#u ruiners
dragonfly0808 · 9 months
Holy shit MatPat is retiring from Game Theory… as a huge nerd and someone who loves to learn about the most random shit, I’ve been watching him since I was 9… I’m 20 now…
Damn… March 9th is gonna be tough man…
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You will be missed sir, thank u for nurturing my little nerd brain
I’m actually kinda excited to see how the new hosts will do
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gifti3 · 1 year
I think one con of dating asmo would be his fans
I like to believe that most of them are decent but theres always gonna be fans who dont know or care about healthy boundaries (some of his fans have to have a parasocial relationship with him!)
And ik asmo can defend himself but im sure it can still be upsetting at times
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limielle · 25 days
this is borderline discourse i just gotta get it off my chest
i just find it real interesting that people who actively post stuff about the new male da characters (particularly lucanis, let us b real) such as "i want to get that man pregnant" and adjacent level of feminization will then turn around and start complaining that other fans (who are already imagining a more dominating version of him for the romance) (keep in mind neither of them really know what lucanis romance is like because the game isnt out yet) are "enjoying him wrong already".
Like it's so hypocritical it drives me crazy ehgjehghegh like hello ? sexualising him in a way *you* dont want to see doesn't make people wrong and complaining abt them publicly bc they're girlies who see male characters in a different light than u want to doesn't mean that they're wrong and ur right it's so frustrating to see this type of bs PRIOR to the game's release already.
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let me tell yall how i wamna hrab mo yi by his sluttu lirtrle neck and wring him out for wjat ythus banner did to me..... 50 PULLS IN I GOT THE ONLY STANDARD OF HIS I DIDN'T HAVE THAT RESET MY PITY... YOU SPM OF A MEDIEVAL NIGHTMARE BASTADRD.... and then if that wasn't bad enough like 20p later i got ANOTHER COPY OF IT.. got my hopes up and wshitz.... think it took me to hard fuckin pity too after all that ......and now my Marius funds are gone bc i got unluckier than ever before💀 this pretty ponytail card better be mf worth it or im yanking him by it the whole way home 😭 the standard cards atp feel so weird to read bc they were set back at the beginning basically,,
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ur-favoriterecord · 4 months
idk why but my brain is thinking pixilate as a potential ability for you
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Thank uuuuuu
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gibbearish · 2 years
eggecutive vp 270 infested with three flyfish im deperately trying to bomb but theyre all out of range and the person with the inkjet only bothers to pop it when theyre the last one alive, revives us all in one shot and then doesnt bother to go after them after. bb girl its a special youre supposed to use it in special situations and a flyfish infestation is literally what you are made for youre 270 you should know this
#please for the love of god mr grizz just let me pick my special no one else can be trusted with it#literally if i have the inkjet i get excited bc it means i get to chew through flyfish whyyyyy would you not use it right#i should get a flyfish tattoo#ive said this before but my goal in life is to get the bronze silver AND gold flyfish badges and have that be my entire badge section#my username had been gayluigi for years but at that point id change the display name in game to gayflyfish#we have a love hate relationship is my point#but back to the main point: if you are blessed with the flyfish ruiner it is your job to ruin the flyfish and keep the rest of us safe#hit the red side first to make sure it wont kill you then take out the other half#red side always targets the closest player so i like to bomb that one to make sure ill be safe refilling then take out the blue side#i can usually get both sides in one cycle#blue side targets a random player so like if u know ur gonna die id bomb that one to protect ur teammates and then itll target you#with the other side but youre dead already so theyre rendered useless#to defeat the flyfish you have to think like the flyfish‚ truly understand the machinations of their minds#you also have to be good at bombs unfortunately#but on the bright side i am now insanely annoying with my point sensor in turf bc flyfish eliminater tranates to good bomb aim and#better ink monitoring#its part of why im a nautilus main is i can constantly mark people for death#whether by myself or by others You Cannot Hide From The Circle#sorry for rambling this is my first edible in a while LMAO#im just very passionate about flyfish and also the nautilus#splatoon 3
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theprongspotter · 1 month
okay now u have to write abt remus finding out mary’s boggart is a werewolf :(
Monster - Remus microfic - 662 words
Remus knows what this means and dread pools in his stomach. This means that he will have to stand in front of the class as a full moon emerges from the chest. Other students will speculate about what it could mean and those with half a brain cell could even translate his Latin name to Wolf McWolf. Then from there they could put two and two together and soon the entire school will know his secret. His friends will know his secret. Sirius will know his secret. Sirius will hate him.
“Alright, Moons?” A voice whispers in his ear.
He turns to face Sirius and gives him a small smile. “Alright.”
When he faces forward again, a Hufflepuff is face to face with a massive wasp. It only gets to inch forward once before the boy aims his wand at the boggart and yells “Riddikulus!” The wasp gains a top hat and a cane as it bursts into a musical number. The fear on the Hufflepuff’s face resolves into amusement and he and surrounding students begin to laugh.
Next up is Mary MacDonald. Hanging around Lily Evan’s has led him to meet her last year and now they’ve become friends themselves. She’s funny, smart, and so pretty that Remus was sure he met a goddess when he first saw her. He’s still convinced that’s so.
The grip she has on her wand is deadly, her knuckles turning pale as she steps in front of the chest. Students lean forward in anticipation as the chest shakes. The latch breaks off as scruffy fur and sharp claws leap out of it. The creature snarls, baring bloody teeth. Cries and shouts are heard around the classroom as students run about. Mary hasn’t moved, frozen in fear as the werewolf locks eyes with her. Professor Burkes has to step in and banish the boggart back to the chest.
That doesn’t calm the students though, as they continue to flail about. Remus, like Mary, hasn’t moved a muscle. He’s standing still, arms by his side, as he stares at the chest.
She’s afraid of me. The realization hits him hard and his heart feels like it’s going through a shredder.
“Moony?” A gentle hand rests on his arm. Remus gasps, taking a step back. “Remus, you’re shaking.” Sirius frowns and his brows are pinched in worry.
I’m a monster.
“What’s wrong? Is that your boggart, too?” His eyes show confusion, but his tone is laced with concern.
“I—“ Remus chokes on his words. His vision is going blurry. He tries to speak again but his throat clenches. He needs to get out of here.
He turns around and runs out of the classroom, his breathing picking up. He’s not sure where his feet are taking him until the stone floor turns into grass, and then the grass turns into wood, and then he’s curled up in a ball in the Shrieking Shack where he should forever stay because he’s a savage beast. He’s a life ruiner. He’s a murderer. He’s terrible enough to be someone’s greatest fear. He’s terrible enough to be Mary’s greatest fear.
It’s Professor McGonagall that finds him in the end, asleep on the dust-covered floor with tear stained cheeks. Sirius had run to her office to explain the situation because he knows that if anyone knows what’s going on, it’s her.
He looks exhausted and her heart aches for the boy. She casts a feather-light charm and picks him up before casting a disillusion charm over them both. This way, she is able to carry him back to the hospital wing without attracting unwanted attention.
Professor McGonagall lays him down on a bed further back so he can rest, and lifts the spells. She sighs and shakes her head. “You’re just a boy, Remus Lupin.”
And she shuts the curtains surrounding the bed.
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moons-of-dewclan · 9 months
Actually hysterical if Vanilla was the father. Vanilla didn't even know Lyre was TRANS can u imagine???
HONESTLY I THOUGHT ABOUT IT AND IT WAS ALMOST WORTH BREAKING THE RANDOMLY GENERATED 'PLOT' FOR THE JOKE, BUT SIGH.. narrowly kept on track ruiner of my own fun would be very in character for vanilla though
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limonnitsa · 26 days
“🎶✨When u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask tag 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨”
thanks @boxdstars & @superconductivebean for tagging!
I love these authors and highly recommend their discography in general 😩
the last three are "yes I am 14 and I'm at my edgy era, any flaws?"
No pressure tagging: @faustinio27 @siboom777 @traceyc-uk @choccy-milky @keri-mcberry
I'm too shy to tag more 🫠
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L’étourdit est le texte de Lacan qui permet de saisir le passage décisif entre les séminaires Ou pire (XIX)... et Encore (XX), en tant qu’il représente l’indépassable socle théorique de tout son enseignement, le passage des mathèmes (la vérité logique et mathématique, transmissible en tant que savoir et comme science) à la jouissance féminine...
Pourquoi Lacan écrit-ll L’étourdiT (avec un t)?
L’analyse, la vraie, est un mouvement mœbien du dire au dit et du dit au dire, l’étourdit (le-tour-dit) exprimant l’étourdissante passe par le pas-tout des deux formules de la sexuation du côté féminin [pas-pour-tout x f(x) et il-n’existe-pas de x tel que non f(x)]...
«J’ai la tâche de frayer le statut d’un discours, là où je situe qu’il y a... du discours, et je le situe du lien social à quoi se soumettent les corps qui, ce discours,"labitent". Mon entreprise paraît désespérée - l’est du même fait, c’est là le fait du désespoir - parce qu’il est impossible que les psychanalystes forment un groupe. [à la différence des trois autres discours où des paires ordonnées et stables peuvent se former (cf supra: M → «maître-esclave», U → «pédants-pédés», H → «sciants-sciés») pas de «rapport» stable de l’analyste (a) à l’analysant (S) → pas de paires ordonnées → pas de loi de composition des groupes]
Néanmoins le discours psychanalytique - c’est mon frayage - est justement celui qui peut fonder un lien social nettoyé d’aucune nécessité de groupe.
Je dirai que je mesure l’effet de groupe à ce qu’il rajoute d’obscénité imaginaire à l’effet de discours.» (Lacan - L’étourdit)
La psychanalyse n’opère que du discours qui en conditionne la pratique. Les trois discours HUM (Hystérique, Universitaire, Maître) sont de structure sphérique (univoque) alors que le Discours de l’Analyste est mœbien (multivoque).
De plus en plus d’universitaires (psychologie) se soutiennent d’un habillage théorique de type psychanalytique pour proclamer, en se donnant des airs de prophètes, des mystères qu'ils sont incapables d’étayer.
Si le Discours Universitaire est en tant que structure antipathique au Discours de l’Analyste, cela se manifeste entre autres par l’écart qui se repère entre sens et signification.
La signification fige, le sens reste en suspens, la signification chute, le sens se renouvelle en permanence.
Si la signification reste du domaine de l'herméneutique, le sens est affaire d'interprétation, par exemple l'interprétation juste du sens d'un symptôme peut ruiner le champ entier des significations.
La signification est globale, son horizon "englobe" des détails qui apparaissent en eux-mêmes comme dépourvus de signification ...tandis que le sens émerge d'un contexte local, au sein même d'un champ de non-sens.
La signification est menacée de l'extérieur par la non-signification, tandis que le sens, apparaissant à l'intérieur du non-sens, est un sous-produit du non-sens, le résultat d’une contingence, une heureuse rencontre.
Les choses ont une signification, elles font sens.
Le sens indiquant toujours très précisément la direction vers laquelle il échoue...
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spkyspc · 1 year
for once in my life, i finally asked him out. it's quite a ride really, we had our ups and downs but for once, its official. well, not yet at least, but a date is a start to it; that being a few minutes later so. all i could do as of now is just wait. he's always been a little shy in the brinks of our eyes meeting, but i hope today changes that thought of his - it just has to. a change in our ever-so-cycling routine of constant interactions, it's about time.
it's 8pm and drizzle began to drip down as the night sky shuts its starry gaze with a camouflaging haze. at that point, i was already near arriving the supposed place of where everything should unfold. its a pity really; i didn't bring an umbrella and what else a ruiner it is that an outfit meant to please the eye be ruined by smudges of small drops and stops.
as i stepped out of the cab i ordered; giving the payment for my ride, i felt this uneasy feeling of warmth and shiver - two sets of emotion polar opposite to eachother yet are intertwined at this moment on. expecting the light from the cafe shine onto the car instead blocked by a shadow. with instinct, i turn around to not be surprised by the gentleman who we offered dinner to.
i say so as i know it's one of his attempts to persuade, but let me remind you it isn't yet the main event
"can't stay wet yet, you know," he says. "save that thought for after-dinner at least". silence fills the room until he breaks into laughter while taking back his words into a joke.
i love that about him
we've been friends for quite some time, hearing stuff like this is normal - though an occasion as this? i can't help but think different of it
as we escort ourselves to the entrance of the cafe, we ask whether seats are available; no, says the receptionist. "wait, I thought you did the reservations," i say. "but you asked me out???," reply he.
as our eyes lock during a stressful exchange, a conclusion was set that a change of plans had to be made. we apologised immediately to the receptionist and bid our fairwell amidst the rain.
so, what now?
the rain is beginning to catch on into a more intense weather; leaving us two in the rain beneath a singular umbrella. drips, tacks and taps could be heard from the umbrella; the cold breeze finishes as the cherry on top, but what stops me from thinking of those struggles is just being beside him.
he's warm, so very warm. i could listen to his heavy breathing despite the loud shudders of the surroundings - you could say it's alarming. from this on, all i wanted to do was just get closer to him. feel all the more warmer, i want him to be my blanket or at least just a hug is enough.
i couldnt help but get lost in thought until he began to speak his mind - "you know, we should really find something to do before things get worse, maybe find cover or at least the nearest restaurant? it doesnt need to be fancy."
"you hungry?" i ask
"not really," he answered, then in a panic: "but let's not waste any more time, we gotta find someplace before it all goes away"
"right," i say. i take my phone out and start loo-
all of sudden, my hand was dragged - we're both running now. phone still being held; the umbrella was shut closed and whats left is just us two sprinting through the rain ontop of the city pavement.
he's laughing, and i can't help but chuckle a bit as well. his hand wrapped around my wrist, all i could focus of now is just the sight of him and me running through the streets. the city lights shunning our eyes uniformly as we pass through them one by one.
as we ran, i asked while out of breath "where are we going?"
"no idea!!!!" he replied with a burst of ecstasy.
editor's note: sooo uhhhh this is my first ever post and one shot, if there's anything that u guys think i should write or maybe if u wanna share ur thoughts, feel free to say anything! also, im a bit new to tumblr so pls do share on what i should do and most importantly, hope u enjoyed this one shot :D
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dykeferatu · 7 months
Hi, River! :)
What's your favourite NIN song(s) my dude? (If I may call you my dude.)
hello! god this is like asking me to choose a favorite child except i think that would be easier. if i was a parent. it's hard to chose only a few faves but it will TRY to keep this limited... (note from future river: i failed)
fuck this is actually so difficult... ok i have to get closer out of the way
obviously..... predictable choice but it's a hit for a reason ok!! it was my top song on spotify last year and i literally only started listening to nin in october. so good... i saw u respond to my post about track transitions and the transition from closer into ruiner makes me go crazyyyyyyy. i love ruiner as well but again. trying to keep it limited..
ok nearly every song on tds is a favorite so i'm just going to highlight a few more and then i'll give other releases a chance 😭
reptileee.. UGHHH. yeah this one just does something to me. the machinery sounds. yum. that guitar bit that lines up with that one machine sample that's playing throughout (3:43 if u don't know wtf i'm talking abt)... and i like the muffled yelling in the outro
there are songs on tds i guess i technically like listening to more but there's something about this one that makes it special to me. it's comforting somehow! the intro is meditative, and the meat of the song is cathartic. i like how we get the same muffled effect as on reptile, but here even the instrumentals are muffled
BURN!! one of my first favs. so good and aggressive. grraaahhhh
ok gonna try to limit myself to one song per release from here on out bc i really do love so many.....
so fun and funky. the nursery rhyme lyrics are a little silly but i love it. also love the part where he just screams
so many good things abt this one... the first things that made my ears perk up were the synths on the chorus
there's just a weight to the sound of this one that i'm obsessed with atm. also, the crunch is real good
ok already breaking my promise but the fragile has so many songs and i haaave to highlight please. underrated as hell!!! hearing that chorus for the first time changed my brain chemistry (<- could say this about a lot of nin stuff lmao)
breaking my promise AGAIN because LA MER...... such a beautiful song. does things to me. has made me cry. whatever........
gotta love only. the beat. the rambling verses. the chorus. the reference to down in it. fun!
i ran out of embeds but THAT WON'T STOP ME...
Me, I'm Not - i woke up with this song stuck in my head once and then i listened to year zero and finally Got It
Discipline - just a banger
Various Methods of Escape - hesitation marks is CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED
The Background World - i do kinda with there was a version with a shorter outro bc i looove this one but it's hard to put on playlists. great way to end the ep tho
God Break Down the Door - PLAY THAT SAX TRENT!! i also love his voice in this one
OK i'm done. i agonized over this and i still wanted to include more 😭😭 tysm for asking and thanks to anyone who got to the end of this post <3 ily
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velvetpaku · 3 months
Thank u dearest Mel for the tag @kitapgibisevilmek :3
♣️ Favorite place
my room cuz its where i spent 98% of my life <3
♠️ Fav song
Ruiner by Nine Inch Nails or The Passenger by Iggy pop whichever of these depending on the vibe 😭
♦️ Fav book
it flip flops every other day but rn its Usogui (manga r books 2 me </3)
♥️ Currently reading
Inuyasha and Seto Utsumi!
♟️ Fav tv show
this one's rlly flip floppy too but id say either The Good Place or Bojack Horseman rn both are instrumental in the being known as meeee!
🃏 Fav food
Pasta or chicken! ican go for either at anytime :3
🎭 not tagging any1 because i am anxious right nyaow sorry chat forgive me...
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yeyinde · 8 months
HI i have never played ruiner, but u wouldn't believe that a fic showed up on my recs months ago that changes my brain chemistry, and I want to share it bc you're also into puppy!!!! I'm so sorry if you don't accept recommendations or this comes off wrong, I love all of your fic!!!
ahhh, please don't worry about that! you're fine 🖤 i love getting recs about the things i'm interested in. i'm always so curious about what other people are reading/what fics they like so i def encourage all the recs.
thanks for this, though! i'll be sure to check it out.
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trentreznorsmeshshirt · 2 months
Ranked the NIN albums I’m most familiar with. Tell me your opinion, destroy me in the comments lmfao (can u tell I’m a music major with all the instrumental tracks I put above lyrical tracks (especially in the fragile))
NIN albums ranked
Pretty Hate Machine
Terrible Lie
Head like a hole
The Only Time
Down in it
Kinda I want to
Get down make love
Something I can never have
That’s what I get
Happiness in Slavery
Physical (You’re so)
Gave up
Help me I am in hell
The Downward Spiral
March of the pigs
The becoming
Mr self destruct
The downward spiral
A warm place
Big Man with a gun
I do not want this
The Fragile
Even Deeper
La Mer
Just Like you imagined
The Great Below
Into the void
The Big Come Down
The day the whole world went away Pilgrimage
The Wretched
We’re in this together
Starfuckers inc
Somewhat damaged
Where is everybody
The frail
The mark has been made
Ripe (With Decay)
Underneath it All
I’m looking forward to joining you, Finally
The way out is through
With Teeth
Beside you in time
The line begins to blur
Love is not enough
Getting smaller
All the love in the world
Every day is exactly the same
Right where it belongs
You know what you are?
The hand that feeds
With teeth
Year Zero
Meet your master
God given
The beginning of the end
The warning
Me I’m not
The great destroyer
Capital G
The good solider
My violent heart
The greater good
Zero sum
In this twilight
Another version of the truth
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calamity-callie · 2 years
The ABCs of Elder Dragons
A is for Amatsu, storms spawn at his call
B is for Blackveil, a spore-spewing Vaal
C is for Ceadeus, giant peaceful guy
D is for Daora, carefree in the sky
E is for Eruzerion, fire and ice he controlled
F is for Fatalis, an apocalypse foretold
G is for Gogmazios, eat, sleep, and fight!
H is for Harudomerugu, who burned a hot white
I is for Ishvalda, wailing lonely tunes
J is for Jhen Mohran, swimming through the dunes
K is for Kulve Taroth, gems and gold galore
L is for Lunastra, a harsh queen for sure!
M is for Malzeno, keeping danger concealed
N is for Namielle, water and thunder, she wields
O is for Oroshi Kirin, a quick and frigid horse
P is all alone, nothing starts with this of course!
Q is for Chameleos, no it isn’t! What a sneak.
R is for Ruiner Nergigante, brutal culler of the weak
S is for Shah Dalamadur, titan snake of the spear
T is for Teostra, a king without peer
U is for Ukanlos, not a dragon, but close!
V is for Velkhana, a cold and beautiful host
W is for Wind Serpent, Ibushi’s his name
X is for Xeno’Jiiva, a tough child to tame!
Y is for Yama Tsukami, a creature quite bizarre
Z is for Zorah Magdaros, mountain who travels far
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