#ugh it is time for momo to use the sleep
miriosright · 2 months
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sunlight - bakugo x reader pt-2
sunlight < pt. 1 sunlight-pt3
bakugo would always hang around you, no matter what. he was either calling you nicknames he thought of about you or he was making an excuse to talk to you.
"hey nerd, i have an uhm question about the homework. wondering if you could help." he said as he was outside your dorm. "at this time?" you whispered, staring at the time on your phone. '11:23 PM'. secretly you were scared but kind of happy he was here. the little crush on him that started at the start of the year may have become a little bigger.
"yeah, i didn't do it and i know youre smart so can you help me or not." he beamed, grasping his paper like it was gonna run away. "fine, come in, but close the door. " you sighed, opening your door wide to let him pass through.
"sit down at my desk, heres a pencil." yawning, you handed him a pencil. "i don't take orders from extras like you, ill do whatever I want." he mumbled, looking up at you as he sat down. "do you want me to help you or not? you're impossible." you opened your backpack and grabbed your homework. "can you turn on that light please, I can't see shit." you whispered as bakugo followed your order. you put on your glasses and read him the answers.
all he did was stare at your face, every single feature.
"are you gonna write anything or are you gonna have a stupid look on your face, hm?" you murmured as his ears turned to a light red color. "oh yeah right, uh. sorry. can you say the answers again? he replied. "sure." again you told him the answers. this time he actually wrote it down.
"thanks uh, appreciate it. do you want anything in return?" he croaked. "yeah, i want to sleep." you said stuffing your homework back into your backpack. he stared at you. "what are you doing? get out!" you slightly yelled, not too loud. "Don't yell at me, extra!" he screamed in your face. "holy shit, what will it take you to be quiet?" you whined, tightly grasping at his arm.
"ill shut up if I get to take you on a date. like a real one." he beamed, standing up and staring into your eyes. you froze. "i- uhm, sure!" you were fully awake now and you could feel your face warming up. "sunday at 5 PM?" he scratched the back of his neck. "uhh haha, yes! yes yes! perfect!" you smiled up at him. "great. cya then." he spoke, walking out the door. you squealed and threw yourself onto the bed, excited for your date. considering it was a Friday night, you had one day to prepare. you don't really know what type of date it is but you're guessing from how serious he was, maybe a formal date.
lets just say you slept very well that night.
_flash forward to Sunday__
"I don't know what to wear, ugh!" you yelled, throwing clothes on the floor. "maybe you should wear a longsleeve and a skirt" ochako stated. "maybe like a sundress considering the sun is out?" momo exclaimed. "thats way too poofy for a formal. wear that black bodycon dress you have with a dark blue cardigan. it really matches who you are." mina chimed. "good idea mina. you should wear that." ochako insisted. everyone agreed so that's what you wore.
as the clock struck 4:58 PM, you walked downstairs to see katsuki waiting at the kitchen table, two plates in front of him.
he looked super handsome. a black long sleeve button up with white pants and a white tie. cool so it was formal! "ya ready?" he beamed as he looked you up and down. "haha, yeah! this looks super fancy! you cook it?" you said looking around at everything he did. "hell yeah I did. i mean, i did." katsuki smiled as he placed your plate down on the table.
"thanks for doing this. youre much more sweet than I thought." you giggled. "get used to it cuz you'll see it a lot more than you think." he chuckled, passing you some hawaiian punch in a tall glass.
after dinner, you watched a movie in his dorm. you layed in his bed and hugged him while watching the Spongebob movie.
his bed was super comfy because the last thing you could remember was his warm body and your eyes closing.
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eoieopda · 1 year
Good morning Jade! Not sure if this counts as a HC but if it does, can you do members as ATLA characters? The kitty in Foresight is called Toph so I think that means you’ve watched 😅
OMFG THIS IS EVERYTHING!!!!! i’m about to spend so much time on this. fuck. god bless you, anon.
journey with me under the cut 💃🏻
i was so torn with jungkook and jimin because both give major aang and zuko vibes. both are capable of just about everything, occasionally bratty, and chaotic af. HOWEVER, i’m going with jimin as aang because aang can’t rely on natural talent; it’s the discipline & trying/failing/falling that gets him to the top. zuko relies more on what’s already in him than what he can pick-up externally, so i think jungkook fits that vibe a lil better.
yoongi is toph. may look smol/soft, but can wreck your shit in a minute. just built different, ya know? his brain works in ways you’re not always gonna understand, but if someone’s gonna figure shit out, it’s him. also, the snappy lil remarks? that hard exterior with a gooey inside?? HE IS TOPH. (alternatively, apa, lmao. you know this man just wants to vibe and sleep and eat, but he’ll throw down when the time comes.)
seokjin is the most sokka to ever sokka, lmao. goofy older brother with a heart of gold, projects confidence even if it’s not genuinely felt. may start from behind but will work hard 👏🏻 as 👏🏻 fuck 👏🏻 to be everything you need when you need him.
namjoon is uncle iroh because OF COURSE HE IS. dude has the answers — and even if he doesn’t, it sounds like he does, and that’s enough to inspire you. poetic, has collection of info that may or may not be of any use or interest to anyone else but gives him tremendous joy??? ugh.
hobi is katara. nurturing, but not weak. fluid, adaptable, naturally gifted but disciplined. reliable af and knows exactly what his contribution to the team is, and where he falls in the grand scheme of things. (alternatively, momo, the emotional support bestie that will accompany your dumb ass anywhere.)
taehyung is bumi because what the fuck is this barefoot lunatic up to??? nobody knows!! but he’s still somehow a genius, if you can figure out what he’s talking about.
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kpopsickies · 1 year
can you do a twice snz fic about tzuyu, dahyun and chaeyoung? luv ur fics btww
Sickie: DubChaenTzu
Caretaker: Twice
I will say my knowledge of Twice has grown exponentially since my last Twice fic, so hopefully this one is better.
Chaeyoung p.o.v
"Chae, wake up" I groaned softly at Jihyo's unnies voice, gently pushing her away, I heard her laugh softly. "Chae come on, we have to leave"
"where?" I asked, feeling frustrated not only to be woken up, but also because I felt the dreaded effects of the pollen that had begun to bloom, especially because I noticed my window was open all night. "We have to film some stuff" the leader said, still shaking me. "Ugh, I'm awake, snf, hhh-htchu"
"Bless you" she said rubbing my shoulder, I sat up and rubbed my eyes, which felt itchy and dry. "You alright baby tiger?" Jihyo unnie asked, "allergies" I said sniffling frustrated. "Oh, I should have guessed the pollen has been pretty bad the past day or so. Dubu was feeling it last night" She walked over and closed my window, "make sure you take allergy medicine, especially because I think we're filming outdoors today" This earned a groan paired with a harsh nose rub. Jihyo gave me a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry Chae" I was jealous of the members who didn't suffer like I did.
I finally got ready, the whole process was filled with itchy sneezes, burning eyes, and a growing tickle in my throat from the obnoxious post-nasal drip. Once I met up with my members at breakfast I discovered I wasn't the only one struggling, Dahyun's eyes were red, her nose matching, and Tzuyu was sitting with her nose buried in tissues. "Just in time for breakfast" Nayeon unnie said as she waved me over to the table. I smiled at her. The members all gathered around the table. We started eating breakfast, going quickly to make up time so we wouldn't be late. "heKtcHU ehh-kTCHU" We were startled at the surprisingly loud outburst from the maknae. "Bless you" Tzuyu thanked us, she took a few napkins and blew her nose. "You alright Tzu?" Mina asked, gently patting Tzuyu's shoulder. "Allergies are awful today" Tzuyu said she sniffled. As if to prove Tzuyu's point Dahyun snatched a napkin from the table, "ktchih- hhtcHi- etcHii"
"bless you" The members said together. "Are you both dealing with allergies?" Jeongyeon asked, I noticed her eyes traced over to me
"Chae is too" Jihyo unnie said nodding towards me, I nodded, I took a tissue from my pocket and blew my nose, "all of you guys?" Jeongyeon asked looking between each of us, we nodded in unison. "Should we cancel for today? We're going to be outside for most of the day" Jihyo said, she looked concerned at us. "We'll be okay" Dahyun said, Tzuyu and I nodded, "just a bit sneezy" I said with a shrug. Tzuyu nodded. Jihyo looked unsure, "if any of you start feeling really bad or having trouble breathing or anything like that please tell me right away." She said, her worried leader side coming out. The three of us promised her we would. 
After breakfast Sana brought a bottle of allergy medicine and handed it to each of us. "You're taking this" 
"But it makes me loopy" Dahyun protested, "you can sleep on the way there" Momo said simply, "I know you don't like it, but you need to take it" Jihyo said patting Dahyun's shoulder. Dahyun pouted slightly but did as she was told and swallowed to pill. But not without a grimace. 
We all piled into the car to leave for the filming sight, I was not surprised at how Dahyun almost instantly dozed off. "She might be a bit out of it for the filming." Nayeon said, smiling slightly at the sleeping rapper. Tzuyu sniffled, "unnies do any of you have tissues?" I reached into my pocket only to realize I had already used all of mine. But thankfully Jihyo was prepared and handed a small travel pack to Tzuyu,and then one to me, "remind me I have one for Dubu when she wakes up" 
Tzuyu blew her nose, "this sucks!" She said sounding irritated. She sniffled loudly, before bringing the tissues back up to her face, "hhEKTCHU ETCHu! Hh- ehh-TCHU" 
"Bless you" we glanced at Dahyun, who didn't even stir. "Ugh" Tzuyu groaned. "Miserable" Tzuyu said simply. "It's awful. I agree" I said, taking my own tissue out, "ktchu hhh- ktchu"
"Ehtchu- ktchu" 
"Bless you" 
"Thank you" I said before blowing my nose, which was still quite itchy. "I want a new nose" the maknae said rubbing her nose aggressively. "I don't think-" Sana started to say,
"Shhh, I'm miserable let me be dramatic" The Maknae said groaning. Which earned a laugh from all the members. 
We got to the filming location, and the moment I climbed out of the car it felt like I was slapped in the face with pollen, "heTchu- hh- tchu- hhtchu" 
"Bless you unnie" Tzuyu said, a sympathetic tone in her voice, she turned away from me and sneezed. "Bless you too" I saw Jihyo watching us with concern. "That's it, I'm rescheduling, you guys can't film like this." She glanced at Dahyun who was half asleep, supported by Momo and Mina. I bit back a laugh when Dahyun nearly fell over when she sneezed thrice. Momo and Mina blessed her. Jihyo had left to find a manager. 
She returned, "good news ladies" we all looked at her, "I talked to our managers and after they took one look at you guys" she nodded to the three suffering members, "they agreed to postpone filming. Which is probably a good thing" she said as Tzuyu nearly deafened me with another sneeze. "Bless you" I said rubbing my left ear. "Sorry" she apologized with a sheepish smile. "It's f-hhktchu- etchu - fine" 
"Bless you" Jeongyeon said, she ushered the maknae and I to the car. "Once we get back you both with shower to get the pollen off of you" 
"What about Dubu?" I asked glancing and very at the sleeping member, she was asleep within a second of sitting down. "She can sleep in the car until you guys are done." Jihyo said, glancing  at Dahyun, who was snoring lightly from her stuffed nose. "Mina, Momo, can you guys stay with her?" The two dancers nodded. 
I was glad to be back to the dorm, especially when I realized I now got to shower. Tzuyu and I were ushered to the bathrooms. The warm water felt amazing, loosening the congestion. 
After getting out I put on clean pajamas and went to the living room where everyone except Dahyun was. "you alive?" Tzuyu asked me, I nodded, "you?" She smiled and nodded. "felt nice to shower" I admitted, taking a seat next to Nayeon. "Same" Tzuyu agreed, she sniffled, "I'm feeling better already" I said, "that's good. There's no way you could have filmed today, any of you" Jihyo said, I agreed. 
Dahyun came downstairs, still looking a bit asleep. "You alright Dubu?"
"You drugged me" she said with a groan, she flopped down on the couch, "but you're alive" 
"Barely- tchi-" she sniffled, "do you feel better?" Dahyun nodded, "movie night?" She said, her sleepy congestion slurred her words. 
"Definitely" Jihyo said, she picked up the remote and turned on the TV. 
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aeoki · 2 years
High and Low: At World’s End - Chapter 8
Location: Australian Town Characters: Tetora, Tomoya, Hinata, Mitsuru & NEGI
Season: Autumn Writer: Akira
TL Note:
Negi is also the Japanese word for spring/green onions.
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Tetora: Hey, is someone badmouthing me…?
Touri: Ugh~ Try and keep it steady~ I’ve just got up and I don’t feel so good~...
Tetora: Walk on your own if you’re gonna complain. The same goes for you too, Sora-kun.
Sora: HaHa~♪ Sora will help Tetora-chan with the weight training he loves so much!
Hinata: Woah. Tetsu-kun’s dragging Momo-kun and Sora-kun along with the suitcases.
Tetora: It looks like these two are too sleepy and can’t walk on their own.
Sora: HiHi~♪ Someone will move Sora if he sits on the suitcase so it’s nice and convenient~
Tetora: You’re so shrewd. You can be like that sometimes, huh, Sora-kun. I think the adults just see you as a good and obedient boy, though.
Surprisingly, you tend to do whatever you please when you’re with your peers, huh.
Tomoya: Yeah. He’s definitely part of the problem child category. He’s like that because his upperclassmen in “Switch” spoil him.
Sora: Hm~ Sora won’t forgive you if you badmouth Master and Senpai~
*...Yaaawn* ♪
Sorry! Sora’s been tired and sleepy from the different environment~ Sora’s gonna go back to bed so he’ll appreciate it if you can carry him like this!
*Zzz… Zzz…* ♪
Tetora: Woah. I’m surprised you can just sleep outside overseas like that. What kinda state of mind is that?
Touri: I’m sleepy too… We were all really tired yesterday, so we decided to stay the night here and leave the travelling for the next day.
Tetora: Osu. It was pretty tough since it was difficult to find a hotel.
It can’t be helped, though. The project this time was like a bolt out of the blue for Anzu no Anego, so there was no way she could’ve booked a hotel in advance.
We’re in a foreign country where we don’t really speak the language so we ended up wandering around searching for a hotel.
Hinata: We managed to find one, in the end, thank god. In the worst-case scenario, we would’ve been sleeping outdoors in the open air.
Touri: Uweeh… You guys might be fine with that but someone as delicate as me wouldn’t be able to handle it at all.
The rooms in this hotel were all run-down and the bed was hard as a rock. It was the worst… It might’ve been better than sleeping outdoors but I couldn’t sleep a wink.
Just when I thought I was getting sleepy, I felt something touch my face.
Tetora: Oh? Is this a ghost story?
Hinata: This hotel definitely gives those kinda vibes~♪
Touri: Don’t. I’m gonna start feeling less sleepy… Also, the thing I saw was even worse than a ghost. It was something that I hate: some sort of shaggy bug that I’ve never seen before.
Sora: Shaggy…?
Touri: We’re not talking about Tsumugi-sama so you can keep sleeping, Harukawa.
Sora: HuHu~...♪
Touri: Anyway, that bug basically kept me up all night so I couldn’t sleep at all.
All I could do was grab my pillow and escape to the corner of the room and sleep there so my entire body feels stiff.
Mitsuru: Hime-chan, you’re scared of bugs? You’re so weird~♪
Touri: No, I’m not! They’re just gross so I don’t like them! You’re the weird one because you’re fine with them!
Tetora: There, there… If you’re sleepy, you can take a nap too, Touri-kun. I’ll carry you.
Touri: I’ve got no idea what’s gonna happen from now on, so how can I relax and sleep? What’re we gonna do now, anyway?
Mitsuru: Hm~ Hitsugi-chan went out to hire a car.
I guess we’ll just take that and head towards our destination?
Tomoya: Yeah. We can talk about our plans for the next couple of days in the car.
Even if we’re starting with nothing, nothing’s gonna happen if we don’t have legs.
Touri: Hitsugi… Kurone’s gonna hire a car? But he’s the same age as us, right? Does he even have a driver’s licence?
Tomoya: Ah, now that you mention it. But we’re overseas right now and can’t you get your licence when you’re pretty young here? I don’t really know but I get that kind of feeling.
Touri: Even if that’s true, why does he have a licence to drive in Australia?
I don’t really know much either, but don’t you need an Australian licence for that?
Tomoya: Really? Hitsugi– I mean, NEGI-senpai seemed rather confident about it, though…
Touri: Negi? Spring onions[*] ? Is that today’s breakfast? I hate spring onions!
Tetora: Ahh~ I’d like to eat something… Yesterday really took a toll on us so we didn’t really have time to eat.
Tomoya: But are restaurants in Australia open at this time? From the looks of it, it doesn’t seem like there are any convenience stores, either…
Hinata: Even if there were convenience stores, they’re probably not open around this time. We probably can’t get any food until the shops open.
Tomoya: The same goes for hiring the car, right…? NEGI-senpai might be going on a fool’s errand.
Oh, man~ We’re not gonna last long if we keep thinking like we’re back in Japan.
Touri: Can’t we just eat at the hotel? When I went on a trip with my papa and mama, we had a fancy breakfast at the hotel, though…?
Tetora: I guess we can go ask and see if they can. Mitsuru-kun, could you run off and tell Anzu no Anego about this?
She should be checking out of the hotel and making a call to Japan at the front desk right now.
Tomoya: Anzu-senpai’s about the only other person who can talk with the hotel people. It’s obvious already but they don’t understand a lick of Japanese.
Hinata: Yeah. It seems Touri-kun is used to going overseas so I thought he’d be fluent in English, but that wasn’t the case at all.
Touri: T-That’s because we always had a tour guide who could interpret for us! It’s my first time going on such a miserable trip!
Mitsuru: Wahaha! I’m actually having fun though!
Our original plans were to stay at a luxurious hotel, get beauty treatment, go see the sights when you can just look them up on the internet and shop at brand stores…
None of that looked fun to me, so the situation right now is way more exciting!
Touri: That might be the case for you, Mitsuru, but I hate it~ I would be sleeping and having a lovely dream in a luxurious hotel right now. I’m jealous of Hajime.
Tetora: Well, there’s no point in venting our dissatisfaction, so let’s do what we can a little at a time.
Let’s learn from Mitsuru-kun and enjoy the little things.
Touri: Guuuh… I can’t believe I have to learn from someone like Mitsuru.
Mitsuru: Zoooom! Dash, dash, dash~! Nee-chan~! Um~ We wanna know if we can eat at the hotel! Food, food!
Touri: …Well, I guess that cheerfulness? That simplicity does help in one way or another.
We look more like idiots since we’re the ones who are genuinely worried about everything.
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momonpa · 1 year
GOD okay I’m so not used to even. Sharing stuff like this but here goes, I have a whole bunch of like, scenarios I like to imagine but this is like, the BIG one for me with Komomo right now.
It always starts with me getting hired as a translator for Stardom and moving to Japan. Momo’s friendly to me right off the bat since she’s one of the bilingual girls. I’m living in a hotel at first and trying to find an apartment is hell but we’re getting along and she’s like, well hey, I have an extra room, why don’t you be my roommate? At the very least if you decide you’d still rather find your own place it’ll be better than looking from a hotel.
So I move in and being roommates goes really well. We get along great and get really comfortable around each other. Between me wanting to watch tokusatsu and her wanting to watch MCU and Star Wars and stuff and both of us wanting to watch wrestling we spend a lot of free time hanging out on the couch together on phones or laptops and watching stuff.
Being a wrestler she’s not the most concerned with physical boundaries, so even though I’m awkward as hell, “I want to stretch out, do you mind if I put my feet in your lap?” turns into draping her legs over me turns into “I’m probably gonna fall asleep during this one do you mind if I rest my head in your lap? You’re so comfy.” turns into wanting to cuddle and falling asleep right on top of me. Sometimes she’ll say something a little too affectionate while she’s drifting off or half asleep kiss my neck or something, and then she always starts awake all apologetic and embarrassed.
Being more comfortable around each other translates to taking care of each other as roommates too. Cooking for each other, doing the cleaning the other person hates, small touches on someone’s back or shoulder or waist when we’re just moving around the apartment and around each other. “Do you want to watch a movie?” turns into “What do you want for dinner?” turns into her being fine being around me when she’s all sweaty and gross after practice turns into “Ugh I’m so gross from training. Do you want to go for a bath with me?” “Momo, you know that sort of stuff is like... Way more intimate for someone like me, right? It’s a little embarrassing, at the very least...” “🙄“
Eventually even on tours she asks if we can room together, and then once we get settled is like, “Hey, so... When we fall asleep on the couch I always sleep really, really well, would you be okay with just like, sharing a bed?”
And then after spending some time like that, maybe at the end of one of the longer, two week tours, we’re unpacking and unwinding and it’s late, and maybe I’m on the couch or in my room and she comes in in her pjs, embarrassed, like “Hey, look, I can’t. Sleep, I can’t fall asleep, I’m having a really hard time falling asleep, um, on my own now. Do you mind, like, can you just come and sleep in my room from now on?”
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 7 years
Pathfinder Campaign night #2! A shorter run than last week for a couple of reasons. Again, we have 
@theta-thoughts, the GM (^^)
@babebot as Durn (--)
@actnonsense as Yamato Nobuyuki (++)
and me as Blink! (==) No @tobiyond this week cause he was busy, but he sent his love. The gay kind. Because obviously.
Favorite moments this week included:
^^“Act, you ready to go?” ++*literally just woke up/still in the process of waking up “Yeah, be right there.”
Drawing even more dicks in the roll20 editor.
Theta censoring said dicks, dirty words, etc. as we’re putting them up.
==“Noooo! My boobies!” ^^“Not a sentence I expected from Momo today.”
Laughing so hard my gut hurt before we actually properly got started.
Deciding that today was strictly restock and info gathering since Tobi was gone.
Finally getting all my stats squared away and then remembering once we get loaded back into the actual game- Oh right, most of us were at 3 health or less left.
Making the innkeeper’s week by paying her back for the free room/board with like two months of interest.
Yamato coming out of his room in the morning in his kitsune form rather than the human form we’ve already seen and trying to pass it off as “Nah, I’m Yamato’s friend. We got in some trouble with some people and decided it’s safer if we’re not in the same place at the same time.”
==“He’s being suspicious. I roll to call bullshit.” *Blink gets a nat 20 on Sense Motive* =“Bullshit.” ++“GodDAMMIT.”
Durn not rolling nearly as well on his bs check, but still being suspicious.
-“So what’s your name?” +“Uhhh, T-tamato Moboduki?” ^^“Tomato Dookie?” +“I mean, Akira Kurusu.” (Act likes Persona.) =“So you came out of pretty boy’s room. You two dating?” (Blink, having already made the successful check.) +“Sure.”
Yamato Akira acquired a  new nickname! Unlocked: “Fluffy!”
Theta being a great and generous DM in nudging us the right direction and flat-out telling us which quests we shouldn’t/can’t try to do just yet.
Busting out the useless magic items list.
Act/Yamato Akira getting a magic liposuction wand and being deeply insulted.
David/Durn getting magic windchimes that might warn us if someone’s trying to sneak up on us while we sleep at night.
Me/Blink getting a small box of saint’s bones that rattle whenever someone tells a lie. Within a 1 mile radius.
Deciding that the bones will be more useful as a massage chair than as any sort of divination item and laying on the box while Yamato Akira goes off on this long, deadpan spiel about being the queen such-and-such blessed by yada yada goddess to make it work.
-“And I’m NOT Durn!” ==++^^“And the box just explodes.”
Act re-rolling for a new item because the lipo wand sucked. (See what I did there?) Getting a packet of 3 matches that don’t light when you strike them, but set fire to whatever the user is looking at when struck.
-“Oh! I got some replacement rope for Yams, you’re his friend, can you give it to him when you see him?” +“I can definitely do that.” *Blink rolling his eyes loudly*
Deciding that the discord should probably have a tab specifically for keeping track of story stuff. 
David immediately adding typing “dicks” in as the first entry.
Running around listening for rumors, at one point Act/Akira yelling “Whose dick do I have to suck for some information around here?!” and going off on a tangent, right outside the temple.
+ “Sex is completely natural, I don’t see what everyone is being weird about. It’s why everyone here is even alive.” = “As someone who spontaneously manifested, I’m offended you equate sex and life.”
Blink calling the guy taking a voluntary tithe as a bribe for information a dick under his breath. Getting chided by Fluffy because of Blink’s earlier zeal for throwing around money, and Blink insisting it’s different. Besides, he doesn’t really care about the gods anyway. Except Thisamet, he’s okay with him cause he gave Blink the Cow.
++ “I swear, you keep saying “Lady Origena” and I keep hearing “Lady Orgy.” What kind of stuff is this woman getting up to in her spare time?” == “You know the weird kind of shit nobles get up to. When you’re rich and bored...” ^ “What the fuck you saying about my mom? Nasty ho, keep it to yourself.”
+ “DON’T DENY THE SUCC, MY CHILD!” - “He’s not with us.” = “I don’t know him.”
Leaving shortly after that because people were staring at them after that last comment.
==“Hey, I’m gonna ask about -lore thing we’re looking for-.” ^“And I will gladly answer your question, traveler, (^^) as soon as Act gets back from the bathroom.” ==“Well then, Blink fucks off to raid the the Duchess’ pantry. And by that I mean, I’m getting food, I’m not actually going to steal from them. That seems like a bad call.”
Durn and Yamato doing the last bit of info gathering because the NPC is a Gnome and Gnomes do not like kval. 
Blink hanging out in a tree for a half hour while gnome npc regales Durn and Yamato with her story. She baked biscuits.
=+“Theta I’m bored, can I roll and acrobatics check to dangle from a branch with my tail like a monkey?” ^^“Sure. Roll acrobatics.” *Nat 20. Again.* ==“...I feel like the computer is trying to apologize to me for last run.”
Yamato dancing for the Gnome, who happens to be a bard, while she plays music and rolling a nat 20, plus hero point. 
^^“Your standing with her is now completely maxed out and you’re now in good standing with her whole political faction. Now everyone in her faction is friendly to you.” --“Cool.” ^^“And since you did it just by making friends with her and not by taking a particular political stance, you don’t go down in standing with the opposite faction.” --“Cool!” ^^“And Act, take another rank in dance, I’d say you earned it.”
Durn bringing Blink biscuits after they’re all done.
Durn being the one who actually made sure we’d be prepared for basically anything the next campaign throws at us. (Chests, cart, bags, tents, extra food, everything. I just know that’s gonna be a godsend.)
This campaign only lasting 4 1/2 hours instead of 6. Only.
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blackberry-gingham · 3 years
What about a head cannon of you showing Otto some love after he has a rough day and feels down about himself!
I will do a whole ass mini fic for this IF, in exchange, you let me sneak in some dad bod tummy rubs 😭😭😭😭😭😭✋🏻✋🏻
You know what? Adding my doc ock tag list, bc I’d count this as a mini fic indeed
Tag list: @smokeywhalee @stupid-stinky @busybeingtrash @momos-peaches @pinkieperil @amongpresidents @bimboshaggy @nanjalee @mickeyperkins @tolovaj @jupiters--moonxx
Reader is gender neutral btw 😌🙏🏻
Do the words “seniority” and “respect” mean nothing anymore?
He use to be angry about it, but lately… the good doctor only feels rather blue.
It’s not every day, but… he can just feel the little snickers or the repulsed looks thrown his way around the labs and the meetings and the office and- Ugh, he doesn’t want to think about it anymore.
The fact of the matter is that he has never been considered a “handsome man”, as it were. And while it’s a dull and lonely fate that he was fully prepared to accept… He must admit, he could not be more over joyed to have snagged you along for his journey of living. Well, perhaps he should say that you picked him, but in matters as lucky as this, he only cares for the results. While he does indeed have you…
It doesn’t make the occasional teasing and ribbing from others hurt any less.
You’ve been trying to get him to open up about whatever’s been bothering him all evening. After all, you can’t stand to see him look so down. Predictable as usual, the one on one comforts of snuggling up to you before bed does quite a trick to get him confessing.
Otto doesn’t mention everything, but he tells you what he deems to be enough. Truly it’s not a big deal, but all the doubts and second thoughts do occasionally leave him wondering…
“You think I’m handsome though, right? O-or maybe ju-“
Truth be told, you’re half asleep already. Cuddled atop his thick, warm body, lulled by his husky voice, gently rocked with each deep, rhythmic breath… Most nights, staying awake at all presents quite the challenge.
“Of course I do…”
“Now don’t lie. I mean, is there at le-“
You gasp in mock hurt, “Don’t call me a liar, it’s the truth”, you give a little laugh and nuzzle into his pudgy cheek, leaving behind a little kiss before you lay back down. With a few strokes of your fingers, you mark a small trail along his abdomen, “I think all of you is handsome”, you yawn.
The doctor is silent a moment, a frown of uncertainty crosses his features. You’ve transitioned from all fingers to just one as it traces a long, lazy circle along his flannel sleeping shirt. He was so terrified the first time he ever let you get this close to him…. After all, Otto Octavius is nothing if not these two things: a genius, and wildly insecure.
Never in his life did he ever think he’d let someone so close, so intimate…. Someone who’s opinion he cares so much for, touch his stomach as he lets you. As far as insecurities are concerned, his face is one thing, but his body is a whole other story. His belly, his love handles, stretch marks, puffy soft chest, the little pillow of fat under his chin… How could anyone love him in a state like this?
And yet… here you are. Every night, your head on said puffy chest. Body wedged up against said love handles. A quiet, loving hand only ever dealing in affection when it touches said belly of his.
He looks back over at your sweet, angelic face. All of him huh? No, he dare not even challenge the notion. Not when he already knows it’s true.
The doctor rolls over just a smidge, only enough so he can better hold you. Your hand has gone still at last and if you aren’t sleeping by now, surely you will be soon. Ever so gently, so as not to disturb you, he tilts up your chin to kiss your forehead.
He doesn’t believe he’ll ever learn your secret for calming him so easily… Nor how he ever got so lucky to end up with the likes of you.
“Good night, my love”
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onceuponaloonatic · 3 years
kids innocent reaction to the lovebites aka hickeys of their moms
there's a little misatzu scene at the beginning because i miss them 🥺 more: this is from before princess trio was born
Sana groaned as she rolled over in bed. It had been a long night, and while she had enjoyed herself, it did not make the next morning any easier.
“Morning sunshine.” Sana cursed Mina as her wife sat in front of her. Mina looked perfect, two mugs in her hands, a fresh pair of clothes on, and her hair already brushed.
“How are you so…”
“Not hungover?” Mina giggled. “I took some Advil after you two went to sleep and chugged some water. I feel fine right now.” The kids were all at a big sleepover at Dahyun’s parents house the night before, so they had used the opportunity to catch up on some private time. However, all of them had a little too much wine, leading to a great night and a horrible morning.
“Ugh… It’s too early.” Tzuyu moaned as she opened her eyes, slowly sitting up. Mina giggled and handed her one of the mugs.
“It’s already past noon, love.” Mina smiled at Tzuyu. “I can go get the girls if you two want to, take your time.” Mina giggled at the two, handing Sana the other mug and then grabbing Sana’s glasses for her. Sana put her glasses on before taking a sip of her drink. It hit her just then that she still wasn’t wearing any clothes, and nor was Tzuyu.
“This isn’t coffee.” Tzuyu pouted when she took a sip.
“Tea is better for you.” Mina giggled. “You two take your time, I’ll be right back.”
“Wait.” Sana whined. “Good morning kiss.” Mina rolled her eyes and sat down on the bed. She gave Sana a quick kiss before giving one to Tzuyu as well.
“You two have morning breath.” Mina smiled. “Go get ready, I should be back in an hour with the girls.”
“Fine.” Both of them whined in response, watching Mina leave their bedroom slowly.
“How is she so good in the morning?” Sana asked.
“I do not know. She’s always been like this. Also, who is Mina to lecture us about coffee. In college Mina survived off of coffee.” Tzuyu stretched her back, rolling her eyes when she noticed Sana’s gaze on her chest. “Calm down horndog. The kids will be here soon.”
“I’m allowed to observe.” Sana giggled. “We are married.”
“Well let’s go be married somewhere else, the bed is too tempting.” Tzuyu slowly got out of bed, looking for a pair of boxers on the messy floor of their bedroom. “Sana… I know you're staring at my ass.”
“Can’t help it.” Sana pouted. “Not my fault you and Mina have phenomenal asses.”
“Well, you can stare in the shower.” Tzuyu offered.
“Hey Jihyo.” Mina giggled when she saw the woman walking towards the entrance to Dahyun’s parents house. Jihyo seemed quiet, and had a little bit of a limp as she walked. She could immediately tell the other alpha’s night was as good as her’s. “Good night?”
“Amazing.” Jihyo smiled. “Momo is a menace. Her stamina is seriously something.”
“It always has been. Sana was telling me Momo was on the track team and the dance team in high school.”
“I know. I’ve seen pictures. It was a little crazy.” Jihyo giggled. “Ah Mina look out, there’s a sketchy person there.” Jihyo pointed to Nayeon, who was walking from the other side. She looked considerably more dead than Mina and Jihyo. She kind of reminded Mina of Sana and Tzuyu.
“Shut up Jihyo.” Nayeon waved her middle finger, causing both of them to laugh. “How are you both so not-”
“Fucked up?” Mina asked.
“Yeah.” Nayeon took a sip of coffee from the togo mug in her hands.
“Advil and you know, a knowledge of my tolerance.” Mina joked.
“Stronger genetics.” Jihyo answered.
“I hate both of you.” Nayeon cursed. “Jeongyeon is out. I told her I would handle the kids. I hope the three of them will behave.”
“Doubt it. They are your kids.” Jihyo giggled.
“You're on thin ice right now Park Jihyo.” Nayeon grumbled.
“When is she not?” Mina giggled, knocking on the door for the three of them. “Ready to face them?”
“Absolutely not.” Nayeon groaned. “I can already hear the screaming.”
“Well, at least they are cute.” Mina shrugged, watching as the door was opened.
Saya had been the one to ask if all the kids could go to the park before they all had to go home. After seeing Chaeyoung was not faring much better than Nayeon, the adults decided it might be for the best to let them all run their energy out.
“Auntie Nayeon?” Sai asked as she walked in front of Mina. They probably looked a little silly, with four adults and elven kids. Thankfully, the kids were all staying together and not wandering off. Mina still had Saki in one arm and Saya’s hand in the other, and was keeping an eye on Sai, just to be sure the girls didn't wander off.
“Yes Sai?” Nayeon asked. One of her hands was in Yuna’s while Sae held Yuna’s hand. Sae loved Yuna, and she looked up to her a lot. Mina has a suspicion it's just because Yuna is also fairly quiet, but nonetheless Mina thinks it's cute.
“What’s on your neck?” Sai asked.
“Oh yeah.” Kihyun turned to look at her. “Looks like you got hurt.”
“Did someone hurt you mommy?” Yuna asked, pulling on Nayeon’s hand. Nayeon’s face flushed a deep red as she looked to the other adults for help. Chaeyoung avoiding eye contact and went back to helping Daehyung fix his coat while Mina and Jihyo both just looked amused.
“N-No no one hurt me.” Nayeon nodded. “I just got a bug bite.”
“It looks like a lot of bug bites.” Seojun pointed out.
“There were a lot of bugs. Your mama and I went by the river last night.”
“They must have been big bugs.” Ai commented, swinging her and Jihyo’s hands as Eunji was half asleep in Jihyo arms. They all knew Eunji struggled sleeping in new places, but Momo and Jihyo are were trying to get her a bit more used to it. Nayeon held herself back from glaring at Jihyo from the laugh she let out.
“Yes well… This is why it is important to wear bug spray.” Nayeon sighed.
“But it smells bad.” Hyunjun whined.
“I know. But it's good. Oh and look, we're here.” The kids all ran off and Nayeon let out a sigh of relief. “I hated that.”
“I but that bug was huge.” Jihyo snickered.
“I know, and I bet you didn't hate it.” Mina joined.
“Both of you shut up.” Nayeon hissed. “Chaeyoung help me?” The younger woman looked to be a little tired still, staring off into space in the direction the kids ran off in.
“What oh sorry.” Chaeyoung blinked at Nayeon. “Wow those are dark marks on your neck- ow hey! Did I miss something?”
“Just that Nayeon Unnie has a lot of bug bites from a certain mosquito.” Jihyo giggled.
“I hate all of you so much.”
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clue-can-writes · 3 years
A Good Night’s Sleep
Twice 10th Member AU
TT Era
Momo gets lonely at night, but luckily her sleeping partner is sleeping on the bed right next to her!
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Momo huffed, turning over for the millionth time that night. No matter what, she could not get comfortable enough to sleep! She picked up her phone and saw that it was past 2 in the morning. She sighed, throwing her covers over her head. But that only made her more uncomfortable!
She wrestled with her covers, trying to get them off her, but she ended up basically throwing herself out of her bed.
“UGH, You covers are so stupid!” She whisper-yelled
“Hua, you’re awake!”
Hua sighed and slowly sat up, “Yea, I am now. Why are you on the floor?”
“I fell out of bed.”
“....Why am I not surprised?”
Momo crawled over to the side of Hua’s bed. “Can I sleep with you tonight Hua? I’ll never ask to sleep with you again.”
“I know your lying, but we’re filming tomorrow and I don’t want you to embarrass us, so yea.”
“yay!” Momo whispered excitedly in Hua’s ear. She used to always go in Hua’s bed when they were trainees. Momo had heard loud noises outside the dorms and she got scared. Sana wasn’t there and Momo was shaking so hard, Hua could hear the bunk shaking! It quickly became a tradition of theirs.
Hua scooted over towards the wall making room for Momo. She crawled into bed, and they started out sleeping back to back. Hua started closing her eyes, when she felt Momo turn on her side. She then felt Momo’s arms wrap around her.
“What are you doing?”
“I can’t get comfortable if I’m not hugging you!”
“This was not a normal part of out night time!”
“Well, maybe I’m just clingier when I’m asleep!”
“You’re not asleep yet!”
“You are do difficult.....”
Hua and Momo quickly look over to Mina’s bed, unsurprised that she was telling them to be quiet.
“Hey Mina?”
“What happens to Nitrogen when the Sun rises?”
“Hua, I swear to god.”
“It becomes day-trogen!”
There was a long pause, then a sigh, “I’m going to bed now, please do the same.”
“Good Nitrogen!” Hua said.
“Sleep Ti-trogen!” Momo said, snuggling more into Hua.
“Don’t let the bed-bugs bite-trogen!” Sana added.
“No, Sana not you too!”
The girls all giggled at Mina. They knew she loved them, even if she didn’t at night. And besides, it was always fun to mess with her.
Hua smile quickly disappeared when she felt Momo burrow her head in Hua’s neck, but she knew better than to say anything. She was also secretly happy that she had this little tradition with Momo. Not that she would ever tell her that!
“Hua?” Momo whispered in Hua’s ear. “Do bed bugs really bite?”
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tea-and-la · 3 years
“Katara is Hot-Headed”
.... okay, so i’ve seen this ICE cold take enough time to warrant a formal post. i’ve seen and strongly agree with the posts i’ve seen that refute this, like @shewhotellsstories post here. but unfortunately, this sentiment is still something that’s widely accepted in the atla fandom. it’s no surprise that “katara is hotheaded” is the common argument for “why zutara doesn't work.” and while it’s more than irritating that zutara antis love to align them in ways that are only negative in nature, i’m not going to get into that. i’m going to focus on katara. 
one of the key defining aspects of katara’s personality is her patience. she is unwavering in her faith of aang (through their numerous supportive talks), as well as her encouragement of her friends when they need it (ex. toph in the runaway and sokka in sokka’s master.) but most notably? let’s talk about the desert episode because this is where katara’s patience really shines. 
there are a lot of things going on in that episode. aang is dealing with grief from the loss of appa and lashes out at both toph and katara while also intermittently flying away from the group. what would a “hot headed” or quick-tempered person do in this situation? let’s look at some of the dialogue: 
aang: [Enraged.] How could you let them take Appa?! ‌ Why didn't you stop them‌?!
toph: [Defensively.] I couldn't! The library was sinking! You guys were still inside and-
aang: [Snaps at Toph in a harsh way.] You just didn't care! You never liked Appa! You wanted him gone!
aang looks extremely furious at Toph as Katara walks over to him. She puts her hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down.
katara: We're all concerned, but we can't afford to be fighting now.
in that dialogue, katara inserts herself in to mediate. she recognizes that he’s in a dark place, and she sees past the harshness of his words to see that they come from a place of hurt, not malice. she reacts with empathy and understanding. 
a quick-tempered person would not have responded in this way.
the majority of this episode, katara is essentially the leader of the group. it’s swelteringly hot, which is enough for any hot headed person to get irritated, but she doesn’t. 
toph: Katara, can I have some more water?
katara: Okay, but we've got to try to conserve it.
sokka: [As he points to his mouth.] We're drinking your bending water. [He tries to define the taste of the water, smacking his lips. Disgustedly he exclaims.] You used this on the swamp guy! Urch!
toph: It does taste swampy.
katara: [Sad tone.] I'm sorry, it's all we have.
in this scene, even momo complains about the taste of the water, the only water they have. and katara’s response was to apologize for something she can’t control. 
after this point, she has to lead toph through the sand, while sokka is high on cactus juice and aang is upset. instead of getting frustrated, she tries to inspire hope into them all: 
aang: [Hopelessly.] What's the difference? We won't survive without Appa. We all know it.
katara: [Encouraging.] Come on, Aang. We can do this if we work together. Right Toph?
toph: As far as I can feel, we're trapped in a giant bowl of sand pudding. I got nothin'.
katara: [Hopeful.] Sokka? Any ideas how to find Ba Sing Se?
Sokka and Momo lie side by side on their backs, arms and legs stretched out. Sokka smiles blissfully.
she does get annoyed, but she doesn’t direct that frustration at any of them, unlike a quick tempered person would do.
katara: [Grabs her head in annoyance.] Ugh ... We're getting out of this desert, and we're going to do it together! Aang, get up. Everybody, hold hands. We can do this. We have to.
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the point of these excerpts isn’t to say that anyone else in the gaang is horrible. i just wanted to point out the moments when she could’ve gotten frustrated and lashed out, but didn’t. not once. 
patience and quick temperedness are antonyms of each other. and imo, the fact that so much of katara’s character is defined by her patience (even outside of this specific episode) and nurturing (for over 80% of the show)  is enough to refute her “hotheadedness.” especially, when the other members of the gaang are allowed to be upset and/or angry on occasion and their dispositions/temperaments are not immediately associated with hotheadedness. maybe unpack why that is. 
let’s take the instance when she and toph argue in the chase. first of all, this episode is characterized by all of the members of the gaang being sleep deprived (i.e. not in their normal states), so their attitudes should be taken with a grain of salt. (what humans do you know that are happy-go-lucky when they haven’t slept enough?)
 anyway, the episode starts with katara attempting to lightly hint to toph about  group dynamics. 
katara: So Toph, usually when setting up camp, we try to divide up the work.
toph: [Shrugging casually.] Hey, don't worry about me. I'm good to go.
katara: Well, actually what I'm trying to say is, [Holds arms out in gesture.] some of us might fetch water, while someone else might set up the fire pit, or put up the tent. [Momo flies over to her, dropping several berries he had collected into her hands.] Even Momo does his fair share.
toph: [Breezily.] Katara, I'm fine. I can carry my own weight. I don't need a fire, [Pats bag.] I've already collected my own food and look, [Earthbends a rock tent over her.] my tent's all set up.
katara: [Slightly irritated.] Well, that's great for you, but we still need to finish 
toph: [Angered.] I don't understand what's the problem here!
katara: Waves her hand dismissively and walks away.] Never mind.
from the above excerpt, she drops the issue and doesn’t lash out. later, she even goes back and tries to make amends with toph. she even tries smiling before she heads over there.
Cuts to Katara, who sets down a jug of water. She looks over at Toph, sitting comfortably beneath her earth tent. Her dull expression changes to one of slight happiness. She approaches Toph who is eating some sort of food item.
katara: [Rubs back of head sheepishly.] Hey Toph, I wanted to apologize for earlier. I think we're all just a little tired and getting on each other's nerves.
toph: [Casually.] Yeah, you do seem pretty tired.
katara: [Growing disgusted.] I meant all of us.
Cuts to shot of inside Toph's earth tent as she lazily tosses the food item onto the ground and lays her head down to rest.
toph: Well, good night.
katara: [Slightly irked.] Good night.
none of her mannerisms and word choices are characteristic of someone with a temper. despite toph’s slight unintentional antagonistic remarks, katara doesn’t react. 
later, after they managed to evade the azula’s tank train for the night, they land appa. and katara tries, again:
toph: [Leaping off Appa and lying on the ground, relieved.] Ah, land sweet land! [Rises and says cheerfully.] See you guys in the morning!
katara: Actually, can you help us unload?
toph: [Points a finger at Katara in irritation.] Look! I didn't ask you to help unload my stuff! [Turns and begins walking away.] I'm carrying my own weight.
katara: [Angrily.] That's not the point. [Approaches Toph.] Ever since you joined us, you've been nothing but selfish and unhelpful!
toph: [Enraged.] What? Look here, sugar queen, [Points finger at Katara.] I gave up everything I had so that I could teach Aang earthbending. So don't you talk to me about being selfish!
the only times when katara reacts in anger that could be perceived as impulsive, is when she is insulted by Pakku and when Sokka suggests that she leave the Fire Nation town without helping. Both of these are hardly instances of hotheadedness, and moreso a reflection of who she is as a character: someone who doesn’t turn her back on people who needs her and someone who fights injustice. 
why would we call katara hotheaded for not settling for being antagonized by a misogynistic asshole? she was a trailblazer in that scene and it meant so much to the little girls of the Northern Water Tribe. similarly, why would we call her hotheaded for not being able to turn away from people who are in need? after all, that’s a core part of her character’s trauma: feeling of survivor’s guilt that there was something she could’ve done to save her mom. it’s part of why she has to act to help others. her passion isn’t synonymous with hotheadedness. 
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leossmoonn · 3 years
mind games [part fourteen]
masterlist | part thirteen | part fifteen
zuko x fem!reader fluff, angst smau (it has the social media elements, but not as much as the last series)
avatar: the last airbender
summary - being zuko’s best friend is the easiest thing in the world. until he gets a girlfriend and you realize you’re in love with him
warnings / includes -  (this counts for any/all chapters) - fighting, suggestive, language, crying, alcohol, cheating, talk about injuries, making out, alluding to sex, talks about sex. you are sokka and katara’s older sister. you, mai, and zuko are seniors in college, sokka and suki are juniors, katara, aang, and toph are sophomores
note - this is just a filler chapter for the next enjoy!
“hmm,” mai hummed, turning around and wrapping her arms around jet’s middle. she opened her eyes lowly and looked up at him, a smile creeping up her face. 
jet sighed and looked down at her, giving her a quizzical look. “why do you look so happy?”
“i just…” mai sighed, “like having you here in the mornings.”
“oh, yeah? why?” jet smirked. “well one, you’re amazing at sex. two, you’re not a cuddle-hog like zuko,” she explained. 
jet chuckled, nodding and laying his head back down on the pillow. he looked up at mai’s ceiling, closing his eyes. he breathed in and out, beginning to think about all the things he had to do today. it was the first week of summer and everyone was enjoying themselves before they had to buckle down and get a real job, not just the JD and clothing stores. 
he knew he had to go and pick up food for appa and momo, do laundry, pick up your jeans from the dry cleaners. 
jet’s eyes flew open once you came into his mind. he took mai’s arm and threw. it off of him, quickly getting up to find his clothes. mai frowned at his hasty behaviour, getting up and wrapping her blanket around her. 
“where’re you going?” she asked. “i-i have to go and run some errands,” jet answered, jumping into his jeans. 
mai rolled her eyes as she knew that his errands all were pertained to you. “what kind of errands.”
“pick up appa and momo food, pick up y/n’s jeans from the dry cleaners, other. stuff,” he said. 
“y/n can pick up her own clothes. she’s an adult for spirit’s sake,” mai spat. she sauntered over to jet, taking his hand in her’s and pulling him close. “c’mon, stay for a while. we never hang out after ten.”
“and there’s a reason for that, mai,” he rolled his eyes. he yanked her hand away from his, putting his shirt back on. “i gotta go. i’ll call you later, yeah?”
mai frowned and followed him out of her room. “she knows you know.”
jet scoffed, “she doesn’t know shit.” “well, she’s gonna. better just milk it until she figures it out. i hate to say it, but she’s smart,” mai said. 
“yeah, and what about zuko, huh?” jet shot back. 
“he’s going to break up with me soon. him and y/n are in love with each other. better just let the cat out of the bag.”
“no. she’s not going to figure out and i’m not going to “milk it” or whatever because after this, we’re done.” 
mai laughed, “yeah, right. that’s what you said the last time.”
jet snapped his head to her, giving her a hard glare. “you and i have partners already. this, us, we are a mistake, and you know it.” he made his way down the stairs, getting his shoes and slipping them on. 
“so? you seem to forget that whenever you come over!” mai balled her hands into fists, still standing on the top of the stairs. 
“i still love her, okay!” jet yelled back, looking at mai. “i-i still love y/n. she’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. you? you’re the worst.”
“if you really loved her, then you wouldn’t be in my bed every weekend,” mai snapped. 
jet looked down at the floor, knowing that she was right. he didn’t say anything, though, instead going out the door and slamming it shut. 
while jet drove back to his place, you were at your sibling’s house, hanging out with zuko. 
“gonna do it tonight, huh?” you asked. “yep. is it bad if i say that i can’t wait?” zuko asked. 
“i don’t think so,” you shook your head. zuko smiled, “ugh, i can’t wait to be a free man!”
“well, hey, now you’re being a little mean,” you said. 
“well it’s true,” he shrugged. “cut mai some slack. i know you two fight a lot, but i can tell she cares about you,” you nudged him. 
“yeah, sure. well, i don’t care about or love her,” he said. 
you smirked and leaned against the counter. zuko furrowed his brows, “what?”
“i know you say that, but let’s be honest, you love her more than you think,” you explained.
zuko’s face fell and he looked down. honestly, he never really loved mai. sure, he’d said it to her, and he told his friends how great she was. he just didn’t love her like she should. his heart belonged to someone else, anyways.
you frowned and put a hand on his bicep, your heart fluttering as you felt over the muscle. you pushed away your budding feelings and focused on the task at hand.
“did i say something wrong?” you asked tentatively.
zuko shook his head, holding his head up. you were met with his shining, amber eyes. the ones you could get lost in if you let yourself.
“no, i just... i love her but, i don’t love her.”
you nodded, “yeah, that makes sense.”
zuko looked into your eyes, speaking before thinking. “do you love jet?”
your eyes widened at the question and your hand fell from his bicep. you were going to pull away, but zuko’s hand found yours and he intertwined your fingers with his. he never took his eyes off of you for a second.
“do you love jet?” he asked again. more for himself than for general curiosity.
“i-i do,” you nodded. as you spoke, your eyes couldn’t help but trail down to his lips. “i do,” you said more confidently, still looking at his lips.
zuko’s eyes also stared at your lips, both of your hearts pounding against your chests. you felt yourself scoot closer to where you could feel his breath on your lips.
“but do you love him, y/n?” he asked, putting more emphasis on the word. his arm snaked around your waist, his hand gently cradling the small of your back.
you started to breath heavily, your head spinning at the questions and how close you were to zuko. your eyes flickered up to his eyes, seeing his pupils blown wide. you were sure yours were the same. you went back to looking at his lips, leaning in to press your forehead against his.
“i... i think...” you trailed off. your mind was behind clouded with the idea of kissing him. how good it’d finally feel after all these years, how well your lips would fit together with his. you were sure zuko would kiss you better than jet. zuko was a passionate and sensitive guy, while jet was a passionate, but also tough guy. he kissed you rough, but you wanted a slow, fervent kiss. one you knew only zuko could only provide.
but as you were comparing how the two boys kissed, you got turned off on the idea. you closed your eyes and sighed, pulling away from his embrace. 
“yeah, i do love him like that,” you mumbled your final answer.
zuko’s heart broke at your words. he knew it was a long shot, but he just wanted you to see that you were with the wrong guy. like he was with the wrong girl.
“um, anyways,” you coughed. “i gotta go and see if jet has picked up my jeans and stuff. i’ll see you later, yeah?” 
zuko nodded, looking at you longingly. you gave him a small smile, going up to him and pressing a kiss to his cheek before leaving. once zuko heard the door, he pulled out his phone, giving mai a call.
“hey, babe. everything okay?” mai asked.
“uh, yeah,” zuko nodded. “just um, do you want to come over later? maybe watch a movie?”
mai went silent for a moment, thinking if she should say yes or not.
“mai?” zuko asked. “huh? o-oh yeah. movie sounds great. what time?” mai asked.
“um, 5?”
it gave him enough time to think about how he was going to break up with her.
“sounds good. are we going to be along?” she asked.
“yep,” he answered. “great! see you later!” mai exclaimed before hanging up.
zuko put his phone on the counter, running his hands through his hair in distress. all he wanted was you and he hoped that by dating mai he would be able to get you. how did he manage to screw things up?
“heh, babe,” you smiled as you walked through the door.
jet looked up his phone, a smile spreading onto his face. “hey. where have you been?” he got up out of his chair and engulfed you in a hug.
you hugged him tentatively, not leaning in or kissing him like usual. “katara’s. you um, didn’t come home last night,” you chuckled nervously. you moved out of his embrace, going to the kitchen cabinets to get yourself something to eat.
“o-oh, yeah. sorry about that,” jet chuckled.
“you never answered my question,” you said.
“right! well, i was picking up an extra shift at work,” he answered.
you raised your brow while getting out yogurt. “oh, really? why?”
“so i can get some extra money to take you out,” jet explained with a smile.
“you don’t need to take me out. you can come home to me, though. i was lonely,” you frowned.
jet looked at you with regret and guilt. more because he had been sleeping with mai, but you didn’t know that.
“i’m sorry,” he sighed. “tonight i’ll be here. i promise.”
you looked at him, staring for a few seconds before giving in. you weren’t very sure he meant his sorry, or if he was telling the truth, but you had more pressing things to deal with.
“alright. did you pick up my coat?” you asked.
“u-uh, yeah,” jet nodded, confused as to why you still seemed distrusting.
“great, thanks,” you walked by him, not bothering to spare him a look.
jet frowned, going over to you. “hey, did i do something wrong?”
“no,” you stated flatly. “i think i did. is it something i said?” jet asked.
you sighed, “i just... don’t believe you.”
“w-why?” jet stuttered.
you frowned and looked at him as if it were obvious. “you’re not coming home at night anymore, you’re making excuses, y-you smell like perfume.” you voice cracked at the last sentence, thoughts of him cheating on you running through your mind.
jet look the collar of his shirt, taking a whiff only to curse at himself in his head. you watched him with wide, tear-filled eyes as the look of realization came onto his face.
“see? y-you’re hiding something!” you accused.
“i’m not!” jet’s eyes widened. he went to take your hands in his, but they were holding a bowl. so instead he put it hands on your shoulders. “i would never hide or lie to you.”
you glared at him. “you’re lying. just say you’re cheating on me.”
“i’m not!” he scoffed. “bullshit!” you exclaimed.
“why do you think i’m cheating on you?”
“because you’re doing exactly what shan did! what else am i supposed to think?”
“this is just how men act! i’m allowed to stay out at night and hang out with my friends whenever i want!”
“no, that’s how a boy acts. we’re supposed to be communicating, not fighting for each other’s trust!” you scolded.
he looked at you helplessly, knowing you were right. he opened his mouth to say apologize, but you stopped him.
“i’m going back to sokka’s,” you muttered. setting the bowl down harshly and stomping to the garage door.
“b-but you just came back,” jet frowned.
“and i’m leaving. until you can provide me when a better reason, i’m staying there,” you said, grabbing your coat and purse.
“and what if i can’t? what if nothing satisfies you?” jet asks.
you sighed and looked at him, tears rolling down your cheeks. “the truth will satisfy me. if you can’t provide that, then... then...” you trailed off, your mouth going dry. you tried to say the words, but it wouldn’t come out. it didn’t matter anyways, jet already knew what you were going to say.
you gave him one last hurtful look being leaving to your car. jet immediately grabbed the bowl, smashing it to the ground. he put his hands over his face and combed his fingers through his hair violently. tears streamed down his face as he knew he had just potentially lost you for good. how did he manage to screw things up?
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taglist is open, just lmk if you wanna be on it for this series by messaging me, commenting, and/or send me a message!
@theblueslytherin  @thatarthistorynerd  @coldlilheart  @akiris @serenitytomothings @zukoslosthishonor
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(I feel you in the empty inbox too 😢 I have a deal for you, I send you this kirishima request since imma kirishima simp and you have something to write about, deal?)
How about this:
Kirishima and his girlfriend managed to sneak out of the UA campus for a night city date. They were all nervous about being caught, but those fears fade away when they started having fun. Like they went to the arcade were the tried their best to kick each others ass. (you can add whatever else you want to the date). They were having so much fun they almost lost track of time, then tried to sneak back to the dorms without being noticed, but obviously, they failed.
(if you don't mind I'll keep sending you requests :p)
I've been WAITING for a Kiri one! So happy to finally have found another Kiri simp! Sorry this one took so long, I had to get it just right, yk? (Plus I've been kinda busy ;-;) Anyways, hope you like it (and hope it brings Kiri justice)! (Also yes please keep sending in asks!!) As always, stay safe and hydrated and don't forget to eat! <3
Eijiro Kirishima x Reader
TW: cussing
Genre: Fluff, romantic
Word count: 1579
You cracked your door open, peeking out to make sure no one was around. After you assured the coast was clear, you slipped out, closing the door with a small click behind you.
You stood outside your dorm room, waiting patiently. A nearby door creaked open and you shushed him frantically. “Shut up! God, you’re loud.”
He just laughed quietly, pulling you into a hug and pressing his nose into your hair. You sighed in contentment, having missed these times when it was just the two of you.
“C’mon, let’s go.” He grabbed your hand and you both tiptoed down the hall, took the stairs down, and opened and closed the front doors, all with barely any noise.
Once outside, you turned around to see if you could see any lights turning on, just checking no one had heard you.
“It’s fine, babe. No one saw or heard us. We’re good, now let’s go!”Eijiro grabbed your hand and led you off campus and over to a nearby arcade.
He ran ahead of you and held the door open for you. “M’lady?” he says, a smile playing on his lips as he swung his hand in a semi-circle around, over his head, and under his other arm.
You grinned and walked in, giving him a cheek kiss as you passed. “Thhaannnkkk youuuu,” you said, drawing out your words dramatically.
He giggled and followed you in, trying to fight you to be the first to the counter. You elbowed him in the ribs, temporarily pushing him out of the running.
You ran up to the counter and slammed your hands down on the old, faded linoleum. “Two pleas- DAMMIT EIJIRO!” you screamed as Eijiro came up behind you and pulled you away by your waist.
He slid the money across the counter and turned back to you with a huge smile plastered across his face. You growled under your breath and walked up to him, looking straight up at his face, arms crossed.
“What, pebble?” he asked, tugging your hand up to the counter so the cashier could give you your band and cards.
“Oh, nothing. It’s just that I feel bad for you.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“Because I’m gonna kick your ass.” You smirked, dashing off to find the first game.
You skidded to a stop in front of the only available skee-ball machine and swiped your card. Eijiro did the same on the one paired with yours. It beeped and the plastic shield above the balls slid back.
You picked up the first one and rolled it, landing it in the outer ten-point ring, Eijiro managing to make it in the twenty-point cylinder. You growled to yourself, knowing you’d have to up your game to beat him.
He glanced over at you and flashed you a grin as he rolled his second ball, making it into the ten-point this time.
You roll it with so much angry force that it actually makes it into the one-hundred slot. You freeze for a second, registering what just happened before Eijiro nudges you with his elbow.
“Great shot, y/n!” He beams a huge smile at you and you can’t help but smile back and hug him.
“Thanks, babe!” You roll another one, scoring a ten, Eijiro rolling a fifty.
“One minute left!” The machine squealed out.
You both made a show of quickly rolling all of the balls down, not really caring what holes they landed in. You ended up with 380, Eijiro with 370.
You met him halfway as your machines printed out your tickets and he wrapped you in a hug, breathing in your ear. “Good job, pebble.” He congratulated you.
“Thanks, you too," you replied, ripping your tickets off and shoving them into your back pocket.
“What’s next?” you ask him, since you picked the first game.
“Umm, air hockey? I’m not horrible at it,” he suggests, pointing to the left.
“Sounds good," you reply and he leads the way over.
You take your positions at either side of the table and swipe your cards. You place your hand on your paddle as Eijiro does the same. The puck falls out on his side and he places it in front of his paddle, swatting it over to you.
You swat it back at him, aiming for his pocket. You missed and he deflected it, shooting it back toward your pocket with a little wrist flourish.
You tried to defend it and send it back at him, but you missed and it landed straight in your pocket. You sighed as you grabbed it and placed it back on the table, cracking your neck.
Eijiro laughed. “Why- why are you-” He doubled over in laughter. “Why are you- why are you cracking your- popping your- your neck?” He asked, stuttering from laughter.
You glared at him playfully. “Because I’m about to beat your ass.”
His face suddenly went serious. “No way.” He deflected your shots and sent the puck spinning into your pocket time after time after time until the buzzer went off.
He won… 26-1. He laughed and hugged you. “I love you!” He said, grinning. You sighed in acceptance but were unable to stay mad at him.
“Why do you have to be so cute?” You mock-complained, pressing your face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you tightly.
“Alright, let’s go. What’s next?” You stood up on your tiptoes and looked around, eyes scanning and mapping out the whole place.
“Hmm… bumper cars?” You suggested, lowering yourself back to the ground and shrugging.
Eijiro reached out and grabbed your hand. “Great idea! Let’s go.”
You dashed across the building and joined the line. You checked the time on your watch. “Oh, shit. Kiri, it’s already two am!”
“Oh shit.” He flipped his wrist to check his own watch and his eyes widened. “Okay, after this, we go back.” You nodded.
After what felt like forever, you were at the front of the line. You showed the nice girl your bands and she let you in. You sat down in the [____] one, your favorite color, while Eijiro chose the red one.
You zoomed around the track, waving pageant-style at him as he hunched over the wheel in the little bumper car that seemed way too small for him. You laughed, throwing your head back as you finished in third place all in all, first between you two.
You stood up, brushing off your clothes, and walked over to help a struggling Kirishima out of his doll-sized car. “Need some help?” You asked, chickling as you extended your hand to him. He took it with an annoyed face but you could see in his eyes that he was joking.
You pulled him up by his hand, your fingers lacing together by instinct once he rose completely out. He wrapped you in a hug as you waited in line to leave.
“Ugh, bottle-necking us like this isn’t cool.” He muttered against your hair, annoyed at the people who designed it with only one exit gate.
You giggled against his shoulder and pull away, leading you out in a hurry. “SHIT!” You yelled. “That took an hour!” Eijiro froze in terror, staring at his phone.
“Fuck. Kaminari and Mina have been texting me.” He said, tapping the screen.
“Dammit. Jirou and Momo have been texting and calling me.” You replied, opening the messages to tell them you’re fine.
You finished texting before him and grabbed the front of his shirt, guiding him out of the building and back to the dorms.
You pulled the doors open and saw Mina and Momo. They were sitting on the couch, sipping tea. Mina looked over as you two walked through the doors. “Care to explain where you’ve been all night?” She asked, raising an eyebrow over her mug.
“Uh- we were with… Denki and Jirou,” Kirishima tries to explain. You nod, thinking you might be able to get away with it.
Denki and Jirou pop their heads over the back of the other couch. Mina looks over with a pointed expression. “Care to try again?”
“We wanted to get away for a bit, just the two of us and have some fun before finals. We were at the arcade down the street.” You blurted out, ducking your head in shame.
“Why didn’t you invite us? We could’ve all hung out!” They exclaimed, clearly riveted that you didn’t invite them.
“Like we said, we just wanted some alone time. Sorry guys, maybe next time?” Eijiro responded, placing a hand around your waist and pulling you close.
Mina seemed satisfied with that answer and sent you off to bed while the four of them stayed downstairs, doing whatever the hell they were doing.
Before you went into your dorm, Eijiro pulled you close and smothered you in a hug. You pulled away, tired, but he gripped at the back of your hips and pressed a sweet, loving kiss to your lips and another to your forehead.
“Goodnight princess. I love you.” He whispered into your ear, hugging you tight one last time.
“Goodnight my manly man. I love you too.” You kissed his neck, which was the highest part you could reach.
You both turned around and went into your separate dorm rooms to sleep in your own separate beds that night. You fell asleep smiling and all the second thoughts you’d ever had slipped away. This was exactly what you needed.
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shotorozu · 4 years
𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤
𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔬𝔲 𝔥𝔦𝔱𝔬𝔰𝔥𝔦 ᥊ 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you find yourself in a bar that you and your ex used to go to regularly. the local bartender calls your ex- shinsou hitoshi; thinking you guys are still together. 
𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝘀: angst to fluff (happy ending), sfw, pro hero au (aged up), drinking (alcohol mentions and intake) ex to lovers, minor todomomo (not the center of this fic) reader is in the top 5, some swearing. 
𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗱: [Y/N = your name, L/N = last name, H/N = hero name, ] f! reader, quirk not mentioned. 
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: i also did this trope on ao3 with todomomo, so i better not see people think i plagiarized them because.. that’s literally me lol. also! i was very conflicted, bc i also wanted to do this with shouto but since I already have 2-3 fics in the making, i went with hitoshi (but let me know if you wanna see shouto’s version.) 
word count to be added when im not sleep deprived
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You swivel down another shot down your throat, not caring of the burn in your nose, nor do you care about the smell of the alcohol. 
You’re never like this, this is not the best representation of yourself, no. This is not who you are as a person, and the way your former classmates look at you with concern when you chug down another shot shows how unusual this is to them.
“Take it easy..” Momo pats your back, and you exhale heavily, putting down the glass. Everyone is certain that you’ll obtain some serious hangover, almost to the point that you’d have to take the morning off to treat your hangover. They’re aware that you’re not this careless, since you're in the top 5 after all. 
But they let you be momentarily, but why you may ask?
Because this is your way of coping a breakup with your boyfriend of 3 and a half years, Shinsou Hitoshi. They’re aware on how hurt you really are, and to be real- they were the ones that asked you to come out with them tonight to distract you. 
“They’ve been going at it for a while, it’s almost concerning.” Tsuyu comments, as she tends to a slightly tipsy Mina, holding her so she doesn’t fall face first into the floor. 
The least they could do is let you be, while you're not totally blacked out.
The local bartender- Maki, looks at you with concern when you order another shot, yet they still give it to you (with the slightest hesitation) since you’re such a good friend to her. (Your rank makes you very respectable, it’s almost intimidating! but your casual friend ship with the bar tender says other wise.) 
But on the contrary, you'd know when you’ve reached the limit, and you’d probably know when they’d start refusing your requests of another shot. 
One by one, their friends depart from the table, either they were too drunk to even handle it so they were brought home, or something came up- everyone could agree that they all had some sort of worry towards their dear friend’s very out of character coping mechanism. 
“I have to go soon,” Momo sighs, when she receives a text from Todoroki- though it’s very obvious that she’s still very concerned for you, considering that she’s the only friend left. “Please take care of Y/N, Maki-san.” 
Maki nods at your black haired friend, and the creation hero looks at you one last time before leaving the bar. 
Lifting your head, your words are slurred as you request for another shot, which seems like the umpteenth time that you requested for a shot. The concerned bartender still attends to your needs, yet- she’s contemplating of calling someone if you ask for another. 
Likewise, you finish that shot in a moment, and you slump down on the table. Eyelids fluttering slowly as your laughter is filled with intoxication, your cheeks are warm from being inebriated from the intake of alcohol. 
You don’t notice how your concerned bartender dials up a number, requesting for them to pick your drunken state. 
     »»————- ➴ ————-««
“Did you know the word bed is shaped like one?” 
It’s now past midnight, and you’re mouthing off about something random, the train of thought is endless (but it’s more like a shower thought ramble.) Your fists are deep into your hair- holding your head up so it doesn't hit the table, meanwhile Maki paces back and forth- still tending to other requests from the very few customers left. 
“Now that you’ve mentioned it, yeah.” They answer absentmindedly, “Man, I haven't seen you in nearly 4 months! it’s been a while. You knows how to hold your alcohol so frankly, this is the first time I’ve seen this side of you!” 
“Oh really?” You slur, continuing on to spout out purposeless words.
The bartender’s response is a total blur, words turning into background noises, and a part of you is lucky to still be conscious and still functioning (yet it's barely) 
“..But you hold it well for--” 
You’re also very lucky that you’re a little too under the influence to even register the name.
You didn't know you’d take this breakup with him harshly. The most you were expecting was just.. crying while eating ice cream. 
But no, it was an utter shit hole. 
The door busts open, and the bartender’s expression seems to brighten up “Ah, there you are!” 
You grumble, the bar’s lights causing your eyes to sting- and your head hurts too. You might need some aspirin later.. you close your eyes shut. The bartender is chatting with the unknown person, and frankly- you just wished you didn’t intoxicate yourself this much.
The baritone voice is almost sufficient in sobering you up. Turning to the familiar voice, you see the tall figure, sporting bedraggled purple hair. 
It’s Shinsou Hitoshi. A reason why you’re in such a mess, coping with a breakup in the first place. 
You almost fall off your chair in sudden revelation to the appearance of your ex lover. It was almost like.. your drunken state was making you see things- a possible hallucination maybe? it has to be that. Maybe it’s the side effect of the growing headache?? What was in that shot?
“Ugh, I must be crazy,” You wipe your cheek from slob, your head throbbing from the growing headache. The weary purple head raises an eyebrow, and the bartender is confused by the sudden tension. It's abnormal, alright.
The reason why you broke up was because of his lack of self care. 
Again, it’s not like he was being a shithead and cheating on you, or being a total prick of a boyfriend and neglecting you, and it’s definitely not the other way around either. 
It was probably the opposite. He'd neglect himself for days on end, not caring about himself, and not caring about his own being. It was.. not what you wanted at all. 
You figured just because the both of you are rising up heroes, and also adults- he would’ve gotten a grip of not neglecting himself. 
But even habits like that don’t get old. 
“Hitoshi- seriously, when was the last time you’ve took a breather?” growing slightly irritated by Shinsou’s continuous neglect of his own self care, and also the fact that he’s clinging onto you 24/7. 
“It doesn’t matter.” He shrugs, pinching your cheek. Heck, you should be glad he wants to be with you for the majority of the days. But you can’t tolerate him when he’s constantly complaining about being tired, although making little to no efforts in taking care of himself. Heck- his dark circles got even darker- how is that even possible?
“’Toshi, it really does. You can’t neglect self care.” Your brows furrow when he chooses to ignore your words. “You’re not listening to me.” 
“You should be glad that I want to spend time with you.” 
It stung. What the hell did he even mean by that..?? scoffing, and slightly offended, you reply “That’s not the main issue.” you cross your arms “We’ve talked about this before, remember?” You reason out, giving him the nice benefit of the doubt. You'd like to be civil here. 
He ignores you once more, and you can actually feel the irritation grow within you. “I don’t want to be the reason why you neglect yourself.” 
“I’m really not, okay?” He retorts back, “Why do you always have to bring up things that don't matter?” 
Aggitated, you snap back “Wh- we’re talking about you! Hitoshi, we’ve talked about this- and you said you’d work on it! do my words mean nothing to you?” Hitoshi’s gaze flickers up, only staring at you, as if it was his own way of judging you and your intent. 
And that’s how it erupted into a full fight, and into your eventual breakup. 
You didn’t know how expressing your genuine concern for him blended into him saying things he’d never mean in his entire life. He doesn’t stop you when you walk out, not saying a thing at all
There was no verbal breakup. It was just.. there. 
The unknowing bartender interrupts the nonverbal tension, “I thought you’d be a lot happier, y’know.” 
“..’ll get going now, thanks again.” Before you know it, Hitoshi’s hooking your arm around his shoulders— as he walks to the door, leaving the very familiar bar.
It’s awkward, surely. You’re not sure why he was there, and you’re not so sure as to why he decided to come to your aid in the first place. If Maki called him, and he was requested to come to you in question, then he could’ve just..
“..sent someone else,” You mumble. You reek heavily of alcohol, and your skin is undeniably warm. Frankly, he doesn’t remember the last time you were like this— was it the first time you had a drink? it was years back at this point.
You’re pretty.
That’s one thing that hasn’t change. Surely, what changed things was the fact that he said some.. horrible things— and refused to even listen to your concerns, which ultimately cause your breakup. His relationship status changed into some lonely and young hero, and his heart ached in different ways.
But you’re still very beautiful, to him.
Doesn’t matter if you’re all dolled up for a hero interview, or a mess on a off saturday. You’re still beautiful.
But now— he’s focused on your words, and he’s taken aback when you continue to speak, causing the both of you to stop in the middle of the sidewalk.
“You’ve coulda asked s-someone else to pick.. me up.” Your words are slurred, a normal side effect of being drunk. However, seeing your ex has surely sobered you up.
“That’s true,” Shinsou moves to continue walking, so you guys weren’t standing on the middle of the side walk on a cold early morning.
“What are you even doing at a bar at 1am?” He changes the subject, but you’re still caught on to your previous question. “You didn’t answer my question at all, meanie.” Her grip is firm, so there’s no way of budging it.
His laugh lacks humor, yet he feels obligated to answer her. Or else they’d be stuck on the sidewalk, due to her hero grip.
“It didn’t feel right,”
“Yeah sure.” You grumble, “Because you suddenly care.”
“I’ve always cared, Y/N.”
“Really?” You say, not really believing him anyway. “You seemed pretty sure with your words back then to care.” Despite being toxicated, your words have undertones of venom
“You may say that, but.. I’ve always cared.”
“Then why the hell did you say all of that back then, huh?” Overwhelmed by seeing your ex, who you still fucking loved by the way— tears grow at your eyes. “If you’re lying, stop it.” You say, literally not in the mood to be lied to right now.
You’re literally being carried by your ex, while intoxicated, while also having a throbbing headache.
“I’m not.” Hitoshi answers firmly. A certain edge grows in his throat, and he hates it.
“Yes you are,” Your voice is now wobbly, it’s really just a mix of your overwhelming emotion, as well as your drunken state. “You would’ve told me that weeks ago!”
You were always right, and he knows it. Ever since from the last moment you shared with him, your words were just.. nothing but the sheer truth. Yet, he’s only hurt you— because of his denial.
He knows you’re right, and he knows that he had his habits of neglecting his own care. Though that’s why he decided to change, that you were in fact- correct all this time.
And he was just an ass to even admit it.
“You’re right,” His fists crumple, grip tight as he fights his sudden urge to break. “You were always right. I’ve always cared, and you’ve always cared about me. Yet I was worried of changing, not being around you just so that I could take care of something that’s not really important-”
“But you are, Hitoshi,” You sob, nearly collapsing onto the ground— “You matter so much, yet you don’t even see it, and if I’m going to contribute to your destructive ways— then...”
“How could you? If you don’t care about my words, then do you care about yourself..?”
Shinsou sighs, bending down to meet your level— you’re gasping and sobbing into his chest, tears angrily running down your cheeks.
“I know, kitten, and I’m sorry.” Wiping your tears with his thumb, he speaks once more. “That’s why.. I’ve thought about what you’ve said, and I decided to take care of myself a bit more, I want you to know that.. I do care.”
You glance up at him, the city lights luminating his face— enough for you to see the adorning expression he’s sporting.
“..really?” You speak, in a nearly hush tone, again— you’re still very drunk, and overwhelmed with emotions. This could’ve been passed off as a fever dream, and you could’ve been normal with it.
“Yes, Y/N.” His mouth perks up into a small smile.
“Then.. would you allow me to start over with you again?”
Pushing against Hitoshi, you envelope him with your arms— it’s almost cliché and dramatic, the way you collapse into his arms like it’s the last day on earth.
But.. Shinsou’s glad he has you again. Finally a chance to prove that he’s changed.
You sit on the counter of your apartment, hands covering your face— as a way to shield your eyes from the prodding sunlight that peaks from the windows.
“This should help,” Hitoshi hands you a cool glass of water, “The way you hold your alcohol is terrible,” You chug down the glass of water, and you take a jab at him with your feet.
He hisses at the sudden attack, and only chuckles, “You’re mad because it’s true kitten,” He teases
“Shut up,” You draw him in with your leg, setting the glass down, “Just kiss me already,”
And so he does, pressing your lips against his— savoring the sweet warm moment he’s been practically starved of for nearly 4 months.
He pulls back, his expression showcasing that he’s tasting the aftermath.
“Ew, you taste like beer.”
You glare at him, and take another light jab, “Of course I do, Idiot.”
Despite saying all of that, he pulls you in once more.
       ˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading (literally the first fic i’ve ever posted, so y’all BETTER like it or i’ll 💀)
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing
do not plagiarize my work :)) (literally don’t, it’s 3:26am on a tuesday.)
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cassanovancats · 3 years
felicitate. five.
four < current > six
Sept. 2017
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“God, what did you pack? You know we’re only in Kyoto for the weekend,” Maki complains, but still grabs the duffel that sits on top of the suitcase you drag behind yourself. You just stick your tongue out at her; it’s not your fault Maki can’t appreciate good fashion sense.
“You won’t complain when you rip your tights and need a replacement,” You sing-song. Ijichi just dropped off your human classmates at the station where you would take the train to Kyoto. Panda, Yaga, and Satoru were traveling separately, which meant the four of you were left unsupervised. Maki had taken the role of herding everyone through the crowds and staying on time.
You all were to be in Kyoto by eleven and starting the Goodwill Event by one p.m.. Which meant you’ve been up since six in the morning and have chugged an appropriate amount of coffee for such a day. Even now you were carrying a to-go cup. “God, I’m so ready to kick Momo’s ass. Can you believe she called me tacky? Ugh,” you complain.
“Fish flakes?”
“Yes! It was the last time I had to visit Principal Yoshinobu and she called my sunglasses - these! - tacky,” You pout and gesture to the offending heart-shaped glasses that sit on top of your head. “I hope the individual event gives me a chance to fight her.”
“Individual event?” Yuta perks up from where he had been walking silently on the edge of your group. “I don’t actually know how this whole thing is meant to work….”
“Oh! Well, there’ll be an individual event and then a team event with each school being together. There’s no guarantee what the events will be though, since each year the principals just put their ideas in a hat and draw at random.”
Maki adds, “It’s important to do well since this is one of the few chances sorcerers get to demonstrate their techniques. It’s the fastest way to get recommendations.”
“Salmon.” By now, your group has settled onto the train. You sit next to Maki with Inumaki and Yuta sitting together across the aisle. You wriggle in your spot, getting comfortable for the next two hours. Maki plans to sleep but you’re far too caffeinated to try.
When the train is only ten minutes from the station, you push past Maki to freshen up in the bathroom. Coming back, you trip slightly over a stray backpack in the aisle. A strange pair of hands keep you from falling by grabbing around your waist.
“Woah there, pretty lady! That’s not the way I wanted you to fall for me,” the man doesn’t seem too much older than you but definitely too old to be hitting on a highschooler. You scrunch your nose at his pick-up line. “Do you speak Japanese?” He asks slowly in English, mistaking your distaste for confusion.
“Oh no. American, am I. Traveling,” You flash a smile and move to brush past him. Hopefully he’ll leave you alone if he thinks he can't communicate with you. You make eye contact across the train with Maki and make the universal girl code for ‘help,’ featuring a slight widening of your eyes. She moves to come rescue you, but before she arrives the man speaks again, pulling your attention away.
“Aw, do you need someone to show you around?” He continues to speak in English and you curse yourself for tripping over probably one of the few fluent people on the train. You feel another arm reach around your shoulder and you turn, fully prepared to lose your patience. Your mouth snaps shut when you see it’s Yuta’s arm.
“Thank you for finding our foreign exchange student. Unfortunately it’s time for us to go.” He smiles in an expression you don’t think you’ve ever seen on his face. It sends a chill down your spine; he looks ready to push through the man if he doesn’t step down. You lean closer into his body.
“What school are you with?”
Yuta’s eyes darken. “I don’t see why you need that information. Now, if you’ll excuse us.” Yuta lightly pulls you away and hands you over to Maki, who drags you back to your seat. Inumaki quietly asks if you’re okay and you nod. Yuta follows after you and grabs the duffel that Maki helped you carry onto the train. He moves in violent jerks and doesn’t speak.
Once the four of you are off the train and Maki starts looking for your driver, you tug Yuta to the side. “Thank you for back on the train. I appreciate you stepping in, some guys just don’t take the hint I guess.” He just nods. “Hey, keep some of that aggression for tonight. Tokyo needs to win this year!” He cracks a small smile at your attempt to cheer him up. You keep hold of his hand and walk over to where Inumaki and Maki are waving you two over. Inumaki claps Yuta on the shoulder and the two share a smile when you greet the driver, not noticing how you still hold Yuta’s hand.
The drive from the station to the school is short. When you arrive, more assistants appear to take your luggage straight to the rooms you will be staying in. One of them informs you that rooms will be shared and split by gender and while you don’t mind sharing a room with Maki, you know it was done as a slight. The Kyoto way: tiny things to irritate you, but none so big you could actually call them on it.
You all are led to where the other group has been waiting for your arrival. Satoru questions you about the trip and you reassure him there was no danger. There’s no need to tell him about the creep, it’d just upset him. “Why are we having to wait in here?” You ask, after five minutes of idle conversation.
“Yoshinobu is in a meeting with the other geezers,” Satoru answers.
“Ugh, they set the timeline. Why make a schedule if you won't respect it?” You groan and prop your feet up on the table. “What suggestions did you put in this year, Yaga-san?” You lazily roll your head over to look at him.
“(y/n), you know we are not allowed to divulge that information to students beforehand.”
“He put in a tournament for the single’s event and a curse-exorcism relay race for the team event,” your brother answers. Inumaki laughs at the easy dismissal of your principal.
“Oh, fuck ye-,” your excited yell gets interrupted by the door being flung open by Utahime. You cut yourself off and stand hastily to greet her.
“It’s good to see you again, Utahime-sensei.” You bow, leading your other classmates to follow your lead.
“Thank you for the proper greeting, Gojo-san. Nice to be reminded all hope is not lost.” You both pointedly ignore Satoru’s background whines about how neither of you use formalities with him. “I will be taking you to meet my students. If you would follow me,” She gestures to the hallway and you once more take the lead, with a single-file line of sorcerers behind you.
You feel yourself stiffen with irritation when you notice how you’re meeting the Kyoto students at the exact spot in the courtyard you had arrived. If they didn’t insist on such pointless niceties, the events could have already begun. At least you are able to recognize half of the students you will be competing with, though you notice they are lacking in third-years. After tense greetings, you decide to ask where they are.
“Unfortunately, our senpais were called to an urgent mission. It seems this year’s competition will be focused on the first- and second- years,” Noritoshi Kamo answers. No doubt this was planned by the higher-ups. They likely want to see how you fare in a fight with the next clan head. You have some experience with verbally battling him over clan-meetings but have never had the chance to actually fight. You’re curious about his technique; you know enough to understand why it's highly respected.
You answer with a simpering smile, “Then let us do our best, Kamo-senpai.”
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
Love Scandal
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Pairings : Reader x Hawks
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warning : Slight Yandere! Hawks ( If you squint Really Hard) , Cursing
Word Count : 2754
3rd Person's POV
" You have GOT to be kidding me! " Y/n yelled in frustration as Momo gave her a concerned Look.
" So.... Is what the Tabloids saying True--"
" Of course it's not! I just work under His Agency! And what happened Yesterday was Purely out of Defense and Nothing else! " Y/n cut off Jiro immediately venting out her frustrations.
Y/n along with the girl's of the Former Class 1-A were hanging in a small Cafe to catch up since things had been pretty hectic since they became Pro Heroes a year ago.
" So.... What are you gonna Do about it? " Uraraka asked as she read even further through the article and she gasped.
" Oh no.... Don't tell me it's something terrible? " Y/n muttered already seeing what's to come judging by the look her Friend gave her.
" Uhh... You could say... You two were caught in the... Umm.. Act? " Uraraka tried finding the right words so she wouldn't annoy her friend even further before showing her phone towards y/n who's eyes widened like flying saucers.
On the screen was a picture of Her and Hawks in the Alleyway. Hawks was turning away from the camera but he clearly had his hands on y/n's hips and from this angle it looked like they were kissing.
" Ugh! For crying out loud who took this picture !? Fucking Son of a Bit--- ugh! " Y/n fumed in utter irritation her red turning extremely red not because of embarrassment but because of anger and irritation.
" Y/n calm down, I think it's best if you talk to Hawks about this... Maybe he'll clear it up Kero " Tsu suggested and y/n had already bolted out the cafe in full speed.
It was silent inside the cafe before one of the girls began talking.
" Wouldn't they make a good pair though? " Mina muttered and the girls all gave a small giggle before agreeing.
____________ Meanwhile
Y/n was stomping through The Building and her hero co-workers could clearly see the growing irritation of her aura and they were genuinely scared to approach the fuming lady.
Once y/n was outside Hawk's Office she slammed the door open revealing a resting hawks with his feet on his desk. His face was covered with an old newspaper and y/n could hear audible and soft snores coming from him.
The man was clearly unaware of her presence when she literally slammed her way inside while stomping a aloud as she could... He was unaware or so she thought .
" Hawks! Fucking wake up! " She growled her to me seeping off irritation.
Hawks stirred in his sleep and with a groan he pulled the newspaper away from his face and opened one eye to see the figure of y/n who was menacingly glaring at him.
" Hey Kid what brings you to my Nest mphf-- Ahh shoving it to my face now aren't you?... Let me guess My fault? " Hawks smirked when Y/n had forcefully shoved her phone containing the article of their so called ' Love Scandal ' .
" No shit Sherlock! You Think!? Why the fuck did you have to shove me to the alleyway like that!? I told you I could handle it!" Y/n barked as Hawks's eyes trailed down to her phone lazily reading through the article chuckling to himself.
" Ohoho~ Looks like the headlines got the best of us Kid. Just look at all these Juicy details---"
" Which are False" Y/n immediately cut in glaring at the man who gave her a Bemused expression.
" Well you did decide to get involved with a scoundrel like me---"
" Only because you keep blocking other Agencies from Hiring me because you wanted me in yours" Y/n cut him off once again to which Hawks only gave a chuckle as a reply.
" You know Kid, you gotta let me finish my sentences. Now stop being angry you'll get wrinkles " That comment made y/n furious her hand immediately came clashing on Hawks's cheek with a loud slap.
" Ohoho~ ok I guess I deserve that one for not taking it seriously " Hawks Grinned eyeing the girl infront of him.
" You've really turned Feisty Baby Bird, it feels like Yesterday you were a polite and obedient Sidekick and now here you are slapping your boss like that. You know I really gotta give you credit for not taking my bullshit like that " Hawks yawned sitting down in a more comfortable position.
" Oh come on Hawks, we know I take all of your bullshit Every fucking Day and This Time it's Kinda frustrating... Oh wait let me rephrase that. It's Extremely Frustrating! " Y/n hissed crossing her arms over her chest as her glare became ice cold and the man before her only growing Amused by her reaction.
" So what do you expect me to do? Bullshit Rumors will be Bullshit Rumors and I don't give a damn about every single one of them... So let me guess. You want me to make a public appearance and Deny everything they claim here on this Article? " Hawks questioned and Y/n who seemed to be a bit more calm now gave him a firm nod.
" Yes, that is exactly what I am expecting you To do Hawks. I want this Rumor to Vanish immediately. You deny it and I Deny it too, let's explain why we were in that position " Y/n stated her tone was calm and collected , the opposite of the tone she used before.
Hawks nodded his head continuously in a slow and lazy manner his eyes never leaving the girl as his expression seemingly showing as if he was in deep thought.
" Yeah.... I could do that but" Hawks paused a playful glint displaying through his orbs, his eyes meeting hers that smirk on his face never seemed to falter.
" But what? " Y/n questioned clearly growing irritated again.
" But I won't " His answer set y/n off ten folds and she was so close to flipping his desk . She almost did but Hawks stopped her before she could wreck the whole place.
" Just Kidding. I will " He laughed and y/n was too pissed off to deal with her antics she just turned around and left.
" I'll call the press. You better clear this mess Hawks " She spat out before leaving.
Oh y/n, she has no Idea Hawks had cunningly planned all of this from the very beginning so he could slowly have his way around her. Hawks had been patient with her ever since the first year she had interned in his agency as a student. The moment he met this strange epitome of beauty named y/n he became a love struck desperate man who craved nothing but the affection of his most prized position. Y/n.
He Even went out of his way to reason or more like threaten other agencies who were more than willing to take her in as a new pro hero. He was so so selfish to let her go and he was desperate to have her by his side.
He even purposely pairs himself with her during missions so he could protect and watch over her. He had given subtle clues that he likes her but apparently his little baby bird wasn't smart in the love department . But he was patient. But the moment people started making rumors about her and That other New Hero Named Deku claiming that they would become a really ' cute ' hero couple if they ended up dating. He was more than furious. Dammit he wanted everyone to Know that His baby bird is Exclusively His. Only His.
So he devised a plan and even hired a photographer to take a picture of them ' in the act' and hired an editor to write something about it and spread it everywhere on the internet to cause a media wild fire that y/n and hawks are dating.
And everything was going according to plan. He knew y/n would come to his office to complain about this and convince him to deny it, he knew she'd be fuming in anger , he knew she was here the moment she stepped inside the building and all that's left is to face the press with his 'announcement' that is sure to surprise everyone including y/n.
________________ The Press Meeting.
" So is it true that you and Pro Hero Hawks are dating H/n? " A reported asked y/n to which she shook her head to.
" What is Taking Hawks so long? " She grumbled , the room was flooded with cameramen and reported and the flashes of camera light was starting to get to her.
And on Cue the winged Hero arrived in the room looking as smig as ever.
" It's Hawks! Make sure to catch this on Camera! " The reporter yelled and so on the area was Flooded with questions left and right and Hawks seemed to be unbothered by it.
" Hawks! End this already " Y/n yelled at Hawks who grinned at her playfully.
" You're so Impatient Baby bird " He muttered making the girl glare at him.
" Don't call me that " She grumbled but Hawks ignored her. Instead he picked up the Microphone and started tapping on it.
" Testing, Testing ok it's working. Can you all please be quiet and I'll answer your question" Hawks announced and slowly the room faded into silence and once everything has quieted down Hawks cleared his throat the microphone still in his hand.
" Ok, I know it caused a Dramatic Mishap to Ensue the Moment everyone saw the article and I would like to clear some things out regarding that Love Scandal... Me and H/n are Not dating! I repeat NOT Dating! " Hawks stated loud and clear through the microphone.
Y/n sighed thinking that it was finally the end but No. Hawks had other plans.
" We're not Dating Cause She's My Fucking Wife! " Hawks announced and everyone was silent.
Y/n was frozen in place unable to think clearly and her expression showed it all. Hawks had a victorious grin on his face, the whole crowd of reporters and camera men were quiet and it took them 5 seconds to actually let that information Sink in.
" WHAT!? " Y/n exploded and she rose up from her seat and soon the reporters started shooting different questions their way .
" Hawks what the actual fuck!? Is this a Prank!? ---" Y/n was caught off guard when Hawks scooped her off her feet and smashed his lips against hers silencing her in a short yet passionate kiss.
" How's that for a Picture show?! " Hawks yelled to the reporters before finally flying away from the commotion holding his baby bird in his hands who was now by the way. Fuming with anger once again.
Y/n was furious and when she's furious she gets violent and she started thrashing around forcing Hawks to land on the rooftop on a random building.
" Hawks! What the fuck was that!? Ugh! Why'd you do that!? Was that some sick Joke!?" She growled as she shot Hawks one of her menacing glares to which he wasn't affected to.
" Maybe it is... Maybe it isn't " Hawks answered the smirk on his face seemed to be permanent when he's with her.
" Dammit! You Fucking Asshole!. Shit! How the Fuck am I gonna clear this up now!? I should have gone to Fatgum's agency instead! You know what!? I'm going to request a transfer! Fatgum is way nicer anyways---" She was cut off when Hawks had swept his feet under hers thus knocking her on the ground. With a Yelp her back was slammed on the ground with Hawks hovering above her.
" Say that to me again Baby Bird and I swear.... Even if I have to .... I'll Destroy Fat Gum's agency into a pile of debris... Don't Temp me... I will do it.... You have no idea how long I've been trying to get you to notice me and my feelings... Yet you always seemed to bullshit it away every Fucking time! " Hawks yelled letting all of his emotions get the best of him.
And for the first time. Y/n saw Hawks at his Most Vulnerable state. Not the calm and collected Hawks who never seemed to break. Right now was a man who experienced hundreds of rejections from one girl... Y/n.
How could she be so blind? Now that she thinks back to the past she did remember every sweet and romantic thing Hawks did for her and how he asked her out on daily basis to which she thought was just a flirtatious joke. She was both dense and stupid when it came to love and she didn't notice that the man whom she had fallen for actually loved her back.
Hawks always kept his composure but today she's seeing none of it... Just Hawks. Not the Pro Hero Hawks... Just Hawks.
He was always joking when he's around her that she brushes off every flirtatious comment from him to be a joke too. But now that everything had come to light. It was undeniably obvious.
"... You really hate me that much? " Hawks voice was so soft and timid, it almost didn't sound like him at all.
Y/n was surprised at his sudden comment that she was pulled back to reality her eyes meeting with his but to her shock. She saw the eyes of a hurt and broken man .
Guilt overtook her . She loved him but she always pushed her feelings aside having the fear of being rejected because Hawks is incredible in every way and y/n...is y/n.
Her eyes widened when a single teardrop fell on her cheek and that tear came from Hawks who was trying his hardest to keep his shit together. How can you have this powerful affect on him? It's driving him Nuts. Does he have to kidnap her so she'd stay with him? Does he have to fake her death and keep her all to himself? He was close to that breaking point but that psychotic thought was immediately thrown to the side and forgotten when y/n had reached over to cup his cheeks and brought his face down inches from hers only to scoop his lips in her own for a long, passionate and loving kiss.
Hawks was unable to respond at first because. It was surreal. Y/n was finally accepting him! He felt her slowly pull back but he was having none of it! He waited so long for this moment!.
Pushing his lips down to hers he indulged himself in the sweet taste of y/n's lips, opening her mouth slightly she granted him entrance inside her wet cavern where his tongue explored every inch and claiming it as his own. Their lips danced in sync in a steady and passionate movement.
Once the two pulled away his eyes pierced hers as if asking if she meant it to which y/n replied with a laugh.
" Hawks you dumbass you didn't have to make a scene like that... I love you too honestly... From the start... I was scared to tell you... I didn't want to get rejected " She answered honestly making the man frown.
" Chickadee I'd be the biggest fool alive if I'd reject you.. And that show earlier was necessary.... Everyone needs to know that the beautiful pro hero h/n is Mine... My Baby Bird " Hawks muttered kissing her cheek.
" I love you, you annoying bird man " She chuckled attempting to push him off.
" Whatever you little brat... I love you too and don't push me away... I'm touch starved by you, It's your fault so take responsibility" Hawks grumbled making the girl laugh.
" But we're on a rooftop! " She protested but Hawks only rolled his eyes cuddling right next to his y/n.
" Don't be so picky. If you keep this up we might end up in my bedroom--"
" Hawks! "
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simp-for-mha-men · 4 years
𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕓𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕔 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 (𝕜𝕒𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕚 𝕓𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕠𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)
Request by @number1bakuhoe: can i request one for bakugou? n do yk that tiktok trend where in u kiss ur best friend but instead can it be thats how they reveal their relationship to the rest of the class?? ty💗💗
A/N: This is my dream. I had this thought and disregarded it, but this icon brought it back to my attention! I hope you all enjoy this Bakugou chaos with our favorite U.A. class. My requests are still open, and now my asks are actually working correctly (I didn’t know they weren’t). Enjoy this cuteness!
Genre: established relationship fluff and competition, Tik Tok trends, a little bit of swearing, one weird question from Kaminari, a couple references to different books 💥❤️
Word count: 3.1k
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School was never boring at U.A. Whether you were listening to Present Mic drone on in English class or waiting for Mr. Aizawa to stop staring at you during training, it was always a good time. Your classmates also made sure of this, especially one in particular.
You had come to date the most ornery and obnoxious guy in 1-A, Katsuki Bakugou. His temper annoyed your classmates to no end. He never shared his trauma with anyone. It was as if “problem child” was his middle name. However, you had fallen for the spiky blonde-headed boy nonetheless.
How your relationship started was straight out of a movie, and the fact you both had been together now for 6 months made it all the more romantic. He called you one night by accident. He needed Kirishima to come to his dorm room, since he was late for a study group. When you picked up, he was annoyed at first but settled down after you told him you would help your friends. Being ranked number 5 in the class meant something, so he begrudgingly agreed.
“I’ll come,” you said, expecting rejection.
“Ugh,” he groaned.
Of course. Why would Bakugou want you to come help? He was so egocentric that he didn’t want you trying to show him up. They were your friends too, though! If they failed this test, it would make you upset. Sadly, that’s the downfall of being an empathetic person.
“Fine, just hurry your ass over here,” Bakugou ordered, hanging up immediately after.
You were stunned. If he didn’t tell you to hurry over, you might’ve freshened up just a bit. He wasn’t waiting for you, though, and if you were late, he would come to probably demote you from the rank of “extra,” if that was even possible.
The study sessions became a routine thing. Soon enough, each person kept leaving the group until it was only you and Bakugou left. It made you uncomfortable. It made him colder. Both of you were so awkward about it, which definitely didn’t help your situation. One night, you decided you were done playing this strange little game and did something about. The outcome was quite different than you had intended it.
“You know what,” you began, pushing away your binder, “I can’t do this anymore.”
“Huh?” Bakugou questioned, glaring at you.
“You and I both know that this hasn’t been productive. For crying out loud, it’s just filled with tension!”
He huffed in annoyance, clearly done with your shenanigans. This man was going to be the death of you. Why was he so annoyed with you trying to leave? He usually liked to do things alone. If anything, this study group, if you could still call it that, was only a burden to him.
“It’s not you, Bakugou,” you said. “If anything, I feel like I’ve overstayed my welcome. I only feel uncomfortable, and I can tell that you don’t like the vibe we’ve created.”
The man in front of you fell silent. His gaze still pierced through your soul and spoke louder than words. You could tell he didn’t want you to go, but he didn’t know how to articulate it. Despite this, you knew you couldn’t stay. Being in the same room as him wasn’t healthy. Your heart rate always picked up speed. Plus, being so hot caused you to wear a t-shirt with the AC as cold as possible. Maybe you were coming down with something?
You began gathering your supplies as quickly as possible. You were studying a classic literary work: Romeo and Juliet. Was it cheesy? Absolutely. Did you love it? Without a doubt. However, Bakugou was beginning to be as intense as Montague or Capulet. 
“Thank you for these past few weeks,” you blurted. “It’s been really fun, but I don’t want to stay anym--”
Suddenly, your forearm was yanked by your study partner. You landed atop his lap, causing your heart to almost burst out of your chest. Your face felt very hot, and your breath was trapped in your lungs. Bakugou’s hands fell on your waist and slowly rubbed circles into them. He let his gaze change between your lips and eyes.
You didn’t know how to react. Was he just teasing you? Then, he began to lean in slowly. Realizing what he was doing, you moved in and let his lips touch yours. It was your first kiss, but you didn’t feel bad about it. Bakugou was soft and took his time, which is not what you were expecting with his personality. In that moment, you realized why you always felt hot around him. Your pulse quickened because you liked him. You just never wanted to admit it to yourself.
After a few seconds, Bakugou pulled away. Staring into your (e/c) eyes, he took a deep breaths and kissed you again. This time, his heartbeat spoke to you. It matched in rhythm with yours and told you its deepest desires. Bakugou wanted you to be his. He initiated this kiss as a last resort to get you to stay. He needed you to stay with him, not to study but just to hold and kiss.
After that fateful evening, Bakugou had become your boyfriend unofficially. Both of you knew your relationship should be kept a secret. It wasn’t like you had a choice. Bakugou was supposed to be the number 1 hero, and you were just an “extra.” Plus, the Bakusquad and certain 1-A students would be a pain to deal with if they found out he was soft for someone.
Despite keeping your relationship hidden, you both made sure to make it a competition. Bakugou would always ruffle your hair when others weren’t looking, which would tempt you to plant a kiss on his cheek before you both went your separate ways during lunch. The nights in the dorms were domestically sweet rather than competitive like during school hours. Your loving boyfriend would always make two plates of food and slyly pass one to you. You would always make two cups of tea, making sure to hide one behind your back, and bring them to his room. When you did do this, you slipped in while he was taking his usual shower. He always came out, gave you his sweatshirt, and watched you with love-filled eyes. The tea-filled evenings always ended in cuddles and playing with each others’ hair. You stayed until your boyfriend fell asleep at his early time, and then you would sneak off to your dorm room to get some sleep yourself.
This was your normal with Bakugou. During last Christmas, you both were able to go on an actual date for the first time. However, you saw Kirishima and Kaminari hanging out, and you and Bakugou had to abandon your outing. Sadly, your relationship has never been normal because of how secret it was. You both had to get creative with your relationship, but it was worth it. He was your explosive baby, and you were his sweet angel.
Recently, you’ve been getting quite a few relationship Tik Toks in your feed. Whether it was “the faster you run to me, the more kisses you get” trend or the “oh, you want me to make you some soup” sound, you wanted to recreate them. The Pomeranian you were dating didn’t want this. He thought Tik Tok was a complete waste of time, and you always argued with him about how it was a de-stresser for you. However, he still watched every video you showed him and loved the smile you got when watching his reaction.
One of your favorite Tik Tok trends going around was with the popular song “Electric Love” by BØRNS. Best friends admitting their feelings through a kiss was so romantic, and it reminded you of how your adorable relationship began. After seeing about 1 million of them, when in reality it was only 3, you decided you had to do it with Bakugou. 
Finals were just around the corner, and everyone was stressing out. There was a rumor going around that you would all be facing the teachers again, except this time there would be bigger groups to face 3 teachers at the same time. You coculdn’t believe it and burshed it off. However, the thought still lingered in your mind that the rumor could be true. Kaminari and Kirishima reminded you of this painfully often.
One morning at the dorms before class, Momo and Iida said they were holding a study group for the class that night to prepare for the written exams. They said they didn’t care how many people showed up. They just wanted to extend the offer since they were the top students in the class. Realizing it would be beneficial, you begged your boyfriend to attend it with you. As per usual, he wanted to make your life just a little bit more difficult.
“Please, Katsu,” you begged.
“No way, dumbass,” he said, flicking your forehead. “Why go when you’ve got me?”
“I just want to hear what other people have to say. Besides, Momo is really good at algebra! She could help both of us.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes before turning to walk towards his door. You had to convince him. No matter what it would take, you had to convince him that this was the best possible option to study for the written finals. 
“Wait,” you blurted, gaining his attention. “What can I do that would make you come with me?”
“Don’t even,” he huffed.
“Come on, Katsu. I’ll do anything.”
“Yes, anything!”
Your boyfriend turned around and met your gaze. His eyes were soft, but his smirk was hard. Oh no...he had something up his sleeve. It could go one or two ways: easy or hard. You figured it was the latter.
“Kiss me,” he stated.
“That’s it?” you asked, cocking your head to the side.
“That’s it.”
Smiling, you skipped over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. You leaned closer to his lips and met them sweetly. Bakugou wrapped his arms around your waist and melted into the kiss. It was filled with love and passion, causing a fire to erupt in your heart. You had never been happier in your life. He was all yours, and you couldn’t believe it. After pulling away, his smirk was even wider than it had been the first time. Something wasn’t right.
“I probably should’ve finished what I was gonna say,” he said. “You have to kiss me by surprise before class is over.”
Your eyes went wide. He was not asking you to do this. No way. You guys kept your relationship private for a good reason. He was out of his mind.
“Katsuki,” you sighed, “please tell me this is a joke.”
Laughing, he squeezed your cheeks before turning around and opening his door. “No way, dumbass. You said you’d do anything. Just try not to get caught.”
With that, he sauntered out of his room confidently. Never in your relationship had you been able to kiss him by surprise. He always knew what you were trying to do. He watched your fidgeting hands, crinkling nose, and squinting eyes all too much. It was like he could predict your every move. He watched you like a hero watches a villain.
You had to figure out a plan to catch him completely by surprise in only a few minutes. Then, you had only 7 hours to execute and achieve your goal. That sounds like a long time, but it was going to be a race against the clock. How were you going to pull this off? It’s not like some romance movie where the song for the love interests just starts out of nowhere.
Suddenly, you squeaked out loud. That’s it! You finally have the opportunity to do the “kissing your best friend” challenge. Of course, you and Bakugou were already dating, but he was still your best friend. You both told each other everything. Plus, he had never been around when you were watching those Tik Toks. You had your plan. Now, when could you execute it perfectly?
The morning started off like any other. Mr. Aizawa began going over the day’s schedule, causing the daily antics of your class to begin. Mina and Denki began dozing off, Aoyama was just staring off into space, Koda was focused on some birds outside, and Midoriya was already murmuring to himself. Despite all of this, your boyfriend was staring directly at you from across the classroom.
Once you noticed him, you stuck your tongue out at him. Clearly annoyed by your actions, he sighed and rolled his eyes at you. The dynamic was always like this between you two. However, your attack plan was finalized.
Using your skills, you deducted that the best time to initiate the plan was right before lunch. You would say you were showing him a Tik Tok, kiss his cheek like usual, and then strike. It was perfection. Nothing could go wrong.
The morning classes went by slower than ever. Present Mic kept correcting Jirou’s grammar the entire English class, Cementoss took too long to analyze Fahrenheit 451, and Ectoplasm spoke complete gibberish in math. You stayed focused throughout all of this, though, because you knew what was to come.
Finally, the bell rang for lunch. Waiting for the class to leave the room, you slowly packed up your bag. Once Tokoyami and Shoji had left the room, you walked over to your boyfriend, who purposely took just as long to pack.
“Bakugou,” you began, sweetly, “you have to see this Tik Tok I found.”
He groaned, prompting you to lean down and kiss his cheek. Being the tease he was, he quickly turned directly to face you and kissed your lips. You laced your arms around his neck, causing your plan to become even easier. Thankfully, Bakugou was too in the moment to realize the placement of your phone. You had positioned yourself so you were facing the window, allowing your phone to lean against the glass and stand in the window sill.
“You’re gonna have to try harder than that, (y/n),” Bakugou said, pulling away from you with a smirk.
With your arms still around his neck, you returned a sickeningly sweet smile paired with a glare. “Oh, just you wait.”
You hit the record button on your phone, causing the lyrics to begin. Apparently, this gained his attention, and he turned his head to look at your phone.
Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle / I can't let you go now that I got it
“Babe,” he groaned.
“Oh, come on,” you replied, pinching his cheek. “It’s just one Tik Tok.”
He groaned and looked at you through the screen. He was clearly waiting for you to start dancing or something because he never broke your gaze. Internally smirking to yourself, you realized you had caught him hook, line, and sinker.
And all I need is to be struck / By your electric love
Once the word “love” was sung, you turned his head towards you and kissed him the deepest you ever had. He paused for a brief second with wide eyes before chuckling and pulling you into his lap. Your lips met in a fiery passion of love, and you had never felt more alive. This was definitely the best kiss you had ever shared with him.
“Wait, you gotta be kidding me!” you heard someone say.
Both of you stopped, pulled away, and looked at the door. Standing there was Sero and Kaminari with the biggest grins on their faces. Before any words between the four of you could be exchanged, they both bolted off towards the cafeteria.
“Shit,” you sighed.
“You can say that again,” Bakugou agreed.
“If they know what’s good for them, they’ll keep their mouths shut.”
He chuckled at that and picked you up, placing a simple kiss on your forehead. After setting you down, you both went and grabbed your things before heading off to the cafeteria together. Of course, neither of you were aware of the hurricane that pounded the windows or shook the roof, but that would change very soon.
As soon as you walked in, you spotted the Dekusquad and Bakusquad all together. Once the door shut, Asui looked at you with the widest eyes possible. She turned back to the group and gained their attention, causing them all to unanimously charge the both of you.
“When did it start?” Mina asked, beaming.
“Were you always going to keep it a secret?” Uraraka questioned.
“Have you gone past kissing yet?” Kaminari smirked.
“SHUT UP BASTARDS!” Bakugou yelled, partially activating his quirk.
Stepping in front of him, you placed your hand on his cheek and whispered to him to calm down. After repeating that a couple of times, he did and began sulking to avoid confrontation. Turning around, you mustered up all of the courage you had.
“Ok,” you began, “Bakugou and I have been together for 6 months. We had planned to keep it a secret until graduation. Kaminari, I’m not answering your question.”
Kaminari groaned before turning around and walking off. After you answered the first initial questions, more came at you. You responded honestly and kept the conversation going. Bakugou was beside you the hold time, and, at some point, he took your hand in his. You leaned your head on his shoulder before sighing.
“Anything else?” you smiled.
“Yeah,” Asui replied. “When will you guys tell everyone else?”
“Oh, that’s not an issue,” Sero chimed in. “I already told the rest of the class.”
Everyone in the group fell silent. You prayed silently to whatever higher power was out there to protect Sero from major damage before saying, “Get him, baby.”
Bakugou took off after Sero, causing them both to sprint out of the cafeteria. You knew that they would probably get in trouble big time, but you were relieved. Finally, you and your boyfriend didn’t have to keep your relationship a secret. You were free to share as much PDA as you wanted, within school regulations, and were free to go on worry-free dates. It was a huge weight off your shoulders.
“D-do you think K-Kacchan will hurt him?” Midoriya asked, glancing at you.
Chuckling to yourself, you smiled and said, “I have no idea. I’m just proud to say that he’s mine. Sero will get what’s coming to him.”
It’s safe to assume that the both of you decided a night in studying together was better than having the whole class ogle you during the group study session.
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