#um actually typing that i think i remember a line in the manga where they said everything was indeed betting on his victory
enkvyu · 1 year
i'm really still hoping that gege has smth up his sleeve bc there's No Way that he just killed off gojo like that...........i know he hates that mf but he had to have known that the reactions weren't gonna be good. like as much as i don't want gojo to die, if he killed him off well and didn't completely butcher his character then it's fine!! unless the ending of this is that everyone dies and only sukuna is left then i guess, but even then he isn't writing it that well 😭😭😭
LOL if it ends in a worst case scenario i will be so sad ☹️☹️
i think gege’s ‘hatred’ for gojo isn’t exactly what caused gojo’s death bc i genuinely believe gojo needs to die. this ties back to what i was saying abt his presence threatening yuuji’s status as a mc but honestly writing op characters is just never a good idea 😭 but yeah i agree, if he didn’t rush gojo’s death after such a long buildup, a lot more of the fandom would have accepted it . but then again theres hope he isnt dead guys …. guys please maybe he isnt dead 🥺🥺😭😭
i don’t think sukuna will win simply because the themes of the manga suggest against it. and there’s still a lot we don’t know !! like yuuji switching bodies and the finger gojo had, so there’s still lots of ways gege can clean this up (hopefully) n dont forget, even after sukuna there’s kenjaku so . yk 😵‍💫
a lot of the preparation for sukuna v gojo was offscreen so trust that theres a lot gege is hiding from us and if there isn’t anything, and if gojo is rlly dead and yuuji getting stronger offscreen was for no over reason but rushing through the plot, then i fear gege just wants jjk over and done with
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greatwyrmgold · 1 year
Oshi no Ko is a lot like Mushoku Tensei, in that I would have dropped both series immediately due to their protagonists embodying some of my pet peeve tropes, but people keep saying they're good, so I want to give them a fair shake.
Yeah, no, that was my one concise, well-composed statement for the post. Everything else is just rambling about random thoughts. Keep reading if you want to see another perspective on OnK or like reading what I write, I guess.
Cream of the Crop
I get why the anime combined the first several manga chapters into a feature-length Episode 1; the alternative would be to spend 3-4 episodes building up something that would be twisted away in episode 4/5. But it feels like several distinct episodes in the lives of its main characters, connected primarily by the fact that it's the same person doing them.
The most obvious instance of this is how Ruby's past life is explored near the end of the episode, instead of at the beginning when said past life was introduced. It works, I guess, but...I think introducing, explaining, and resolving her issues around dancing in one chunk with no breaks works better when that chunk is a discrete manga chapter and not ten minutes of a feature-length anime episode. I can't help but wonder whether the story could have been restructured a bit in the screenplay stage.
The author clearly put a lot of research into the idol industry, and while he respects the idols, he absolutely does not respect the industry. Which is the proper distribution of respect in most industries, I feel.
It's interesting to contrast how Aquamarine and Ruby react to their respective reincarnations, how their very different apparent personalities are a straightforward result of taking advantage of a second chance at life after very different first chances. Maybe I'll write a full post about that.
The sound design in this show is great. The scene where Aquamarine and Ruby attend their mom's concert gave me the same kind of anxiety as a hundred people cheering in a small concrete room while loud music plays would in real life. (Though I could pause the noise and type something in the other tab, so it wasn't quite that bad overall.)
Crop of the Cream
I read the manga, since it was also available on the website where I...um, legally accessed the Kaguya-sama manga. I don't remember exactly why I stopped, beyond the overt-wish-fulfillment vibes and not having heard as many people insist that it's great.
I really like how the theme of deception is introduced in the anime's opening lines. It sounds like it's one of those "This is a word of fiction, any similarities to real people are a coincidence" disclaimers, but it's actually the start of a thesis statement!
Over the course of one scene, our protagonist: gets called a lolicon without denying it, tells a 12-year-old patient that he can't marry her because "he'd be good as dead socially" (and not any of the other reasons), offers to consider it when she's 16, doesn't deny that he'd date another 16-year-old if she asked, and gets called a lolicon again without denying it. It would be one thing if he was a high school senior, but he's a doctor who completed his residency, so he's probably at least 30. Ew.
The manager desperately hoping that Ai is 20 weeks constipated and not 20 weeks pregnant is pretty funny.
I'm the kind of person who will probably put way too much thought into the metaphysical implications of one of AI's twins being the reincarnation of someone who died years ago, and the other being the reincarnation of someone who died late in the third trimester. (Oh, um, spoilers; the Mushoku Tensei comparison isn't just because I find the protagonists aggravating.)
On the positive side, those implications probably contribute to the show feeling less aggressively pro-life than you'd expect from a series whose inciting incident (point of attack?) is a teenaged idol deciding to have kids even though it could ruin her career and reputation. The fetuses don't have souls even days/hours before they're born (after all, Aquamarine's soul is still in the doctor), and the possibility of terminating the pregnancy is floated quite neutrally.
It would have been easy to have the doctor...what's the silliest way to phrase this?...qualify for reincarnation after an appointment with Truck-kun. However, the author instead decided to have his death be part of an event that's actually relevant to the rest of the plot. Nice storytelling efficiency.
"Oh, right, there's another person who lives with us." The doctor clearly wasn't an only child in his past life.
One point of contrast between Oshi no Ko and Mushoku Tensei: Aquamarine is not perversely joyous about seeing his new mom's boobs. Rudeus is happy to be breast-fed, Aquamarine prefers the bottle.
(Which is as good a time to remark that, even though the doctor was worse than I remembered, he matured a lot when he turned into a baby. Or at least he toned down his worst habits.)
Judging by how well Aquamarine and Ruby sit when watching Ai perform on TV, they're probably six months old by that point. Which means that Ai's break from idol-ing was a bit less than a year long, and that she had half a year to remember that Ruby is in the pink onesie and Aquamarine is in the blue one. (Ai forgetting their names was a bit less silly when her kids were printed in shades of gray.)
This is contrasted with the fact that some background dialogue implies that Ai's idol group has only been on hiatus for six months or so, which in turn implies that the author either doesn't know or doesn't care that newborns can't sit up unsupported like that, even if they have the memories of a grown-up. (They don't have the muscles to support their heads, let alone their whole bodies.)
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Yeah, the doctor was definitely a big brother before he got reincarnated.
Also, since you can see it: The fact that Aquamarine and Dummy Ruby each have a star in one eye (with Ai having a star in each) is a great character design detail. And while we're here, baby Ruby stealing her mom's phone to get into flame wars on Twitter is hilarious. (I hope she used her past life's account and not her mom's...)
Is it weird that I find newborn Aquamarine and Ruby talking more plausible than them sitting up or walking around? I have no idea if baby vocal cords are physically capable of making intelligible words.
"Aquamarine claiming to be a divine messenger? Nah, that's crazy, I don't believe in that stuff. Ruby claiming to be an incarnation of the goddess Amaterasu? Oh shit, that's definitely a thing." (Ruby must just be a better actress.)
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Ruby's got the right idea. Or...well, part of the right idea, the liver thing is just absurd. But speaking of AI's salary, the 208,000¥ she got as net pay is not much to live on! According to the first source I found, the cost of living for a single person in Tokyo is about 143,000¥ without rent, with rent for a single-person apartment being at least 60,000¥. So her pay would cover Ai's basic expenses, if she didn't also have kids.
It seems like she's living with her manager and his wife (so said wife can be a live-in babysitter on top of her other duties), which complicates things a little. But yeah, no wonder she's worried about being able to send her kids to a good school. (And not buying ice cream won't help.)
Ai coming across a tweet complimenting her on the genuine smile she had when she saw her kids in the concert audience, and taking that as a lesson for making her smiles look more genuine in the future...that's her in a nutshell, isn't it? She wants to be the best idol she can, and she'll fake sincerity as hard as she needs to do it.
I can't tell how much of the over-the-top formality in Aquamarine's apology is in the original Japanese and how much is a result of trying to translate a level of grammatical politeness that English doesn't support, but it's funny either way.
Starting to remember that, as much as the doctor had a few really egregious moments (like the bit where he implied he'd be fine getting engaged to a 12-year-old if it wouldn't ruin his social life), the thing that bugged me/reminded me of Mushoku Tensei was less the perv stuff and more the adulation. I can only take so many scenes where characters remark on how Aquamarine is acting weirdly mature, only to praise him for being a genius, before I complain about it in the stream-of-consciousness log I have open in the other tab. Especially when one of them ended with a director going "I want to hire you as an actor, small child I just met. Take my business card." Kudos to Aquamarine for pointing out that he should probably give it to someone old enough to sign a contract. (If you gave your business card to an actual toddler, he's more likely to eat than to call you.)
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Kana's attitude is weird for a kid, in ways that can't be encapsulated by any single screencap. It's probably a side effect of being a professional actress for a substantial fraction of her life, but I would be very amused if she (and every other child character with a meaningful role) was another reincarnee who remembers her past life.
I can't decide if Kana freaking out at how good Aquamarine was at acting for a "creepy child" role (when he wasn't even trying) is another instance of ego-stroking, or if it's a joke about how Aqua is just a creepy little dude. Sadly, it feels more like the former. The focus of the scene is on "Aquamarine is a good actor and Kana feels shamed next to him," not "Ha ha, Aqua's creepy".
One last point about Kana's bit: I find it hilarious that she assumes his legal name of "Aquamarine" is just a stage name. I mean, yes, that's fair. Aquamarine is a silly name, possibly sillier in Japanese than in English. Yet that's the name Ai chose for her son.
Aquamarine checking up on the state of his prior life's missing person report is a neat plot beat. It's also the only reason we know his doctor name (Gorou Amemiya). I wonder if it'll go anywhere.
Ruby wanting to hide details of her past life from Aquamarine feels like some pointless secret-hiding drama. Like, how is any of it going to be relevant ever?
Ruby expressing her grief by getting into more flame wars on Twitter was...a mixture of emotions. Sad. Poignant. Funny. Yeah, I said it, a preschooler sending violently angry tweets at people criticizing her dead mom is funny.
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I like this line.
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
different anon here but i came across your evil post when i was perusing the tag — i loved seeing your thoughts as someone in the psychology field! i think you only watched the first season (based on the comment of watching 13 eps in 3 days), but if you were to continue watching seasons two and three (and four this summer!) i think you would find that the framing of the catholic church does get a little less "good guys"-y. this is probably in part due to the shift from being a cbs air-on-tv show with season 1, to a paramount+ online streaming show in seasons 2+. it's not a massive difference, to be fair, but they def start discussing some discriminatory aspects of the church, esp in regards to race & a bit in relation to sexuality and views on other religions. there is actually a very interesting plotline in season 3 regarding the catholic church that i would love to see your thoughts on, should you keep watching!
HOLA different anon. THANKS FOR THE ASK!!!! I love nerding out with others about psych. It's my thang.
Ok so, I just finished season 2 and these are my thoughts under el cut'o:
First I want to get this out of the way.
The Leland storyline... you know, where he gets to worm his way into everything that is convenient for the plot? I'm so over him.
I just want to punch him. Mrs. O'Brien and Thomas from Downton Abbey are far better at being cliché villains.
I love cliché machiuvelically tacky evil villains, but I have high standards because of Mexican novelas.
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No one can ever trump Soraya Montenegro at being fabulously tacky evil.
Anyways, your comment totally reminded me about how in s1 they address the issue with children in the church and its stance on homophobia. So I love that they continue the theme with the exploration of how the church is racist, and my least favorite--sexist.
I have yet to see beyond the first couple of episodes in season 3, but I can appreciate that the church is framed as not such a good guy after all.
It's just that even if Evil is framing the church in not such a positive light, Evil still frames the Catholic God as "good", and the Catholic Devil as "evil".
At least from what I've seen... perhaps there's more surprises in s3 regarding that idea--the opening has been awfully similar to Westworld's opening since s1 so I get the sense the producers/writers are interested in delivering a similar feast for brainiac types like myself.
Um... ok so... everything comes back to Jujutsu Kaisen 😂.
Feel free to skip this section for more thoughts about the show.
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Good vs. Evil
When I said that I preferred morally gray stories, I was specifically thinking about a liveblog post I had written about one of the chapters in the manga Jujutsu Kaisen. I'm not sure if the anon who recommended I watch Evil was thinking along the same lines, or if anon has read my jjk nerderies, but jjk puts a nice twist on the good vs. evil trope that Evil explores.
The mangaka, Gege Akutami, introduced a little symbol that I traced back to William Blake who had taken inspiration from Milton's "Paradise Lost" in his own understanding of the question of good vs. evil.
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I haven't looked too deeply into either of their work, so read this with a grain of salt since I also can't confirm the accuracy of what I've read about them online, but I understand they both considered themselves to be Christian men who did not necessarily agree with the traditional interpretation to the problem of good vs. evil.
Regardless of the differences between Christianity and Catholicism, my understanding is that Blake saw "evil" as instinct free from reason, and "good" as reason (instinct may or may not be the right word).
Along the same lines, you have Jung's definition of libido.
Again, it's been years since I've read Jung's collected works, but if I remember correctly, the way Jung spoke of libido was as if it were psychic energy. In other words, unlike Freud, Jung did not necessarily see libido strictly as sexual desire, but rather our aliveness, our will, our desires, our instincts, etc.
Our neuroses, Jung thought, were often the cause of conflicts in the flow of said energy, like say, curbing your desires with reason.
From this perspective "evil" is not necessarily, you know... stereotypical selfish villain who is evil for the sake of evil evil...
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... but rather the expression of libido unchecked by reason for self-serving purposes.
This all relates to jjk because jjk explores the idea that the stronger the ego sense of self, the stronger the character, which inevitably means that the character in question is selfish af and has no regard for others.
This is where it gets complicated because... how to say... is it truly evil for Kristen to have killed that serial killer dude when she was doing it to protect herself and her family?
I don't have the answer to it. All I can say is that Kristen had an impulse and acted on it without applying much reason outside of "I am doing it to protect my daughters and I will be careful not to incriminate his wife".
The show, however, explains this away as demonic possession (?) which doesn't sit right with me because it reduces her impulse to something "dark" and "undesirable" that only God (reason) can heal.
But like... reason devoid of instinct is basically artificial intelligence. In the end, you need them both. That is why people like Jung and Blake and even Buddhism advocate for a marriage of opposites, or walking a middle path.
It's really complicated and I feel like I am oversimplifying the whole thing lol. It's like Kant's trolley problem.
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Maybe you have some insight about it or some nuance I may be missing that you'd like to share.
Anyways... it is the IRS episode that most felt like what good vs evil is from this Depth Psych perspective. And it kind of sucks because it only got such a brief mention with the Satanist t-shirt guy saying that he likes to do what pleases him as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.
So my over-thinking brain can't get over the fact that Evil still frames the "devil" and "evil" as inherently bad. It reduces the concepts to black and white terminology when there is a lot of nuance to be had.
That out of the way... I was honestly getting bored with s2, ESPECIALLY with Leland, but the way it ended was so powerful. It's like they were saving the best for last.
Between Kristen's emotional confession and how s3 begins, I think I'm going to keep watching, just probably won't be as invested.
By the way, I LOVE Nun Andrea. What a fun and relatable character.
Ok, that's that. Thanks for reaching out! Looking forward to hearing from you again.
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secretpeachtea · 4 years
Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 4
Title: the celebrity and his con man
Genre: gen fic, reader insert
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.
disclaimer: manga spoilers
A/N: LETS GOOOOO (hope yall enjoy)
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“(Name)-san, you mind passing me the sesame seeds over there? And, on the way back, pass on this order to that customer at the last seat over there.” Osamu held out the finished onigiri on one hand while gesturing an open hand with the other.
You grab the sesame seed container with haste and take the onigiri from your boss. “Got it! You also have another order of one Pickled Plum onigiri, less salted!”
Osamu gives you a thumbs up before getting back to work immediately, and you hand over the order to the awaiting customer. 
You’ve had your fair share of lunch rushes, but today has been busier than usual. You and Osamu haven’t had a single break since the shop opened for the day, at least one customer arriving every time one leaves. Suddenly, the phone rings and you go ahead and answer it. “Hello, this is Onigiri Miya! How can I help you?”
You hear the front entrance open, but since you were busy jotting down the phone order, you didn’t get the chance to glance at the two people who just arrived.
“Why couldn’t Fukunaga just cook some food?” a monotone voice drawled.
“Kenma, the man sprained his wrist and you still expect him to cook for all of us?” Kuroo combed a hand through his signature bedhead and began to gesture at himself as his friend pouted. “Look, I even came straight from work in my suit to accompany you so you wouldn’t have to carry everything alone.”
The two men walked up to the register just as you ended the call. You quickly passed on the note with the written down order to your boss and tucked your hair behind your ear to get it out of your face. You finally got the chance to direct your full attention on the people in line. 
“Hello! What can I-...!!!” You didn’t get to finish your sentence once you realized who was ordering. Kodzuken, the Youtuber you practically spent the majority of your free time watching, was standing less than 3 feet in front of you in the flesh.
“Um...is there something wrong?” Kenma asks slightly confused at your frozen expression. Your mind was a jumbled mess as you attempted to say something coherent, failing in the end.
“N-no! Uh...you...I just...um…,” you stutter.
Before you could make a bigger fool of yourself, Kuroo leans forward with a smug grin. “Hm? Kenma, it seems like you got yourself a fan~”
You and Kenma just simply stare at one another for a moment not really knowing what to do in this situation. All of a sudden you hear someone clear their throat rather loudly behind the two people in front of you. While you were distracted, you didn’t notice that another customer had entered the shop and was waiting in line. This snaps you out of your daze. “O-oh! Right. Sorry about that. What can I get for you guys?”
“There’s actually quite a bit of food to order, so I’ll list it out slowly.” Kuroo pulls out his phone and opens up a note file. “Two Tamago onigiri, one Miso, three spicy cucumber…”
As Kuroo continues to relay the order, you frequently hear someone scoffing or clicking their teeth in irritation from behind him and Kenma. You try not to pay attention and focus on the large order being made. Kuroo eventually gets to the end of the list and you let him know the total cost.
“What’s the name for the order?”
You type in the name into the register and give him the printed out receipt. “Alright, Kuroo-san. Just letting you know, because it’s a large order, it might take some time.”
“That’s fine. We don’t mind waiting a bit.”
Kuroo and Kenma walk off to the side to let the person behind them order next. A displeased looking man treads forward with a bit of a demeaning posture and a cup of coffee held out in his right hand. He’s adorned in a suit that’s much too tight for his form and has a toupe two shades darker than his natural hair color poorly placed on top of his head.
Before you could even greet him, the man flails out his left arm in exasperation. “Finally! I don’t have time to wait for children.”
You try your best to keep your face from contorting into a glare. Not wanting to prolong his presence inside the shop, you choose to ignore his rude comment.
“Hello, sir. What can I get for you?” You ask.
The man takes a brief glance at the menu. “Make me an Unagi onigiri.”
“Alright. That’ll be-”
“And, make my order before theirs.” He points at Kuroo and Kenma who look up from their phones and seem just as shocked as you are. So, he was going to be one of those customers. You think you see Kenma shifting around a bit from the corner of your eye, but you’re too appalled by the person in front of you to really pay any mind.
“Excuse me?” You’re in a bit of disbelief at the words coming out of this man’s mouth.
He raises one of his unkempt eyebrows and sneers. “You’re really going to make me repeat myself? I said to make mine before theirs. They ordered way too much.”
“I apologize, but I can’t do that for you,” you reply with your teeth slightly clenched in frustration. “There are also a few customers before you who are still waiting for their meals as well.”
“Listen.” He lets out an unpleasant huff and eyes you down with a condescending stare. “I’m on a tight schedule. I think I should have priority. I’m a businessman, so my time is important.”
You shake your head, the fake smile on your lips feeling heavier by the second. “Like I said, sir. I can’t do that for you.”
“Are you kidding me?!” The businessman shouts. You flinch at the sudden outburst. “I waited for those children to finish their order and you can’t even make my order first?”
By now, everyone in the shop is watching the scene between the register girl and the entitled businessman. Osamu looks just about ready to intervene and go off on the customer, but you signal him to stay where he was under the counter. He reluctantly stays back, but makes sure to keep an eye on you.
“Sir, you’ll have to wait for your order like everyone else or find another place to eat.” Your tone is firm despite your exhaustion as you answer back. The man did not seem to like your response very much.
“How dare you!”
Everything happened so fast. The male lifts his right arm that’s in possession of the cup of coffee, obviously getting ready to hurl it directly at you. Your feet are glued to the ground in panic, so you fling your arms over your head instinctively. Your boss practically leaps towards your direction and encases your body with his own to protect you. You hear a splashing noise, but your vision is too obstructed by Osamu’s broad shoulders to witness what just happened. There’s no coffee on you, so you immediately assume that Osamu took the impact. 
“Osamu-san! Are you-” You cut yourself off as you grab onto Osamu’s completely dry uniform. He seems to be just as perplexed as you are, but forms a slightly amused expression when he turns his head. Confused, you look over his shoulder to follow his line of sight and your eyes automatically widen at the view in front of you.
Standing in a puddle of his own lukewarm beverage, the rude man is frozen in disbelief. His wet hair is flat against his forehead and the tight suit is drenched in coffee. The man still held his coffee cup in the air, but what really brings the whole scene together is the tight grip on the man’s right arm by none other than Kuroo himself. He had twisted the man’s arm just enough to have the liquid fall directly downward.
“Whoops~ I just tried to save the nice girl, but I guess I overshot it.” Kuroo’s lips create a mischievous smile. “I wouldn’t recommend going to work with coffee all over your suit and your wig. Although, your boss might, uh, loosen up that tight schedule of yours for you if you do.”
The man comes to his senses and aggressively shoves Kuroo’s grip away. “You ungrateful brats! I’m going to call the police!”
You furrow your eyebrows, not liking the idea of the police getting involved in such a trivial thing. 
Luckily, Kuroo seems to have something up his sleeve. “You can try. But then I guess there wouldn’t be an excuse to not turn you in for harassment and attempted assault. My friend here got everything on camera.”
Sure enough, when you direct your gaze onto the quieter one of the two friends, he has his phone in his hands in a recording position. He must’ve started recording as soon as the whole situation began. The rude customer turns beet red with anger and embarrassment. He must’ve realized that he ultimately lost because he swiftly stomps to the exit and slams the door shut, grumbling insults under his breath. Some of the other customers start clapping with satisfaction, while Kuroo and Kenma fist bump each other.
You let out a sigh of relief, but then you remember that Osamu was still holding onto you. Your boss must’ve been caught up with everything that happened too since he still had a fairly tight grip on you. Despite the warm feeling that was tingling your insides, you lightly tap his elbow and look up at him with a soft smile. “Hey, I think the coast is clear now.”
Looking you directly in the eyes, a light blush forms on his cheeks and he quickly lets you go even taking a few steps back to give you some space. He starts rubbing the back of his neck shyly. “Right. You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks for such a heroic gesture,” you laugh and Osamu’s face flushes a bit more. You then turn your attention to Kuroo and Kenma with a grateful smile. “Thanks guys. I don’t know if I could’ve held it in any longer if he actually threw his drink on me.”
Kuroo returns your smile and leans against the counter nonchalantly. “No problem. That was really uncalled for.”
Kenma silently nods his head in acknowledgement before directing his gaze to the floor. “Kuroo, the floor is wet.”
The taller man sheepishly turns to you after realizing how much of a mess he actually made with the spilled coffee. “Ah, I’ll clean that up.”
Kuroo attempted to wipe the floor with some small napkins displayed on one of the tables, but there was a surprisingly substantial amount of coffee that was still spread across the floor. You tell him that you’ll just wipe the floor with the mop and to dispose of the used napkins. He tries to apologize again, but you brush it off since it’s really not that big of a deal. You direct him to the bathroom and prepare your cleaning supplies. During this time a group of girls start whispering to each other at the corner of the room, stealing glances at Kenma. Everything that happened seems to have brought some unwanted attention to the gamer.
“Hey, isn’t he that super famous Youtuber?”
“Yeah, that has to be him! We should go and get a picture with him. I bet everyone else would be so jealous.”
“I heard he’s loaded with cash too. Maybe if we play our cards right, he’ll buy us a drink or even a new purse.”
As you mop the floor, you hear the clicking of heels coming closer to where you are. Curiously, you turn your head and see three young females encircle Kenma. You would even say they have pretty faces if their expressions weren’t so predatory. He looks extremely uneasy over the close proximity and sudden attention from the strangers. They all speak one after the other without giving the poor guy any room to reject.
“Hey, you’re really popular, right? I’ve seen you on Youtube and you have millions of subscribers!”
“Do you wanna hang out with us? There’s a bar down the street that has really strong drinks. They’re kind of pricey, but I’m sure you’ll be able to afford it.”
“That sounds like a great idea, no? Come on, you could have some fun with the three of us.”
At this time, Kuroo walks out of the bathroom and immediately notices his friend’s obvious discomfort. He shakes his head in dismay and starts making his way towards the gamer to play the savior role again. This time, however, you seem to be one step ahead of him. One of the girls reaches out to try and grab onto Kenma’s upper arm, and you feel something in you snap. Before she could come in contact with Kenma, you thrust the back of your mop right into her side earning an ear-piercing yelp.
As you turn around to face the group, you make sure to add a little swing to your arms and the bottom of the soaked mop splatters onto another girl’s heels.
“EW! What the hell?!”
“Oh! Sorry about that!” You apologize half-heartedly and tilt your head innocently. You’re proud to say that you were even able to hold your best counterfeit customer service smile as you continued. “You see, the shop is pretty small so you probably shouldn’t hang around in the middle of it. I think there’s a pretty big thrift shop down the block if you wanna kill time. You could also probably buy a replacement purse for the fake one you’re holding now.”
The girls don’t seem as adamant as the previous ill-mannered customer, so they just speedily strut outside with lowered heads and annoyed frowns. Still feeling a bit petty, you make sure to wave a hand sarcastically. “Don’t get your extensions stuck on the door on your way out!”
You feel a pair of eyes trained onto your form, so you make the effort to turn around. Kenma is just quietly fixated on you. You shift a bit at the awkward moment before breaking the silence. “Ah, sorry Kod-...uh...Kozume-san. You just looked a bit uncomfortable with those girls and I was still a bit upset by the man from before.”
There’s a small quirk to the corner of his lips. “Thanks. And, just Kenma is fine.”
Your body tenses a bit at the Youtuber’s words. “B-but…”
It was at this time Kuroo decided to make his presence known. He was slightly bent over with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. “That’s right~ You mentioned that you watch his videos. How long have you been a fan?”
“Um...about 2 years?” You scratch your cheek shyly as you remember all the lonely nights in your apartment when you binged on Kodzuken’s streams while munching on five different brands of cookies. “The videos got me through some rough patches in college.”
“That’s just about the time he even started making videos. You must be a pretty loyal fan then.“ Kuroo hums in thought. His eyes shift between you and his friend before ultimately landing on his male figure. “Kenma, why don’t you take a picture with her?”
Both of your hands shoot up at the suggestion and start waving them in dismissal. “N-n-no! That’s okay! I don’t want to make him more uncomfortable!”
“Aw, come on! No guy would mind taking a picture with a pretty and sensible girl like yourself. You’re definitely more pleasant than those fakes from before.” Kuroo takes this time to rest his elbow on your shoulder and draw a bit closer to you while still facing Kenma. Your nose catches the subtle musky cologne from the tall man and can’t help but appreciate the attractive scent despite your current predicament. 
The two of you continue to go back and forth for a bit, neither of you backing down with your stubbornness. Kenma just watches in amusement for another minute or two before deciding to finally say something. “I don’t mind.”
You and Kuroo both pause when you hear Kenma’s voice. Once you actually comprehend what Kenma had just said, it takes all of your energy to try and calm your excited heart. Kuroo grins triumphantly and claps his hands together. “Then, that’s that!
After pulling out his own phone from his pocket, Kuroo signals you and Kenma to get closer until your shoulders are touching. You manage to calm your heart to a certain extent and pose with a small peace sign. Kuroo takes a couple of pictures and even changes the camera to selfie mode with all three of you for one of them. 
“Hey, what’s your number? I’ll send the pictures to you.” Kuroo passes you his phone and you type your contact information in. When you return his phone, he sends the images right away and you feel vibrations in your pocket. When you pull it out the check, you can’t help but smile. You tap one of the pictures to see the full screen and surprisingly you look a lot calmer than you had felt at the time. You and Kenma were both holding up a peace sign with happy expressions. You were beaming while Kenma sported a small, but genuine smile. The picture was perfect. You were definitely changing this picture to your lock screen soon.
“Order’s ready for Kuroo-san!”
You let out a silent gasp when you remember that you’re still in the middle of working after hearing your boss. You make the effort to get rid of all the cleaning supplies before rushing back to your spot on the register. “Sorry, boss!”
Osamu’s pretty chill about the whole situation and you’re once again thanking the universe for gifting you with such a kind boss. As you’re passing the food to Kenma and Kuroo in multiple plastic bags, the latter looks into one of them and gives Osamu a bewildered look. There was an extra bag of side dishes and drinks. “We didn’t pay for these.”
“Take it as a thanks for helping out and saving my little coworker.” Your boss just smiles and you just pout at Osamu’s teasing.
“Are you sure? It’s more like we drove away some of your customers.”
“No worries. I’d rather run a small business with decent customers than have to deal with people like them for a couple extra points on reputation,” Osamu reassured. “But, if you’re still concerned, I guess I wouldn’t mind an autograph to put up in the shop. Only if Kozume-san is alright with that, of course.”
To say the least, Kodzuken’s autograph was framed and displayed on the wall next to the windows by the end of the day. Kenma had even posted a picture of him and his high school friends from Nekoma eating the food on social media while tagging Onigiri Miya. This would surely bring in a lot more customers to the shop in the future.
Despite the busy work day and the mishaps in between with impolite customers, you had a great experience. You never thought you’d ever get to stand next to the only Youtuber you’ve ever really wanted to interact with in person, let alone get a nice picture with him. The world was really on your side when you got accepted into this job.
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“Didn’t know you were such an avid video game fan,” Osamu points out as you’re both wiping down the counter and putting away ingredients. It was closing time, so the both of you were on cleaning duty.
“I actually don’t play as much. I mostly just enjoy watching other people play since I don’t really have a lot of free time,” you reply back.
“Oh yeah?” Osamu playfully flicks a stray sesame seed in your direction. “You sure you didn’t just fall head over heels for Kozume-san?”
Your cheeks become warm. “W-what? Stop teasing me! It’s not like that!” 
Your boss laughs at your flustered state. Feeling satisfied with your reaction, he changes the subject. “You know, him and Kuroo-san played volleyball in high school the same time I did.”
This piqued your interest. “Did you guys play any matches against each other?”
“Nah. I saw them around, but we never got the chance to play against each other. To be honest, my team was a bit more focused on facing the schools that had the top spikers in the nation.”
At the mention of talented spikers, something clicks in your memory. “Oh! I think there was someone in one of my classes that mentioned something about being on a volleyball team with a top ranked spiker. He said he’s an alumni from...Sarato...Shirata…”
“Shiratorizawa?” Osamu corrects.
You confirm with a nod. “Yeah! That was it!”
“Ah, Shiratorizawa...That team had some pretty interesting players and there was always some kind of commotion wherever they went. If I remember correctly, they had a guy that kind of looked like Benkei*.”
“That’s an interesting comparison.” You snort at this comment. 
“If you ever saw him, you’d agree.” Osamu tied up the last trash bag and hefted it up onto his shoulder. You go ahead and wipe down the now empty trash can.
Placing the washcloth in the laundry pile, you start heading towards the back room to get ready to leave. “Well, point him out if he ever visits the shop, or any one of them for that matter. All of the people you’ve ever mentioned from your high school days seem to be entertaining.”
Osamu chuckled. “You have no idea.”
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Benkei: a japanese warrior from the past; also a reference to Haikyuu season 3 hehe
A/N: kuroo and kenma were done so well this past week’s episode and UGH KENMA. actually UGH NEKOMA. This chapter actually took me a fat minute to plan, so i hope it’s not too obvious that i lost some sleep over this (but dont worry i had fun hehe)
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mo2k · 3 years
YES! Bring Mitsuya too! He would totally be down for it coz.... (maybe I shouldn't say 🤫 it's kind of a spoiler?) Maybe I could get him to make me a dress while he's here 🥺 Girl, if Baji tries to beat you up I'll beat him up 😤 I've got fighting experience coz of my brother so I can hold my ground! Now bring him along coz I lowkey wanna braid his hair 🙂
Face masks have never been my favourite thing to do... but just once.. for you! I feel like Draken would be good with nails too 👀
I can just imagine the confusion on your dad's face 🤣 anyway the first ep really hits you hard! The reason why me and my friend decided to watch AOT is kinda funny 😅 but anyway she watched ep 1 first and told me that it was super sad and gruesome and I was like that sound fun and we both enjoyed it 😅 You should continue but don't push yourself! Ooh the 104th cadets are just Eren,Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha and the rest of the gang and the veterans are Levi, Erwin, Hanji, Mike and the rest! You'll meet them soon
He started watching anime recently tho... I have no idea why (this is my thing!) He mostly calls me out when I simp over chataracters... He watched Haikyuu a few days ago and made it extra clear that he DOES NOT like Oikawa 😐
I feel better now! Actually I didn't feel anything after the vaccine at all 😅 just my legs hurting from running around and standing in line all day But I'm ok now!
Oh sure thing but wdym spoilers — AmAnDa YeR rEaDiNg ThE MaNgAs ArEn’T yEr ? 🧐 Awwww yes yes he will. If he doesn’t I’ll make him do it (‘cause i’m cool yea yea yea pls just ignore me — 😏🙄😅😂) Thank you ! 🥺💖 That’s very kind of yer but no, I don’t want yer to get hurt. I can take on him myself ig 🤡🤡🤡 Babe r u alright ?? I quite understand u tho, i fight with my sis a lot nah almost every day, although it’s more about words than fists oops Alrightyyy Baji-san ! Come over and let amanda braid your hair rn !! 😁 Can I put some bows or maybe some cute hair clips on his hair too ? 🥺🥺🥺 Oh I’m pretty sure yer ain’t goin’ anywhere soon baji-san —
Lol it’s okay luv ! Face masks aren’t everyone thing, not exactly mine either, but it’s good to try smth different <3 See ?? Everyone thinks you’re amazing, draken. Be more proud of yourself ! (And also your marvellous works —)
Ahahahaha well maybe at first, but he immediately understand what’s goin’ on with me the second I pointed to the screen. Ig it really did hit me hard lmao 🤣 Omg wow yeah you like sad anime — I remember yer once told me yer do — so maybe that’s why you say that ? 😂 And oh you like action anime too, tis one’s kinda your type isn’t it ? But yeah I’m glad yer and yer friend enjoyed !! It’s alright dear ! Tyvm ! For me I personally think aot is v. safe tho, like — they don’t really focus too much on scenes where titan gobbled up ppl, and yea that makes it much less scary than I thought it would be. I like that.
Oh oh oh — I see I see — I already meet almost all of ‘em !! Yes I met captain Levi already omgggg — he’s captain ?! 😱😱😱 Plus he’s super cool like he just came for some mins, nah maybe even secs but he already start slashing and killing titans ?! That’s very amazing !! He really impressed me a lot, I’m stunned, really. Yes I admit, I admit right away that’s such an excellent character. *claps claps* So tis da man who’s half of yer heart ? Good taste yer got there 😏✨
Also also — there’s tis scene where it shocks me very much, um prob the one that eren got gobbled by the titan… my jaw hurts bc it was dropped too much but I just can’t help it ‘cause wattttt ?? He’s a main charac isn’t he ?? Then he’s gunna be dead like that ?? No ThAt’S iMpOsSiBlE — but then I found out that he’s a titan but it didn’t shock me that much ‘cause I kinda have guess before that he’s the titan, it still shock me a bit tho… wait what am i even saying rn ??? 💀💀💀
And mikasa’s past !! Super sad… I felt like my heart sank as I watch, damn tis series really hits me hard in… literally everything oh mah gosh —
… Dang it. Tell me when he simps over anime charac too, that’s da time for yer revenge. Calls him out, annoyed him to the death of the world bae. That’s what I’ll do too if I were you, too bad my sissy already simp for anime charac before I even start watching one… ugh —
Hm what ? Why ? WhY ???? Oikawa here — tis baby here is such a good charac… but oh well yea maybe Oikawa’s not really his type nvm — Dw bae maybe he just not like him but we do and that’s what really matter ♡︎
Ah glad to hear that love ! And oh yeah me too ! I didn’t feel anything except the pain in my upper arm, but I still didn’t catch a cold or anything, HELP my mum says that I’m super-tough like a buffalo omlllll 😭😭😭😭 She’s so CRUEL ! Oh I can understand that hehe, but I’m still glad to hear that you’re okay now <3 BUT YER STILL NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YERSELF OR ELSE IMMA CALL SHINICHIRO-SAN ☹️☹️☹️ I’M SUPER-SERIOUS HERE SO DON’T CHA DARE !!!
- With love, BamBam 🦢🌙
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severeblizzardlady · 4 years
Isekai in the Time of QuarantinePart 4
Jin Bubiagawara/Twice
[Part 1, Part 2, Part 3] 
Warnings for: Spoilers, Swearing, Jin 
Dedicated to the people who’re sticking around for this. I do appreciate it, and I hope you’re all taking care of yourselves and having some fun now and then!
It took all of two days for Jin to warm up to you. It wasn’t quite the fastest bond you’d made (that honor went to your bestie from high school--5 minutes in homeroom), but it was quick enough that you were surprised. You’d imagined gaining his trust would take days on end, putting your energy behind every act of kindness you could think of that would keep him from wanting to kill you.
In reality, you let him sleep on the sofa, made him breakfast and dinner (he was on his own for lunch because of work), picked up some clothes for him, and allowed him to do whatever he wanted. As long as it wouldn’t end with you both getting arrested. (He wasn’t thrilled about that, but a line had to be drawn somewhere.) You’d been too tired after work each day to do anymore. You’d wanted to, but....
Just two whole days. And then you woke up on that third day and he was making breakfast for you in his Twice costume. Damn if that bodysuit didn’t accentuate everything. It was by far the best thing you’d ever woken up to. 
Not that you weren’t concerned. You were. And you were still on edge. Because, yeah, you liked Jin. And Jin in his Twice costume had to mean that he trusted you at least a little. Maybe. But he was also a villain you’d (maybe) somehow dragged into your world. You hadn’t been able to find anything online about this sort of thing. 
What were you supposed to do?
“I’m back.” You pushed open the door with your back, arms not quite as full of groceries if they might’ve been at any other time. Because you’d been kicked out of the store closest to you, you’d been forced to hunt down the next closest place. Which meant having to memorize the bus schedule. And walking. So much walking. 
Jin was fiddling with something on the couch as you set the groceries on the table. You paused. He had his mask on as well as the coat you’d gotten him. (You’d been worried because you had to order it online, but it fit him surprisingly well--then again, he did know his body measurements.)
“Um, everything okay?” A knot settled in your stomach when he slowly stood up, his back still towards you. Was this it then? It’d been a week and a half now, and neither of you were any closer to a solution. He must’ve reached his limit.
There were a number of ways he could do it, end you. They all flashed through your head. 
You’d already told your parents they didn’t need to come get you. Some quick, bullshit story about your “friend” Jin who you knew from school and had been working on his Master’s degree only for the university and his work study to close, leaving him without money or a place to stay. Wasn’t this awesome? Now you didn’t have to worry about anyone trying to break in.
No one would know, except maybe your damn landlady who kept hitting on Jin whenever he stepped outside. But, God, she’d be next wouldn’t she. He’d--
He turned around. There was a lump under his jacket. His hands were cradled under it, as though he was holding his stomach. “I’m pregnant, and I think the baby’s coming.” He said simply.
You looked at him. Then you looked at his stomach, “What’s in your jacket?” When it squirmed suddenly, you jumped backward, “Jin, what is that?”
“I told you I’m pregnant!” He insisted, and then he opened his jacket further before moving his hands and the thing further up his chest. “And the baby’s coming!” 
What the fuck. Were you dying tonight or what? 
All you could do was watch as Jin moaned--definitely not imagining him moaning like that for any other reason, oh no, definitely not--and lifted his hands until a little pink nose appeared from the opening of his coat. And then a pair of white paws. And then a tiny black head with little pointed ears. Until you were staring at a little tuxedo kitten meowing at you from the confines of Jin’s coat.
“It’s a boy!” Jin cheered, “Let’s name him Dabi, honey.”
A second passed. Then another. Then--
“Hold on,” You started digging through your purse. “Don’t move. I need a picture of this.” You ended up taking several. (Jin was used to it by this point, you didn’t need to really ask anymore.) Once you were satisfied, you asked, “Did you steal that cat?”
“No way!” Jin made an X with both hands, causing the newly named Dabi to squeal and almost fall back into Jin’s coat before Jin caught him again. “I birthed him--you were there!” His left hand, the free one, started waving, and he huffed. “Not now, lefty. Daddy and I are talking about our darling new baby!”
If I’m “Daddy,” does that make him “Mommy”? Oh, awesome, now you were imagining him as a fifties housewife, pearls and all. You snorted, nearly choking on the laugh that threatened to escape. Although--nope, no, your brain needed to be clean for just one minute. “Can I hold our son then?” 
You could feel the way he was beaming at you as he handed little Dabi over (hopefully the real Dabi would never find out). It made you grin as well as you cradled your “son.” Where Jin had found the cat, you weren’t quite sure, but it was friendly enough. As soon as you held him, the little dear climbed onto your shoulder, body vibrating as he purred against your ear. His fur was super soft too, like petting a cloud. 
Oh well, you’d always wanted a pet around. “I can’t believe you got a cat and set everything up,” You smiled at Jin.
He blinked, “Set up?”
Um. “You know, the litter box and the food and--you didn’t get that stuff.”
Jin was silent, right hand still wrapped tightly around his left. You weren’t quite sure what he was thinking, but you had a pretty good idea (Jin always hated letting people down after all). Smiling, you handed Dabi back over. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll run out and grab what we’ll need.” Stepping towards the door, you hesitated. Then you turned back around and gave Jin’s arm a quick squeeze. It was the first time you’d brought yourself to touch him. To actually touch him beyond accidentally brushing against him. “I’ll be right back!”
By the second day, Jin had understood why he’d been brought to your world. 
On the surface, you were normal. Just an average, goody-two-shoes, upstanding citizen. You woke up, worked yourself to the bone, and then you’d go for a walk or eat or read. In his world, Jin wouldn’t have spared you another glance.
“...wake up, get in line and be miserable and terrified like the rest of us!”
You weren’t happy. Not just because of the sickness that forced you to stay in your home a majority of the time. You weren’t happy because you were trying to force yourself to be normal. 
He could hear it every time you talked to yourself. The way you sighed after a video meeting with your boss. You were trying to force yourself to fit the box your society had shoved you into. You wanted to be “normal.” You wanted to be accepted on their terms. Who else but Jin could understand that feeling of utter loneliness? 
Really, you were just like him. No. If anything you envied him. He’d seen your social media after all.
There wasn’t much else for him to do while you worked besides smoke, watch TV, and wander around until you went looking for him (because you were concerned about him, weren’t you? Afraid he’d leave you alone again to suffer). You felt bad for him that second day. He could see it in the way you fiddled with your utensils, glancing at him before looking to the door or back into your room. Once you’d cleaned up to begin work, you’d gone to your room, only to come back with your laptop.
“I just put the password in, so you’ll be able to use it. If you want, I mean.” You’d said, moving from one foot to the other. (You were too cute, even cuter than Toga. Maybe? No, yeah, you were.)  
He’d typed in his own name in the search engine, just to see what appeared. And there he was, just like you’d said. (You’d told him about the story, how the story focused on the green-haired kid Toga liked, the one who wanted to be just another shitty hero.)
There were pictures of him. His weight (Rude!), his height, his past, all of it was there for the world to see. He closed out of the page, not wanting to see any more.
It was disgusting, it was crushing, it was interesting, it was exciting. If he could see how the “story” went, he could tell the others. Help them succeed. Hero society would fall, and his friends could have the lives they always wanted. 
And then he’d gone to type something. Couldn’t remember what. It didn’t matter though. Because something came up in the search bar, an account you’d frequented, he’d thought. The link ended with something along the lines of “My boy.”
So he’d clicked on it.
It was your profile. A picture of your window (the one in your room that looked like it had prison bars across it) was the account picture. And then...then there were pictures of him.
Gross, holy shit, what a creep, oh that’s a nice picture! They were from the manga, black and white renderings of himself smattered throughout your profile. He’d been so busy looking at them all--in disgust, fear, intrigue, confusion, wonder--that he hadn’t noticed the captions until he landed on one that sent a thrill through him.
He was on his knees in the picture, arms hanging limply at his sides, covered in blood and sweat. And there were more copies of him--the day he’d used Double on himself to fight the Meta Liberation Army. You’d written one sentence for the caption: “So proud of my boy right now.”
There was a buzzing in his head, his leg had started acting up--We’re not splitting, I’m here, you’re here, we’re all here now!--but he couldn’t stop scrolling back. Couldn’t stop himself from going back and rereading all of your captions.
“Twice is best boy; haters can fight me.”
“Look at him strike that Vogue pose while Skeptic looks like he’s constipated. Rock it, Jin, you funky magical girl!”
“God, he looks so proud of himself making that clone of Rappa. I can just imagine he was doing jazz hands. Someone get my baby a bouquet. He deserves them (and the world)!”
At that moment, he’d heard you talking to your boss in the other room on yet another conference call.Your confession came back to him: “I was going to bed...thinking about how lonely I was.”
You were too used to the toxicity of society that you couldn’t see it was trying to kill you from the inside out. Smothering the person you wanted to be. So he’d take care of it. Your feeling like an outsider, he’d get rid of it. And when you both found a way home finally, he’d bring you along. Away from the judgments of your parents and that creepy lady who kept hitting on him (Ew) and into the Paranormal Liberation Front (Yay!), where you’d finally be able to live as yourself. 
Just like he swore he’d help Hawks, he’d make sure you were free. You’d be right there beside him and the others while the world of heroes got reduced to rubble.
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Maou-jou 1 | Munou na Nana 1 | Grace of the Gods 1 | IWGP 1 | Akudama 1 | Crusade 1 | JJK 1 | HypMic 2 (also brief thoughts on the dog and cat TV short because I had them)
Maou-jou 1
I sampled this manga with what’s called a “Viz sampler”. I only ever seem to find those at libraries, so I’d assume only they and bookstores can get those.
…Twilight looks like Maou Sadao (Hataraku Maou-sama!).
“Dawner”??? I can read katakana, ya idjits. His name is Akatsuki. Update: The translator must’ve gone, “Dawn is a girl’s name. Let’s tack on an -er so it looks like a guy’s name.”
Aw, Hiro Shimono is Akatsuki. If it were Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, we could’ve gotten a Kirito joke out of it.
Oh! 快眠 (Kaimin) = good rest, literally “happy sleep”. Hence this is the nation of Goodreste. I see.
The lightning effect is soooooooooo cool! *eyes glitter at the particle effects*
I’m gonna die from cuteness from all the teddies and seals!
The little fanfare is so cute and the yokudekimashita reminds me of my days playing the arcade game Bomberman (which had a flower sticker much like this one). I wanna see this get a dub and succeed on all its merits! It’s basically my baby already…bar the fact it took a bit to work up to the first good bit of comedy.
The teddy demons are called Debiakuma, a pun on kuma (bear), devil and akuma (devil). Lessee…After “lesser demon”, there’s more text…“Fluffy bears that can be also used as pets. They give in easily to temptation. A lot of them live in the demon castle, so the princess likes to gather their fur, dye it and spin nice cotton out of it. Warning: A lot of them will either run away or call you their friend./Occasionally act as friends for the princess.”
LOL, I recognised that voice of the Scissors guy straight away…although I didn’t know who it belonged to. That’s Suwabe. (It doesn’t sound like Suwabe, I would’ve thought it to be Takuma Terashima or something.)
Aw, the Japanese version is more boring this time. It’s just Scissor Magician (in the singular for both).
*hears Scissors Demon going -ageruwa”, which is a feminine sentence ending…that’s Suwabe trying to (voice) act effeminate???!!!
These trumpet sounds never get old.
LOL, Siberian huskies dressed as Russians…
Okay, my turn again: Hari means needle, toge means thorn. Next to “His stomach is soft”, part of the subs are cut off due to Funimation’s hardsubs, but I can read “he is proud of his defence” on the 2nd line, “is the type to not refuse when relied on” on the 2nd-last line and “his favourite food is strange bird chawanmushi” on the last line.
I love how parts of the castle are upside down for no reason at all except to look cool…architects must hate that, though.
I hadn’t heard of “seesaw battles” until now. but the metaphor does make sense...kind of.
What about changing the mattress? Update: She does do that…kind of.
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Kirito was under my nose all along! Damn Demon Kinggggggggggggggggggg!
Kamina glasses on one of the background trees! Cute tapir! Ahhhhhhhh, it’s so cuteeeeeeee!
Anyways, that’s a fun show. Not as fun as HypMic, but still fun after it gains momentum.
Munou na Nana 1
I remember seeing spoilers for a twist at the end…let’s hope I don’t anticipate it. That would kill the entire anime for me.
The message actually says something about how the island is a nest for enemies of humanity.
There’s the ice narcissist I saw in the promo stuff, right on cue. I’ve never heard of his voice actor Hiromichi Tezuka before, although he does sound like Hiroshi Kamiya or someone much better.
Why do I get the feeling once the title character arrives, even Nanao will get powers…? Or maybe Nana is the catalyst for Nanao’s powers awakening or something? (Just realised having a Nana and a Nanao together in the same anime is confusing…)
Subbers spelt “noblesse oblige” wrong, unless it was deliberately done as such.
I predicted the “duke it out” line.
There’s a menu on the wall of the restaurant.
Maybe Nanao’s “talent” is his leadership stat or something?
Or maybe even Nanao is an enemy of humanity and doesn’t know it? (Sorry, speculation going into overdrive…that usually happens with superpower works like this for me, because I like to analyse them.)
Maybe Nanao can see the future, like the protag from Koi to Producer?
Technically, shouldn’t ice be weak against fire…? Or am I too used to the Pokemon system?
Called it! Nanao has a hidden power! (That reminds me: I still don’t know what Lucien’s (from Koi to Producer’s) power really is.)
Vigilantes is really good at exploring how people can expand on their own powers.
…wow, I heard rumours that the main character was going to die, but I’d pegged Nana to die, not Nanao.
Onodera is clearly important…maybe he was the one with the wind powers? Or was Nana lying about that?
…dude, the red eyes are kinda obvious that Nana is evil in some way, or at least really devious.
Grace of the Gods 1
All I really know of this is that it’s got slimes and it’s an isekai/SoL hybrid…That’s it.
…I am not, I repeat NOT, on board for a harem centred around an 11 year old!
Ryoma speaks with an unnatural amount of starts and stops, hence the caveman speak.
What’s Jil’s role in the party…?
Why would you even need to know 4 high-level skills? Isn’t it better to know all of them?
LOL, I knew the isekaid guy was meant to have a hard life so he could start over with slimes, but…stick Doppo in this and it’s basically the same thing. At least Doppo tries to resist his bosses behind their backs, this guy just did the whole gaman thing and look where that got him!
If he worked for a black company with no overtime and so forth, how did he know about a recent anime trend, eh??? Sounds suspect. Update: Unless he was thinking about 90s isekai, which still involved less reincarnation than this.
I noticed the gods have senbei (the rice crackers with the seaweed). Western-looking gods probably shouldn’t have senbei, unless…they did that to make Ryoma feel more at home?
Seriously, how does a guy with no overtime still have time for online games? Even if he were getting just ads for them, he probably wouldn’t have paid enough attention to be able to figure out what the cliches are, right? Either that, or the Dragon Quest system is older than I think it is.
Slimes don’t have paws…or hands or other appendages…to give…
…I’m not sure what to think there. Am I meant to think the slimes are cute? Am I meant to think the catgirls/animal girls are cute? The answer to those questions is “no”, so…eh.
Basically, I chose this for associations with HypMic.
…the best first impression involves a CGI car. Of course. <- (sarcastic)
Given HypMic, I almost expected a rap battle…nahhhh…Rap battles don’t look so cool outside HypMic, man.
The owl is a pun. Fukurou (owl) matches ‘bukuro (bag, which is the 2nd character in “Ikebukuro”). There’s also an owl statue used as a meeting spot, much like Hachiko in Shibuya…(I learnt a bunch of things about the division territory through HypMic. Let me show off…)
I think the character designer for this anime also did Joker Game…that’s throwing me off a little. Also, they had a prime opportunity to use a Buster Bros song, so I’m still a bit miffed about that – this OP’s kinda standard. Update: The character designer is Junichiro Taniguchi – my insinct was wrong on him. He did Touken Ranbu Hanamaru’s character designs.
“Smoking kills” – Yuuuuuuuup. That’s true.
Why do I get the feeling all the male otaku will wanna bang Makoto’s mother (to put it lightly)…?
Curiously, the one who hates drugs in HypMic is Jyuto, who’s not from Ikebukuro Division at all. Hmm…
Yokoyama’s voice sounds familiar…but I’m not sure why. Update: If I had to guess, I’d say he’s Saito Soma or someone who sounds similar, so maybe Takuma Terashima, Daisuke Ono or something like that. Update 2: Takahiro Sakurai. See? I knew I knew that voice.
“Big Rei” (“Rei-nii”). That’s different from Ichi-nii (what Saburo calls Ichiro) and could also be goroawase for 02.
Uni of Tokyo is the most prestigious uni in Japan. It has quite the reputation.
…is it just me, or does Makoto have a piercing in his left ear? IWGP also happens to happily work with my existing character, although said character has a piercing in his right ear.
Zero One kinda looks like Uta (Tokyo Ghoul), LOL.
…and of course the girl has to rely on the dude. *sigh* Welp, we can throw drugs off the list for “things that count as TV-MA to Funimation” – IWGP is rated M (not 15+ explicitly, but that’s what it stands for normally) in my region.
This ED song…that’s the sort of song I was expecting from HypMic, Akudama or this.
Seems both Makoto and Takashi have earrings…maybe in both ears? Takashi’s are yellow, I could confirm that much.
…this is decent, but putting it up against its competitors is a bit harsh.
Crusade 1 (cont. from sneak peek - it’s in the title here because this is where it’s completed)
Turns out that preview was most of the episode…like “14 of 24 minutes” long.
Wait, how did Alice fall forward and end up in the princess carry pose? I remember having trouble with that when a character in a story of mine had the same problem.
That opera house looks pretty darn modern to me…
…eh…that was middling. Nothing any ol’ adaption of Romeo and Juliet couldn’t do, bar the CGI for the magic fight in the middle. (There was a fluffy griffin thing in the middle there, though.)
Akudama 1
Ume + Kimura and a cool urban aesthetic. Let’s go!
This is kinda Tron-like, eh?
Ooh, now it’s more like Cop Craft.
Kimura seems to use his gruffer voice more than his Ichiro voice, but Ume is actually worse on that fron with his ordinary voice…Welp, at least his ordinary voice sounds like it fits right in with the Courier. I almost expect an Ocean’s Eleven thing (or Now You See Me, since I’ve actually watched that) from this. Update: Turns out Kimura is the pompadour guy, not the fighter.
You can tell Ordinary Person is an okay person because she keeps saving cats. A bit cliché, but it’ll do.
Ohhhhhh…I can see where this plotline is going. Ordinary Person pretends to be Swindler to get herself out of this mess, but then she keeps getting involved with the Akudama. It’s a typical plot for a typical gal, common to insert a viewpoint character in series that require one, or a magical girl ally.
Wow, those missiles look like a**.
LOL, Hoodlum’s sentence is kinda measly in comparison to most of them. Plus, when he yelled, that sounded more accurate to Ichiro than Fighter was, so…yeah, sorry I messed up.
…Ordinary Person has some real bullseye…uh, eyes.
This could be a top contender…aside from the CGI, which does look a bit funky. I’m getting a death game vibe here, but I don’t know if that’s really the case. Also, it’s a lot of fun, but the possible intolerable thing here is Ordinary Person’s screaming – the pretense she has to keep up seems like it’ll fit right in though.
I read the manga once, dropped it and then read it again and didn’t realise why I dropped it.
Fushiguro has long eyelashes, tbh. Itadori comments on that at one point, I think.
Oh, it was a fish (carp) in the manga. I couldn’t figure out what the Japanese equivalent was just from the Kokkuri board.
This track club teacher is a bit of a freak, honestly. Meddling in kids’ affairs is probably illegal to some extent.
Itadori is known as “tiger” because the kanji for “tiger” is in the surname. Update: Also, the Czech dude Mirko was called “the Croatian tiger”, if a tweet I read is any indication.
I like how there’s more comedy in this one. They show the world records, so you have standards to compare Itadori against.
This is an almost beat-for-beat adaption, bar the slight comedy of the records being added (and not explaning who Mirko is). The contrast makes this better.
“People really can die.” – That’s summoning some real energy of “People die when they are killed.”
(Brief thoughts on the dog and cat short: I enjoyed that more than I thought I would. The picture of a realistic cat – someone’s actual photo of their cat?- that serves as a punchline never gets old and in fact, sometimes contributes to the humour.)
HypMic 2
LOL, TV-MA warning strikes again.
“Kore wa prologue/Hajimete no ippo/Fumidasanai yatsu ni wa/???? shinpo.” – The translation is really good for the bits I can read…the problem is I can’t read the bottom left corner. Update: The part in the bottom left is nai...That’s it.
…uh, even people from around the world can read 24 hour time??? You don’t need subs to read Arabic numerals???
…couldn’t you have just told Ichiro verbally, Saburo…? Update: Come to think of it, kids these days are more on their phones than ever, so it makes sense but also kind of doesn’t.
You don’t really need subs for laughter either…
I’d never heard of “pulling rank” before…hmm: “to use one's high position in a society, organization, group, etc., to order someone to do something or to get special treatment or privileges.”
…and here comes the F word here to mess with us again. Japanese nastiness is conveyed using words that might be considered “soft” in English, hence the sudden jump to use the F word a bunch, but the subbers could use some variety in their swearing. I mean, “dips**t” worked where it did because subbers made Samatoki go overboard with the F word, but…you could stand to use that more, maybe(?)
I like how even the Tenderloins guy rhymes where he’s meant to. It’s the prelude to a battle, after all. (He kinda looks like Kotaro from Zombieland Saga.)
…I freaked out for a second. I swore I saw a similar-looking restaurant (udon shop, located on the left of one of the shots) while in Japan. Also, we finally get to see Ichiro’s reputation at work.
…I still have no idea what a “steelo” is after all this time, but I didn’t realise I was staring at a part of Ore ga Ichiro until I saw it in context. Also, it was kinda derpy – but still really in character – for Ichiro to run to his destination with his arms up like the Glico man in Osaka (except he had his head down).
I get a weird feeling the subbers may have used the wiki translation because I’m using it as a reference and the language seems oddly similar for the most part…
The kick Ichiro does seems like it references the OP.
Notice the location is Nishiguchi Kouen…the West Gate Park. *raises eyebrows at the IWGP anime*
…oh! It occurred to me that the sign the BB do with their hands is…well, a lowercase B. (LOL, if you read my previous line funny, it rhymes.)
Gentaro doing the peace sign to his chest…that was random the first time, because it doesn’t seem in character, but then it does for Dice and possibly Ramuda, so Gentaro probably just chose to go along with it (“to add to his image as a rapper,” maybe…?).
Oh, Saburo has airpods in…those aren’t good for blocking sound, are they…?
Notice the owl on the…uh, café(?)…Ichiro goes to.
That one “holy shit!” made me laugh like a madman. Where it came from, I don’t know, but it was so random I had to laugh at it.
This makes me wonder…if you use a mic that’s different to your personal mic, does it produce the same speakers? No one’s ever addressed that before (much like how no one questions if magical girls always need the same transformation device – I wanted to make a plot on that someday, but I can’t seem to find a comprehensible way to pull it off…LOL, that reminds me, I even had a HypMic version of that featuring Samatoki at one point, but it probably makes even less sense than the standard one because it activates via physical contact. It’s notable – in my head – for Nemu’s version of the “power” being “Samatoki can’t swear, no matter how hard he tries”).
I’m pretty sure that round thing wasn’t part of Ichiro’s rings, ever. (…Unless that was the head of his spoon or something.)
…Microwave? (referring to the shot inside the hospital, which seems to be based off ARB)
The series normally transitions from BB -> MTC -> FP -> MTR, so it was interesting to see that shuffled up. Update: That’s if it has to have an order, but notably ARB breaks this standard a lot by assigning colours to each solo and then arranging interactions based on not repeating those colours (aside from the Sky High Tower event). With 4 things there are 4! = 24 possible combinations and 6! = 720 possible combinations if you count DH and BAT, so as we move forward with those 2 divisions...prepare for more shuffling.
…is Jiro gonna steal a ball? I thought it was just bikes anime characters stole. (LOL)
The mic changes the background, too, huh? Never expected that from more than the speakers.
…and of course, s*** explodes and the day is saved once again....by the Buster Bros!!! (LOL, but also *sigh*)
Hmm, so this anime’s real plotline probably involves this trio: Rex, Tom and Iris. They’re probably foreign in some way, judging by Tom and Rex. Maybe they’re aligned with a foreign government or something? Update: If you look at the credits, their full names seem to be Tom Whisper Weathercock, Iris Innocent Traiter (sic) (LOL) and…Taroumaru Rex…? (romanisations confirmed for all katakana)
Sadamezuka was voiced by the ubiquitous Kenjiro Tsuda.
It seems Cola Bintarou (aka Subaru Kimura) was on the case again today. He wrote the new song for BB, called RUN THIS CITY, along with Gesshoku Kaigi.
Of course, I’m going to keep this anime on my list...I’m just a bit worried about myself going forward, because I realised my ego got a bit inflated trying to defend the series from haters. I’ve never had a series where I’ve been a fan from the beginning that wasn’t already a known quantity for a while (Muhyo and Roji’s, Furuba). With Boueibu, I was discovering things alongside other people (or even later in a lot of cases) since it was anime-original.
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psqqa · 5 years
by the time i stopped to consider why the fuck i was putting this together in the first place, i’d already typed most of it up. idk i guess i just like throwing my joy into the void, where the void can either choose to ignore it or derive some joy from it itself. either is fine.
anyway, i’m never going to have enough of these in any one category to put together a proper FST or anything, nor am i capable of imprinting on a song for reasons that aren’t like “feathers.......hawks”, because really this is all driven by my terrible sense of humour, but what i have collected so far Sparks Joy, so into the void it goes. 
psqqa’s list of songs applicable to bnha in some way, shape, or form
No One Is Alone - Into the Woods - this is a vibe i’ve been getting from the manga for a while but then the my villain academia arc just totally cinched it (while we’re seeing our side/maybe we forgot/they are not alone/no one is alone)
Falling - Haim - this one is a bakugou song for me, which probably says something about me because i’m fairly sure it could almost equally be a midoriya song if you wanted it to be. yes, both could be good, but the brain doesn’t always work that way. (they keep saying/don’t stop/no it’s never enough/i’ll never look back/never give up/and if it gets rough/it’s time to get rough)
Ice and the Storm - My Brightest Diamond - inatodo. i did warn you. (darling we’ve accumulated/too much miscommunication/in the beginning everything is soft/not defensive/perhaps we begin again/shining)
Sacrilege - Yeah Yeah Yeahs - feathers.......hawks. probably dabi/hawks given the options so far, but that’s pretty immaterial tbh (fallen for a guy/fell down from the sky/halo/round his head/feathers in our bed)
Girl - Anouk - listen i’m not going to lie, i’ve never fully been able to figure out what the hell is going on in this song. like, i would say it’s just straight up anouk being in love with the titular “Girl”, but then there’s the “him” in the first verse so who even knows. i’ve settled on polyamory, which makes this my jirou highkey got the feels for yaomomo and lowkey got the feels for kaminari and she needs yaomomo to understand this so they can work on a frankly totally unnecessary because kaminari is already all in baby Wooing Plan (still got my hands/they’re clinging/so i just keep going/i don’t know where i belong/could i belong to you)
Electric Feel - MGMT - electric..........kaminari. i like to think of it in terms of kaminari/jirou/yaomomo. idk maybe he gets bored waiting for them to plan their Wooing Plan and just takes matters into his own terrible pickup line hands. or perhaps it’s just aimed at yaomomo and we can take these two songs jointly to be The Wooing of YaoMomo. which actually now that i’ve typed it out i am quite fond of as an idea. (i said ooh girl/shock me like an electric eel/baby girl/turn me on with your electric feel)
the three song stretch that runs Slow Show-Apartment Story-Start A War - The National - The Soul-Crushing Weight Of Being In Your Early-To-Mid-Twenties!kiribaku. this would be like triply the case if i were reading this manga in 2012 instead of 2019. (i wanna hurry home to you/put on a slow dumb show for you/and crack you up - be still for a second while i/try and try to pin your flowers on/can you carry my drink i have everything else/i can tie my tie all by myself - do you really think you can just/put it in a safe behind a/painting lock it up and leave/walk away now/and you’re gonna start a war)
Fireproof - The National - also kiribaku. look man idk what to tell you. it just be like that sometimes. (you’re fireproof/nothing breaks your heart/you’re fireproof/it’s just the way you are)
The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts - Sufjan Stevens - man of steel, man of heart...............tetsutetsu. pick your tetsutetsu ship of choice. it doesn’t matter. all parties equally applicable because only a steel man can be a lover/if he had hands to tremble all over/we celebrate our sense of each other/we have a lot to give one another
New Shoes - Paolo Nutini - kirishima song!! (hey i put some new shoes on/and suddenly everything’s right/i said hey i put some new shoes on/and everybody’s smiling/it’s so inviting)
Dance Apocalyptic - Janelle Monae - mina song!! what can i say, it’s got mina energy. also i feel like ‘dance apocalyptic’ would a great hero name for mina. (but i really, really want to thank you/for dancing ‘til the end/you found a way to break out/you’re not afraid to break out)
Whoo! Alright – Yeah...Uh Huh - The Rapture - kaminari song!!! do the lyrics even work for him? who knows, i’m just in it for the cowbell. and so is kaminari. (people don’t dance no more/they just stand there like this/they cross their arms and/stare you down and/drink and moan and diss)
Invincible - OK Go - now i could, and i guess sort of do, think of this as a bakugou ship song generally, but to be quite honest, i think it’s probably just the song his brain plays on a loop whenever he does anything (when they finally come to destroy the earth/they’ll have to deal with you first/and now my money says they won’t know about/the thousand fahren/heit hot metal/lights behind your eyes/invincible/oh oh oh/you’re invincible)
Daniel - Bat for Lashes - tododeku - don’t @ me (daniel/when i first saw you/i knew that you had/a flame in your heart/and under wild blue skies/marble movie skies/i found a home in your eyes/we’d never be apart)
Gekommen um zu bleiben - Wir sind Helden - BAKUSQUAD!!!! i mean, also like 1-a generally, but for me it’s really the bakusquad.....also i literally just realized that the band name itself works really well here (wir gehen nicht/aber wenn wir gehen/dann gehen wir in scheiben/entschuldigung ich sagte/wir sind gekommen um zu bleiben)
Don’t Call Me Baby - Madison Avenue - the kacchako song. why? because i was reliving the turn of the millennium. next question. (don’t think that i’m not strong/i’m the one to take you on/don’t underestimate me boy/i’ll make you sorry you were born/you don’t know me/the way you really should/you sure misunderstood/don’t call me baby)
You Will Not Take My Heart Alive - Joanna Newsom - All Might. although i think this entire album is one he would Have Feelings about. and tbh it’s impossible at this point for me to consider any one song off this album entirely on its own. it’s always within the greater context of the album as a whole. (and i won’t come round this way again/where the lonely wind abides/and you will not take my heart alive)
Don’t Wanna Fight - Alabama Shakes - bakudeku. i didn’t actually think any song would ping me as bakudeku at any point, but here we are. (what you like/what i like/why can’t we both be right?/attacking/defending/until there’s nothing left/worth winning)
Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfunkel - hawks/dabi-hawks/endeavour melodramatic clusterfuck. no i’m not taking questions. (DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE/DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO/DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE DEE)
Riot Rhythm - Sleigh Bells - riot........kirishima. but yeah kirishima and bakugou are bros and that’s Good. they might also be more than bros, but that’s up to you i guess. (because my best friend/she's okay/carve you out/all the way/straight A kids/like a treat/she stands up/takes the heat)
In The Shadows - The Rasmus - tokoyami. i feel like i’m virtually incapable of talking about tokoyami without also mentioning this song, but like, you’ve seen the video right? (i've been watching/i've been waiting/in the shadows/for my time)
The Hero - Queen - this one is probably cheating, given that it was written for the actual soundtrack of an actual superhero movie, but it’s not like there’s any rules to this and i’ve never seen the movie......or anything else with flash in it i guess, so whatever. anyway, not so much All Might as like every character in this manga when they were 4yo watching All Might. (he’s for every one of us/stands for every one of us/he’ll save with a mighty hand)
Impossible Soul - Sufjan Stevens - this wasn’t on this list until sometime around 2:30 AM last night when i was lying awake because i didn’t take my nightly melatonin and something something i can’t even vaguely remember the train of thought but it ended in me deciding this was a good bakudeku song. not so much the first part, but like ‘do you want to be afraid’ onward. maybe the eight minutes of “boy we can do much more together” will be enough for bakugou to get the message. (boy we can do much more together/better get it right/get it right/get it right/get it right/boy we can do much more together/it’s not so impossible)
to be updated if further song pinging happens, i guess?
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Alright! Had to open notepad for this one. For the self-isolation asks, emojis 🎯💡and 🎟️. For the pretty word asks, words lover, galaxy, and honey. For the cat asks, words tabby, siamese, munchkin, ragdoll, and maine coone! - Blaire (I need song recommendations can you tell? lmao)
OOOO that’s a lot of questions!!! imma throw on a song so i can answer all these without my adhd trying to screm
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🎯 if you could gain any skill instantly, what would it be?
aaa,, this is kinda expected for me ig??? but definitely the skill to draw good anatomy w/o reference--it’s so frustrating to be limited to poses that have been photographed!! i want to make intricate and weird stuff!!
💡 what hobby did you start doing most recently?
oooo!! okay this one’s kind of complicated--i’ve been playing piano on and off since i was like. really young . but i started picking it up more seriously (and by seriously i mean playing chords and shit to sing along to) very recently and i believe that’s my most recent hobby, unless my divination stuff counts--bc that’s a bit more recent!
🎟  what are some artists/bands whose music brings back childhood memories for you?
OH BOY UR JUST ASKING FOR ALL THE EMO BANDS LMAO,, okay but for real, it’s not all emo bands. all time low is the first one to come to mind, but as a kid i was also a huge taylor swift fan (and i still love her music, it’s more of a guilty pleasure now tho,,)--and like anything from before the 90s brings back childhood memories of my mom trying to force me to listen to it!! i hated it back then, but now i’ve gained a new appreciation for all sorts of music, and the only thing i don’t really like is certain jazz singers,, don’t really know any names LMAO but i really do recommend all time low if you wanna listen to some music!!! my fav songs by them are dancing with a wolf and remembering sunday!
lover: what’s your favourite song?
oh this changes like every 10 seconds i’m not gonna lie--but at the moment it’s a russian song!! i’ll just drop the spotify link::  > click me !
galaxy: your favourite and least favourite films?
OH THAT’S A HARD ONE,,, i don’t watch a lot of movies/films,,, but i think my favorites have to be the it movies from 2017 and 2019 (so chapter 1 and chapter 2) [and generally anything that finn wolfhard stars in ? he’s fuckin amazingngngngngng he’s actually my special interest rn ,,,] and,, a least favorite would probably be um,,, poltergeist i guess? i love horror movies but i fell asleep watching it when i was younger and it never really interested me!!
honey: what’s your favourite memory?
OMG my favorite memory is totally breaking my arm about a year ago!! the whole experience was so surreal, and it was fuckin hilarious!! i don’t wanna post the whole story here since this post is getting,, really long but. if you wanna hear abt that just inbox me again and i’ll laugh my ass off typing it all up!!!
tabby: do you have any weird/hidden/obscure talents?
YES I DO--for one i can move my pinky toes individually, and on my right foot i can move my fourth toe as well (but not on my left?) !!! i can also do that thing where u stretch ur thumb all the way back OR forward (depends on which hand we’re talking abt) to touch ur wrist lmAO!! i’m also an avid horseback rider!! well,, i was before i broke my arm, but i do want to get back in the saddle!! there’s just a lot going on with the healing process right now, broken titanium plate and all that,,, will post abt that if you want me to as well!!
siamese: any tattoos/piercings? (if so: which? if not: which would you get?)
OOO LOVE THIS!!!! for piercings, i have an industrial bar on my left ear, and my lobes are stretched to 12g !! my parents said i can’t go any bigger til i’m an adult but i plan on going all the way to 0g, maybe slightly bigger? idk ! and i don’t have any tattoos yet, BUT i know my first tattoo is gonna be a treble/bass clef heart with a heart monitor line through it on my left wrist!! i want my second tat to be my favorite horse (and the one that broke my arm) running between the surgery scars on my left arm!! and then for a third tattoo, on my right wrist i want to get something to match with my mom. she’s got a dopamine molecule tattoo so i was thinking i’d get serotonin to match !! we’re avid psychology lovers,, and i also want a whole plethora of piercings (none of which are inappropriate i promise that sounds painful no thank u) but i can go into that later lmAO
munchkin: top 10 songs rn!
OOOO HELLA HELLA they’re in no particular order bc i’m so indecisive abt my favorite songs,,,
that russian song
i will follow you into the dark - death cab for cutie
boats & birds - gregory and the hawk
the bird and the worm - the used
you n’ i - rainlord.
i want you to want me - chase holfelder
every breath you take - chase holfelder (i live for his minor key versions of things don’t judge me)
prom queen - beach bunny
notice me - alli simpson
as you can see, my music taste is all over the got damn place but it’s alrighT LMAO
ragdoll: what’s something you wish you could like or get into, but you just can’t?
eee definitely anime and manga!! i’ve always been very intrigued by a lot of the plots and stuff, but i can never sit down and get really invested in it. and it makes me kinda sad, bc i’d like to add more sources to this blog,,!!
maine coone: do you have any strange/odd/obscure interests? (what are they?)
I DOOOOOO i’m both autistic and the adhd king (diagnosed when i was 5 for both of em) so i have plenty of fixations to talk about. some of the bigger interests of mine include finn wolfhard (but that’s not really obscure, lots of ppl love him), stranger things (also not obscure), and kin stuff in general (also not obscure)! BUT to get obscure, we have to dive deep!! i love psychology, i love poetry (and i mean like. really obscure strange free-verse poetry like i write that kinda stuff), and i’m particularly obsessed with wicca/witchcraft to the point where i’ve even become a baby witch!! i feel very connected to everything i’ve been doing with that, and i even got over a crush and rejection duo by making myself a sigil that i kept in my phone case for months! it’s,,, so much funnnn!!! divination is my favorite part honestly,,
anyway!! i hope this answered all of your questions, blaire, and i’m really excited to get more asks for these games!! this was seriously a lot of fun!!!! i love getting to know my followers and i love when my followers wanna get to know me !
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thanks again for asking!!
- mod mike
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heya tsu !! could i possibly get a kin matchup from dr, specifically udg ? 👀 i'm bad at describing myself but !! i'm pretty loud and extra most of the time with my friends, but if you don't know me i try to keep a low profile. i like drawing, writing, and performing and i wanna be on broadway someday ! i usually take leadership with school assignments and stuff, and i easily get irritated if people don't listen to me and/or don't do their work. tysm in advance !!
ooh, okay, ultra despair girls! i’ll keep the major ones as that cast specifically, but i do have a couple in mind from other games that i’ll leave at the end! you seem really cool, anon, so thank you for requesting !!
*also, since the cast of udg is rather small, the major characters of the matchup will be in order of who you most to least reminded me of!
first off, i match you with...
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kotoko utsugi!
okay- i had a bit of a hard time picking between her and nagisa, but you are jus... big kotoko. first off, i mean, her ultimate is theater- you definitely share the aspirations for broadway with her, as well as a liking for performing!! also, being a theatre kid, she’s really loud and extra around her friends, and i think that as long as she has a friend or two around she can still be lively and bubbly- i dunno how true that is for you, but maybe it is! it seems more like when she’s submerged in strangers that she looses her cool and backs down. i won’t go into her backstory here, for both spoiler and triggering reasons, but that’s my strongest example of her doing this.
plus, while she is still a child who dislikes school, it’s said ingame that she’s also very intelligent. whenever she’s in a stronger state of focus, i wouldn’t be surprised if she’d lead the charge(also, showing some leader-ish traits, though a lot of the WOH do) on an assignment! plus, both of you don’t like to go unheard- and i wouldn’t be surprised if the two of you also share the desire to be understood be others. plus, while she does explicitly state a lot of her interests, i feel like kotoko and you would both have trouble describing your personalities if told to. like, i dunno what it is- i just couldn’t imagine her being able to smoothly. unless it was in a theatre role, of course!
i also match you with...
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surprisingly, not nagisa shingetsu yet! komaru naegi, actually!
so... komaru is sort of very and yet not really different from kotoko? and you? but hear me out. both of you do seem to be not very good at describing yourselves- in fact, komaru ingame even sees herself as completely ordinary and average, even though she has the strange abilities of seeing ghosts, and i don’t even remember what abomination she said her favourite food was. she’s not super loud around her friends, but she can definitely be extra and over the top in what she actually says, versus her somewhat more mellow attitude. her main loudness comes out whenever she’s more emotional and genuine, but i don’t think that that’s inaccurate to how you are! and, even though we don’t see it much since she warms up to toko pretty quickly, she is more hesitant and quiet around people she doesn’t know. ie the warriors of hope upon first meeting them
also, while i don’t think komaru’s hobbies aren’t explicitly stated, she does have an interest in manga- something that while she might not want to write it, i’m 99% sure she said she had an interest in drawing manga(checked the wiki and she does!), which lines up with you! plus, while i kind of see her as the lazy high school student, manga is literature, and on the note of leadership, komaru was able to rise up against the army of monokumas and the WoH. of course, she only got really into it after her character arc, but like the previous kin anon, that’s the komaru i thought of when reading your descriptkin. she seems louder and able to be silly, the way you seem, but knows when to be serious and doesn’t like it when other people can’t agree with when she does. despite komaru being a very average and normal person, she still wants to be listened to- her waking up every day and banging on the door for an escape is a strong indicator of that.
finally, i match you with...
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masaru daimon! i’m just kidding, nagisa shingetsu!
um... as i kept going back to your descriptkin, i sort of wavered on your total nagisa vibes- you still remind me of him, but i kept kind of faltering as i realised you weren’t a perfect fit for him haha. but that’s okay! anyways, your similarities! both of you are definitely more quiet when you don’t know people, nagisa seems rather introverted and even though he’s more serious, he can also get louder and happier around his friends. even though he seems a bit less cheerful than you do, i do think that both of you genuinely care a lot for your close friends and family, found or otherwise. plus, while i’m not sure how artsy he is, he does have an interest in toko’s books, which *implies* that he might be into writing?
the second half of your descriptkin, however, is where i think the big similarities shine through. first off, nagisa is absolutely the leader type when it comes to general tasks. maybe he’s not the type to give a motivational speech, but he knows how and when to get things done. i’d imagine that he’s co-leader of the warriors of hope for this reason! plus, being the most serious member of the group, he’s the type to be sort of a stickler for getting assignments done, as well as staying on top of responsibilities in general. both of you seem like if people weren’t listening to you trying to help them stay on task, it would be sort of a headache.
and with that, bonus lightning round time! from udg, you also remind me a bit of jataro kemuri, and from the main games, you also remind me a bit of kokichi ouma, angie yonaga, and korekiyo shinguuji!
i hope this was helpful, anon! please remember that you know best... um, i don’t really have much to add- sort of tired, haha. i’ll probably wake up later and realise that i forgot a crucial detail...! thank you very much for requesting though, and i hope your day/night is really good!
-mod tsu
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engekihaikyuu · 6 years
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Hyper Projection Engeki Haikyuu – The Strongest Team
Karasuno Memorial Cross Talk
Full interview translation and more photos under the Read More! Please do not repost my scans and translations.  
From taking on the responsibility of the character to the present
For those who have continued to play your characters from the very first production in 2015, what kind of emotions do you feel now for each of your characters and for Gekidan Haikyuu? Kenta: For me, Gekidan Haikyuu is “a place to go home to.”  After playing Hinata in that first show, my life has always had Haikyuu at its center... One thing I remember well from the early stages was when I’d gone to work on some other productions and then came back here, I felt like I might have forgotten Hinata, how best to play him, that sort of thing.  But before long, even that feeling disappeared.  Now I just have to read the script and I’ll start to remember how to be him, and because I’ve done it for so long, I feel like I’ve unconsciously developed a “Hinata brain.”  Moreover, I really love this group.  Whenever I had a tough time with other work, I could always get through it because I’d think to myself, “Well next I’ve got Haikyuu!!”
*Gekidan Haikyuu refers to the Engeki Haikyuu ‘troupe’ for a literal translation.  However, they use it to refer to not only the cast, but also the staff and everyone involved in making these shows.  They also use it warmly more often than not, and so the meaning has strong connotations of ‘family.’  I very regularly opt out of a translation for this because of all the meanings wrapped up into the word.  
But Engeki Haikyuu is also a fairly tough production. Kenta: Ah, but physical difficulties are totally fine.  Both our rehearsals and the tour itself are always so fun, negative feelings don’t really take hold... I mean there’s still a little bit sometimes (laughs), but not really.  It’s my place to go home to, and the fact that it exists is a blessing.
What are your foundations for playing Hinata, what’s something that’s become the core of this character for you? Kenta: Hinata is someone who takes in the influences around him and grows, his specialty is “absorption,” so at some point along the way, I realized that I can’t do too much in one particular way.  Even in the manga, his expressions are totally different from scene to scene, and his attitude changes too.  When I look at myself from that first production, I worked so hard on Hinata then, but already it’s become something I can barely look back on because it’s not enough. (laughs)  Even my voice was too low.  Probably at that time I thought, “This is all I’ve got,” so that was the logical result. Even if I now think that I was making a certain expression, the way I do it has changed little by little since then... The story too has changed from being about one person to being about everyone, so my options for how I play Hinata have increased, and when playing him for so long, a lot just happens spontaneously, and I think I’ve naturally become able to do more as Hinata in that time.
When it comes to Hinata, I remember when you previously said, “I say some of my most important lines with my back to the audience.” That left a deep impression on me. Kenta: Ahhh.  I did that in the first show with, “You!!! You’re the ‘King’ that controls the court!!”  And in ‘Start of the Giant’ with the line, “Then we must be like concrete or something??” Kazuma: The last scene when you were facing Shiratorizawa was the same too. Kenta: Yeah.  Those opening scenes have a sort of “unshown aesthetic.”   Kouhei: To sort of make the audience imagine what your expression might be? Kenta: ...there’s that, and sometimes it’s just that I should face the person I’m actually talking to.  After that... I do think it’s cool if I can get my acting across to the audience without everything above the neck.  I think? It’s not really an aura, but sometimes when I’m acting with my body in a space, there are moments when my facial expressions might even be a distraction.  So those scenes just naturally turn out like that.  I may keep doing that.  
Kageyama-san, you joined on for “Summer of Evolution.” Kage-chan: When Kenta said that his life has always had Haikyuu at its center, I’m exactly the same.  Once I started playing Kageyama, it doesn’t matter what else I’m working on, I’m always thinking back to Haikyuu.  At first I did feel a lot of pressure for joining late, but because I had everyone, and because of this atmosphere that everyone creates, I’ve made it this far.  It’s like living together... The sense of camaraderie is really strong.
Is there something you feel you have to stick to when playing Kageyama? Kage-chan: When I’m acting, when I’m reading the manga, the one thing I always feel is that he’s definitely a high-schooler.  The awkward parts of his personality, the way he single-mindedly pursues sports, those are all things that I personally experienced at that age, so I have that image of a high-schooler.  He’s not an adult; on the canvas of his life experiences, there’s still a lot of blank space.  In other words, he’s still young.  And he’s the type that wouldn’t notice until he wasn’t young anymore.  Or so I think. (laughs) Kageyama’s right at the height of that stage in his life.   Ryoutarou: Umm, this is something I’ve thought before but... Engeki Haikyuu is like a “road.”   Everyone: ....... Ryoutarou: Eh?  Um... So for example, when you move to a new place, that’s like the first show.  Right after you move, it takes a while for you to get home from the station because you’re not used to it.  But during that time, you can mess around on your phone and then before you realize it, you’ve arrived home.  And then you gradually get used to your new route.  And then as more time passes, there might be things like, “Oh, a new supermarket,” and little things gradually change along that same route. In the same way, Engeki Haikyuu is like a “place you finally reach” = “home” and I think we’ve all pretty much decided on that definition, but we make new discoveries on that road home every time... For me, it’s a lot of things related to acting, and all the while that I’m learning and finding new things, I always make it back home, and that home-like existence is Engeki Haikyuu. Kouhei: What?  Home? Not the road?  Which is it? Ryoutarou: Ah, ehhh, well...  “home,” then. Everyone: (explosive laughter) Ryoutarou: My sense as Kosaka Ryoutarou is that I’ve basically gotten used to that road now that I’ve been back and forth on it so many times, but as Tsukishima I feel like I still have a long way to go, and there are still new discoveries to make and more research to do.  
During breaks in interviews, I often see Suga-san pointing out the shortcomings in your acting with you listening carefully, all smiles. Ryoutarou: Yeah, well that definitely never changes.  When it comes to acting, I always listen carefully to anything Kenta-kun has to say, and I always want to do as much as I can to get better... But of course it’s not like I’m just straight doing what I’m told, I think carefully about it, digest it, adopt it...  That’s why he’s the dad of this house, Kenta-kun I mean.   Kenta: Ehh, noo. (laughs) Kairi: (laughs) For me, Engeki Haikyuu is my beginning as an actor, and... I didn’t know left from right, I was basically starting from zero, and of course I still have a long way to go, but I’m surrounded by great senpai, and I feel like I’ve become able to perform little by little.  
When it comes to the topic of “growth,” it’s possible that Miura-san had the greatest sense of struggle both for your character and for yourself personally. Kairi: It’s true.  Even in Engeki Haikyuu, Yamaguchi is a character that has a lot to improve upon.  He’s had this small, steady progress from the first show onward, and then there’s this sudden growth in “Summer of Evolution,” and at that time I... I might have been the only one to think this but... As an actor and as a person, everyone in Karasuno was cheering me on, saying things like, “You’ve really improved.” And I was finally at a level where I could get critiques that I’d never gotten before, and that made me really happy. I felt like I’d finally become a part of the team... or that I’d finally become an equal.  
And as you kept working on these shows, the relationship between Tsukishima and Yamaguchi also grew deeper. Ryoutarou: We used to talk things out a lot in our off-time, but now we’ve gotten to the point where we don’t have to say anything and we can do it.  The relationship between our characters has become very natural.   Kairi: Yeah.  We’re the same age, we both debuted with Engeki Haikyuu, and because our circumstances were so similar, of course we’d end up with a close relationship; and we’re very aware of each other.  When Ryoutarou’s being praised, I might even think, “Damn it.” (laughs)
Shiota-san, you’ve been a member since the very first show. Kouhei: I think the best way to add color to life is to combine “memories of the past with new encounters,” but at the time when I was first cast as Tanaka Ryuunosuke, he didn’t have a past, and his memories and his backstory grew as we kept on doing these shows.  To create more memories is to create more emotions, so the character himself was growing in complexity too.  Similarly, his relationships with everyone around him also grow steadily deeper... In Engeki Haikyuu, I think we’ve given birth to some things that could only exist because we could be these characters and be this team for three years.  Of course, the newer people who join us help us create new memories that add that final finish, and they provide inspiration.  To be able to play this one character of Tanaka for so long has become a great blessing in my life as an actor.
A character who gets along with everyone he sees. Kenta: Yeeeah, Shio-san has been amazing from the start. Kouhei: There are a lot of aspects of Tanaka that resemble me when I was young, so I think playing him was easier.  It was different work figuring out the relationships within the team, but personally I think I could always play Tanaka pretty comfortably.  When I switch, I do it completely.  When I’m not working on Engeki Haikyuu, Tanaka’s locked away.  Then when we start up again, I pull him out.  It’s a smooth transition.  It’s the result of having played him for so long, I think.  
Fuchino-san, you joined the team with “Summer of Evolution.” Fucchi: At first, I actually didn’t know Nishinoya.  I was taking over after Hashimoto Shouhei-kun, and everyone on Karasuno had spent time with Shouhei-kun’s Nishinoya... To clarify, basically everyone who’d been in Engeki Haikyuu before knew more about Nishinoya than I did.  That’s why for both “Summer of Evolution” and “Start of the Giant,” everyone on Karasuno helped me out a lot.  The biggest moment for me was during “Start of the Giant,” which features Ennoshita as the main story... and there was a scene that was centered around us, the second-years.  Depicting the second-years’ story in detail is something you just can’t do unless you understand the depth of their relationships.  But Kazuma-kun and Kouhei-kun were there for me, saying, “Because it’s the three of us, we’ll do it this way.”  And when we were able to really showcase our relationship, it felt like Nishinoya’s character had finally taken shape inside me.  Even though I wasn’t the one to play him in earlier shows, I felt like even the Noya-san from then was incorporated... Even though that wasn’t me, I tried to feel like it had all been me, like I’d accepted all versions of him in me, and play him that way.  And now I feel like I can really enjoy being Nishinoya now.  
Kawahara-san, you’ve also been a member since the very first show. Kazuma: Ennoshita is... He’s a character that’s changed a lot from that first show. (laughs) During that first tour, it didn’t really say anything in the script about what kind of person he was and how I should play him.  And that was true of the manga too.  Usually when a manga is turned into a stage play, it’s oftentimes easier if the actor visually resembles the character or maybe if he has a similar voice to the character from the anime, but Engeki Haikyuu is a little bit different.  With Worry-san at the head of it, his main goal was, “Let’s create a magnificent 2.5D show,” and we just started from nothing.  This work in particular has a lot of good lines that surely the audience are expecting, and in order to really move their hearts, you know there are so many points that can make them feel sadness or joy, and it’s just not interesting to simply imitate how the characters say those lines.  In the end, to really convey those messages to the audience, we have to present those words using our own feelings while living as those characters, to present what we can do as this group, as this troupe.  And everyone had those thoughts in mind as we worked to create these shows.  I actually thought it resembled youth that we could be at rehearsals and create this new type of play for our generation.  It’s a really wonderful atmosphere to be with everyone when we all have the same goal, eyes shining... I can feel it even now.  
When I watched “Start of the Giant,” I thought how glad I was that Ennoshita was there for everyone, I felt it from the bottom of my heart.   Kazuma: That’s... I think that’s due to everyone else.  As myself and as Ennoshita I felt honored, there were moments when I felt the weight of that as two people... and I really am grateful to everyone.  For these past three years, I was constantly thinking about how to make Engeki Haikyuu better and I kept thinking to myself, “I’m a Gekidan Haikyuu member.  This is home.”  Just having this kind of place to belong to really saved me.  
Tanaka Keita-san, you were in the first production, then you left for a while, and came back in “Start of the Giant.”   Keita: When I was cast as Sawamura Daichi for the first show, and I was building up his character, I felt like I could slip into that role pretty smoothly.  I played volleyball in middle school and high school, and when I was in high school, I was the captain, so I really understood Sawamura’s feelings.  For example, because my team doesn’t have very many people with volleyball experience, mostly all beginners, the first thing we have to do is raise the team’s standard.  You have to think about improving the people at the bottom before working on improving yourself, and you still have to make sure to consider people whose levels are sort of in-between, and there’s still the dilemma of practicing on your own so that you can improve yourself.  At times you might unconsciously think, “Maybe if I could’ve gotten into a stronger team, I could improve more personally.”  I think Sawamura must have had those kinds of feelings too.  And there are people around you who might quit partway through out of frustration, and I can very much understand their feelings as well.
From the beginning you’ve worked on this role with a sense for the actual things the character goes through. Keita: Yes.  And while I was away, there’s the Sawamura that Akisawa Kentarou-kun created, and when I came back, I was personally greatly influenced by Akisawa-kun’s Sawamura.  In “Start of the Giant,” there is a moment when the spotlight is on Sawamura, and it was such a different feeling from that first tour... I want to become a Sawamura that incorporates the feelings of Akisawa-kun, everyone who’s been in the show up to this point, and everyone who’s newly joined.
And how did you stay connected to Haikyuu while you’ve been away? Keita: I have always held the conviction that I am also a Gekidan Haikyuu member, that’s never changed.  I always thought that I wanted to cheer them on 120%... when I’d watch them, I had the time of my life, and it was so wonderful to see everyone steadily improving, I was really proud.  But I also felt like, “If that were me, I wonder how that would’ve turned out,” or “I really want to be up there with them.”  Then when I actually came back... they’d really established their Engeki Haikyuu method, so there was pressure.  But everyone welcomed me back so warmly, I was glad.
Tanaka Naoki-san, you joined the team with “Start of the Giant.” Naoki: This is only my second production with Engeki Haikyuu so my time spent with everyone will amount to just about one year... But when I first heard the news that I’d been chosen for Sugawara, I was really very nervous.  To play Sugawara, I think you have to first be able to really look at the people around you... He’s not someone that stands out and stands way way in the front, but even so he’s not someone that just hangs in the background, he’s more like one step forward... standing in front of everyone.  For example, when he stands next to Daichi, I think he looks like a guy that can protect everyone, so even at rehearsals I’d observe everyone on Karasuno closely both as an actor and as my character, noting things like, “Ah, this person is a little bit irritated right now” (laughs), or “it’s ok if we just mess around a little here.”  How should I deal with this, how should I tie these things together, I think about those things a lot.  Then if I can make the best use of the things I observe and work closely on those relationships at rehearsals, then that’ll be reflected on-stage as well.  After that, it’s obvious that Ino Hiroki-kun’s presence was enormous, since he created Sugawara from the very first show onward... I was definitely influenced by all the good parts of the Sugawara he left behind, and there are a lot of things that were transferred over.  And then I would add my own personality to it for something new... that kind of thing.  Of course there’s pressure in taking over a part, but I thought to turn it into a weapon instead because there’s the strength of two people behind this character, together with Ino-kun, there are two people’s ideas, two Sugawara Koushis that can be shown.  This year has been dyed in the color of Engeki Haikyuu.  Conversely from everyone else, I’ve continued to spend this short time in focused pursuit of Sugawara. Kenta: ...and now, next up, Jas.  We’ve really kept you waiting! Justin: Ha ha ha.  Ummm, well, at first I thought that Azumane and I were really similar.  That’s why at first, instead of working to create his character, I would just be me as Azumane and I thought that I would then just gradually get closer to the character, but what actually happened was that I ended up becoming more like Azumane.  Recently I’ve started to think that.  The more we do this, the more Azumane takes over, and little by little, it starts to feel like I can even lead the kouhai through the tournament.  I feel like I’ve really become like a third-year... That’s probably because, like Azumane, I myself have been doing these shows so many times, and as we continue to have all these new people, I’ve started to think that I have to help pull them along.  I want to take the initiative at rehearsals, I want to throw out ideas, and that way of thinking is different from how I used to be a while back.  The way I am at rehearsals has changed quite a lot. Kazuma: And everyone else has learned to rely on you.   Kage-chan: His personality’s become really mellow. Kouhei: But you know, Justin’s the only one of the third-years that hasn’t changed?  That’s honestly huge, so that’ll do a lot to mature you mentally.   Kenta: Is that it?
He has to be the center since he’s the point of continuity. Justin: Yes.  Well... I don’t know if I managed that exactly.  But it was a huge relief to have Keita come back.  We’ve said this in a lot of other places, but “The Strongest Team” will be a show where you can also see the shadows of everyone who have already graduated Engeki Haikyuu.  I’d like it to be a show loaded with all those memories and emotions. Right now, these two are working hard with the baton they’ve been passed, and right now I think it’s really great that you can see this particular group as the third years.  
Incidentally, which show left the strongest impression on everyone? Kouhei: Oh that definitely has to be “Winners and Losers.” Justin: Yeah, I agree. Kenta: We can’t get away from that one. Keita: For me it’s the first show. Kazuma: That’s a good one too. Kenta: But we really can’t forget “Winners and Losers.” Justin: Yeah, I definitely can’t ever forget that one.  I always remember it. Kenta: “Winners and Losers” is one where I don’t even listen to the soundtrack. Kouhei: ...it was really too hard. Kage-chan: Was it really that tough? Kenta: Yeah.  Even just with the intro it was already tough. Kouhei: Just hearing it is enough to make your heart start pounding, honestly. That do do do do do do... Kenta: It’s really true with that one.  But that’s also the coolest opening.  Other than that, the rest of it was seriously painful.   Kouhei: Seriously traumatic.   Kazuma: It wasn’t that hard for me, but that story, to be in that place as the ones who lost the match was really heartbreaking.   Kenta: It really felt as real as a documentary.  Somehow... I don’t know why but every time, my body was moving as though we could’ve had the chance to win.  It was weird. Justin: Yeah.  You sort of forget that we’re acting out a play. Kenta: That’s why losing was actually really hard every time, and we could honestly just cry.
What about your memories from the first production? Kenta: Right up until the curtain went up, I was really scared.  And then after the first act was over and we went to the break room... Kazuma & Kouhei: BOOM! Kazuma: When we could hear the cheers from the audience, we were like, “Hoooo wow~” Kenta: That moment made it feel like everything we’d done at rehearsals was the right thing to do, and we were really relieved.  Then we relaxed.   Ryoutarou: We did. Keita: Yeah, we were really glad. Justin: But even so, we’re nervous on the opening day of every tour.   Kouhei: Well yeah.  But both our nervousness and the commotion from the audience were the most intense during that first tour.   Kazuma: Yeah, it just can’t really compare to the others. Kenta: We make that one our reference point.     Kairi: We do.   Kenta: That’s why we always try to get even just a little bit close to the feeling from that first tour’s first show... I think. Kouhei: I don’t think we’ve ever surpassed that feeling.  That audience response, that impact.   Kazuma: We haven’t.  We really can’t forget that first day. Kenta: Everyone said, “It felt like we’d seen something new,” and that commotion spread. Keita: We were shaking even. Kouhei: I really can’t forget that. Fucchi: That sounds amazing. Naoki: It really does.
To everyone who joined the production midway, before you joined, you did go see the show at some point, didn’t you? Kouhei: Yeah.  How was it?  Seeing Engeki Haikyuu. Kage-chan: I saw the press preview showing for the first tour, and I felt like I’d been knocked out.   Kairi: Seriously?! Kage-chan: Like, really... I was envious. Justin: Ohhh. Kazuma: I’m really happy that you felt envious of us. Keita: Really. Kenta: I mean, we did several full run-throughs during rehearsals. Kazuma: We did! Kenta: Tens of times. Kouhei: Even twice in a day sometimes. Ryoutarou: Since this was my first production, I did actually wonder if that was normal. And I thought, if this is the norm, then I’ll maybe adjust my schedule to do fewer plays. Kenta: No, that was excessive.  I thought I was going to die. Kouhei: Kenta and Tatsunari would argue for us to only do a full run-through once in a day.  With the staff I mean. Kenta: We did~.  We were like, “Do you understand how much work this is for us?!” to everyone, Worry-san included.   Kazuma: Yeah.  There was stuff like that. Kouhei: Growing pain arguments.  
Isn’t it a bit unusual for actors to speak to the staff so frankly? Kouhei: Yeah.  But that probably came about because of the feeling we all shared of, “We made this.” Kazuma: It was our ideas... the result of all of us twisting our brains to come up with things... Justin: Honestly.  There were moments of, “We made this scene.” Keita: A lot of moments like that. Kazuma: At rehearsals, we’re not just actors, we had to overlook everything and think about it objectively and give ideas, and we all felt like directors too. Kouhei: It’s normal for us as actors to think about how we’re going to play our parts, but we were above and beyond that, we were “directors” too. Kenta: When we start those discussions, Justin always flips a switch. Justin: It’s true.  I can’t stop talking. (laughs) Kenta: That’s why Worry-san’s role is to then artistically synthesize everything together. Kazuma: In the end, if we can make it happen, anything goes.  
But if you can coordinate all of that then the actors’ potential can be amazing. Kenta: You can’t help but do well in those conditions. Kazuma: And then because we made that first show up from nothing, we all developed a lot of respect for Worry-san like, “Wow, he’s amazing.”  So when we start giving shape to an idea of ours that he accepted, we have to compensate for anything that doesn’t work... Kenta: Sort of like a parent-child relationship. (laughs) Kazuma: Yeah.  When you really respect your director, everyone can also love him sort of like he’s the father of this large family. Kenta: But you know, our ‘dad’ has a pretty weak physique.  Like when he was teaching us how to move like high school girls, “They move like this.  Uwaaaa!” Justin: And he’d kick his leg out behind him.   Everyone: (explosive laughter) Kenta: We can say this now, but Shio-san and I would do this “Worry observation log,” and we’d leave rice crackers on his desk.  Every time we did, he’d eat them really soon after.   Everyone: (laughs) Kenta: We’d secretly watch him and go, “Uwaahhh, he’s eating it, he’s eating it,” and then leave another snack for him.
I do remember him saying once, “I get fat at rehearsals...” Kouhei: It’s because we’re feeding him. (laughs) Kenta: We’d tease him about it too, going, “Today you consumed x pieces of chocolate.” Kouhei: He’s such a beloved director~. Justin: He’s a weirdo! Kazuma: Exactly, he’s weird.  But because he’s weird, he has a lot of charm.
But it’s because of all this that you could all give birth to something like Engeki Haikyuu, which really doesn’t look like any other stage show.   Kenta: But you know, it starts with a really interesting script.  We have no idea how it’ll look to just “fly through the sky” or “sink under the waves.”  The stage directions are written in like these are just totally normal things.   Kouhei: There are a lot of descriptions that are just hard to picture. Kenta: To transform regular volleyball to stage, to bring to life things from the original manga, and to write it like that... I think probably only Worry-san does that.   Kouhei: There are some things written in that script that are probably impossible. But making those things possible is due to the amazing abilities of the support staff.   Kenta: I do think that the staff probably think that there aren’t many other settings as fun as ours.   Kazuma: The happiness of solving a difficult problem. Kenta: I can feel that everyone loves this place at every turn... the same as us.  (laughs) Keita: I agree. (laughs) Justin: If they didn’t, we wouldn’t have Wada-san this time with the live music. Ryoutarou: True.  That was an amazing decision. Naoki: When I watched previous shows before I joined, the first thing I thought was: What must their rehearsals be like to have made this final product?  I’d performed shows in little theaters in Kansai, and because Worry-san is also from Kansai, I’d seen some of his other shows in Kansai too.  And even with all the information I’d gotten beforehand, when I finally saw Engeki Haikyuu, it just felt like Engeki Haikyuu was the only one of its kind, almost mysterious and hard to imagine.  When compared to everything I’d experienced before, I just kept thinking, “How did they produce this?  What was going on in their heads?” And now that I’ve gotten to see and experience the other side, it almost feels like deja vu.  The choreographer, Tsuto-san will say, “This, we’ve done this before.”  Even Worry-san will say things like, “Look, we’ve done something like this once before.”  And when they do that, I’ll start to remember, “Ahh, is this the thing I saw them do in the rerun tour?”  And then I’ll think, “Oh, so this is how they came up with that!” and it’s a lot of fun. Kenta: Fucchi was basically thrown into the deep end. Fucchi: Well at first I just couldn’t figure out the counting... “Summer of Evolution” was really difficult.  I mean, there were times when the instructions were just counting.  “This will be one, then the next one you hit on fourth eighth note...” or “The next five counts are...” and for me it was just a world of “What are these people even saying?!”
Well the conversation is a lot about the accumulation of experiences, so maybe because you joined the team midway, your comprehension is struggling... Kenta: Maybe, that might be true. For the rest of us, it’s just become a normal thing. Fucchi: No... I just hate counting. (laughs)  I think I’ve gotten a lot better though.  But there are times when I still can’t get it.  Seeing it and doing it are still totally different. Naoki: It is.
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The cast’s frame of mind as they face graduation
Rehearsals have now started for “The Strongest Team.” What’s your condition as of now? Kazuma: Right now with these members, we’re the most enriched we’ve ever been... as actors.  And because of that there are definitely some things that we want to show off, and we don’t really want to think about the end right now.  We all feel pretty strongly about that. Justin: That’s right. Kazuma: It’s a given that it’ll be sad. Kenta: “The end” is definitely... yeah... Kouhei: This is an idea of Worry-san’s, but our direction for this show; basically, ‘what is it we want to do here’ is this: We want to fight.  By definition, a play is essentially a lie, isn’t it?  But we want to remove as much of the lie as possible. Kazuma: Everyone is alive on that stage.  That’s why we want to say our lines with as little lying as possible, we definitely don’t want to do anything boring, and that desire is stronger than ever this time.   Kouhei: Even with our movements and choreography, if it’s convenient but the formation is off, that’s seriously the worst.  We might change up presentation techniques so that we can really grasp the best way to show off our form both in terms of the play and in terms of volleyball.   Justin: But... Up to now we’ve always been allowed to throw out all sorts of scattered ideas and suggestions, and it’s difficult to know when it’s too much. Kenta: Yeah!  To know that limit as an actor is something that I’m, right now, I keep hitting a wall there... Justin: But I guess it’s still better to just let out what thoughts we have. But is it ok to just say that we’re going to surpass the extent of what we’ve done?  I think that might be our egos showing a bit.   Kouhei: If we just preface with, “I’m gonna get pretty deep,” and then discuss it, that’s fine, right? Justin: Yeah.  Well, in the end the only person who can decide which opinions to use or not use is Worry-san.  But just being able to fling them out is a good thing. Kenta: Then I’ll... Maybe I’ll write a letter. Kazuma: Anyway, for right now it’s fine to just try expressing what we feel honestly and one-on-one with Worry-san.  We know what kind of directions Worry-san tends to give for our acting.  When he says things like, “I want to show it in this way,” we already know mostly what he means and what he doesn’t.  But we should speak up when we think, “But we want to try doing it this way.”  
So Worry-san has things he considers absolute musts, and then wherever possible, everyone else takes the initiative to fill in the gaps, the cracks, the between-the-lines... the free-zones.  This will now be the grand sum of those efforts, and you want to polish it even more, you mean? Kenta: As the actors, it’s our job to work on our characters and anything regarding our acting and each other’s acting before Worry-san can tell us anything.  Only after that’s been done can we say anything about how we’d like to do something. Kouhei: That’s a given. Kenta: When it comes to how to do what... those are points of concern.  And that’s even when we’re comparing ourselves with other teams too.  It’s not good to interrupt or meddle to give advice. Justin: That’s... actually really difficult. Kazuma: I won’t say anything hasty when we’re in the middle of something. If I’m going to meddle, it’s better to do it carefully at the end. Fucchi: I never say anything. Kouhei: Yeah, you don’t. Everyone: (laughs) Kenta: Well that’s fine.  That’s also a part of the balance Karasuno has.   Kazuma: It’s because we all acknowledge each other’s capabilities as actors that we can say these things and also listen to each other.   Kouhei: When it’s discussions with other teams though, that also has its difficulties.   Kenta: That’s true. Justin: It’s tough when they think that anything Karasuno says is the right thing just because we’ve been doing this for longer.   Keita: Because you want them to hear the advice and then think about it.   Naoki: I mean if I say something, I might be wrong.  Since I joined later, I think my standpoint is more like people on other teams.   Kazuma: Yeah, it’s about how you influence the others.  While we’re all together at rehearsals, sometimes I think it’s better to lead by example.  
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I think this time, Yamaguchi has quite the big highlight scene coming up. Kairi: At rehearsals, I still haven’t reached the core of that scene yet, but I’m imagining it in my head as I read and re-read the script...  But even then I still don’t know how it’ll be staged, so it really is something I can’t do just on my own.  Everyone has a connection to it, so I think we can finalize it if I borrow the strength of everyone around me and proceed that way.   Kenta: That’s so unfair~ Kairi.  No honestly, that jump floater is so unfair.  Every time, he changes it up just a little and it definitely... I’m so moved. Everyone: (laughs) Kairi: That... can I say just one thing?  The jump floater is a special skill like the Rolling Thunder.  It’s something you have to work your own body to pull off, but once I hit that jump floater, the ball just takes off on whatever trajectory it wants, so even I can’t predict it.  
You just end up leaving it to the ball. Kairi: Exactly. Kazuma: So then what Kairi has to think about is how to express that with his body, maybe?  How to physically express that jump floater, how to hit it, that kind of thing. Kouhei: Ahh, that’s good. Kazuma: It’s a really dramatic part so Worry-san probably has a plan for it too, but will Kairi rush headlong into it or not is the question... Kenta: Nahh, this time I want Kairi to rush into it.  Right into Worry-san’s bosom.
Is he normally the type to not do that? Ryoutarou: Kairi doesn’t say much.  He’s just like, this is me.   Kairi: Ah, yes. Kazuma: That’s why I want everyone to see Kairi’s passion here.   Kenta: I wanna see that. Kairi: I’ll do my best. (resolutely)
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How is everyone physically?  Are you taking countermeasures against injury or performing regular maintenance? Kenta: That varies with each individual but in all the tours we’ve done we’ve never had any major injuries on Karasuno and I think it’s a miracle that we’re all still healthy.   Kouhei: But we do nothing but take care of ourselves.  In our daily activities during the tour. Kenta: During the tour is when we’re at our healthiest.  Because we’re fussing about it. Justin: But... I still can’t lose weight... Everyone: (laughs) Kazuma: Back during the first tour, Kouhei could only open his legs about 90 degrees, but now he can open them pretty wide. Kouhei: Now it’s about 150 degrees.  The result of stretching.   Kazuma: You’re too stoic during warm-ups.  Even though he’s just jump-roping constantly. Kouhei: Well I’d always liked jumping rope, but with Engeki Haikyuu I’ve gone and made it a habit. Kenta: That’s a thing.  Back during the first tour, I never did warm-ups, but now that’s impossible.  And now those warm-ups include more and more items from the performance.  And then Shio-san will tell me things like what types of massages are good. Kouhei: Now that Keita’s come back, he’s introduced us to even more cutting-edge techniques.   Keita: Mmmmmmmmm, I’m constantly doing them.  I can’t tell the difference between the dressing room and the massage room anymore. (laughs) Naoki: He even does aromatherapy for us. Kazuma: It’s sort of nice.  That mental relaxation feels like wellness too.  
Do you change the oils daily as well? Keita: Ah, yes.  I make my own blends... Kenta: Ehhhhhh, you do?! Keita: Like eucalyptus which is good for the throat, and then drop some into the hot water in the washbasin.   Kazuma: And lavender.  The scent is so refreshing, it always makes me feel so much better. Justin: For the older group, all we do now is talk about wellness products.   Everyone: (explosive laughter) Justin:  I’ve always had a pretty robust physique, so normally I didn’t used to bother with maintenance, but starting with the previous tour, I’ve started to do some pretty serious maintenance actually. Kenta: Justin’s only recently started to complain of pain.  Any time he started to feel it, he was usually ok if he ate a little nugget of something.  He’d show up every morning and eat a nugget. Justin: About 15 pieces. Kenta: He munches on them like they’re some kind of health recovery item in a game. Kouhei: Like an elixir? Everyone: (explosive laughter) Justin: But lately that doesn’t work anymore.  I have a hunch that for this tour it’ll finally be time for me to try my hand at some wellness products. Kenta: What’ll we do if the first thing he goes to is aromatherapy? Everyone: (explosive laughter) Justin: It’s possible. (laughs) Kenta: But... it’s sort of unsettling.  Because I never get tired at rehearsals and can just keep going. Kouhei: That’s probably because even if we plan to go all out, at rehearsals it’s still only about 35% probably.  That’s why the first three days of any tour are the most exhausting. Kazuma: Ahhh, so we’re definitely not going all out before then. Fucchi: Even though we plan to.   Justin: I remember when the first day of shows opened for the previous tour everyone was talking about that.  Like, “So Karasuno definitely holds back at rehearsals, huh?” Everyone: (explosive laughter) Kage-chan: Isn’t that really really bad? (laughs) Justin: It’s not good but... When the curtain goes up on opening day everyone’s acting is totally different?  Our bodies already understand that this is really tough.  So they’re probably just making provisions for the actual tour.   Kazuma: Then after the first day we think, “Can we even do this the next day?” Kairi: So our bodies are just holding back on their own at rehearsals? Kenta: Yeah.  Definitely. I think we’re unconsciously shut off. Justin: That’s why with other teams, we don’t feel like they go wahhh and rise up even as the tour starts.  It’s just Karasuno where the difference in growth is incredible.  When compared to rehearsals. Fucchi: We put on a different play almost. Justin: Yeah it’s different.  But of course in a good way.
This might just be something that happens for Gekidan Haikyuu? Kenta: I think it’s something that’s characteristic of Karasuno specifically.  Everyone gets to be all, “Waahhh, lets go!” but then beyond that, we understand that individually, we’ve all flipped a switch.  We know it when we huddle just before the show starts.  That blazing feeling of opening day... Kouhei: It’s crazy, right?  It feels like we’re all lions who haven’t had meat for like three days.   Justin: “They changed this much?!” We get like that. Kazuma: We think that even among ourselves.  Considerably so.  
Is there something like a wave during the tour as well? Justin: It’s not uneven like that. Like Kouhei or Kazuma, during the tour they might suddenly change a switch in their acting, something like that. Kouhei: If someone gets more intense, someone else will change... or something. Kenta: So first there’s a switch on opening day because it’s the first time the audience gets to see us, but when it comes to the fundamental parts of the production, we add in an element of realism in places, because if we just do whatever and it’s not emotional or whatever to us, then we wouldn’t be able to convey anything to our audience either...  That’s why it takes the audience being there to finally bring it to completion, but there are parts that we have to bring to completion by ourselves... it’s difficult.  I can’t definitively say that it doesn’t necessarily change things to have the audience there... Whether it’s the volume of the cheers or the degree of enthusiasm, it surges everywhere, and it might heighten the intensity of a scene and make it different.  
Do you remember your first standing ovation from the first tour? Kenta: Ahh~ in Miyagi. Kairi: Miyagi, Miyagi.   Keita: Yeah yeah. Kazuma: Everyone remembers.
I heard that it was so unexpected that it surprised everyone on the staff as well. Kenta: That... we were so moved.   Kouhei: I thought, so this is how it feels to perform in Miyagi.   Kenta: The weight of performing in Miyagi is maybe a bit special. Justin: It’s like that every time.  There’s so much love for Haikyuu. Keita: During the first show, they were really crazy quiet though.  The audience during the show I mean. Ryoutarou: They were watching really intently. Kouhei: ?  Come on Fucchi, you need to talk occasionally too. Fucchi: .....Well... I’ve been listening this whole time, and I was just imagining how the tour for “The Strongest Team” would go.   Everyone: ........ Fucchi: Well for now we’ve just been talking about what we should do, what’s possible for us to do, and I was just turning it over in my head as I was looking at everyone and... I just ended up being quiet.   Kenta: There’s going to be 44 shows.  44!  It’s a little scary.
Adding up the 44 shows from this tour, Engeki Haikyuu will have a grand total of 256 performances by the final show in this run.  Having accumulated all of that experience in your time with Gekidan Haikyuu, I think there must be a lot that you’ve gained and a lot of skills acquired... Justin: We end up pointing that out a lot at rehearsals.  But actually... I’ve lately started to think that we might be useless outside of Engeki Haikyuu.   Kouhei: Yeah that’s true.  But I shouldn’t say it. Ryoutarou: I understand what you mean!  Justin: It’s changed how we behave, at rehearsals.  Not just us either; when I look at other people’s characters or the production itself with a bird’s-eye view... We’ve gotten used to it because we’ve done it for so long, but whenever we get new people on other teams, the rookies always think that Gekidan Haikyuu is a really amazing place to be.   Kenta: That’s true.  If you start with our kind of production, anything after it is going to be pretty different.  Kairi and Ryoutarou too, they started here, and now, you do other types of stage shows, right?  How is it? Ryoutarou: Lately, I feel like I’ve finally gotten to the point where I can calmly evaluate my own condition.  Until recently, when working on another show and it was time to get serious, I’d just get kind of desperate.  But now even if I’m working somewhere else, I can calmly think, “hm, wouldn’t it be better if I did it this way,” and feel things out in another way... Maybe if I’d never been here, I’d never have gotten to a point where I’d know to do that, and when I think that, it’s a little bit scary.  I mean, I’ve been here all this time and I’ve only recently been able to finally have that self-awareness, so if I hadn’t been a part of this production, I might have never gotten there.  I was so lucky to start here, I really do think I’ve been very fortunate.  To be so surrounded by people who can act so well.   Kazuma: When you say that we “can act,” it’s not so much because we’re talented or that we’ve perfected our skills, it’s because we’ve created these relationships where we “can act” simply by being together.  That’s the strength in our abilities.  It’s because we’ve created these relationships where we can really move each other emotionally when we’re within this company.
You end up being able to act just naturally. Kazuma: Yes. Kouhei: It’s not that we’re matching each other.  Everyone stands on that stage by surprisingly selfishly sticking to their own guns, and in the end, I think that’s how we can manifest real emotions in our acting. Kenta: That’s why for me... no matter where I am, I end up wanting that same passion.  I constantly have this craving for more of those same fireworks, and I’ve really started feeling it since working on Engeki Haikyuu.   Kairi: Something that Worry-san used to say to me a lot during the first run and its rerun was, “You’re acting like an idol.”  I didn’t realize I was doing it, but before joining Engeki Haikyuu I’d done a little bit of that so I guess I hadn’t really escaped it...  And recently when I’d gone to go see other shows, I came to understand what he meant.  “Ah, so this is what he was talking about.”  I think it’s a really big thing for me to realize that sort of thing early.  And maybe if I hadn’t been here, I might have ended up only being able to do that kind of acting.   Justin: Well, but it doesn’t have to be just one or the other, you can do both. Kazuma: Yeah.  The important thing is figuring out which direction you might be. Fucchi: And there’s understanding that comes from being told that and first questioning yourself like, “Which one am I?” Kairi: Yes.  Since there were people around me who told me that, I came to understand what I want to do... The fact that this could be my very first encounter in my life as an actor is something that makes me really happy.  
What Engeki Haikyuu has given
Now, we could just keep talking forever, but now it’s about time to talk about the graduation. As of now, can you imagine yourself post-Engeki Haikyuu? Justin: In my room, I have the poster from the very first tour on the wall.  And with every tour, it’s been fun to add to the posters on the wall... but the first thing I’ll do when it’s over is take them down probably. Since I’ll be sad.   Kouhei: I’d be the opposite.  I’d stare at them. Justin: Yeah.  I just think I wouldn’t want to look at them for... maybe about a year?  Multiply 256 shows by something like 2 hours.  Add in rehearsals and the tour itself, to say goodbye to a version of myself that’s lived all that time is... really sad.   Ryoutarou: Like the three years spent in high school.  You’ve spent the same amount of time. Kazuma: And it was such a rich and full experience. Kenta: I kind of, don’t want to... Kage-chan: --think about it... Kenta: Right?  I don’t want to think about it ending until the moment that it ends.  That’s me, anyway. Kouhei: I think I’ll definitely be able to end it with a smile.  Don’t cr-- Kenta: I’m going to cry! Everyone: (explosive laughter) Kouhei: Really?  I just can’t think of it as really ending.  I mean, these relationships will last.  I think it’s gonna feel like, “We really did it, we did!”  At least for me. Kazuma: Yeah.  Of course I think our relationships with each other will keep going.  I’ll be a mess.  I’m already... Ryoutarou: Ahh... Brainstorming with everyone and working on this play with everyone, when I think that I won’t be able to do that anymore with these guys I... I’ll be a mess too.   Kouhei: That’s why we have to do a “Suga Musical.”  Let’s do it, Suga-Myu.   Kenta: Yeah, maybe I’ll make one.  I’ll start with a proper workshop and everything. Everyone: (laughs) Kazuma: It’s not just because of Engeki Haikyuu, or our characters, as actors I want us to always be connected to each other. Ryoutarou: Don’t worry.  We’ll keep meeting up!!!! Everyone: Ooohhhh. Kenta: My one concern is, lately it’s gotten really painful trying to read Jump. 
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That’s true, since your relationship to the manga has changed now.   Kazuma: I’ve already become unable to read it now.   Kenta: The Karasuno that’s in there now... Even if the stage plays continue... I don’t know, but even if the stage plays make it that far, the ones playing Karasuno then won’t be us.  But... There’s a part of me right now that still reads it and thinks to myself, “I wanna do this scene.”  And that feeling is stronger now than back before we started the first show.  Before the first show, it was more of a... If there was the possibility, if they turned this into a stage show I’d want to do it, and since there was nobody already playing him, that feeling of “I wanna do this,” was more like a dream...  That feeling of wanting to do it when I hadn’t thought it was even possible is so completely different from wanting to do it now... Kazuma: Uwahh, this is so rough... Kage-chan: I’ve always enjoyed reading Jump, and I remember chatting with my manager on the train while reading it and going, “I wonder when this will be turned into a stage play?” (laughs)  And then something like three months after that, I couldn’t believe there were auditions for the first show... It was too bad that it wasn’t meant to be back then, but I decided instead to just be a fan of Engeki Haikyuu.   Naoki: So that’s what happened. Kage-chan: Then, when the chance came around again, to be able to join as Kageyama... So I actually have a different sense of distance from everyone else.  Like coming back from a defeat.  As a fan of the manga, I’m buzzing every time I read it, and I’ve been able to keep reading it just like back then.  Well, honestly it’s because I’ve already sort of replaced Kageyama in my head.   Fucchi: When I read it, I end up hearing everyone’s voices.   Kouhei: Anyway, if after this Engeki Haikyuu continues and there’s an all new Karasuno cast, let’s all go see them together and sit in the front row.   Everyone: (explosive laughter) Kenta: We definitely have to do it all together.  And, let’s get really excited.  To the point where we’re really annoying.  (laughs)   Justin: That’ll be good~  I’ve never seen it as an audience member before.   Kairi: That, should definitely be fun.  
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And now... it’s time.  Please give us your final messages for everyone. Justin: We can’t betray the expectations of such a popular series, and we don’t want to do anything to destroy that world; those have always been our feelings as we’ve worked up to this point.  To everyone who comes to see Engeki Haikyuu, to our wonderful staff, to everyone in the cast... I have nothing but love for everyone who’s been involved, I’ve been so supported by them, and they’ve become my best motivation.  This will be our last... Despite that, we’re going to work hard just like we’ve always done and not worry about it too much, and just like Kouhei said, I want to end it with a smile.  The matches in this show progress with hope for the end.  We’ll draw from all the matches we’ve fought, and I feel like we can end it all with smiling faces.  I would love for the audience to see us off warmly.   Naoki: I’m so proud to have been a part of Engeki Haikyuu, and to have been able to appear in “Start of the Giant” was truly a privilege.  Now, I face my second production, and since I’ve stepped away from my first show, I feel like I can throw out my chest a little... I want to shout at the top of my lungs, “I’m a member of Gekidan Haikyuu!”  This is my most important work, and I’m so incredibly happy that I could encounter a production that’ll serve as my pillar.  I will be graduating together with everyone on this team as Karasuno, but I don’t want to think about that, I just want to fight with everything I have and seize the title of the strongest team.  And I want to leave everything on that stage with a smile.  Please give us your support to that end. Keita: The final message huh... At the present time, I can only imagine what the end will feel like... But imagining it isn’t the same as understanding. The first thing is to do as we’ve always done, try to surpass the previous show, and aim to create something better than before.  I’m not alone.  And it’s not just Karasuno, it’s because we have everyone from other teams as well that we can make Engeki Haikyuu happen, and proceeding with that remaining unchanged, I’ll be concentrating on the show.  I’m looking forward to seeing where we end up and how it’ll turn out. We’re going to work hard.  
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Kazuma: Having been a Gekidan Haikyuu member for three years, I feel like I’ve shown everything I possibly can for Ennoshita with the previous show. As an actor, as Kawahara Kazuma, from here... Engeki Haikyuu lit the fire of passion for acting in me again, that’s what the production is to me, so this is my new starting point.  And to be able to continue to play the same character for three years in this place, it’s absolutely amazing.  There’s so much to this group... We’re based on an existing manga, but I think we’ve made it so that Engeki Haikyuu as a production could not have happened if not for us, and we’re the ones who’ve created Gekidan Haikyuu. This will be the last of our strength, “This is a Gekidan Haikyuu production.”  And that’s what I want to show off to everyone.   Fucchi: Engeki Haikyuu, Gekidan Haikyuu, every time we pull off so many amazing things, that for me to be here as one of its members, I’m sure people are objectively envious of me.  That’s why right now I really want to brag to myself.  (laughs)  When I watched “Winners and Losers,” I was so overwhelmed I couldn’t say a word... And I’m here in a place like that.  Nishinoya Yuu is a character that’s so different from me, personality-wise, Noya-san is truly a man among men.  He’s so terribly cool, and probably the coolest I’ve ever been in my life has to be now when I’m playing Nishinoya Yuu...  And once all the shows are over, I want to inherit all of Noya’s feelings and memories.  To be a part of Engeki Haikyuu is an experience you’ll never forget for the rest of your life, it is such a huge affair.  I really think that we have “The Strongest Team” right here.   Kouhei: I think it may be tough to watch because Engeki Haikyuu has so much going on, but if you’re worried about where to look, please just look at Tanaka Ryuunosuke.  I’ll make it so that you can understand everything that’s going on just by looking me, and I’m going to act up there without a single lie, as if I were simply living through all the events, so that if you’re ever troubled, just look at me and you’ll be able to follow the story!  For me personally, Engeki Haikyuu is a production that gave me a new step forward as an actor, so this time as well, I’m going to go all out with all my heart so that it’ll be an even greater meal.  From launch, it’s been three and a half years, and now it’s graduation.  After this, it’d be great if I could be registered as an honorary member of Gekidan Haikyuu!  Ehhh, let’s have a reunion meeting once every year.  (laughs)   Everyone: (laughs) Kenta: Let’s have all-you-can-eat fried food.  That’ll be nice.  (laughs)
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Kairi: I really have nothing but gratitude for Haikyuu.  To have encountered this production and to be able to play Yamaguchi Tadashi, to have met everyone on this cast, to have performed together with them... and I’ve met and worked with incredible staff whom you can trust completely.  I do have a highlight scene as Yamaguchi in “The Strongest Team,” but more than that I want to work with everyone else to make the best production we can so that people can watch it and think, “This was the best so far.”  I’m going to give everything I can possibly do... no, I’m going to work so that you can see even more than that.  I want to contribute even more to the team and match my strength to theirs.   Ryoutarou: Just as everyone else has said, I’m also very proud to be a member of Gekidan Haikyuu, and after we graduate, I think I’ll be able to live with more confidence in myself knowing that I was a part of Engeki Haikyuu.  Right now, the number of 2.5D productions is steadily increasing, and someday, after five years, after ten, I want Engeki Haikyuu to still be the number one production in people’s minds, I want “The Strongest Team” to always be the best.  I want that from the bottom of my heart.  Please look forward to it.   Kage-chan: Even if I joined later on, first I have nothing but gratitude to all the audience who’ve accepted me, everyone on this team who’ve welcomed me in so nicely, and to the creator and everyone on the staff who have recognized just how much I want to be a part of this and who have approved of me.  For my life, after this I... probably do still want to continue acting, but for every day when I won’t know what might come up, it’ll be an earnest fight.  This time I want to work as though I’m digging my own grave on “The Strongest Team.” Gekidan Haikyuu is going to leave its mark in the histories of Japanese stage work! Kenta: First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone who’s purchased this pamphlet.  Looking back on the past pamphlets we have here, back during “Karasuno, Revival!” the main pamphlet question we answered was, “What kind of team is Karasuno?”  I’d answered, “The best and strongest team.” I’m surprised.  I had no idea back then that “The Strongest Team” would one day be a secondary title...  But that’s the situation and, ever since that time I’ve always been aware of it, and now that we’re officially printing that as our second title, I want to say again with confidence that Karasuno is the strongest team, and I think an irreplaceable team as well.  More than anything, we’re going to make sure that we overcome all of the shows with these members and spend every day performing as best we can.  The Karasuno members really are my pride.  I wasn’t really a stage person to begin with, but I was given the chance, the challenge to adapt a manga I love into a stage play from the beginning, and now to have made it three years... Forget about my acting career, as the human being named Suga Kenta, my days have been incredibly blessed.  I love myself when I’m here, and in order to keep loving myself to the end, I have to be honest with myself and solidly wrap up this show I love, for the Haikyuu that I love.  Right now I’m praying to the stage play gods, “I want this to be fun.”   Kazuma: For sure! Kenta: At any rate, we still have a lot of rehearsals left to go.  To the me that’s going to read this pamphlet on opening day, I want to say, “Is it fun?  Make sure you turn this into a production where you can answer ‘YES’ with everything you’ve got.”   Ryoutarou: That’s good, like a time machine!   Naoki: You mean time capsule? Ryoutarou: Yeah.  (laughs) A message to the Kenta-kun of the future recorded into the pamphlet itself.  How nice. Kenta: Right?  (laughs) I want to be able to say “YES” on opening day, so we’re definitely going to turn it into a great show.  Everyone, thank you so much for cheering on this collection of idiots.  And please continue to support us to the very end.
Thank you very much for this long conversation. Everyone: Thank you~!  
Translated by @nimbus-cloud Please do not repost my translations
If you appreciate the work I do for this blog and want to support my translation efforts, please consider donating a ko-fi!  (x)
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the-real-xmonster · 6 years
This thing about Yuzuru Hanyu which I can’t believe I still need to point out
(Warning: long text)
(TL;DR version: Yuzuru Hanyu is the best skater of our time)
I know I said I’ll stop ranting about things for a while but bear with me on this one. I just went through my friend Chib’s Curious Cat feed and usually it’s a very entertaining and enlightening thing to do, but yesterday what I managed to see over there made my mind go into hyperalert mode, though certainly not Chib’s fault. As it happened, apparently the talking point of “Hanyu is not the best at anything” is, once again, making the rounds. Of course the point doesn’t stop there, it quickly evolves, or devolves, more like, into how he can’t deservedly be regarded as the best skater out there if he is not unsurpassed in any particular thing, and how he’s a “jack of all trades master of none”, culminating in this sentiment from one anon, which was the final straw that completely shattered my hitherto camel-back-like tolerance:
ngl that's kind of a boring goat isn't it? not having that one little thing that makes you extra special? all of the best skaters before him had something but he doesn't seem to (x) 
Now, I have tried to debunk this theory before, but in hindsight, I realized that it was likely not the right approach. My, or any Yuzu fan’s, attempt at defending his technique and asserting his supremacy in any singular thing will never not meet with counterpoint from people who wish to deny the validity of his achievements. Let’s call them the deniers for now because “hater” is too polarizing a word and I’m not sure if those people are actually that emotionally invested in Yuzu to begin with. If we get bogged down in their subterfuge, what we’d end up doing is bickering all the livelong day with people who would gleefully claim that skater X jumps better than Yuzu, skater Y has nicer skating skills, skater Z spins prettier, skater A has a more pleasant hydroblade and skater B does that one superior layback Ina Bauer. Skating history is long and the field is deep, so provided that you are persistent enough with your digging, you will more likely than not be able to unearth moments of brilliance that arguably outshine Yuzu’s on any single thing. Those repeated attempts from our side of the table to argue with the deniers on these little things also serve to fuel the confusion, especially in a new fan’s eyes, because this back-and-forth creates the impression that Yuzu’s abilities and achievements are questionable, therefore, doubtful. 
So today let me try a different tack in, not proving, but simply pointing out to you that Yuzuru Hanyu is the best skater of our time and no, his worth as a champion of this sport is not up for debate. 
First of all, the notion that a skater has to be the absolute best at something in order to be the best overall is childish and unrealistic. There is only one place where a person, in order to triumph above all else, vitally needs to have some special technique they can claim to be their own: fiction, more specifically, fantasy fiction, including video games, comics, manga and anime. “Special techniques” have a prominent place in, say, a shounen manga, because the authors will them to be: they are convenient plot devices to make a character memorable and to advance the story line (practice - enemy encounter - more practice - stronger enemy encounter). Real life, dare I say, is more nuanced than that.
Example 1: Jeff Bezos, of Amazon fame, is the richest man alive. Is he the best at any particular aspect of money-making? Probably not, he is not the best performing CEO in the world (Business Insider didn’t think so, neither did Harvard Business Review) nor the most well-liked boss (Mark Zuckerberg is, or used to be, the most likable, according to Forbes), didn’t even make it to Investopedia’s list of most successful entrepreneurs. As someone who currently works for Jeff (I say “works for” in a loose sense, seeing that he’s 6 levels of management above me and obviously doesn’t know that I exist), I can attest to the fact that his employees generally do not regard him as an infallible, all-seeing, all-knowing decision maker either.
Example 2: If there is any canon that tennis fans from all walks of life can agree on, it is the fact that Rafael Nadal is the best ever on clay. However, if you ask 1000 people (fans and players alike) to name one aspect of the game which Rafa is the best at and that could explain his dominance on the red dirt, you will receive a dozen different responses which, if you publish, will be met with hundreds of different rebuttals. His forehand? Nay, we think del Potro’s might be more fearsome. His two-handed backhand? Um, there’s this dude named Djokovic? His topspin? Well, we’ve heard Jack Sock can spin the ball even faster now. 
Remember, though, that none of these queries can hope to erase even the tiniest bit of Jeff’s enormous wealth or Rafa’s transcendental record on his favorite surface. The question is always “why is he so rich?” “why is he so good?”, never “is he rich?” “is he good?” - those would be absurd.
So, coming back to the topic of Yuzuru Hanyu, my friends and fellow Yuzu fans, the next time you are confronted with the claim that skater X/Y/Z/A/B/C is better than him at any one thing, may I suggest the universal response of: so what? 
Secondly, let us engage in a thought experiment: imagine if you could build your ideal figure skater, tailor-made to winning competitions under the current ISU Code of Points, which abilities would you give him/her?
I assume you would want your prototype to have good techniques on all 6 jump types. So as to ensure their competitiveness in this day and age, you’d give them the ability to land multiple quads of multiple types in one program. Your skater should probably strike the right balance between strength and flexibility, so that they can both jump powerfully and spin beautifully. Add on to that speed, agility, edge depth, knee bend, the control necessary to accelerate/decelerate at will and switch directions at the snap of a finger. Just as a safeguard, you might think about programming your android with a self-improvement piece of code which gives them the capability to debug errors in the original configuration (such as a lack of comfort with the flip jump).
What else? Ah, you’d want to make sure they have a good musical sensibility and then give them a team of choreographers that could construct for them the most distinctive, memorable programs. Might as well find them a group of first-rate technical advisers to fill their skates with transitions so complex nobody else has ever attempted them before. Given that this is a sport where appearance plays a not insignificant role, you should consider also providing your machine with a comely face, decent height, long limbs, and a lithe body.
It’s a competitive android we’re talking about, so I’d further suggest instilling your prototype with an insatiable hunger for success and then expose them to the elite level of competition as early as possible, so that they can stay fit and relevant and capable of winning across more than one Olympic cycles (after all, this is a big investment, might as well try as hard as you can for maximum utilization). To top it all up, and this might be hard to synthesize artificially, but you will want to try, nonetheless, to give your skate-bot a charisma so genuine and so enduring that they would be able to attract and retain legions of loyal fans who follow them around the world and shower the ice with their favorite soft toys after every skate - a customer acquisition strategy is always a good thing for your financials, and the soft toy rains will give the media something silly to cover, if nothing else.
I’ve run out of features to request. As an afterthought, may I just ask you to consider leaving out the asthma and reducing his propensity for injuries / freakish accidents? 
There you go, isn’t that nice? Your skate-bot looks perfect to me, highly capable of championing this sport. He’d better win at least a couple of World titles, a couple of Olympic golds, and garnishing them all with a dozen records. You might receive questions down the line about why you didn’t make sure that he is the absolute, incontestable best at any one thing. To which you can rightfully answer that balance, rather than extremes, is what you were aiming for with this skate-bot, and remind those inquisitors that your goal was to create one ideal skater rather than a squadron of one best jumper, one best spinner, one step sequence expert, one choreographic sequence specialist, one transition master, and one musical interpretation virtuoso, if only because the logistics of arranging for them to skate together would be an utter nightmare.
If the result of this perfect skater thought experiment sounds too similar to someone we know, then, well, I told you so.
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You, sir, are a robot, I get you now. 
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secretpeachtea · 4 years
Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 1
Title: the predicament
Genre: gen fic, reader insert
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu���s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.
disclaimer: manga spoilers
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“...and that’s about it for training. I might even teach you how to make some of the recipes one day, but for now, you’ll be in charge of register. I’ll be right over there if you got any questions.”
Today was your first day working at Onigiri Miya. After spending countless hours looking for a way to earn some money, you finally scored a part time job in this quaint onigiri establishment. You originally wanted to avoid working at a food joint due to their notorious obnoxious customers, but you didn’t really have much of a choice if you wanted to be able to pay for next month’s rent. As a student, you’re pretty limited on time as well, so it was nice that the work hours matched up with your schedule. Despite your initial hesitance, you lucked out in having such a kind boss.
“Glad to have you here, (Surname)-san.” Miya Osamu gave you a soft smile that almost made you swoon right then and there. Luckily, he was too busy wiping down his work area to catch you staring. 
Yup, you definitely lucked out in having such a handsome boss as well.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the bell above the entrance ring, signaling the arrival of a customer. Putting on your best smile, you straighten your posture and fix up your black work hat.
“Welcome to Onigiri Miya!”
“Hey, hey, hey! Akaashi! This place is pretty nice!”
Two men walked into the shop casually and looked around with interest. The one who had spoken adorned a black and grey hoodie that matched the color of his hair, while the bespectacled figure wore a white button down to match his professional aura. Quite the duo as your first customers.
“Bokuto-san, try to keep your voice down indoors. We wouldn’t want to disturb other customers.”
Although the two were unfamiliar to you, Osamu seemed to recognize them almost immediately. “Oh, hey guys. What brings you here today?”
Akaashi adjusted his glasses and responded first. “I heard Onigiri Miya was deemed as the best onigiri restaurant of the year in Japan, so I wanted to come see for myself.”
“Tsum-Tsum said that you make the best Onigiri in the world, so I really wanted to try it out too!” Bokuto sported a wide smile while gesturing his arms for emphasis like a young child.
You just watched the three make some small talk, slightly surprised by how your boss was so familiar with the new customers. You haven’t become fully acquainted yet, so it was interesting to see the type of people he befriended. 
It wasn’t until you briefly heard Osamu say your name, did you snap out of your little trance. “(Surname)-san can help you with your orders today.”
Placing a smile on your face, you set your eyes on Bokuto and Akaashi. “What can I get for you today?”
“I’ll have a Miso Onigiri,” Akaashi ordered after briefly eyeing the menu. His friend, however, seemed to have some trouble choosing.
“Um...hmm...mmm.” Bokuto stared at the menu for a few minutes with furrowed brows. One of his hands traced each menu option rapidly while the other hand rubbed his own head in contemplation. “There’s so many flavors! How do I choose?!”
You blinked a couple times at his exaggerated reaction, but quickly made the effort to help him by using what you remember from training. “Well, I can recommend you something. Are you in the mood for meat?”
The owlish male stared at you with sparkling eyes. “I’m always in the mood for meat!”
“If you order the Nikumaki Onigiri* special today you can receive two gyoza* on the side for no extra charge.” You pointed to the small chalkboard sign that stood next to the counter with the mentioned special that was written out by Osamu before the shop opened for the day. 
“Then, I’ll order Nikumaki Onigiri because meat is the best!” Bokuto declared wholeheartedly.
Relieved that he was finally able to make a decision, you didn’t really think about the consequence of your next question. “Pork or Beef?”
You sweatdropped at Bokuto as he once again frowned at his predicament. Osamu just quietly snickered behind you, fully aware of Bokuto’s indecisive tendencies when it came to food. Thankfully, Akaashi was getting a bit impatient himself. “Beef. He’ll take beef. And, I’ll just pay for both.”
“Alrighty! Your total will be 300 yen.” You grab the money from Akaashi and pass him the receipt. “Miya-san will take care of your order soon.”
“Thanks, (Surname)-chan!” Bokuto yelled out.
The two didn’t go far and decided to just sit at the counter space right next to the register as they waited for their food. 
Only the four of you occupied the shop at the moment and so far there haven’t been any phone orders since the day was still young. You consider yourself pretty lucky since you aren’t overwhelmed with customers on your first day. You didn’t really have much to do aside from standing in front of the register and daydreaming, so your ears automatically pick up on the conversation next to you.
“How have you been, Bokuto-san? I heard your team has been doing well this season,” Akaashi began.
Bokuto gave off the brightest smile he could manage at the mention of his favorite sport. “Yeah! We’ve been practicing every day and playing some practice games with other teams. We’re actually starting tryouts next month to scout some new players on the team!”
“Oh? I thought your team had a pretty solid roster this year?”
“My teammates are definitely strong, but after we lost to the Adlers in the last tournament, Coach thought it would be interesting to add some new faces to catch everyone off guard.”
Akaashi nodded his head in understanding. “I do think the element of surprise is very effective in volleyball.”
“It’s gonna be like a fun, surprise birthday party! We’re gonna be up against a strong team but then...BOOM! SURPRISE! They’ll never know what hit them!”
“I suppose so.”
“But, I guess it wouldn’t be as exciting since it’s no one’s birthday…” Although Bokuto no longer transitioned into his depressed phase like he did in high school, he still had moments where he’d randomly fall into a melancholic mood. “And, there wouldn’t be a big party either…”
Akaashi, already sensing the first signs of Bokuto’s altered mood, quickly thought up a solution. He held a certain glint in his eyes as he focused on his former teammate. “Anything can be exciting for everyone if volleyball is involved, Bokuto-san.”
Bokuto’s head perked up at the mention of volleyball once again, and you could’ve sworn that his hair spiked up along with his brightened expression. “You’re right, Akaashi! Man, volleyball is really great!”
At this time, Osamu finally finished putting together the two onigiris and set the plates down on the counter, putting an end to the silly conversation. There were wisps of steam coming off of the freshly cooked meat with a heavenly scent that would make anyone’s mouth water. You can definitely make out a thin line of drool threatening to fall down on Bokuto’s chin at the sight in front of him.
“A Miso Onigiri for Akaashi-san, and a Nikumaki Onigiri with a side of gyoza for Bo-san!”
The two guys thanked Osamu for the meal and each took a bite of the savory food. Their satisfied expressions were all it took for Osamu to laugh with a triumphant smile. Even you were affected by the positive reaction.
Before taking another bite, Akaashi looked as if he remembered something and turned to Bokuto. “I almost forgot. You said you wanted to ask me about something you were having trouble with?”
“Oh, yeah! I don’t really know how taxes work!” Bokuto nonchalantly replied with a chunk of meat hanging from his lips. 
“Bokuto-san,” Akaashi paused, “have you not been paying your taxes?”
The volleyball player took another large bite out of his onigiri and stared at his friend while chewing. “Was I supposed to?”
There was a brief moment of silence, the only noise coming from the appliances in the shop. Not knowing what to do, you just stood still and tried your best not to make your shock obvious. You never thought you’d become a witness to a tax evasion confession, but there seems to be a first for everything. There was a small part of you that also wanted to laugh, but you didn’t think it would be appropriate with the fact that you didn’t know the two men sitting in front of you very well. Although, you think you might’ve heard a soft snicker come from your boss, but maybe it was your imagination.
“Has anyone contacted you recently about finances? Perhaps a bank or, um, the police?”
“Hmm...Not that I know of!” Bokuto scratches his head in thought. “But then again, I might’ve missed some calls during practices. I don’t answer unknown numbers either ever since Omi-kun told me about the scary people that try to take my money!”
With his half-eaten onigiri resting between his fingers, Akaashi’s distressed eyes make contact with yours. You two just stared at one another for a couple seconds, while Bokuto casually finished the last of his onigiri, moving onto the gyoza eagerly.
“Please don’t tell anyone about this, (Surname)-san.” You’d be lying if you said you felt nothing when Akaashi asked with such a pleading tone while trying to maintain his stoic face.
Lips are sealed. Ears are plugged. Mind is clear.
“I didn’t hear a thing, Akaashi-san.”
“Thank you.”
Not wanting to waste any food, Akaashi took the time to consume the last of his meal, albeit with a bit of a stressed aura, before getting up from his seat. Bokuto had finished all of his food as well and just followed suit.
“We should get going, Bokuto-san. It’s going to take a bit of time to help you with your um...predicament.”
Bokuto, still unaware of his situation at hand, turns to smile at you and Osamu. “Thanks for the great food! It was definitely as good as Tsum-Tsum said it would be! Next time I visit, I’ll bring the team!”
Akaashi bowed while Bokuto energetically waved before the two took a step outside and slid the door closed. You could still hear the boisterous volleyball player mentioning how excited he is to spend time with his close friend to do taxes for the day.
You and Osamu share a look before bursting out in laughter together. If this is how your shifts are gonna be all the time, maybe working at a restaurant isn’t so bad after all.
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“So, what’d you think of your first day?”
It was now late into the evening and you and Osamu were getting ready to head home soon. Osamu was wiping down his work area, while you were sweeping the floors. Your first day went well, and you surprisingly only made a few mistakes when taking calls. Out of all your first days from previous part time jobs, this one went the smoothest.
“I think it went well! I’ve never worked in an onigiri restaurant, but all your customers seemed pretty respectful,” you responded as you set aside the broom. 
Just as you were about to head to the back room to put away your apron, your stomach let out a distinct grumble. Heat rose onto your cheeks because you’re sure that the handsome man near you most definitely heard it.
Osamu let out an amused laugh. “You hungry?”
“Maybe a little?” You put on a sheepish smile, silently cursing your body for betraying you like that.
“How about you get your things and I’ll whip you up something to take home?” Your boss smirked.
“I thought we used up all the ingredients for today? I wouldn’t want you to go out of your way for me.” You ask even though you secretly are dying to actually try one of his godly onigiris.
Osamu just shrugs his shoulders. “I set aside some things for my brother, but I’m sure he can go a day with takeout.”
You get the feeling that he won’t let you leave until you take his offer, so you just agree and head to the back room to gather your things and stop by the bathroom. You eventually make your way back to the counter area and see that Osamu already has a small bag filled with an onigiri and a sweet tea drink. He sports a lax grin as you walk towards him and hands you the bag gently.
“One Minced Tuna and Spring Onion Onigiri.”
Your face stretched into a wide smile, already looking forward to having a taste of Osamu’s recipe. “That sounds delicious!”
“It’s my brother’s favorite. Hope you’re not allergic to fish.”
You shake your head fervently. “No way. I’d be so upset if I couldn’t eat something that smelled as good as this! Your brother has good taste.”
“I guess. He’s still got some loose screws though. Definitely knows how to irritate me to no end.” The man in front of you slouches and lets out a tired sigh.
“Well, I suppose I’ll have to meet him someday to find out.” Now, you were getting a little curious about Osamu’s brother. “I’d like to meet the guy that knows how to make my composed boss look like he’s ready to murder.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
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Nikumaki Onigiri = basically rice wrapped around meat
Gyoza = dumplings, potstickers, whatever you wanna call them
A/N: super excited to share this series with y’all! I’ve never shared my writing on tumblr so we’ll see how this goes oof. I was originally going to post this later in the week, but it’s the twins’ birthday today, so I had to do it!
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“Luffy had no reaction to Boa...doesn’t that mean he won’t have romance?”
I’ve been debating about posting this blog because I was hesitant about the kind of reaction it would receive. But I think this topic is worth discussing logically.
Alright, so let’s dig into this thing.
If we’re going to understand Luffy and his actions (or not actions) towards Boa, then we have to first understand him as being a character that fits the Battle Shonen archetype. The genre, despite people’s complaints about it, is the most popular type of manga/anime genre there is. And One Piece, for all its glorious writing, world building and character development, is perfectly happy to sit in its genre, with Luffy fitting right into the hero archetype.
Where did this archetype even come from? It may surprise you to learn that Dragon Ball is in fact the grandfather of modern Shonen. You know what kind of stories were running in WSJ as DB’s contemporaries? Big burley manly men who never changed or progressed like Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star.
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 And the antithesis of this is Goku, little innocent Goku who takes this character type and flip it on its head.  (Kid Goku is so cute guys! *cries*)
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Toriyama’s writing absolutely can’t be understated here. Nobody had ever seen anything like Dragon Ball. It became a cultural phenomenon. It became a blueprint for success. 
The classic Shonen Hero archetype has evolved into the following:
clueless when it comes to love
loves to fight/ get stronger
has a catch phrase
wants to protect their “Nakama”
thinks before they act
often stupid or a simpleton
gains power ups through training and other means
Within the archetype you’ve got big hitters such as:
Goku— the OG who was so clueless, he couldn’t tell someone’s gender without slapping them in the crotch. Also obsessed with getting stronger to the detriment of, well, everything
Luffy— the uber innocent muffin who will do anything for his crew, and will go out of his way for people if it concerns their dreams. Aware of his weaknesses more than the others, Also really dumb at first
Naruto--- the misfit who starts out peeping at girls but then ends up taking on the burden of the entire world, because he’s THAT concerned about everyone and everything. Definitely the most selfless, has dumb moments, but smarter than the others
Ichigo--- the lovable grump who literally doesn’t give a shit. Coolest one of the bunch
Natsu--- loves his friends so much he gains power ups in the middle of the battle to win through the power of friendship. Probably the funniest one, takes life one job request at a time
Asta— the new kid on the block. Constantly yells to the point of irritation, believes working hard will solve all problems, doesn’t understand how relationships work and that nuns don’t get married
Deku— I know people will ask. Yes, he is a Shonen Hero, But doesn’t fit into the archetype so be will be left out of the discussion (the kid actually suffers from overthinking...complete opposite than these lovable idiots)
So, for fun, let’s throw all these Shonen Heroes into the same situation Luffy found himself in
All of these heroes fall through the ceiling and into Boa Hancock’s bath where they come face to face with the most beautiful woman on the planet who is naked.
Goku: completely unphased by Boa’s beauty. Asks who Boa is, and when she gets pissed, stands there with a “huh?” Look on his face when she shoots the love beam at him. After it has no effect, Goku puts his hand up with a smile and then says, “see ya!” Before flying off. Probably more concerned with where Vegeta went and if he managed to find a new level of Super Saiyan
Naruto: definitely phased by Boa. Would probably turn to stone ahahahaha
Ichigo: after being annoyed because he fell through the roof, would take one look at Boa, and get flustered out of embarrassment. By the time Boa tries to question him, he’s already left and found the exit.
Natsu: upon falling into the bath, he’d also be completely unphased by Boa. Would most likely take note of her earrings and ask about them. He’d probably also end up saying something Boa would find unbelievably rude, but something I would laugh hysterically at. “Woah?! Is that your guild mark?! Cool!!!” 
Asta: I imagine Asta would most likely cover his eyes out of courtesy, and ask for the way out. When Boa gets mad and asks why he’s not head over heals for her, nor why he’s looking at her body, he’d say something like, “sister Lilly is waiting for me” and then leave. *sigh*
So here’s my point. Three of our boys would have the same exact reaction as Luffy. When it comes to the archetype, lusting after girls simply isn’t in their nature. Natsu’s reaction to a naked Lucy was to cover her boobs with his hands “fine I’ll cover them” he sighs in the dub. No lustful reaction whatsoever. I’m pretty sure any normal guy would, um, not react that way. He looks so bored.
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Asta refused to peep at a girls bath (way to shut that down buddy), and Goku’s seen plenty of naked people and he doesn’t care. He even has the same reaction in Dragon Ball Super, after he’s married, when he accidentally sees another woman naked (who is very beautiful).
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(Harsh reaction there Goku, lmao)
Luffy’s reaction to Boa is completely in line with the archetype. The innocent nature of the main character is extremely important. Oda even says in the SBS that it would just be plain weird for Luffy to get a nose bleed. I agree.
So, do our boys reactions to Boa mean romance isn’t possible for them? Of course not. Goku got married and had 2 kids. Naruto, who is the most interested in women, got married. Ichigo ended up with someone and had a kid. Natsu’s relationship with Lucy isn’t “canon” yet, buuuttt with this sequel coming and all the art Mashima’s been posting, I think we can all just call it and it’ll be happening. As for Asta, the manga is still young so it’s hard to say, but judging how Tabata is treating romance in his manga, I’d say It’s a distinct possibility. Asta does have a low-key herem going on 🤷‍♀️
When Goku was a kid, he came across a foe who could turn evil (ie bad thoughts) into a weapon and kill you. Goku was the only person to ever survive because he has no impure thoughts. It basically works the same way as Boa’s love-love beam.
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This innocence is why Goku can ride his magical flying cloud the Kinto-Un, aka the Flying Nimbus. That innocence in Goku stays with him forever, too. Goku can ride the cloud after he’s gotten married and created spawns. The idea is, sex isn’t dirty. It’s just how you treat it may or may not make it dirty (ie unwarranted advances). Master Roshi, Goku’s perverted teacher, can’t ride the Kinto-Un. Using Goku as an example, our innocent muffins can still have romance/make babies. Their highly innocent nature doesn’t stop them, but normally with these types, they will only have romance/make babies if it’s with one very special person.
This is important to remember; for this genre, romance is a part of maturing and growing up. Most of these shonen heroes end up with someone once they’ve passed a certain point. 
In One Piece Specifically 
When it comes to Oda’s writing specifically, romance between characters doesn’t really play a huge role in One Piece like the way it does in Naruto and Fairy Tail. Everyone who reads OP should recognize this. Whatever ends up happening at the end of One Piece, there aren’t going to be a zillion pairings and those pairings staring off into the sunset. 
There’s that famous line from Oda where he answered a question in the SBS (from chapter 317)
D: Doesn't anyone on Luffy's crew fall in love? Will there never be a tale of on-board romance? (Sanji is an exception in this case) I'm just wondering.
The SBS is a place where Oda jokes around with his readers. I think his answer is a good answer because it’s true, and when it comes down to it, a deflective answer.  And whatever else Oda has said or hasn’t said in magazines or interviews, Oda can change his mind about what he wants to include or not include in his manga.
The reason I think this is worth bringing up is because I can see a storytelling shift which has changed in his manga. Romance in any capacity used to play almost no role in the early story. Just think about the type of characters he was creating. You’ve got Nolan’s descendant who hangs out with guys that look like monkeys. You’ve got the giants of Elbaf, you’ve got the Galley-Law company guys. There’s hardly any blood families in the first half either. Vivi and her Dad are a notable example, but they are the minority, not the majority. The first half of the story was mostly focused on people who were not blood related and were making their own families, like the Franky family. Like the Strawhats. 
Post time-skip and New World, we’ve got a very different story being told. With Kyros and his wife Scarlet, Oda actually gave us the backstory to their romance! Dressrosa was set up a bit for that type of story, but I still find it notable. It wasn’t necessary for character motivations for Kyros. It felt like Oda wrote it because he wanted to.
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You’ve got romance playing a big role in Whole Cake Island, even with Chiffon and Bege. This is a married couple with a young son, and not the type of characters we’d see in the early story. Sanji and Pudding were more of a serious type of relationship, even with Sanji “choosing to feel love” for Pudding. Guys, that’s...mature. We’ve seen a lot more blood ties in the New World, even to the point of the Big Mom pirates, dysfunctional as they are. 
In the end, you write what you know. When One Piece started, Oda was a single guy, now he’s in his early 40′s with a daughter. The types of stories he’s telling now are based on more mature aspects of his own life. 
Does this mean Luffy will most definitely end up with someone? Of course not. There’s a distinct possibility OP will end with Luffy as he is and there be no pairings of any sort.
But to dismiss the possibility of parings based on Luffy’s reaction to women or something Oda said back in some interview, is also too dismissive of a stance to take. Like his Shonen counterparts, romance for Luffy is a possibility. Remember what I said about the genre; romance is sign of growing up and maturing. Luffy is still growing and maturing, so it isn’t out of the cards.
In the end, Only Oda knows. Until One Piece has concluded, we’ll have to wait and see. 
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kobayashi-aika · 7 years
Ultra Jump April 2018: 100 Questions for Kobayashi Aika
April’s edition of Ultra Jump was a Guilty Kiss special. It featured a photoshoot, an interview with all 3 members, and a special Q&A section with each seiyuu. Here’s Aikyan’s 100 Questions!
Translated question template was provided by @saitou-shuka​.
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Kobayashi Aika (voice of Tsushima Yoshiko) Nickname: Aikyan Birthday: October 23rd Blood type: O Hobbies: Photography, western fashion Skills: Dancing (Hip-hop, R&B, LA Style)
1. Favorite food? I like all sorts of fruits. But I like strawberries the most! Ah, but I like mangoes, peaches, and watermelon, too...
2. Disliked food? There’s nothing I wouldn’t eat!
3. Favorite snacks? Snacks made with potatoes. More specifically, Jagapokkuru!
4. Your number one favorite home-cooked dish? Cod roe pasta! It’s really tasty. I want to learn how to make it soon.
5. Favorite color? Black, grey, red, and white.
6. Favorite scent? Perfume from Chloe.
7. Favorite season? Definitely autumn. I might be because I was born in autumn, but the temperature is also good, and I like the western fashion during the season. It’s a nice season.
8. Favorite event of the year? I have allergies, but definitely cherry blossom viewing! I make plans to go with my family every year, and it’s really fun.
9. What sport do you like watching? I’m always excited and nervous when I watch figure skating.
10. What sport do you like playing? Is dancing a sport? I love dancing. I’m bad at ball sports, but I do like badminton!
11. Favorite animal? Dogs!!!!! And red pandas!!
12. If you were to compare yourself to an animal, what would you be? Maybe a dog…?
13. Are you a dog person? Or a cat person? Definitely a dog person!!!!!
14. Favorite manga? Super Radical Gag Family. I remember reading it aloud with my childhood friends when I was in elementary school…(laughs)
15. Favorite genre of manga? Anything that’s interesting, or anything that makes my heart skip a beat. I want that to happen to me too!!!!!
16. First manga you read? Was it Kobo-chan…? Or maybe those 4 panel comics that they print at the end of newspapers.
17. First anime you watched? My grandfather rented “The Nutcracker” from the video store, and I kept watching it until I got bored.
18. Favorite movie? Rapunzel!
19. Favorite musical artist? It will always be Amuro Namie-san.
20. Song(s) you listen to every day? Aqours songs!!
21. First CD you bought? I don’t really remember… It might have been Morning Musume’s “Hyokkori Hyoutan-jima”...
22. Your specialty song at karaoke? When I go to karaoke with my friends, I sing and dance to Morning Musume songs.
23. Phone lock screen? I set it to a picture of Yohane that Hyogonosuke-san drew. It’s a nice picture, isn’t it?
24. A clothing brand you often buy? I don’t fuss over brands. I just buy whatever looks good. Brands I like are I AM I and didizizi. A brand I really want is l’atelier du savon.
25. Your best outfit? Clothing dyed in jet black. It represents my identity as a fallen angel. In other words, black clothing.
26. Favorite place in your house? In my bed. During the winter, my dogs come and lay in my bed with me, which makes me like it even more.
27. What do you want most right now? Lots of Yohane LINE stamps.
28. What’s something that you’ll always carry in your bag? Some lip balm and Mintia. 
29. What’s something you’ve been collecting unintentionally? Cute cosmetics, cute hats, and cute accessories! Well, rather than unintentionally, I’ve been collecting them on purpose, though.
30. What’s your treasure? A necklace that I got from my mom when I turned 20.
31. What kind of child were you? Well...I was really good at playing by myself!!! That’s all I’ll say!!!!!
32. Your childhood treasure? I used to collect round stones. They were all really pretty and smooth! Also, I had a stuffed dog that I named Chibi-chan.
33. Your childhood dream? I wanted to be a singer and a preschool teacher.
34. Someone you respect? Amuro Namie-san. She really is a cool artist and woman.
35. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Hm...if it’s summer, Okinawa! If it’s winter, Kyoto! Maybe!
36. What country do you want to try visiting? Maybe England, or the Maldives! I’d want to become a wizard in England, and I’d want to take it easy in the Maldives.
37. Any bad habits? I always touch my hair.
38. Do you have a catchphrase? I feel like I say “No way!” a lot.
39. Charm point? What would it be...maybe my eyes!
40. A strength you have? I always see things through to the end.
41. A shortcoming you have? I get really absorbed into things and ignore my surroundings.
42. Your special skill? I’m pretty good at sewing. It’s something that I brag about sometimes, though.
43. Something you’re bad at? Being rushed. I tend to get nervous.
44. A precise weakness of yours? Being called Aika.
45. What do you want to fix about yourself? The part of me that gets nervous...
46. What are you confident you can imitate well? I think my impression of My Melody is pretty close.
47. What’s something you could live off of? My smartphone...perhaps. No, I’ll need food to live...no, maybe water...ah! Some Aqours water!!!
48. Your current obsession? Mekabu! 
49. A phrase you’ve been using a lot? Maybe “Well, those kinds of things happen too, right?”. I think it’s more fun to be positive!
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50. Favorite motto? “With everything you’ve got”.
51. If you could describe yourself with one word, what would it be? Little demon.
52. Something you’ve been picky about recently? I’m often picky about my nails. I’m always worrying about what kind of clothes their color will go well with. So recently, I’ve been deciding the theme for my nails beforehand.
53. Fill in the blank with something positive: I’m actually _. I’m actually good with my hands. Probably.
54. Fill in the blank with something negative: I’m actually _. I’m actually really inflexible. Please keep this a secret.
55. Anything but this! I don’t have much for this, but...I guess I wouldn’t like anything done to me that other people wouldn’t like, either!
56. What would the world be better off without? Cockroaches, maybe… And scary movies...anything scary.
57. How do you kill time? Sleep. Watch YouTube videos. Shop online.
58. How do you relieve stress and refresh yourself? Drink beer!
59. What app have you been using often recently? SIF and AC Pocket Camp!
60. What’s something you always do once you wake up? I take a bath!
61. What’s something you always do before you sleep? I set an alarm on my phone. I never forget to set it!
62. What do you do when you ride the train? I sleep, or I look at my phone.
63. What do you do to maintain your health? I use facial masks! And I wash my hands and rinse my mouth! And I get a good night’s sleep!
64. What do you do when you have the day off? I sleep in as long as I can...If I have plans to go out, then I do my nails or go to the salon, and get all my shopping done.
65. What do you do when you have time to yourself? I shop online, play games, and sometimes go out to look at western fashion.
66. What do you do when you hang out with friends? Recently, I’ve been going out with the Aqours 1st years to photogenic spots to take photos. We wear matching outfits, too. “When it’s time to have fun, have as much fun as you can!” is my motto.
67. Where do you want to go on your first date? Ehhh? With who? A-anywhere...is fine. Other than the haunted house, an amusement park sounds nice!
68. If you were to confess to someone, what kind of situation would you want it to be? Um...when I’m getting off the train and saying goodbye, as the doors are closing, I’ll say “I like you” and then run away, perhaps…(laughs).
69. If someone were to confess to you, what kind of situation would you want it to be? I want them to whisper “I love you” in my ear. And I would just be like, “Really!?” and let it soak in.
70. What memories do you have of graduation? A lot of mysterious feelings welled up inside of me, and I cried while singing our school song.
71. Something fun that happened recently? Today! I haven’t had a lot of chances to go to amusement parks, so today was really fun!
(Note: The Ultra Jump photo shoot took place at an amusement park.)
72. Something sad that happened recently? Us first years were playing a game where we tried to make our eyebrows go in a 45 degree angle, and Aiai (Furihata Ai) told me that my face looked like a Wi-Fi symbol. It was a little sad.
73. Something funny that happened recently? I saw Rikyako’s sleeping face. It was so funny that I cried laughing. (laughs) Maybe one day I’ll release it!
74. Something about your past you want to erase? My dark history!!! I don’t really have any!!!
(Note: This is definitely a lie.)
75. A moment that made you think “This is a miracle!”?
Love Live! Sunshine!! and a sweets shop in Numazu called Grandma did a collaboration called “Datenshi’s Chocola”. And in episode 5 of the second season, Yohane named the dog that she found “Lailaps”. Well...my dogs are named Chocola and Laila. This is a miracle!!!!!
76. A moment that made you think “I’m glad to be alive”? When I’m eating my mom’s cod roe pasta!
77. What wish do you want granted in the future? I want for Love Live! Sunshine!! to be loved by even more people, and to do that, we’ll need to work hard to achieve even greater heights. There’s a lot of dreams that I want to make come true, so I’m looking forward to it.
78. What’s something you wished for that came true? This very moment!! I’m able to sing and dance, and I have the chance to do the things that I love with everything I’ve got.
79. Any fond memories of 2017? Going to Disneyland with the first years!
80. What went wrong in 2017? I cried during the 2nd Live Tour. I didn’t want to cry~.
81. What would you do if you won 100 million yen from the lottery? I would put half of it into savings, and use the other half to go on a vacation with my family. I’ll splurge on it!!
82. What would you do if you had a time machine? I’d go back in time and have fun with my preschool friends and teachers again~.
83. What would you want to do if the world were to end tomorrow? I’d spend it with my family...but I’d be really nervous. I’d probably hold them tight...
84. What would you want to eat if the world were to end tomorrow? I’d eat a ton of shrimp and fried chicken.
85. If you could bring one thing to a deserted island, what would it be? A soft futon.
86. If you were reborn in another world, what would you want to become? I definitely!!! would become a magician!!!
87. If you were reborn in this world, what would you want to become? I want to fly in the sky, so maybe a bird!
88. If you were to be reborn, would you want to be male or female? Female! I want to be born again female!
89. What’s good about being a girl? “Girls are always the best!” is what I think. You can wear a lot of fashionable clothes, and make your nails really cute!
90. What’s something you’d want to try if you were male? I’ve never had short hair, so I’d want to get a Mush-cut perm. 
91. A challenge you want to take on? I want to try floating in the air like a fallen angel while singing. And maybe try jumping onto the stage to make my appearance.
92. A voice role you want to try in the future? I want to voice an elementary schooler. Or maybe something that’s not human. (laughs)
93. If you could do any job outside of voice acting, what would it be? I have a preschool teacher’s license, so I’d do that!
94. What made you the happiest out of everything you’ve been told? Seven years ago, I was told “Your songs really encourage me. Thank you so much.” It made me really happy, and it was the day I resolved to work hard as a singer.
95. Have you been keeping any secrets from the rest of Aqours? Not at all! Y-yes...I won’t say who it is, and if I returned it, I wouldn’t tell them, but once during rehearsal, I borrowed someone’s socks, and I haven’t returned them for about a year!!!!! (laughs)
96. Where in Numazu would you like to visit again? Mito Sea!!! 
97. Praise yourself as much as possible! You’re always working so hard! You’re so clever, Kobayashi! Do your best! (laughs)
98. What kind of moment makes you think “This is Guilty”? Recently, Rikako started tickling Aina, but she keeps it a secret as to when and where she does it. That’s Guilty.
99. Your thoughts on today’s photoshoot? It felt like a really Guilty Kiss-esque photoshoot. The amusement park was really fun, and the merry-go-round really
100. Finally, a word for your fans! There might be people reading this that are getting to know Guilty Kiss for the first time, so I hope you can see some of our good points, and I’d be happy if you listened to some of our songs!
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Yotsuiro Biyori 1 | Kakuriyo 2 | Lupin 3 Pt 5 2 | Saredo 2 | BnHA 40 | Boueibu HK 2 | Mahou Shoujo Ore 3 | Golden Kamuy 2
Yotsuiro Biyori 1
I memorised this show’s name as being “Rokuhoudou”, so I almost didn’t recognise it at first when CR got it! I’m only taking it on because of the SoL aspect, which I’m normally not too sold on. However, there was a lot of slice of life this past winter, so I can see this being moved to the on hold pile already…
Mitarashi (dango).
Why do I get the feeling there was something fishy (time travel, a death or something) that happened to make the Rokuhoudou the way it is? I say “time travel” because of what I read about this show on ANN.
Is it just me, or does the background around this woman look kind of flat? The bins seem pretty flat, at the very least…
I can see what the woman means when she goes “This is a café?” It sure don’t look like one, it’s more like a temple or something.
I almost expected the woman to mangle the name of the café and go “Shika-kaede-tou” or something. How do the Japanese manage to get all these kanji combo pronunciations right???
“Don’t dodge my question, you king of BS.” – Just another quotable, alongside “Just Google it, asshole.” (Boueibu HK)
I thought the latte art was a dog at first, but yeah, if I look at it differently, it’s a bunny!
Kusamochi. By the way, I was thinking this show is really charming. Sure, I had more than enough Cute Boys Doing Cute Things in the winter, but these guys have quite the rapport. Now if only I could figure out what their names are (properly)…
Wait, so did that board/sheet/whatever inside that inspired Redhead refer to Kinako (cat) or kinako?
Lemme get this straight – black hair is Tokitaka, brown hair (latte) is Gure, desserts boy is…shoot, I don’t know…Update: Gure has black hair, not brown. It’s just shorter than Tokitaka’s.
I got no Google hits for Koubai pink, but Yurushiiro pink I did…so here you go. Yurushiiro pink was a pink that wasn’t banned by the emperor of Japan back in the day where he had more power. It seems to be a shade somewhat similar to cherry blossoms.
Tokiiro pink = rose gold and Yoshino cherry white = a pinkish-white.
Nerikiri is a type of wagashi.
Some of the subs got cut off! Grr, CR! So, here’s my attempt to translate what they have on that board of Redhead’s: after “butterflies”, there’s “plum” (ume), “bamboo shoots” (take no ko) and “new leaves” (wakaba). CR definitely used a longer word combo in place of “new leaves” though, so I could be wrong. That writing’s pretty scribbly, after all.
Redhead is Tsubaki (see? I have a horrendous memory when it comes to learning things for the first time)…so who am I missing?
Sakuramochi. It’s that grainy sort of pink, leaf-bound mochi you often see in shows like this.
Gure seems to like his Italian, doesn’t he? Is he half-foreign or is this just being a fan of the language of pasta?
“…think about the spring sunshine.” – So why the cat background?
Okay, I’ve found whose name I’ve forgotten. Sui (brunette).
Tokishirazu salmon. LOL, that salmon’s perfect for Tokitaka!
I don’t think they showed the chopstick holder earlier, but it’s a heart. It really is cute!
Interestingly, this woman brings to mind the idea of meiwaku when she says that it was her fault.
Oh, they weren’t heart shaped, they were cherry blossom shaped! That makes a lot more sense! (The shapes are similar though…)
Makunouchi bento…that sounds familiar, for some reason.
Hanami dango. I’m sure you know them, even if you’re not familiar with the name...so long as you’ve watched enough anime to see them at least once.
Ah, I bet Gure is a happy drunk, LOL.
Hah? There’s Sui (when he was younger)? Not in this episode, no…There was also a Tsubasa Fujita who was voiced by Hibiku Yamamura. I assume that’s the woman we were following today, but it might’ve been her friend or someone in a later episode…
Manjyu chazuke. I had to use the Japanese words to get some hits (as opposed to the romaji I just used), but whoever said that thing about Ougai seems to be correct.
Omusubi seems to be another name for onigiri.
That seems like less of a drop than I first thought...it’s going to be tough to cut down on all these shows. I’m clearly being affected by how much I opened up my watchlist, because remember those days where I’d only take on two shows a season?
Kakuriyo 2
Wow, the oni really has it in for her now...or is it really that hard to get a true read of him?
I somehow wagered the tengu was going to remind Aoi of her old man a few seconds before she did just that. That’s a bad sign...
Would a tengu have been too heavy to fly if it were drowning?
Seriously, this tengu never thinks of flying. I’m laughing, but I’ve realised this show’s strength seems to be its humour more than anything.
The airship has the kanji for “Ten” (from Tenjinya).
The pace of this show goes like molasses, so I think I’ll put it on hold here.
Lupin III Pt V 2
“Did you finally start caring about the environment?”
Holy helicopters, Batman! The AW609...exists!
“...Lupin used to escape!”
They’re being chased and yet still have time for hotpot, LOL. Never change, Lupin. Never change.
I never thought I’d see the day where a situation like the one Ami’s in could ever be talked out of in anime. Normally a scenario like that one is played for drama...
I guess even Lupin has a moe instinct, LOL.
That social media service looks a lot like Twitter, eh?
Apparently Shinpei Mayama is new this episode...Keep watching.
The Flea? He looks more like a hikikomori monster to me, LOL. (Boueibu reference, don’t mind me...)
I get the feeling I should know these people that are all showing up, but I feel like I don’t need to know about their backstories to appreciate them going forward. Thus, I will keep this show. Once again though, it’s a tentative keeper.
Saredo 2
I’m zoning out...I need to drop this show, don’t I?...
Soleil? Is that Gayus’s surname? (Basically, I got roped back into watching it with one reveal, LOL. I’m such a finicky person.)
One Hundred Ways to Train Your Dragon, more like it, LOL.
Oh great. Every time they have a religious figure, the show always seems to go downhill...(thinks back to Vatican Miracle Examiner)
Wow, “pessimistically optimistic”€. That’s quite the paradox!
The power of politics is to back up one voice with lots of voices, so...uh...about that, Cardinal Mouldeen...
“Come on, you slaves of authority.” - LOL. What a name.
“[Gigina’s] a sword dancer...” - Oh, so that’s why sinners dance with the dragons! A “dancer” is a magician in this world.
Okay, seriously. How did I not see how bad this show was in the first episode? If your side characters are more developed than your main ones, you’ve got a problem.
I’ve never seen a man more dedicated to fantasy-style IKEA than Gigina, LOL. At least that’s fresh.
I don’t think I even want to document this for later, but who the heck is Diorg?
I completely regret praising the rapport between Gayus and Gigina now. You can have some great convos when one member of the convo’s drunk, but this is a bit of a mess of a convo, tbh.
Even without the big names, I suspected the woman was connected to the black dragon...
This is a show where property damage counts, right? Gayus’ll throw a fit later, eh?
Okay, I think I’ve complained about this show way too much. Once I start seeing something in a negative light I start to sound really critical, and a lot of the time it’s actually not as rewarding as hatewatches should be, which is why I haven’t tackled anything for hatewatch purposes yet. It’s just a fun-sucker, if that’s the case, and that was definitely the case with this show.
BnHA 40
Wait, why is the camera-oh, it’s just Mineta. Get off the audience’s case, Mineta.
Is it just me, or is it that every time I read “Wild, Wild Pussycats” I get this song in my head?
I love how the Pussycats are basically magical girls with those poses!
How did they not censor Dragon Quest??? (LOL)
Aizawa likes cats? That’s new, but it’s also very in line with what we know of him already.
Oh, I see. She’s a Christmas cake!
What does GG stand for in that context, huh? “you GG bastard”, hmm...
Between BnHA and Tiramisu, you’re definitely in luck if you like muscular boys!
I feel like Kota’s a hypocrite. After all, he’s at his aunt’s and his aunt is a rescue hero...
Kota is very much like Midoriya in a few ways, don’tcha think?
Kota’s name has a lot of water in it, doesn’t it? (Both kanji in his name have water radicals.)
Boueibu HK 2
For some reason, Wakura actually seems happy about his outfit...even though he criticises it.
I’m kind of confused about that “hammer and pigeon”€ thing myself, although hato = pigeon which you can vaguely hear in Furanui’s sentence.
I love Wakura’s serious face...seriously, I need to figure out who best boy is soon, eh?
LOL, I said platypus was kamonohashi, yeah? Kamo can mean duck and it can be short for “maybe” (kamoshirenai).
Wahey, Binanshi Contest! Was it no. 1704 last ep as well?
Well, spoilers beat me on this one, but Tawarayama was a principal after the other guy...but then what are the HK DC gonna do about an advisor?
Ehhhhhhh? This I didn’t see! Shuzenji calls Ata by that name!
The student council room hasn’t changed at all, I see.
“Get fat!” - Wow...(LOL)
Calling it now - Unazuki is a yes man. Very Arima-like...
Strangely, Maasa’s sentence doesn’t specify Furanui is “shrimpy” at all. He just calls Furanui “this thing”€ (konna).
Does this mean Maasa has a thing for cool belly dancer guys? Hmm? Or is it just the magic he’s impressed with?
That board on the wall of the student council room hasn’t changed at all, which is what tipped me off to my earlier comment.
Ritter = knight. So our ES are Diamond, Rose Quartz and Amethyst. There’s not as much of a pattern going through these guys as there was with the CA, but it’ll have to do.
Oh wow, that summary took almost half an episode! No wonder the DC ran off!
The massage thing really calls to mind the manga...
108 is a Buddhist number. I wonder if there’s any significance to that...
July 18th? Boy, another July baby (thnks back to En)...
Getanha are cakes from Kagoshima, where the Kirishima onsen is.
Lorbeerprinz says ”druck” is pressure...but...well, I never thought I’d see the day I regretted not learning German, that’s all. Sorry. I got nothing on this.
This shabu shabu stuff reminds me of the chikuwabu talk in LOVE! s1 ep 1. (nostalgia washes over everyone)
They definitely upped their 4th walling this season, eh? First the layout artist thing, now this “cut off by the frameâ” thing.
The river I’d assume is the Sanzu (river you have to cross before you die) and I guess the flowerbed has to do with that. Kyotaro is Fiore Kiss though...which seems somewhat ironic.
At least they’re fully clothed prior to this transformation...but I didn’t mind seeing them transform from their birthday suits last episode, either...
What is that? *squints* It appears to be Taiju’s phone. Atsushi’s last season was green so I can see why this one’s plum.
Applying self destruct boosters is a lot easier than it looks. (thinks to Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, where cake makes a character explode)
There’s a list of ground rules, including “let’s protect morals and manner”...whatever “manner” is. I guess the Furanui Knights, who aren’t actually on the ground, wouldn’t be subjected to “ground rules”, eh?
This one was clearly a case of “didn’t think of something for himself”, huh...
Do they have hot baths in Honyara Land???
Kamopapa’s VA was someone with the surname “Nishimura”...gotta look this guy up later, I guess. Seeing the actual visuals of the ED for once is so exciting, though!
The statement on the scroll in the back means “scholarship and the martial arts”, which is just another way of saying Ata’s a perfect student and is continually striving to be one.
Maasa’s hair antenna is a heart in the ED. That’ll get him charm points for sure.
Lookit them badass swords! They even have corresponding gems on them!
A-ha! I thought the final defeat song was Happy Ready. These marketing guys are too predictable...
For some reason, this ED is a lot more Detective Conan than the last one. I can’t quite put my finger on why though...
This next ep preview’s the best! I wanna quote it! “You know how there are things you see every day, but you don’t actually know what they’re called, so you just say “the thing” or “the whatever-it-is”? The next episode’s about that sort of stuff.” Update: It really is about that sort of stuff, this preview’s just uber-vague...
Mahou Shoujo Ore 3
Wow, they’re really leaning on the 4th wall this week, aren’t they?
The lyrics by and large really don’t make sense, so I feel quite thankful I’m not listening to the audio track right now, LOL.
(at “This way, squirrel!”€) What in animals’ name is this Pokemon? (LOL)
Hey, uh...is it just me or did both magical boy shows opt for the flashbacks this week, too?
What’s the age difference between Sakuyo and Mohiro? Kid!Mohiro doesn’t look older than 12 here.
“Thus concludes Sakuyo’s Thrilling First Love.€”
One thing I’ve noticed with lots of magical girls is that they have earrings. Arima (Boueibu) had them, but these guys do too.
“...looks so much like Mohiro-chan...”€ - Now that I look at Sakuyo’s magical boy form, he does kinda look like Mohiro eyes-wise...
God of Conquests? That refers to the main character of The World ____ Only ______, right?...Yup, I think so!
Have we been watching the same fight scene for almost an episode? Geez, flashbacks.
Can I like Mohiro-chan too? Because this eyecatch completely sold me!
The pixelation’s probably going to give me motion sickness one of these days (exaggerating), but if they overuse it, I’m definitely gonna go on about it.
Max Heart? I wonder if Astral’ll get it? I sure do, but I don’t know if he will.
I think I spotted a chick design on Mohiro’s jumper...?
Wow! Self-deprecation, much? (somewhat sarcastic) (The magazine this series ran in deals with BL, according to the blog header here. Mahou Shoujo Ore flip flops over that boundary, so you can see how it got into it...)
”Wherever there’s a magical girl, that’s where you’ll find me!”€ (Or should that be plural?)
Oh no, don’t even try going there, Sakuyo (laughing as I type this)...thank goodness they didn’t compare their...uh, hand grip. Yeah, the strength of their hand grip! (sweat sweat)
What was Saki drinking, wine? (somewhat sarcastic, somewhat skeptical)
Asano Shinbun is a parody of the Asahi Shinbun, one of the 5 biggest publications in Japan in regards to newspapers.
If you don’t remember from Mob Psycho 100, “mob” in this case means “just another face in the crowd”. Like the name ”Jane Doe”€ in English. The henohenomoheji style is a distinctive touch, though.
They’re being serious about the TV appearance thing? Never would’ve thought that, considering how that was a parody of Superman changing outfits in a telephone booth. Either that or some other superhero...
Golden Kamuy 2
Those pinecones sure look like prawns to me...
Ooh! OP! much hype, such wow. Also, a Man With a Mission OP is definitely something to keep an ear out for.
(in the OP) The letterboxing effect is cool here.
Sugimoto’s asking about tattoos because people with tatts wouldn’t be allowed into baths. At least, that’s the rule nowadays...
This guy reminds me of Kaiji...or Akagi...or whatever the guy’s name is.
Gah, enough with the fire! This isn’t Blingee, for gold diggers’ sake!
Well, at least Sugimoto and Asirpa can take the skin nowâ...
The Ainu cooking show strikes again. Not that I’m complaining about it, it’s strangely interesting in an odd way. Not to mention the action mitigates any weirdness these parts might give the show.
Squirrel brain. Never in my life would I have dared to type that…until now. (Or eat it, but please don’t make me harm cute squirrels...)
I think Iâ’ve seen so many Shokugeki no Souma parodies/variations, I kind of expect every (pseudo-?)cooking show to do something like it. The fact Golden Kamuy didn’t do it surprised me in that way.
This guy! He did a Valentine’s promo for the show! His nameâ’s Shiraishi!
What a regular Houdini, eh?
This show is so comical in such a way you’d never see in another show. I love it.
Shiraishi with a raccoon on his head, LOL.
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