#ulyana descendants
Since I’ve seen a lot of hate towards this new movie, I'm just gonna say it...
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Uliana’s outfit is OUTSTANDING! Look, when I heard Dara Renee was in this movie, I was SO EXCITED, and this outfit sold it for me. The green in the hair to give a seaweed-vibe is PERFECTION. I almost like it more than Uma’s outfit, which is a massive statement, as I LOVE Uma's outfit. While it will never be as iconic as Uma's, it feels more Ursula-esc, though IDK how to explain it. Unlike Red's outfit, it truly feels like classic Descendants style, and is easily my favorite outfit of this movie. I adore this outfit and I really hope she has a big roll in the show
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caswensworld · 3 months
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What would they think of each other? I just feel like they wouldn’t like each other! Dani would annoy Red and Ulyana would freak out Kourtney, I see it!
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 months
What’s the point of the Isle if Red was born in Wonderland and not on the Isle? What’s even the point of Auradon Prep if there’s Merlin Academy with some of the villains and heroes going to school together? What’s the point???
"What's the point???"-A perfect summary of Disney Descendants nowadays. Seriously, the fact that they changed Red to having been born and raised in Wonderland when prior Descendants stuff alluded to the Queen of Hearts having been on the Isle...like what is the point of doing that??? Queen of Hearts could still be wanting to get revenge on Auradon even with Isle backstory, hell that might add to her reasons for revenge, since I'm pretty sure taking Wonderland People out of...well, Wonderland, would drive them insane as its the one place they thrive in and now they've been removed from it and are stuck in a prison and well...I can only imagine Queen of Hearts getting worser because of the Isle. (Seriously, even Ever After High addressed how wonderland people feel when unable to return to Wonderland, aka they feel lost and such in a world that isn't made to understand them...granted they also had the better Queen of Hearts design and better name for her kid but). There is literally no point to removing Queen of Hearts from the Isle and having Red born and raised in Wonderland beyond messing stuff up in Descendants even more (seriously, the prequel book could have been Red and her mom getting control of Wonderland back...not whatever you call the actual plot of the prequel book). Also they actually expect you to believe Red WITH the wonderland backstory, is somehow 'whip smart' and Chloe Charming is the naïve one...when I'm pretty sure the wonderland girl would be the naïve one actually while Chloe Charming would be the smart one??? Especially if Red somehow thinks the Isle was appealing just because it had no rules...
And Merlin Academy...oh one of the many banes of my existence...just...can we call it what it is: Ever After High rip off that also breaks a shit ton of continuity in Descendants??? Because similar to Ever After High, its a school that future heroes and future villains attend...that also leads to the fact that Descendants can no longer be based on the animated films like they claimed to be, because how the fuck would I dunno, Cinderella work if she attended the same school as Prince Charming??? Especially as animated Cinderella was put to work by her step family as soon as her dad died so there'd be no time for school??? How does Aladdin even work now when in the animated film, Jasmine has never been allowed out of the palace because of her over-protective father and has to sneak out and literally met Aladdin for the first time in the animated film...when according to Rise of Red, she and Aladdin BOTH attended school together and also dated in school, which??? HOW DOES THE PLOT OF ALADDIN WORK NOW THEN- and just, why the fuck is HADES of all bitches in the school??? Doesn't he have an underworld to rule??? Or is Disney gonna ditch mythology accuracy completely now??? And I guess Beast in Descendants got cursed as an adult if he attended a school, so rip that 'cursed as a child' implication from animated Beauty And The Beast- and lord, imagine your classmate in the future imprisoning your dad and you having to switch places with your dad, if Belle is attending the school as well. Maleficent....as long as its Leah and Stefen attending Merlin Academy with her I won't scream as much....if its Aurora and Phillip though, screaming time- and just, again, like Belle and Beast, Fay is just, I guess, seeing her classmate deal with family abuse and doing nothing for her when she's the classmate's future fairy godmother.
And also just because they apart of Merlin Academy: Morgie, son of Morgana Le Fay...where the fuck she been? Disney literally did not include her in Sword of The Stone, so where she come from? Also shit name for her son, not as shit as Red, but you know, its up there. Zellie, daughter of Rapunzel...third Rapunzel kid in Descendants lets go...but also hoping she's a time traveller because uh...how else is Razpunel's daughter in Merlin Academy with the future heroes and villains??? Ulyana...another sister of Ursula because using Morgana (Little Mermaid 2) was hard I guess...also comes with a 'whats the point' but a big one this time: what was the point of bating us with Dara Renee playing Chloe, only to reveal Dara is playing Ulyana and someone (with lighter skin tone then Dara) else is playing Chloe? What was the point of doing that beyond being iffy? And Hook...nothing to say on him...I just don't have anything on him, he's the least of Rise of Red's problems, he's just connected to one, aka Merlin Academy and the time travel plot (I'm not starting on that one because that'll be along ass rant...).
So yeah, like said: What's the point- perfect summary of Disney Descendants nowadays.
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dizzydizney · 1 year
I also wanna see what Ulyana's deal is first but for right now... I don't like the idea of Uma having a sister
I hc Ursula and Triton as siblings (and sometimes that's just outright canon so there's that) and I like the contrast of him having a big family vs Ursula just having one child of her own
Not to mention I think Uma being an only child gives her that much more reason to want to find a crew of her own
And if she did have a sister, I couldn't see them being anything but close and having each other's backs
But I'm at least willing to wait and see what this character's deal is before I say anything else :P
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Pocketwatch theory;
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Okay, I know this is DEFINITELY isn't true but I have a funny theory about Ulyana and this little Hook character based on the wiki saying Ulyana is Uma's sister rn.
What if after d3 Harry and Uma just find two random street kids that look vaguely like them, and decide to take them in. And then they just gaslight their parents into thinking that they've always had a younger brother/sister.
It would explain why Ulyana wasn't mentioned in d2 if she was actually Uma's sister and why this kid is called Hook.
Bonus points if Harry looked James straight in the eye and just said 'his name is Hook. Just Hook' when asked what the kids' name was.
And if he and Uma and their crew all just play dumb whenever someone asks about them.
Like 'what do you mean? Harry's always had a brother!'
Or 'Uma's always had a sister! What are you talking about?'
This is also assuming that they're like 8 years younger roughly.
Perfect friend age for Hadie, Chloe, and Red. And Maddox Hatter.
(And Danny Darling who still exists in my universe).
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camscendants · 2 years
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I guess he is Captain Hook??????
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pickypickypeak · 14 days
literally not to rant about the new descendants movie lol. but I just can’t get over how weird and stupid the new villain trio choices are. so the old trio was uma-harry-gil who were respectively the children of ursula, hook, and gaston right. the new movie is partially set in the past and features a new trio which is meant to parallel the old one I think. so we got young hook, ulyana (ursula’s sister? like are you serious, morgana is right there, also just use younger ursula to match with hook???) and, yeah you guessed it, the son of morgan le fay???? who’s not a disney character????? how do you actually get away with this???? like how did no one in the production team tell the writers “bro morgan le fay is not disney” when the whole point of the franchise is to feature children of DISNEY characters???? like I know it’s not that deep like. hades and maleficent are teens studying in the same magic school or something so how can you take anything seriously but. the villain trio choices being so weird just drive me crazy
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Um. My personal opinion about the Rise of Red costumes we've seen so far ✨
It's giving major D3 motocycle gear except girlie doesn't have a motorcycle
It's just. Leather. Red leather. Okay, and??
The hood is cool I guess
It's less of an eyesore than Chloe's costume so there's that
It's just so bright
There's nothing else going on than that colour
Well that colour and Darling Charming wanna be. I mean. Blue curls. Sword. Association with Wonderland. Self-centered older brother. They're not even trying.
The Red Queen
Honestly one of my favourites
Also single colour but it's darker red in the promo shots we got so it doesn't hurt to look at as much
She kinda slays tbh
The Red Queen
Bubblegum bitch (tm)
Yeah I've got nothing else to add
Queen Cinderella
Do I like the older-version-characters more because they're muted colours and therefore more comfortable to look at?
Well maybe. Sue me.
Uma is my favourite character from Descendants and I really wanna like her RoR design
But it's just. It's theatre costume y'know? Nothing to get her respect.
I know she would rather die that wear FG-like costumes but still
Tbh it's giving those trashy-but-wannabe-rich 16 yo girls that you'd see smoking behind the school, trying to look older than they are. Up to the giant loop earrings.
I love the glam for her but please. Some moderation?
My favorite of what we've seen is the one from the teaser, that was a good look on her.
She looks like hipster-wanna be that was bullied in middle school
But tbh I'm kinda into it
Proper kinda cringe highschool look, y'know. Proper era too.
Another of my favourite designs
Her outfit seems less chaotic than Uma's
It's still Uma copycat tho but better than I've feared
Look give than mf a red coat, eyeliner, and a hook and you've got nothing to lose
Kinda missing the madness but since it's probably before a single encounter with the menace known as Peter Pan I am willing to let that slide
They really went for the gentleman pirate vibe and it's cool, on the promo shot it's one of the least costume-y designs
Like yeah he wears this every day. I can totally believe that. Him and Red Queen, yes please, do give me that proper villain drama.
Idk what's going on with him
I think I'm bothered by his hair and the scarf. Simply because I find these uncomfortable
Honestly giving same gentle-something vibe as Hook and that's not fine, try to keep it unique pls.
Like, looks like Ulyana actually gets shit done, Hook, ehm, persuades people to do shit for him, and Morgie is just leaning back at chair, siping wine, and going „Marvelous job darling, do keep it up~“
Fairy Godmother & Zelie??
They're still bullied in highschool.
Idk if we got any promoshots of them?? But I feel like they're gonna give the same era as Maleficent and Hades.
Same cringefail vibe as Maleficent (affectionate) (& the correct era), kinda love that for him tbh
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humaforever · 11 months
Do you think that movie writers for Descendants 4 will put Ulyana and Hook together as a way to make up for Huma or Do you think that like when Uma makes her appearance that she will like hint that she got with Harry or something?
I will scream and cry if they put Ulyana and Hook together. Literally I will be so mad, they don't need to make up for Huma, the fandom already did that.
Idc if Hook has a dating past and Ursula's sister just happens to be in it. What concerns me is that so many people will attack Huma shippers again and be like: "Harry and Uma are cousins you can't ship them!"
To me it does feel like they're trying to recreate Huma. The description said something about Hook being in Ulyana's crew or something which is very unrealistic. Hook has been a captain basically his whole life and he would not be in anyone else's crew.
As for Uma, well it would be nice if she alluded to Huma but I doubt it will happen. Which I am also okay with. I just don't want her to imply that Harry is with someone else.
This movie honestly scares me because I don't want them to disregard canon and destroy everything the fans have built.
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kanzakurawrites · 1 year
What do you think of every character in Descendants: The Rise of Red?
First, I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this!
Second, before I say anything, it should be known that I really don't like anything to do with The Rise of Red so this is likely going to be highly critical. I also likely don't know a lot because I've been incredibly busy lately and haven't been able to stay up to date on a lot of it.
And third, to make sure things don't get repetitive. I don't like anything to do with Merlin Academy or all the intermingling and all that. It doesn't make sense to the stories, but obviously whoever has written this has no clue what's happened in the original movies or in the Descendants series.
So let's get into it.
We'll start off with Cinderella and Prince Charming. I'll be honest, I've never seen the 1997 Cinderella (don't panic, it is now on my watch list) so I don't know what to expect with the acting and chemistry. I am a tad confused on how Chad fits in. Was he adopted or is this just gonna be Disney logic? Next, WHAT IS GOING ON WITH CINDERELLA'S HAIR?!?!? WHY is it BLUE? The odd colors make sense for those with MAGIC, but not for those without it. If ANYONE was to have colored hair, it should be FAIRY GODMOTHER and JANE, NOT CINDERELLA!
Next, Maleficent. What is that outfit? Where are her HORNS? That's all.
Hades -.... *long sigh* Nope, I will not be ranting. I could, but I won't. All I'll say is, he's supposed to be thousands of years old.
Zellie bugs me for the main fact that it sounds like she's in the past which means Rapunzel and Eugene are a lot older than all of the other and that DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. ESPECIALLY since in School of Secrets and the novels it is said that Rapunzel and Eugene have school age children. Ruby is in Wicked World (and I believe in the novel), they had a scrapped daughter (Anexlin) for the first movie who may have been in School of Secrets, and if not they have a daughter in School of Secrets.
Ulyana. I guess is fine? Considering Poseidon is their father, it does admittedly make sense for Ursula and Morgana to have more sister. But this just makes the TEEN HADES more infuriating.
I have no opinion on Morgie other than that that is a horrible name.
Brigette/Queen of Hearts should live in Wonderland??? But other than that no opinion cause I can't remember much of Alice and Wonderland *shrug*
Hook bugs me for reasons hard to explain. He just does.
Red. I don't have much of an opinion on her. Since she's a new character, I'll wait to judge her.
Same for Maddox
For Chloe, I'm not surprised that Chad has a sister. I've said it before, but it makes sense for all of the royals to have multiple children. Other than that, I will be waiting to judge her.
No opinion on Merlin.
Fairy Godmother is older in the original movie? Magical? And really her name is FAY?
I'm sorry if I missed anyone, but there are my very critical thoughts on the characters.
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caswensworld · 1 year
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Offical looks of Ulyana and the Queen of Heart in the Rise of Red. They look beautiful
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 months
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"Mom can we have sea three?"-"We have sea three at home" Sea three at home:
Okay, I'll stop with that meme now. But seriously, this is giving Wish version of the sea three. You got Uma's aunt because I guess casting a younger Ursula was out of the question and making up another sister of Ursula was better to do in comparison, you got Harry's dad and you got...Morgie, aka basic bitch whose parent wasn't even in a Disney film oh my god-
Like, these aren't full looks at the three so I can't fully judge but like, from what we got: Hook is the only decently designed one of three, could use some details still but he's not as bad as the other designs we've gotten so far so like, Ulyana at least has Uma's hair color (except for the gold highlights) i guess but like, Descendants ain't escaping the messy design allegations I swear and Morgie...again basic bitch based on design alone. Like he even doesn't have personalized designs in the circle around him, he has a basic card heart and that's it, and again, can I just ask: why the fuck is Disney NOW choosing to acknowledge Morgana Le Fay when they didn't even do that in Sword In The Stone-
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geekcavepodcast · 2 years
Brandy Norwood and Rita Ora Join “Decendants” Movie “The Pocketwatch”
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Brandy is once again playing Cinderella, this time in the Descendants universe, and Rita Ora will portray the villainous Queen of Hearts. In addition to Brandy and Rita Ora, The Pocketwatch (tentative title) also stars Kylie Cantrall (Red), Malia Baker (Chloe), Ruby Rose Turner (Bridget), Morgan Dudley (Ella), Joshua Colley (Hook), Melanie Paxson (Fairy God Mother), China Anne McClain (Uma, daughter of Ursula), and Dara Reneé (Ulyana).
The Pocketwatch will follow a different group of fairytale villains’ kids, the Queen of Heart’s daughter Red and Cinderella and Prince Charming’s daughter Chloe, as they travel back in time to prevent a coup in Auradon. 
(Image from 2015′s Descendants)
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
What head canons do you have on Ulyana, Hades, and Maleficent Descendants: The Rise of Red?
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My overall headcanon for the movie (since it's a mess and characters who SHOULD not be in school at the same time apparently were) is that whatever Maddox, Red, and Chloe did to try and stop the coup fucked up the timeline so bad that it caused it to be possible.
Which means that they now have to fix that.
That or Hades and Maleficent made themselves appear younger so they could wreak havoc in a highschool (which could have caused the rift between the Queen of Hearts and Cinderella who only RECENTLY dyed her hair in the future because I refuse to believe that's her hair 100% of the time, thank you). Which led to Fairy Godmother disguising herself to put a stop to whatever they were plotting.
Which isn't likely in my opinion but a headcanon I hope is true.
My theory on Hook is that maybe he's not Captain Hook but Captain Hook's brother, Jasper (not making that up, he did have a brother) that we've never seen before because just like his book counterpart was killed by the Hook we know.
That or he is the Hook we know. In which chase, he was friends with Ulyana until they either had a falling out or she died, which is why we've never heard of her.
As for my headcanons on Ulyana?
She is Triton, Morgana, and Ursula's much younger sister who went to live up on the surface sometime before the little mermaid after getting tired of her siblings' fighting.
She either is dead or became a goddess over some territory after having a falling out with Hook (who stayed evil or died) and her siblings.
Things between her and whichever Hook she knew were strictly platonic with a capital P.
That's all I got unfortunately seeing as I only really plan to use her, Morgie, Rapunzel's daughter, Maddox, Red, and Chloe for my rewrite If I like them.
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artistttjr · 1 year
Things I want to happen in descendants the pocketwatch⏱️🍎
1. Characters with romantic interest maybe red and Chloe👀
2. A duet between Chloe and Red mostly we’ll get that though❤️👑
3. New sets like wonderland or the queen of hearts and Cinderella castle🏰
4. A formal event where the characters wear formal clothes👗
5. Ulyana turning into a octopus like her mom and uma🐙
6. Vks having classes in auradon and how they’re new life is
7. It’s going down or nightfalls typa song in the movie
8. A duet between red and her mom and Chloe and her mom
9. Young maleficent with a villain song😈
10. And lastly a sequel tease for the movie like “u didn’t think this was the end of the story did you”
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nyny-213 · 2 years
When I found out about descendants 4 and that Ursula’s little sister is named ulyana is so funny to me because my headcanon is that Ursula had a daughter named ulyana!!! She would’ve been uma’s big sister part of the octuplets that I made Ursula have lol. I’m serious it’s like the exact same name what are the odds
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I wish the picture was brighter but I wrote this back in 2017 when d2 came out lol just in case someone thought I was lying. The red words are supposed to be the instagrams of the face claims for Ursula’s daughters and son
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