises an eyebrow when he notices that there are two, and Patton reddens again.
"For you, too," Patton says. "But you can't see until Christmas."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Remus says, agreeably enough. Patton doesn't trust it at all. When Remus looks down, chewing on a stray piece of cardboard, Patton tucks Remus's card under his shirt. Just for the time being.
Remus summons scissors and tape (the tape is strangely fuzzy the first time, until Patton pleads for a more normal one- Remus looks like he wants to argue until Patton admits in a quiet voice it's a sensory thing, and then he gets new tape without blinking), and they spend a surprisingly amenable time together, arranging and rearranging present boxes until the final product looks like Janus is unwrapping a vacuum cleaner.
"Here ya go," Remus says, handing Patton a second box. This one is shaped like a trashcan and already wrapped. "For my card."
"Thank you, but I-" Patton pauses, patting the front of his shirt. The card is gone. He blinks at Remus, astonished. "How did you-"
Remus grins.
"That's for me to know and you to find out!" He singsongs, cackling to himself. "Nighty night, Pattycake!"
"Good night," Patton says, climbing to his feet with the help of one of Remus's surprisingly hot hands. He finds himself smiling. "Thank you for your help, Remus. You'll- you'll make sure Janus gets it, right?"
"Of course! What do you take me for?" Remus asks, mock offended as he puts a hand to his heart. He tilts his head impossibly far to one side. "Oh! Oh, Janny's awake!"
"Oh!" Patton exclaims. He attempts to bolt out of the living room, only to run smack into the side in question. Janus blinks, staring down at Patton's sprawled form with sleep-blurred eyes.
"Patton?" Janus asks, his voice raspy and addled with fatigue. He's still wearing his Christmas sweater, but he's added snake-patterned pajama pants to the ensemble, and to Patton's slight surprise, he is wearing the socks Roman gave him. "What are you doing here?" He offers a hand to help Patton up, and Patton realizes that he's not wearing his gloves.
"Helping me!" Remus chimes in brightly. "Come on, Jan Jan, we gotcha somethin'!"
"Perish the thought," Janus says dryly, as Remus plants a sloppy, enthusiastic kiss on Janus's scaled cheek. "Thank you. What do you mean?"
"Look!" Remus giggles, pointing at the vacuum-shaped box. Janus's eyebrow raises. Patton flushes red, as both Janus and Remus tow him forward. He finds himself coaxed back onto the couch, surrounded by the pair.
"Whatever could it be," Janus muses, as he reads the tag. "To Janus, from Patton (Remus helped!) Patton, why did you-?" He turns a little, surprised, and Patton just motions toward the gift.
"Go on," Patton encourages, his mouth a little dry. His face is still flushed, and his heart feels a little fluttery. Janus looks very pretty in the dim light.
"Is it...a vacuum?" Janus asks, delicately unpeeling the paper.
"No," Remus nearly shouts, cackling again. "Try again, Janny!"
The next box shouldn't be possible, but it is shaped like a canoe. Janus blinks at it, then grins.
"Oh, I see," Janus says, turning slightly to Patton. "Have you gotten me back then?"
"Maybe," Patton says, trying to sound innocent. "I don't know. Maybe you should keep opening them."
Improbable sizes and shapes slip past in a flurry of Christmas-themed wrapping paper, and Patton is enraptured by Janus's soft laughter and sparkling eyes. Remus refuses to unwrap his own until Janus is down to his own actual card.
"Oh, Patton," Janus says softly when he's finally holding the holiday card, carefully crayoned two-headed snake sprawled across the front. "Thank you."
"Merry Christmas, Janus," Patton murmurs, feeling like he's full of fizzy bubbles.
"Patton!" Remus exclaims, having finally torn the wrapping paper off his own. "You kraken me up, too!" He grins, holding up the card covered in cephalopod puns. Patton had asked Virgil several veiled, completely obvious questions about what Remus had ever showed interest in.
"Would you like to join everyone for breakfast?" Patton asks. "I could make pancakes...?" For a moment, Janus looks like he is going to decline, and Patton feels disappointment weigh down his stomach.
"Why not?" Janus gives in gracefully. "Don't let Remus near the syrup."
"Wouldn't dream of it," Patton promises. To his surprise, he finds Janus's arm settling itself around his shoulders.
"Is this okay?" Janus asks, nervous. Patton beams.
"Of course, Janus," he says. The Christmas dick lights twinkle down on them as Remus springs up from the couch and disappears for a moment.
"Oh, Janny-" Remus starts, running back in.
"You are not putting mistletoe over us," Janus interrupts. Patton tries not to feel a tiny bit disappointed at that.
"You're no fun," Remus pouts. "Fine. Over me instead?" He puts a sprig of mistletoe over his head and wiggles his shoulders in a shimmy. Janus laughs.
"Fine," he says, and tugs Remus down to kiss his cheek.
Patton leans his head against Janus's shoulder, tired from staying up so long.
"Merry Christmas, Patton," Janus says quietly, as Patton's awareness starts to slip away. "I'll wake you up before breakfast, I promise."
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big-urchin-energy · 10 months
On some level, visiting his mother was an obviously bad idea. He’d known that. The last time Elias had spent Christmas at his old family home had been the year his father kicked it. At least that year they were afforded a reason not to pretend to be having a good time. Well, no, technically he had also gone the year he started the Institute, but he couldn’t honestly say he remembered much of that one. This year was different, though. His little sister was engaged, or soon-to-be engaged, or something of the sort, and he was perversely attracted to the idea of making the day as unpleasant as possible for the poor sod. He deserved to know what he was getting himself in for. Or else, he deserved the family fuckup to take some of the heat off. Maybe both. He could decide when he arrived.
The (long awaited) third chapter of the Michael x Elias 5+1 Christmas fic is out! It's got angst, it's got family Christmases, it's got platonic love, and it's got a whole 4000 words of og Elias being a bit of a mess.
Elias mentions Michael 11 times fully unprompted before he appears in this chapter, I feel like that's a selling point; my man is down horrendous.
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toyotacorrola · 10 months
Prologue of my twin telepathy fic, "Radio Static," is out now !!
Summary: "Ingo and Emmet shared a special bond. Usually, no one would bat an eye at this; they were twins, after all. But it may run deeper than even that, in a way logic couldn't explain.
And it made their separation all the more unbearable."
Chapter Word Count: 3,428
Links: ff.net | neocities
You can also read it below the cut:
Ingo and Emmet had never liked being apart. For as long as they had been alive, even before they could remember, they would almost always have rather been together than apart, no matter what. 
If you asked anyone that knew the twins, they’d say they were practically attached at the hip, for better or for worse. If you asked them themselves, they’d likely not deny it.
There was one story that their parents liked to tell, when the topic arose.
When they had been little, too little to remember it themselves, Emmet had gotten very sick. Their parents had kept them separated during this time, so as to make sure that Ingo wouldn’t catch what he had, too. 
According to them, it had been a nightmare to get either of them to sleep, or really do much of anything other than cry. Both of them would scream and fuss all day long, when they had both been quiet and calm before. Nothing they could do would console them. It got to a point where all they could do was wait for them to tire themselves out.
Eventually, though, Emmet had recovered, and the twins became noticeably easier to handle, once reunited. 
Needless to say, it had always been hard for the twins to be apart, and it only got harder as they grew and depended on each other more and more.
As the twins grew older and started having their first big milestones, their parents noticed something worrying. While Ingo learned to speak, quite loudly and with quite the expansive vocabulary, Emmet would still hardly ever make a sound. More worrying was that, half of the time, he wouldn’t respond at all when they spoke to him, or even react. 
Concerned, they brought it up when the twins were brought in for their next check-ups. The doctor referred them to an audiologist, who concluded that he likely had some form of hearing loss. 
Their parents quickly learned ways to help their son with his disability, and made sure he had the resources he needed at his disposal, and did their best to teach Ingo how to help his brother when he needed it.
That was the strangest part, though. When it came to the two of them, there wasn’t very much they had to do to learn how to help each other; they didn’t need it, because they had… something else. They weren’t sure.
Somehow, they always seemed to understand each other, instinctively. Now, they were twins, and very close even by those standards. It was rare to find one without the other somewhere nearby. It wasn’t surprising that they would be able to understand each other, and even have something resembling their own language. 
The thing that made it strange, though, was that no one could figure out how they did it. Neither would make a sound, and most times they wouldn’t even look at or touch each other at all, and they would instantly seem to know what the other was thinking. Ingo could easily verbalize whatever Emmet was thinking… almost as if they shared a mind. One would instantly know when the other was hurt or upset, despite not even being in the same room.
Once, Emmet had been playing outside, and he had fallen and scraped his knee. At the same time, Ingo, who had been in the kitchen, nowhere near a window, suddenly burst into tears and said that his own knee hurt.
It was strange, to the point of seeming preposterous every time their parents tried to explain it to anyone else. 
“What, like twin telepathy? Come on, now,” their aunt had laughed.
It had been meant as a joke, but something had clicked, then. They had been trying to come up with some sort of logical explanation for it all, but no matter what, they just couldn’t figure it out. The twins were no help, either; it came so naturally to them, they didn’t know it was anything out of the ordinary, and thus couldn’t explain it.
At first, they simply did their best to accept it as something odd about their boys. It was shocking, and took a lot of adjusting to get used to as a concept, but they figured they might as well have accepted it as normal. There was no logical explanation to be found, so they stopped searching for one, and decided to instead be grateful that their boys would always have each other to depend on when so many others failed to understand them.
It was fine, for a while. Mostly.
The boys got some odd looks, sometimes, and their peers would sometimes refer to their connection as “creepy.” Teachers and other adults sometimes worried that the two of them depended on each other too heavily. Their parents worried about that, too, sometimes.
Their worries turned out to be founded in ways none of them could have predicted. As the twins got older, their connection only got stronger. It seemed as though that idea of them sharing a mind was all too accurate, and it was taxing on the both of them.
The boys seemed to be constantly on-edge. It was a slow build up, slowly rising over weeks, months, years. Their teachers said that they were experiencing some sort of sharp slump, struggling with schoolwork in a way that they hadn’t before and struggling to communicate with their peers even more than usual. 
The DeMasis were afraid for their sons, but they just didn’t know why.
Mrs. DeMasi asked Ingo, one day, “What’s going on? You and your brother have seemed… stressed, lately. Is there something wrong at school? Did something happen?”
He stared at her, and she felt her skin crawl. He looked so afraid, and it seemed as though he was in some sort of physical pain, but she couldn’t see any wounds. He didn’t say anything.
“Ingo? Honey, please, what’s wrong? I want to help you,” she said, starting to get desperate. 
In lieu of a response, he started crying. He was silent for just a moment, and then broke into sobs that absolutely broke her heart. She instantly pulled him into her arms, alarmed. She held him tightly, as though afraid that he would slip away from her and she would never see him again. 
She walked him over to sit on the couch. She whispered to him, “It’s alright, I’ve got you. It’ll all be okay. I’ve got you.”
She was saying it to herself as much as she was saying it to him. She was so, so scared for her boys. It was very rare to see Ingo in such a state, but being his mother, she’d seen both of the twins on their worst days, and had done her best to help them through it. 
But none of what she’d seen before even held a candle to the awful state he was in right then. Nothing could have ever prepared her to see her son in such a way. All she wanted was for this nightmare to end, to have her sweet, happy boys back - to be able to do something, anything to help them, like a mother should be able to.
She started crying, too, but kept quiet. She didn’t want to upset Ingo any further.
Eventually, still crying and hiccuping, he calmed down enough to say to her, “I can’t tell who I am.” ____
At the same time, Emmet was being comforted by their father, after having started sobbing out of nowhere while they were out at the park together. There was no trigger, nothing he had noticed that could have set him off. They had actually been having a really good time together, and then he had just broken down crying for seemingly no reason.
It must be Ingo, he thought.
He had known his wife had planned on asking him about the twins’ recent behavior, and had actually taken Emmet out to have his own talk with him. But now, it seemed that things weren’t going very well on her end. Just what in the world was going on…?
Despite not really understanding, though, he did his best to comfort his son, although that wasn’t saying much. Nothing he did or said seemed to make it any better, so eventually he just stopped trying, holding him close until he came out of it on his own.
He felt awful. It always hurt to see his boys in pain, but especially now, when it seemed like he couldn’t do anything. All of it was just so beyond him, and he hadn’t the slightest clue how to help. It seemed that the boys didn’t know what they could do, either, as they were usually pretty forthcoming with it when they were struggling.
Emmet pulled away, then, and he gave him his full attention. Usually, he would sign, or, more recently, only say a sentence or two. Instead, he said, “Ingo is hurting Emmet. Emmet is hurting Ingo. We do not mean to. But we can’t stop.”
He took a deep breath. His father looked at him in shock, which only grew with each word he said. He had never heard his son speak this much at once, and he could barely process what he was saying to him.
“In my head, there are two sets of thoughts. I can’t tell which are mine. I am scared. He is scared. I feel both, and I... Just can’t tell…”
They had gone home directly after that. He needed to talk to his wife, that instant. The drive had been quiet; the both of them were spent, but they also knew that their day was far from over.
When they had gotten back, Mrs. DeMasi had been waiting at the door for them, her face grim. There was fear there, but also firmness, in something they both knew; they had to do something - they had had to do something years ago, but the second best time was right then.
They had to come up with a solution, and fast, before their boys accidentally destroyed each other. There was no one they could go to, no specialist that would take them seriously, no one they could trust to take care of their boys. 
No, this was something they had to do themselves. No one else would be able to understand, or would know what to do. But with such a limited understanding of how their boys’ connection worked themselves, they didn’t know what to do.
To buy some time, they would have to do something they had never wanted to. It felt cruel, and they hoped that their sons would be able to forgive them for it, would understand someday.
Their connection had always seemed to be weaker the farther apart they were; they had never directly tested it, but they figured that if they kept them far enough apart, they could keep them safe while they tried to come up with a solution. Sever the connection temporarily, so it couldn’t continue to hurt them while they tried to figure out a more permanent solution.
It broke their hearts, and the boys seemed terrified at the idea; they had never even slept in separate rooms, or been apart for an entire day before. Now they were going to be kept miles apart for an indefinite amount of time. It was a reality that had never crossed their minds before.
Ultimately, though, they had accepted it surprisingly easily. Whether they had each decided it independently, they had made the decision together, or they had simply concluded that the fastest way out was through, they didn’t know, but they were grateful either way.
While Ingo and their mother had stayed at home, Emmet and their father went to stay in Opelucid City. The twins’ uncle lived there, and, once he had the situation explained to him (they had had to tweak it somewhat so that he would take them seriously, but he had the general gist of it), he had been all too willing to allow them to room with him for a while.
The boys had known they’d had an uncle, but had had yet to meet him. They had previously been excited at the prospect, but Emmet couldn’t bring himself to be excited about it. Not without Ingo. 
He knew that it was for the best that they were separated, he knew that it was temporary (because it had to be, because he wouldn’t know what to do without Ingo in his life), but it still hurt. He knew they had to be apart. He didn’t want to hurt Ingo anymore. But he couldn’t help but daydream about running back home to Ingo and never leaving again. 
He wanted to be near his brother again so badly, to not have his world filled with a terrible, awful silence that Ingo had always ensured he had never had to live with. But that was exactly the problem.
Not for the first time, he thought, I wish we had just been born normal. Ingo heard it, and found himself agreeing. ____
It had only lasted a little over a month, but by the end, all four of them were thoroughly exhausted. The boys had both bounced between lethargic and erratic the entire time.
Ingo, usually such a chatterbox, barely spoke a word most days. Sometimes he’d look around, confused, or pause to listen to complete silence, as if expecting something to be there.
The worst part of it, though, were the dreams.
From what Ingo described, they weren’t nightmares, and he never labeled them as such. But they were very strange, to say the least.
They’d seem normal, at first, not much different from his regular dreams, if at all. At some point, though, they’d shift. They would get hazier, blurry, as if being broadcast from somewhere too far away to have a good signal. 
And maybe, in a way, that was the truth. The dreams themselves were fairly innocuous, but they didn’t feel like anything that Ingo himself would have dreamt. He saw things in them he’d never seen before, a tall man who looked like their father, but wasn’t. A house he’d never been in, a church he’d never attended, a city he’d never been to.
It felt like someone was reaching out and telling him something, but not on purpose. It felt so close to familiar, that he would wake up crying, regardless of how pleasant they were.
His mother tried her best to comfort him, but as always, she felt so out of her depth. She had called her husband, once, hoping that he might have had some idea of what to do. It seemed, though, that he was as stuck as she was, for the same reason. Although Emmet wouldn’t tell him what his dreams were about, he could tell he had been having some that bothered him, and they affected him much the same way they did Ingo.
They knew that their arrangement wasn’t sustainable. The boys weren’t much better off than they had been before, and they still hadn’t the slightest idea how to help them. 
They were stuck. They wanted so badly to be able to tell their boys what was going on, they wanted them to at least not have to wait in uncertainty anymore. But they also didn’t want to give up, not so soon, not with so much at stake.
But they just didn’t know what else they could possibly do. Every time they thought they figured out where to start, nothing came of it. Every path lead to a dead end. They feared that by the time they figured out what to do, it would be far too late, and the boys would already be grown up, or worse - 
They didn’t want to think about it.
In the end, it was Ingo who brought the hardest time in all of their lives to an end, on complete accident.
He and Mrs. DeMasi had been sitting on the couch. The TV had just been turned off, and they were about to go to bed, when he asked her something that broke her heart.
“Yes, honey?” she replied.
“...Are Emmet and I going to be apart forever?” he asked.
She paused, unsure of what to say. There was no way to guarantee it one way or another, and she was starting to worry about that same thing.
“I really don’t know, sweetie. But I don’t think so,” she said.
He nodded, looking sad, but not surprised. She hated being unable to properly comfort him without lying to him. She couldn’t do that, not with this. He would hate her if she said they’d meet again and they never did; more importantly, the betrayal and hurt would crush him. It would be irresponsible to set him up for that. But Dragons, would it be easier.
“Emmet and I have always looked out for each other. I’m worried about him, because I can’t do that right now,” he said, after a moment.
“I’m sure he’s alright; he’s got your dad, and your Uncle Drayden to help him out if he needs it,” she tried to reassure him, but she knew it was just… different, in the same way she knew she could never truly understand it.
He shook his head, sadly. “I know, but it’s not the same,” he said, and paused. “Did you know that when we were younger, I used to sometimes let Emmet use my ears, so he could hear better?”
She looked at him sadly. What could she say to that?
…Wait. “Let” him?
“What do you mean by that?” she asked, turning it over in her head, trying to reign in her emotions. 
He seemed confused. “I would share my hearing with Emmet. You know we can do that. What’s wrong?”
She remembered herself. “No, no, nothing’s wrong. But, Ingo, are you saying you could choose what you shared with him?”
He nodded. “Sometimes, when we were younger.”
She had an idea, but she didn’t want to share it with her son yet. She couldn’t risk disappointing him if it turned out to be another dead end. 
Soon after, she sent him off to bed, and called up her husband. It was a longshot. Maybe they had lost that ability once they had gotten old enough. Maybe it wouldn’t work, or it wouldn’t be enough. But they had to try. They didn’t really have any other options, unless you counted waiting for something else to come their way. 
But they would need to bring the twins back together in order to see if it would work. That could have disastrous consequences. They each asked the twins what they thought, and they agreed that it was worth the risk.
Maybe it was irresponsible. The twins would have been desperate to see each other, consequences be damned. But they were desperate, too, and they just wanted it all to be over already.
Within the week, Mr. DeMasi and Emmet had packed their bags and bid Drayden goodbye, Emmet’s first words spoken aloud to him. 
Along the drive there, the twins had felt it as they regained their connection, felt as it got more and more stable. It was simultaneously relieving and terrifying.
It didn’t instantly solve the problem. But they quickly realized that it was, indeed, possible. It took a while to properly develop, but eventually, blocking the connection between themselves came about as naturally as using it.
There were some things that they couldn’t completely stop. It was easy for them to lose their grip and let their feelings spill over to the other if they got too upset, and sometimes certain thoughts were shared that were meant to stay private.
But generally, the two had a good grasp on it by the time they set out on their journeys together. 
That didn’t mean it was completely quiet between them, though. They still had conversations no one else could hear or see. They still shared their emotions, too, though not in full; instead of feeling them as one, it was more of a quiet hum in the background all the time, so that each would always know how the other was doing. Another constant was the way they could both feel two heartbeats in their chests at all times, comforting, assuring them that they weren’t alone.
They were always aware of each other, even when they were apart.
That’s why when Ingo disappeared, Emmet was the first to know.
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silverzoomies · 11 months
anons like "u write him so out of character he'd never do that" and im slowly sliding this in depth horror, killer!quickie au fic behind my back. oops
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br1ghtestlight · 9 months
I don't think big bob celebrates holidays outside of his restaurant especially since lily died. I think when bob was very young they celebrated christmas thanksgiving etc but by the time lily died big bob didn't feel like putting together a big celebration for the two of them so they just stopped celebrating
big bob still opens on christmas and thanksgiving etc which is nice for people with nowhere else to go but bob felt pretty shitty about having to work on christmas as a kid when everybody else at his school got presents and affection from their parents and he got NOTHING not even an acknowledgement of the holiday from his dad
which is part of the reason he loves being w/ linda because she decorates and makes every holiday into a big CELEBRATION. and part of why he's so rigid about spending thanksgiving and other holidays together with his family bcuz he knows what it feels like to Not celebrate them w/ family and he doesn't ever want his kids to feel like they have nothing to look forward to (even if they do end up being slightly spoiled lmao)
big bob still doesn't celebrate holidays with anyone he mostly just works (bob even says that big bob's christmas party doesnt really count as a christmas party if "he's just working in the kitchen the whole time anyway"). that's part of the reason he doesn't celebrate christmas with bob and the kids, it just isn't his thing. he's happier cooking for other people than having to think about his own family
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stayteezdreams · 9 months
Winter Wishes
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Plot: It is believed that if you make a wish during the first snowfall, it will come true. It is also believed that if you confess to someone during the first snowfall, you will be together forever.
Pairing: Choi Soobin x Gn!Reader
Warnings: A couple kisses towards the end but that's it~
A/n: This is my first time writing for Soobin (and TXT) I hope you like it!
Words: 1.9k
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You stared up at the cloudy sky as the cold sank into your bones. Part of you regretted choosing to walk home from the restaurant, but a bigger part of you was glad. Solely due to the man walking beside you.
When you had left the restaurant, not wanting to stay for drinks, you whispered to Kai that you'd walk, since it was only a fifteen minute walk back to your house through the nearby park.
You didn't get very far down the road before Soobin was running after you, insisting he walk you back home.
His offer wasn't rejected, and you even felt a little giddy as you continued to walk together. Soobin was always kind to you, almost unnecessarily so. You hoped it meant he had feelings for you, just as you had for him, but you didn't know for certain. The two of you were close, but maybe it was just you hoping for something that wasn't really there, maybe he was just nice.
As you made your way into the park, you noticed the glances he kept throwing you, and you felt a little more nervous every time. You kept waiting for him to say something, but he remained silent.
As something bright caught your eye, you looked out in the distance and noticed bright lights shining out into the sky.
"Oh, look at that!" You called out, causing Soobin to halt and look where you pointed.
He stepped beside you as you turned to watch the lights.
"Must be a lightshow."
You nodded as you continued to watch as various colors shined up into the sky. "Too bad it's not closer."
Soobin looked over at you and felt his chest grow warm at the soft smile on your face. He was happy that he decided to walk you home. And grateful to Kai who had told him you were walking.
Every time Soobin had time alone with you, he always hoped for the same thing. The courage, or perfect moment to tell you how he felt about you. But one of two things always seemed to happen. One, he chickened out for a little too long and lost the chance. Or two, someone or something would interrupt the moment.
Now that he stood beside you, just the two of you again, maybe he finally had the perfect moment.
Feeling Soobin's gaze on you again, you looked over, obviously catching him by surprises as he seemed to jolt from the sudden eye contact.
Soobin kept eye contact with you as he built up courage in his head. Just as he was about to speak your eyes suddenly darted from his to something just between the two of you.
Soobin spotted what you saw and watched as the snowflake slowly drifted to the ground.
As you looked up, Soobin followed your line of sight, as the two of you watched the white flakes appear above you and float down from the darkened sky.
Soobin glanced back to you and felt his heart skip at the sight of your excited grin. As you caught his eyes again his breath caught in his throat.
"The first snow!" You said happily as you looked back up at the sky, the snow slowly becoming heavier each moment.
Soobin's smile widened as he watched you, enjoying the joy and excitement radiating off of you as you slowly spun around, looking around as the snow began slowly caking the ground around you.
"You should make a wish."
You turned back to face with with a smile, "Oh yeah!"
Clasping your hands together as you closed your eyes Soobin let out a soft endearing chuckle as you hummed, concentrating hard.
He watched as you muttered something he couldn't hear before you tilted your head up an remained sill for a moment.
It was hard to think of a wish when you could feel Soobin's eyes burning into you. Since he seemed to be the only thing on your mind, you decided you might as well wish now for something you had wished for a dozen times.
"I wish for Soobin to return my feelings, and love me in return."
It was childish, cheesy and maybe a bit stupid, but it was what you wanted. You adored Soobin, and loved everything about him, you had for what felt like forever, even possibly from the moment you met. He was perfect to you, and everything you could want in someone to love. Maybe the wish was more desperate than anything, but it was still your wish.
When Soobin could tell you were thinking deeply about your wish, he closed his eyes and tilted his head up to the sky, just as you had.
"I wish to be with Y/n forever."
He wanted you to have feelings for him, to want to date him, to want to be with him. But if you didn't share his feelings, he still hoped he could be by your side forever. Even if it had to be just as friends. He could never see his life without you in it, and he didn't want to.
As your eyes fluttered open, you saw Soobin opening his own at the same time. You smiled at each other as you let out a soft giggle. Looking around at the snow again, you suddenly felt a chill as the temperature began to drop.
Soobin noticed this, and as much as he wanted to stay here with you, he didn't want you to get sick.
"Come on." He muttered softly, and you nodded as you began walking beside him, continuing through the park.
As the two of you walked, Soobin purposefully stood closer to you than before, his arm gently brushing yours as the two of you walked together. His eyes scanned the park, before catching on a couple laughing and talking together as they headed through the park.
They were holding hands as they walked, and Soobin suddenly felt a sense of envy wash over him. Sparing a glance at you, he noticed that you had been watching them too.
Clearing his throat, he spoke softly, the confidence he hoped to portray falling flat as his toe came out more reserved.
"You know... it's believed that if you confess to someone during the first snow you'll be together forever."
Your heart raced at his words as you looked up at him, seeing him glance at the cute couple you had been watching a moment ago.
You couldn't help but wonder if they were the sole reason that thought came to his mind, or if he was thinking of something else, or someone else.
You smiled as your face grew warm. "That's a beautiful thought."
Soobin grinned at this as he nodded, hoping that somehow, you knew what he wanted to do, where this was leading. Fearing he may catch you so off guard you would reject him.
"Do you believe it? That couples will stay together forever after a confession during the first snow?" You asked after a moment.
Soobin looked over at you, feeling his heart race faster by the moment.
"Like you said, it's a beautiful thought. So I would like too."
You nodded as you smiled softly, "Me too."
Soobin suddenly stopped in his tracks, and you turned to look back at him with a confused look. He was staring at you, a much more intense gaze on his face than before, and you felt your chest clench tightly.
"Should we test it?"
You stared at him in silence as you tried to keep control of your racing heart. Was he joking? Was he serious?
Stepping closer, he swallowed nervously and stepped even closer, stopping as he stared down into your face, his chest almost brushing yours.
"Should we test it?" He repeated, his voice more confident.
You opened your mouth to reply, but found no words. Soobin smiled softly at your bewilderment as he reached up an brushed some snow from your hat.
"I want too. With you."
"With me?" Your voice was just above a whisper.
He nodded, "I like you Y/n. So much that it hurts. So much that anytime you aren't around I feel like I'm missing a part of myself. I want to be with you as much as I can."
Soobin gently took your hand in his as he squeezed it softly.
"I want to be by your side forever. Even if you don't love me, or can't love me, I still want to be here, right here."
"Soobin-" You muttered, before your voice stopped as you wracked your brain for what to say.
Soobin stared at you, waiting for you to continue, his heart racing, and his chest growing tighter as the moment of silence dragged on.
"I want to be with you too."
Soobin let out a shuddered breath in relief as you finally spoke, his smile growing wider at your words.
You smiled up at him as you continued. "I had convinced myself my feelings were one sided."
Soobin shook his head, expressing once more he truly did feel the same.
You squeezed his hand as you briefly pressed your face into his chest out of bashfulness. He chuckled joyfully at the action as he rested his hand on the back of your head.
Looking back up at him you grinned. "I really like you Soobin, I have for so long."
Grinning, he suddenly pulled you into a hug as he embraced you, squeezing you tightly as joy and relief erupted through him.
He rested his head on top of yours for a moment as he held you, letting the emotions flow through him freely.
You muttered softly into his chest, "So we're gonna test it?"
Soobin smiled, "Yeah we are. And I think we'll prove it right."
You pulled away and looked into his eyes, "You really want to be with me forever?"
He stared into your eyes softly as he nodded, before bringing his hands to your face. "I really do."
You grinned at each other as a mutual pull seemed to form between you. You glanced at each others lips before slowly inching forward tentatively.
Pausing just as your lips brushed, your eyes met as if to confirm you wanted the same thing. When no reservation was shown, your lips met slowly, the touch soft yet cold due to the cold night embracing you.
Soobin slowly deepened the kiss as his hand drifted to your waist to keep you close. You gently gripped the collar of his coat as you leaned into his touch.
When the two of you broke the kiss a few moments later, you stared into each others eyes before smiles slowly formed on your faces.
You chuckled and he furrowed his brow, "What?"
He caressed your cheek as you continued to grin at him. "I just didn't expect my wish to come true so soon."
Soobin felt his heart clench as he pressed his forehead against yours, his smile growing wide. "Seems like we had similar wishes then."
He nodded, "But, mine's a little ongoing."
"How so?"
He hummed, "I can't tell you, otherwise it wont come true."
You glared playfully before you giggled. "Alright, don't tell me. But I'll make it come true, whatever it is."
Quickly pressing another kiss to your lips, he grinned, "You promise?"
You nodded confidently, "I promise."
xx End xx
General Taglist: @otsilliak, @brattybunfornct, @bahng-chrizz, @otakutrash669
TXT Taglist: @thunderous-wolf, @hongjoongsprincess, @dear-dreamie
{Taglist Form}
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powpowchaos · 2 years
Tumblr media
This. This is how I feel right now.
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Terroristic threats are literally a crime. Like yes, cultural sensitivity is important, but also lighting people on fire is A FUCKING CRIME.
and you’re telling ME to touch grass
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seeleybooth · 10 months
Bought my ebook reader / Kindle on Black Friday sales today, plus a case, I did want a cool looking one lol from Amazon or something but at least I have one, I can always order one later, maybe for my birthday, I mostly just want to be able to protect it. It was 50% off from the original price. I bought a paperwhite.
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kaesficrecarchive · 1 year
[taehyun x beomgyu]
Haul Out the Holly by soobingsu (noonaofdarkness) (1/1 | 10,965 | T)
Taehyun just wants to go to bed on time. His neighbor in the next building over has other, more festive, plans.
Or, Taehyun accidentally falls into a parasocial relationship with his neighbor.
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big-urchin-energy · 1 year
why must i choose between writing my christmas fic and writing my long tma fic and writing a sequel to my hanahaki fic and finishing my other stranger things wip and also my other other stranger things wips why can i not simply write three fics at the same time
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