#uhm enjoy whatever this is
cordeliawhohung · 5 months
John Price and you, his sweet girl who seems to have an oral fixation. can't ever get enough of his cock or his fingers in your mouth. you can hardly seem to come without something down that pretty throat.
John Price who buys you a toy, not for that pretty pussy of yours, but for that pretty mouth.
John Price who sticks the toy onto a mirror before putting you on your hands and knees and fucking into you from behind as you gag on the silicone.
John Price who coos at how good you're doing for him as he forces you to maintain eye contact with him in the mirror. he'll never bring another man to help him fuck you, but he doesn't mind shoving a bit of plastic down your throat if it gets his cock slick with your cum.
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pensbridgerton · 3 months
Maybe it's because it was only the first time watching it and I was expecting more but there was not enough polin in the POLIN season
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youredreamingofroo · 1 month
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The Fool... The Lover's Fool
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But is it really the Lover's doing in fooling the Fool, who hadn't loved the Lover? song : x
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[ before / after under the cut ]
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polaroidcats · 10 months
You said "remus is too busy being in love with karl that he doesn't realize prongsfoot are in love with him" so what happens once he does realize prongsfoot are in love with him? Will they get all his attention or will karl always be his one true love? If so how do prongsfoot feel about it?
LLAMA!!!! finally getting around to answer this, I will preface it by saying I think the horny ghost of gay Karl Marx possessed me and I cannot be held accountable for what you're about to read! Also, after writing this I realized that I completely ignored the "in love with" part, so that'll have to wait for part 3, this part 2 of the antifa wolfstarbucks saga is more about bookshelves, horniness and practical examples of communism than it is about love, sorrynotsorry we will get to the love part eventually!
Okay so this is a direct continuation of the antifa wolfstarbucks post, here we go:
They're all dancing and Remus still feels a bit strange third wheeling a couple like that, Sirius and James are making out passionately and he would give them their privacy but he can't because one of his hands is locked with James's hand, and James's thumb is slowly rubbing circles on the knuckles of Remus's thumb. Meanwhile Sirius put one of his hands in the back pocket of Remus's jeans, which at first made Remus really excited because he thought it might finally be a clear sign that they are actually flirting with him, but then he remembers it's his left jeans pocket, where he keeps the communist manifesto, so Sirius probably just wants to feel a bit closer to Karl Marx while he's kissing his boyfriend, and Remus's ass cheek is simply collateral damage. Sirius keeps massaging his ass though, but Remus thinks he's probably doing that to soothe him so he's not too upset Sirius is taking advantage of Remus's communist manifesto instead of using his own...
That thought makes Remus look up at the bookshelves on the wall and his eyes automatically start searching for the communist manifesto. He can see 2 complete editions of Das Kapital in all their beauty, and there is a book wedged in between them but it looks a bit too big to be a copy of the communist manifesto. Remus disentangles himself from James and Sirius, who break their kiss to look at him but he doesn't even notice because now he's standing in front of the bookshelf, staring at a copy of Conjectures and Refutations by Karl Popper that sits in between the two editions of capital. Remus lets out a shocked gasp and takes the book from the shelf, looking for another space where it might fit in better, literally anywhere else will do but you can't just put Popper into a Marx sandwich, that should be illegal (even if the whole question of legality might be a bit complicated in this context, he thinks, chuckling to himself because he's so funny, making a joke about these silly anarchists who don't know how to properly organize a bookshelf. Did they organize it by author's first names or did they put Popper there on purpose? He can't even decide which option he finds more appalling). Remus settles on putting Popper next to Hayek, shuddering a little at the spectre of neoliberalism that haunts that section of the bookshelf. He quickly averts his gaze, not wanting to discover any other Mont Pèlerin society members and looks for something to soothe his mind when his eyes finally fall onto an edition of the Communist manifesto and other texts by Marx and Engels, right in between Hannah Arendt and Rosa Luxemburg and he starts to really question the sanity of whoever organized the bookshelf.
Suddenly he feels hands on his hips and Sirius is pressed against his back, resting his chin on Remus's shoulder and even through the book in his back pocket he can feel Sirius's arousal pressing against him... well, against him and Karl... Remus blushes hard at how much he enjoys that last thought and he's only a little bit embarrassed to admit that he is starting to get turned on by Sirius pressing against his back, knowing he still has the communist manifesto in his back pocket. He turns his face a bit to the left, where James is looking at the two of them with a fond expression.
"Are you okay with this Remus? If anything makes you uncomfortable please just say something and we will stop!" Remus looks at James, trying to decipher what he could have meant by that. Is Remus uncomfortable with their unorganized bookshelf? Well, yes, of course he is. But something (it might be Sirius's hands running all over his torso and occasionally brushing his nipples in a way that does not feel completely accidental, but Remus still isn't convinced Sirius is doing it on purpose) tells him this is about something else. Maybe James is asking permission to keep kissing Sirius in front of Remus, and if that is it Remus wants to scream YES! because even if he can never join them, he's so happy to be part of it in any small way they let him be. And if Sirius enjoys rubbing against his back and touching him, he might feel a little bit used knowing it's actually all for James (and maybe a little bit for Karl too) and not for him, but god, being used has never felt this good.
Remus looks James in the eyes and manages to sound almost normal when he says "I'm good, I'm just really happy to be here with you guys" with a trembling voice, while Sirius's hands keep exploring Remus's body in a way that makes Remus think about sharing his means of reproduction with the both them. James's face breaks into a big smile and by the sound of Sirius behind him, he's also very happy about it. As if on cue Sirius starts kissing Remus's neck and Remus thinks he might actually faint any second now because this is so much more than he could've ever hoped for, and it's also so surprising to him, since up until 5 minutes ago there had been no signs at all that these guys might actually be interested in him!! At some point he must've closed his eyes, just lost in the sensation of Sirius pressed against his back, hard, with his tongue and mouth and teeth exploring his neck, his back,...
Remus makes a very undignified sound when Sirius bites down on his shoulder and Sirius stops immediately and asks with a concerned voice "too much?" Remus doesn't know how to answer this without giving away how much more he wants from them so he just turns around and kisses Sirius to show him that nothing he has done so far has been too much, Remus is so greedy now, if he can only have them for a night, he wants nothing more than to turn "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" into a sexy, practical mantra. He's sure Marx would approve, he was all about acting on ideology and not just talking shit about theory after all, and Remus is so, so ready to act on that particular philosophy and give them everything he can and take all they are willing to give to him in return.
James seems to sense this shift in Remus's mood and gently grabs them both by their waists and starts massaging their lower backs while they continue making out. As soon as they break their kiss (far too soon for Remus's liking) James swoops in and pecks Sirius on the nose, which makes both of them giggle and share a look that's so intimate and full of love and adoration, Remus can't help but smile because he loves seeing them like that. Then James turns to Remus and looks at him with a clear question in his eyes. Remus can only manage a tiny nod, he wants this, he wants it so badly and he's afraid if he talks now he will ruin this perfect moment and make them reconsider everything so he doesn't dare. He just looks at James and tilts his head a bit to the right and towards James, who happily takes the hint and closes the distance between them.
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rustyboltzz · 10 months
These 3 month old Iris doodles.. I think...? Inspired by these tales, lol
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adriartts · 1 year
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got bored. beat the shit outta julian. bon appetite
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hollowsart · 2 years
Acedia is sitting in the bar where Quentin works, a boy begins to bother the poor friendly neighbor female sloth and Quentin came to the rescue her
-cracks knuckles-
The back of the small restaurant in a simple modest booth is where Acedia liked to sit whenever she visited. It was quiet and out of the way, she liked the spot near the window. Sometimes she came with a friend, but most visits she came alone. Bringing only her phone and bag and nervously ordering the same thing.
She was quiet, shy, and didn't think too highly of her appearance.. so it came as a surprise when a stranger slid himself across the table into the booth with her. A drink in his hand and a smile, too. He tried to have a friendly tone, but there was a distinct lilt to it that said otherwise.. as did the tingle of her senses as she was jolted back to reality and out of her thoughts by his presence.
A stranger.. she didn't like this situation. Her anxiety was screaming to leave and nothing had even happened..
The stranger greeted her, asked her questions of what her name was, what she was doing alone, questions that she didn't want to answer. Questions that only made her more uncomfortable. Had this been any other situation or location the questions and sudden appearance would have been normal, more so had she been someone else entirely.
She squirmed back away into the back of her seat, gripping the table. She opted to stay silent, but that seemed to spur the man on, making his ask again, but with a bit more frustration.
Acedia knew she could easily take the man on, but she was too scared and didn't want to make a scene.. but her nerves were on fire and she wanted to cry, feeling so useless and not knowing how else to handle the situation. To make this man leave her alone. She just wanted to have lunch in peace.. Just is her luck that life finds a way to deny her as simple a pleasure as this.
The same patron came in again, sat in the same spot and ordered the same thing, too. She'd become a regular at this point, for how often enough she came. Without fail it was always when he was working there, Beck thought to himself as he cleaned up a table. Picking up plates, bowls, and cups and placing them on his tray to take back into the kitchen. He glanced back over his shoulder in the direction of the woman before making his way toward the kitchen to dispose of the dirty dishes.
It didn't appear she was waiting for someone, with her phone in hand and a calm look on her face. Beck thought about it, about going over and checking on her.. but why would he do that? It's not really like he liked.. err.. knew her. She was just a random customer, nothing more. Although.. he felt an air of familiarity with her. It made no sense to him, though, as he was sure he'd never met her before.
When he came back out to tend to more empty tables, it was like instinct to glance her way.. and he paused. There was someone else there in the booth with her. He'd never seen her with any man before.. Beck averted his gaze and got to work clearing the next table. He shook his head as he picked up a plate and cup and moved on to the next table over, his thoughts moving on as well.
Why did he feel concerned about who she was with? She was no more than a stranger to him as he was to her, surely.
As he moved on to his third table, closer to the back, he heard it. The one-sided conversation happening in the booth.
"Come on~ Can't a guy get a cute girl's number~? And a name? I've told you mine, I’m not a stranger anymore, am I? Hehe."
"..I.. What? J-just 'cause you told me your name doesn't mean I know you.. I'm not.. I'm not givin' you that information.. Please.. Leave me alone.."
Yeah.. To heck with it. If there was one thing Beck hated, it was this. He wasn't going to stand for this. He dropped the tray of dirty dishes and waltzed over to the booth with a well practiced customer service grin, and a bow for flair as he looked between the two.
"Hello, hello. I will be your server for this evening! Is everything alright over here? Sir? ..Madame?"
Acedia noticed Beck coming over and sat straighter, on alert. Oh gosh, she wasn't alone now. She could ask for help. Her eyes darting toward him several times as her thoughts raced with what she needed to say. However, the stranger beat her to it just as soon as she opened her mouth and lifted a finger.
"Yeah, we're all good. Can you get me a refill? Thanks." His tone was annoyed as he jerked his empty cup of ice toward the waiter. Acedia shrunk back down with a quiet whine.. Embarrassed by the situation, the way this man was acting in front of the waiter whom she.. Well.. She couldn’t really say.
"...Certainly." Beck's smile dropped as did his jolly tone as he looked down and took the cup. Swiping it from the man's hand and, just before he turned to leave, he looked toward Acedia and winked when she looked back.
Acedia gripped the table harder and bit her lip, looking away and out the window beside her. There was so much happening, she didn't know what was going on or why, but her company had left and it was just her and this stranger once again. Why didn't this guy just leave? Her heart was dropping and racing, her throat tightening as her nerves fried.
The man was clearly more frustrated with her now, he didn't want to take no for an answer, no matter how polite she tried to be about it. He kept pushing for responses and she kept pushing down her intense desire to just cry. It was a silly response to this situation, but she was beginning to not care.
The man reached a hand out to try and take her own. She pulled away and moved back, pressing as far as she could go into the pleather plush seating. This only made him angry.
"Why are you playing hard to get? Stop running away from me! Women these days! Can't you see I'm interested--?!"
"Can't you see that she's not?"
The stranger was cut off by the refilled drink being dumped on him. Beck had returned (when did he do that? She hadn't noticed at all) much to Acedia's surprise and joy. Quickly she swiped her things and clambered out and away from the booth, shuffling behind Beck. Although she hated to make a scene, she'd run out of cares to give at this point, just relieved to get away from that man.
Beck carefully held a hand behind him as comfort of her. His full attention on the man, now fuming mad, still in the booth. Acedia looked down at it and thought a moment before gently taking hold.
"I am afraid I will have to ask you to leave. Causing trouble for our customers will not be tolerated. Should you choose to remain we will have no choice but to contact authorities."
The stranger didn't like that. He tried to play it cool, but quickly switched to playing the victim, pushing the blame off himself.
"I was just trying to have a nice conversation with this lovely little lady when you came along and ruined everything! You're just some busboy, but you can't even do your job right! I have half a mind to report you--"
Acedia held tighter, really wanting this guy to just leave.. or at least for her to get away from this mess. Beck noted this and simply turned to escort her to the door, ignoring the other man entirely as he proceeded to yell now.
They stepped outside as the other staff came out to further diffuse the situation and take care of the unruly patron. He pulled her over out of the way of the entrance and looked at her, glancing down at their hands between them.
"I'm.. really sorry about that." Beck started, "Don't worry about payin' anything, I'll handle it. Are you.. alright?"
Acedia flinched, letting go of his hand and quickly darting her eyes away. She adjusted her glasses and he brought the now free hand up to rub at his neck as she responded.
"Ah, yeah! Y-Yes! Thank you.. Sorry about all that.."
"Nah, don't worry about it, I've dealt with worse." Out of a nervous habit he put on a voice and placed his hands on his hips in a way, “A guy like that ain’t nothin’ when you’ve worked in service long enough. nah, nah, with my experience I bet I could even take on that human rhino, too, no sweat!”
She couldn’t help the bubbly laughter, she cursed herself internally, but he just smiled at the sound, relieved. An odd silence fell between them, the only sounds now being the dying commotion inside and bustle of the city outside.
"Hey.. Uh," Acedia looked up as Beck broke the silence, "don't go anywhere, I'll, um, I'll be right back, okay? Okay." Curious.. she watched as he ducked back inside, confused by his odd actions.. She knew who he was. Who he really was, but he didn’t know.. didn’t recognize her without her mask. So his behavior was quite different from what she knew of him when he wore the cape and fishbowl helmet. It fascinated her. She’d be lying if she said it wasn’t the reason she kept coming back to this place.
He didn't know why he was doing this.. but there was something about her.. He couldn't just let her go without something. He just couldn’t let her leave on a bad note like that. Not her or any other customer for that matter.. he told himself in attempt to deny himself any civilian connections.. but he just couldn’t help himself.
It didn't take long before he returned, however, a to-go cup in hand. She perked up at this, slipping her phone quickly back into her pocket as she carefully took it. Before she could even ask about a straw he held up his empty hands, smiling knowingly as he waved and flicked his hands to make a straw appear from presumably nowhere at all.
“It’s on the house.” He held it out to her and she smiled, taking it with her free hand, uttering a quiet 'thank you' as she did.
"Ah, wait, hold this please-!" She quickly handed the items back to him and began to dig in her bag for her wallet when he took them again. "H-here!"
Beck looked down at the small offering of cash then back up to her, "What's this for? You keep it, I can't--"
"No, I can't just leave without paying for something, a-at least let me pay you for this.. please?" She insisted, taking back her cup.
Beck hesitated, but sighed and took the cash with a smile nonetheless. Turning back toward the door as he handed off the straw.
"You're an odd one." She smiled at that, "I gotta get back inside now, you have a good day.. Miss.” Nodding his head as he opened the door to go back.
"You, too, and thanks. Sorry again, for the trouble."
He paused in the door to look at her a moment, smiling before he slipped back inside and letting her go on her way.
"No trouble at all."
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hershelwidget · 10 months
THE COMIC IS HERE!! I had to pair a bunch of them together so some of the art is a bit cropped :’)
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I haven’t done a comic in a LONG TIME so this is Very Rusty :( Ah well! The concept of making these goobers Human is so silly to me
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hollywoodsargeant · 1 year
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so i had this idea at like 1 am. then i made the google doc immediately and wrote the whole fic on my phone in an hour and a half. so now this is your problem. please take it off my hands
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oysterie · 9 months
Oh i am very much enjoying dishonored btw 👍 wish i had gotten around to playing it earlier. Very well done it really feels like i could turn around and replay this game and have it feel completely different
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paperhandsexe · 1 year
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
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for you i pulled the 10 of swords and the high priestess @izzuleos
word count: 544
content warning for leo's high school depressive episode
Leo rolls over in his bed again. He does not want to move despite the gentle orange of the sunlight peeking through his curtain with the sunrise (or is it the glow of the sun dipping back below the horizon? Leo can’t tell right now). 
He just wants to throw himself to the tides and let the ocean carry his body somewhere else. Maybe he can find a will to continue somewhere else. 
But he just stays in his bed. He brings his legs up to his chest and tries to cry, but the tears don’t come. 
He must still be out of tears from the last time he cried. 
When was the last time he drank? 
When was the last time he ate? 
His hair felt greasy and matted and he needed a shower. 
There’s a gentle knocking at the door and he wants to tell Ruka to leave him alone again, but the voice that greets him isn’t that of his little sister. 
“Uh, hey, Leo-kun. It’s me, Sena.” 
Leo wants to turn him away, send him home. He can’t possibly see him like this, so sad, so pathetic, hardly worthy of the title of King. 
“I know you probably don’t want to see me right now. I wouldn’t blame you if you just cursed me out to my face, but we’re worried about you.” 
There’s a pause and Leo moves to respond before-- 
“I’m…worried about you, Leo-kun.” 
Please just open up and let me take care of you, if only for a minute.
Leo doesn’t have the energy to move from his bed, but he talks just loud enough for Izumi to hear him. 
“You can come in, Sena.” 
There’s another pause before the doorknob turns and the silver haired boy enters the room. 
There are clothes on the floor and crumpled pieces of paper everywhere, but Izumi doesn’t seem to mind as he closes the door behind him and gently pads over to Leo. 
“Your sister told me you haven’t eaten in a few days. She wanted me to bring you this soup.” 
Leo shifted in his bed and sat up. 
“Thanks, Sena.” 
Leo tried to grab the bowl but his hand shook as Izumi pulled his hands away. 
“Why don’t you let me feed you, Leo-kun.” 
Leo just nodded and Izumi went and pulled up the chair from his desk next to Leo’s bed. 
Slowly but surely Izumi made sure Leo ate the soup. 
It struck Leo that this wasn’t something Izumi would have ever done before. Something so small and domestic like feeding Leo soup and wiping his chin when some of the broth dripped down his face. 
But he didn’t mind. It was just what he needed at that moment. Even in the silence, thick with problems that needed to be addressed eventually, just for a moment, Leo let himself just take in the feeling of being alive, of being loved. 
And maybe he would make it past this eventually, even if Izumi had to come back every week, every day and make sure Leo ate something, had wiped his face off with a wet towel, and took care of himself. 
Maybe that was love, and maybe Leo could let himself be loved again one day. 
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amethystcove · 2 years
incoherent ramblings ahead !
#who am i kidding im going to be back for whenever the first irl stream/gn.f birthday/gn.f vlog comes out#im trying so hard to be normal and decisive about having less of a mc.yt presence and the resulting blogging in my life#BUT these demons are strong and ive been addicted to this coping mechanism for years so. uh#we’ll see#even though ive been out and coping with irl stuff my mind still drifts back to here at the end of the day#(literally at the end of the day i keep writing out my thoughts)#yeah im not sure where we’re going with this#dtblr (from what i still follow) is uhhh mostly shattered (i either unfollowed ppl i wasnt close to or they stopped participating)#and hopefully thats a good enough deterrent to keep me offline for most of it#but im so serious i cannot get my mind off the content so like. ill still be here enjoying that#whether or not im publicly blogging about it or not#also another thing: i had a lot of ideas and wips for mc.yt art but like. i dont have the motivation At All to do them#as much as i’m thankful for the impact mc.yt had positively on my art skills#i didnt actually make it that often in my pre-mc.yt life tbh- and thats probably how it will be again#and last thing (thanks if u made it this far lmao)#im mostly going to run this blog on a queue so that’ll be pretty consistent#and the occasional reblogs when im online and the few mc.yt mutuals are around and active fro whatever event is happening#uhm. yeah i think thats it smile#brave.txt
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waywardsalt · 2 months
so um. very glad that throughout all this time i never had the end poem spoiled to me
#i uh. i thought that beating the game would feel cheap bc i cheated and got tired of it and sped to the end#but uh. no. that. poem. it makes it all worth it. kinda feels like a culmination of all my time playing minecraft yknow#not gonna stop now ofc i have some worlds i might mess around in but. i did beat the game#i did beat minecraft finally. i did fight the dragon in easy mode i decided to allow it be some kinda fight#its whatever tbh. but the end poem is. uhm. god#yeah adding minecraft to the list of things (media ig?) that got me close to crying#shame i struggle to cry in general but fucking god man. thats a good end poem#yknow id been wondering abt that minecraft song (alpha) and wondering just what it’d be used for in game#finally found out. holy shit. there was smth i wanted to say hang on#its wrong to say exactly that i never had it spoiled to me- more that i didnt actually know what it was#zeemyth used parts of it in his farlands vid and i’d worried that he’d used most of it#but no. no no no i have never ever seen the full thing before#ooooooh boy. its a good end poem for dismissing any guilt i wouldve felt for cheating#salty talks#minecraft#i still. have mixed feelings abt the game. i still need to find out a way that i like playing it#i play on hypixel every so often. i think i enjoy that? its been a bit i do like it with friends#i remember running a warrior rp house in there it got briefly popular (idk ~20 ppl at one point i think it was years ago)#its moon landing day but also salty finally beats minecraft day#didnt even beat it on my computer (same acct tho) bc it does not run well on my computer a lot of the time#oh fuck no these credits are like an hour long? how do i skip this shit i got what i came here for
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sttoru · 10 months
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‘no matter how much time the king of curses spends with you, he doesn’t think he will ever understand you or your affectionate behaviour towards him.’
☀︎|tags. true form sukuna x female reader. heian era sukuna. fluff. bits of mentions of blood & murder. big size difference. cold-big-monster-having-a-small-soft-spot-for-a-single-human trope. reader gets called ‘little one, brat’. not proof read! let me know if you like my characterisation or not; it’s my first sukuna fic.
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a kiss on the cheek is one of the most innocent - yet apparently also the most difficult - things to do. it’s a small form of intimacy; not that hard to do. it’s really as simple as planting your lips on your beloved’s cheek. then all you do is retreat — maybe get a kiss on the cheek back from him. or on the lips.
“get moving. i’m not waiting all day for you.” sukuna grumbles. you had suddenly stopped in your tracks and the king of curses was confused as to what the reason might have been. the two of you had been walking through the courtyard for a few minutes now — well, you basically had to drag him out to take a little stroll together.
and now the same you was quiet. it bothered sukuna; you were always so chatty around him when it was just the two of you. he might have called you an ‘annoying brat’ for it, but he secretly enjoyed your company and voice.
“c-coming.” you reply in a quiet mumble, eyes glancing over at the monstrous frame that stood a few steps away. his dull yet sharp gaze was focused on you — like he was sizing you up. or rather: trying to figure out what’s wrong with the change in behaviour you showed.
sukuna watches you as you hurry over to his side again. he resumes walking, hands folded over each other under the material of his kimono.
though, he couldn’t yet let go of the fact that you were acting different around him. the king of curses’ suspicion only grew once he noticed how your fingers fiddled with your obi. you were anxious about something.
sukuna shakes his head slightly. some humans sure are difficult to understand, he thinks to himself. your happy yet reserved personality when you usually interacted with him had disappeared and made place for a nervous wreck. trying to figure out why made sukuna’s head hurt.
were you finally scared of him? like all other humans and curses were?
he doesn’t know why, but it felt like he would hate for such thing to happen. sukuna usually wouldn’t care if someone resents, fears or somehow even admires him. only you could make him think and care about such difficult and maybe even trivial things.
“uhm,” you break off his train of thoughts and his eyes are instantly on yours again, “may i do something really quickly?”
sukuna’s face doesn’t show any change in expression, but a small nod tells you everything you need to know. you clear your throat, “can you please lower your head towards me?”
lowering his head? oh, you got some guts. if anyone else had said that to him, sukuna would have obliterated them; there wouldn’t have been anything but red bloody dust left of their body.
but then again: it’s you. all exceptions the king of curses makes are for you.
sukuna slightly lowers his head to your level so you could do whatever you needed to. he’d be lying if he said that his curiosity wasn’t piqued. it always was when he was around you.
you gulp. it was time to do what you’ve longed to do ever since the beginning of your stroll: give the ryomen sukuna a kiss on the cheek. you don’t think he’d be mad—at least he never seriously gets mad at you. only to get a reaction out of you since your responses are always ‘intensely amusing’—as he says.
“go on.” sukuna’s breath hits your cheeks. he was so close—too close that it made you even more nervous in a way. as if you hadn’t even had your first kiss yet.
you swallow your fears and just go for it. your lips attach to his cheek in the fraction of a second—the speed of light—before they leave. it was right under his right set of eyes.
you take a step back and clear your throat. you try to escape the embarrassment of sukuna’s possible reaction by continuing your stroll, though were stopped by a strong hand firmly grabbing your forearm.
“where’d you think you’re going?”
sukuna’s deep voice echoes through your ears. you were surprised to hear the tone of it; almost soft. a tone sukuna uses on rare occasions: in your presence.
you turn your head around and smile sheepishly at the king of curses before you. he doesn’t return the same (not that you expected him to), however he does unexpectedly ruffle your hair for a split second. or at least he attempts to.
his large and warm palm lands on top of your head and he gives it a little and subtle shake. sukuna had seen you do a similar action to someone else before, thus he concluded that he could do it to you. maybe as a form of endearment or. . whatever you used it as.
he did find the way you tried to scurry away after giving him a kiss very adorable. even if he wouldn’t say so out loud.
“now, come along. we don’t have all day.” sukuna nonchalantly mutters after retracting his hand. it left as fast as it came, though you were still stunned at the slight show of affection the king of curses returned.
you instantly catch up to sukuna again—walking next to him as fast as your legs could take you. you were a bit more at ease after you got a positive reaction to your little kiss. it was a pity that he didn’t smirk or laugh at you—maybe mocked you like he usually would. but that head pat made up for it.
even if it did leave your hair a little disheveled.
you couldn’t properly see sukuna’s face, but the faint smirk tugging at his lips was undeniably there. even if it was for just a split second.
“how very interesting.” sukuna mutters under his breath so you wouldn’t catch on. he sighs and shakes his head, unable to keep out that memory of you looking so cute—standing on the tip of your toes to plant a kiss on his cheek with your comically small hand on his jaw line. he doesn’t know why he found that to be so thrilling.
you flutter your eyelashes. you were curious about what he might have commented on, “may i ask what you had just said? i didn’t quite hear it.”
a short second of silence hangs before sukuna tilts his head to the right to look down at you again; his face expressionless, but still having a hint of a grin on his lips.
“i said you better hurry before i gobble you up right this instant.” he replies, (playfully) intimidating you with his sharp red eyes that glinted with a form of danger.
you shiver (though knew the threat was an empty one) and instantly pick up your pace. you even get ahead of him, walking as fast as your legs could. you answer with a curt ‘my apologies’ and walk like you actually have somewhere to be.
sukuna’s grin only grows as he sees you get ahead of him. if you had turned around, maybe you could have caught onto that light flicker of affection in his expression.
“i’m coming for you, little one.” sukuna adds just to ignite some more fear into you and you react as expected, “you’re not escaping me today.”
it was a funny sight; your reactions always make him enjoy his time with you even more than he already (secretly) was.
the way his body reacts in mysterious ways when you’re around, is still very much an unsolved riddle to the king of curses. and the reasons as to why you aren’t scared of him and can easily give him all your ‘love’ are also still yet to be discovered.
until then, sukuna will continue to enjoy teasing you.
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astonmartingf · 2 months
carlos sainz x aston martin fan!reader . . . after breaking up with your stupid boyfriend your number one idol hooks you up on a date with one of his "sons" which is a driver from the same team your ex boyfriend likes
amgf i'm back to my roots!!! carlos sainz fics 😛 y'know some amgf lore is that carlos was the first driver i knew other than lewis but he's everywhere atp i think everyone knows him and i saw clips of him talking about alonso that i looked him up and saw him and look at me now, insane. maybe this is a little too self indulgent but what can i say, i cater to myself first when writing so... enjoy pwahahahahahaha because i had fun writing this 😋👍
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yourusername uploaded a new story
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[i might actually pass out, someone call the doctor rq!!!! what is actually happening]
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liked by astonmartinf1, fernandoalo_oficial, and 26,941 others
yourusername uhm welcome to spa?
view 7,752 comments
user32 yooooo you're in spa what the heck????
user50 if i had tweeted something like that would i have been invited to a race instead?
user38 con 😭 gra 😭 tu 😭 la 😭 tions 😭
user93 imagine breaking up with boyfriend because of fernando alonso and then going to the race with fernando alonso
user05 SLAYYYY BABES!!!!!!
user17 i know exboyf is fuming //////
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user48 oh to be invited by your favorite driver 🥹🥹🥹🥹
user72 @/charlesleclerc my ex boyfriend broke up with me because i've been a fan of you can i get tickets to see you 😭🤲🤲
→ charlesleclerc HAHAHAHAHA send the team your details, we'll find a way
user49 not this being a new way to get tickets 😭
user64 trendsetter yn!!! but also deserve because he actually a pos and good riddance to him
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yourusername uploaded a new story
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[i know a spot he says... 10/10 for the tacos but 100/100 for the company <3]
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f1wagscentral A new wag in the making? Following the viral tweet of a Fernando Alonso fan, YN LN took F1 fans in a storm with her story time about her ex-boyfriend breaking up with her because of the 2-time World Champion.
In recent news a fan tweeted to YN asking for updates about the date set up by her idol, who confirmed that things are indeed going smoothly which delighted the matchmaker, revealing he knew about their plans.
Fans deduct two drivers in the grid who could be a potential partner for YN which are Lando Norris and Carlos Sainz, with YN's instagram account privated, little information is known. Who are you rooting for, team 🌶️ or 🧡?
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yourusername 🔒
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, carlossainz55, and 5 others
yourusername i have a life outside being a fernando alonso fan 🤞
view 25 comments
carlossainz55 i always knew i was the other man in our relationship
→ yourusername i'm glad you know how important fernando alonso is to me ❤️
→ yourusername especially because i hate your team, fuck ferrari thank god you're moving to williams
→ carlossainz55 is that why you haven't soft launched me yet?
→ yourusername you mean hard launch?
→ carlossainz55 WAIT.... is that really the reason???? amor?????
→ yourusername i'm joking stop spamming my messages, wth
→ carlossainz55 don't joke with me amor
→ yourusername it may or may not be the reason.....
→ carlossainz55 how could i have missed it 🙄 not surprised, we both know how much you hate ferrari, nonetheless glad you took the chance
→ yourusername and if i told you i dated you to make my ex boyfriend jealous?
→ carlossainz55 well you love me don't you?
→ yourusername i think that's entry level babes, ofc i love you so much 😘
→ carlossainz55 i'm sure your love is enough to make him jealous, his loss and a win for me 😛
→ yourusername wow you're so cute, come home faster now 😠
→ carlossainz55 aye aye boss 🫡
→ yourusername we can watch fernando alonso clips right?
→ carlossainz55 whatever you want amor 😘
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