#uf napstablook
eriscary · 2 months
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「 Passing Ghost 」 <= previous || first || next =>
Out of art block and back on the grind. Here we go again. Underfell Papyrus - Underfellx (Underfella/Vic) Tear Sans - me
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domdrawz · 11 days
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Have all the Cattatons and Napstacats!!!
OH BOY OH BOY- I LOVE ALL OF EM 🤌🤌🤌 I want em sb also I love love how you drew em, like I said, MAKES ME WANT THEM SO MUCH
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ivyprism · 1 year
Characters and Personalities: ONCE MORE!
The Wizard and the Barbarian Sonas (Info Dump)
Spider Lily (Spidersona Info Dump)
The Suffering Oblivion (Sona Info Dump)
Mermaidsona(Info Dump)
The Puppeteer (Sona Info Dump)
The Other Creations (Skelesona Info Dump)
Blossom (Pirate H Info Dump)
Orchard Worker Sonas (Sona Info Dump)
Deer Monster and Half-Deer Monster Sona and Siblings (Info Dump)
Althaea (The Trapped Mermaid Sona)
The Forgotten Human (Sona Info Dump)
Fellswap Carnelian, Fellswap Amaranth, and Swapfell Glaucous H (Info Dump)
The Past Lives Sonas (Info Dump)
The Soul Sona and the Original Villainess OC (Info Dump)
The Female Lead Skelesona (Info Dump)
The Dating Sim Guides (Sona Info Dump)
The Fallen Royal Twins (Info Dump)
Halloween Sonas (Info Dump)
Selkiesona (Info Dump)
Dancefell and Danceswap Sonas (Info Dump)
The Heroine and the Villainess Who Ruins Plots for Funsies Sonas (Info Dump)
The "Devilish" Heroine (Info Dump: H)
Horror Sonas (Info Dump)
Mafia AU Sonas (Info Dump)
The Final Boss: Skelesona (Info Dump)
The Final Boss: H (Info Dump)
Otter Selkiesona (Info Dump)
Siren!sona (Info Dump)
Dicentra: Tiefling!sona (Info Dump)
Horror: Angels Fall Skelesona (Info Dump)
Trainersona (Info Dump)
The Story Pieces: Sonas (Info Dump)
The Cursed: Sona (Info Dump)
Farmtale Tieflingsona: Harmony (Info Dump)
Sonas, OCs, and Undertale Characters:
Pirate AU (Outcode Skeleton Boys and Sona)
Zombie Apocalypse AU (Info Dump: Sonas and Skeleton Brothers)
The Sorcerer, the Dead Sorceress's Familiar, and the Brothers (Info Dump)
The Fell Sorcerer, the Deceased Sorceress's Familiar, and the Brothers (Info Dump)
Dance Dreamtale and a Sona (Info Dump)
The Mermaid Mercenaries (Info Dump)
Mafiadance Sonas (Info Dump)
Figure Skating Skeleton Boys and Sonas (Info Dump)
The Galaxy Goddesses (Info Dump)
Dreamswap AU: Skeleton Boys and Sona (Info Dump)
Fell! Black Crow Pirates: Skeleton Boys and Sona (Info Dump)
Written Personalities Undertale AUs:
The Bard and the Paladin Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Half of a Heart Papyruses and Sanses (UT and UF AU Info Dump)
The Witch in the Woods and The Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
My Old Swap AU: Rewritten Boys and a Sona (Info Dump)
The Puppeteer's Creations (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
A Few More Creations (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
The Warlock Sans and the Cleric Papyrus (Info Dump)
Farm Boys (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
Horrorswapfell Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Allureswap Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Void Travelers: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Lost Skeleton Brothers (Info Dump)
The DnD Past Lives Skeleton Brothers (Info Dump)
The Male Lead Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Dating Sim Love Interest (Info Dump)
Werewolf Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Vampire Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Horrorfellswap Amaranth and Horrorswapfell Glaucous Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
OG Skeleton Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Mafia Skeleton Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Mafia Gasters (Info Dump: Revamp)
Horrorfell and Horrorswap Skeleto Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Swapfell Amethyst Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Danceswap Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Mafia Horror AUs (Info Dump)
Mafiaswapfell Amethyst and Mafiafellswap Carnelian Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Final Boss: Skeleton Brothers (Info Dump)
Final Boss: Gaster (Info Dump)
Final Boss: the Royal Family (Info Dump)
Final Boss: Undyne and Alphys (Info Dump)
Final Boss: Mettaton and Napstablook (Info Dump)
Final Boss: Grillby, Muffet, and Monster Kid (Info Dump)
OG! Gasters (Info Dump: Revamp)
Angels Fall AU: Horror AU Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Mafiadance Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Other Dragons: Horrortale, Fellswap Carnelian, and Swapfell Amethyst Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
My Outcode Skeleton Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
The Pirate Captain's Little Sister (Info Dump)
The Mermaid OCs (Info Dump)
Revamping some Deities and a New One (Info Dump)
Revamped Deities of Time (Info Dump)
Revamped Other Deities (Info Dump)
Seratta (Info Dump: Skeleton OC)
The Sea Serpents (Info Dump: Revamp)
The God of Light Spirits and the God of Dark Spirits (Info Dump)
The Deity of Envy (Info Dump)
The Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: OC Rewrite (Info Dump)
The Galaxy Sisters: Outcode Skeleton Sisters' Diner Rewrite (Info Dump)
The Other Outcode Skeleton Sisters Diner: Rewrite (Info Dump)
Angels Fall Girls: Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Mafia Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Children OCs Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Horror Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Children OCs Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Mafia Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Children OCs Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Outcode Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Children OCs Rewritten (Info Dump)
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Do you write for any other characters like napstablook, mad dummy, bratty, catty, or any other monster etc?
No, I don't feel comfortable writing for these characters yet.
I will only answer asks about the characters in my pinned list.
I won't answer either about alternate versions of the Undertale cast that are not in my pinned list (so far I only have UF Undyne, UF Alphys, UF Grillby, US Undyne, US Alphys and HT Toriel), like UF Toriel, etc. I did it a few times in the past, but the character is not ready yet and don't have a developed personality.
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If you do ut and uf nabstablook, can I get his reaction to having a human friend who put together a monster kareoke band group and asked him if he wants to be the lead composer with his music.
Sorry i only did UT Napstablook as I didn’t notice you asked for both until I was already finished with the ask
You had come to him asking if he would like to be the lead composer of your karaoke group, as you have heard his music before and you enjoy it
Napstablook was certainly surprised, and a bit flattered by your offer, but of course he’s unsure of it, as he’s not entirely sure of the idea.
“You… really want me to be the composer..?” He would ask you, and you nodded in agreement. You definitely wanted him to join your karaoke group.
“Of course I do! It’ll be fun!” You had told him, and that if he didn’t like it, then he didn’t have to come back for another session, to which he eventually agreed.
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shosho2480 · 5 months
underfell original creator blog
A reliable wiki source of underfell's information
The rest bellow you can find them in underfella's blog, but i just put them for easy reach when i want to know something specific.
info about the underfell brothers
Info about underfell Frisk, Flowey and Toriel
info about underfell Alphys and Undyen
Info about underfell Muffet
Info about underfell Grillby
Info about underfell Mettaton
info about underfell Napstablock
Info about underfell Asgore
(Head canon)
no head canons for now.
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themetallicnemesis · 3 years
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Ghost cousins
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micc0ro · 4 years
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Underfell belong to @underfell
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canvas-madness-txc · 2 years
Cover for Stained Mirror {Underfell Napstablook X Reader}
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Have any Headcanon on being the best friend of ut (and UF if you want to!) Napstablook?
Aww! Yes! I love Napstablook! (Although it took me about 5 tries to win the fight with him in the game…I’m so bad at the battles…)
UT Napstablook is really sweet, but being their best friend isn’t easy. They’ve been hurt before when they got close to people and they are reluctant to try again. If you stay persistent (or determined?) and let them know that you really care, you’ll find yourself with a buddy who is sweet, kind, and surprisingly loyal. The two of you like hanging out, doing nothing, or working with the racing snails, or listening to music. You also like dressing up and looking dapper together. You get a top hat to match Napstablook’s. One day Napstablook is finally brave enough to share a mix they’ve been working on with you.
UF Napstablook is a harder nut to crack. Instead of withdrawing and becoming intensely shy, like UT Blooky, this ghost got defensive and angry. You’ll have to work hard to get past their walls. If you prove that you really care and that you’re not going anywhere, you’ll gain a friend who would fight anyone for you. Napstablook becomes protective of you, not wanting you to get hurt the way they have been. Their music is wild and fierce, revealing the soul that burns inside. It’s amazing.
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eriscary · 15 days
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「 Passing Ghost 」 <= previous || first || next =>
I hope you weren't too distracted by Papyrus to forget a certain someone. Underfell Papyrus - Underfellx (Underfella/Vic) Error Sans - Crayon Queen (loverofpiggies) Tear Sans - me
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cupcakezys · 6 years
Prompt Ten
I live! Sorry for disappearing, real life kicked my ass for a little while there. To make up for it, I present you a super long, two-part prompt! Hope you enjoy. Next chapter should be out soon - most of it is already typed up.
Prompt: "Ah. There seems to only be one bed."
Pairing: US Sans x SF Papyrus (Spicyberry/BBQTacos)
Word Count: 3598.
Warnings: Kidnapping, Mentioned Character Death, Mild Panic Attack.
Read on AO3: here.
First: here.
Previous: here.
Next: Let's aim for the 16th.
Blue had thought traveling to the neighboring kingdom would be a boring task, even with the strange new monsters King Asgore had sent to accompany him providing some violent conversation along the way.
Blue was wrong.
Shouting filled the air outside of Blue’s carriage, followed closely by the clang of steel on steel. Blue pulled himself up from where he had fallen, helping his dazed handmaid to sit. They had both gone flying at the sudden lurch of the carriage. Blue had crashed into the soft cushions of the other seat, though his ribs ached from the wooden edges. His handmaid seemed to have crashed into the wall, his height causing him to miss the cushions entirely.
“Pirates! Protect the King!”
Blue flinched at the loud cry right outside his door. Pirates. Of course this kingdom had pirates. Blue knew his own kingdom differed greatly from the ones surrounding it, but he hadn’t realized there were still pirates lurking around. Especially not this far inland!
He glared slightly at the door to his carriage. The quiet pleading of his handmaid to stay put went ignored as he summoned a small bone in one hand and opened the door with his other.
Utter chaos greeted him. The majority of his guard – six skilled fighters, all handpicked by King Asgore himself to bring him safely to the other’s castle – lay still on the ground. Only two remained fighting, a small skeleton like himself and a tall dog monster. As he watched, a human, so small they had to be a child, snuck up behind the fighting skeleton. Before he could do more than open his mouth the other was knocked down, the dog monster falling a second later. Both lay still.
A flash of red was all the warning he got before he was dragged from the carriage. He swung his bone attack upwards, slicing blue scales before it was wrenched out of his grasp. He gasped as his hands were forced behind his back by an iron grasp.
A strangled yell came from the other side of the carriage, and Blue watched in horror as his handmaid was dragged into the open by a tall human. The tall skeleton wasn’t even struggling, his gaze focused on the guards littered on the ground. Blue shook, refusing to look for fear of seeing dust and shattered souls in place of his guards.
His sockets widened when the human pulled out a sharp knife and rose it to the back of the tall skeleton’s skull. He shoved against his capture, managing to slip free of the hold.
“Stop!” He commanded.
He raised one hand as he ran forward, engulfing the knife in blue and wrenching it away from his handmaid’s skull. The human grunted as their hand was forced back, and he could hear the monster behind him cursing. The other skeleton finally turned to him, the smallest hint of tears in his sockets.
Blue stood as tall as he could between the pirates and the other skeleton. He could barely think straight, the only thoughts circling in his mind seemed to be an endless pleading of no, not another one, please let no one else die here, please-
The monster that grabbed him gave him a calculated look. He did his best to keep his face free of any expression, but it was hard with his soul churning in his ribcage. The human glared at him, rubbing their wrist where his magic still fizzed slightly. He refused to feel guilty, the knife still clutched in their hand a stark reminder of what would have happened had he not intervened.
“Leave him be. He’s no threat to you.” He stated, shifting slightly as more pirates gathered around them.
A shark monster, very closely resembling the monster that had grabbed him, laughed slightly under her breath. The human from before chuckled and shook their head, knife held firmly in their hand. Blue glared, and prepared to fight the pirates himself, despite knowing there was no way even he could take on this many alone.
The fish monster that had grabbed him snorted and gestured to the other pirates. “Enough. Take them both.”
Several of them looked shocked, but nodded easily at the orders. Blue glared as several pirates moved forward, all armed with rope. He sighed and relaxed from his battle stance, letting them roughly tie his hands behind his back. They did the same to his handmaid, and soon enough both skeletons found themselves with bags over their heads as they were forced into the back of a wagon.
"I-I-I hope- I hope you don't mi-mind stay-staying with us u-u-until the guard arrives, your ma-majesty." The little yellow monster stuttered.
Blue smiled politely at the young couple in front of him. The smaller of the two was stuttering horribly, and he couldn't tell if it was because she was addressing royalty or if she was just always this nervous.
Either way, Blue smiled and nodded along, doing his best to follow her words. "It is perfectly fine Lady Alphys. I only hope I am not a terrible inconvenience to you. I know you and Commander Undyne were celebrating your recent engagement."
"It is an honour to have the neighboring King stay with us, your majesty." Undyne cut in, her hand gripping tight to the sword on her belt. "Especially after your ordeal."
Blue sighed, but nodded his agreement. "It will be nice to sleep in an actual bed again."
The woman both nodded, then Undyne pointed ahead of them. "There it is, your majesty. I know it is nothing compared to the castles you are used to, but it is the best house in the town."
The house was small for what was normally called 'the best', but then from what little Blue had seen of the small port town there wasn't much money to make anything better. The fact that the house was two stories and more than three rooms already made it better than two thirds of the rest of the town, but the sprawling garden was what really set it apart. Blue hadn't seen anything like it, not even in his castle back home.
"You own this house Lady Alphys?" He asked.
"Ye-yes, your majesty." She confirmed. "M-my father bought it wh-when I was a child."
"It's lovely." He murmured.
Alphys blushed bright red. "Th-thank you, your majesty."
The sound of footsteps echoed behind them. Blue tensed for the briefest of moments before relaxing as his handmaid rounded the corner with his chest of salvaged things. There hadn't been much left after the pirates were finished with it, but there were still a few of his things, plus whatever the knights had been able to return to him upon his rescue.
The tall skeleton stopped a few paces away, bowing slightly and staring at the ground. "my ladies. your majesty. i have gathered everything you asked of me. the knights will look after the rest until king asgore's elite get here."
Blue smiled happily, itching to open the chest and see what had been recovered, but managed to hold himself back. "Thank you Slim."
"Shall we go inside, your majesty?" Undyne asked, gesturing to the house.
Blue nodded and together they made their way into the pretty little house.
"Th-th-there's not a l-lot of room I'm a-afraid, your majesty." Alphys stuttered as she led them around the house. "I-it was only meant as a h-holiday house f-for our family."
Blue smiled, admiring the little kitchen. "It's really alright Lady Alphys. Anything is better than sleeping on a bunch of straw on a pirate ship."
The young monster didn't seem to know what to say to that, so Blue waved his hand and pointed upstairs.
"Would you be so kind as to show me upstairs Lady Alphys? I assume that's where the bedrooms are." It had to be - he had already seen the rest of the house.
"Yes-yes, your majesty." Alphys gestured for him to follow.
Blue turned to Slim and waved him over. He'd lost track of Undyne, but he suspected she had gone back to the Knight's Corner, the little barracks of this town. She was a dedicated Commander, he wouldn't put it past her to make sure the knights were handling everything correctly.
Alphys lead him past a closed door to the end of a small hall. "This is th-the master bedroom, your majesty. I h-h-hope it's to y-your liking."
The room was plain, the walls a deep red and soft floor a dark brown. Blue’s attention was immediately drawn to the large bed in the centre of the room. He could feel his eye lights forming little stars at the sight of the soft bed, which was easily large enough for him to spread out on completely. It had been weeks since he had so much as sat on something so soft, and he couldn’t wait for night to fall so he could wrap himself up in those fluffy blankets.
“Ah.” Blue surveyed the room again, noticing something important. “There seems to be only one bed…”
He glanced from Slim to Alphys. The taller skeleton shifted uncomfortably, his gaze focused on the floor. Alphys was staring at him in surprise, and Blue had to fight the sad smile that wanted to pull at his teeth. He knew things were very different in King Asgore’s kingdom, one of the reasons he had been invited to visit his neighbours was so they could resolve multiple issues that had stemmed from those differences, but to actually see it was having a rather strong impact on the skeleton king.
The people here were harsh and cruel, a stark contrast to his own kingdom, where kindness was like second nature to everyone. To see people so desperate they resorted to kidnapping, to find workers being paid next to nothing and for it to be normal to treat the common folk as less than dirt- it was… distressing, to say the least.
“We-we, um, we weren’t expecting a-anyone else to be…” alive “with you, your majesty.”
Blue couldn’t keep the memories of scattered bodies surrounding him from bubbling to the surface. He grit his teeth together, fighting the nausea that boiled in his soul. He opened his teeth, wanting to say something, anything, to distract himself. His handmaid beat him to it.
“i’ll be fine, your majesty.” Slim murmured.
Blue studied the other, finally sighing with a nod. “Alright.”
It wasn’t alright, but Blue wasn’t about to argue with the other. At least, not now, in front of the nervous little monster. Later, when they were alone, he would be sure to bring it up again.
For now, he simply smiled and lead the other two downstairs for lunch.
Lunch was quiet.
Undyne had reappeared at some point, and Slim had quickly retreated to the kitchen to make them all some sandwiches. The two noblewoman had seemed surprised when he insisted Slim sit and eat with them, but neither dared question the king. His handmaid settled next to him on the long bench, a small sandwich clutched in his hands. Blue saw Undyne raise an eyebrow, but still she said nothing.
Blue ate slowly, his mind going back to his time on the pirate’s boat. His side itched, as if he were still lying in a bed of straw. He shifted, trying to subtly scratch his arm. He could see Slim staring at him out of the corner of his eye, so he forced himself to stop and focus on his food.
Undyne finished first, and it quickly became apparent she couldn’t stand the silence. “Your majesty, forgive me, but is it true you don’t want the pirates killed? Or even harmed unnecessarily?”
Blue took a deep breath and placed the rest of his sandwich down. “Yes.”
Undyne’s face contorted into a frown. “Why?”
Alphys flinched at her fiancée’s blunt question. Slim stiffened at the mere mention of their kidnappers, his head down and sockets dark. The silence stretched for a moment too long, and Undyne had lost her frown for a more uncomfortable look, before Blue finally spoke.
“I wish to know why they kidnapped me. Only then will I decide what happens to them.” He said with an air of finality.
Undyne’s frown was back, and she opened her mouth to ask yet another question, but Alphys cut her off with a jab to the side. “O-of course, y-your majesty.”
Blue studied the two for a moment, before smiling and gesturing to Undyne. “You want to ask me something.”
The fish woman shuffled, not meeting his eyes as she mumbled. “It’s nothing, your majesty.”
Blue resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “You don’t approve, Commander?”
“It’s not that.” She said fiercely. “Those pirates kidnapped you! They should be hanged for that alone, never mind what they did do your belongings, your guards-”
“I’m well aware of what they did, Commander.” Blue interrupted, voice tight. “However, it is in my experience that people have reasons for taking such drastic measures as to kidnap a king. And if I find out those reasons, I can remove them and make sure this doesn’t happen again.” He took a breath, and sent a grin to Undyne. “I find it is much more effective than just killing everyone.”
Undyne considered him for a moment, before nodding tightly. “Yes, your majesty.”
Blue sighed, feeling the weight of darkened sockets on him, and picked up his sandwich.
“you know, the commander had a point.” Slim murmured next to him, tired gaze on the ceiling. “those pirates should be hung.”
Blue sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that evening. “It’s not how my kingdom does things.”
“but it’s how this kingdom does things!” Slim growled. “they’re traitors, thieves and murderers. they don’t deserve to live!”
“Not even the children? Or the pirates that had nothing to do with our kidnapping? Should they be killed too?”
Slim grimaced at his question. “i- well...”
“See? Things aren’t always so black and white.” Blue shifted onto his side, sinking into the soft mattress as he faced the other skeleton. “As a ruler you have to remain open minded to all possibilities. It’s important to try and get to the root of the problem, rather than just kill everyone and hope for the best.”
Slim chuckled as his voice dropped to a whisper. “tell that to king asgore.”
Blue huffed and glared at the ceiling. “I intend to.”
That startled a laugh out of the other, and Blue silently celebrated in victory at the sound. Despite spending several months together, it was a sound Blue had only heard a handful of times. He relaxed into his pillows. The soft fabric cushioned his skull, and even though he knew he had slept in much grander bedding, right now it felt like the best thing in the world. His mind drifted, content.
Slim startled him out of his daze. “you were scratching at your arm earlier.”
Blue flinched, hand automatically reaching for his arm. “It was nothing.”
An unamused snort. “yeah, right. what was it really?”
He cracked one socket open, only to flush under the look the other was giving him. Rarely seen red eyelights were glowing in Slim’s sockets, bright and fuzzy with concern. His teeth were turned down into a small frown, and Blue immediately wanted to wipe it away. It wasn’t a look that suited the other, not at all.
He leaned forward, letting their teeth touch in a brief kiss. “I promise I’m fine Slim. It was just an unpleasant memory.”
“unpleasant memories can hurt more than the real thing.” Slim murmured, pulling him close and wrapping his arms around him. “are you sure you’re okay?”
Blue nodded, snuggling closer to his lover. “Just… please, can we stay like this?”
Slim’s sockets flashed to the door. “…okay.”
“It’s fine.” Blue reassured him with a yawn. “I told them they weren’t to come in here without permission. You can say you slept on the floor if they ask any questions.”
Slim smiled and pulled Blue as close as he could, his long body curling around the other. “okay.”
“Finally.” Blue muttered, peeking out the carriage window at the castle entrance. “If I had to spend another minute in this carriage I would have gone insane!”
Slim hummed next to him, gaze unfocused. He had been strangely subdued the entire trip. Blue had tried what he could, but his lover seemed to barely be able to muster up a smile. It was troubling, but as worried as he was about the other skeleton there was a much more pressing issue that had to be dealt with first.
Guards filed out of the castle as they approached, forming a line to the giant open doors. Blue stepped out into the sunshine as his carriage door was opened. He straightened his dress, waited for Slim to step out behind him, and walked forward. The guards saluted him as he walked, arms crossed against their chests. Blue barely saw them, his gaze focused straight ahead.
King Asgore Dreemurr glared down at him from his raised throne. Blue kept his face neutral as he walked, his eye lights focused on the giant monster before him. He could hear faint rattling behind him, and without looking he knew Slim was trembling beneath the other’s ruby red gaze. He stopped at the base of the throne, Slim two steps behind him.
“King Asgore.” He greeted, inclining his head.
“King Blue.” Asgore rumbled, his voice like thunder. “I am relieved to see you well, despite recent unfortunate events.”
His mind flashed to his guards, dead on the ground while he was alive and well. His soul skipped a beat and there was a sharp burning in his chest.
“It is most fortunate.” His mouth was dry, throat horse.
“I heard you ordered the pirates to be captured and not killed.” Asgore leaned forward, eyes narrowed. “I find it a most curious decision.”
Red tingled his vision like a veil, but Blue forced his mouth to answer. “It is our way, King Asgore. Their punishment will be decided by our Judge.”
Something shifted in the other king’s eyes. Blue thought it was something like scorn, but it was quickly covered by a mocking type of glee.
“Ah yes, and how are your fathers bastards? I will admit I was quite shocked to learn you had given them such high ranking positions within your own castle.” A wicked grin revealed sharp teeth.
Blue could hear the mocking in the others tone, and it made his voice sharp. “Sans and Papyrus are doing just fine. Now, if you will excuse me, it has been a long journey. I will retire to my quarters for the night.”
“Very well.” He waved a servant over and gestured to the skeletons. “Take King Blue to his quarters, and make sure he is well taken care of.”
The servant bowed to their King, then turned and bowed to Blue. They led the way out of the room, head down and meek. Blue gave one last glance at the other King, and caught the glare he was being given before it dissolved. His heart hardened, and he knew instantly why his parents had always refused to make a pact with this certain kingdom. There was no compromising with a monster like that.
Slim followed behind him as they were lead through countless corridors, all seemingly the exact same as the last. How they knew where they were going was a mystery. The dreary grey walls seemed to stretch on forever. Blue knew he’d get lost in an instant, and was suddenly extremely grateful for their guide.
They came to a halt in front of a grand door, bigger than even Asgore himself. Flowers and vines were carved into the wood, dancing in an intricate pattern. It was one of the most beautiful things Blue had seen in this kingdom, and reminded him so much of home it nearly hurt.
“This is your room, your majesty.” The servant mumbled, head still bowed. “I hope it is to your liking.”
“Thank you.” Blue smiled, and watched as Slim stepped forward to open the door. “I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name earlier. I apologize, that was very rude of me.”
The servant squeaked, their head whipping up at his comment. Their face was flushed red in embarrassment, and it was only then Blue realized he was staring at a ghost monster. They were so rare he had to look twice. The cloak around them made it hard to see, but their body was indeed a pale white, almost translucent.
“My name is Nastablook, your majesty.” They mumbled, eyes once again downcast.
Blue nodded, smiling as he stepped a little closer. “Thank you Nastablook.”
The ghost blushed again, but Blue could see the small smile on their face. “I- if you need anything please just call, your majesty. There has been a hot bath drawn for you already .”
Blue nodded, turning to Slim as he reappeared from investigating the room. “Thank you. I will take my leave for the night Nastablook, so feel free to take the evening for yourself.”
Nastablook gaped at him, then they bowed deeply. “Thank you, your majesty.”
Blue nodded one last time, smiling as he watched the other float down the hallway. Slim huffed beside him, a small smile on his own face. Blue grinned at him, pulling him inside the room and closing the door behind them. Slim laughed, his wheezing chuckle quickly becoming one of Blue’s favorite sounds. He tugged on Slim’s sleeve, a mischievous smile pulling at his teeth as he lead his lover to the bath.
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skelimagines · 7 years
Us and UF bros along w/ Nabstablook's SO loving heavy metal and getting them both tickets to a concert?
I freaking love metal music! ~Mod Feral
US Sans
He’s... not really a fan of the style of music. Nor is he excited to go to this live performance. But, the excitement in your eyes, the happiness in your voice, your obvious want to go to this with him, it’s clear that it would mean the world to you if it all played out like that. He’ll go, just for you. And he’ll endure the music for the time being.
US Papyrus
He’s not really one for crowds, and, just like Blueberry, he doesn’t really enjoy that style of music all that much. But, the way he sees it, if he gets uncomfortable enough, he can teleport away to somewhere comfortable. He’ll tell you his plan, though, so don’t get surprised or anything when he does.
US Napstablook
They’re beyond glad you invited them to something having to do with music, even if it’s a genre he can’t seem to get into that much. But at the same time, are you sure? Are you sure you want to bring them to something like that? If they get bugged too much by any of the music they’re likely to hijack it. Be aware.
UF Sans
Yeah, depends on where the seats are. He doesn’t want to be where it’s overly active, he’s not exactly the best with crowds, either. He’s going to say yes if it’s a place where he’ll be safe though because hell yes he wants to go to a concert of that music!
UF Papyrus
Not only will he agree and insist on you guys showing up early, he’ll also manage to force his way to the front. He loves this music, and won’t let anyone get in the way between him and the stage once the band is on.
UF Napstablook
They don’t like crowds. At all. But it’s hard for them to say no to you, and to say no to the music you’re offering the two of you to see. They may say yes, and they’re likely to sing along if they show, but don’t count on any answer.
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generalfabulous · 2 years
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Wake up, gang. New knockoff Undertale and Deltarune plushies have dropped.
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achirding · 4 years
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On Twitter, @ScruffySinner came up with a really fun Mall AU and I’ve been fleshing it out!
This is the Hot Topic crew- Edge (UF!Papyrus) the band*/fashion guy, Allie (UT!Alphys) the anime/fandom geek, and Blooky (UT!Napstablook) the reluctant manager! *Blooky is actually the band guy, but Edge acts as his mouthpiece.
-Edge looks really intimidating but is actually really nice and patient. He’s got a bit of a temper when pushed, though, and he’s not afraid of bending the rules.  - Allie is nervous but friendly- give her a task and she’ll complete it quickly and efficiently! Absolutely loves buttons.  -Blooky is “in charge” but he absolutely hates it, very timid and unsure, he relies on Allie and Edge really heavily.  Hides in the backroom or behind merch as much as is possible.
+All three of them get along really well! Allie will slip Blooky’s remixes into the music mix, always to great reviews. Blooky is super accommodating to Allie and Edge’s requests and basically let’s them do whatever they way. Edge listens to both of them ramble about music and anime patiently, and through osmosis, is able to cover for them pretty well. Blooky and Allie are some of the few people Edge feels comfortable enough to open up to. Sometimes they’ll lie on the floor and listen to Blooky’s more experimental remixes and just talk.
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samara-asaika · 4 years
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UF Underfell characters' it fills you with DETERMIFELLTION
UF Underfell Charaktere, es füllt dich mit ENTFELLENHEIT
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