#u can choose to have wedding parties or not . u can choose what traditions u wanna honor .
needtoloveoutloud · 5 days
The second anon here ( ◡‿◡ *)
For those cute emoticons, I have my sites bookmarked but you can just google japanese emoticons or kaomoji and you should find some and you can just copy and paste them. That's how I do it
thank u for replying to my question about the reader insert and thank you for being so cool about it!
U said you were open to any questions, so about 40?
(I didnt come up with them, I found them on another blog, they are being reblogged)
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1. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
2. Who is your favorite person in the world?
3. Whats your favorite part of your body?
4. When you are feeling down, what always cheers you up no matter what?
5. Describe one of the best days of your life.
6. What youtube video or vine always makes you laugh without fail? Link it!
7. What was some of the best advice you've ever been given?
8. What is the superior breakfast food of choice and why?
9. What's one of your fondest childhood memories?
10. Describe your dream home.
11. Everybody is good at something. What are you good at?
12. Do you have any little party tricks that most people don't know about?
13. What was an instance that completely turned your bad day/week around for the better?
14. Name the first ten things that make you happy right now. Don't even think too hard about it just write whatever comes to mind first.
15. What's the best pun you've ever heard?
16. What song always makes you happy no matter what?
17. What is an inside joke that no one else would understand?
18. Tell us about a moment where you felt absolutely free and alive.
19. What's your favorite fruit?
20. What is one of your favorite art pieces of all time?
21. What is your favorite family tradition? Or a tradition with any group of people you are involved with if you don't have any family traditions.
22. Have you ever purchased something expensive that you didn't really need, but it's made you so happy that it was worth it? What is it?
23. What's your favorite place on your body to be massaged?
24. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
25. Who is a person that has changed your life for the better?
26. Has anyone ever given you a compliment that was so meaningful to you and you will never forget? What was it?
27. What are you proud of in your life?
28. Post a selfie of yourself that you think is hot fire and needs to be appreciated (because you are so damn good looking)
29. What's your favorite video game ever?
30. What are you a fuckin nerd about that you could talk about for forever? Feel free to do a lil rant here about how much you love said thing and why it's awesome
31. You are in a powerful position, in charge and giving orders to people who all respect you for how good you are at your job. What would this job be?
32. You fall off a boat and wash up ashore on an island. Seems shitty but then you realize this place is a paradise with servants at your beck and call, a mansion, and every entertainment you can wish for. Also there are no bugs. You get to choose 3 other people to invite and have the time of your lives. Who are they? (These can be any currently living person in the world)
33. You get 1 million dollars. You are not allowed to save it or invest it, but instead are only allowed to use it to treat yourself. How do you spend it?
34. What are you looking forward to currently??
35. Describe your dream wedding (or if you aren't into that describe a dream vacation. Or do both who cares!)
36. What's your favorite kind of animal to chill with?
37. What have you done that felt very fulfilling at the end?
38. what's your favorite movie that leaves you with a great feeling at the end?
39. What was the most relaxed you've ever felt?
40. And finally, describe any one thing that makes you super happy. It can be a memory, an upcoming event, a person, a piece of art, a piece of clothing....whatever. as long as it makes you happy, then tell us about it!
🌺🌺 🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 Λ 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 ( ˘ ᵕ ˘ 🌺🌺🌺 ヽ つ\ / UU / 🎀 \
It's the Anon with the cute emoticon things again!
Wait, 40 (?!) questions? Damn, okay, hold on, lemme make myself some tea first so I can answer them while fully waking up (god, I hope the answers will make sense, I haven't been awake for long)
Okay, lol so I'm back.
Thanks for letting me know about the emoticon thing. :)
Now, to your questions.
1. What was the last thing that made you laugh? One of my colleagues made a really dark humored statement in a situation thar wasn't really suited for a “joke”. I love well (or incredibly bad) timed jokes. And oddly enough, he managed to not be disrespectful about the situation itself. Idk, it really managed to lift the mood
2. Who is your favorite person in the world? Just one person? Well, if you're gonna make me choose, I'm gonna say my husband (I always feel so old saying 'husband', but I'm in my mid-twenties lmao, we got married 'young' I guess)
3. What's your favorite part of your body? My right arm because I've got a beautiful floral tattoo on it
4. When you are feeling down, what always cheers you up no matter what? My husband, best friend, cat, sleep
5. Describe one of the best days of your life. I'm not sure if it's a single best day, but looking back, I'd say when I was a kid and my best friend and I would spend the entire summer days outside, just playing, running around, going to the public pool, collecting lavender... all that stuff. I miss being that carefree.
6. What youtube video or vine always makes you laugh without fail? Link it! Idk if there's a single one but video game glitches sometimes get me. Mostly Skyrim/Oblivion ones. Other than that: plenty of TikToks
7. What was some of the best advice you've ever been given? I haven't been given it personally and read it somewhere a while ago, but it goes something like this: “Everything that's worth doing is doing worth badly.” Meaning, for example, if your physical or mental energy doesn't allow you to have a full-on hygiene session with a hair mask and body lotion shaving legs, and all that, simply have a quick shower without any extra stuff. If you don't feel up for sports or to work out, just do some light stretching. If you can't love yourself completely on some days, maybe just find a super small thing about yourself that you don't hate. At least that's how I interpreted it. Sometimes only 2 % of our normal amount of energy is the 100 % we can bring up on some days, and that's fine. Just do whatever you can. Doing nothing is ALSO doing something, though. You can be busy just trying to get through the day without doing anything objectively productive.
8. What is the superior breakfast food of choice and why? Hot baked rolls/bread (actual bread) with homemade scrambled egg with vegetables in it.
9. What's one of your fondest childhood memories? The thing is, the more my therapist asks about my childhood, the more I realize that I barely remember anything about it. Even at ages that I should remember stuff. Either that, or I can remember some things with a scary accuracy. Anyways, again, I think I'd go with carefree days with my best friend. Not sure if there is one super specific memory that sticks out.
10. Describe your dream home. A house, surrounded by lots of garden and clover (not plain grass) and spots where I can plant flowers and veggies and stuff. Inside, it has high ceilings and a mixture of modern and comfortable. While it's nice to look at, I don't like the 100 % completely open-floored plan. I want nooks and crannies and partially mismatched furniture and a home that looks like it's been lived in and, more importantly, you're allowed to live in it. While white and beige and stuff is nice, I want a lot of colors and plants in there. Big windows (that preferably magically clean themselves lol). Natural wood flooring. Oh, and a fireplace.
11. Everybody is good at something. What are you good at? I'd say listening and empathizing with others.
12. Do you have any little party tricks that most people don't know about? lmao my party trick is when I actually show up and stay late
13. What was an instance that completely turned your bad day/week around for the better? I usually have a bad time when I'm away from my safe space/home. So, as soon as I come home back to my own bed, my cat, my husband, and all my little lovely little things, I can finally relax again
14. Name the first ten things that make you happy right now. Don't even think too hard about it just write whatever comes to mind first. our new home, my husband, cat, friends, good food, my tea, fresh/clean air, feeling accomplished because I deep cleaned the kitchen yesterday, people being interested in my fanfic/story and liking it, and, I think most importantly: the little addition that will hopefully come to be in about eight months time :)
15. What's the best pun you've ever heard? Oh god, it's usually spontaneous/situational stuff so I can't really remember, sorry
16. What song always makes you happy no matter what? A very basic answer, but I truly dgaf: "Shut Up and Dance" by WALK THE MOON
17. What is an inside joke that no one else would understand? Too many to count, too many to think of one right now (also, too not awake yet)
18. Tell us about a moment where you felt absolutely free and alive. I come from the countryside and a smaller village that had a lot of untouched nature around it and there was a little stream of water outside of town (twenty minutes by bike) right at the edge of the woods where there was still a meadow before it turned into a full on forest. At any rate, I think I was about ten or something (my parents pretty much let me do whatever as long as they sort of knew where I was) and I went there by myself and simply layed in the grass. Didn't do anything. Napped. But otherwise, didn't do anything. Maybe listened to the crickets and the water or brought a book, can't remember. But I just lazed around in the sun like a cat.
19. What's your favorite fruit? Pear
20. What is one of your favorite art pieces of all time? Pretty much everything by Van Gogh. Idk, I love him. Also: any fanart for my fanfiction 🤍
21. What is your favorite family tradition? Or a tradition with any group of people you are involved with if you don't have any family traditions. My husband and cat always receive three pecks (my cat on her little forehead) before I/we go to sleep.
22. Have you ever purchased something expensive that you didn't really need, but it's made you so happy that it was worth it? What is it? I don't have enough money to buy something that I don't really need lmao Then again, maybe I rationalize a lot of things and think I need some things. The last expensive thing I got was a new rug for my home office room
23. What's your favorite place on your body to be massaged? None. I hate being massaged.
24. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? Had to google what that is, I'm not from the US. So, no idea - never had one of those things
25. Who is a person that has changed your life for the better? Myself. Others help, but ultimately, I think you have to change stuff yourself.
26. Has anyone ever given you a compliment that was so meaningful to you, and you will never forget? What was it? I think in general it's when people say that they feel safe around me and that they feel like they can talk about whatever without being judged. And with the fanfic, it's pretty much the same: when people say that they like it and some even said that the story brings them comfort, so that's super fucking amazing
27. What are you proud of in your life? Making it past 15
28. Post a selfie of yourself that you think is hot fire and needs to be appreciated (because you are so damn good looking)
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29. What's your favorite video game ever? Skyrim/Valheim/Sims - I mod all of them
30. What are you a fuckin nerd about that you could talk about for forever? Feel free to do a lil rant here about how much you love said thing and why it's awesome Various Anime/manga lmao and I think I rant enough about them
31. You are in a powerful position, in charge and giving orders to people who all respect you for how good you are at your job. What would this job be? no clue, sorry :D Tried to come up with something smart but couldn't
32. You fall off a boat and wash up ashore on an island. Seems shitty but then you realize this place is a paradise with servants at your beck and call, a mansion, and every entertainment you can wish for. Also there are no bugs. You get to choose 3 other people to invite and have the time of your lives. Who are they? (These can be any currently living person in the world) K, realistically, I would probably panic and drown immediately after falling of the boat, because I have an actual phobia of open water. Anyways, for the three people: I'd take my husband, my bestie, and her boyfriend so she wouldn't feel like the third wheel hahah
33. You get 1 million dollars. You are not allowed to save it or invest it, but instead are only allowed to use it to treat yourself. How do you spend it? God, I'd love to invest it for a stable and secure financial future once I'm old and can't work anymore. Otherwise, probably buy a nice apartment and some nice art and plants
34. What are you looking forward to currently?? Two things: finally being finished with the new apartment and having everything cozy and: holding my baby in my arms for the first time (hopefully healthy) in about eight months lol
35. Describe your dream wedding (or if you aren't into that describe a dream vacation. Or do both who cares!) Dream vacation is basically just doing fuck all and lounging around at the beach (NOT in the water) and reading a good book and napping whenever. No schedule, no stress, no commitments.
36. What's your favorite kind of animal to chill with? cats
37. What have you done that felt very fulfilling at the end? finishing big projects at work and sticking with writing/publishing my fanfiction
38. what's your favorite movie that leaves you with a great feeling at the end? Princess Mononoke
39. What was the most relaxed you've ever felt? See question 18 💁‍♀️
40. And finally, describe any one thing that makes you super happy. It can be a memory, an upcoming event, a person, a piece of art, a piece of clothing....whatever. as long as it makes you happy, then tell us about it! my cat's currently on my lap, purring - judging what I'm replying to those questions. That makes me happy :)
Phew, that took a WHILE. I'm hope it's to your satisfaction, Anon 🤍
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9800sblog · 1 year
Hello Dear, Can u do "Who is his future spouse?" with Yunho? Tysm!! 🍓💝
Jeong Yunho tarot reading - who is his future spouse?
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-> he is a singer and dancer in ATEEZ, a boy group based in South Korea. I made him the usual questions you ask to someone who announced their wedding but you know nothing about their soon to be spouse "what are they like? what's their job? how do they look like?". well, this is how I interpreted the tarot answers ;)
-> do I have his energy permission to do and share this reading? the empress
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they're a very positive person but they have a pretty bad life, that's probably why a positive mindset is so important to them, to keep them balanced. they're well traveled and a social butterfly, they like to drink and party with yunho and friends, they're a mood maker, they walk in a room and it suddenly lights up. very chill and sweet, they may smoke often and that's why they're so relaxed. they're probably middle class and live the nightclub life during the weekends, I think they really like to dance, but just for fun. they're very deep but keep people at a distance, they open up to those they are close and others mostly see the fun side of them. they give me the feelings of spring afternoon in nature, late night chilling and drinking with friends on a sidewalk and movies about garage bands. lovers that are also best friends, sexy without trying, natural and sweaty, everyone is in love with them but they chose him, like Pam and Jim from the office.
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they may wear hats and change their haircut oftenly; they likely have very light, pale skin and rosy cheeks; average to smaller than average height, athletic built, like they do yoga or pilates, strong legs; may have and carry many purses and sunglasses; they have a very simple and natural style, may wear simple white t-shirt/black turtleneck + skinny jeans combo, they have a very 80s model vibe, I don't think they usually wear lots of makeup and they dress for comfort, definitely, mostly neutral colors, I assume, like black, white, red and beige; prominent, triangular nose and relaxed eyes, like waking up after a good nap; they look like they come from a small town, i don't know what that means exactly, I guess they just don't show off.
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career and fame
definitely not a celebrity, but may be friends with some of them, I think they work with celebrities, they may have worked or may work in the future with ateez, I don't think they work at kq.
they don't have a traditional job and they work with people. they sound like a stylist or makeup artist, I think they aren't doing what they love, it was supposed to be a job to make ends meet and they haven't stopped since :( there are messages of superficiality, hiding things and art, so either they're a professional at choosing colors to mask people's insecurities or they're a really good rober of expensive art. may also be a hairstylist because the card 5 of cups has this image of two fallen cups with tinted liquid.
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I think they're a regular Korean, might also be Russian or Chinese, but I really think just regular, born and raised in South Korea, never moved abroad type of person. I even got the page of cups card, which has red, blue and white colors.
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singletap · 1 year
dresses for freshers party
A Freshers party is a polite welcome by the seniors to the freshers. It is an event where the freshers are not only given a chance to show their talents but also feel comfortable with the new surroundings. It is one of the most memorable days of college life. The party has various colorful events and programs like ramp walks, traditional fusion, western dances, singing performances, games, couples, dance, and many more. In this, seniors gave a colorful code for dress, usually, they gave black color.
Top 8 College Freshers Party Dress
 1 One piece 
At the fresher's party usually, we wear one piece. There are different types of one-piece like formal shirt dresses, denim dresses, lace dresses, cocktail dresses, printed shirt dresses, checkered shirt dresses, off-shoulder, and so many others. Black color one piece gives an awesome look.
2 Jeans with Tops
   We have different kinds of jeans like skinny jeans, straight jeans, side slit button jeans, capris, high-waisted jeans, low-rise jeans, jegging, etc. On the other hand, we have different types of tops like T-shirts, off-shoulder tops, crop tops, sleeveless tops, v-necked tops, and turtleneck tops. In this, we can pair any kind of top with jeans that give us a different look.
3 Saree
As we all know, a saree is a traditional dress that represents our Indian culture. We can wear it at freshers' parties, farewells, weddings, and many more because it gives a classy look. There are different kinds of sarees in India like Banarasi silk saree, Kasuti saree, Chanderi saree, Tant saree, Kanjeevaram saree, Batik printed saree, Assam muga saree, Dhakai Jamdani saree and so many. But in today's time, a saree is a normal dress that you can wear. In villages, this fabric is more comfortable for daily wear. 
4 Crop Top with skirt 
The choice of skirt can range from long skirts to high-waisted skirts and peskirtsskirts to many skirts. We can pair crop tops with any kind of skirt like this. Crop tops and skirts give cute and beautiful outfit choices for most occasions. It is always trendy.
5 Gown 
It is a Saxon word that means gunna. The profession of own-making was started in the 17th century by foreigners and today's time started in India. The gown is made up of a bodice and skirt. Different types of gowns give a fashionable and amazing look. Gowns like the Ball gown, A-line gown, Flared gown, Trumpet gown, Off shoulder gown, Back gown, and so on. These all gowns gave a pretty look but the A-line gown is simple and elegant and it suits all body shapes. The red color in the gown gives a gorgeous look to a lady we can wear on any occasion. 
6 Jumpsuit 
A jumpsuit is a type of dress that combines a top and pants into one piece. We can wear it in any variety of situations like formal events, parties, etc. There are different kinds of jumpsuits including choker jumpsuits, Blazer jumpsuits, Flared jumpsuits, overall jumpsuits, Deep v-necked jumpsuits, and Palazzo jumpsuits. They are simpler, lighter, and more flexible to wear.
7  Bodycon Dress
A bodycon dress is the ideal choice when it comes to enhancing your perfect figure by donning slim-fit gowns to college freshman parties.. It is made of soft and stretchy fabric that suits every kind of body shape.
8  Short Denim Jackets
Several dresses for freshers' parties in college come and go but denim clothing is never out of fashion and when it is to wearing a denim jacket on a beautiful black dress you simply can't ignore it. So, stop wondering about what to wear to Fresher's party. Add a pair of earrings with this dress to give you a modern touch.
Remember we all have different tastes in clothes. At the fresher's party, we have lots of choices to wear. So here, I mentioned some outfits for freshers' parties with their Little explanation and some combination so it helps u to choose a unique outfit. Don't be afraid to try new outfits. Stay cozy, trendy, and stylish.
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cocogoat · 2 years
will give a little update tho i played through all of olba’s dlcs nd [insert heart spam here] the extra memories are soooo cute nd the wedding dlc made me CRY it’s so cuteeee
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ewitsren · 3 years
HELLO MAY I REQUEST BAJI AND CHIFUYU WEDDING HEADCANONS?? how would they propose, what kind of wedding would u most likely have with them, how would domestic life be with them etcc tysmmmm!!
wedding w chifuyu, baji !!
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pairings: matsuno chifuyu x reader, baji keisuke x reader
cw/tws ⚠️: fluff, mentions of food and alcohol, kissing
requested: yes
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now, chifuyu has it all planned and it's like one of the most simple-romantic ways you can ever think of!
he had prepared a cozy space for you two on the roof with blankets, chinese takeout and some wine. so he took you on the roof after a relaxing, warm bath and you guys stargazed until late at night. chifuyu pressed his lips against yours as you laid with your head on his lap, watching the stars silently, before reaching for the ring in his pocket. he smiled, keeping the ring on the edge of his pinky and twirling it.
"i really thought a lot about what to say right now but looking at the way words are slipping out of my mouth so easily like this when you're in front of me, i guess i didn't have to." chifuyu chuckled. "i don't want a future if you won't be there to live it with me. i want you to be a part of every second of it; i want you, no, i need you to be with me for the rest of my life. so, marry me?"
the wedding venue is a restaurant with ocean view! you guys say your vovs and kiss each other as the sun sets, to the accompaniment of the sound of waves hitting the shoreline
guestlist includes toman boys (mikey, draken, mitsuya, baji, hakkai, kawata twins, peh-yan, pah-chin and takemichi), your friends and families (only if you want them there ofc)
wedding menu consists italian food and cocktails alongside a big strawberry cake (it's chifuyu's favourite fite me if u think otherwise akdgksgdjx)
he looks at you with all the love in the word in his eyes as you read your vov ♡
after party with toman crew is so fun!! after the rest of the guest leave y'all play hide and seek in the big restaurant and get wasted, baji tears up after so many cocktails about how happy he is for chifuyu and he'll always always have you two's backs.
domestic life with chifuyu is so peaceful 😭
you guys would most likely get a pet
he prepares breakfast when he wakes up before you and you guys share the chores! chifuyu lets you choose the chores you want </3
but grocery shopping is always a 2 man job bcos chifuyu loves doing it with you! he puts you in the grocery cart and pushes it around the whole time ♡
chifuyu takes all the burden on himself if you ever need a break, he takes care of everything and makes sure you're resting well
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baji thought a lot about this but the best he got was... to put the ring in your yakisoba...
so he knocked the heads together with his mom and chifuyu and tried to give it his best shot
so you guys were on an arcade date and baji had shown you a little box before going in, saying that he had a surpise for you but you had to beat him at 3 games if you wanted to find out what it was. after you beat him, he took you to the local yakisoba restaurant where you had your first date; choosing the exact same table and food. baji watched you with a soft expression on his face as you ate, and he just suddenly blurted it out.
"wanna marry me?" baji smiled as he held your hand and played with your fingers while reaching for the ring with his free hand. "i just, you know... i wanna be with you, always and... and i wanna fall asleep next to you, i wanna do grocery shopping with you..."
wanting to do something rather cute for the first time in his life, baji finds a wedding venue kind of like an outdoor botanical garden
guestlist is the same with chifuyu's, menu consists of traditional japanese food (drinks are probably heavier than the ones chifuyu chose, like whiskey, tequila etc)
his heart's about to explode when he sees you walking towards him in a gorgeous wedding dress, he literally forgets to breathe
everyone's drunk; baji throws you in the sea and jumps in after you, chifuyu is crying, mikey wants to catch fish, draken is babysitting...
domestic life with baji can be tiring sometimes, he definitely doesn't wanna have anything to do with chores but you guys manage to split the tasks eventually
grocery shopping is a 2 man task just like the one with chifuyu bcos baji forgets what he has to buy and loses the list so...
you guys do a lot of movie marathons (harry potter, lotr, tmr etc baji is a big movie geek change my mind lol)
well, good luck spending the rest of your life with him. i love him sm but he's gonna get you two into lotta trouble <3
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@ewitsren 's work, do not translate/repost on other apps and platforms.
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
Can I ask Groom! Osamu miya x Bride! Reader fluff where it basically covers they're wedding? 🥰💞
yes 😭 i love wedding stuff
ima do nsfw under the cut bc freaky wedding shit is hot 💀
warnings: nsfw under the cut || 18+
keeping the tradition of not seeing the bride a day before/ day of the wedding, Osamu is really missing you because for the past 5 years y’all see each other every single day, every morning and every night prior.
so he call you and he’s drunk but he’s also crying
“baby, i can’t sleep, i want to see you but i don’t want any bad luck because i love you too much to lose you.”
he’s a big cry baby for sure when he’s drunk
Osamu makes Atsumu check up on you bc he knows you miss him a lot and Atsumu is his twin obviously
you: “Atsumu, what are you doing here?”
atsumu: “Lover boy made me check up on you, don’t fall in love with me now.”
you: “there’s a reason why i chose Osamu over you Atsumu... even if you look exactly alike.”
atsumu: “don’t be fucking rude sister in law.”
You’d probably have to kick atsumu out bc he just reminds u of osamu too much and u can’t hug or kiss him so you’re just moody
You go to sleep early bc you just want it to be your wedding day already
But the day of your wearing, you are really jittery and scared because you just want to see Osamu already. And thank god both of you decided to do a reveal beforehand. “Are you nervous?” Atsumu asked his twin. He chuckled and shook his head, his eyes covered by a black cloth “Of course I am. I’m marrying my soulmate, what do you think?” Atsumu shed a fake tear, “I thought I was your soulmate.” The bumped shoulders and shared a laugh. “She’s coming.” The brother noted as you where coming out of the hall and into the garden where Osamu was waiting for you. Atsumu helped his brother take your hand and patted his shoulder, “Hey hubby.” You chuckled, tighining your grip on his hands. “Can i look you you now?” He let out a nerveous laugh, acting a little jumpy. “I mean... if you want.” you joked as he took off his blindfold. He groaned the second he looked at you, “You gotta be shitting me.... You look so fucking beautiful.” He cupped your cheeks and touched foreheads, “You are so fucking gorgeous, how did i get so lucky.” Osamu let out a sniffle. “No, don’t cry!!! You’re gonna make me cry!”
“How can i not cry!!! I’m getting married to my soulmate, and you look so fucking radiant... And i love you- so, so much.”
“Osamu, shut up, i don’t wanna cry.” Too late, you’re already crying and your makeup artist is quit to fix your makeup.
When walking down the isle, Osamu begins to tear up again. Atsumu is patting him on the back and i don’t think he could ever choose someone better for his baby brother.
And when it was time to kiss the bride, his former teammates and friends whistles and howled as he dipped you down under him.
While walking together down the isle, his grip tightened on your hand as he pulled you ear to his lips. “I guess you’re my wife now.” He made you chuckle, “I guess i am.”
At the venue, food from Onigiri Miya was served and other assortments. But as much as it was Osamu and your wedding, the best man (Atsumu ofc) had to stand and make a toast.
“Hello, hello. As all of you should know, i am Miya Atsumu, the older brother-”
“We’re twins.” “You’re twins!” Both you and Osamu yelled
The blonde twin rolled his eyes, “Well one of us popped out first, right? That was me, the more sexy, handsome and talented brother.... Anyways, let me start over. My brother ‘Samu is probably the luckiest man alive to have married such a wonderful girl. Y/n thank you for somehow falling in love with my brother and making him so utterly happy that it’s disgusting to be around him because all he talks about is you- his wife... His new soulmate- because like it or not, that was me at some point.” A bundle of laughter erode in the crowd of family and friends. “And dear brother,
The two of you looked at each other and laughed, shoving each others shoulders before raising a glass.
You ate, danced with your parents and noticed that Osamu wasn’t anywhere near. “Can i have all of you attention please.” You turned around to see your husband, standing with a mic in hand, his tie lose and a hand in his pocket. “Uh- Hi.... God i still get really nerveous looking at you.” He said, locking eyes with you. “Do you mid sitting down? Can someone get my, uh- my wife a chair please.” Atsumu came rushing with an extra chair and put the seat behind your knees and patted your head carefully not to ruin your hair. “Okay. How do I start this. Y/n, i love you. And i think i’ve always had. From the day you transfer to Yako Junior High, I still remember the way you kept giggling while trying to introduce yourself and i fell in love with that laugh, i can’t get enough of if... I also remember that you where the only one who could tell me and Atsumu apart. You told me that my eyes looked like smokey quarts while ‘Tsumus looked like tigers eye... and that made so much sense to you but to us- we thought you where weird.”
“What about now?” You cut him off, “And you’re still weird, but that what’s why i fell in love. You’re gentleness, when you taped my fingers after volleyball practice. The love you give my brother although hes the greater evil... You made my family your own and i’m so utterly and completely great full for you. If it weren’t for you, Onigiri Miya would be what it is now.... I would be who i am now if it weren’t for you... So thank you for rejecting me the first two years of me confessing and falling so deeply in love with me.”
The two of you, eyes full of tears meet half way when you run up to hug him. His hand on your lower back while you kissed him and the other caressing your cheek.
Through the night Osamu would caress your thigh because you’re dress had a slit up mid thigh. His hand would slide across your thigh to caress the warm inside of your skin. During the dance he drew circles on your lower back and slowly go down and back up again. While you where done, powdering your nose, Osamu had the great idea to follow you and lock the door behind him once he got inside. He stood behind you, creeping his fingers to be wrapped with yours. He nibbles on your neck, careful not to leave love bites. He pushes your chest on a nearby table while lifting up you’re dress as he got on his knees. Osamu kissed the folds of your pussy through the white lace underwear you wore. He set the cloth aside and licked your folds before leaving a sloppy kiss on your clit. His tongue roamed your wet cunt before pumping in his fingers in, to slide them out again and clean them with his mouth. Osamu palmed his cock over this pants as he stood to unzip them. “We’re married now, you won’t mind if I cum inside that tight pussy of yours, right?” Hes fingers wrapped around your neck as he lined the tip of his cock to your entrence. “You’re gotta have to be quiet, they don’t need to know that my wife is a cock whore. Or do you want them to know that miss little perfect is a cock slut for her husband... You want your parents to know that their daughter is dripping on my cock?” He slammed his cock inside you, making you moan into his hand. “You want them to know you love yelling my name in bed?” Osamu was ruthless while he fucked you from behind, “You’re lucky i gotta keep you pretty because your cute little mouth would be wrapped around my cock... crying and drooling since you can bearly take my cock down your throat.”
Osamu tightened the grip on your thighs as he came, “Fuck don’t move... Shit- ugh~ You’re still so tight for me.... Fuck~ you’re so fucking sexy, i wish I could rip this off you but i know i can’t because you’d kill me.”
The two of you let out a tired chuckle... “We should get back.” You sighed, reaching to pat his naked thigh. “First-” Osamu rubbed his thumb against your clit as he slowly pulled out, “-You need to keep the cum inside you baby... So i’ll just pull these up for you.” He pulled up the white underwear back over your ass before he gave it a kiss. He picked you up with his arm and kissed your neck, “Do you feel that? My cum running down your tight hole.” His hand slipped down to your lower tummy. “I fucked you so good, so well, that in a few months you’re tummy is gonna be full with my baby... our baby.”
He kissed your neck again and fixed your hair. “Let’s get back to the party, yeah?”
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cxsmicmyeon · 4 years
kim minseok x fem! reader
IN WHICH minseok wants to spend his 31st birthday at home with his wife and cat but you have other plans that may or may not involve a surprise birthday party. (based on the second prompt from this post by @creativepromptsforwriting​)
genre: married/domestic & non-idol au! fluff, humor word count: 3.0k warnings: swearing, light sexual references/jokes, implied sexual content (it gets a tad spicy at times but nothing explicit), chaos, minseok’s butt being The Bomb Dot Com™ (sorry not sorry)
author’s note: happy birthday to my ray of sunshine, kim minseok! i love you so so much darling, i hope your day is filled with so much happiness and celebration. hope this lil piece can help y’all celebrate min’s 31st with me <3 it’s not the 26th yet where i live lmao but it is in korea so yeah! once again have a happy happy birthday minseok, i love you endlessly and forever. <33 MOODBOARD MADE BY ME. I DON’T OWN THE IMAGES, I ONLY OWN MY EDITING. feedback and notes are greatly appreciated <3
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One day.
One day until Minseok’s birthday, and you were scrambling from bakery to bakery to try and get the perfect cake for him. There were flaws in every place you’ve been: too expensive, the designs were not creative enough, blah blah blah. You wanted his day to be as perfect as possible, and what would be the point of that if the cake was nothing but?
Everything else was all ready. You invited all of yours and his closest friends to your house the night of Minseok’s birthday for a surprise party. You planned on keeping Minseok out of the house for the entire day as your friends decorated the house. 
He didn’t want a party. He made that abundantly clear to you as soon as March began. He incessantly told you that all he wanted was a day off from teaching so he could spend the whole day with you and your cat. All he wanted was a nice and relaxing day with his wife. You understood, obviously. But you also wanted to go all out and throw a surprise birthday bash for your husband celebrating his thirty-first year on Earth. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongdae’s incessant whining and begging for an excuse to have a party only aided in your need to have a party.
You ended up settling with a simple Carvel ice cream cake from the frozen section of the grocery store. You made a mental note to ask Yixing to write out “Happy Birthday Minseok” the next day as you left the store.
You came home to your husband holding a feather toy over your cat, Tan’s head. She pawed at the red feather, always at the cusp of grabbing it before Minseok moved the line away from her. He cooed at the animal, making soft kissing sounds as he continued to play with her.
Realizing that he may see the cake, you tucked the grocery bag under your shirt in an attempt to hide it from him, shivering at the cold contact the frozen treat made with your skin. The rustling of the plastic bag caused Minseok to look up at you. He gave you a gummy smile as you walked past him and Tan.
“Well hello to you too, honey. What’s under your shirt?” Minseok asked playfully, wiggling his eyebrows as he made eye contact with your chest. You realized that hiding the bag did not do much to hide the cake, as the shape of the large box combined with the plastic grocery bag greatly protruded from the fabric of your shirt. 
“Nothing, it’s for tomorrow. Don’t wanna ruin the surprise, hm?” you mused, blowing him an air kiss before retreating to your office. He "caught” your kiss with a smile before going back to playing with Tan.
You entered your office and placed the plastic bag onto your desk. You ran to lock the door before opening the bag and taking the cake out, sighing in relief that the cake did not get ruined. You bent down to your mini-fridge and opened the small door of the freezer compartment and placed the cake inside, glad that it could fit inside. After locking the fridge, you exited your office and made your way downstairs to spend time with your loving husband.
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You awoke the next day curled up in Minseok’s arms. You cuddled closer to him before jolting upwards in realization. Today was finally the day! You bent down and began showering your sleeping husband with excited kisses, trailing a hand down his bicep. He let out a sleepy groan as he stirred, wrapping his strong arms around your figure.
“Aah, what’s gotten into you baby?” he asked, his voice hoarse from just waking up. 
“Happy birthday, Min!” you beamed, pecking him on the lips. He grinned tiredly as he kissed you on the lips.
“Mmmh, thank you honey.” You grinned as you kissed him again. This kiss lasted longer than the previous ones and slowly yet surely grew more heated. You moved yourself so you were straddling him, not breaking the kiss. He hummed against your lips as you slid your hand underneath his shirt, fingertips grazing his toned stomach. He groaned as his hands made their way down to your ass, squeezing harshly. You bit back a moan as you slowly slid his shirt up his chest, breaking the kiss to ogle at his abs.
“Babe... don’t we need to get ready?” Minseok groaned as you pulled the shirt over his head. You latched your lips onto his neck and softly bit down, eliciting a raspy moan from your husband.
“Shh, let me give you your first gift.” you purred, moving your hands toward the waistband of his boxers.
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The mall was packed to the brim with people from all different walks of life. Gossiping teenagers, sleep-deprived parents following their energetic kids around, old couples window shopping, you name it. You walked through the giant Macy’s and into the main hub of the mall hand in hand with Minseok. 
Since you started dating, it has been a tradition for you to buy each other’s gifts the day of your respected birthdays. You’d usually scour Amazon or websites of your favorite brands all day and end up splurging half your monthly paychecks on each other. But on occasion, today included, you’d take your shopping day to the local mall as a means to get out of your apartment and actually go out for once. 
After an... eventful... morning, you rushed to get dressed and usher your husband out of the house, since the boys were coming over at 11, and it was 10:55 by the time you got into the car and sped away toward the mall.
You pointed out a newly opened jewelry store and pulled Minseok inside with you. You looked at him lovingly as he browsed the display of a multitude of different rings. He’d softly mutter to himself as he picked up ring after ring: trying to see what would look best next to his wedding band, what the right price was, if the store even provided the correct size. You loved how organized he was.
Your silent admiring was interrupted by the familiar chime of your phone, indicating you got a text message. You let out a sigh as soon as you saw who the message was from.
operation minseok’s 31st🥳
jun-bug: (y/n) we have a problem (y/n): oh god what happened yee-xing: baekhyun dropped the cake (y/n): he did what bacon: cant u read (y/n) i dropped the fucking cake 11 minutes late: no need to be rude xoxo (y/n): yeah baek u don’t want me to leave my stunning husband inside the jewelry store, come home and mutilate you for dropping his cake and get arrested on his special day (: kyung-soup: oddly specific but i’m here for it jong-waeeee: off topic but the sign says “minseop” instead of “minseok” (y/n): jun, yixing and kyungsoo you better get this settled or else i’m gonna kill all of you nini bear: yes ma’am ofc ma’am we will do this correct chain-yeol: yeah i don’t wanna die today
“Everything okay?”
You quickly locked your phone and threw it inside your purse before making eye contact with Minseok. You nodded a bit too quickly, panic washing over you like a giant wave from the ocean.
“Yeah, everything’s dandy.” you sputtered. Oh, why did this have to happen right now? You silently prayed that everything was going to go well. It had to.
“You sure?”
“Positive. Did you choose something?” Minseok nodded as he handed you a box with a simple black titanium ring. You nodded in approval as he led you to the register.
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Your next stop was at Express. You were dying to pick out some new work clothes for him to try on. You assured him (and yourself) that he needed these new pants and this was totally not an excuse for you to check him out.
“Okay, I’ve got three pairs of pants that I think would look absolutely amazing on you and I want you to go try ‘em on.” you said, handing Minseok three hangers. Each hanger had a pair of slacks in different colors hanging from them. He took them from you, shooting you a smirk before walking inside the fitting room stall.
Your eyes widened as Minseok opened the door of the stall. The pants fit absolutely perfectly. The way the fabric hugged his perfect thighs, the color complimenting his white undershirt (which you imagined to be one of his famous white button-downs), it left you practically swooning.
“What do you think?” 
You let out a hum in approval before motioning for him to turn around. “Lemme see the goods, hun.” He rolled his eyes before turning around. Your eyes landed on his butt, making you swoon for real. You covered your mouth to hide your obvious enjoyment of the sight before you. And it didn’t help when he gave his butt a mini shake. Still, you couldn’t help but squeal softly.
“You sure today’s not your birthday?” Minseok teased. You tutted as you stood from your spot and walked up to him, giving his butt a light pinch before wrapping your arms around his neck.
“With you, every day’s my birthday.” you answered, giving him a peck on the lips.
“Ugh, I think you ate too much of that egg and cheese for breakfast today.”
“You know you love me.”
“That I do, darling.” Minseok mused before closing the distance between you two. You tangled your hands in his silky black hair as you savored the heavenly taste of his lips. You felt his hands grab your ass as you deepened the kiss, tugging at his hair in response.
As you kissed, you heard your phone chime the same chime that indicated a text from the boys. You decided to ignore it and continue making out with your husband until the phone went off four more times. You scoffed as you broke the kiss, fishing inside of your purse to grab it.
“Is everything okay, hun?” Minseok asked.
“Yeah, fine. Just crap from, uh, ‘work,’” you lied, unlocking the phone. “Go try on the other pants.” Minseok nodded before walking back to the stall. Once the door was closed and locked, you looked down at your messages, worry washing over you once again. What the hell happened now?
operation minseok’s 31st🥳
yee-xing: oh christ yee-xing: (y/n) (y/n) (y/n) jun-bug: you gotta help us yee-xing: please kyung-soup: i am going to kill park chanyeol like my life depends on it (y/n): what the everloving shit happened this time chain-yeol: um i sneezed all over the cake kyung-soup: the custom one u got on wednesday btw (y/n): you. sneezed. on. the. CAKE????? chain-yeol: IM SORRY chain-yeol: I WAS TRYING TO STOP BAEKHYUN FROM KNOCKING IT OVER AND I SAVED IT BUT THEN I SNEEZED nini bear: ur so gross chain-yeol: you too (y/n): i spent 100 dollars on that cake and you fucking sneeze on it?? (y/n): jfc i’m here busy admiring my husband’s sweet sweet ass and u guys are telling me the cake’s ruined? i will murder u all i swear jong-waeeee: ew i don’t wanna hear about minseok’s ass (y/n): shut the fuck up sign ruiner jong-waeeee: I GOT A NEW ONE THOUGH jong-waeeee: YOU’RE SO MEAN bacon: WAIT bacon: (Y/N) WE’LL PAY FOR ANOTHER ONE  (y/n): baekhyun you sweet summer child (y/n): I HAD TO PRE-ORDER THAT CAKE 2 WEEKS IN ADVANCE YOU WALNUT bacon: oh bacon: my bad 11 minutes late: W8 W8 I GOT U 11 minutes late: WE CAN STILL EAT IT 11 minutes late: I’LL SPRAY SOME LYSOL ON IT jun-bug: SEHUN DON’T YOU DARE (y/n): sehun honey that just contaminates it even more (y/n): but thank you for trying 11 minutes late: xoxo i try my best yee-xing: how ‘bout we just buy more carvel cakes to match the one you got yesterday up to 100 dollars so it maxes out (y/n): yeah alright fine (y/n): thanks xing ur a life saver (y/n): but don’t throw away the ruined cake i wanna show min what he could have missed out on if CHANYEOL DIDN’T FUCKING SNEEZE ON IT (y/n): WHO SNEEZES ON A CAKE nini bear: only chanyeol (y/n): yep, only chanyeol chain-yeol: y’all are mean. kyung-soup: what u get for sneezing on the cake
You locked your phone, letting out an exasperated sigh. You swore if anything else happened today, you were going to march all the way back home and kill those men. You massaged your temples with your fingers as a means to alleviate your stress. All you wanted was for everything to be perfect for the party; Minseok deserved nothing less than that. 
The door of the stall opened, revealing Minseok wearing nothing but the new pair of navy slacks and a devilishly handsome smirk. His smile faded when he saw you with your hands over your face, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm yourself down from your stress. He quickly pulled his undershirt on and rushed over to you, wrapping his arms around you comfortingly. With a sigh, you buried your face in his chest, your stress starting to wash away as he began stroking your hair.
You stayed like that for about ten minutes. You eventually calmed down, silently reassuring yourself that everything was going to be fine. You were glad that Minseok did not try to ask you anything since you were afraid you were going to let slip what was waiting for him when you arrive home later in the day. 
You let out a small sniffle as you pressed a small kiss on your husband’s exposed shoulder. “I’m so sorry I brought down your mood, Min. The p- ‘w-work,’ is just annoying right now. It’s your birthday, it’s supposed to be a good day.” you mumbled, looking down at your hands.
“Shh, don’t you worry your little head about it,” Minseok assured, kissing your forehead. He tilted your head up and pressed his lips against yours. “All I want is for my baby to be happy today.” You gave him a weak smile and wrapped your arms around his waist, feeling so lucky to have him in your life.
“C’mon, let’s go to the food court. All this stress made me hungry.” you joked, standing from your spot. 
“Good idea,” Minseok gave you another kiss before walking back into the changing stall to change back into his regular clothes. “Oh, by the way, buy the pants.” You pumped a fist into the air as you took the hanging articles of clothing into your hands.
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You were lucky (and frankly surprised) that nothing else had managed to go wrong today. You were suspicious that you hadn’t gotten any panic-stricken texts from Yixing or Junmyeon, but you couldn’t complain about that. Just to be sure though, you quickly texted Kyungsoo to give you a final update on the state of your house. You sighed in relief when he responded with pictures of your living room, kitchen and backyard decorated just how you envisioned it to be. You sent Kyungsoo a text back thanking him and everyone else profusely for their help.
The clock struck 5, indicating that it was time for you and Minseok to go home. The two of you exited the mall, arms filled with different shopping bags from all the stores you went to during the day. After putting your bags into the backseat of your car, you opened the passenger side of the car and slid in.
“Hm, I was thinking of ordering from that ramen place we tried last week. It was really good, don’t you remember?” Minseok suggested, starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.
“How ‘bout we wait ‘till we get home to... eat.” you responded, a shit-eating grin almost making its way onto your face.
Minseok hummed softly. “I just wanna spend the rest of the night with you and Tan at home, I hope no one’s planning a surprise party for me,” You tensed slightly at his words, looking out the window to avoid his gaze.
“Oh, I wouldn’t do that, hun.” You lied. He shrugged, intertwining his fingers with yours. 
When Minseok pulled into your driveway, you shot a quick text to the boys, telling them that you were home. You exited the car quickly, grabbing most of the shopping bags and taking Minseok by the arm, dragging him to the front door.
“Whoa, what’s gotten into you?” he chuckled as you struggled to get your keys out of your purse. Once you got them out and put the house key into the lock, you turned to Minseok and pressed your lips onto his.
“Happy birthday, Min. I love you so much. And I’m so sorry.” you unlocked the front door and pushed it open. You saw Minseok’s eyes widen at the sight of your home. It was filled to the brim with decorations and all of your closest friends holding gifts, balloons and tons of different ice cream cakes. 
“SURPRISE!” everyone exclaimed. Minseok’s jaw dropped as he fully took in everything that was happening. He looked over to you with a sly smile, to which you responded with a small shrug.
“I had to, come on.” You giggled, kissing him on the cheek. 
“It’s okay, hun. Let’s just enjoy ourselves.” Minseok cupped your face into his hands and pressed his lips onto yours.
“Gross, get a room!” you heard Baekhyun scream. You pulled away from Minseok to flip the younger off.
“Oh! I need to show you the cake I initially got for you but was unfortunately ruined because Chanyeol sneezed on it. Jun, is it in the fridge?” you pulled Minseok in the direction of the kitchen as Junmyeon confirmed the location of the cake.
“He... huh?”
“It was an accident!” Chanyeol whined. You laughed softly to yourself at his childish reaction.
Tonight was gonna be fun.
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idnek83 · 4 years
Can u write something about soudam wedding?
I’m sorry this took like 3 weeks to answer, but here you go: 4.3k word worth of Soudam wedding ramblings.
(This is for a western style wedding by the way)
Wedding Planning
Neither of them know what they’re doing, cus neither of them ever really spent much time thinking about weddings growing up, much less their own weddings lol
So one day, after they’re engaged, they’re just hanging out with some friends. They’re on a couch, Soda’s laying with his head in Gundham’s lap, just vibing, then their friends start asking about what they have planned. They both kind of look at each other and shrug, cus they have planned literally nothing, they just know they kind of want to get married on their anniversary, but that’s really all they’ve got lol.
Sonia like presses them for ideas cus they must have at least some idea of what they want, right?
Soda looks up at Gundham and is like ‘probably lots of black stuff, yeah?’
Gundham nods and looks down at him ‘perhaps with vibrant accents in your preferred colors as well?’
Soda’s like ‘Oooh and we could have like an animal theme maybe?? OH! OR A ROBOT ANIMAL THEME????’ and Gundhams just like ‘whatever makes you happy’ and they throw out a couple more terrible ideas while Sonia silently suffers lol.
Eventually they’re laughing at their own stupid ideas and Sonia is just glad they actually realize their ideas were dumb and they didn’t seriously want a goth robot hamster ice sculpture lol. They admit they don’t super care how it all goes down, they both just want to get married and have fun with all their friends at the reception.
Sonia offers to take care of the planning and stuff with her team of professionals (Yes she has a team on wedding planners okay, she’s the kind of person who has been planning her wedding since she was 9 and also she’s a princess so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). She seems really excited and Soda and Gundham really don’t know what they’re doing so they agree to let her handle it as long as they get the final say on things. She immediately starts rambling about all her ideas and Soda and Gundham just kind of chuckle and smile at each other.
 Suit shopping
Fuyuhiko takes them suit shopping. They go together, they aren’t too concerned about keeping their outfits a secret from each other and they figure it’ll be fun to watch each other try on all kind of different things. Sonia comes too of course.
They start kind of idlily browsing sample suits (they’re getting custom suits made, Fuyuhiko wouldn’t hear otherwise) and Sonia asks what kind of suits they’d like to see each other in. They both stop and look at each other, and Fuyu rolls his eyes cus they’re just blatantly checking each other out lol.
Eventually Soda shrugs and is like “I don’t really care. As long as I get to see Gundham looking hot as hell in a tux I’m good with whatever” and Gundham kind of tilts his head and is like “So you would prefer me to wear a tuxedo?” Soda is dumb as hell and doesn’t realize Gundham is not using ‘tuxedo’ as a synonym for ‘suit’ like he was, so he gets super blushy and is like “Oh. I-I mean if you were thinking about a dress instead that’s cool too.” And Gundham’s eyes just widen a bit because he was not thinking about wearing a dress but now he’s thinking about Soda in a big, white, full skirted wedding dress. Soda is picturing Gundham in something a little more fitted with a high slit. They’re both just blushing and staring at each other until Fuyu clears his throat and tells Soda that a tuxedo is a type of suit, and he’s pretty sure that’s what Gundham meant. Soda just hides his face in his hands and apologizes. Gundham comes over to kiss his forehead and tell him it’s okay, and eventually they get back to looking at suits lol
Gundham’s done pretty quick. He does end up picking a tuxedo, and I’m not great at fashion but Just picture something black, very gothic, and a tiny bit extra haha. Soda super excited to see it once it’s done being made, cus Gundham already looked amazing in the sample suit. He maybe gets a little emotional looking at his fiancé all dressed up knowing it’s for their wedding, but nobody says anything and Gundham just smiles at him softly.
Soda has a lot more trouble. He doesn’t want to ruin their wedding by wearing something tacky so he’s trying to stick to traditional black. But every time he comes out and looks at himself in the full length mirror he can’t help but feel uncomfortable. He doesn’t look like himself,  he thinks he looks like some kid borrowing his dad’s suit for prom.
He’s on like the 12th sample suit, he’s trying all kinds of styles and different lapels and undershirts/vest combos but he still just feels like trash in all of them. This suit fits him like a glove, accentuates all of his best features, and he honestly looks so good in it. Sonia and Fuyuhiko are telling him as much, along with whatever staff are around.
But Soda still doesn’t feel like himself. And Gundham can tell.
Gundham comes up behind him and wraps his arms around his waist and they both just look at themselves in the mirror for a moment. Gundham makes a point of frowning as he looks at the suit and Soda laughs at how obviously exaggerated it is. It’s the first time he’s genuinely smiled in at least an hour.
“What’s wrong, babe? Don’t like it?”
“Hmm… perhaps if it was yellow… maybe blue?”
Soda laughs but he feels a little self conscious. He really doesn’t want to make their wedding tacky, but he just doesn’t feel right in such… boring colors. He tells Gundham as much. Gundham hums and kisses his cheek, still holding him from behind, and asks to see color samples for the suits materials while Soda insists he’ll be fine and he’ll just get used to the black.
Someone brings Gundham a collection of cloth samples, and he finally separates from his fiancé to stand in front of him and hold them up, one by one. Soda is insisting black is fine the whole time. Eventually Gundham stops, holding up a sort of deep red, and tilts his head. Soda looks at the color; he likes it, but he’s still worried it would be kind of tacky. Gundham asks for someone to bring him a jacket in that color.
He puts it on Soda and grabs a black suit jacket and a red tie for himself, before standing next to Soda and linking their arms. Soda looks in the mirror and, hey, that’s not too bad, the red actually looks pretty classy, and paired up with Gundham’s tie it looks…
He starts crying, but it’s mostly relief and happiness. Fuyu laughs at him but tells him he looks good and Sonia just smiles while Gundham pulls him into a hug. They order the 12th suit in red, and every time Soda tries t apologize for being so difficult Gundham just shuts him up with a kiss lol.
Wedding Traditions and Stuff
They start talking about wedding traditions one day after having a conversation with Sonia about how the wedding plans are going. The first thing that comes up is the whole ‘bride walking down the aisle’ thing since, obviously, there isn’t gonna be a bride. Gundham suggests they both just walk out together, but Soda kind of wants that moment where he’s standing at the alter and gets to watch Gundham walk down the aisle towards him. Gundham just smiles and kisses him and says he’s like that too.
Soda suggests they take dance lessons or something so they can have a cool first dance. Gundham says they can if he really wants to, but he would rather just be able to hold Soda close and sway to the music without having to worry about memorized steps. Soda blushes and agrees, he mostly suggested it cus he thought Gundham would like it anyways.
Neither of them really care about name changes. They both offer to change theirs, but in the end they just decide to keep their own names.
Sonia (jokingly) mentions being disappointed because there won’t be a bouquet toss, and Chiaki (also jokingly) responds that Gundham should just toss a single rose into the crowd like tuxedo mask. He agrees to do it (not jokingly)
They both write their own stupid sappy vows, it’s not even something they have to discuss.
Hajime is Soda’s best man, Sonia is Gundham’s. She insists on being called ‘best man’ instead of ‘maid of honor’ or ‘best woman’ because she likes the way it sounds lol.
They pick a very classic décor theme, but add in a lot of black accents for the aesthetic✨
They decide to do that thing where they spend the night before the wedding apart and don’t see each other again until the actual ceremony.
Bachelor Party
Soda wasn’t planning on having his own bachelor party, he figured they could just have like a joint bachelor party at their house or something because he loves his fiancé and prefers to party with him lol. But then Fuyuhiko, Hajime, and Nekomaru are carrying him out the front door while Gundham casually waves and tells him to have fun lol (They absolutely got Gundham’s permission before kidnapping his man haha).
(Gundham invites Sonia over for wine and calls it his bachelor party. They watch the bachelor and laugh about how funny they are.)
Soda is thrown in the back seat of one of Fuyu’s fancy cars with blacked out windows and yells at his friends for like the whole trip while they just laugh at him lol. They eventually get to a bar and Soda is just super relieved it’s not a strip club, Hajime tells him it’s cus Gundham wouldn’t let him, but Fuyu and Nekomaru insist it’s cus they have more class than that. (Whose lying? You choose lol).
They get a table and a round of shots as soon as they get inside. It’s actually pretty laid back as far as bachelor parties go, they mostly just sit and talk, and get Soda gushing about his soon to be husband lol. At one point, after a couple drinks, they do like a chugging contest for the first time since they graduated uni and Soda wins. Fuyu is just like ‘wtf when did you get so good at this?” and Soda is like “Well, thanks to Gundham I’ve gotten really good at swallowing” and everybody just fucking groans while he loses his mind laughing lol
As the night goes on Soda just gets sappier and sappier and starts complaining about how much he misses his boyfriend. Nekomaru pats him on the back and is like ‘he isn’t even your boyfriend anymore, he’s your fiancé’ and Soda just light up like ‘yeah… I’m so lucky…’ before he stops and his eyes go wide. The other guys kind of look at each other, confused, before Hajime’s like ‘uh, you good dude?’ and Soda’s just like ‘oh my god, he’s my fiancé! We’re gonna get fucking married next week!! Holy shit that means he’s gonna be my husband! I have to tell him!’ and the guys just laugh while he dials Gundham.
Gundham is surprised to get a call from Soda and gets a little worried, so he answers like ‘is everything alright, my paramour?’ and Soda is just like ‘Holy shit Gundham! Did you realize we’re gonna be husbands??!?’ and Gundham just laughs and relaxes while telling Soda that, yes, he did realize they were going to be husbands lol
Soda just rambles away on the phone about how excited he is to marry Gundham and how he promises to be a good husband and how much he loves him. The other guys roll their eyes and decide it’s probably time to call it a night lol.
When Soda gets home he immediately attaches himself to Gundham and tells him how much he missed him lol. Gundham just pets his hair and gets them both ready for bed as he asks if Soda enjoyed his bachelor party. He says his favorite part was when his fiancé kissed him good night, and Gundham just rolls his eyes and does it haha
The Wedding
Soda is super nervous the night before (not in a ‘I’m not ready for this’ way, he’s just excited and scared he’s gonna say/do something dumb or that something terrible is gonna happen and ruin the whole thing) and he ends up calling Gundham from his hotel room at like midnight and talking about all his worries (“What if I say ‘I don’t’ by accident and we have to do the whole wedding again?” “What if I have to pee in the middle of our vows?” “What if we get to the ‘speak now or forever hold your peace’ part and like, Nekomaru suddenly decides he’s in love with you? There’s no way I could take him in a fight!”). Gundham smiles as he reassures Soda that whatever happens, they’ll get through it, and that he doesn’t really care what happens, as long as he gets to call Soda his husband by the end of the day.
They fall asleep telling each other how excited they are.
In the morning their respective best men wake them and help them get ready. Gundham styles his hair up and Soda puts his in a low ponytail, and they both put on their fancy new custom suits (They both got ties to match each other’s suits too haha). They’re both a little nervous but Hajime and Sonia are ready with all kinds of compliments and reassurances, and they get both grooms out their doors and on the road right on time.
Gundham gets to the venue first, and he’s a little taken aback by how good it looks. Sonia gushes about all the little details while Gundham just half listens and thanks her. He’s looking at the flower arrangements sitting in classy black vases, the chairs covered in white cloth held in place with black ribbon, and noticing all kinds of subtly gothic touches Sonia added to the décor. Soda may have been worried about making the wedding tacky with his suit, but Gundham had been worried about making it tacky with shitty gothic decorations. He’s amazed with how well Sonia managed to pull it off. He grabs both her hands and sincerely tells her that he loves her and that she is, and always will be, his dearest friend. They both get a little teary and hug it out haha.
Then Hajime ruins it by kicking in the front door and saying something like ‘Gundham you look hot as fuck, but get out of my sight right now so I can bring your stupid ass fiancé in. Also, hey Sonia, great job decorating.’ Lol
Sonia and Gundham head off into a little room to wait for the ceremony to start, and Hajime heads back out to get Soda. When Soda gets inside he’s just as impressed by the décor as Gundham was. He thinks it’s all very Gundham and he loves it. Hajime tells him he tried to get Sonia to throw in some hot pink roses for Soda and Soda is just like ‘thank god Sonia didn’t listen to you.’ Lol
Soda just heads right into the main hall, just taking in all the amazing décor until his eyes land on the wedding arch. He stares at it and it just really hit him that this is happening. He’s about to marry the love of his life. He’s about to be able to call Gundham his husband. He’s about to be Gundham’s husband. He starts tearing up and Hajime pats him on the back, smiling ‘Come on, ya big sap, lets get you married’
Hajime gets Soda up to the front to take his place under the arch and Sonia comes out to see how things are going. Everything is pretty much ready and the officiant is ready to go, so Sonia heads back to Gundham’s room and the officiant signals everyone to take their seats so they can get things started. Soda’s regained his composure in the tie it took everyone to settle down, and Hajime gives him one last pat on the back before he takes his place to the side and the music starts.
Soda looks up as the door opens and he sears the image into his mind immediately.
Gundham looks amazing, he always does, but there’s just something extra to it in that moment. He’s glowing, Soda decides, and as their eyes lock he feels himself tearing up again. It only gets worse as Gundham gets closer, it’s not long before he’s full on crying. He’s jut so overwhelmed with love and happiness, and he almost wants to sip all the vows and wedding rites and just be married already.
Gundham’s not doing much better. He’s vaguely aware of their friends and family waving to him and complimenting him or congratulating him as he passes, but he’s way too focused on Soda to really care. He looks so handsome in his deep red suit with his hair tied back, and he’s frozen, clutching his hands in front of him nervously the way he had been when Gundham entered. Gundham want’s to run to him, sweep him off his feet and just declare them married himself, but he manages to hold himself back. He doesn’t hold back his tears nearly as well though, and a few roll down his cheeks before he makes it to the altar.
When Gundham gets to Soda he immediately pulls him into a tight hug, Soda wrapping his arms around him just as quickly, and then they’re both laughing through their tears. Gundham gently strokes Soda’s hair, careful not to mess it up, and kisses his forehead. Sonia scoffs to let Gundham know he’s on thin ice for that, she’s very into wedding traditions, but lets it slide since it technically isn’t a real kiss lol.
They eventually pull themselves away from each other a bit and try to wipe away each other’s tears at the same time. It’s a little awkward but they’re happy and don’t care, they just keep staring at each other as they finally step back, still holding hands, and signal to the officiant that they’re ready to start.
Soda says his vows first, it’s on purpose, he wanted to go first cus he knew he would be too busy crying after Gundham’s vows haha. He’s like shaking really hard when he starts, cus he hates public speaking and he’s embarrassed to be so sappy in front of all their friends, but as he talks he watches Gundham light up and it just gets easier and easier, until he’s only shaking from the effort it’s taking not to kiss his groom.
Everyone is expecting Gundham’s vows to be long winded and extra extra, but to their surprise they’re pretty straight forward. Gundham explains, as part of his vows, that he doesn’t need extravagant metaphors to express his love and he wants to speak plainly and clearly, in hopes of expressing how clear his feelings for Soda are (he said he doesn’t need metaphors, nut technically the whole thing is a metaphor lol). Soda is in fact crying well before he finishes, and the only things that stop them from kissing once Gundham stops talking are a stern cough from Sonia and a disapproving tut from Hajime lol
The officiant does their thing, Soda and Gundham requested a shortened version of the usual spiel cus they didn’t want to have to stand through a stupidly long ceremony, but even that feels way too long to them haha. When they get to the ‘speak now or forever hold you peace’ part, Gundham raises a non-existent brow at Soda before gazing pointedly at Nekomaru for a second. Soda snorts and laughs and nobody else gets it, but no one speaks up either haha
Gundham is the first to say ‘I do’, then Soda nearly cuts the officiant off with his own ‘I do’ before they can even finish the question haha. The officiant basically steps out of the way while saying ;you may now kiss cus they can tell these two have no patience lol.
They both lean in before the officiant even finishes speaking. Their lips meet and Soda wraps his arms around Gundham’s neck while Gundham pulls him in by his waist. Their friends are cheering and clapping and both of them are crying again.
They both smile and laugh as they part and make their way back down the aisle, thanking all their friends and family, before heading outside to get some photos taken.
Photos take literal hours (wedding party, friends, family, just them, each of them separate, each of them separate with friends, separate with family, now each individual family member with both of them and each of them separately, etc, etc), and they’re both pretty tired by the end of it. They end up heading back to Gundham’s little waiting room to take a nap together.
Sonia sends Mahiru in to get a picture of them cuddled together on the little couch. Both of them have their suit jackets off, their ties loose, and a couple shirt buttons undone. Soda is lying between Gundham’s legs, head resting sideways on his chest and drooling a little. Gundham as his arms wrapped around Soda’s back and his cheek is pressed against his hair. One of Gundham’s legs is dangling off the front of the too narrow couch, along with one of Soda’s arms.
Despite how sloppy they both look, it’s one of their favorite pictures from their wedding day.
The Reception
When Soda and Gundham wake up from their nap like an hour later, they spend like a solid 20 minutes just tenderly making out being all ‘hey you’re my husband now and I’m gonna keep saying the word husband until we’re both sick of it’ haha (neither of them get sick of it). Eventually Sonia and Hajime come get them, Hajime makes a comment like ‘haha save something for your wedding night guys’ and Sonia is just bluntly like ‘yeah, you two will have plenty of time to fuck later’ lol
They all grab something to eat before the reception because Soda and Gundham have barely eaten anything all day.
Their first dance is literally just them holding each other and kissing and swaying to the music, and Soda is so glad Gundham didn’t want to take dance lessons cus he doesn’t want to do anything but hold and kiss his husband in that moment. After the first dance the champagne starts flowing freely and formal atmosphere dissolves pretty quickly lol
Gundham and Soda have both ditched their jackets and are alternating between chatting and laughing with their friends and rocking out on the dance floor (they’re terrible dancers but it’s their wedding and no one is allowed to judge them lol). They’re both kind of acting like they’re drunk but they haven’t actually had that much to drink, they’re just stupid happy. They keep sneaking off to make out, only for Hajime or Sonia to drag them back lol
By the mid night Gundham has lost his tie (They threw it on the ground during one of their make outs and both of them forgot lol) and Soda has some fresh hickies on his neck, and Sonia and Hajime decide they’ve fulfilled their socialization quota and finally release them lol. They thought about getting a hotel room, but they both agreed they would rather just spend their first night as a married couple in their own bed.
The Wedding Night 👀
(suggestive but not explicit)
They start making out the second they get in the limo (courtesy of the Kuzuryu family) to take them home. They can’t keep their hands off each other, but they manage to keep their clothes on for now haha.
Once they make it home they’re stumbling over each other to get to the door, but then Soda freezes when they get it unlocked and Gundham is just like ??? Soda looks at him wide eyed and is just like ‘I want to do the thing’ and before Gundham can figure out what he means, Soda literally sweeps him off his feet and carries him bridal style into their home. Gundham just laughs and lets it happen.
Soda throws Gundham onto the bed and jumps on top of him, resuming their earlier make outs for  bit before Gundham pushes him back. Its Soda’s turn to be like ??? but Gundham just says he has a surprise for him and heads off to the bathroom.
Soda is 100% expecting lingerie, but when Gundham steps out in a lacy white baby doll with matching white panties and stockings he nearly dies from joy.
Gundham says he noticed the way Soda had reacted to the idea of him in a wedding dress during their suit fitting and went out to buy this outfit pretty much right after. Maybe it wasn’t quite a wedding dress, but it definitely had a bridal feeling to it.
Once some of Soda’s blood makes it back up to his brain, he smirks and points out that Gundham doesn’t really qualify for the whole wearing white on your wedding day thing’ and Gundham’s like ‘hmm, really? Better make sure, just in case’
It’s all really tender, filled with reverent kisses and I love you’s and a couple of happy tears, and by the end of it both of them are completely naked and cuddled up, smiling as they look at the new matching gold rings adorning their fingers.
They both fall asleep thinking about how excited they are to spend the rest of their lives together.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
The other anon's ask about gender in Fantasy Masks got me thinking. How does Glasuil (sorry if that's not how you spell it) see sexuality? And on a related note, what about marriage? After all, Chase is married. - the Window Anon
Don't worry, you spelled it right! There's a little thing over the u (I can never remember what it's called) but it's fine if you don't include it, it can be hard to find while typing.
Glasúil has an equal opinion on sexuality as it does gender: it's all fluid. In fact, the Glasuan language doesn't even have labels for different sexualities like it does for different gender. It's all described in terms of "preference." In like Chapter 3 or 4 Jackie says "I have no preference" in reference to dating, which basically means he'll date anyone regardless of gender. Phrases like "I prefer [gender]" or "My preference will vary" or "I prefer no one" are all commonly used.
Marriage is a bit more complicated. Because the way I see it, marriage has three parts: legal, religious, and cultural. For example, in the US you need a marriage license to be considered married legally, getting married by a priest/rabbi/whatever is a religious thing, and the whole party with like cake and a father/daughter dance and a specific dress style is all about tradition and culture. So when coming up with how marriage works in a fictional world, you have to consider all these factors.
The marriage laws in Glasúil go like this:
People getting married must be 1) consenting 2) 16 years of age or older and 3) within seven years of age difference. The marriage must be preformed by a religious figure, a judge, or another person of authority, like a ship captain, guild leader, or warrior commander. There must be at least three witnesses present for the marriage.
Culturally, they make as big a deal about it as we do irl. People wear their finest clothes, they attend the ceremony and have a huge party with music and food afterwards. Also, the married couple wear special woven bracelets, called married bands, that they make with each other. That's like our wedding rings :) (Yes, Chase has one. Stacy does too!) Some of the specifics will vary depending on region, but that’s the gist of it.
If the betrothed chooses to get married by a religious figure, there are a couple different ceremonies and traditions that will follow.
Getting married under the Elder Ways means the ceremony will take place outside, and there will be a light blue candle burning to invite the Elders to watch--particularly the Elder of the Song, who is considered the patron Elder of love. The cleric will say something--or sing, traditionally, but it’s not required--declaring the betrothed unified, and then the betrothed each take an equally-sized piece of a specially-made cake and eat it, and then they’re married (this is what Chase and Stacy did!)
Getting married under the Celestial Sisters requires the ceremony to happen at dawn or dusk. The betrothed will be dressed in silver or gold (or gray and yellow if silver and gold aren’t available) and they’ll stand at opposite ends of the area and walk towards the middle where they meet. There, the pastor will ask for declarations of love, and the betrothed say how much they love one another and how they’re going to look after each other from then on. Then the pastor pronounces them married and they kissy :D
Getting married under the Temple of the Forge will ideally take place near a body of water, but buckets of water will suffice if there’s nothing nearby. The betrothed will dance with each other to music as the priest gives a speech about their lives and love, always ending with the statement, “Their souls will now be entwined under the eyes of the Forger!” and the betrothed will go jump in the water (or have it poured over their heads). Usually they’ve been wearing special outfits for this and will go dry off and change after the ceremony dhjkalf
It’s possible to combine all these ceremonies into one big ceremony in the case that the betrothed are from different faiths. Or if the betrothed don’t want any religion, they’ll have a small get-together under one of those authority figures I mentioned earlier, who will basically ask if the betrothed want to be married. And if they do, the official declares them married. There may be flowery speeches from either the official or the betrothed at this stage, and the betrothed may kiss/hug at the end, but that’s the gist of it.
Aaaaaand that’s probably the most worldbuilding I’ve ever written in one sitting XD But I love it! Thank you for asking! Feel free to ask more whenever :)
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redthreadoffate · 5 years
a selection of princesses [tom holland]
a repost, originally posted in my former writing blog
relationship: prince!tom x princess!reader
warning: swearing, none; mistakes here or there
request (anon): hi! would u consider writing about prince!tom holland x princess!reader were tom is the heir to the throne and the reader goes to visit the Hollands at the castle, ends up having some interesting encounters with him and they make out, are all lovey-dovey and fall in love? so tom decides he wants to marry her and not any other princess
notes:  can i just say that i’m glad this is not royal!tom x pauper!reader/rich!tom x poor!reader because THAT TROPE IS OVERUSED IN THIS COUNTRY I LIVE IN IT’S FREAKING EVERYWHERE
summary: prince thomas is to be betrothed, but who is he looking for?
Unlike your older sister, you loved being a princess. You loved being pampered, attending all the balls and parties, eating all the best food, learning from the best professors in the kingdom, riding horses, having archery as your best sport, you loved everything. However, that also meant that, as one of the princesses of the Eastern Kingdom, you were going to be betrothed to one of the princes. And if you were being totally honest, you didn’t mind at all. All the princes were handsome anyway.
But there was one prince that caught your attention. You’ve never spoken to him because he was always under the watch of his guards and you were the life of the party, always being called by one group or another. You’ve talked to all the other princes, except Prince Thomas of the Northern Kingdom.
When you would be alone in your chambers, or anywhere else for that matter, you would tend to daydream about him. How he would act, talk…how he would watch you and listen to you as you entertained him with songs and dances, and maybe even funny stories that you’ve collected as you grew older.
Your sister would scold you for such nonsense. She knew you were going to have a husband from one of the kingdoms so she deemed it wise not to think of just one. She was betrothed to one of the princes in the Western Kingdom. And she hated it She hated being a princess, she would have rather have been a commoner.
“You say that, sister,” you would start whenever she would whine about the whole princess fashion, “but once you have a feel of being a commoner, you would think of the good life you have here.”
In your kingdom, there were only two princesses, you and your sister, and three princes, your older brothers. In the Western Kingdom, there were two princes and one princess. The Southern Kingdom had the most princesses, you can’t even remember how many, but there were three princes. The Northern Kingdom, the kingdom ruling above everyone else, only had one heir, Prince Thomas.
The Creator knew how much she wanted to marry him.
“You don’t even know him yet,” your sister would say. “At least I knew Prince Phillip before we were told that we are to marry.”
You made a face. “The only reason they brought him here is to obviously tell you that you are betrothed. Why else would they bring a prince here?”
But your sister would have none of it. For her, their parents' will was law despite her wishing she wasn’t a princess. “If I can’t beat them, join them,” she would chant. You remember the time she had rebelled and you think of how different things now are with her. “I don’t like being a princess, that I admit, but this is my life. Creator help me.”
Months later, there is word that the High King and High Queen had wanted to betroth their son Prince Thomas. However, unlike most traditional arrangements wherein parents and matchmakers would talk it over, they would invite all the princesses of the kingdom to their castle for a few days.
“That’s odd,” your mother, the Queen of the Eastern Kingdom, said. “I wonder who decided on this.” It was dinner time in the castle and your mother was reading the parchment given by the messenger as you all ate around the table.
“What is it, Dear?” you father, the King, asked, not taking his eyes off the slab of meat on his plate.
“Prince Thomas is to be wed.” Your heart sunk at that. “But instead of the normal arranged marriage, they’re inviting all the princesses from the different kingdoms. The West will go first. Then the South. And finally, us, the East.”
Although this excited you, you still tried to play it cool. “Will sister be coming with us as well?”
“She’s betrothed, Darling,” your mother reminded you. “And your father and I are not going. You’ll be traveling alone.”
“Is that so…” you murmur. And your excitement quickly becomes worry.
Finally, it’s the day of your visit. You have finished packing all your necessities and you climb onto the carriage and wave goodbye to your family. Your sister smirked at you and you discreetly stick out your tongue at her.
The ride to the North was a tiring one. You had fallen asleep numerous times as you moved along. You had stopped for two nights, where you got proper sleep, and continued on during the day. When you reached the Northern Kingdom, you prayed to the Creator that you still looked presentable enough to the High King and High Queen.
When you were led into the throne chamber, you curtsied at the sight of the two rulers. “My King, my Queen. It is an honor to be in your presence.”
“Princess y/n,” the Queen called out. Her voice was soft and light. Very motherly if you were to be asked. “It’s great to finally meet you. You are quite the showstopper, aren’t you, little one?” She smiled knowingly.
You blushed at the comment and tried not to stammer. “I am just doing what any princess should do, your majesty.”
“Aren’t you a lovely girl,” the Queen continued. “I remember seeing your sister. You two look quite different. She’s a beauty as well, but you are another story.”
You turn even redder as you thanked her.
“Thomas will be choosing his wife and you are lucky enough to have no sibling rivalry,” the King said. “But you are still in the pool when we consider the countless other princesses, not to mention the ones in the South.” He chuckled.
Your stomach churns at the possibility of not being picked but you smile anyway. “Being a candidate is a great honor, your majesty. I am happy just being here.”
“Thomas is out hunting now,” the King informed you. “But please, make yourself at home. We’ll call you for supper time.”
“Thank you, your majesty.” You curtsied again before being led out of the throne chamber.
The castle is much bigger than the one in your home. There were also many twists and turns until you reached a corner where a large portrait of a young lady was hung on the wall. The lady was beautiful and you unknowingly touch your own face to compare. “Who is that?” you asked.
“That is the prince’s grandmother. This will be your chamber, princess,” the maid told you. It was on the side of the portrait.  The maid opened the door and you followed. The chamber was just as big as your own and you smile, it really did kind of feel like home. “Would you need anything else, princess?”
You shake your head. “No, I’m okay here. Thank you.” And so she leaves and you’re left alone. You look at the bags and boxes you have. You’ll be living here for two weeks but you’ve packed for two months. Shaking your head, you decide you want to explore first before unpacking.
Slipping out of the door, you begin to walk around, making sure to remember where your chamber was. For about an hour, all you did was take a tour of the humongous castle. You would make sure to keep away from the King and Queen, not wanting to leave the impression that you sneak around.
When you check the time, you realize it was almost time for supper. You look around you for any signs where you should go to get back to your chamber. “Oh no,” you mutter when you realize you have no clue as to where you are. “Fuck. Not good.”
So you take your chances and walk in the hallways you believe looked familiar. After about fifteen minutes, you still haven’t found your chamber. You sighed in despair. “Definitely not good.”
“What’s not good?”
You looked up and felt your heartbeat speed up. “Prince Thomas.”
“Hello, princess y/n. Are you lost?”
You hated to admit but, “Yes. I wanted to explore and I thought I’d be able to remember where my chamber is. This experience has taught me that I’m not good with directions.”
He smiled and your heart leaped. “Which chamber did they give you?”
“The one where there’s this portrait of this beautiful lady, your grandmother.”
“They gave you the chamber across from mine. Come on, I’ll show you the way.” He gestured for you to follow him. “So, princess y/n, how do you find the castle?”
“Bigger than ours,” you replied. “I wonder how you don’t get lost in here.”
“I still do,” he laughed, “so if ever they don’t find me, they know I’m running off looking for new secret passages and shit.”
You’re taken aback by his swearing but you also feel that you’re not alone. “There are secret passages here?”
“Aren’t there in yours?” He turned to look at her.
You look down shyly. “I’ve been taught to be a lady. Perhaps my brothers have discovered some already. I should ask.”
You and Tom walked the distance to your chambers while talking. When you finally reached the familiar corridor, you sighed in relief and hope it isn’t supper yet. “Have you unpacked?” he asked you. When you shake your head he offered to help out. Although you knew a prince shouldn’t be doing this job, you can’t help but ask if he was sure. “Yeah, I don’t have anything important to do. Just let me freshen up, I’m all sticky from hunting.”
You two go your separate ways. As you close the door behind you, you lean back and squealed. Regaining your composure, you quickly begin unpacking, not wanting to seem like you were waiting for him. Minutes later, there was a knock on the door and you let him in.
“I’ll start with this bag,” he told you. You let him be and begin fixing your books on the shelf. That’s when you realize the silence. You turned back and see Prince Thomas staring at the contents inside the bag with a red face. “Princess y/n. I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to touch these.”
“What’s wrong?” you ask. You walk towards him and check the bag. You turn red as well. “I’m so sorry, Prince Thomas. I didn’t know they were in this bag. I’m sorry, I really am.”
He gave a nervous laugh. “It’s okay. I’ll just start with this other bag.”
You zip the bag you’re holding and turn away from him. Whoever placed your ladies undergarments in this bag was going to get it. ‘Calm down, y’/n, they didn’t know.’ You inhale and exhale before setting the bag down.
It’s been a few days since your stay in the castle. You’ve had some interesting encounters with Prince Thomas, or Tom as he preferred to be called, and you, in turn, allowed him to call you by your first name.
And by interesting meaning, after spending time with him every day, you were in the garden and you found yourselves making out. If you two were asked who started it, you wouldn’t know what to answer. And you know what, it didn’t matter to both of you. It wasn’t the best to tell anyone yet about their relationship so, behind the walls, you two would cuddle and trace circles in the palms of each other’s hands, telling one another stories and secrets. Under the table during eating hours, you’d brush your foot on his leg and you could see him turning pink at the gesture.
When it was time for you to go home, that was the only time things went public. How could you two send letters to one another without others knowing?
‘I’ve told them, y/n. I’ve told Mom and Dad about who I want to marry. It’s you. I want to marry you. I don’t want to marry any of the other princesses they asked me to consider before I make a final decision. I love you, y/n. I don’t know if you love me back yet but I will wait. I will wait for your love before we become betrothed.’
He didn’t have to wait long. Your next letter to him told him how you felt. You loved Tom back.
Days after, it was announced that Prince Thomas of the Northern Kingdom, Crown Prince of all Kingdoms, has chosen Princess y/n of the Eastern Kingdom, to be his betrothed.
Everyone celebrated. Parties were held and everyone had admired the engagement ring on your finger. And as people talked to you, as again you are the light and life of the party, you looked back and saw Tom smiling at you.
Finally, you didn’t have to wonder how he would act or how we would talk. Or how we would respond to when you entertained him. “Thank you, Creator,” you murmured before turning back to the group you were with. Unbeknownst to you, Tom murmured the same thing.
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rorybergstrom · 4 years
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            hello, it’s nora again…. hitting u with another child. a south london-born softboi who deserves tenderness. has a burner phone and doesn’t use social media. does techno dj sets. plays the synth loudly through the night if u live in gorham his room always sounds like a space ship just landed. deals weed around campus on his rollerskates. hates that he can’t get new light up wheels because ana coto made rollerskating cool again. as is tradition, here’s the pinterest board. this intro is recycled?? so if theres mistakes, sue me??? and be sure to like and subscribe for more unboxing content x
『 FIONN WHITEHEAD ❙ DEMI-MALE』 ⟿ looks like RORY BERGSTRÖM is here for HIS JUNIOR year as a MUSIC TECHNOLOGY student. HE is 23 years old & known to be ECCENTRIC, FANATICAL, NITPICKY & DOGMATIC. They’re living in GORHAM, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ ooc name. age. tz. pronouns. 
bed hair from a permanent state of slumber, calloused fingertips from strumming bass into the early hours and djing into the blacklit night, self-help books thumbed once and thrown beneath your bed, battered copies of choose your own adventure books, spliffs passed half-arsed across rooftops while light pollution obscures low-hanging stars, marxist literature in stacks against your bedroom walls, a burner phone twice-shattered and a stash of replacement sim cards.
tw ocd, anxiety, drugs
half-swedish, half-british. the swedish is on his mother’s side. he’s bilingual but thinks in english. only really speaks swedish around his mother. only child, and kinda put a lot of pressure on himself to be the perfect kid when he was young, but his parents are honestly, quite decent? and just want him to have a nice life, they don’t care if he isn’t successful or rich or anything, they’re honestly rather solid. (wow imagine having nice parents, a first for all my characters, im literally this meme)
grew up in peckham, a suburb of london. growing up, his mum was a model / actress / waitress who later retrained as a speech therapist and his dad worked in her majesty’s service at buckingham palace. his dad wasn’t allowed to tell his family what his job entailed but rory suspects it’s probably very boring and just involves a lot of…. logistics n security.
was bullied a lot at school. [cole sprouse voice] he didn’t fit in and he didn’t want to fit in. unironically wore a trenchcoat to school every day of his life. spent most of his lunchtimes in the library because it was his safe space. as a result he knows…. loads of useless information because 30% of his school years were spent reading anthologies on space and the vikings etc. would be good on a game show. obsessively recorded every episode of university challenge as a child.
middle-class and lowkey quite wealthy but rarely talks about money, one of those well-off people who still wears really old shitty shoes and only spends money if they absolutely have to
virgin who can’t drive
into star wars, not into the big bang theory. feminist. can’t watch horror movies
favourite film is where the wild things are. also loves the florida project. thinks kids are the sweetest thing and can’t wait to be a dad to some. right now is dad to one cat, whose name changes on a daily basis (identity is constantly shifting, duuuuude), but they were originally named ‘wheezer’
rory has been musical for as long as they can remember. first picked up guitar because he thought it would make this girl esther who he was in love with like him, but he just ended up falling in love with music instead.
formulated several different bands as a kid but ultimately had to give it up cos he was quite controlling and got fixated on making a certain sound so it wasn’t really fun for the others. got into electronic music because it was something he could do basically on his own and keep tweaking until he got it perfect
always drumming their fingers or strumming invisible guitar strings. tends to avoid parties bc he has quite has specific tastes when it comes to music and doesn’t like listening to r&b for eight hours while people throw up into plastic cups.
a techno connoisseur. has been making electronic music since he was about twelve.
after his parents divorce, when he was fourteen, rory & his mother moved to run-down suburban neighbourhood, pittsfield, massachussets.
big into photography. he mostly uses a canon 35mm camera, but occasionally uses disposable ones when he wants that more rustic feel.
moving to the states, their photography became more focused on suburban neighborhoods and are often quite dark and cinematic (think gregory crewsden). here are some shots of pittsfield i really like which rory has on his wall [1] [2] [3]
falls in love 12 times a day. never had a girlfriend or boyfriend. gets sweaty when someone cute looks at him. flirting?? what?? would prefer to idealise them from a distance
gender??? hm. doesn’t really know where he fits yet, sometimes he feels like a guy and sometimes they dont feel like anything at all. isn’t really bothered, cos they think it’s a social construct anyway. uses he/they pronouns interchangeably, but feels like ‘he’ is more fitting. won’t necessarily pull anyone up on it cos he knows having an identity that’s constantly…. in flux.. can be annoying for others … and doesn’t want to be a burden even tho it isn’t at all?? rory internalises guilt
everything is socially constructed. mirrors let you move through time. the whole thing’s a metaphor. he thinks he’s got free will but really he’s trapped in a maze. in a system. all he can do is consume. people think it’s a happy game. it’s not a happy game — it’s a fucking nightmare world, and the worst thing is, it’s real and we live in it
has ocd. tries to let it affect his life as little as possible, but obviously it’s incredibly hard to control a compulsive disorder. was teased for it at school when other kids started to notice. he was obsessed with the number five, would wash his hands five times, count stairs i groups of five, he could only use the corridors in one direction and always had to keep his hands busy. it manifests itself in hyper-fixations (trains when he was a child – specifically steam engines – then later he became obsessed with space and the patterns of constellations, and now he’s obsessed with synthesizers) and repetitive behaviours like counting stairs. doesn’t really affect his social life at all, he can jst get a bit locked-on n hyper-focused sometimes.
has insomnia. barely ever sleeps. finds it hard to switch off from work / writing / gaming / whatever’s preoccupying him in that moment. he’s always awake at 5am and quite often sleeps in through classes but still gets really good grades because he’s very good at his course. rarely attends classes. prefers to work independently. doesn’t really trust his tutors are intelligent enough to be teaching him, and is particularly suspicious of the lockwood tutors. a music snob tbh
secretly a small-scale drug dealer, only does weed n some party pills. rollerskates around campus dealing cos they dnt have a car
likes: techno, the webpage cats on synthesizers in space, allen ginsberg, vintage gramophones,  floating points, lcd soundsystem, marijuana, soft dogs that let you pet them, late-night strolls talking about the universe, independent films, cigarettes, herbal tea, gallows humour, long showers, brown eyes, tchaikovsky, dr. seuss, constellations, photography, late night jazz, vintage game boys and girls who could rip his still-beating heart out of his chest and use it as an ashtray. dislikes:  weddings, funerals, formality, button-up shirts that people actually button-up, bananas, hot coffee, social media, people who watch and play sports, rap music – especially of the misogynistic variety, indie wankers in wire-framed glasses that play ed sheeran songs at open mic nights.
plot ! with ! me ! i’d say all the usual “exes fwb hookups spiel” but rory… is very tender and tame… i feel like a deer in the headlights of love……. so give me
study buddies,
people who are also into techno and are music snobs about it,
people who love all kinds of music,
people who are in bands that maybe rory’s recorded and produced stuff for,
people he actually jams with (he plays bass and synth),
unrequited crushes!!
someone they met at a knitting club in freshman year and have remained friends with despite no longer going to it
people rory knows from open mic nights and gigs
library girlfriends / boyfriends that he stares at longingly while paging through leatherbound volumes
gamers !!! social recluses !!! hermits !!
people he deals weed to on his rollerskates (why r all my characters obsessed with rollerskates)
skaters. rory is really shit at skateboarding. like really shit. help the smol
hm now that rory has !Evolved! ig we can do hook up plots if u want but he’s not tht good at divorcing sex from emotion?? like he  hooked up w teddy once n felt hopelessly inlove so..... if u want soft plots b prepared for crippling sadness.......
stay groovy XD XD
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anankos · 5 years
MIKOTO!!!! I mean, it’s kind of cheating since I know you have The Fuckpile, but I’m curious about the ship + whatever headcanons you have for her!!!
you know what since u already know about The Fuckpile i’ll break it down (and this is partially for my benefit so i can keep track of it too lmao)
(Big ole bullet point wall below, because i have lotsa headcanon thoughts about mikoto)
Ikona is alloaro, so her relationship with everyone is exclusively friends with benefits. She mostly connects with Mikoto, since her marriage to Sumeragi was arranged.
Sumeragi’s heart is pretty much immediately captured by Mikoto, and not long after they both talk about their reciprocated romantic feelings and work with poly negotiation, Sumeragi awakens his Inner Scalie with Anankos (who isn’t interested in him romantically, but the purely physical attraction is mutual).
Mikoto is All In. She’s a woman with a lot of love to give, and isn’t afraid to talk about it. She knows her romantic crush on Ikona isn’t reciprocated but they both are happy & comfortable with their FWB arrangement because they are mature fucking adults who talk about this stuff.
When it comes to romantic feelings? Silent dragons are pretty damn monogamous. They romantically bond with their mate and only their mate, and if said mate dies, they don’t ‘remarry’. However Anankos is happy enough to a roll in the hay with other parties, preferably if Mikoto is also involved.
And for the record Sumeragi and Anankos are absolutely on the ‘men get pegged’ side of things. Now for misc Mikoto headcanons!
-She was quite the prankster in her youth, and though the mellowed out a bit, even in the later years of her rule of Hoshido, she still pulled the wool over the daimyo’s eyes for fun and profit.
-While Nohr approaches inheritance as ‘idk whoever was born first or whoever fights for the privilege’, Valla is matriarchal and Hoshido is patriarchal. And while it was acceptable for the Hoshidan king’s concubine (and later, wife, when Ikona passed) to dabble in politics, having a sole female ruler was... different, in terms of their traditions, to say the least. After Sumeragi was assassinated there was a lot of pressure to put lil Ryoma on the throne with Mikoto as a regent, but even as a king with a dowager regent, Mikoto believed it would be far, far too much pressure for a child, especially in the wartime environment. Obviously most folks in the court weren’t happy with this, but despite not being born to the Hoshido divine lineage, the favor of the gods holds a lot of sway, and use of the dragon veins (which she could use, as a Vallite royal) solidified her right to govern. And she didn’t relinquish the throne when Ryoma was of age because she had things to do, dammit!
-Mikoto got her hair/eye color from her grandfather, who was Hoshidan. Arete looks much like their mother, with the blue hair and yellow eyes, but neither of the sisters resembled their white-haired father (gee, i wonder who DOES, though)
-When she was younger, she always felt somewhat inadequate, in the way younger children do next to their overachieving but still kind elder siblings. She was more than a bit reckless because of it.
-Mikoto had actually met Sumeragi previously in her life. The knowledge of how to get to Valla without the aid of waterporting was traditionally passed down the Hoshidan royal line, due to where their magic throne came from. Sumeragi had visited Gyges with his father some ten years prior. When Mikoto came to Hoshido holding an infant, refusing to speak of her home or her circumstances except in sign (which Sumeragi was only familiar with the very basics of), he and Ikona took her in instantly. She became a legal concubine pretty much immediately, with the explanation that Sumeragi had fathered Corrin on her and was taking them into his household for realsies because of it.
-Since I choose to ignore the whole “Mikoto is a clairvoyant” thing, I believe she fully intended to try and tell her kids about Valla, and the way for non-Vallites to get there like Sumeragi and his father had, but died before she could. She fully intended to survive, and live much longer, but her death was as much of a surprise to her as it was to her children (she thought it was worth it, though- anything was worth it for the life of any one of her children).
-Mikoto’s marriage to Sumeragi was expected for Hoshidan politics (highest ranking, or in this case only, concubine wedding a widower king was in fact the encouraged thing), and also entirely legal by Vallite law. She and Anankos never married, since he legally ddin’t exist and in all honesty Mikoto wasn’t thinking that far into the future of their relationship. Corrin is legally a bastard, but it doesn’t matter as much in his home country because they trace the bloodline matrilineally.
OK PHEW THAT’S IT. Anyways if anybody thought i forgot my roots as a shameless fates lover, u were mistaken
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gotatext · 5 years
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hello, it’s swamp witch nora again…. i couldn’t stay away.... hitting u with a tiny baby boy who is also terrible (sometimes).  musical softboi who loves karl marx and hates children dying in cobalt mines to make smart phones. as is tradition, here’s the pinterest board, have a peruse. fyi sorry for those of u who have read this intro a thousand times i literally.... can never b bothred to change it n i think thats really sexy of me x
CHARLIE PLUMMER / DEMI-BOY — don’t look now, but is that rory bergström  i see? the 23 year old music student is in their junior year and he is a rochester alum. i hear they can be whimsical, impassioned, self-indulgent and nitpicky, so maybe keep that in mind. i bet he / they will make a name for themselves living in griffin street. ( nora. 24. gmt. she/her. )
bed hair from a permanent state of slumber, calloused fingertips from strumming bass into the early hours and djing into the blacklit night, self-help books thumbed once and thrown beneath your bed, battered copies of choose your own adventure books, spliffs passed half-arsed across rooftops while light pollution obscures low-hanging stars, marxist literature in stacks against your bedroom walls, a burner phone twice-shattered and a stash of replacement sim cards.
tw ocd, anxiety, drugs
half-swedish, half-british. the swedish is on his mother’s side. he’s bilingual but thinks in english. only really speaks swedish around his mother. only child, and kinda put a lot of pressure on himself to be the perfect kid when he was young, but his parents are honestly, quite decent? and just want him to have a nice life, they don’t care if he isn’t successful or rich or anything, they’re honestly rather solid. (wow imagine having nice parents, a first for all my characters, im literally this meme)
grew up in peckham, a suburb of london. growing up, his mum was a model / actress / waitress who later retrained as a speech therapist and his dad worked in her majesty’s service at buckingham palace. his dad wasn’t allowed to tell his family what his job entailed but rory suspects it’s probably very boring and just involves a lot of…. logistics n security.
was bullied a lot at school. [cole sprouse voice] he didn’t fit in and he didn’t want to fit in. unironically wore a trenchcoat to school every day of his life. spent most of his lunchtimes in the library because it was his safe space. as a result he knows…. loads of useless information because 30% of his school years were spent reading anthologies on space and the vikings etc. would be good on a game show. obsessively recorded every episode of university challenge as a child.
middle-class and lowkey quite wealthy but rarely talks about money, one of those well-off people who still wears really old shitty shoes and only spends money if they absolutely have to
virgin who can’t drive
into star wars, not into the big bang theory. feminist. can’t watch horror movies
favourite film is where the wild things are. also loves the florida project. thinks kids are the sweetest thing and can’t wait to be a dad to some
has been musical for as long as they can remember. first picked up guitar because he thought it would make this girl esther who he was in love with like him, but he just ended up falling in love with music instead.
formulated several different bands as a kid but ultimately had to give it up cos he was quite controlling and got fixated on making a certain sound so it wasn’t really fun for the others. got into electronic music because it was something he could do basically on his own and keep tweaking until he got it perfect
always drumming their fingers or strumming invisible guitar strings. tends to avoid parties bc he has quite has specific tastes when it comes to music and doesn’t like listening to r&b for eight hours while people throw up into plastic cups.
a techno connoisseur. has been making electronic music since he was about twelve.
after his parents divorce, when he was fourteen, rory & his mother moved to run-down suburban neighbourhood, pittsfield, massachussets.
big into photography. he mostly uses a canon 35mm camera, but occasionally uses disposable ones when he wants that more rustic feel.
moving to the states, their photography became more focused on suburban neighborhoods and are often quite dark and cinematic (think gregory crewsden). here are some shots of pittsfield i really like which rory has on his wall [1] [2] [3]
falls in love 12 times a day. never had a girlfriend or boyfriend. gets sweaty when someone cute looks at him. flirting?? what?? would prefer to idealise them from a distance
gender??? hm. rory don’t really know where they fit yet, sometimes he feels like a guy and sometimes they dont feel like anything at all!! slippin out of his physical form into the spirit realm! isn’t really bothered, cos they think it’s a social construct anyway. uses he/they pronouns interchangeably, but currently feels like ‘he’ is more fitting. won’t necessarily pull anyone up on it cos he knows having an identity that’s constantly…. in flux.. can be annoying for others … and doesn’t want to be a burden even tho it isn’t at all?? rory internalises guilt
everything is socially constructed. mirrors let you move through time. the whole thing’s a metaphor. he thinks he’s got free will but really he’s trapped in a maze. in a system. all he can do is consume. people think it’s a happy game. it’s not a happy game — it’s a fucking nightmare world, and the worst thing is, it’s real and we live in it!!!!
has ocd. tries to let it affect his life as little as possible, but obviously it’s incredibly hard to control a compulsive disorder. was teased for it at school when other kids started to notice. he was obsessed with the number five, would wash his hands five times, count stairs i groups of five, he could only use the corridors in one direction and always had to keep his hands busy. it manifests itself in hyper-fixations (trains when he was a child – specifically steam engines – then later he became obsessed with space and the patterns of constellations, and now he’s obsessed with synthesizers) and repetitive behaviours like counting stairs. doesn’t really affect his social life at all, he can jst get a bit locked-on n hyper-focused sometimes.
has insomnia. barely ever sleeps. finds it hard to switch off from work / writing / gaming / whatever’s preoccupying him in that moment. he’s always awake at 5am and quite often sleeps in through classes but still gets really good grades because he’s very good at his course. rarely attends classes. prefers to work independently. doesn’t really trust his tutors are intelligent enough to be teaching him, and is particularly suspicious of the lockwood tutors. a music snob tbh
occasionally deals weed n pills when strapped for cash, but only 2 ppl he knows, and on a very small scale grass-roots level!! (so its ok???) rollerskates around campus dealing cos they dnt have a car. we love to see it
aesthetics: bed hair from a permanent state of slumber, calloused fingertips from strumming bass into the early hours and drumming into blacklit night, self-help books thumbed once and thrown beneath your bed, watching vine compilations until your eyes turn square, battered copies of choose your own adventure books, spliffs passed half-arsed across rooftops while light pollution obscures low-hanging stars
likes: techno, the webpage cats on synthesizers in space, allen ginsberg, vintage gramophones,  floating points, lcd soundsystem, marijuana, soft dogs that let you pet them, late-night strolls talking about the universe, independent films, cigarettes, herbal tea, gallows humour, long showers, brown eyes, tchaikovsky, dr. seuss, constellations, photography, late night jazz, vintage game boys and girls who could rip his still-beating heart out of his chest and use it as an ashtray. dislikes:  weddings, funerals, formality, button-up shirts that people actually button-up, bananas, hot coffee, social media, people who watch and play sports, rap music – especially of the misogynistic variety, indie wankers in wire-framed glasses that play ed sheeran songs at open mic nights.
plot ! with ! me ! i’d say all the usual “exes fwb hookups spiel” but rory… has never hooked up with anyone… i feel like a deer in the headlights of love……. so give me
study buddies,
people who are also into techno and are music snobs about it,
people who love all kinds of music,
people who are in bands that maybe rory’s recorded and produced stuff for,
people he actually jams with (he plays bass and synth),
unrequited crushes!!
actually i think rory had sex w delilah in the last version of this rp so if u want a hook up plot its possible just unlikely. they’d hav 2 be the driving force i reckon cos rory doesn’t really act on impulses like desire or anythin.... jst bottles that shit up !!! but yea we could do a spicy hook up plot maybs, depending on the person
someone they met at a knitting club in freshman year and have remained friends with despite no longer going to it
people rory knows from open mic nights and gigs
library girlfriends / boyfriends that he stares at longingly while paging through leatherbound volumes
gamers !!! social recluses !!! hermits !!
people he deals weed to on his rollerskates (why r all my characters obsessed with rollerskates)
skaters. rory is really shit at skateboarding. like really shit. help the smol
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Discord of Prosecutors and Detectives
More Bullshit Defense AU fic, and a different Discord server from the other times. Set right after Turnabout Time Traveler.
[A Discord server named “Official Los Angeles Distrinct Prosecutors Office”. The typo has been present since the creation of the server and never fixed. It contains a number of channels, such as “general”, “important announcements”, “unimportant announcements”, “work vent”, “family vent”, “other vent”, “meme quarantine”, and “meme breach of containment”.]
September 24, 2028 4:33pm [general]
Forensics Fuck-O so that’s in short how Fran and I get to go to a fancy rich people wedding
the defendant is Freud’s corpse not to sound rude to prosecutors or anything since I work with you all and am friends with you all but I’m surprised they invited the prosecution like in general it’s not you Frau it’s just like generally why would you invite someone who tried to convict you for murder to your wedding
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard Ah.  That may present a future problem. 
the defendant is Freud’s corpse well no that’s different we knew you like. before you prosecuted Trucy also that’s different because you weren’t even trying to convict her
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard That is a blatantly untrue statement, Ms. Cykes. I was doing my job to the whole of my abilities. 
the defendant is Freud’s corpse right yknow I guess you’re not lying if you consider the job of a prosecutor to be catching the guilty and not just convicting whatever defendant they place in front of you because you were not trying to convict Trucy  like in the slightest
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard Well, Thalassa did tell me that the identity of the victim was not the original Mr. Reus, and further that the Gramarye-hating TV producer who committed contract fraud was the original Mr. Reus, and should that not be enough to make anyone suspicious? I could hardly discount critical testimony from my brother’s other mother. 
Forensics Fuck-O Isn’t it ‘brother from another mother’
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard Yes and I said what I said, because my family tree is a mangrove swamp. 
Surrounded by Fools That is correct because I just realized that we may be related. 
the defendant is Freud’s corpse but like Trucy aside I mean like this situation where you’d never met the fancy rich people having a wedding before and you’re the one trying to get the bride convicted and she’s like hey come to my third attempt at a wedding reception maybe this one will work out
Forensics Fuck-O The defense was invited and that’s Miles and Mr Wright and Maya so they kinda encouraged the invite to us Which is fantastic because that catering was dope
FaraGAY I’m so jealous I wanna go to a wedding on a blimp hey @Surrounded by Fools if ur bro and Nick ever get married can they get a “we saved ur asses” discount from the Sprocketts to rent the blimp for their wedding or can you and Emmy get ur shits together and get married on a blimp who doesn’t want a blimp wedding
Forensics Fuck-O lmao you should’ve seen Mr Wright’s face when we went out on top of the blimp he looked like he was gonna hork and just dragged us all back down  I don’t think he wants a blimp wedding
FaraGAY hey what about that other part that I said are u ignoring that
Forensics Fuck-O Conspicuously ignoring that, in fact
the defendant is Freud’s corpse I wanna attend a wedding on a blimp or just like any wedding because I remember the food was good at my moms’ and I got to eat a lot of it because we got a lot of food but only invited like ten people
Birdman-dono Which unfortunately meant less people to hear my roast of my sister. 
the defendant is Freud’s corpse I don’t care what my mom says about your speechifying I’m totally letting you make a speech at my wedding it’ll be MY wedding so I get to choose to get roasted! anyway @everyone someone get married already!! Blimp time!!!!!
Guilty Love, on the kazoo Mhm, Apollo isn’t fond of heights so I don’t think that’s something we would do. 
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard Are y you marrying my brother?
Guilty Love, on the kazoo Huh? No
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard Then why NOT? Either commit or stop stringing him along. 
Guilty Love, on the kazoo wait
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard I have been very restrained about not kicking your ass but this is my little brother we are talking about.  And one thing I know very well about Apollo is that he prefers stability and certainty because we spent enough of our childhoods not knowing what was coming in the next day or hour. 
Guilty Love, on the kazoo wait
the defendant is Freud’s corpse I think there’s a communication issue somewhere in here
Forensics Fuck-O Thanks for that, Sherlock
Birdman-dono lmao
Guilty Love, on the kazoo I am not currently planning a wedding to your brother but I would not be averse to the prospect
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard Oh Well then why AREN’T you currently planning it? That’s a joke this time. 
Guilty Love, on the kazoo Danke I was not sure
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard It would not be a joke from my parents but I am not them.  I know you were frustrated that Apollo didn’t tell you what was happening back in May in time for you to come to Khura’in with us and help us sort out everything but that was probably better for you that you didn’t have to survive our parents cross-examining and interrogating you on when you plan to propose to Apollo. 
Guilty Love, on the kazoo Why am I the one who has to and not him 
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk You think they DON’T hassle him about it?
Guilty Love, on the kazoo A h 
DebestGAY guy entering the room that is on fire with pizza dot gif 
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard ‘Where are the grandkids, Apollo? We’re WAITING!’ 
Guilty Love, on the kazoo They do uh realize that uh 
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard ‘Just adopt a dozen, Apollo, what are you waiting for?’ 
Guilty Love, on the kazoo A DOZEN 
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard I am well aware that had my aunt not been a human nightmare, and then the country needed rebuilding after her reign, that I would have at least ten younger siblings.
Forensics Fuck-O So they’re just like the Fran’s dad of the eastern hemisphere like here are the eight young adults who have lived out of the guest room at some point or another 
FaraGAY half of the current legal system half of this chat yknow  anyway we drifted away from the point of this convo WHICH WAS harassing someone into getting married so we can go party on a blimp 
DebestGAY Couldn’t we just rent a blimp and throw a non-wedding party? 
FaraGAY get ur logic out of here we want a blimp party  and to encourage our stupid friends to stop beating round the bush and just get married already 
Surrounded by Fools I’ll tell Maya that you’re planning to propose soon, then, and it can be your wedding.  
FaraGAY wait 
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard Kurain Village likely has some very specific wedding traditions for their mediums that could not be held on a blimp, no? 
FaraGAY  yeah think so thx for the out, my dude 
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard That was not an ‘out’. That was an ‘obviously your solution is to have two ceremonies’. Hop to it.  
the defendant is Freud’s corpse HELL yeah!!! two parties!!! double food!!!!! 
FaraGAY  o fuck yeah Maya would like that okay maybe if none of u other LOSERS are then I will be the one to get married and have a BLIMP PARTY 
September 24, 2028 11:37pm [general] 
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard Ms. Cykes, there is something I meant to ask you about your name in this server.  And that ‘something’ is: what? 
the defendant is Freud’s corpse I’m gonna dig up Freud and put him on trial for crimes against 1. humanity 2. classic literature it’s not like Oedipus WANTED that to happen!! so anyway it’s like you know that one pope who dug up his predecessor and put him on trial and sentenced him 
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard NO??
the defendant is Freud’s corpse yeah go look that up you were prob already looking that up before I said but yeah that’s what I wanna do with Freud 
Literally Royal, Metaphorically Bastard Thank you for making me hate myself for asking.  
the defendant is Freud’s corpse
September 30 9:43pm [general]
Forensics Fuck-O fancy rich people wedding update: Larry caught the bouquet and you all know what that means so @FaraGAY if you wanna have the first flying wedding of our social group you’ll have to beat him to it 
FaraGAY can’t believe Ol Larold is gonna get married good for him he’d better invite me or I’ll break his knees 
Surrounded by Fools Larold 
FaraGAY ye Ol Larold Butt 
Forensics Fuck-O I’m gonna break your knees
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2queens1prince · 5 years
Fan Fic Ask Game
Between @teaismyqueen, @lilacmermaid25 and a couple of anon requests, they hit most all of the questions.  I just thought I’d answer them for anyone who cares to read. :)
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]? Shock I absolutely suck at titles.  I can come up with all of these weird, elaborate scenarios in my head, but ask me to title a story and it’s like all creativity is gone. I chose Shock because I needed something completely non descript, and I knew the end of chapter one would be a shock. See? Totally lame.
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience? Some of them. I would say that even if the events are not from personal experience, a lot of the emotions are. I think that’s why a lot of my writing is angsty. I’m angsty all over the place, but there’s no outlet for it in my life.
C: What member do you identify with most? Elizabeth
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]? No.  I typically don’t listen to any music, although, I did at one point create a wedding playlist of songs for Henry and Elizabeth’s wedding reception for Evolution.
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?  I really don’t know.  Perhaps The First Time needed a sequel instead of the time jump at the end, but I’m not really sure.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.  Anything Phyllis said in Evolution.  For being a non-canon character, I loved her so much.
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? Start to finish, although sometimes I know there are things I want to include and I make notes at the end, but not whole scenes.
H: How would you describe your style?  I’m sure someone else could describe my style better than I could.  I’m an emotional writer, but I like the characters to show progression.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)? Give me a good hurt/comfort fic and I’m all over it.
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].  The obvious answer is Evolution because when I started, Henry wasn’t going to be a fallen away Catholic, but as I wrote it, I sort of came to the conclusion that he couldn’t be anything like he is in the show if he were still a Traditional Catholic. Not good or bad-it just would become to OOC for me.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with? Due to accident or illness, one of the McCord children dies.
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?  This has changed over time.  Now most of my writing goes to my betas after the first draft.  They offer ideas and then it sits for a while.  With multi-chapters, by the time they are posted, I’ve been through them 8-10 times.  Often, after the third draft, I don’t change much other than some wording or punctuation.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share? I’m currently writing a fic in which Henry and Elizabeth remodel her parents’ home together and I think my next one has to do with a self-defense class and a very arrogant Elizabeth.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?  Pool Party!  Gah!  I started to turn it into a multi-chapter and stalled.  Also I would like College and Coffee to go somewhere.
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?  The plot, always.
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)  I am a gardener.  Most of the time I start with an opening scene and I have no idea where the story will go.  An excellent example of this is the “Hiking” there is only one bed prompt.  How did that prompt end up the way it did?  Who even knows?
Q: How do you feel about collaborations?  I collaborate on ideas frequently with several writers.  I haven’t written with someone only because the opportunity hasn’t come up.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?  I think smut is incredibly difficult to write, so there are a lot of writers, particularly the veterans in the group that I go back and read.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?  Give me a slow burn romance with a fair amount of angst and I’m in my element.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand? I feel like I might offend people who have stories that may fall into these categories.  It has nothing to do with the writer, only the topic that I don’t care for..  Unrealistic smut and unbelievable pregnancy fics.  Additionally, I have a thing about Elizabeth’s name, so I’ve been known to stop reading a fic if I don’t like the way Elizabeth’s name is used. 
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much. @pillar--of--salt‘s smut is hands down the best in my book. @laineyvb131 and I share a brain, so yeah, everything she writes resonates with me, and @fsulinz because she is the perfect example of someone who has outstanding ideas and the writing skills to pull them off, but was hesitant to put herself out there and after some peer pressure, she did it and she’s great! Oh, one more.  Nonadhesiveness needs a mention because her stories are woven together with an extreme amount of skill, and I’m jealous at hell!
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose? Strongest Convictions-I really think a well written prequel to what happened to Elizabeth and Henry when they were in prison would be riveting.
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones? I like @lilacmermaid25‘s prompts, whatever those are.
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.  Dmitri and Craig Sterling although I don’t think I’ve written about either, but if I did, they would suffer.
Y: A character you want to protect.  I think Elizabeth in a certain way.  Shit always seems to happen to her, but she’ll always come out on the other side if I’m doing the writing.
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?  I’ve read it and I tolerate it all.  There’s just a lot of tears.
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suvidhafashion · 3 years
Lehenga/Saree blouse design for wedding 2021
For weddings, ethnic clothing is the best outfit which Indian women prefer the most. Ladies, look out for the traditional latest saree designs 2021 for weddings. At the same time, most of us are struggling to find the best outfit for the wedding. Whether it is saree or lehenga, women lookout for the modern or Bollywood style blouses designs. However, you will get a Diwali sarees collection for this wedding season on our website.
While choosing the color of the sarees/lehenga, go for colors that suit your skin color. Normal sleeves or necklines are so boring nowadays; so many designs are being updated in the market. Nonetheless, it would be best if you always tried out some amazing blouse designs for your saree/lehenga. Why not try them out.?
Do not leave the blouse behind when looking for the latest saree designs for 2021 for the wedding. Make your attire a little updated by selecting half saree blouse designs. Here we have the latest saree blouses 2021 collection, which shows how fine-drawn embroidery work, jewel designs, work will intensify your saree look of your silk saree, Kanjeevaram saree, or anything.
All these alluring designs of blouses will catch everyone’s attention. Be a diva by wearing these designer blouses. Some designs never go out of style in these blouses and will always give an amazing diva look to your outfit. So stay up to date and try out some fascinating blouse designs, which are given below:
Puff Sleeves blouse
The latest silk saree for a wedding party with the puff sleeves blouse designs will give you a Royal look. It will give you that vintage look that the queens have previously worn, and this look goes best with the latest bridal saree collection. With the silk and Kanjeevaram sarees, these blouses go perfectly.
Bow tie at the back of a blouse
Net saree blouse designs come with a blouse design having a net bow tie at the back of the blouse. If you want, you can go for the Kundan work, stonework, or mirror work at the neckline of this blouse to make it look good.
Sweetheart Neck blouse
Sweetheart neck style is shaped in a broad V-Shape with a split curve. It is particularly one of the most womanly necklines and is the best design for the wedding event. Its shape is so that it magnifies the chest in a classy yet aesthetic way. If you want, you can go for the contrast sleeves with this blouse design.
This neck design is mainly seen in western outfits as it is good for all sizes of adaptability. You can wear a sweetheart neck blouse with skirts, palazzos, flared pants, and sarees, and wear a necklace with it to enhance your look.
Full Sleeves Cropped blouses.
If your physique is perfectly toned, then these cropped blouses are best for you. You can pair these cropped blouses with your lehenga or new style saree for a wedding. This style has been trending all over social media, and many celebrities look amazing with this look. Why not go and try out this look.??
You can wear a cropped blouse with sarees or a lehenga with both. It will give you a fantastic look. However, this design has a tip: women who have a flat belly should avoid this look.
Lace blouse
Traditional Indian and ethnic wear is all about enhancing the beauty of women. These blouses with lace will give you a delightful and modest look. You can wear these lace blouses with a simple design and go for the boat neck or a simple U-shaped neckline.
If you have given your blouse for designing and tailoring your lace blouse, wearing it will give you a vintage royalty look. With the simple makeup and a neckpiece your this look completes.
If you wear a lace blouse, go for the exquisite fabric, heavy decorations can obscure the lacework. And keep the light jewelry like diamonds and pearls.
Halter Neck blouse
Halter neck blouses look very sexy and are very comfortable when you wear them. These blouses come with an excess of styles and colors, and fabrics for you. You can easily carry these blouses, and they go well with an amazing physique. You can show off your body with these halter neck blouses.
You can wear halter neck blouses with sarees, lehengas, skirts, and even pants too. For ethnic and casual wear, a halter neck is a good option. Women who have heavy breasts should avoid this design. No neckpieces are required with the halter neck.
Bell Sleeves blouse designs
Currently, bell sleeves blouses are getting so much popularity. With the traditional silk saree or with Kanjeevaram saree, this blouse design will go so well. It almost gives a vintage look when worn with a saree or lehenga.
Corset Blouse
To acquire a skittish and ultra-modern look, you should try out a Corset blouse. This blouse is an amazing addition to your wardrobe. In an ethnic troupe, you need the confidence to carry a corset blouse, and it is an amazing choice for any big event.
You can pair a corset blouse with new designer sarees for a wedding, lehengas, and skirts; earrings and a necklace will go perfect with this look. B This whole outfit gives an ultra-modern look to the traditional outfit.
Square Neck design
After the simple round neck blouses, the square neck is the second best and most favorite choice. Little detailing will give this design a more amazing look. Choosing a square neck will keep the uniformity of the outfit. This blouse is the main portion for the bride. It will give you a sophisticated and classy look.
A pendant and thread necklace goes very well, and women with thin shoulders and a small chest on them look perfect.
Plunge Neckline blouse design
Nowadays, to look stunning and sexy is every girl’s priority. This deep-cut neck is a bold design and is very fashionable to get people’s attention. It will look super elegant as the biggest fashion designer Sabyasachi is now designing mostly this bold plunge neckline blouse design. However, the selection of the right fabric will make you look astonishing rather than the program itself.
You wear heavy jewelry like a necklace or choker, earrings with this attire.
U-Shape deep neck blouses
This U-shaped design of the blouse will never go out of style, as this is the most famous blouse design among Indian women. No doubt this U-shaped design is so simple, but you know what ?? The simplicity of this design makes it more alluring and popular among women. With this outfit, you can wear a thin necklace of diamond or pearl.
Sleeveless blouse
A sleeveless blouse is never out of fashion. It will give you an elegant and classic look. A sleeveless blouse with a V-neck looks good, and your fabric selection plays an important role in making your outfit astonishing.
Blouses having heavy decorated work on that fabric is a good notion of enhancing the look. Be simple, and do not try out many accessories with this look.
Spaghetti Blouse
Spaghetti blouse is so much trending among the younger girls and is a great choice and stylish outfit. This blouse has very thin strips, and it will make you look peculiar. What event is it based on that you select a simple blouse or blouse with heavy work?
You can experiment a lot with these straps with fabrics, chains, etc. A thick necklace without a pendant also goes well with it, or wear a simple dupatta if you are wearing it in a lehenga. With a Spaghetti blouse, keep your look as nominal as you can.
Your body matters a lot when you are selecting an outfit to wear. Currently, net blouse designs, half saree blouse designs are getting so much popularity. Search out the best blouse design for your outfit as you can choose the latest saree designs for 2021 for weddings from our website.
New saree design 2021 goes well with the above blouse designs. As the complete look of the saree will come up with the blouse designs only.
Source (new saree design 2021)
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