#tysm for requesting i hope you like them 💜
runariya · 3 days
I am in love with that Jk merman story of yourssss , you are such a talented author !!!! Keep it up with the good work .
Even i want to request a prompt after that story because i believe only you have the capability to bring that prompt to life (only if you want to write ofcourse, no pressure )
I have never read an ABO fic with enemies to lovers troupe in modern era , I mean just imagine them being the high-school academic rival wolves who can't bear standing eachother
but the moment they turn 18 and their wolves will develop some special senses and powers, they both will realise that they both are actually mates . damnnn now image the strong pull their wolves will feel towards eachother making them go crazy ( their wolves will fall in love with eachother the moment they will recognize eachother as mate and start rebelling their human counterparts and start convincing them to love eachother too .)
and how bad they will try to hide it , deny their wolves forbid their animal counterparts from eachother only to fail miserably in the end because yeah that mate bond will win 🥹
You can choose any BTS member you want because I love and enjoy reading all seven of them so go for any member you want .
Borahae 💜 , no pressure if you are not interested in writing this prompt , I will still adore you and your work 💜 😘 so feel free to reject this request if you want .
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part of the prompt game pairing: alpha!Jungkook x omega!female reader genre: fantasy!AU, "E"2L, ABO, high school romance warnings: Jungkook's the most pitiful teenager in all of existence, bad handling of emotions/feelings, a lot of cliques, denial, a little bit of physical fighting, mentions of blood, lmk if I forgot smth word count: 2.754
a/n: tysm for all your compliments, I'm so flattered 🫂 I've tweaked your request a tiny bit to fit the character of OC better and left out marking etc. bc they're still so young 🥹 hope that's okay 💕
He hates you.
No, he loathes your entire existence.
That Miss Perfect attitude, excelling in everything you do as if it’s the easiest task in the world. You’ve been enemies since high school started—not because either of you declared it so, but because Jungkook simply can’t stand you.
You, on the other hand, are oblivious to this feud, always kind and friendly towards everyone, especially Jungkook. He doesn’t understand how you do it, staying so humble and kind towards him when he takes every opportunity to throw jabs your way, or cause you minor inconveniences, like not holding the door open or letting you trip more times than he can count.
It’s infuriating to watch you be so lovely, especially when you’re not only the smartest but also the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen—something he will never admit. Ever.
“Jungkook?” Your soft, sweet voice startles him. He’s been too busy glaring at the papers scattered before him, his thoughts circling back to you. There's no one else in the lecture hall, and he didn’t even realise you’d entered. You seem to appear out of nowhere, catching him off guard. “I think you dropped this.”
You’re smiling again, that blinding smile of yours, starry eyes sparkling with joy, courteous as ever. He wants to scream. He doesn’t want this treatment from you, not when you’re a little older than him—well, only two months, but still. You’re 18 now, with your wolf, while he’s not, which only deepens his resentment. Once again, you’re ahead, better at something.
The whole school talked about your wolf. Despite your gentle nature, everyone was shocked to learn after your first turn that you’re an omega—one of the very few in the city, the only one known in school. It’s yet another thing Jungkook can’t stand, especially now that everyone, wolf or not, showers you with attention.
“Not mine,” Jungkook lies through his teeth, eyeing the pencil still held out towards him in your small, delicate hand, your nails perfectly manicured.
“Oh…” you murmur, glancing down at the pencil, your brows drawing together in disbelief. Of course, you don’t believe him. “But it’s got your initials, and it’s the one you’re always using.”
Damn you! Of course, you know it’s his favourite. He should’ve seen this coming.
“You think I’d use it after your germs have contaminated it?” Jungkook scoffs.
“That’s not very kind.” You purse your lips, those beautiful lips.
“It’s the truth, ___.”
“Is it okay if I keep it?”
What?! “What?” Jungkook can’t believe his ears. Why would you want to keep it?
“Can I keep your pen? It would be a waste to throw it away, especially when it looks so cool.” You repeat, smiling again.
The pencil is cool, and Jungkook has half a mind to just snatch it back, but he won’t give in. He won’t concede even the smallest defeat.
“I don’t care,” he grumbles. It’s enough to make you burst with joy, your face lighting up as you clutch the pencil to your chest.
“Thanks, Jungkook! You’re so kind!”
And ‘whatever’ indeed, because seeing you every day with his pencil, as if it’s the most precious thing in the world, drives him mad. He regrets his decision. He wants it back. It’s his, and what’s his should stay his, but it isn’t—and it makes him livid.
Livid in a way that fuels his pettiness, pushing him to new lengths to make your life difficult. He puts fake spiders in your bag, bumps into you when you’re struggling with your food tray in the canteen. But all of it is in vain, because you’re an omega—everyone’s darling. Every time something inconvenient happens to you, a horde of people rushes to your aid.
This alone is enough to make Jungkook reconsider his actions—or rather, the attention he’s giving you. It’s not like you care. It’s not like you treat him any differently when he’s mean. So what’s the point? At some stage, he’s not even sure why he started all this, why he loathes you so much. If he’s honest, you’ve never actually wronged him. Not once. And now, he’s running out of ways to break you, to show everyone your true colours, because no one can be this perfect, right?
It’s the Friday before his birthday weekend when you approach him again, this time holding a small present. You look up at him as he stands by his locker.
“Hey, Jungkook,” you say softly.
“What do you want?”
“Uhm, I know Sunday’s your 18th birthday and… well, I know you didn’t invite me to your party, which is totally fine! Don’t get me wrong! But I just wanted to give you this because it’s a big birthday, right? So, yeah…”
The tiny gift is wrapped in floral paper with a neatly tied bow, and it looks exactly how he imagined your presents would. It screams 'you', and he’s unsure what to say. He reckons he should just take it and thank you, but the way you’re looking up at him, so small and kind despite knowing you weren’t invited, bothers him like a sock slipping off mid-walk.
Jungkook reluctantly takes the present, ignoring the slight relieved droop of your shoulders and how your warm, soft fingers brushed softly against his.
“Thanks,” he mumbles, his eyes transfixed on the gift.
“Happy birthday, Jungkook. I hope it’ll be everything you wanted and beyond.”
And with that, you turn away, a light spring in your step, your hair moving behind you like a fairy’s wings.
Jungkook doesn’t waste any time after you leave, ripping the gift open in a rush of curiosity, only to freeze, stunned, when a tiny jewellery box is revealed to him. He’s never received any jewellery before, and the fact that it’s a gift from you—a female ‘stranger’, no less—makes his nerve endings prickle with discomfort. The idea of receiving something so personal feels wrong somehow, and yet, despite this strange feeling creeping over him, he still finds himself opening the small red box.
Inside, nestled on an equally red velvet cushion, is a delicate necklace with a pendant that bears his initials. It’s the prettiest necklace he’s ever seen, and the worst part is that he can already picture himself wearing it, the style so perfectly matching his aesthetic that it’s rather unsettling.
He carefully takes the necklace from the box, letting it twist and turn in the sunlight, the metal gleaming ever so mesmerising. But that’s when he notices an engraving on the back of the pendant, and as he peers closer, he fights the urge to rub his eyes.
You’ve had ‘alpha’ engraved onto it. There’s no way anyone could be so bold as to assume another person’s future rank, and yet here you are, making such an assumption about him. Jungkook can’t help but think maybe he was right all along—there’s something strange about you. You’re just a little too perfect, a little too confident in your kindness, a little too bold in your presumptions.
Shaking his head, he lets the necklace fall back into the box, snapping it shut and tossing it carelessly into his locker, fully intending to forget about it sooner or later. Out of sight, out of mind, right?
Saturday night and Sunday come and go in a blur of noise, people, and anticipation. Jungkook has invited practically everyone he knows to his birthday party, hoping that with the arrival of his wolf, his mate might finally be revealed as well. But no one who attends is his mate, and this realisation drags his mood dangerously low. He feels a nagging stab in his chest that he can’t shake, made even heavier by the recurring thought that you, little Miss Perfect, were right all along—Jungkook has become an alpha, just as you predicted. Typical.
What infuriates him even more is that on Monday morning, as you—like always—walk past his locker on your way to the lecture hall, the world seems to slow around him. He watches in disbelief as you suddenly stop, staring at him with wide eyes that shimmer with unshed tears. You look stunned, but more than that, you look happy, as though you’ve just discovered something wonderful. And then, in the midst of his confusion, his inner wolf starts to go wild, barking ‘mate’ over and over again, leaping with excitement inside him.
It should be a moment of joy, a moment where he feels relief and happiness in finally knowing who his mate is. But instead, all Jungkook feels is denial, a desperate refusal to accept the truth, even though, deep down, he knows that you’re everything he ever wanted in a mate.
Still, he turns away from you, ignoring the way your face crumples, the way your bright, hopeful tears turn into ones of sadness, the way you rush past him with your head down, leaving his wolf whimpering in confusion and hurt. Jungkook tries to convince himself that this can’t be real, that it can’t be right, even though every part of him knows it’s exactly what he wanted, what he’s been waiting for.
In the days that follow, he struggles to keep up his usual routine of tormenting you, making snide remarks whenever he gets the chance, but there’s no joy in it anymore. You’re not kind to him the way you used to be, not anymore. You don’t smile at him, don’t even really smile at anyone; instead, you accept his cruelty with a resigned, sad look in your eyes and a forced, brittle smile that never quite reaches your eyes.
Each day, it becomes harder and harder for Jungkook to suppress his wolf, who clearly isn’t on the same page with his cold treatment of you. His wolf growls at him, restless and unhappy, frustrated with the way things are. And Jungkook knows—he understands why—but he feels trapped.
How could he possibly make things right after all he’s done to you? How could he ever redeem himself after letting his bitterness and resentment carry him so far? It doesn’t help that the necklace you gave him is now tucked securely under his shirt, the cool metal pendant resting against his chest, near his heart, multiplying the ache that’s slowly but surely forming there as well. He fiddles with it absentmindedly, the action soothing in a way he can’t explain, though it only makes the guilt grow.
He no longer startles when you appear, his wolf always sensing your presence before you even speak, and your voice has become so quiet, so broken, that it doesn’t have the same effect it once did.
Looking at you now, standing there with your eyes downcast and your voice soft, makes him wish he could take it all back—every harsh word, every petty action. He wishes he could go back and rewrite everything, build something good between you instead of tearing it down. But it’s too late for that, far too late, and he knows it.
When he doesn’t respond, you gather the courage to continue, your voice wavering slightly. “I know it’s random, but I noticed your grades haven’t been as good as they used to be. I know you’re not the kind of person who needs help, but… if there’s anything I can do, just let me know, yeah?”
He wants to snap at you, wants to push you away, but he’s so exhausted—exhausted from pretending he doesn’t care, exhausted from pretending he hates you, and most of all, exhausted from fighting this undeniable bond between you.
Tears prick at his eyes, overwhelming him with guilt, frustration, and something else he can’t quite name. He’s so fed up with himself, so trapped in the mess he’s made that he doesn’t know how to fix it, doesn’t even know where to start.
“Hey… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” you say, your voice tinged with panic now as you shift nervously on the spot, your hands reaching out towards him only to pull back, unsure of what to do. “I’m sorry…”
“Stop!” Jungkook yells, and the sound of his own voice surprises him. You flinch, your entire body recoiling as if he’s physically struck you, your trembling hands clasping tightly in front of you.
“I… I’m sorry.” Your bottom lip quivers, and before Jungkook can say anything else, you turn and run, disappearing down the hall, leaving him standing there with the misery of his guilt pressing down harder than ever.
To think it couldn’t get worse was the stupidest thought Jungkook ever had, because it got worse. Not only did his little outburst suffocate him in guilt, but it also made you avoid him every chance you got. It also didn’t help that most people noticed your changed persona, adding one plus one and recognising Jungkook as the culprit.
He doesn’t fault them, doesn’t really mind the insults coming his way, of being heartless for not wanting a mate like you, when he knows they speak the truth. He doesn’t deserve you, doesn’t deserve someone who he clearly hurts without a true reason.
And the way his inner wolf retreats now from him too, is something he understands as well, because there’s literally nothing he could do to mend what he’s broken.
It’s one afternoon after classes have just finished, and he’s walking out of the school when he notices you cornered against the wall by some other alphas, three in total. Jungkook’s immediately enraged, and it’s then that his wolf rises to full strength, baring his teeth and growling violently.
You’re clearly uncomfortable, clearly scared of what might happen, especially when one of these alphas gets in your face, giving you no way to escape. The last straw for Jungkook is when one runs his filthy finger along your beautiful face.
“Hey!” Jungkook roars, storming towards the alphas who have now turned to laugh in his face. “Back off.”
“What?! She’s fair game.” One mocks, while you’re still pressed against the wall, but your eyes are hopefully locked onto Jungkook.
“I said back off my mate.”
They do, but only to now lunge at Jungkook, thinking that outnumbering him will shoo him away. But it doesn’t—Jungkook won’t let anyone else touch you, his wolf and himself ready to do anything to protect you. And so, Jungkook doesn’t hesitate to take each one of them down.
Driven by adrenaline, he doesn’t notice the sting of the hits he couldn’t block, but it’s nothing compared to the urge to protect you with all he has, all he is.
One after the other falls to the floor, while blood trickles from his split lip, knuckles burning and swollen, his chest still heaving, his wolf still angrily jabbing at the air.
“Jungkook?” His eyes snap up to you when you call for him, and he’s relieved to find no repulsion or fear in them when they lock onto him.
“Are you okay?”
“Thank you,” you nod, and his wolf wags his tail, barking mate, deafening all his other senses.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologising?”
You hesitate, and it makes him feel powerless all over again, but eventually you whisper, “Because I’m not who you wanted.”
It’s broken, it’s defeated, and it’s everything he never wanted his mate to say, because it’s not the truth. Never was. Never will be.
“But you are.” Jungkook tries to smile, despite knowing it’s not hopeful or kind, but sad in all the ways his decisions led it to be.
“I am?”
Seeing your eyes gradually returning to their lively, sparkly self is more than he ever wished to witness, more than he ever should receive, but everything he ever wanted.
“You are. Always were.”
And with that, he opens his arms, stepping over the still-groaning alphas to get closer to you.
With a push off the wall, you sprint into Jungkook’s arms, tears of relief running down your cheeks as he embraces you like you wished he would from the start. But it doesn’t matter, because no time apart could ruin the feeling of him embracing you and your bond.
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook mumbles into your hair, inhaling the magnificent scent of you.
“It’s fine, everything’s fine.”
And as you cling to him, your wolves finally as content as you are, you know that you’d never change a thing, because it’s better to be loved willingly than with no other choice.
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peachyspaceslvt · 2 years
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Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Tangerine
— BULLET TRAIN (2022) dir. David Leitch
requested by @rxbyknowby
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morphodae · 5 months
Hello!! May I request something for black butler? Reader usually being quite non-confrontational and energetic but has a bit of a possessive streak. Not toxic level but sort of unintentionally intimidates people that flirts w/ their partner even when they know they’re taken like staring down at them from behind their partner or being passive-aggressive, and then just goes back to being their usual self once the other person’s left.
The characters being Claude, William Spears, and Lawrence Bluewer (you can replace him with Sebastian if you don’t write for Lawrence).
Tysm and sorry for the long request!! Feel free to delete if ever ^^
Protective Passion
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Sorry it took me a bit to get to this. I’m not entirely caught up with Lawrence and the Public School Arc but I did some research :) I hope you enjoy! Thank you for requesting 💜
Claude Faustus 🕷️
On the surface, Claude doesn’t seem to care much for your existence at all.
He’s a demon who knows he’s can take the form of a handsome man - which he has - and who could charm anyone he sees fit. Only, he usually does this in order to make a contract. When you came into his life, he surprised himself at how… endearing your qualities were to him.
As said before, he knows he has attractive looks and charm and it isn’t uncommon for people to try and flirt with him. It usually ends the same way: with his unblinking stare and some remark about business at hand; you don’t need to worry. He knows that he’s taken by you.
As a demon, he can be quite possessive; it’s a natural instinct for him. So when he sees you of all people becoming instinctually protective over your relationship with him, he feels an odd sense of pride well up into his chest and a small smirk cross his face.
You needn’t worry, dear. Claude has already claimed you as his long ago and no mortal, demon, angel, or otherworldly being is going to come in between that.
William Spears ⚔️
More likely than not, your relationship with him would have to remain secret and private. It took a long, long time for you to even worm your way into his heart. He’s supposed to remain impartial and adhere to all rules, after all.
On the rare occasion that he isn’t busy as a Grim Reaper, he does try to take you out on private outings. Usually, these “dates” consist of private, scenic spots around London or even an indoor date at your home.
If, by chance, an individual disturbs your outing with him and even flirts with him without taking the hint, and William sees you become protective, he will quickly take you elsewhere as though not to escalate the situation.
He’s flattered at the thought you’d felt the need to be possessive of him, but he’d rather avoid conflict of any sort. To him, he will tell you that no one else stands a chance with him. He, an avid rule follower, has already broken the code of impartiality by being with you, so there’s no need to doubt his unwavering affection for being with you.
Lawrence Bluewer 📚
Ah, yes, another avid rule-follower who values tradition in academic and personal settings.
Lawrence is definitely attractive in a booksmart sort of way, and his knowledge and stoicism might even be seen as attractive to others initially.
If a person doesn’t take the hint that you two are a couple while you are there, and you feel the need to make snide remarks and stand your ground, Lawrence won’t really know what to do.
After a moment, he will fix his glasses, clear his throat, and excuse himself and you from the person causing issues. Despite his best wishes, his cheeks are a faint shade of pink and he’s mentally berating himself to maintain composure.
He appreciates your devotion to him and is surprised that you seem so fiercely loyal, but he also would prefer if you follow proper etiquette in social situations. Don’t get him wrong, he adores all aspects of your personality, but he still does put traditions on a pedestal.
In the end, you receive a light scolding as his significant other and a light peck on the cheek before the two of you go about the rest of your day.
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cosmicflw3rr · 5 months
HEY!! can i get a dom x reader fic where they hang out at his place and cuddle while it storms? and a first kiss too, THANK YOUU
dominik mysterio x gn! reader
summary: there’s a big thunder storm rolling in, instead of staying in your hotel room alone you decide to spend the time with your best friend.
A/N: tysm for the request! 🫶 I absolutely love this request, and I also added a bit more than what you asked but I hope you still like it!
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you were snuggled beneath the cozy hotel blankets, finding comfort in the warm glow of your favorite TV show, a distraction from the rain hitting the window.
the loud booming had kept you awake for the past hour, leaving you tossing and turning. as the storm's continued, your restlessness grew.
turning over, with a sigh you reached for the nightstand, your hand finding your phone. you opened your phone going to your messages.
you: are you up?
you had just swiped out of the chat when your phone vibrated. it was a notification showing you he had replied.
you tapped it, and it brought you back into the conversation.
dom💜: yea
dom💜: are you okay?
you: yea everything’s alright
you: can i go to your room?
dom💜: ofc you can
dom💜: i was actually gonna see if you were up😭
you: 😭
you: alright ill be over there in a bit.
dom💜: okay 👍
laying your phone aside, you sat up and clicked the TV off. putting on a black hoodie and slipping on your sandals, you grabbed your phone and wallet with the key card tucked inside.
you walked out of your room making your way to dominik’s room.
fortunately, you were both on the same floor, his was only a little bit further down the hall. you walked up to the door knocking on it.
you pulled out your phone scrolling through Instagram as you waited for him to open the door.
not long after you heard the lock clicked softly, and dom’s door swung open, revealing him in his typical sleepwear: an hoodie and sweatpants, with a smile.
"hey." he welcomed you warmly.
glancing up from your phone, a gentle smile graced your lips, "hey," you echoed, putting your phone into your pocket.
he stepped aside, "come in," he said motioning for you to come into his room. as you entered, brushing past him, he shut the door and turned to you, "couldn't sleep, huh?"
"what gave it away?" you responded with a playful tone.
"just taking a random guess." he laughed. “do you wanna watch a movie or something?" he proposed.
you wrapped your arms around yourself, "uhm, obviously. did you really think I'd come over and not expect a movie?" you teased with a playful eye roll.
he flashed a smirk, "right, should've guessed," he joked, giving your arm a light, playful tap.
he headed over to his bed and motioned for you to take a seat. you made your way to the bed, settling on the far side. kicking off your shoes, you and going under the blankets
"comfy?" he asked, going under the covers up next to you while grabbing the remote to turn on the TV.
"definitely," you replied with a gentle smile.
"good," he responded, draping an arm around you. flicking through netflix, he chose a show at random to play.
he began to gently run his fingers through your hair after a while.
the sensation of him playing with your hair brought a smile to your face; it was calming. despite what liv and several other friends had said, cuddling like this was pretty normal for the two of you.
suddenly, you looked up at him, your face lighting up with excitement, "wait, dom. didn’t we pick up the stuff to make brownies yesterday?"
his smirk grew, "yeah, we did. why?" he knew exactly where you were getting at.
sitting upright, you clasped your hands together, "can we make them, pretty please?"
he chuckled, "alright, alright," he drawled out playfully.
"yea we can make them, real quick." he said, hopping off the bed and heading to the kitchen. you let out a soft squeal, sliding off the bed to join him in the hotel kitchen.
you reached for a large bowl and gathered the brownie mix ingredients. you poured the mix into the bowl, followed by three eggs, a splash of water, and a drizzle of vegetable oil.
he flashed a mischievous smirk, "do you need help, or can you handle it?" he teased, hands on his hips.
"I got it," you assured him, finishing up the mixing. but as you turned around, he snuck up behind you and dipped his finger into the batter, then playfully smeared it on your nose. you looked at him, mouth agape, and exclaimed, "dominik!"
"what?" he innocently asked, his voice sounding higher than usual before bursting into laughter at the surprise on your face.
he used his finger to wipe off the batter from your nose, then playfully licked it off his finger. he gave you a mischievous look before both of you burst into laughter.
you rolled your eyes as your laughs quieted and wiped your nose to ensure you got it all off. dom had already prepared the pan, so you handed him the bowl, and he poured the batter into it. then, he placed it in the oven.
you set the timer while he closed the oven door, and you moved away, pulling yourself up to sit on the counter.
he stepped closer, glancing at the oven before turning his gaze back to you, a chuckle escaping him.
"you've still got brownie batter on your nose," he said with a soft laugh, reaching for a napkin to wet it slightly.
"dude no way," you giggled, pulling out your phone to check, seeing that there was still brownie batter. as you put your phone down, he moved in closer, positioning himself between your legs and gently tilting your head so he could clean it.
he chuckled, gently wiping your nose with the napkin, close enough that the air between you felt charged with unspoken possibilities.
"there, no more brownie batter," he teased, smirking. you smiled back, quietly aware of the closeness and the tension hanging between you.
you eyes flickered to his lips briefly, heightening the already high tension. you noticed him doing the same, his gaze shifting between your eyes and lips.
he leaned in, closing the distance until you were mere inches apart.
his hands found your hips, pulling you a bit closer, a playful smile on his face. "you have something on your lips," he said, smirking.
"oh, do I now?" your tone was light, teasing.
"yeah, can I?" his voice was a a soft murmur. his hands lifted to cup your face, gently angling your head.
you gave a small nod in agreement.
a smirk played on his lips as he leaned in, his gaze locked on you, his lips inching closer to yours. suddenly, his lips met yours.
as his lips pressed against yours, a rush of warmth flooded through you, a tingling sensation that seemed to start at your lips and spread outward.
your heart raced, pounding against your chest. his kiss was gentle yet insistent, a question you were only too happy to answer.
when he pulled away, the cool air hit your tingling lips, leaving you yearning for more. breathless, you found yourself lost in his gaze, a silent understanding passing between you.
"did you get it??" you asked, your gaze affectionate as you admired his eyes.
his smile mirrored yours, hands lingering on your neck. his thumb traced small circles while he replied, "i don’t think i did, i think i need another try."
he drew you into another kiss, tender and lingering. afterward, he dotted your lips with quick, soft pecks, coaxing a smile onto your face. It was a sweet and tender kiss, filled with warmth and affection.
a he slowly pulled away this time, a satisfied smirk played on his lips. “i think that one got it.” his hands moved down to wrap around your waist, and you couldn't help but notice a slight pink tint on his lips.
the feeling of his hands on you made you feel like melting into his arms. his touch was incredibly soothing, especially since you had grown accustomed to it by now. "you know I love you, right?" he whispered, shattering the comfortable silence.
gazing into his eyes, a gentle smile began to form on your face. "say it again."
his smile broadened, and he tilted his head just a bit. "I love you," he declared, this time without a hint of hesitation, a soft smile gracing his features too.
with a light chuckle, he leaned in for another kiss, lingering for just a moment before pulling back with a playful smirk. "okay, you're distracting me from the brownies," he teased as he got up and stepped away to check on them.
he walked to the oven, switching off the timer; the brownies were perfectly baked. carefully, he lifted the pan onto the counter, then went and got l two plates. "they're done!" he announced, calling you over.
you hopped down from the counter and made your way to him, his hand naturally finding its place at your waist as you closed the distance.
grabbing a knife, you plunged it into the middle of the brownies. when you pulled it out it was clean meaning you didn’t have to cook them more. "yes, they are."
you handed him the knife. his smile widened as he sliced through the brownies, setting a piece on each plate and passing one to you. then, he grabbed a pair of forks for the both of you.
his eyes locked on you warmly. "how about we head back to bed and watch one more movie before sleep?"
"of course!" with your plate in hand, you made your way to the bed.
he joined you, settling in the bed with his own plate in his hand, beginning to enjoy his brownie. a smile played on his lips, before he let out a gentle yawn.
he finished his brownie, setting his plate aside. his arms wrapped around your waist once more, snuggling into your neck.
"can you put this over there please?" you offered, handing him your plate to place on the nightstand beside his.
he put your plate on top of his before, his grip on your waist returning as he leaned in. "you’re tired, aren't you?" he asked.
you gave a nod, your gaze drifting to the TV. he carefully shifted you onto his chest for better comfort. "It's okay, hermosa," he whispered, fingers tenderly combing through your hair once more. "you should sleep."
"I know," you murmured, fighting the your sleep. "I just don't want this night to end."
he tenderly rubbed your back in soothing circles. "me neither, but listen. I know there’s a lot we still need to talk about, and we'll get to that tomorrow. just know, i plan to have many more nights like this with you. so for now, sleep. I'm right here," he assured.
your heart felt full with his promise, and you glanced up to meet his affectionate gaze. he smiled warmly, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead. you nestled closer into his embrace, the comfort of his presence easing you into sleep.
since that night, you've always had someone to take your mind off the thunderstorms.
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saradika-graphics · 6 months
hi!!! i really love your dividers, and i saw you had done these dragon dividers before, and i was wondering if i could request them in some different colors, too? for the style of the sixth one (solo flying dragon), i was thinking white (or off-white, if that's easier to see!), red, and coppery-bronze kind of color; one with red & copper/bronze dragons (like the first divider in the post); and one with black, white(or off-white), and copper/bronze dragons (like the fifth divider in the post). sorry if this was confusing, i tried to describe what i was imagining as best as i could! again i love your dividers, & tysm in advance! 💜
Hi! I am so happy you liked those, and I hope I made these the right colors! If I misunderstood any please let me know 💖 I would be happy to update them for you!
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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ellethespaceunicorn · 3 months
I hope you are having a woooooonderful Friday!! 🥰
I was the anon requesting the Lloyd fic with him accidentally discovering that his assistant is hot lol and I LOVED IT. I can see she won't make it easy for him!
I wanted to know what you would think of Lloyd running into one of those toxic red pill/alpha male types after they corner his girl (or who he claims as his girl 😏 that's up to you) being gross to her.
Those types just make me so mad, I think Lloyd would teach them a good lesson and put them in their place 😈
TYSM for your time and the lovely words you give us! 💜
OMG my sweet Lloyd nonnie, this took me two months to post but literally only like three days to write. I'm a whole mess, but I really like this story and I hope you do too!!!!
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Title: A Duke and His Duchess
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Soft!Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Chubby!Black!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2K
Summary: The night takes a dark turn when you are harassed at the club, but Lloyd comes to your rescue.
Warnings: Lloyd is a warning all on his own: possessive!Lloyd, soft!dark!Lloyd, lovey-dovey!Lloyd. Toxic “alpha male” behavior, Lloyd’s butterfly knife making an appearance, physical violence (some involving Reader), vaginal fingering, unprotected p-in-v sex, creampie, mention of bodily fluids.
A/N: Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best. 
Dividers by: @saradika-graphics
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
My Masterlist
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The look that crosses his face says everything before his mouth can do so. He groans in the back of his throat, walking over to where you stand in front of the mirror, scrutinizing your outfit. He winks at you in the reflection and kisses where your neck meets your shoulder. His hands slide over your ample hips and grab a handful of your plump rump.
“Don’t you get started. You promised me that we were going out tonight,” you say, turning around and putting your manicured hands on his pecs.
“That’s not fair, Duchess. You put on this outfit, and my blood flow goes straight to my cock,” he sighs, pulling you closer so you can feel his heavy erection pressing against your mound.
Sliding your hands down his chest, you palm his length, and he hisses in response. “Is this all for me, Duke?” You squeeze him, and he closes his eyes, leaning his head back.
“Who the fuck else would it be for? I mean, look at you,” he implores, letting his eyes wander over your clothing. 
He was always a fan of this outfit because it hugs all your curves. The halter top accents your full breasts with a healthy amount of cleavage. The high-waisted fitted skirt shows off your wide hips and thick thighs and stops under your knee. A pair of stilettos with a little buckle that Lloyd bends down to secure completes the ensemble.
You feel the heat rise to your cheeks and praise the melanin gods that blessed you with the ability to hide your blushing. Lloyd finishes buckling your heel, then rises to his full height. Holding your chin with his thumb and forefinger, he lays a sweet kiss upon your lips before nuzzling his nose with yours. 
“After you, Duchess,” he croons, stepping out of the way and letting you walk ahead of him. You already know that he just wants to watch your hips sway while you walk in front of him, but damn if you don’t love how much he covets your body. And if you put a little extra oomph in your step, he wasn’t mad about it.
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Lloyd stops the car at the curb and exits the car, tossing the keys to the valet. Walking around to the passenger side, he shoos away the other attendant trying to assist you in exiting the vehicle. 
Nobody touches you when Lloyd is around.
He takes your hand, and you step onto the sidewalk, taking in the view of the line to get into the club. Lloyd pulls you along with him as he bypasses the line and walks up to the bouncer. They exchange a few words, and the very large, and probably armed, man at the door unlatches the velvet rope and ushers you in.
The lights in the place are spinning in dizzying patterns with blues, purples, and pinks. The music is both heard and felt as it thumpingly exits the speakers. Lloyd waves down a girl and she comes running. You’re a bit confused as he whispers something in her ear. Before you can ask him about it, you’re pulled in the direction of one of the tables on the upper level that overlooks the dancefloor.
In true Lloyd fashion, he gets the best table, and there is already champagne on ice waiting for you when you sit down. He pops the bottle and pours you both a healthy amount of the bubbly golden liquid. He toasts to you, as always. You clink your glasses and empty your drink in one go. Lloyd is there to refill your glass, watching and smiling as you dance a little in your seat as the DJ rolls from one song to the next. 
The opening notes of Cobra hit your ears, and you can’t stop yourself from singing along with Megan Thee Stallion.
Long as everybody gettin' paid, right?
Everything'll be okay, right?
I'm winnin', so nobody trippin'
Bet if I ever fall off, everybody go missin'
You don’t remember closing your eyes in the middle of singing and enjoying the song. When you open them, Lloyd is sitting next to you, and he has that look on his face. The look that expressly means that he wants to watch you dance, and more specifically, he wants to watch you shake that thang. 
You don’t keep him waiting for long. Standing up, you set your glass down on the table in front of you. Moving over to stand in front of Lloyd, you let the music move through your body as you start to give him a little show.
You sway your hips, bending forward to lean on the table. With your ass in the air, you twerk for your man, and he is in heaven. When you make it clap, you feel his hands on your ass. 
He doesn’t want to stop you; he just wants to feel ‘the motion of the ocean’ as you dance just for him. You look over your shoulder at him, and he is definitely in his happy place. His tongue snakes out to wet his lips, his eyes laser-focused on your derriere until you giggle. Blue eyes meet yours, and his mouth upturns; that devilish little smirk silently tells you he’s pleased.
He moves his hands to your hips and pulls you back to sit in his lap. Between your gyrations, you can feel how pleased he truly is. That is if the hardness in his pants is anything to go by. 
Song after song, you tease him with a lap dance. Making sure to grind into him this way and that, allowing him the opportunity for his hands to wander. As the music changes to something a little different, you notice that you and Lloyd have emptied the champagne. He offers to have another bottle brought over, but you wouldn’t mind walking up to the bar yourself.
He begrudgingly lets you raise from his lap. You saunter away, heading to the bar on the lower level. Ordering a margarita, you wait while the bartender makes a few drinks at the same time. 
You feel eyes on you and turn to see a man watching you from a distance. His hazel eyes catch yours, and you smile politely, then turn away. The bartender hands you the strawberry-flavored drink, and before you can pay him, a hand reaches over yours and beats you to it. 
“What’s a pretty little thing like you doing paying for her drinks?” A deep baritone escapes his boringly pretty face, and you instantly feel something off about him.
“Can’t a woman just buy a drink without the third degree?” You pick up your drink and sip while looking him up and down.
“Please don’t act like you’re not impressed. Just calm down, baby,” he says.
“Don’t call me baby, first of all. Secondly, what do I have to be impressed about? The fact you can pay for a $12 drink? Good job. Not interested,” you lament, turning to walk away. A hand gripping your arm stops you.
“Look, we got off on the wrong foot. How about you recognize when a man is being nice to you? You must not be used to getting attention. Let me break it down for you: I buy you a drink; we enjoy a little time together. And if you’re lucky, I might even fuck you,” he negs, standing up straight so he towers over you.
“Let my arm go, creep!” You shout, failing to tug your arm out of his grasp.
The grip on your arm gets impossibly tighter as he leans in to speak, “Listen here, you fat bitch. Ain’t nobody here looking out for you. So, it would be best if you do as you’re told and be a good little slut.”
Your eyes shut tight out of fear, and suddenly the clench on your arm is gone. You open your eyes, and the man is still in front of you; his eyes are wide as a butterfly knife is held under his throat.
“Alright, man! Be cool! I wasn’t-”
“Oh, what? You weren’t doing anything? You weren’t treating my woman like some piece of meat, like what? Fucking toxic, red pill, alpha male wannabe. No, I bet you weren’t doing anything,” Lloyd seethes, pressing the knife a bit further into the man’s skin. “I think you owe her an apology before I cut your fucking head off, sweet pea.”
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, I swear,” he cries, a tear escaping one eye and wetting his silk shirt.
Lloyd turns to you and sees you cradling your arm. His anger reaches a boiling point, and he moves the knife to his left hand before punching the man in the jaw and knocking him out. “Apology accepted, asshole,” he spits, stepping over him to get to you.
He carefully examines your arm while the other clubgoers start to gather. He turns back to the asshole, and you watch as his jaw clenches. You know he wants to cut this man up and feed him to the dogs, but you bring his attention back to you. 
“Duke!” You shout, and when his eyes meet yours, you pull him behind you to the exit. Once the valet brings the car around, Lloyd opens your door and closes it behind you softly. Walking around the front of the car, he runs a finger through his hair before entering the car and slamming the door shut.
He pulls away from the curb and starts down the busy street, mumbling to himself about how he wanted to kill that shithead for laying even a finger on you. At a red light, you notice his grip on the steering wheel is leaving his knuckles white. You reach a hand over to lay atop his, and he starts to calm down finally.
Then you get an idea.
You loosen his hand from the steering wheel and place it under your skirt between your thighs. Once his fingers meet your saturated folds, his shoulders relax. 
“You defended my honor tonight and slayed a beast for me. Now, either get us home fast or pull this car over so I can thank you properly,” you beg, already clenching around his digits.
You’ve never seen Lloyd drive faster than that night. You only make it to the driveway of your place before he adjusts his seat and pulls you over to sit in his lap with your skirt pulled up around your waist.
As soon as he is inside you, you get to riding, and you don’t let up until you’ve got him whimpering underneath you. You beg him to fill you, and he barely makes it through your plea before he’s emptying his balls inside your welcoming heat.
You lay kisses all over his face as he comes down from his high. As his softening length slips from you, you open the driver’s side door and exit as his spunk leaks out of you. You adjust your skirt and thank the heavens that the carport hides you for the most part. Lloyd stuffs himself back in his pants and follows after you. Locking the car with the fob, he steps ahead of you to unlock the front door.
“Well, I’d say our night out was eventful,” he jokes, and you are happy to hear that he’s not as upset as earlier.
“That’s one way to put it,” you laugh, kicking off your shoes and walking toward the bedroom. “Now, why don’t you come put me to bed properly, Duke?”
“Don’t have to ask me twice, Duchess,” he purrs, catching up to you in three long strides. He leans in to kiss your lips, reaching down to hold you close before turning you around to nibble at your neck.
You love this man with all of your heart. For all of his flaws, he always gets this part right. He treats you like royalty. But what else would you expect? He works hard, and he loves hard. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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A/N: I would love to know what you think!!! Feedback is appreciated!
**Tag List**
@deandoesthingstome @cakesandtom @brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25
@kebabgirl67 @thabiddie23 @sweetandgentlecreature @foxyjwls007 @art2emily
@titty-teetee @motivation-idontknowher @buckysteveloki-me @magnificentsaladllama @gyusbrownie
@milknhonies @sultry-rachael @itsthestutterforme @nemesyaaa @ronearoundblindly
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁
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base0h · 2 years
Hiii! I hope you're doing great! can I request Sabo, Law, Shanks reacting to their s/o somehow slept on the bath? They thought they were taking to long and got in (Knocking and then walking in) and saw them sleeping and slowly sinking? Take your time! And an advance thanks!
a/n - you don’t know how obsessed I am with this idea anon oh my god- 😭 tysm for this request!! You have been the source of my inspiration!! So thank you for that! 💜
warnings ⚠️ - fem reader, suggestive kinda? Not rlly 😭
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- taking a bath with Sabo is literally heaven 😭
- the way he gently scrubs your back leaves you with literally flawless skin
- he washes your hair too, and treats you like the literal queen you are ✨
- so tonight, you decided to ask him to take a bath with him after he finished up his paperwork for the day
- You drew the bath, putting in a lavender scent to set the mood just right, and you stepped into the comfortingly warm water
- it was just the right temperature, perfect
- tonight, his paperwork was taking a lot longer than usual, and you had been sitting in there for around 15 minutes
- the steam that was clogging the room was almost suffocating, why were you so dizzy??
- everything was so- blurry..
- before you knew it, the back of your head hit the edge of the tub as you slowly started sinking into the water
- your cheeks were flushed, breathing labored, your skin glossy and pale, your eyelids glazed
- Sabo ran towards the bathroom, realizing the time that nearly flew by for him
- he knocked on the bathroom door, quickly stripping off his clothes as he opened it to find you steaming, sinking into the water
- panic mode
- “Y/N?! OH MY GOD!”
- he rushed so fast that he tripped on the carpet, his naked ass laying flat on the cold tile as he ran towards you
- he lifted you out of the bath, checking your chest when he realized he had been literally fondling your breasts the entire time
- internally: “WHY ARE THEY SO FUCKING SOFT?!”
- he stopped himself, trying to gently wake you up, taking you out of the room and laying you in front of the fan to cool you off
- his heart was racing, you could hear it from a mile away
- his poor innocent soul was freaking out over how he accidentally “touched you” without your permission and holy shit he was about to go kill himself for it
- your eyes slowly opened and he felt his heart immediately calm down as he squeezed your hand gently with a smile
- “What took you so long Sabo?…”
- he laughed and gave you a hug, his warm body embracing you as he sighed with relief, smelling the lavender which made him even more intoxicated
- “Sorry… I had a lot more work..”
- “I don’t think we should take a bath now-“ -Sabo
- “yeah no shit sherlock.” -you
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- "Babe, you're killing all of our noses. Poor benn's gonna go and suffocate because you haven't taken a shower."
- "He's overreacting!''
- "No I'm not." - benn
- When you suggested you would take a bath with him, his face literally lit up with excitement
- he was like a little dog who was about to go on the best walk of his life
- you went to go get the water ready, using some of his favorite shampoo and soap to spoil your red-haired boyfriend
- you stepped into the warm water, and the temperature was just right
- Unknown to you, shanks had already fallen asleep again on the bed, snoring away peacefully with a half-empty alcohol bottle in hand
- minutes passed, soon it had been 15 since you'd gotten into the water, and you were already starting to feel a bit light-headed
- the steam that blurred your vision wasn't helping at all, your cheeks were pink, your eyes glassy as they closed
- you slowly started sinking into the warm water, and oh god, if shanks didn't wake up soon, you probably would make the bathtub your early grave
- the bottle slipped out of his hands, the shattering of the glass waking him up as he sat up almost immediately
- He saw the light from the bathroom and he called out your name a couple times before walking towards the bathroom, taking off his shirt
- "Sorry- I fell asl- Y/N?! OH GOD!"
- cue his internal monologue about how stupid he was for falling asleep
- He literally started slipping on the floor as he lifted your body up with his arm, carrying you out of the bath and starting to try and wake you up
- He was literally about to have a heart attack at 39- lmao
- When you started coughing, you don't even know how relieved he was, he could feel his heart start to beat normally again
- "Dummy- why were you just sinking?!" -him
- "What do you mean?! You're the one who took forever!"
- "I- ok- fine- sorry.."
- "And you still smell like absolute shit." - you (pls he smells literally so bad- like alcohol and weird old fish)
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a/n - omg this idea as literal perfection anon-
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luveline · 2 years
zombie!au - r having intense nightmares after her kidnapping and Steve comforting her through them? There is something about overprotective Steve that just does something to me. Thank you for all your lovely writing 💜💜
tysm your request! I'm sorry the nightmares aren't overly intense but I'm happy to write more for it if you want to see a really bad one, I focused heavy on the comfort! steve zombie!au | fem!reader
Steve strokes the line between your eyebrows. The room is dark beside the moonlight, white and bright and spilling through the closed curtains. It rests over the slope of your cheek, and the eye not hidden by your pillow, dances between the hairs that make up your eyebrows and the softer, thinner ones between them. 
He lets his palm rub down your face, curling it closed behind your neck, and presses his forehead to yours. You've been sleeping for an hour now and have yet to stir. He hopes the nightmare won't happen tonight, that you might finally get a good night's rest. 
"Goodnight," he whispers, barely a sound. 
He's not sure how long he sleeps. What he gets is dreamless and thick, the heavy weight of submersion at the bottom of a swimming pool. He hears your warped voice, his ears popping as he crawls back to the surface of consciousness. 
"Don't," you're saying. It's what you always say. "My hands. Don't tie my hands." 
Steve sits up slowly, not wanting to scare you worse than you already are. By the time he takes your hands into his you've stopped talking, roused by his movements. The after of the nightmares never last. You don't feel the urgency of the memory once you're awake properly, but you do remember. You struggle into a sitting position.
He holds your fingers in his. Curls them over his index fingers, thumbs bumping in sync up and down the small hills of your knuckles. 
"Sorry to wake you up," you say. 
"You're shaking." 
"I think I'm cold." 
He lets go of one trembling hand to reach toward the blanket he'd layered at the end of the bed. He drapes it over your shoulders, tucking it right up to your neck. 
"I don't want you to be sorry for waking me up, okay?" he asks, cupping your cheek briefly before letting his hand fall back to the heap of yours in your lap. 
"It must get annoying." 
He shakes his head, lips pressed together in a firm line. "Never."
You nod like you don't believe him and pull your hands away from his. You start to pick at your short nails, lip wobbling. He doesn't know how to make this better, but he'd made you a promise. 
"You want a drink, honey?" he asks, hoping the pet name will emphasise how loved you are. I'm sorry I'm not doing what I said I would. I said I'd make it okay, he thinks. 
"Yes," you say, and your movement loosens the first fat tear. 
He pinches it off of your cheek gently and leans down in bed, hand feeling blindly across the floor by the bed for the metal water bottle. He unscrews it, offers it to you, and frowns when you take it. 
"What's wrong?" he asks finally. 
He thinks it's better to admit he doesn't know what you need comforting for than to let you think he doesn't care, even if he looks stupid while asking. And obviously he knows you're upset about what happened to you. Being taken as you had been, being zip tied and threatened and made to think you might be hurt or killed, none of that is fair or easy. He understands why you're not coping well in the after. 
You sigh and take a little sip of water and pass the bottle back to him. He puts it on the floor again.
"I know how you must be feeling," he says softly, "but if you could just tell me what's making you so…" scared. "What's making you cry. I'm right here, baby." 
You look up at him with eyes full of shimmering tears, a wobbly smile forcing a second and third to race down to your chin. They've crested the soft line of your jaw and wet the neck of your shirt before he can stop them. 
"I really want a hug," you say thickly.
He puts his arm behind your back. "You don't have to ask," he says, trying for some lightness. "Not now, not ever." 
Perhaps he hadn't been very touchy when you first met, or for some time after that, but he hopes you know how loved you are. Steve is young and he hadn't been all that sure about love before he met you, didn't know if it was something you gave or something you begged for. 
Now he knows it's this. A tight hug in the dark. Whispered assurances. The heat of the person you'd die for seeping into your skin. 
He doesn't know if you know how loved you are, but there's an easy way to fix that.
"Since when do you ask for a hug?" he teases, back twisted uncomfortably to make sure you're as encompassed by his arms as you can possibly be. 
"I wasn't asking," you argue weakly.
"No, and you shouldn't. What kind of guy does that make me? My girl begging for hugs, can you imagine?" He presses his lips lips to the tail of your eyebrow. "No," he murmurs against your skin. "No, you weren't asking, 'cause you don't need to. I'm your personal hug factory." 
You laugh and sniffle, sounding stuffed up. 
"Forever," he threatens. "This is it, bub." 
"Oh no," you drawl, attempting some drama. It warms his heart.
He pulls back from the hug enough to see your face. Your hands play loosely at his waist, shifting and furling into the fabric of his too-big sleep shirt like you're not sure what to do with them. 
"If you want to talk about. If you want to tell me anything, I'll listen. I'll try to say the right thing," he says to you, laying it down one timid word at a time. 
"Stevie, I know." 
He shakes off his hesitance like an ill-fitting costume.
"I know you know." He's more bravado than boy. He loves you. "But I thought I'd give you a reminder, that's all." 
You lick your chapped lips and, in the light, Steve can see the small scabs on your cheeks either side of your mouth. He thinks of how tightly someone would have to squeeze you to leave marks like that, and he clenches his jaw. 
"You want to lie down again?" he asks. 
You answer without talking, pushing your weight into his chest and encouraging him back into the mattress and your blissfully clean sheets. You're stiff for a few minutes, worried you'll fall into another nightmare, but Steve doesn't mind working you down. He kisses the top of your head intermittently, stroking a practised back and forth between your strung shoulders. He whispers a small declaration of love. 
"Thank you for taking care of me," you say, a slurry of sloppy syllables as your breathing evens out. 
"It's what I'm here for." It's the full and absolute truth.
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viennacherries · 7 months
Hiya!! I finished Kiss the Cook a little bit ago and loved it!!! Your writing has such good pacing to it, I really enjoyed reading it!
I also have a request, if you're interested: Rolan (or Gale tbh, works with any spellcaster) is in the middle of casting a spell but Tav/reader wants to tease him so they either 1, pin his hands together so he can't do somatic components, or 2, stick their fingers in his mouth to keep him from doing verbal components. This ofc leads to some nsfw shenanigans lmao
(My ao3 is Nightreader13)
Hope you're having an amazing day, and tysm for making such wonderful content, love ya 💜💜
tried to post it as a gift but it didn't let me! sorry about that.
this got away from me a bit but i hope you still like it! as requested: fingers in mouth to shut up a spellcaster. rolan/tav because i have brainworms.
thank you for the lovely message and prompt and for enjoying my writing! hope u love it <3
read on ao3 here
NSFW, Rolan/Tav
"His hands curl into somatic shapes by his sides, and you realise he's speaking the incantation for Ice Storm. You're both backed into a corner like fish in a barrel, if he lets the spell loose you know you're done for.
You don't think. You shove your fingers into his mouth."
Rolan's temper lands you both in an alleyway, hiding from Flaming Fists, and you do what you have to in the name of shutting him up. In the end, neither of you stay very quiet.
Rolan has a fierce temper, when it comes down to it.
It surprises you somewhat, after seeing how he let Lorroaken walk all over him. Sure, he'd backed you and Aylin up when it mattered, but it had taken weeks for all of the bruises from the previous 'master of the tower' to heal. Though, you suppose you saw hints of it at Last Light, when Cal and Lia were missing.
It has its uses, admittedly. When you were ambushed by Bhaal worshippers in Bloomridge Park, and an innocent woman was struck down by one of them, his subsequent attacks were absolutely devastating. You could've stood back and left him to it, and he would've more than managed.
The fact he looks rather pretty when he's angry is an additional bonus; all tense muscles and sharp breaths. You blame your physical reaction to watching him fight on the fact he's the first male tiefling you've been around for an extended period in years. Your stupid infernal hindbrain had been telling you to bed him since he first raised his voice in front of you at the Grove.
Unfortunately, his temper has its downsides too. Like right now, for instance.
The two of you split from the group to search for Mol, who still hasn't turned up after being snatched from the inn in the Shadow-Cursed lands. Pairs made the most sense; more discreet than the whole troupe travelling together while still ensuring everyone had back up. Astarion had smirked when suggested you and Rolan pair up, arguing it looked less suspicious if the tieflings travelled together.
"If anyone asks, you can pretend you're lovers," he'd chortled. "Oh! And if you need to hide you can stuff yourselves into an alley and-".
You had elected not to let him finish that sentence, dragging Rolan away from camp before he had a chance to protest.
It had actually been reasonably pleasant. Despite initial impressions, Rolan is rather delightful company. Sure, he's still a dick, and nearly every other sentence that comes out of his mouth is an insult, but that just makes things more interesting. You'd found you were actually enjoying spending time with him.
Well. You had been. Until now.
It was your fault. You were distracted. He'd laughed at something you said, and you were busy looking at him. You could see a peek of his canines as he threw his head back, and the movement had pronounced the sharp line of his jaw and the muscle in his neck. You'd been so struck with the sight, and the awful realisation that you were actually starting to become attracted to him, that you'd smacked straight into the chest of a Flaming Fist.
"Oi! Devilspawn! Watch your fucking step!"
The man's voice was laced with malice. It's been years since you've been to Baldur's Gate, and it seems in your absence the city has become remarkably less tolerable. You suppose it's something to do with Elturel's descent, but the casually thrown slur stung either way.
"Sorry," you'd averted your gaze in a display of faux meekness. Usually you'd have him out on his arse for talking to you that way, but the streets are crowded and full of Fists. It's not worth the hassle. "Won't happen again, Manip."
"You sure as shit better hope it doesn't, or I'll put you and your Hellspawn boyfriend in the ground where you belong." He sneered around every word, flitting his eyes between you and Rolan. "Fucking foulblooded freak."
You'd grit your teeth, and started to nod, but just as the mercenary was about to step away Rolan had piped up.
"What the fuck did you call her? Watch your fucking mouth, Nul'zereb."
And now you're here. Next to a seething Rolan, in front of a Flaming Fist Sergeant, being slowly surrounded by other Fists as they take note of the commotion.
You raise your hands up in front of you defensively, "easy, please, he didn't mean it. We've had a long journey and-"
Rolan scoffs, seemingly intent on digging his own grave. "Bullshit , I meant every fucking word. They call us Foulbloods but these imbeciles probably can't tell a shit from a stew."
You shoot him a glare, but he doesn't look at you. Clearly he plans on dealing with this the hard way. Idiot. You feel your core twist. He's going to get you killed, for sure, but the fact he's willing to fight a crowd of people because they insulted you is unfairly attractive. Stupid. Dangerous. But really fucking attractive.
"You cheeky demon bastard!" The Fist shouts at him, and yep, the hard way it is. "I'll fucking flay you!"
Rolan is shouting back now, and his tail whips around violently behind him in a display of his mounting rage. "I'd like to see you try, you spoon-eared piece of-"
Okay, yep, that's more than enough of that.
You grab his wrist and utter the incantation for Dimension Door as quickly as you can manage, teleporting the both of you out of reach of the group of mercenaries surrounding you. As soon as your feet hit solid ground again you break into a sprint, dragging Rolan with you as he makes an indignant noise behind you. You hear the group shout, and the thunder of footsteps on the pavement as they pursue you.
Luckily, clad in robes compared to their metal plating, you and Rolan are quicker. You drag him through a few side streets, and then at the last minute you duck into an alleyway. It's a tight squeeze, but it's better than nothing.
You hiss your admonishments through your teeth at him in an attempt to keep your volume down. "What the fuck were you thinking, Rolan? I thought wizards were meant to be smart! You almost got us fucking killed!"
His eyes widen in shock, and he hisses through his teeth back at you as he argues. "Are you joking? What was I doing? You're the one that fucking walked into him! Besides, did you hear what he fucking called you? I can't believe you just-"
"Shut up!" He's raising his voice with every word and you have no idea how close behind you they are. "Of course I heard, but the middle of the street isn't the ideal spot to pick a fight with a group of Flaming Fists! They would've fucking flattened us!"
He scoffs, "as if, I fucking had them."
"Oh sure , sorry, I forgot how great and mighty you are. You obviously could've taken on a crowd of twelve blokes with military training."
He grits his teeth, "I still will if they fucking find us, what sort of hiding place is this anyway? If they spot us we're fucking cornered."
"You didn't give me much choice, did you? It's better this than-"
You cut yourself off at the sound of footsteps in the street. Rolan opens his mouth to say something but you place a finger over his lips to shush him. His mouth clamps shut reluctantly.
You can feel your heart beating in your ears as the footsteps get closer. They're right within earshot now, the slightest noise will alert them to where you are. You hold your breath.
Six of the Flaming Fists round the corner, and suddenly you're peering at them from the alley perpendicular to the street they stand in, barely 10ft away. You're shrouded by darkness, but if one of them happens to look this way carefully you're sure you'll be spotted. You daren't move.
You hear muttering and turn to look at Rolan, and you realise he's preparing a spell. His hands curl into somatic shapes by his sides, and you realise he's speaking the incantation for Ice Storm. You're both backed into a corner like fish in a barrel, if he lets the spell loose you know you're done for.
You don't think. You shove your fingers into his mouth.
His head whips back around to look at you, eyes wide in shock and anger. It suddenly dawns on you that. Well. You've got your fingers in his mouth. Three of them.
Not the most elegant solution to a problem you've come up with, that's for sure. But hey, it works.
He tries to draw back to free himself, and you can tell from his eyes that he's absolutely seething, but you can't risk him speaking and alerting the guards. You press your fingers down on his tongue and push them further into his mouth. His head backs into the wall, leaving him nowhere to go, and he writhes around the digits in his mouth. You press a little deeper. He makes a quiet, strangled noise in the back of his throat, before he finally resigns himself to his fate.
You stare back out of the mouth of the alley. The mercenaries are still there, pacing through the side-streets searching for you, but they haven't spotted you yet. After a few moments, they're all out of view, and you hear their voices disappear into the distance.
As soon as you can't hear them anymore, you let out a sigh of relief.
It's at this point you remember rather suddenly that your fingers are, in fact, buried in Rolan's throat.
You turn back to look at him.
He still looks angry, absolutely. But his eyes are softer around the edges, a little glazed over, and his tail whips around wildly where it's pinned behind him. He's panting a little around the digits, and you realise there's a weight against your thigh that wasn't there before. You raise your eyebrows and smirk.
"Is that a quarterstaff in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"
He scowls, and makes a noise as if he's trying to speak, but you press down a little harder on his tongue and it turns into a whine.
This is an interesting development. Not an unwelcome one, but definitely unexpected.
You feel the smirk on your face widen, "you know," you say, as if you're pondering something, "you're much less annoying with your mouth occupied."
He scowls, but his breathing harshens. You grin.
"This is the problem with wizards," you know you're goading him, but you can't help yourself. Your hindbrain has kicked in, and he's right where it wants him. "They're all talk, aren't they? Take away your hands or mouth and what are you? You couldn't even cast a simple cantrip right now, could you?"
He makes a noise like a growl, and you can feel yourself rapidly approaching the point of no return, but you're finding it hard to care with his length pushed rock hard against your leg. You push your weight against it experimentally, and he whines around your fingers.
"Gods, you make some pretty noises. You look fucking delicious when you're angry, you know that? Defending my honour in front of all those people, spitting infernal curses at them. You wanna be the only one who talks to me like that, huh?"
His eyes are locked on yours, and he hesitates.
"Go on, now, tell me the truth."
There's another brief moment of pause before he shuts his eyes and nods.
"Good boy." He groans at that, and the noise sends heat rushing to your core. "Maybe you'll get a chance, but not til I'm done with you. Wanted to fuck you since I heard your petulant grousing in the Grove, I'm gonna fucking enjoy this."
He's writhing against you now, seeking pressure against his erection, but you pull back enough that he can only brush against you. The noise he lets out is pitiful.
"Shit, Rolan. You look lovely like this. Mouth wrapped around my fingers, all needy and desperate underneath me. Suck my fingers, show me how much you want this."
He responds instantly, hollowing his cheeks around you and stroking the length of your fingers with his tongue. You moan at the feeling. His mouth is hot and warm and his tongue is enthusiastic in its movements. Your noise seems to spur him on, and his eyes roll into the back of his head as he closes them, redoubling his efforts as he works your digits. You can feel slick pooling in your small-clothes.
You adjust your stance, rearranging your bodies so that his cock is rubbing against you between your thighs. The friction is delicious, but not enough between all the layers of clothing you're both wearing. Even so, he still moans as you grind into him.
Undoing the clasps of his robes is difficult with just your non-dominant hand, but eventually you free him from the confines of his robe and undergarments, gripping his cock in your fist. The noise he makes is completely lecherous, and it has you tightening your grip and twisting your wrist on the upstroke. He's not sucking your fingers anymore, just moaning around them, but it doesn't matter. He sounds fucking obscene and you're completely addicted as you wrench every lewd noise you can from him.
He's grabbing at your own robes now, trying to undo them, but he's struggling between the movement of your hand on his cock and the distraction of your fingers on his tongue. You pull your hand from his mouth, and the minute you do he groans and pulls you into a bruising kiss. It's feral and uncoordinated, both of your hindbrain's completely running the show now, overcome with the need to rut into one another. You release your grip on his cock to give him better access to your own robes.
He makes quick work of them, pushing them out of the way and pulling your small-clothes to the side to rub his cock against your slit. You both groan, and you lean backwards into the wall behind you as you hoist a leg up to plant it on the wall opposite.
He leans into your ear, hissing in a low tone that has your walls fluttering, and you bring your hands up to clutch at his chest. "Is this why you really dragged us down here? You're that desperate for my cock that you have to accost me in an alleyway? Fucking sorcerers. So full of yourself, when what you really need to be full of is a nice fat knot."
You moan wantonly and he groans against the shell of your ear, rubbing himself against your clit. The action has you keening.
"Gods, Tav, you're fucking dripping. Not sure you even deserve anything after pissing around like that earlier. Tell me how much you want my knot, maybe then I'll consider giving you it."
The logical part of your brain knows he's as desperate as you are, hard and heavy against your core, but the feral infernal instincts that have taken over would rather die than risk him stepping away without fucking you. The words spill from you easily without a second thought.
"I fucking need it, Rolan, need your fucking cock in me. Need you to bite me and mark me up while you split me open on your knot, need your cum inside me."
He teases his cock against your entrance, but he doesn't sink in. His words are breathless. "Yeah? Yeah you need it? Need my knot?"
You wail, "yes, fuck, please I fucking need it. Had me so wet, defending me like that, wanted to mount you then and there-".
The noise he makes is absolutely ruinous, and you moan back in answer. There is absolutely zero upper brain function going on in your skull anymore, you need him to fuck you into this wall right now or you might actually die.
He seems to feel the same, and slowly he eases his length into you. He buries his face into your neck and you wail and shudder as you feel the ridges on his cock drag against your walls with every inch he sinks further. By the time he's sheathed fully inside of you, his pelvis against yours, you're panting and writhing around him. His tail reaches around and wraps around yours, and they snake together in a tight coil.
He's shown remarkable restraint given the circumstances, sinking his cock into you slowly, but as soon as you clench your muscles around him his resolve snaps. He pulls his hips back and snaps them back into you, setting a brutal and rapid pace that has you sobbing. The angle, with your leg hoisted up, has every thrust hitting the soft spot inside your walls, and when you close your eyes at the sensation you swear you're seeing colours that don't exist, that's how intense and all-consuming the pleasure is.
He teases the soft skin at the base of your throat with his canines, and the sharp drag has you whining and baring your throat to him on impulse. It's pure instinct, your body begging for a mating bite, and he growls into your skin as he gives in to his own instincts and sinks his teeth into you.
The pain shoots through you like ice in your veins, but your mind and core sing . The pinch and sting is the perfect crescendo to the mounting pleasure, and with several shaky, panting moans you come undone around him, crying out as your whole body tremors. It's the most intense orgasm you've ever had, and your toes tingle as your release crashes over you.
He cries out, releasing his hold on your throat, and his hips stutter and pace falters as he chases after his own release. You feel his knot growing every time is catches against the rim of your cunt. Just as you start to cry at the feeling, half convinced it's going to rip you in half, he sinks it fully into you and it pulses and expands as he empties himself into you with a loud shout of pleasure. With every rope of hot spend he spills into you, his cock twitches hard into that perfect spot inside you, and without warning you're met with another orgasm which has you squeezing around him as he finishes. He groans at the feeling, low in his throat, and grinds himself into you as his cock finally gives its last, valiant pump of seed.
He groans into your neck, nosing his way up your throat and planting open mouthed kisses under your ear. You whine, and slowly lower your shaking leg back down to the floor. The change in position pushes his cock into you again, and you both grunt, overstimulated and spent. You stand there, locked together and panting for breath. He laves his tongue over the spot where he bit you, sucking a mark over it. The pain is almost too much, but the primitive part of you loves the feeling and you moan despite yourself.
There's silence after that. It stretches for a long moment as you both attempt to catch your breath, stuck together in the tight space of the alley with Rolan's knot keeping you tied together. When you speak, your voice comes out hoarse and blissed-out.
"I'm sorry for. You know. I didn't actually mean to, if you believe me."
He laughs into your throat, and rubs his nose into the pulse point under your ear in an uncharacteristically intimate gesture, "I'm not sure I do, but I'm not sure I particularly care anymore, to be frank."
You laugh too, "fair enough. I'd do it again, to be frank."
You both break down into warm, breathless laughter as you hold eachother. Slowly, you feel his knot shrink and he slides out of you. His spend gushes down your thighs, and he bends sideways to look, before moaning and throwing his head back against the wall behind him.
"That's absurdly hot. Fuck . You're lucky I just knotted you or I'd have you again right here."
You rub your thighs together, and whimper quietly, "I'd let you."
He moans again, "don't fucking say shit like that. That's not fair at all."
You shrug, "wasn't trying to be fair. If you don't like it, maybe you should do something about it."
He rolls his head forward to look at you, opening his eyes and levelling you with a hooded-eyed look that has your core pulsing. "Shut your mouth, or I'll have to shut it for you."
You shrug, then smirk. "I dare you."
In hindsight, you think Rolan was onto something earlier. Doing things the hard way is much more fun.
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niki-phoria · 1 year
hii hope you’re doing well and taking care~ sorry I haven’t been able to check in lately, congrats on your summer break!! Sadly I’m still drowning in finals but your fics have been really comforting especially the jungwon en o’clock fic and all the txt reactions you’ve been posting, tysm for writing 💜💜💜
Can I req txt babying or spoiling their 6th member maknae bf? Just fluff and cuddles and kisses and cuteness 🥺 It can be ot5 reaction or just the hyung line, whatever u decide~ ty again!
⋆。°✩ txt reaction - sweet moments with them
includes: 6th member au, established relationship, lots of fluff lol, replaced the gifs with photo sets but they take forever so i don't think i'll keep them tbh
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i hope you like it :))
6th male member reader (he/him pronouns)
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⋆。°✩ yeonjun
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(word count 304)
yeonjun blinks the lingering sleep out of his eyes in an attempt to wake himself up as he sits up in your shared bed. sunlight streams in through the windows, illuminating your sleeping form in a gentle golden glow. 
yeonjun smiles to himself at how peaceful you look. a small smile graces his features as he shifts to lay a little closer to you. his hand ghosts against your waist as he tugs your body backwards so his chest is pressed against your back. 
you flinch slightly when yeonjun brings a hand up to gently rake his fingers through your hair. he twists the newly dyed strands, silently admiring how soft they feel despite the years of continuous bleaching, curling, and straightening. 
yeonjun’s hand falls to your jawline, gently tracing along the features of your face. his thumb runs along your bottom lip as he debates leaning down to kiss you before a knock at the door interrupts him. it opens with a soft click before soobin cautiously looks into the room. 
he softly smiles at the sight of your body curled up next to yeonjun. “is he awake?” he whispers. 
“not yet.” yeonjun turns his attention back to you, unconsciously smiling at the way you subtly move into his warmth. “i was just about to wake him.”
“taehyun’s making breakfast. we’ll see you two in a few minutes?” 
yeonjun simply hums in response as soobin leaves the room, closing the door behind him. now in a tranquil silence once again, he leans down to press a kiss against your forehead. then your cheek. then nose. and finally, your lips. 
you smile against his lips; eyes fluttering open when he pulls away. “good morning, jagi,” he smiles. 
you tug him closer, pressing a chaste kiss against the exposed skin of his neck. “morning hyung.”
⋆。°✩ soobin
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(word count 346)
soobin lets out a small yawn as he sits up in your shared bed, slowly stretching his arms out. he shifts to lay on his side, glancing at your still-sleeping form. he smiles as he reaches over to brush a stray strand of hair from your face. 
soobin reaches over to grab his phone, turning it on quickly to check the time. he sighs as he sits up fully, rubbing the remaining sleep out of his eyes as he carefully crawls out of your bed. he glances back at your still-sleeping form one final time with a fond smile before he leaves the room and heads into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. 
it isn’t long before you join him; sleepily wandering into the kitchen and lazily pressing your body against his in a backhug. you lean forwards to rest your head in between his shoulder blades. soobin chuckles, pushing the cutting board back and carefully turning around to face you. he wraps your blanket around your shoulders so it covers you completely. 
“you’re making breakfast?” you ask. your morning voice comes out deep and raspier than usual. it makes a small flush spread across soobin’s cheeks and a familiar swarm of butterflies invade his stomach. 
“i am,” he hums. “is there anything you want me to make?”
you debate for a second before shaking your head as best as you can with it still pressed against his back. “i’ll eat anything you make.”
“okay,” soobin chuckles. he raises his hands from comfortably resting against your hips to wrap around your waist. he gently coaxes you towards the living room, guiding you away from the counter to the couch. “come on,” he whispers. “you need rest.”
you whine but let him push you down onto the cushions regardless. soobin adjusts your blanket so it’s fully wrapped around you. he leans down to press a kiss against your forehead. “wait,” you whisper when he pulls away. you pull him back down into a sweet kiss, both of you smiling into it before you let him pull away again.
⋆。°✩ beomgyu
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(word count 322)
beomgyu chuckles as you excitedly swing your arms as you continue walking through the empty seoul streets. streetlights and the occasional light from still-open businesses are the only thing illuminating your path as you continue walking towards a nearby convenience store. 
you glance back at beomgyu when he tugs you closer so his arm is wrapped around your waist instead of holding your hand. your lips quirk into a soft smile as you lean against him. “what?” 
“nothing,” he says, but a smile of his own spreads across his features. he rubs his hand against your back through your thin t-shirt in a faux attempt to warm you up. “you just looked cold.”
“cold?” you laugh. “hyung, it’s the middle of summer.”
beomgyu playfully rolls his eyes, but the smile never leaves his face. you simply shake your head, pulling him into the convenience store with you. a small ding from the door and a small, blinking red light from the cameras above announce your arrival. 
you scan through the multiple shelves in front of you filled with various products until you find the skincare section. a variety of masks and creams line the shelves. “you can pick the skincare and i’ll get the snacks?”
“as long as i get to pick the movie,” you tease. beomgyu scoffs but doesn’t protest, instead pressing a chaste kiss against your cheek as he momentarily leaves your side to pick out a few bags of chips to bring back to the dorm. you do the same, picking up a few masks that catch your attention and restocking a few products you know need to be replaced. 
you jump when a hand brushes against your side, tickling you before you’re pulled backwards towards someone’s chest. beomgyu chuckles at your reaction as he leans down to press a kiss against your forehead. “hyung!” you whine.
“sorry love,” he chuckles in faux remorse. “come on. let’s go home.”
⋆。°✩ taehyun
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(word count 336)
“y/n,” taehyun whispers. he kneels down so he’s at eye-level with you before brushing your fringe out of your eyes. you stir slightly in response, eyes slowly fluttering open. 
you squint at the sudden sunlight hitting your face before groaning as yet another wave of dizziness hits you. taehyun gives you a sympathetic smile, reaching over to place a hand on your back and helping you sit up. the simple action feels like it takes everything out of you, but you push through for the sake of your boyfriend. 
“hyung?” you rasp out. your throat aches with each attempt to speak. taehyun reaches over to cup your cheek, gently stroking the skin. he furrows his eyebrows before raising his hand to brush against your forehead. 
“it’s okay, jagi,” he whispers. “i’m here.” 
he pulls back just enough to reach over, holding a spoonful of freshly made samgyetang out for you. you watch as taehyun blows on it just enough to cool the steaming soup down slightly before he holds it up to your lips. its warmth feels good against your sore throat. a soft smile tugs at your lips. despite being confined to your bed - at the request of your boyfriend - you can feel the love in each one of taehyun’s actions, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. 
the dizziness and nausea slowly subside as you finish the rest of the samgyetang. “thank you,” you whisper. 
taehyun sets the now-empty bowl aside before reaching over to press a kiss against the crown of your head. “of course.”
you reach up to grab his arm, gently tugging him to sit at the edge of your bed. a smile graces his lips as you shuffle over to the side to make room for him to lay beside you. “stay?”
taehyun playfully shakes his head but slides underneath the covers nonetheless. you bury your face into the crook of his neck as he rubs his hand against your back, slowly lulling you back into a peaceful sleep.
⋆。°✩ huening kai
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(word count 317)
“moa, did you like our performance?” yeonjun asks, tilting the phone slightly so taehyun has a better look at the flowing stream of incoming comments. they’re filled with various emoji strings and excitement that’s expressed as much as possible through text.
soobin chuckles at the responses before he reaches up to take the phone from yeonjun. he adjusts the angle once again so the camera is filming towards the back of the car where you and kai are sitting. you sleepily wave towards the phone, exhaustion finally hitting after a long day of performing.
kai startles slightly when a weight falls onto his shoulder. his eyes widen as he looks over to find you sleeping on his shoulder. a small smile tugs at his lips despite the deepening blush that spreads up his neck to his ears and across his cheeks. 
a small chuckle from beside you breaks kai out of his flustered trance. “cute,” beomgyu murmurs. 
“aw, look at our maknaes,” soobin chuckles, tilting his phone so the two of you are more fully in view. kai turns to look at the camera with wide eyes for a few seconds before turning his attention back to you. 
“we’ve had a long day,” he chuckles as he explains. 
kai raises a hand to brush a few stray strands of hair out of your eyes; adjusting your somewhat disheveled hair in the process. his smile grows as you unconsciously lean even closer to his warmth, nuzzling your face into his neck as much as you can despite the confined space and moving car. 
still keenly aware of the ongoing live stream and members surrounding you, kai leans forwards to press a small kiss against the crown of your head. he reaches around you to pull you as close to your body as he can, keeping your body as steady as he can. “sleep well, y/n,” he whispers.
336 notes · View notes
dragcnbreak · 11 months
Ok that Caregiver Mike Drabble was actually sooo adorable! and if your taking requests it would be adrobes too see just a regular day where Cg Mike is just taking care of Little Reader like he realizes she ( or gender-Neutral reader ) regressed and just makes her feel comfortable yk ? Anyways you don’t have to do this if you don’t feel comfortable with it and I wish you a fabulous day/night ! 💜💜
HIII tysm for reading ^_^ here’s a lil drabble for u and I hope u enjoy and have the best day/night too <3 (sorry it’s so late btw :( I have been in a horrible writing slump)
You and Mike Schmidt lived together with his little sister, Abby. It was nice having roommates who you got along with and to share utility bills with. Mike also had a car and didn’t mind driving you anywhere you needed to go, already used to Abby’s asking.
And it didn’t hurt that Mike was one of the sweetest people you had ever met. It wasn’t easy for him to show it, usually relying on his actions to convey when he cared for someone. You didn’t even mind his temper flaring up occasionally, knowing exactly how to calm him down whenever his hackles were risen. You two fit together perfectly.
One of the ways Mike showed he cared for you was through helping you with one of your coping mechanisms, age regression. You had a rough childhood and a therapist had suggested the method to hopefully live a happier one. When you occasionally regressed, Mike acted as a caregiver for you.
One such instance occurred when you two were home alone and Abby was at school. Neither of you had work and so you both sat in front of the television, just watching the cartoons that Abby had left on. It hasn’t even occurred to you that you might slip into littlespace because of what was playing.
So it just made sense when you flopped into Mike’s lap, surprising him, and said, “Mikeyyyyy, ‘m bored.” He stared at you for a second and then it suddenly clicked for him. “What do you want to do, baby?” He asked softly, using a tone and a gentle smile he reserved just for you and Abby.
“I’m hungry but I also wanna color.” You pouted, burying your head in Mike’s neck. He raised one of his hands and ran his fingers through your slightly messy hair as best he could. “Why don’t we get you some of Abby’s coloring supplies and you can color while I make you something to eat?” You nodded quickly and unlatched yourself from your caregiver, letting him pick you up and put you back on the couch so he could get up.
Mike went into Abby’s room and grabbed some paper, markers, and crayons for you to borrow, knowing it would be okay with his little sister. You didn’t have many of your own little things because they could be pretty expensive. So instead, you used Abby’s.
The older man came back into the living room and set you up with your things on the coffee table. He pressed a kiss to your forehead as you began drawing, retreating into the kitchen so he could start on your food. You were pretty fond of mac ‘n cheese so he started with that.
In a few minutes, your food was ready and Mike brought it out to you. “It’s still hot so be careful, okay honey?” He reminded you, pushing your hair out of your face slightly. You nodded and smiled. “T‘ank you!” You chirped, continuing to color even after he set the food down.
Mike sat on the couch behind you whilst you colored and eventually began eating. He shuffled around and pulled his hoodie sleeves up, revealing a few scrunchies and hair ties on his wrist. He had begun wearing them as Abby routinely wanted her hair up but always forgot her own. So using one of the many hair accessories he had, he began to put your hair up in a ponytail as best as he could.
You giggled and brushed some loose hairs out of your own face. “T’ank you.” You repeated and Mike smiled at your manners. “Of course. Now I can see your pretty face, baby.” He then kissed the top of your head before sitting back into the couch, continuing to watch the television whilst simultaneously keeping an eye on you.
He loved you with all his heart and was always there to made sure you felt comfortable.
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merbear25 · 5 months
May I request Prompt 17 for the 200 Followers Event with America x fem/gn reader? With a hint of some NSFW elements but mostly SFW fluffy love confession type stuff? tysm!!!
Hey, hey! Thank you for sending in this request! I decided to just go with SFW mushy gushy stuff, so I hope you still like it! 💜💜
Liquid courage
CW: SFW, gn!reader, fluff, drunk confession, friends to lovers trope
That week was giving you a run for your money, leaving you wanting to unwind to the fullest with your closest friend―Alfred. You were each other's go to when you needed to have a good time and let go of the stress encompassing your lives. There was hardly a time you were together when you weren't enjoying yourselves; he was a one of the only friends you had that put as much into the relationship as you did, earning your full trust.
When a mutual friend invited you and Alfred to a party, you were on the verge of taking them up on it, but the promise you'd made to your parents to help them move echoed in your ears. Apologizing to the friend, you encouraged Alfred to go without you and enjoy himself, since he needed this just as much as you did. You were still planning to meet up with him the following day, so it wasn't like you'd be missing out on that much quality time together.
To your misfortune, your folks were moving a couple of cities over, claiming your entire day and creeping into the early hours of the evening. When you returned home, your phone started buzzing. You couldn't help but smile while Alfred sent you videos of him and others playing beer pong and doing keg stands, to which you responded with your usual playful comments.
However, as the night went on, the texts were getting a bit more flirtatious: heart and kiss emojis being his favorite. None of these really struck you as out of the ordinary, though. You knew him well enough to understand that this was a regular occurance when he drank. That being said, you were missing him more than usual, so you decided to play into those exchanges.
Putting your phone down, you smiled to yourself while you were getting ready for bed. Going into the next room, you didn't hear your phone buzzing and by the time you returned, it'd stopped, letting you drift off to sleep with a clueless grin from the coy messages on your face.
When you woke up, you saw that he'd left you a voicemail, which was a couple of minutes long. Playing it, your heart skipped a beat as you listened to him express his true feelings for you: talking about how wonderful he thought you are, how attractive you were, how hard it was for him to see you date others, and that you should be with somone who could appreciate you―someone like him.
Hearing him pour his heart out to you, even if it was when he'd been drinking, was giving you food for thought: how did you feel about him? Were last night's exchanges more than just flirting? Traveling to meet up with him, you took advantage of that time, making sure you had the chance to ponder your relationship with him.
Upon seeing each other, he appeared to be his normal happy go lucky self, seemingly unphased by what happened the night before. There was no mention of the flirtatious back and forth, let alone the confession that'd been sitting in your voicemail.
You were patiently waiting for him to bring it up, but you quickly understood that he either had no recollection of it or was just avoiding it all together. Taking the matter into your own hands, you called attention to it, "Do you remember getting drunk and calling me last night?"
Panic danced in his eyes as he relived last night's events. There was a faint memory of him calling you, but he'd assumed it was a drunken dream.
He cleared his throat before attempting to laugh it off, "Sometimes alcohol can make us do the craziest things." His face was flushing from the uncertainty of how you might feel regarding his proclamation of love for you.
Taking a moment to really look at him, seeing him as the one who'd always been there for you, the one that had never and would never do you harm, a faint flutter in your heart began.
Smiling, you took him by the hand. Without saying anything, your answer was clear. Walking hand in hand, he let out a sigh of relief after finally being given the chance to have something more with you.
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violettduchess · 11 months
Hi my lovely!! If you’re able to still take the requests, would you consider Jin + Cowboy + Spice? 💘 hehe tysm!!!
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A/N: Here you are @jozhenji💜 Hope you like it! Thank you for giving me a reason to write another Western AU!
Jin x Reader
WC: ~1.5k
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“Oh my lord, it’s him! It’s him!”
“He’s back!! How’s my hair? Is my rouge good?”
The gaggle of saloon girls crowding at the window reminds you of a group of very excited birds, the bright yellow, pink and blue feathers of their costumes fluttering with every excited movement they make.
“Ladies.” Your voice is cool and calm but loud enough to reach them over the normal saloon sounds of gruff murmuring, chairs scraping against the wooden floor, the piano off in the corner playing popular tunes. “Back to work.” They turn, a flock in motion, but the hand on your hip and the tilt of your head are stern enough to pull a collective sigh from them before they tap tap tap on their heels back to wherever they were before it was announced that Jin Grandet was back in town.
You lean against the edge of the bar, exchanging a look with Luke, the shaggy-haired bartender, who simply shrugs one of his big shoulders and goes back to drying glasses. A moment later, the door of the saloon swings opens and a tall, broad figure momentarily blocks the spill of cool, early evening light.
“What a fine night it is in Rhodolite County. Evening, everyone. Drinks on me!” Jin steps further into the saloon and grins as a cheer rises from the patrons, his name being shouted in greeting and good cheer. He spots you, all in red, the only woman allowed to wear that color in Belle's, leaning on the end of the smooth, wooden bar, your gaze casually glancing his way as you raise a glass of rich mahogany wine to your lips. His grin widens as he strolls in your direction, his gait lighter than one would think for a man of his size.
You try to keep your expression blank, but it’s difficult not to let your appreciation of that compelling physique show. His jeans hug long, powerful legs. His midnight blue shirt is tucked into them, leaving very little to the imagination. It’s an easy stroll, following the line of his muscular legs to a surprisingly narrow waist and then back up to wide, powerful shoulders. His shirt sleeves are rolled up, revealing strong forearms. One hand is shoved enticingly into the front pocket of his jeans. His dark hair, brown kissed by fire, is covered by a black pinch-front cowboy hat and anyone who didn’t know Jin would assume the white object at the corner of his shapely lips is a cigarette.
You know better.
“I ain’t ever gonna get used to the sight of a grown-ass man suckin’ on a lollipop.”
His grin grows brighter as he reaches up, pulling the sweet red treat from his mouth. A few of the saloon girls sigh audibly and you turn your head, shooting a glare in their general direction. Quickly the feathers bob up and down as they return to work.
“Want a taste?” He slides onto the bar stool closest to you, garnet eyes alight as he holds out the lollipop in your direction. With a huff, you roll your eyes, lifting your wine glass in response.
“Already got something far superior, Grandet.”
Although your words are thorny, you’re moving behind the bar, fixing him a drink. While you’re preparing his whiskey on the rocks, he’s approached by other patrons. They welcome him back to Rhodolite with slaps on the shoulder and excited questions about his latest adventure in Obsidian.
One of the saloon girls slinks forward, pressing a hand to the hard plane of his chest, batting lashes coated in thick black mascara. They remind you of gangly spider-legs
“You were gone so suddenly, Jin. We all missed you.”
He reaches up, wrapping her hand in his big one and removing it from his chest. He does it so fluidly, so effortlessly, with a grin so flirty and promising that she doesn’t even notice.
“When the sheriff gives an order, sweet thing, his officers have to answer.” 
A rugged man with eyes lit up by booze and admiration leans his elbow on the bar counter.
“Tell us, Jin, did you run into the Gilbert gang?”
This could turn into an all-nighter if he starts answering the town folks' questions. It wouldn’t be the first time. Pointedly you set his drink down in front of him. 
“Alright alright. Clear off now. Jin and I have saloon business to take care of. Ya’ll can pester him later.”
Jin is your business partner and part owner of Belle’s, having jumped at the chance to help you open the place several months ago. He's happy to leave the run of it in your hands, but does like to be included in certain business decisions. Just last month, before he had left on his mission for Sheriff Michel, he had brought you a bottle of wine from Benitoite county, promising you it would increase sales if sold here. And he had been right, to the tune of 40 percent.
Now he frowns, sighing almost theatrically as he turns to face you. “I just walked in the place and you want to talk business?” He shakes his head, sliding off the bar stool with his drink in his hand. “Dealing with the Obsidian gang is easier than my partner here,” he says to an eye-roll from you and raucous laughter from the crowd. He lifts the whiskey, knocking it back in one smooth motion and then sets the empty tumbler down on the bar.
You make your way towards the narrow spiral staircase in the back corner of the saloon, listening as Jin claps people on the shoulder, promising them a drink on him later as well as the details of his adventures in Obsidian county. They all watch him go, shaking their heads. Poor guy, just back and now it seems you’re calling him to the chopping block for one thing or another.
The staircase leads to the second floor of the building, the place where there are several bedrooms. Yours, as owner, is at the end of the hall and bigger than the rest. Reaching into one of the discrete pockets sewn into the crimson satin of your gown, you pull out the iron key to your door even as you hear the heavy steps of Jin’s cowboy boots along the wooden corridor. 
Stepping inside your bedroom, a sanctuary of mint green and gold and delicate decorations, you turn, dropping the key into a small soap dish shaped like a lily-pad as Jin steps inside and then one-handedly closes the door firmly behind him. 
Your eyes lock and for a moment, neither of you moves. And then you’re rushing forward and he’s pulling you towards him, wrapping his strong arms around you and crushing your eager lips with a kiss. He tastes like whiskey, sweet and tangy, and on his tongue you catch the faintest hint of strawberry lollipop. Your fingers grip the nape of his neck as another wave of thunderous craving rolls through you.
“Lord, I missed you,” he manages to growl somewhere in the tangle of kisses. His cowboy hat has fallen to the floor and somehow the straps of your gown have come undone. He lowers his head, pressing his mouth to the line of your neck, following it down to the smooth skin of your bare shoulder. His strong hands are anchored at your waist, deliciously firm. Your head lolls back to give him access; his hair soft between your fingers.
“You got some nerve just waltzin’ in like that, Jin Grandet." Your words exist in that place between a whisper and a gasp. "No note that you’re back. No private visit. I ought to turn you out right now.”
He huffs against the delicate skin of your collarbone.
“You won’t. Not with the way I turn you on.”
You groan, half at the terrible pun, half at the way his mouth is hungrily exploring all the skin above the heart-shaped neckline of your dress.
“Besides,” he breathes as he skims his hands up your back, his face pressed against the softness of your cleavage, “I wanted to surprise my girl.”
He urges you towards the bed, showing shocking dexterity despite the size of his hands as he works the hooks of your gown. You put a hand between you, feeling the way his heart is hammering even through the soft cotton of his shirt.
He lifts his head, hair a disheveled mess, eyes glowing like hot coals with want.
You smile slowly, reaching out to cup his face with your palm. The touch is a moment of tenderness, a light in the dark sea of desire you’re both sinking into.
“I missed you too. So very much.”
His breath catches as he feels the truth of your words, the soft sincerity of them. His dark head bows, lifting your hand to his lips where he places a loving kiss to the back of it.
“C’mere, cowboy,” you murmur, lowering yourself onto the bed and pulling him along with you. “Lemme show you.”
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Tagging: @xbalayage @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @rhodoliteschaos @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @portrait-ninja @ikesimpleton @queen-dahlia @scorchieart @nightghoul381
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mommy's deal
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pairing: Optional BTS Bias x Female Reader word count: 879 warnings: smut, mommy kink, nipple play AO3 A/N: request - hi ! can i request a mommy/nipple kink (if u’re comfortable ofc) where a bts member is sick n sucks on your nipple LMAO it gets kinda dirty lowk ;) tysm if you end up writing this ! no pressure x Hope you like it and that you have a wonderful day wherever you are💜
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What happens when you grab your overworked boyfriend, add the fact that he doesn't have the time to feed himself properly and mix the cold and unpredictable weather? You get a sick boyfriend that needs all of your attention.
You wouldn't have a problem with that if it wasn't for the fact that he gets incredibly whiny about it - he regresses back to a child type of whiny.
You always need to be by his side or else he'll start making grabby hands and almost cry about it, refuses to take any medication or eat anything without throwing a tantrum, you practically have to force him to stay in bed and rest.
You loved him with all of your heart but sometimes, it got a bit annoying.
Right now you were leaning against the headboard, your boyfriend's arms wrapped around your waist as he used your chest as pillows, while something you were barely paying attention to was playing on the television, constantly thinking about all the things you had to do instead of being in bed.
Your boyfriend wasn't paying any to the television too, much rather preferring to snuggle his face against your breasts. Not that you were complaining, you loved to spend time like this with him and you knew how much he loved your tits, but you really needed to get out of the bed and do things around the house, one of them being his dinner.
Looking over at him he seemed to be in a deep sleep, so carefully you unwrapped his arms from around you and got out of the bed as quietly as you could.
You got halfway through the room before you heard whinnying behind you. Sighing you turned around and saw him making grabby hands at you, and with another sigh, you climbed back in bed.
As soon as your ass touched the mattress he immediately grabbed onto your hips, making you sit on his lap, pulling you as close as possible to him, and laying his head on your chest again.
Chuckling you grazed your fingers through his hair as he snuggled closer.
"Baby," he refused to look at you, too focused on your breasts. "Baby, I need to get dinner ready."
"No!" he whined, shaking his head. "Stay!"
"Baby I can't take care of you if you won't let me,"
"Don't care!" With a sigh you threw your head back, this was getting ridiculous.
You kept your eyes on the ceiling until an idea suddenly popped into your head. "You're being a brat baby," you looked down at him, finding your boyfriend already staring at you with wide eyes.
"No buts," you interrupted pulling his arms away from you. "You're misbehaving."
"I just wanna be close to you,"
"You're not letting me take care of you and keep acting very needy, in fact, I don't even think you should be touching me at all."
"Hmmm… Let's make a deal," you took his face in your hands, checking to see how his temperature was. "Or maybe not, you're still too hot."
"No please, I'm okay," his hands returned back to your hips, gripping them harder.
"Hmmm… If you're sure," he nodded rapidly, his eyes darkening with lust. "How about mommy lets you suck on her tits and then, you let her take care of that fever of yours?"
As soon as the word 'tits' came out of your mouth his hands were already working on taking off your shirt. Throwing your shirt on the floor his hands made quick work of squeezing and massaging your breasts, always so eager to touch them.
You let out a soft moan at his thumbs rubbing circles on your nipples, your hand finding purchase on his hair, gripping tightly to remind him of who was in charge.
Taking one of your breasts into his mouth, licking and sucking your nipple while twisting, pulling, and pinching the other, your unoccupied hand slipped inside his pants and, upon finding his cock half-harden, thumbed his tip before beginning to stroke his length.
Moaning into your nipple he started sucking it more vigorously, making you arch your back and pulling his face closer to your chest.
"Do you like sucking mommy's tits baby?" you moaned out as your hand picked up the pace.
"S-So m-much mommy," he whimpered at your ministrations, pulling away from your breast with a loud pop before taking the other one into his mouth.
Moaning in conjunction you could tell that he was getting closer to reaching his high as you twisted your hand with each stroke, his mouth nibbling at your nipple while his hand massaged the other. "Are you gonna come for mommy babyboy? Are you gonna come all over her hand like a dirty boy?"
With a high-pitched whine, he came all over your hand, your hand-coated with his white fluid slowly stroking his length to prolong his high, all the while he kept pinching and twisting your nipples.
Your grip on his hair tightens, pulling his head back to signal him to stop. "You happy now baby?"
"Y-Yes mommy,"
"Good. Now be a good boy and let take care of dinner," you give him a peck on the lips. "And if you behave, I'll reward you."
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 4 months
(in case tumblr ate it) jance, 17 🥰
yes it seems it did😔 here's what i was going to reply to you haha
tysm for your request jo 💜💜💜 i really enjoyed writing it!
also posted to ao3 here
He may not have known him for very long, but Jan has never seen Nace this nervous before. Yes, he had been shy when they first met (though Jan was shyer), yes he had been on edge before his first gig with them, yes he’d been quiet in the studio while they were recording Carpe Diem. Now, though, he isn’t tense and reticent, as he usually is when he’s anxious. No; he’s pacing up and down in the heavy silence of the RTV’s dressing room wringing his hands, jumping every time any of the others say or do anything, fiddling with the hem of his jacket, smoothing down his hair obsessively. These are nervous tics Jan has never seen from him before and it’s making him restless too. Watching Nace, he is filled with the urge to go over and wrap him in a crushing hug, as though he can leech away all his stress and anticipation with one touch.
Jan is used to taking comfort in Nace’s presence. He knows too that Nace takes comfort in him. They’ve been slowly exploring the something between them for the past few months, unable to hold back despite the knowledge that entering a relationship with a bandmate can get messy. He doesn’t want to rush things, doesn’t want to rock the boat, to overstep a boundary and cause an explosion. But he can’t sit here and watch Nace get more and more wound up with nerves just as they’re meant to go on stage.
Before he’s quite decided what the plan is, Jan suddenly finds himself standing. The other four all turn to face him and he almost shrinks under the combined weight of their attention, but he’s desperate for a moment alone with Nace, so he steels himself and gestures vaguely at Bojan, Kris, and Jure.
“You three, out,” he says abruptly, not quite able to make eye contact with any of them. He expects some kind of resistance, perhaps from Bojan, but they all obey him without a word, and he watches them leave in his peripheral vision from where he’s looking at the floor. There are a few brief moments after the door swings closed behind Kris in which neither Jan nor Nace say anything, and then Jan turns around. 
Nace looks somehow even more nervous now it’s just the two of them; he’s holding onto the back of the chair next to him as though he might fall over without its support. At the sight of him, Jan no longer has any qualms about what is needed and he crosses the floor without a word to gather Nace into his arms. Nace relaxes into him immediately, holding him tightly back, tipping his head down so his forehead is resting on Jan’s shoulder. They stand like this for several minutes, impossibly close and yet not close enough. Jan hopes that Nace is as calmed and reassured by the contact, by Jan’s warmth and familiar smell, as Jan is by him. He only loosens his grip when Nace stops shaking and steps back far enough that they can see each other’s faces, though he keeps his arms slung around Nace’s neck so he can’t pull too far away.
“Want to talk about it?”
Nace opens his mouth to answer but can’t find the words. Jan doesn’t interrupt, just gives Nace time to formulate what he’s trying to say. It takes a few long minutes, but eventually Nace is able to articulate himself. “It’s the first project I’ve worked on with you guys,” he says slowly, eyes downcast. “What if the fans don’t like my influence on your sound? What if they don’t think I fit your image?”
Jan leans in and bumps his forehead reassuringly against Nace’s. “Fuck the fans,” he says lowly, and it startles a laugh out of Nace. The sound makes something twist in Jan’s stomach. He loves hearing Nace laugh, loves the way he has so much joy to share and isn’t afraid of expressing it. “I mean it,” he repeats. “We like the way you create with us, we love this song. If our current fans don’t like it or don’t like you, then fuck them; we’ll make plenty of new fans through Eurovision.” 
Neither of them are as ambitious as Bojan and Kris are regarding fame or global exposure, but they all decided to go on this journey knowing that was the plan. Jan’s always been in it for the music; the unparalleled joy of creating music, those magical moments on stage when he becomes the music. But he can’t let Nace be afraid of their Eurovision journey before it’s even started.
Nace is still anxious and Jan can tell. He wants to address the other question Nace had posed, to reassure him, but now it’s his turn to be tongue tied and nervous. He wants to tell Nace how attractive he is, how his smile makes Jan’s heart skip a beat, that he wants to map Nace’s skin with his tongue and teeth, that he’s desperate to learn how to take him apart with just a few touches. But they’re taking it slow, trying not to rush into things, even though Jan knows his traitorous heart isn’t listening to reason.
So he does the only thing he can to ensure his tongue won’t betray his feelings; he steps back into Nace’s personal space and kisses him fiercely.
No matter how many times they kiss, Jan knows he will never tire of it. His entire universe at this moment is the heat of Nace’s mouth, the taste of him, the way he’s threading his fingers through Jan’s hair and sliding a hand down his back to pull him closer. Nace is pliant under Jan’s hands and tongue, willing to cede all control and let Jan do what he wants to him, and what Jan wants is to take him apart, to make him forget all traces of his nervousness for their upcoming performance. But they’re in their shared dressing room, where their bandmates or frankly anyone else could walk in, and as desperately as he wants to let go of all his inhibitions, he knows that would be far too reckless, and so, reluctantly, he pulls away. They’re both panting and a little unsteady on their feet, and Jan opens his eyes to take in Nace’s flushed cheeks and kiss-bruised lips. Willpower alone stops him from leaning back in to finish what they’ve started, and he can see clearly in Nace’s face the same desire.
“Was that a good enough distraction?” Jan asks, his voice unexpectedly husky.
“It wasn’t bad,” Nace admits breathlessly, and Jan can hear the smile in his voice. After a few long moments, Nace releases his tight grip on Jan’s shirt and steps back far enough that they can see themselves in the mirror. All Jan can think is that they’re lucky they haven’t gone to hair and make-up yet; they’re both so dishevelled that it’s obvious what they’ve been up to even without any telltale traces of smudged foundation. Nace reaches up to smooth down Jan’s hair again, and Jan leans instinctively into his touch. “I think we’ve got a different problem now,” Nace says wryly, and Jan is inclined to agree. Bojan, Kris, and Jure will surely be back any moment now and they’ll be sent off to hair and make-up; they can only hope their racing hearts will have time to slow before they’re called on stage.
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base0h · 2 years
HIIII!!! How are you today ??? Me it’s fine, the school is soooooo boring 😩!!!!
BUT it’s not my request 😂
I wish I have a hcs with ace, sanji, zoro and (if you want) your favourite anime character.💃✨
I want to know you better!🙈🙈
with an s/o that is REALLY hard to make her blush, like they are never see the s/o blush! But one day the boys give/say some relatively simple things (ex: they give them a flower or they say "I like your smell") and the s/o *poof* she’s red, like really, when it is EXTREMELY difficult to make her blush !
If your not like it ignore it! I don’t want to you feel uncomfortable 😣
SOOO!!! Take care of youuuu! 💜
a/n - HI HI! <3 I always love seeing your requests 🥺 I’m doing alright thank you!! :0 my FAVORITE CHARACTER? omg you’re giving me too much freedom- 😭 I’d love to get to know you better as well 💜 tysm for this request, I hope you like it, take care <3
Warnings ⚠️ - fem reader, fluff, honestly this is just plain happiness :)
It’s the small things <3
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- ace tries so hard to get you to blush, but has had no success with you
- He’s tried everything! Flirty words, classic pickup lines (they’re rlly bad ones btw lmao) everything!
- the poor fire boy has been defeated :(
- He’s given up in his endeavors, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love on you any less!!
- today, when you both were just relaxing outside, shoulder to shoulder as happy as can be
- Ace smiled at you, he couldn’t believe how he found someone as perfect as you. Not just beautiful, but perfect for him
- who else would deal with this man’s narcolepsy?!
- … mhm that’s right.
- he took his hat off with one hand, and put it on your head with a grin, keeping his hand on top of your head while he leaned close to you, placing a kiss on your lips
- It was just a kiss, like the many before.. yet why was this one so- different?
- it was passionate even though it was only a second, the warmth and love of it spread throughout your body like wildfire, making your cheeks heat up
- Ace looked at your cheeks, and he looked shocked
- You.. Were blushing?!
- His pride was short lived because he collapsed face first into you, snoring away like many times before
- You were still flustered by his actions
- This man had the audacity to just do that and fall asleep?!
- welp- that was your man after all. Fire fist ace. He’ll fall asleep at the absolute worst possible times just for comedic effect 👍
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- this man is ROMANTIC
- you know what I mean lmao
- he doesn’t miss a beat on doing things for you, he’ll do anything for you and you don’t even have to think about asking for it
- tea/coffee? Of course
- A full course meal? Easy
- this man LIVES to do things for you
- You never really get flustered by all of his actions though, and he’s gotten used to that
- it’s not that you don’t appreciate him! It’s just that it’s extremely hard to get you to blush
- he knows that, but- he’s absolutely dying to see you blush just once in his life, then he can die a happy cook
- You were sitting down on a chair, back from a long day of work that wore out your body
- Sanji was in the kitchen, making dinner for the both of you, but you smelled something familiar
- Almost the scent of your favorite childhood meal? (Mine was musubi :) but just picture yours hehe)
- maybe you were just so tired that you were “smelling” things??
- you didn’t even know if that was possible but- it was happening
- Sanji wouldn’t know of that right?
- He brought out a plate of food, and he leaned over from behind your chair, placing a kiss to your forehead like the gentleman he is
- “Dinner, darling.” He said with a smile, sitting down on the sofa next to you
- He took notice of your lack of energy pretty quickly, and decided to try and help out a bit
- He held a piece of food in front of your mouth, much to your surprise
- He was- hand feeding you.. like a child.
- your cheeks immediately flushed a deep red, how long had it been since someone had fed you?!
- Sanji looked concerned, “My love, do you not like the smell?”
- “Wh- no! It’s just that I haven’t been.. hand fed in a really long time.. and I haven’t eaten this in a long while.” You replied, trying to hide your flushed cheeks
- Sanji could die a happy man, at least he knew he did something right :)
- your face was absolutely adorable to him- he wished he could’ve taken a picture and engraved it into his memory
- he smiled at you, and continued to feed you slowly, asking about your other favorite meals and how to make them so he could make them for you in the future
- The food was absolutely delicious like usual, but with Sanji feeding you, it was 10x better lmao
- moral of the story? Sanji made your favorite foods from your childhood, and even present more often :D
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- he’s not the romantic type of guy like Sanji, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t demonstrate his love!
- Zoro prefers to just hold hands, or just have you near him, so none of his actions have really provoked or caused you to blush
- He’s not a perverted love cook, nothing wrong with that!
- He’s a pretty chill guy, and is perfectly happy with napping next to you, cuddling with you, holding hands, and just sitting together!
- He appreciates the loving silence you two have together :)
- As you know, Zoro is a very strong guy, so his arms are pretty bulky and muscular
- after he finished his training session for the day, he walked towards you, without a shirt and a towel wrapped around his neck
- you waved to him before going back to whatever you were doing, but it seemed as though Zoro needed more attention today
- his hand wrapped around your waist from behind and he whispered into your ear, “Can you meet me in the room in a bit? I wanna nap with you.” Is all he said
- But it was how he said it
- His low voice almost rang in your ears, sending chills down your spine, your face heating up and already turning red without Zoro noticing
- He didn’t even say anything weird- he just wanted a nap- 😭
- oh the things this moss head could do to you
- (yes don’t worry you napped with Zoro lmao)
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- this boy is already flustered by every single one of your actions 💀
- he’s a little baby and kind of gets flustered with any kind of contact he has with you still
- maybe not hugs and cuddles, but DEFINITELY kisses and such
- One time you were worried he was turning blue because he stopped breathing from shock (actually he was as red as a tomato-)
- He was leaving soon on a mission for the marines
- As a captain, Koby did have a lot of responsibilities, but you were still his top priority, so it was hard for him to leave you for a little while
- Koby looked a bit nervous about something other than his mission, so you asked him about it before he left
- “Here! Y/n.. I have something to give you.” He took out a bandana almost identical to his, daisies and all, just your favorite color :)
- “I thought that maybe.. we could match! It’s ok if you don’t want it though.” He said with a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his head nervously
- Your cheeks were tinted pink, almost like his hair as you stared at the thoughtful gift
- Your heart was about to melt. Koby had made this just for you! And he took the time to make it your favorite color 🥺
- “I love it! Can you put it on my head?” You asked him with a smile, your cheeks flushed a bright red
- He looked like his whole world just lit up from your smile, he excitedly started tying it on your head, making sure it wasn’t uncomfortable for you
- “Thank you Koby, I love it.” You said, kissing his cheek, leaving him speechless, as well as the color of a tomato
- “KOBY! WE HAVE TO GO!” Helmeppo’s voice shouted from afar. Koby reluctantly gave you one last tight squeeze before he finally got the guts to pull you close to him, slamming his lips against yours
- The kiss was longing, you could tell it was a goodbye
- It left you breathless, blushing madly as Koby waved goodbye to you as he ran towards the departing ship of soldiers
- Koby did it, he made you blush :)
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a/n - koby’s one of my favorite one piece characters :) sorry for the wait! I’ve been a bit busy with school 💀
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