#tysm <3333333
drunkonimagination · 1 year
I'm sending this on anon because I'm embarrassed to be nice on main, but we're mutuals lol and i just want you to know that, in my opinion, your art is 1000x better than Cassandra Jean's lol I just... love your warm, cute style? And you draw Thomas and Alastair just as I imagine them? That's all lol
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AHHHHHH????!?!!?!!! 😭
first. omg are we mutuals?? pls pls don't be embarrassed and feel free to reveal yourself in the future!! <3 asks like this mean everything to me, everything. especially right now (i'm feeling a bit down bc of uni, exams, etc.), so thank you so so much <333
second. did you just compare my silly little art to cassandra jean's??? like for real????? oh. my. god. what can i say...everyone has their preferences in terms of art-style (i have too ofc) and the fact that you like mine even more than the official tsc artist's style is....woah. thank???? you??? so????? much???? i'm so flattered rn 😭💕
omg i'm so glad about that, warm and cute vibes is really what i'm trying to convey all the time here!!! and you can't possibly think that my tom and alastair are just like you imagine them....no way. *screams internally for a good five minutes* that's one of the greatest compliments i've ever received. thank you 😭
btw yess!! i got which post you are talking about!! (this one i think jsjs) and about that, i personally like cj style a lot (especially in terms of colours and composition) and i must say that among all the official artworks we had over the last three years cj's illustrations are definitely the ones i like the most and that get closer to the image of the characters i have in my head! (even though, for instance, i prefer when she draws thomas with longer and messier hair rather than spiky and super short, just like in the postcards she made for the choi release!! i loved those ahhhhh)....so that's why i desperately want more cj drawings 😭
but thank you so so much, i gladly accept the compliment (i still can't believe you said that *screams*) and i'll definitely draw more thomastair in the future (i have so many plans hehe) 😭🙏🏻✨
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thunderbottle · 1 year
Hi! taking a break from exam studying to just look at your funky art. I love your style so much, and your designs for emerald duo are INCREDIBLE. gonna go back to work with a drawing pulled up. they are cheering for me. they want me to get an A
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mandiesimss · 2 years
Just wanted to say I absolutely love your sims! I'm terrible at creating unique sims and you do so wonderfully. Dressing them up according to what personality I think they would have has been so fun for me. Thank you!
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trashbins-stuff · 2 years
I have a gift for yah ohh lord i hope that was okay🥺🫂❤️
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OMG THANK YOU <33333 i love it so muchhhhhhhh <3333333
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dustykneed · 1 month
perennial (how many five-year missions does it take for a kid to grow into a young adult?)
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i feel sorta bad for being mean to poor ol bones but i don't have the energy for a bonus doodle so here's the sketch from my soft spones painting because i like it almost as much as the rendered thing ^^
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(yeah bones is totally doing the ozh'esta unconciously haha. im so tired rn but they are SO soft with each other ok. they have my heart <3333)
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mad-mantis-649 · 1 month
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Wanted to go back 2 my roots and made a lil textile page 4 CAINE!!!!! :333333
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Gosh this was so fun to draw! (MY ARM IS KILLING ME GRGAAAHAHAGA >~<) But I'd like to say thank u 2 @sm-baby, rlly. Since Caine is 3d he's a bit hard for me to convert 2 2d, and Sm-baby's work and character sheets were lovely to study! :3333
I references her work and Caine just clicked! ^_^ Go show her some lover for her wicked awesome work!!!!! EEEEEE TYSM!!!!!!!!!
(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻ <3333333333333
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smokbeast · 6 months
*fucking dies of death*
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c00kietin · 3 months
Happy birthday!!! I hope its a lovely one!! The best day ever<3<3<3 You're a beautiful and wonderful person and I hope you get everything you want today and in life!
You are an absolute ray of sunshine who is so kind and is very much appreciated by me and your moots and followers <<<3333
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mrthenarrator · 4 months
“Narry, baby, I’m hurt you’d forget about little old me~ How about a little dinner so I’m not so forgettable to your heart, love~?”
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"Player!" The Narrator exclaims in recognition, a warm feeling washing over him at the sight of someone he hasn't seen in ages.
"...No i- I never forgot about you. Not once."
"It's really wonderful to see you again." He smiles softly before focusing on the event.
He pauses, "You've certainly gotten my attention, dear Player. Perhaps I can nudge Oswin's favour into letting me have a date with you. But only time will tell I'm afraid..."
"...though, who's to say we can't have our date after this whole event is over? I'm sure Oswin and their partner can arrange something." He adds quietly with a small smirk.
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cyb3r-mutt · 2 months
I love reading people gush about their favorite things, which is why I asked about Dim20. I haven't watched starstruck or junior year yet because I share a dropout account and I don't want to mess up where they pause the episodes (broke life lol). Nerdy kinky people always seem to have the best NSFW posts (i've been enjoying yours greatly) but I like to give the option for you to outwardly gush to your followers about other things you like without breaking the flow of a blog too much.
Do you have any of your own D&D experiences that you'd like to gush about? --Curious Fox <3
Okay literally sharing a dropout account too I feel you :3 and yeah nerdy kinky people do have the best nsfw posts!!!!!! And truly I love answering stuff like that so thank you!!!!!!!!!!
And I wish!!!! I haven’t really played myself in like 7 years!!!! I really want to join a group but I’m very shy so likely won’t lol but I love to live vicariously through two of my friends who play all the time, one is in a whole other country and the other is in a different province tho so I also fill the void with dnd shows and podcasts lol
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utterlybrainwrecked · 2 months
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emmcfrxst · 2 months
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oh lookie i got it after all!!!!!! i don’t know how this works 😭
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navysealt4t · 3 months
i don't even ship navyseal and i forgot why i followed you in the first place. But, to some extent, you fascinate me, not to go all ''let me disect you like a frog lying on cold matle under florecent lights, unseeing eyes staring right at me.'' but you are an interesting person and, from the little i know, is still trying to push through everything even while the world dosn't seem to see your efforts as something that asls a lot of you
Perhaps unecasary (and stupid and dumb)-But you'll get there, out, i mean. It'll come, and you'll have people there to cheer for you, still.
You're interesting to me, because i get to see a person, across the world, expirience shit and have my same interests, and i feel a bit less weird
ANON . D: OH MY GOSH /POS. THIS IS SO SWEET. :((((( :(((( this means so much thank u sm <33
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kandidandi · 1 year
Ive been M.I.A. but I still did it i made your bday present! it might be a few days early but if you want you ill send it! just say the word! -Birthday Anon
WAAH GHFGHF D FJ i if you want >_> <333
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prideicons · 1 year
Not a request, but you're the best
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