#ui changes
intermundia · 11 months
am i the only one who hates that on desktop now the notifications page collapses all the icons of people who like or reblog things and makes it impossible to see who all did, in comparison to the past where the icons were at least visible or you could click to see a list or whatever, like now it's:
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where can i click to see the names of the "3 others?" when i click the notification it just takes me to the post itself. why? who are they? even if i don't follow them, i enjoy seeing familiar names pop up sometimes. why the hell is this information not accessible to me unless i comb through the notes of the post? why did they do this? why are they making these changes? im literally on my knees begging. STOP FUCKING WITH THE UI 😭
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I've seen at least three blogs I like announce that they wouldn't be using Tumblr moving forward unless the UI changes were rolled back, and that's a change that in turn makes my Tumblr experience worse. With that in mind (and the @wip askbox closed until Monday), now's a great time to remember that Tumblr has an official channel to send in feedback through the support form (that's https://www.tumblr.com/support).
Just select "Feedback" from the dropdown and type your comment in the text box below.
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Please be respectful but firm in your comments, remembering that there's another human being who has to read them and who is not personally responsible for the changes you dislike. Together, we can keep this place from going from hellsite (affectionate) to hellsite (derogatory).
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anarchicarachnid · 7 months
LITERALLY why do i learn about a cutting down on staff due to a failure of the tumblr business model owing to their utter inability to listen to user feedback and instead just constantly making changes nobody wants,
and the *same fucking day* there's a new pointless aesthetic change on mobile that literally not one single person on this website asked for or wants.
why is it always like this
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cryptamen · 6 months
discord.....no not you too....not AGAIN
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spoonyglitteraunt · 11 months
Ok, I have to ask. To those of you who have the new left side desktop UI on tumblr. Do you also find everything ten times harder to find? On first glance it looks like they just changed the font and moved it to the left (and made some weird spacing decisions.) But ever since, I struggle to find about half of the pages/functionalities I'm looking for.
I don't know how much of that is in my head or if they did in fact rearrange and bury a lot of things much deeper in non-intuitive ways than before. Either way I'm struggling. And I can't exactly go back to the old one to check. (If someone still has the old one it might be interesting to do some direct screenshot comparisons.)
Must say though. It does feel somewhat ironic that for all the talk about tumblr being hard and confusing to use for new people and how they have to change that, to me this genuinely feels like these changes created the situation they were worried about. But then again, who am I.
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a-passing-storm · 1 year
Thew new Google Drive/Docs UI is killing me!
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goldensadnessdolphin · 10 months
What are you changing this time, youtube?
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This new placeholder appearance before the content proper loads is what I call "testing the waters". Any time a site rolls out a big change, you get stuff like this beforehand, where they change an easily verifyable part of the UI.
My guess would be that they'll change the entire appearance of the site, maybe even going so far as to switching simple light/dark themes to something more gradient (or just generally more shit). Might even be the switch to one theme for everybody, knowing how little google actually cares for any user.
It's been said before and it'll be said again: Websites love getting shittier. It's their favourite thing. I just hope I'm wrong.
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inkbotkowalski · 1 year
What the FUCK, tumblr. I can no longer access my older likes by changing the page in the URL!
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ibreathebooks-42 · 11 months
The tab number switching from being unseen dashboard posts to activity is really tripping me up. Keep thinking "wow, it sure is dead lately with no new posts" when I glance at the tab and forget to actually open it since I don't think there is anything to see 😅
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i-eat-spinal-cords · 4 months
The new ad free browsing feature is interesting.
I can’t help but think about when the button will eventually be misused by other ads though
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kingminceraft · 6 months
reminding people today to do the discord flash request, be petty, people!
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cryptamen · 4 months
They changed my fucking phone ui......I have to spend like an HOUR putting this shit all back now FUCK
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terminallyworkingonit · 6 months
Screw the “for you” page.
“Following”??? Been done before.
I want all social media to have a—
—where you input a date or year, then you’llonly see posts from that time period.
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jolikmc-thoughts · 8 months
Wait. What be this? What be this…?
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... in the immortal words of the Iron Shiek...
Edit: Yes, I swapped out the image after the fact just to add a border.
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When I become the puppet dictator, I'm going to fire every staff member of Tumblr who had anything to do with these horrid UI changes.
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i keep getting to “the end” of my dash after like 20 posts and then tumblr just loads the same three ads over and over no matter how far i scroll. this is a website that functions SO properly
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