#types of aromatherapy massage
pinkverge · 2 years
Aromatherapy for a massage!
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Aromatherapy massage therapy is a type of massage therapy that uses scents to promote wellness and relaxation. Aside from that, it is an ancient practice to use essential oils to relieve symptoms such as stress, pain, and depression.
There are several benefits to scheduling a massage. A massage is an excellent stress reliever and pain reliever. In addition, massage therapy combines both touch therapy and aromatherapy into one treatment!
Research has shown that the use of aromatherapy in massage treatment has a lot of positive effects on a person’s health. These include relief from pain and stiffness, an improvement in mood, a reduction in anxiety, a lessening of the symptoms of depression, and an increase in relaxation.
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bahnloopi · 8 months
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[DBS AU] Sento Saiyan Therapies **LONG POST AHEAD**
Therapies are typically thinner or patchy-coat female Sentos who usually wear purple garbs. They're the "Oozaru Damage Control" squad basically. They're tasked with keeping most of the peace in the communities.
(From screen-left to right)
-Neira (@furipasart's Sento OC) Aromatherapy Item Merchant, shop-keeper
-Mira (mee-ra), Oozaru Control
-Aida (aye-da), Oozaru Control
-Toiya (toy-ya), Oozaru Control
-Ponge (pon-gi), Oozaru Control (Focal Pointer)
The whole premise is "therapy" and keeping the peace. They're aware there's Blutz-wave energy on the planet's atmosphere that can trigger their Oozaru transformation with the catalyst being their strong negative emotions.
When a Sento experiences intense emotions of hate or depression and it triggers their Oozaru forms, Therapies are dispatched to calm them down back to base form. In worst case scenario, the chain reaction of transformations could lead to them inadvertently destroying the planet.
Two Therapies are stationed on each side of the Oozaru's ears and emit a vocal sound that'll hypnotize it while the Focal Point Therapie prompts it to follow her into the springs so they can better handle it from there. Head-pats, scritches, leaf-fanning. A bit of pamper to your oversized murder monke, yeah?
They also do other mundane tasks such as massage therapy and community help. They're not the fighter types like Offense Troopers but they can act as informants if needed. Off-duty Therapies usually lounge around, soak, or small chat.
Therapies can turn into Oozarus themselves too BUT they're better trained to handle stressful situations and they abide by a mantra code of "Strong Resolve" which keeps them in check to handle the others, so they don't turn as easy under pressure.
Them being the reason why they're chill Saiyans because they themselves are technically the biggest threat on Sento with no other immediate high-level threats opposing that would prompt them to (want) to fight like U7 Saiyans do. Complete opposite side of the spectrum.
The Elders proposed this system to better keep the peace among the people given their known and active environmental stimulators.
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mollymorgansshovel · 1 year
POV  you’re a massage therapist on Atlantis and these are your annoying clients
Sheppard: Self-destructive runner type. Gets massaged to get hurt. Like, wants bruising pressure on his tight calves and hamstrings. Doesn’t give direct answers to questions about how the pressure is. Says weird indirect things like, “that’s a real zinger” instead of helpfully asking for less pressure or more time on any particular area. Works very hard and awkwardly to make it clear he’s non-threatening, using the phrase “in your professional opinion” several times.
McKay: Spends ten minutes on intake explaining his medical history, very little of which is relevant. Triple-checks that there are no citrus oils in your massage lotion. Is an absolute baby on the table, wincing and tensing at the slightest bit of pressure, but complaining when you use light pressure that you’re not going to get the knots out of his neck. Asks, “Is that muscle tight?” about every muscle, and when you say yes, he explains the reason why (complaining about his over-athletic friends making him do things.) You try to take the 10-minute intake out of his hands-on massage time so that your appointment doesn’t run late, but he notices the time and asks why you’re finishing early.
Teyla: Very pleasant client, when she’s able to commit to relaxing. Sometimes she is not able to commit to relaxing, and she seems to take it out on you, suggesting you are not doing enough to reduce her shoulder strain. She likes a lot of pressure and does not even mind things like bones being bruised, which is only hard because you do not want to hurt her because she is so nice.
Ronon: Gives you ZERO information to work with. Just answers “sure” to everything. You try to give a very medium-pressure, medium-everything massage, and get pretty much no feedback from it. His muscles soften a little, but it is a lot of muscle mass to manipulate, so it’s physically demanding work and you’re not even sure he’s happy with the results. You ask him to turn over onto his back and he does it in .5 seconds flat as if he was lying there fully alert waiting for something to do. He smiles really nice at you when he leaves though.
Ford: Giggles the whole time. When you find a sore spot. When you find a ticklish spot. When you prod a muscle he didn’t realize he had. When you put an elbow in his glutes. Don’t even get me started on his feet. He apologizes for the giggling, but doesn’t stop.
Elizabeth: Tells you she wants to relax, asks for lavender aromatherapy and everything, but asks you not to get oil in her hair because she just washed it!! How are you supposed to focus on relieving neck tension when you’re supposed to be focusing on absolutely not touching her hair?? And you can tell SHE is lying there being hyper-aware of the proximity of your oily fingers to her hair, which is not conducive to relaxation. Usually scalp massage is a surefire way to calm someone down, but you’re not allowed to touch her head. She also twitches when you use firm pressure on her shoulders, but you’re not sure if it’s in pain or if she’s worried you’re going to accidentally touch her hair. She tells you the pressure is fine. You don’t know what to believe. The relaxing lavender aromatherapy doesn’t seem to work very well.
Woolsey: The only time he talks during the session is to tell you anecdotes about the best spa experiences of his life. Describes the massage he got on a cruise to the Bahamas. Asks if you do this one hot-towel technique he once received at a spa in Sweden. You can tell he is comparing you to these other five-star experiences, and that you are not coming out a winner. You ask if he’d like water after the massage and he says yes, but when you bring him water, he touches it and says, “Oh, it’s cold water. I assumed it would be warm. Cold water after a massage...doesn’t agree with me” and hands it back to you. He leaves you a $50 tip, but it feels like a passive-aggressive pity fee.
Caldwell: Gets 90-minute deep tissue on his back. He needs it. Look how he sits. You tell him that working on his glutes and hamstrings would help with the low-back pain, but he insists it’s just his back that bothers him so you can only work on that. Misuses the word “sciatica.”
Becket: Very vocal client, grunts a lot. Tells you what a good job you’re doing, using very descriptive medical terms. “Is that the sternal head or the clavicular head of the SCM? It’s very tight whatever it is. Clearly I’m not doing a good enough job stretching. Thank you for the reminder.”
Zelenka: Best massage client. Knows how to use the spa to get away from work. Fully relaxes and doesn’t complain about a damn thing. 
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kittenofdoomage · 2 years
Autumn Falls: Saturday
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Summary: Y/N’s had a run of bad luck that’s left her miserable, so her sister and best friend surprise her with a trip to Autumn Falls, the exclusive Californian resort where your every dream comes true. Seven days of relaxation and luxury await her, but will her vacation lift her spirits or leave her longing?
Pairings (reader is female): Negan x reader, Bucky Barnes x reader, Thor Odinson x reader, Sam Winchester x reader, Negan x reader x Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester x reader, Geralt of Rivia x reader, Steve Rogers x reader
Word Count: 37041
Warnings (expect any combination): slight angst and commiseration, non-disclosure agreements, flirting, conversations about relationships, oral sex, vaginal sex, public nudity and skinny dipping, size kink, sex in a hot tub, suspension (sort of), intense sex, breeding kink, yoga, my obsession with Sam’s hands, massages, dirty talk, slight praise kink, vaginal fingering, anal fingering, and squirting, threesome, double penetration (vaginal/anal), handjobs, shower smut, sex in a kitchen, horse riding, wild nature sex, over-stimulation, excessive orgasms,  comfort, companionship, aromatherapy and hot stone massages, anal sex, light BDSM, restraints, spanking/paddling, anal play, double penetration with toys, gagging, cuddling, post-vacation blues
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She had put two and two together by the time Negan left her at the stables, having forgotten them the night before due to how exhausted she felt. Ten hours of sleep had done the trick, and waking up to breakfast in bed delivered by her personal concierge was a welcome bonus. Now, she waited just inside the fence, having been assured by Negan that her companion for the day would be along any minute.
The man that appeared was not what she expected at all. Her mind had conjured an image of some rugged cowboy type but Geralt did not look like a cowboy at all, save for the leather. He looked more like he’d stepped straight out of a medieval fantasy, the long white hair strikingly bright against his dark clothing, and when he approached her, leading a young chestnut mare beside him, she noticed his eyes were a bewildering shade of gold.
“Y/N,” he greeted. “I am Geralt.” He patted the mare’s nose, and the horse snorted, rubbing her head against him. “This is Sunshine. She’ll be yours for the day.” Y/N forced a squeaked “hi”, taking the reins as he handed them to her. “Do you have much experience riding?”
“Uh, yeah, when I was a kid,” she muttered, moving closer to Sunshine with careful steps, letting the horse see what she was doing. “Might need a refresher.”
“Sunshine is a very patient and good-natured horse,” he informed her. “But we’ll take it slow. Do you need a hand up?”
She glanced at the stirrups and saddle, assessing the distance. “I think I can manage it.”
Geralt nodded, a faint hint of a smile on his lips, gesturing for her to try. Her heart pounded, and she grabbed the saddle with both hands, lifting one foot as high as she could to grab the stirrup. Sunshine whinnied but remained perfectly still, displaying the aforementioned patience as Y/N hoisted herself up.
Halfway, she caught her foot, and panic set in; a pair of large hands grabbed her from behind, giving her the leverage to free her foot and swing her leg over, landing a little heavily in the middle of the saddle. The mare tapped her hoof against the concrete floor, lowering her head slightly.
“Not too bad,” Geralt chuckled, rubbing his hand along Sunshine’s neck. “Just hold steady here, and I’ll be back in a moment.”
There wasn’t much choice in the matter but Y/N nodded anyway, smiling tightly as she gathered the reins, smoothing one hand down the mare’s shoulder, attempting to get to know her steed. The last horse she’d ridden was back in middle school, and that horse hadn’t been too friendly - she also hadn’t stayed on very long after he’d bucked, and her mom had decided that was enough horse riding for her.
Another set of hooves clacked across the yard, and she looked up, spotting Geralt emerging from a stall with two packs in his hand and a brown mare’s reins in the other. When he reached her, he handed her one of the bags, and she hefted it up, slipping it onto her shoulders one at a time.
“What’s your horse’s name?” she asked curiously.
“Roach,” he grunted back, walking around the larger mare to hoist himself up. Roach didn’t make a sound, chewing at the bit as he settled himself astride her. “Feeling okay to head out? We’ll keep it to a walk until you’re more comfortable.”
Y/N nodded, waiting for him to take the lead. He clicked his tongue as he gently nudged the mare’s side with his heels, and she stepped off, taking neat and measured steps towards the opened gate.
“Where are we going?”
He didn’t look back as he answered. “There’s a good spot a few miles North where we can stop for lunch.”
That explained what was in the bags at least. 
It was very quickly obvious that Geralt was not as talkative as any of the other people she had met that week, which meant she had to make the effort to fill the silence, though her attention was captivated by the scenery around them. The trail he took her down was picturesque, surrounded on all sides by trees, and about a mile along, the path met a narrow river and followed it.
“Does this river go through the whole forest?”
Geralt glanced back. “There’s a few offshoots from the main river,” he pointed to the right, away from the river they were beside, “which is about five miles that way. It’s not deep here, so we can cross easily on horseback.”
She nodded, looking up at the trees as Sunshine kept plodding along, easily managing the smooth path. For a second, she wished she had a camera, knowing that she wouldn’t remember all of this natural beauty exactly as she wanted to, and she sighed, dropping her chin again.
“Everything okay?” Geralt asked.
“Yeah, just… it’s so beautiful here. And quiet. It’s nice not to be surrounded by people all the time.”
He chuckled. “Yes, it is.”
The path lowered alongside the river, until she suspected they were in the dip of the valley, though she couldn’t see over the trees. Geralt suddenly turned, guiding Roach towards the water and she realized they were going to cross. He paused at the edge, looking back at her, and she pulled Sunshine up beside him, worrying her lip with her teeth.
“Just keep beside me. The water isn’t rough, the horses will be fine.”
She nodded, hesitating for a second when he started to move forward, though Sunshine seemed to know where they were going and followed without her encouragement. The water rushed around the horses’ legs, and halfway across, Roach stopped for a drink before Geralt urged her on.
Once they were on the other side, the path was wider, allowing for them to ride side-by-side, and Y/N tried not to stare at her strange companion. She wanted to ask why he wasn’t wearing a helmet like she was, why his eyes were golden, why his hair was such a strange color, maybe even why he wasn’t as chatty as his predecessors were. But she kept her mouth shut, relaxing a little in the saddle under Sunshine’s calm and expert walk, enjoying the quiet of the forest around her.
She had no idea where they were by the time the trees started to thin out, opening up into a wild meadow with a carpet of flowers and grass. Geralt pulled ahead, looking back at her as the path disappeared entirely.
“We’re here,” he said, slowing Roach to a stop.
Sunshine halted too, though Y/N wasn’t sure she’d given the mare any instruction - it appeared as though she didn’t need it. She waited as Geralt dismounted, dropping his pack to the floor and hooking his horse’s rein over the saddle. He approached carefully, reaching out to stroke Sunshine’s nose and the horse snorted softly.
Dismounting was easier than mounting, especially with help. Y/N hit the ground with a low grunt, brushing herself down as she smiled up at the strange white-haired man. His lips pulled back in a tight grin, but he looked away to arrange Sunshine’s reins the same as Roach’s.
“Won’t they run away?” Y/N wondered aloud.
He laughed. “No need to worry,” he assured her, turning away. The horses didn’t seem to care about their newfound freedom, wandering off a few meters to find the freshest grass on the field. Y/N remained where she was, watching as Geralt got down on one knee to unpack his bag. Out came a blanket, some bottles of water, and half-a-dozen containers of food. Slowly, she moved closer, shrugging her own bag off. “I think Megan gave you the rest of the food.”
She paused, holding her bag in her hands as he set about spreading the blanket, and when he was done, he moved back for her to sit down. Lowering herself to the ground, she tugged her bag in front of her, opening it up to find fruit and sandwiches in labeled packages. “I wasn’t expecting a picnic,” she joked, pulling everything out.
“There isn’t much else to do this far out,” he replied, tearing the lid off of a bottle of water. “We’re near the furthest edge of the ranch property, and it’s either a long walk or a comfortable ride. Besides,” he took a swig of the cool liquid, fixing her with a strange smile, “it’s quiet.”
“You’re not like the other guys I met this week,” she murmured, shifting so she was cross-legged opposite him. “They were… chatty.”
“Sometimes you have to learn to be comfortable with the sound of nothing. To be comfortable with just yourself.”
“It’s not just me here though,” she whispered.
“No,” he replied gruffly, though he sounded amused, “it’s not.”
Some birds chirped loudly as they flew overhead and Y/N smiled, leaning her elbows on her knees as she inhaled deeply, savoring the sweet crisp air. The chin strap of her helmet began to itch, so she quickly took it off, shaking her hair out. “Did I really need this?” she chuckled.
“Insurance purposes,” Geralt grunted.
“Okay, that makes sense,” she conceded, laying the helmet on the blanket. “Why don’t you wear one?”
He grinned, reaching for the punnet of grapes he’d pulled from his pack. “Hard head.” Plucking one grape from the bunch, he casually tilted his head back, tossing the grape up and catching it in his mouth.
She watched him for a few moments, trying to figure him out. So far, she felt like each “companion” had provided a lesson, or an introspective thought - seizing the day, returning to activities she’d previously enjoyed, learning to relax and roll with it, as Negan kept telling her, to practice the self-care she’d avoided for so long. Overall, it seemed like this place was supposed to be somewhere she rediscovered herself, and she had, though she couldn’t figure out what Geralt was supposed to be showing her at all.
“Aren’t you going to eat?”
His question made her look up with a shy smile. “Yeah,” she mumbled, pulling one of the containers towards her. “Just lost in thought, I guess.”
“Thinking about what?”
Maybe just straight up asking him was the best option. “I’m just trying to figure this out.” He tilted his head a little, obviously unsure what she meant. “This whole week, it feels like… lessons.”
Geralt stared at her, amusement in his golden eyes. “And what do you suppose the lesson is today?” She shrugged and he chuckled. “Maybe you’re overthinking things. Maybe there is no lesson to be had at all.”
Overthinking, she mused. It wasn’t like she didn’t do that all the time anyway, analyzing every tiny occurrence, every sentence, every encounter. Sometimes she laid awake at night going over events in the day, or stuff she hadn’t thought about in months.
Was that the lesson? To stop overthinking things?
Roll with it.
She smiled, picking up a stick of cheese. “Maybe you’re right.”
They ate in silence, though she stole several looks in his direction that didn’t go unnoticed. The horses grazed nearby, occasionally flicking their tails or wandering to a fresher patch of grass, and when Y/N was done eating, she laid back, looking up at the sky and the few clouds that slowly dragged across it.
“It really is so peaceful here,” she whispered, closing her eyes and sighing softly. “Going home is going to suck.”
His answer was a low chuckle, and she smiled to herself, keeping her eyes closed, listening to the nature around her. Birds chirped, the sound carrying on the light breeze, and somewhere in the distance, something called out, a low noise that she didn’t recognize but sounded a little like a cow. Beside her, Geralt shifted, and she opened her eyes, rolling her head to the side to look at him.
“What do you do, when you’re not taking women on isolated horse rides?”
He looked at her, the same expression of amusement on his face as before. “My primary duty is the horses,” he murmured. “In truth… you’re the first guest I’ve entertained here. I’m not what you would call a people person.”
She wasn’t surprised; he didn’t strike her as the sort of guy who liked many people. But the admission that she was the first guest he’d entertained was surprising. “Negan said you all signed up for this. What made me so special?”
A grin tugged at his lips, and he shrugged, leaning heavily on one elbow. “You intrigued me.”
Suddenly she wanted to see this “file” that had been mentioned, and all the information that they had on her. She didn’t feel particularly interesting or “intriguing”, so she wasn’t sure why Geralt would have found her to be that way. “Can I - can I ask why?”
The smile on his face made her squirm and she lifted herself up, inadvertently shifting a little closer to him. “Curiosity,” he said quietly, making eye contact as he spoke, and the intensity in his oddly-colored gaze sent a shiver down her spine. “Most of the guests here, they’re not… genuine. You’re different.”
“How can you know that?” she teased.
He shrugged, gaze unwavering. “How can you not?” His answer stunned her into silence, and he chuckled lightly, reaching out to catch her chin in his fingers. “Maybe the only lesson you needed to learn here was that you’re worth something. That just being you... is special.”
“I don’t see how you can get all that from a file.”
“I’m good at reading people.”
Shooting him a look of disbelief, she sat up, crossing her legs underneath herself, resistant to the idea that anyone could find her attractive or interesting. Geralt watched her cautiously but curiously, one thick brow arched higher than the other.
“Let me tell you what I see,” he murmured, sitting up straight, close enough that if she turned her head, her nose would be inches from his. “I see a beautiful woman. I see someone who has fought more battles than she should have. I see someone -” His fingers slipped under her chin again, sliding up to cup her jaw and force her to look at him. “- who was told she wasn’t good enough and believed that lie.”
He was so close, the earthy, warm scent of him almost clouding every thought. “If I was good enough, he wouldn’t have found someone else,” she whispered brokenly, trying not to let the tears get far enough to fall.
The look he gave her was gentle but frustrated. “And you never considered that it was him that wasn’t worthy of you?”
She hadn’t. Not for one second. And that was ridiculous when she thought about it. “No.” A shuddering breath passed her lips and she swallowed, transfixed by his eyes. “I feel like you’re going to kiss me.”
Geralt smiled. “That’s because I am.”
There was barely time to snatch a breath before he’d closed the distance between them, lips meeting in a soft caress that quickly turned hard and passionate. He licked into her mouth, coaxing little moans as his hands slipped around her hips. She shouldn’t have been surprised at the ease with which he hauled her into his lap, manhandling her until she was straddling his wide hips.
Her internal conflict from only seconds earlier was dispelled with the lust he was igniting in her, and when his hands wandered up underneath her sweater and shirt, she whimpered into his mouth, breaking the kiss to breathe. He smirked up at her, rocking slightly so she could feel the effect she was having on him.
Without the benefit of his mouth distracting her, their surroundings suddenly rushed back, and she looked around nervously. “Is this a little, uh, exposed?”
“There’s no one for miles,” he replied, moving his hands up further, bunching her clothing as he swiped his thumbs along the sensitive skin underneath her breasts. “No one to hear you scream,” he added, a filthy grin on his face.
He moved, rolling them both until she was pinned under his larger frame, finding her lips again to silence her surprised squeak. She responded in kind, twisting her fingers in his shirt and wrapped her legs around his waist to grind against him. The move made him groan, and he pulled back with darkened eyes, licking his lips hungrily.
“These,” he plucked at her pants impatiently, “are going to be a problem.”
She giggled, biting her lip as she released his shirt with a slight shove against his chest. “I can’t take them off while you’re on top of me,” she pointed out.
Geralt laughed under his breath, getting up onto his knees before reaching for the offending jodhpurs, tugging them down. Her panties went with them but she was left with no time to be bashful about her partial nudity when he instantly pinned her again, initiating another kiss that almost distracted her from the hand sliding between them. His fingers brushed her damp sex and she arched into his touch, grunting needily into his mouth.
“What about yours?” she gasped, clinging to his shoulders as he pressed two thick digits into her soaked hole. “Geralt -”
“Shush,” he growled, mouthing at her throat. “I’ll fuck you when you’re good and ready.”
His voice was thick and syrupy, rumbling against her skin as he stroked his fingers inside her. She hummed, gasping when he found the deepest spot inside her, making her hips jerk in reaction to the sudden intense stimulation. He didn’t stop, holding her down while he fucked his fingers into her harder, finding a rhythm that made her pussy clench around him, drenching him with her juices.
“You’re so wet for me,” he purred, sliding his thumb against her clit, smirking at the quiet little mewl that left her lips. “Let me feel you cum.”
She nodded absently, too busy drowning in pleasure to really process his words. Her only thought was how good it felt as the ecstasy built in her core, threatening to explode out of her. Geralt didn’t stop, watching her face as she fell apart, and moaning his approval when she shuddered, practically dripping around his fingers.
“That’s it,” he praised. “Keep going.”
“I-I can’t,” she moaned, tossing her head from side to side. “I ca -” The denial trailed off in a cry that disturbed the birds in the trees meters away. He still didn’t stop, thrusting his fingers until she could hear how wet she was. Her mouth opened in a silent cry as she quivered in his hold, and when he slowed, withdrawing his hand, she whined needily, tugging him into a kiss. “Please,” she whimpered, swallowing air furiously, “fuck me.”
Her fingers were already at his belt, peeling the thick leather through the fastening before he could catch up. Between hungry kisses, she got the belt open, and he shoved his pants down, blindly fisting his cock and pressing the thick tip against her. She gasped, rolling her hips, desperate to feel him filling her.
He growled against her jaw, nipping at her as he teased her, rubbing his cockhead through her folds. “Open up for me.”
Without hesitation, she spread her thighs wider, and Geralt groaned, penetrating her with one smooth stroke. His hips pinned her legs back, forcing her to feel every single inch buried inside her; her eyes rolled back, whole body going limp for a split second. He held deep, kissing along her throat as he unzipped her sweater and shoved her t-shirt up over the cups of her bra.
“Let me see those pretty tits,” he murmured, tugging at the cups of her bra until they were tucked underneath. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing ever but she couldn’t bring herself to care when he sucked a nipple between his lips, using his tongue to make it hard. He moaned, the sound vibrating through her, and before she could process every single point of stimulation, he started to move, fucking into her with short sharp thrusts. 
Everything faded away in pleasure, and Y/N couldn’t think beyond how good it felt to have him inside her. He left teeth marks on her breasts as he sucked at them, and she was sure there’d be bruises from his hips as he ground into her, using his thighs to keep her legs wide. She didn’t even try to fight the building pleasure in her belly, and when she began to cum again, Geralt covered her moans with kisses, fucking her through one orgasm and into another.
He slowed, allowing her a moment to breathe and think. Her whole body was buzzing with need, and her fingers itched to touch him; it didn’t take much to unbutton his shirt, letting her hands slide over his muscular and slightly hairy chest, unable to miss the scars that littered his skin.
“Ignore them,” he whispered, batting her hands away to pin them above her. She nodded, humming against his mouth when he kissed her again.
She moaned, tilting her head as he dragged his lips along her jaw, still thrusting against her lazily. Her thighs were burning with the ache of being held so wide but it only added to the bliss of it all, and as he picked up speed again, she let her eyes fall shut. He slipped one arm underneath her, forcing her whole body flush with his, making her painfully hard nipples scrape against his chest. A high-pitched whine was cut off with another kiss, and his throttled grunts vibrated through her when her cunt clenched around him.
This orgasm was a slow ripple that got stronger as it washed through her, leaving her shivering underneath him, leaving imprints of her fingernails in her palms as she curled her hands above her head. She broke the kiss, panting as she turned her head to the side, opening her eyes again when Geralt’s teeth sank into her neck. The pain caused unexpected pleasure, and she bucked, crying out loud enough that the horses both lifted their heads in surprise.
He released her, and she looked up at him, feeling the heat of embarrassment in her cheeks. She pulled her arms down, grabbing his shoulders as he drove into her again, and her shame was gone in a matter of seconds. Despite his forceful thrusts, Geralt didn’t seem to be anywhere near done, and already she was beginning to ache from each raw stroke.
“I can’t,” she moaned, pushing at him. “I - gah -”
He slowed to stop, holding himself inside her. “Am I hurting you?” he asked softly.
“N-no, just -” She choked on the words. “I’m a little… chafed.”
“I see,” he chuckled, withdrawing slowly, though he didn’t pull away. Instead, he slid down her body, taking the pressure off of her thighs for a split second before his equally broad shoulders were pinning them apart again. “Let me kiss it better.”
His mouth was hot on her skin, and she made a token effort to resist before she collapsed underneath him, squirming and panting as he began to tongue-fuck her. His tongue felt almost as thick as his cock, and though it didn’t penetrate nearly as deep, it was still incredibly gratifying. She moaned, writhing enough that he reached up to pin her down with one arm, growling against her soaked cunt. Sliding his tongue up to her clit, he used his other hand to press two fingers inside her, letting his saliva ease his path.
She wasn’t sure she was capable of cumming again but Geralt was nothing if not determined. He sucked on the tiny bundle of nerves as he fucked his fingers into her again, and within seconds, she felt the renewed stirrings in her core, unable to do anything but ride it out with a throaty moan that seemed to echo across the field.
When he withdrew, she went limp, a feeling like white noise spreading from head to toe. He watched her, chest heavy, one meaty hand wrapped around his cock, the other on her thigh, and she knew he could feel how hard her blood was pumping. “Do you want me to finish?” he asked, and she nodded, forcing herself up onto shaking arms. “On your knees then.”
Her limbs felt like jelly but she managed to comply, shrieking in surprise when he grabbed her hips to pull her backwards. The sound turned to a moan when he entered her again, the new angle allowing her to appreciate how deep he was all over again. He held her there for a moment, then started to move, pulling her back to meet each stroke.
Everything was overstimulated, and she could feel her body practically vibrating as he fucked her, chasing his own end now and dragging her along for the ride. She cried out as his thrusts grew harder, the pleasure making her arch and drop, bare breasts pressing into the blanket. His cock thickened inside her, then he came with a roar that made Sunshine snort and trot off a few meters where she wouldn’t be startled again.
With a final grunt, he slumped over her, sliding his arms around her waist as he kissed along her shoulder. Y/N hummed, content to turn to jelly now she’d gotten what she wanted, and he didn’t seem to be in any rush to move her, waiting for a few moments before gently easing her down. The blanket was soft enough that she just lay there, uncaring about her bare ass or the cum running down her thighs.
“Don’t go falling asleep on me,” he warned in amusement.
“I won’t,” she replied, yawning as she rolled onto her back and righted her shirt. “Uh, where did my pants go?”
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She couldn’t deny that the ride back was a little more uncomfortable than the ride there, her sensitive pussy rubbing against the saddle with every step the patient mare took. Geralt had obviously noticed her squirming, smirking at her and laughing under his breath every so often. By the time they got back to the ranch, she was ready for a hot bath, and she tried not to whimper when he helped her down from the horse, big hands easily carrying her weight.
“I had a really, uh, good time,” she rushed out, blinking up at him nervously.
“Glad to be of service,” he replied quietly, bowing his head briefly before taking Sunshine’s reins in one hand and Roach’s in the other. “Enjoy the rest of your stay, Y/N.”
It was easy to find her way back up to the main building, and she headed straight for her room, needing to change into something a little less ruined. Halfway through changing, someone knocked at the door, so she threw on some loose fitting pants, and hurried to answer. Negan was outside, waiting patiently with a smile on his face.
“Good evening, princess,” he greeted softly. “Have a good time?”
Her cheeks filled with heat as she forced a smile, though it was likely he knew what she’d been getting up to. “Yeah,” she hummed.
“Can I come in?” She stepped back, holding the door open and he slipped into the room, turning back to face her as she closed the door again. “So just a good day, huh?”
“Do you really want details?” she laughed, shaking her head as she returned to the bedroom, aware of him following and lingering in the doorway, leaning on the frame. “I enjoyed the horse riding, and the picnic.”
He chuckled, reaching up to run his thumb along his lower lip. “And how are you feeling? Tomorrow’s your last day.”
The reminder gave her pause as she picked up a sweater, holding it in her hands as she let the sudden disappointment sink in. She hadn’t thought much about her return home in less than two days' time, content to live in ignorance, but now, it seemed too close. Home meant work, meant confronting her feelings again, being an actual functional person in a world she hadn’t tried to be a part of for a while. “I guess… nervous.” Lifting her head, she met his gaze. “This place is like a dream. I feel like I’m gonna forget it all when I get home, but that nothing’s gonna feel as good as it does here.”
He pushed off of the doorframe, walking towards her slowly. “I think,” he started, reaching out to cup her elbow in his warm hand, “that you’re gonna remember this for a long time. I think you needed to discover something positive, that you need to remember to love you first. And I also think, you found that here.”
She looked up at him, searching his face for any deception, wondering if she could really trust a stranger that had known her a few days. “I hope you’re right,” she whispered. “I don’t wanna be… like before. Not again.”
His hand dropped from her elbow, his expression turning a little more playful. “I was wondering if you wanted dinner in the restaurant tonight?”
Hesitation stayed her answer. “Just dinner? I’m a little… achy.”
His eyebrows lifted in amusement. “Just dinner. Maybe a movie. I promise,” he held up his hands, wiggling his fingers, “I can keep my hands to myself.”
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Thank you for reading! Lemme know what you thought 🎃
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ocd-kenobi · 1 year
Star Wars characters as massage client types
Obi-Wan: Very nice and non-threatening gay man. Asks for a “relaxing medium pressure,” but doesn’t ever tell you anything is too much pressure when you try more and ask. So you’re left wondering if he actually wants more pressure all the time and won’t say so. Still, he tips a precise 20% and books with you often. Overall a pretty pleasant client except for he sweats so profusely it’s like massaging a slippy-slide. Your oil is useless. You’re just using his sweat for skin lubricant. But he’s so nice so you feel bad dreading his appointments.
Qui-Gon: Asks if you do Thai massage. Tries to convince you that you should do Thai massage when you say no. Starts undressing during intake while you’re still in the room. You tell him to wait until you’re out of the room. He says, “Oh, I don’t mind” as if it’s HIM you’re worried about upsetting with HIS NUDITY. Talks about the benefits of Thai massage throughout the session, so you think he hates your methods, but then he books with you every single time. And asks for eucalyptus aromatherapy every time so your room always smells like toilet bowl cleaner. 
Padme: Says she is there “to relax.” Never fucking relaxes. You feel like a failure the first couple of times, but after a few sessions, you realize she is the failure. At relaxing. She also tells you to skip her legs and feet entirely when she has missed a day shaving, no matter how many times you tell her it doesn’t matter. This deprives you of your one tactic that sort-of works to relax her: the steamy towel foot rub. At least she sometimes lets you do a hand scrub.
Anakin: Touch-starved and fidgety. Wiggles so much you spend the whole time wondering whether he’s in pain or about to come. Pitiful, or creepy. You really really don’t want either option, so you struggle to find a pressure that’s not firm enough to hurt and not light enough to tickle. He says something about how your hands are “so strong, and yet so soft” and so, in self-preservation, you decide to have him spend the entire session face-down. This becomes a problem when you save twenty minutes for the backs of his legs only to find that he has knee-length boxers AND socks on, leaving you four square inches to massage. So you return to make up stuff to do to the dehydrated, over-exercised muscles of his back. You ask your manager not to book him with you again. 
R2 and C-3PO: They’re fine, except they only ever book couples massages and use the therapists as an audience for their marital bickering.
Ahsoka: Honestly the worst. She’s skeptical about massage and wants to see if you can “fix” her shoulders. Her shoulders are not fixable. She needs months of massage, not one session. She needs three kinds of bodywork, preferably, and then maybe the tissue could soften into something that could be worked. You try suggesting some things, and some gentle posture corrections. She just tells you she can take more pressure. You try more pressure, sure, but her ropy muscles just push you right off. She tips you, of course, and tries to smile, but you can tell she thinks you don’t know what you’re doing, otherwise you would have been able to fix her shoulders in one hour.
Luke: Has never been massaged before and has very little body-awareness. Practically jumps out of his skin and says, “What was that?!” about every muscle you touch that he didn’t know he had. Asks a lot of questions, like “Why is that muscle so tight?” to which you have to give speculative answers, since you don’t know what he does for a living. He’s a very nice, clean, and non-threatening young man, so you don’t really mind the chatter. You know he’ll probably leave you a $5 tip, so you just don’t push yourself to work that hard. It’s nice. 
Leia: Only comes when she’s on her period. Is great at articulating her needs (the table warmer on high, the essential oil blend with the lavender and clary sage in it, low back focus) and lets herself be grumpy and short with you instead of trying to pretend she’s not in pain. You appreciate this, because it frees you from trying to make pleasant small talk.
Han: The only time he ever comes in for a massage is when Chewie gets tired of hearing him complain about the knot in his shoulder and nonconsensually books an appointment for him. You can tell Han’s concept of massage is a “happy endings” kind of deal right off the bat, by the way he nervously looks you over and calls you a “masseuse” instead of a massage therapist and starts cracking try-hard jokes about how he doesn’t usually need to pay for this kind of thing, etc. You have him kicked out of the building.
Lando: The foot scrub, the aromatherapy, the hot stones: the full experience. This man knows how to relax. He uses pet names, but it’s somehow not too creepy. Requires a bit more social energy than most clients, but tips well enough that you are glad when he’s on your schedule.
Chewie: Excellent 90-minute full-body deep tissue client. Can take a lot of pressure, is vocal about when you get a good spot. The only downside is that your arms are very chaffed afterwards. 
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classificationhell · 3 months
Ok so like i was thinking what if it’s late and reader is in little space and they are just not tired, like they refuse to go to bed, how will their caregiver(s) react, like what will they do.
So yeah hope you’re having a good day/evening.
Thank you sorry my asks are taking so long I try and answer in order of being recieved but sometimes I'll see one that grabs my attention or is easier to answer so I hurry up and do that one to clear things up a bit more.
Anyway, I'll do this for Alastor, Vox, and Fizzmodeus ^^
Alastor is the type for semi-strict schedule (after all he can't predict what others will do and sometimes there's a bump in his plans, but for the most part his Reader will be in bed by a specific time big or little. A good night's rest is essential to one's health and mood, after all. Unless they are rude and particularly fussy, he won't employ old-fashioned discipline on them. He will try the methods his mother used, telling a calming story, singing a lullaby, and so forth, but if all else fails he'll simply listen to some old jazz and such with them until they fall asleep. He's not angry, it's not as if he falls asleep very easily hi m self most nights.
Vox is having a time of it because it's likely you and Vark are both feeding into the so sleepy but so awake energy of each other. He's trying his best, but it's hard wrangling you and an overly excited shark, especially since he doesn't want to separate you two. If you're big, it's marginally easier since he can get you to stop playing with Vark and start watching some movie or something with him. If all else fails and he can he's going to try hypnotism.
Fizzarolli and Asmodeus work as a bit of a team on this. Fizz will try and help you get any extra energy or wiggles out and afterwards Ozzy will help you both calm down and de-stress in varying ways, aromatherapy, massages maybe if you'd like, calming music and sounds, nice warm fluffy blankets, cool pillow, etc.
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ripperdoc-is-daddy · 2 years
The Male Hashira reacting to AFAB reader cycle (Minus Muichiro)
TW: Mentions of blood, s3xual situations, periods, cycles, intimacy both s3xual and non, MENSTRUATION! MINORS DON'T INTERACT
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Buys all your favorite snackies 
Removes all the caffeine from the house cuz he read that makes cramping worse 
Has all the pain killers for you 
Who needs a heat pack when you have Kyo? 
Cuddles on the couch in a blanket with you 
Massages your abdomen to help relieve pain 
Reminds you to take magnesium to ease the pain 
Insists on banana splits if you don’t wanna take pills 
Gives full body massages including feet, hands and scalp to help ease your tension 
Watches whatever stupid shit you are into without complaint to make you feel better 
Makes your favorite food for each day you are bleedin’/in pain 
Has all the home remedies 
Draws you medicinal baths that smell heavenly and feel amazing 
Took classes for massage so he can make you feel better 
Believes sex is great for pain relief (It is) and doesn’t mind the mess 
Builds you a pillow fort and will join you in it if you let him. 
Cuddle. Monster. 
Watches all your favorite movies and shows with you but still whines when he hates them 
Gives you a Mani/Pedi if you ask 
Will do it if you don’t ask as long as you are ok 
Does all the household chores 
Orders takeout 
Gives the best bear hugs 
Brings you meals in bed 
Buys you new stuffies or whatever you collect to help you feel better 
Makes a slammin’ cuppa for you and has the cutest snacks on hand (He asked the others what is on trend) 
Eases your tension with Aromatherapy. 
Sympathetically cries with you while you are cramping 
His hands make great heat packs 
Little spoons you in bed for the duration of your flow 
Strongly believes in hydrotherapy 
Has a tub with jets and insists on your using it daily. 
Buys you short quick reads that you can breeze through while you soak 
All sorts of craft goats milk and vegan soaps for you to use 
Has a massive stock of bath salts for your leisure  
Candle everywhere 
Keeps the lights down while you are cycling so your migraines aren’t as intense. 
Eventually switches to soft LED strips to create a chill vibe 
Has the best playlist for you to vibe to 
Makes you Oden and other rich broth type foods just incase your stomach doesn’t wanna handle solids 
Grew up with women so the fact it happens isn’t a thing for him 
Has all the meds  
Stocks up your menstrual items 
An assortment of heat pads and heat pack animals are available for your use 
Bought you a luxurious robe to be bougie in 
Does the laundry without complaint 
Might make you something but is more likely to do take out 
Leaves you to your own devices. Everyone handles their cycle differently 
Homie does it all 
Has the meds 
Has the heat packs 
Does the body rubs 
Sex is messy anyways, why let some blood stop him? 
If you aren’t into that he respects it. 
Does all the chores 
Takes you out to movies if you are game 
Will work out for your viewing pleasure 
If you wanna join him that is cool too 
Great masseur  
Does long movie marathons with you 
Cooks like a pro 
Takes care of you like the treasure you are 
Plays games with you if you want.  
Reads books to you 
Will color with you or do puzzle 
Just makes the entire experience pleasant.
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azura-tsukikage · 8 months
Let's explore how to be a pragmatic crystal witch. I personally enjoy this as part of my practice. This approach involves using crystals in a practical and grounded way that doesn't rely on spells, rituals, or magical beliefs. Here are some pragmatic ways to work with crystals:
Scientific Study: Learn about the geological and scientific aspects of crystals. Understand their chemical compositions, formations, and physical properties. This knowledge can enhance your appreciation and use of crystals.
Crystal Identification: Become skilled at identifying different types of crystals and stones. Knowing their unique characteristics allows you to choose the right crystals for specific purposes.
Crystal Healing: Explore crystal healing from a holistic and wellness perspective. Some people find that holding, wearing or placing crystals on the body can promote relaxation and reduce stress, even without a magical context.
Mindfulness and Meditation: Use crystals as aids in mindfulness and meditation practices. Hold a crystal in your hand, focus on its texture, weight, and energy, and let it help you achieve a state of presence and relaxation.
Decorative Display: Incorporate crystals into your home decor. Crystals can be aesthetically pleasing and add a touch of natural beauty to your living space.
Jewelry and Accessories: Wear crystal jewelry and accessories for their aesthetics and potential symbolic meanings. Crystals can be both fashionable and meaningful.
Symbolism and Personal Meaning: Assign your own personal meanings to crystals based on your experiences and associations. Create your own unique connections with each crystal.
Mood and Energy Enhancement: Use crystals to set the mood or enhance the energy of a room. Different crystals can be placed in specific areas to create a desired ambiance.
Well-Being Practices: Incorporate crystals into wellness practices, such as yoga, aromatherapy, or massages. Crystals can be part of a holistic approach to self-care and self-improvement.
Scientific Observations: Keep a journal of your observations when working with crystals. Document your feelings, emotions, and experiences while using them.
Natural World Connection: Use crystals as a way to connect with the natural world. Reflect on the Earth's processes that created these beautiful minerals.
Gifts and Tokens: Share crystals with friends or loved ones as thoughtful gifts or tokens of appreciation. Crystals can symbolize sentiments and serve as reminders of special moments.
By approaching crystal work in a pragmatic way, you can derive personal meaning and value from these beautiful natural treasures. The key is to integrate crystals into your life in a manner that aligns with your beliefs and enhances your well-being without relying on magical or metaphysical aspects.
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petgroomingblog · 1 month
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Unlocking the Secrets of Dog Grooming in Hudaiba - Dubai
Greetings, fellow dog enthusiasts! Join us on an enchanting exploration of dog grooming services in Hudaiba - Dubai! For those of you who adore your furry companions in this lively city, ensuring they look splendid is paramount. In this escapade, we’ll delve into the intricacies of dog grooming in Hudaiba, spanning from convenient mobile services to luxurious salon experiences.
Mobile Dog Grooming: The Ultimate Convenience
Your busy schedule has you running around Dubai, but your precious pup needs a grooming session. Enter mobile dog grooming, your lifesaver in Hudaiba! These services bring the salon right to your doorstep, saving you time and hassle. No more frantic drives to distant locations or waiting in line at crowded pet spas. With mobile grooming, your furry companion gets the royal treatment without leaving the comfort of home.
Why Hudaiba is a Hotspot for Dog Grooming
Hudaiba isn’t just any neighbourhood—it's a hub for pet-friendly services, including top-notch dog grooming. The area's pet-loving community has paved the way for innovative grooming solutions, ensuring your furry friend gets pampered like royalty. Whether you're a resident or just visiting, Hudaiba's grooming scene offers convenience, quality, and a touch of luxury for your beloved dog.
The Art of Dog Grooming Services in Dubai
Let’s dive into what makes dog grooming services in Dubai, particularly in Hudaiba, stand out. These services go beyond a simple trim and bath; they're a holistic experience designed to keep your dog healthy, happy, and looking fabulous. From breed-specific grooming techniques to luxurious spa treatments, Dubai's grooming scene leaves no fur unturned in its quest for perfection.
Tailored Grooming for Every Pup
One of the perks of dog grooming in Hudaiba is the personalized approach. Groomers here understand that every dog is unique, with specific needs and preferences. Whether your pup needs a full makeover or just a touch-up, Hudaiba's grooming experts tailor their services to suit your dog's size, coat type, and temperament. It’s like a bespoke suit, but for dogs!
A Spa Day for Your Pooch
Imagine your dog lounging in a luxurious spa, enjoying massages, aromatherapy baths, and pedicure. Sounds like a dream? In Hudaiba, it’s a reality! Dog grooming services here often include spa-like treatments to pamper your furry friend from head to paw. It’s not just grooming; it’s a day of relaxation and rejuvenation for your canine companion.
The Convenience Factor: Mobile Grooming Takes the Lead
In bustling Dubai, convenience is key, and mobile dog grooming services are leading the pack. These services eliminate the need for travel, waiting rooms, and the stress of unfamiliar environments for your dog. With mobile grooming, a professional groomer arrives at your doorstep, equipped with all the tools and expertise to transform your pup into a fluffy superstar.
Wrapping Up: A Tail-Wagging Experience Awaits
As we conclude our journey into the world of dog grooming in Hudaiba, Dubai, one thing is clear: this vibrant neighborhood is a haven for pet parents seeking top-notch grooming services. Whether you opt for mobile grooming for convenience or indulge in a spa day at a salon, Hudaiba has something special for every pup.
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agcrahills · 7 months
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༊*·˚ adanna thewlis ⟶ introduction
adanna thewlis picked up their key from the front desk  a month  ago. the  thirty-four  year old uses  she/her  pronouns and is a  sales associate at little leaves tea house  from  chicago, illinois. according to their apartment application, people have told them they look a lot like  aubin wise,  and the character they identify with most is  michonne hawthorne from  the walking dead. santa moneda gives you a warm welcome, and we hope you enjoy your stay.
༊*·˚ basic information
full name: adanna francesca thewlis nickname(s): ada, danna, dan, danny age: thirty-four gender: cis woman pronouns: she / her sexuality: bisexual relationship status: single, divorced birthplace: chicago, illinois occupation: sales associate at little leaves tea house
༊*·˚ background & personality
trigger warning: toxic relationships ( romantic & parental )
adanna   is   a   healer.   with   almost   a   decade’s   worth   of   masseuse   skills   under   her   crescent   moon   waist   chain,   adanna’s   warmth   and   passion   has   helped   those   through   remission,   stress,   or   even   the   simplest   of   strained   muscles   from   whatever   life   had   thrown   at   someone.   her   cordial   approach   to   those   who   needed   comfort,   or   a   shoulder   to   cry   on,   then   lead   adanna   towards   a   new,   and   remarkably   different   challenge   ━━   head   of   pastoral   care   at   a   senior   high   school.   some   similarities   and   familiarities,   for   that   matter,   still   applied,   however.   life’s   struggles   and   obstacles   seemed   all   the   more   complex   when   it   came   to   teenagers,   but   adanna   was   determined   to   see   the   best   in   everyone,   and   be   there   for   everyone.   perhaps   this   was   her   somewhat   over-compensating   for   her   own   childhood,   which   was   nothing   short   of   horrendous   ━━   a   mother   who   showed   resentment   towards   her   own   daughter,   something   which   adanna   could   never   quite   figure   out   the   reason   for;   though,   she   could   almost   pinpoint   it   to   the   age   where   she   began   to   develop   her   own   thoughts,   her   own   opinions.   adanna   is   no   push-over   ━   she   certainly   doesn’t   make   a   good   enemy,   but   she   does   make   a   good   friend,   and   a   friend   she   was   to   those   of   the   many   young   people   in   her   care. adanna’s   straight-talking,   and   the   pride   that   she   takes   in   her   worth;   however,   was   perhaps   the   catalyst   for   many   a   failed   relationship   in   her   life,   thrice   divorced   from   both   men   and   women   who   took   advantage   of   her   trusting   nature.   it   left   her   feeling   somewhat cynical,   although   all   the   more   wiser. adanna   can   now   be   found   working   at   little   leaves   tea   house,   having   decided   to   close   the   previous   chapter   of   her   life   for   pastures   new   ━━   a   plane   ticket   and   suitcase   acting   as   her   own   catalyst   for   a   new   adventure; one of healing, but this time, for herself.
༊*·˚ headcanons
⟶ adanna's masseuse skills aren't just limited to a simple swedish back massage. she is qualified in a variety of different types of massage, including aromatherapy, hot stones, and sports to name a few ━━ her expertise also include those a little more niche, such as pregnancy / baby massages, and dog massages. ⟶ speaking of dogs, she is the proud owner of an italian greyhound named denzil, and, as you can imagine, denzil is extremely pampered ! ⟶ adanna is a girl's girl, but in a more mothering sense. for example, she always carries spare tampons / sanitary pads in her purse ━━ a habit that she developed from working with teenagers for so long, but a good habit to allow to stick. ⟶ very much a ❝ i'm just a call away ❞ sort of person. again, her time in pastoral care combined with her healing nature means that she hates the thought of someone struggling in silence ━━ whether it be something as silly as overthinking the tone that a restaurant waiter used while ringing up an order, or the woes and complications of an intimate relationship. ⟶ her own failed relationships have left a stain on the way that she perceives love and companionship. she isn't bitter, per say ( well, she tries not to be ), but she can be suspicious of other people's intentions. she knows her own worth, and refuses to be taken for a fool again. she shows warmth and is approachable towards just about anybody, but after being let down one too many times, she is more reserved when it comes to more intimate friendships / relationships ━━ it's something which is earned.
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it's been a hot minute since i've written an actual bio for a character ( rather than just word-vomitting straight vibes, and that's it ), so apologies if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense / straight up sucks. i don't necessarily have any specific wc's for adanna, as i feel that she is quite open to a lot of different interactions, so if you're interested in brainstorming, or even just writing a small thread and seeing where it goes, then hit me up ! life is a bit busy atm, so please bare with me. i'll get back to y'all soon.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Lee Tae Yong (NCT / SuperM) Kinky* Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Kinky*
Turn On
Dirtiest Secret*
Full Name: Lee Tae Yong
Stage Name: Taeyong
Group: NCT
Masterpost: NCT
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Lee Tae Yong
Taeyong (NCT / SuperM)
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Kinky*
Position - X The Wheel of Fortune
Taeyong is likely a switch. Sometimes he will not have it when his authority is questioned, sometimes he wants to be pampered and taken care of, babied even when it comes to it. He’s not likely to act bratty nor despotic in a relationship, though. He’s a softie.
Libido - XVII The Star
Taeyong’s passions and desires are pure and innocent in a way. He needs to look up to his lover, he needs to feel safe and sound with them and will likely prefer tranquil, sweet, long and sensual love making to quickies. Taeyong prefers his lover to be nicely and cleanly dressed, he might have a thing for either white or silver lingerie. Taeyong is more on a romantic side and will enjoy long foreplays with some healing aspects (massages, aromatherapy, making out in sauna, etc.).
Turn On - 3 of Wands
Taeyong is likely to feel attracted to someone with a potential and vision in front of them, someone who has goals and is not afraid to face challenges in life. He needs to admire his lover, he would love to put them on pedestal if they allow him. Taeyong wouldn’t admit out loud but he might actually seek for someone to save him from his constant obsessions and worries, someone competent enough for him to delegate some of his tasks to.
Kink - Queen of Swords
Lol… Okay! Remember we mentioned Taeyong being a switch? Here we go. Our sweet Ty might have a thing for a dominatrix type of lover, someone to boss and direct him in a sexy and confident way. He’s not likely to act bratty, on the contrary, Taeyong will follow and obey like a puppy to please his mistress (because the cards here suggest more likely a female lover, though it’s not set in stone). He doesn’t mind for the orders to be harsh and won’t even protest against spanking. Matching sets of collars and leashes are likely hidden in Taeyong’s drawer and they are not necessarily only for his dogs to wear. 
Dirtiest Secret* - Knight of Wands
Taeyong is a tied up person. He has to be, he has responsibility and needs to keep himself under check. It’s no surprise for his secret to be able to unwind and go wild with someone special to him, who will be open minded and not judgmental. Ty needs to be allowed to play and be accepted with everything good and bad about him.
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jameelamassagecenter · 2 months
Unique Benefits of Different Types of Massage — Jameela
Massage spa Ajman therapy is not a one-size-fits-all practice. With a multitude of techniques and modalities available, each type of massage offers its own set of unique benefits tailored to specific needs and preferences. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, pain relief, or improved flexibility, there’s a massage style suited just for you. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular types of massage and their distinctive advantages.
Swedish Massage: Relaxation and Stress Relief Swedish massage is perhaps the most well-known and widely practiced form of massage therapy. Characterized by long, gliding strokes, kneading, and gentle tapping, Swedish massage promotes relaxation and stress relief. Its soothing techniques help to release tension in the muscles, improve circulation, and induce a state of deep relaxation. Perfect for those seeking a tranquil escape from the stresses of daily life, massage center ajman offers a rejuvenating experience for both body and mind.
Deep Tissue Massage: Targeted Pain Relief and Muscle Rehabilitation For individuals dealing with chronic pain or muscle tension, deep tissue massage ajman offers targeted relief and rehabilitation. By applying firm pressure and slow strokes to reach deeper layers of muscle and fascia, this technique helps to alleviate muscle knots, break down scar tissue, and improve range of motion. Deep tissue massage is particularly beneficial for athletes, individuals recovering from injuries, or anyone experiencing persistent muscular discomfort.
Hot Stone Massage: Therapeutic Warmth and Deep Relaxation Hot stone massage combines the benefits of heat therapy with traditional Sharjah massage center techniques to create a deeply relaxing and therapeutic experience. Smooth, heated stones are placed on key points of the body to promote relaxation and enhance the effects of massage strokes. The warmth from the stones helps to relax muscles, improve circulation, and relieve tension, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a luxurious and indulgent treatment to melt away stress and tension.
Thai Massage: Enhanced Flexibility and Energy Alignment Originating from ancient Thai healing traditions, Thai massage is a dynamic and interactive form of bodywork that combines acupressure, assisted stretching, and yoga-like movements. Unlike other types of massage, Thai massage is performed fully clothed on a padded mat on the floor, allowing for greater freedom of movement. By incorporating passive stretching and joint mobilization, sharjah spa massage helps to improve flexibility, increase energy flow, and promote overall well-being. It’s an excellent choice for those looking to enhance their physical flexibility and restore balance to the body’s energy pathways.
Aromatherapy Massage: Holistic Healing with Essential Oils Aromatherapy massage combines the therapeutic benefits of massage with the aromatic properties of essential oils to promote relaxation, balance, and emotional well-being. During the massage, essential oils are diluted and applied to the skin or diffused into the air, allowing their aromatic molecules to be absorbed into the bloodstream and exert their healing effects. Each essential oil has its own unique properties, ranging from calming and stress-relieving to invigorating and uplifting. By tailoring the selection of essential oils to individual needs, aromatherapy massage offers a personalized and holistic approach to healing and relaxation.
Conclusion: From Swedish massage to Thai massage, each type of ajman spa massage therapy offers its own distinctive benefits and healing properties. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, pain relief, improved flexibility, or emotional balance, there’s a massage style suited just for you. By exploring the diverse range of massage techniques available, you can discover the perfect treatment to address your specific needs and enhance your overall well-being. So why wait? Treat yourself to the transformative power of massage therapy and experience the unique benefits it has to offer.
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kittenofdoomage · 2 years
Autumn Falls: Friday
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Summary: Y/N’s had a run of bad luck that’s left her miserable, so her sister and best friend surprise her with a trip to Autumn Falls, the exclusive Californian resort where your every dream comes true. Seven days of relaxation and luxury await her, but will her vacation lift her spirits or leave her longing?
Pairings (reader is female): Negan x reader, Bucky Barnes x reader, Thor Odinson x reader, Sam Winchester x reader, Negan x reader x Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester x reader, Geralt of Rivia x reader, Steve Rogers x reader
Word Count: 37041
Warnings (expect any combination): slight angst and commiseration, non-disclosure agreements, flirting, conversations about relationships, oral sex, vaginal sex, public nudity and skinny dipping, size kink, sex in a hot tub, suspension (sort of), intense sex, breeding kink, yoga, my obsession with Sam’s hands, massages, dirty talk, slight praise kink, vaginal fingering, anal fingering, and squirting, threesome, double penetration (vaginal/anal), handjobs, shower smut, sex in a kitchen, horse riding, wild nature sex, over-stimulation, excessive orgasms,  comfort, companionship, aromatherapy and hot stone massages, anal sex, light BDSM, restraints, spanking/paddling, anal play, double penetration with toys, gagging, cuddling, post-vacation blues
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Only Negan was beside her when she woke up the next morning, rolling onto her side to meet his smiling face. She smiled back, a little shyly, which was ridiculous considering what had happened between them the night before. “Morning,” she murmured, propping her head on the pillow. “Where’d Sam go?”
“Had to leave,” he replied softly, shifting a little closer. “You sore?”
Stretching, she moaned under her breath, feeling the tenderness between her legs. “Some.”
“How about a shower?”
It didn’t take much to convince her to join him under the hot spray, and she shouldn’t have been surprised when he was on his knees less than two minutes later, one of her thighs hooked over his shoulder as he lapped at her sensitive folds. She wasn’t sure she would have anything left to give after the last three days but somehow, Negan had her coming again under his skilled tongue, and he didn’t stop even when she was slumped against the tiles.
“Get under the water,” he groaned, getting to his feet as she dragged him with her. “It’ll make you feel better.”
He wasn’t wrong. The hot spray soothed every ache and bruise, and she hummed happily when Negan kissed her, blindly groping for his erection as they crowded under the water. When she wrapped her fingers around him, he moaned and gasped, pulling back to look at her with dark eyes.
“What’re you doin’?” he slurred.
“Showing my gratitude,” she whispered, using her free hand to pull him into another kiss. He hissed when she tightened her grip, beginning to stroke him with a steady rhythm, dragging her thumb over his sensitive tip to add to the sensation. Precum wept from his slit, adding to the water to slick her path.
It didn’t take long for him to spill over her fingers and belly, and he moaned into her mouth as he came, pulling her tighter against him until she couldn’t move her hand anymore. The sticky mess between them washed away with the spray, but they didn’t part, continuing to kiss for a few minutes longer.
Negan grabbed the soap, pulling away enough to start washing her down, and she returned the favor, both of them stealing soft caresses as they went, until she could feel her fingers wrinkling. He turned the spray off once the suds were gone, stepping out of the shower and giving her a spectacular view of his ass.
“Can I ask a question?”
“That depends what it is,” he shot back, holding out a towel for her.
“Is there anyone who works here that isn’t over six feet tall?”
Negan chuckled. “Megan’s only five ten.” She scowled at his flippant response, covering herself with the towel and starting to dry off. “Don’t you like the tall dominant types, sweetheart?” he crooned, and she turned her face away, biting her lip in an attempt to ignore his teasing.
Once again, he wasn’t wrong. She did have a thing for tall guys, though she hadn't realized how much of a thing. It was another moment of reality setting in; she’d slept with four guys in a week, when before she’d never slept with that many people in a year.
As if sensing her sudden tension, Negan stepped up behind her, placing his large hands on her shoulders. Calm swept through her, and she turned to him, looking up with a guilty expression. “Do yourself a favor,” he murmured. “Stop overthinking this. Look how much fun you’ve had, that you’re still having. You don’t have to preoccupy yourself with real world shit here, darlin’. Just enjoy the ride. There’s nothin’ to feel guilty about, no consequences.” He leaned in, kissing her softly, and she moaned, pressing her hands against his wet chest. “Roll with it.”
Her stomach rumbled loudly, and she ducked her head. Negan laughed under his breath, catching her chin to make her look at him again.
“Dean’s waitin’ for you in the kitchen downstairs.”
He grinned. “Your companion for the day. Happens to be Sam’s brother. And he likes food.” His hand closed on her ass and he squeezed, kissing her one last time. “Get yourself dressed, and I’ll take you down there.”
The kitchens had not been part of the tour, and she was expecting a busy area when she walked in. Instead, there was only Megan, which seemed to puzzle Negan, who looked around when they walked in.
“Mornin’, Y/N,” Megan chirped happily. “Uh, Dean’s just dealing with a problem out by the pool, he’ll be back in a -”
“I’m here, I’m here,” another man announced, strolling in with a smile on his face, his attention zeroing in on Y/N. She froze at the sight of him, a little taken aback by how pretty he was, and she almost jumped out of her skin when Negan chuckled. “Sorry, man, the grill fucked up on Tom last night and he asked me to take a look.”
Negan frowned. “Is it fixed or do I need to make a call?”
The man dismissed the concern with a wave of his hand. “Nah, just a blocked valve,” he explained before smiling at Y/N, offering his hand. “Hi, I’m Dean.” His smile was dazzling, and she was a little too caught up in his perfect jawline to answer for a second.
“Y/N,” she finally replied, taking his hand and shaking it.
“You’re even more beautiful in person,” Dean murmured, winking at her, and she grinned, taking her hand back. “You hungry?”
Megan disappeared and Negan chuckled, resting one hand on the small of Y/N’s back and leaning in. “Enjoy yourself, princess,” he rumbled, and she shivered, glancing at him as he walked away and disappeared out of the same door as the other woman. Dean waited until he was gone before looking back at her with a smile, gesturing to the large metal countertop beside them.
“Can I assume we’re cooking?”
“You definitely can,” he replied. “I think brunch is on the menu.” He reached over, pressing a small set of buttons on the countertop. At the further end, a television suddenly popped up, emerging from an almost invisible seal, and at the same time, another panel lifted and slid to the side, revealing a stove top. “Man, I love the fancy gadgets they got here.”
“So are you a good cook?” Y/N asked.
“I’m… competent,” he laughed. “My brother will tell you my mac and cheese is the greatest. Or he would have when he was six anyway.”
“Sam, right?”
Dean smirked, eyes darkening. “Yeah,” he drawled. “Heard you met him.”
Heat filled her cheeks, and she leaned on the counter, watching the screen load up with what looked like options for cookery shows. “Oh, I like Gordon Ramsey,” she said, unsubtly changing the subject.
“Let’s see what recipes he’s got then.”
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One thing she realized she missed most of all, as she and Dean created chaos in the kitchen, was doing things with other people. She remembered being in college, always having something going on, and it shocked her to take stock of what she did with her life now. The only thing she really had outside work was reading books, and she knew that returning to her life, she needed to make some change. There was a new confidence to her now that she was sure had only come from being here, and she was beginning to worry that the vacation would be over too soon, that she’d never feel this good again.
Brunch ended up being a little bit of a disaster but not an inedible disaster. They made pancakes, eggs, and bacon, followed by waffles with melted chocolate and fruit, snacking as they went before sitting on the stools at one end of the counter to tuck in.
“How did you find the other activities?” he asked as she chewed on a mouthful of pancakes, trying not to choke as she remembered the “activities” he was probably not referring to.
“I liked the hike,” she said, once she’d swallowed her food. “Wasn’t so good at dancing, I guess I’m not as fit as I was in high school.”
“Dancing?” He grimaced. “I think I can manage a dad dance now and then. What was it, like a rumba?”
She giggled. “No, just like a waltz. Thor was very patient with me stamping on his feet.”
He grinned, shaking his head as he picked up another bite of food on his fork. “Lemme guess at Sam’s - yoga, right?” A nod confirmed his guess and he chuckled. “I don’t know how anyone can do yoga. It’s so boring.”
“I enjoy it, or I did. Something I’ll probably pick up again when I go home.”
“You gonna pick anything else up again?”
She nodded, pushing the last piece of her pancakes around her plate. “I think I need to. I spent so long just… in this funk, and it kinda feels like I’m starting to be me again, y’know?”
A smile spread across his face, only making him all the more handsome. “I get it,” he replied. “Sometimes you need something to pull you out.” He watched her for a second, then picked up one of the strawberries from the bowl between them, dipping it in the chocolate sauce. “Wanna try?” he asked, voice low and seductive.
Roll with it.
She opened her mouth, leaning in as he fed her the sweet treat, his gaze focused on her lips as she bit into it, a drop of sauce clinging to her lips when she pulled away. Dean instantly reached out to wipe it away with his thumb and she grabbed his wrist, licking the sauce from his thumb with more of a flair than required. His jaw dropped and his eyes darkened, his whole demeanor suddenly changing on a dime.
“I thought I was supposed to seduce you,” he murmured, pulling his arm back when she released it.
“Maybe I’m feeling a little more myself than I thought,” she whispered back, getting to her feet and sliding towards him, slotting herself between his muscular thighs.
She nodded, biting her bottom lip as she slid her hands over his chest, feeling the thick muscle underneath the black cotton. He watched her, unmoving, mouth slightly agape as her fingers curled into the edges of his flannel overshirt. “I’m going to kiss you now,” she whispered, more to herself than him. Dean gave a light nod, dropping his gaze to her lips as she closed in.
He tasted like the syrup from the pancakes, sweet and tangy against her tongue, and she moaned into his mouth when his hands grabbed her ass, pulling her flush with his crotch. His lips parted, drawing her in, both of them growing hungrier by the moment.
Their location suddenly flooded back to her and she froze, jerking back. “Won’t someone walk in?” she asked.
He shook his head. “No one’s around,” he assured her, tugging her back into his arms. She smiled, sinking into another kiss, feeling his fingers creeping up underneath her shirt. “Take this off,” he whispered, pulling the fabric up. Y/N acquiesced without hesitation, and Dean’s hands cupped her breasts through her bra, squeezing them together before shoving the bra up too, exposing her pert nipples. His mouth was instantly around one, and she moaned, tipping her head back as he sucked it into a hard bud.
“Take yours off,” she whined, plucking at his shirts. He released her breast with a wet pop, smirking up at her as he released her to grant her request. Underneath the layers was just as firm as she expected and she couldn’t resist pressing her hands against his pecs, running her palms over the smooth muscle. “Damn,” she muttered. “You really are pretty.”
He snorted. “Pretty?”
“Guys can be pretty,” she defended with a giggle. “What would you prefer? Handsome? Gorgeous?”
“Sexy,” he purred, pulling her into another kiss, sliding his fingers through her hair while using his other hand to snap her bra open. It fell and she shook it off before letting him pull her against his chest, the warmth of his skin seeping into hers. She moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck as the kiss deepened, and her hips rocked into him instinctively.
His hand moved between them, unbuttoning her pants with one flick of his fingers, and she shifted to accommodate him as he tugged them down enough to slide his hand inside. She gasped into his mouth when his fingers found her wet underneath her panties, and he stroked two against her folds, swallowing down her whimpers.
He watched her as she leaned into the hand cradling her head, keeping her hands on his shoulders as he worked his fingers inside of her. Her breaths came in desperate little pants, hips rocking lightly into his touch, and when he twisted his arm to get a better angle, he pressed his thumb into her clit. The action made her jerk and whine, her whole body trembling as he worked her higher.
“Oh, god,” she panted, “oh, god, please, fuck me.” Her legs shook, the peak of her orgasm forcing her to tighten her hold on him so she didn’t collapse.
Dean withdrew, getting to his feet as he licked his fingers clean. “Hands on the counter,” he ordered, unbuckling his belt to shove his pants down. She turned, gasping when he pulled hers down too, using his feet to kick her legs apart. The sudden roughness made her wetter and she moaned when his fingers rubbed against her again, coming away with fresh moisture on them. “You’re so fucking wet,” he grunted, fisting his cock with her juices.
“Please, Dean…”
A low laugh reached her but her attention was on the pressure at her entrance, the threat of his thick cock breaching her. She wished she’d gotten a look at the rest of him, though she could feel how big he was already just from the burgeoning penetration.
“Goddamn,” he groaned as her heat enveloped him. “So fucking tight too… fuck…”
She gasped as he filled her, his groin coming flush with her ass as he held himself deep. It was difficult to concentrate on breathing, and her head swam with arousal, forcing her onto her elbows. He started to thrust, short and sharp, punching a high-pitched yelp from her on every stroke. His height had her on her tiptoes, and each stab of his cock filled her with ecstasy, dragging her headlong into a climax that left her slumped over the countertop.
He withdrew when he felt her shuddering, almost tackling her down onto the floor until she was on her back before tearing her sneakers and pants off, and shoving his own further down. His hips pinned her legs apart as he entered her again, and when he was pressed deep, he pulled her right leg up, tucking it under his hip. Her cries were cut off with a kiss, and he started to move again, fucking her into the cool flooring.
“Wanna feel you cum one more time,” he growled, slamming into her, “and then I’m gonna fill you up.”
“Okay,” she whined, too cockdrunk to say anything else. Dean grinned, lifting up onto his knees, getting more leverage to thrust into her. The world faded away as she spiraled, each wave of pleasure getting stronger until she was sure she would be dripping down his thighs.
“That’s it,” he groaned, feeling her walls tighten around him. “Squeeze my cock, baby.”
She screamed, and the sound echoed off of the metal cabinets. Trembling from head to foot, she rode it out, Dean’s warm climax adding to hers, trickling down the crack of her ass. He slumped forward, nuzzling at her cheek, coaxing her into a kiss as he let her come down from the high.
When he finally withdrew, she hissed, biting her lip to silence the noise. He looked at her in concern, tilting his head. “You okay?”
“Little sore,” she admitted, reaching for her shirt with a wince.
Dean chuckled. “How about we clean up this mess,” he gestured to the remains of the cooking and food, “and go chill out with some movies in your room, order room service? You could probably do with staying off your feet for a while.”
“Sounds great.”
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He didn’t leave her room until nearly midnight. She wasn’t sure if it was the good food or the wine that made her sluggish as she closed the door behind him, smiling idiotically when she paused to lean against it. The day had been so relaxing, watching movies with Dean, the slow, lazy sexual interactions that left her satisfied and feeling incredibly good. Dragging herself into the bedroom, she sank onto the bed, laying back for a moment before a thought struck her.
Negan answered after three rings, amusement in his voice. “You need a hand again?” he asked.
“Not tonight,” she replied with a giggle. “I think I need to rest.”
“Probably a good idea,” he agreed, chuckling down the phone. “You’ll find everything you need for tomorrow in the closet. And don’t mind Geralt, he’s a little sullen, but he’s soft as shit on the inside.”
“Geralt?” she asked, though she knew better than to expect any more information.
The laughter on the other end confirmed it. “Sweet dreams, princess.” He hung up, and she stared at the phone a moment before getting to her feet and approaching the closet. Inside, set apart from her clothes, was a pair of jodhpurs, some Hunter boots, and a thick sweater. Above them, a helmet was on the shelf, and she pulled it down, frowning at it. It looked almost like a bicycle helmet, though she hated cycling, so she wasn’t sure what it was for.
“Rock climbing maybe?” she murmured. She’d always wanted to go rock climbing but she didn’t think she’d ever told anyone that. With a shrug, she put the helmet back, closing the closet before turning to her bed, contemplating a shower. Her muscles ached, answering the question for her, so she stripped down to her panties and crawled into the bed, trying not to think about what awaited her tomorrow.
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Feedback is golden, thanks for reading, please consider telling me what you think! 🎃
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sharjahmassagecenter · 2 months
Exploring Different Types of Massages
Massage therapy offers a vast array of options, each with its unique approach and benefits. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, pain relief, or improved circulation, there’s a massage modality out there to cater to your needs. Here’s a glimpse into some of the most popular types of massages:
For the Relaxation Seeker:
Swedish Massage: The go-to for beginners, Swedish massage uses long, smooth strokes, kneading, and circular motions to promote relaxation and ease muscle tension.
Aromatherapy Massage: Combining Swedish massage techniques with essential oils, aromatherapy massage offers a deeply relaxing and sensory experience.
Hot Stone Massage: Warm, smooth stones are incorporated into a Swedish massage routine, providing a deeply soothing and penetrating warmth to relax muscles and improve circulation.
For the Athlete:
Sports Massage: Focusing on preventing and treating injuries, sports massage uses techniques like compression, stretching, and trigger point therapy to enhance performance and recovery.
Deep Tissue Massage: Targeting deeper muscle layers, deep tissue massage is ideal for relieving chronic tension and pain in athletes or those with specific muscle knots.
For Specific Needs:
Prenatal Massage: Tailored for pregnant women, prenatal massage focuses on relieving common discomforts like backaches, leg cramps, and stress during pregnancy.
Trigger Point Therapy: This targeted massage technique focuses on applying pressure to specific trigger points in muscles to alleviate pain and improve range of motion.
Reflexology: Applying pressure to specific points on the feet believed to correspond with different organs and systems in the body, reflexology aims to promote relaxation and overall well-being.
Beyond the Basics:
Thai Massage: This unique massage incorporates yoga-like stretches and acupressure techniques to improve flexibility and mobility.
Shiatsu Massage: Rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shiatsu massage uses acupressure to stimulate energy flow and promote balance within the body.
Chair Massage: Perfect for a quick pick-me-up, chair massage focuses on the neck, shoulders, and back in a specially designed ergonomic chair, often done with clothes on.
Choosing Your Perfect Massage:
The best massage for you depends on your individual needs and preferences. Consider factors like desired pressure level, areas of focus, and any specific therapeutic goals. Don’t hesitate to consult a massage therapist to discuss your options and find the modality that best suits you. With so many choices available, there’s a perfect massage out there waiting to melt away your stress and leave you feeling rejuvenated.
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tarzantips · 6 months
7 Pain-Relieving Home Remedies for Menstrual Cramps
Dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps are a common discomfort that many women experience during their menstrual cycle. White over the counter medicines may provide you relief; there are also simple home remedies that can help to offer you slow down menstrual cramps naturally.
Let’s explore 7 easy yet powerful natural remedies to ease the pain as well as discomfort linked with menstrual cramps.
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Home Remedies for Menstrual Cramps
1. Heat Therapy
One time-tested as well as reliable method of reduce menstrual cramps is to apply heat to the lower abdomen. A heating pad, a hot water bottle, or even a warm towel can be used.
The uterine muscles are helped to relax because of the heat, which reduces discomfort and pain. For best results, avoid using excessive heat and keep each session to a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes.
2. Hydration
Staying hydrated is important at some point of menstruation. Drinking masses of water helps save you water retention and bloating, that may exacerbate cramps.
Try to pick for natural teas like chamomile or peppermint, acknowledged for his or her soothing houses. Herbal teas now not most effective hydrate however additionally offers additional relief from menstrual discomfort.
3. Gentle Exercise
While the concept of workout throughout menstruation might appear counterintuitive, accomplishing mild activities like walking or yoga can in reality help alleviate cramps.
Exercise increases blood float and releases endorphins, which act as herbal painkillers. Focus on low-impact sporting activities to avoid placing extra stress at the body.
4. Dietary Adjustments
Menstrual cramps can be greatly decreased by making minor dietary changes. Include foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and flaxseeds, since they reduce inflammation. Reduce your consumption of sugar, salt, and caffeine as well because they can cause discomfort and bloating.
Read: Why Does Breastfeeding Make You Tired?
5. Aromatherapy
Menstrual cramp relief can be achieved with the help of essential oils like eucalyptus and lavender. Massage a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto your lower abdomen after combining it with carrier oil.
As an alternative, you can use a diffuser to fill the space with soothing aromas that will help you relax and feel less uncomfortable.
6. Herbal Remedies
There is a long history of using specific herbs for soothing menstrual cramps. Indeed, ginger tea has anti-inflammatory qualities and can help lessen pain.
Another herbal remedy that may help in uterine muscle relaxation is raspberry leaf tea. Your doctor should be consulted before adding new herbs to your daily routine.
7. Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers
In case natural remedies are insufficient to relieve pain, over-the-counter medications that include naproxen or ibuprofen may be of careful consideration.
These medicines support pain relief and inflammation reduction. Always take medication as prescribed, and if you have any questions or pre-existing medical conditions, get advice from your docto
What do period cramps feel like?
Period cramps also called as menstrual cramps can vary in sensation and intensity from woman to women. Generally, they are defining by a dull, throbbing pain in the lower abdomen, often radiating to the lower back and thighs.
Some describe the sensation as a constant ache, while other women may experience sharper, cramp type of pain. The pain typically occurs before or during menstruation as the uterus contracts to shed its lining.
For many women, the discomfort is manageable, but for others, it can be more intense, causing nausea, fatigue, and mood changes. The severity and specific feelings linked with period cramps can differ from one menstrual cycle to another and may be influenced by factors like age, overall health, and individual pain tolerance.
more >>>
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infisonicosm-moved · 1 year
ok so im dealing with really tight and tense muscles that is giving me tension headaches (which i thankfully figured out today) and i was thinking of which guy would be the best at giving massages. something in me says jake or even danny with those big ass hands. and i got to thinking about josh helping me and he'd make it all ambient and soothing with aromatherapy lotions and everything ugh
Truly I think Josh would be the best at it. He strikes me as the type to regularly get massages so I bet he would know where every pressure point is on your back. He would special order some hemp infused lotion for you to help with pain. He would always have the necessities for you when you feel a headache coming on<3
They all would be attentive to you no doubt! I think it comes naturally to all of them to take care of those he loves :)
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