#ummmmmmmmmmm hi
colorfulcatnights · 1 year
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Thinking about Vulcans prizing “calm” over “happiness”. 
Like how humans look back on their childhood and remember how happy it was - joyful days spent running around in the sun, getting into a bit of trouble, laughing with peers and family - that’s how they know it was a good one. Meanwhile Vulcans might look back on their childhood and remember how peaceful it was. Quiet days spent studying, the warm glow of candlelit lessons in caves, getting along smoothly with ones peers - that’s how they know it was a good one. Humans typically chose their friends and romantic partners based on if this person makes them feel happy above all. The question of “Do you like being with them?” is interpreted to mean “Does being with them make you feel happy?” But since Vulcans don’t experience (or strive for) happiness there would have to be some other parameter. So I was thinking about like, what is a good relationship to a Vulcan? There’s obviously a big emphasis on ‘togetherness’ in Vulcan unions. The Pon Farr ritual Tuvok does with his [hologram] wife involves them committing to becoming “Two bodies one mind” and it’s stated that they give and receive from each other all that they are. There’s also of course the iconic “Never and always touching and touched”. This is all (as was said during T’Pol & Koss’ wedding) “The Vulcan heart, the Vulcan soul, this is our way.” Vulcans are also (ENT) expected to live together for at least a year after being married - I imagine so that they can bond with and get to know one another. In SNW T’Pring wants for Spock to honor the commitments he makes to her so in that case T’Pring values Spock keeping his word to her and placing her above other things. I see a bit of Tuvok in that, where he prizes his commitment to T’Pel over anything else to the point where he’d nearly rather die than break it: (Even though he eventually agrees to having sex with a hologram it MUST be of his wife and he lets Tom/The Audience know that he will NOT be making a habit of it. There’s no ironclad logical reason for him to react this way as a hologram is not a person but his commitment to T’Pel seems to take precedence and I believe that’s his reasoning. His bond with T’Pel is logical, sustaining and important to him and he’s loath to break it over some bodily need. some desire that will pass even if it kills him.) <- By this way of thinking, betraying T’Pel would be the emotional choice while remaining loyal to her is remaining loyal to his logical self. A strong emphasis on loyalty to one’s mate seems to be a common Vulcan trait. In the beginning this seems to be rooted in tradition but later on its probably assumed that the couple will be loyal to one another out of some sort of actual connection between two people as opposed to pure obligation. In ENT T’Pol says that a certain degree of “affection” is eventually expected to happen within a marriage (though the way she says it makes me think this doesn’t always occur and isn’t necessarily The Goal) and her mother says that she and her husband developed a “deep connection” to one another. All this makes me think that a connection and a sense of ‘togetherness’ or ‘compatibility’ would also be prized over more emotional things like a passion for one another. It’s a partnership above all and that would be prized over a romantic union.  It makes me think of Vulcans’ roots in violence and war. Maybe this commitment to a steady togetherness, two people who don’t know each other being able to work together so seamlessly they nearly become one, is a way to show they’ve moved beyond that despite the pon farr remaining. Vulcans are a naturally very emotional species. Someone who incites that would probably not be seen as someone you should spend your time with. Someone who makes your heart pound, sets you ablaze, fills you with passion - that sounds like a bad Vulcan time v_v  Tuvok says as much when he talks about how he was struck with “shon-ha’lock”. Humans wouldn’t see anything wrong with having a crush on someone (and indeed in that episode Tom only comes to the conclusion that it’s a shame Tuvok couldn’t act on these emotions) but it’s obvious that even a teenaged crush when uncontrolled can become a very big problem to a Vulcan. In one of the Star Trek Novels Tuvok even stops being friends with and talking to a girl because she tearfully admits she has feelings for him and he sees that her feelings for him cause her pain.  Instead of thinking “Oh, she really likes me, good! We’re close friends so maybe we can make this work.” or even “I don’t like her romantically but since we’re close friends we can work through it.”  Tuvok thinks “Oh, she really likes me. That must be causing her to become very emotional and I can see she’s clearly upset. I’ll remove myself from her life so my presence doesn’t incite those emotions anymore.” And while him flat out just cutting himself out of her life might seem weird and kind of cruel and a frankly hilarious reaction to someone confessing their love to you - I also think it’s something he thought of as a kindness. If his presence harms her (stirs up emotions in her) then he will remove himself to keep from harming her. Along that vein, calmness or the absence of strong emotions would be a good relationship and one worth staying in. Not that there can’t be any emotions (Tuvok and T’Les obviously care[d] deeply for their respective spouses) but that they must be controllable and able to be cast aside in the face of logic.  I also think that “knowing” the other person would be considered very important (after marriage of course). If you’re to operate as a partnership, a team, and especially if you’re both telepaths you should be able to know your spouse pretty damn well. I see T’Pring attempt to do this in SNW where she is constantly fighting to get to know Spock which Spock self-consciously discourages since he’s been told/shown that his human side is unappealing to Vulcans.  But yeah man idk...just picturing a Vulcan and a human talking for hours...walking along the beach...sleeping side by side...getting to know one another...and at the end of it all one says “You make me feel happy” and the other says “Your presence calms me” and it means, essentially, the same thing.
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finaldisorder · 14 days
" Be a good boy for me." (For Malcolm obvs)
Spoiled rotten rich boy throws temper tantrum in local precinct; more at 11.
Many factors usually toss Malcolm into a tantrum; the stress of his latest case, the stress of his family, the stress of being alive. The stress of secrecy. All of it builds up, crushes his chest, makes his tremors worse and his therapy visits annoyingly long. He's mere steps closer to solving this case, and like fucking clockwork, everyone distrusts him. They steer him in the wrong direction and they tell him that his instinct must be wrong.
The only thing that keeps him sane these days, the only safe space for him is Billy; and that means, unfortunately, that Billy is the one that gets caught in his crosshairs at times. Normally it's just a quick snip back, a tone of voice, a bark of annoyance or a bratty quip before he's eating his words and Billy has him down and cuffed. No cuffs here - well, none that can be used with polite company. And that's another thing; nobody likes his involvement with Billy.
Just one more frustration when the larger male comes to visit this time. And normally, Malcolm is one to tip the scales. He loves it when Billy visits. He likes it when everyone stares, glares, whispers among themselves. The profiler usually lets touches linger and stares pointedly at others as he kisses Billy (and maybe he puts a little tongue in there sometimes too, because it's thrilling when others stare at them that way), but today he's at his limit.
Not to mention he and Gil had just finished a shouting match minutes before Billy arrived.
"Good boy- a good boy?" He's practically growling, but the tone is tense. He's on the edge of ... something. He doesn't know what it is, but it's a familiar feeling. He needs someone else to take control. He wants to shut his brain off and not think and just as he tosses a folder aside on his desk haphazardly, snarling out in frustration, does he finally realize just who it is he's being snarky with. Billy should be used to some sass, but not this level of tantrum. Malcolm is usually good about not being a petulant child with his boyfriend.
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"What constitutes being a good boy in this scenario, Billy? Huh?" A glance at his trembling hand just frustrates him further and it takes every single ounce of strength in his body to reel back the tantrum already boiling over. He holds his trembling hand with his stable hand, gripping so tightly his knuckles bloom white. "Everyone in this place thinks I'm crazy. No matter what I do, it's never going to be good enough for them unless I catch this guy, so can I please just -"
A huff, and he glares at the folder on his desk. A few steadying, deep breaths, and he side-eyes Billy with only a hint of shame in his eyes. "Sorry, I'm sorry." Apologise now, because he knows punishment later is going to be brutal for barking back at his lover this way. He welcomes it. He can't wait for it. "I'll - I'll be good." Another pause, and he finally drags his eyes up to catch Billy's stare. "I'll be a good boy."
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hexhomos · 2 years
LoL Jayce with the Gioparas. LoR Jayce with the Ferros. LoL Viktor with Stanwick and Renata. Both of their Arcane versions with the Council, specially Medarda and the Kiramman.
Hmmmm.... having thoughts about how their common enemy is always their own investors
HAHAHA part of vikjayce's built-in charm to me is that their position in society is that of the working man under the gears of capitalism and rapidly advancing industry. They are *employees*, doesn't matter how brilliant or how groundbreaking their work is, the results will always be co-opted by those with the most money and power in the society they inhabit. The average man can't win capitalism by "pulling themself up by their bootstraps," -- when they try to, the result will often be them being swiftly outplayed and a quick economic demise.
Investors are landlords of ideas. Ask anyone trying to break into industry how they feel about that relationship and you're going to end up collecting a whole album's worth of doompilled stories, worst case scenario always being The Money Guys Get All Your Work (Including Credits For Work They Didn't Do!) By the End.
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rig-a-rendal · 7 months
watched led zeppelin live at madison square 1975 last night and let me tell you i went from “ah you see i don’t really get it” to “he has a nice body but idk about the hair” to “i have Got to **** ********* Right Now” in a matter of two songs
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bellamygate · 8 months
it acc makes me so sick that phee went on to get involved with jin after non 'dies' like. u just gna betray me like that? ight
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solcarow · 11 months
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amiableness · 2 months
ummmmmmmmmmm the jealous james in the grocery store??? OMFG R U KIDDING IM GOING FERAL IMAGINING IT
Jealous james at the park when people think reader is single mum and try hitting on her
Jealous james watching reader all giggly by someone so he sends Henry to distract her
Jealous james watching the reader getting eyed so strolls over henry on his hip, making it seem like they are a couple "He wants you darling"
also also i could just imagine that whenever reader is talking to someone else both James and Henry get pouty because her attention is not on them
Just imagine james chilling out with the boys henry with him when he looks at his son and sees the most upset, angry look on henrys face and follows his gaze to see reader talking to somebody now they are both just watching all pouty and sirius and remus are laughing their heads off
or Henry being possessive over reader just like his daddy
Reader sees kid looking sad and goes over to try and help and henry just tugging on james' sleeve pointing "go get my reader"
or shes pushing him on the swings and another child wants a push "NO! my reader!"
or like whatever nickname he'd have for her because i imagine he would
like calling her love or something cuz he heard james calling her it
her boys just being obsessed with her
woah that was a lot sorry not sorry
Dad!James Potter x Bsf!Reader ☼ 762 words
James narrows his eyes, focusing intently on you as you stand beside a man he doesn’t recognize. Your laughter carries across the lawn, a sound that usually belongs to him, and it drives him crazy. The guy next to you seems to revel in the effect he’s having, his gaze fixed on you with an admiration that makes James bristle. The way he looks at you—like you’re the most captivating woman in the room—doesn’t escape James. While he can’t deny that you’re breathtaking, the idea of another man gazing at you with such intensity unsettles him deeply.
“I don’t blame her, honestly. Corey’s quite funny.” Sirius says, reclining in the chair next to James with an easygoing air. His eyes are shielded by dark sunglasses, and he sprawls comfortably, like a content cat basking in the sun. His relaxed demeanor contrasts sharply with James, who is sitting upright, shoulders tense, and gaze fixed intently on you.
At their feet, Henry occupies himself on the patio, diligently pushing his bright red toy car along the pavement. The small wheels click rhythmically against the concrete, and Henry makes enthusiastic vrooming noises, his face scrunched with concentration. The late afternoon sun casts a warm, golden glow over the backyard.
Lily Evans is hosting the backyard get-together, blending friends from school with those she’s made as an adult. Though she is his ex, James is grateful they parted on good terms. He still considers her a close friend and values their continued relationship.
“Corey.” James repeats, his voice laced with a sharp edge of irritation. Sirius shifts his gaze from you and Corey to James, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. He’s not at all surprised by the undercurrent of jealousy in his friend’s tone.
Sirius observes James’s clenched jaw and the way his eyes narrow at the sight of the blond. “Yeah, Corey Cartwright,” he says, his tone teasing. “Real funny guy. And single, too.” As James’s gaze snaps sharply to Sirius, the latter cackles, clearly enjoying the reaction he’s elicited.
“What the fu—” James starts but cuts himself off, glancing down at his son, who is intently focused on his toy car. He then turns a sharp glare at Sirius. “Are you serious? Because this isn’t funny.”
“You know what is funny?” Sirius says, casually pointing in your direction with his bottle. “If you don’t make a move soon, Y/N might end up with this guy.” James watches, his stomach churning, as you begin to hand your phone to Corey. Corey takes it with a smooth, confident smile, the conversation animated and easy. The interaction only fuels James’s unease, making him more anxious about the situation.
“Henry!” James says, his voice tinged with urgency. “See Y/N over there? Why don’t you go show her your car?” Henry looks up at his father with wide, curious eyes before scrambling uneasily to his feet and darting toward you, clutching his toy car tightly.
James watches as Henry tugs at your jeans and raises his arms, a clear signal he wants to be picked up. His gaze softens when you bend down and lift Henry effortlessly, settling him comfortably on your hip. You still clutch your phone in your hand, but your attention is entirely on the three-year-old now. Henry’s face lights up with a delighted smile as he nestles against you, and you respond warmly as he shows you his car.
The man standing next to you frowns in confusion, clearly thrown off by the abrupt change in the dynamic. He looks between you and Henry, trying to make sense of the scene, while James’s unease resolves itself.
“Pathetic,” Sirius sighs, his voice tinged with a mix of disappointment and amusement. “You should ask the poor girl out instead of scaring off all her options.” He stands up, stretching before heading into the house. As he walks away, James watches him go, his mind racing with scenarios of confessing his feelings to you.
That’s a problem for another day, he decides.
Turning his attention back to you and Henry, James takes in the sight of you gently cradling his son, your face softened by a loving smile. The way Henry clings to you, completely absorbed in the moment, makes James’s chest tighten with a mix of longing and protectiveness.
Corey remains beside you, still looking confused and shifting uncomfortably, clearly feeling out of place. James notices and decides to step in. “Sorry to interrupt you two,” he says, giving Corey a brief, blank glance. “He really wanted to see you, darling.”
please reblog or comment with your thoughts! they are very appreciated and keep me motivated to keep writing! 🤍
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niobiumao3 · 5 months
What I like most about 'Tech is CX-2 but not the CX-2 we see in the finale' is you can have some very K2S0 and Jyn vibes when Hunter spears CX.
Tech walks in, partly in CX gear.
Tech: Did you know that wasn't me?? Wrecker: Ummmmmmmmmmm... Hunter: ....yyyyyyes. Crosshair: <in the background, shaking his head>
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pendragon-fruit · 1 month
Yo i saw that shadowgast art about the au where they were childhood friends??? In Xhorhas???? I know you said it was underdeveloped, but I'd love to know anything more you have!
AAAAHHHHH UMMMMMMMMMMM it's INSANELY underdeveloped. literally the only thoughts i have about it are... like what if caleb and essek grew up together in rosohna and went to the same magic school. caleb is a xhorhas transplant (maybe his parents are diplomats and moved there for business). essek is the child prodigy top-of-his-class. caleb is the newcomer who bests him. academic rivalry ensues... :]
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dangermousie · 8 months
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And from the preview:
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But the way this is going, he might be seriously unhappy when he learns she's a woman because like I know sexuality is a scale and he may very well be pan, bi, demi or some other sexuality that will fancy her whether she's a man or a woman, but he also may very well be just plain gay in which case this love story will die stone dead when he discovers she's a lady.
I do love that his attitude is "I like a man so fucking WHAT, I am the goddamn king!"
PS 7 eps out of 16 in and this drama could totally work just as well if she really was a dude and you'd need to change next to nothing.
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dalvs-wife · 6 months
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i. attempted to compile every single dalv art I've drawn. and ummmmmmmmmmm.
yeah no you really can't convince me im somehow not his no 1 fan look at this sh!t dude
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19871997 · 3 months
now. not to make pens’ beloved mario lemeiux a morally grey cheater. BUTTTTT u damn well know that rookie sid was SO starstruck w mario all the damn time and the way mario’s never not all over him in any video ever and how damn big mario is compared to sid and sometimes the way he looks at him and sid’s desperation to prove himself and prove that he’s not a kid snowballs into an uncontrolled crush on mario. that obviously gets noticed and mario likes the attention or wtvr and itseasy to kiss sid and rile him up and it makes mario heady to have this teen phenom all over him which sets off sid more but. he feels his ring against his skin and then he’s thinking about easy way his wife took him in and never made indication that he’s overstayed his welcome and always folded him jnto her family..
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juniper-bunch · 2 months
hi mutual(s? can i call you that plurally) guess who hint were technically not mutual.s on here but on one of ur uhhg rp accounts
um.. good question- idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ummmmmmmmmmm no idea we have too many mutuals 〳 ‾́ ﹏ ‾́ 〵
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blackjackkent · 8 months
Update - as I suppose I should have expected, Naaber has more dialogue if we keep clicking on him. Looks like there might be one for him trying out every potential class. XD Featuring Hector being the most patient man in existence, bless his heart.
Starting with barbarian:
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"Roar. ROAR! ROAAAAAAAR! Are you scared? Did you wet your pants? Did you? Did you?"
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"Not even slightly."
"Appreciate the honesty. *Sigh* Oh well. Back to the Naabing board! ^_^ "
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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to youuuuu! HAPPY BIIIIIIRTHDAY DEAR...."
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"...Hector Carlisle."
"All the bards I've met play an instrument."
"Oh. I don't have one of those. Balls. Back to the Naabing board, then..."
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"Bless us with your gentle - no, holy - spirit - no, soul - no, spirit... your powers - your divine powers... bother."
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[CLERIC] "Are you trying to... pray?"
"You're very good at this! Perhaps you can teach me. I'm trying to pray. Am I doing it right?"
[CLERIC] "It's more like... By your sacrament ever be praised. Oh holy, most wise, eternal god..."
"Wooooooooow! That was awesome! I bet it even works when you do it!"
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"*Sniff sniff*"
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"What are you sniffing?"
"Oh, you didn't get it? I'm pretending to be a dog. Everyone likes dogs! ^_^ "
"...Carry on, then."
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"Behold, mundane meddler! You step in the domain of a master speller. For I am to be a most mighty WIZARD!"
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"What's your favorite spell?"
"Wizard! W-I-Z-A-R-D! Wizard!"
"...No, spell. As in magic spell. The thing wizards cast."
"Wait. There's another step after that? Rats..."
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"Know any fiendish philanthropists? Fickle fae financiers? Eldritch employers? I want to make a pact!"
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"Are you sure you're ready to be a warlock? To sell your soul for eternity?"
"My SOUL? I have to give up my SOUL to become a warlock????"
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"Ommmmmmmmmmmm. Ammmmmmmmmmmm. Ummmmmmmmmmm...."
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[MONK] Join in.
"Oh, HI! I didn't see you there! I was deep in meditation, see. Isn't peace and quiet just the best? I've decided to be a monk! [pause, inhale, VERY LOUDLY] I'M GOING TO BE THE BEST MONK THERE EVER WAS!"
"Go back to being silent, then."
Narrator: Naaber seals his lips, but you feel the pressure of words behind them. The poor thing is straining fit to burst.
"Aaaaaaaaargh! Ican'tdoitihavetoomuchtosay! You were right. I can't be a monk. I just want to TALK! Talking's great, see? You can say words, make friends, tell everyone everything you're thinking and feeling..."
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Narrator: As he empties himself of his latest slew of thoughts, you take the opportunity to slip away.
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"BOO! Bet you didn't even see me coming. I'm a shadow. A mastery of sneakery. A ROGUE!"
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"No, you're not. I see you. You're right there."
"Oh, thank goodness! I was worried I was getting too good at it and nobody would ever see me again! Hello! Hi!"
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"If not a rogue, then a ranger! I'm great at chasing things down!"
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"I hope you're looking forward to those long, lonely months on the trail."
"Godsdammit, why are so many adventurer jobs so lonely?! I thought you were supposed to have parties!"
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"Perhaps the answer was deep within me all along! An ancient spark of arcana! Yes, I was born to be a sorcerer! I can feel it!"
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"Cool, can you do any magic?"
"Let me focus... I can feel the power deep within me... It's coming up! It's coming up! *BURP* Oops. Just indigestion. Haha."
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"My liege! I swear to you an undying oath of absolute devotion. I am but your humble paladin."
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"I don't accept."
"Really? But... I'm ready to do anything!"
(At this point these were the three available options - Hector has finally run out of patience:
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"Please just go away."
"But you're the one who keeps talking to me! I- I don't want to-- all right. An oath's an oath, I suppose."
Final conversation:
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"These roles sure are restrictive, aren't they? Maybe the adventuring life's just not for me. I really like talking to you! There's not a lot of people that want to talk to me, so I brought you a present. Here."
He hands Hector an "Absolute Confidence Amulet," which grants +1 Performance and -1 Intimidation.
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"Now, what are we going to talk about if not about the adventuring life? Wait. Wait! What if I *mix* the classes - Oh, Naaber, you GENIUS!"
And he books it out the door and out of sight.
They all watch him run out, and Karlach lets out a soft giggle. "Hec, how the hells did you keep a straight face through all that?"
"He even tried to help him," Jaheira says with some amusement. "In my earlier travels, when we would meet such a man on the road, we would make tracks for the horizon at highest speed."
Hector chuckles. "You forget I have spent much of my life guiding the youth of the world to a better path - those who came to a life at the monastery, at least. And some of them were far more headstrong and far less sensible than that lad." A pause. "Although, I will admit -- not many."
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alexs-asks · 3 months
hi pookie balookie,,,,,,,,,,,
what got you into gridball??! 😯
ummmmmmmmmmm anygays bye 😋😋
*scurries away and trips over nothing dramatically*
i’ve always been into sports. i saw people playing it in a park when i was younger and i felt that spark instantly. there’s something about the game that makes it worth playing.
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what the..... are you ok?
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