notmcubucky · 1 year
some sketches and drawings from like the past three years
these are characters from stuff or juat fanart in general
i give u some of my designs for kai and jay from like last year
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Human Mii-kun, bcuz How to Raise a Mummy is my comfort anime
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Haikyuu. I have this au living in my head rent free that Iwaizumi can talk to animals. And he plays the flute. So.
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Technoblade bcuz.
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a pokemon i made up like three years ago
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Katoshi from Road to Nowhere
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Fma inspired uniform
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Gen Asagiri sketch
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Ulquiorra sketch. I wish I could draw him better cuz he's one of my favorite bleach characters
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A request from one of my friends
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keitozz · 1 month
UlquiHime is not that toxic
I hate when people discredit Ulquiorra because he kidnapped her and “tortured” her and threatened to kill her and her friends.
Ulquiorra was under orders by the only person he really respected. Character development happens guys.
Aizen gave him the freedom to do what he wanted with her but he never harmed her
Gave her an opportunity to say goodbye to Ichigo granted he stated he was doing some psychological warfare there, he didn’t have to. He could have thrown her in a cell and it wouldn’t have changed the outcome.
Psychological abuse? More like testing her beliefs and teaching her to stand up for it. Also he’s not perfect. He’s curious.
Made sure she ate/stayed alive
She felt comfortable enough with him to call him Ulquiorra-kun (she still says Kurasaki-kun)
She felt comfortable enough to SLAP HIM ON THE FACE over something like trash talking her friends (again, he was questioning the resolve tho). Would she have done it to any of the other Espada? I mean she literally could’ve died or gotten hurt over some words. Technically isnt that assault from her? Lmao.
Told him she wasn’t afraid of him
Yet she was TERRIFIED of Hollow!Ichigo to the point of trauma but she never mentioned Ulquiorra after his death and certainly didn’t show signs of being traumatized by him
Kubo very much intended to refrain from making Ulquiorra an inherently bad person. Otherwise, us viewers wouldn’t be so affected by his death.
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green-apple-juice · 4 months
Grimmjow: "Hey, human woman."
Orihime: "What, Grimmjow-kun?"
Grimmjow: "How can I let Ulquiorra know that I want to go out with him?"
Orihime: "You mean asking him to go on a romantic dinner with you."
Grimmjow: "Something like that, yeah. Though I don't think he fully understands what it is."
Orihime: "Alrighty, I guess I have a brilliant idea in mind."
An hour later, Orihime proudly shows Grimmjow the huge banner:
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ulquihimelovers · 7 months
Happy birthday Ulquiorra-kun! And celebration to the first day of UlquiHime week!
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smol-yet-stupid · 2 years
I just wanted to rant about Orihime
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I absolutely HATE the way she was treated in Hueco Mundo, especially for such a sweet and caring girl like her. She was kidnapped against her will, with Ulquiorra making the sick decision to threaten her with the lives of the people she loves, called a traitor for literally being blackmailed, she was physically abused by Loly and Menoly so badly TWICE, with loly punching her in the face, leaving her face disfigured (And there was even BLOOD coming out of her mouth!), for no reason, yet she still healed her abusers out of kindness and Loly and Menoly threatened to tear out her eye and fingernails OVER SOMEONE ORIHIME DIDN'T EVEN LIKE, she was completely psychologically broken by Ulquiorra when he KILLED the man she LOVED just to torture her more, which she even blamed HERSELF for, threatened to rip open her skull and chest and threatened to force feed her and give her intravenous therapy, Nnoitra suggested that he could... you know... and was such a complete vile and disgusting creep to her, calling her his "pet", (Ulquiorra was very hypocritical regarding this, because he called out Nnoitra, yet he himself still was very willing to psychologically torture Orihime) Grimmjow strangled her twice, dragged her around in chains, manhandled her and only wanted Orihime to heal Ichigo so he could hurt him again, and called her names that I don't want to mention. It physically pains me to see someone as kind and gentle as her suffer so much... Aizen and the Arrancars are complete sadistic monsters and they make me sick that they'd do this to poor Orihime. And Aizen didn't even want her powers at all, it was just to distract the strongest fighters while he took over Karakura, so all the trauma she went through was all for NOTHING.
Yet people hate her because of stupid shipping wars. I definitely don't ship UlquiHime (which people ship just to get her out of the way of IchiRuki) because he was manipulative and psychologically tormented her to past breaking point. They're shipping her with her LITERAL MENTAL ABUSER whom she has never even met or even had a single thought about until the fight with Yammy and when he kidnapped her. (And even after that, the only memory she had of Ulquiorra after the Hueco Mundo Arc was when he murdered Ichigo) A gentle girl like her deserves someone who doesn't abuse and torment her so much all the time. People say that she cared more about Ulquiorra than she did Ichigo, but that is definitely not the case, hence all the, "Kurosaki-kuns". (Y'all really want her to stay in HM forever?! With those awful Arrancar monsters and Aizen?!)
People also think that Orihime is far too obsessed with Ichigo, yet with IchiRuki, Ichigo CANNOT FUNCTION without his true love Rukia? He doesn't care about protecting people who aren't Rukia? And all these Yanderes, like Loly, Jaguara (Wolf's Rain), Shiro (Deadman Wonderland) and ESPECIALLY Yuno Gasai (Mirai Nikki) get away with literally harming or MURDERING anyone who even so much as looks at their love interest, or even their love interest themselves because it's 'cute?' They're the ones who are too obsessed if they're going to resort to such extreme lengths for their love interest, or out of jealousy towards their love interest. They're literally saying that a normal, sweet, kind girl is WORSE than these psychos. Orihime was just experiencing a normal crush, which developed into GENUINE LOVE for Ichigo, while these yanderes are complete psychos regarding their love interests, which Orihime is not. Excuse me, Yanderes, resorting to killing for love is not cute in the slightest. Orihime would never murder anyone over Ichigo. She even felt bad for being jealous of Rukia because Orihime LOVES Rukia as a friend and thinks she's amazing. Orihime was even happy for Rukia when she got married to Renji, and cried tears of joy for her (And no, it's not because Orihime finally could have Ichigo all to herself). Not to mention her love for Ichigo was what broke her out of Tsukishima's brainwashing.
And she's even been VILLAINISED too, just because she's in the way of IchiRuki (Which is NOT OK because of the huge age gap, and that Ichigo would have to die in order to be with Rukia, which would be devastating for Orihime because she wants to keep him alive and safe). But that doesn't mean I don't love Rukia, nor do I think that she's in the way of IchiHime. I definitely support RenRuki, which makes way more sense than IchiRuki. Side note, I also don't understand all the bashing that Renji gets, he's still a nice guy. Rukia was very supportive of Orihime and understood her captivity situation, and she's so funny 😄 People have said that Orihime healed more enemies than friends, but Orihime is many things, and a villain is NOT one of them. She healed Loly and Menoly because she just can't stand people getting hurt, no matter who they are, and she only healed Grimmjow's arm because Aizen told her to. And the haters ignore that she always heals her friends ALL THE TIME. That does not mean Orihime is a villain. I mean, Aughra (The Dark Crystal) paid her respects to SkekMal the Hunter, a violent, malevolent beast, even calling him the most 'beautiful' of the Skeksis, but does that make her a villain? No way. She still sacrificed her life/essence in place of Brea, Seladon and Maudra Fara. Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star) made a grave for his friend Shin, who literally tortured Ken by scarring his body and tormented and enslaved innocent people to build an entire city for Yuria, Ken's fiancee, who Shin had kidnapped. Does that make Ken a villain? No way. People claim Orihime is a villain, yet they let the ACTUAL villains get away with what they did to her just because they're attractive. Yes, Orihime healed her enemies, but she also NEVER ATTACKED HER FRIENDS.
Also, Orihime has been called selfish and manipulative, among other things. But here's the thing: She's NOT. She's far from all that. The reason she slapped Ulquiorra, which she had every right to do, was because he taunted her that Chad was supposedly dead, and he was dissing her friends by saying they were stupid and reckless to charge straight into Hueco Mundo. Ulq KNOWS that Orihime cares for her friends, so he deliberately used her love for her friends to kidnap her, manipulate her and completely psychologically break her. Orihime even literally begged to be let out of her cell to go and help Rukia, one of her BEST FRIENDS. When she was restrained by Nnoitra, she didn't care that she was being held back in a really creepy manner by one of the most vile Arrancars in existence. She really cared about Ichigo's and Nel's safety. She even shielded Uryu from Ulquiorra while completely breaking down, tried to help Yachiru, and even tried to heal Zaraki after the Nnoitra fight before getting rekidnapped. Victim blaming or what? (And also someone said that just because Orihime doesn't get a job at a clinic helping people means she FAKING her kindness? It's all an act? Like WHAT?! She can only get a job at a clinic because if not it means her kindness is an act?! She can still have other jobs AND still heal people all the while!!!! I'm not saying that helping people is wrong or bad, because it's not. I'm saying that just because she doesn't work at a clinic doesn't mean she doesn't like helping people!!!)
And there's also the whole Damsel in distress thing. That wasn't Orihime's fault. Aizen and Ulquiorra forced her into that position by threatening the lives of her friends. What else could she do? Not to mention her escorts were horribly killed right in front of her just to prove Ulquiorra's point. Even then, Orihime told THEM to run, because she valued their lives more than her own. Orihime didn't plan her own kidnapping, abuse and trauma, Aizen did. He was the one basically making her submit due to his spiritual pressure. If someone more mentally hardened was kidnapped, and was the type of person to kill their captors and escape from captivity instantly, they get so much praise, but if it's a sweet, pacifistic person like Orihime, who doesn't like to even WOUND people, and only had to comply with their captors because the people they love would have been killed, and having been traumatised to the point of breaking down in tears, they get the blame just for, "being a Damsel/Dude in distress"... like WHAT?!
And then there was her screaming to Ichigo for help. She was completely psychologically broken and traumatised by seeing the man she loved practically dead, so much so, that she couldn't do anything but cry because she loved Ichigo so much, and didn't want him to get hurt. She's left in pain and horror and guilt, yet it's ULQUIORRA who is really to blame here, not her. Captivity and abuse, especially someone as gentle as her, does that to you. He was the one who killed Ichigo and MOCKED her love for him while doing that just to break her even more, and Ulquiorra left behind his Reiatsu on Ichigo, which was too strong for Orihime to possibly reverse. Her LITERAL MENTAL BREAKDOWN was what awakened Vasto Lorde Ichigo. She didn't even blame Ichigo for dying and not protecting her, Uryu for not protecting Ichigo or Ulquiorra for killing him and torturing her - she blamed HERSELF. (I don't blame Ichigo and Uryu, they were literally killed and injured because of that stupid batboy).
Then there's her pacifistic nature and inability to fight. Again, she hates seeing people, friend or foe, being injured. Just because Orihime only heals and shields does not make her weak or useless at all. People are seeing her overkindness as weakness, uselessness and/or even villainy, and want her to have a more aggressive personality. Pacifism is seen as villainy, but aggression isn't? She's even being compared to Sakura. Orihime is WAY nicer than Sakura could ever be. (I'm sorry to those who like Sakura, I understand why you do). Orihime would never stoop so low as to beat up her friends or even say a single mean word to them over the smallest things like Sakura does. (Beating up your friends isn't funny at all, it's just mean).
She mostly gets a bad rep for yelling, "Kurosaki-kun!", but guess what? It's because she CARES about Ichigo, because he's being injured and killed right in front of her. If she didn't care about him, she wouldn't be saying his name worriedly.
And finally, there's her being scared of Ichigo's Hollow Mask. It literally brought back traumatising memories of a Hollowfied Sora/Acidwire, and she was scared FOR Ichigo, not OF Ichigo. She didn't want him to lose himself to his Hollow side like Sora did. That doesn't mean I hate Ichigo for scaring her, I know he was trying to protect her, which he has been doing the whole time. We love you, Kurosaki-kun 💖 (And people said that Ichigo didn't heed Loly's threat to tear out Orihime's eye and Ulquiorra "protected" her by stopping Ichigo, but... Ulquiorra didn't heed Loly's threat either! He told Loly (Who was HOLDING ORIHIME) he didn't stop Ichigo to save Loly, which extends to Orihime as well!)
I'm sorry for this long rant, but I just feel upset with the way Orihime is treated in- and out-of-universe. She's just so sweet. I'm just trying to think about all of this in a logical and pathological way.
TL;DR: I'm upset that Orihime gets so much hate because she has suffered so much and is a sweet girl.
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geek-fashionista · 7 months
Ulquihime Week 2023 Day 1: Spice
"Ulquiorra-kun, on a scale from one to ten, how spicy do you want your curry?" Orihime yelled from the kitchen.
Ulquiorra had been forced to go on enough group outings at curry restaurants to know that he was in no danger. He had eaten the highest spice level multiple times and had suffered no more than a slightly sore throat. Therefore, he did not even look up from the book he was reading as he replied, "Ten."
"Oi." Tatsuki, who sat across the table with her chin in her hand, blinked at him slowly. "Do you have a death wish?"
Ulquiorra flipped to the next page. "I do not understand your meaning."
"Have you eaten Orihime's curry before?" She held up her other hand to cut herself off. "You know what, never mind. I'm going to let you discover it for yourself."
"The woman has access to the same ingredients as her beloved restaurant chains. How different can it be?"
Orihime swept into the room carrying two large plates. She set the first before Tatsuki: a normal, thick brown curry with potatoes, carrots, and small pieces of beef. "Mild curry for Tatsuki-chan, and for Ulquiorra-kun..."
Ulquiorra set his book aside in anticipation of the meal. The plate that landed before him looked nothing like Tatsuki's, however. The fumes coming off the bright red sludge drenched over his modest helping of rice made his eyes water. He leaned away from it. "Woman. What is this?"
Orihime came back to the table with her own plate. Her curry was equally red. "It's spice level ten, like you asked!" She clapped her hands together. "Itadakimasu!"
Ulquiorra watched her swallow a heaping spoonful of food. She let out a hum of delight and took another bite. When several seconds passed and she neither reached for her water glass nor died, he picked up his own spoon. Tatsuki arched an eyebrow at him. He glared back at her. Even so, there was a slight tremor in his hand as he dipped his spoon into the rice, scooping up only a small amount of the curry, and lifted it to his lips.
A week later, when Grimmjow asked him why his tongue was so swollen, his only response was a bitter, "Thut up."
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theinfiknight · 1 year
On a similar vein as the other post, here is a list of top ten Bleach characters who fuck the LEAST, in descending other of how little they fuck. Again, this is based on vibes alone and not canon.
10) Renji
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It's not that he hasn't got game!!! Renji is pretty hot, all said and done. It's just that he would probably collapse into a quivering wreck or straight up run the fuck away if anyone so much as looked at him romantically. Man could not muster up the nerve to ask someone out to save his life. This is a man who is forever doomed to want and be wanted without anything ever actually happening.
9) Urahara
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This man is a human wreck far too traumatised to allow any genuine human connection, on top of being generally less organised than your average five year old. He'd respond to any interest by making a bad joke and then backflippng away. He'd probably break down into tears if exposed to any actual intimacy.
8) Byakuya
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Wet blanket ass mf with the personality of a wet paper towel. Whatever charm he had died with his wife. If you asked him what his hobbies are he'd probably say some shit like "meditation" or "taxes". Anyone who initially thirsts after him in Seireitei immediately withers up inside after a single conversation. Itachi Uchiha ass mf.
7) Captain Unohana
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Iirc she's a 1000 years older than everyone else except kyoraku, ukitake and genryuusai. And besides I don't think she'd be very interested in that sort of thing. Again though, this is just vibes.
6) Kenpachi Zaraki
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This is the face of a man who does not give a single fuck about sex. Gokupilled Zorocore king. All he cares about is whether you can put up an entertaining fight. I very much doubt he'd give the time of day to anything else.
5) Ulquiorra
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Hi my name is Ul'quiorra Quarto Espada Arrancar Cipher and I have powerful ebony black reiatsu (that’s how I got my rank) with purple streaks and green tattoos that reach my chin and icy green eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like L Death Note (AN: if u don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Aizen-Sama but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m an arrancar but my hollow is smooth and round. I have pale white skin.
4) Kurotsuchi Mayuri
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This man is a sex offender. He's on every registry that soul society has. Anyone with ANY self preservation instinct keeps far far far away from him. When he dies, I sincerely hope Nemu is the one who gets to kill him.
3) Chad-kun
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Gay but more repressed than Sasuke Uchiha. This will never change.
2) Soi Fon
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Girl, she doesn't like you back. She is never going to like you back. Get over it. Move on. Find something to do with your life.
1) Ichigo Kurosaki
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Aroace king. No further notes.
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mobolanz · 6 months
For the anime ask game: 7, 16, 19 and 27!
You got it!:D 💖
7. anime you are currently watching 
Currently Jujutsu kaisen, also fruits basket rewatch since I got my sisters into it with aot ending. Although we're taking an undetermined pause for personal reasons 🤧
16. 10 best animes you have watched
1. Attack on Titan
2. Fruits Basket
3. Sailor moon (90's)
4. Yona of the Dawn
5. My hero Academia
6. Bleach
7. Violet evergarden
8. Inuyasha
9. Madoka magica
10. Romeo x Juliette
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19. favorite anime ships
Ohhhh boi I got plenty!:3 here are a chunk of 22 of them 😖🤧💞(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
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In order: Kyo & Tohru | Kyoko & Katsuya| Hak & Yona | Renji & Rukia | Orihime & Ichigo/ Ulquiorra | Oscar & Rosalie | Guts & Casca | Suzaku & Euphemia | Eren & Mikasa | Ymir & Historia | Kyoko & Sayaka | Usagi & Mamoru | Nephrite & Naru | Haruka & Michiru | Sara & Gaito| Rue & Mytho | Ahiru & Fakir | Holo & Lawrence | Sariphi & Leonhart | Lyle & Anew.
New challenge try to guess my favourite ship tropes/dynamics based on this
Also try locating the reinelyn footnotes rooted influence 🤧💖 hint one is a yuri 😳-
27. anime you plan to watch in the future 
I did mention to Em a few days ago that I have Yamaha kun at LV999 on my list. Oh also the aincent magus bride s2 🤧
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Anime asks because why not
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toxictaicho · 3 months
♣ ♥ Bleach Teaparty ♠ ♦
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Sailor Nemu, because she wore school uniform swimsuit on the beach. She might like this. And our Quincy Prince ofc.
Photographer: Butter.
Nemu & Ishida: Nope.
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Country bread girl and her shiro grumpy bat.
Orihime: Smile Ulqui-kun!
Ulquiorra: No :(
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And these two hyper kawaii babies :3
Rin: I like that candy print. Makes me want to eat more candy.
Hana: ... Why always me?
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Kurosaki twins. Young dandy & dreamy pastels.
Karin: At least you didn't dress me in a skirt...
Yuzu: I like that strawberry necklace a lot!
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Squad 11 dressed to kill. Elegant AyasegaWa & OTT pink beast.
Yumichika: Oh, so you dressed me in a violet? Nevermind, I'm fabulous! Nobody can pull this complicated style off as myself.
Yachiru: *candy attack*
Was fun to draw. Nice memories of times, when I was young weeb.
More fuel? XD @seeveekat
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tozettastone · 2 years
A one-sitting Ulquihime Soulmate AU meet-ugly.
Orihime followed Ulquiorra in a daze when he came to get her.
At first she pretended it was rational: It’s only that I’m trapped, she told herself, and, nobody will get hurt if I follow him quietly, even though she was in no way stupid enough to believe it, really.
But she followed him anyway, and he didn’t hurt her—didn’t even lay a finger on her until they’d reached Huaco Mundo, in fact.
It might have been easier if they had touched before then, because it would have explained the unaccountable passivity of each towards the other. As it was, they were simply absent all hostility, despite many good reasons to feel hostile. They gravitated toward one another even in the endless, pale halls of Las Noches. A binary star system, drawn into orbit.
The windows here were tall and high and there was so much space above them, the long narrow lines of the architecture forcing the eye up and up as though looking above for a god in a church… not that there was any such thing in Hueco Mundo. The rooms were like this just to make a person feel small.
Ulquiorra brought her food. This, too, on Aizen’s order, of course. But it was kind of Ulquiorra to consider the manner of it: plates, dishes, cups, cutlery. She could smell rice and miso. Orihime had seen hollows eat, and it wasn’t like this. It wasn’t a sight easily forgotten—and despite his face, his narrow shoulders and fine-boned human-like hands, Ulquiorra was a hollow. Orihime could feel the blanket of his reiatsu, thick and unmistakable.
“Your friend will be dead,” he told her seriously. He didn’t mean to be as callous as he was, she thought, but it didn’t make her feel any different to know this. Sado-kun wasn’t dead. She just—Orihime chose not to believe it without better proof. “There’s no need to be distressed on his account. It was foolish of him to come.”
To come here? For her? To rescue her? The daze cleared for a split-second, anger washing away her unaccountable passivity. Her hands clenched.
Her eyes narrowed on his blank face. He was probably sincere. He was probably—he couldn’t be blamed for it—he was earnestly—
Her feet moved on the polished stone floors: tap-tap-tap, rapid, loud.
They did not touch at all until Orihime slapped him.
She remembered it forever, after: the CRACK of noise, the sudden blistering sting in her hand that even her stress and anger could not drown out, the glimpse of his acid green eyes as they went wide and surprised—the sound he made, shocked, as the bright pain of being struck went straight through his hierro.
Her hand print showed up stark and dark upon his skin, unmistakable.
A second later, her own face burned with the pain of it, if not the physical force that had staggered him.
No, she thought, staring at his face. But he raised his own hand and rubbed his fingers together, perplexed.
“Another strange power of yours,” he theorised, which—of course, he didn’t even know what it was.
Orihime stared at him, blank. She could feel it on her face. Undoubtedly he could fee it in his hand, and that was why he kept staring at it, and—and—
She laughed, a high, mad little titter that escaped entirely without permission.
“No,” she said. Her breathing was all wrong. She felt like she was panting. “That’s not it at all.”
She’d been on the verge of tears before, when they’d been talking about Sado-kun, about her inability to discard her feelings for her friends who had come so far to rescue her.
Now she was really crying, though: this had broken through like nothing else could, and each gasp for breath wrung her out like a tremendous hand squeezing the next sob from her. She shook with the force of them.
Ulquiorra held his hand to his face and waited patiently.
Strange, she thought, that he wouldn’t even try to hit her back.
But on the heels of that thought came the next: of course he wouldn’t, she was his soulmate. Who hit their soulmate?
Her crying got worse, somehow.
Ulquiorra didn’t give her very long, and when he got tired of listening to her incoherent sobbing, he simply said: “You will eat, or we will institute the nutrient injections.”
So she ate.
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ichirukilover · 2 years
I know this is gonna sound sadistic, but I really didn’t bad for Orihime during the Hueco Mundo arc.
Like girl, I get it you were cornered, but you could’ve used that time when you said “give a minute,” and actually got help! Instead of sneaking into Ichigo’s room like a creep and sniffing up all over him.
But you just wanted Ichigo to save you like he saved Rukia in SS expecting him to be this Shining hero in armor but that didn’t happened instead he got killed and went berserk and all you did was scream “SAVE ME!” And ppl are like “Her voice brought him back to life!”
Like I’m sorry. It’s hard yo feel bad for her.
I feel bad because she is in a tragic situation. I start to feel frustarated when she does not do one single thing right, or at least that makes sense. She writes down things to do and how to take the trash out and she can't write, sneak a thing about what is going on??? Ok. moving on, You got one person to say goodbye to and...you go to a guy that barely even knows you??? Tatsuki??? Ok crushes on teens frie the brain so moving on. You go there and just sit and wait, that's all she does, oh and she heals the enemy, ok moving on. She starts to stop sitting LMAO and gets moved around, by Grimm, Ulqui, Ishida, Ichigo, whoever is there to order her arund she just stands and whatches and does what other ask her to do, like IDK protect yourself, or heal a baby first, ok moving on. After countless chapters she puts up a shield to stop and attack that is going to get to Ichigo WOW groundbreaking, so shocking even Ulquiorra questions wtf she didn't do so eons ago, but Ichigo doesn't give a damn nor expects anything from her, so we don't hear any excuses about it (spoiler she wants to be saved lol). Moving on. She goes up on the dome, gets Ishida and herself in danger again because she wanted to see Ichigo win, prooceeds to see Ichigo get killed and loses it. Ok I get it, it's tragic Kurosaki Kun was supposed to save her like he saved Kuchiki san so WTF she wasn't prepared for that and just loses it and damn what is she supposed to do? Screaming for help? Hm moving on. Well there is nothing else she does after that is there? Figures the low is reached there is nothing even more bad she can do after that.
Yeah after all that (and more) I guess I kinda understand if a reader can't even feel pity for her, I mean there is so much of fail one can accept, so I don't blame you anon.
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ulquiorra-cifer-4th · 2 years
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Onna, how are you?
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sinwrote · 2 years
current muse list is under the cut !!
DEATH NOTE:  matt jeevas. GENSHIN IMPACT: zhongli, tighnari, HYPMIC: doppo kannonzaka, dice arisugawa, jyushi aimono. HUNTER X HUNTER: gon freecss, leorio paladiknight. TOILET BOUND HANAKO KUN: yugi amane. INUYASHA : kagome higurashi.  BLEACH:  orihime inoue,  ulquiorra.  VALORANT:  sova. MAGI:  hakuryuu ren.  K PROJECT: fushimi saruhiko. YU YU HAKUSHO:  shuichi minamino
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geek-fashionista · 7 months
The Queen of Las Noches
Ulquihime Week Day 3: Scandal.
"Stand back, Inoue."
Perhaps Orihime had been in Las Noches too long. Surrounded by strong warrior women who fought their own battles, who were expected to contribute, for whom weakness and passivity was not allowed. They were often smaller in stature than their male counterparts, but they had teeth and claws and weapons of their own.
And it may have been that which caused Ichigo's command to send an unpleasant prickle up the back of her neck. He stood not ten feet away, squaring off against Ulquiorra, her hollow captor. And yet, it was Ulquiorra's eyes that slid over to hers, steadily holding her gaze with an unspoken challenge. She swayed a little on her feet. Really, she must have been away from the human world too long.
"I won't," she whispered, and then, gathering strength, she repeated herself. "I won't."
Ichigo looked over his shoulder at her. "What?"
She continued to hold Ulquiorra's gaze. "We're wasting time," she said. Her feet carried her forward until she stood between Ichigo and Ulquiorra, closer to the latter than the boy she'd spent months obsessing over. "When I came to Hueco Mundo, I swore that I would reject the hougyoku and stop Aizen-sama myself. And that's what I intend to do." She looked at Ichigo's stunned face, then back at Ulquiorra. "Will you stop me?" she asked him. "You are disobeying Aizen-sama by not letting me go, so I suspect you're only following his orders to defend Las Noches because there's something here you want to protect."
His green eyes widened almost imperceptibly.
"If you really want to protect Las Noches, come with me," Orihime continued. "Lend me your sword, and we can save this world together."
"Inoue!" Ichigo cried, but she ignored him. Somehow, over time, the black sky and white sands had become a part of her, too.
Ulquiorra had maintained his grip on his sword throughout the conversation, still ready to fight Ichigo if need be. But now he released the weapon, slipped his hands back into his pockets, and regarded her with open interest. "You are a strong woman, indeed," he murmured.
Orihime smiled, brimming with confidence, and turned to Ichigo, whose mouth opened and closed in silent shock. "All right, let's help Ishida-kun escape Yammy and then get out of here!"
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rafs13 · 2 years
Can Bleach Shippers all agree that Kubo ‘’baited’’ us regarding the romance in Bleach!?
Yes, I know Bleach is a Shonen Manga and isn’t focused on romance, but Kubo did decide to have Ichigo end with Orihime and Rukia with Renji. 
That’s canon despite how I and others feel about it. 
With the comeback of Bleach’s Anime, the shipping wars between Ichiruki and Ichihime have ‘’resurrected’’ and this has caused speculation on what is the better ship, and what Kubo intentionally wanted. In all honesty, we don’t know what was originally planned regarding the romance in Bleach, we aren’t Kubo, we are not 100 percent sure of what he thought while writing the story. Authors change their stories millions of times, this happens with Mangaka’s since they have to write chapters weekly so they don’t get time to flesh out ideas at times.
Based on the Manga (Source material) no matter what you shipped Kubo did cater to both Ichiruki and Ichihime in various ways. Shippers are not wrong for shipping Ichiruki and Ichihime. I used to think how could anyone ship Ichihime when it was so one-sided, I even wrote posts on it in the past. Based on the manga and story, Ichiruki had more depth to it, no matter if you are a shipper or not. But looking back on how everything panned out I can see how Ichihime shippers got invested into this ship.
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With Ichihime Kubo focused a lot on Orihime’s crush on Ichigo. A lot of the romance of Ichihime came from Orihime’s view/standpoint. She is the one who says she would love him in 5 different lifetimes, Orihime chose to spend her last night next to Ichigo before being taken to Hueco Mundo by Ulquiorra, and she wanted Ichigo to save her from Hueco Mundo (she initially went there with no resistance because of this). I can see why shippers would run to ship this because in canon Orihime likes Ichigo, it’s been said and showcased in the Manga/Anime with all these moments. Fans of her character can see why it’s important to her so of course they would want her with Ichigo. But that’s where the material ends. Kubo only gives anything that pushes for Ichihime from Orihime’s standpoint and not Ichigo’s.
It’s only after the manga ends that he tries to make the connection from Ichigo’s standpoint in the light novels. Why not in the manga?
Plus, I can surely say for a fact that Orihime was challenged as a character whenever she was around Ulquiorra and Uryu. And those characters were also teased too to be with Orihime at some point and it was very subtle. They had some small romantic moments with her and it worked well with the narrative of the storyline.
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I always questioned why Kubo would make Orihime have a crush on Ichigo but then include multiple moments of romance between Ichigo/Rukia?
Why did Kubo have Orihime love Ichigo? What did he plan to do with the romance and how would it add to the plot of the story? Was it to add to her character arc? Because aside from Hueco Mundo and her mini-arc with grieving over her brother Sora, and unlocking her fullbring powers to protect Tatsuki in s1, she didn’t get much attention or story. I know she got some moments outside of these areas but they weren’t vital. Her love for Ichigo only revolves around her really, he’s not that involved if we think about it. Most Anime fans who know of Bleach only know Orihime for screaming ‘‘Kurosaki-Kun’‘ while Ichigo is seen as his character/person outside Orihime.
In comparison, let us look at another shonen anime like MHA. 
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Yes, we know Uraraka loves Izuku and it’s been shown to be stronger on her end than his. While he does love her it’s taking him more time to know he is in love, since he’s so focused on becoming the best hero. But he has shown many actions of love/affection towards Uraraka in the anime/manga. However, the difference is Uraraka has her character and continuing storyline, her love for Izuku pushes the narrative of how heroic Izuku is. He inspired her to be a better hero and to be more confident and serious about getting better.
That works for the story and Uraraka’s character.
With Bleach, Orihime’s love for Ichigo ends with her. This is because Kubo didn’t make it convincing enough with the material in the manga. He gave Ichihime fans some ground to work with, but also kept pushing the narrative of Ichiruki in the meantime. For me, Ichihime falls flat because there is not enough material or push on Ichigo’s end throughout the whole manga to support that he loved Orihime. No confession in the Manga/Anime while it was running (or at its height during the 2000s), no artwork or spreads of the two (ALONE) to showcase romance/affection from Ichigo’s perspective, and nothing from Kubo either if we want to keep it real. He never talked about Ichihime being the endgame couple or hinted at it, and I surely remember him saying Ichigo and Rukia were more than friends less than lovers.
Why was he so happy to talk about the relationship between Ichigo x Rukia, when he could have shut down the speculation of them being together?
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At this point I don’t have to write why I and any other shippers shipped Ichiruki...the manga is right there. We didn’t ship them to spite anyone, Ichiruki was pushed heavily at the start of the manga and many moments in-between after that. 
Why make Rukia stop Ichigo’s rain and not Orihime? Why has Ichigo repaired the broken relationship with Rukia and Byakuya in the SS arc and not Renji? Why has Ichigo saved Rukia and not Renji? Why let Rukia say Ichigo’s the man in her heart? 
Shouldn’t that be Renji? But it wasn't....
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Another thing I want to talk about is Rukia being like a sister to Ichigo. Many fans say this or that she’s just a friend. Kubo said himself that she’s more than a friend in an interview so we can’t caller her that. So is she like a sister? What would be the need for that? Ichigo has two sisters already (Yuzu x Karin say hi!) and we see how he acts with them. He’s protective but secretive at times to protect them from knowing his identity as a soul reaper during the first few arcs. Ichigo pretends to be happy and okay when he’s really depressed inside when it comes to his sisters. He even showed this behaviour to Orihime, remember he was depressed about his mother’s death anniversary and he pretended to be happy around Orihime at school? But with Rukia he didn’t act that way, he straight up told her he was depressed and not okay because of his mom’s murder.
He’s transparent with Rukia.
It’s clear Rukia is above the role of a sister when it comes to how Ichigo views her. Remember Orihime was nervous about their relationship and even spoke to Rangiku about it.
Why would Kubo add that in if he was 100 percent gunning for Ichihime? Make it make sense because the math ain’t mathing. 
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Aside from this point, even with the new anime promo for Bleach Kubo is making official art with mostly only ‘’ichiruki’’ panels. He knows that people like them as a pair (the way many of his ichiruki japanese/international fans reacted to the ending by burning bleach volumes says it all) so he keeps on giving us content. I wondered why Ichigo and Orihime have not had any official art together or to promote them as a couple? 
The same question I ask here for Renruki?
I just wanted to make this post because I feel like from both sides are being played when it comes to ships, I just wish I could speak to Kubo and get some clarity.
I do think it’s fact that Ichiruki felt more earned and believable than Ichihime based on the fact that BOTH sides showed romantic actions/cues towards each other in the manga. It didn’t seem one-sided and you can’t deny they have an unbreakable bond. 
I will always be a Ichiruki fan but I just wish Kubo didn’t pander/tease various couples. It did more harm than good and now with Bleach coming back it’s going to be a ship war again.
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Ulquiorra is seen standing around, staring off into space.
"Woman told me that on this day, people tell others what they are thankful for. I think it's nonsense."
He slipped his hands into his pockets.
"However, if there were anything I was thankful for, it would be that Lord Aizen saved my life when he made me an Arrancar." Ulquiorra's face was almost unmoving, devoid of any emotion.
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